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On the Streets of Avaris

Written and visual evidence from ancient Egypt indicates that activities we consider domestic also took place in settlement areas outside of the house. This is also indicated by cross-cultural ethnographic record of urban communities. Areas outside of the houses in which at least some domestic activities can be found are also streets. They are urban spaces in which the private and the public converge. Until now streets of ancient Egyptian settlements received little if any attention in Egyptology. The work of the Austrian Archaeological Institute’s Cairo Branch of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on the site of Tell el-Dabca (ancient Avaris) since 1960s was of crucial importance for the development of settlement archaeology in Egypt. Just like on other major settlement sites in Egypt, here too, the focus was on the reconstruction of the cityscape and the studies of individual houses and the archaeological record of domestic life. This paper will analyse the use of streets in areas F/I, R/III, R/IV and A/V of Tell el-Dabca. These areas have remains of different type of settlements: 1. Planned settlement (F/I), 2. Grown settlement (R/III and A/V) and a harbour settlement (R/IV). The paper will present the results of the comparison of grid street plans and small finds found on the streets in different areas of ancient Avaris. This will allow an insight into domestic activities which took place on the streets.

International Conference Living in the House Researching the Domestic Life in Ancient Egypt and Sudan IFAO-PCMA, 27 to 30 November 2022 Cairo, Egypt Conference Program Day 1: Sunday 27-11-2022 (at PCMA) 16:00-17:00: Registration and refreshments 17:00-17:30: Welcoming speeches and introductory remarks 17:30-17:50: Krzysztof Grzymski, Shelter, hut, house and palace – remarks on settlement archaeology in Upper Nubia and Central Sudan, (in person) 18:00-19:00: Keynote lecture 1: Pascale Ballet, Objects in archaeological domestic contexts: the ceramological evidence, data and results » (in person) 19:30-22:00 Cocktail welcome party at the PCMA garden Day 2: Monday 28-11-2022 (IFAO) 8:00-9-00: Registration and coffee Session 1.1: “Let’s furnish this house!”: Material culture in the domestic sphere in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Joanne Rowland 9:00-9:20: Julia Budka, Cooking practices in New Kingdom Egypt and Nubia: Case studies from Elephantine and Sai Island (in person) 9:20-9:40: Anna Wodzińska, Pottery of the Eastern Town House at Heit el Ghorab (in person) 9:40-10:00: Johanna Sigl, Katherine M. Consola, Basem Gehad, Clara Jeuthe, Peter Kopp, Giuseppina Mutri, Joshua A. Roberson, Trading through the house (online) 1 10:00-10:20: Karolina Warecka, what are we doing in the dark? Remarks on the oil lamps discovered in the house context (online) 10:20:10:30 Discussion 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Session 1.2: “Let’s furnish this house!”: Material culture in the domestic sphere in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Joanne Rowland 11:00-11:20: Manon Schutz, Beyond the grave: the use and meaning of beds in daily life settings (in person) 11:20-11:40: Marwa Abdel Razek, Ba houses between domestic life and funerary significance (in person) 11:40-12:00: Marisol Solchaga, Domestic architecture in the soul-houses from Rifeh: porticoes with stairs leading to an upper floor (in person) 12:00-12:30 Discussion 12:30-14:00 Lunch break (Lunch at IFAO for speakers only) Session 2: “Please show me the way”: Settlement space and accessibility in ancient Egypt Chair: Anna Wodzińska 14:00-14:20: Filippo Mi, BURIED ALIVE! First millennium settlements in the Memphite necropolis (online) 14:20-14:40: Uroš Matić, On the streets of Avaris (online) 14:40-15:00: Aneta Skalec, Access to the house in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt – papyrological and archaeological evidence (online) 15:00-15:30: Discussion 15:30-16:00: Coffee break 2 Session 3.1: “What happened here?!”: Identification of the use of space in the domestic sphere in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Julia Budka 16:00-16:20: Joanne Rowland, Living at Merimde Beni Salama: the changing community and functional areas throughout the 5th millennium BC (in person) 16:20-16:40: Ulrike Nowotnick, Dark, crowded, stuffy: Domestic Living in Late Meroitic Hamadab (in person) 16:40-17:00: Agata Bebel-Nowak, Changes of plant composition in Egyptian gardens (in person) 17:00-17:20: Lukasz Jarmużek, Creating cognitive maps: visibility and movement in ancient Egyptian houses (in person) 17:20-17:50 Discussion 18:30-19:30 Keynote lecture 2: Mark Lehner, Home Office, Office Home: The Pilaster Niche Room in Early Egyptian Houses, (online at the IFAO conference hall) 19:30-20:30: Refreshments at IFAO garden 3 Day 3: Tuesday 29-11-2022 (IFAO) Session 3.2: “What happened here?!”: Identification of the use of space in the domestic sphere in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Mennat-Allah El Dorry 9:00-9:20: Clara Jeuthe and Laure Pantalacci, A living room, an office, a workshop and all in one: examples for the use of space in Ayn Asil/Balat (in person) 9:20-9:40: Thais Rocha da Silva, The domestic experience at the Amarna workmen’s village: senses and practice (in person) 9:40-10:00: Delphine Driaux, The bathroom: A rather singular room in the Egyptian house (in person) 10:00-10:20: Agnieska Ryś- Jarmużek, Reuse or discard? Waste management and recycling patterns in domestic contexts from Tell el Retaba (in person) 10:20-10:30 Discussion 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Session 4: “Let’s prepare some food!”: About cooking spaces and materials in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Simon Connor 11:00-11:20: Mennat-Allah El Dorry, Kitchens vs. food preparation spaces: identifying where people cooked in ancient Egyptian households (in person) 11:20-11:40: Claire Malleson, When smoke gets in your eyes: domestic fuels in ancient Egypt (in person) 11:40-12:00: Leslie Anne Warden, Cooking, eating and throwing away in Old Kingdom Kom el Hisn and Middle Kingdom Elephantine (in person) 12:00-12:20: Nicolas Morand, Cook and store food in the domestic sphere, an archeozoological approach: three examples in the western Delta and its margins from the Late Period to the Roman Times (online) 12:20:12:30 Discussion 12:30-14:00 Lunch break (Lunch at IFAO for speakers only) 4 Session 5: “Live from the settlement”: Recent research at currently excavated settlement sites in Egypt and Sudan Chair: Irene Forstner-Müller 14:00-14:20: Mohga Ramadan, Daily activities at Mariout islands during the Graeco-Roman period "Through the newly excavated site at Tabbet Metawah west Alexandria" (in person) 14:20-14:40: Mohamed Hussein, Excavation at Gabel EL-Haridi site – Sohag (in person) 14:40-15:00: Sayed Abdel Alim, Saite settlement recently discovered at Tell Heboua II (North Sinai) (in person) 15:00-15:20: Discussion 15:20-16:00: Coffee break Session 6.1: “How did they build it?”: Recent Research on domestic architecture and building techniques in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Axelle Brémont 16:00-16:20: Marek Chlodnicki, From wood to mudbrick. Domestic architecture at Tell elFarkha from Predynastic to the Old Kingdom times (online) 16:20-16:40: Krzysztof Jacubiak, New discoveries of the house architecture from Marina el Alamein (online) 16:40-17:00: Sarah Chandlee, Egyptian Late Period and Ptolemaic Domestic Architecture: House forms and dual-functioning structures (online) 17:00-17:20: Discussion 18:00-19:00: Keynote lecture 3: Irene Forstner-Müller, Betwixt and Between - Liminality in Ancient Egyptian Towns: The Case of Kom Ombo (in person) 19:00-20:00: Refreshments at IFAO garden 5 Day 4: Wednesday 30-11-2022 (IFAO) Session 6.2: “How did they build it?”: Recent Research on domestic architecture and building techniques in ancient Egypt and Sudan Chair: Anne-Claire Salmas 9:00-9:20: Lea Rees, “A phenomenological approach to the settlements of the Old Kingdom at Dahshur” (in person) 9:20-9:40: Aaron De Souza, Living with or without corners: Thinking about ‘Nubian’ and ‘Egyptian’ dwellings in the ancient world (in person) 9:40-10:00: Ossama Abdel Wareth, Old Nubian houses on Sehel Island (in person) 10:00-10:20: Giorgia Marchiori, Houses in the Deltaic environment: observations from a Late Antique house in Kom al-Ahmer, Western Nile Delta (online) 10:20-10:30: Discussion 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Session 7: “The house now and then?!”: Ethno-archaeology and the study of lifestyles at ancient settlements in Egypt and Sudan Chair: Thais Rocha Da Silva 11:00-11:20: Anne-Claire Salmas, Home sweet home, but what is a home? (in person) 11:20-11:40: Maria Correas, Ethnoarchaeology of domestic spaces in Egypt: a tool for the knowledge of the past and the present (online) 11:40-12:00: Fatma Keshk, Egyptian houses through the lens of ethnography and ethnoarchaeology (in person) 12:00-12:20: Noha Mostafa, Mostafa Atallah, Rim Hamdy, Willeke Wendrich, Basketry: Form and function in ancient and modern Egypt (in person) 12:20-12:30: Discussion 12:30-14:00: Lunch break (Lunch at IFAO for speakers only) 6 Session 8: Religion in the house Chair: Aaron De Souza 14:00-14:20: Dina Ezz El-Din, Domestic altars: cultic spaces for private religious practices in New Kingdom houses (in person) 14:20-14:40: Iria Souto Castro, Personal religion in domestic settings: An introductory study to religious practices at Karanis (in person) 14:40-15:00: Cristina Lechuga-Ibáñez, Pottery offering trays: funerary or domestic artefacts? (online) 15:00-15:20: Rennan Lemos, Were shabtis locally manufactured in Nubian temple-towns? Connecting settlement and cemetery in New Kingdom Nubia (online) 15:30-16:00: Coffee break Session 9: “My own house!”: House property in ancient Egypt: Chair: Dina Ezz El-Din 16:00-16:20: Julie Masquelier-Loorius, Bringing the Place of Truth back to Life (2): The “Owners” of Houses, and family spatial groupings (online) 14:20-16:20: Karim el Ridy, Illuminations on wells and irrigated properties in the Libyan Period (in person) 16:40-17:00: Lucka Hulkova and Veronika Veresova, Domestic life on the Frontier Tell el-Retaba during the Second Intermediate Period and the early New Kingdom (online) 17:00-17:30 Final discussion and concluding remarks 18:00-22:00: final dinner and concert at IFAO gardens 7