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The Viking Age in popular culture is often set in a dark and lawless era, a Hollywood conception of Ultima Thule, in which individual warriors fought for personal glory. But the archaeological evidence suggests a much different reality;... more
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      ArchaeologyTactics (Military Science)Conflict ArchaeologyBattlefield Archaeology
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryPoetryOld Norse Literature
Libro compilado por Lourdes Domínguez y Pedro Paulo Funari desde comienzos del siglo XXI sobre la Arqueologia del Contacto. Por dificultades prácticas, quedo por finalizarse la edición en 2015. Para beneficio de los lectores, se publica... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean History
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyCivilizational Collapses as Non-Linear System Avalanche EventsPacific Island Studies
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      PoetryNorthern EuropeScandinaviaViking Age Archaeology
вторая из цикла работ, посвященных отдельным группам различных полихромных стилей
the second of a series of works devoted to individual groups of various polychromic styles
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      ArchaeologyAncient jewelleryIron AgeChronology
""Résumé - A la fin du VIIe et au VIe s. av. J.-C., seule la frange méridionale des Garrigues du Languedoc oriental et la valJée du Rhône sont concernés par la diffusion des produits grecs et étrusques. Ce sont essentiellement des vases à... more
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      Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)ProtohistoryIron Age
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Settlement PatternsRoman PeriodBarbarians
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      Material Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyPoetryNorthern Europe
// Археология Евразийских степей. 2018. №1. С.130-177. The Azelino: the movement to the East. The Azelino Artefacts Eastward of their Home Area В статье рассмотрены случаи обнаружения предметов азелинских типов в комплексах мазунинской... more
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      ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Chronologyархеология
Abstract in Englisch: This diploma thesis is a critique of the concept of “contact”. The central starting point for this critical analysis is the identification of “Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation” as “uncontacted”, or... more
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      Environmental EngineeringXenobiologyCultural StudiesEnvironmental Science
Résumé - Prospections et fouilles fournissent un inventaire de 52 gisements ayant livré des fragments d'amphores massaliètes, groupés pour la très grande majorité dans les Garrigues; aucun n'a été repéré dans la montagne cévenole et un... more
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      Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Archaeology of Mediterranean TradeAmphorae (Archaeology)
This paper is primarily oriented to young scholars interested in comparative studies involving diverse genres, multiple modes of representation or evidence from multiple cultures in order to help navigate a common problem area. It... more
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      Comparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythology
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    • Archaeology of Human Contacts
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      PoetryNorthern EuropeScandinaviaViking Age Archaeology
В активно публикуемых в последнее время материалах могильника Нейзац в центральном Крыму есть несколько групп находок, привлекших внимание параллелями в археологии Прикамья. Здесь речь идет об одном типе ножен, единично встреченным в... more
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      ArchaeologyIron AgeChronologyархеология
El arte rupestre aborigen de la Tierra de Arnhem constituye un archivo gráfico excepcional de la cultura, las creencias y las tradiciones de los moradores indígenas que habitaron aquellos territorios durante generaciones. En los últimos... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Modern human origins, Paleolithic art, rock artPrehistoric Rock Art
A semi-popular article describes the supraregional contacts of the Central European Barbarians based on the archaeological finds and written sources. The archaeological assemblage consits of the finds made of garnets/almandines, ivory,... more
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      Archaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle AgesLate Antique and Byzantine Archaeology, Architecture and History of ArtArchaeology of Human Contacts
So far, the significance and choice of location of early-medieval silver-hoard deposition sites in western Slavic regions have been interpreted on the assumption that the hoards were to be later recovered. In consequence, practices such... more
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      PoetryGift ExchangeNorthern EuropeScandinavia
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      ReligionHigh Middle AgesAnglo-Saxon StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
This study attempts to interpret the symbols (a falcon “crowned” with a cross, a key, and a Riurikid bident) found on a newly discovered tenth-century trapezoidal pendant from Pskov. Aside from a handful of imitation dirham coins that... more
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      Material Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsIslamic Numismatics
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryPoetryOld Norse Literature
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      PoetryNorthern EuropeScandinaviaViking Age Archaeology
The article of A.A. Krasnopeorov is dedicated examines the problem of «the End» of Mazunino archaeological culture that existed in the Kama-river valley. This commonality was one of the brightest in the southern borderlands of forest zone... more
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      ArchaeologyIron AgeChronologyархеология
Krasnoperov A.A., Bakhshiev I.I. Materials of the Nizhnearmetovsky cemetery of the Late Sarmatian period from Bashkir Museums collection Статья посвящена публикации и анализу материалов Нижнеарметовского могильника (Ишимбайский район... more
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      Iron AgeChronologyархеологияCemeteries
This thesis studies the contacts between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean area during the Scandinavian Bronze Age. These contacts have been the topic of controversy for a long time as one side of the debate believes in direct contacts... more
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      CommunicationInteractionBronze Age (Archaeology)Trade
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      EthnohistoryArchaeology of the Middle AtlanticArchaeology of Human Contacts
Грунтовая часть Тураевского могильника стала известна в 1969 г., раскопки осуществлялись в 1986-1990 гг., памятник полностью опубликован. Среди инвентаря Тураево, п. 73 есть не-сколько пластинчатых подвесок прямоугольной и трапециевидной... more
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      ArchaeologyChronologyGrave GoodsCemetery Studies
This article focuses on commodity exchange and its agents as seen in the material culture of the 11th and 12th century in Sigtuna, Sweden. It is claimed that historical archaeology has downplayed the role of merchants in the process of... more
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      Social IdentityMaterial Culture StudiesPoetryNorthern Europe
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistory
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture Studies
El arte rupestre aborigen de la Tierra de Arnhem constituye un archivo grafico excepcional de la cultura, las creencias y las tradiciones de los moradores indigenas que habitaron aquellos territorios durante generaciones. En los ultimos... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock Art
Le relazioni culturali e il commercio interregionale nel Mediterraneo orientale durante il Tardo Bronzo costituiscono uno degli argomenti di più lunga data nella storia degli studi sul Vicino Oriente antico. Se inizialmente l’evidenza... more
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      International TradeLate Bronze Age archaeologyAegean ArchaeologyLevant
"The trials to reinterpret the senses attributed in the past to some phenomena of broadly defined sphere of the Slavic exchange done in recent years have faced a constant opposition of the adherents of the older conceptions. What is... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPoetry
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      Material Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyPoetryOld Norse Literature
This thesis studies the contacts between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean area during the Scandinavian Bronze Age. These contacts have been the topic of controversy for a long time as one side of the debate believes in direct contacts... more
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      ArchaeologyCommunicationInteractionBronze Age Archaeology
Archaeological excavations at the Bronze Age settlement of Campu Stefanu (Corsica) have been conducted between 2005 and 2011. These excavations investigated a house built during the Early Bronze Age and a natural shelter with a... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyArchaeology of Mediterranean TradeAegean Late Bronze Age
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      Social IdentityMaterial Culture StudiesPoetryNorthern Europe
Archaeological excavations at the Bronze Age settlement of Campu Stefanu (Corsica) have been conducted between 2005 and 2011. These excavations investigated a house built during the Early Bronze Age and a natural shelter with a... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Understanding the first century of European and African presence in American lands demands an analysis of three terms that designate specific stages of the occupation and settlement process: discovery, conquest and colonization.... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchaeology of Human Contacts
According to an approach commonly accepted in the humanities nowadays, the correct interpretation of the past requires one to consider the character and content of common ideas shared by the communities which are the subject of historical... more
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      Material Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyNorthern EuropeScandinavia
The Tyrrhenian Sea appears as a geographically well defined space, enclosed within the Italian coasts and the big islands. During the Proto-historic Age, therefore, this is the scenery of development for a mosaic of cultures whose some... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyArchaeology
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