1st Millennium BC (Archaeology)
Recent papers in 1st Millennium BC (Archaeology)
Volume 1: The structures and stratigraphy, Calanais Research Series No.1, Edinburgh University Department of Archaeology
by DW Harding and SMD Gilmour
by DW Harding and SMD Gilmour
While many scholars have interpreted Achaemenid religious policy as one of indifference, the inscriptions on the Naoforo Vaticano statue of Udjahorresnet tell a different tale. These texts demonstrate a strategic willingness to allow—and... more
Ce catalogue est publié à l'occasion de l'exposition « Servir les dieux d'Égypte. Divines adoratrices, chanteuses et prêtres d'Amon à Thèbes » Musée de Grenoble, 25 octobre 2018-27 janvier 2019 Une exposition organisée par le musée de... more
This paper presents for the first time a significant group of archaeological remains coming from the site named Los Concejiles (Lobón, Spain). All of them are surface findings where stand out the Late Bronze typical «Lapa do Fumo»... more
Over the Early Iron Age there are in Southern Spain some Phoenician and Orientalizing little bronze sculptures which can be called as precursors of the Iberian bronze votive figurines. The Phoenician group is the best know one. It must be... more
The book brings to light the results of the first excavation in the old town of Trogir in 1978-1980, within the Trogir Town Museum (Garagnin - Fanfogna palace), with the contribution to the Hellenistic urbanism of central Dalmatia, and... more
The bronze objects found in the Iberian Peninsula corresponding to the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. have been traditionally mentioned under the generic group of “Tartesian Bronzes”. This name, accepts more or less explicitly a native... more
Abstract: The present paper offers a new theory with regard to the Greek presence at Naukratis during the late 7th and the first half of the 6th century BC, emphasising the hitherto unacknowledged role of Lydians as mediators between... more
RESUMEN: Se conocen muchos asentamientos de época ibérica y romana en el Monte Horquera, e incluso esta región ha sido la precursora de la investigación arqueológica en algunos temas como el de los “recintos fortificados”. Sin embargo,... more
The current article deals with Achaemenid imperial policy in fourth century BCE southern Levant, as is evident by the historical sources and the archaeological data. It is suggested that following the Egyptian rebellion of 404–400 BCE,... more
El Castañuelo is, a little “hillfort” close Aracena (Spain). From its excavation in the nineteen seventies it has been considered as the main reference for the Celtic presences in Sierra Norte de Huelva. Such approach, based on the... more
The volume provides an in-depth study of an architectural ensemble that consists of an open court and elevated chapel, better known as the wabet, and forms an essential part of the layout of a dozen temples in Egypt of the Thirtieth... more
ABSTRACT Although Greek contacts with the Southern Levant during the Iron Age have been studied at length, the matter remains controversial in many aspects. The present study provides an overview of East-West contacts during the first... more
ABSTRACT The article attempts to reconstruct the history of southern Israel (the BeershebaValley, the Shephelah and the southern Coastal Plain) in the Late Iron I and Iron IIA. It shows that activity in the so-called ‘Tel Masos chiefdom’... more
ABSTRACT The canonization of the Pentateuch has preoccupied scholars from different disciplines from antiquity to the present. However, two major questions still require an explanation: when did it happen and why did it happen? In this... more
The Priests’Quarter is a housing quarter located within the sanctuary of Amun in Karnak, to the east of the Sacred Lake. For almost all of the first millennium BC, it was occupied by priests performing their cultic service. The history... more
This article re-examines a circular ivory pyxis lid from Tharros, which-despite its fine craftsmanship-has been little studied and remains almost unknown. After a short history of studies on the Near Eastern ivories of the 1st millennium... more
11/02/2021: “Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries” Sanctuaries were at times established near a natural feature such as a spring, river, pond, lake, woods, outcrop, mountain or cave.... more
For book review, see Boardman, J. 2002. Ancient West and East 1: 489-490.
Durante los días en que tuvieron lugar en Madrid las conferencias que integran el grueso de este volumen monográfico dedicado a la Arquitectura Orientalizante en la Península Ibérica, se estaba produciendo en Oliva de Mérida (Badajoz) uno... more
This paper provides a re-examination of a duck-shaped “offering spoon” that was originally found in the so-called Chapelle Cintas within the Tophet sanctuary of Carthage, but that has remained unpublished until very recently. It is argued... more
From the end of the 1990’s a set of Iron Age bronzes is conserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Lisbon. They are qualified as unknown origin although they come wide probably from the Low Guadiana region. The set consists of... more
Al. Linhas de Torres, 97, 3º dto. 1750-140 Lisboa Tel/fax 21 758 22 85 apenaslivros@oninetspeed.pt Depósito legal nº ISBN: 978-989-618-1 1ª edição: 250 exemplares Outubro de 2008 Publicação nº Revisão de Luís Filipe Coelho Colecção OS... more
Latest researches on bronze sculptures in the ancient Mediterranean allowed us to recognize a family of Phoenician figurines, mostly male, stretching from the Levant to the West. In this process, the findings from the Iberian peninsula,... more
ÇI si Tyrichae no fos una simple llegenda?È Els treballs de recerca arqueol˜gica desenvolupats els darrers anys en els territoris dels rius Ebre i SŽnia han estat intensos, productius i significatius. LÕaven• assolit en el coneixement de... more
Gli autori intendono esprimere la loro più viva gratitudine agli amici e collee Alessandro Naso, che hanno fornito importanti indicazioni su molti dei pezzi indagati in questa sede. Un sentito ringraziamento va infi ne a Laura Napoli per... more
The first millennium BCE represents for Egypt a period of tremendous changes and developments on the political, social, economic and religious level. The millennium was shaped and characterised by a continuous interaction between Egypt as... more
El descubrimiento de una sene de edificaciones monumentales aisladas que se extienden por un espacio que grosso modo coincide con los límites territoriales de la actual provincia de Badajoz durante el período post-orientalizante (550-400... more
As a reaction against the so-called “Mercantile pattern”, the traditional explanation for the Phoenician colonization in the Iberian Peninsula, in recent times a series of interpretative alternate theories have been suggested. They can be... more
This paper deals with a statue mentioned a long time ago by De Meulenaere and Von Bothmer. The author found it again in the Beyrouth Museum's deposits and propose hereby an editio princeps. Thus, the author investigated on the reason of... more
This paper reconsiders the cave sanctuary at Grotta Regina, to the north of Palermo, where a cult was established between the 5th and the 2nd/1st century BC. After a brief description of the cave, I outline the history of the research,... more