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On Persistent Ascension Symptoms - Part I: Flu-and-Allergy-Like Complications Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Abstract A general overview of the common Ascension Symptoms have been presented. It is elucidated that none of these Ascension Symptoms, that nevertheless constitute complications which may include feelings of pains and discomforts, are entropic that would otherwise constitute loss of energies arising as the result of pathological factors such as infections, diseases, etc. In fact, it is stressed that these symptoms are the end results or the associated side effects with regard to our bodies acclimating itself with the high frequential plasma light energies we are currently receiving whose purpose of accretion and absorption is to reactivate the dormant and atrophic layers of our lightbody leading to building our ‘Crystal Light Palace,’ also referred to as the ‘RA center,’ in our alias solar plexus area situated slightly above our naval. Yet, as our bodies are neither used to such highly potent incident frequential light energies, nor they were designed to withstand such energies (that are actually occurring as a result of acceleration of time-light deemed essential to see us finally attain Ascension after millennia of deprivation of our inherent right of consciousness expansibility as negated by the negative aliens), our bodies show their discomforts as such Ascension Allergies or Ascension Symptoms. And, this will, ultimately, culminate in crystallization of our DNA-RNA system via re-encryption and recalibration of our dark matter core manifestation body template and morphogenetics. This, in turn, will lead to the activation of our Oraphim Angelic Crystalline Silicate-based 12D Strand DNA and 6 Strand RNA system, also referred to as our Diamond Sun Body, thus restoring our full status of Christos-Sophia crystalline consciousness. In this respect, although a general overview of these persistent Ascension symptoms has been elucidated, focused attention has been paid to the case of socalled Flu-Like or Allergy-Like Ascension symptoms, leaving further details on other such persistent Ascension symptoms to be presented elsewhere, as well as comprehensive discussions on the nature of our accretion and absorption of these incoming high frequency plasma light energies giving rise to the activation of our Diamond Sun Body morphogenetics and consciousness. • • • • • Introduction Ascension [1-4] is about uplifting one’s natural frequency of vibration [5-6]-Light quotient [7-11] leading to transmigrating us to a higher state of consciousness [12-16]. This is often accompanied by evolution in which the body undergoes severe changes with respect to its bio-energetics that triggers activation of dormant higher DNA strands within the body [17-18]. It may be said that the body’s morphogenetic system [19] upshifts into literally accelerating the quantum spinning of our quantum particles [20-24] that is synonymous with a marked increase in our natural frequency of consciousness vibration [25-26]. And, this requires efforts through spiritual awakening [27] and enlightenment, graduating to acquire a higher state of consciousness. Note that the Cosmos [28], and in particular, our own Nebadon Universe [29-30], is composed of different main dimensions, each defining a particular state of consciousness to which one anchors its consciousness. • In this respect, the lower dimensions accommodate lower states of consciousness typified by lower threshold frequencies of vibration and Light quotients. • At the same time, as the author has abundantly discussed this issue under the auspices of the ‘Cosmological Law of Consciousness Constitution Interaction’ [31], there is an interplay between the free flow spinning quanta of energy that determine consciousness and the more congealed state of quantum energies [32] that give rise to the advent of matter and antimatter that may collectively be referred to as constitution. • In this regard, this most important cosmological law simply states that ‘constitution retards the state of consciousness.’ • Thus, the state of congealment or compaction of the quanta of energy increases, giving rise to the advent of higher densities, as we move from higher (inner) dimensions to those of the lower (outer) dimensions of the Cosmos or Universe. • Accordingly, when our consciousness embodiment is anchored to the lower dimensions of the consciousness or time, it feels much more compacted and dense as compared to the higher dimensions of consciousness. • And, there exists clear DISCRETE threshold constitutionconsciousness states in which they correspond to different dimensions of time or consciousness. • Note that time epitomizes the advent of spinning of our quanta of energy about themselves and about an axis that portrays an umbilical cord (referred to as the Cosmological Axis or Bi-Vector of Time [33]) connecting us to the God-SOURCE [34] whose brain-heart is envisioned to occupy the center of our Cosmos. • And, the rate or speed of this quantum spinning, alternatively referred to as ‘frequency,’ is what characterizes a particular • • • • • dimension of time (or alternatively dimensions of consciousness with a sentient entity being anchored there vibrating back and forth in time [35-39], spiraling about its time axis or ‘timeline’). Note that the Plasma Light is the impetus that carries the Creation Codes [40] capable of changing our dark matter core manifestation template or morphogenetics. And, as of recently, particularly going back to the end of the century but escalating after the December 21, 2012, we have been receiving progressively more potent high frequency of plasma light whose purpose is to jump start our process of Ascension and transmigration to the higher dimensions of consciousness. Furthermore, due to our atrocious experience with the reptilianorigin negative aliens [41-42] and their cohorts consciously enslaving us and negating our consciousness expansion for countless millennia, we have not been able to Ascend during the course of many past Ascension Cycles. Earth is supposed to undergo a period referred to as the Ascension Cycle every 26,556 years after which drastic changes would occur in the electro-magnetic fields [43-45] and its energetics leading to triggering our evolution and Ascension to the higher planes of consciousness [46-48]. However, as a result of genetic hybridization by the negative aliens, and the introduction of such things as genetic mutations, insertion of genetic implants [49] in our bodies that act as frequency fences [50] effectively sealing us within a quarantine field making Earth as a prison for us, we have not been able to transcend these lower dimensional consciousness fields within the First Harmonic Universe or HU1 (D1-D3) [51] and Ascend to HU2 [52] or higher Harmonic Universes [53]. • Thus, this has necessitated us now being subjected to highly potent frequential energies of Plasmic Light in order to be able to dissolve these genetic implants from our personal and planetary bodies, at the same time triggering our consciousness expansion in a much more accelerated way that we would have ordinarily experienced should we had not been exposed to the negative aliens’ atrocious nefarious AI technologies. • And, this is highly difficult for our bodies to bear, giving rise to a series of Ascension Symptoms [54-58], particularly for individuals who are spiritually awakened and enlightened and dedicated to acquire consciousness expansion who commonly accrete more of these plasma energies. • Even those who are still in slumber and have remained in an ignorant state of consciousness, who are clueless about what is going on in terms of Earth’s and humanity’s energetics, continuously indulging in frivolous mind controlled conducts [59-73] that include various addictions including materialistic and lustful exploits, are still accreting some degree of such incoming high frequency-light quotient plasmic light energies. • So, no one is exempt from receiving and accreting at least a small amount of these energies. • However, the extent of energetic accretion of these high frequency plasmic lights are subject to the Law of Attraction, and is proportional to the degree of the cooperation of the individual wanting to indulge in resonating with respect to receiving such energies. • Note that these high frequential-Light quotient plasmic energies are disseminated to be accreted in strict conformance with the Principle of Sovereignty and Free Will and the Mandate of Direct Non- • • • • • • interference, requiring the cooperation of the individual in indulging to accept hosting and thus accretion of such energies. Of course, any lack of cooperation with this Ascension process through adhering to ignorance, particularly subscribing to low frequencies of consciousness such as addictions of all kinds and being susceptible to negative aliens’ usual (and in fact now exacerbated) mind control programming, and indulging in or allowing such things as anxiety [74], fear [75], anger [76], prejudice, violence, warring tendencies, etc. to set in, negates consciousness expansion leading to the accretion and absorption of an adequate amount of such requisite plasmic light energies to effect Ascension. Accordingly, such beings, as well as those who continuously engage in evil deeds, will NOT Ascend at this time [77-78]. They will either be reabsorbed to the Mother Arc with their personal identity expunged and never being able to incarnate again [77], or will be translocated to either ethereal educational outposts upon their physical death, or moved to other 3D planets comparable to the old Earth to first complete their spiritual education prior to becoming able to Ascend in the future timelines [78]. As for those who are on the path for Ascension [79-80], they are accreting a high amount of these potent plasmic energies that is commensurate with their degree of spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and strive for attaining higher-expanded consciousness. These individuals will remain on Earth without physically dying and will Ascend with Earth [79] or will transmigrate to higher dimensions to pursue with their Clarion Calls elsewhere [80]. With regard to those who remain on the Earth to Ascend in their consciousness embodiment, know that accretion of such energies does NOT infer immediate absorption of such potent energies, as • • • • • human lightbody layers have been dormant and in a state of atrophy for such a long time that it needs time and concerted efforts to activate, facilitating the process of our bioenergetic and genetic (or generally morphogenetic) evolution. Note that our morphogenetic system is capable of holding a much higher frequency that is now readily provided to us via upcoming plasmic energies that are downloaded in our bodies. And, generally speaking, the purpose of higher plasmic light energy accretion and absorption are several folded as follows. 1. The primary purpose of accreting and absorbing these higher frequency light energies is to activate a higher aspect of our core manifestation body morphogenetics, which will entail recalibration of our template. 2. As our core manifestation body template has been inundated with black goo [81-82] and negative aliens’ AI machinery by a way of genetic mutation, and the calamity of genetic implants and such, it is actually determined that it requires total re-encryption that necessitates reception or accretion of highly potent plasmic energies such as the ones being provided by the Aurora Light beings [83] in accordance with the Paliadorian Guardian-Founders’ Covenant [84] with regard to bringing humanity and other solar sentient beings [85-86] back to the full state of organic consciousness [87-89], experiencing life within the God’s Worlds [90]. Accordingly, all the negative aliens’ AI infrastructure and machinery have been dismantled that go all the way to the Metagalactic Core of the universe in Orion that they had confiscated and converted to serve as ‘Reptilian Central’ or their ‘Command Center’ in our universe to be used for the nefarious purpose of conquering, capturing and putting other solar organic consciousness beings, including humans, into the state of unconsciousness enslavement • • • • • • • [91], while possessing them and siphoning-harvesting their precious energies [92-95] and utilizing them as ‘farm animals’ or ‘energetic batteries.’ Thus, a key purpose of the incoming plasma energies is to purge our bodies from the black goo attached to our DNA and evicting and annihilating the negative aliens’ attached AI Shadow Bodies or Shadow Selves [96], and any such parasites [97]. And, this entails a total core manifestation body template reencryption and recalibration. 3. Another major purpose of the incoming plasma lights is to activate the dormant and atrophic layers of our light bodies by also eventually building our ‘Crystal Light Palace’ or ‘Temple of Light’ also referred to as the ‘RA center’ [98] that serves as our ‘Light House’ turning us more into Light beings [99] than primarily possessing coarse and dense bodies composed of flesh, blood, and tissues. 4. Finally, the process of Ascension entails transforming our bodies from its chaotic amorphous state that is easily prone to ageing and all forms of diseases [100] and physical death [101] to that of a crystalline body at various stages that inaugurates our return to, once again, becoming eternal and immortal beings [102]. Note that crystallinity restores our power of self-generation and selfhealing leading to immortality. Altogether, our morphogenetic system is upshifting from a mere single double helix or single double stranded amorphous carbonbased DNA system [103-104] to that of the full 12D DNA Crystalline Silicate-based genetics structure [105-106]. And, although fully assembled, the extent that these 12D DNA system are activated determines the state of our consciousness crystallinity that are as follows: • Stage I Crystallinity: entails living in HU2 and 5D Tara as we were originally created [107] in, with having 5 DNA strands fully activated, leaving the rest of the 7 DNA strands to be activated by us through striving to experience the sojourns of life within HU2 and then in HU3 and finally HU4 fortified by our sense of learning from others (be it from their mistakes as to not repeat them) and mainly through living from WITHIN and resorting to our intuitive intelligence provided through our heart-based connection [108] to our HIGHERSELVES [109] stationed at higher-future dimensions and God ITSELF. • Stage II Crystallinity: involves living in HU3 with 7 DNA strands originally activated [110], leaving the other 5 strands to be activated while experiencing the sojourns of life within HU3 and HU4. • Stage III Crystallinity: include living in HU4 with 9 DNA strands originally activated [111-112], leaving the other 3 strands to be activated while experiencing the sojourns of life within HU4 as Avatar semi-physical entities [113], being capable of shape shifting as silhouettes or orbs of light. • This will finally afford us to be privy to directly interface with the Zero-Point Field [114-117] and the Divine Mind of our Prime Creator [118] to be able to project our consciousness out of the this universal time matrix and into other 7 Higher Heavens [90]. The Advent of Ascension Symptoms • Note that accretion and absorption of these high frequency-Light quotient plasma lights causes sudden discomforts in our bodies as our bodies are often confronted with conditions that they are neither accustomed to nor were designed for. • This entails being afflicted with circumstances that knocks you out of your comfort zone not understanding what is happening to you. • And, these Ascension Symptoms are consistently persisting without much change, but perhaps more intensified or exacerbated. • Generally speaking, these Ascension symptoms can manifests as one or more of the following: • 1. Flu and Allergy-like symptoms such as sneezing, post nasal drip, dry coughing, and unprecedently feeling cold that are primarily the subject of this discourse. • 2. Sleeplessness by feeling constantly alert not being able to sleep as before [119]. • 3. Sensation of densification leading to Tiredness as well as sensation of stiffness. • 4. Consistent and persistent ringing in the ears – feeling like an open radio, ever mobilized and ready to communicate with outside high frequencies, more in the FM rather than AM mode, and feeling particularly aware and sensitive to noise, etc., which has been discussed previously elsewhere [55] • 5. Various pains such as headaches, and postural-related complications such as pains in the neck, upper shoulders, and uppermiddle-lower back [120]. • 6. Cervicogenic related dizziness [120]. • 7. Ungroundedness [121] resulting from postural instability [122] and Time Bifurcation leading to Transmigration of Earth to new space-time dimensions. • 8. Complications regarding the overloading of our central nervous system accompanied with pains and uneasiness, even having sensations of Involuntary twitching and feeling of numbness in our extremities [123]. • 9. Having a blurry vision. • Note that all these Ascension Symptoms are not entropic [124-126] or constitute anything that would have to do with pathological diseases. • This is why they do not involve infection, fever, or any pathological symptoms that would put our immune system [127] on an overdrive trying to ‘fight’ or evict anything foreign such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or anything that may be of nonorganic origin [128-129]. • Thus, they neither affect our immune system, except perhaps to fortify it. • In fact, all these symptoms and complications are of syntropic [130] nature that simply represent the body complaining about its discomforts associated with suddenly having been subject to conditions that include receiving, accreting and absorbing very high frequential plasmic light energies, feeling ‘out of place,’ and accordingly proceeds to ‘complain.’ • And, throughout the years starting with 2012, we have experienced a variety of unprecedented sensations, yet most of these were not quite persistent that would seize to exist or would be replaced by other new symptoms as the body was adapting with the conditions while acclimating itself with the incoming high plasma energies. • However, as of more recently (going back to 2017), some of these complications that are discussed below, have been either quite persistent or new altogether that stem from the intensification of the incoming high frequency plasma energies [131]. Acquiring Energies Leads to De-Densification • The planet, and us as a part of it, are currently undergoing a change in elemental matter. • And, the re-encryption of the core manifestation body also generates the advent of a whole slew of new chemical elements to be added to the periodic table. • The Ascension process primarily entails conversion of the congealed matter to free flowing higher frequential consciousness energies that will ultimately lead to our transmigration to the higher dimensions of consciousness. • And, this means entering a realm of lower dimensional density with our bodies to match the same process of de-densification. • This is the principle behind manifestation of the ‘Cosmological Law of Consciousness-Constitution Interaction’ proposed by the author that simply stipulates ‘constitution retards consciousness’ and vice versa, namely, ‘higher frequency of consciousness results in dedensification of constitution.’ • Oddly enough, although we are losing density via light accretion and absorption, our body erroneously perceives this as losing energies, having a sensation of compaction and densification or getting higher density that manifests itself as feeling stiff, also leading to a variety of other forms of complications that can include experiencing pains and sufferings. Allergy and Flu-Like Symptoms • In this discourse we will be primarily concentrating on the most prolific of all Ascension Symptoms that can be classified under ‘Ascension Flu,’ or ‘Ascension Allergies,’ a phenomenon that have absolutely nothing to do with having a cold, fever and such, yet have certain characteristics that merit the utilization of the term ‘flu’ for them. • Note that although the frequency-Light quotient of the core manifestation body template or one’s morphogenetics is • • • • • • • • • consistently increasing as a result of accretion and progressive absorption of the incoming high frequency-Light quotient light plasma energies, there is always a great discrepancy between one’s own natural frequency of vibration-Light quotient and that of the incoming light energies. Thus, due to the outpour of these high frequency of plasmic light upon our personal body and the planetary grid, there is suddenly an extreme incompatibility felt between the natural frequency of our core body manifestation template and that of the external light bombarding us. These frequential energies are often accreted yet not readily absorbed by the body. As a result of incompatibilities associated with the frequential energetic differences between our own bodies and our environment, the body is afflicted by a sever discomfort and lack of resonance with its environment that manifests itself as primarily ‘allergic’ responses by the body, simply expressing itself that ‘it literally does not like change’ as this has put it outside its ‘comfort zone.’ Note that this is what the very term ‘allergy’ insinuates. In conventional medicine, any discomfort shown by the body that cannot be diagnosed otherwise is categorized under ‘allergy.’ And, indeed, this is what these Ascension Allergies epitomize. Again, these ‘allergic’ symptoms are not entropic that would otherwise lead to any form of pathological response that would represent a particular form of a disease. Yet, they do represent ‘dis-ease,’ meaning that the body is rebelling and showing its temper tantrum as a way of complaining for its condition. The aforementioned allergy-like and similar symptoms are eventuated as a result of incompatibilities between our present (yet constantly upshifting) core manifestation body frequencies-Light quotients and what is perceived as ‘outer’ in the environment coming to us by a form of high plasmic light energies. • And, these symptoms are actually syntropic in nature because they are the byproduct of the body developing and evolving into a higher and better state of crystalline consciousness embodiment. • Yet, when the physical body accustoms itself to embody a higher frequency, this will show as Ascension Symptoms. • Generally speaking, these Ascension Flu or Allergy symptoms can be classified as follows. • • • • • • Feeling Unprecedently Cold Dedensification is commonly erroneously perceived as energy loss by the body. And, this can also lead to a sensation of suddenly feeling unprecedently cold at times, even when we are residing within a room with a typical temperature of 76 degrees of Fahrenheit or more. Physiologically speaking, this occurs as the energies are rushed to our RA center located in the middle of our body, just above the navel, where the alias solar plexus resided. Thus, there is a rush of blood circulation to build our new ‘Temple of Light’ in this area in order to contribute to the building of our ‘Crystal Palace of Light’ in the future. Accordingly, our outer extremities suddenly becomes deprived of blood circulation under our skin, giving us a sensation of chill or coldness. And, this suddenly perceived change in the body temperature is one of the Ascension Symptoms that we are currently experiencing that may also be perceived as a sensation of having a flu-like symptom. • Note that a similar sensation also occurs when we have our fill eating in which blood rushes to the stomach and our digestive system in the middle of our body to carry oxygen to be utilized for the purpose of digestion that represents a form of ‘internal combustion’ for converting food into energy. • This is why there is a sudden urge or desire to leave the room and stay in the sun in order to replenish heat energies in your skin and body. • • • • • Unprecedented Sneezing Another flu or allergy like symptom is the unprecedented and intermittent-recurrent or chronic sneezing that entails sudden activism occurring in the nose. Yet, this form of sneezing occurs without experiencing a runny nose. It is believed that this symptom occurs as a result of the excessive milking of the pituitary and pinnal glands to collectively form what is referred to as ‘Amrita’ or ‘Crystal Waters’ that epitomizes recrystallization of these endocrine glands after long being in a state of atrophy. This, in essence, represents the sacred marriage between the two associated endocrine gland’s secretions in the sphenoid bone also being located in the vicinity of the nasal cavity, that one is perceived as representing female, and the other, male principle. As a result, their mutual secretion creates a teasing sensation in the nose and in the nasal cavity that triggers the startling process of sneezing. Postnasal Drip • Another related symptom entails having almost continuous discharge of a sputum-like substance that is nevertheless clear with no mucus or phlegm like characteristic or appearance, somewhat • • • • • • • • like what one would experience as postnasal drip in the throat that requires regular clearing as it can give congestion-like discomfort, even leading to an urge for coughing. The stimulation of the nose leads to the formation of this type of postnasal drip consisting of clear liquid is commonly followed by directing this fluid down the throat. Yet, it does not manifest as wetness as commonly seen as external nasal dripping in the case of real flu. This symptom is particularly prevalent in early mornings and through sleeping at nights that as a result of one being sleep or unconscious can lead to accumulation of this sputum-like substance as back drip in the throat. And, if one has the habit of sleeping with mouth open or under a ceiling fan, it can lead to a "gag reflex" and related discomforts leading to an urge for deep dry-coughing that becomes exacerbated should one indulges in persistent coughing. In such persistent circumstances, it is best that one clears one’s throat more superficially without indulging in deep coughing that is best achieved via first drinking water, juice, or similar fluids. This type of a gag reflex that may be also called a pharyngeal reflex is associated with the accumulation of the said post-nasal drip or sputum-like substance in the throat. It is a physiological reaction that is a form of an allergy and a reflexive action that helps prevent choking and keeps us from swallowing what is an unusual substance that may otherwise be perceived as harmful. Thus, with drinking fluid and alleviating the dry condition of the throat, it is also possible to force down the unprecedented discharge of sputum or post nasal drip that is not harmful but something that is associated with the body reacting to unusual circumstances • • • • • • • • related to the energetics being received in order to re-encrypt our morphogenetics restoring it to the Diamond Sun Crystalline genetics. This form of fluid discharge is associated with the initiation of excessive miking of the pituitary and pineal endocrine glands in the midbrain and in the vicinity of the nasal cavity. And, it leads to the production of so-called ‘Amrita’ or ‘Crystal Water’ whose purpose is the crystallization of the body that occurs via the secretion of the combination of secretion of endocrine fluids in the pituitary-pineal glands. And, this is accompanied by running down the throat until it reaches the left ventricle of the heart that spiritualizes the blood, while circulating within the body. Yet, amrita is contained in its own ducts that flows from the brain to the heart. But, excessive flow of the Amrita or Crystal Waters down one’s throat sometimes eventuated by too much spiritualized strive by a way of meditation and attunement with the higher dimensional consciousness, etc. can lead to the stimulation of the nasal back drip with its excessive accumulation in the throat and upper chest areas. The simultaneous secretion of the endocrine fluids in the pituitary and pineal glands that leads to the formation of the Crystal Waters or Amrita that is, nevertheless, contained in its own ducts seems to also trigger this reactive response in the nose with the discharge of nasal drip that runs down the throat. In fact, the whole process feels like a ‘flu’ involving a host of other related Ascension Symptoms. And, this form of ‘Ascension Flu’ occurs as a result of the body showing its discomfort that manifest as ‘reactions’ by a way of ‘Ascension Allergies.’ • Note that some of the Ascension symptoms we experience that appear as ‘flu symptoms’ or ‘allergies’ are actually reflection of the fact that our physical reacts to high extremely intensity light that triggers a sense of lack of comfort in us leading to ‘Ascension flu’ accompanied with various ‘Ascension Allergies.’ • And, also note that in conventional medicine any such form of discomfort classified reflective of the fact that your body does not like or feel uncomfortable by a certain phenomenon happening to it, for the lack of any better or definite word, is classified as ‘allergy.’ • However, as was elucidated before, contrary to regular flu, Ascension Flu is neither entropic nor epitomizes a physical ailment that would otherwise be accompanied by fever as a result of infection, etc. • In this regard, Ascension Flu may actually be regard as syntropic leading to our accreting and absorbing more Light that increases both our natural frequency of vibration and Light quotient associated with consciousness expansion. • • • • Dry Coughing This type of postnasal dripping can create complications with the advent of having an open mouth that may occur during sleep, particularly when sleeping under a ceiling fan, or as a result of tireless talking (e.g., giving a speech). In such cases , it can lead to its drying out of the throat that, in turn, can trigger a form of dry cough that is unrelated to a real flu. This gives rise to a form of a white or clear gel-like substance that neither smells nor has a color or texture as sometimes runny nose or phlegm can have. In particular, consistent irritation can occur during the night and particularly early in the mornings after a few hours of sleep that requires clearing the throat of dried-out substance that at first is quite annoying. • Yet, once one understands the nature of its occurrences, it leaves one with the determined sense of perseverance to maintain one’s throat and chest by regularly clearing and cleansing them. • Again, this condition is clearly not a sign of any form of entropic energies or physical ailment, but indeed, a byproduct of something wonderful happening in your consciousness embodiment that is accompanied by crystallization of blood through Amrita or Crystal Waters. Exhaustion • These types of flu-like Ascension Symptoms are often accompanied by a sensation of exhaustion and are associated with your body familiarizing itself and adapting to the new energies rather than being entropic as the cases of parasitic feedings are. • To begin with, the high frequential energies are accreted within the body that are actually detrimental to any parasites that may lurk within. • In contrast, these are, indeed, syntropic, involving consciousness expansion that is related to the body being acclimated to embody more light in the cells, generating more ATP. Other Persisting Ascension Symptoms • Note also that during the body's light absorption phase, the lightbody is more unstable. • Accordingly, before the new high frequential energies of Light are fully absorbed or integrated, you will feel tired and crave for getting some sleep. • Also the purpose of the high frequency light is to crystallize the body’s genetic system. • This can lead to a sensation of feeling compressive forces that arise as a result of circulation of electric energetic currents in our bodies that feels like being compressed between the jaws of a vice. • And, this resembles the phenomenon of piezoelectricity in crystals that occurs when a crystal is squeezed under pressure leading to generating an electric current within the crystal. • Furthermore, the advent of accretion and absorption of high frequency plasma light causes a contractive force on the body that runs through the skull affecting the top of the neck, as well as getting transmitted to the body through the feet and the legs with a resultant compressive force acting on the coccyx (tailbone) [122]. • Altogether, this compresses the spinal column, making it susceptible to lateral buckling and instability that, in turn, gives rise to a sensation of dizziness [120], as the cervicogenic deflection of the neck disrupts the sense of balance and stability, as is commonly judged by the inner ears and the eyes. • Alternatively, the compressive forces lead to compression and shrinkage of the spine that manifests itself as pains in the upper or cervicogenic spine (neck), middle spinal cord where also the flexural deflection could be the highest and an area that actually epitomizes the ‘command center’ for our central nervous system activities, and in the coccyx causing excruciating lower back pains. • The sensations of body pressure can also give the sensation of compaction or densification perceived to be as a result of energetic loss that not only gives rise to the sensation of tiredness but also is erroneous as actually we are accreting and absorbing light energies. • And, as was indicated, this also causes circulation of thermal energies towards the body’s center whose purpose is to build our RA center RA above the naval and in the location of the solar plexus chakra that epitomizes our ‘Crystal Palace of Light’ or ‘Light Temple,’ • • • • • • • • reclaiming more of our inherent quality as a crystal Light beings as opposed to low dimensional coarse or dense being solely made of constitution (matter-antimatter). And, all this occurs as a result of the rushing of the blood to the RA center. Accordingly, this of course deprives our outer skin to receive adequate heat and thus we experience periodic episodes of chill sensation even at room temperatures of 760 Fahrenheit or even more that are commensurate with the formation and further development of our Crystal Light Palace. Apart from feeling uncharacteristically cold at times, there are also other associated flu-like Ascension Symptoms. And, the most significant of these that occur chronically nowadays is the case of unprecedented headaches. Note that the incoming high frequency plasmic light energies first enter our bodies primarily from the top of our skull that get transmitted to our cervicogenic spine (neck) through our skull. And, as a result of experiencing these compressive energies, our head sometimes feels as if it is being pressed between the jaws of a vice. And, apart from sporadic headaches and the ‘Allergy or Flu like symptoms and other associated pains, complications and discomforts, one initially annoying symptoms s the constant ringing or sensation of whooshing in the ears that makes us feel like an open radio stations always transmitting and receiving high frequency sound energies. And, associated with the same phenomenon is the sensation of being unprecedently ‘alert’ all the time, as well as oversensitivity to noise. • Yet, this somewhat perceived complication is actually quite purposeful and beneficial as during these auspicious days before Ascension, we require constant vigilance practically sensing and processing every pixels of reality before us that we can muster. • Of course, the same trend is the culprit for our sleeplessness and exhaustion. • And, as of more recently a new symptom that most awakened and enlightened individuals re experiencing is the sensation of blurring in the eyes as well as feeling uneasiness in our nervous system as the light energies find themselves in the bone marrow as well as the blood that not only trigger alertness of our immune system but also have the effect of overloading our central nervous system. Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2021. This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’ It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content, void of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only,’ and only if it is offered free of charge to the public without any page charges, download fees, or membership charges. References 1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 2. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part III: The False Ascension (5D) Matrix 3. Who are the Guardian Hosts? – The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B) 4. Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension 5. Soul-Body Vibration 6. On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed Cosmological Law of Frequential Dimensional Shift 7. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light 8. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness 9. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness 10. Consciousness 11. Consciousness, Creation and Cosmos 12. Dimensions of Consciousness 13. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness 14. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos 15. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part III: On the Main (Cosmological) Dimensional Structure of the Nebadon Universe 16. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part IV: On the Nebadon’s 12D Grid and Harmonic Universes 17. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk Genes” 18. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Technology: Generation of the “Junk Genes” leading to ‘Checkerboard Mutation,’ to be published 19. Theory of EVERYTHING: Dark Matter Manifestation Body and Morphogenetic Template 20. On the Quantum Mechanics and the Structure of Form Composed of Energetic Particles of Creation 21. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions 22. A Theory of Everything: Matter – Antimatter 23. A Cosmic Constitutive Theory: Matter-Antimatter 24. THEORY OF EVERYTHING: Physicality 25. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness 26. Consciousness Expansibility 27. The Several Stages of Awakening and their Relations to the Different Phases of the Universal Law of Attraction 28. An Overview of Cosmos 29. The Guardian-Founders: The Co-Creators of our Nebadon Universe 30. The Guardian-Founders Seeding of the Nebadon Universe – Part I: Introduction 31. On the Cosmological Law of Consciousness-Constitution Interaction 32. The Dual Sides of Existence: Congealment versus Free-Flow 33. On the Nature of Cosmological Time 34. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation 35. Interdimensional Physics: Concepts of Time, Space, Dimensions, Quantum Consciousness and Sentient Vibration 36. A Unified Theory for the Creation of Cosmos and Vibration of all that it contains 37. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration 38. Human Consciousness, Vibration, and Genetics 39. A Unified Theory for the Conscious Vibration of a Sentient Light Being 40. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light 41. Who are Negative Aliens? 42. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent? 43. The Foundation of Electric – Magnetic Energetics 44. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos 45. Further Insights on the Quantum Energetics of the Cosmos 46. Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and Ascension 47. The Effect of Cosmic Radiation and Ionization on Earth Humanity Ascension 48. The Effect of Accelerated Solar Activities on Evolution 49. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology, An Overview of Genetic Implants, to be published 50. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Technology: Frequency Fences – An Overview, to be published 51. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII: The First Harmonic Universe 52. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe 53. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension 54. Ascension Maladies or Symptoms – Part I: Difficulties Associated with Clearing-Cleansing and Evolutional Changes 55. Ascension Maladies or Symptoms Part II: Difficulties Associated with Heightened Sense of Awareness Arising from Periodic Upshifts in Natural Frequency and Intermittent Vibrations within Higher Dimensions of Consciousness 56. Ascension ‘Maladies’ or Symptoms – Part III: Other Symptoms or Problems – Summary and Conclusions 57. Alleviating the Ascension Maladies through Understanding and Living from the Heart – Part I: General Discussion 58. Alleviating the Ascension Maladies through Understanding and Living from the Heart – Part II: Literature Review 59. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics 60. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: System of Mind Control 61. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing Mind Control [Full Manuscript] 62. Negative Aliens and their Archetype Mind Control 63. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Gender Archetypes Mind Control Programming: An Overview 64. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Programming: Gender Confusion, to be published 65. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Technology: Gender Splitting, to be published 66. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Programming: Sexual Misery, to be published 67. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Programming: Sexual Promiscuity and Addiction, to be published 68. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Strategy: Religious Hypocrisy and Superstition, to be published 69. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Programming: Violence and War-Mongering Strategy, to be published 70. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control: Violence and War-Mongering Strategy, to be published 71. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Strategy: Prejudice and Eugenics, to be published 72. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Technology: Mind Slide Programming, to be published 73. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control: Blank Slate Technology, to be published 74. Anxiety 75. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy 76. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy, to be published 77. Criterion for continued “Life” and Ascension Part I: Negative Aliens and their Cabal Puppets 78. Criterion for Continued Life and Ascension – Part II: Humans and Non-humans Quarantined and Not Ascending upon Physical Death 79. Criterion for Continued Life and Ascension – Part III: Humans and Nonhumans Ascending upon Physical Death, to be published 80. Criterion for Continued Life and Ascension – Part IV: Ascending to the Mond, Avatar, Ascended Master, and Guardian States upon Physical Death, to be published 81. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: ‘Black Goo’, to be published 82. Distortion of the Core Manifestation Body via Black Goo, its Re-encryption and its Relation to Phantom Reality 83. On the Aurora Guardians and the Core Manifestation Body Re-Encryption Project, to be published 84. Who are the Paliadorians? What is The Paliadorian Covenant, to be published 85. Essays on Humanity – Part II: Sentience 86. Essays on Humanity – Part V: Living as Sentient Beings 87. The Phenomenon of Natural (Organic) – Creational (Constructive) Time Effectuating Consciousness Expansion 88. A Closer Look at Organic Life and Earth Humanity 89. On the Cosmic and Universal Aspects of Experiencing Life as a Solar Organic Consciousness Being as a Human 90. The Physical Domains: the “Seven Higher Heavens” or “Superuniverses” 91. Negative Aliens Holographic Insert of Reversal Pertaining to our Consciousness Imprisonment 92. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Technology: “Parasitism – Siphoning Energies via Harvesting of Loosh, to be published 93. Negative Aliens “Attachments,” “Possessions” and how to Circumvent them 94. Modern Psychology 101: Insights on Behavioral and Psychological Derailment Afflicted by AI-Generated Clandestine Energetic Parasitic Attacks- Feedings: A Case Study 95. What led the Negative Aliens to be What they are and why they became Parasitic-Vampiric? 96. Modern Psychology 101: ‘Shadow Self,’ Possessions and Parasitization 97. Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs) 98. On the Accretion-Absorption of Light leading to Lightbody Activation and Building Diamond Sun Template, to be published 99. We are Beings of Light! 100. The Fall of Humanity: The Onset of Death Quarantine - Seal, Aging, Diseases, and Mortality, to be published 101. Physical Death and Afterlife: the Astral Plane, Summerland [Purgatory], and the Onset of Reincarnation or Ascension 102. On the Question of Immortality versus Polarity Reversal 103. Introduction to Human Genetics 104. On the Physical Structure and Quantum Nature of Earth Human Genetics 105. Humanity’s 12-Strand of DNA and Who Created its Structure 106. Human Angelic Oraphim Genetics and 12D DNA Strand Crystalline Silicate Morphogenetic Structure, to be published 107. The Guardian Founders Seeding of the Nebadon Universe – Part IV: The Cradle of Tara and the Turaneusiams 108. Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus Thought-Logic 109. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and the Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and Future” 110. The Guardian-Founders’ Seeding of the Nebadon Universe – Part III: The Gaian Timelines 111. The Story of us Humans – Part I: Introduction 112. The Guardian Founders Seeding of the Nebadon Universe – Part II: The Cradle of Lyra and the Royal Houses (the Lyran Matrix) 113. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’ ‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond 114. On The Zero-Point Field, or Unified Field, Neural Network or the Divine Mind of the God-SOURCE, to be published 115. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion 116. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) 117. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness 118. The Prime Creator 119. On Persistent Ascension Symptoms - Part II: Sleeplessness and Tiredness, to be published 120. On Persistent Ascension Symptoms - Part III: Postural-Related Complications leading to Various Pains, Cervicogenic Dizziness, Instability and Ungroundedness, to be published 121. On Persistent Ascension Symptoms - Part IV: Ungroundedness resulting from Postural Instability and Time Bifurcation leading to Transmigration of Earth to New Space-Time Dimensions, to be published 122. Ascension Maladies: A Simplified Biomechanics Theory of Spatial Bifurcation Triggering a Sense of Postural Instability or Buckling in Space 123. An Overview of Human Central Nervous System and its Complications, to be published 124. Sentient Vibration: Concept of Soul Entropy and the Principle of Positive Entropy Production Rate 125. Further Insights into the Phenomenon of Sequential Jumping and Soul Entropy Production Caused by Sentient Vibration 126. On the Cosmological Laws of Equilibrium and Balance: Soul Entropy and the Law of Entropy Production Rate 127. An Overview of the Human Immune System and its Complications, to be published 128. Natural Organic Solar Consciousness versus Artificial Intelligence (AI) Being 129. Mixing Oil and Water: Negative Aliens AI-based Phantom Reality versus Divine Organic Consciousness Holographic Reality 130. Syntropy and the Cosmological Law of Consciousness Expansion and ORDER 131. Fundamentals of Dissemination of Light Plasma, Solar Storms, Solar Flares, and Coronal Mass Ejections [CME]