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A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian

2004, Journal of Semitic Studies

Lemmata - unicode CDA Archive - Unicode Version ● ● Back to CDA home page Contributors If your browser can read unicode, the following characters will be displayed correctly: a macron - ā e macron - ē i macron - ī u macron - ū het - h shin - š s.adi - • t.et - • List of roots p. xvii blky corrected to blkt in 2nd impression. p. xix add hms see hummusum p. xx add mšt see mašātu abāku(m) II for OB see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 351 note g) ad no. 171.rev.10'. abal see a-bal qibītišu •irtu 'without his elevated decree' Nabonidus (Harran), Gadd, Anatolian Studies 8 (1958) p. 62 ii.36; cf. Moran, Or. NS 28 (1959) 139. abašmû for f. abašmītu 'of Kaniš' see CT 44 23:11 (not lex.!; cited MSL 10, p. 21 ad. l. 175). abātu(m) II G for OB see George, NABU 1991 p. 16 no. 19.1 ad Gilg. Y.iv.18 Ih-bu-tu. abbāšu Freydank, WVDOG 92, no. 5.40’; see Postgate, Studies Veenhof, p. 375 for another attestation and possibility that the word refers to a textile worker. [abbu] AHw meaning 2 suppressed. In KAV 99:22 read •i-ir-pa na!-ab-bi-ša (see Freydank/Saporetti, Bābu-aha-iddina. Die Texte, p. 61). file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (1 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode abbuttānû transfer to apputtānû [see abbuttu(m)]. abbuttu(m) in the light of OB pl. appātim (see CAD A/ii, 182a, ref. Stol) better transferred to apputtu(m) I, renumbering apputtu(m) I as a. II and a(p)puttum II as a. III ābirû Lambert, JSS 27 (1982), 282-3. abratemum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24 IM 90646:12. abu(m) I 9. see Gilg. VI.89. 11. see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 187 ad no. 600:14. aburri•ānu better continuē Bogh., jB burri•ānu (a burrowing animal) M/jB [see Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 628]. adamdunû [better adamdunûm]; add OB lex. see von Soden, ZA 68 (1978) p. 38 fn. 19. adāmum Durand/Michel, NABU 1991, p. 62 no. 91. aduššu better: adaššu(m), jB also aduššu; meaning better 'lower town' [Stol after D. Charpin, MARI 7 (1983) 194-6; for OB (Mari) attestations and identity with adaššu see Dossin, RA 66 (1972) p. 115 A. 2830 rev. 18; p. 117 A. 826 rev. 25, etc. āgilu for the form agillu see Lambert, in H. Goedicke & J.J.M. Roberts (eds.), Unity and Diversity, pp. 116-7, A.8, 10. agubbû better agubbû(m) read O/jB [(DUG.)A.GÚB.BA; OB E.GUB]; < Sum [B. Landsberger/T. Jacobsen, JNES 14, 15-16 p. 22; JNP 19.1.03]. ahātu II 2. MA 'sleeves' cf. ahu(m) II 5 (from CAD A/i, 208 ahu B 4). ahāzu(m) OAkk see Frayne, RIME 2, p. 15:108. ahītu(m) 2. for NA pl. see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 27, no. 5.iii.26'. āhizum Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 203-4 note a) ad no. 60:9,12 (but meaning adjusted). alālu(m) II š in qāta šūlulu Ludlul I.36; see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) p. 198. ali II Durand, RA 82 (1988) 106. alti period O/jB, see von Soden, ZA 68 (1978), 78 ad ll. 58, 60 (Atrahasis Tablet I, Old Babylonian); see also Or. NS 38 (1969) 422 fn.2. alû(m) III for OB see Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 119-121. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (2 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode amertu(m) I for Mari form imertum and proposed meaning 'témoignage oculaire' see Lackenbacher, ARM 26/ii, p. 393 note o) ad no. 468:rev.31'; meanings 'view' and 'preference' proposed [JNP]. anāhu(m) I št for astr. 'endure' see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 62 no. 103:1. anīhu this form preferable to ānihu (so CAD A/ii, 121-2) [JAB]. annaku(m) for MA a. pa•iu see Freydank, Studies Diakonoff, pp. 64ff. annîša(m) add MA(Am.) also ana anniša 'until now, heretofore' (EA No. 15:9) [JNP] annuharu(m) for Mari form innuharum see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 298 note a) ad no. 134:7'. anta•û [better 'of Assur'] see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) 285; Livingstone, MMEW 270 n. 15. anummikê Wilhelm, ZA 79 (1989) 76. apāpum G unattested pace AHw N ARM 26/ii, pp. 180-4, nos. 372:31 with note i) and 373:16; see Durand, NABU 1988, pp. 19-20 no. 25. apislat see AHw 1544a s.v. apišalû. appātu add cross-ref. to apputtu(m) I. appiš for OB see van Soldt, AbB 12, pp. 44-5 no. 56:23. appu(m) 2. for Mari a. mahā•um see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 321 note b) ad no. 154:31-2. appūna add: jB also ippunna, Gilg. I.276 [ARG]. aramanātu STT 230:19 [JAB]. arānu(m) II Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 176 note c) ad no. 39:45. arāru(m) III for this and similar verbs see Landsberger, MSL 9, pp. 213ff. argabu for meaning read: 'bat' [see M.Civil, Aula Orientalis 2 (1984) 5-9; Stol]. armannu(m) correct layout of first two lines of entry. arû(m) IV for jB D see Köcher, BAM 241.rev.7 ana ur-re-e [KH]. arugimānum Steinkeller, Sale documents of the Ur III Period (FAOS 17) pp. 327-8 ad no. 127:10-14. aruppu for meaning see CAD S, 347a s.v. suhātu A, lexical section. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (3 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode arurtu for jB form aruštu see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 258 no. 459:7. asari(y)ānum add, with cross-reference to sari(y)am. asarum Durand, MARI 6 (1990), pp. 60-1. assurri Moran, JAOS 108 (1988) 307-8 for negative nuance. ašgandu ašganda, ašganna/u, ša/ugandu, šaganna 'messenger' NB, esp. as family name; < Iran; see Powell, Arch. Or. 40 (1972) 126. aširi see Rainey, JNES 26 (1967) 296ff. ašlukkatu for meaning 'lobby, hallway' immediately inside gate of temple see George, Topographical texts, p. 436. ašlukku see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) 206 ad ll. 7-8. ašnu(m) OB see Dalley, OBTR no. 134:19; for jB 'eye socket' see Stol, JAOS 106 (1986) 357. ašnugallu(m) Stol, JAOS 106 (1986) 357; Bardet, ARM 23 no. 68:4; Villard, ARM 23 no. 531:5. [a’u] AHw 89a suppressed; see Hecker, GKT p. 80 §51b for BIN 4 18:11. awû(m) Gtn OA in a-ta-wa-ma TC 3, 28, 17 [KH]. bābtu(m) II for NB astr. see Sachs/Hunger, Astronomical Diaries, I, 35. bākisu [perhaps better bākīsu] see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 129a s.v. bākītu. balangu for possible NA form pilaggu see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 22 no. 8.rev.13'; note that the use of arāmu with this word strongly favours the translation as (one of four types of) 'drum'. balā•u I D see CH §159 [RB] but no correction needed here or under palāsu(m) balā•u(m) II for G OA of debt and D OA, OB 'recognize, credit' see Veenhof, Figurative Language, 49ff.; Dt for Mari see Kupper, NABU 1988, p. 4 no. 6. ba’lu for f. ba’iltu see Foster/Moren, Studies Sachs, 281 ad i.8. basi for meaning 'so that, in order to' see Postgate, Iraq 35 (1973) p. 25 fn. 9. ba•āru(m) G [better: jB lex., NA] for NA see Parpola, OLZ 74 (1979) 24 comparing Hebrew b•r 'Weinlese halten'; cf. also Fales, Or. NS 53 (1984) 71. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (4 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode bašāmu(m) III for Mari see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 276 note f) ad no. 408:24; but for meaning 'allocate' or 'divide' between recipients see also bašāmu ša zi-ti (Nabnītu E 114), as well as probably TCL 6 51.rev.3f. (in lexical section of CAD B 137b bašāmu A); possibly the obscure Assurbanipal passage Piepkorn Asb. 78 vii 68 cited CAD B 139a bašāmu B, and probably the lexical and OB passages cited ibid. bašāmu C also belong here [JNP]. ba•ālu(m) for OA Gtn see Hecker et al. 1988, no. 430:28. [KH] ba’û 'to bark' jB G (i/i) of fox; see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1988) p. 206 ad l. 3. bedûm D Frankena AbB 6, no. 220:17 'er hat mich betrogen'; see also Farber, ZA 79 (1989) 18; but perhaps rather 'he put me off, delayed me', cf. Arabic b•w 'be slow' [JNP]? bēram Veenhof, JEOL 27 (1981-82) 65ff. [KH]. berkabtu Cole, OIP 114, p. 248 ad no. 119:12; SAAS 4 p. 51 n. 41. berû(m) II G for 'be unexploited' see Veenhof, Figurative Language, pp. 62-3. bēru I meaning perhaps rather 'high, prominent' (Borger, JCS 18 [1964] 54-5; derivation from bâru(m) III proposed) [RB]. AHw 130a bīru(m) I 1. suppressed, transferred to bēram q.v. bibēnu read: bibinnum, jB bibēnu; pl. f. 'temple, side of head' OAkk, OA, jB; shaved, as mark of slavery; left, right; jB also ~ 'septum of the nose' ? [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626: D.R. Frayne, RIME 2, p. 105 ii.4’ bí-bí-in-na-at-su-nu u-gal-li-ib; C. Günbatti, Archivum Anatolicum 3 (1997), p. 135 l. 52 bi4-bi4-na-tim qá-qáda-tí-šu-nu áš-ku-un]. bilânum for attestations see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 436 note b) ad no. 207:36; Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 281 note c) ad no. 410:16'); translation different [JNP]. biqlum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 134 no. 21:11'; derivation from baqālu(m)seems better than piglum [JNP]. birkatu cited in AHw s.v. birku(m) 4. and CAD B 255 from CT 12 Pl. 17 93038.rev. iv.8. bītu(m) 12. AHw 134a bītu B. 14) b. māšarte suppressed; tablet has É.GAL, see SAA 7 148.ii.14' [JNP]. bûm Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (5 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode budû for NB see also George, Topographical Texts p. 160:11 ('known as a kind of drink'!). buggum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. buhratum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 471 note a) ad no. 231:5. bukum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) p. 118, p. 125 ad i.18. bullu I forms ubtil etc. assigned to (w)abālu(m) by CAD A/i, p. 17b s.v. abālu A 5 a 2’, with discussion p. 29a [RB]. būlu(m) for AHw 137b s.v. 1) b) lúšá bu-li-šu see under pīlu bunna(n)nu corrected to bunna(n)nû in 2nd impression. būnum III Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. buppānam Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 351 note g) ad no. 171.rev.10'. buppānī- note also semi-logographic writing bu-up-IGI- (see AHw, CAD s.v.). buqlu(m) 2. for meaning 'vegetables' see Stol, RlA 7, 323. burāšu(m) for jB form see •agirgan/Lambert, JCS 43-5 (1991-93) 101. burbāni Parpola, SAA 10, p. 190, no. 239 rev.9'. buru Kwasman/Parpola, SAA 6, p. 143 no. 173:6. burussu(m) transfer entry to purussu(m) and add derivation: < parāsu [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626]. bussumu I von Soden, StBoT 7, 21 ad IV.12. bussumu(m) II von Soden, StBoT 7, 21 ad IV.12. bu•umtu(m) 'terebinth' = Pistacia atlantica (Stol, On trees, mountains and millstones in the ancient Near East, 1-16). da’āmu(m) I Dt Atrahasis III.iii.34 [KH]. dā’iku(m) for OA see •e•en/Hecker, AOAT 240 35:9 [KH]. da’īmu I Ludlul I.117, see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) 201. daltu(m) add: NA 'leaf' of hinged writing-board [SAA 7, nos. 49-50; Stol]. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (6 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode damāmu(m) G for OA see CCT 6 no. 14:47 [KH]. danānu(m) II G for meaning 'pressurize' etc. see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 222 note f) ad no. 391:16 D for pānī- d. see Kraus, RA 64 (1970) 56. dāpi’u Fales/Postgate, SAA 11, p. 35 no. 37:6. dašannu for NB attestation see Cole, OIP 114, p. 302. dekû(m) II G 7. for NB meaning see van Driel, BSA 5 (1990), pp. 238-9. diānum D see Stol, AbB 11, p. 41 note a) ad no. 69 r.3'. dī•tum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 435 no. 207:42. dī’ûm von Soden, Bi.Or. 43 (1986) 736 ad AbB 10, pp. 166-7 no. 185:7. dubdubbu 2. see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 22 no. 8.rev.16'. duglum Hecker et al. 1998, p. 14 ad no. 429:24 [KH]. duhnu for MA attestation (wr. tuhnu) see Cancik-Kirschbaum, Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall šēh Hamad, p. 112 no. 4:rev.14'. dunnu(m) for OB dunni pānī, Kraus, AbB 10, pp. 54-5 no. 42:43. durû add: durû see turû. dusinnum Farber, Aula Orientalis 8 (1990) 200-1 ('Verkaufsberechtigter'), also on bēlu/ ša d. egēru(m) D add: Mari transf. 'complicate' matters ? [ir-•ú-ub a-wa-tim ug-gu-ra-am, N. Ziegler, 42. RAI, p. 498, l. 20; JNP 19.i.03] ehlipakku for derivation from Sum. rather than Hurr., see Landsberger MSL 10, p. 28 ad 369-373. ekēlu(m) derivatives after iklu I add: ikiltu. elēnu(m) 2. Am. 'more than' may be a misunderstanding of Moran, JAOS 108 (1988), p. 309. embâ variant emmea suppressed, see coll. CAD I/J p.106b s.v. imbâ. emē•u(m) D OA see Hecker, NABU 1990 p. 113 no. 139. enēqu(m) Dt see Farber, ZA 79 (1989) p. 231 fn. 32. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (7 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode enēšu š [AHw 1553b] suppressed; tablet reads ú-un!-na- (coll. JAB). ēni Whiting, Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar (Assyriological Studies 22), p. 78. ēnû [better ēnû(m)] for OB see Lafont, ARM 26/ii, no. 529.rev.5' (with note b). epēšu(m) II G 4. āla(m) e. for possible meaning 'fortify' see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 324 note b) ad no.156:9 (kapram ... ēpiš). eqbu(m) for NB unknown meaning see CAD M/ii, 147a s.v. mi•ītu 1. f), TuM 2-3 108:10. eqû(m) G: insert (i/i) after G [JAB; 14.9.02]. erēpu(m) for logograms see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 318b. erû(m) II for NA f.pl. aruāti/e see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 30 no. 35.rev.6; Deller/ Finkel, ZA 84 (1974) 78 l. 43. esāmum Stol, BSA 4 (1988), 175. e•ēpu(m) for Mari usage 'come in confirmation', see ARM 26/i, pp. 156-7 note f), taken by JNP pace Durand from this verb not [•êpum]. e•ēru(m) G: for meaning 'prescribe' (as punishment) cf. Veenhof, FS Ten Cate (1995) 318 and JEOL 35-6 p. 55 fn. 28 [JNP]. e•idītu see e.g. Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5 p. 91 no. 115:6; Kataja/Whiting, SAA 12, pp. 78-9 no. 71:8, 11; Saggs, Iraq 18 (1956) p. 41 no. 25:12; see Deller, Or. NS 58 (1989) 261. ešītu for NB form esītu see Cole, OIP 114, p. 309. eššiš for logogram GIBIL.BI see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 21 no. 38.rev.6 (but perhaps to be left as Sumerian). gabagallu(m) for meaning 'box' note equivalence to pitnu, George, RA 85 (1991) 162. gab’u for Emar see Zadok, NABU 1989, p. 30 no. 47; Durand NABU 1989, p. 36 no. 55 c); a translation 'pit' is proposed in Parpola, SAA 10, p. 232 no. 294:39. gabudu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 150 no. 145.i'.6. galālu II D see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2 p. 57 no. 6:628. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (8 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode galāšu D see CAD G, 132a. gamālu(m) add under derivatives gumālu I. gammiš for NB attestation with GIš determinative see Cole, OIP 114, p. 203 ad no. 97:5-6. ganzer George, Iraq 48 (1986) 136 ad B.5. gašāšu(m) [N AHw 283a] suppressed [KH]. gerseqqû(m) for MB logogram see CAD š/iii, 398a s.v. šutāpu c) (CT 51 41:3). giārum for discussion see Walters, Water for Larsa, pp. 45ff. gibbum Durand, ARM 21, pp. 21-2. gibētum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 160 note b) ad no. 27:10. gidimduhum Joannès, MARI 7 (1993), p. 261. ginâ 2. for NB •ubāt g. see Starr, SAA 4, p. 330a. ginindanginakku this is an alternative reading of ginigginakku, suggested by ARG, on the plausible grounds that the Sumerian means 'reed of the certified nindan measure'. These entries should therefore read ginigginakku see ginindanginakku ginindanginakku (or ginigginakku ?) 'certified measuring reed'? MB lex.; < Sum. gisallû(m) translation 'eaves' [JNP]. gišgallu I translation better '(statue-)base' [ARG]. gištuppu(m) for Mari form nišduppum etc. see von Soden Or. NS 58 (1989) 431. gu(d)danagadû our translation follows Landsberger, MSL 5, p. 76 329 'oxherd'; AHw 295a has 'Herdenrind' and CAD G 120a 'bull in care of the herdsman'. gulbūtu Deller, Or. NS 58 (1979) p. 264. gumaki(l)lu NA see Parpola, SAA 1, p. 141 no. 179 rev.20. gumālu now to become gumālu II file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (9 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode gumālu I 'mercy, clemency' jB; < gamālu(m); see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) p. 198 ad Ludlul I.39. gummurtu(m) 3. for writing gu-um libbi see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 16 no. 5:11; Hunger, SAA 8, p. 127 no. 232.12. gungupinnu for NA (pseudo-)logogram see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 211b. gupārum I Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 159-60 note a) ad no. 27:4. gurrutu add: MA form of agurru see TR 2014 + 3018 (see Postgate, Studies Oates, forthcoming). guzalû(m) for OB kuzzalûm see von Soden, ZA 68 (1978) 79: 126. guzīru Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 40, no. 16:26. habarzinānum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. habā•u(m) II for pres. in u see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 442 no. 214:11. habātu(m) I G for ON meaning 'dig' and thresh' Civil, Farmer's Instructions 95 with note 123. habbūru(m) OB lex. hebbūrum Proto-Diri 142. hābitu Cole, OIP 114, pp. 312-3. haerušhu Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 54 no. 6:588. hakûm Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 263 note l) ad no. 404:39. halā•u(m) for OB Gt lu-uh-ta-al-•a see YOS 11 no. 24:22 [KH]. halhallu(m) I Farber, AOF 11 (1984) 112-3 (also NB hallala); Deller, Or. NS 58 (1989) 261 s. v. qēmu; for NB form halahlu see CAD Q 207b 9' b). hālilum II Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 342 note d) ad no. 168:11. hallala NB form of halhallu(m) I; see Farber, AOF 11 (1984) 112-3. hallalītu for the meaning see Postgate, The archive of Urad-šerūa and his family, p. 115 ad no. 50:59. hallam Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 212a. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (10 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode hallu(m) I meaning better with CAD H 45ā 'crotch, loins' [see Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 628]. hālu III Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, pp. 130-131 no. 119.i.12', ii.8'. hamādu)m) G for NB see Cole, OIP 114, no. 35:27 hamā•u(m) G for OA see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 36 no. 440:5. [KH] hamā•u(m) II for Mari Gtn see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 313 note a) ad no. 148:7. hamdû new entry: (a high official) OB, Susa [see Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 627]. hamru for NB tāmirti h. see Cole, OIP 114, p 197. hamrušhum Limet, ARM 25, p. 160 nos. 499.rev.15; 507.tr.2 etc.; phps = haerušhu ? hamsu George, Iraq 50 (1988) p. 30 ad l. 12'. hamšu(m) for musical term see Kilmer, RlA 8, 473 Tabelle. hamû II for G stat. see Cole, OIP 114, p. 314. hamuštu(m) 2. OA see Veenhof, JEOL 34 (1995-6) 5-26. handašpiru for Emar form hannašpiru see Arnaud, Emar 6/4, p. 79, 530’. hapārum II Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 428 note d) ad no. 199:36. hapātum for Gtn see YOS 11, no. 24:3 [KH]. harāmu(m) for OA N see EL 332:17 [KH]. haraptum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 114 note c) ad no. 14:19. harbānāti [also NB] see Deller/Millard, AfO 32 (1985), p. 43 l. 12 with note p. 48. hāripānu Parpola, SAA 10, p. 167 no. 209:10. harīpum II Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 199 note c) ad no. 55:6. harmāku Kataja/Whiting, SAA 12, p. 131b. hašālu(m) add derivative hušālum. hašāšu(m) II 1. for possible meaning 'hasten' see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 371 note b) ad no. 187:15. hašīmu for pl. bīt hašīmāte see Freydank, WVDOG 92 no. 4.rev.3'. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (11 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode hâšu II see also Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 97 no. 38:35. [hatamli] AHw 335b suppressed; read ha-lah-li and see s.v. hatarilum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. hazuannum Farber, ZA 81 (1991) 234ff. helû(m) II for OA stat. halu see von Soden, WdO 17 (1986) 17f. hengallu(m) for Mari (a vase) see Limet, MARI 4 (1985) p. 518. her•ētum Stol, BSA 4 (1988) 173-4. hērû for NB form hārû see Cole, OIP 114, p. 316. heštiri Illingworth/Wilhelm, Iraq 50 (1988), pp. 106-7 ad l. 1. [hezûm] CAD h 178b suppressed; for G see Frankena, AbB 6, p. 76 note a) ad no. 124:14; for D hesû D is preferable. hibšu 2. for meaning 'recess, niche' see George, Iraq 57 (1995) 184-5. hibtu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 66 no. 30:1. hillu(m) for OA pl. f. see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 55 ad no. 467:8 [KH]. hīltum Veenhof, AOATT, p. 48. hinišannum Hecker, 1995 Y?l? Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Konferanslar? (Ankara 1996) p. 156 ad Text 4b:26 [KH]. hippum revised entry: hippum, ippum (a facial expression of distress) Mari, in h. (ša pānī- ) nasāhum ~ 'banish distress(ed expression)' [refs. W. Heimpel, NABU 1998, p. 67 no. 63; Stol (interpretation JNP)] hi•nu add: MA 'storage, store' (of grain) Freydank, VS 21 Taf. XXXVI, no. 20:1, 14, 17-18 (also Giricano, unpubl.). hīsum exact meaning uncertain, cf. Frankena, AbB 3, pp. 62-3, no. 82:16; van Soldt, AbB 12, pp. 94-5 no. 111:10. hi••u(m) II for Mari attestation see Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 258-9 note d) ad no. 92:11. hī•u II Cole, OIP 114, p. 318. hubūsum Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 173 fn. 42. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (12 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode huduššu(m) II for the form (not huduštu), and OB attestation see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 263 note c) ad no. 98:3'. huhi(n)nu Tsukimoto, ASJ 12 (1990) 188 ad no. 6:22 with reference to other Emar attestations. hulmum Lackenbacher, ARM 26/ii, p. 434 note a) ad no. 496:4. hu(m)mudāyum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 212 note d) ad no. 71:9. hummusum D Stol, AbB 11, p. 92 no. 142:10; see von Soden, Bi.Or. 44 (1987) 474 (but taken as G imper. humussā, not D hummusā). hum•um I Livingstone, AOAT 220, p. 181 ad UET 6/ii, 414:25. huptu(m) III for h. īnē/i see Stol, JAOS 106 (1986) 357. hurhurātu for MA Donbaz, JCS 40 (1988) 69-76. hurpatum for meaning and form huruppatum see Durand, ARM 26/i, 114-5 note e) ad no. 14:34; for variant urpatu(m) see Durand, NABU 1995 p. 42-3 no. 49. huruha/uru for MA see Donbaz, JCS 40 (1988) 69-76. hušālum see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3 (=FAOS Beiheft 3) p. 136 ad no. 82:4 (< hašālu(m); 'Zerschlagenem' = zerbrochener Tafelbehälter oder beschädigte und ungültige Tafeln) [KH]. huzbātum new entry: ~ 'portion reserved' for s.o., Mari in hu-uz-ba-at bēliya (J.-R. Kupper, ARMT XXVIII p. 76 no. 56:22 ref. to animals for a sacrifice; translation based on unpublished Mari tablet) [MA; 18.7.02]. iddanna for IM 30976 see Al-Zeebari, ABIM no. 20:70; also Kienast, Die altbabylonischen Briefe und Urkunden aus Kisurra, II, p. 144 no. 154:9. iddinum new entry: OA 'gift' in marriage process; < nadānum [JAB after KRV 14.1.02]. idu(m) 1. for idīn šakānum see Whiting, Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar (Assyriological Studies 22), p. 83. idugallu for reading see George, NABU 1991, p. 16 no. 19) 4. ikiltu(m) add as new entry: 'darkness' OA,jB lex.; < ekēlu [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 627]. ilpum Charpin, RA 82 (1988) 185 ad p. 41; Durand, MARI 3 (1984) 168-9 fn. 45. imērūtum also ARM 4, no. 62:6'. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (13 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode imšuguppû [better imšuguppû(m)]; for OB (Mari) attestations see Charpin, AfO 37/38 (1989-90) 102b. ippunna see s.v. appūna. irimmu(m) Westenholz, Or. NS 46 (1977) 205-7. ir•i•u Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 213a. ishu II for MA form išhu see WVDOG 92, p. 26 no. 16.i.26’. isqu(m) 4. better: mus. 'dichord of strings 1+3', see Kilmer, RlA 8, p. 473 fig. 3. isru(m) III for OB attestation see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 283 note a) ad no. 116.rev.3'. išhihatum see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 338 note j) ad no. 434:37. iškāru(m) macron because a is retained in Assyrian nom. and gen. forms. For 5. f.pl. see Black, JAOS 103 (1983) 25. iškikītum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. išparu(m) for OA ušpārum see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 30 ad no. 436:15; the second vowel should perhaps regularly be long: išpāru(m) [KH]. iššanû for meaning 'theirs' see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 10 no. 11.rev.2. iššunû Parpola, SAA 1, p. 143 no. 182:11’. ištarūta Black, JAOS 103 (1983) 25-8 fn. 6. išti for ašte add OAkk., see Grégoire, Contribution, Pl. 5, Ashm. 1928.425:2 áš-te4 [PS]. ištēn for 4. OB ištītu see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 89, note a) ad no. 103:8. ittu(m) I 3. for this usage see Cole, OIP 114, p. 319. izikurum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. izmum Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 19-20. kabābu II [better kabābu(m) II] G for Mari meaning see Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 280-1 note a) ad no. 113:6. kabāsu(m) for OB N 3. see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 113 note a) to no.137:2. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (14 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode kabbaru(m) for NB 'dense' (of rain) see Sachs/Hunger, Astronomical Diaries, I, p. 31. kabbā’um von Soden, Bi.Or. 43 (1986) 734 ad AbB 10 no. 41.rev.25. kabilukku Fales/Postgate, SAA 11, p. 27 no. 28:8. kabkūrum add: Mari (metal part of chariot); see Limet, Mélanges Birot, p. 208 [SMD]. kablu(m) for OA kà-ab-lu see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 104 no. 66:35 [KH]. kabūtu(m) for OA sg. kabum see Veenhof, Figurative language, p. 43 (there normalized as kābum). kadānu von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 205 ad rev. 2. kadāru IV NA 'to labour' see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 232 no. 294:29; Studies Reiner, pp. 260, 276. kakkartum for OA 'bun (ingot)' see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 74 ad no. 482:5', Dercksen, OACTA 59. kakku(m) 2. in place of: also = 'afflict with illness' read: kakku mahi• 'stricken by a weapon', referring to menstruation [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 628]. kalītu(m) Stol. BSA 7 (1993) 107 suggests possibly also 'rennet' jB med. (archaizing) [ARG]. kaltum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 71 no. 312:23'; p. 189 no. 377:30. kalummûm for Mari see Lafont/Durand, ARM 26/ii, p. 534 note a) ad no. 541:16. kamāru(m) I for OA see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 314 no. 740:11 [KH]. kamēšu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p.176 no. 174:11. kamîš for NA attestation see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 23 no. 4.rev.21'. kamītiš Anzu III.42,44 see Annus, The Standard Babylonian Epic of Anzu, (Helsinki 2001), p. 27) [MLW]. kanakurtum Joannès, MARI 7 (1993), p. 253. kanwartu see for OA Donbaz, JCS 24 (1971), 24-28; JEOL 28 (1984-84) 3-4; Deller JEOL 29 (1985-86), 43ff. kapādu [better kapādu(m)] G for Mari see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 44. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (15 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode kapullum van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 65 note c ad no. 75:15. karābu(m) II š, štn van Soldt, AbB 12 p. 85 note n ad no. 99:22; CAD Q 240a, meanings 15 and 18. karallu I as jewellery see Joannès, NABU 1989, p. 1 no. 1. karammaru for form kariammaru and meaning see Stolper, in Levine/Cuyler Young (eds.) Mountains and Lowlands (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 7, 1977) 259-266. karpassu Beaulieu, RA 83 (1989) pp. 71-2. kasūsu(m) for logogram see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7 p. 214b. ka•āru(m) G for forms with i see Groneberg, FAOS 14/i, p. 66. [kaširnu] AHw 462b suppressed; see CAD š/ii. 317a s.v. šernu. kâti for kâta as nom. at Mari see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 263 note o) ad no. 404:46. ka(t)tinnu at Emar see Durand, NABU 1989, p. 36 no. 55e). kayyānu(m) for OA lu kà-a-na-tí meaning 'may you constantly be present' see Bilgi•/ Günbatti, p. 107 no. 67:34 [KH]. kawārum for Mari see Durand, MARI 6 (1990) 145-6. kī 1. for jB kī ša 'instead of' (conjunction!) see Farber, Schlaf!, p. 36 ad 7f. kīa(m) 3. for warhum kīam see Frankena, AbB 6, p. 29 note a ad no. 42:7'; for kīašša see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 3 note a ad no. 1:12. kerru(m) I for Mari kārum see also Malul, AOAT 221, 349-50. kik/punannum Hecker et al. 1998, p. 14 ad no. 429:24, 51 [KH]. kilkillum for OB refs. and meaning see Reiter, NABU 1989, pp. 79-80, no. 107. kim•u for the length of the kim•u see Powell, RlA 7, p. 473. kinnikêm Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 440 note d) ad no. 211:14. kiqillutu Postgate, Mélanges Finet, p. 143 fn. 28, citing Aramaic qlqlt’; Deller, Or. NS 58 (1989) 262 ad p. 252. kirikarum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118, 120. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (16 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode kirratu(m) for OAkk attestation see Westenholz, Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian texts in Philadelphia, Part 2 (Copenhagen 1987), p. 43 ad no. 19:1. kirru(m) add: OB 'jar (containing beer)' in k. šapākum a ceremonial banquet; [see Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 627; AHw 918a s.v. (qerrum)] kisikkum Groneberg, Etudes Fleury, p. 77 (kisikkûm). kiskisum Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 331 note b) ad no. 430:5. kiššūtu better kiššūtu(m): add after meaning 'Mari'; before derivatives add ' Mari in šarrūt ki-iš-šu-[tim]' (J.-R. Kupper, ARMT XXVIII p. 249 no. 172:6) [MA, 18.7.02; but entire entry needs reviewing] kitmu(m) meaning 2. better: mus. (name of a scale); 'dichord of strings 6+3'; see Kilmer, RlA 8, 472ff. kittabru for the meaning see Cohen, The Canonical Lamentations of ancient Mesopotamia, I, p. 92 ad ll. 104-5. kizûtum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 570 note c) ad no. 270:8. kû(m) for f. kuttum see Birot, Mélanges Kupper, p. 132. kubāru(m) AHw 497a kubāru(m) I meaning 2) suppressed (coll. JAB). kubūsu(m) meaning '(a handle)' from AHw 498b; see also CAD K, 490b and Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 128 note c) ad no. 17:11. kūdanu(m) for MA see Freydank, VS 19 Taf. V, no. 1.rev.iv.37, kudimmu(m) meaning: (a herb, phps.) 'cress' [so Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 627]. kullānum Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 173 fn. 43. kumānu for Ass linear measure see Powell, RlA 7, pp. 476-7. kupātu(m) for OA see von Soden, OLZ 70 (1975), 462, translated as plural [KH]. kurāru(m) [better kurāru, gurāru(m)] for OB attestation see lú gig-peš = ša gu-ra-ri-im MSL 12, p. 169 l. 398 [WF]. kurdinnu for NA attestation see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 151 no. 146:7. kurgarrû for NA f. logogram see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, pp. 32-4 no. 24:11, 24. kurissu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 215a. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (17 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode kurru(m) IV Deller, NABU 1991, pp. 48-9 no. 75. kuru(l)lu(m) I for Mari pl. f. see Lion, Etudes Fleury, p. 108 [SMD]. kurullum II Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 561-2 note b) ad nos. 259:11, 221-bis:25, 263:12. kutlānum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987), 118, 126 iv.3. labāru(m) G for labār dūr ūmē see Al-Rawi, Iraq 47 (1985), p. 4, ii.10; in PNs see Borger, Bi.Or. 28 (1971), 66. laba•u meaning better: (a plant, phps.) 'mistletoe' [K. Deller, NABU 1991, p.p. 9-10 no. 11]. labku for NA f. labaktu see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 85 no. 34:50. laharûm for m. form see Durand, ARM 26/1, p. 429 note f) ad no. 199:51. [lakkûm] AHw 529a suppressed; read laqqu’im (leqû(m) II D) CAD L 146b [KH]. lakû III Civil, Farmer's Instructions, p. 175. laplaptu(m) for NA attestation see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 58 no. 6:653. lāqum von Soden, ZA 68 (1978), p. 83 ad l. 336 (la-qá-ti, meaning unknown, sg. phps. laqtum). lemēnu(m) šD see Ludlul I.56 uš-lem-min; George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) 199. lemuttānu Cole, OIP 114, p. 333; SAAS 4 p. 84 no. 1:30. leqû(m) II for OA Ntn see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 37-8 ad no. 440:27 [but there derived from alākum]. lēru for OA lār(um) see Hecker, Studies N. Özgü•, 291, 8' [KH]. le’û(m) R see Durand, NABU 1991, p. 36 no. 53 on M.6851; but cf. Groneberg RA 83 (1989) 29. [līdijû] AHw 1571b suppressed; in TIM 9 no. 56.rev.4 read Da!-di-iu-ú. ligittu Civil, Farmer's Instructions, p. 175. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (18 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode limittum Whiting, Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar (Assyriological Studies 22), pp. 111-2. lippu for possible MA attestations, see Postgate, Assur 2 (1979) 3-4; Donbaz, Etudes Garelli, p. 79 ad l. 5. liqtu(m) for oil see von Soden, OLZ 72 (1977), 29 on YOS 5 171:4, 172:4. littu(m) III for meaning see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 153 note a ad no. 198:2. liwītum for 7. NA 'entourage' see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 228a s.v. libītu. [lukannu] AHw 562a see s.v. sulukannu. lulimītu Starr, SAA 4, pp. 34-6 fn. ad no. 30:9. lullû II for NA attestation see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 36 no. 14:12, 14. lullû IV Borger, RA 74 (1980) 95f. lullumtum I Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 17 note a) ad no. 285:3. madbaru(m) for Mari attestation see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 114 note b) ad no. 14:10. magāru(m) for OA Ntn ta-ta-na-am-ga-ar see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 169, no. 98:14 [KH]. [magûm II] AHw 1572a suppressed; see Sommerfeld, Or. NS 53 (1984) 445 (proposed emendation to magārum). mahātum in place of CDA 'aunt' Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3 pp. 129-30 note ad no. 79:5 suggest rather 'niece'. mahhû(m) for OB bird see Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118, 125.ii.6. [mahrûtu] AHw 1572b, CAD M/i, 114b suppressed [MJ]. makallû for meaning 'irrigation dyke' see van Driel, BSA 4 (1988) 139-40. mākaltu(m) for OB pl. mākaltātum see Tsukimoto, Mesopotamia 8, 129ff. ad CT 45 99:5 [KH]. mākalum Durand, NABU 1989, p. 19 no. 28. makûm IV Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 310 note c) ad no. 420:10. malāku(m) II for Mari D see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 61 note e) ad no. 305:16'. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (19 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode [malāšu] AHw 594b suppressed (river name, see Deller Or. NS 53 (1984) 96) [KH]. manāhtu Parpola, SAA 1, p. 15 no. 13:19'. maqarratu for NB see Cole, OIP 114, p. 340. maqartu Parpola, SAA 1, p. 35 fn. ad no. 34:9; however NB context (CAD M/i, 240) suggests it is a vessel, rather than 'iced (fish)'. Note that ND 2672:26 (Iraq 23 Pl. XXII) has DUG.šIKA ma-qur-ti. mâqu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 30, no. 12:2, 19. mardû Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 58, no. 25.rev.i.24’. mariakītum correct entry to mariaqītum ~ 'time off' OB; < riāqu [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626]. marīnum for an MA text see Donbaz, JCS 40 (1988) 72, for throne. markasu for NB pl. maškasātu see Dalley, A catalogue of the cuneiform tablets in the collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, no 66:11 [KH]. marmahhu(m) see Durand, NABU 1989, pp. 17-18 no. 26. marqu appplied to salt, see Wiseman/Black, CTN 4, p. 51 no. 145:4' [JAB] massaku(m) 2. see Postgate, in M. Dietrich & O. Loretz (eds.), Vom Alten Orient zum Alten Testament: Festschrift für Wolfram Freiherrn von Soden (AOAT 240; Neukirchen-Vluyn 1995), pp. 405-406. massû(m) for MA attestation see Freydank, WVDOG 92 no. 1.rev.vi.15'. ma•allu for NA of tomb see Parpola, SAA 10 p. 6 no. 3:12. ma•arrītum Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 164 fn. 21. [ma•âtānu] AHw 620a suppressed [JAB]. ma••artu(m) for st. abs. ma••arat see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p 303 note b) ad no. 418:6. mašaddu for NA pl. f. see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 103 no. 89:8. mašāhu(m) I G for Mari meaning 'count' see Lackenbacher, ARM 26/ii, p. 437 note c) ad no. 500:29. mašālu(m) G for jB pret. amšal see Groneberg, FAOS 14/i, 66 fn. 15. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (20 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode Add: OB (of time) vent. 'reach half-way' (see Frayne, RIME 4, p. 387 l. 92 šattum lā imšulam). mašāru(m) G: add after 'vehicle': mišertam m. 'drag' drag-net, MA transf. of troops searching [E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall šēh Hamad, p. 95 no. 2:11; JNP 19.i.03]. mašātu for stat. mašit see von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 153 no. 91:30-32(!); cf. maštu below. maš’ertum Hecker, NABU 1990, p. 113, no. 139 [KH]. mašqaltum 2. 'balance, scales' see Joannès, RA 83 (1987) 125-6. maššartu(m) for astr. 'diminution' of lunar visibility see George/Al-Rawi AfO 38/39 (19912) p. 63. maštu von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 160 ad ll. 29-32; probably add logogram [MAš.TAB. BA] - see CAD M/i, 395-6 māštu meanings 2. and 3. matennâ 'now' Bogh.; see KBo 36 29 Vs.i.24’ [DS]. matnu(m) for NA attestation see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 49 no. 6:482. mâtu(m) G: insert (ū) to indicate vowel of class after G [ARG; 17.10.02]. ma’u(m) for meaning 1. (a bird) see Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. mazû(m) for OA mazītum as designation of bread see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 179 ad no. 592:1. mazzizu for NB mazpān see Cole, OIP 114, p. 415. mēnešu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 30 no. 12:20. mešēltu(m) [add OA before O/jB] for OA mašāltum see Hecker, Studies N. Özgü•, p. 289 vi.2 [KH]. [despite transliteration, photo Pl. 48 shows ma-šál-tum.]. mešēnu(m) for possible logogram see Parpola, OLZ 74 (1979) 26 (suggests maš’ēnu as NA reading of KUš.E.SIR). mešēqu(m) Veenhof, Mélanges Birot, pp. 303-4. mešgûm Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 572 note c) ad no. 272:8. me’um Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (21 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode minānu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 66 no. 30:2. minsu for variant minsi see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 77 no. 14.i.1. miqtu(m) after 'falling sickness, epilepsy' ? read: [AN.TA.šUB(.BA); see antašubbû; BE in NA PN Miqti/u-adur]. [cf. A.Fuchs/M.Jursa, PNA 2/ii, 755 and CAD M/ii p. 103-4; JNP] misarrum for OA mu-sá-re-e see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 202 no. 616:9 [KH]. mišertu(m) meaning better: 'drag-net'; after 'Bab. lex.' add: MA transf. of man-hunt; delete query after derivation [see above under mašāru(m)]. mitgurtu(m) for logogram MUNUS.šE see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 175 no. 221.rev.6. mitguru(m) 1. for OB attestation see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 129 note d) ad no. 163:17. mubabbilūtum von Soden, NABU 1989 p. 7 no. 8 citing de Meyer, Studia Paolo Naster oblata (1982) II pp. 31-6, IM 80070:8. mubarrītum Lackenbacher, ARM 26/ii, p. 385 note a) ad no. 460:7. mubannû for j/NB logogram see Cole, OIP 114, pp. 57, 344. mubbirtu [should be NB not NA] see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 258 no. 459.rev.2. mugguru Parpola, SAA 1, p. 140 fn. ad no. 179:12. muhhu(m) read: 'brain, marrow; skull; top' [UGU] 1. as subst. 'brain'; 'marrow', OA of legbones (kursinnātim); 'skull'; 'surface' .... [see Stol. Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 628]. muhhurtu for OA mahhurat bētim see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 131 no. 80:30; p. 133 no. 81:9. mukillu(m) 2. add after 'constant attendant': Mari also m. qaqqadim 'helper' [Ziegler, 42. RAI, p. 495, l. 6; MA, 7.6.02]. mūlû(m) 2. Mari usage for acropolis see Durand, RA 82 (1988) 106. murappidum Hecker et al. 1998, p. 303 ad no. 729:13 [KH]. muraššītu 2. for NB f. see Cole, OIP 114, p. 240, ad no. 116:11'. mūšabu(m) for OA attestation see Michel, Or. NS 66 (1997) p. 60 kt 94/k, 821:6 [KH]. mušākilu(m) 3. see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 105 note a) ad no. 127:6. mušallimānu for NA meaning 'healer'? see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 256 no. 316.rev.23, 25. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (22 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode mušamhi•ūtu Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 50 no. 6:500. mušērtu(m) Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 21 note b) ad no. 289:7'-8', 12' (Mari pl. mušīrātim). mušanniktu (or mušāniktu) (a stone implement) NA, see Deller/Finkel, ZA 74 (1984) p. 91, ad l. 43. muškēnu(m) for Mari f. muškettum see von Soden, Or. NS 58 (1989) p. 432 ad ARM 25 no. 771:6'. muššuku Gilg. XI.226 // 238. muštahalqu for meaning 'deserter' see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 90 no. 111.rev.13 (pl. muštahalqūti). mušta’’ûtu for NA form mussa’’ītu see Parpola, SAA 1, p. 66, no. 72:9. mūšu(m) for Mari mūšam mūšānima see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, pp. 307-8 note c) ad no. 419:9. mutērtu(m) for OB see Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 175 col. vii.10. muttabrītum Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 318 note b) ad no. 423:11. muttatiku better (with AHw and CAD N/ii, 116a, pace CAD M): muttattiku ‘constant dripper’ jB lex.; < natāku Gtn [see Taylor, Or. NS 70 (2001) 227 suggesting meaning of 'one suffering from gonorrhea']. muttetendu change entry to: muttetendu (or muttendu ?) [in favour of reading STT 3.56 mut-teten-du see Taylor, Or. NS 70 (2001) 227. muttikku delete muttīku; meaning better: 'perpetual fornicator'; delete cross-ref. to muttatiku [see Taylor, Or. NS 70 (2001) 227]. muwarrītum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 120 note a). muzakkûm von Soden Or. NS 58 (1989) p. 429 ad ARM 25 no. 70:3, etc. muzzazu(m) under 3. add: Mari m. rēšim 'assistant, supporter' (see rēšu(m) 1. transf.) [Ziegler, 42. RAI, p. 498-9 R.10’ ki-ma mu-uz-za-az re-ši-ia la i-ba-aš-šu-ú 'da mir kein Hofpersonal zu Verfügung steht'; MA 7.6.02]. nabalkutu(m) II N for Mari stat. nabalkat see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 372 note b) ad no. 189:22'. nabrītum III Donbaz/Veenhof, Anatolica 12 (1985) 139ff.; Hecker et al. 1998, p. 83 ad no. 489:19. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (23 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode nadānu(m) add iddinum to derivatives after nudunnû. nadāru(m) I for Ntn logogram IDIM.MEš see Hunger, SAA 8, p. 329b. naglabu(m) 2. in place of: 'hip', du. 'flanks' of animal, with CAD N/i, 120 better: 'shoulder blade' of human, animal [Stol]. nagum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. nāgurtu Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 230b. nahālu(m) II N see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 178 note k) ad no. 40:52. naharšušu š Maul, Eršahunga p. 212 ad 21 (also jB). nahhaptu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, 218; probably a form of nahlaptu in M/NA(see Postgate, Studies Veenhof, 377). nahlaptu(m) 1. for NA logogram TÚG.DUL/DÙL see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 349a. 3. for n. pēmi see Kataja/Whiting, SAA 12, p. 89 no. 81.i.13'. nahmum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 491. nakādu(m) š for OA attestation see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 364 ad no. 823. N see Kraus, AbB 7, p. 30. no. 42:18 [KH]. nakāmu(m) for OA see Gwaltney, The Pennsylvania Old Assyrian Tablets (HUCA Suppl. 3) 19:5 [KH]. nakbasu(m) 2. for MA attestation see Freydank, WVDOG 92, p. 38 no. 5:34’ (mat in a chariot). 3. for Mari 'sole' see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 567 note a) ad no. 266:7'. nakbatu(m) revised entry: 'weight, heaviness' O/jB [DUGUD; IDIM] esp. om. 'combat power' of troops, 'main body' of army; in n. qāti-šu 'weight of his hand' (in punishment); < kabātu [new meaning from Ludlul I.11, see most recently W. Horowitz & W.G. Lambert, Iraq 64 (2002), p. 245; JNP 19.i.03]. namaddu(m) 2. for MA attestation see Freydank, VS 19 Taf. X no. 10:1,11,15 (na-mad-du ar-ku); NA pl. f. Parpola, SAA 1, p. 156 no. 202:7. nāpaltum for OB in PNs (meaning unclear) see Kraus, JEOL 29 (1985-86) 40-41. napālu(m) II G for astr. usage see George/Al-Rawi, AfO 38/39 (1991-2), 60; under derivatives add: niplu II. napā•u(m) D for jB kappa nuppu•u 'beat wings' in Lugale see Al-Rawi/George, Iraq 57 (1995) 210 and 221. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (24 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode napištu(m) 4. add: ; NB also of animals [CAD N/i, p. 301b; Stol]. naplastu(m) for MB ext. usage Kraus, ZA 77 (1987) 196.iii.4', his meaning doubtful. nappulu 'Namburbi, apotropaic incantation and ritual' jB; < Sum. nam.búr; see Finkel, Studies Lambert, p. 206. naqītu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 104 no. 40.rev.8. nasīsum for OA m. pl. see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 60 ad no. 471:21; the OA form nasīsātum should perhaps also be assigned to nasīsum rather than nasištu(m) [KH]. na•batu(m) 4. for OA 'handle' see Balkan, OLZ 60 (1965) 160-1 ad h/k 87:10 [KH]. nâšu(m) D for Mari 'shift o.s.' see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 166 note d) ad no. 364.rev.5'. na•bû(m) Kümmel, ZA 79 (1989) 197-9 ad 22-24. natāku(m) under derivatives add muttattiku after nātiktu. nawāru(m) G for logogram BU see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 121 no. 160:23. nāzinum Durand, MARI 5 (1987), 186. nēbertu(m) for OA nēbartum 'ferry(-due)' see Veenhof, VS 26, 150:22. [KH] nēmeqūtu(m) jB 'wisdom'; < nēmequ(m); Tintir I.39, see George, in Wilhelm (ed.), Die orientalische Stadt (Saarbrücken 1997), p. 142. ne’rārānum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 170 note a) ad no. 366:8. nêšakku for variant nēsekku see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 92 no. 112:29. netbītum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 205 note f) ad no. 385:36'. niāku(m) under derivatives delete muttatiku (q.v.). nību(m) I 2. for Mari 'nominal value' Joannès, RA 83 (1989) 145ff. ad ARM 23 no. 435 and ARM 25 no. 815. niggallu(m) for NA form ingallu see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 210 no. 295.rev.24; Deller/Finkel, ZA 74 (1984) pp. 83-4 ad l. 4 (wr. in-gal.MEš). niksu 1. for nikis immeri Mayer, Or. NS 57 (1988) 160. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (25 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode niplu(m) II better: niplu II ~ 'interval of variation' jB astr.; < napālu II See George/AlRawi, AfO 38/39 (1991-2) 62. AHw's OB attestation for niplu(m) II is doubtful and listed under niplu I by CAD N/ii. nubattu(m) 3. for NB f.pl. see CAD N/ii, p. 308-9 s.v. nubattu B. nubātum Frankena, AbB 6, p. 85, note d ad no. 134:13’; Cagni, AbB 8, p. 41 ad no.70:9. nukaribb(ūt)u(m) for NB forms see Cole, OIP 114, p. 418. nukurtu(m) for OA see •e•en/Hecker, AOAT 240, p. 35, l. 25 [KH]. nuldān(ūt)um Eidem, NABU 1990, pp. 48-9 no. 63. nusâtu MacGinnis, Iraq 51 (1989), 192. padduga(n)nu(m) Deller, JEOL 29 (1985-86) 47-8. [paggallu] AHw p.809a suppressed; read MUšEN.GAL [JNP]. pahāsu(m) Ntn see Whiting, Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar (Assyriological Studies 22), p. 87 ad no. 30:9. pahhizu Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 88 no. 35:25. pakāru von Soden, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) 119a. palāsu(m) Dt meaning dubious: note s.v. balā•u(m) II Dt and balā•u(m) I. palīlu(m) for OA see Veenhof, AOATT 178; Hecker et al. 1998, p. 336 ad no. 768:13 [KH]. pallissu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 34 no. 24.rev.5'. panû(m) G add before 'Bab.': MA stat. in hendiad. 'act previously to' another action; [see Cancik-Kirschbaum, Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall šēh Hamad, p. 95 no. 2:25; JNP 19.i.03]. parahšītum von Soden, NABU 1988, p. 42 no. 59. parāmu N see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, no. 6:658; add: > pirindu, see Watanabe, Bagh. Mitt. Beiheft 3, p. 209. parāsu(m) under derivatives add: purussu [see above s.v. burussu(m)]. parā•u for astr. 'flicker' see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 89 no. 111:7. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (26 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode parû(m) I for Mari st. abs. (perhaps better par without macron) see Talon, ARM 24/i, p. 5, no. 4:8' with note p. 6. pasāqu(m) AHw 838a OA attestation suppressed; Larsen, Old Assyrian Caravan Procedures p. 108 takes CCT 3, 5, 16 as error for e-zi-ba-ku-ni [KH]. paspasu [better paspasu(m)] for OA use as PN see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 280 no. 706:30 [KH]. passuku Parpola, SAA 1, p. 112 no. 137:5. pašālu(m) under derivatives add: pašultu [q.v.]. pašanum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. pašartu Thureau-Dangin, TCL 3(+KAH 2 no. 141):208; see CAD K, 550a s.v. kupatu A. pašāru(m) G 2. for NA 'convert' see Kwasman/Parpola, SAA 6, pp. 5-6, fn. ad no. 3:4; 5. Mari 'disengage o.s.' see Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 519-20. pašultu read: pašultu jB 1. lex. (a kind of knife)? 2. 'creepy-crawly'?; < pašālu(m) [for meaning 2. see Tadmor, The inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III King of Assyria, p. 101 ad l. 35’; JNP 19.i.03] pattu(m) II OA a-na pá-tí ša Kà-ni-iš OIP 27 13:6'; rabi pá-tí-i kt s/k 92, 5 (Donbaz, BBVO 6, 153) [KH]. pazāru(m) G for Mari 'conceal o.s.' see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 345 note g) ad no. 169:17'. pehû(m) II G see MVAeG 13 210:13; for NB stat. pa-a-hi in Rm 280:5 see Dietrich, WdO 4 (1967-8), 239. perdum see also Veenhof, Studies T. Özgü• 520; for amuttum u perdum see Bilgi• et al., AKT 1, p. 96. [KH] pigû 2. for 'drum' see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 22 no. 8.rev.12’. pīhātu(m) I 2. for NB bēl pahaš see Cole, OIP 114, p. 406. [pilpillu] AHw 863b suppressed; see CAD N/ii, p. 165b s.v. nenegallu. pinnāru(m) Stol, BSA 7 (1993) 107. piriggunû(m) Civil, Ebla 1975-1985, 151; Steinkeller, ZA 77 (1987) 92-3. pirindu add: < parāmu; see Watanabe, Bagh. Mitt. Beiheft 3, p. 209. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (27 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode pirištu(m) for Mari ina p. 'in conclave' see Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 267-8, note b) ad no. 101:26; Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 65 note a) ad no. 307:3'. pir•atu Parpola, SAA 10, p. 353a and correct NA to NB. pissatu Hunger, SAA 8, p. 263 no. 469.rev.1,5. pišertu(m) 1. for NB see Cole, OIP 114, p. 359. pittu I for NA ap-pitti see Starr, SAA 4, p. 345a. pītu(m) II for OB attestation see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 93 note a ad no. 108:8. pitūtu for NA pl. pituāte see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5 p. 199 no. 282.rev.3'. puati meaning: 'madder' [so van Soldt, UF 22 (1990) 347; Stol]. puhdinu [better puhdinum] Limet, ARM 25 p. 59 no. 185:3 [KH]. pukkuru Lambert apud Gurney, OECT 11 p. 26 ad no. 16:11; von Soden, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) 119. pusummu for OA pusūnum see Michel, NABU 1997, p. 38 no. 40 [KH]. pu•ūru I Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 140 no. 130:1 (not 'truffle'; cf. Arabic fu•r). pu•ūru II Cole, OIP 114, p. 360. [qabbātum] AHw 886b suppressed; see s.v. qammatum. qablītu(m) 1.for mus. term see Kilmer,. RlA 8, 472ff. 8. for the still uncertain meaning of qablīt šanîm mullû (better: mullûm) see Leemans, JEOL 27 (1981-82) 60-64. qabru(m) for OA attestation see Hecker, 1995 Y?l? Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Konferanslar? (Ankara 1996), kt.87/k.248+249a.rev.2' [KH]. qadādu(m) G for Mari 'be inclined to' see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) 94a. qadāšu(m) D for OA see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 265 ad no. 681:26; for Mari 'dedicate' see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90), 94a. qadištu(m) for Mari form qaššatum see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90), 99. qadum for OA qadi-ma tertika see TC 2 (=TCL 14) 23:17; also qadi-ma ahika BIN 6, 197:18-19. qallalu for NB pl. see Cole, OIP 114, p. 361. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (28 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode qalullā’um Hecker et al. 1998, p. 290 ad no. 714:8-9 [KH]. qammatum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 396; Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) 92. qaquttu von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 187 ad ll. 20f. qarnû for form qarrānû see Borger, Bi.Or. 42 (1985) 352. qaršum Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90), 99. qatāpu(m) for Mari form qa•āpum (and once ka•āpum) see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (198990), 100. qatû(m) II š for use with harvest see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 260 note a) ad no. 94:11. qātu(m) 1. for NA ša q. '(bowl) for hand(-washing)' see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 225a; 11. for OA qāta qāta see Matouš/Matoušova-Rajmová, Kappadokische Keilschrifttafeln mit Siegeln aus der Sammlung der Prager Karlsuniversität (Prague 1984), 1 B, 21 [KH]. qerû(m) for j/NB D tu-qar-ra(-ma) see Mayer, Or. NS 57 (1988) p. 162-3 ad p. 147. rev.10’. qiāpu(m) for Mari št2 see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) p. 96 ad p. 97b. qilûtu for Mari attestation see Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90), 104. qinû(m) Civil, NABU 1990, pp. 44-5, no. 59. qīptu(m) 3. for NA attestation see Fales/Jakob-Rost, SAAB 5 (1991) pp. 48-9 ad no. 17:1, 10. qīrtum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 83, no. 318:9. qubūru(m) for OB 'funerary gift' see Whiting, Old Babylonian letters from Tell Asmar (Assyriological Studies 22), p. 160. qumāru for astr. usage see Parpola, LAS Part II (AOAT 5/ii), p. 93 ad no. 105 rev.2f. qurqurrūtum Charpin, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) p. 106 ad p. 319. qūšum Charpin/Durand, MARI 2 (1983), p. 95 on ARM 7 no. 247 rev.4’. quturtu(m) 2. for NB 'smoke' see Cole, OIP 114, p. 364. ragāgum II van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 123, note b ad no. 151:4'. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (29 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode ramānu(m) add at end: jB lex. ša ramāni gramm. term for intransitive verb [see Lambert, 42. RAI, p. 225; JNP 19.i.03] rapādu(m) II for Mari D 3. see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 276 note c) ad no. 408:17. ra•ā•u von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 190 ad l. 14. râ•u(m) for jB perf. išta’u• see George, NABU 1991, p. 16 no. 19. rašû(m) III for Mari see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 366 note c) ad no. 182:15; NABU 1987, p. 43 no. 80. ra•āpu(m) for possible meaning 'begin' in Mari see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 91 note i) 'se dépêcher de'. ra•bu(m) for Mari f. ra•abtum see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 218 note c) ad no. 76:26; the variant ra•ibtum cited there from no. 94:16 is a misprint for ri•ibtum and should be deleted from the CDA entry. rebībītum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 568 note b) ad no. 266:8'. redû(m) I for OB št2 meaning ~ 'do a favour' see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 59 note d) ad no. 69:31 (pace Eidem, NABU 1991, p. 59, no. 87). riābum for OB š see van Soldt, AbB 13, p. 11 note l ad no. 6:33 [not in CAD R]. riāqu(m) add to derivatives: mariaqītum (q.v.). rību(m) IV for OA see Balkan, Güterbock tribute, p. 3 fn. 4 (d) ad Kültepe c/k 1517:1. [KH] rimmatum better taken as variant of erimmatu(m) 'bead' [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626]. risittu [better risittu(m)] for Mari pl. risnātu see von Soden, Or. NS 56 (1987), p. 103 ad ARM 23 no. 216. rittu(m) 6. for 'plough(-ox)' see Cole, OIP 114, 366-7. ruqqu(m) I for OA attestation see •e•en/Hecker, AOAT 240, p. 35:33. [KH] ruššukum von Soden, Or. NS 58 (1989), p. 429 ad ARM 25 no. 123. [rutu] AHw 997a suppressed following Grayson, RIMA passim; see šubtu(m) I 3. rutûm Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 279 note f) ad no. 409:24, no. 433:38; Lafont, ARM 26/ ii, p. 505 note c) ad no. 526:7. Cf. [rutu]. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (30 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode sabû(m) for OA see Veenhof, VS 26 no. 19:22-23 ba-pì-ra-am sí-bi4-ma ep-ší [KH]. [sadalium] AHw 1000b suppressed; read sá-da-li URUDU! (CAD S, 11a); see sa(d) dalum [better sa(d)dālum]. saddinu for NB šaddinu see Beaulieu, RA 83 (1989) 73. sadirtu Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 179 no. 250:16, rev. 21'. sagdilûm Edzard, ZA 81 (1991) p. 184 Gilg. & Huwawa A, l. 51 gloss. saggilûm Veenhof, Mélanges Birot, pp. 285ff.; Stol, AbB 11 p. 85 note b) ad no. 85:13. sāgu I Ug. attestation suppressed; see van Soldt, Or. NS 60 (1991), 117. sahāhu(m) OA D tú-sà-ha-ha-ni Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 162 no 94:31 'in Schrecken versetzen' [KH]. sahālu(m) for OA G see Michel/Garelli, Tablettes paléo-assyriennes de Kültepe, I (Paris 1997), p. 139 ad no. 64:10; for OA D see ibid p. 67 ad no. 4:8 [KH]. saharšubbûm for OB see Stol, JEOL 30 (1987-88), p. 54. sahāru(m) D 2. for Mari 'evict' see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 267 note a) ad no. 101:25. N OA in hendiadys see Veenhof, AOATT pp. 431-2 fn.547. sāhertu(m) 1. as designation of goddess see Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 162 fn. 14. [sahhurum] AHw 1009a suppressed; to •ahhurum (Veenhof, AOATT p. 431 fn. 547) [KH]. sakakkum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, pp. 140-1. sakālu II for (uncertain) meaning see von Soden, OLZ 82 (1987), 457. sakrumaš for logogram see Cole, OIP 114, p. 421 and SAAS 4, p. 49 fn. 31; cf. also VS 24 no. 102.iv.10'. salāhu(m) II for Mari D stat. see ARM 26/ii, p. 425, no. 489:19, 25; Lackenbacher p. 426 note e) assigns to salā’u(m) I (cf. CAD S for revision of salā’/hu). salātu(m) I MB logogram šU.SA.A see UET 7 no. 22.rev.8 (also attested bilingually Lambert BWL 271 col. B:12, cf. CAD S, 93b). salhu(m) 2. for Mari see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 316 note g) ad no. 422:27. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (31 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode samāšum for confirmation of D Mari 'to hide' (CAD S 114a) see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 311 note h) ad no. 420:51. sammītum von Soden, NABU 1988, p. 42 no. 59. samrūtum read: samrūtum (or zamrūtum etc.); pl. samrātum, OA samruātum (a weapon, phps.) 'lance-head' OA, Mari, of copper; also gišs/z. [see Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 627]. sāmu(m) Mari variant sīmum to be suppressed. AHw 1020a sāmu(m) 6. referring to wine suppressed; Mari refs. are to a PlN, see Mayer, Or. NS 60 (1991), 112. sankuttum for Mari pl. sankunātum see Limet, ARM 25, p. 57. no. 178:3 [KH]. sapāhu(m) D for meaning 'spend freely' or 'disburse' see Kraus, AbB 10 p. 146 no. 164:15 [ARG]; for NA stat. •appahūni see Parpola/Watanabe, SAA 2, p. 58, no. 6:653. sapān(u) 'soap' NB; < Aram.; see Köcher apud Finkel, Studies Lambert, p. 154. sapānu(m) Mari G for (grind)stone see Soubeyran, ARM 23, pp. 448-9 no. 525:2 with note; von Soden, OLZ 82 (1987) 458 [ARG]. saparru(m) for logogram in NA see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 41, no. 48:8. saplišhu see Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 222a; for MA see Freydank, WVDOG 92, p. 46, no. 16.i.20’. sapsap(ān)u for meanings 'moustache', 'moustachioed' see George, NABU 1996, pp. 51-2 no. 60. sarāqu(m) for 'pour' in OB and for double accusative construction see Mayer/van Soldt, Or NS 60 (1991) 112-3. sarāru(m) N for meaning see van Soldt, AbB 12, pp. 26-7 no. 32:28 with note e. sarhullu for meaning see •agirgan/Lambert, JCS 43-45 (1991-93), p. 96 l. 76 with comment p. 102. sari(y)am for MA see Freydank, VS 19, Taf. V. No. 1.rev.iv.43; for NA siri see Livingstone, SAA 3 p. 44 no. 17:22; Ebla form should read asari(y)ānum, see Conti/Bonechi, NABU 1992 pp. 7-8 no. 10. sarmā’u for Emar linear measure see Beckman, JCS 40 (1988) 66; this suggests the word refers to a body part. sartatti/u for NB attestation see Cole, OIP 114, p. 368. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (32 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode sassaptu so, rather than sasaptu (CAD S, 191a) as < sapsaptu, George, NABU 1996, p. 52 no. 60. [sêlu] AHw 1036b suppressed; read si-niq!-šu (van Soldt, Or. NS 60 (1991) 118. sēpû for MA sāpû see Freydank, VS 21 no. 19.rev.13; WVDOG 92, no. 7:7; for meaning 'felt-worker' see Postgate, Studi Saporetti, 217. serdû(m) [phps. more than one word] add: 3. O/jB mus. (a lament), name of the interval between strings 4 + 6; see also sardium (see Kilmer, Iraq 46 (1984) pp. 69-70; RlA 8, 473 fig. 3) [AK]. serqu for variant surqu see Borger, Bi.Or. 48 (1991) 157 ad S. 408b. sikaššarum for identity as a stone, see Hecker, Studies N. Özgü•, 289 vi.10 (note writing NA4.ZI-kà-an-LUGAL) [KH]. sikkānum III Finet, Mélanges Kupper, 144ff. sillurmû Stol, JNES 45 (1986) 295-9 [ARG]. simištum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 435 note f) ad no. 206:32; Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 96 note b) ad no. 327:4'. simmagir for OB PlN Dūr-Summukri see Groneberg, RGTC 3, 63. [simsimmum] AHw 1045b suppressed; see Durand, ARM 26/i, 472 on no. 232:16, proposing zimzimmu q.v. sinkum for NA siggu see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 36 no. 14.rev.13 with fn. sinnatum transfer entry to •innatum I and change meaning to 'shield' [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626 with mention of Hebrew •innâh; J.-M. Durand, LAPO 17, 391]. sinnutu for attestations see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 31 no. 37:21; Fales/ Postgate, SAA 11, p. 28 no. 29 rev. 8. siphu(m) 1. Mari (a metal vessel) von Soden, Or. NS 58 (1989) 430, ad ARM 25 no. 487:1; 518 r.3. 2. for Emar attestations see Tsukimoto, ASJ 14 (1992) p. 312-3. sipihtu see Borger, Bi.Or. 48 (1991) 157. sipnu for NB attestation see Cole, OIP 114, p. 369. Add: NA (šesi-ip-nu, ABL 503+ = SAA 15 no. 156 rev. 5, 7, sic. coll. JNP). file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (33 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode sīpu for 'insect' see CAD S 305a ; Livingtsone, SAA 3, p. 34 no. 13.rev.9 ('pollen'?). sīrāšû(m) for length of first vowel, OB attestations, and NB logograms see Mayer, Or. NS 60 (1991), 114-5. sīrum IV Durand, MARI 6 (1990), 58-60. sisû(m) OA variant sisā’um suppressed, see Veenhof, Studies T. Özgü• 521 fn. 16; for OB (ex-OAkk) sí-si4 see Mayer, Or. NS 60 (1991), 115. [sitlutu] AHw 1052a suppressed; read al-lu-tu [ARG]. [suhhumum] AHw 1054a suppressed; fPN from zu’’unu(m) q.v. [ARG]. sukkuku(m) for OA attestation other than as PN see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 196 no. 609:4 [KH]. sūnu II [better sūnu(m) II] for Mari see Durand, ARM 21, no. 373:4, 6, 11, 12; Villard, ARM 23, nos. 535.iv.9; 536:38'. [supītum] AHw 1588b suppressed; read [qi]bīti [ARG]. supuqtu Menzel, Assyrische Tempel, II, p. 185*, fn. (2998) VAT 9849 [ARG]. suqtu(m) for Mari s. lapātum see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 318 note h) ad no. 424:46-7. surû(m) OA attestation AHw 1063b suppressed; in TC 1 (=TCL 4) no. 19:16 read eb!ri-im [KH]. •abā’um for OAkk D see Gelb/Kienast, FAOS 7, p. 239 ad Naram-Sin C.1:24. •abāru(m) II for plaited hair see Grayson, RIMA 2, p. 207:76. •ābu(m) for Mari pl. •ābuyū see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, pp. 90-92 no.323:9 with note c) [unless •a-bu-ya ?]. •ahittu I in TCL 9 no. 67 Lanfranchi/Parpola understand •a-hi-ta-a-te as 'luxury items'. •ahittu II AHw 1074b has this word as •āhittu following Deller, Or. NS 33 (1964) 101. •alālu(m) for Mari D see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 472 note a) ad no. 232:7. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (34 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode •amādu(m) št2 'link together' von Soden, Bi. Or. 43 (1986) 734, ad AbB 10 no. 41:7. •apparrû also von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 59. •apru(m) I von Weiher, SpBTU 3, 59 •arāpu(m) I for meaning 'corrode' (not adopted) see Stol, RlA 6, 532 [ER]. •āritu for variant •arritu see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 16 no. 29.rev.4. [•e’ārum] AHw 1087a; deleted; to sahārum (Veenhof, AOATT p. 429 fn. 543) [KH]. [•êpum] AHw 1091b suppressed; assigned to e•ēpu(m) q.v. •erdu transfer to serdû(m) 3. q.v. •ernettum for meaning see Stol, JEOL 30 (1987-88) 27-8 [KH]. •iāhu(m) for meaning 'cry' see Veenhof, JEOL 24 (1975-6) 107-110. •ibittu(m) for 5. Mari 'disagreement' see Lafont, ARM 26/ii, pp. 500-1 no. 524:25 with note h). •ibtu(m) II 4. for OA 'appendix' see Veenhof, Figurative Language, p. 67 fn. 21. •idītu(m) for NB logogram see Cole, OIP 114, p. 374. •īhtu(m) for meaning 'weeping, distress' see Veenhof, JEOL 24 (1975-6) 107-110. •innatum I new entry, see sinnatum (above). •innatu now read •innatu II. •irimtu(m) for OB see Joannès, ARM 26/ii, p. 308 note e) ad no. 419:10’. •ītu(m) 2. for '(new) growth' see ARM 26/i, 566 no. 265:26 (so rather than Durand's 'ce qu‘ils ont obtenu' - sesame is a summer crop) [JNP]. •uhurrû for OB pl.? (not f.!) see Veenhof, Mélanges Birot, 306 [SMD]. •ullulum I YOS 13, no. 323:2. •uppā(n) von Soden ZA 58 (1967), 192:12; but see Powell, RlA 7, 464. •umru(m) for Mari usage see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 65 note e) ad no. 307:17’ (CDA’s derivation preferred to zumur) [JNP]. •ur•uppu(m) for MB (lex.) form •ar•uppu see Gurney, UET 7, no. 76:13. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (35 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode •urûm Joannès, MARI 7, 255 and 268 [SMD]. [ša’ās/•u] AHw 1118a suppressed; see s.v. râ•u. šagālu(m) van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 23 note b ad no. 26:12 for divergent meaning; also CAD s.v. ša/ugandu, šagannu see above under ašgandu. šahītu(m) for NB lex. see Cole, OIP 114, p. 240 no. 116:4’. šahlu(m) for OA usage with nikkassum and awātum see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 103 note ad no. 65:30, p. 149 ad no. 88:54, precise metaphorical meaning unclear. šāhu(m) attested also in Oā ICK 2, 344:16 [KH]. šakkukum Veenhof, VS 26 p. 18 [KH]. šalā•u(m) D OA see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 62 ad no. 472:17[KH]. Dt Mari see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 113 note b) ad no. 342:19. [šamdûm] AHw 1156a suppressed; see ma•û(m) II š [KH]. šamkānum Stol, BSA 4 (1988), 176. šanā’um Donbaz/Veenhof, Anatolica 12 (1985) 132-3. šanduppu(m) for OA see Hecker, Studies N. Özgü•, 289 v.7 [KH]. šaptûm šé-né-en ša-áp-tù-e-en Michel/Garelli, Tablettes paléo-assyriennes de Kültepe, I (Paris 1997) pp. 142-3 no. 69:6-7.14; derivation from šapû(m) I does not seem possible for this form [KH]. šarāmu(m) for use with grindstone see Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 168 fn. 33. šarbu II Mari phps. also sarabum (J.-M. Durand, ARMT 26/i p. 432 no. 203:7’) [MA; 25.6.02]. šāriqānum Charpin, MARI 6 (1990), 264 M.11009+11010:9. [šārītu] AHw 1187a, CAD š/ii, 63b suppressed; RIMA 2 p.207:75 and p. 248:96 offer šá-a-ri-a-te which is better analysed as ša ariāte (see arītu 'shield'); despite AKA p. 321 pseudo-logographic writing not firmly attested [JNP]. šaršarānum I unpublished OA variants courtesy K. Hecker. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (36 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode šatāqu(m) for N at Mari see von Soden, NABU 1989, pp. 53-4 no. 76. šemû(m) št replace 'cause to hear successively' ref. to more than one hearer with: 'cause to listen to, agree with one another' [ARG after CAD; 22.11.02]. šēriš Gilg. Tablet I.69//86 [ARG]. šernu(m) 2. for Mari attestation see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 426. šêru(m) Gtn for OA ta-áš-té-né-ar see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 106 67:30 [KH]. še’u(m) for possible reading û(m) see Cavigneaux, NABU 1989, p. 33 no. 52. šiddu(m) 2. for measure see Powell, RlA 7, 477. šihlu I MacGinnis, Iraq 51 (1989), 192. ši’ītum for meaning 'secondary wife' see Groneberg, NABU 1989 pp. 29-30, no. 46, cf. pp. 52-3, no. 74. šiknu(m) add 5. [or as šiknum II] OA (a textile), Hecker et al. 1998, p. 14 ad no. 429:634. šīmūtu for NB see Cole, OIP 114, p. 386. šinītu(m) I with Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 629 better meaning for š. •ēmi(m) is 'insanity'. šiqšiqqum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. šisītu(m) I, tisītum, sisītum 'cry, clamour' O/jB, NA 'proclamation' of herald, city; of worksong; 'shout' of battle, of mourning; 'cry' of DN; 'roar' of waterfalls; < šasû [entry omitted in 1st but included in 2nd impression]. [šitnû] AHw 1251b suppressed; read šitqultu, Hunger/Pingree, AfO Beiheft 24, 131. A.8f. ši’um Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118-24. šubtu(m) I 3. for meaning 'trap, pitfall' and reading (not rutu) see Grayson, RIMA 2 passim. šuharruru(m) II for pres. form tašharrar see Whiting, Or. NS 50 (1981), 6. šuhhû III and IV amalgamate under single meaning 'to defile'; see Mayer, Or. NS 57 (1988) 155ff.; Westenholz/Koch-Westenholz, Studies Lambert, p. 439, fn. 9 [ARG]. šulušā for OA see Kayseri 89:4 (unpub., courtesy K. Hecker). file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (37 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode šumma 3. for ext. 'either ... or' see Mayer, Or. NS 57 (1988) 163. šummu•u II George, Iraq 57 (1995) 220 ad Lugale III.98. šum•ulu Wilcke, ZA 70 (1980) 138-40 ad UET 7 8:22 (MB). šurārum Charpin/Durand, ARM 26/ii, p. 27 note h) ad no. 298:44. šurīpu(m) for f. see Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 232 no. 400:8-9 and note a). šušmarûm Durand, ARM 21, pp. 357-8; Mélanges Kupper 164 fn. 21; Sallaberger, JCS 47 (1995) 17. šutēburum Moran, RA 71 (1977) 191. šuwwurum D see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 295 note c) ad no. 129:22. šuziqa’um for Mari see Durand, Mélanges Kupper, p. 167, l. 21. tabāku(m) add to derivatives: tubkinnu (q.v.). tādirtu for NA attestation see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 366b. tahapšu for meaning 'felt' see Postgate, Studi Saporetti, 213-7. tahhittu(m) for Mari see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 191 no. 47:8 ('apport supplémentaire'). tahīrtum Lambert, JSS 24 (1979) 273 for ta-KI-ir-tu as OB wr. of tahīrtum in Sjöberg, ZA 65 (1976) 190:124 (Sum. igi-kár). tahsāti Starr, SAA 4, 357a. tahtamum Durand, MARI 6 (1990) 56-7. tahlaptu Cole, OIP 114, p. 389. takirtum correct entry to: see tahīrtum. [takkirtum] AHw 1307a suppressed; see Lambert, JSS 24 (1979) 273. takmīsu for MA see Freydank, VS 21, no. 29:10; WVDOG 92, no. 16.ii.13’ [JNP]. takšium for the form šakšum see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 197 note b) ad no. 54:7. [takunnātu] AHw 1309b suppressed; see Lambert, JSS 24 (1979) 273. talālu(m) for Mari 'is allied' see Lackenbacher, ARM 26/ii p. 393 note b) ad no. 468:7. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (38 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode talupadi Bruins/Rutten, MDP 34.58. [Tamhiriš] AHw 1314a suppressed; see Durand, NABU 1988.12. tamkīru meaning better: 'irrigation' [with Weidner, AfO 19 (1959-60) p. 142 l. 21 ('zur Bewässerung'), pace AHw and RIMA 2, 55 l. 74; the Tiglath-pileser I passage already specifies the type of land to be watered as tamertu; JNP 28.xii.02]. tamlītu(m) for OB 'replenishment' see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 13 note a ad no. 13:10. tamšīhu Gilg.Tablet I.23 // Tablet XI.238 [ARG]. tamtalku Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 9 no. 2.rev.10. tanēhu Al-Rawi/George, Iraq 52 (1990), p. 156 ad l. 59. tānīštum/ tanēštum Durand/Michel, NABU 1991, pp. 19-20 nos. 24-25. tāpiltum for attestation see Stol, Etudes Garelli, p. 336, l. 11 (CDA’s derivation and meaning diverge from Stol's) [JNP]. taqdīšum Hecker et al. 1998, p. 265 ad no. 681:26 [KH]. tarāqu(m) G OAkk in PN Itraq-ilī 'My god relented' [AW]; of storm also Gt Gilg. XI.129 [ARG]. tarā•u(m) II G for N.Mes. pres. itarra• see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 40 fn. 180. tarbītu(m) 1. for OA '(payment for) rearing' see Donbaz, KTS 2 no. 60:4 [KH]. taršītum derivation from rašû II (as proposed George, Iraq 55 (1993) 73 ad l. 42) not adopted. tartāmū Lambert, Figurative Language, p. 39 fn. 2. Tašmētu(m) for Nuzi Tešmētu see Lambert, JSS 24 (1979) 273. tazzīqum George, NABU 1994, p. 27 no. 27. têbum for meaning 'distrust' see Richter, NABU 1991, pp. 30-31 no. 46. tēkītu(m) for NB form tēkûtu see Cole, OIP 114, p. 393. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (39 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode tenēštu(m) after OA add: OB(Mari) [i-na 30 LÚ.MEš ù ta-ni-iš-ti-šu-nu; see Ziegler, 42. RAI, p. 498 Rev. 8’, cf. Rev. 22’; she refers to Durand and Michel, NABU 1991 nos. 24-5, but in these contexts her 'Gesinde' seems preferable to Durand’s interpretation as 'cellule familiale' including women and children; JNP 19.i.03]. teqrūbatum see van Soldt, AbB 12, p. 99 note b) ad no. 119:7, also for an alternative meaning not determined. terinnu for OA tarinnum see Hecker, Studies N. Özgü•, 289 vi.11, 290.1' (f. pl.) [KH]. tiamtu(m) for jB pl. timiāti see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) 283. tilpānu(m) against earlier meaning 'throwing stick' see Groneberg, RA 81 (1987) 115ff. timru Parpola, SAA 10, p. 207 no. 263:5. tim’um Hecker et al. 1998, p. 309 ad no. 735:21' [KH]. tiriptum von Soden, NABU 1991 p. 37 no. 54. tubāqu better: 'mistletoe' jB, NA; as glue used to catch birds [K. Deller, NABU 1991 pp. 10-11 n. 11; Stol]. tubāru(m) see under [tumāru(m)]. tublu for meaning 'pilaster' see George, Iraq 57 (1995) 185-6. tubqinnu replace entry by: tubkinnu; pl. f. 'rubbish tip' M/jB, NA; < tabāku [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 628]. tubqu(m) at end delete ref. to tubqinnu (q.v.). tûltu(m) for NA tu’issu see Watanabe, Bagh. Mit. Beiheft 3, ad 572. tumāmu von Weiher, SpBTU 3, p. 247 no. 119:137-8 (Malku II). [tumāru(m)] AHw 1370a suppressed; read instead tubāru(m), see Charpin, RA 82 (1988) 185 ad p. 16. tumru(m) for NB variant tūru see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) 283. tūmulu Parpola, SAA 10, p. 367a. tupninnu(m) von Soden, WdO 20/21 (1989-90) 272; for MA attestations see Donbaz, Etudes Garelli, p. 79 ad I.8; Deller/Finkel, ZA 74 (1984) 88-9 ad l. 26. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (40 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode tupšikkānum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 164 note a) ad no. 362:19. tuqnu(m) 2. for this meaning outside PNs see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 33 no. 13:17. [turamtu] AHw 1372b suppressed; read tu-u16-am-tum, see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) 283. turuhtānum for meaning see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 266 ad no. 682:4 [KH]. turû MB also durû, see Gurney, The Middle Babylonian legal and economic texts from Ur, p. 200. •ābtiš Ludlul I.118: see George/Al-Rawi, Iraq 60 (1998) 194. •apālu(m) for OA N ta-•í-pì-il5 see Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 150 ad no. 88:55 [KH]. •apāšu(m) I for OB see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 283 no. 116:2’. •ehû(m) š jB see Mayer, Or. NS 60 (1991) 112, s.v. sanāqu. •iābu(m) Gtn see Joannès, Archives 256. •ibhu Lambert, JSS 27 (1982), 283. •upultum Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 58 note l) ad no. 303:25'. uatnannu for MA attestations see Cancik-Kirschbaum, Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall šēh Hamad, pp.152-3 ad no. 10:14. uhurrā’um Steinkeller, Third Millennium Legal and Administrative Texts in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad, p. 108. ūka Joannès/Durand, ARM 26/ii, p. 262 note h) ad no. 404:25. ukultu(m) for NA pl. ukalāti see Parpola, SAA 10 no. 294:22, 40. ullallû [better: Ug. lex.] Kennedy, MSL SS I, p. 78 MBGT II 22, cf. 28, 34, 80 etc. [ullultu] AHw 1410b suppressed; in Tintir I.46 read mi-lul-ti, see George, Topographical Texts, p. 40. [uluppu] AHw 1411b suppressed; read probably hi!-lu-pu [JNP] ūmakkal for OA read O/Mā see Cancik-Kirschbaum, Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall šēh Hamad, p. 95 no. 2:13 (meaning?) [JNP] umdu for NA pl. see Parpola, SAA 10, p. 257 no. 318:8, r.12. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (41 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode ummatu(m) 6. for jB ~ 'descendants' see Finkel, Studies Sachs, 149 fn. 57. ummu(m) 3. for •uppi ummātim see Charpin, in K.R. Veenhof (ed.), Cuneiform archives and libraries (=RAI 30; Leiden 1986), pp. 121-9. ummūtum [better ummūtu(m)]; for the meaning (not 'motherliness') and the Emar attestation and logogram [AMA- ] see von Soden, NABU 1989 no. 8. umnīnu Lambert, JSS 27 (1982), 284; for NA u(n)nīnu see Lanfranchi/Parpola, SAA 5, p. 50 no. 56.rev.1. umšarhum for the Mari attestation and other details see Deller, NABU 1990, p. 63 no. 85. unnedukkum for OB form innedukkum see Greengus, JAOS 111 (1991) 146. unnutu Hunger, SAA 8, p. 344a. uppadētu Roth, JAOS 111 (1991) p. 34 fn. 48. uppu•u Farber, ZA 75 (1985) 210ff. uqnû(m) for NA form iqnû see Livingstone, SAA 3, p. 36 no. 14 rev.12. uqu for logogram compare CT 49 34:6 LÚ.GAL ÉRIN and 34:23 LÚ.GAL ÉRINqu with CT 49 35:7; 36:7; 37:6; 38:9 LÚ.GAL ú-qu. urāsuhlu von Soden, Bi.Or. 46 (1989), p. 389. urāšu(m) III for NB 'dues' see Joannès, Archives, 151ff. [urīqiš] AHw 1430b suppressed; see Lambert/Freydank, JSS 27 (1982) 284. urpatu(m) see also hurpatu(m) urû(m) I 2. 'stable, stall' see also MacGinnis, Iraq 51 (1989) 189f. urubātu II for Mari attestation see Ghouti, NABU 1991, pp. 22-3 no. 27. usātānu Lambert, JNES 39 (1980), 173. ussuktu ABL 1239:19; entered under ussuku(m) 3) AHw 1438b, but the context requires a substantive. ussuku(m) delete NA; this passage is assigned to ussuktu. usukānum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118, 126 iii.7. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (42 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode usuktu translation based on Köcher’s suggestion 'Armstütze' AfO 18 (1957-58) 304-5 ii.11 with possible connection to usukku 'cheek' mentioned on p. 311. u••urum II for doubts as to the status of this word see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) p. 284 (unusual forms of na•āru(m) D?). utlu(m) for utul šamê (not from itūlu(m)) see Heimpel, JCS 38 (1986) 130.[MLW] utukku for utukkiš see Lambert/Freydank, JSS 27 (1982), p. 284. [u•ba Durand, ARM 21 and MARI 6, p. 662 not adopted] ū•u(m) for st.abs. see CAD š/i, 312a s.v. šamhiš; Bilgi•/Günbatti, AKT 3, p. 104 no. 66:35. [wagûm] AHw 1456a suppressed; read a-yi(WA)-gu-ú (< egûm), see Sommerfeld, Or NS 53 (1984) 446 [ARG]. wakāmu(m) Durand, ARM 26/i, pp. 352-3 note d) ad no. 172:31; Charpin, ARM 26/ii, p. 95 no. 326:13. (w)ālidu(m) for NA form āli(s)su see Fales/Postgate, SAA 11, p. 51 no. 78:3 (cf. a-li-da-te l. 6!). (w)amālu(m) AHw p. 1459a š/štn suppressed; see Lambert, JSS 27 (1982) 284. wartum new entry: (part of a building) Mari, Emar?; see Durand, RA 84 (1990), 85 with fn. 200. (w)a•pu(m) sibilant correctly • (not s) in the light of Arabic and Ethiopic cognates, von Soden, Or. NS 56 (1987) 104. (w)ašābu(m) D von Soden, Bi. Or. 43 (1986) 734; for 'settle' AbB 10, no. 42:7. (w)ašāru(m) D 5. for MA uššer see KAJ 120.2 [JNP]. (w)āšibu(m) for Mari official see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 563 note e) on no. 260:36 lúwa-šiib PlN. watriššu meaning better: 'additionally' [JNP]. wazwazum Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118, 120. wirittum new entry: 'fall, descent' OB, in commerce, opp. of elītum; < warādum; Rowe, Aula Orientalis 8 (1990), 134-5. wuzzurum Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 170-1 note d) ad no. 36:22. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (43 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode za’itu Finkel, Studies Lambert, p. 151. zakāru(m) G in zakār šumi for meaning 'invocation' see Starr, SAA 4, p. 360b. zākirum see comment CAD S p. 60b s.v. sāhiru A. zamartum for all forms see Talon, ARM 24/i, p. 33 ad no. 51; also Zadok, NABU 1992, p. 45 no. 58. zamrūtum see samrūtum zappu for form sappu see Farber, Schlaf!, 80f. zaqānu(m) D for OA see Hecker et al. 1998, p. 37 no. 440:41 [KH]. zassaru(m) for Mari see Joannès, ARM 23 p. 99 no. 101:6’ with note b). zaškum Stol, BSA 4 (1988) 176. za’um Black/Al-Rawi, ZA 77 (1987) 118. zazabtu Fales/Postgate, SAA 7, p. 175 no. 172.rev.9. zibbatu(m) AHw 1524a zibbatu(m) B.7 'Tafel-Anhang' suppressed; see Veenhof, Figurative Language p. 67 fn. 21; cf. •ibtu(m) II. zilullû for NB see Cole, OIP 114 p. 368. zimzimmu [better zimzimmu(m)]; add Mari, see Durand, ARM 26/i, p. 472. zinzaru’u for possible meaning 'ginger' see Watanabe, Bagh. Mitt. Beiheft 3, ad l. 644. zittu(m) for NB pl. zinātu see Roth, AfO 36/37 (1989-90) p. 49b ad ll. 22,36. zīzūtum Lambert, Studies Sjöberg 335 ad 93-4 (perhaps not before MB). zubultum delete entry; read šubultum in the Mari passages cited AHw 1536a [Stol, Bi. Or. 57 (2000) 626 citing MARI 2 (1983) 119-20]. zumru(m) for meaning 'within' see van Soldt, AbB 12, pp. 24-5 no. 30:12. For ARM 26 see •umru(m). Back to home page file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (44 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM Lemmata - unicode Contributors MA Moshe Anbar RB Rykle Borger SMD Stephanie Dalley KH Karl Hecker MJ Michael Jursa AK Anne Kilmer JNP John Nicholas Postgate ER Eleanor Robson DS Daniel Schwemer JT Jon Taylor CBFW Christopher Walker MLW Martin West file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ed/My%20Documents/FileCabinet/Reference/CDA%20corrections.htm (45 of 45)9/14/2006 4:44:33 PM