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NOTE ON THE ASTROLOGICAL SIGNATURES OF THE DESTRUCTION OF NORDSTREAM AND OF THE KERCH BRIDGE (updated March 25, 2023) Jos Verhulst (Oct.2022) 1. The Maidan revolution. The Ukrainian Maidan revolution, which took place in February 2014, overthrew the pro-Russian government and president Viktor Yanukovych. The latter, who was born in the Donetsk oblast, was elected in 2010 and went in exile in Russia after the revolution. Figure 1 shows the horoscope of 18 february 2014, 18:00. This moment can be considered as the tipping point of the revolution, as it corresponds to the ultimatum which was issued in vain by the government and the security services against the protestors who got the upper hand. Figure 1: Horoscope of the Maidan revolution (Kiev, Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 18:00 Ukrainian time; orbfact: 30%; aspects to nodes are shown). Sun: 29°54’59” Aquarius; Moon: 11°13’6” Libra; Mercury: 23°52’46”R Aquarius; Venus: 19°6’17” Capricorn; Mars: 26°49’9” Libra; Jupiter: 10°51’10”R Cancer; Saturn: 23°11’40” Scorpio; Uranus: 10°10’56” Aries; Neptune: 4°51’8” Pisces; Pluto: 12°49’15” Capricorn; Ascendant: 7°56’ Virgo; Midheaven: 1°12’ Gemini; rising lunar node: 29°59’51” Libra; lunar apogee: 28°25’35” Cancer. The horoscope has a complete disharmonic square with oppositions [Moon (‘people/ sheeple’) ☍ Uranus (‘revolution’)] and [Pluto (‘underground forces/ hidden agents’) ☍ Jupiter (‘authorities’)], respectively. The opposition (Jupiter 1 ☍ Pluto) was present at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (April 3/5, 33 AD). The quasi-exact harmonic aspects connecting Sun and nodes are located on zodiacal cusps, evoking an overstepping or break through. 2. The horoscopical signature of the ‘Special Military Operation’. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia started in the early hours of Thursday, February 24, 2022. President Putin’s speech announcing the ‘Special Military Operation’ was made around 4:50 a.m. (Ukrainian time). At that time, military convois had already crossed the borders. Figure 2 shows the horoscope for 0:11 a.m. at the time when the Sun stood due north. Clearly, this horoscope is exceptional in that it shows two exact aspects, namely the square connecting Sun and Moon and the semi-square connecting Jupiter and Pluto. Moreover, a quasi-exact sextile connects Neptune to the close (Venus ☌ Mars) conjunction. The horoscope shows a ‘signature morphologique’ (cf.André Barbault) of kinds, in that a ‘crossed swords’ configuration ( ⚔) connects the squares (Sun □ Moon) and (Mercury □ Uranus). All planets are located below the horizon. Figure 2: Horoscope of the start of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia (the ‘Special military Operation’). The invasion started in the early hours of Thursday, February 24, 2022. The horoscope refers to 0:11 (Ukrainian time), when the Sun stands due north. Only the sharpest aspects are shown (orbfact = 20%). Sun: 5°16’1” Pisces; Moon: 5°4’23” Sagittarius; Mercury: 9°55’38” Aquarius; Venus: 21°41’44” Capricorn; Mars: 22°18’6” Capricorn; Jupiter: 12°38’18” Pisces; Saturn: 18°12’44” Aquarius; Uranus: 11°22’59” Taurus; Neptune: 22°12’50” Pisces; Pluto: 27°38’20” Capricorn; Ascendant: 17°39’ Scorpio: Midheaven: 5°14’ Virgo; rising lunar node: 26°10’35”d Taurus; Lunar apogee: 24°26’38” Gemini. 2 The ‘crossed swords’ configuration takes on three consecutive forms during the next 36 hours, with the Moon forming square aspects with succesively Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune, whereas the square (Mercury □ Uranus) sharpens up. For instance, figure 3 gives the celestial configuration as it shows up on Friday, February 25, at 6:00 a.m. After almost 30 hours, the same aspects are largely in place but the square (Moon □ Sun) is replaced by a square (Moon □ Neptune) and an exact semi-sextile (Moon ⚺ Venus) has formed. Figure 3: Horoscope of Friday, February 25, 2022, which is the second day of the ‘Special Military Operation’; 6:00 a.m. Ukrainian time; only the sharpest aspects are shown (orbfact = 10%). Sun: 6°31’2” Pisces; Moon: 22°36’35” Sagittarius; Mercury: 11°30’26” Aquarius; Venus: 22°36’39” Capricorn; Mars: 23°13’27” Capricorn; Jupiter: 12°56’16” Pisces; Saturn: 18°21’24” Aquarius; Uranus: 11°25’16” Taurus; Neptune: 22°15’35” Pisces; Pluto: 27°40’22” Capricorn; Ascendant: 10°27’ Aquarius: Midheaven: 7°20’ Sagittarius; rising lunar node: 26°9’51” Taurus; Lunar apogee: 24°34’55” Gemini. The horoscopical configurations at the start of the ‘Special Military Operation’ show remarkable correspondences with the Golgotha horoscopes which were present on Friday, April 3, 33 AD up to Sunday, April 5, 33 AD 1. Figure 4 gives the horoscope at the day of the Crucifixion at sunset. According to the gospels, the entombment of Jesus Christ had to be completed at that hour because the festival of Pesach (which coincided with Sabbath) was beginning. The Moon was full and rising in the East. The Moon was also partially eclipsed, because it stood close to a lunar node. Comparison between figures 1 C.J.Humphreys & W.G.Waddington “Dating the Crucifixion” Nature 306, p.743-746 (1983). 3 2 and 4 shows striking similarities. In both cases, the Sun stands at a cardinal point of the horoscope (IC in figure 2, DSC in figure 4) and forms a conflicting aspect with the Moon (square and opposition, respectively; this type of aspects is indicated in red in the horoscopes) whereas the Moon stands in about the same position with respect to the descending lunar node. In both horoscopes, quasi exact conflicting aspect connect Jupiter and Pluto (a semisquare in figure 2 and an opposition in figure 4). In figure 2, a non-exact square (orb about 1.5°) connects Mercury and Uranus; in figure 4, the same two planets are connected by a minor aspect (a semi-sextile). Figure 4: Horoscope of Friday, April 3, 33 AD (Julian calendar); Jerusalem, 18:15 local time (emtombment of Jesus); only the sharpest aspects are shown (orbfact = 10%). Sun: 11°38’37” Aries; Moon: 12°5’53” Libra; Mercury: 17°19’41” Pisces; Venus: 21°58’16” Pisces; Mars: 7°38’30” Gemini; Jupiter: 14°39’2” Gemini; Saturn: 16°9’14” Cancer; Uranus: 17°37’1”R Leo; Neptune: 0°24’31” Aquarius; Pluto: 14°39’35”R Sagittarius; Ascendant: 11°45’ Libra: Midheaven: 12°35’ Cancer; rising lunar node: 4°50’23” Aries; Lunar apogee: 3°52’47” Virgo. The horoscope of February 24, 2022 (figure 2) also contains a sextile connecting Neptune to a close (Venus ☌ Mars) conjunction. This astrological structure has no equivalent in the entombment horoscope (figure 4). Nevertheless, Venus and Neptune in the the latter horoscope have about the same zodiacal positions as Neptune and Venus in the former. As Mars is the planet of war, its embedment in an astrological complex encompassing Venus and Neptune is suggestive of an unusual type of warfare which is both restrained and confusing. Within a context of war or battle (indicated by the ⚔-structure), the [(Venus ☌ Mars) ⚹ Neptune] complex looks as the main astrological hallmark of the ‘Special Military Operation’. 4 Figure 5: Horoscope of Sunday, April 5, 33 AD (Julian calendar); Jerusalem, 5:15 local time (Resurrection of Jesus); only the sharpest major aspects are shown (orbfact = 10%). Sun: 13°3’14” Aries; Moon: 29°56’48” Libra; Mercury: 19°28’14” Pisces; Venus: 21°32’4” R Pisces; Mars: 8°30’28” Gemini; Jupiter: 14°52’28” Gemini; Saturn: 16°11’39” Cancer; Uranus: 17°35’20”R Leo; Neptune: 0°25’57” Aquarius; Pluto: 14°38’52”R Sagittarius; Ascendant: 0°12’ Aries: Midheaven: 0°7’ Capricorn; rising lunar node: 4°49’39” Aries; Lunar apogee: 4°2’30” Virgo. Figure 5 shows the horoscope of the morning of the Resurrection Day. The chart exhibits the astrological ‘celestial cross’ as it took shape on the morning of the Resurrection (this ‘cross’ involves Neptune and Pluto, which were discovered in 1846 and 1930, respectively). The square (Moon □ Neptune), which makes up for the ‘arms’ of the cross, is also present in figure 3. The remarkable correspondences connecting the horoscopes of the ‘Special Military Operation’ to the horoscopes of the central event in Christianity suggest that at its core, the present phase of the Russo-Ukranian can be understood as a religious conflict or as a confrontation between opposing views on the nature and future of humanity. 3. The assault on the Nordstream pipelines. On September 26, 2022, two sets of explosions were seismographically detected close to the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. The first explosion occurred at 02:03 local time and destroyed line A of Nordstream 2. The second set of explosions happened at 19:03 and destroyed both lines of 5 Nordstream 1 (figure 6). Northstream 1 and 2 are two pipeline systems constructed in order to transport Russian natural gas to Germany. On September 27, these acts of sabotage were followed by the opening of the Baltic Pipe which connects Norway to Poland and crosses the Nordstream pipelines. Thus, it looks as if a geostrategic switch was turned over in the midst of the Baltic Sea, with the connection from Russia to Germany suddenly interrupted and replaced by a connection between Norway to Poland. Figure 6. Left: the locations of the underwater explosions destroying the Northstream pipelines (red/yellow points). Northstream 1 (green) and Nordstream 2 each consist of two pipes A and B. Only pipe B of Northstream 2 remained useable after the attack. Right: location of the Nordstream 2 line (full red line) and the Baltic line (dashed red line). Both lines cross each other in the Baltic Sea. There can be little doubt that all governments involved know who destroyed the Nordstream pipelines. However, such information is not made public and there is remarkable little interest for this major incident in mainstream media. It is well documented that the US-government had an antagonist position with respect to the Nordstream project which tends to integrate the German and Russian economies. At the beginning of the year, during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House (February 7, 2022) US-President Joe Biden boldly declared: “When Russia invades Ukraine (which means tanks and troups crossing the border of Ukraine) then there will be no longer a Nordstream 2. We will bring an end to it ”. Question: “How will you do that exactly, since the project is under Germany’s control”? President Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do it” (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-german-chancellor-nord-stream-2-russia/ ). Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland had already made a declaration in the same sense (at a press briefing on January 27, 2022): “With regard to Nordstream 2 we continue to have very strong and clear conversations with our German allies and I want to be clear with you today: if Russia invades Ukraine, one way or the other Nordstream 2 will not move forward”. Asked how she could make that assertion with confidence, Nuland replied: “We’ve had extensive consultations at every level with our German allies. I’m not going to get into the specifics here today, but we will work with Germany to ensure that the pipeline does not move forward”. https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/patrick-goodenough/state-dept-if-russia-invades-ukraine-one-way-or-another 6 It is impossible to take these declarations as formal proof of the USA being involved in the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines 2. Nevertheless, the statements show – that the US government intended to “...bring an end” to Nordstream 2 if Russia should invade Ukraine (which it did). President Biden did not speak about closing the pipeline, but about the very existence of this facility (he used the verb “...to be”). The question that followed gave the president the occasion to rephrase its statement, but he did not. Instead, he confirmed that the US government has the means to end the existence of the pipeline. – that they intended to bring an end to the pipeline system irrespective of the position of Germany on this issue. Nuland declared that the US government had consultations with Germany and intended to work with Germany concerning the specifics, but according to the declarations above, the primary decision to end Nordstream 2 in case of Russian invasion was made at the level of the US government. Figure 7: Horoscope of the first assault on Nordstream (September 26, 2022; 2:03 Rønne; orbfact: 20%). Sun: 2°53’51” Libra; Moon: 3°58’14” Libra; Mercury: 27°27’28”R Virgo; Venus: 25°51’27” Virgo; Mars: 18°15’24” Gemini; Jupiter: 3°48’12”R Aries; Saturn: 19°11’34”R Aquarius; Uranus: 18°29’52”R Taurus; Neptune: 23°46’43”R Pisces; Pluto: 26°9’20”R Capricorn; Ascendant: 13°24’ Leo; Midheaven: 21°53’ Aries; rising lunar node: 13°56’8” Taurus; lunar apogee: 18°17’42” Cancer. 2 See for instance Tucker Carlson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLb0QeCQF_I . 7 Figure 8: Horoscope of the second assault on Nordstream (September 26, 2022; 19:03 Rønne; orbfact: 20%). Sun: 3°35’31” Libra; Moon: 13°15’6” Libra; Mercury: 26°49’18”R Virgo; Venus: 26°44’24” Virgo; Mars: 18°31’39” Gemini; Jupiter: 3°42’30”R Aries; Saturn: 19°9’45”R Aquarius; Uranus: 18°28’47”R Taurus; Neptune: 23°45’34”R Pisces; Pluto: 26°9’5”R Capricorn; Ascendant: 16°48’ Aries; Midheaven: 5°27’ Capricorn; rising lunar node: 13°52’36” Taurus; lunar apogee: 18°22’27” Cancer. However, it cannot be excluded that some other party destroyed the pipelines before the US government was able to implement its outspoken intention to put an end to Nordstream 2. Anyway, the US government warmly welcomed the consequences of the destruction of Nordstream. United States secretary of state Antony Blinken declared on September 30: “It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs”3. In this respect, the fact that the Baltic Pipeline opened on September 27, exactly one day after the destruction of three out of four Nordstream pipes, looks like an extraordinary coincidence. The results of the official investigations on the assaults of September 26 were kept secret by both the German and Swedish governments in the name of the ‘interest of the state’ (German: ‘Staatswohl’)4. 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0Abayg3k_o “Sahra Wagenknecht: Regierung verweigert Informationen zu Pipeline-Anschlägen. Die Bundestagsabgeordnete hatte bei den zuständigen Ministerien nach Erkenntnissen vor und nach den Explosionen gefragt – vergeblich” (Berliner Zeitung, Oct.16); “Geheimnispolitik: Bundesregierung verwehrt Abgeordneten Auskünfte über Anschläge auf die Pipelines. Schwedische Ministerpräsidentin Magdalena Andersson ist unsicher, ‘ob Russland die 4 8 The horoscopes shown in figures 7 and 8 are particular in two respects. Firstly, these configurations show a remarkable duality in that the Sun and the subsolar astrological planets (Moon, Mercury and Venus) stand closely together, opposed to the set of suprasolar planets. In figure 7, the cluster of ‘fast planets’ stands below the horizon whereas the ‘slow planets’ are above the horizon; in figure 8, a comparable overall division occurs, with the ‘fast planets’ standing to the west and the ‘slow planets’ to the east. Secondly, the horoscopes are characterized by a ‘latin cross’, formed by a (Saturn □ Uranus) square bisected by a quasi-exact (Jupiter ☍ Moon) opposition in figure 7 and by a quasi-exact (Jupiter ☍ Sun) opposition in figure 8. Strikingly, the opposition in figure 7 indicates a NE (northeast) – SW (southwest) direction, which is also the overall geographical orientation of the Nordstream pipelines. The opposition in figure 8 indicates a WNW (west-northwest) – ESE (eastsoutheast) direction which corresponds to the overall orientation of the Baltic pipe. Thus, the two assaults occurred at times when the corresponding horoscopes showed a very peculiar geographical ‘morphological signature’. Moreover, in as far as the ‘celestial cross’-structure refers to the concepts of death and resurrection (figure 5), the double assault of September 26 also evokes the idea of the ‘death of the Nordstream pipelines’ which thereafter ‘resurrects’ as the Baltic pipeline. 4. The assault on the Kerch Bridge. The ‘Kerch bridge’ or ‘Crimean Bridge’ connects the Crimean peninsula to mainland Russia. It was inaugurated by Vladimir Putin in 2018, four years after the annexation of Crimea by Russia (figure 9). Figure 9: the Kerch Bridge (‘Крымский мост’ = ‘Crimean Bridge’) on a Russian stamp. On October 8, 2022, at 6:07 a.m. the Kerch Bridge was damaged by an explosion, leading to the collapse into the water of part of the roadway (figure 10). Ukranian authorities did not officially claim responsability for the assault. Nevertheless, the Ukranian Postal Office presented the design of a new Attacken verübt hat’, ohne mehr zu verraten. ‘Wir sagen nichts’, lautet der Tenor zu den Ermittlungen, wer für die Lecks bei den beiden Nord-Stream-Pipelines verantwortlich ist. Schweden ermittelt, Dänemark und der deutsche Generalbundesanwalt wie auch die USA. Russland, immerhin Besitzer der Pipelines, ist von diesen Ermittlungen ausgeschlossen” https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Nord-Stream-2-Ermittlungen-Staatswohl-hat-Prioritaet7310830.html?wt_mc=rss.red.tp.tp.atom.beitrag.beitrag https://exxpress.at/abgeordnete-kritisiert-berlin-verweigert-infos-zu-nord-stream-terror/ Comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65saUjbbNLM. 9 stamp sheet commemorating the event (figure 11). This happened only hours after the assault on the bridge, suggesting that at the time the artwork had already been done and the decision for producing the stamp had already been taken. Figure 10: Horoscope of the assault on the Kerch Bridge (October 8, 2022; 6:07 Kerch; orbfact: 30%). Sun: 14°49’30” Libra; Moon: 22°33’24” Pisces; Mercury: 26°55’44” Virgo; Venus: 10°59’17” Libra; Mars: 22°18’8” Gemini; Jupiter: 2°12’13”R Aries; Saturn: 18°46’41”R Aquarius; Uranus: 18°8’47”R Taurus; Neptune: 23°27’34”R Pisces; Pluto: 26°6’58”R Capricorn; Ascendant: 7°31’ Libra; Midheaven: 9°8’ Cancer; rising lunar node: 13°36’14” Taurus; lunar apogee: 19°39’4” Cancer. The horoscope shows the signature of the ‘crossed swords’ ( ⚔; compare to figure 3, red). As explained in figure 11, the postal sheet which was published so fast seems to refer to the horoscope of the event 5. The suspected representations of Sun, Moon, and Pisces, strongly resemble traditional astrological symbols. This observation, together with the fact that the stamp sheet was presented only hours after the attack, suggest that the astrological correspondences were not produced by artistic intuition but rather result from deliberate consideration and planning. If this were indeed the case, it would suggest that wars such as the one conducted in Ukraine have an explicit occult dimension. 5 https://twitter.com/smelyansky_igor/status/1578657065786306560 10 Figure 11: Top: detail of the new stamp sheet launched by the Ukrainian Postal Office on the day of the Kerch Bridge Explosion. The illustration going with the stamp evokes the planetary configurations which are so to say ‘submerged’ below the ascendant and the descendant of the horoscope (figure 10). The three symbols enclosed in green refer to the ascendant and to Venus and the Sun (which stand immediately below the eastern horizon). The blue road sign with the text (КРЫМС)КИЙ МОСТ (= ‘Crimean Bridge’) represents the ascendant i.e. the eastern part of the horizon (generally, the ascendant refers to the terrestrial identity of the horoscope’s subject, which in the present case is the Crimean Bridge; on conventional maps, east is on the right side). The toroid-shaped object resembles the solar symbol ☉ and its red color evokes the morning Sun. The washing machine corresponds to Venus, which might seem surprising. However, washers of the brand ‘Venus’ do exist and the planet Venus is glaringly white, as are most washing machines. The loading opening of the machine close to and behind the red toroid seems to depict the upper conjunction (Sun ☌ Venus) in the horoscope. The shield with inscription ‘В ДОВРЫЙ ПУТЬ!’ (=’good luck!’/’have a nice trip!’) and with two fishes in front represents the zodiacal sign of Pisces, which is symbolized by a pair of fishes. In astrological tradition, Pisces is ‘ruled’ by both Jupiter and Neptune. Hence, both planets are symbolized by fishes. The big fish swimming above the shield depicts Jupiter. In the horoscope, this planet is located between the descendant and Pisces. The yellowish circular symbol with inscribed crescent and with a small fish swimming in front depicts the conjunction (Moon ☌ Neptune) which stands in Pisces. Bottom left: example of a VENUS washing machine, as advertized on the internet. Bottom right: the scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet (Titanic, 1997) which was replicated on the stamp. The outstreched arms of the woman evoke the pair of square aspects in the horoscope (in which the Moon is involved); the man with the red trousers behind her evokes the Sun which in the horoscope stands ‘behind’ the two squares (cfr. fine magenta lines in figure 10). The bridge arch in the background could be meant as a reference to the horoscopical context. 11 Update March 2023: the Hersh report. On February 8, 2023, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a paper “How America took out the Nord Stream pipeline”6. According to Hersh, the Nord Stream pipes were destroyed by deep-water divers from the U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center based in Panama City, Florida. The explosives were placed under the cover of the NATO exercise ‘Baltops 22’ and remotely triggered thereafter. According to the Hersh paper, the decision for the assault was made at the White House and the operation was performed in close cooperation with Norway. If true, these assertions would mean that the US government committed an ‘act of war’ against a political and military ally. The Hersh report was categorically rejected by the White House, but only at a lower official level. US mainstream media outlets largely ignored or downplayed the paper. Nevertheless, the allegations by Hersh received a lot of interest and gained a lot of traction, especially in Germany where the economy is deeply affected by the interruption of gas supplies from Russia. Modern war is largely a mental and psychological battle, with control over public opinion as the main prize. The sprouting interest which the Hersh paper received must have been perceived as a primordial threat in US, EU, and NATO headquarters. On the evening of Thursday, March 2, 2023, an airplane of the Luftwaffe arrived at Dulles Airport, Washington, DC, with on board German Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Officially, Scholz was on his way to a confidential one-onone meeting with U.S. president Biden. No journalists were allowed, which is unusual. Topics to be discussed in the meeting were only characterized in general terms. Friday, starting shortly after 2 p.m., an 80’ official encounter took place. Thereafter, Scholtz just returned to Germany. As far as the Bundeskanzler is concerned, the trip involved 17 hours spent in the airplane, in order to have this short one-on-one meeting with Biden. This makes little sense. Obviously, Scholz’s trip must have had another purpose. Some further activity must have taken place, somewhen between Scholz’s arrival on Thursday evening and the meeting at the White House on Friday. The timeline suggests covert activity during the forenoon of Friday, 3 March, 2023. What kind of activity could this have been? A number of commentators 7 have connected Scholz’s trip to the remarkable fact that three days later, on March 7, major mainstream publications in both the USA (New York Times; NYT)8 and Germany (Die Zeit; DZ)9 published a counternarrative to the Seymour Hersch paper10. According to these new reports, the assault on the Nordstream pipelines was not performed by any state actor. Instead, the attack 6 https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=742AbBTQ8CU 7 See for instance Alex Christoforou (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L92fcHjXWa0; 1’11”) and the Duran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XisYjXS_AF4. 8 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/07/us/politics/nord-stream-pipeline-sabotage-ukraine.html (paywall); https://archive.is/4Qmxx 9 10 See also: https://scheerpost.com/2023/03/22/seymour-hersh-the-cover-up/ 12 was performed by unidentified private actors with (at least in part) Ukrainian background. DZ claimed that a group of six people managed to accomplish the feat, using a yacht to reach the pipelines. Obviously, this new claim was completely at odds with earlier statements according to which the complexity and logistics of the assault were such that it could only have been performed by a major state-actor. More generally, the new explanation would imply that all kinds of undersea pipes and cables are dramatically vulnerable and could be taken out by amateur assaults. Clearly, the explanation offered by the NYT and DZ is convenient from a political point of view because of the exoneration of the governments of the USA and Norway, which are identified as perpetrators by Hersh. It is possible to subjectively evaluate hypothesis h: “The visit of Scholtz of March 3, 2023 is causally related to the anti-Hersh media offensive of March 7, 2023” by using the following four elements: • conjunction in time. Firstly, only three or four days separate the Scholz trip from the NYT/DZ media offensive. This corresponds to the expected time interval between the decision to launch such a media offensive and its implementation. We evaluate the corresponding probability as p<.2 (improbable). Secondly, it seems very improbable that the timestamps of the two publications differ a mere 97’. We evaluate the probability of this second coincidence as p<.05 (very improbable). • concordance with respect to nationality. On the one hand, the meeting of March 3, 2023 concerned the leadership of the USA and Germany. On the other hand, the media offensive started with two publications in a mainstream US journal (NYT) and a mainstream German weekly (DZ). We evaluate the probability of this coincidence as p<.2 (improbable). • political opportunity. The surprising explanation offered in the NYT and DZ completely exonorates the US authorities, notwithstanding the fact that both president Biden and secretary of state Nuland had previously confirmed that the Nordstream pipelines would be terminated if the Russian army would enter Ukraine (which it did). Also, the explanation leaves open the door for an inculpation of the government of Ukraine (which was quick to dismiss any kind of involvement). We evaluate the a priori probability for the alledged truth favoring the US government to such a degree as p<.2 (improbable). • nature of the Biden-Scholz meeting. The meeting of March 3, 2023 was very unusual because of its secretive nature, the exclusion of journalists, and the abscence of a clear-cut agenda which could explain the need for Scholz’s time-consuming trip (as opposed to a video conference or a phone call). Hypothesis h offers an explanation for the uncommunicative and close-mouthed nature of the meeting (obviously, the leaking of some American-German state-level conspiracy with respect to 13 Nordstream would be a first class PR catastrophy; strict secrecy would therefore be indicated). We evaluate this element as p<.2 (improbable). Inserting these probability values in the well-known Bayesian formula P(h I b) x P(e I h•b) P(h I e•b) = _________________________________________________________________ [P(h I b) x P(e I h•b)] + [P(¬h I b) x P(e I ¬h•b)] and setting P(h I b) < .05 and P(e I h•b) < .05 (a conservative value), respectively, we obtain .05 x .05 P(h I e•b) = _________________________________________________________ = .97 [ .05 x .05] + [ .95 x .2 x .05 x .2 x .2 x .2] We conclude that hypothesis h is most likely true. As a corrolary, we can also infer that the most important part of the Scholz trip was not his meeting with president Biden in the early afternoon of March 3, but rather some secret event which probably took place in the forenoon of that same day. As a matter of fact, an interesting constellation took shape at 9:23 local time: Figure 12a: Horoscope of Friday, March 3, 2023, at 9:23 a.m., Washington, DC (orbfact: 30 %). Sun: 12°44’10” Pisces; Moon: 29°33’58” Cancer; Mercury: 1°6’14” Pisces; Venus: 13°48’51” Aries; Mars: 20°9’36” Gemini; Jupiter: 12°27’14” Aries; Saturn: 29°31’51” Aquarius; Uranus: 15°36’45” Taurus; Neptune: 24°38’56” Pisces; Pluto: 29°33’44” Capricorn; rising lunar node: 5°34’37” Taurus; lunar apogee: 6°3’16” Leo; ascendant: 16°19’ Taurus; midheaven: 27°44’ Capricorn. The horoscope leans heavily towards the eastern side (were both Germany and Russia are located, as seen from Washington). Quasi-exact aspects connect Saturn, Pluto, and Moon. 14 Olaf Scholz was born in Osnabrück, Germany, on June 14, 1958. The nonoffical hour of birth is 3 p.m11 (figure 12b). Figure 12b: Birth horoscope of Olaf Scholz; Saturday, June 14, 1958; 15:00 (hour of birth not ascertained); Osnabrück, Germany (orbfact: 30%). Sun: 22°59’57” Gemini; Moon: 21°0’19” Taurus; Mercury: 17°55’15” Gemini; Venus: 15°30’31” Taurus; Mars: 5°12’25” Aries; Jupiter: 21°47’10”R Libra; Saturn: 22°22’31”R Sagittarius; Uranus: 9°3’34” Leo; Neptune: 2°13’59”R Scorpio; Pluto 0°3’34” Virgo; rising lunar node: 0°10’13” Scorpio; lunar apogee: 12°45’51” Aries; ascendant: 21°11’ Libra; midheaven: 28°17’ Cancer. A remarkable set of correspondences connects the birth horoscope of the Bundeskanzler to the horoscope of the suspected briefing (figure 12a). We feel unable to offer a coherent overall reading of the totality of these complex relationships. However, the very existence of this astrological complex is remarkable and suggests that the trip of Olaf Scholz to Washington was a disturbing experience for the Bundeskanzler, almost as if he got entangled into a trap of kinds. The main correpondences (figure 12c) are the following: • The horoscope of figure 12a, around the time when the secret briefing of Olaf Scholz could have taken place, is characterized by a quasi-exact aspectal complex which connects Saturn, Pluto and Moon and which is located very close to cusp points of the zodiac. The birth horoscope of Scholz shows Pluto and the lunar nodes at similar positions. This suggests that the astrological functions represented by Pluto (which encompass the realm of the ‘Prince of this world’, i.e. the world of political and economical power) and the 11 https://www.astrologenverband.de/bundeskanzler-olaf-scholz-astrologische-daten-2/ 15 lunar nodes (purpose of life, karma) were especially affected in the forenoon of Friday, March 3, 2023. • In figure 12a, Mars stands at 20° Gemini, right in between Scholz’s native Sun and Mercury. Remarkably, Mars was at +18° Gemini at the time of the Nordstream assaults (figure 7 and 8), again encased between Scholz’s natal Sun and Mercury. The [Sun☌Mercury]-conjunction in Gemini (figure 12b) points to Scholz’s natural propensity for rational pondering and for considering things from multiple angles. Mars represents all things military and war-related; in the given context, it relates to the military aspect and the violent nature of the Nordstream strike. This twofold betweenness of Mars, both at the day of the attack and at the time of the 2023 trip to Washington, bears witness to the deep impact of the Nordstream assault on Scholz’s thinking and feelings. Figure 12c: Horoscope of suspected event in the morning of Friday, March 3, 2023 (cf. figure 12a) with elements from Scholz’s birth horoscope (cf. figure 2b) superposed. Magenta: Pluto (P), rising lunar node (RN) and descending lunar node (DN), with quasi exact aspects to Pluto, Saturn, and Moon. Orange: natal Mercury (M) and Sun (S) encasing Mars. Blue: natal Venus (V) transiting rising Uranus. Dark purple: natal Lilith encased by close conjunction [Venus☌Jupiter]. • Venus stands at 15.5° Taurus in the birth horoscope (figure 12b) which coincides with the location of [Uranus☌ASC] in the horoscope of the suspected event (figure 12a). Venus in Taurus is indicative of a propensity for earthbound peace and friendly quietude, and Uranus transiting this position can be expected to disrupt such a disposition. 16 • The horoscope of the suspected event is characterized by a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter which encases the natal position of the lunar apogee (‘dark moon’ or ‘Lilith’) in the birth horoscope. According to astrological observation, the lunar apogee tends to express what is lacking in a biography, the fundamental sacrifices that have to be made by the individual, and corresponding feelings of powerlessness and impediment. It looks as if the conjunctions of the two astrological ‘benefactors’ could help the Bundes-kanzler to endure and to digest some moral blow impacting him at the time of the meeting. Figure 13: Horoscope of the NYT Nordstream publication; Tuesday, March 7, 2023; 10:26 ; new York City (orbfact: 30%; orange: bisectional structure in Pisces). Sun: 16°47’11” Pisces; Moon: 18°10’39” Virgo; Mercury: 8°10’39” Pisces; Venus: 18°44’26” Aries; Mars: 21°51’2” Gemini; Jupiter: 13°22’27” Aries; Saturn: 0°0’33” Pisces; Uranus: 15°45’3” Taurus; Neptune: 24°48’1” Pisces; Pluto 29°39’45” Capricorn; rising lunar node: 4°56’2” Taurus; lunar apogee: 6°30’27” Leo; ascendant: 14°52’ Gemini; midheaven: 20°11’ Aquarius. The articles in NYT and DZ were published on Tuesday, March 7, at 15:26 UT (10:26 local time, New York) and 17:03 UT (18:03 local time, Hamburg; sunset), respectively. Figure 13 gives the horoscope of the NYT article. The chart is characterized by a bisectional structure [(♆☌(☉☍☾))⬄(☿☌♄)] in Pisces (the orbs of the loose conjunctions [Neptune ☌Sun] and [Mercury ☌ Saturn] can be considered equal if the width of the solar disk is taken into account). At its core, Neptune corresponds to the highest spiritual realm (Atman, the ‘Father’). However, failing the ability and/or the will to reach this realm, Neptune can represent (as the counterpart or shadow of its core signified) the semantic field of confusion, deceit, trickery, and deception. The Sun represents actual tangible reality, that which … ‘comes into the light’ . In the 17 present case, the loose conjunction [Sun ☌Neptune] in Pisces can be understood as the signature of a ‘...temptation to obfuscate reality’. Saturn represents the ‘spirit of truth’, the nakedness and austerity of facts as such; Mercury (which is, according to astrological tradition, rather impeded in Pisces) represents the ability to grasp, to identify, and to communicate the naked facts (the child exclaiming that the emperor is naked is archetypically mercurial). Saturn has just entered the first arc-minute of Pisces. Together with Mercury, it represents the ‘… activity of coming to grips with the depths of truth’. In the present horoscope, this activity is hampered by Mercury standing in Pisces and by Saturn being connected to Pluto (by a most remarkable semisextile closely encasing Aquarius). The bisectional structure relates the loose conjunction [Mercury☌Saturn] to the parallel structure [Neptune ☌ Sun], as the superposing wings of a butterfly: the precarious ‘...activity of coming to grips with truth’ is projected upon the ‘...temptation to obfuscate reality’. As far as this astrological signature is concerned, the veracity of the NYT and DZ articles looks doubtful, which concords with the less than believable details contained in these reports (especially in the DZ article). The totality of the astrological signatures of the Scholz trip and the subsequent mainstream publications seems to confirm that these events, which look strange and difficult to explain, have a dark side and are part of the impenetrable ‘fog of war’. On March 22, Seymour Hersch commented12: “In early March, President Biden hosted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Washington. The trip included only two public events—a brief pro forma exchange of compliments between Biden and Scholz before the White House press corps, with no questions allowed; and a CNN interview with Scholz by Fareed Zakaria, who did not touch on the pipeline allegations. The chancellor had flown to Washington with no members of the German press on board, no formal dinner scheduled, and the two world leaders were not slated to conduct a press conference, as routinely happens at such high-profile meetings. Instead, it was later reported that Biden and Scholz had an 80-minute meeting, with no aides present for much of the time. There have been no statements or written understandings made public since then by either government, but I was told by someone with access to diplomatic intelligence that there was a discussion of the pipeline exposé and, as a result, certain elements in the Central Intelligence Agency were asked to prepare a cover story in collaboration with German intelligence that would provide the American and German press with an alternative version for the destruction of Nord Stream 2. In the words of the intelligence community, the agency was ‘to pulse the system’ in an effort to discount the claim that Biden had ordered the pipelines’ destruction”. Something along these lines must have happened indeed. However, the relevant meeting on March 3, 2023, was most probably not the Biden-Scholz tête-à-tête, but an earlier meeting between Scholz and the representants of the ‘intelligence community’. 12 https://www.globalresearch.ca/cover-up-biden-administration-continues-conceal-responsibilitydestruction-nord-stream-pipelines/5813077?pdf=5813077 18