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      Ancient HistoriographyHistoriography (in Art History)AntiquarianismRenaissance antiquarianism
Resumen: Ambrosio de Morales (Córdoba, 1513-1591), construyendo y haciendo suyo el ideario del humanismo español de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, protagoniza sucesos cercanos a la Corona e incluso dirigidos por Felipe II. En su ciudad... more
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      HistoriaSiglo XVIHistoria Moderna De EspañaAmbrosio De Morales
This article deals with knowledge of sources for artistic works of the Middle Ages. To this end, six peninsular works were analyzed in order to cover the different styles that make up this artistic period. The starting point is the... more
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      Abd al-Rahman IIISan Isidoro de LeónLiteratura de viajesAmbrosio De Morales
A mediados de siglo XVI, coincidiendo con la expansión de la aplicación del Concilio, historiadores católicos –ni todos, ni todos los cronistas reales– escribieron una nueva Historia, tanto para desmontar la falsaria e inconsistente... more
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      HistoriografíaErasmoHistoria Moderna De EspañaJeronimo Zurita
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      MozarabsEmblem studiesHumanismmartyrs of Cordoba
Gambar ini Proyek Rehabilitas dan Mantenance jalan raya Tibar - Gleno Timor-Leste
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    • Ambrosio De Morales
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In the prelims of the Ephitalamium composed by Diego de Guevara for the wedding of Felipe II and Isabel de Valois (1560), there are three letters exchanged betwen Diego and his master Ambrosio de Morales. This paper offers the critical... more
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      HumanismLettersNeolatin LiteratureAmbrosio De Morales
In 1572, the chronicler Ambrosio de Morales, armed with a royal writ, was commissioned to travel about the Kingdoms of Galicia and Leon and the Principality of Asturias and there draw up an inventory of relics, old books and royal tombs... more
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      HagiographyHispaniaPhilip II of SpainAmbrosio De Morales
Benito Arias Montano invited a friend to lunch on a winter day during his studies at the University of Alcalá de Henares (1548-1552) sending him an epigram based on the first verses of the fifth epistle of Horace. It has been written that... more
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      DietingPork productsAmbrosio De MoralesAlcalá De Henares
The paper contains the critical edition of a Latin text written by Ambrosio de Morales (1574) which has been ignored by researchers. The study of this text will provide a better knowledge of the "Crónica General" and the "Antigüedades de... more
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      Renaissance HumanismNeolatin LiteratureCórdobaRoman Antiquities