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My keynote presentation at the ISPOR Israel Chapter annual conference
Preface "Faith, liberty, friendship, chief blessings of the human mind" (Tacitus) "When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me." (Emo Philips) "He who believes does not know he believes. He who knows he believes does not believe" (Joshua Sobol) Oren Hasson opens his discussion of the "Evolution of God" with a quote from Lewis Carroll's book Through the Looking Glass, according to which: …the Queen tells Alice that she is "'just one hundred and one, five months and a day.' 'I can't believe that!' said Alice. 'Can't you?' the Queen said in a pitying tone. 'Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.' Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said: 'one can't believe impossible things.'" In Centro IV x* Alice was wrong, of course. We believe in many highly improbable things. Sometimes it even seems to us, especially when we contemplate the beliefs of others, that the more impossible things are, the more easily we are persuaded to believe in them. Pay attention what people believe or believed: according to the Papago native American tribe, living in Arizona, out of the primordial chaos was born a child named 'First Born'. He created the earth with the help of song-a motif of sacred importance among the native Americans. 'First Born' only created the sun after the explicit request of humans, who wanted to see one another and live in peace with one another. The Greeks believed that the Titans created the world, that Prometheus created humans and became their patron, and they also believed that the first woman, Pandora, was created by Hades, god of the volcano and the underworld. The statement about the social role of man and woman in our world is deeply embedded and emphasized in this creation narrative. The god Ngāi, who resides atop Mount Kenya, promised the promised land, namely, the highlands of Kenya, with its fertile lands, to the chosen people, the Kikuyu tribe. Most believers in a singular God believe that his son, Jesus, born of a virgin, is the Messiah who brought redemption to the world and that there is none beside him. Hundreds of millions of others believe that God changed his covenant with the descendants of Abraham for the sake of his covenant with the prophet Muhammad. A negligible minority of monotheistic believers are more optimistic, still hoping that the Messiah has not yet come and that there is still room to expect a better world. An even smaller minority within this minority was more precise in its expectations and believed that the late Lubavitcher Rebbe is the Messiah, and behold, the end of days is upon us. Many of these believers continued to believe this even when the rabbi was on his deathbed, and many of them still believe
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2016
From the Margins to the Fore? Religious Zionism and Israeli Society, edited by Yair Sheleg, 2018
Aleh, The Journal for Mathematics Teachers, 2001
המחברת מביאה סקירת ספרות העוסקת במחקרים בינלאומיים ובהשפעות ההבדלים בין המיגדרים על ההישגים במתמטיקה בעולם ובמיוחד בישראל בשנים .1999 - 1963תוצאות המחקרים מתייחסות לשלש שכבות גיל: כיתה ד', כיתה ח', כיתה יב The author prsents us with a literature survey of international tests about gender differences in mathematics around the world, and especially in israel in the years 1963-1999. These differences have been examined in 3 age-groups: grade3, grade 8 and grade 12 students.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
Vector error correction models (VECM) are used to model price transmission when farm and retail prices are cointegrated. To allow for non-linearity in the cointegration process, researchers may specify thresholds to break the error correction process into regimes according to whether the retail price is above, below, or close to its equilibrium value given farm prices. However, because the coefficients in a VECM can change when there is movement from one regime to another, the model can be discontinuous. This implies sudden, "hard" regime changes. In this study, we extend the threshold VECM to include features of STAR models. Our approach allows for gradual, soft regime changes. An empirical application to retail cheese and farm milk price is presented.
Cancer Research, 2011
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified three genomic regions, at 15q24-25.1, 5p15.33 and 6p21.33, which associate with risk of lung cancer. Large meta-analyses of GWA data have failed to find additional associations of genome-wide significance. In this study, we sought to confirm 7 variants with suggestive association to lung cancer (P<10 −5 ) in a recently published meta-analysis. In a GWA dataset of 1,447 lung cancer cases and 36,256 controls in Iceland, three correlated variants on 15q15.2 (rs504417, rs11853991 and rs748404) showed a significant association with lung cancer whereas rs4254535 on 2p14, rs1530057 on 3p24.
Meningiomas are predominantly benign tumors, which arise from the arachnoids' cap cells. They account for 20% of all primary intracranial neoplasms. The p53 tumor suppressor is a key regulator of cell cycle progression, such that its inactivation promotes increased cell growth and tumorigenesis. Inactivation of p53 as a consequence of p14 ARF loss and MDM2-mediated degradation may contribute to meningioma progression. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that had been performed at the National Center for Neurological Sciences during February 2011 to December 2013. All meningioma tumors at Elhassan Medical Laboratory for histopathology and cytology during the above mentioned period were processed for P53 protein immunohistochemistry. Data were analyzed using SPSS 13 software with reference P.value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant Results: The sequencing results showed heterozygosity of T>G in exon 4 at protein position ( Ala 70Ala) in 16 samples (10 fibrous, 5 atypical and one anaplastic). Within the afore-mentioned 16 samples, 6 samples showed heterozygosity of C>T in exon 4 at position Ala 69 Val, (this polymorphism had 5 features). Positive immmuno-staining for p53 was identified in 76% of the patients . Labelling indexes of 11-20% were reported in 32.8% of the p 53 group, mostly in fibrous and atypical subtypes of meningioma.
__________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN Fundamento: la disminución de la sístole eléctrica cardíaca (intervalos cortos de P R y QTc en el mismo electrocardiograma, también conocido como patrón electrocardiográfico de Breijo es cada vez más estudiada. Objetivo: mostrar las características electrocardiográficas del patrón electrocardiográfico de Breijo y manifestaciones clínicas. Desarrollo: la gran mayoría de las veces se puede pasar por alto en un trazado de electrocar-diograma. Se han estudiado y contrastado más de 127 casos. Su diagnóstico es esencial para evitar la consecuencia más dolorosa: la muerte evitable. A pesar de que para muchos autores, la sístole eléctri-ca cardíaca comprende solo desde el comienzo de la onda Q hasta el final de la onda T, es decir, la des-polarización y la repolarización de los ventrículos, las aurículas también forman parte de ella. Por lo tanto, la onda P, así como el segmento PR, deben ser parte de la sístole cardíaca eléctrica. Cuando hay un acortamiento del intervalo PR junto con un acortamiento del intervalo QT, se debe hablar sobre dis-minución de la sístole eléctrica cardíaca. Este peculiar patrón electrocardiográfico se denomina Patrón de Breijo: Un intervalo PR inferior a 0,120 segundos junto con un intervalo QTc inferior a 0,360 segun-dos. Conclusiones: es típico en pacientes portadores del patrón de Breijo peculiaridades comunes: 1.-Síntomas inespecíficos que se consideran leves, como: Palpitaciones, por lo general en las noches, que despiertan al paciente del sueño natural. Profunda sudoración nocturna y sentimientos de mareo mal interpretados. 2.-Sensación de dolor torácico inespecífico, no irradiado y cuyo estudio electrocar-diográfico se considera, en la gran mayoría de los casos, como inespecífico y atípico, ya que no se ob
OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II Exam Guide Exam 1Z0 809 by Kathy Sierra Bert Bates Elisabeth Robson
Ukrainian Food Journal, 2015
Journal of Network and Systems Management, 1996
Journal of Development Studies, 2000
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2003
Molecular Brain Research, 2002
34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 2013
InTech eBooks, 2018
Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2012
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2012
Scientia Forestalis/Forest Sciences