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Copyright 1984 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1984, Vol. 10, No. 5, 713-723 A Limitation of Position Constancy Hans Wallach and Donna Nitzberg Swarthmore College Robert Becklen Sarah Lawrence College When the eyes track a moving object, the image of a stationary target shifts on the retina colinearly with the eye movement. A compensation process called position constancy prevents this image shift from causing perceived target motion commensurate with the image shift. The target either appears stationary or seems to move in the direction opposite to the eye movement, but much less than the image shift would warrant. Our work is concerned with the question of whether position constancy operates when the image shift and the eye movement are not colinear. That can occur when, during the eye movement, the target undergoes a motion of its own. Evidence is reported that position constancy fails to operate when the direction of the target motion forms an angle with the direction of the eye movement. In 1978, Wallach, Bacon, and Schulman induced motion shifted it simultaneously to raised the following question: Is the induced the left, resulting in a sloping path, and when motion that is perceived when the eyes track the pattern and the dot reversed their motions, the moving surround instead of looking at the dot appeared to move downward at the the surrounded "target" object really induced same slope angle. Wallach et al. (1978) used motion, or is the perceived target motion, estimates of that slope angle to measure the under these conditions, a direct result of the extent of the induced motion relative to the retinal path of the target image, which reflects, extent of the dot's motion. Estimates of the of course, the eye movement? Ordinarily, a slope angle were obtained before and after a compensation process termed position con- period of adaptation that diminished the stancy takes eye movements into account, extent of the induced motion. Mean slope thus preventing image displacements caused estimates were steeper after adaptation by an by eye movements from leading to perceived angle that implied a 15% shortening of the motion, but position constancy may not take horizontal, induced motion. But this result effect in the particular arrangement Wallach was obtained only when the subjects' eyes et al. (1978) used. tracked the vertical motion of the target; A large pattern of vertical lines that was when the eyes tracked the horizontal motion made to move alternately to the right and to of the surround, the apparent slope of the the left would have caused a centered station- target motion remained unchanged after adary dot to appear to shift left and right in aptation. induced motion. But the dot was not stationWallach et al. (1978) considered two explaary; rather, it moved upward when the pattern nations for this unexpected result. One asmoved to the right and downward when the sumed that the slope of the motion path pattern moved to the left. Here, the induced perceived when the eyes tracked the surround motion manifested itself in a changed motion was not the result of induced motion, but path of the dot. When the dot moved upward, rather the result of the path of the dot's retinal image. The authors pointed out that the motion of the dot's retinal image had This work was supported by Grant 11089 from the both a vertical and a horizontal component National Institute of Mental Health to Swarthmore Col- when the surround was tracked. The vertical lege—Hans Wallach, principal investigator. component was caused by the untracked verWe are grateful to Eileen Kowler for her generous help tical motion of the dot, and the horizontal in writing this report. Requests for reprints should be sent to Hans Wallach, component was caused by the horizontal eye Department of Psychology, Swarthmore College, Swarth- movements. These two displacements resulted in an oblique image path. If perceived motion more, Pennsylvania 19081. 713 714 R. BECKLEN, H. WALLACH, AND D. NITZBERG corresponded to the retinal motion, it would play the moving surround was placed within not be altered by adaptation. stationary edges that were symmetrically loThe other explanation proposed by Wal- cated straight ahead of the subject. This lach, Bacon, and Schulman (1978) assumed display was used by Wallach, O'Leary, and that position constancy takes the eye move- McMahon (1982) when they compared the ment into account, and thus perceived motion effectiveness of three stimulus conditions does not correspond to the image displace- known to produce perception of motion: ment. According to this view, induced motion conngurational change that results from obis explained in the following way: Position ject-relative displacement, ocular pursuit, and constancy would compensate for the shifting image displacement. In the absence of staof the surrounded'object's image when the tionary edges, they found that conngurational surround is tracked, and thus the surrounded change prevailed when it was in conflict with object would be represented as stationary. At ocular pursuit. However, when conngurational that point, the motion of the surround would change was in conflict with image displaceproduce induced motion. In the experiments ment, the two conditions were about equally by Wallach et al. (1978) this sequence was effective. Adding the stationary edges diminmore complex because the target was also ished the extent of induced motion from moving. Position constancy would compen- 100% to 75% when conngurational change sate only for the component of the retinal was in conflict with ocular pursuit and from path produced by the horizontal eye move- 44% to 25% when it was in conflict with ments. Induced motion, however, would cause image displacement. Introducing stationary the perceived target motion to be oblique. vertical edges into the display, then, diminThis view of what happens in Wallach et al.'s ished induced motion. Will induced motion experiment would not, however, explain why also be diminished when the eyes track the no adaptation was measured when the eyes horizontal motion of the surround instead of the moving target, or will the effect then fail tracked the moving surround. Recently we discovered another condition to occur as it did in the experiment described that affected induced motion only when the above? The following experiment provided eyes tracked the moving target (Wallach & the answer. Becklen, 1983): Increasing the horizontal speed of the surrounding vertical line display Method diminished the extent of the induced motion Subjects. Fourteen paid undergraduates of Swarthmore when the observer looked at the target. When College participated. the eyes tracked the horizontal motion of the Equipment. The apparatus described in detail by surround, induced motion was less affected Wallach and Becklen (1983) was used. The horizontally by the increased speed. The remaining effect moving line pattern and the vertically moving target were rear-projected on a translucent screen by different lanterns was found to correspond to reduced tracking whose beams were shifted by means of tilting mirrors. that occurred at higher velocities. These re- The height of the moving pattern was 116 cm and sults supported the hypothesis that the path subtended a visual angle of 98.5°. It was 87 cm (82°) of the perceived motion of the moving target wide and consisted of 33 vertical gray lines, 0.3 cm wide resulted from the path of its image on the and 2.6 cm apart. It moved 9.8 cm horizontally. The target was a light dot of 0.5 cm diameter. It moved 9.6 retina and not from induction. cm (11°) vertically. Both reciprocating motions were Experiment 1 was conducted to find further simple harmonic (0.26 cycles/s). Their phase differed by support for this hypothesis. It describes an- 90°, so that one motion was at its midpoint when the other instance in which induced motion de- other started. The stationary vertical edges were produced vertical black screens suspended at each side of the pends on whether the target rather than the by display. moving surround is tracked. Displays. There were four display conditions. In Experiment 1 We used the same induced motion display as did Bacon, Gordon, and Schulman (1982), called the aligned center display. In this dis- Condition N (no edges) the screens were omitted so that the entire moving line pattern was visible. In the other three conditions, the moving line pattern was partly hidden by the screen. The edges of the screen were either 60 cm, 30 cm, or IS cm apart, leaving corresponding openings in which the moving lines were seen and which subtended visual angles of 62, 33, and 17°. These openings 715 POSITION CONSTANCY were always centered about the dot. Each of these display conditions was observed either when the subject's eyes pursued the vertically moving dot or when they tracked the surrounding horizontally moving line pattern. Response measure. When the subjects viewed such a display, they saw the dot moving on an oval path whose height depended on the vertical motion of the dot and whose width represented the extent of the induced motion. In each condition the subject used a pair of calipers to give a width and a height estimate of the perceived motion path. The ratio of the two estimates measured the extent of the induced motion, because the extent of the vertical motion of the dot was the same under all conditions. These width/height ratios have the advantage that they reduce the variability with which different subjects represent visual extents. Procedure. Subjects gave width and height estimates for each of the eight conditions (two observation conditions for four display conditions), once in ascending order of size of the opening, ending with Condition N and again, after a pause, in the opposite order. The different observation conditions connected with one display condition were paired and followed each other immediately. The order of the observation condition within a pair was different in the ascending and descending order for each subject. These two orders were counterbalanced, resulting in four combinations. Two subjects were randomly assigned. The average of the two width/height ratios obtained in each condition was the score for that condition. Results The means of these width/height ratios obtained in the eight conditions are listed in Table 1. In the dot pursuit condition, the ratios depended on the presence or absence of the stationary vertical screen edges and on the size of the opening between them. The difference between the mean width/height ratios obtained with no edge present and with the largest opening between the edges was significant at the .05 level, and the means listed for the three different openings were significantly different from each other at the .001 and .004 levels, respectively. In the line tracking condition the ratios, with one exception, did not depend on the size of the opening between the edges. They were the same for the no-edge condition and the 60cm and 30-cm opening conditions. Moreover, these ratios were about 1, indicating that the subjects saw a nearly circular path closely resembling the path of the dot's retinal image that had a ratio of 1.02. Only in the case of the 15-cm opening was the ratio diminished. This difference was significant, f(39) = 3.08 and p ~ .004. An ANOVA, which justified these p values, was performed. To make the distribution of Table 1 Mean Ratios of Width and Height Estimates of Oval Motion Paths Display conditions Openings (in cm) Observation conditions No edges 60 30 15 Dot pursuit Line tracking 1.10 1.03 1.01 1.04 0.85 1.02 0.71 0.88 the ratio scores symmetrical about 1, scores above 1 were transformed according to the following formula: transformed ratio = 2 — 1/ratio. The ANOVA showed that the ratios for the dot pursuit and the line tracking conditions were the same in the absence of the edges. In the presence of the edges, the two observation conditions yielded significantly different mean estimates, F(3, 39) = 12.59 and p - .000007. The interaction was also highly significant, F(3, 39) = 7.10 and p » .00064; in other words, the difference between the slopes of the mean width/height ratios for the dot pursuit and for the line tracking conditions was highly significant. The ratios that were obtained at the 30-cm opening showed that in the line-tracking condition the perceived path matched the path of the dot's retinal image, whereas in the dotpursuit condition, the visible stationary edges diminished the induced motion by 23%, a difference that was significant, f(30) = 5.50. At the narrowest opening of 15 cm, the difference between the width/height ratios in the two viewing conditions was still highly significant, with t(39) = 3.74 and p = .0006. The stationary edges provided configurational information about the dot's motion that contradicted the configurational change between the dot and the moving line pattern, the cause of the induced motion. This accounts for the diminished induced motion. The same result would have been obtained if, in the line tracking condition, the horizontal component of the dot's apparent motion path had also been induced motion, that is, caused by the configurational change between the dot and the moving line pattern. Because it did not happen, we conclude that in the line tracking condition the perceived motion 716 R. BECKLEN, H. WALLACH, AND D. NITZBERG path was not caused by induced motion but corresponded to the dot's image path. Narrowing the opening to 15 cm caused the width/height ratio to drop significantly in the line tracking condition also. We propose the following explanation: The horizontal tracking movements of the eyes, which cause the horizontal component of the dot's image path, also cause a horizontal image displacement of the vertical edges of the opening. Thus, the moving dot and the vertical edges shifted on the retinas in a fixed configuration, within which the dot moved vertically. The vertical motion that resulted from this configurational change combined with the circular retinal image motion and resulted in a narrowing of the perceived path. There are other instances where an image path and a configurational change combine to result in a single perceived motion path. An example can be found in the experiments of Wallach, O'Leary, and McMahon (1982): In the fixation condition, the perceived sloping path of the vertically moving dot results from the combination of its image path and the induction effect caused by the laterally moving lines. Experiment 2 two motion patterns is spontaneously reported. It results from the configurational change between the dots (Wallach, 1963). According to unpublished findings by Wallach and O'Leary, when the subject is instructed to track the horizontally moving dot, its apparent path is more nearly horizontal, and only the vertically moving dot is still seen to move obliquely. Is this oblique path still the result of the configurational change between the dots, as is the case when the subject views the display without tracking one of the dots, or is it evoked directly by the sloping path of the dot's retinal image that results when the horizontally moving dot is pursued? We tried to answer this question by altering the configurational change in which the nontracked white dot was involved, so that configurational change would tend to cause a perceived motion different from the motion that its image path would evoke. A third, red dot was added to the display. This dot also moved horizontally, but always in the direction opposite to the motion of the tracked green dot. The configurational change between the red dot and the vertically moving white dot would also be oblique but with the opposite slope. The combination of the two configurational changes should give the white dot a vertical motion. If, in the two-dot display, the perceived oblique path of the white dot was due to configurational conditions, introducing the moving red dot should cause the white dot to appear to move vertically. If this perceived oblique path was due to the path of the white dot's retinal image, introducing the red dot, and with it another configurational change, should alter the white dot's motion only in a minor way. It should still be oblique. In this experiment we omitted the line pattern that caused induced motion in the dot pursuit condition and had the eyes track instead a horizontally moving green dot. A simple arrangement resulted where a white dot moved vertically and a green dot horizontally, with their paths forming a cross. The 90° phase difference was omitted because more is known about the condition where the reciprocating motions of the dots are in phase. When the green dot was tracked, the resultant of the two displacements of the white dot's image was, therefore, a sloping Method straight line instead of a circular path. Subjects. Subjects were 19 paid undergraduates. This arrangement of crossing motion paths Equipment. The device used in Experiment 1 was can give rise to the perception of two simulmodified to provide three moving dots. The path of the taneous motions, which Johansson (1950) beam of one lantern remained unaltered. It still shifted has considered the result of vector analysis. in the horizontal plane, but it now projected a dot and If they are not instructed to track one of the passed through an orange-red filter. After the beam from dots, many subjects report two simultaneous the other lantern had been reflected by the moving mirror motions. The dots seem to approach and that caused it to move in a vertical plane, the beam was in two. A stationary beam splitter reflected half of pass each other on an oblique path and also split it upward. The part of the beam that passed through the to move as a group in a direction perpendic- beam splitter was reflected toward the screen by a solid ular to that path. Often only the first of the mirror where it projected, as before, the vertically moving POSITION CONSTANCY 717 white dot. The part of the beam that was reflected Table 2 upward was reflected by a slanting mirror that turned Mean Tilt Estimates for the Apparent Path the plane in which it moved to horizontal and, at the of the Vertically Moving White Dot same time, directed it toward the screen. It passed through a green filter and provided the other horizontally Condition M tilt estimate moving dot. The vertical path of the white dot was 10.4 cm long. The green and the red dot moved horizontally A over a distance of 10.7 cm and 10.0 cm, respectively. Two dots (w-G) -33.7° The centers of their paths coincided with the points at -21.1° Three dots (w-G-r) which they crossed the white dot's path. These points were just above and just below the centers of the white B Two dots (W-g) -8.4° dot's path. -.01° Three dots (W-G-r) Procedure, Subjects gave estimates of the tilt angle of the apparent path of the vertically moving white dot under four conditions. Under two conditions, they tracked Note. A = motion given as image displacement. B = motion the white dot, either in the presence of only the green given by ocular pursuit. N = 19. dot (W-g) or of both the green and the red dot (W-g-r). In the other two conditions, they tracked the green dot, either in the absence of the red dot (w-G) or in its presence (w-G-r). The motion speed was the same under estimate was -.01°) because the configuraall conditions, namely 0.30 cps. The conditions in which tional effect of the red dot should cancel the the green dot was tracked were critical and were tested effect of the green dot. The differences befirst. Half the subjects were first presented with the w-G condition and then with the w-G-r condition, and for the tween the mean tilt estimates of -8.4° and other half his sequence was reversed. The white dot of -.01° was highly significant (p < .001). tracking conditions (W-g and W-g-r) followed, also with When the subject tracked the horizontally reversed order for half the subjects. The same tilt esti- moving green dot and when the red dot was mation method was used that had been employed in the previous studies cited; the subject adjusted the orientation absent (w-G), the mean tilt estimate for the of a 57-cm long, white, test rod that was perpendicularly white dot's path was -^33.7°. This large deattached to a horizontal shaft so that it could be given viation from the objective motion of the any desired direction in a vertical plane. This rod was white dot observed when the green dot was visible against a square black surface and was located on tracked suggested that the white dot's apparthe subject's left with its rotation plane forming a right angle with the screen. When it was time to set the rod, ent motion resulted from its image path. The the subject turned to the left to face it, and the experi- mean tilt of -33.7° of the apparent motion menter turned on a table lamp to illuminate it. The of the white dot did fall short of the expected distance from the rod to the subject's eyes was approxi- value of 45.8°. Even if we take into account mately 75 cm. The subject made two settings, one from a vertical and the other from a horizontal starting position, the fact that tilt estimates for diagonal direcwith their average serving as the estimation score. For tions are as much as 5° too steep, the reobvious reasons, only the one with the horizontal starting maining shortfall of 7° was still significant at position was used in the W-g and W-g-r conditions. the .01 level. Perhaps subjects tracked the green dot less than accurately because they had to pay attention to the white dot's mo1 tion. The averages of the angles that the rod settings formed with the vertical were the individual scores. The mean tilt estimates are 1 An experiment that is an analogue to our noncritical listed in Table 2. Clockwise deviations were condition (w-G) was conducted by Festinger, Sedgwick, given positive signs. When the white dot was and Holtzman (1976). They varied the orientation of the tracked and only the green dot was present motion path of the target spot that corresponded to our in the W-g condition, the mean tilt estimate white dot between 60° and 120°, whereas ours was 90° of the apparent path of the white dot was and the motion speeds between 0.125 and 1.0 cps. Their resembled ours: The perceived motion direction of -8.4°. This deviation from the vertical direc- results the nontracked dot was very different from the objective tion of the objective motion of the white dot directions of that dot and was quite close to the direction was the result of the configurational change of the dot's image path. Festinger et al. assumed that the between the white dot and the green dot. As perceived motion direction of the nontracked dot resulted its image path. They did not consider the possibility predicted, adding the red dot in the W-g-r from that object-relative dispacements may be a stimulus concondition caused the apparent path of the dition in such arrangements, and they did not manipulate white dot to become vertical, (the mean tilt it as we did in our critical condition and in Experiment 3. Results 718 R. BECKLEN, H. WALLACH, AND D. NITZBERG The critical result for our hypothesis was the mean tilt estimate of the path of the white dot in the presence of both horizontally moving dots when one of them was tracked (w-G-r). If the perceived path of the white dot depended on configurational change rather than on its retinal path, its apparent path should be vertical when all three dots were present because its object-relative relation to the red dot on the one hand and to the green dot on the other balanced each other, as happened when the white dot was tracked. But the path of the white dot was still tilted with an angle of 21.1°, and this angle was significantly different from 0° with f(18) = 8.95 and p < .0001. This finding makes sense only if the perceived motion path is based at least in part on the oblique path of its retinal image. Here, the shortfall of the perceived tilt compared to the presumed tilt of the image path of 45.8° was even greater than in the w-G condition. When two dots with different motions of their own were present, tracking the green dot may have been even less complete than in the w-G condition and may have resulted in an even steeper image path of the white dot. But we did not measure eye movements and do not know how complete pursuit movements were. In our next experiment we made the task of pursuing a dot while observing the path of another dot easier by having a line pattern that filled the subject's visual field undergo the same horizontal motion as the tracked dot. We knew-from the experiments by Wallach and Becklen (1983) that under these circumstances tracking is accurate at the speed used in the present experiments. These authors measured ocular pursuit of the line pattern at three speeds with the afterimage method and found an appreciable shortfall in pursuit only at the highest speed of 1.39 cps and none at 0.26 cps, the latter comparable to our speed (corrected for observation distance) of 0.21 cps. Adding the line pattern had still another purpose. The configurational change between the target dot and the pattern, which would have caused complete induced motion of the dot if it were tracked, is so effective that it would obscure the much weaker configurational change between the target dot and a tracked dot, which had remained an issue in Experiment 2. Experiment 3 This experiment employed the display used by Wallach, Bacon, and Schulman (1978), a pattern of vertical lines in reciprocating horizontal motion centered on a light dot that moved up and down. The two motions were in phase. When the dot was tracked, the relative displacement between it and the lines resulted in a horizontal induced motion component, which caused the perceived motion of the dot to be oblique. The same tilted path was perceived when the lines were tracked, but here it could have been the result of the dot's oblique image path, the resultant of the dot's vertical motion and of the horizontal image shift caused by the eye movement. Or here, too, the apparent tilted path of the dot could have resulted from induction taking place after position constancy had compensated for the horizontal component of the dot's image motion. In order to obtain different predictions from the two explanations, we changed the direction of the tracking eye movements and with it the dot's image path. Instead of having the subject track the line pattern horizontally, they tracked an obliquely moving point of such a slope that it shortened the vertical component of the dot's image path and therefore increased its tilt. Thus, if the apparent motion of the dot depended on its image path, it should now be more horizontal than when the eye movements were horizontal. If, on the other hand, position constancy prevailed, the apparent motion of the dot should remain unaltered. Method Subjects. Subjects were 16 paid undergraduates. Displays. The excursion of the horizontally moving line pattern was 9.2 cm (13° of visual angle), and a light dot, which served as target, moved up and down over a distance of 16.4 cm (23°). Therefore the tilt angle of its image path was arctan 9.2/16.4 = 29.3° when the eyes tracked the lines horizontally through the full excursion of 9.2 cm. A dark spot that moved horizontally with the line pattern helped guide the line-tracking eye movements. A second light dot was provided for tracking to produce oblique eye movements. The path of this obliquely moving dot formed an angle of 38.8° with the horizontal. This path can be considered to be the resultant of two components, of a horizontal motion component of 9.2 cm, which caused the eyes to keep up with the line pattern, and a vertical component of 7.4 em. This vertical component shortened the vertical component of the 719 POSITION CONSTANCY image path of the target dot by the equivalent of 7.4 cm so that it now corresponded to a vertical motion of the target dot of 16.4 - 7.4 = 9.0 cm. When this vertical component was added to the horizontal image motion component, which was caused by the horizontal tracking motion of the eye (9.2 cm), the resultant image motion path formed a tilt angle of arctan 9.2/9.0 = 45.6". That would be the direction of the apparent motion of the target dot that results from the image path of the target dot when the obliquely moving dot is tracked. Equipment. The apparatus used in Experiment 1 and 2 was slightly modified. The lantern, whose beam was made to shift horizontally, projected the line pattern slide. As before, the other lantern projected a light dot. Its beam was shifted up and down and then encountered a beam splitter. One portion that was reflected toward the screen passed through a dove prism, which gave its path the 38.8° tilt. The other portion eventually encountered a vertical mirror, which reflected it toward the screen; it carried the vertically moving target dot, whose greater excursion was caused by the longer traveling distance of its beam portion. The dark dot was produced by placing a blank slide with a single dot image in the first projector next to the line pattern slide. The line pattern was 89 cm high and 60 cm wide (96° and 74° of visual angle). The obliquely moving dot and the dark dot were each 3 mm across. The target dot was, of course, 1.8 times larger. The motion speed was 0.17cps. Procedure. In the control condition, the dark horizontally moving dot was visible, in addition to the line pattern and the target dot, but the obliquely moving dot was absent. The subject was asked to track the dark dot and to give tilt estimates for the apparent path of the target dot as was done in Experiment 2. The experimental condition resembled the control condition except that the dark dot was absent and the obliquely moving dot was visible and was to be tracked. As before, two tilt estimates were given for each apparent motion path, one where the starting position of the test rod was horizontal and the other where it was vertical. The average of the two settings became a subject's tilt estimation score. Starting positions and control and experimental conditions were fully counterbalanced across subjects. Results The mean tilt estimates and their standard deviations are given in Table 3, which also lists the tilt angles of the image paths of the target dot under the two tracking conditions, when it is assumed that tracking is accurate. The mean tilt estimate for the control condition, where the horizontally moving dark dot was tracked, was 30.19° and was in good agreement with the tilt angle of the target dot's image path, which amounted to 29.3°. A mean tilt estimate of about the same value should also be expected under the assumption that position constancy operated and that the tilt of the path was due to induction. This Table 3 Mean Tilt Estimates for the Apparent Path of a Moving Dot During Eye Movements in Different Directions Tracking eye movements Estimated and actual tilt Mean tilt estimates SD Tilts of image paths Horizontal Oblique 30.19° 5.97° 29.3° 42.93° 4.57° 45.6° condition, however, can serve as control for the oblique tracking condition because the assumption that position constancy operates would predict the results to be the same in both the oblique and the horizontal tracking condition. The mean tilt estimate for the oblique tracking condition was 42.93°, again in good agreement with the 45.6° tilt of the image path. The difference of 2.67° is accounted for by the overrating of slopes of diagonal directions mentioned earlier; this difference was, however, marginally significant, with t(\5)= 2.34 and p < .05. The important comparison is the one between the mean tilt estimate of 42.93° and the one obtained under the control condition. The difference between these two means was 12.74° and was highly significant, with t(\5) = 6.78 and p < .0001. This result indicates that the mean tilt estimate of 42.93° cannot have resulted from position constancy and induction. Direct perception of the image path must have taken place, and position constancy has failed. Experiment 4 In our final experiment, another strategy was used to make tracking more accurate. Instead of having the eyes track a reciprocating motion, we made the tracked motion path circular, which involves a uniform eye movement. Another of Johansson's (1950) motion pattern that often yields vector analysis was employed. In this arrangement, one dot moves on a circular path, and another dot next to it moves up and down. The latter dot's reciprocating motion is simple harmonic and reverses direction when the circling dot passes through its highest and lowest point. Because the circular motion path can be the 720 R. BECKLEN, H. WALLACH, AND D. NITZBERG kinematic resultant of two straight simple harmonic reciprocating motions, one vertical and the other horizontal, which are combined with a 90° phase shift, the circling dot's progress in the vertical dimension is always the same as that of the other dot. When the perceived dot motions agree with vector analysis, the dots appear to move horizontally toward each other and apart and, at the same time, move together up and down. Tracking one of the dots causes the perceived motion of that dot to be veridical, as happens in the crossing motion path arrangement. Subjects usually report circular motion when the circling dot is tracked. The issue is how the motion of the other dot is perceived when the circular path is tracked. Because tracking the circular path accurately amounts to moving the eyes up and down in concert with the vertically moving dot, the latter is implicitly pursued too. The horizontal components of the circular eye movements, however, cause horizontal displacements of the image of the vertically moving dot. If position constancy operates and compensates for these image displacements, the vertical motion of that dot should be correctly perceived. If position constancy does not operate, the horizontal image displacement of the dot results in a horizontal component of its perceived motion, which combines with the dot's perceived vertical motion and results in a circular path. That is what usually happened. Method Subjects and equipment. Subjects were 37 paid undergraduates. The moving dots were 2.1-volt light emitting diodes (LEDs) attached to a mechanical device that was described in Wallach, Becklen, and Nitzberg (in press). The diameter of the circular path of the LED on the right was 9 cm, and the length of the vertical path of the LED on the left was also 9 cm. The latter's distance from the nearest point of the circular path was 8 cm. Observation was in total darkness. The subjects wore goggles with neutral density filters, which obscured small spots of stray light. A transparent mirror in front of the display concealed it when the room was illuminated and, together with the goggles, made the LEDs dimmer. The observation distance was 4.6 m. To facilitate tracking, the motion speed was slower than in the experiment by Wallach et al. (1984); the LED completed its circular path in 3.7 s. Procedure. The experimental gfoup contained 18 subjects who were instructed to track the circular path. Initially, the vertically 'moving LED was disconnected, and subjects practiced tracking the other LED. After 30 s the room light was turned on, and the subject had to draw the motion path they had seen. Then the vertically moving LED on the left of the circling LED was also lit. The room was darkened and the subject was instructed to track the dot on the right and to draw the path of both dots when, after 20 s, the room was lit again. The 19 subjects of the control group first practiced tracking the vertically moving LED for 30 s. After its perceived path was drawn, both LEDs were lit, and the subject was instructed to follow the left dot with his or her eyes and then draw the path of both dots. Results There were large individual differences with regard to the onset of autokinetic movement. A few subjects who saw strong autokinetic motion drew a zigzag line after they had tracked the vertically moving dot, and they drew a corkscrew spiral after tracking the circling LED. Fourteen of the 18 experimental subjects drew two circles after observing both LEDs and tracking the one on the right. Thus, in their case there was clearly no compensation for the horizontal displacement of the image of the vertically moving dot, which was caused by the horizontal component of the circular eye movements that the tracking of the circular path entailed. Three subjects drew interlacing spirals, the outcome of an addition of autokinetic motion to circular Sr elliptic dot motions. Because it was not possible to state with assurance that the primary dot motion was circular and not elliptical, these 3 subjects were not counted. A fourth subject drew two horizontal ellipses, a result that was also counted as uninterpretable. Among the 19 control subjects were 2 whose drawing showed strong autokinetic motion components that made them uninterpretable. A third subject's drawing was also uninterpretable. All of the remaining 16 subjects drew a straight vertical motion path on the left. This means that configurational change between the vertically moving dot and the circling dot had no effect on how the vertically moving dot was perceived. This result made it clear that in the experimental condition, too, the perception of the vertical dot motion did not result from configurational change between the dots. In both cases, the vertical motion of the dot on the left was given by eye movements, in the control condition by direct tracking, and in the experi- POSITION CONSTANCY mental condition by the vertical component of the circular tracking. If configurational change had been effective in the experimental condition, it would have been effective in the control condition also. Thus, the perceived circular motion of the vertically moving dot, which was reported for the experimental condition, resulted from the horizontal displacement of its image. Even if no instructions are given to track the vertically moving dot, its motion path is drawn as straight and vertical. Wallach et al. (1984) presented our motion pattern to 44 subjects without the instruction to track one of the dots and obtained drawings. Seven drawings were uninterpretable and 10 subjects drew two circles, the result of tracking the path of the circular dot, as we now know. All remaining 27 subjects represented the left dot's vertical path as straight and vertical, as did the majority of our control subjects. Summary and Discussion The experiments here reported argue that position constancy or the compensation for target image displacement caused by pursuit eye movements has a limitation. It does not operate when the direction of the displacement of the retinal image of the target is different from the direction of the eye movement. This happens when, during pursuit, the target is not stationary but moves objectively in a direction different from that of the motion of the tracked point. Our first experiment investigated the induced motion of a target that, while it was subject to induction, moved perpendicularly to its induced motion. Because the induced motion was caused by a pattern of parallel straight lines, the perceived target motion was the result of a combination of motions, namely, the target's own objective motion and the induced motion.2 The shape or the slope of the resultant motion path could serve here as a measure of the induced motion. This arrangement had been used previously to measure the effect of two factors that diminish induced motion, adaptation and increase of the motion speed. The two experiments had this in common: When, instead of the target, the moving line pattern was tracked, induced motion was not diminished. 721 Tracking the line pattern resulted in two simultaneous image dispacements of the target, one due to the relative displacement between the lines and the target and the other due to the target's objective motion. The resulting image path resembled the motion path that was perceived when, prior to adaptation or at low speeds, the target was tracked.3 We explained the failure of adaptation and of speed-up to cause diminished induced motion in the line-tracking condition by claiming that the perceived target motion depended here directly on the target's image path and not on induced motion. This explanation found support in our Experiment 1, where a third factor that diminished induced motion also failed to do so in the linetracking condition. The assumption that an image path that is the resultant of two image displacements gives rise directly to the target's perceived motion implied that the component of the image path that was caused by line-tracking was perceptually effective and that position constancy did not operate. This failure of position constancy seemed to be connected with the fact that the image displacement produced by eye movements was here a component of an image path, which was simultaneously representing an objective target motion. Our remaining experiments were designed to show that perceived motion depended here on the target motion as it was given on the retina. These conditions occur when a target moves while the eyes are engaged in pursuing a differently moving point. To confirm the hypothesis that, under these conditions, position constancy is not operating we had to show that the perceived target motion is more similar to the target's image path than to the objective target motion. We also had to show that the perceived target motion did not result from configurational change between the target and the tracked 2 A detailed explanation of induction by a pattern of parallel lines has been previously given several times. See, for example, Wallach, O'Leary, and McMahon (1982), page 2, column 2. 3 Wallach, O'Leary, and McMahon (1982) found induction to be complete in the dot tracking condition, causing a slope of the tracked dot's apparent path that would be the same as the slope of its image path. 722 R. BECKLEN, H. WALLACH, AND D. NITZBERG point but from the target's image path. The three remaining experiments employed different strategies to deal with this issue. The relation between the target motion and the motion of the tracked point was also different in the three experiments. In Experiment 2, the perceived target motion differed significantly from the objective target motion and had a direction that approached the target's presumed image path halfway. In Experiments 3 and 4, the perceived target motions did not only differ greatly from the objective target motions, as perceived under the control conditions, but also were in close agreement with the presumed image paths. In all our experiments, the motion of the target and the pursuit eye movements were meant to have different directions. Therefore, our results left open the question whether position constancy failed because the target moved during pursuit movement instead of being stationary or because the target and the tracked point moved in different directions. Experiments are in progress where the target does move during the eye movements but where its motion and the motion of the tracked point are colinear. Our results show that position constancy operates under these conditions. It appears that position constancy fails only when the target motion forms an angle with the motion of the tracked point, that is, when it would have to compensate for a component of the given image path and when vector analysis of the image path would have to take place. This limitation of position constancy applies only to image displacements that are caused by pursuit eye movements. Saccadic eye movements function differently. Mack (1970) had a target move vertically during a flash-induced horizontal saccade. When the extent of that vertical target motion was above a certain threshold value and was perceived, it was perceived as vertical, not as oblique, as was the displacement of the target image. This result was confirmed and expanded by Whipple and Wallach (1978). They used voluntary saccades that were vertical, horizontal, or oblique and target motion during the saccades in those three directions. There were six combinations of eye movements and target motions where directions differed. Target motions with extents above certain threshold values were correctly reported, although the retinal paths of the target images were very different. Hansen (1979) reported still another instance of position constancy under conditions where the motion of the target formed an angle with the motion of the tracked point. In his Experiment 2 the subject used a hammer to stike a target whose path formed various angles with a pursuit eye movement when they heard a brief tone. They performed this task accurately at a variety of speeds of the tracked point. Does this mean that vector analysis takes place in connection with saccades and in Hansen's experiment? We think not. There is a level of visual processing where the effect of eye position and of eye movements on the relation between the whole visual field and the eyes is taken into account and where the environment is represented as it is related to the observer's head. At that processing level, individual motion paths are represented as they are oriented in relation to the head, provided the head does not move at the time, because they are part of the representation of the whole visual field that is corrected for the effect of eye movements. Evidence for the existence of such a processing level comes from the work by Wallach and Bacon (1977) on adaptation in the constancy of visual direction. This constancy renders the perceived environment immobile during head turning or nodding. It can be rapidly altered by an arrangement where the environment is made to move in a regular fashion, depending on the rotation of the head. Perception of the environmental motion gradually diminishes during exposure to such conditions. Wallach and Bacon found that this adaptation could be obtained under two different conditions. In one condition a mark that the subject had to track during the head movement moved objectively dependent on the head rotation; apart from this mark, the visual field was at rest and underwent the normal relative displacements that resulted from the head movements. Only the eye movements (EMs) the subject made were different from the EMs that are ordinarily made when the eyes rest on a stationary point during head rotation. Adaptation con- 723 POSITION CONSTANCY sisted here in a changed evaluation of EMs. In the other adaptation condition, the subject fixated a stationary mark, but the rest of the visual field was made to move dependent on the head rotation. In this case, adaptation consisted in a changed relation between the whole visual field and the head (field adaptation). Both adaptation conditions yielded identical results: After exposure, real motions of the environment during and dependent on head turning appeared diminished, and the stationary environment seemed to move during head turning. In other respects, though, the two adaptations had different manifestations, both connected with tests of visual direction given while the head was turned to the side. Pointing to a target straight ahead, which required an eye movement into that position, was altered after EM adaptation but not after field adaptation, whereas setting a target in the straight ahead position was altered after field adaptation but not after EM adaptation. Because field adaptation was produced by an exposure during which the subject looked at a stationary mark during head turning and therefore the eyes performed normal compensating movements, Wallach and Bacon concluded that field adaptation takes place at a processing level where compensation for eye movements has already taken place and where the visual field is represented as it is related to the head. Field adaptation alters that relation. There is also evidence of a close relation between saccadic eye movements and the processing level at which field adaptation takes place. Another experiment required the subject to make one saccade during every head movement cycle. Particularly strong field adaptation was obtained in this case. Its effect, measured by setting a target in the straight ahead direction, was doubled compared to the effect of an exposure with fixation of a stationary mark. Thus, saccades seemed to be initiated from the processing level where field adaptation takes place and where the effect of eye position and of eye movements on the representation of the whole visual field has already been taken into account. This may be the reason why position con- stancy is complete in connection with saccades. Position constancy in connection with pursuit movement apparently operates independently, involving a compensation process that matches up individual image displacements with simultaneous tracking movements. The motor responses used by Hansen (1979) may also be directed from a processing level where the representation of the whole visual field is corrected for the effect of eye position, but there is no supporting evidence as there is in the case of saccades. References Bacon, J. H., Gordon, A., & Schulman, P. H. (1982). The effect of two types of induced motion displays on perceived location of the induced target. Perception & Psychophysics, 32, 353-359. Festinger, L., Sedgwick, A. H., & Holtzman, J. D. (1976). Visual perception during smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 16, 1377-1386. Hansen, R. M. (1979). Spatial localization during pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 19, 1213-1221. Johansson, G. (1950). Configurations in event perception. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB. Mack, A. (1970). An investigation of the relationship between eye and retinal image movement in the perception of movement. Perception & Psychophysics, 8, 291-297. Wallach, H. (1963). Visual perception of motion. In G. Kepes (Ed.), The nature and art of motion (pp. 5259). New York: Braziller. Wallach, H., & Bacon, J. (1977). Two kinds of adaptation in the constancy of visual direction and their different effects on the perception of shape and visual direction. Perception & Psychophysics, 21, 227-241. Wallach, H., Bacon, J., & Schulman, P. (1978). Adaptation in motion perception: Alteration of induced motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 24, 509-514. Wallach, H., & Becklen, R. (1983). An effect of speed on induced motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 34, 237-242. Wallach, H., Becklen, R., & Nitzberg, D. (in press). Vector analysis and process combination in motion perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Wallach, H., O'Leary, A., & McMahon, M. L. (1982). Three stimuli for visual motion perception compared. Perception & Psychophysics, 32, 1-6. Whipple, W. R., & Wallach, H. (1978). Direction-specific motion thresholds for abnormal image shifts during saccadic eye movement. Perception & Psychophysics, 24, 349-355. Received February 3, 1984 Revision received May 26, 1984