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Course Rubric Comparison Table

This file contains a table that compares five course rubrics that are available to help guide course design. The goal was to identify what the common categories were across these rubrics as well as to document some of the details contained in these rubrics for these common categories. We can see that each rubric can have a somewhat different area(s) of foci so considering these collectively is very informative.

EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Getting Started & Course Overview Quality Matters - Start Here unit - Introduced to structure and purpose of the course; calendars, etc - Instructor introduction - Learner introductions OCEP Rubric - Provides course info, training, and support materials to be successful - Estimated number of hours to complete course elements is provided Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College - Instructor provides continual updates, reminders, etc throughout the course - Tutorials for LMS and other course technologies are provided with easy return to course - Tutorials support multiple learning modalities - Instructor information is easily accessible and includes multiple modes of communication - I structor’s role i the course is clearly stated - Course provides a variety of coursespecific resources, contact information for instructor, department, and program - Students can clearly understand all components and structure of the course - Course syllabus identifies and clearly delineates the role the online environment will play in the total course - Greet your students with a welcome message, and tell them how to get started in the course - Introduce yourself to the class, and have students introduce themselves to you and to one another in order to begin building a co u it of lear ers - Acquaint students with the course software - Detail the general course content and student responsibilities, among other items, in your syllabus. Include:  Faculty contact information. Include a statement on how long students should expect to get a reply from you.  Textbooks  Learning outcomes that are measurable  Instructor-Student communication. Describe the frequency and timeliness with which students should expect contact initiated by you and feedback/replies EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Quality Matters OCEP Rubric Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College                  given by you. How the course is organized and how it works Grading policy Exams Term papers/projects Course schedule Research information and links Netiquette Plagiarism How to succeed in an online course The college withdrawal policy Instructor's Withdrawal Options for Distance Education courses Technical requirements for the course Downloads/plug-ins Technical support Help for students with disabilities Copyright information for students Others who might have access to the course, including invited guests, EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Quality Matters OCEP Rubric Expectations, Requirements, Policies - Etiquette for behavior - Late submissions - Academic integrity - Technologies required - Prerequisite content & technical knowledge & skills - Grading policy clearly stated - Instructor feedback response time is clearly stated - Identifies operating systems and platforms needed to access the course - Browser software and version needed are identified - Software and plugins required are identified Course Organization, Navigation, Accessibility, & Usability - Navigation is intentionally facilitated and guided - Accessibility tech is clearly identified - Alternative means of access to materials is available; equivalent - Includes evaluating the access, navigation, and display of the course -Includes the mechanisms by which content may be accessed Blackboard Rubric - Guidelines are provided that explains required levels of participation and quality of communication - Rubrics and other documents explain how participation will be graded - Optional and required resources are noted along with their associated costs - Instructor response time(s) are clearly stated - Methods of collecting and returning work are clearly stated - Course and institutional policies are clearly stated, including plagiarism, netiquette, etc. - Navigation is intuitive - Technologies are used to support ease of access to content - Low or no cost materials are used wherever possible - Required resources Cal State-Chico Las Positas College technical support people, and course evaluators - Ensure that students understand what is required for them to succeed in an online course. Include:  Successful study strategies  How to communicate online  How to behave ethically online  How to prepare technologically for the course  Where to access college resources - Course is wellorganized and easy to navigate. - Aesthetic design presents and communicates course information clearly through- out the - Structure your course in a well-organized manner, and make it easy to navigate - Content should be divided into learning units, appropriately labeled, and presented in a logical manner. Instructors typically EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Contextual Analyses & Instructional Design Methods Quality Matters OCEP Rubric Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College text accompanies audio, video, and images - Minimizes distractions - Multimedia is easy to access and use - Navigation should be predictable, consistent, logical, and comprehensive - “tude t’s progress through the course is easy to determine and follow - Organization should be consistent and easily identifiable across the course; students should know where they are at all times - Multimedia has playback features - Text should complement and support multimedia - Course is ADA compliant have are easily accessible, preferably in the places where learners will need to access them; or equivalent alternatives are provided - Links to policies are easy to access and allow an easy return to the course - Course materials use a standard format and ensure accessibility - ADA needs are accommodated to allow for full and complete participation - Multiple and equivalent modes of accessing course materials (e.g., transcripts, etc) are provided - Links to ADA policies and supporting resources are provided and are easily accessible - Course design supports colors, alt text, audio and video controls, etc for universal accessibility course. - All web pages are visually and functionally consistent throughout the course - Accessibility issues are addressed throughout the course divide these learning units into modules, chapters, etc. - Ensure that your links are active and up-to-date - Create web pages that are consistent and reasonably attractive - Design your course so that all aspects of it are accessible to students with disabilities - Design your course so that pages can be downloaded within a reasonable period of time even without a highspeed Internet connection - Instructor uses formal and informal student feedback in an ongoing - Connect what the students already know about the topic to what they are going EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Quality Matters Teaching & Learning Theories Goals & Objectives - Understandable by students - Measurable via assessments - Course level - Module level – also consistent with Course level objectives - Suited to the level of the course Instructional Materials & Content Presentation - Are clearly linked to the objectives - Purpose of materials and links to activities is clearly stated - Cited appropriately - Current and up to date OCEP Rubric - Theories of learning - Underlie content presentation - Guide activities and assessments chosen - Guide how instructor and learner interact in the learning process - Can include: linear progression, drill and practice, or constructivism - Objectives align with Institutional and/or national standards for the discipline - Can occur at course, unit, and topic levels - Course content is appropriate to the audience (e.g., lower division, upper division, graduate, etc) - Content covers the breadth of material Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College basis to help plan instruction and assessment of student learning throughout the semester to learn - Ensure that your content meets the needs of students with different learning styles - Introduce learning units with an overview of the topic - Connect what the students already know about the topic to what they are going to learn - Goals and objectives are easily locatable and are found in a variety of areas - Goals are clearly written - They are appropriate to the level - Co te t is chu ked into manageable segments - Content flows in a logical manner - Content is presented in a variety of ways - Course goals are clearly defined and aligned to learning objectives - Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated - Learning objectives, instructional and assessment activities are closely aligned - Write and post objectives for each learning unit - Clearly write your content and lessons - Ensure that the breadth of your content covers all of the content in the course outline - Chu k the i for atio EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Quality Matters - Variety is used - Distinguishes b/t required and optional materials Course Activities, Learner Interaction, & Instructional Strategies - Align with objectives = clearly stated/identified - Support active learning (e.g., engagement by doing) - Supports learnercontent interactions - Supports learnerinstructor interactions - Supports learnerlearner interactions - Requirements for interaction are clearly stated OCEP Rubric appropriate to the discipline - Should distinguish between required and optional materials - Copyrights are clearly identified - Various types of multimedia should be utilized - Should enhance primary content presentation - Can encourage independent or group work - Activities are clearly identified - Student interaction with content - Should allow studentinstructor interaction in synchronous and asynchronous ways - Collaboration should be fostered Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College - Course offers ample opportunities for interaction and communication student to student, student to instructor and student to content - Learning objectives are identified and learning activities are clearly integrated - Course provides multiple visual, textual, kinesthetic and/or auditory activities to enhance student learning and accessibility - Course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills - Learning objectives, instructional and assessment activities that you post for students - Ensure that your content meets the needs of students with different learning styles - E te d our stude ts’ learning with optional web resources - Refrain from using copyrighted materials illegally - Include one discussion board forum where students can ask and answer classrelated questions and one where they can ask and answer non-class-related questions. Also, post frequently-asked questions in your course - Introduce learning units with an overview of the topic - Align your learning activities to your objectives and outcomes. Use your objectives and outcomes to determine your learning activities. - Structure your learning activities to foster studentinstructor, student-student, and student-content interactions - Strive to design a studentcentered classroom where active learning and engaging activities are present - Supplementary materials are provided - It is clear how instructional strategies support goals and objectives - Activities should guide learners to engage with content in meaningful ways - Higher order thinking is expected, with models given - Individualize instructional opportunities for remedial and advanced learners is provided - Activities and tools help to transcend traditional teachercentered pedagogies - Numerous synchronous and asynchronous activities are provided - Activities should help to build a sense of EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Course Technologies & Tools Quality Matters - Aligns with objectives - Promote active learning - Are readily obtainable and can work on a wide range of platforms - Are current - Privacy policies for external tech are linked &/or stated OCEP Rubric - Multimedia should complement, enhance, and/or extend the learning experience - Multimedia should be directly related to course content - Various types of multimedia should be utilized - Should support learner-instructor and learner-learner interactions - Tech is SCORM, IMS, AICC, etc compliant if necessary Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico community, particularly among students - Collaboration supports both content engagement as well as team-building skills - Instructor participates actively in communication - Instructions are written clearly and with sufficient detail - Multimedia is used to enhance content - Tools are used to facilitate learner engagement with content - Technologies are used to support ease of access to content - A wide variety of delivery modes are utilized - Required technologies are accessible or equivalent alternatives are provided - Large files are clearly identified to help learners anticipate download times; alternative equivalent and smaller files are provided - Videos are streamed are closely aligned - New teaching methods are applied and innovatively enhance student learning, and interactively engage students - Course offers access to a wide range of resources supporting course content and different learning abilities - All web pages are visually and functionally consistent throughout the course - Course uses a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate communication and learning - A variety of multimedia elements and/or learning objects are used and are relevant to accommodate different learning styles throughout the course - Course optimizes Las Positas College - Create web pages that are consistent and reasonably attractive - Design your course so that pages can be downloaded within a reasonable period of time even without a highspeed Internet connection - Multimedia works best to meet the needs of audio, visual, and kinesthetic learners EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Assessment & Measurement Quality Matters - Measure stated objectives, clear alignment - Expectations/ Measurements clearly stated to students (e.g., rubrics, etc) - Assessments are sequenced and varied to activities - There are multiple opportunities for students to track and assess their own progress OCEP Rubric - “tude t’s progress through the course is easy to determine and follow - Pre-developed assessments for the instructor should be available - Rubrics with specified grading criteria and expectations should be developed - Feedback should explain the errors made and point students back to course content - Course demonstrates effectiveness via student completion rates, achievement, etc. - Test items are available to instructors Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico Las Positas College and graphics are optimized for web delivery and display w/o the need for extensive scrolling Internet access and effectively engages students in the learning process in a variety of ways throughout the course - Course has multiple timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery - Learning objectives, instructional and assessment activities are closely aligned - Ongoing multiple assessment strategies are used to measure content knowledge, attitudes, and skills - Regular feedback about student performance is provided in a timely manner throughout the course - “tude ts’ selfassessments and peer feedback opportunities exist throughout the course - Instructor offers multiple opportunities for students to give feedback on course - Align your assessments to your objectives and outcomes. Use your objectives and outcomes to determine your assessments. - Post model submission assignments. Model assignments are examples that your students can view in order to better understand the differences between quality and nonquality work. - Post rubrics for grading. Rubrics are criteria for grading non-objective tests and assignments. They let students know exactly how you will grade them, and they take the subjectivity out of your grading. - When designing lengthy quizzes or exams, design them so students see one question at a time - Gather feedback from your students on the course so you can improve it for the future - Assessments match goals and objectives; learners are directed to appropriate objectives for each assessment - Descriptive criteria are provided for outcomes (e.g., rubric) - Assessments actually measure the performance that they are intended to - Higher order thinking is assessed - Assessment mimic authentic environments to facilitate transfer - There are numerous assessments across the course - Multiple types of assessments are used - Self-assessments are provided and provide constructive and meaningful feedback - Methods of collecting and returning work are clearly stated - Learners have the EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Common Categories Learner Support Services Instructor Support Services Quality Matters OCEP Rubric - Course facilitates access to institutional support services, particularly: technical, accessibility, academic, and student services Blackboard Rubric Cal State-Chico opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to instructors regarding the course content - Instructor offers multiple opportunities for students to give feedback on ease of online technology and accessibility of course - Instructor uses formal and informal student feedback in an ongoing basis to help plan instruction and assessment of student learning throughout the semester - Course contains extensive information about being an online learner and links to campus resources - Links to institutional services are clearly labeled and easy to access - Links to ADA policies and supporting resources are provided and are easily accessible - Training services are provided - Content development support is available - Course authoring tools are provided if needed (e.g., Flash, DreamWeaver, etc) Las Positas College - Include one discussion board forum where students can ask and answer classrelated questions and one where they can ask and answer non-class-related questions. Also, post frequently-asked questions in your course EdD Course Templates-Rubrics - Comparison Table - Fall 2014 Rubrics used:  Quality Matters Rubric, 5th Edition - https://www.qualitymatters.org/rubric  Online Course Evaluation Project (OCEP) Evaluation Criteria, Monterey Institute for Technology and Education, 2010 – http://www.montereyinstitute.org/pdf/OCEP%20Evaluation%20Categories.pdf  Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Rubric, Blackboard Inc., 2014 – https://www.blackboard.com/getdoc/7deaf501-4674-41b9-b2f2554441ba099b/2012-Blackboard-Exemplary-Course-Rubric.aspx  California State University-Chico, Rubric for Online Instruction – http://www.csuchico.edu/roi/documents/rubricpdf  Las Positas College, Best Practices in Designing Online Courses - http://lpc1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/lpc/blackboard/best_practices/ Compiled by: Eric Kyle, Fall 2014, College of Saint Mary, Omaha, NE