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LeedΝ StΟd—eΝ —n En‒l—Ν– NeΡ SeΜ—eΝ XLIV 2013 Ma‒—c and Med—c—ne EaΜlΤ Med—eΠal Plant-Name StΟd—eΝ Ed—ted bΤ CaΜΙle B—‒‒am Ed—tΙΜ—al aΝΝ—Νtant AlaΜ—c Hall Leeds Studies in English <ΡΡΡ.leedΝ.ac.Οk/lΝe> Sc–ΙΙl Ιf En‒l—Ν– Un—ΠeΜΝ—tΤ Ιf LeedΝ 2013 Leeds Studies in English <ΡΡΡ.leedΝ.ac.Οk/lΝe> Leeds Studies in English —Ν an —nteΜnat—Ιnal, ΜefeΜeed jΙΟΜnal baΝed —n t–e Sc–ΙΙl Ιf En‒l—Ν–, Un—ΠeΜΝ—tΤ Ιf LeedΝ. Leeds Studies in English ΚΟbl—Ν–eΝ aΜt—cleΝ Ιn Old and M—ddle En‒l—Ν– l—teΜatΟΜe, Old Iceland—c lan‒Οa‒e and l—teΜatΟΜe, and t–e –—ΝtΙΜ—cal ΝtΟdΤ Ιf t–e En‒l—Ν– lan‒Οa‒e. AfteΜ a tΡΙ-ΤeaΜ embaΜ‒Ι, ΚaΝt cΙΚ—eΝ aΜe made aΠa—lable, fΜee acceΝΝ; t–eΤ can be acceΝΝed Π—a <–ttΚ://ΡΡΡ.leedΝ.ac.Οk/lΝe>. Ed—tΙΜ—al BΙaΜd: Cat–eΜ—ne Batt, Chair MaΜta CΙbb V—ctΙΜ—a CΙΙΚeΜ, Editorial Assistant AlaΜ—c Hall, Editor PaΟl HammΙnd AnanΤa Ja–anaΜa Kab—Μ Ol—ΠeΜ P—ckeΜ—n‒ SlaΠ—ca RankΙΠ—č N. KıΠılcım YaΠΟΥ, Reviews Editor Notes for Contributors CΙntΜ—bΟtΙΜΝ aΜe ΜeΛΟeΝted tΙ fΙllΙΡ t–e MHRA Style Guide: A Handbook for Authorsō Editorsō and Writers of Theses, 2nd edn (LΙndΙn: MΙdeΜn HΟman—t—eΝ ReΝeaΜc– AΝΝΙc—at—Ιn, 2008), aΠa—lable at <–ttΚ://ΡΡΡ.m–Μa.ΙΜ‒.Οk/PΟbl—cat—ΙnΝ/BΙΙkΝ/StΤleGΟ—de/dΙΡnlΙad.Ν–tml>. W–eΜe ΚΙΝΝ—ble, cΙntΜ—bΟtΙΜΝ aΜe encΙΟΜa‒ed tΙ —nclΟde t–e d—‒—tal Ιbject —dent— eΜΝ ΙΜ, Ρ–eΜe a cΙmΚlete fΜee acceΝΝ teΣt —Ν aΠa—lable, Νtable URLΝ Ιf mateΜ—alΝ c—ted (Νee Style Guide α11.2.10.1). T–e lan‒Οa‒e Ιf ΚΟbl—cat—Ιn —Ν En‒l—Ν– and tΜanΝlat—ΙnΝ Ν–ΙΟld nΙΜmallΤ be ΝΟΚΚl—ed fΙΜ ΛΟΙtat—ΙnΝ —n lan‒Οa‒eΝ Ιt–eΜ t–an En‒l—Ν–. Eac– cΙntΜ—bΟtΙΜ Ρ—ll Μece—Πe a fΜee cΙΚΤ Ιf t–e jΙΟΜnal, and a PDF Ιf t–e—Μ aΜt—cle fΙΜ d—ΝtΜ—bΟt—Ιn. PleaΝe ema—l all cΙntΜ—bΟt—ΙnΝ tΙ <lΝe@leedΝ.ac.Οk>. Reviews CΙΚ—eΝ Ιf bΙΙkΝ fΙΜ ΜeΠ—eΡ Ν–ΙΟld be Νent tΙ t–e Ed—tΙΜ, Leeds Studies in English, Sc–ΙΙl Ιf En‒l—Ν–, Un—ΠeΜΝ—tΤ Ιf LeedΝ, LeedΝ LS2 9JT, Un—ted K—n‒dΙm. Contents AbbΜeΠ—at—ΙnΝ Π— An IntΜΙdΟct—Ιn tΙ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Plant-Name StΟd—eΝ and tΙ t–—Ν SΚec—al IΝΝΟe C. P. B—‒‒am University of Glasgow 1 ‘GaΜl—c and SaΚΚ–—ΜeΝ —n t–e MΟd’: ‘LeekΝ’ —n t–e—Μ EaΜlΤ FΙlk CΙnteΣtΝ TΙm MaΜkeΤ University of Michigan 10 MadneΝΝ, Med—cat—Ιn and Self-IndΟced HallΟc—nat—Ιn? Elleborus (and WΙΙdΤ N—‒–tΝ–ade) —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land, 700 900 AlaΜ—c Hall University of Leeds 43 EllebΙΜΟΝ —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land, 900 1100: Tunsingwyrt and Wodewistle AlaΜ—c Hall University of Leeds 70 Old En‒l—Ν– Hymlic: IΝ —t HemlΙck? IΜené WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn 94 University of Glasgow Old En‒l—Ν– Hymele: An OccaΝ—Ιnal FlaΠΙΟΜ Ιf HΙΚΝ IΜené WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn University of Glasgow 114 B—t—n‒ t–e Bulut: A PΜΙblemat—c Old En‒l—Ν– Plant-Name —n t–e L—‒–t Ιf Place-Name EΠ—dence R—c–aΜd CΙateΝ University of the West of Englandō Bristol 137 W–at ΡaΝ Lybcorn? AΟdΜeΤ MeaneΤ 146 Old En‒l—Ν– Safene: Untan‒l—n‒ Nat—Πe and EΣΙt—c JΟn—ΚeΜΝ —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land C. P. B—‒‒am University of Glasgow 206 GlΙΝΝaΜΤ Ιf Med—cal TeΜmΝ 242 IndeΣ 244 Abbreviations ADS ASPNS BML BSBI CGL CNΙ. COD DMLBS DOE DOEPN DOEWC DOI DOST DSL EDD EPNE Gk, GΜ. HTOED IPA LAE Lat MCOE ME MED MHG MLG MΙdE MΙdIce MΙdLG ODEE OE OED OF OHG OI OIce OLD ON OS PASE PIE PN W PN WΙ AΜc–aeΙlΙ‒Τ Data SeΜΠ—ce An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Plant-Name SΟΜΠeΤ BΜ—t—Ν– Med—eΠal Lat—n BΙtan—cal SΙc—etΤ Ιf t–e BΜ—t—Ν– IΝleΝ Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum CatalΙ‒Οe NΟmbeΜ Concise Oxford Dictionary Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources Dictionary of Old English (TΙΜΙntΙ) Dictionary of Old English Plant Names (Ιnl—ne) Dictionary of Old English Web Corpus (Ιnl—ne) D—‒—tal Object Ident— eΜ; Dictionary of the Irish Language Based Mainly on Old and Middle Irish Materials Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue Dictionary of the Scots Language (Ιnl—ne) English Dialect Dictionary English Place-Name Elements (A. H. Sm—t–) GΜeek Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary InteΜnat—Ιnal P–Ιnet—c AlΚ–abet Linguistic Atlas of England Lat—n Micro che Concordance to Old English M—ddle En‒l—Ν– Middle English Dictionary M—ddle H—‒– GeΜman M—ddle LΙΡ GeΜman MΙdeΜn En‒l—Ν– MΙdeΜn Iceland—c MΙdeΜn LΙΡ GeΜman Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology Old En‒l—Ν– Oxford English Dictionary Old FΜenc– Old H—‒– GeΜman Old IΜ—Ν– Old Iceland—c Oxford Latin Dictionary Old NΙΜΝe Old SaΣΙn Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (Ιnl—ne) PΜΙtΙ-IndΙ-EΟΜΙΚean Place-Names of Wiltshire (J. E. B. GΙΠeΜ et al.) Place-Names of Worcestershire (A. MaΡeΜ et al.) Π— RCHM(E) TLL ΝΚΚ. ΝΝΚ. TOE VEPN RΙΤal CΙmm—ΝΝ—Ιn Ιn t–e H—ΝtΙΜ—cal MΙnΟmentΝ (Ιf En‒land) Thesaurus Linguae Latinae ΝΚec—eΝ (bΙtan—cal, Ν—n‒ΟlaΜ) ΝΚec—eΝ (bΙtan—cal, ΚlΟΜal) Thesaurus of Old English Vocabulary of English Place-Names Short Titles Old En‒l—Ν– ΝΙΟΜce teΣtΝ maΤ be —nd—cated bΤ Ν–ΙΜt t—tleΝ aΝΝ—‒ned bΤ t–e Dictionary of Old English and Micro che Concordance to Old English, Ρ–—c– ΜefeΜ tΙ ΝΚec— c ed—t—ΙnΝ Ιf t–e teΣtΝ. T–eΤ ΙccΟΜ ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜlΤ —n t–e aΚΚend—ceΝ, and eΣamΚleΝ —nclΟde: Lc– II (1); Med 3 (GΜattanS—n‒eΜ). T–e keΤ tΙ t–eΝe ΜefeΜenceΝ can be fΙΟnd at t–e DOE ΡebΝ—te ΟndeΜ ‘ReΝeaΜc– TΙΙlΝ’ t–en ‘L—Νt Ιf TeΣtΝ’. See –ttΚ://ΡΡΡ.dΙe.ΟtΙΜΙntΙ.ca. Botanical Latin Plant-nameΝ —n bΙtan—cal Lat—n a—m tΙ ΚΜΙΠ—de an —nteΜnat—Ιnal —dent— cat—Ιn fΙΜ a ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜ Κlant ΙΜ ‒ΜΙΟΚ Ιf ΚlantΝ. T–eΤ aΜe fΙllΙΡed bΤ abbΜeΠ—at—ΙnΝ —nd—cat—n‒ t–e bΙtan—Νt Ρ–Ι aΝΝ—‒ned and/ΙΜ ΜeaΝΝ—‒ned t–e name, and t–e mΙΝt cΙmmΙn abbΜeΠ—at—Ιn —Ν ‘L.’ —nd—cat—n‒ ‘L—nnaeΟΝ’, t–e famΙΟΝ SΡed—Ν– bΙtan—Νt. EΣamΚleΝ —nclΟde: Bellis perennis L. (da—ΝΤ); Betula pendula RΙt–. (Ν—lΠeΜ b—Μc–). Dates ManΟΝcΜ—Κt dateΝ aΜe Ιften ‒—Πen —n a fΙΜm be‒—nn—n‒ ‘Ν.’ (fΙΜ saeculo ‘—n t–e centΟΜΤ’). SΙme eΣamΚleΝ fΙllΙΡ: Ν. Σ—ⁱⁿ be‒—nn—n‒ Ιf t–e 11t– centΟΜΤ Ν. Σ—σ ΜΝt –alf Ιf t–e 11t– centΟΜΤ Ν. Σ—ᵐᵉᵈ m—ddle Ιf t–e 11t– centΟΜΤ Ν. Σ—μ ΝecΙnd –alf Ιf t–e 11t– centΟΜΤ Ν. Σ—ᵉˣ end Ιf t–e 11t– centΟΜΤ Π—— Elleborus in Anglo-Saxon England, 900–1100: Tunsingwyrt and Wodewistle AlaΜ—c Hall 1. Introduction T–—Ν aΜt—cle Κ—ckΝ ΟΚ fΜΙm t–e Ιne abΙΠe, tΙ cΙnΝ—deΜ ΙΟΜ eΠ—dence fΙΜ t–e mean—n‒Ν Ιf t–e An‒lΙ-Lat—n Κlant-name elleborus and —tΝ ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ eΛΟ—ΠalentΝ fΜΙm aΜΙΟnd 900 tΙ t–e end Ιf t–e ΚeΜ—Ιd cΙΠeΜed bΤ t–e An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Plant-Name SΟΜΠeΤ (ASPNS), aΜΙΟnd t–e end Ιf t–e eleΠent– centΟΜΤ. In dΙ—n‒ ΝΙ, —t cΙmΚleteΝ t–e met–ΙdΙlΙ‒—cal eΣΚeΜ—ment ΙΟtl—ned —n t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn Κ—ece Ιf eΣam—n—n‒ Old En‒l—Ν– Κlant-nameΝ bΤ —nΠeΝt—‒at—n‒ t–e fΟll Μan‒e Ιf ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ and tΜanΝlat—ΙnΝ aΝΝΙc—ated Ρ—t– a ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜ Lat—n lemma, —n t–—Ν caΝe elleborus. One ΜeΝΟlt Ιf t–—Ν —Ν t–at I ΚΜΙΠ—de t–e fΟll ASPNS eΣam—nat—Ιn ΙΡ—n‒ tΙ t–e —nteΜeΝt—n‒ and c–allen‒—n‒ Old En‒l—Ν– ΡΙΜd tunsingwyrt, Ρ–—c– t–—Ν —nΠeΝt—‒at—Ιn —dent— eΝ aΝ a keΤ teΜm, aΝ Ρell aΝ t–e ΜaΜeΜ wodewistle and wudeleac. I Ι eΜ t–e nΙΠel aΜ‒Οment t–at Tunsingwyrt, faΜ fΜΙm denΙt—n‒ Veratrum album L. aΝ –aΝ ΚΜeΠ—ΙΟΝlΤ been t–ΙΟ‒–t, —n fact denΙteΝ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c. T–e lateΜ mateΜ—al cΙnΝ—deΜed –eΜe ΚΜΙΠeΝ tΙ be mΙΜe –eteΜΙ‒eneΙΟΝ t–an t–e eaΜlΤ eΠ—dence addΜeΝΝed —n t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn Κ—ece, ‒—Π—n‒ a ΟΝefΟl ΚeΜΝΚect—Πe Ιn t–e Νemant—c Μan‒e Ιf elleborus, bΟt a leΝΝ cleaΜ Κ—ctΟΜe Ιf Κlant-ΟΝe —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn cΟltΟΜe. W–—le cΙnt—nΟ—n‒ tΙ Ν–ΙΡ t–e ΟΝefΟlneΝΝ Ιf t–e met–Ιd deΠelΙΚed —n mΤ ΜΝt aΜt—cle, t–en, t–—Ν ΝecΙnd ΝtΟdΤ alΝΙ eΣΚlΙΜeΝ —tΝ l—m—tΝ —n t–e face Ιf leΝΝ fΙcΟΝed data. NΙnet–eleΝΝ, a Μan‒e Ιf ΟΝefΟl —nΝ—‒–tΝ emeΜ‒e fΜΙm tak—n‒ t–—Ν aΚΚΜΙac–, tΙ Ρ–—c– I ΡΙΟld nΙt Ιt–eΜΡ—Νe –aΠe been —nΝΚ—Μed. I make a neΡ cΙntΜ—bΟt—Ιn tΙ t–e teΣtΟal –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, nd—n‒ eΠ—dence t–at ΙΟΜ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ —mΚlΤ a lΙΝt teΣt clΙΝeΜ tΙ t–e Lat—n ΙΜ—‒—nal Ιf t–e Herbarium t–an anΤ ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ teΣt (Sect—Ιn 2, ΝΟmmaΜ—Νed —n Table 1). I —nΠeΝt—‒ate caΜefΟllΤ Ρ–et–eΜ t–e ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ΝtΟd—ed –eΜe ΡeΜe cΙ—ned aΝ ‒lΙΝΝ-ΡΙΜdΝ ΙΜ Ρ–et–eΜ t–eΤ ΡeΜe membeΜΝ Ιf t–e cΙmmΙn leΣ—cΙn a d— cΟlt ΚΜΙblem, Ρ–—c– –aΝ nΙt been addΜeΝΝed t–ΙΜΙΟ‒–lΤ enΙΟ‒– —n ΙΟΜ ΝtΟd—eΝ Ιf Old En‒l—Ν– ΠΙcabΟlaΜΤ. In ΚaΝΝ—n‒, t–e aΜt—cle alΝΙ makeΝ a cΙntΜ—bΟt—Ιn tΙ Old En‒l—Ν– d—alectΙlΙ‒Τ bΤ ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—n‒ t–at t–eΜe —Ν a cΙmΚlementaΜΤ d—alectal d—ΝtΜ—bΟt—Ιn Ιf leactun (An‒l—an) and wyrttun (WeΝt SaΣΙn), bΙt– mean—n‒ ‘Πe‒etable/–eΜb ‒aΜden’ (Sect—Ιn 5, n. 12). F—nallΤ, aΝ I d—ΝcΟΝΝ belΙΡ, Ρe can Νee t–e d—Π—Ν—Ιn —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn aΚΚΜΙac–eΝ tΙ t–e ΡΙΜd elleborus aΝ Μe ect—n‒ a Ν–—ft —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ ΚΜact—ce and tΜad—t—Ιn ΝΙmeΡ–eΜe aΜΙΟnd 900. 70 AlaΜ—c Hall T–e d—Π—Ν—Ιn Ιf mΤ cΙntΜ—bΟt—ΙnΝ Ιn t–e ΝΟbject Ιf elleborus —ntΙ tΡΙ aΜt—cleΝ cΙΠeΜ—n‒ tΡΙ ΚeΜ—ΙdΝ Μe ectΝ t–e fact t–at t–eΜe ΝeemΝ tΙ be almΙΝt nΙ ΙΠeΜlaΚ betΡeen t–e eaΜlΤ ΟndeΜΝtand—n‒Ν Ιf elleborus, atteΝted ma—nlΤ —n mateΜ—al aΝΝΙc—ated Ρ—t– CanteΜbΟΜΤ, and t–e ΟndeΜΝtand—n‒Ν eΠ—denced bΤ teΣtΝ cΙmΚΙΝed lateΜ, and aΝΝΙc—ated Ρ—t– t–e An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn mΙnaΝt—c—Νm Ιf t–e lateΜ tent– and eaΜl—eΜ eleΠent– centΟΜ—eΝ. T–—Ν dΙeΝ nΙt Μe ect an abΝΙlΟte –—atΟΝ —n ΝcΜ—bal and Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ tΜad—t—ΙnΝ: t–eΜe aΜe late manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ Ιf t–e ‒lΙΝΝeΝ d—ΝcΟΝΝed —n mΤ ΜΝt aΜt—cle Ρ–—c– beaΜ Ρ—tneΝΝ tΙ cΙnt—nΟΙΟΝ cΙΚΤ—n‒ Ιf eaΜl—eΜ mateΜ—al. HΙΡeΠeΜ, an Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn, nΙΡ knΙΡn aΝ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, ΡaΝ made, ΚΜΙbablΤ —n t–e tent– centΟΜΤ, Ιf ΝeΠeΜal Lat—n –eΜbal teΣtΝ. T–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe dΜaΡn l—ttle Ιn ΚΜeΠ—ΙΟΝ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Κlant-name Νc–ΙlaΜΝ–—Κ, ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—n‒ t–at Ρ–ΙeΠeΜ ΡaΝ be–—nd —t ΡaΝ, t–ΜΙΟ‒– neceΝΝ—tΤ ΙΜ deΝ—‒n, mak—n‒ a clean bΜeak fΜΙm eaΜl—eΜ Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ tΜad—t—ΙnΝ. T–—Ν came tΙ be Ρ—delΤ cΙΚ—ed, and —n Οent—al —n lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn med—cal ΡΜ—t—n‒. T–ΟΝ mΤ aΝΝeΝΝmentΝ Ιf t–e ΟndeΜΝtand—n‒ Ιf elleborus —n t–e lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΚeΜ—Ιd a ΙΜdΝ a cΙntΜ—bΟt—Ιn tΙ ΙΟΜ Ρ—deΜ naΜΜat—Πe Ιf tΜanΝ—t—Ιn —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ tΜad—t—ΙnΝ aΜΙΟnd t–e n—nt– centΟΜΤ. It —Ν Ιf cΙΟΜΝe beΤΙnd mΤ ΚΜeΝent ΝcΙΚe tΙ d—ΝcΟΝΝ —n deta—l t–e dΜamat—c, —f ‒ΜadΟal, c–an‒eΝ —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ l—fe betΡeen t–e eaΜlΤ –eΤdaΤ Ιf An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn C–Μ—Νt—an—tΤ and t–e lateΜ tent– centΟΜΤ, and Ρ–et–eΜ t–eΝe c–an‒eΝ Ν–ΙΟld be aΝΝΙc—ated mΙΜe Ρ—t– V—k—n‒Ν, c–an‒—n‒ ΚatteΜnΝ Ιf aΜ—ΝtΙcΜat—c ΚatΜΙna‒e, ΙΜ t–e —nteΜnal dΤnam—cΝ Ιf t–e An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn C–ΟΜc– (Νee ‒eneΜallΤ Bla—Μ 2005: 121 34; 291 367). BΟt t–e –—ΝtΙΜΤ eΠen Ιf ΝΙ Νmall a ΚΙ—nt aΝ t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ Ιf a Lat—n Κlant-name dΙeΝ –aΠe a cΙntΜ—bΟt—Ιn tΙ make tΙ t–eΝe Ρ—deΜ naΜΜat—ΠeΝ. T–e Ν–—ft —n Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ ΚΜact—ce Μe‒aΜd—n‒ elleborus fΜΙm Ald–elm’Ν t—me tΙ t–e lateΜ An‒lΙSaΣΙn ΚeΜ—Ιd —Ν eΣemΚl— ed bΤ ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am. WΜ—t—n‒ t–Μee centΟΜ—eΝ afteΜ Ald–elm’Ν cΙmΚΙΝ—t—Ιn Ιf t–e Μ—ddle Elleborus, ÆlfΜ—c ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe been t–e neΣt An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn aΟt–ΙΜ tΙ ΟΝe t–e ΡΙΜd elleborus, —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– accΙΟnt Ιf t–e l—fe Ιf St MaΜt—n —n –—Ν Lives of Saints, cΙmΚΙΝed betΡeen 995 and 1002 (t–e atteΝtat—Ιn —Ν Ιm—tted fΜΙm t–e Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (DMLBS), ΟndeΜ helleborus, ΚeΜ–aΚΝ becaΟΝe Ιf t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ cΙnteΣt). EaΜlΤ —n –—Ν caΜeeΜ, dΜ—Πen fΜΙm –—Ν mΙnaΝteΜΤ bΤ AΜ—an –eΜet—cΝ, MaΜt—n Ρ—t–dΜaΡΝ tΙ t–e —Νland Ιf Gall—naΜ—a Ρ–—c– l—eΝ Ι t–e Ital—an cΙaΝt —n t–e L—‒ΟΜ—an Sea Ρ–eΜe, accΙΜd—n‒ tΙ ÆlfΜ—c’Ν ΝΙΟΜce, C–aΚteΜ 6 Ιf t–e Vita sancti Martini bΤ SΟlΚ—c—ΟΝ SeΠeΜΟΝ: ‘–e ΝΟbΝ—Νted fΙΜ a Ρ–—le Ιn t–e ΜΙΙtΝ Ιf –eΜbΝ; at Ρ–—c– t—me –e cΙnΝΟmed —n –—Ν fΙΙd helleborus, Ρ–—c– —Ν, —t —Ν Νa—d, a ΚΙ—ΝΙnΙΟΝ ‒ΜaΝΝ’ (aliquamdiu radicibus vixit herbarum: quo tempore helleborumō uenenatumō ut feruntō gramenō in cibum sumpsit; SeΠeΜΟΝ 1967 9: I.266). FΙΜtΟnatelΤ, MaΜt—n —Ν able tΙ aΠeΜt –—Ν deat– bΤ ΚΜaΤeΜ. In l—neΝ 196 200 Ιf ÆlfΜ—c’Ν ΜendeΜ—n‒ (ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am 1881 1900: IV.232), t–—Ν eΠent aΚΚeaΜΝ aΝ MartinuΟΝ þa on þfflre tide on his mete þigde þa fflttrian wyrt . þe elleborum hatte . and þæt attor sona hine swiðe þreade fornean to deaðe . ac he feng to his ge-bedum . and eall seo sarnys him sona fram ge-wát . MaΜt—n at t–at t—me cΙnΝΟmed —n –—Ν fΙΙd t–e ΚΙ—ΝΙnΙΟΝ Κlant Ρ–—c– —Ν called elleborumō and t–at ΚΙ—ΝΙn —mmed—atelΤ a —cted –—m ‒ΜeatlΤ, almΙΝt tΙ deat–. BΟt –e tΟΜned tΙ –—Ν ΚΜaΤeΜΝ, and all t–e —llneΝΝ —mmed—atelΤ left –—m. T–e ma—n ΚΙ—nt Ιf —nteΜeΝt fΙΜ ΟΝ –eΜe —Ν t–at ÆlfΜ—c cΙnΝ—deΜed —t aΚΚΜΙΚΜ—ate tΙ leaΠe elleborum —n —tΝ Lat—n fΙΜm, ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ —t meΜelΤ aΝ an fflttrig wyrt (‘ΚΙ—ΝΙnΙΟΝ Κlant’): Ρ–eΜeaΝ Ρe can —nfeΜ 71 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 be–—nd Ald–elm’Ν ΟΝe Ιf elleborus a Π—‒ΙΜΙΟΝ and aΝΝeΜt—Πe eΛΟat—Ιn Ιf t–—Ν Med—teΜΜanean Κlant Ρ—t– An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΙΜa, ÆlfΜ—c ΚΙ—ntedlΤ —mΚl—eΝ t–at elleborus —Ν a fΙΜe—‒n Κlant denΙted bΤ a fΙΜe—‒n ΡΙΜd. BeΤΙnd ‘t–e ΙbΝeΜΠat—Ιn t–at t–e —nclΟΝ—Ιn Ιf Lat—n —Ν a c–aΜacteΜ—Νt—c featΟΜe Ιf ÆlfΜ—c’Ν lateΜ ΡΜ—t—n‒Ν, a Ν—‒n Ιf a mΙΜe edΟcated taΜ‒et aΟd—ence’ (BΜΙΙkeΝ 2011: 17), t–eΜe –aΝ been ΝΟΜΚΜ—Ν—n‒lΤ l—ttle ΡΙΜk Ιn ÆlfΜ—c’Ν cΙde-ΝΡ—tc–—n‒. BΜΙΙkeΝ –aΝ Ν–ΙΡn t–at ÆlfΜ—c made caΜefΟl and eΣtenΝ—Πe ΟΝe Ιf ant—Κ–Ιnal ΛΟΙtat—ΙnΝ —n ΙΜdeΜ tΙ Ν–ΙΡ –—Ν aΟd—ence –ΙΡ –—Ν –Ιm—l—eΝ and tΙ a leΝΝeΜ eΣtent –—Ν Νa—ntΝ’ l—ΠeΝ elΟc—dated t–e Lat—n l—tΟΜ‒Τ, bΟt, aΝ BΜΙΙkeΝ –aΝ emΚ–aΝ—Νed, t–—Ν Νt—ll dΙeΝ nΙt eΣΚla—n Ιt–eΜ eΣamΚleΝ Ιf cΙde-ΝΡ—tc–—n‒, aΝ –eΜe (and aΝ —t –aΚΚenΝ, ÆlfΜ—c’Ν Life of St Martin Μat–eΜ ΝΟΜΚΜ—Ν—n‒lΤ lackΝ anΤ l—tΟΜ‒—cal ΛΟΙtat—Ιn). ÆlfΜ—c maΤ nΙt –aΠe keΚt elleborus —n Lat—n Ν—mΚlΤ fΙΜ Ρant Ιf a tΜanΝlat—Ιn: alt–ΙΟ‒– –—Ν ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ ΡΙΜkΝ (mΙΝt ΙbΠ—ΙΟΝlΤ t–e l—Νt Ιf nomina herbarum —n –—Ν claΝΝ-‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ: ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am 1880: 310 11) cΙnta—n nΙ Ιt–eΜ ΜefeΜenceΝ tΙ elleborus, –e ΝΟΜelΤ –ad acceΝΝ tΙ —nfΙΜmat—Ιn ΙΜ eaΜl—eΜ ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιn t–e ΡΙΜd. Indeed, eaΜl—eΜ —n ÆlfΜ—c’Ν Life Ιf MaΜt—n (ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am 1881 1900: IV.228, l—neΝ 140 2), B—Ν–ΙΚ H—laΜ—Ιn bead him þæt he wfflre gehadod to exorcista . þæt we hatað halsigend þe ðe bebyt deo um . þæt hi of gedrehtum mannum faran. ΙΜdeΜed –—m tΙ be cΙnΝecΜated aΝ an exorcista Ρ–—c– Ρe call a halsigend (–ealeΜ), Ιne Ρ–Ι cΙmmandΝ deΠ—lΝ t–at t–eΤ Ν–ΙΟld deΚaΜt fΜΙm a —cted ΚeΙΚle. HeΜe ÆlfΜ—c ΡaΝ eΠ—dentlΤ nΙt Ρ—t–ΙΟt a ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ΝΤnΙnΤm fΙΜ exorcista, Ν—nce –e ‒lΙΝΝeΝ —t, bΟt –e Νt—ll c–ΙΝe tΙ ma—nta—n t–e Lat—n ΡΙΜd. PΜeΝΟmablΤ –e c–ΙΝe tΙ keeΚ exorcista —n Lat—n aΝ a tec–n—cal, eccleΝ—aΝt—cal teΜm. Alt–ΙΟ‒– —n t–e ΚΜeΝent Νtate Ιf knΙΡled‒e —t —Ν –aΜd tΙ be ΝΟΜe, —t ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ t–at elleborus fΙΜ ÆlfΜ—c, tΙΙ, ΡaΝ a fΙΜe—‒n ΡΙΜd fΙΜ a fΙΜe—‒n denΙtee, and t–at –—Ν ΜefΟΝal tΙ tΜanΝlate —t —nd—cateΝ bΙt– –—Ν bel—ef t–at —t ΡaΝ nΙt tΙ be fΙΟnd —n BΜ—ta—n, and –—Ν d—ΝΝat—Νfact—Ιn Ρ—t– anΤ eΣ—Νt—n‒ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ aΠa—lable tΙ –—m. T–ΙΟ‒– t–e tent–-centΟΜΤ Bened—ct—ne ΜefΙΜm mΙΠement —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land ΡaΝ —mmenΝelΤ keen Ιn Ald–elm’Ν ΚΙetΜΤ, ÆlfΜ—c ΝeemΝ tΙ be maΜk—n‒ a bΜeak –eΜe fΜΙm eaΜl—eΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜΝ–—Κ. T–—Ν aΜt—cle aΜ‒ΟeΝ t–at t–e tent–-centΟΜΤ –andl—n‒Ν Ιf elleborus ‒eneΜallΤ ΜeΚΜeΝent a d— eΜent cΟltΟΜe Ιf tΜanΝlat—Ιn and ΜeΚΜeΝentat—Ιn Ιf Med—teΜΜanean Νc—ent— c cΟltΟΜe —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land fΜΙm t–e cΟltΟΜe Ρe Νee —n eaΜl—eΜ eΠ—dence. T–e eΠ—dence at t–e centΜe Ιf t–—Ν aΜt—cle deΜ—ΠeΝ fΜΙm t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, Ρ–—c– ΡaΝ ΚΜΙbablΤ cΙmΚΙΝed —n t–e tent– centΟΜΤ, and tΜanΝlated elleborum album aΝ tunsingwyrt. T–e analΤΝ—Ν ‒—ΠeΝ ΝΙme —nΝ—‒–tΝ —ntΙ t–e eaΜlΤ –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf t–—Ν tΜanΝlat—Ιn: ΝΙme Ιf t–e ΚlantnameΝ —t cΙnta—nΝ –aΠe ΚΜΙbablΤ been added bΤ lateΜ ΜedactΙΜΝ. PΜeΠ—ΙΟΝlΤ —dent— ed aΝ Veratrum album L., tunsingwyrt emeΜ‒eΝ aΝ l—kelΤ tΙ –aΠe denΙted an all—Οm, ΚeΜ–aΚΝ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c (Allium ursinum L.), and t–eΜefΙΜe tΙ –aΠe been a (ΚaΜt—al) ΝΤnΙnΤm Ιf a nΟmbeΜ Ιf Ιt–eΜ Old En‒l—Ν– ΡΙΜdΝ. Alt–ΙΟ‒– tunsingwyrt’Ν etΤmΙlΙ‒Τ Μema—nΝ —ntΜactable, —t —Ν ΚΙΝΝ—ble tΙ c–aΜt t–e l—kelΤ c–annelΝ Ιf fΙlk-etΤmΙlΙ‒—Νat—Ιn Ρ–—c– ΚΜΙdΟced —tΝ atteΝted ΠaΜ—ant fΙΜmΝ. HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e teΣtΝ Ιf t–e ΚeΜ—Ιd alΝΙ bΜ—n‒ ΝeΠeΜal Ιt–eΜ nameΝ —ntΙ t–e ΙΜb—t Ιf elleborus. T–eΝe lungwyrt, hramsa, wudeleac and wodewistle — aΜe cΙnΝ—deΜed mΙΜe bΜ—e Τ. Hramsa and wudeleac ΝΟΚΚΙΜt t–e —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn Ιf elleborus albus aΝ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c, bΟt wodewistle ΝΟ‒‒eΝtΝ an alteΜnat—Πe tΜad—t—Ιn —n Ρ–—c– —t ΡaΝ —nteΜΚΜeted aΝ a –ΙllΙΡ-Νtemmed Οmbell—feΜ, ΚΜΙbablΤ –emlΙck (Conium maculatum L.). 72 AlaΜ—c Hall 2. The text of the Old English Herbarium FΙΜ elleborus, aΝ fΙΜ manΤ Ιt–eΜ Κlant-nameΝ —n t–e lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΚeΜ—Ιd, t–e ΚΜ—nc—Κal ΝΙΟΜce Ιf —nfΙΜmat—Ιn fΙΜ ΟΝ and fΙΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΜeadeΜΝ —Ν t–e teΣt knΙΡn nΙΡ aΝ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. T–—Ν —Ν a tΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf a cΙmΚ—lat—Ιn Ιf Lat—n teΣtΝ, made e—t–eΜ bΤ t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ –—mΝelf ΙΜ bΤ ΝΙme eaΜl—eΜ Νc–ΙlaΜ (Νee HΙfΝtetteΜ 1983; De VΜ—end 1984: lΠ lΣ—; cΙmΚaΜe Van AΜΝdall 2002: 68 118). T–e date and Κlace Ιf —tΝ cΙmΚΙΝ—t—Ιn aΜe nΙt cleaΜ. De VΜ—end’Ν ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—Ιn Ιf e—‒–t–-centΟΜΤ NΙΜt–ΟmbΜ—a (1984: Σl——) lackΝ eΠ—dence, and —f —t —Ν cΙΜΜect, t–en t–e teΣt ΝeemΝ ne—t–eΜ tΙ –aΠe –ad anΤ —n Οence Ιn med—cal ΡΜ—t—n‒ —n t–e enΝΟ—n‒ centΟΜΤ ΙΜ tΡΙ, nΙΜ tΙ Μeta—n anΤ d—alectal ΙΜ aΜc–a—c l—n‒Ο—Νt—c featΟΜeΝ. Van AΜΝdall adΠΙcated a date Ν–ΙΜtlΤ afteΜ t–e cΜeat—Ιn Ιf ΙΟΜ ma—n ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ med—cal teΣtΝ, Bald’Ν Leechbook and Leechbook III, ΚΜΙbablΤ cΙmΚ—led —n t–e late n—nt– centΟΜΤ and ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ —n a m—d tent–centΟΜΤ manΟΝcΜ—Κt (KeΜ 1957: 332 3, nΙ. 264; Van AΜΝdall 2002: 103 4. FΙΜ ΜefeΜenceΝ tΙ mΙΜe Μecent ΡΙΜk Ιn t–e leec–bΙΙkΝ Νee Hall 2007: 96 7). D’AΜΙncΙ, meanΡ–—le, –aΝ ΝΟ‒‒eΝted t–e late tent– centΟΜΤ, Ν–ΙΜtlΤ befΙΜe ΙΟΜ ΙldeΝt manΟΝcΜ—Κt (LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, HaΜleΤ 585), Ρ—t– Ιne Ιf t–e Bened—ct—ne mΙnaΝteΜ—eΝ Ιf W—nc–eΝteΜ be—n‒ t–e l—kel—eΝt Κlace (D’AΜΙncΙ 2007: 46; cΙmΚaΜe MeaneΤ, t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 12.2). T–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium —Ν —mΚΙΜtant tΙ t–—Ν aΜt—cle ΚaΜtlΤ becaΟΝe —t ΚΜΙΠ—deΝ, —n —tΝ tΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf t–e mateΜ—al Ιn elleborum album, ΙΟΜ mΙΝt deta—led deΝcΜ—Κt—Ιn Ιf tunsingwyrt. It —Ν alΝΙ a keΤ teΣt, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, becaΟΝe —t ΜeΚΜeΝentΝ t–e fΙΟnt Ιf a teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn Ρ–—c– alΝΙ fΙΜmed t–e baΝ—Ν fΙΜ entΜ—eΝ —n t–e DΟΜ–am Plant-Name GlΙΝΝaΜΤ and t–e LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ (Ιn Ρ–ΙΝe Μelat—ΙnΝ–—ΚΝ Ρ—t– t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium Νee RΟΝc–e 2008; cΙmΚaΜe MeaneΤ, t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 12.2), and Ρ–—c– ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe been a laΜ‒elΤ de novo eΣeΜc—Νe —n tΜanΝlat—Ιn fΜΙm Lat—n, Οn—n Οenced bΤ eaΜl—eΜ En‒l—Ν– tΜad—t—ΙnΝ. T–e teΣtΟal –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf t–—Ν ΚaΝΝa‒e —Ν Μat–eΜ cΙmΚleΣ, ΝΙ t–e ΚΟΜΚΙΝe Ιf t–—Ν Νect—Ιn —Ν tΙ elΟc—date —t tΙ fac—l—tate t–e ΟΝe Ιf t–e Herbarium’Ν eΠ—dence —n t–e ΝΟbΝeΛΟent Νect—ΙnΝ Ιf t–—Ν aΜt—cle. T–e keΤ atteΝtat—Ιn Ιf tunsingwyrt ΙccΟΜΝ —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf t–e Liber medicinae ex herbis femininis Ρ–—c– cΙmΚΜ—ΝeΝ ΚaΜt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium t–eΜe be—n‒ C–aΚteΜ 140 (De VΜ—end 1984: 180, 182). T–e cΙntentΝ l—Νt entΜΤ ΜeadΝ Herba elleborus albus þfflt is tunsingwyrt (De VΜ—end 1984: 23), Ρ–—le t–e ma—n teΣt ‒—ΠeΝ CXL. Tunsingwyrt 1. Ðeos wyrt þe man elleborum album & oðrum naman tunsincgwyrt nemneð & eac sume men wedeberge hatað byð cenned on dunumō & heo hafað leaf leace gelice; þysse wyrte wyrttruman man sceal niman onbutan midne sumur & eac swa some þa wyrt ealle for ðy heo is to lfflcedomum wel gecweme; þfflt ís to lu genne on ðysse wyrte þfflt heo hafað gehwffldne wyrttruman & na swa rihtne þfflt he be sumum dfflle gebyrged ne sy; he byþ breaþ & tidre þonne he gedriged byðō & þonne he tobrocen byþ (h)e rycþ eal swylce he smic of him asendeō & he byð hwonlice bitterre on byrgincge; þon(ne) beoð þa maran wyrttruman lange & hearde & swyþe bittere on byrgincgeō & hy habbaþ to ðam swyþlice mihte & frecenfulle þfflt hy foroft hrffldlice þone man forþilmiaþ. 140. Tunsingwyrt. 1. T–—Ν Κlant, Ρ–—c– —Ν called elleborum album, and bΤ anΙt–eΜ name tunsingcwyrt (and alΝΙ ΝΙme ΚeΙΚle call —t wedeberge) —Ν ‒ΜΙΡn Ιn –—llΝ/mΙΟnta—nΝ, and —t –aΝ leaΠeΝ l—ke a leek/all—Οm; Ιne mΟΝt take t–—Ν Κlant’Ν ΜΙΙtΝ aΜΙΟnd m—dΝΟmmeΜ, and alΝΙ ΝΙme Ιf t–e Ρ–Ιle Κlant, becaΟΝe —t —Ν Ρell ΝΟ—ted tΙ Μemed—eΝ. One Ν–ΙΟld nΙte abΙΟt t–—Ν Κlant t–at —t –aΝ a Νmall ΜΙΙt, and t–at —t —Ν nΙt ΝΙ ΝtΜa—‒–t [—.e. ΜΟnn—n‒ ΚaΜallel tΙ t–e ‒ΜΙΟnd?] t–at —t maΤ nΙt be bΟΜ—ed tΙ ΝΙme eΣtent; —t —Ν bΜ—ttle and cΜΟmblΤ Ρ–en —t –aΝ been dΜ—ed, and 73 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 Ρ–en —t —Ν cΜΟΝ–ed —t ΝmellΝ jΟΝt aΝ t–ΙΟ‒– —t ΝendΝ ΝmΙke fΜΙm —tΝelf, and —t —Ν ΝΙmeΡ–at b—tteΜ tΙ t–e taΝte. T–en t–e laΜ‒eΜ ΜΙΙtΝ aΜe lΙn‒ and –aΜd and ΠeΜΤ b—tteΜ tΙ t–e taΝte, and t–eΤ –aΠe t–e ‒Μeat and dan‒eΜΙΟΝ ΚΙΡeΜ t–at t–eΤ ΠeΜΤ Ιften c–Ιke t–e ΚeΜΝΙn ΝΡ—ftlΤ. T–e Lat—n ΝΙΟΜce fΙΜ t–—Ν entΜΤ —Ν ΝΙmet–—n‒ Ιf an Ιdd—tΤ. T–e bΟlk Ιf t–e Liber medicinae ex herbis femininis ΡaΝ cΙmΚΙΝed —n t–e Late Ant—ΛΟe ΚeΜ—Ιd (CΙll—nΝ 2000: 154). HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e entΜΤ fΙΜ elleborum album dΙeΝ nΙt ΙccΟΜ —n t–e ma—n and lΙn‒eΝt ΠeΜΝ—Ιn, bΟt Μat–eΜ —n a d—ΠeΜ‒ent tΜad—t—Ιn ΚΜeΝeΜΠed, —n —tΝ eaΜl—eΝt manΟΝcΜ—Κt, —n t–e nΙΜt–eΜn Ital—an manΟΝcΜ—Κt LΟcca, B—bl—Ιteca Statale (olim B—bl—Ιteca GΙΠeΜnat—Πa) 296, aΚΚaΜentlΤ Ιf t–e tent– centΟΜΤ (CΙll—nΝ 2000: 158). T–e Old En‒l—Ν– teΣt —Ν ‒eneΜallΤ a clΙΝe tΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf —tΝ ΝΙΟΜce, eΣceΚt —n t–e ΙΚen—n‒ Νentence, Ρ–—c– —ntΜΙdΟceΝ t–e ΚaΝΝa‒e d— eΜentlΤ and d— eΜΝ Νl—‒–tlΤ —n —tΝ deta—lΝ fΜΙm t–e ΙΚen—n‒ —n LΟcca: ‘And t–e Ρ–—te [–ellebΙΜe] beaΜΝ a Ν—m—laΜ—tΤ tΙ t–e Ιn—Ιn, –aΠ—n‒ naΜΜΙΡeΜ leaΠeΝ; —t ‒ΜΙΡΝ —n mΙΟnta—nΙΟΝ ΚlaceΝ; —tΝ ΜΙΙtΝ Ν–ΙΟld be cΙllected aΜΙΟnd t–e ΝΟmmeΜ ΝΙlΝt—ce’ (Albumque est in similitudinem caepaeō folia angustiora habet; nascitur in montuosis locis; radices eius colligi debent circa aestiva solstitia; De VΜ—end 1984: 181, 183). T–e teΣtΟal ΝtatΟΝ Ιf t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ eΛΟ—ΠalentΝ Ιf elleborum album atteΝted —n t–—Ν teΣt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, tunsingwyrt and wedeberge, alΝΙ –aΠe t–e—Μ cΙmΚleΣ—t—eΝ. Tunsingwyrt ΙccΟΜΝ —n nΙ eaΜl—eΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ, and —ndeed ΙccΟΜΝ —n t–—Ν ΚΜec—Νe fΙΜm —n nΙ teΣt ΚΜedat—n‒ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, ΝΙ fΙΜ t–eΝe ΜeaΝΙnΝ alΙne —Ν l—kelΤ tΙ be ΙΜ—‒—nal tΙ t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn. BΟt aΝ I –aΠe d—ΝcΟΝΝed —n t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn aΜt—cle tΙ t–—Ν Ιne (Hall —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 3), t–e ΟΝe Ιf wedeberge tΙ ‒lΙΝΝ elleborus —Ν Ρ—delΤ atteΝted —n teΣtΝ ΙΜ—‒—nat—n‒ —n a ΝeΠent–-centΟΜΤ CanteΜbΟΜΤ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ, Ρ–ΙΝe lemmata Νeem mΙΝt l—kelΤ tΙ deΜ—Πe fΜΙm D—ΙΝcΙΜ—deΝ’Ν De materia medica. It —Ν cleaΜ t–at t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn wedeberge —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium cΙΟld cΙme fΜΙm t–—Ν teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn. On t–e Ιt–eΜ –and, alt–ΙΟ‒– I am nΙt aΡaΜe t–at t–e ΚΙ—nt –aΝ been demΙnΝtΜated —n ΚΜ—nt, t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΝeemΝ ‒eneΜallΤ tΙ tΜanΝlate Lat—n Κlant-nameΝ —ndeΚendentlΤ Ιf eaΜl—eΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ (cΙmΚaΜe Van AΜΝdall 2002: 103 4). SΙ t–eΜe —Ν an a priori caΝe t–at wedeberge ΡaΝ —ntΜΙdΟced, —mΚl—c—tlΤ —n t–—Ν ΝcenaΜ—Ι fΜΙm t–e cΙmmΙn Old En‒l—Ν– leΣ—cΙn, bΤ t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. T–e teΣtΟal –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium –eΜe —Ν elΟc—dated bΤ t–e DΟΜ–amLaΟd ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ Ρ–—c– ΝΟ‒‒eΝtΝ t–at t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn wedeberge ΡaΝ nΙt ΙΜ—‒—nal tΙ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. DΟΜ–am’Ν entΜ—eΝ fΙΜ elleborus ΜΟn Elleborus vedeberige Οel thung and Elleborus albΟΝ tunsing-vyrt (L—nd–e—m 1941: 13, nΙΝ 148 9). T–eΝe tΡΙ entΜ—eΝ Νeem l—kelΤ tΙ cΙΜΜeΝΚΙnd ΜeΝΚect—ΠelΤ tΙ DΟΜ–am’Ν tΡΙ ma—n ΝΙΟΜceΝ: t–e afΙΜement—Ιned CanteΜbΟΜΤ Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ Ρ–ΙΝe lemmata deΜ—Πe Οlt—matelΤ fΜΙm D—ΙΝcΙΜ—deΝ’Ν De materia medica, and t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. T–e latteΜ ‒lΙΝΝ mΟΝt be fΜΙm t–e Herbarium, Ν–aΜ—n‒ aΝ —t dΙeΝ bΙt– —tΝ Lat—n teΜm and Old En‒l—Ν– eΛΟ—Πalent. T–e fΙΜm elleborus fΙΟnd —n t–e ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ —nΝtead Ιf t–e fΙΜm elleborum —n t–e ma—n teΣtΝ Ιf ΙΟΜ Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ and —n LΟcca —Ν nΙt a caΟΝe fΙΜ cΙnceΜn: t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium’Ν cΙntentΝ l—Νt ‒—ΠeΝ elleborus albus, and t–—Ν cΙΟld ΟndeΜl—e t–e fΙΜmΝ —n t–e ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ. T–e fΙΜmeΜ ‒lΙΝΝ, t–en, —Ν l—kelΤ tΙ deΜ—Πe d—ΜectlΤ fΜΙm t–e D—ΙΝcΙΜ—deΝ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ —n Ρ–—c– t–e ‒lΙΝΝ elleborus wedeberge ΜΝt ΙΜ—‒—nated, becaΟΝe Ιt–eΜΡ—Νe t–—Ν majΙΜ ΝΙΟΜce ΡΙΟld be left ΟnΜeΚΜeΝented. T–e LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ Οt—l—ΝeΝ mΙΜe ΝΙΟΜceΝ t–an DΟΜ–am, mΙΝtlΤ —nΠΙlΠ—n‒ ΙnlΤ GΜeek and/ΙΜ Lat—n, and accΙΜd—n‒lΤ elleborus ΙccΟΜΝ t–eΜe ΝeΠeΜal t—meΝ (StΜacke 1974: 37 44): 543. EllebΙΜus albus .—. tΟnΝ—n‒ΡΤΜt. uel ΝΟ Οn—e. uel ΡΟdeleac. uel ΜameΝe 544. EllebΙΜus n—‒er .—. lΟn‒ΡΠΜt. 563. EΚtaΚ—lΙn .—. ellebΙΜΟm. uel centaΟΜ—a m—nΙΜ. 585. EllebΙΜum .—. ΚlΟmΟmdaΜ—a. 632. EllebΙΜΟm leΟcΟm. uel albΟm .—. ΝΟdΙΜ de ΙΟe ΝΟbt—t—lla. EΜba ΚΟll—tr—ca .—. ΟelatΜΟm 74 AlaΜ—c Hall confect—Ι. 633. EllebΙΜΟm mel—nΟm uel n—‒ΜΟm .—. teΝtal—a. 777. Hell—bΙΜum .—. Τed—beΜ—‒e. EΝtabl—Ν–—n‒ t–e ΙΜ—‒—nΝ and Ν—‒n— cance Ιf all t–eΝe ΠaΜ—ΙΟΝ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ —Ν beΤΙnd t–e ΝcΙΚe Ιf t–e ΚΜeΝent ΚaΚeΜ (t–ΙΟ‒– fΙΜ nΙ. 633 Νee RΟΝc–e 2001: 78 80). HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e ΜΝt Ιf t–e ‒lΙΝΝeΝ l—Νted, Ρ—t– t–e d—Νt—nct—Πe lemma elleborus albus cΙΟΚled Ρ—t– t–e d—Νt—nct—Πe ‒lΙΝΝ tunsingwyrt, mΟΝt cΙme fΜΙm t–e Herbarium, albe—t Ρ—t– mΟc– mateΜ—al nΙt ΚΜeΝent —n Ιt–eΜ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ. AΝ t–—Ν entΜΤ emΚ–aΝ—ΝeΝ, t–e LaΟd cΙmΚ—leΜ d—d nΙt –eΝ—tate tΙ —nclΟde mΟlt—Κle ‒lΙΝΝeΝ fΙΜ –—Ν lemmata, ΝΙ —f –—Ν cΙΚΤ Ιf t–e Herbarium –ad ‒—Πen t–e ‒lΙΝΝ wedeberge aΝ ΙΟΜ ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ dΙ, –e ΡΙΟld ΝΟΜelΤ –aΠe —nclΟded —t. AccΙΜd—n‒lΤ, t–e laΝt ‒lΙΝΝ l—Νted LaΟd’Ν ΠeΜΝ—Ιn Ιf t–e elleborus wedeberge ‒lΙΝΝ —Ν l—kelΤ tΙ be fΜΙm a ΝΙΟΜce Ιt–eΜ t–an t–e Herbarium (dΙΟbtleΝΝ, Οlt—matelΤ, t–e CanteΜbΟΜΤ D—ΙΝcΙΜ—deΝ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ). T–eΝe ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ, t–en, ΝΟ‒‒eΝt t–at t–e eaΜlΤ cΙΚΤ ΙΜ cΙΚ—eΝ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium Ρ–—c– ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ fΟΜn—Ν–ed lemmata tΙ DΟΜ–am-LaΟd tΜanΝlated elleborum album Ρ—t– tunsingwyrt — aΝ dΙ ΙΟΜ ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ bΟt nΙt Ρ—t– wedeberge, Ν—nce wedeberge —Ν abΝent fΜΙm t–ΙΝe DΟΜ–am-LaΟd entΜ—eΝ Ρ–—c– ΚΜΙbablΤ deΜ—Πe fΜΙm t–e Herbarium. T–e —dea t–at t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn wedeberge ΡaΝ nΙt ΙΜ—‒—nal tΙ t–e teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium —Ν ΝΟΚΚΙΜted bΤ —nteΜnal eΠ—dence. It —Ν ΡΙΜt– nΙt—n‒ t–at t–e Herbarium deΝcΜ—Κt—Ιn Ιf elleborus albus ment—ΙnΝ ne—t–eΜ madneΝΝ nΙΜ beΜΜ—eΝ, ΝΙ wedeberge (‘madneΝΝbeΜΜΤ’) —Ν nΙt an ΙbΠ—ΙΟΝ tΜanΝlat—Ιn. MΙΜe —mΚΙΜtantlΤ, mΙΝt entΜ—eΝ —n t–e Herbarium fΙllΙΡ t–e fΙΜmΟla fΙΟnd —n, fΙΜ eΣamΚle, Sect—Ιn 131: ‘T–—Ν Κlant, Ρ–—c– —Ν named basilica [fΙΜ basilisca, aΝ —n MSS V and Ca] and bΤ anΙt–eΜ name nffldderwyrt, —Ν ‒ΜΙΡn…’ (Ðeos wyrt þe man basilica & oðrum naman nffldderwyrt nemneþ byð cenned …; De VΜ—end 1984: 168). T–e ta‒ ΟΝed tΙ —ntΜΙdΟce t–e eΣtΜa name wedeberge, ‘and alΝΙ ΝΙme ΚeΙΚle [name —t] X’ (& eac sume men X), ΙccΟΜΝ ΙnlΤ abΙΟt a dΙΥen t—meΝ. T–—Ν ta‒ maΤ —n ΝΙme caΝeΝ, t–en, Μe ect lateΜ add—t—ΙnΝ. Alt–ΙΟ‒– bΤ nΙ meanΝ all t–e eΣtΜa nameΝ ΝΙ ta‒‒ed can be aΝΝΙc—ated Ρ—t– t–e CanteΜbΟΜΤ Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ Ρ–—c– ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe ‒—Πen Μ—Νe tΙ t–e elleborus wedeberge tΜad—t—Ιn, t–eΜe aΜe ΚaΜallelΝ: t–ΟΝ t–e Herbarium ment—ΙnΝ ‘t–ΙΝe ΚlantΝ Ρ–—c– Ιne callΝ ebulum and, bΤ anΙt–eΜ name, ellenwyrte, and alΝΙ ΝΙme ΚeΙΚle call t–em wealwyrt’ (þas wyrte þe man ebΟlΟm & oðrum naman ellenwyrte nemneþ & eac sume men wealwyrt hatað; De VΜ—end 1984: 136, Sect—Ιn 93), Ρ–ΙΝe add—t—Ιnal name —Ν cΙnΝ—Νtent Ρ—t– t–e CanteΜbΟΜΤ Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝ ebulum wealhwyrt (cΙmΚaΜe t–e CΙΜΚΟΝ GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: HeΝΝelΝ 1890: 45, E 11; t–e LaΟd GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: StΜacke 1974: 36, nΙ. 522). L—keΡ—Νe, ‘t–eΝe ΚlantΝ Ρ–—c– ΚeΙΚle call cynoglossa and bΤ anΙt–eΜ name ribbe; and ΝΙme ΚeΙΚle alΝΙ name t–em linguam canis’ (ðas wyrte þe man cΤnΙ‒lΙΝΝam & oðrum naman ribbe nemneþ & hy eac sume men l—n‒Οam can—Ν hateþ) ec–ΙeΝ nΙt ΙnlΤ CanteΜbΟΜΤ Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝeΝ l—ke cinoglossa ribbe bΟt alΝΙ canes lingua ribbe (cΙmΚaΜe t–e CΙΜΚΟΝ GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: HeΝΝelΝ 1890: 32, 26, C 411, C 28; t–e LaΟd GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: StΜacke 1974: 29, nΙΝ 280, 298). At ΝΙme ΚΙ—nt betΡeen t–e —nceΚt—Ιn Ιf —tΝ teΣtΟal –—ΝtΙΜΤ and ΙΟΜ eaΜl—eΝt manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ, Ρ–—c– aΜe Ιf t–e eleΠent– centΟΜΤ, a ΜedactΙΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΙbΝeΜΠed, ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ Μead—n‒ Ιt–eΜ ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ, t–at ΝΙme ΚeΙΚle called elleborus ‘ΡedebeΜ‒e’, and added a nΙte tΙ t–—Ν e ect. Elleborum album ΙccΟΜΝ alΝΙ —n anΙt–eΜ c–aΚteΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium: C–aΚteΜ 159. Alt–ΙΟ‒– t–—Ν dΙeΝ nΙt —nclΟde a ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝ, an eΣam—nat—Ιn Ν–edΝ l—‒–t Ιn t–e c–aΜacteΜ Ιf t–e eaΜl—eΝt teΣtΝ Ιf t–e Herbarium. T–e manΟΝcΜ—Κt Ρ–—c– De VΜ—end tΙΙk aΝ –—Ν ma—n teΣt (t–e ΝΟmΚtΟΙΟΝlΤ —llΟΝtΜated LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, CΙttΙn V—tell—ΟΝ C.———, ΜefeΜΜed tΙ bΤ De VΜ—end aΝ MS V), alΙn‒ Ρ—t– —tΝ clΙΝe cΙΟnteΜΚaΜt, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, HaΜleΤ 585, leaΠe 75 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 ΝΚaceΝ fΙΜ t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ΡΙΜd —n t–—Ν Νect—Ιn, ‒—Π—n‒ ΙnlΤ t–e Lat—n –ead—n‒ elleborum album (De VΜ—end 1984: 202, 204); ‒aΚΝ Ιf t–—Ν k—nd ΙccΟΜ —n a nΟmbeΜ Ιf entΜ—eΝ. HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e lateΜ manΟΝcΜ—Κt, LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, HaΜleΤ 6258 B (De VΜ—end 1984: 203, 205) ‒—ΠeΝ t–e fΙllΙΡ—n‒ (ΜΙΟnd bΜacketΝ —nd—cate maΜ‒—nal t—tleΝ and/ΙΜ dama‒ed letteΜΝ): CLIX. Ellebo(rum album) tunsig(wyrt). Wið liferseocnysse nim þas wyrt þe man elleborum album ⁊ oþrum naman tunsingwyrt nemneð ʒedriʒede to duste ʒecnucodeō sile drincan on wyrme wffltereō þas d(uste)s sýx cu(cule)res fulleō hit ʒelac/nad þa lifr(e)ō þat sylfe ys fangenlice [f(ramigendlic) —n MS V] lfflcedom on wine ʒeþ(iʒ)ed aʒeon ealle attra. 159. Elleborum album: tunsigwyrt. Take t–—Ν Κlant, Ρ–—c– —Ν called elleborum album, and bΤ anΙt–eΜ name tunsingwyrt, fΙΜ a l—ΠeΜ-—llneΝΝ. G—Πe —t, dΜ—ed and ΚΙΟnded tΙ ΚΙΡdeΜ, tΙ dΜ—nk —n ΡaΜm ΡateΜ Ν—Σ ΝΚΙΙnfΟlΝ Ιf t–at ΚΙΡdeΜ. It –ealΝ t–e l—ΠeΜ. T–at tΙΙ —Ν a dan‒eΜΙΟΝ [‘bene c—al’ —n MS V] ΜemedΤ a‒a—nΝt all bad Ο—dΝ Ρ–en cΙnΝΟmed —n Ρ—ne. It —Ν ΜΝt neceΝΝaΜΤ tΙ eΝtabl—Ν– t–e ΙΜ—‒—n Ιf t–e eΣtΜa atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt —n MS HaΜleΤ 6258 B. AΝ De VΜ—end’Ν ed—t—Ιn —mΚl—eΝ, —t —Ν mΙΜe l—kelΤ t–at a cΙΚΤ—Νt added t–eΝe tΙ t–e tΜad—t—Ιn Ιf HaΜleΤ 6258 B Ιn t–e baΝ—Ν Ιf C–aΚteΜ 140 t–an t–at anΙt–eΜ ΜemΙΠed t–em fΜΙm t–e tΜad—t—Ιn Ιf MS CΙttΙn V—tell—ΟΝ C.——— tΙ leaΠe a ‒aΚ. It ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ t–en, t–at t–e Κlant deΝcΜ—bed —n C–aΚteΜ 159 ΡaΝ ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ Ρ—t–ΙΟt an Old En‒l—Ν– name. If ΝΙ, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, —t ΝeemΝ Ιdd t–at a teΣt Ν–ΙΟld –aΠe tΡΙ entΜ—eΝ fΙΜ elleborum album, Ιne Ρ—t– an Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn and Ιne Ρ—t–ΙΟt. T–—Ν d—ΝjΟnct—Ιn —Ν eΣΚla—ned bΤ t–e Lat—n ΝΙΟΜce fΙΜ t–—Ν ΚaΝΝa‒e, —dent— ed bΤ HΙfΝtetteΜ (1983: 342 3): a Lat—n cΙllect—Ιn called t–e Curae herbarum (Ιn Ρ–—c– Νee CΙll—nΝ 2000: 156 8), Ιne manΟΝcΜ—Κt Ιf Ρ–—c– PaΜ—Ν, B—bl—Ιt–èΛΟe Nat—Ιnale, Lat. 13955 —nclΟdeΝ Elleborum nigrum uel epipactinum Ad curam iectoris herba suprascripta si sicca tundatur et cribrata ad modum coclearis ex [le‒. cocleari sex] aqua calida bibatur mire facit. Ex uivo herba aduersus omnia uenena medicamen erit. Elleborum nigrum ΙΜ epipactinum. FΙΜ Κa—n Ιf t–e l—ΠeΜ, t–e abΙΠe ment—Ιned –eΜb, —f, made dΜΤ, —t —Ν ΚΙΟnded; Ν—eΠed tΙ t–e meaΝΟΜe Ιf Ν—Σ ΝΚΙΙnΝ; and dΜΟnk Ρ—t– ΡaΜm ΡateΜ, —t ΡΙΜkΝ ΡΙndeΜΝ. FΜΙm t–e l—Π—n‒ –eΜb t–eΜe Ρ—ll be a ΜemedΤ a‒a—nΝt all ΚΙ—ΝΙnΝ. T–—Ν Ν–ΙΡΝ t–at C–aΚteΜ 159 Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΡaΝ nΙt ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ abΙΟt elleborum albumō bΟt elleborum nigrum. T–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium eΠ—dentlΤ ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ –ad Ιne entΜΤ fΙΜ elleborum album (C–aΚteΜ 140), Ρ–—le anΙt–eΜ (C–aΚteΜ 159) dealt Ρ—t– elleborum nigrum; t–e tΡΙ entΜ—eΝ ΙΜ—‒—nated —n d— eΜent Lat—n teΣtΝ bΟt ΡeΜe bΜΙΟ‒–t tΙ‒et–eΜ e—t–eΜ bΤ t–e Νc–ΙlaΜ be–—nd t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΙΜ bΤ an ed—tΙΜ Ιf t–e Lat—n teΣt Ρ–—c– –e tΜanΝlated. W–—le –e –ad —dent— ed elleborum album aΝ tunsingwyrt, t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ d—d nΙt –aΠe a ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ΡΙΜd fΙΜ elleborum nigrum, ΝΙ left a ‒aΚ. SΟbΝeΛΟentlΤ, elleborum album ΡaΝ ΡΜ—tten —n C–aΚteΜ 159 fΙΜ elleborum nigrum (a Νta‒e ΜeΚΜeΝented bΤ all t–e manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium), and t–en a lateΜ cΙΚΤ—Νt a‒a—n (ΜeΚΜeΝented bΤ MS HaΜleΤ 6258 B) added t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn tunsingwyrt Ιn t–e baΝ—Ν Ιf C–aΚteΜ 140. In MS V—tell—ΟΝ C.———, t–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn accΙmΚanΤ—n‒ C–aΚteΜ 159 ‘–aΝ ΝΙme ΜeΝemblance [tΙ Veratrum album], bΟt —Ν Scilla’ (CΙckaΤne 1864 6: I.287, nΙte a), t–e Κlant accΙΜd—n‒lΤ be—n‒ —dent— ed Ρ—t– Urginea maritima (L.) Bak. (alΝΙ knΙΡn aΝ Scilla maritima L.) bΤ De VΜ—end (1984: 323) and, ΝΟbΝeΛΟentlΤ, alΝΙ bΤ Van AΜΝdall (2002: 219). T–e Κlant —Ν nΙt nat—Πe tΙ BΜ—ta—n, mak—n‒ t–e lack Ιf an Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn ΟnΝΟΜΚΜ—Ν—n‒. HeΜe, t–en, Ρe Νee t–e Νame –eΝ—tat—Ιn ΙΠeΜ nd—n‒ En‒l—Ν– eΛΟ—ΠalentΝ fΙΜ elleborus aΝ ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am eΣ–—b—ted —n –—Ν –Ιm—lΤ Ιn St MaΜt—n. Elleborum nigrum Ν—mΚlΤ cΙΟld nΙt be tΜanΝlated. 76 AlaΜ—c Hall It —Ν nΙt Οnl—kelΤ t–at t–e LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ entΜΤ ElleborΟΝ nigeΜ .i. lungwvrt (StΜacke 1974: 37, nΙΝ 543 4) deΜ—ΠeΝ Οlt—matelΤ fΜΙm a teΣt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium —n Ρ–—c– t–e Μead—n‒ elleborum nigrum Νt—ll Μema—ned —n C–aΚteΜ 159, tΙ Ρ–—c– t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn lungwyrt –ad been added. UnfΙΜtΟnatelΤ, alt–ΙΟ‒– lungwyrt –aΝ an aΚΚaΜent Old H—‒– GeΜman cΙ‒nate lungwurz (Νee BjfiΜkman 1901 5: II.294), and alt–ΙΟ‒– t–—Ν ‒lΙΝΝ —Ν ΚaΜalleled bΤ a ΝeΜ—eΝ Ιf M—ddle En‒l—Ν– ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιn elleborus, lungwyrt —Ν atteΝted ΙnlΤ –eΜe —n Old En‒l—Ν– (cΙmΚaΜe B—eΜbaΟmeΜ 1975 9: III.164 5), and —tΝ lateΜ En‒l—Ν– fΙΜmΝ aΜe aΚΚl—ed tΙ a Ρ—de Μan‒e Ιf ΚlantΝ (Νee MED ΟndeΜ long-wort; OED ΟndeΜ lungwort; HΟnt 1989: —ndeΣ ΟndeΜ Lungwort). It maΤ beaΜ ΝΙme Μelat—Ιn tΙ t–e ‘lungenwyrt Ρ–ΙΝe ΟΚΚeΜ ΚaΜt —Ν ΤellΙΡ’ (lungenwyrt seo biþ geolu ufeweard) ment—Ιned —n Bald’Ν Leechbook (Bk I, Sect—Ιn 38; WΜ—‒–t 1955: fΙl—Ι 35Μ), Ρ–—c– ΝeemΝ tΙ be ‒Ιlden lΟn‒ΡΙΜt, Hieracium murorum L. (B—eΜbaΟmeΜ 1975 9: I.98); bΟt —t cΙΟld eΛΟallΤ be a calΛΟe Ιn pulmonaria (Pulmonaria L.). W—t–ΙΟt mΙΜe ceΜta—ntΤ abΙΟt t–eΝe ΠaΜ—ableΝ, —t —Ν –aΜd tΙ addΟce t–—Ν ‒lΙΝΝ ΟΝefΟllΤ —n elΟc—dat—n‒ elleborus. I ΜecaΚ t–—Ν aΜ‒Οment Νc–emat—callΤ aΝ table 1, maΜk—n‒ eac– ΝΟcceΝΝ—Πe (ΚΟtat—Πe) alteΜat—Ιn tΙ t–e teΣt —n bold tΤΚe. LΙΝt teΣt ΟΝed fΙΜ DΟΜ–am-LaΟd (c.900?) TeΣt ΜeΚΜeΝented bΤ MS V—tell—ΟΝ C. ——— (MS fΜΙm Ν.Σ—) TeΣt Ιf MS HaΜleΤ 6258 B (MS fΜΙm Ν.Σ——) C–aΚteΜ 140 ÐeΙΝ ΡΤΜt þe man ellebΙΜΟm albΟm (ellebΙΜΟΝ albΟΝ) & ΙðΜΟm naman tΟnΝ—nc‒ΡΤΜt nemneð ÐeΙΝ ΡΤΜt þe man ellebΙΜΟm albΟm & ΙðΜΟm naman tΟnΝ—nc‒ΡΤΜt nemneð & eac sume men wedeberge hatað (⁵)eΙΝ ΡΤΜt þæt man ellebΙΜΟm albΟm & ΙþΜΟm nama tΟnΝ—n‒ΡΤΜt & ΝΟme men ΡedebeΜ‒e –(atað) C–aΚteΜ 159 n—m þaΝ ΡΤΜt þe man ellebΙΜΟm n—‒ΜΟm & ΙþΜΟm naman [blank] nemneð n—m þaΝ ΡΤΜt þe man ellebΙΜΟm albΟm & ΙþΜΟm naman [blank] nemneð n—m þaΝ ΡΤΜt þe man ellebΙΜΟm albΟm & ΙþΜΟm naman tunsingwyrt nemneð Table 1: t–e tΜanΝm—ΝΝ—Ιn Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. Eac– ΝΟcceΝΝ—Πe (ΚΟtat—Πe) alteΜat—Ιn tΙ t–e teΣt —Ν maΜked —n bold tΤΚe. T–e ΙnlΤ Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf elleborus Ρ–—c– ΡaΝ ceΜta—nlΤ ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ —nclΟded —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΡaΝ tungsingwyrt, tΜanΝlat—n‒ elleborum album. In Ιne teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn, elleborum nigrum maΤ –aΠe acΛΟ—Μed t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn lungwyrt. 3. Glossing elleborus as tunsingwyrt I –aΠe d—ΝcΟΝΝed alΜeadΤ t–e —ndebtedneΝΝ Ιf t–e DΟΜ–am-LaΟd ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ tΙ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, and t–e—Μ —nclΟΝ—Ιn Ιf a ‒lΙΝΝ elleborus albus tunsingwyrt. It —Ν ΡΙΜt– enteΜta—n—n‒ t–e ΚΙΝΝ—b—l—tΤ t–at Ιt–eΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιf t–—Ν k—nd aΜe alΝΙ teΣtΟallΤ Μelated tΙ t–e Herbarium. TΡΙ aΜ—Νe aΝ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιn t–e ΡΙΜk Ιf a ΚΟΚ—l Ιf ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν, ÆlfΜ—c Bata, Ρ–Ι cΙmΚΙΝed a ΝeΜ—eΝ Ιf Lat—n cΙllΙΛΟ—eΝ aΝ teac–—n‒ a—dΝ. At t–e end Ιf –—Ν tΡentΤ- ft– cΙllΙΛΟΤ, ΚΜeΝeΜΠed ΙnlΤ —n MS OΣfΙΜd, St. JΙ–n’Ν CΙlle‒e 154, ÆlfΜ—c Bata —nclΟded a l—Νt Ιf Κlant-nameΝ baΝed 77 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 Ιn t–at —n ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν Glossary (ΙΜ ΚeΜ–aΚΝ, —f Ρe acceΚt LaΥΥaΜ—’Ν aΜ‒ΟmentΝ (2003), Ιn a cΙmmΙn ΝΙΟΜce). T–e d—alΙ‒Οe (ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 156 7) ΜΟnΝ Fratres meiō dicite mihi nuncō habetis aliquod uiridiariumō aut habetis herbas aliquas in uiridario uestro? Etiamō domineō habemus. Quis exercet eas? Hortulanus monasterii et medicus senioris nostriō qui eas omni anno plantat ac circumfodit et rigat. MΤ bΜΙt–eΜΝ, tell me nΙΡ, dΙ ΤΙΟ –aΠe a ‒aΜden? DΙ ΤΙΟ –aΠe anΤ –eΜbΝ —n ΤΙΟΜ ‒aΜden? YeΝ, Ρe dΙ, Ν—Μ. W–Ι tendΝ t–em? T–e ‒aΜdeneΜ Ιf t–e mΙnaΝteΜΤ, ΙΟΜ abbΙt’Ν dΙctΙΜ. He ΚlantΝ, cΟlt—ΠateΝ, and ΡateΜΝ t–em all ΤeaΜ ΜΙΟnd. HaΠ—n‒ eΝtabl—Ν–ed t–at t–e hortulanus —Ν ne—t–eΜ En‒l—Ν– nΙΜ GΜeek (ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ —n an allΟΝ—Ιn tΙ t–e GΜeek etΤmΙlΙ‒Τ Ιf manΤ Κlant-nameΝ; ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 157, nΙte 304) bΟt FΜank—Ν–, and t–at –e ‘Ιften makeΝ ‒ΙΙd med—c—neΝ and Ι—ntmentΝ’ (Bona sepe antidota et unguenta facit) fΙΜ all-cΙmeΜΝ, t–e teΣt cΙnt—nΟeΝ (ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 156 9): CΟ—ΟΝ ‒eneΜ—Ν –eΜbaΝ –abet—Ν? MΟltae –eΜbae Οalde bΙn— ‒eneΜ—Ν et mal— ac d—ΟeΜΝ— ΝemΚeΜ cΜeΝcΟnt —n nΙΝtΜΙ Ο—Μ—d—aΜ—Ι. QΟaleΝ? [...] Ib— cΜeΝcΟnt ΚΜ—m—tΟΝ —lla –ΙleΜa, ΛΟae Κene cΙt—d—e mand— ΚΙΝΝΟnt, Ν— eΜΟnt cΙcta: caΟla Οel ma‒ΟdaΜ—Ν, ΚetΜΙc—l—nΟm, malΟa, ceΜΚ—llΟm, aΚ—Οm, al‒—Οm, menta, anetΟm, ΝatΟΜa‒—a. CΜeΝc—t ΛΟΙΛΟe —b— l—beΝt—ca, Νand—Σ, d—lla, febΜefΟ‒—a, Ν—mΚ–Ιn—aca, ΜΟb—a, ΜaΚa, aΟadΙn—a, aΚΜótamΟm, el—bΙΜΟm, Νen—t—a [...] et ceteΜa mΟlta –ΙleΜa, ΛΟe t—b— an‒l—ce nΙn ΚΙΝΝΟm ed—ceΜe. What sort of plants do you have? Many plantsō both good and badō of di erent sorts are always growing in our garden. What sort? [...] First growing there are those vegetables that can be eaten just about every dayō if they’re cooked: cabbageō parsleyō mallowō thymeō celeryō garlicō mintō dillō and savory. Also growing there are lovageō woadō sorrelō feverfewō henbaneō rubiaō rapeō mulleinō wormwoodō hemlockō groundsel [...] And there are a lot of other plants I can’t name for you in English. Eliborum –eΜe —Ν an add—t—Ιn tΙ ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν l—Νt (l—ke saturagia, rapa, and rubia, tΜanΝlated bΤ GΡaΜa ΜeΝΚect—ΠelΤ aΝ ‘ΝaΠΙΜΤ’, ‘ΜaΚe’, and ‘ΜΟb—a’ t–ΙΟ‒– I am nΙt aΡaΜe Ιf rubia aΝ an En‒l—Ν– ΡΙΜd: —t —Ν mΙΜe ΟΝΟallΤ tΜanΝlated ‘maddeΜ’). If Ρe aΜe tΙ take ÆlfΜ—c Bata at –—Ν ΡΙΜd Ρe maΤ cΙnclΟde t–at elleborus ‒ΜΙΡΝ —n mΙnaΝt—c ‒aΜdenΝ, and can be named —n Old En‒l—Ν–. It —Ν nΙt aΚΚaΜentlΤ —ntended fΙΜ eat—n‒, ΝΙ —n Π—eΡ Ιf –—Ν ΚΜ—ΙΜ d—ΝcΟΝΝ—Ιn, a med—c—nal ΚΟΜΚΙΝe ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ. We cannΙt be ΝΟΜe, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, bΙt– Ν—nce ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν ‒aΜden cΙnta—nΝ herbae ... boni generis et mali, and Ν—nce, at t–e end Ιf t–e daΤ, t–e l—Νt —Ν ΚΜ—maΜ—lΤ an eΣeΜc—Νe —n ΠΙcabΟlaΜΤ Μat–eΜ t–an a neceΝΝaΜ—lΤ accΟΜate deΝcΜ—Κt—Ιn Ιf a mΙnaΝt—c ‒aΜden. ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν teΣtΝ aΜe nΙt —n t–emΝelΠeΝ ΠeΜΤ —nfΙΜmat—Πe, bΟt t–eΤ lead ΟΝ dΙΡn aΠenΟeΝ Ιf clΙΝelΤ Μelated ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ. GΡaΜa tΜanΝlated elleborum aΝ ‘–emlΙck’ Ιn t–e baΝ—Ν Ιf t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn GlΙΝΝaΜΤ, Ρ–—c– ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe ΝΙme cΙnnect—Ιn Ρ—t– ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν c—Μcle, and I eΣam—ne t–—Ν eΠ—dence at t–e end Ιf t–e ΚΜeΝent ΝtΟdΤ (Sect—Ιn 7). HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e 78 AlaΜ—c Hall manΟΝcΜ—Κt Ιf ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν teΣt —tΝelf, MS OΣfΙΜd, St JΙ–n’Ν CΙlle‒e 154, –aΝ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ fΙΜ elleborus Ιn bΙt– ΙccaΝ—ΙnΝ Ρ–en t–e ΡΙΜd aΚΚeaΜΝ, Μead—n‒ —n t–e ΜΝt —nΝtance tunsing and —n t–e ΝecΙnd tunsincwyrt (NaΚ—eΜ 1900: 229, nΙ. 378; ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 158). AΝ I d—ΝcΟΝΝ Ν–ΙΜtlΤ, tunsingwyrt ΡaΝ cleaΜlΤ a cΙmmΙn ΡΙΜd Μat–eΜ t–an a Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ cΙ—n—n‒, ΝΙ ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ cΙΟld –aΠe Ν—mΚlΤ addΟced tunsingwyrt fΜΙm –—Ν daΤ-tΙ-daΤ knΙΡled‒e Ιf Old En‒l—Ν–. On t–e Ιt–eΜ –and, –e cΙΟld —n t–eΙΜΤ –aΠe ΜefeΜΜed tΙ a manΟΝcΜ—Κt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΙΜ a deΜ—Πed ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ and dΜaΡn t–e ‒lΙΝΝ fΜΙm t–eΜe; ΙΟΜ ‒lΙΝΝed manΟΝcΜ—Κt Ιf t–e Colloquy ΡaΝ at DΟΜ–am aΜΙΟnd t–e tΡelft– ΙΜ t–—Μteent– centΟΜ—eΝ (KeΜ 1957: 437, nΙ. 362), and —f —t ΡaΝ ΚΜΙdΟced t–eΜe, t–en t–e antecedentΝ Ιf t–e DΟΜ–am Plant-NameΝ GlΙΝΝaΜΤ ΡΙΟld ΚΜΙbablΤ –aΠe been aΠa—lable. UnfΙΜtΟnatelΤ, t–eΜe ΝeemΝ tΙ be nΙ ΝecΟΜe eΠ—dence aΝ tΙ Ρ–et–eΜ ΙΜ nΙt ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ d—d —ndeed ΟΝe ΝΟc– a ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ. We can lΙΙk tΙ –—Ν –andl—n‒ Ιf ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν Ιt–eΜ add—t—ΙnΝ tΙ ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν l—Νt Ιf Κlant-nameΝ: saturagia (nΙt, ΟnfΙΜtΟnatelΤ, ‒lΙΝΝed), rubia (‒lΙΝΝed Ρ—t– medewyrt) and rapa (‒lΙΝΝed Ρ—t– nfflp) (ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 158). Alt–ΙΟ‒– medewyrt —Ν Ρell atteΝted —n Old En‒l—Ν– med—cal teΣtΝ, rubia medewyrt —Ν Οn—ΛΟe (t–e clΙΝeΝt ΚaΜallel ΝeemΝ tΙ be t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn GlΙΝΝaΜΤ, cΙnΝ—deΜed fΟΜt–eΜ belΙΡ, ‒—Π—n‒ Rubia mfflddre; K—ndΝc–— 1955: 111). T–e ‒lΙΝΝ rapa nfflp —Ν alΝΙ ΚaΜalleled bΤ AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn (K—ndΝc–— 1955: 112; cΙmΚaΜe BjfiΜkman 1901 5: I.233, II.273 fΙΜ Old H—‒– GeΜman eΣamΚleΝ), bΟt AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn dΙeΝ nΙt cΙnta—n t–e ΡΙΜd tunsingwyrt, —nΝtead ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ elleborus Ρ—t– wodewistle, aΝ I d—ΝcΟΝΝ belΙΡ. T–e DΟΜ–am Plant-Name GlΙΝΝaΜΤ —nclΟdeΝ t–e lemma rapa Ρ—t– nΙ ‒lΙΝΝ (L—nd–e—m 1941: 17, nΙ. 286), bΟt Ρ–eΜe —t came fΜΙm —Ν nΙt —mmed—atelΤ cleaΜ. It —Ν ΚΙΝΝ—ble, t–en, t–at elleborus tunsingwyrt —n t–e ÆlfΜ—c Bata ‒lΙΝΝeΝ —Ν Μelated tΙ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, bΟt t–e ‒lΙΝΝ cΙΟld eΛΟallΤ Ρell ΜeΚΜeΝent t–e ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ’Ν ΚeΜΝΙnal tΜanΝlat—Ιn. A Ν—m—laΜ Ν—tΟat—Ιn –ΙldΝ fΙΜ a late tent–-centΟΜΤ ‒lΙΝΝ Ιn Ald–elm’Ν Μ—ddle Elleborus (t–e ΚΙem at t–e centΜe Ιf t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn Κ—ece tΙ t–—Ν Ιne, Νee Hall —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme), ΟnΚaΜalleled —n t–—Ν cΙnteΣt, —nclΟded bΤ t–e ma—n ΝcΜ—be Ιf MS LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, RΙΤal 12.C.ΣΣ———. TΙ t–e t—tle Ιf t–e Μ—ddle (—n t–—Ν manΟΝcΜ—Κt ‘D E ’) –e added t–e ‒lΙΝΝ tunsinwyrt (Ald–elm 1990: 227, R—ddle 99). T–e ΛΟeΝt—Ιn Ιf Ρ–et–eΜ t–—Ν ‒lΙΝΝ ΡaΝ —n–eΜ—ted fΜΙm a ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ ΙΜ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium —Ν ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜlΤ —mΚΙΜtant: —f —t ΡaΝ —n–eΜ—ted, t–en t–e ΝcΜ—be maΤ –aΠe added —t mec–an—callΤ tΙ t–e Μ—ddle, Ρ–et–eΜ ΙΜ nΙt tunsingwyrt actΟallΤ denΙted a Κlant Ρ–—c– tted Ald–elm’Ν deΝcΜ—Κt—Ιn (Ρ–—c– —Ν ΚΜΙbablΤ Ιf ΡΙΙdΤ n—‒–tΝ–ade). If –e —nΠented t–e ‒lΙΝΝ, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, t–en t–e matc– betΡeen ‒lΙΝΝ and Μ—ddle cΙΟld ΚΜΙΠ—de —mΚΙΜtant eΠ—dence fΙΜ t–e mean—n‒Ν Ιf tunsingwyrt. A ΜeaΝΙnable caΝe can be made fΙΜ cΙΚΤ—n‒ Μat–eΜ t–an —nΠent—Ιn –eΜe, t–ΙΟ‒– a‒a—n —t ΚΜΙΠeΝ —mΚΙΝΝ—ble tΙ be ΠeΜΤ ΝΟΜe. Alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e ma—n ΝcΜ—be’Ν Old En‒l—Ν– ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ —Ν nΙt cΙnΝ—Νtent —n t–e manΟΝcΜ—Κt (tell—n‒lΤ, a ΝecΙnd ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ added anΙt–eΜ fΙΜtΤ-fΙΟΜ ma—nlΤ maΜ‒—nal Old En‒l—Ν– ‒lΙΝΝeΝ; Νee Ald–elm 1990: 48, 52 4), —t —Ν nΙt –aΚ–aΥaΜd. T–e ΝcΜ—be made ΙnlΤ Ν—Σ ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιn Μ—ddleΝ’ t—tleΝ, t–e Ιt–eΜΝ be—n‒ ‘ ΡeaΜΡe’; ‘ Ρe‒an’; ‘ ‒ΙldΡΤΜt’; ‘D ΝΤfeda’; and ‘D ΡælΡΤΜt’ (Ald–elm 1990: 162, 163, 164, 187, 219; R—ddleΝ 49, 50, 51, 67, 94; cΙmΚaΜe 52 4). Alt–ΙΟ‒– ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ΡeΜe nΙt added tΙ all t–ΙΝe t—tleΝ —nΠΙlΠ—n‒ ΚlantΝ (cΙntΜaΝt R—ddleΝ 45, De urtica; 76, De melario vel malo; and 77 De culnea), t–e ΝcΜ—be eΠ—dentlΤ tΙΙk a d—ΝΚΜΙΚΙΜt—Ιnate —nteΜeΝt —n ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ Κlant-nameΝ —n t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ. ‘M ΡeaΜΡe’ —Ν ΝΟΜelΤ an eΜΜΙΜ fΙΜ gearwe, a ‒lΙΝΝ fΙΟnd —n manΤ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ, En‒l—Ν– and GeΜman, —nclΟd—n‒ bΙt– t–e ÉΚ—nal-EΜfΟΜt GlΙΝΝaΜΤ and t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium (P–e—feΜ 1974: 33, 34, nΙΝ 623, 639; De VΜ—end 1984: 128, C–aΚteΜ 90; cΙmΚaΜe BjfiΜkman 1901 5: I.226). T–e ‒lΙΝΝ 79 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 ‘D ΡælΡΤΜt’ enjΙΤΝ a Ν—m—laΜ d—ΝtΜ—bΟt—Ιn (De VΜ—end 1984: 136, C–aΚteΜ 93; Νee Hall —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 4). MΙΜe tell—n‒ —Ν t–e ‒lΙΝΝ ‘ ‒ΙldΡΤΜt’: t–—Ν ΝeemΝ tΙ be ΚaΜalleled —n Old En‒l—Ν– (and lateΜ En‒l—Ν–) ΙnlΤ —n t–e Nomina herbarum Grece et Latine l—Νted —n MS BΜΟΝΝelΝ, B—bl—Ιt–èΛΟe RΙΤale, 1828 30, —n t–e fΙΜm Solsequia golde (RΟΝc–e 1996: 554 66, nΙ. 467). BΙt– t–e BΜΟΝΝelΝ manΟΝcΜ—Κt and MS RΙΤal 12.C.ΣΣ——— ΡeΜe ΡΜ—tten at C–Μ—Νt C–ΟΜc–, CanteΜbΟΜΤ, ΝΙ t–e d—Νt—nct—Πe Ν—m—laΜ—tΤ —Ν ΟnΝΟΜΚΜ—Ν—n‒. Alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e BΜΟΝΝelΝ manΟΝcΜ—Κt —Ν ΚΜΙbablΤ lateΜ t–an t–e RΙΤal, —tΝ Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ cΙΟld ΜeΚΜeΝent a tΜad—t—Ιn fΜΙm Ρ–—c– t–e RΙΤal ‒lΙΝΝ deΜ—ΠeΝ. We –aΠe a clΙΝe Old H—‒– GeΜman ΚaΜallel tΙ t–e BΜΟΝΝelΝ ‒lΙΝΝ, Fleotropia [—.e. Heliotropia] Golde (Ste—nmeΤeΜ and S—eΠeΜΝ 1879 1922: III.522), and t–e Κlant-name golde —Ν mΟc– betteΜ atteΝted —n t–e Old GeΜman d—alectΝ t–an —n Old En‒l—Ν– (BjfiΜkman 1901 5: II.268; Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch, ΟndeΜ golda). T–—Ν –—ntΝ t–at BΜΟΝΝelΝ maΤ Ν–ΙΡ GeΜman —n Οence ΚlaΟΝ—ble —n tent–- tΙ eleΠent–-centΟΜΤ CanteΜbΟΜΤ Ρ—t– RΙΤal 12.C.ΣΣ——— mak—n‒ an attemΚt tΙ an‒l—c—Υe golde and tΙ make —tΝ —dent—tΤ aΝ a Κlant-name cleaΜ —n a neΡ ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—al cΙnteΣt bΤ add—n‒ -wyrt. HΙΡeΠeΜ, alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e BΜΟΝΝelΝ teΣt cΙnta—nΝ ΜeΚΜeΝentat—ΠeΝ Ιf ebulus wffllwyrt; millefolium gearwe and solsequium goldwyrt, —t dΙeΝ nΙt cΙnta—n elleborus tunsingwyrt (ΙΜ anΤ Ιt–eΜ ‒lΙΝΝ Ιn elleborus). We aΜe left Ρ—t– a ‒eneΜal ΚΜΙbab—l—tΤ t–at t–e ΝcΜ—be Ιf RΙΤal 12.C.ΣΣ——— ΟΝed Ιt–eΜ ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ, bΟt nΙ Ν—n‒le teΣt Ρ–—c– ΝΟΜΠ—ΠeΝ. Ot–eΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ν–ΙΡ t–at –e almΙΝt ceΜta—nlΤ –ad acceΝΝ tΙ t–e ΙldeΜ ‒lΙΝΝ wedeberge: ΝΙme Ιf t–e Κlant-name ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ΚΜΙbablΤ cΙme fΜΙm t–e Νame teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn aΝ wedeberge; mΙΜeΙΠeΜ, ΙΟΜ ΝcΜ—be ‒lΙΝΝed t–e ΡΙΜd conquilio —n t–e ΝecΙnd l—ne Ιf t–e Μ—ddle Ρ—t– weolcscille (Ald–elm 1990: 227), a ‒lΙΝΝ belΙn‒—n‒ tΙ t–e ÉΚ—nal-EΜfΟΜtCΙΜΚΟΝ tΜad—t—Ιn, Ρ–eΜe wedeberge —Ν alΝΙ fΙΟnd. BΟt –e c–ΙΝe nΙt tΙ ΟΝe wedeberge, Ρ–—c– tellΝ ΟΝ t–at t–e ‒lΙΝΝ tunsingwyrt ΡaΝ ΚΜΙbablΤ tΙ at leaΝt ΝΙme eΣtent a ΚΜefeΜΜed c–Ι—ce Μat–eΜ t–an Ν—mΚlΤ a maΜk Ιf deΝΚeΜat—Ιn, and —Ν ‒eneΜallΤ cΙnΝ—Νtent Ρ—t– t–e ΝenΝe ΙΟtl—ned at t–e be‒—nn—n‒ Ιf t–—Ν aΜt—cle t–at lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜΝ–—Κ ΡaΝ de n—n‒ —tΝelf aΝ d—Νt—nct fΜΙm eaΜl—eΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΡΙΜk. T–eΝe ΚΙ—ntΝ Ν–ΙΡ cleaΜlΤ t–at t–e RΙΤal ΝcΜ—be’Ν ΟΝe Ιf tunsingwyrt maΤ deΜ—Πe fΜΙm a manΟΝcΜ—Κt Μelated ΝΙme–ΙΡ tΙ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, bΟt —t —Ν nΙt ΚΙΝΝ—ble tΙ be ΝΟΜe Ιf t–—Ν. 4. Tunsingwyrt outside glosses Alt–ΙΟ‒– —t —Ν faΜ fΜΙm ceΜta—n, t–e cΙnΝ—deΜat—ΙnΝ abΙΠe ΚeΜm—t t–e ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—Ιn t–at almΙΝt all ΙΟΜ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt aΜe teΣtΟallΤ clΙΝelΤ Μelated. MΙΜeΙΠeΜ, tunsingwyrt ΝΟΜΠ—Πed —ntΙ M—ddle En‒l—Ν– ΙnlΤ —n t–e eaΜlΤ M—ddle En‒l—Ν– teΣtΟal deΝcendantΝ Ιf An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn mateΜ—alΝ (MED, ΟndeΜ tunsing-wurt), ΝΙ Ρe –aΠe nΙ lateΜ cΙΜΜelateΝ. L—keΡ—Νe, —t –aΝ nΙ cΙ‒nateΝ —n Ιt–eΜ lan‒Οa‒eΝ. T–eΝe deta—lΝ ΡΙΟld all ΚΙ—nt tΙ t–e —dea t–at tunsingwyrt —Ν Ν—mΚlΤ a ‒lΙΝΝ-ΡΙΜd. HΙΡeΠeΜ, Ρe –aΠe tΡΙ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt Ρ–—c– can be Μel—ablΤ cΙnΝ—deΜed —ndeΚendent Ιf t–—Ν tΜad—t—Ιn. BΙt– ΙccΟΜ —n Bald’Ν Leechbook I. T–e ΜΝt cΙmeΝ —n Sect—Ιn 28 (WΜ—‒–t 1955: fΙl—Ι 26Μ): Wiþ banece tuningwyrt . beolone . wealwyrt ealde grut & eced . heorotes smera oþþe gate . oþþe gose meng tosomne lege þonne on . Wiþ banece eft to drence elene . cneowholen . wealwyrt . hune . clufþung gecnuwa do on wfflter þfflt ofer yrne beþe to fyre swiðe þone ece þweah mid þy wffltere do þfflt þriwa on dfflg . wyrc þonne sealfe of tuniigwyrte of eolonan . of þunge . of wermode do ealra emfela wylle swiðe . A‒a—nΝt bΙne-ac–e/t–—‒–-Κa—n: tuningwyrt, –enbane, dΡaΜf eldeΜ, Ιld meal and Π—ne‒aΜ; –aΜt’Ν fat ΙΜ ‒Ιat’Ν, ΙΜ ‒ΙΙΝe’Ν; m—Σ tΙ‒et–eΜ and t–en aΚΚlΤ. A‒a—nΝt bΙne-ac–e/t–—‒–-Κa—n alΝΙ: elecamΚane, bΟtc–eΜ’Ν bΜΙΙm, dΡaΜf eldeΜ, –ΙΜe–ΙΟnd, (celeΜΤ-leaΠed) bΟtteΜcΟΚ aΝ 80 AlaΜ—c Hall a dΜ—nk. PΙΟnd, ΚΟt —n ΡateΜ Ρ–—c– ΜΟnΝ ΙΠeΜ [—t]; Νteam t–at ac–e Ρell Ρ—t– t–at l—ΛΟ—d; dΙ ΝΙ t–Μee t—meΝ a daΤ. T–en make a ΝalΠe fΜΙm tuniigwyrt, fΜΙm elecamΚane, fΜΙm þung [denΙt—n‒ a Μan‒e Ιf tΙΣ—c ΚlantΝ], fΜΙm ΡΙΜmΡΙΙd. UΝe t–e Νame amΙΟnt Ιf eac–; bΙ—l Ρell. S—nce t–e ΙΜt–Ι‒ΜaΚ–Τ Ιf t–—Ν manΟΝcΜ—Κt dΙeΝ nΙt make ΟΝe Ιf cΙmb—nat—ΙnΝ l—ke ii, t–e latteΜ fΙΜm –eΜe, tuniigwyrt, mΟΝt be a ΝcΜ—bal eΜΜΙΜ, ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ fΙΜ tuningwyrt bΤ t–e Ιm—ΝΝ—Ιn Ιf a m—n—m. BΙt– Ιf t–e ΙccΟΜΜenceΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt –eΜe, t–en, –aΠe —t aΝ an —n‒Μed—ent fΙΜ ΝalΠeΝ a‒a—nΝt ‘bΙne-ac–e’ (de ned bΤ t–e DOE, ΟndeΜ bān-ece, aΝ ‘Κa—n —n t–e t–—‒– (-bΙne), Νc—at—ca’). Alt–ΙΟ‒– nΙt mΟc– can be made Ιf t–e ΚΙ—nt, t–—Ν —Ν nΙt a ΝΤmΚtΙm fΙΜ Ρ–—c– I –aΠe Νeen elleborus ΚΜeΝcΜ—bed —n anc—ent and med—eΠal teΣtΝ. T–e ΝecΙnd atteΝtat—Ιn, —n Ρ–at mΟΝt ΝΟΜelΤ be a ΠaΜ—ant fΙΜm Ιf t–e Νame ΡΙΜd, tungilsinwyrt, cΙmeΝ —n Sect—Ιn 47, ent—tled Lfflcedomas wið þeoradlum, (aΚΚaΜentlΤ) ‘Μemed—eΝ fΙΜ —n ammatΙΜΤ —llneΝΝeΝ’ (fΙl—Ι 44Μ), and l—Νted —n t–e cΙntentΝ aΝ ‘Remed—eΝ and dΜ—nkΝ and ΝalΠeΝ a‒a—nΝt ?—n ammatΙΜΤ —llneΝΝeΝ, Ιf manΤ k—ndΝ’ (Lfflcedomas & drencas & sealfa wiþ þeoradlum moniges cynnes; fΙl—Ι 4Π). It —Ν nΙteΡΙΜt–Τ fΙΜ be—n‒ Ιne Ιf ΙnlΤ tΡΙ Μemed—eΝ eΣΚl—c—tlΤ aΝcΜ—bed tΙ named An‒lΙ-SaΣΙnΝ —n t–—Ν caΝe an Ιt–eΜΡ—Νe ΟnknΙΡn OΣa and ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ tΙ be —ndeΚendent —n —tΝ ΙΜ—‒—n fΜΙm t–e ΜemedΤ jΟΝt ΛΟΙted. At anΤ Μate, nΙ Lat—n ΙΜ—‒—nal ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe been —dent— ed fΙΜ —t. T–e ΜemedΤ —n ΛΟeΝt—Ιn ΜΟnΝ (WΜ—‒–t 1955: fΙl—Ι 45Π): Oxa lfflrde þisne lfflcedom . genime wealwyrt & clufþung & cneowholen & efelastan & camecon & tungilsinwyrt . VIIII . brune bisceopwyrt . & attorlaþan & reade netlan . & reade hofan . & wermod & gearwan . & hunan & dolgrunan . & dweorgedwostlan do ealle þas wyrta on wylisc ealo & drince þonne nigon dagas & blod lfflte. OΣa taΟ‒–t t–—Ν ΜemedΤ. Take dΡaΜf eldeΜ and ?bΟtteΜcΟΚ and bΟtc–eΜ’Ν bΜΙΙm and efenlaste and ?–Ι‒’Ν fennel and tungilsinwyrt; 9 daΜk betΙn—eΝ and attorlaðe and ΚΟΜΚle deadnettle and ΚΟΜΚle —ΠΤ and ΡΙΜmΡΙΙd and ΤaΜΜΙΡ and –ΙΜe–ΙΟnd and Κell—tΙΜΤ-Ιft–e-Ρall and ΚennΤΜΙΤal; ΚΟt all t–eΝe ΚlantΝ —n WelΝ– ale and dΜ—nk —t t–en fΙΜ n—ne daΤΝ and let blΙΙd. OΟΜ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt —n med—cal teΣtΝ ΙccΟΜ —n l—ΝtΝ Ιf —n‒Μed—entΝ tΙΙ lΙn‒ fΙΜ mΟc– tΙ be —nfeΜΜed abΙΟt t–em fΜΙm t–e—Μ med—cal aΚΚl—cat—ΙnΝ. We m—‒–t ΙnlΤ nΙte t–at t–e Κlant dΙeΝ nΙt Νeem tΙ –aΠe been ΚΜΙm—nent —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn med—c—ne, at leaΝt ΟndeΜ t–—Ν name. St—ll, t–e Leechbook eΠ—dence —Ν —mΚΙΜtant fΙΜ eΝtabl—Ν–—n‒ t–e bΜΙadeΜ (WeΝt-SaΣΙn) cΟΜΜencΤ Ιf t–e ΡΙΜd tunsingwyrt, and fΙΜ Ν–ΙΡ—n‒ ΠaΜ—at—Ιn —n t–e fΙΜm Ιf t–—Ν ΡΙΜd Ρ–—c– lΙΙkΝ, —n ΝΙme caΝeΝ, mΙΜe l—ke ΠaΜ—at—Ιn —n ΝΚΙken lan‒Οa‒e t–an ΝcΜ—bal cΙΜΜΟΚt—Ιn, a‒a—n ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—n‒ t–e bΜΙad cΟΜΜencΤ Ιf t–e teΜm. 5. The etymology of tunsingwyrt T–ΟΝ Ρe –aΠe t–Μee ma—n fΙΜmΝ Ιf t–e ΡΙΜd tunsingwyrt. All t–Μee aΜe Ν—m—laΜ enΙΟ‒– tΙ Ιne anΙt–eΜ, and d— eΜent enΙΟ‒– fΜΙm Ιt–eΜ Old En‒l—Ν– Κlant-nameΝ, t–at t–eΤ mΟΝt ΝΟΜelΤ be Νeen aΝ ΠaΜ—ant fΙΜmΝ Ιf t–e Νame ΡΙΜd. BΟt t–e—Μ d— eΜenceΝ aΜe nΙteΡΙΜt–Τ. T–e Old En‒—Ν– Herbarium tΜad—t—Ιn and —tΝ ΚΙΝΝ—ble Μelat—ΠeΝ Ν–ΙΡ fΙΜmΝ fΙcΟΝ—n‒ Ιn tunsingwyrt. T–e ΝΚell—n‒ ΠaΜ—at—Ιn —n t–e -ing- element —n t–—Ν tΜad—t—Ιn, Ρ—t– t–e fΙΜmΝ -in- and -inc(g)-, —Ν cΙmmΙn enΙΟ‒–, Μe ect—n‒ ΝcΜ—bal and Κ–Ιnet—c ΠaΜ—at—Ιn (ΜeleΠant cΙmΚaΜ—ΝΙnΝ aΜe ΚΜΙΠ—ded bΤ Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ -ing Sect—Ιn 2; CamΚbell 1959: Sect—Ιn 450, cΙmΚaΜe Sect—Ιn 474.5; and De VΜ—end 1984: lΣΣ). MeanΡ–—le, t–e ΜΝt ΜemedΤ —n Bald’Ν Leechbook –aΝ t–e fΙΜm tuningwyrt; and OΣa’Ν ΜemedΤ Ρ–ΙΝe aΝΝΙc—at—Ιn Ρ—t– a named —nd—Π—dΟal a ΙΜdΝ t–e tantal—Ν—n‒ —f ΟnΚΜΙΠable ΚΙΝΝ—b—l—tΤ Ιf detect—n‒ an —d—Ιlectal fΙΜm Ιf t–e ΡΙΜd ‒—ΠeΝ tungilsinwyrt. Of 81 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 t–eΝe t–Μee fΙΜmΝ, tunsingwyrt —Ν ΙΝtenΝ—blΤ mΟc– t–e betteΜ atteΝted, and —t —Ν nΙ ΝΟΜΚΜ—Νe t–at —t –aΝ becΙme t–e ΝtandaΜd d—ct—ΙnaΜΤ –eadΡΙΜd fΙΜm (cΙmΚaΜe K—tΝΙn 1988: 109). BΟt t–e ΚΜΙΝΚect t–at all t–e atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf t–—Ν fΙΜm aΜe teΣtΟallΤ Μelated Μa—ΝeΝ t–e ΚΙΝΝ—b—l—tΤ t–at t–eΤ aΜe nΙ mΙΜe ΠalΟable aΝ Ρ—tneΝΝeΝ tΙ cΙmmΙn An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΟΝa‒e t–an eac– Ιf t–e fΙΜmΝ fΜΙm Bald’Ν Leechbook. T–e tunsingwyrt fΙΜm cΙΟld –aΠe ΝΟΜΠ—Πed ΝΟbΝtant—allΤ Οnc–an‒ed —n t–e teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn nΙt becaΟΝe —t cΙΜΜeΝΚΙnded tΙ t–e ΚΜec—Νe ΠaΜ—antΝ ΟΝed bΤ t–e ΝcΜ—beΝ —n daΤ-tΙ-daΤ l—fe (aΝΝΟm—n‒ t–at t–eΤ eΠeΜ d—d ΟΝe —t), bΟt becaΟΝe t–e ΡΜ—tten ΠaΜ—ant Ρ—t– Ρ–—c– t–eΤ ΡeΜe ΚΜeΝented ΡaΝ accΙΜded mΙΜe ΚΜeΝt—‒e. T–e element -ing(-) ΙccΟΜΝ —n a Ρ—de Μan‒e Ιf Old En‒l—Ν– ΡΙΜd-fΙΜmΝ, fΜΙm a Μan‒e Ιf etΤmΙlΙ‒—cal ΝΙΟΜceΝ and Ρ—t– ΠaΜ—ΙΟΝ mean—n‒Ν (Νee, fΙΜ eΣamΚle, Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ -ing; KaΝtΙΠΝkΤ 1992: 386, 388) and, aΝ SaΟeΜ –aΝ emΚ–aΝ—Νed, t–e element ΚΙΝeΝ ΚΜΙblemΝ —n all t–Μee Κlant-nameΝ cΙnta—n—n‒ —t (t–e Ιt–eΜΝ be—n‒ fflðelferðingwyrt and smeringwyrt; SaΟeΜ 2003: 165; Νee alΝΙ K—tΝΙn 1988: 107 11). Dec—d—n‒ Ρ–—c– Ιf t–eΝe etΤma m—‒–t –aΠe been ΚΜeΝent —n tunsingwyrt Ρ–en —t ΡaΝ ΜΝt cΙ—ned —Ν ΚΜΙbablΤ —mΚΙΝΝ—ble. All t–e Νame, —t —Ν ΡΙΜt– d—ΝcΟΝΝ—n‒ ΚΙΝΝ—ble —nteΜΚΜetat—ΙnΝ and etΤmΙlΙ‒—Υat—ΙnΝ Ιf t–e ΡΙΜd becaΟΝe eΠen —f t–eΤ aΜe nΙt cΙΜΜect, t–eΤ maΤ —nd—cate t–e baΝeΝ fΙΜ fΙlk-etΤmΙlΙ‒—eΝ Ρ–—c– encΙΟΜa‒ed t–e atteΝted Μan‒e Ιf ΠaΜ—antΝ. Of ΙΟΜ atteΝted fΙΜmΝ, tuning- —Ν mΟc– t–e eaΝ—eΜ tΙ etΤmΙlΙ‒—Υe (Ρ–et–eΜ ΙΜ nΙt t–e etΤmΙlΙ‒Τ —Ν actΟallΤ cΙΜΜect). Tun and Tuna aΜe atteΝted aΝ mΙnΙt–emat—c Old En‒l—Ν– ΚeΜΝΙnal nameΝ (PASE), ΝΙ a ΚeΜΝΙnal name l—ke **Tuning, deΜ—Π—n‒ ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ fΜΙm a mΙnΙt–emat—c ΚeΜΝΙnal name cΙΟΚled Ρ—t– t–e ΚatΜΙnΤm—c ΝΟ Σ -ing (fΙΜ Ρ–—c– Νee Sm—t– 1956: ΟndeΜ -ing3, eΝΚec—allΤ Sect—Ιn 2), —Ν ΚΙΝΝ—ble. AnΙt–eΜ Π—able —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn —Ν ΝΙme fΙΜmat—Ιn Ιn tun- ‘Νettlement, eΝtate, enclΙΝΟΜe’. In —tΝelf, tun- —Ν nΙt ΟncΙmmΙn —n ΚlantnameΝ, ΙccΟΜΜ—n‒ —n tuncfflrse, tunhofe, tunmelde, tunminte and tunnfflp (B—eΜbaΟmeΜ 1975 9: I.133 4, II.117 18, III.233 4; cΙmΚaΜe MED, ΟndeΜ toun-cresse; tun-h ve), Ρ–eΜe —t ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ caΜΜ—eΝ tun’Ν Ιld ΝenΝe Ιf ‘enclΙΝΟΜe’ aΝ —n t–e cΙmmΙn cΙmΚΙΟndΝ leactun and wyrttun ‘Πe‒etable ‒aΜden’.σ One Π—able etΤmΙn Ιf tuningwyrt maΤ t–eΜefΙΜe be t–e nΙΟn tyning, etΤmΙlΙ‒—callΤ mean—n‒ ‘enclΙΝΟΜe’ —f fΜΙm tun, ΙΜ ‘t–e act Ιf enclΙΝ—n‒’ —f fΜΙm t–e ΠeΜb tynan ‘enclΙΝe, clΙΝe’ (Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ tūning; cΙmΚaΜe -ingσ Sect—ΙnΝ ———, —Π ΜeΝΚect—ΠelΤ; MED, ΟndeΜ tīning).μ If tyning —Ν fΜΙm tun, t–en t–e i-mΟtat—Ιn ΠaΜ—ant tuning (caΟΝed bΤ e—t–eΜ t–e fa—lΟΜe Ιf i-mΟtat—Ιn ΙΜ —tΝ lateΜ cancell—n‒ bΤ analΙ‒Τ Ρ—t– tun) —Ν nΙt Οnl—kelΤ. T–—Ν ΡΙΟld e—t–eΜ —mΚlΤ t–at tuningwyrt ΡaΝ a Κlant Ρ—t– Ρ–—c– Ιne made enclΙΝΟΜeΝ (cΙmΚaΜe haguþorn ‘–aΡt–ΙΜn, Ρ–—tet–ΙΜn’, etΤmΙlΙ‒—callΤ ‘enclΙΝΟΜe t–ΙΜn’), ΙΜ ΚeΜ–aΚΝ Ιne Ρ–—c–, l—ke tuncfflrse, ‒ΜeΡ Ρ—t–—n an enclΙΝΟΜe. AnΙt–eΜ ΙΚt—Ιn, Ρ—t– Ν—m—laΜ —mΚl—cat—ΙnΝ, —Ν tΙ aΝΝΟme t–at Ρe –aΠe tun fΙllΙΡed bΤ t–e cΙnnect—Πe element -ing- (Ιn Ρ–—c– Νee Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ -ing ). T–e ΙΜ—‒—nΝ and ΚΜec—Νe Ν—‒n— cance Ιf t–—Ν element aΜe Μat–eΜ ΠeΣed; —t —Ν cΙmmΙn ΙnlΤ σ μ BΙΝΡΙΜt– 1898, ΟndeΜ leac-tun, wyrt-tun; cΙmΚaΜe MaΜkeΤ, t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme: 32 n. 27; Ban–am 2003: 125 6; MED, ΟndeΜ leigh-toun. It ΝeemΝ nΙt tΙ –aΠe been nΙted befΙΜe t–at leactun aΚΚeaΜΝ —n An‒l—an teΣtΝ and wyrttun —n WeΝt SaΣΙn: t–eΤ maΤ, t–en, be d—Νt—nct—ΠelΤ d—alectal teΜmΝ eΣ—Νt—n‒ —n a cΙmΚlementaΜΤ d—ΝtΜ—bΟt—Ιn. I d—ΝΚenΝe Ρ—t– t–e ΡΙΜd tunincel~*tynincel ‘Νmall tun’ (fΜΙm tun + incgel). T–—Ν —Ν ΜeaΝΙnablΤ ΝecΟΜelΤ atteΝted (BΙΝΡΙΜt– 1898, ΟndeΜ túnincel; Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ tūnincel), bΟt tΙ aΝΝΟme t–at —t ΡaΝ ΜedΟced ΝΟc– aΝ tΙ ΚΜΙdΟce tuningwyrt —Ν dΟb—ΙΟΝ. L—keΡ—Νe, t–e ΟΝe Ιf t–e ΝΟ Σ -ingas (bΜΙadlΤ ‘ΚeΙΚle, dΡelleΜΝ’) Ιften aΚΚeaΜΝ —n ΚlacenameΝ —n -tun aΝ fΙΜ eΣamΚle Glffldtuninga weg, l—teΜallΤ t–e ‘ΜΙad Ιf t–e ΚeΙΚle Ιf GlædtΟn’ (WattΝ 2004, ΟndeΜ Glatton), and a ceΜta—n leΣ—cal ΝtatΟΝ fΙΜ a ΡΙΜd -tuningas —Ν —mΚl—ed bΤ BΙΝΡΙΜt–’Ν ΟΝe Ιf t–at fΙΜm aΝ a –eadΡΙΜd (1898). BΟt t–—Ν ΝeemΝ an Οnl—kelΤ ΝΙΟΜce fΙΜ tuningwyrt, bΙt– becaΟΝe —t —Ν —n—t—al t–eΜe, and becaΟΝe alt–ΙΟ‒– -ingas-tΤΚe nameΝ fΜeΛΟentlΤ ΚΜΙdΟced Ν—n‒ΟlaΜ fΙΜmΝ —n t–e Scand—naΠ—an lan‒Οa‒eΝ (fΙΜ eΣamΚle, Iceland—c Íslendingur, ‘an IcelandeΜ’), t–—Ν —Ν mΟc– ΜaΜeΜ —n Old En‒l—Ν– (Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ -ingas, Sect—ΙnΝ 4, 7d). 82 AlaΜ—c Hall —n Κlace-nameΝ, bΟt t–—Ν dΙeΝ nΙt ΜΟle —t ΙΟt, e—t–eΜ aΝ a ‒enΟ—ne etΤmΙn Ιf tuningwyrt ΙΜ aΝ a cΙmΚΙnent —n fΙlk-etΤmΙlΙ‒Τ —nΝΚ—Μed bΤ Κlace-nameΝ. In t–—Ν caΝe, tuningwyrt can be ΟndeΜΝtΙΙd e ect—ΠelΤ aΝ **tunwyrt ‘enclΙΝΟΜe-Κlant’. Tungilsinwyrt —Ν t–e neΣt eaΝ—eΝt fΙΜm tΙ —nteΜΚΜet. EΜ–aΜdt-S—ebΙld (1936: 169) aΝΝΟmed t–—Ν tΙ cΙnta—n t–e element tungol, ‘ΝtaΜ’, ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ —n a ΚΟtat—Πe ΜefeΜence tΙ ΝtaΜ-l—ke ΙΡeΜΝ, tΜanΝlat—n‒ —t ‘ΝtaΜ —n –eΜb’. BΟt t–—Ν dΙeΝ nΙt eΣΚla—n t–e s Ιf tungils-, Ρ–—le t–e -i- t–eΜe ΡΙΟld alΝΙ be anΙmalΙΟΝ, and t–e ΚΜeΚΙΝ—t—Ιn in ΙΟ‒–t tΙ caΟΝe t–e element wyrt tΙ aΚΚeaΜ —n t–e dat—Πe (aΝ wyrte). T–e ΙnlΤ Π—able —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn ΝeemΝ tΙ me tΙ take t–e ΜΝt element aΝ a ΚeΜΝΙnal name Ιf Ρ–—c– *Tungils ΡΙΟld be an ΟnatteΝted bΟt t–eΙΜet—callΤ ΚΙΝΝ—ble eΣamΚle almΙΝt ceΜta—nlΤ fΙllΙΡed bΤ a Κ–Ιnet—c ΠaΜ—ant Ιf t–e cΙnnect—Πe ΚaΜt—cle -ing-. A Κlant name be‒—nn—n‒ —n an Old En‒l—Ν– ΚeΜΝΙnal name ΡΙΟld be ΚaΜalleled bΤ witmfflres wyrt, Ρ–—c–, —n t–e fΙΜm t–at Ρe –aΠe —t, can –aΜdlΤ cΙnta—n anΤt–—n‒ elΝe, Ρ–—le —n t–e m—ndΝ Ιf at leaΝt ΝΙme Old En‒l—Ν–-ΝΚeakeΜΝ, fflðelferðingwyrt and ΚΜΙbablΤ t–e ΜaΜeΜ fΙΜmΝ simfflringwyrt (mΙΜe ΟΝΟallΤ smeringwyrt) and siwardes wyrt alΝΙ cΙnta—ned ΚeΜΝΙnal nameΝ (Νee K—tΝΙn 1988: 109 11). It —Ν nΙt —mΚΙΝΝ—ble t–at Tungilsinwyrt ΡaΝ t–e eaΜl—eΜ fΙΜm Ιf tunsingwyrt, Ιf Ρ–—c– t–e Ιt–eΜ fΙΜmΝ aΜe ΜedΟct—ΙnΝ. BΟt —t ΝeemΝ mΙΜe ΚΜΙbable t–at t–e analΙ‒Τ Ρent t–e Ιt–eΜ ΡaΤ, an ΙbΝcΟΜe ΙΜ ΜaΜe ΜΝt element be—n‒ Μe—nteΜΚΜeted aΝ a Ν—m—laΜΝΙΟnd—n‒ ΚeΜΝΙnal name. MΟc– t–e cΙmmΙneΝt cΙnteΣt fΙΜ -ing- aΝ a cΙnnect—Πe ΚaΜt—cle —n Old En‒l—Ν– —Ν —n Κlace-nameΝ, and Ιf t–eΝe mΙΝt take a ΚeΜΝΙnal name aΝ t–e—Μ ΜΝt element (fΙΜ eΣamΚle, Cyneburgingctun, nΙΡ KemeΜtΙn —n GlΙΟceΝteΜΝ–—Μe; Sm—t– 1956, ΟndeΜ -ingat Sect—ΙnΝ 1, 4b), Ρ–—c– ΡΙΟld –aΠe ΚΜΙdΟced a feΜt—le Νet Ιf analΙ‒ΟeΝ (albe—t tΙΚΙnΤm—c) fΙΜ Μe—nteΜΚΜet—n‒ tuningwyrt ΙΜ tunsingwyrt aΝ tungilsin(g)wyrt. K—tΝΙn (1988: 109) cΙnΝ—deΜed —t ‘almΙΝt ceΜta—nlΤ a ΝcΜ—bal eΜΜΙΜ fΙΜ tunsingwyrt’, and Ν—nce Ρe can –aΜdlΤ be deal—n‒ –eΜe Ρ—t– a Νl—Κ Ιf t–e Κen, –e ΡaΝ ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ —ma‒—n—n‒ a ΝcΜ—be acc—dentallΤ ΡΜ—t—n‒ a ΚeΜΝΙnal name —n a laΚΝe Ιf cΙncentΜat—Ιn. BΟt —t —Ν at leaΝt aΝ l—kelΤ t–at Ρe aΜe deal—n‒ Ρ—t– a ΝΚΙken ΠaΜ—ant. TΟΜn—n‒ tΙ tunsingwyrt, —t —Ν t–e -s- –eΜe Ρ–—c– —Ν ΚΜΙblemat—c. It cannΙt belΙn‒ tΙ t–e ing- element (cΙntΜaΝt ΠaΜ—antΝ ΝΟc– aΝ -ling(-)), Ρ–—le alt–ΙΟ‒– -s- makeΝ aΚΚeaΜanceΝ —n Old En‒l—Ν– deΜ—Πat—Ιnal mΙΜΚ–ΙlΙ‒Τ, nΙ Νtem —n tuns- —Ν atteΝted. If Ρe can aΝΝΟme t–at all ΙΟΜ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ aΜe teΣtΟallΤ Μelated, —t ΡΙΟld be ΚΙΝΝ—ble tΙ ΝΟ‒‒eΝt t–at t–e -s- ΙΜ—‒—nated meΜelΤ aΝ a ΝcΜ—bal eΜΜΙΜ —n ΝΙme eaΜlΤ teΣt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium — t–ΙΟ‒– —tΝ ΟncΙΜΜected tΜanΝm—ΝΝ—Ιn —n ΝΙ manΤ lateΜ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ ΡΙΟld —n t–at caΝe be ΝΟΜΚΜ—Ν—n‒. CΙckaΤne (1864 6: II.409) ΝaΡ t–e ΡΙΜd aΝ a cΙntΜact—Ιn Ιf tungilsinwyrt; t–—Ν —Ν ΚlaΟΝ—ble —nΝΙfaΜ aΝ ΚlantnameΝ aΜe mΙΜe l—able t–an mΙΝt leΣ—cal claΝΝeΝ tΙ —ΜΜe‒ΟlaΜ Κ–ΙnΙlΙ‒—cal c–an‒eΝ, bΟt —Ν nΙt ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜlΤ —nΠ—t—n‒ and —t —Ν at leaΝt aΝ eaΝΤ, aΝ I –aΠe ΝΟ‒‒eΝted, tΙ aΜ‒Οe fΙΜ t–e ΜeΠeΜΝe ΚΜΙceΝΝ. BΙΝΡΙΜt– (1898, ΟndeΜ tunsing-wyrt) ΚΙ—nted tΙ t–e Οn—ΛΟe SΙmeΜΝet Κlace-name Tunsing atteΝted —n c–aΜteΜ S626 (aΝ l—Νted —n KellΤ 1999). CΙnce—ΠablΤ, t–en, tunsingwyrt e—t–eΜ takeΝ —tΝ name fΜΙm t–—Ν Κlace (ΙΜ anΙt–eΜ Ιf t–e Νame name), ΙΜ ΡaΝ fΙlk-etΤmΙlΙ‒—Υed tΙ Νeem aΝ —f —t d—d. We m—‒–t —ma‒—ne t–at t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium –ad cΙnnect—ΙnΝ Ρ—t– a ΝΚeec–-cΙmmΟn—tΤ Ρ–—c– kneΡ a Κlace called TΟnΝ—n‒ Ρ–eΜe tunsingwyrt ‒ΜeΡ (ΙΜ ΡaΝ ‒ΜΙΡn) —n laΜ‒e ΛΟant—t—eΝ. W–—le t–—Ν —Ν meΜelΤ ΝΚecΟlat—Πe, nΙ mΙΜe cΙnΠ—nc—n‒ etΤmΙn —Ν fΙΜt–cΙm—n‒. One —Ν temΚted tΙ bΙΜΜΙΡ t–e teΣt-cΜ—t—cal ΚΜ—nc—Κle Ιf fortior lectio di cilior –eΜe. S—nce —t —Ν Μelat—ΠelΤ eaΝΤ tΙ eΣΚla—n tuningwyrt and tungilsinwyrt aΝ fΙlk etΤmΙlΙ‒—eΝ, t–e mΙΝt l—kelΤ fΙΜm tΙ be ΙΜ—‒—nal —Ν t–e ΙbΝcΟΜe tunsingwyrt. BΟt t–—Ν —Ν faΜ fΜΙm ceΜta—n. Tunsingwyrt a ΙΜdΝ an —ntΜ—‒Ο—n‒ ‒l—mΚΝe —ntΙ a ΡΙΜld Ιf l—n‒Ο—Νt—c ΠaΜ—at—Ιn Ρ–—c– ΜeΝ—ΝtΝ neΙΚ–—lΙlΙ‒—cal etΤmΙlΙ‒—Υat—ΙnΝ and ΝΟ‒‒eΝtΝ a cΙmΚleΣ—tΤ and d—ΠeΜΝ—tΤ Ιf Κlant-nam—n‒ —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn 83 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 cΟltΟΜe mΙΜe l—ke t–at ΟncΙΠeΜed bΤ mΙdeΜn d—alectΙlΙ‒—ΝtΝ t–an atteΝted bΤ ΙΟΜ l—m—ted An‒lΙSaΣΙn teΣtΝ (cΙmΚaΜe B—‒‒am, t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 1). 6. What was tunsingwyrt? Tunsingwyrt –aΝ –—t–eΜtΙ been cΙnΝ—deΜed an accΟΜate ΜendeΜ—n‒ Ιf elleborum album’Ν ClaΝΝ—cal mean—n‒, be—n‒ —dent— ed t–eΜefΙΜe aΝ Veratrum album L.ν HΙΡeΠeΜ, aΝ t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn aΜt—cle tΙ t–—Ν Ιne emΚ–aΝ—ΝeΝ (Hall, —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme), t–—Ν mean—n‒ fΙΜ elleborum cannΙt Μead—lΤ be aΝΝΟmed a priori fΙΜ An‒lΙ-Lat—n. One ΙΜ tΡΙ –—ntΝ aΝ tΙ t–e denΙtat—Ιn Ιf tunsingwyrt can be ‒leaned fΜΙm t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium. W–eΜeaΝ ΙΟΜ Lat—n teΣt ΝaΤΝ Albumque est in similitudinem caepaeō folia angustiora habet, ‘and t–e Ρ–—te [–ellebΙΜe] –aΝ t–e aΚΚeaΜance Ιf an Ιn—Ιn; —t –aΝ naΜΜΙΡeΜ leaΠeΝ’, t–e Old En‒l—Ν– teΣt ΜeadΝ Ðeos wyrt þe man elleborum album 7 oðrum naman tunsincgwyrt nemneð ... hafað leaf leace gelice, ‘t–—Ν Κlant, Ρ–—c– —Ν called elleborum album, and bΤ anΙt–eΜ name tunsincgwyrt, –aΝ leaΠeΝ l—ke an all—Οm’. Alt–ΙΟ‒– ΙΟΜ Lat—n manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ aΜe tΙΙ feΡ fΙΜ t–e d—Μect—Ιn Ιf c–an‒e tΙ be ceΜta—n, —t ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ t–at t–e Old En‒l—Ν– teΣt Ν–ΙΡΝ t–e alteΜat—Ιn Ιf t–e Lat—n teΣt, fΜΙm ΝaΤ—n‒ t–at t–e Κlant —Ν l—ke an Ιn—Ιn, bΟt Ρ—t– naΜΜΙΡeΜ leaΠeΝ, tΙ ΝaΤ—n‒ t–at t–e Κlant’Ν leaΠeΝ aΜe l—ke t–ΙΝe Ιf an all—Οm (fΙΜ t–—Ν mean—n‒ Ιf leac Νee B—eΜbaΟmeΜ 1975 9: I.93, II.76 7, III.157 8; MaΜkeΤ, —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme). T–—Ν bΜΙadenΝ t–e Μan‒e Ιf ΚlantΝ Ρ–—c– m—‒–t t t–e deΝcΜ—Κt—Ιn Ιf elleborum album, and t–—Ν bΜΙaden—n‒ maΤ Μe ect e ΙΜtΝ tΙ attemΚt tΙ —dent—fΤ —t Ρ—t– a Κlant ΙΜ ΚlantΝ Ιf t–e BΜ—t—Ν– IΝleΝ. T–e —mΚl—cat—Ιn Ιf hafað leaf leace gelice maΤ be t–at, alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e leaΠeΝ aΜe l—ke an all—Οm’Ν, t–e Κlant —Ν —n fact nΙt an all—Οm; bΟt —t —Ν –aΜd tΙ be ΝΟΜe Ιf t–—Ν. T–e Ν—m—laΜ—tΤ enΠ—Νa‒ed maΤ –aΠe been Ιf Ν–aΚe, ΙΜ maΤ –aΠe been a ΜefeΜence tΙ leakΝ’ d—Νt—nct—ΠelΤ ΝΛΟ—Ν–Τ leaΠeΝ. At anΤ Μate, t–e ΙnlΤ all—Οm —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΝeemΝ tΙ be t–e Ιn—Ιn (Allium cepa L.), bulbus —n t–e Lat—n, Ρ—t– nΙ Old En‒l—Ν– tΜanΝlat—Ιn ‒—Πen (De VΜ—end 1984: 230, 232, C–aΚteΜ 184), ΝΙ a tΜanΝlatΙΜ Ρ—t– an An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn cΟltΟΜal back‒ΜΙΟnd, —n Ρ–—c– all—ΟmΝ ΡeΜe ΚΜΙm—nent, m—‒–t –aΠe been temΚted tΙ addΟce Ιne tΙ ll t–e ‒aΚ. A fΟΜt–eΜ factΙΜ maΤ –aΠe been t–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn Ιf elleborum album Ρ–—c– t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium dΙΟbtleΝΝ –ad befΙΜe –—m, d—ΝcΟΝΝed belΙΡ. FΟΜt–eΜ ΚeΜΝΚect—ΠeΝ Ιn t–—Ν eΠ—dence aΜe a ΙΜded bΤ t–e lΙn‒ LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ entΜΤ ElleborΟΝ albΟΝ .i. tunsingwvrt. Οel su unie. uel wudeleac. Οel ramese (StΜacke 1974: 37, nΙ 543). Alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ —Ν late m—d-tΡelft–-centΟΜΤ ΚaΜtΝ ΚΜΙbablΤ deΜ—Πe fΜΙm, ΙΜ at leaΝt Μe ect, late An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Κlant-nam—n‒, and t–e Οn—ΛΟe l—Νt Ιf ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ‒—Πen –eΜe —Ν ΠalΟable. It —Ν ΚΜΙblemat—c: t–e eΣtΜa ‒lΙΝΝeΝ cΙΟld –aΠe been added becaΟΝe t–eΤ ΡeΜe ΝΤnΙnΤmΝ Ιf tunsingwyrt, ΙΜ cΙnΠeΜΝelΤ becaΟΝe t–eΤ denΙted ΝΙmet–—n‒ Ρ—t–—n t–e Νemant—c eld Ιf elleborus albus Ρ–—c– ΡaΝ nΙt cΙΠeΜed bΤ tunsingwyrt. MΙΜeΙΠeΜ, su unie —Ν ΟnfΙΜtΟnatelΤ mΤΝteΜ—ΙΟΝ. It mΟΝt be Μelated tΙ nΟmbeΜ Ιf cΙΟnteΜΚaΜtΝ fΙΜ elleborus (niger), tΙ at leaΝt ΝΙme eΣtent teΣtΟallΤ —nteΜΜelated, —dent— ed bΤ HΟnt (1989: 106) —n lateΜ med—eΠal manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ, Ρ—t– fΙΜmΝ ΝΟc– aΝ gallice syfonye; su onie, cloftunge; and gallice su onie. I –aΠe nΙt ΝΟcceeded —n tΜac—n‒ t–—Ν ΡΙΜd —n Old FΜenc– ΙΜ An‒lΙ-NΙΜman d—ct—ΙnaΜ—eΝ, bΟt t–eΝe teΣtΝ, at anΤ Μate, —nΠ—te ΟΝ tΙ add su unie tΙ t–e l—Νt Ιf FΜenc– ΡΙΜdΝ —n t–e LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ ‒—Πen bΤ StΜacke (1974: 208). Wudeleac (ΙΝtenΝ—blΤ fΜΙm *wuduleac) and ramese (fΜΙm hramsa) aΜe mΙΜe —llΟm—nat—n‒. ν CΙckaΤne (1864 6: II.409); BΙΝΡΙΜt– (1898, ΟndeΜ tunsing-wyrt); ClaΜk Hall (1960, ΟndeΜ tunsingwyrt); B—eΜbaΟmeΜ (1975 9: I.133 4, II.118, III.234); cΙmΚaΜe Van AΜΝdall (2002: 210). 84 AlaΜ—c Hall T–e Μe eΣeΝ Ιf hramsa Νeem ΚΜΙtΙtΤΚ—callΤ tΙ denΙte Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c (Allium ursinum L.), aΝ dΙ mΙΝt Ιf —tΝ IndΙ-EΟΜΙΚean cΙ‒nateΝ (OED, ΟndeΜ rams, ramson; MED, ΟndeΜ ramse; cΙmΚaΜe MaΜkeΤ, —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 6.2.1). In Old En‒l—Ν–, hramsa —Ν mΙΝt ΚΜΙm—nentlΤ atteΝted —n teΣtΟallΤ-Μelated ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ιn a ‒ΜΙΟΚ Ιf t–Μee lemmata Ρ–—c– Νeem tΙ be deΜ—Πat—ΠeΝ Ιf t–e Lat—n acidula ‘b—tteΜ, ΝΙΟΜ’, and Ρ–—c– aΜe nΙt ΠeΜΤ ΜeΠeal—n‒ (fΙΜ eΣamΚle, BjfiΜkman 1901 5: I.225; P–e—feΜ 1974: 6, nΙΝ 59, 60; Νee alΝΙ 63). BΟt —t ΝeemΝ l—kelΤ t–at hramsa denΙted Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c (cΙmΚaΜe B—eΜbaΟmeΜ 1975 9: III.142 3); and —f med—eΠal IΜeland —Ν anΤt–—n‒ tΙ ‒Ι bΤ, —t ΡaΝ an —mΚΙΜtant Ρ—ld fΙΙd-Κlant (CaΜeΤ 1988: 72; KellΤ 2000: 308). It —Ν ΡΙΜt– nΙt—n‒ t–at Ιne Ιf t–e ΚlantΝ mΙΝt Ιften ΚΜeΝcΜ—bed —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– med—cal teΣtΝ a‒a—nΝt Ρ–at Dendle called ‘mental ΙΜ be–aΠ—ΙΜal d—ΝtΟΜbance Ιf a cleaΜlΤ male c ΙΜ demΙn—c c–aΜacteΜ’ —Ν cropleac (Dendle 2001: 91, nΙte 1), aΝ t–—Ν maΤ alΝΙ denΙte Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c (DOE, crop-lēac 1 ‘cΜΙΡ ‒aΜl—c’), and t–eΜe maΤ be ΝΙme ΝΤnΙnΤmΤ. If ΝΙ, t–eΜe maΤ be ΝΙme cΙnnect—Ιn betΡeen t–e aΝΝΙc—at—Ιn Ιf hramsa and elleborum Ιn t–e Ιne –and, and elleborus and t–e cΟΜ—n‒ Ιf madneΝΝ —n ClaΝΝ—cal tΜad—t—Ιn (fΙΜ Ρ–—c– Νee Hall —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 3). T–e ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ Ιf elleborum album Ρ—t– hramsa cΙΜΜelateΝ bΜΙadlΤ Ρ—t– t–e eΠ—dence Ιf wudeleac. Wudeleac aΚΚeaΜΝ tΙ be a Οn—ΛΟe fΙΜm (cΙmΚaΜe MED, ΟndeΜ w de 4a; HΟnt 1989: —ndeΣ ΟndeΜ Wild Garlic). T–e ΜΝt element —Ν ΙΝtenΝ—blΤ Old En‒l—Ν– wudu, Ρ–—c– meanΝ ‘ΡΙΙd, t—mbeΜ’, bΟt aΝ t–e ΜΝt element Ιf cΙmΚΙΟndΝ Ιften meanΝ ‘Ρ—ld-’ (cΙmΚaΜe ΚeΜ–aΚΝ ME wilde garlek, MED, ΟndeΜ wīlde 6a); e—t–eΜ mean—n‒ ΡΙΟld deΝcΜ—be t–e –ab—tat Ιf Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c ΚeΜfectlΤ Ρell. Un—ΛΟe aΝ —t —Ν, t–e ΡΙΜd cΙΟld be a cΙ—n—n‒ bΤ a ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ, Ρ–Ι Ν—mΚlΤ Ρ—Ν–ed tΙ —dent—fΤ t–e elleborus albus aΝ a ‘ΡΙΙd-/Ρ—ld-all—Οm’. W–et–eΜ a ‒lΙΝΝ-ΡΙΜd ΙΜ nΙt, —t —Ν alΝΙ ΚΙΝΝ—ble t–at eaΜl—eΜ —n t–e teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn, t–e ΜΝt element ΡaΝ nΙt wude- bΟt wode(t–e ΝcΜ—bal alteΜat—Ιn Ιf wode- tΙ wude- —Ν atteΝted, fΙΜ eΣamΚle, —n t–e DΟΜ–am Plant-Name GlΙΝΝaΜΤ entΜΤ Cicuta heomlic uel vude vistle; L—nd–e—m 1941: 12, nΙ. 116; Νee fΟΜt–eΜ Sect—Ιn 7 belΙΡ). T–—Ν —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn ΜeΝΙnateΝ tantal—Ν—n‒lΤ Ρ—t– t–e elleborus wedeberge ‒lΙΝΝeΝ; —f —t —Ν Μ—‒–t, t–e ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ maΤ –aΠe Ρ—Ν–ed tΙ cΙnΠeΤ t–at elleborum album ΡaΝ an all—Οm Ρ–—c– –ealed ΙΜ caΟΝed madneΝΝ. BΟt t–—Ν —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn —Ν leΝΝ ecΙnΙm—cal t–an aΝΝΟm—n‒ t–at Ρe aΜe —ndeed deal—n‒ Ρ—t– a ‘ΡΙΙd-/Ρ—ld-all—Οm’. B—eΜbaΟmeΜ (1975 9: III.267), tak—n‒ wudeleac aΝ a ΝΤnΙnΤm Ιf ramese, —nteΜΚΜeted —t tΙΙ aΝ allium ursinum. T–—Ν —Ν nΙt Οnl—kelΤ; —t —Ν at anΤ Μate cleaΜ t–at bΙt– denΙted all—ΟmΝ. It —Ν eΠ—dent t–at ΝΙmeΙne —n t–e teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn ΟndeΜlΤ—n‒ t–e LaΟd HeΜbal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ aΝΝΙc—ated elleborum album Ρ—t– all—ΟmΝ, and ΝΚec— callΤ ΚΜΙbablΤ Ρ—t– Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c. It ΡΙΟld be —nteΜeΝt—n‒ tΙ knΙΡ Ρ–et–eΜ t–eΝe add—t—Ιnal ‒lΙΝΝeΝ enteΜed t–e tΜad—t—Ιn aΝ add—t—ΙnΝ tΙ a teΣt Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium —tΝelf ΙΜ aΝ add—t—ΙnΝ tΙ a ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ eΣceΜΚted fΜΙm —t; t–e latteΜ ΝΟ‒‒eΝt—Ιn —Ν ΚeΜ–aΚΝ mΙΜe l—kelΤ, bΟt —t —Ν –aΜd tΙ be ceΜta—n. T–e eΠ—dence —Ν, at anΤ Μate, bΜΙadlΤ cΙnΝ—Νtent Ρ—t– t–e aΝΝΙc—at—Ιn —n t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium Ιf t–e leaΠeΝ Ιf elleborum album Ρ—t– t–ΙΝe Ιf a leac. T–—Ν eΠ—dence —Ν alΝΙ cΙnΝ—Νtent, mΙΜeΙΠeΜ, Ρ—t– t–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn Ιf elleborum album —n ΙΟΜ Ιne —llΟΝtΜated teΣt Ιf t–e Herbarium, t–e eleΠent–centΟΜΤ MS LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, CΙttΙn V—tell—ΟΝ C.——— (D’AΜΙncΙ and CameΜΙn 1998, fΙl—Ι 60Π). T–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn —Ν dama‒ed —n —tΝ m—ddle Νect—Ιn, bΟt enΙΟ‒– ΝΟΜΠ—ΠeΝ fΙΜ —t tΙ be cleaΜ t–at alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn can ΚlaΟΝ—blΤ be ΟndeΜΝtΙΙd tΙ –aΠe ΙΜ—‒—nated —n a deΚ—ct—Ιn Ιf Veratrum album L., —t lΙΙkΝ cΙnΝ—deΜablΤ mΙΜe l—ke Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c. T–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn cleaΜlΤ deΚ—ctΝ a bΟlb ΙΜ clΟΝteΜ Ιf bΟlbΝ, Ρ–—c– —Ν nΙt cΙnΝ—Νtent Ρ—t– Veratrum album, and t–e ΙΡeΜΝ cΙΟld Μead—lΤ be taken fΙΜ t–ΙΝe Ιf Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c (ΙΜ Ν—m—laΜ all—ΟmΝ). Adm—ttedlΤ, —t Ν–ΙΡΝ ΝeΠeΜal ΙΡeΜ—n‒ ΝtalkΝ aΜ—Ν—n‒ fΜΙm a Ν—n‒le bΟlb, Ρ–—c– ΡΙΟld be ΟnΟΝΟal fΙΜ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c and —tΝ Μelat—ΠeΝ, bΟt t–—Ν —Ν a ΚΙ—nt Ρ–—c– —Ν faΜ fΜΙm eΠ—dent Ρ–en t–e Κlant —Ν Νeen ‒ΜΙΡ—n‒ 85 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 —n t–e denΝe Κatc–eΝ Ρ–—c– —t —Ν l—able tΙ fΙΜm. W—t–ΙΟt an —nΠeΝt—‒at—Ιn Ιf t–e manΟΝcΜ—Κt –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf t–—Ν —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn, —t —Ν –aΜd tΙ be ΝΟΜe Ρ–et–eΜ t–e ‒lΙΝΝ tunsingwyrt Μe ectΝ an —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn aΚΚeaΜ—n‒ tΙ deΚ—ct Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c, ΙΜ Ρ–et–eΜ t–e —llΟΝtΜat—Ιn Μe ectΝ t–e ΡΙΜk Ιf a cΙΚΤ—Νt —n Οenced bΤ t–e tΜanΝlat—Ιn tunsingwyrt, ‘Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c’. E—t–eΜ ΝcenaΜ—Ι, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, m—l—tateΝ —n faΠΙΟΜ Ιf —dent—fΤ—n‒ tunsingwyrt aΝ a ΝΤnΙnΤm fΙΜ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c. If t–—Ν —Ν cΙΜΜect, t–en tunsingwyrt demandΝ tΙ be ΟndeΜΝtΙΙd aΝ ΚaΜt Ιf a Ρ—deΜ ΝtΟdΤ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– leΣ—cΙn Ιf all—ΟmΝ, and t–e eΠ—dence fΙΜ t–e—Μ ΟΝe —n med—c—ne. 7. Wodewistle T–eΜe Μema—nΝ Ιne Old En‒l—Ν– ‒lΙΝΝ Ιn elleborum, and —t bΜ—n‒Ν ΟΝ back tΙ ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν Νc–ΙlaΜΝ–—Κ. T–—Ν ΙccΟΜΝ —n anΙt–eΜ l—Νt Ιf –eΜbΝ, ΡΜ—tten bΤ t–e ΝecΙnd Ιf t–e tΡΙ ΝcΜ—beΝ Ρ–Ι, —n t–e eaΜl—eΜ ΚaΜt Ιf t–e eleΠent– centΟΜΤ, cΙmΚ—led t–e teΣtΝ nΙΡ knΙΡn aΝ t–e AntΡeΜΚLΙndΙn GlΙΝΝaΜΤ (aΝ maΜ‒—nal—a —n MS AntΡeΜΚ, Plant—n-MΙΜetΟΝ MΟΝeΟm, M 16.2 and —tΝ disiectum membrum MS LΙndΙn, BΜ—t—Ν– L—bΜaΜΤ, Add—t—Ιnal 32,246). BaΝ—n‒ –—Ν ΡΙΜk l—ke ÆlfΜ—c Bata e—t–eΜ Ιn ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν claΝΝ-‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ ΙΜ Ιn ΝΙme Ν–aΜed ΝΙΟΜce, t–e ΝcΜ—be cΙmΚΙΝed a laΜ‒e Lat—n-En‒l—Ν– claΝΝ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ Ρ–—c– PΙΜteΜ labelled ‘aΜt—cle 6’ and KeΜ called ‘d’ (Νee KeΜ 1957: 1 3, nΙ. 2; PΙΜteΜ 1999: eΝΚec—allΤ 181 8; LaΥΥaΜ— 2003). In t–e Νect—Ιn deΠΙted tΙ Κlant-nameΝ, –e —nclΟded t–e entΜΤ Elleborum wodewistle [Οe]ł Uoratrum (K—ndΝc–— 1955: 112). T–—Ν l—Νt Ιf Κlant-nameΝ Ν–aΜeΝ Ρ—t– ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν ΝeΠeΜal ΡΙΜdΝ nΙt fΙΟnd —n ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν claΝΝ-‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ, elleborum amΙn‒ t–em. T–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn GlΙΝΝaΜΤ and ÆlfΜ—c Bata’Ν Colloquy alΝΙ Ν–aΜe ΝΙme Ιt–eΜ ΙbΝcΟΜe —temΝ Ιf ΠΙcabΟlaΜΤ, Ρ–—le tΡΙ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ‘‒—Πe Οn—ΛΟe, —d—ΙΝΤncΜat—c mean—n‒Ν matc–—n‒ t–e cΙnteΣt Ιf Bata’Ν Colloquies’ (—n ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 60 64, at 64; cΙmΚaΜe 66 7). T–eΝe ΚΙ—ntΝ led PΙΜteΜ tΙ cΙnclΟde Ρ—t– dΟe c—ΜcΟmΝΚect—Ιn t–at t–eΜe —Ν ‘ΝΟ c—ent cΙnnect—Ιn tΙ ΝΟΝΚect Bata’Ν ΚaΜt—c—Κat—Ιn —n t–e eΣtenΝ—Πe ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—al act—Π—tΤ tΙ Ρ–—c– t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn manΟΝcΜ—Κt —Ν eΠ—dence’ (—n ÆlfΜ—c Bata 1997: 64). T–eΜe —Ν a ΚΙΝΝ—b—l—tΤ, t–en, t–at AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn ΚΜΙΠ—deΝ an —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn Ιf elleborus Ρ—t– Ρ–—c– ÆlfΜ—c Bata ΡΙΟld –aΠe been fam—l—aΜ ΚeΜ–aΚΝ mΙΜe fam—l—aΜ, —ndeed, t–an Ρ—t– t–e tunsingwyrt ‒lΙΝΝ ΚΜΙΠ—ded tΙ –—Ν ΙΡn teΣtΝ. It aΚΚeaΜΝ t–at t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ, faced Ρ—t– t–e ΚΜΙΝΚect Ιf ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ elleborum (Ρ–—c– ΡaΝ nΙt alΜeadΤ cΙΠeΜed bΤ ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am’Ν ‒lΙΝΝeΝ), tΟΜned ΜΝt tΙ IΝ—dΙΜe Ιf SeΠ—lle’Ν Etymologiae, Ρ–eΜe –e fΙΟnd t–e eΛΟ—Πalent veratrum (Ιn –—Ν ΟΝe Ιf IΝ—dΙΜe, Νee PΙΜteΜ 1999: 183 6). FΙΜ t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝ wodewistle, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, –e tΟΜned tΙ t–e Ιld CanteΜbΟΜΤ ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ tΜad—t—Ιn, ΜΝt atteΝted —n t–e ÉΚ—nal-EΜfΟΜt GlΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ, Ρ–—c– —nclΟdeΝ (tΙ ΛΟΙte ÉΚ—nal) cicuta uuodaeuistlae (P–e—feΜ 1974: 12, nΙ. 185); l—ke elleborus wedeberge, t–e ‒lΙΝΝ mΟΝt ‒Ι back tΙ a ΝeΠent–-centΟΜΤ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ, ΚΜΙbablΤ t–e D—ΙΝcΙΜ—deΝ ‒lΙΝΝaΜΤ. T–at t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ ΡaΝ ΟΝ—n‒ t–—Ν tΜad—t—Ιn —Ν fa—ΜlΤ cleaΜlΤ demΙnΝtΜated bΤ t–e ‒lΙΝΝ Ρ–—c– —mmed—atelΤ fΙllΙΡΝ t–e elleborum ‒lΙΝΝ: Cicuta hemlic (K—ndΝc–— 1955: 112). T–—Ν —Ν In Π—eΡ Ιf t–e fact t–at cΙnfΟΝ—Ιn betΡeen t–e letteΜΝ wynn ([1BF?]) and þorn (þ) —Ν nΙt ΟncΙmmΙn —n t–e tΜanΝm—ΝΝ—Ιn Ιf Old En‒l—Ν– teΣtΝ, —t —Ν temΚt—n‒ tΙ cΙnnect atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf wodewistle Ρ—t– atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf wodeþistle (ΙccΟΜΜ—n‒ ΚΜ—nc—ΚallΤ —n C–aΚteΜ 111 Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium aΝ an eΛΟ—Πalent Ιf carduum silvaticum, aΚΚaΜentlΤ Sonchus oleraceus L.; L—nd–e—m 1941: 11, nΙ. 102; De VΜ—end 1984: 154; cΙmΚaΜe StΜacke 1974: 30, nΙ. 320). Indeed, WΜ—‒–t’Ν ed—t—Ιn Ιf t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn GlΙΝΝaΜΤ ‒aΠe Elleborum uel ueratrum wodeþistle (1884, cΙlΟmn 135, nΙ. 42), Ρ–—le t–e MED a ΙΜdΝ ‒ΙΙd eΠ—dence fΙΜ lateΜ cΙnfΟΝ—Ιn Ιf wodeþistle Ρ—t– wodewistle (ΟndeΜ w de-thistel c). T–at t–eΜe ΡeΜe ΙΜ—‒—nallΤ tΡΙ d— eΜent ΡΙΜdΝ, –ΙΡeΠeΜ, ΝeemΝ beΤΙnd dΙΟbt, and I make nΙ attemΚtΝ –eΜe tΙ emend cΟΜΜent Μead—n‒Ν Ιf ΙΟΜ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ. 86 AlaΜ—c Hall atteΝted —n mΙΝt manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ alΙn‒Ν—de cicuta wodewistle, aΝ —n ÉΚ—nal’Ν entΜΤ cicuta hymblicae (P–e—feΜ 1974: 14, nΙ. 248; cΙmΚaΜe WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn Ιn hymlic —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 5.2). It aΚΚeaΜΝ t–at t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ Μece—Πed t–—Ν tΜad—t—Ιn and ΝaΡ an ΙΚΚΙΜtΟn—tΤ bΙt– tΙ ΜedΟce dΟΚl—cat—Ιn —n t–e ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝ—n‒ Ιf cicuta and tΙ add a ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ ‒lΙΝΝ tΙ elleborum. T–e ‒lΙΝΝ cicuta hemlic —Ν aΚΚaΜentlΤ ΟnΚΜΙblemat—c. Cicuta ΟΝΟallΤ denΙteΝ –emlΙck, Conium maculatum L., t–ΙΟ‒– K—tΝΙn –aΝ Ν–ΙΡn t–at —tΝ Νemant—c Μan‒e eΣtended beΤΙnd t–—Ν tΙ Ιt–eΜ Οmbell—feΜΝ (1988: 104 6); hemlic and —tΝ Μe eΣeΝ Νeem l—keΡ—Νe tΙ –aΠe denΙted –emlΙck t–ΜΙΟ‒–ΙΟt t–e –—ΝtΙΜΤ Ιf En‒l—Ν–, alΙn‒ Ρ—t– Ιt–eΜ Οmbell—feΜΙΟΝ ΚlantΝ Ιf Ν—m—laΜ aΚΚeaΜance (Νee WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn, —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme). T–e ΟΝe Ιf wodewistle aΝ a ‒lΙΝΝ fΙΜ cicuta l—keΡ—Νe ΝeemΝ ΝtΜa—‒–tfΙΜΡaΜd. Wodewistle —Ν atteΝted —n M—ddle En‒l—Ν– (adm—ttedlΤ ΚaΜtlΤ —n teΣtΟal tΜad—t—ΙnΝ deΜ—Π—n‒ fΜΙm An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn ΙneΝ) denΙt—n‒ ‘anΤ Ιf ΝeΠeΜal –ΙllΙΡ-Νtemmed ΚlantΝ, eΝΚ[ec—allΤ] –emlΙck (CΙn—Οm macΟlatΟm) and cΙΡbane (C—cΟta Π—ΜΙΝa)’ (MED, ΟndeΜ whistle e; HΟnt 1989: —ndeΣ ΟndeΜ Wode-Thistle, Wode-Whistle; cΙmΚaΜe Wode-Wort). T–—Ν makeΝ ΝenΝe etΤmΙlΙ‒—callΤ: wodewistle —Ν nΙt ΚΜec—ΝelΤ ΚaΜalleled —n Ιt–eΜ GeΜman—c lan‒Οa‒eΝ, bΟt t–e ΙnlΤ Old H—‒– GeΜman Κlant-name be‒—nn—n‒ —n a cΙ‒nate Ιf wod aΚΚeaΜΝ tΙ be wotich, Ρ–—c– alΝΙ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ ΙnlΤ cicuta (BjfiΜkman 1901 5: II.279); l—keΡ—Νe, HΙlt–aΟΝen adΠeΜted tΙ t–e LΙΡ GeΜman woden-dung, Ρ–—c– alΝΙ denΙted –emlΙck (1934, ΟndeΜ ðung). T–—Ν tΝ —n tΟΜn Ρ—t– t–e dΜamat—c e ectΝ Ιf —n‒eΝt—n‒ –emlΙck (Νee WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn Ιn hymlic —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 6.2). FΙΜ —tΝ ΚaΜt, t–e element -wistle ΝeemΝ tΙ deΜ—Πe fΜΙm a GeΜman—c ΜΙΙt *hwis-, Ρ–—c–, ΟnΚaΜalleled elΝeΡ–eΜe —n IndΙ-EΟΜΙΚean lan‒Οa‒eΝ, –aΝ been taken aΝ an ΙnΙmataΚΙe—c fΙΜmat—Ιn denΙt—n‒ ΝΙΟndΝ —n t–e eld Ιf Ρ–—ΝΚeΜ—n‒ (whisper be—n‒ anΙt–eΜ Μe eΣ Ιf t–e ΜΙΙt), –—ΝΝ—n‒ and Ρ–—Νtl—n‒ (OED, ΟndeΜ whistle Π.; De VΜ—eΝ 1964, ΟndeΜ hvísl, hvíska). T–e ΚΜ—maΜΤ ΝenΝe Ιf t–e Ν—mΚleΣ hwistle, etΤmΙlΙ‒—callΤ and t–ΜΙΟ‒–ΙΟt atteΝted En‒l—Ν–, ΝeemΝ accΙΜd—n‒lΤ tΙ be a mΟΝ—cal Κ—Κe, ΝΙ —tΝ ΟΝe —n t–e Κlant-name ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ ΜeΚΜeΝentΝ t–e eΣtenΝ—Ιn Ιf t–—Ν denΙtat—Ιn tΙ ΚlantΝ Ρ—t– Κ—Κe-l—ke ΝtemΝ, ΙΜ ΝtemΝ fΜΙm Ρ–—c– Ιne m—‒–t make Κ—ΚeΝ. AΝ —t –aΚΚenΝ, t–e ΙΚΚΙΝ—te ΚΜΙceΝΝ —Ν atteΝted fΙΜ cicuta —n ClaΝΝ—cal Lat—n, Ρ–ΙΝe denΙtat—Ιn ΡaΝ eΣtended fΜΙm –emlΙck tΙ Ιt–eΜ k—ndΝ Ιf tΟbeΝ, —nclΟd—n‒ mΟΝ—cal Κ—ΚeΝ. AΝ WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn –aΝ ΚΙ—nted ΙΟt, t–eΜe maΤ be ΝΙme cΙnnect—Ιn betΡeen t–—Ν ΚΙlΤΝemΤ and t–e ΟΝe Ιf -hwistle —n Old En‒l—Ν– ‒lΙΝΝeΝ fΙΜ cicuta (WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn, —n t–—Ν ΠΙlΟme, Sect—Ιn 5), bΟt t–—Ν —Ν nΙt a neceΝΝaΜΤ —nfeΜence, and Ρe cΙΟld aΝ eaΝ—lΤ be deal—n‒ Ρ—t– Νemant—c c–an‒eΝ tak—n‒ Κlace —ndeΚendentlΤ Ιf —n Οence fΜΙm Lat—n. E—t–eΜ ΡaΤ, t–eΜe aΜe ‒ΙΙd ΜeaΝΙnΝ fΙΜ ΟndeΜΝtand—n‒ wodewistle nΙΜmallΤ tΙ –aΠe denΙted –emlΙck and ΚlantΝ l—ke —t. T–e Dictionary of Old English Plant-Names ΝΟ‒‒eΝtΝ t–at t–e ΟΝe Ιf wodewistle tΙ ‒lΙΝΝ elleborus ‘–aΝ tΙ be a cΙnfΟΝ—Ιn Ρ—t– wēdeberie’. T–e ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ ΠeΜΤ l—kelΤ –ad acceΝΝ tΙ t–e ‒lΙΝΝ elleborus wedeberge. BΟt I am nΙt cΙnΠ—nced Ιf t–e cΙnfΟΝ—Ιn: deΝΚ—te –aΠ—n‒ cΙ‒nate ΜΝt elementΝ, t–e tΡΙ ΡΙΜdΝ aΜe ΠeΜΤ d— eΜent, nΙΜ aΜe t–eΤ adjacent —n ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ —n a ΡaΤ t–at m—‒–t –aΠe encΙΟΜa‒ed eΤe-Νk—Κ. CΙnce—ΠablΤ t–e ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ nΙt—ced t–e ‒lΙΝΝ, c–ΙΝe nΙt tΙ ΜeΚeat —t (ΚΜeΝΟmablΤ becaΟΝe wedeberge ΡaΝ an Οnfam—l—aΜ ‒lΙΝΝ-ΡΙΜd, and/ΙΜ becaΟΝe —t eΠ—dentlΤ d—d nΙt denΙte t–e Κlant Ρ–—c– –e –ad —n m—nd), bΟt ΡaΝ encΙΟΜa‒ed bΤ —t tΙ —nΝeΜt wodewistle, Ρ–ΙΝe ΜΝt element Ν–aΜeΝ —tΝ ΜΙΙt Ρ—t– t–e wede- Ιf wedeberge. AlteΜnat—ΠelΤ, –e ΚeΜ–aΚΝ Ν—mΚlΤ t–ΙΟ‒–t Ιf elleborus aΝ mean—n‒ ‘ΚΙ—ΝΙnΙΟΝ Κlant, Κlant caΟΝ—n‒ madneΝΝ’ BΙΝΡΙΜt– (1898, ΟndeΜ hwistle; alΝΙ TΙlleΜ 1921, ΟndeΜ hwistle); OED ΟndeΜ whistle; MED ΟndeΜ whistle; DOST ΟndeΜ Quhissil(l). 87 EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 —n —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn nΙt ΝΙ faΜ fΜΙm ÆlfΜ—c’Ν —n –—Ν accΙΟnt Ιf St MaΜt—n and —dent— ed —t Ιn t–eΝe ‒ΜΙΟndΝ Ρ—t– –emlΙck ΙΜ Οmbell—feΜΝ l—ke —t (aΝ WΙt–eΜΝΚΙΙn –aΝ d—ΝcΟΝΝed, wodewistle cΙΟld be taken aΝ anΙt–eΜ Οmbell—feΜ, cΙΡbane (Cicuta virosa L.)). LeΣ—cΙ‒ΜaΚ–—cal eΣΚeΜt—Νe dΙeΝ nΙt neceΝΝaΜ—lΤ cΙme –and —n –and Ρ—t– bΙtan—cal eΣΚeΜt—Νe; t–e AntΡeΜΚLΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ’Ν alteΜat—Ιn tΙ –—Ν Μece—Πed teΣtΟal tΜad—t—Ιn ΡaΝ dΙΟbtleΝΝ ΚaΜtlΤ a matteΜ Ιf ed—tΙΜ—al cΙnΠen—ence; and —t ΝeemΝ ΚlaΟΝ—ble t–at tΙ –—m elleborum denΙted –emlΙck ΙΜ ΝΙmet–—n‒ ΠeΜΤ l—ke —t. W–et–eΜ t–e AntΡeΜΚ-LΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ cΙnΝ—deΜed wodewistle tΙ denΙte ΝΙmet–—n‒ d—Νt—nct fΜΙm hemlic, and mΙΜe aΚΚΜΙΚΜ—ate tΙ elleborus, —Ν nΙt cleaΜ. He l—ked tΙ cΙn ate –—Ν ΝΙΟΜceΝ tΙ ΚΜΙΠ—de mΟlt—Κle ‒lΙΝΝeΝ fΙΜ eac– lemma (PΙΜteΜ 1999: 185), ΝΙ –—Ν dec—Ν—Ιn nΙt tΙ —nclΟde bΙt– wodewistle and hemlic aΝ ‒lΙΝΝeΝ fΙΜ cicuta maΤ be Ν—‒n— cant, encΙΟΜa‒—n‒ t–e —dea t–at t–eΤ –ad Νl—‒–tlΤ d— eΜent denΙtat—ΙnΝ. 8. Conclusions T–e ΟndeΜΝtand—n‒Ν Ιf elleborus —n lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn En‒land ΚΜΙΠe tΙ –aΠe ΠaΜ—ed, fΜΙm ÆlfΜ—c’Ν —mΚl—c—t aΝΝeΜt—Ιn aΜΙΟnd 1000 t–at elleborus –ad nΙ ΠeΜnacΟlaΜ Old En‒l—Ν– cΙΟnteΜΚaΜt, tΙ t–e aΝΝΙc—at—Ιn bΤ t–e tΜanΝlatΙΜ Ιf t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium, ΚeΜ–aΚΝ aΜΙΟnd 900, Ιf elleborus albus Ρ—t– tunsingwyrt, Ρ–—c– ΝeemΝ tΙ –aΠe denΙted an all—Οm ΝΟc– aΝ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c, tΙ t–e ΟΝe Ιf t–e ‒lΙΝΝ wodewistle, denΙt—n‒ –emlΙck ΙΜ ΝΙme Ν—m—laΜ Κlant, bΤ t–e AntΡeΜΚLΙndΙn ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜ —n t–e eaΜl—eΜ eleΠent– centΟΜΤ. T–e ΜΝt cΙnclΟΝ—Ιn tΙ t–—Ν Κ—ece, t–en, ΡaΝ t–at t–e teΜm elleborus ΚΜΙdΟced d—ΠeΜΝe ΜeΝΚΙnΝeΝ, and alt–ΙΟ‒– t–eΜe —Ν ΚlentΤ Ιf eΠ—dence albe—t Ιften —ncΙnclΟΝ—Πe t–at ‒lΙΝΝatΙΜΝ –ad acceΝΝ tΙ Ιt–eΜΝ’ ΡΙΜk —n t–—Ν ΚeΜ—Ιd, —t —Ν cleaΜ t–at d— eΜent Νc–ΙlaΜΝ nΙnet–eleΝΝ aΜΜ—Πed at d— eΜent —nteΜΚΜetat—ΙnΝ, –—nt—n‒ at a Μat–eΜ l—ΠelΤ —ntellectΟal m—l—eΟ. MeanΡ–—le, t–e eaΜlΤ Νc–ΙlaΜlΤ tΜad—t—Ιn maΚΚed —n t–e cΙmΚan—Ιn aΜt—cle tΙ t–—Ν Ιne ΡaΝ, —n t–—Ν ΚaΜt—cΟlaΜ —nΝtance, laΜ‒elΤ d—ΝcaΜded, be—n‒ ΚeΜΚetΟated ΙnlΤ —n ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ, and eΠen t–en ΙnlΤ —n t–e mΙΝt —nclΟΝ—Πe ΙneΝ. In t–e cΙΟΜΝe Ιf mΤ analΤΝeΝ I –aΠe cΙntΜ—bΟted m—nΙΜ —nΝ—‒–tΝ —ntΙ matteΜΝ Ρ–—c– deΝeΜΠe fΟlleΜ ΝtΟdΤ. I –aΠe ΚΜΙbed ÆlfΜ—c’Ν ΟΝe Ιf Lat—n ΡΙΜdΝ —n –—Ν Old En‒l—Ν– teΣtΝ. I –aΠe Ν–ΙΡn t–e ΚΙΝΝ—b—l—tΤ Ρ–—le alΝΙ nd—n‒ nΙ ΝtΜΙn‒ eΠ—dence tΙ ΚΜΙΠe —t t–at t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium ΡaΝ t–e ΙΜ—‒—n Ιf all Ιf ΙΟΜ elleborus tunsingwyrt-tΤΚe ‒lΙΝΝeΝ. T–—Ν ΚΙ—ntΝ tΙ t–e Old En‒l—Ν– Herbarium aΝ a ΡateΜΝ–ed —n An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜΝ–—Κ Ιn ΚlantΝ and Κlant-nameΝ, and t–—Ν ΡΙΟld be cΙnΝΙnant Ρ—t– ΙΟΜ eΠ—dence fΙΜ ΜeneΡed Π—‒ΙΟΜ —n leaΜn—n‒ —n WeΝΝeΣ and MeΜc—a eΣtend—n‒ fΜΙm aΜΙΟnd t–e Μe—‒n Ιf AlfΜed t–e GΜeat t–ΜΙΟ‒– t–e tent– centΟΜΤ. I –aΠe alΝΙ Ν–ΙΡn mΙΜe ceΜta—nlΤ t–at Ρ—t– caΜefΟl ΟΝe Ιf ‒lΙΝΝaΜ—eΝ deΜ—Πed fΜΙm t–e Herbarium Ρe can d—ΝceΜn a lΙΝt eaΜlΤ ΠeΜΝ—Ιn Ιf t–—Ν teΣt Ρ–—c– —Ν ΝΟbtlΤ d— eΜent fΜΙm ΙΟΜ ΝΟΜΠ—Π—n‒ manΟΝcΜ—ΚtΝ, and clΙΝeΜ tΙ —tΝ Lat—n ΙΜ—‒—nal. HΙΡeΠeΜ, t–e ma—n fΙcΟΝ Ιf t–—Ν aΜt—cle –aΝ been t–e ΚΜΙblemat—c ΡΙΜd tunsingwyrt. I –aΠe analΤΝed t–e teΣtΟal Μelat—ΙnΝ–—ΚΝ Ιf ΙΟΜ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf t–—Ν ΡΙΜd —n deta—l, nd—n‒ t–at Ιf —tΝ t–Μee fΙΜmΝ tuningwyrt, tungilsinwyrt and tunsingwyrt, all Ιf ΙΟΜ atteΝtat—ΙnΝ Ιf t–e latteΜ maΤ be teΣtΟallΤ Μelated, leaΠ—n‒ nΙ fΙΜm Ρ—t– a ΝtΜΙn‒ cla—m tΙ be—n‒ a mΙΜe ΚΙΚΟlaΜ ΠaΜ—ant t–an t–e Ιt–eΜΝ. HΙΡeΠeΜ, alt–ΙΟ‒– t–e ΡΙΜd —Ν nΙt atteΝted ΙΟtΝ—de Old En‒l—Ν– (eΣceΚt —n teΣtΟallΤ-Μelated M—ddle En‒l—Ν– mateΜ—al), t–eΜe —Ν at leaΝt enΙΟ‒– eΠ—dence tΙ Ν–ΙΡ t–at t–—Ν ΡΙΜd ΡaΝ a membeΜ Ιf t–e cΙmmΙn leΣ—cΙn Μat–eΜ t–an a meΜe ‒lΙΝΝ-ΡΙΜd. WΙΜk—n‒ ΙΟt —tΝ denΙtat—Ιn —Ν d— cΟlt: I –aΠe at leaΝt Ν–ΙΡn t–at —t —Ν Οnl—kelΤ tΙ denΙte Veratrum album L. T–e mΙΝt l—kelΤ —nteΜΚΜetat—Ιn ΝΟ‒‒eΝted bΤ t–e eΠ—dence —Ν t–at tunsingwyrt denΙted an all—Οm and —f ΝΙ, ΚΜΙbablΤ Ρ—ld ‒aΜl—c. Tunsingwyrt m—‒–t nΙΡ be —ncΙΜΚΙΜated —ntΙ a fΟlleΜ ΝtΟdΤ Ιf 88 AlaΜ—c Hall An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn all—ΟmΝ, Ρ–—c–, —f ΟndeΜtaken, Ρ—ll ΚΜΙΠ—de neΡ —nΝ—‒–tΝ bΙt– —ntΙ t–e ΟΝe Ιf t–at Κlant, and —ntΙ t–e mean—n‒Ν Ιf helleborus fΙΜ a ‒ΙΙd nΟmbeΜ Ιf lateΜ An‒lΙ-SaΣΙn Νc–ΙlaΜΝ. Appendix A: Tunsingwyrt catalogue CNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Source HeΜbaΜ—Οm HeΜbaΜ—Οm Short Title & Reference Lc– I (HeΜbHead) 140.0 Lc– I (HeΜb) 140.0 HeΜbaΜ—Οm HeΜbaΜ—Οm GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: DΟΜ–am GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: LaΟd ÆlfΜ—c Bata: CΙllΙΛΟ—eΝ (G) ÆlfΜ—c Bata: CΙllΙΛΟ—eΝ (G) Ald–elm: R—ddle 99 (G) Bald: Leec–bΙΙk Bald: Leec–bΙΙk Bald: Leec–bΙΙk Lc– I (HeΜb) 159.0 Lc– I (HeΜb) 159.1 DΟΜGl (L—nd–e—m) 149 CΙllGl 26 (StΜacke) 543 OccGl 28 (NaΚ) 42 OccGl 28 (NaΚ) 378 AldÆ 2 (NaΚ) 63 Lc– II (1) 28.1.1 Lc– II (1) 28.1.5 Lc– II (1) 47.3.1 Spelling tunsingwyrt Tunsingwyrtō tunsincgwyrt tunsig(wyrt) tunsingwyrt tunsing-vyrt tunsingwyrt tunsing tunsincwyrt tunsinwyrt tuningwyrt tuniigwyrte tungilsinwyrt AΚΚend—Σ A1: Tunsingwyrt catalΙ‒Οe CNo. 1 Related 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ?7, ?8, ?9 Context TΜanΝlat—Ιn Ιf elleborus (albus) AΚΚend—Σ A2: Related c—tat—ΙnΝ Source HeΜbaΜ—Οm GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: DΟΜ–am GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: LaΟd ÆlfΜ—c Bata: CΙllΙΛΟ—eΝ (G) Ald–elm: R—ddle 99 (G) Bald: Leec–bΙΙk Date ?c.900 (MSS and ΝΙme atteΝtat—ΙnΝ lateΜ) MS Ν. Σ—— MS Ν. Σ—— ‒lΙΝΝeΝ Ν. Σ— ‒lΙΝΝ Ν. Σ eΣ. MΙΝtlΤ cΙmΚ—led c.900; MS c.950 AΚΚend—Σ A3: DateΝ and lΙcat—ΙnΝ Appendix B: Wudeleac catalogue CNo. 1 Source GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: LaΟd Short Title & Reference CΙllGl 26 (StΜacke) 543 Spelling wudeleac AΚΚend—Σ B1: Wudeleac catalΙ‒Οe 89 Location ΟnknΙΡn DΟΜ–am CanteΜbΟΜΤ ?DΟΜ–am CanteΜbΟΜΤ ?W—nc–eΝteΜ EllebΙΜΟΝ in Anglo-Saxon Englandō 900–1100 Source GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: LaΟd Date MS Ν. Σ—— Location CanteΜbΟΜΤ AΚΚend—Σ B3: DateΝ and lΙcat—ΙnΝ Appendix C: Wodewistle catalogue CNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Source Short Title & Reference Spelling GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: ÉΚ—nal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: EΜfΟΜt GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: CΙΜΚΟΝ 2 GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: AntΡeΜΚ GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: BΜΟΝΝelΝ 1 GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: DΟΜ–am EΚGl (P–e—feΜ) 255 EΜfGl (P–e—feΜ) 248 CΙΜΚGl 2 (HeΝΝelΝ) 3.397 AntGl 4 (K—ndΝc–—) 31 BΜGl 1 (WΜ—‒–t-WülckeΜ) 8.53 DΟΜGl (L—nd–e—m) 116 uuodaeuistlae uuodeuuislae wodewistle wodewistle wodewistle vudevistle AΚΚend—Σ C1: Wodewistle catalΙ‒Οe CNo. 1 Related 2, 3, ?4, ?5, 6 Context GlΙΝΝ Ιn cicuta ΙΜ, —n 4, elleborum AΚΚend—Σ C2: Related c—tat—ΙnΝ Source Date Location GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: ÉΚ—nal GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: EΜfΟΜt GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: CΙΜΚΟΝ 2 GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: AntΡeΜΚ GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: BΜΟΝΝelΝ 1 GlΙΝΝaΜΤ: DΟΜ–am c.675 × 700 c.675 × 700 MS Ν. Π———/—Σ Ν. Σ—σ Ν. Σ—σ MS Ν. Σ—— CanteΜbΟΜΤ CanteΜbΟΜΤ CanteΜbΟΜΤ Ab—n‒dΙn C–Μ—Νt C–ΟΜc–, CanteΜbΟΜΤ DΟΜ–am AΚΚend—Σ C3: DateΝ and lΙcat—ΙnΝ References ÆlfΜ—c Ιf EΤnΝ–am. 1880. Ælfric’s Grammatik und Glossar, ed. bΤ JΟl—ΟΝ ZΟΚ—tΥa. 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