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Seasonal prevalence of eimeriosis in broiler chicken

2014, Advancements in Life Sciences

RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ARTICLE “Advancements in Life Sciences” Date Received: 09/05/2014; Date Revised: 20/05/2014; Date Published Online: 25/05/2014 Seasonal prevalence of eimeriosis in broiler chicken Yasir Amin*1, Asim Aslam3, Khurshaid Anwar2, Pervez1, Zubair Ali1 Citation: Amin Y, Aslam A, Anwar K, Pervez, Ali Z. Seasonal prevalence of eimeriosis in broiler chicken. (2014). Adv. life sci., 1(3), pp. 160-164. Key words: Poultry, Coccidiosis, monsoon season Abstract Background: Poultry sector is a vibrant segment of Pakistan economy and is a viable source of animal origin protein source. The growth of this sector is badly affected by different devastating problem’s in-term of mortality and morbidity. Hazara region is so called Georgia of Pakistan for poultry Production. Coccidiosis is an economically devastating problem in the area and throughout the year its cases have been reported. Methods: The present study was conducted to know the round the year and seasonal prevalence of disease. During July 2012 to June 2013, a total of 1440 (n=1140) postmortem cases were carried out for disease diagnosis. Cases suspected for coccidiosis were confirmed by grass pathological lesions manifestation on the intestine and ceaca. Brief history including age, flock size was taken. For morphological examination, the oocytes were sieved and centrifuged at 3000 rpm with sugar solution. Results: A total no of (n=1440) cases brought to outdoor patient services of Veterinary Research & Disease Investigation Centre, Abbott bad for disease diagnosis and treatment. Out of the total cases n=546 were found positive showing the overall prevalence of 37.91%.During hot and humid climatic conditions of monsoon season its prevalence was significantly high, during the month of August and September the observed infection percentage as 60.16% and 62.29 % respectively while low infection rate has been observed during the month of April which was 20.17%. Predominance of eimeriosis was high in young birds (3-4 weeks) and adult birds and less than 3 week of age birds was 74.90%, 17.94% and 7.14% respectively. Conclusion: In the present study the higher prevalence of infection during the rainy season of monsoon observed indicating that warmth temperature and humid condition favors the oocytes sporulation and subsequent transmission. *Corresponding Author: Yasir Amin (Email: dryasiramin@yahoo.com) 1- Veterinary Research & Disease Investigation Centre, Abbottabad, Pakistan 2- Veterinary Research Institute, Peshawar, Pakistan 3- Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 160 | A d v a n c e m e n t s i n L i f e S c i e n c e s V o l . 1 , I s s u e 2 Full Length Research Article Introduction Poultry sector is a viable source of animal protein in term of meat and egg production in Pakistan. But the tremendous growth of the sector is adversely affected by lot of viral, bacterial, protozoan and metabolic disorders. Among the protozoan diseases coccidiosis remains one of the expensive problem inspite of intervention being made for its prevention and control through management, nutrition and chemotherapy [1]. Coccidiosis is caused by Eimeria species belongs to phylum Apicomplexa, family Eimeriidae. Eimeria species multiplication takes place in intestinal mucosa causing coccidiosis [2]. In poultry, the genus Eimeria is strictly host-specific and its different species parasitize specific sites in the intestine. The infectious process is rapid (4-7 days) and dysentery, enteritis, emaciation, drooping wings, poor growth, low production are major signs of illness [3,4] with high morbidity and mortality [5]. Its incidence is being increased in poultry due to higher stocking densities and intensive husbandry practices [6]. Nearly, 1800 Eimeria species have been reported affecting intestinal tract mucosa of different animals and birds [7] among those nine Eimeria spp has been reported affected the domestic fowl [8]. Highly pathogenic spp identified are E. tenella, E. maxima, E. brunette and E. necatrix, while E. acervulina, E. mivati and E. mitis are reported less pathogenic; and E. hagani and E. praecox are reported as lesser pathogenic, ceacal eimeriosis caused by E. Tenella predominantly observed [9,10]. Different researchers probed into the matter of coccidiosis prevalence in different geographical regions of Pakistan [3,4]. This work is designed to expand the knowledge of the seasonal prevalence of coccidial infections among the broiler flocks. Methods During July 2012 to June 2013, a total of 1440 (n=1140) postmortem cases were brought to veterinary Research & Disease investigation centre, Abbottabad for disease diagnosis. Cases suspected for coccidiosis were checked for grass pathological lesions manifestation on the intestine and ceaca (Fig1 and 2). Figure 1: Ceacal Eimeriosis in 16 days old broiler Figure 2: Macroscopic view of Eimeriosis in 23 days old broiler 161 | A d v a n c e m e n t s i n L i f e S c i e n c e s V o l . 1 , I s s u e 2 Full Length Research Article Brief history including age, flock size was taken. Samples were collected in sterile container and stored at 40C for subsequent use. For morphological examination, the oocytes were sieved and centrifuged at 3000 rpm with sugar solution. Subsequently, concentrated samples were kept in 2.5% potassium dichromate solution. Samples were kept at 300C in Biological Demand Oxygen Incubator for Sporulation and Morphological Characteristics before and after sporulation. Results Month No of Cases No of Positive Samples Percentage Infection Jul-12 125 68 54.4 Aug-12 118 71 60.16 Sep-12 122 76 62.29 Oct-12 115 65 56.5 Nov-12 114 41 35.9 Dec-12 118 35 29.6 Jan-13 126 29 23.01 Feb-13 120 31 25.83 Mar-13 138 32 23.18 Apr-13 114 23 20.17 May-13 116 27 23.27 Jun-13 114 48 42.10 The results of microscopic studies of the 1440 samples are depicted in Table-2. The overall prevalence of coccidiosis in broilers round the year from July 2012 to June 2013 was 37.91% as mentioned in Table-1, and in most of the cases mixed type of infection, birds harbored by one or more Eimeria spp. Table 2: Month wise Coccidiosis prevalence in broilers Age wise prevalence of the eimeriosis is mentioned in Table-3, suggested that it was high in 3-4 weeks of broiler which was 74.90% while 17.94% was observed in birds of 4-6 weeks and 7.14% was observed in the birds less than 3 weeks of age [11]. Similar studies stated that predominance of coccidial infection is more in young age [12]. Table 3: Age wise prevalence of Coccidiosis in Broilers Total No of cases No of Positive Samples Prevalence Percentage 1440 546 37.91% Total No of 1-2 week 3-4 week 4-6 week Positive (%) Positive (%) 409 (74.90%) 98 (17.94%) Positive Cases Positive 546 (%) 39 (7.14%) The lowest prevalence of eimeriosis was observed during the spring season and during the month of April it was 20.17%. In the present study the higher prevalence of infection during the rainy season of monsoon observed indicating that warmth temperature and humid condition favors the oocytes sporulation and subsequent transmission. Discussion Table 1: Prevalence Percentage of Coccidiosis Throughout the months of June to September, the infection rate was high while during month of July, August and September the prevalence of infection was 54.4%, 60.16% and 62.29% respectively. There are seven different Eimeria spp. which can cause coccidiosis. The identification of specific causative species was not the objective of the present study but to determine the prevalence of disease in distinct geographical location during special 162 | A d v a n c e m e n t s i n L i f e S c i e n c e s V o l . 1 , I s s u e 2 Full Length Research Article climate conditions. The prevalence of coccidiosis (37.91%) in this study is very much equal to figure found in 2003 i.e. 37.95% [13]. But if compared with studies more distant in time, this percentage is quite high. In 1990, it was as low as 26.3%, 1987 (7.23%), 1983 (30%) and in 1981 it was down to 10.2% [4]. This variation or decrease might be due to change in geographical/weather conditions as most of these studies were reported from Faisalabad regions, a district in the plains of central Punjab. days are found more susceptible to coccidiosis infection than any other age group. Another interesting aspect of this study was finding the fact that during the months of higher moisture and precipitation in the region (June to September), the infection rate was high up to 62.29%. In a previous investigation, it was indicated that the whole autumn season has high prevalence rate (60.02 ± 4.38) for the said infection, but here in this study higher trend of infection was witnessed till the end of September [4]. The prevalence during the moon soon was high due to warmth and moisture climatic condition favors transmission and contamination of the oocytes [14-16]. 1. Amare A, Worku N, Negussie H. Coccidiosis Prevailing in Parent Stocks: A Comparative Study between Growers and Adult Layers in Kombolcha Poultry Breeding and Multiplication Center, Ethiopia. Global Veterinaria, (2012); 8(3): 285-291. 2. Hadipour MM, Olyaie A, Naderi M, Azad F, Nekouie O. Prevalence of Eimeria species in scavenging native chickens of Shiraz, Iran. 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For example a study conducted in 2013 has reported high infection rate of 58.86% in 3145 days old birds [17]. On the other hand, in the present settings birds of the age 21-28 The present findings on the prevalence of chicken coccidiosis in Abbottabad region are of much importance as of economic and pathological aspects as very little or no documented information is available on these aspects for said area of saturated poultry industry. REFERENCES 163 | A d v a n c e m e n t s i n L i f e S c i e n c e s V o l . 1 , I s s u e 2 Full Length Research Article animal health and production, (2011); 43(8): 1601-1604. 6. Nnadi P, George S. A cross-sectional survey on parasites of chickens in selected villages in the subhumid zones of South-Eastern Nigeria. Journal of parasitology research, (2010); 2010. 7. Haug A, Gjevre A-G, Thebo P, Mattsson JG, Kaldhusdal M. 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