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Book Reviews 235 chemistry (eh. 6); and life, whether vegetable or animal or human (eh. 7), before the substantive text ends with a discussion of Newton, gravity and God (eh. 8). The undergrad uate student new to these topics will be in­ structed fruitfully and painlessly, whilst more advanced readers will be refreshed by a synoptic and well-structured guide to a wide field. Both classes of reader will do well to pay attention continuously: the only obtrusive example of repetition that sticks in this reviewer's mind is that the Council of Trent met from 1545 to 1563 (pp. 38 and 52). But it may be said of reviewers, as it was said of nature, that they abhor a vacuum; however, it is not ill-nature which prompts this reviewer to offer a comment. Rather, he feels that the book, which was evidently written according to a close brief about length, would have improved with more information about the late Professor Osler's own research interests. For instance, it was a thoroughly good idea to begin with Aristotelian causality and te!eology (pp. 6-8), but thereafter these themes tend to disappear -despite the author having written elsewhere about teleology (Osiris, 2001). Again, Descartes and Gassendi make their proper bows, but one would like to see more of the characteristic interests of the author's Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy (Cambridge, 1994). To put it another way, within this survey of the scientific revolution, as its subtitle suggests, Osler touches on (yet never fully develops) a complementary and connected account of the philosophical and theological developments of the day. lt is a pity that now we shall never read it in its entirety from Margaret Osler's pen. Iain Harris, University of Leicester, UK Avner Ben-Zaken, Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1560-1660. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Pp. 256. $60.00. On the book's jacket, George Saliba notes that 'this book is a bag of gems'. lt is indeed. lt is one of those rare works that sheds light on a thoroughly studied area, making it look fresh and challenging. In a very general sense, the subject of the book is the Scientific Revolution. The implicit question permeating its narrative is: Which were the knowledge quests that shaped the intellectual context of the new heliocentric astronomy and contributed to its consolidation? To answer this question the author shifts his viewpoint from the 'centre' to the 'margins' and his narrative style from big-picture to microhistory. The book consists of five stories. Their heroes occasionally cross at the knowledge centres of the Eastern Mediterranean, but .what is more im- 236 Book Reviews portant is that they share a common perception about what constitutes valid scientific knowledge - a perception significantly different than the one informing most mainstream histories of Scientific Revolution. The first story is about how the skies became a field of politics and apoca­ lyptic visions in the context of the late-sixteenth-century conflict between Europe and the Ottoman Empire. The short-lived observatory of Constantinople and the far more famous observatory of Tycho Brahe pro­ duced scientific knowledge while looking at the skies for signs of their opponents´ doom and while seeking 'mechanical' means to manipulate the omens. The second story is about the search of the authentic cosmological knowledge contained in ancient and long-lost versions of the Bible. The travels motivated by this search had the peculiar effect of extending the Galilean affair to the Holy Land and Mesopotamia. The third story is also about the search of the original natural knowledge in the Middle East. In this case, however, the emphasis is placed on how the retrieval of ancient manuscripts aimed at overcoming the implicit censorship of the print culture and at rescuing the primacy of the Hebrew tradition in cosmological issues. In the fourth story, a professor of astronomy at Oxford University fashioned his epistemic inquiries to match his patrons' search for purified Christianity. This pairing incited geographical and intellectual itineraries, which involved the retrieval of archetypal measures and the con­ solidation of a universal language. The traveller of the last story is a French astronomical text, which resurrected as an Arabic manuscript and faced the rejection of Sultan's chief astronomer up to the time when he was convinced of its astrological efficiency. The occasion of this translation brings to light the epistemological importance of Islam's mystical traditions oriented towards spiritual illumination and the harmonious perception of natural order. Each story contains more stories, and, at a certain point, the reader feels immersed in a quite complicated world. In the end, however, these over­ lapping stories create a vivid environment, where people and objects circu­ late, motivated by knowledge quests much broader than the mere search for 'scientific' truth. Although the author does not name it, he stresses the importance of longue duree, which often passes unnoticed in our discipline. The intellectual priorities, the epistemic means and the technical con­ trivances of the emerging science when viewed from the 'margins' reveal their heavy dependence on local cultural features and mutually transformative intercultural encounters. In this sense, heliocentrism gained wide acceptabil­ ity in early modern period not only (and maybe not mainly) because of its evident truthfulness, but also because of the widespread belief that it revived the pristine knowledge contained in the original versions of the Holy Scriptures. Thus, microhistory becomes a gateway to a global history of Book Reviews 237 science, which invites us to reassess the established views about the origins of modern science and the factors that fuelled its expansion. Manolis Patiniotis, University of Athens, Greece