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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGenealogyLearning and Teaching
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      Greek Federal StatesPeloponneseRoman GreecePolis
Relying on a critical analysis of the data available on the Battle of Cynoscephalae in 197 BC, this paper aims to trace back the origin of the claims and quarrels which embittered the relations between Romans and Aetolians throughout the... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman HistoryRoman Republic
This is a study of the vocabulary which the Greeks used to speak about states different from the polis (city-state). Some of these states, such as Boeotia in the fourth, and Achaea and Aetolia in the third century BC, reached superpower... more
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      FederalismGreek EpigraphyPolybiusAncient Greek History
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      Greek HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Macedonia
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      Ancient HistoryFederalismPolybiusAncient Greek History
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Aetolian LeagueAncient Cities
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      Hellenistic HistoryGreek Federal StatesAitolian KoinonHellenistic warfare
My MSc Dissertation focussing on the role of the Achaean and Aetolian Koinon in the First Macedonian War. This works looks into the Achaean and Aetolian influence on treaties, reforms and history of the First Macedonian War.
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryFederalismRegionalism
After the disturbances caused in the early 270s BCE by several forays of barbarians – soon called either Galatai or Keltoi in our sources – Delphi became an anchor for a vigorous strain of barbaromachic innovations, knowledge-ordering,... more
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      Hellenistic History: Galatians and celtsBarbariansInnovationsGalatians
Undergradute disseration focussing on the development of the foreign affairs of the Achaean League under the hegemony of the Aratus of Sikyon.
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryRegionalismPolybius
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsHellenistic HistoryAncient Greek History
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      Roman HistoriographyGreek and Roman historiographyRoman imperialismAncient Latin Rhetoric
«Τα αρχιτεκτονικά κατάλοιπα της Αρχαίας Μακύνειας. Μία πρώτη προσέγγιση» Κατά την κατασκευή της Ιόνιας Οδού αποκαλύφθηκαν εκτεταμένα κατάλοιπα αρχαίας πόλης στη θέση Ριζό, ΝΑ της αρχαίας ακρόπολης που αποδίδεται στην αρχαία πόλη... more
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Domestic ArchitectureAetolian LeagueHellenistic houses
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      Landscape ArchitecturePoliticsPergamonRoman Greece
This paper examines the Aetolian deditio in fidem of 191 as described by Polybius 20.9–10. Erich Gruen influentially interpreted Polybius’ description as inconsistent and exaggerated, on the grounds that Greeks and Romans from the 3rd and... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryPolybiusHellenistic HistoriographyGreek Historiography
The Romans sometimes took it upon themselves to request the military cooperation of new allies : in a position of weakness while negotiating, they had to make concessions and bring immediate benefits to their future partners in order to... more
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      Roman diplomacyAetolian LeagueCamerinoSyphax
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryNumismaticsNumismaticByzantine Archaeology
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      Landscape ArchitectureHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyRomans
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      Greek HistoryHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyGreek Federal States
RESUMEN En el libro 3 de las Historias Polibio afirma que la causa de la llamada Guerra de Antíoco fue la ira (orgé) de los etolios. Se ha asumido generalmente que esta explicación del historiador aqueo... more
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      AngerHistory Of EmotionsPolybiusHellenistic Historiography
This article aims to examine the turbulent course of the Aetolian League in the confused years after the Antiochian War (191-188) up until 160/159, when its leader at the time, Lykiskos, passed away. Military defeats, political... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryFederalismRoman RepublicHellenistic Greece
This paper aims to investigate the cultural-political relations that were established between the ethne of Central Greece belonging to the Aetolian League (3rd-2nd century BC) in order to strengthen the feeling of federal cohesion, and... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGreek EpigraphyGreek Archaeology
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      Greek sanctuariesDelphiThird CenturyMusealization of Archaeological Sites
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHellenistic HistoryGreek Epigraphy
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyGreek Religion
Αναρτάται η έκδοση του Σ. Ραπτόπουλου "Η Μνημειακή Τοπογραφία του Καλλικρατικού Δήμου Δωρίδος". Πρόκειται για μία συνοπτική παρουσίαση - περιήγηση στις αρχαιότητες της περιοχής.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      NumismaticsAncient Greek NumismaticsCentral GreeceThessaly
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      ReligionArchaeologyHistory of SculptureAncient Religion
The Romans sometimes took it upon themselves to request the military cooperation of new allies : in a position of weakness while negotiating, they had to make concessions and bring immediate benefits to their future partners in order to... more
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      GeographyHistorical StudiesRoman diplomacyAetolian League
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      FederalismNumismaticsAncient Greek HistoryAetolian League
Nell'ambito de "Le Conferenze | Percorsi di storia militare antica" organizzate da Casus Belli - Arma Mater Studiorum, presento una disamina generale sulla corrispondenza militare romana a partire dalle lettere rivenute su papiri, ostraka... more
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      Ancient WarfareAncient SpartaAncient Weapons and WarfarePhilip V of Macedonia
This paper deals with the accounting money during Hellenistic times. It argues against the danger to take for real coins any quotations of value expressed in monetary terms. In particular, the words argurion or chrysion (as opposed to a... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyAlexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian History
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      Ancient Greek NumismaticsOrigins of Rome - Roman KingshipAetolian League
Homer's Achilles lamented that anger 'spreads much sweeter than dripping honey' (Homer, Il. 18.100-120). In this paper, I propose a new interpretation of the sacking of the Aetolian Sanctuary of Thermon. I argue that if we consider the... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHistory of Ancient MacedoniaAcarnaniaPhilip V of Macedonia
Aristotle and Thucydides both conveyed the idea that Ancient Greece’s polis was the one and only possible model for a decent citizen to organize social and political life. This biased view, which traditional historiography has helped to... more
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      Greek Federal StatesAncient GreeceBoeotiaAthens
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      NumismaticsNumismaticAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMaritime HistoryHellenistic History