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The Impact of Precision-Guided Munitions on War

The advent of precision-guided weapons has changed the nature of war and, by extension, political power throughout the world and the perception and use of nuclear arms.

THE IMPACT OF PRECISION-GUIDED MUNITIONS ON WAR Published in 1984 RUSI and Brassey's Defense Yearbook 237 (Royal United Services Institute) © 1983 Lance S. Davidson PERHAPS the greatest military achievement in history was Hannibal's crossing the Alps in 218 BC because he knew that Rome confidently expected any threat to its security by the Carthaginians to come from the south, Hannibal attacked from the north. Many innovations in war strategy or technology have had a profound effect because their significance was originally unappreciated. Recent public controversy has focused on the strategic nuclear arms race but has largely overlooked the dimension of tactical, or battlefield, warfare. Modern tactical weapons called Precision-Guided Munitions (PGM) may have a far greater impact than nuclear arms on how war is waged. Unlike ICBMs, PGM have recently played an important role in all major wars. These 'smart' weapons represent a technological revolution - we can no longer ignore how they can restructure the nature of war. PGM are tactical weapons which are not just shot at a target - they are guided to it. They operate in all environments air-to- air, surface-to-surface, air-to-surface, and surface-to-air. This expanding class of bombs and missiles dramatically improves the probability of hitting - and what is more important, eliminating targets over increasingly longer ranges. PGM seek out their targets rather than follow a ballistic trajectory subject to the laws of physics. Consequently, their accuracy is not as limited by range, as is true for prior conventional weapons. The sinking of HMS Sheffield by a single Argentine radar-guided Exocet dramatized the impact PGM can have on modern warfare. Yet PGM can be effective in many wartime situations. For example, a ship is patrolling still waters, apparently safe from enemy fire hundreds of miles away. Emerging from a little dot over the horizon, a radar-guided missile rips into the ship's hull, turning it moments later onto an inferno of flotsam. Meanwhile, a tank Page 1 of 12 crew is busily firing shells at advancing enemy troops, unable to respond in time to a laser-homing anti-tank missile, about to imbed its shaped-charged warhead deep into the tanks 10-inch thick armour. A heat-seeking anti-aircraft missile elsewhere hurtles harmlessly past a fighter at 2000 mph, fooled by a decoy plume of exhaust gases released by the pilot's defensive countermeasure equipment. The year of this fierce battle, perhaps 1983. PGM became known at the end of the Vietnam conflict and figured prominently in the Middle East War of 1973. Yet guided weapons are not new. In World War Two, the homing submarine torpedo was developed; the Germans utilized radio-guided glide bombs in Italy and fired their V.1 'buzz' bombs and V.2 rockets on London and Antwerp; the Japanese flew kamikazes and rocket-powered manned Baka ('Stupid'). PGM now being developed or deployed in large numbers by the US include the following sample types: TOW is an optically tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missile, using a hollow charge, with a range about 3 kilometres (surface-to-surface); Phoenix is a long-range missile used by Navy tactical aircraft, with guidance by either an active or a semi-active radar homing device (air-to-air); Maverick is a missile guided by television, but more recent Maverick models have been refined with laser and infrared homing (air-to-surface); Harpoon is an anti-shipping missile with a range exceeding 90 kilometres and guided by a preprogrammed altitude reference with an active radar seeker (surface-to surface); Stinger is a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile with a range of up to 5 kilometres which uses proportional navigation and infrared homing for guidance (surface-to-air). Guided weapons are designed for use against targets whose locations can be determined accurately. Before a designated target can be located and destroyed, it first must be detected. Yet improvements in target acquisition do not come easily. Inadequate visibility caused by poor weather or enemy countermeasures compromises the sophisticated equipment's reliability. Since the operation of many PGM is predicated on whether the target is visible to an observer, their effectiveness will be impaired as long as they Page 2 of 12 are unable to function in all weather conditions, at night, through smoke or through heavy dust. Moreover, depending on the topography of the battlefield, terrain features such as trees and ravines wreak havoc on guidance systems. They provide camouflage, reduce contrast needed for electro-optical guidance and are considerably more reflective than military targets for laser beams. Despite, or perhaps because of, the proliferation of nuclear weaponry, conventional weapons technology has experienced a quantum leap forward in sophistication. Innovations have been especially prominent in sensors for detecting and locating the enemy under all visibility conditions and in ore effective munitions which depend on seekers to lock on and home in on targets. In addition to enhanced detection and guidance systems, recent weapon refinements include improved missile and warhead design, vertical launch capabilities and superior counter-countermeasures to protect the PGM themselves from the enemy's defensive countermeasures. Millimetre radar which can be applied in guidance for beam-riding missiles, target designation and even space; operating in wavelengths no greater than 10 millimetres (or 4 one-hundredths of an inch), millimetre radar has better resolution is more effective in the smoke, fog or clouds which often plague battle areas, and provides better focused beams to thwart jamming than does other radar. Cheaper, lighter and smaller infrared imaging devices, such as pyroelectric imagers, which filter out the ground's natural background of heat to lock onto moving land targets, will improve night-time operation. Research and development programmers should not only concentrate on reducing costs and refining PGM guidance for all-weather performance, but also on making existing PGM systems more automatic. Major strides in these areas will result in a much greater presence of 'smart' weapons in combat arsenals worldwide. To the extent PGM will supplement rather than substitute for individual weapons systems, tactical doctrines will take longer to catch up with the technology, so the full military benefit of guided weapons may be forfeited for some time. Also, the target acquisition research process may lag behind PGM development and deployment. GUIDANCE Page 3 of 12 Basic to the advent of guided weapons were powered flight in developing missiles, and electromagnetic command links for correcting guidance errors after launch. A host of unpredictable forces can affect a missile during flight, including deviations in wind and air pressure, varying power plant performance control system malfunctions, and enemy countermeasures. Unlike other projectiles constrained to unalterable flight paths, PGM can continually modify theirs. The first step to improve missile accuracy generally was to install inertial guidance systems instrategic missiles, e.g. ICBMs, to direct them along predetermined trajectories towards stationary targets. The internal system also was more immune than external control contains within all necessary information and will not be deceived during the flight. A self-contained guided missile is expensive, however, and only effective for stationary targets. The focus of PGM research has been to improve precision of weapon's accuracies by guiding the munitions to their targets - stationary or moving. Accordingly, internal missile brainwork or homing system, has refined guidance. On-board automatic homing devices function in one or more electromagnetic spectral regions where microwaves (radar), infrared waves, or electro-optical waves (laser beams or television-tracking) are propagated through space. The different homing system in this final stage of the flight path enable a projectile to self-regulate its flight path. Instead of always heading directly toward the target, newer PGM can anticipate a moving target. The weapons have either an active, semi-active or passive homing device to lock in on a target, ensuring that the missile's warhead will detonate at the target's predicted position or at least within its lethal envelope. In passive homing, a seeker utilizes electromagnetic radiations naturally characteristic of the target; heat waves, light waves and sound waves. Active guidance homes on signals of the target which were originally sent by, and then reflected back to a sensor contained within the weapon (or by an external source, thus semi-active). For both homing techniques a seeker processes the electromagnetic signals emanating from a target to generate automatic corrections to the missile's flight controls. For example, a modern Maverick has its target illuminated with a coded laser beam, and then a laser-seeking device in the projectile's guidance system locks onto the laser beam reflected from the target. The Walleye air-launched glide bomb also provides a stand-off capability for Page 4 of 12 aircraft, but it uses television cameras; an image of the target filmed by the camera is displayed on a monitor screen inside an aircraft so that the observer is able to lock the bomb's electrooptical tracker onto the target. The homing system in a Soviet SA-7 anti-aircraft missile is infrared-seeking and it is attracted to the hot exhausts from aircraft engines. One of the most common PGM deployed by armed forces worldwide is the antitank TOW. Here, the operator, using his sights, directs the missile to the target via electronic impulses transmitted along a wire connected to the missile. This homing feature allows PGM to deliver ordinance with extreme accuracy. As a result of this characteristic, PGM system components must be compatible - defence missiles should not home on defense units. PGM equipped with anti-self homing devices enable the weapons to distinguish between friend and foe. Also, limitations on such sophisticated weaponry (particularly munitions' accuracy during darkness or inclement weather) are slowly disappearing with improvements in the missile's electronic brains - its guidance system. COUNTERMEASURES An intense enemy countermeasures environment would frustrate the proper functioning of many current detection and guidance systems, which rely upon or radiate electromagnetic energy in their operation. Electronic countermeasures (ECM) exploit the electromagnetic spectrum to thwart guided weapons. Perhaps the best countermeasure to a guided weapon is another guided weapon. In their recent invasion of Lebanon, the Israelis sent ahead remotely powered drones as decoys for, and to fix the location of, Syrian Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles (SAM), which were so devastating to Israeli aircraft in the early days of the 1973 war. Israeli F-16s could then destroy the SAM sites whose locations had been revealed. One popular form of ECM is to dispense from aircraft 'chaff', or quantities of radar-reflecting material such as tinfoil, to create 'radar clutter'. Another countermeasure - jamming - can confuse or deny target information to an adversary using radar for target-fixing or guiding weapons. One form of active jamming is to saturate enemy radar frequencies by transmitting continuous noise and thereby degrade the enemy system. Alternatively, ECM system could generate erroneous information either on the range or bearing of a target by alternating pulses in time or creating powerful mimic Page 5 of 12 pulses for the enemy's tracking system. Of course, due to mutual interference, neither side can operate within those frequency bands for target acquisition. A related aspect is that such ECM betray position or indicate to the enemy that he has been detected, and can be traced and destroyed by hostile missiles. Because guided weapons use homing techniques operating in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, not all countermeasures are electronic. Other means can reduce potential targets' electromagnetic 'signatures' which PGM rely upon for guidance. Engines, gun muzzles, and exhaust nozzles emit heat which make them vulnerable to infrared-seeking PGM. Countermeasures include channeling exhaust gases elsewhere or using decoys emanating even greater heat. To counter optical homing missiles, non-reflective paints offer protection, and organic smoke generators or weather modification techniques, like cloud seeding, can cause atmospheric distortions. Camouflage remains an effective basic countermeasured against most types of PGM. Countermeasures suggest of course, enemy countermeasures. Because guided weapons systems are susceptible to detection and can be confused, a tactic is to influence the PGM-armed force's perceptions of the battle situation. Electronic countermeasures (ECCM) by a PGM-armed force may thwart these attempts. ECCM protecting guidance systems include signal coding and using random or rapid variations in frequency. By sending impulses in a designated code, a seeker will follow only the series of signals received with prescribed randomness. If the enemy attempted to jam the targeting missile's signal with interference, the seeker will search out a clear one. So there is a trade-off: if a missile follows a prepackaged route and is thus liable to miss if the target has moved, the missile is also more resistant to countermeasures. Implicit in allowing for corrections to guide the missile is the increased susceptibility, and remedy, to enemy ECM. PGM are rapidly becoming prevalent in warfare, since greater assurance of a direct hit is a marked technical advance over prior weapons. New sensor, guidance and communications technologies will continue to provide PGM with vastly superior accuracy over longer ranges. Since the operation of many PGM is predicated on whether the target is visible to an observer, their effectiveness will be impaired as long as they Page 6 of 12 are unable to function in all weather conditions, at night, through smoke or through heavy dust. Moreover, depending on the topography of the battlefield, terrain features such as trees and ravines wreak havoc on guidance systems. They provide camouflage, reduce contrast needed for electro-optical guidance and are considerably more reflective than military targets for laser beams. Despite, or perhaps because of, the proliferation of nuclear weaponry, conventional weapons technology has experienced a quantum leap forward in sophistication. Innovations in have been especially prominent in sensors for detecting and locating the enemy under all visibility conditions and in more effective munitions which depend on seekers to lock on and home in on targets. In addition to enhanced detection and guidance systems, recent weapon refinements include improved missile and warhead design, vertical launch capabilities and superior counter-countermeasures to protect the PGM themselves from the enemy's defensive countermeasures. Millimetre radar which can be applied in guidance for beam-riding missiles, target designation and even space; operating in wavelengths no greater than 10 millimetres (or 4one-hundredths of an inch), millimetre radar ha better resolution, is more effective in the smoke, fog or clouds which often plague battle areas, and provides better focused beams to thwart jamming than does other radar. Cheaper, lighter and smaller infrared imaging devices, such as pyroelectric images, which filter out the ground's natural background of heat to lock onto moving land targets, will improve night-time operation. Research and development programmes should not only concentrate on reducing costs and refining PGM guidance for all-weather performance, but also on making existing PGM systems more automatic. Major strides in these areas will result in a much greater presence of 'smart' weapons in combat arsenals worldwide. To the extent PGM will supplement rather than substitute for individual weapons systems, tactical doctrines will take longer to catch up with the technology, so the full military benefit of guided weapons may be forfeited for some time. Also, the target acquisition research process may lag behind PGM development and deployment. PGM AND RIVAL SYSTEMS Page 7 of 12 The litmus test for evaluating PGM is to compare them with rival systems. Besides cost-effectiveness, another consideration is military effectiveness. PGM will figure prominently in military planning only if novel doctrines of warfare can accommodate the new technology. PROLIFERATION The effect of PGM on local and global conflicts is now the subject of heated discussion among military and political leaders worldwide. Clearly, the impact PGM can have on small Third World nations contrasts sharply with that for the superpowers. The major powers have long been preoccupied with keeping the lid down on nuclear proliferation to avert a local tinderbox from erupting into World War Three. Now even the prospect of a David-Goliath scenario involving some minor Third World nation with a select few deadly PGM, holding at bay the forces of a superpower, has is increased the risks of war. Stringent controls to prevent Third World countries from acquiring nuclear weapons contrasts sharply with the brisk arms trade flourishing in guided weapons. Production of such sophisticated weapons is limited to a few nations, so the technology is imported. Like the nuclear arms race between the superpowers, the conventional arms trade with anyone willing to buy will go on unabated unless something is done. The immediacy of the problem becomes apparent when it is remembered that the incidence of armed conflict is so high in the Third World. The arms trade is, to some extent, responsible for elevating international tensions and even precipitating war. A major difficulty in controlling the arms trade is the fierce competition among supplier nations to improve their trade balance accounts. And supply decisions are often interwoven with political and diplomatic, as well as economic, concerns. For supplier nations like the US and the USSR, their power is extended virtually cost-free by foreign troops fighting on foreign soil. While political pressures would deter supplier nations from encouraging the proliferation of sophisticated weapons to their own detriment, large transfer of relatively unsophisticated, inexpensive PGM should prove, under most circumstances, to be more than sufficient. British Harrier jets were shot from the skies over the Falklands by weaponry the British had previously sold the Argentines. But a supply nation has little leverage to use arms as an instrument of political control since the recipient country can shop for arms Page 8 of 12 from another exporting nation. Third World countries will continue to besiege suppliers for arms, not only for expansive conquests, but for security against external and even internal threats. The greatest resistance to a concerted effort by the supplier nations to regulate or reduce the arms trade would come from the Third World nations themselves, since such proposals are resented as schemes interfering with their autonomy. Perhaps the more successful approach to avert potential conflict is timely and effective diplomacy. An increasingly important spillover effect of arms trading is that guerrillas can acquire the leakage. PGM-armed insurgents carrying out guerrilla strikes against government troops and engaging in urban fighting can readily incorporate PGM into their tactics. While insurgents do not expose high-value targets, government forces certainly do. In contrast, even if counter-insurgents used PGM, they would still, for the most part, be reduced to time-proven tactics of attrition and weakening the peasant support base. Thus, PGM used by government troops would not noticeably aid them in their mission. IMPACT OF PGM ON NUCLEAR WAR The impact of this new class of conventional weapons on potential nuclear war is difficult to assess. PGM offer a non-nuclear war-fighting capability which can lower - or raise - the threshold of nuclear conflict. PGM are prescribed for tactical combat and represent a decided advantage for the forces fighting with PGM where neither adversary is equipped with nuclear weapons. Under the circumstances, it is unlikely that a superpower ally would be included to use nuclear weapons to support one side unless its own immediate strategic interests were seriously threatened. For adversaries equipped with nuclear weapons, PGM are of some consequence on the risk of nuclear war. On one hand, more accurate tactical weapons would provide an intermediate-level substitute for nuclear weapons and thereby prevent escalation into a nuclear conflict. This added dimension could end a conflict before either side resorted to nuclear weapons. Many legislators support a build-up of conventional forces as a greater buffer since outnumbered, outgunned American and allied troops currently rely on a nuclear threat to deter enemy acts of aggression. Civilian populations would further benefit Page 9 of 12 because the nature of PGM is to zero in on other weapons with electromagnetic signatures; these weapons would be used against military rather than civilian, targets. Of course, the use of smart weapons also could lower the nuclear threshold. If an adversary were predisposed to use nuclear weapons in order to win (or following the loss of) a war, PGM would escalate the war since the main effect of PGM is to alter tactical battle capabilities. Thus, an adversary could back itself into a wall by taking the defensive posture of imminent use of nuclear weapons should it fact the possibility of defeat. The other side's superior fighting capability, resulting from a larger or more sophisticated arsenal of weapons might hasten the decision. However, since any improvement in military capabilities could precipitate such a posture, attributing the risk specifically to deployment of PGM is misplaced. Another reason why the nuclear threshold could be lowered is that distinctions between conventional, tactical nuclear and strategic nuclear forces could become increasingly nebulous. The molecular deployment of troops for tactical use of PGM might be perceived as preparation to wage nuclear war. There would be a strong inclination by an adversary to pre-empt since both fighting capabilities demand similar force structures. Also, although PGM in some cases might substitute for tactical nuclear systems, many new systems could be modified to deliver nuclear weapons. To be sure, there could exist a strong tendency to sacrifice the nuclear fire-break to obtain victory. For years the central purpose of a strategic arms arsenal has been to avoid nuclear war, not to fight one and 'win' it. Melvin Laird, Secretary of Defense in the Nixon Administration, has noted: 'Nuclear weapons may be important for political purposes, buy they are useless for military purposes... Our true strategic military needs have little to do with nuclear weapons except to deter their use against us.' The Reagan Administration contends that the US must have nuclear superiority over the Soviets to be secure. But we need not match the Soviets warhead for warhead as long as our existing weapons are adequate to deter a 'rational' first strike. (Use of strategic weapons unquestionably involves irrationality, but discussion of nuclear strategy is fruitless unless we presume that leaders seek rational ends to be gained by their use). Strong force levels and research and development must be Page 10 of 12 maintained only to inflict unacceptable damage in the USSR, i.e., an assured destructive capability, for a credible threat. Only a small proportion of our nuclear warheads are needed to render catastrophic destruction to 40 percent of the Soviet population and 75 per cent of Soviet industrial capacity concentrated in urban areas. Although the Soviets could still eventually recover, disproportionately little destructive capability is added when more warheads are delivered to dispersed areas. Even accounting for such variables as launch malfunctions, inaccurate trajectories, defensive measures and losses absorbed by a Soviet first strike, the remainder of our strategic forces is redundant for discharging its objective to hold the USSR civilian population hostage to an unacceptable retaliatory threat. To arm for a first strike capability, pursuant to a counterforce strategy in which targets are enemy offensive forces, requires larger strategic forces; yet long range missile accuracy is an unverifiable unknown and such a strategy could have adverse, rather than a positive, effect on US security. Funds currently reserved for production of strategic weapons are far in excess of this country's needs. That is, a disproportionate amount of US military expenditures is funneled towards nuclear weapons rather than tactical ones. Our huge strategic force levels are devoted only to protecting us against a Soviet threat, yet a Third World brush fire also could ultimately jeopardise our security. Our current military posture embraces the Middle East, Central America, the Far East, and other war zones as well, and we must possess the instruments to protect American interests early on. Budget requests in 1983 for 51 tactical guided missile programmes totaled $7 billion, in contrast to the $23 billion allocated, excluding research and development, for strategic forces. The US strategy of deterrence, based on mass overkill, would not be debilitated if military funds appropriated for nuclear weapons were instead ploughed back into the economy. Further, some funds reserved for strategic nuclear forces should be diverted to refine tactical weapons, particularly PGM. Actually, the use of nuclear weapons in any conflict remains questionable for two reasons. First, the nuclear threshold is quite high, militaristic rhetoric notwithstanding. Strategic deterrence has worked very well over the years to avoid nuclear conflict. Also alternative strategic weapons (e.g. chemical and biological) provide an even more lethal second strike capability than nuclear weapons, whose capabilities are best realized in a first strike against hard targets (such as missile silos) containing a counter-offensive threat. Page 11 of 12 CONCLUSION PGM - not nuclear weapons - are the tools with which military and foreign policy will be shaped. The military applications of PGM are unlimited - in air, land and sea they represent the future for weaponry. In order to exploit the full potential of PGM, however, more resources will need to be diverted from nuclear weapons can be reduced to help rebuild the US economy, a portion must be diverted, to some extent, to tactical weapons production. The arms race in tactical weapons, unlike nuclear weapons, is unrestrained. The horizon of cost-effective, all-weather, simply operated PGM is not far off. An infallibly accurate guided weapon able to dispatch its target under all visibility conditions will be Prometheus' encore. Page 12 of 12