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Talk given in Spanish at Complutense University, History department, Madrid for "De fuste e de Fierro". Armamento medieval en la Peninsula Iberica. IV International Seminar. 9-10th March, 2020 (for English translation see Archery CV... more
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      Middle East StudiesAl-AndalusEarly IslamEarly Islamic Archaeology
Ms version, Published Bulletin of Primitive Technology Fall 2014, No. 48:68-73. Lever action of atlatls explained. Slow motion film and strobe demonstrates that the atlatl is still flexed when the dart flies down range, thus the flex of... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeology Archery
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      ArchaeologyArcheryNeolithic ArcheryTraditional Archery
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    • Archaeology Archery
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      Archery in EuropeTraditional Archery of Middle AgeArchaeology Archery
The Ancient Greek Warfare - as been presented to the public by the modern scholars -is a multi-dimentional kind of war with various kind of troops , tactics and applications. Recent researches have emerged the importance of archery to... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryScythian archaeologyArcheologia
Archery had a dominant role in Bronze Age, especially in later period. The technological evolution from the self bows to the composites was a significant factor that affected the Warfare in several ways. Composite’s critical advantage was... more
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      Greek HistoryComposite Materials and StructuresArms and Armor StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The issue of ancient Greek archery looms in mist, as it passed to history as a distrusted weapon, alien to the codes of honorable battle. Though, it had been kept in high respect. There was a full tactical and technical doctrine, as both... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyHellenistic History
SUMMARY This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryArchaeology
Wachsmann, S., 2009. On Drawing the Bow. In Eretz-Israel 29 (In Honor of Ephraim Stern). J. Aviram, A. Ben-Tor, I. Eph`al, S. Gitin and R. Reich, eds. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society: 238*-257*.
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      ArcheryBow Archery TechnologyAncient ArcheryNeolithic Archery
Thin plates carved from antler, prominent elements of the Magyars’ feared weapon, the bow, are often encountered in the tenth-century archaeological material of the Carpathian Basin. These bow plates have so far been exclusively recovered... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Deviant burial (Archaeology)Bow and Arrow Technology
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      PhoeniciansIberian StudiesIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula
The aim of the paper is to enhance our understanding of bow finds unearthed in burials in Eurasia in the first millennium A.D. General terminological, methodological and source critical problems are concerned in order to define the... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyBow and Arrow TechnologyArcheryTraditional Archery
The following paper primarily examines Danish archaeological material, but in order to put the findings into a broader perspective, I have also included a survey of Roman archery equipment. I hope that it will be obvious that even... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIron AgeEarly Iron Age
Neolithic and Bronze Age Bows, Arrows, Bow strings from Glacier sites Schnidejoch and Lötschenpass (Switzerland)
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyBow and Arrow TechnologyArchery
The discovery in 2012 of a complete yew bow (Taxus baccata) in the lakeside Neolithic site of La Draga, together with two more fragmented bows from previous field seasons, are the oldest evidence of archery among farming communities in... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithicEarly NeolithicHistory of Archery
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionAncient History
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      Military HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Ireland
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      GeographyArchaeology Archery
This paper seeks to outline the current social phenomena in Hungary that generated an emotionally driven interest in the ancient Magyar bow. A summary of the most important data known from the archaeological record is given in order to... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyBow and Arrow TechnologyArchery
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      History of the Mongol EmpireMongolsArcheryTraditional Archery
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      Medieval ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyMass GravesArchery in Europe
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      ArchaeologyArcheryArchery in EuropeArchaeology Archery
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      Scythian archaeologyGreek WarfareBow and Arrow TechnologyArchery
As mass-produced artefacts of the medieval period, arrowheads survive in large quantities in the archaeological record. Historic textual references and illustrations have proved to be of relatively limited value in explaining the... more
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      ArchaeologyArms and Armor StudiesArchaeometallurgyBow and Arrow Technology
Terminology and typology of early medieval ranged weapons from area of today's Slovakia Aim of this article is to set the questions of terminology and typology of ranged weapons in early medieval period in the area of today's Slovakia.... more
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      ArcheryArchery in EuropeArchaeology ArcheryArcheology
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Durante le epoche antiche il modo di tirare frecce con l'arco era completamente diverso da quello attualmente utilizzato nello sport ufficiale. L'identificazione delle componenti fondamentali dello " Stile Antico " è stata parte... more
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      BiomechanicsSport BiomechanicsBow and Arrow TechnologyArchery
Tarihte ok yaralanmaları, tedavileri, ve tarihsel süreci üzerine hazırlanmış Tirendaz Geleneksel Okçuluk seminerleri kapsamında sunulmuş bir çalışmadır.
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      ArcheryBow Archery TechnologyArchery BasicsAncient Archery
Durante le epoche antiche il modo di tirare frecce con l'arco era completamente diverso da quello attualmente utilizzato nello sport ufficiale. L'identificazione delle componenti fondamentali dello " Stile Antico " è stata parte... more
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      BiomechanicsSport BiomechanicsBow and Arrow TechnologyArchery
A brief discussion on the history of bow construction and profile nomenclature. The article then presents updated terminology for both (construction and nomenclature) areas in an attempt to present a set of possible universal terminology.
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      Bow and Arrow TechnologyArcheryRoman ArcheryBow Arrow Dynamics
Limited research has been conducted on the perishable components of prehistoric archery. Current depictions of ancient southwestern bows by archaeologists suggest the technology was weak and undeveloped. Previous analysis work on the... more
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyArcheryArchaeology Archery
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      ArchaeologyArcheryArchery in EuropeArchaeology Archery
Вістря стріл є наймасовішими знахідками серед предметів озброєння на ранньосередньовічних слов'янських пам'ятках півдня Східної Європи. З-поміж вістер стріл, виявлених в ареалі празької, пеньківської та колочинської культур, привертають... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Weapons and EquipmentSlavic ArchaeologyAncient Weapons and Warfare
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceNeolithic Archaeology
The alpine ice-patch sites of Tisenjoch (I), Schnidejoch and Loetschenpass (CH) brought to light the most complete archery equipment known from European Prehistory. From the end of the last glaciation until the Middle Ages, bows and... more
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HOLEŠČÁK, Michal. Ranged Weapons of Eastern Origin in the Late 9 th and 10 th Centuries. Numerous finds of ranged weapons typical for nomadic societies of Eastern Europe and Asia have been discovered in the archaeological material from... more
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      Eurasian NomadsAncient NomadsAncient History of the HungariansArchaeology Archery
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesArchaeologyMedieval History
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceNeolithic Archaeology
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      GeographyArchaeology Archery
MBA! Project (My Bow, Awake!) has the main objective of defining a framework of scientific basis of "Shooting Historically With the Bow", and on the validity (efficiency and ergo-nomics) of the ancient Warbow kinetic chain. The project,... more
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      ErgonomicsTudor EnglandSport BiomechanicsMusculoskeletal Biomechanics
Nei giorni Sabato 22 e Domenica 23 Ottobre dalle ore 10, presso il Villaggio Orizzonte a Piombino si terrà la presentazione ufficiale dei primi risultati del Progetto MBA! –My BowAwake! .Promosso da UISP Giochi – Settore Tiro con l’Arco.... more
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      Sport BiomechanicsArcheryTraditional ArcheryArchery in Europe