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Developed and analyzed discrete choice models with latent variables/classes Clip-Air concept: Integrated schedule planning for a new generation of aircraft, 2010-2013 Project manager Bilge (Küçük) Atasoy 2 Developed airline schedule planning and fleet assignment models for the new aircraft, compared its per-formance to standard aircraft. MyTosa: Simulation tool for the dimensioning, commercial promotion and case study set-up for ABB’s rev-

Bilge Atasoy Assistant Professor, Transportation Engineering and Logistics Dept. of Maritime and Transport Technology, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, TU Delft E-mail: b.atasoy@tudelft.nl http://web.mit.edu/batasoy/www/ orcid.org/0000-0002-1606-9841 Academic Positions Assistant Professor, Transportation Engineering and Logistics, Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, TU Delft, as of March 2018 Research Affiliate, MIT, ITS Lab, as of March 2018 Research Scientist, MIT, ITS Lab, Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2018 Postdoctoral Research Associate and Teaching Fellow, MIT, ITS Lab, Dec. 2013 - Jan 2017 On maternity leave between Oct 2015-Feb 2016 and part-time appointment between Feb-May 2016 Doctoral Assistant, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL , Sept. 2009 - Nov. 2013. Research and Teaching Assistant, Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Sept. 2007- Aug. 2009. Education Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering (Transportation/Operations Research), TRANSP-OR, EPFL, September 2009 - November 2013. Ph.D. Thesis: Integrated supply-demand models for the optimization of flexible transportation systems Supervisors: Prof. Michel Bierlaire, Dr. Matteo Salani Committee Members: Prof. Cynthia Barnhart, Prof. François Soumis, Prof. François Maréchal, Prof. Philippe Thalmann Visiting Ph.D. Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Transportation/Operations Research), MIT, February 2013 - March 2013. Supervisor: Prof. Cynthia Barnhart M.Sc. Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009. M.Sc. Thesis: A deterministic demand inventory model with advance supply information. Supervisor: Prof. Refik Güllü M.Sc. Exchange student, Operations Management and Logistics, TUE, Netherlands, Fall 2008. Supervisor: Prof. Tarkan Tan B.Sc. Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007. Dissertation: Measurement, analysis and evaluation of academic publications and citations. Supervisor: Prof. Yaman Barlas Bilge Atasoy 2 Research Projects Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization. An app-based travel incentive tool offering real-time personalized information and token rewards to be exchanged for goods & services, May 2016 - Feb 2018 Led the user experience team Developed the user optimization component that provides an optimized menu of options to travelers. Worked on the user optimization dimension including learning of users’ preferences Real-time toll optimization on managed lanes based on prediction of demand and traffic conditions, collaborative project with CINTRA, Oct 2014 - Feb 2018 Project manager Developed a real-time toll optimization platform with students. Wrote the proposal for the project and wrote the follow-up project proposal on personalized tolling policies which was also awarded. Urban Mobility Behaviors & Preferences Test Bed, collaborative project under Ford-MIT Alliance, Jan 2015 Aug 2017 Project manager Design of context-specific app-based stated preferences surveys Flexible Mobility on Demand (FMOD), collaborative project with Fujitsu, Dec 2013 - Mar 2015 Project manager Developed assortment optimization models for the flexible mobility on demand system. Conducted simulation experiments for the analysis of the system. MyTosa: Simulation tool for the dimensioning, commercial promotion and case study set-up for ABB’s revolutionary "Catenary-Free" 100% electric urban public mass-transportation system: Tosa 2013, collaborative project with ABB, 2012-2013 Collaborator Developed optimization models for the location of charging stations. Clip-Air concept: Integrated schedule planning for a new generation of aircraft, 2010-2013 Project manager Developed airline schedule planning and fleet assignment models for the new aircraft, compared its performance to standard aircraft. Inferring transport mode preferences from attitudes, collaborative project with La Poste, 2009-2011 Collaborator Developed and analyzed discrete choice models with latent variables/classes. Submitted Papers / Papers Under Revision Danaf, M., Becker, F., Song, X., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2017) Personalized Recommendations using Discrete Choice Models with Inter- and Intra-Consumer Heterogeneity, submitted to Decision Support Systems Toledo, T., Jing, P., Atasoy, B., Ding-Mastera, J., Santos, J. and Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2018) Intercity truck route choices incorporating heterogeneity in toll road usage, submitted to Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Bilge Atasoy 3 Danaf, M., Atasoy, B., Lima de Azevedo, C., Ding-Mastera, J., Abou-Zeid, M., Cox, N., Zhao, F. and Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2018) Context-aware stated preferences surveys for smart mobility, submitted to Journal of Choice Modeling Osorio, C. and Atasoy, B. (2017) Efficient simulation-based toll optimization for large-scale networks under second review at Transportation Science Song, X., Becker, F., Danaf, M., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2017) Enhancement of Hierarchical Bayes Procedure for Logit Mixture under second review at Marketing Letters. Gupta, S., Seshadri, R., Atasoy, B., Prakash, A. A., Pereira, F., Tan, G. and Ben-Akiva, M.E. (2017) RealTime Predictive Control Strategy Optimization, under second review at IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions. Accepted/Published Papers in International Journals Becker, F., Song, X., Danaf, M., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Bayesian Estimator for Logit Mixtures with Inter- and Intra-Consumer Heterogeneity forthcoming at Transportation Research Part B: Methodological He, H., Atasoy, B., Brazier, J. C., Zegras, P. C. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Alternative Activity Pattern Generation for Stated Preferences Surveys, Published online at Transportation Research Record. Song, X., Danaf, M.,Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Personalized Menu Optimization with Preference Updater: A Boston Case Study, Published online at Transportation Research Record. Atasoy, B., Ikeda, T., Song, X. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2015) The Concept and Impact Analysis of a Flexible Mobility on Demand System. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 56, 373-392. Atasoy, B., Ikeda, T. and Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2015) Optimizing a Flexible Mobility on Demand System. Transportation Research Record No. 2536, 76-85. Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M. (2014). Using semi-open questions to integrate perceptions in choice models. Journal of Choice Modeling 10, 11-33. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bieriare, M. (2014). An Integrated Airline Scheduling, Fleeting, and Pricing Model for a Monopolized Market. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering - Special issue on Computational Methods for Advanced Transportation Planning 29(2), 76-90. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C. (2013). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 13 (2), 123-146. Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). Attitudes towards mode choice in Switzerland. disP - The Planning Review 49(2), 101-117. Atasoy, B., Güllü, R, and Tan, T. (2012). Optimal Inventory Policies with Non-stationary Supply Disruptions and Advance Supply Information. Decision Support Systems - Special issue on Information Issues in Supply Chain and in Service System Design 53 (2), 269-281. Book Chapters Atasoy, B., Ikeda, T. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2016), An Innovative Concept for Paratransit: Flexible Mobility on Demand, in Corinne Mulley , John D. Nelson (ed.) Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future (Transport and Sustainability, Volume 8) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.357 - 375. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions for a new generation of aircrafts. In D. Klatte et al. (ed) Operations Research Proceedings 2011 pp.495-500. Springer. Bilge Atasoy 4 Working Papers / Technical Reports Atasoy, B., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., Bierlaire, M. and Ben-Akiva, M. A choice-based integrated assortment optimization and dynamic pricing for a Flexible Mobility on Demand system. (working paper). Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. A local search heuristic for a mixed integer nonlinear integrated airline schedule planning problem (working paper). Atasoy, B. and Bierlaire, M. (2012) An air itinerary choice model based on a mixed RP/SP dataset. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120426. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings Newly submitted Atasoy, B., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., Bierlaire, M., Ben-Akiva, M. A choice-based dynamic dial-a-ride problem for on-demand transportation, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Song, X., Atasoy, B., Ben-Akiva, M. Sequential personalized menu optimization through bandit learning, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Zhang, Y., Atasoy, B., Prakash, A.A., Ben-Akiva, M. Dynamic Toll Pricing Using DTA System with Online Calibration, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Danaf, M., Guevara, A., Atasoy, B., Ben-Akiva, M. Endogeneity in Adaptive Choice Contexts: Choice-Based Recommender Systems and Adaptive Stated Preferences Surveys, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Seshadri, R., Kumarga, L., Atasoy, B., Danaf, M., Xie, Y., Azevedo, C., Zhao, F., Zegras, C., Ben-Akiva, M. Understanding preferences for automated mobility on demand using smartphone-based stated preference survey: a case study of Singapore, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Xie, Y., Danaf, M., Azevedo, C., Prakash, A.A., Atasoy, B., Jeong, K., Seshadri, R., Ben-Akiva, M. Behavioral Modeling of On-Demand Mobility Services: General Framework and Application to Sustainable Travel Incentives, Submitted to TRB 98 th Annual Meeting. Already accepted and presented Atasoy, B., Lima de Azevedo, C., Danaf, M., Ding-Mastera, J., Abou-Zeid, M., Cox, N., Zhao, F. and BenAkiva, M. (2018) Context-aware stated preferences surveys for smart mobility, 15 th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 15-20, Santa Barbara, California Zhang, Y., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Calibration and Optimization for Adaptive Toll Pricing, Presented at TRB 97 th Annual Meeting. Lima de Azevedo, C., Seshadri, R., Gao, S., Atasoy, B., Akkinepally, A. P., Trancik, J. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization, Presented at TRB 97 th Annual Meeting. Toledo, T., Jing, P., Atasoy, B., Ding-Mastera, J., Santos, J. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2018) Intercity Truck Driver Route Choice Incorporating Drivers’ Heterogeneity in Toll Road Usage: Data Collection, Model Estimation, and Model Application, Presented at TRB 97 th Annual Meeting. Danaf, M., Becker, F., Song, X., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2017) Personalized Recommendations using Discrete Choice Models with Inter-and Intra-Consumer Heterogeneity. International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC) 2017. Song, X., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2017) Smart Mobility through Personalized Menu Optimization. TRB 96 th Annual Meeting. Bilge Atasoy 5 Sharif Azadeh, S., Atasoy, B., Ben-Akiva, M. and Bierlaire, M. (2016) A choice-based integrated assortment optimization and dynamic pricing for a flexible mobility on demand system. Proceedings of 9 th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN) June 13-17, 2016. Wang, S., Atasoy, B. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2016) Real-time Toll Optimization based on Predicted Traffic Conditions. TRB 95 th Annual Meeting. Gupta, S., Seshadri, R., Atasoy, B., Pereira, F., Wang, S., Vu, V.-A., Tan, G., Dong, W., Lu, Y., Antoniou, C. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2016) Real-time Optimization of Network Control Strategies in DynaMIT2.0. TRB 95 th Annual Meeting. Atasoy, B., Ikeda, T. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2015) Optimizing a Flexible Mobility on Demand System. TRB 94 th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, January 11-15, 2015. Atasoy, B., Ikeda, T. and Ben-Akiva, M. (2015) Optimized Travel Menus with a Flexible Mobility on Demand System. Paper presented at Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT), July 19-23, 2015. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). Models and algorithms for integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management. Proceedings of 8 th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN) June 09-14, 2013. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). Integration of explicit supply-demand interactions in airline schedule planning and fleet assignment. Proceedings of the 13 th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) April 24-26, 2013. Chen, J., Atasoy, B., Robenek, T., Bierlaire, M., and Thémans, M. (2013). Planning of feeding station installment for electric urban public mass-transportation system. Proceedings of the 13 th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) April 24-26, 2013. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C. (2012). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system. 52nd AGIFORS Annual Proceedings 2012 - Symposium and Study Group Meeting, pp. 78-103. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). An integrated fleet assignment and itinerary choice model for a new flexible aircraft. Proceedings of the 12 th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) May 2-4, 2012. Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Mode choice with attitudinal latent class: a Swiss case-study. Proceedings of the Second International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC) July 4-6, 2011. Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., Monticone, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Adjectives qualifying individuals’ perceptions impacting on transport mode preferences. Proceedings of the Second International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC) July 4-6, 2011. Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions. Proceedings of the 11 th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) May 11-13, 2011. Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Demand for public transport services: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods. Proceedings of the 10 th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 1 - 3, 2010. Hurtubia, R., Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., Curchod, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Considering latent attitudes in mode choice: The case of Switzerland. Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) July 11-15, 2010. Küçük, B., Güler, N., and Eskici, B. (2008). A dynamic simulation model of academic publications and citations. Proceedings of the 26 th International System Dynamics Conference July 20-24, 2008. Patents Flexible Mobility on Demand, U.S. Application No.: 62/069390, Filing date: October 28, 2014, Inventors: Ben-Akiva M. E., Ikeda, T., Atasoy, B. Bilge Atasoy 6 Presentations at international conferences & invited seminars TRB 97 th Annual Meeting, January 2018 INFORMS, October 2017, Houston, Texas Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, August 2017 IFORS, July 2017, Quebec, Canada Conference on Transportation Systems, EPFL, February 2017 TRB 96 th Annual Meeting, January 2017 Technical University of Eindhoven (TUE), The Netherlands, February 2016 TRB 94 th Annual Meeting, January 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2014, San Francisco, CA International Paratransit Conference: Shaping the Future for Paratransit, October 2014, Monterey, CA The International IIE Conference June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey TRISTAN VIII - The Eigth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, June 2013, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile Seminar at IDSIA, May 2013, Manno-Lugano, Switzerland 11 th OR days, May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland 13 th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), April 2013, Ascona, Switzerland First Workshop on Large Scale Optimization, November 2012, Vevey, Switzerland LATSIS Symposium: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, September 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland 25 th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), July 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania 10 th OR days, June 2012, Neuchatel, Switzerland 12 th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), May 2012, Ascona, Switzerland Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, January 2012, Zinal, Switzerland OR 2011- International Conference on Operations Research, September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland IFORS, July 2011, Melbourne, Australia 11 th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), May 2011, Ascona, Switzerland Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, January 2011, Zinal, Switzerland 10 th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), September 2010, Ascona, Switzerland AGIFORS, Schedule and Strategic Planning Study Group meeting, June 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland 26 th International System Dynamics Conference, July 2008, Athens, Greece Teaching activities TU Delft (2018-) Quantitative Methods for Logistics (ME44205): will be teaching with Mark Duinkerken. Daily supervisor for PhD and MSc students Rie Larsen, PhD student, Predictive Synchromodality for more Efficient Container Transportation, ongoing. Joep Paulusse, TIL MSc graduation project, Optimal hub-locations in on-demand mobile app delivery Bilge Atasoy 7 services, ongoing. Ruden de Boer, TEL MSc graduation project, An optimal logistic infrastructure for recycling of EPS in the Netherlands, ongoing. Menno Dalmijn, TEL MSc graduation project, Development of an Urban E-truck for Lat-mile Logistics, ongoing. Jurriaan Meijboom, TEL MSc graduation project, Waste reduction in e-groceries fulfillment centers: a case study at Picnic, ongoing. Helianne Kalff, TEL MSc graduation project, A decision support model for repair scheduling of trains under different defect types, ongoing. Thesis committee member Jitte S. van Dijk, MSc in Marine Technology in the specialization of Marine Engineering, Selecting an Optimal Power Plant Configuration as Function of the Operational Profile and Client Preferences, June 2018. MIT (2013-2018) 1.202 Demand Modeling (taught by M. Ben-Akiva), Spring 2014-2016 Lead instructor in Spring 2017 during the sabbatical of M. Ben-Akiva. Teaching fellow with an overall rating of 5.9/7.0 for Spring 2014, 6.6/7.0 for Spring 2015 and 6.8/7.0 for Spring 2016. Prepared and led weekly recitations, worked on case studies with students. Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares (taught by M. Ben-Akiva), June 16-20, 2014 and June 15-19, 2015, June 6-10, 2016, June 12-16, 2017 Computer lab leader: prepared and led daily lab sessions, worked on case studies with participants. Taught 2 lectures in 2017 Transportation module of 1.007 Data Analytics: Engineering for Environment and Sustainable Cities, Spring 2015 Design and preparation of student projects related to data analytics 1.200 Transportation Systems Analysis: Performance and Optimization (taught by A. Odoni and C. Osorio), Fall 2014 Guest lecturer for a lecture on Network Flow Models and Variations Overall rating as a lecturer 6.0/7.0 1.201 Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics, Fall 2016 Guest lecturer for a lecture on Flexible Mobility on Demand Mentoring students at the ITS Lab Song, Xiang, Ongoing PhD Thesis on personalized menu optimization Danaf, Mazen, Ongoing PhD Thesis on estimation and update of user preferences Zhang, Yundi, Ongoing PhD Thesis on robust real-time optimization Peaks, Narindra, MEng Thesis on a personalized smartphone app that provides incentives for saving energy, June 2018. Brooks, Jamar G., MEng Thesis: Mobile Interface For Mobility Incentives Schemes: FMS-Advisor, June 2017 Wang, Shi, MSc Thesis: Real Time Toll Optimization based on Predicted Traffic Conditions, June 2016 Cox, Nat, MSc Thesis: Estimating Demand for New Modes of Transportation Using a Context-Aware Stated Preference Survey, June 2015 EPFL (2009-2013) Bilge Atasoy 8 Introduction to differentiable optimization (taught by M. Bierlaire), Fall 2010, 2011, 2012 Led bi-weekly lab sessions, developed student projects on linear and nonlinear optimization problems Operations Research (taught by M. Bierlaire), Spring 2010 Involved in weekly recitations Master thesis supervision for 2 mathematics and 1 civil engineering students Semester project supervision for 4 mathematics and 5 civil engineering students Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares (taught by M. Ben-Akiva and M. Bierlaire), 2011, 2012 Involved in daily lab sessions for the one-week course Bogazici University (2007-2009), Led weekly recitations for the following courses: IE 423 Quality Engineering, Fall 2007 IE 304 Operations Research III: Stochastic Models, Spring 2008 IE 306 Systems Simulation, Spring 2009 Reviewing Transportation Science Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Transportation 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research EJOR European Journal of Operational Research Annals of Operations Research Decision Support Systems EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics Journal of Airline and Airport Management Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Transportmetrica A Journal of Advanced Transportation Journal of Scheduling PUTR: Public Transport Transport Policy Reviewer for ITSC 2016 Reviewer for TRB 2016 - Standing Committee on Paratransit (AP060) Reviewer for TRB 2018 - Standing Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values (ADB10) Reviewer for IATBR 2015 Reviewer for LATSIS Symposium / 1st hEART Conference, 2013 Bilge Atasoy 9 Other academic activities Scientific Committee of hEART 2018 conference in Athens, Greece Organized and chaired a Sustainable Travel Incentives session under the Urban Transportation - Special Interest Group at INFORMS, 2017 Member of INFORMS - Optimization Society and Transportation and Logistics Society Contributions to Research Proposals Personalized tolling policies, 2018, Main contributor, awarded by Ferrovial/ CINTRA Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization, 2015, sponsored by the U.S. Energy Department’s Advanced Research Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) - Contributor, awarded Real-time toll optimization on managed lanes based on prediction of demand and traffic conditions, 2014, Main contributor, awarded by Ferrovial/ CINTRA Clip-Air concept: Integrated schedule planning for a new generation of aircraft, 2010, sponsored by EPFL Middle East - Main contributor, awarded Skills Computer: C, C++, C♯, Matlab, R, Python, AMPL, GLPK, GAMS, Biogeme Languages: Turkish (mother tongue), English (advanced), French (intermediate) Honors, Awards, & Fellowships Best Ph.D. Thesis Award - Swiss Operations Research Society (SVOR/ASRO) prize for an outstanding theoretical or applied Ph.D. Thesis in the field of Operations Research among the theses finalized between 2012-2014. Ph.D. Thesis nominated for the EPFL Ph.D. prize (top 5% of Ph.D. students in EPFL). Best Poster Runner Up Award at the 26 th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society held at Athens, Greece on 20 - 24 July, 2008. Graduated with high honor M.Sc. (3.92/4.00) and B.Sc. (3.71/4.00) degrees. Scholarship from TUBITAK (The scientific and technological research council of Turkey) during Master studies. Scholarship from Bogazici University during bachelor studies. Ranked 5 th in the national university entrance exam in Turkey among 1.5 million participants. 10 Bilge Atasoy References Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva Edmund K. Turner Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Room 1-181, 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 ben-akiva@mit.edu Prof. Michel Bierlaire Transport and Mobility Laboratory - TRANSP-OR Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland michel.bierlaire@epfl.ch Prof. Cynthia Barnhart Chancellor, Ford Professor of Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Room 10-200, 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 cbarnhar@mit.edu Prof. Refik Güllü Department of Industrial Engineering Bogazici University 34342, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey refik.gullu@boun.edu.tr Prof. Yaman Barlas Department of Industrial Engineering Bogazici University 34342, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey ybarlas@boun.edu.tr Dr. Matteo Salani Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence IDSIA Manno-Lugano, Switzerland matteo.salani@idsia.ch Last updated: August 6, 2018