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A Documentary Edition of Illustrations and Inscriptions in Tristan Cgm 51 (TRISDE 51) Maria Adele Cipolla | Università di Verona mariaaadele.cipolla@univr.it Staff M.A. Cipolla (PI, preliminary studies, modelling) A. Cappellotto (XML/TEI modelling) G. D’Agostino (XML/TEI modelling) A. Bitante (XML encoding) L. Ferroni (collation) P. Peratello (collation, multispectral imaging) M. Russo (XML encoding) E. Triolo (Web App) The case study Cgm 51 of Gottfried’s and Ulrich’s Tristan Layers • Main poetic text (c. 1240): abridged versions of the poems: early chancery hand (cp. Cgm 19 et al.), ff. 1r-109ra10: only few marginal annotations • Illustrations (c. 1260-1280), several artists, two workshops: 15 separated ff., perhaps originally independent (almost four bindings: 1. Before 1323; 2. Soon after 1323), irregular distribution within the quires Poor conservation condition • Inscriptions (13th-15th centuries), different hands (several gothic styles) within every illustration, different distribution • Marginalia (several late MSI hands, littera formata, cursive, etc. → 16th century): flyleaves Ir/v, 109r a,10-b/109v 2 Philological Issues The Rationale of a Digital Documentary Edition • Illustrations • Relation to the main poetic text • grammar of visual elements (scene patterns; characters, objects, gestures) • Inscriptions • Relation to the main poetic text • taxonomy of the inscribed texts • names • narratives • direct speechs as dramatic lines • quotations as comments on the visual plot • direct borrowings or paraphrases • the commenting voice-over Cgm 51, f. 15r 3 The web application • Image-based application • Image visualization (tooltips) • Image navigation • Image search (metadata as keywords) • MongoDB database + Python to archive and process XML data • React.js for responsive layout 4 Search in the Database 5 The encoding model: rationale 1 • Goal • create a grammar to connect illustrations and text • How 1. TEI Header: lists 2. Facsimile: annotation 3. Text: transcription + critical notes October, 13th 3 2 TRISDE 51 | Documentary Edition of Illustrations and Inscriptions 6 The encoding model: Header 7 The encoding model: episodes 1. Visual text 2. Poetic text 8 The encoding model: gestures 9 Text types for interpretative/normalized transcription The encoding model: text 10 11 Text Type: speech Description:: Speech Text:: Got gnade der sele din Du wer ein helt untz an den tot din Style:: Poetry Language:: MHG 12 Critical commentary <back> 13 Quire Structure 14 Quire Structure | VCEditor https://vceditor.library.upenn.edu/project/621ce27ff0080b00016b95a7/viewOnly Montag 1979 – Cgm 51 Facsimile Ed. Übersicht über die Lagen VCEditor 15 Anna Lorenzo Giulia & Paola Adele Alessia & Martina Thank you! @dh_univr 16