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      Race and RacismFrederick DouglassAmilcar Cabral political thoughtW.E.B. Du Bois
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPolitical PhilosophySocial PhilosophyRace and Racism
An exploration of the philosophical and mystical potential of the art of Victor Ekpuk and the Nsibidi symbolism of the Ekpe esoteric order of South-South and South-East Nigeria and South-West Cameroon which inspires his work, in the... more
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      AestheticsEpistemologyAfrican PhilosophyComparative Esotericism
Cette recension propose une lecture en deux volets des cinq essais qui constituent l'ouvrage de Mbembe, correspondant grossièrement à deux champs de contributions (économie politique et philosophie politique) qu'ils entendent combler.... more
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      Critical Race TheoryPostcolonial TheoryAfricana StudiesAfricana Philosophy
For the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence marked the most significant public communication of the Nation’s moral political philosophy. In fact, this one document alone would set the ideological tone to shape the... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Philosophy
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      EthicsAxiologyPedagogyBlack feminism
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      African American StudiesPhilosophy Of RaceAfricana Philosophy
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican American HistoryBlack feminismBlack Women's Studies
in Pragmatism and the Problem of Race, ed. Don Koch and Bill Lawson (2004)
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      SociologyGlobal CitizenshipRace and EthnicityRacism
This article uses a newly developed theoretical concept – the 'uncommodified blackness' image, to accentuate the discursive methods in which the humanness of Africans is denied in subtle and commonplace ways in Australia. In other words,... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMulticulturalismAustralian Studies
Mediating Black religious studies, spirituality studies, and liberation theology, Philip Butler explores what might happen if Black people in the United States merged technology and spirituality in their fight towards materializing... more
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      Critical TheoryNeuroscienceBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPolitical Philosophy
This article probes the possibility of the reasons of reason by interrogating the deconstruction of the subject – the Black man subject as policeman, and the Black man subject as miner – upon the grounds set out by the killing of miners... more
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      PsychoanalysisBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesPhilosophy
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      African American ReligionsAfricana Philosophy
Innovative trends and advances in African philosophy
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      African PhilosophyAfricana Philosophy
In recent years the seventeenth century Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yacob has been championed as a modern rationalist philosopher and forerunner of human rights, whose work uniquely preempted concepts traditionally attributed to European... more
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      African StudiesPhilosophyAfrican PhilosophyEthiopian Studies
Can humanism be post-colonial? What is Africana Philosophy? Who is Lewis Gordon? This paper presents some typical elements of the Jamaican philosopher Lewis Gordon's thought and relates it to the field of Africana Philosophy. For this... more
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      MarxismPostcolonial StudiesGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial Theory
In “Between Africa and America: Alexander Crummell’s Moral and Political Philosophy,” Ruwe offers a spirited defense of Alexander Crummell’s moral and political philosophy. Ruwe wants to correct the anachronist reading of Crummell offer... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesCritical Race TheoryBlack Intellectual HistoryAfricana Studies
Although the concept of natural liberty played an essential role in the abolitionist movement, black abolitionist appropriations of the concept are generally reduced to Enlightenment categories of political theory. Through an analysis of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPolitical TheoryTransnationalismSlavery
This research critiques the philosophies of education in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe, and proposes a relevant African philosophy of education. Since the research assumption that there is philosophy in Africa is itself in... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of Education
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      Critical Race TheoryAfricana StudiesCaribbean PhilosophyAfricana Philosophy
A short review of Tommy J Curry's Temple University Press (2017) The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesBlack/African DiasporaRace and Racism
This paper (delivered October 24, 2014 at the conference "Philosophical Theologies and Philosophy of Religion in Africana Tradition, at the City University of New York Graduate Center, discusses "salvation" as the sine qua non of... more
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      African PhilosophyPostmodernismNegritudeBrutalism
In The Color of Money, Baradaran argues that the defining feature of America’s racial divide is the wealth gap which is where the seeds of historic anti-Black injustice and the present economic sufferings of African Americans were sown.... more
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      African American PhilosophyGender and Sexuality StudiesBlack Intellectual HistoryBlack Male Studies
As an African American writer who was part of the Black Arts Movement, William Melvin Kelley became an ardent defender of Black identity/-ies and the Black Aesthetics. This article aims to revisit his narratives through the scopes of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPhenomenologyExistentialismBlack Identity
RESUMO: Desde a publicação dos trabalhos do polímata senegalês Cheikh A. Diop e do filósofo e linguista congolês Théophile Obenga, estudiosas e estudiosos ao redor do globo lançaram-se em esforço coletivo para discutir a participação e a... more
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      EgyptologyPhilosophyAfrican PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
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      SociologyAfrican StudiesDemocratic TheoryCritical Race Theory
Abstract In this paper I describe and discuss the philosophy behind the Eight Bowl, Ceremony of Life ritual developed and introduced into the Black community in the USA over 40 years ago by members of the House of Umoja. The House of... more
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      Family studiesBlack/African DiasporaAfricana StudiesAfrican-American family
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      AristotleRalph EllisonSimone de BeauvoirJean Paul Sartre
There are established ethical principles to protect human participants in biomedical research from undue exploitation by researchers. However, in the " Tuskegee Study " in the US, these principles were grossly violated. The task of this... more
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      African StudiesAfrican PhilosophyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican ethics
Do planetary ethics require us to reappraise the concept of racism? And what does philosophical attention to racism illuminate about the planetary? The apparent neutrality of the planet can be used to cloak, perpetuate, and even deepen... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPolitical EcologyRace and RacismBlack feminism
Exploring how beauty and being intersect as understood in classical Yoruba philosophy, beginning from  human being to extrapolation in terms of being in general
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      MetaphysicsAestheticsAfrican PhilosophyYoruba Studies
In celebration of the fortieth anniversary of CODESRIA, an institution from the Global South devoted to taking responsibility for the production of social science knowledge, this article explores what it means to pursue such a task under... more
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      Critical TheoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesDevelopment Studies
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      PhenomenologyCaribbean StudiesPhilosophy Of RaceAfricana Philosophy
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryAfricana
El artículo plantea el origen de la figura de Anansi y algunas funciones que cumple dentro de la literatura oral de los afrodescendientes, tanto míticas como ideológicas, ilustrando con ejemplos de África, el Pacífico Colombiano y... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican Studies
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophyPolitical TheoryPlato
السِّرَاجَ الْوِهَاجَ فِي خَبْرِ الْإِسْرَاءِ وَالْمِعْرَاجِ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ وَالصَّلاةُ وَالسَّلامُ مِنَ اللهِ عَلَى سَيِّدَنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِيْنَ. قَالَ أَفْقَرُ الْعِبَادِ... more
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      AfricanaIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Studies
This article outlines the concept of blackness as that which resists completeness and therefore is the paradoxical exemplification of thought at meta-levels--that is, thought about thought. Distinguishing reason from rationality, where... more
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      Critical TheorySocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyRace and Racism
Research on Black men's experience in liberal arts graduate programs such as philosophy are practically non-existent. The emphasis liberal arts disciplines place on theory often allows negative stereotypes and pathological assertions... more
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      Political PhilosophyCritical Race TheoryAfricana StudiesBlack Male Studies
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      Africana PhilosophyAfricana Existential Philosophy
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophy Of ReligionAfrican American PhilosophyTheology
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      African American StudiesLewis R. GordonAfrican and African American StudiesAfricana Philosophy
Du penseur politique et psychiatre martiniquais Frantz Fanon, on connaît en général l'engagement anticolonial en Afrique, notamment dans l'Algérie, la Tunisie et le Ghana des années 1950 et du début des années 1960, ainsi que les travaux... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy of ArtPhilosophy of Culture
“One finger does not kill a louse” - African Proverb In my recent research efforts I have been pushing two separate but related theories in the hope that sooner than later these will become popular in contemporary African Philosophy.... more
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    • Africana Philosophy
Take 30% off with code NR20 when you order at: This book is an in-depth, comparative study of two of the most popular and influential intellectual and spiritual traditions... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyComparative PhilosophyAfrican Philosophy
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      Black StudiesBlack Male StudiesAfricana Philosophy
Article publié p.7-17 dans le numéro 22 de la revue De(s)générations, "Penser avec l'Afrique", coordonné par Arnaud Zohou, Saint-Etienne, Jean-Pierre Huguet, 2015, 96 p.
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      African PhilosophyAfricanaGlobal StudiesGlobalization And Postcolonial Studies