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Curriculum Vitae of Manthos Santorineos Artist - researcher Associate professor / Athens School of Fine Arts Multimedia - Hypermedia Lab Scientific co-director of Greek-French Master "Art, Virtual Reality & Multi-User systems of Artistic Expression" Tel 00 30 6977 46 89 86 email santorineos@asfa.gr Has been decorated by the French Government as a "Chevalier dans l' Ordre des Palmes Académiques" Studies >Diploma in Painting at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux arts. Paris, 19ι9 >1981-82: Post-graduate Degree (Maitrise), with thesis on “The Artist's Place in Society in Relation to Technological Development”. Paris 8 University >PhD thesis: "An approach in research and art in the digital age through the study of artificial systems of organization of the human memory. Necessity and proposal for a complex tool in reporting and synthesizing data which may potentially contribute to the development of a new form of doctorate (doctorate-machine)" Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies de l’Art, Paris 8 University, 200θ Manthos Santorineos (born 1954), a new-media artist, researcher, and Associate Professor in Athens School of Fine Arts, devoted his activities in promoting digital culture since its infancy. Starting in 1983, with his postgraduate research entitled The Artist’s Place in Society in Relation to Technological Development; he foresees and describes the new social and technological conditions that would follow. In 1987, in the 1st International Conference of the Greek Computer Society in Athens, he proposes the Laboratory of the Artist in the Digital Era, which he describes as a micro-core, capable of processing digital data, networked with other similar micro-cores, and research centers, libraries or universities. In fact, he describes the World Wide Web, and its full functionality, two years before the first announcement by its founder, Tim Berners Lee. He consistently follows and develops his ideas, promoting zealously the new area that he investigates: alongside with his personal artwork (video-installations, multi-media spectacles, interactive artworks, TV productions) he founds, in 1987, the experimental laboratory EIKONA as well as the Department of Art and Technology in the Center for Contemporary Art “Ileana Tounta”. The latter is the first Artistic Center in Greece promoting the relation between Art and technology in a methodic way, through conferences, exhibitions, and seminars. In 1992 he founds, in collaboration with Dodo Santorineou, the Center for Digital Culture FOURNOS, and in 1999 the international festival MEDIATERRA. In the years that follow, with technology providing the framework, he experiments with his original idea about the artistic laboratory. Several projects were developed, such as the VR project “Helicopter house”, the “Mikro-Museum” (Mediaterra 2001), and the Virtual Centre Media Net (VCMnet) in collaboration with other 11 European centers (European Programme Culture 2000). In 1993 he creates the documentary television series for Art, Technology and Science “ΜΕΤΑΤΙ?” (36 episodes on 2nd National Channel) which is considered exemplary and pioneering worldwide. The festival of new technologies VideoFest, Berlin 1994 invites him to present it. He also participates in various committees and working groups, i.e. in “Education and media” group of MELINA Programme funded by the Greek Ministry of Education (1994-1996), and in the group of experts of the programme “Τεχθοηάγεδα” for Secondary Education (2001-2004, funded by the Greek Secretary of Research and Technology). Furthermore, he represents Greece in the European Council for Digital Culture (1999 – 2001), and as a member of the group of experts for defining actions about digital culture (20002001). In 1998, he is invited to participate in the work group for the development of the Athens School of Fine Arts new Curriculum. He also undertakes the study towards establishing a multimedia laboratory. In year 2000, he is elected Lecturer, while his application for Associate Professor is now in progress. Since his election, his main fields of activity are research and education. He founds and he is responsible for the MultimediaHypermedia laboratory, and he is one of the main contributors in the Master Programme “Digital Forms of Art”, of the Athens School of Fine Arts. He also teaches “History and Theory of New Media” at the Department of History and Theory of Art, of Athens School of Fine Arts since 2008. He is also invited to give lectures and organize seminars in various Institutions of Greece and abroad, such as: the Greek-French master course programme “Informatique, Synthese d'Images et Conception Graphique (ISICG)” of the TEI of Athens and the University if Limoges (since 2008), the Paris-8 University, the Goldsmiths University of London, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Shanghai e.t.c. Alongside these activities, he develops an intense research work that results in a Ph.D. thesis, in the Department “Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies de l'Art”, University Paris-8 (2006). This thesis is also published as a book in France (“De la civilisation du papier a la civilisation du numérique”. Edition L’Harmattan). His innovative ideas are related to the mechanisms of memory and the contemporary laboratory for research and artistic creation. He claims that the computer is not a “medium”, but the new "substrate of memory" of our culture that will replace the paper. Therefore, he proposes that the doctoral thesis should not be written on paper, but on a hybrid substrate, a first form of which he created in the context of his own Ph.D. research and named it “doctorate machine”. During the last five years Manthos Santorineos has created an unofficial research group in the MultimediaHypermedia laboratory, as well as a collaborating European network (Paris-8 University, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Tourcoing School of Fine Arts, Goldsmiths University of London, University of Hull, e.t.c.) both working on new forms of Digital Arts. With the contribution of four European Intensive Programmes and two Summer Universities, several seminars and student’s projects have been developed. These focus on experimentation with platforms for distant artistic collaboration. Some of the results of these projects were selected for presentation in two annual Erasmus conferences, in Paris (2008) and in Athens (2009). He is the main contributor to the research towards establishing a Greek – French Master Course under the title “Art, Virtual Reality and Multi-User Systems of Artistic Expression”, between Athens School of Fine Arts and Paris-8 University, that has recently been approved. List of most significant publications Scientific journals >Digital Spaces – Illusionistic Environments, Manthos Santorineos, Emmanouela, Vogiatzaki – Krukowski, Internet Journal Body, Space and Technology (BST), http://people.brunel.ac.uk/bst/vol05/index.html, (2011) >The Museum and the digital culture. A special case: The Byzantine and Christian Museum”, Manthos Santorineos, 2007 Ilissia magazine, Autumn 2007.n.1 >Espace virtuel d’expérimentations artistiques et ludique non verbales, Manthos Santorineos, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Arts et technologies de l’image, Revue No 3 Décembre 200ι, Université Paris 8 Participation to conferences >Social media as art and vs. art, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, to be presented to the 17th International Festival of New media, Electronic and Digital Arts (ISEA2011), 14-21 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey >A proposal for a digital art laboratory that meets contemporary educational and experimentation needs, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, The 5th Annual Edition of INTED2011 (International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 7-9th March, 2011, Valencia, Spain >Action Room: A low-cost hypermedia platform for experimental performances and spectacles, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, The 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia VSMM 2009,Vienna, Austria, September 9-12, 2009 >Art-Technology: Courses for an International Language, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Konstantinos Tiligadis, Nefeli Dimitriadi, 5th Intercientific Transuniversity Conference of NTUA, Metsovo, Greece, September 2007 >Towards Defining a Suitable Environment for Teaching Digital Arts – The Delphous Experiment, Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, Chu-Yin Chen, 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan >Doctorate_machine: An innovative tool for a non paper Ph.D. dissertation, Manthos Santorineos, 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan >The passage from the creator’s intelligence which is intrinsic to the works of art, to artificial intelligence. A proposal for a new field of research that combines art with artificial intelligence case study: The Kandinsky project, Manthos Santorineos, 3IA International Conference (3IA'2007) on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, May 30-31 2007, Athens, Greece >The “non space” as an environment for artistic creation and training, M. Santorinaios, V. Zoi, N. Dimitriadi, K. Tiligadis, INTED 2007 conference, March 7-9 2007, Valencia, Spain >There can be no interactive art without interactive Museums, Manthos Santorineos, International Festival and Conference CIBER@RT Bilbao. Bilbao, Spain 2004 >Virtual presentation of mikroMuseum, Manthos Santorineos, Mobility Immobility International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switzerland, 2002 >Laboratory of the Artist in the Digital Era, Manthos Santorineos, First international conference of the Greek Computer Society, Athens, 1987 Significant research achievements in the last 10 years Books >De la civilisation du papier a la civilisation du numérique. A travers les aventures de l'enregistrement de la recherche, de la pensée et de l'Art, Manthos Santorineos, Collection Ouverture philosophique, Edition L’Harmattan, 200ι >Gaming Realities, A challenge for digital culture, Fournos Centre for the digital culture, Editor Manthos Santorineos, Mediaterra Festival, Athens, Greece, 2006 Invited talks >The experience of the “in-between”: presentation of the InBetween project (1999 - 2011), Manthos Santorineos, Stavroula Zoi, Nefeli Dimitriadi, The Hybrid City Symposium, 4-5 March 2011, Athens, University Research Institute of Applied Communication (URIAC) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, http://www.media.uoa.gr/hybridcity/ >Presentation of Manthos Santorineos’ theoretical work, invited by the Center Aula Cam LLotgeta and the Department Artes Visuales y Multimedia, of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, 2008 >Searching for the ideal environment for education, collaboration, and artistic creation. Conclusions and suggestions from the activities of the Multimedia-Hypermedia laboratory, meeting on “Investigation of higher education in the Ionian University”, Corfu 200ι >The relation of image and sound in the analogue and digital culture, Animfest 2008 >2nd interdisciplinary conference on Art and Science, Union of Greek Physisists, Technopolis, Gazi, Tahens, 2008 >Presentation of the project: “In-between Space” from the Hybrid Art Forms section of the Masters in Digital Art Forms at the Athens School of Fine Art., Easa007 European Conference of Architecture Colleges on the subjectμ “City index”, Lectureμ “Real and Virtual Space” , Elefsina, Greece 22/θ - 5/8/2007 >Greece in Europe, Europe in the world. Participation in the work group. Open forum 2007 with subject: 50 years of European Union: Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, Zapion, Athens >What is Digital Culture?, Synch 07 Festival. >Modern Technology in the Art of Teaching, International symposium in Art education, Organizing Committee, Athens School of Fine Arts 26-27/5/07 >Children growing-up in the 21st Century. A decisive moment in the history of Art and in history itself , 1st Scientific Conference of the Museum of Greek Children’s Art Themeμ Children’s Art, Modern Art, Benaki Museum Athens 14-15/10/2005 >Culture and Technology, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, Aegean University, Lesvos, Greece 25&26/6/05 >Hybrid forms of Art, Conference on Education in Visual Arts, AKTO School, Athens 2005 >The network, a strong environment for the Age of Transition, Issues and proposals, International Conference: From Cultural Network to Politics. European culture needs networks. Kronprinzenpalais, Berlin, 2004 >Digital culture and Education in Greece, Science and Art Students Digital Art Exhibition of Six Universities, Six Countries, College of Fine Arts Shanghai University, 2003 >Le corps de l’artiste a l’époque numérique. Département Doctorale des Arts Plastiques. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord, Paris-8 University, Paris, 2003 >Presentation of Kandinsky project, Conference on Culture and New Technologies, Foundation of the Hellenic World, Athens 2002 >Presentation of the mikroΜυseum project, ISEA, the International Symposium on Electronic Art. Paris 2000 Participation to organizing committees Manthos Santorineos has participated as a scientific committee member to the following international conferences: ECGBL 2011, EDUTAINMENT 2011, PHILOSOPHY OF COMPUTER GAMES 2011, and DIMEA 2008 (also responsible of the artistic exhibition). He has been the key person in the organization of the MEDIATERRA festivals (artistic director), funded by the Greek Ministry of Culture and FOURNOS Centre for Digital Culture: >2006 - Gaming Realities >2004 -From Text to HyperText >2002 - New platforms >2001 - De-globalizing Re-globalizing. Mediaterra 01 was a moving festival. It started from Lavrion, Greece, crossed Belgrad, Maribor, and reached Frankfurt, in the international book exhibition) >2000 – Neotechnologisms >1999 – communication between the centre and the suburbs (including Symposium "Pendulum”). Presentation of artistic projects (Experimentation with platforms) >Video production in the play Narcissus, by Elena Penga, Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2011 (http://www.greekfestival.gr/en/event63-elena-penga---angelos-papadimitriou.htm) >Do you want to go away?, by Anna Meli, one-act play, Fournos Centre for Digital Culture, Athens, July 2011 >There are good giants, multimedia spectacle for children, Fournos Centre for Digital Culture, Athens, 2009-2010 >Development of three special digital spaces for the needs of the Permanent Exhibition of Byzantine Museum, Athens, 2009-2010 >Presentation of the inBetween project, Festival Miden, Kalamata, Greece, 2009 >Creation of two installations using the technique Theatre of objects, Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, 2001 >Project "Hellicopter House", Virtual Reality on CAVE platform type, Co-production and presentation of the project at the, Foundation of the Hellenic World. Athens, 2002 >Project “mikro-Museum”, Concept - Creation of a travelling “m rο-Μουseum”, Mediaterra 01 festival, Athens, 2001 >“Helicopter-house” exhibition, internet, virtual reality project, A co-production with CICV, Fournos Center for Digital Culture and Foundation of the Hellenic World, Athens 2000 >INTERFERENCES Festival Presentation of an interactive installation “my window” plus a letter / Happening addressed to Bill Gates, part of project Hellicopter House. CICV, Montbéliard, France, 2000 >Always on Sunday, Real time radio- one act plays theater presentation via link and teleconference, “Ars Electronica / Horizontal Radio”, Linz, Austria, 1995 He has also realized five personal exhibitions, two of which abroad. He has produced 10 multimedia spectacles, several TV productions, etc. List other Research Projects in which you have participated in the last 10 years Responsible for New Media in the study group for the redevelopment of the curriculum of the Athens School of Fine Arts. Study for the creation of a multimedia laboratory, 1998 Development of Action Room platform for artistic and educational multimedia spectacles (program ΠΡΑΞΕ, funded by the Greek Secretary for Research and Technology, Evolution of the second version of the digital platform Action Room II, 2009 Project Virtual Center Media Net (VCMNET) Principal idea, coordinator (three-year Culture 2000 program of European Union) Program 98 of Information Society. Integrated e-Learning system of Athens School of Fine Arts. (Coordinator) 2007