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SSCLE CONFERENCE 27 JUNE – 1 JULY 2022: CRUSADING ENCOUNTERS ROYAL HOLLOWAY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, EGHAM Monday 27 June 12.00 – 17.15 Teachers’ conference 14.30 - 17.30 Registration 17.45 - 18.00 Welcome to conference 18.00 - 19.00 Plenary lecture: Windsor LT Jessalyn Bird (St Mary’s College, Notre Dame): ‘Close Encounters of the Cross-Cultural Kind: Oliver of Paderborn, Jacques de Vitry, Frederick II, and al-Malik al-Kamil’. Tuesday 28 June 9.00-10.00 Plenary lecture: auditorium: Jonathan Harris (RHUL): ‘Constantine X and the Antipope: A proto-proto-Crusade?’ Chair: tbc 10.00-10.30 coffee break 10.30-12.00 SESSION I Session I:1: seminar room 1: Peacemaking and Inter-Cultural Contact Chair: tbc Yvonne Friedman (Bar Ilan University): ‘The Role of Captives in Peacemaking in the Latin East’ Betty Binysh (Cardiff) : ‘The evolution of Frankish-Muslim ‘peaceful’ relations from Saladin to the Ayyubids and early Mamluks’ Sophia Menache (Haifa) – ‘Imagination versus Reality: Interactions between the Crusades and Indigenous People’ Session I:2: seminar room 2: The Later Crusades: Encounters and Representations (I): Memory Organisers: Charlotte Gauthier (Royal Holloway, University of London), Katherine J. Lewis (University of Huddersfield) and Francesca Petrizzo (University of Leeds) Chair: Charlotte Gauthier Katherine J. Lewis: ‘‘...the sayd kyng champyon or deffensour of the feythe’: Remembering Louis IX of France in Late-15th- and Early-16th- Century England’ James Gallacher: ‘Constructing a Legend: The House of Warwick and the Memory of the Crusades in the 15th Century’ Zeynep Cecen (Bilkent): ‘Two different approaches to the failure of the crusade of Nicopolis (1396) in the works of late medieval French authors’ Session I:3: seminar room 3: Crusade and Nature (I): Crusades and Encounters with Nature in the Mediterranean. Organisers: Jessalynn Bird (Saint Mary’s College) and Elizabeth Lapina (University of WisconsinMadison) Chair: Jessalynn Bird Piers Mitchell (University of Cambridge): ‘Crusaders as Microcosm--Crusaders and Intestinal Parasites in the Mediterranean’ Edward Holt (Grambling State University): ‘Estrela do mar: the Sea as a Tool of Crusade in the Cantigas de Santa Maria’ Sini Kangas (Tampere University): ‘‘Little his ears, and tawny all his face’: The Horse and his Knight in the Chronicles and Chansons of the Crusades’ Session I:4: seminar room 4: The Military Orders in the Late Middle Ages Chair: tbc George Summers (Saint Louis University): ‘Obedience and Authority in a Late Medieval Hospitaller Translation of Pseudo-Jerome’s Regula Monacharum’ Christine Isom-Verhaaren (Brigham Young University): ‘Umur of Aydin: Holy War Encounters at Smyrna between Turkish Gazis and the Knights Hospitaller of Rhodes in the mid-14th Century’ Juho Wilskman (Independent Researcher?): ‘The Military Conservatism of the Hospitallers during the Fourteenth and Early Fifteenth Centuries’ Session I:5: seminar room 5: Archaeology and Architecture of the Crusades I Chair: tbc Micaela Sinibaldi (Warsaw and Cardiff): ‘Settlement in Crusader Transjordan (1100–1189): a Historical and Archaeological Study’ Izik Polack (University of Haifa): ‘Landmark to the entrance of Acre harbor at the 12 th -13 th century: Where is St. Andrew's church?’ Benjamin Kedar (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): ‘The contributions of aerial photography to the history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem’ Session I:6: seminar room 6: Remembrance of Crusading in the Late Medieval and Modern Worlds Chair: tbc Cass Chideok (Independent Scholar): ‘The crusading ideology of Joan of Arc’ Carol Sweetenham (University of Warwick/Royal Holloway College): ‘The Crusader Who Never Was and The Editor Who Made Him (Relatively) Famous: Richard Le Pelerin, The Old French Crusade Cycle and French Nationalism’ Oleg Sokolov (St Petersburg State University): ‘Crusades Memory in the Arabic Folk Epics: images and trauma’ Session I:7: seminar room 7: Germany and the Crusades Chair: Alan Murray Jay Rubenstein (University of Southern California): ‘Crusade as Eschatology in Frederick II's Germany’ Lucas Villegas-Aristizabal (Queen’s University): ‘De itinere Frisonum: The Frisian crusading itinerary to the Holy Land 1217-1218: A Frisian Perspective on Crusading as Pilgrimage to the Holy Land’ Darius Baronas (Lithuanian Institute of History): ‘Teutonic Experiences in the Lithuanian Wilderness during the Long Fourteenth Century’ 12.00-12.15 coffee break 12.15-13.15 Plenary lecture: auditorium: Paul M. Cobb (University of Pennsylvania): ‘Encounters in Eurasia: The Boundless World of Johannes Schiltberger’ Chair: Peter Jackson 13.15-14.15 lunch 14.15-15.45 SESSION II Session II:1: seminar room 1: Remembering the Fall: Literary Responses to the Loss of Jerusalem after 1187 Chair: Helen Nicholson (Cardiff) Andrew D. Buck (Independent Researcher): ‘The Historia regum Hierusalem Latinorum ad deplorationem perditionis terrae sanctae accomodata and the Loss of Jerusalem’ Katy Mortimer (RHUL): ‘Not Once But Twice: Losing Jerusalem in Roger of Howden’s Histories of the Third Crusade’ Stephen Spencer (King’s College, London): ‘Revision and Addition in William of Newburgh’s Account of the Third Crusade’ Session II:2: seminar room 2: Italy and the Cross. Crusader Symbology in the Italian Middle Ages Chair: Thomas Madden Antonio Manco (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): ‘The signum crucis in the struggles in Italy of the 11th century. A prototype of the cruce signati?’ Antonio Musarra (Sapienza Università di Roma): ‘The municipal use of the signum crucis between the 12th and 13th centuries in the cities of the Regnum Italiae’ Simone Lombardo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): ‘A new use of the Crusader symbols after the end of Outremer (14th century)’ Session II:3: seminar room 3: The Later Crusades: Encounters and Representations (II): History Organisers: Charlotte Gauthier (Royal Holloway, University of London), Katherine J. Lewis (University of Huddersfield) and Francesca Petrizzo Chair: Francesca Petrizzo Charlotte Gauthier: ‘Defender of the Faith – but why?: Henry VIII and the Benevolence of 1542’ Davide Esposito: ‘Crusading Projects in the Late 15th-Century Italy’ Phil James: ‘Mass Engagement with Crusading Ideas through Communal Religious Observance During the Polish Relief Expedition to Vienna, 1683’ Session II:4: seminar room 4: Crusade and Nature (II): Crusades and Encounters with Nature in Narratives Organisers: Jessalynn Bird (Saint Mary’s College) and Elizabeth Lapina (University of WisconsinMadison) Chair: Elizabeth Lapina Francesco Dall’Aglio (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): ‘An Encounter with Alterity: Western Chronicles of the Third and Fourth Crusade and the Natural Environment of South-Eastern Europe’ G.E.M. Lippiatt (University of Exeter): ‘Nature and SuperNature in the Historical Writing of the Albigensian Crusade’ Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen (Aalborg University): ‘A Crusader Anthropo(s)cene(ry) – Or: Narrating the Seascapes and Landscapes of the Pagan Baltic’ Session II:5: seminar room 5: Encountering Conflict 1 Chair: Michael Fulton (Western University) Nicholas Morton (Nottingham Trent): ‘Tackling Big Cities — Why Did the Crusader States Prove so Consistently Unable to Conquer Aleppo, Damascus, and Cairo (1099–1187)?’ Ian Wilson (Independent Researcher): ‘Head Taking and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: The Motivations for Trophy Heads in the Latin East 1097–1192’ Steve Tibble (RHUL): ‘Crusader Strategy: Planning or Providence? — The Case Studies of Caesarea (1101) and Tyre (1124)’ Session II:6: seminar room 6: Crusade and Material Culture Chair: Richard Leson Ioanna Christoforaki (Academy of Athens): ‘The Acre Tryptich and Franciscan Patronage in the Latin East’ Ruth Jackson-Tal (Israel Museum and Hebrew University): ‘Crusader glass in the last days of the Kingdom of Jerusalem’ Gordon Reynolds (Edinburgh): ‘The Lion Battle on Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Seals: Knighthood and Visual Commemoration of Crusade in the British Isles’ Session II:7: seminar room 7: Developing the Early Crusading Movement Chair: tbc Iris Shagrir (Open University of Israel): ‘Celebrating Victory, Recreating Jerusalem: Liturgy and Crusade Propaganda in Milan, 1100’ James Nauss (Oakland University): ‘Southern Italy and Bohemond's Crusading Ambitions’ Lawrence J. McCrank (Chicago State): ‘Confraternalism and Rise of the Military Orders: The EastWest Connection’ Session II:8: seminar room 8: Archaeology and Architecture of the Crusades II Chair: Heather Crowley (California State University) Andrew Petersen (University of Wales, Trinity St David): ‘Bricks and Stones: Fortification in Mesopotamia in the Time of the Crusades’ Stéphane Pradines (Aga Khan University): ‘Ayyubid Fortifications of Egypt: An Archaeological Gazetteer’ Vardit Shotten-Hallel (Israel Antiquities Authority) and Oren Tal (Tel Aviv University): ‘The Apollonia-Arsuf Excavation Project: An Overview on the Site’s Latest Occupation Layers after 20 Years of Research and Excavations’ 15.45-16.15 coffee 16.15-17.45 SESSION III Session III:1: seminar room 1: History and Culture in the Latin East Chair: Andrew Buck Anastasia Sirotenko (Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Berlin): ‘In search for historical selfreassurance: Constantine, Helena and Heraclius in the social memory of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem (10991187)’ Stefan Vander Elst (University of San Diego): ‘Settler Self-Representation in Twelfth-Century Sources’ Evan McAllister (Saint Louis University): ‘Reading William of Tyre Correctly: Psalmodial Quotations and Devotion in the Historia Ierosolymitana’ Session III:2: seminar room 2: Encounters between Hospitallers, Seculars and Others (1): Military encounters on Rhodes and beyond Chair: Helen J. Nicholson (Cardiff University) Kelly DeVries (Loyola University): ‘Skilled or Just Brave: A Reappraisal of Hospitaller Soldiers at Rhodes in 1480 and 1522’ Theresa Vann (Independent Scholar): ‘The Printing Press in the war against the Turk: a comparison of the sieges of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522’ Greg O’Malley (Independent Scholar): ‘The Mediterranean Acquaintances of the Hospitallers of the English Langue, 1400-1565’ Session III:3: seminar room 3: Settlement and Governance in the Eastern Mediterranean Chair: tbc Matthias Piana (Independent): ‘The Armenian contribution to crusader castle building’ Samantha Cloud (Saint Louis): ‘The Mint of Glarentza and Angevin Imperium in Latin Romania’ Nicholas Coureas (Cyprus Research Centre): ‘Relations between Domestic Servants or Slaves and their Masters on Lusignan Cyprus: Evidence from the Notarial Deeds’ Session III: 4: Windsor LT: Roundtable: “Encounters of the Crusader Period: History through Objects” Organizer: Richard A. Leson (Art History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), in collaboration with Elizabeth Lapina (History, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Cathleen Fleck (Art History, St. Louis University) Chair: Elizabeth Lapina Heather Badamo (University of California) - St. George and the Boy of Mytilene: A Mediterranean Image Gil Fishhof (Haifa) - Early Crusader Imitations of the Fatimid Bezants: Implications for the Interpretation of Monumental Cycles in the Latin Kingdom Nora Lambert (University of Chicago) - Mediterranean Multifaith Encounters: The Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Provenance of the Angevin Kitāb al-Hāwī Anne E. Lester (Johns Hopkins University) - The Heart of the Matter: Inventory, Account, Archive – Excavating Eudes of Nevers’s Material Commemorations Laura J. Whatley (Auburn University at Montgomery) - Signifying and Reclaiming the Holy Places: Teaching the Crusades through Seals Ethel Sara Wolper (University of New Hampshire) - The Freer Canteen Reconsidered: Relics and the Agony of Attribution? Session III:5: seminar room 5: Archaeology and the Military Orders Chair: tbc Mark Nicovich (William Carey University): ‘Fair Views over the Jordan: GIS Modeling and the visual environment of Belvoir Castle’ Christer Carlsson (Independent Researcher): ‘Aslackby Templar Preceptory - a 2021 Research Excavation to Show its Location and Layout’ Giampiero Bagni (Università di Bologna and Nottingham Trent University): ‘The Sarcophagus of Templar General Master Arnau de Torroja in Verona? Sources and scientific analysis on the discovered tomb at San Fermo Maggiore’ Session III:6: seminar room 6: Crusading and the Ottomans (I) Chair: tbc Lezlie Knox (Marquette University): ‘Crusading Martyrdom: Thomas of Florence, Prester John, and the Ottoman Turks’ Aphrodite Papayianni (Birkbeck College - University of London): ‘Plato’s Plea to Pope Leo X for A Crusade Against the Ottomans In The 16th century’ Roman Ivashko (Independent Scholar): ‘The Lviv Latin Metropolitanate and Encounters of the Crusade of Varna’ Session III:7: Seminar room 7: Later Crusades: Encounters and Representations (III): Cultural Responses Chair: Katherine J. Lewis Niccolò Ferrari: ‘Singing the Armed Man: Naples Biblioteca Nazionale, Ms VI.E.40 and the Late Medieval Crusading Movement’ James Mixson: ‘Ottoman Encounters and Cultural Memory: The Case of Belgrade’ Francesca Petrizzo: ‘The Italian Way: 16th- and 17th-Century Crusader Poems in Italy’ Session III:8: seminar room 8: Memory of Crusading in Medieval European Imagination Chair: Nicholas Paul Amanda Luyster (College of the Holy Cross): ‘Richard and Saladin on the Field of War: Newlyrecovered texts pieced together from the Chertsey tile fragments (c. 1250)’ Malek J. Zuraikat (Yarmouk University): ‘The Role of the Crusade in Shaping Fourteenth-Century English Literature' Brian David (Saint Louis University): '“His Munificence was the Subject of Many Legends:” Reconceptualizing Saladin in Italian Literary and Historical Traditions, 1187-1400' 17.45-18.30 Picture gallery: drinks Wednesday 29th June 9.00-10.00 Plenary lecture: auditorium: Kurt Villads Jensen (Stockholm University): ‘Making Sense of Sacred War. Crusading and a new understanding of the physical world c 1050 – c 1300’ Chair: Nikolas Jaspert (University of Heidelberg) 10.00-10.30 coffee break 10.30-12.00 SESSION IV Session IV:1: seminar room 1: Engaging the Crusades: Myth and Memory I: Visions & Mirages Organizer: Rory MacLellan Chair: Astrid Swenson (University of Bayreuth, Ger.) Adam Knobler (Ruhr University, Bochum, Ger.), ‘American Knighthood: The Lost Cause, Catholic Revival and Crusading Imagery’ Marco Giardini (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris), ‘The Crusading Traits of the “Great Monarch” in Catholic Prophetic and Visionary Accounts of the 19th and 20th Centuries’ Rory MacLellan (Historic Royal Palaces, UK), ‘Pith Helmets and Crusader Crosses: Life in the Armed Brothers of the Sahara, 1890-92’ Session IV:2: seminar room 2: Reframing the Context of the First Crusade Organizers: Philip Booth (Manchester Metropolitan University) and James Doherty (University of Birmingham) Chair: tbc Philip Booth (Manchester Metropolitan University): ‘The Desire to Travel to Jerusalem: The Spirit of 11th Century Holy Land Pilgrimage’ Andrew Jotischky (RHUL): ‘Monks and Muslims before the First Crusade’ James Kane (Flinders University): ‘ “You commanded us to follow Christ by carrying crosses”: Pope Urban II and the Origins of the Crusading Cross’ Session IV:3: seminar room 3: Encounters between Hospitallers, Seculars and Others (II): Domestic encounters: the Hospitallers’ everyday environment Chair: Helen J. Nicholson (Cardiff University) Judith Bronstein (University of Haifa): ‘The Hospitallers’ food production: a case study of crosscultural contacts in the Latin East’ Simon Phillips (University of Cyprus): ‘Green Fingers: The Hospitallers’ encounters with their environment on Rhodes’ Anthony Luttrell (Independent Scholar): ‘Hospitaller Lodgings and Auberges on Rhodes after 1309’ María Bonet Donato (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Julia Pavón Benito (Universidad de Navarra): ‘Hospitallers in a multiethnic society. Northeastern Spain (XIII-XV centuries)’ Session IV:4: seminar room 4: Crusading and the Eastern World Chair: tbc Cheryl Midson (University of Reading): ‘The Dominican Order and Eastern Christianity’ Tessa Hosking (Independent Scholar): ‘Encounters with Africans in Crusade Narratives’ Adam Simmons (Nottingham Trent): ‘The Kingdom of Kongo: A Proto-Crusading Kingdom?’ Session IV:5: seminar room 5: Representing Christians and Islam Chair: tbc Marianne Ailes: ‘Engaging with the Other: constructed debates between Christian and Saracen in chansons de geste and related texts’ Victoria Turner (St Andrews University): ‘The Ties that Bind: Family, Fairy tale and Crusade in Late Chansons de geste’ Caroline Smith (Fordham University): ‘Fear and Loathing on the Nile: John of Joinville, Muslims and the Bedouin’ Session IV:6: seminar room 6: Crusade Memory in the 15th century Chair: tbc Lorenz Kammerer (Johannes Gutenberg University): ‘Encountering the crusading past in the 15th century: John Cotbus of Sommerfeld’s didactical use of history’ Rombert Stapel (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam): ‘Reception of crusading literature in the medieval Northern Low Countries’ Valentin Portnykh (Novosibirsk State University): ‘A Hypothesis on the Use of the Chronicle of the First Crusade by Robert the Monk in the Fifteenth Century’ Session IV:7: seminar room 7: Crusading against Christians: Mediterranean Perspectives (I) Organisers: Nikolaos G. Chrissis (Democritus University of Thrace) and Mike Carr (University of Edinburgh) Chair: Rebecca Rist (University of Reading) Mike Carr: ‘Crusades against the Catalans of Athens Nikolaos G. Chrissis: ‘Crusading against the Byzantines’ Francesco Migliazzo (University of Edinburgh, UK): ‘The War of the Sicilian Vespers and the Crusades: the alliance between the Papacy and the Angevins’ 12.00-12.15 break 12.15-13.15 Plenary lecture: auditorium: William Purkis (University of Birmingham): ‘Encounters with an Absent God-Man: Material Loss, Crusading, and the Conservation of Religious Technology’ Chair: Andrew Jotischky 13.15-14.15 lunch 14.15-15.45 SESSION V Session V:1: seminar room 1: Engaging the Crusades (II): Art, Cinema & Song Chair: Elizabeth Siberry (Ind., UK) Sarah Bernhardt (Cambridge University): ‘Crusading Imagery in the Context of Global Contemporary Art’ Kate Arnold (Nottingham Trent University): ‘Pop and the Palästinalied: A Crusade Song Revived at the Turn of a New Millennium’ Mohamed Fawzy Masry Raheel (Matrouh University, Egypt): ‘Between Historiography and Media: The Crusades in Yousef Shaheen’s Cinema’ Session V:2: seminar room 2: Reframing the First Crusade (II) Chair: tbc Natasha Hodgson (Nottingham Trent University): ‘Reframing Leadership and Authority on the First Crusade’ Jason Roche (Manchester Metropolitan University): ‘Locating the Battle of “Dorylaion” (1097): New Methods, New Discoveries’ Jennifer Markey (Independent Scholar): ‘Encounters with Armenians in the Estoire d’Antioche’ Session V:3: seminar room 3: Twenty Years to the Multi-Cultural Turn in Crusade Studies – In Memory of Ronnie Ellenblum (I) Organizers: Christopher MacEvitt and Uri Shachar Chair: Iris Shagrir (Open University Israel) Nicholas L. Paul (Fordham University): ‘Hortis et pomeriis habitatores delectat: Gardens in the Landscape of the Latin East’ Uri Shachar (Ben-Gurion University): ‘Spaces of Monotheism: an Appreciation of Prof. Ellenblum’s Legacy’ Tamar Boyadjian (Michigan State University): ‘Lamentation and Medieval Geographies: Re-reading the Eastern Mediterranean through the work of Dr. Ronnie Ellenblum’ Session V:4: seminar room 4: Crusading and Eastern Europe Chair tbc Zsolt Hunyadi (University of Szeged): ‘Travelling on negotium Dei until the late 12th century: crusading encounters in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary’ Grant Schrama (Queen’s University Canada): ‘Encounters with the Devil: Crusading, Colonialism and the Rhetoric of Conquest along the Baltic frontier’ Patrick Meehan (Harvard University): ‘A Promised Wilderness: Chronicling Encounters in Prussia, c.1250-1400’ Session V:5: seminar room 5: Crusade Promotion Chair: tbc José Ricardo Rodriguez: ‘ “He said to them, Go into all the world...” The preaching of the Bull Audita Tremendi, transcending the borders of Christendom (1187-1189)’ Alexander Marx: ‘What is a crusade sermon? Methodological approaches based on the Third Crusade’s corpus’ Alessandro Scalone (RHUL): ‘The Recovery of Jerusalem and the relationship between the Mongols and the West’ Session V:6: seminar room 6: The Crusades and the Islamic World: From the Medieval to the Modern Chair: Paul Cobb Paul Chevedden (University of Texas at Austin): ‘Christian and Islamic Theological Reflections on the Crusades: Encountering the World-Historical Works of God of the Eleventh Century’ Mohamed el-Merhab (Groningen): ‘Louis IX’s Captivity and the Transition from Ayyubid to Mamluk Sultanate’ Leo Carter (Royal Holloway): ‘The Register of John de Pontissara, Bishop of Winchester, and the Voice of the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt in the Aftermath of the Fall of Acre (1291)’ Session V:7: seminar room 7: Relics and Cult Sites in the Latin East Chair: tbc Ana Núñez (Stanford): ‘Communicating Sacral Rule: Gifts of the True Cross from the Latin Monarchs of Jerusalem (1099-1187) Gil Fishhof (Haifa University): ‘Akeldama, Emmaus (Abu-Ghosh), and the Hospitaller Loca Sancta Campaign of the mid-12th Century’ Miriam Rita Tessera (Independent Researcher): ‘Never Ending Stories: Western encounters with Outremer relics before the Fourth Crusade’ 15.45-16.15 coffee 16.15-17.45 SESSION VI Session VI:1: seminar room 1: Engaging the Crusades (III): Crusades in Digital Culture Chair: Katherine J. Lewis Sandra Gorgievski (University of Toulon), ‘Wielding the Sword of Islam, Playing as Muslim ruler in the game Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam (2012)’ Thomas Lecaque (Grand View University), ‘Erasing the Twilight of the Crusades: Empire: Total War and Pop Culture Periodizations’ Brian Egede-Pedersen (University of Southern Denmark):‘The New New Knighthood? – The Knights Templar in Memes and Manifestos on the Far Right’ Session VI:2: seminar room 2: Reframing the First Crusade (III) Chair: tbc Edward Caddy (Queen Mary, University of London): ‘Reframing the Third Crusade: Crusader Kings, Chroniclers, and Canon Law’ Alan Murray (University of Leeds): ‘Chivalric Crusading: A New Kind of Motivation after 1200’ Simon John (Swansea University): ‘The memorialisation of Godfrey of Bouillon in Brussels and Brabant during the Middle Ages’ Session VI:3: seminar room 3 Crusading against Christians: Mediterranean Perspectives (II) Organisers: Nikolaos G. Chrissis (Democritus University of Thrace) and Mike Carr (University of Edinburgh) Chair: Nikolaos G. Chrissis Rebecca Rist (University of Reading): ‘Rhetoric or Reality: Popes, Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade’ Gianlucca Raccagni (University of Edinburgh): ‘Communal Italy and crusading in the first half of the thirteenth century Thomas Madden (Saint Louis University): ‘The Plan to Relocate the Venetian Capital to Constantinople after the Fourth Crusade’ Session VI: 4: seminar room 4 Crusade and Warfare James Currie (RHUL): ‘Elevated Violence in Crusade Accounts and the "Ambivalent Force" of Chivalry’ Stephen Bennett (Independent Scholar): ‘The Myth of Martial Individualism in the Middle Ages: Close Combat and Unit Cohesion on the Third Crusade’ Dana Cushing (Independent Scholar): ‘Encountering the Swordbrothers and the Teutonic Order Across Medieval Times’ Session VI:5: seminar room 5 Cities and Diplomacy in the Crusader East Chair: tbc Michael Ehrlich (Bar Ilan University): ‘From an Eastern Madina to a Western Pilgrimage City: Jerusalem during the Crusader Period (1099-1187)’ Danielle Park (RHUL: ‘Fulk and Melisende: Encounters with Damascus’ Scott Moynihan (Pembroke College, Oxford): ‘Inter-Religious Diplomacy and Canon Law in the Era of the Crusades’ Session VI:6: seminar room 6: Crusading Families Chair: tbc Guy Perry (Middlebury College): 'Crusading as an exercise in ‘public relations’: looking at the Briennes, 1114-1332' Randall Todd Pippenger (American Academy in Rome): ‘The Champenois in Italy: Crusading Diasporas in the Thirteenth Century’ Susanne Hafner (Fordham University): ‘A German-Outremer Power Couple: Otto von Botenlauben and Beatrix de Courtenay’ 17.45-18.30 break 18.30-20.30 dinner Thursday 30th June DAY TRIP Friday 1st July 10.00-10.30 coffee 10.30-12.00 SESSION VII Session VII:1: seminar room 1: Engaging the Crusades: Historiography (1): Constructing the Crusades Chair: tbc Marcello Pacifico (Pegaso University of Naples, Italy): ‘Historiography and the Construction of the Idea of Crusade in the Twentieth Century’ Raitis Simsons (University of Latvia): ‘Arch-enemy or an Episode in Medieval History? Baltic Crusades as Interpreted by Latvian Historiography during the 19th-21st Centuries’ Ahmed Sheir (Philipps-University, Marburg): ‘Between Memory and Stereotypes: The Crusades (alḤurūb al-Ṣalībīyah) in Egyptian Textual and Cultural Materials of the 19th & 20th Centuries’ Session VII:2: seminar room 2: The Crusades and Iberia Chair: tbc Miguel Gomez (University of Dayton): ‘Papal bulls and the Iberian crusades’ Pål Berg Svenungsen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences): ‘A Song of Ice and Fire – The Norwegian-Castilian Marriage Alliance of 1257 in the context of the Crusades’ Paula Pinto Costa (Porto)/Joana Lencart (Porto): ‘Crusade versus Reconquest in Portugal: the terminology used in reconquest narratives and through the royal and papal appropriation of the territory’ Session VII:3: seminar room 3: ‘Encountering the Past' in the Crusader States (I) Organisers: Anna Gutgarts (Hebrew University), Jonathan Rubin (Bar-Ilan University), and Wolf Zöller (University of Heidelberg) Chair: Andrew Jotischky Wolf Zöller: ‘Return to the Homeland. Reviving the Early Church in Crusader Jerusalem’ Jonathan Rubin (Bar-Ilan University): ‘Outremer’s Intellectuals and the Geography of the Holy Land’ Anna Gutgarts (Hebrew University Jerusalem): ‘Encountering the Urban Past in Crusader Jerusalem and the Reshaping of the Cityscape’ Session VII:4: seminar room 4: Crusade and Narrative Chair: tbc Tomasz Pełech (Warsaw): ‘Sin – Redemption – Victory: The image of the Crusaders’ victory over the Muslim forces in the Battle of Antioch in the Gesta Francorum and Tudebode's Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere’ Teresa Rudolph (Münster): ‘The Lord alone was their leader? Encountering Decision- Making Practices on the First Crusade’ Connor Wilson (Lancaster): ‘Holy War in North Yorkshire: Sanctity, barbarity and plunder in the Relatio de Standardo of Aelred of Rievaulx’ Session VII:5: seminar room 5 Living in Montfort Castle Organizer and Chair: Dr Rabei Khamisy (Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa) Nuha Agha (University of Haifa): ‘Faunal remains from Montfort castle’ Joppe Gosker (Israel Antiquities Authority): ‘The metal of Montfort’ Adrian Boas (University of Haifa): ‘A Tenacious Hold: The Impact of the Siege of Montfort Castle in 1266’ Session VII:6: Windsor LT Roundtable: The Muslim Sources of the Crusader Period Organizers: Suleiman Mourad (Smith College) and Robert Lindsay (Colorado State) Chair: Suleiman Mourad Speakers: Jessalyn Bird; Paul Cobb; Cecilia Gaposchkin; James Lindsay 12.00-12.15 break 12.15-13.15 Plenary lecture: auditorium: Astrid Swenson (Bayreuth University) Title tbc 13.15-14.15 lunch] 14.15-15.45 SESSION VIII Session VIII:1: seminar room 1: Law and the Latin East Chair: tbc Tomislav Karlović (University of Zagreb): ‘William of Tyre and the case of Ralph of Domfront (Historia Ierosolymitana XV, 11-17) – communicating legal knowledge and the Romano-canonical procedure’ Thomas Morin (Saint Louis University): ‘Mythology and the Law: Les Letres dou sepulcre and the Kingdom of Jerusalem's inheritance, (1099 – 1264)’ Amanda Racine (Fordham): ‘A Culture of Service: Reading Service in John of Ibelin’s Livre des assises’ Miloš Stanković (University of Belgrade): ‘The Assise Sur La Ligece As Magna Carta Of The Latin East’ Session VIII:2: seminar room 1: Engaging the Crusades: Historiography (II): Ancestors and Antecedents Chair: Mike Horswell) Benjamin Weber (University of Toulouse, Fr.), ‘“Crusade”: A Word and its Uses Since Medieval Times’ Elizabeth Siberry (Ind), ‘Claiming crusaders: Creative Genealogy and the Tudor and Stuart Gentry’ Daniella Talmon-Heller (Ben-Gurion University): ‘Saladin in Israel and Palestine’ Session VIII:3: Windsor LT: Roundtable: Reframing the First Crusade, 1000–1200 Organisers: Philip Booth (Manchester Metropolitan University) and James Doherty (University of Birmingham) Chair: Philip Booth Speakers: Jason Roche; James Doherty; Francesca Petrizzo; Nicholas Paul; Fozia Bora (University of Leeds) 15.45-16.15 coffee 16.15-17.45 SESSION IX Session IX:1: seminar room 1: The Crusader’s Cross Organizer: Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College) Chair: William Purkis Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College): ‘Cross relics in Crusading Warfare’ Anne Lester (Johns Hopkins University): ‘The Crusader Cross at Clairvaux’ Matthew Phillips (Concordia University): ‘The Mystery Redemption: Preaching the Cross in the Theological and Devotional Context of the Twelfth Century’ Sara Lipton (Stony Brook University New York): ‘Attende Rectorem Caeli Stantem in Cruce: The Cross in a Sermon for the Crusade Against Peter of Aragon’ Session IX:2: seminar room 2: Engaging the Crusades: Historiography (IV): Studying the Crusades Today Chair: Rory MacLellan Peter Konieczny (Editor medievalists.net and Medieval Warfare), ‘Crusades and YouTube’ Christoph T. Maier (University of Zurich): ‘Carl Erdmann vs. William of Tyre: How Modern are Modern Crusade Studies?’ Mike Horswell (Ind.): ‘Connecting Crusading Pasts and Futures: Reception Studies as a Way Forward for Crusader Medievalism’ Session IX:3: seminar room 3: Encountering the Ottomans: The Papacy and the Crusade, 1453-1471 Organiser: Jonathan Harris Chair: tbc Nancy Bisaha (Vassar College NY): ‘A Place for the Ottomans in Europe? Pius II’s Shifting Views’ Jonathan Harris: ‘Pius II and the Patriarch: Spectacle and Propaganda’ Mark Whelan (King’s College London): ‘Saxon Dukes and Turkish Lands: Planning the Crusade in the Holy Roman Empire’ Session IX:4: seminar room 4: Twenty Years to the Multi-Cultural Turn in Crusade Studies – In Memory of Ronnie Ellenblum (II) Organizers: Christopher MacEvitt and Uri Shachar Chair: Christopher MacEvitt Jimmy Schryver (University of Minnesota Morris): ‘The influence of Ronnie Ellenblum's models on the larger field of Crusader Archaeology and Castle Studies’ Ann Zimo (University of New Hampshire): ‘Ronnie Ellenblum and His Legacy of Interdiscplinarity in Crusades Studies’ Brendan Goldman (University of Washington): ‘Borderless States or States Beyond Borders: Mediterranean Jews and Legal Extraterritoriality’ 18.00-18.30 drinks 18.30- dinner