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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian kingshipAntony and Cleopatra
For modern people, kingship belongs to the misty realms of ancient history, or theatrical presentations of British monarchs such as Victoria, Elizabeth, or even King Henry VIII. But kings and their kingdoms permeate the pages of Scripture... more
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      Kingdom of GodAncient Egyptian kingshipSon of GodPsalm 2
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient Egyptian kingship
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyFunerary ArchaeologyRitual and Performance (Egyptology)
Проблема истории властных отношений и институтов является сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных для целого ряда научных дисциплин: антропологии, истории, политологии, культурологии, философии. Особое значение данная проблематика имеет для... more
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      ReligionBuddhismAncient HistoryAnthropology
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismAncient Egyptian Religion
El estudio de la evidencia textual, iconográfica y arqueológica del antiguo Egipto refleja la geminación de la persona del monarca. Esta doble naturaleza explica la multiplicidad de imágenes del rey en las fuentes oficiales y populares y... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyPolitical TheoryPolitical Anthropology
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      Middle Kingdom necropoleis (Egyptology)Old Kingdom (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian Architecture
This essay gives an overview of the structure and the organisation of the court society of Ramesses II and deals on one hand with the tools of power to regulate them and on the other hand with the chances and risks of members of the court.
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyCourtsProsopography
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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian kingshipEgyptian HieroglyphsAncient writing systems
“May they grant you eternity without its limit (as well as) unboundedness without its end” (Sinuhe B 212). This paper aims to discuss how the ancient Egyptian kings describe their eternal life. The ancient Egyptian didn’t have an exact... more
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      Kingship (Egyptology)Egyptian KingshipFigurative languageTime and Eternity
Abstract The similarity between the two crowns here discussed has long been recognized in modern scholarship. The blue crown is generally considered to represent the legitimacy of kingship but has also been interpreted as representing the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian kingship
Resumen : El estudio de la evidencia textual, iconografica y arqueologica del antiguo Egipto refleja la geminacion de la perso­na del monarca. Esta doble naturaleza explica la multiplicidad de imagenes del rey en las fuentes oficiales y... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyHumanitiesArt
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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian HistoryMiddle KingdomAncient Egyptian Literature
ترجمة  عبد الجواد مجاهد
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionGraeco-Roman EgyptRoman EmpireRoman Egypt
The Ptolemaic period witnessed an enormous increase in the number of hieroglyphic signs and iconographic elements (composite crowns, scepters, and cult objects). The ancient scribes exploited this complexity when composing the reliefs... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionPtolemaic EgyptianRitual and Performance (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Queenship
The article deals with a well-known fragment of Udjahorresnet’s autobiography describing his compiling an Egyptian royal titulary for Cambyses after his appearance in Egypt and Udjahorresnet’s elevation at his court. A comparison of... more
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      EgyptologyDiodorus SiculusAncient Egyptian HistoryAchaemenid History
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionKingship and systems of ruleKingship (Egyptology)Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
Hatschepsut, Pharao der 18. Dynastie, wurde von den meisten Ägyptologen über viele Jahre hinweg mit wenig schmeichelhaften Worten betitelt: Der König gilt als "skrupellos", "eitel" und "hinterhältig" oder bestenfalls als "passiv" oder... more
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      Gender StudiesKingship (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)18th Dynasty
For almost three thousand years, Egypt and Mesopotamia were each ruled by the single sacred office of kingship. Though geographically near, these ancient civilizations were culturally distinct, and scholars have historically contrasted... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyAssyriologyAncient Near East
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      EgyptologyFunerary ArchaeologyHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Death and Burial (Archaeology)
The aim of this paper is to sketch a brief outline of the research history of the topic "Augustus and the Egyptian Kingship", mainly conceived for the readers of Häuber's book.
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      Roman HistoryGraeco-Roman EgyptImperial RomeRoman Empire
В центре данной работы стоят взаимоотношения власти и народа в их институциональном оформлении, а именно проблематика соотношения власти правителя, действующей общественной нормы и ее носителей. На широком конкретно-историческом... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyIdeology (Anthropology)
Visual realizations of Iri-Hor’s royal name display varying degrees of formality that may reflect degrees of participation in that name’s layered semantics. At a time when new visual formulations were being elaborated, phoneticism in the... more
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      Predynastic and Early Dynastic EgyptAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian kingshipSinai
Pictorial expressions are groups of words, which convey a figurative meaning in the form of metaphors or com- parisons. These expressions are particularly frequent in various phrases included in royal inscriptions in order to elucidate... more
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      Egyptian KingshipFigurative languageAncient Egyptian kingshipRoyal ideology in the ancient Near East
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      EgyptologyKingship and systems of ruleKingship (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian kingship
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      EgyptAlexander the GreatKingship (Egyptology)Titles
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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian kingship
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      EgyptologyLate EgyptianAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Literature
The text reconsidered in this paper, taken from Coffin Text Spell 148, is significant for the office of ancient Egyptian kingship in that it relates the birth of Horus, the metaphysical aspect of the mortal ruler, and establishes his... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEgyptology
The article is the second part of the study dealing with the object that bears the hieroglyphic inscription with the unique Pharaonic titulary of Alexander the Great containing all the five traditional names. Alexander’s names on the... more
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      EgyptAlexander the GreatEgyptian KingshipAncient Egyptian kingship
First International Conference Focusing on Egyptian Jubilee Festival organized by Mélanie Flossmann-Schütze & Julie Masquelier-Loorius
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyRegenerationEgyptian Archaeology
The Cannibal Hymn (PT 273-274, § 393-414), one of the most debated religious texts from the Ancient Egypt, has been widely studied, translated and interpreted but its meaning has not been fully understood. It reflects the final... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian kingshipCreation mythsPyramid Texts
The figurative expression is an important element of rhetoric and style. It appears in almost all languages and at all times. It can be defined as a group of words that includes a comparison, a simile, or a figurative sense. These... more
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      Kingship (Egyptology)Figurative languageAncient Egyptian kingshipAncient Egyptian royal inscriptions
The phraseology used to compose the royal titularies during the Eighteenth Dynasty was as varied as it was circumscribed. Following a long-established tradition, the Eighteenth Dynasty kings chose names that corresponded to the situation... more
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    • Ancient Egyptian kingship
從古至今,大部分的語言學家都把隱喻視為是修辭學的一種,它的作用在於比較兩種不同的事物,用其一來類比其二。但自從1980年雷考夫(George Lakoff)和詹森(Mark Johnson)大膽地提出了「概念隱喻理論」(Conceptual Metaphor... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorKingship (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian kingshipOrientation
M. Bárta, J. Janák, "Sinuhe: Popular Hero, Court Politics, and the Royal Paradigm", in: A. Jiménez-Serrano, A. J. Morales (eds.), Middle Kingdom Palace Culture and Its Echoes in the Provinces. Regional Perspective and Realities (HES 12),... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian kingship
This paper aims to investigate the use of the figurative language of the ancient Egyptian royal inscriptions, with a special focus on the animal similes and metaphors. The pharaoh’s body symbolizes royal physical power and strength. This... more
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      Kingship (Egyptology)Figurative languageAncient Egyptian kingshipAncient Egyptian royal inscriptions
The article examines the ancient egyptian notion of the ruler, based on the Teachings. These Wisdom texts give us the opportunity to see both the attitude of the person toward the king and on the other hand the responsibilies and duties... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian kingshipAncient Egyptian Wisdom Texts
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptologyHistory of Religion
Abstract Plenty of textual and archaeological sources dealing with Amenemhat III show a close connection between this king and the local form of the god Horus ‚Or-Hr.i-ib-Cd.t’. On closer inspection the question arose wether this epithet... more
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      Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian kingshipFayyumHorus
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian kingship
Even though in the Old Kingdom the Egyptians already erected giant pyramids of stone for their pharaohs, provincial temples were still being constructed of nondurable mud-bricks. It is usually considered that the construction of stone... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptologyHistory of Religion
The kingship of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty has been up to now repeatedly studied from different points of view, such as of its succession, legitimation, theory, reality and so on. Actually, royal inscriptions of this period contain many... more
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      25th Dynasty (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian kingshipKushite
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMiddle EgyptianAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Literature
This study strives to show the culturally reflexive properties of mythological narratives by describing the dynamism stemming from the simultaneous inclusion of various types of temporality and specific usage of space. The basic premise... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyReflexivityNarratology
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Architecture
The article considers the royal names and designations of Alexander the Great in hieroglyphic texts of Egyptian monuments of the early Hellenistic time: in the bark sanctuary reconstructed during his reign at Luxor, in the tomb of... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryEgyptAlexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian History
Despite Senusret I’s fame as a great pharaoh, there is evidence of disastrous crop failures during his reign: the second letter of Heqanakht, the tomb biographies of the nomarch Ameny and overseer of priests Mentuhotep; probably “The... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEnvironmental StudiesAncient Egyptian History
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology