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The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | “Heroism,” Or After Art History 2/1/14 8:56 PM The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review "It's a fantastic issue. The most exciting and adventurous and gutsiest new magazine I've seen in years." Stephen Dixon About Bookstore Contents Gallery Workshops Awards Submit POETRY | “Heroism,” Or After Art History Rue De Fleurus Salon My Account DC Lit Search On February 12, 2014 by Daniel Bosch Gustave Courbet, L’Origine du Monde, 1866 Vernix-spangled, his face beef-pink, Like Perseus fated to slay His nemesis without meeting Her mortal gaze, like Orpheus Forbidden to look back until He’d brought forth from the underworld The one so loved the wound of loss Never healed, but kept on bleeding, The newborn lets the uterus Manhandle him, shape him the way A god makes a man out of spit, Mud, a borrowed rib, and wattle, An extrusion always bloodied, Always concluding in a streaked Blue cord and the fat-starred applause Of the placenta, still feebly Breathing for him—it’s all him, he’s The one, I thought, though his blue eyes Can’t see, for whom Gustave painted His dark L’Origine du Monde. But I didn’t know yet it was cut From a reclining, full-length nude, An odalisque, a wanker’s aid, A patron’s painting, made for cash And not the sort of thing that bears Much looking (to see, one must have Both hands free)–I didn’t know yet That l’origine of L’Origine Du Monde was as miraculous And banal as my own–that no Man-god, no blind-sighted hero Finds invisible truth on small, White rectangles. So, art history Diminishes the mystery Of genius and deep mastery, Leaving in its place a small frame, A pair of scissors, and a name So clever that it could not be Resisted, even by Courbet, Who retains a kind of hero’s Glamor, even at this distance, Even in this world, where even I am a kind of hero, to me. http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/12/poetry-heroism/?preview=1&_ppp=987d9530a3 READ NOW! Gertrude Stein Award In Fiction $1000 Franz Kafka Award In Magic Realism $1000 Page 1 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | “Heroism,” Or After Art History 2/1/14 8:56 PM Daniel Bosch’s book Crucible was published by Other Press in 2002. His poems have been published in journals such as Poetry, Slate, The Times Literary Supplement, Agni, Berfrois, The New Republic, The Huffington Post, and The Paris Review. In 1998, Daniel was awarded the Boston Review Poetry Prize. Read more. Eckleburg rocks. You rock. Let’s rock together. Be a reader and subscriber to Eckleburg and get all online content forever. Because we will love you even more than we do now. New readers please REGISTER. If you are a contributor and have forgotten or have not yet received your free contributor access code, please email your department editor or contact us HERE. Then register with your free access coupon for Eckleburg archives and galley previews. Here is a LINKto help you navigate contributor access. Eckleburg In Bookstores Existing Users Login Username Password Remember me Login Forgot password? Click here to reset New User? Click here to register Category : Poetry Tags : Daniel Bosch, Poetry Google +1 stumbleupon digg del.icio.us Twitter facebook Related Posts Magic Realism Workshop This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments. http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/12/poetry-heroism/?preview=1&_ppp=987d9530a3 Page 2 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | “Heroism,” Or After Art History 2/1/14 8:56 PM The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review | A Literary & Arts Journal Housed at The Johns Hopkins University, M. A. in Writing Program Eckleburg is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/12/poetry-heroism/?preview=1&_ppp=987d9530a3 Page 3 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | “Heroism,” Or After Art History http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/12/poetry-heroism/?preview=1&_ppp=987d9530a3 2/1/14 8:56 PM Page 4 of 4
The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | Of Ardor 2/1/14 8:55 PM The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review "It's a fantastic issue. The most exciting and adventurous and gutsiest new magazine I've seen in years." Stephen Dixon About Bookstore Contents Gallery Workshops Awards Submit POETRY | Of Ardor Rue De Fleurus Salon My Account DC Lit Search On February 5, 2014 by Daniel Bosch “Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” —Wm. Blake READ NOW! The feline will not speak of it, but canines Publish a Compleat Lexicon of Ardor In one-hundred and fifty dog dialects. The canine iconography of Ardor Is rich as memento mori: picture Shep crossing the swollen stream, dog-paddling, Her master’s damp slippers lightly clenched Between bright rows of scrimshaw-ready teeth. Picture a purebred short-haired pointer—Lot’s Wife looking past Sodom, really, at Gomorrah, Her right forepaw raised as if to shade that Dandelion, her muzzle threatening as a gun’s. The feline do not speak of it, but canine Cardiology attests to the price Of Ardor: palpitations in the thorax, Spikes in respiratory disease, the tail’s Involuntary side to side motion, The tongue’s slavish supramandibular Extension, saliva, sweat, high-pitched squeals. Ardor sits on pillows, but prefers a lap. Aptly-named toy dogs do not toy with Ardor. Ardor books passage on a ship called Beagle, Bound for the Galapagos to count the spines On iguanas built out of just-cooled lava. Gertrude Stein Award In Fiction $1000 Ardor crochets the shirt of purple nettles Then models it. Ardor admires the way A wine bottle grips a cork. You’ve passed Ardor, Overheated, on the highway. Ardor’s Mortar is mixed before she builds her kiln. Residues left in the hoods of cars And desk lamps, in the exhausted Quadriceps of 1600-meter champions, In the barrels of just-fired handguns, In wax from a taper, hardening on your fist, May be the most dangerous forms of Ardor. Ardor kills for the chance to lie in wait. Ardor sets the alarm that Ardor is. Of course you know Ardor’s brother, Regret? Blind cc’ed on Ardor’s every transmission, Always invited to everything, Regret Is always late if he comes at all. A feline will not speak of Ardor, but sings Her wordless songs, curls about the object Of her Ardor, makes bed, scratches, eats, shits, Vomits, sleeps, purrs. Ask no cat if she burns http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/05/poetry-of-ardor/?preview=1&_ppp=e80e0cb6b0 Franz Kafka Award In Magic Realism $1000 Page 1 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | Of Ardor 2/1/14 8:55 PM Unless you refer to a U.T.I. She has no word for Ardor, but her nails Will grow forever, even in her tomb. Daniel Bosch’s book Crucible was published by Other Press in 2002. His poems have been published in journals such as Poetry, Slate, The Times Literary Supplement, Agni, Berfrois, The New Republic, The Huffington Post, and The Paris Review. In 1998, Daniel was awarded the Boston Review Poetry Prize. Eckleburg In Bookstores Read more. Eckleburg rocks. You rock. Let’s rock together. Be a reader and subscriber to Eckleburg and get all online content forever. Because we will love you even more than we do now. New readers please REGISTER. If you are a contributor and have forgotten or have not yet received your free contributor access code, please email your department editor or contact us HERE. Then register with your free access coupon for Eckleburg archives and galley previews. Here is a LINKto help you navigate contributor access. Existing Users Login Username Password Remember me Login Forgot password? Click here to reset New User? Click here to register Category : Poetry Tags : Daniel Bosch, Poetry Google +1 stumbleupon digg del.icio.us Twitter facebook Related Posts Magic Realism Workshop This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments. http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/05/poetry-of-ardor/?preview=1&_ppp=e80e0cb6b0 Page 2 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | Of Ardor 2/1/14 8:55 PM The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review | A Literary & Arts Journal Housed at The Johns Hopkins University, M. A. in Writing Program Eckleburg is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/05/poetry-of-ardor/?preview=1&_ppp=e80e0cb6b0 Page 3 of 4 The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review » POETRY | Of Ardor http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.com/2014/02/05/poetry-of-ardor/?preview=1&_ppp=e80e0cb6b0 2/1/14 8:55 PM Page 4 of 4