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C I V I L I Z A T I O N S , A R C H I T E C T U R E & A R C H A E O L O G Y Getting to see the larger picture Based on facts A KEY INFERENCE: THE EXISTENCE OF A DISTINCT PLANNING PATTERN & MEASURE ENSHRINED IN BUILT FORMS (MONUMENTS & CITIES), ACROSS CIVILIZATIONS 180 YARDSi 3 6 0 C U B I T S ii TEMPLES, CASTRA, PALACES, FORTS, STADIA, AGORA, CITY PLANNING, PYRAMIDS INDUS, SUMERIAN, GREEK, EGYPTIAN, ACHMAENID, PARTHIAN,BYZANTINE, MUGHAL Grewal, Dilmeet i Modern day yards ii Modern day cubits = ½ yard THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE PURPOSE OF THIS PAPER IS TO EXPOUND ON FACTS THAT WERE RECOGNIZED, IDENTIFIED AS A LARGER OCCURRENCE; INVESTIGATED, COLLATED & SYNTHESIZED TO DISCERN THE PRESENCE OF AN INTRIGUING COMMONALITY IN ARCHITECTURE. THIS PAPER IDENTIFIES THE FACTS & THE PATTERN. WHY & HOW ARE QUESTIONS TO BE DEALT WITH AT A LATER STAGE. Edition 1; March to Oct 10, 2013 Release date: 10th October 2013 EDITION 1 First in a series of related papers & investigations being published, under ISBN 9788192572606 of T H E T H O U G H T S T U D I O The group of papers pertains to the integrated domain of Analytics, Architecture, Civilizations & Archaeology. The underlying precursor to these is the paper on Analytics, and how it changes the very exploration, perception, preservation and presentation of monuments. The possibility of a larger unifying theory underlying Architecture is becoming rapidly a certainty. A concept that can be best called “The Ancient Code of Monuments. So far, the following papers are envisaged. SEQUENCE OF PAPERS IN THIS SERIES 1. Establishing this pattern to the notice of the world (current paper) 2. The Significance of the 180-yard template as a guide in future Archaeological excavations. Case example: Persepolis 3. PERSPECTIVES on the logic, rationale and significance of 180 y and 360 c Drawing on inferences from Mathematics, the relevance of the composite number 60. 4. ANCIENT MEASURE SYSTEMS, an investigation for the search of the origin of the 180-yard pattern. Sumerian, Indian, and other systems 5. Analyses, Architecture & Archaeology: time for a new domain of expertise. A cross-disciplinary approach. d@thethoughtstudio.com archdgrewal@gmail.com www.facebook.com/tthoughtstudio THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ABSTRACT The paper presents the facts that validate the discovery & analytical syntheses made by The Thought Studio. A typical pattern, a commonality, recognized first through satellite analyses and then reinforced with literary sources. This pattern has not been established till now as a framework common in the architecture of monuments and cities. Establishing this pattern, a square plan with side of 180 yards (360 cubits) is the focus of this paper. This pattern thus has two components to it. The first a perfect square of 180 yards side; the second is the usage of 180 yards as a recurring measure for planning. The paper also highlights the numerous sites that have been found to match this framework (over 300+ and counting). There are 3 lists, one of with perfect squares of 180 yards, the second of sites which have 180 yards in one dimension and the third is of sites that have 180 yards in their planning and are also multiples of 180 yards. The list, as one will find and to simply put it– is everywhere. From Indus, Sumer, Egyptian, Greek, Achaemenid, Roman, Byzantine, Abbasid till the Mughals: it spans civilizations and continents. It also spans a multitude of architectural usage types, forts, palaces, gardens and the most important sites of world religions. While most of these sites are analyzed by satellite, the paper also references measured drawings of some of these sites, and literary notes that mention the prevalence of 360 cubits, as for example in Babylon and the temple of the mound. Traditional archaeological and architectural projects too have this measure documented in their site reports and plans; and individual references to this measure being used in some planning grids do also exist. However, till now, these individual recordings of monuments across civilizations, continents and centuries have remained in isolation and the realization of a larger pattern and phenomenon has not been done. This paper thus focuses on establishing the realization of this ubiquitous yet previously unrecognized pattern. This pattern can lead key insight into the way human civilizations evolved, if they influenced each other and can help inform future archaeological excavations. Its very presence also highlights the critical need for further architectural, cross civilization analyses. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 LAYOUT OF THIS PAPER ARCHITECTURE    AN UNTAPPED PRIMARY INFORMATION SOURCE ON CIVILIZATIONS THE ABILITY TO ‘READ’ ARCHITECTURE: A CRITICAL LIMITING FACTOR THE IMPACT OF ‘SCALE OF VISION’ IN REALIZING THE LARGER PICTURE AN INTRIGUING PATTERN THAT KEPT ON RECURRING    FIRST SNAPSHOTS THAT HIGHLIGHTED THIS A MASTER TEMPLATE IN ARCHITECTURAL VOCABULARY: A D I S T I N C T S I G N A T U R E DETAILING THIS PATTERN THE PATTERN    KEY STATISTICS AND MEASURE APPRECIATING THE PATTERN AS A DISTINCT PLANNING TOOL THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS PATTERN AS A GUIDE FOR EXCAVATIONS FACTSHEET        KEY SITES OVER THE WORLD THE SQUARE OF 180 YARDS DEFINING MONUMENTS THE SQUARE OF 180 YARDS DEFINING CITIES 180 YARDS AS THE CORE BUILDING UNIT OF MONUMENTS MULTIPLES OF 180 YARDS IN THE GREATEST SETTLEMENTS INDUS, SUMERIAN, EGYPTIAN, GREEK, ACHAEMENID, ROMAN, BYZANTINE REFERENCES IN ANCIENT LITERARY SOURCES CONFIRMING THIS EXISTENCE TO THE WORLD    ARGUMENTS AGAINST THIS THEORY ADDITIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PATTERN USING THE 180 YARD PATTERN TO LEAD A NEW APPRECIATION OF ARCHITECTURE, ARCHAEOLOGY & THE STORY OF CIVILIZATIONS. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 INTRODUCTION ARCHITECTURE AN UNTAPPED PRIMARY INFORMATION SOURCE ON CIVILIZATIONS Of the physical remnants of the past, architecture serves as a critical fact source for understanding past civilizations. While historical accounts may be distorted, architecture is quite literally an account written in stone (or any other material)! Further, while tools and pottery do contribute to the general perception of human evolution, as an information source, Architecture is a treasure trove and the amount of information that can be appreciated from this source is limited by our own ability. THE ABILITY TO ‘READ’ ARCHITECTURE IS A CRITICAL, LIMITING FACTOR. The importance of being able to analyze and infer from architectural remnants is a critical field of expertiseiii. Documentation of architecture and preliminary commentary about the layout of monuments does not in any form constitute serious analytical work on monuments. There is an outstanding amount that can be read from architectural markers. Plus, these markers, if unmodified, are critical snapshots in time; about the thought processes of the creator and the general level of evolution of humans. All elements, each distinct remnant is a product of multiple decisions, influence factors and events. Based on the sophistication of the reader, there is much that can be learnt by just reading all these factors properly. iii More detailed in an upcoming paper on Analyses, Architecture & Archaeology THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 It would be most intriguing to see the evolution of humans through their dwelling and urban patterns. Through their monuments, and built form much has been understood. These though, perhaps may be just touching the very surface of the amount of information architecture can provide. The amount that we recognize, infer and decipher is critically dependent on us as the observer. I would, thus, argue that the amount one can read and appreciate from architecture is heavily dependent on how sophisticated one’s ability to read monuments is. Also, that it seems that this very special domain of knowledge is just in its infancy around the world. Even seemingly trivial architectural facts can often lead to the greatest insights and discoveries. Much of our work has been a testament to this fact. Our discovery of remains that existed in plain sight, but were never recognized has happened many a time. It has also forced us to realize that a holistic view and a rigorous analytical procedure in understanding built form is quintessential to our realization of civilizations and the human story. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 T H E IM P A C T O F S C O P E O F V IS IO N Further, it seems that most built form is seen in isolation. Most documentation of sites and characteristics are made as separate task sets. Each monument and site thus receives a separate and stand alone description. There is no larger framework from which the appreciation of individual monuments can be done. This too is a serious flaw. The very scale of vision while appreciating built form cannot be anything less than a global awareness of multiple built forms and what integrates them. A parallel exists in the domain of business strategy where the concept of big picture thinking exists. It is perhaps most apt for the domain of architecture and archaeology because, while individual elements have been appearing, the initiative to integrate them to get a larger sense needs to gain more attention now. The saying “seeing the forest and not the trees” is an important analogy for the study of civilizations, archaeology and architecture. I think it is time to connect the dots and to see the larger patterns that come forth. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 AN INTRIGUING OUTLAY THAT KEPT ON RECCURING The thought studio focuses very heavily on a critical analysis approach that builds from ground up. Our analyses are structured to arrive at a point where we could visualize the very creation of a monument or site in a clear chronological order. Starting right from the time where the idea for a site comes into being and the mental and physical processes that went into the creation of the monument, each element is considered. Additions and modifications done too are analyzed separately in the very same order for each change. In this process, cognition is a strong element and taking inputs from different perspectives is key. Satellite images change percept, as the limitations of scale and vision of on site review are overcome. Also, as we have come to found, actual fieldwork in traditional ways sometimes overlooks aspects of minor facts (for example certain walls being not really parallel, or topography vis-à-vis the building). Through satellite an actual integrated multidimensional information source exists for analyses. In our satellite analyses over the forts of Rajasthan, and other places it became evident how topography strongly defined built form. Much of these let us clearly appreciate how each fort was built. In one fort at Gagron, which we worked for the world heritage dossier re-nomination (added in June 2013 to the WH list) we found remains of docks for small boatsiv. Again a combination of multiple inputs and critical reasoning led to this realization. Topography, though, was governing the layout and shape of built form. Then, as we were looking at monuments over the northern India plains (Delhi, Punjab) a completely different pattern became instantly evident. iv More detailed in an upcoming paper on Analyses, Architecture & Archaeology THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 Very distinctly, and much to our amazement, in all the monuments that we saw we recognized a distinct square pattern, at an acute angle to the North (in plan), with a very similar size common to each monument. The following pages document these sites. THE FIRST SCREENSHOTS CAUGHT OUR ATTENTION. Below are snapshots of sites first noticed through satellite view, and recognized as being: ‘distinctly’ similar and too precise to be overlooked as coincidence. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 On the previous three pages, in sequence: ( satellite snapshots: Google Earth) PAGE 1: Nakodar, Punjab, Caravan Sarai; Shahjanabad Citadel, Delhi, Jama Masjid; PAGE 2: Fort & Caravan Sarai at Doraha, Punjab; Nasir Castle, Iranshahr, Iran; Temple of Bell, Palmyra, Syria; Qasr, Kufa, Iran; PAGE 3: Jama Masjid Lahore; Great Bath at Samarra, Iran. In all the snapshots, the central square pattern is the strongest distinctive element. What made these intriguing was that these all are of the same dimension. (Each can be measured & reviewed independently via Google Earth) A MASTER TEMPLATE The very distinct square, defined by an exact measurev clearly was no mistake or random happenstance. There was less than a 1% variance in measurements across a 300+ statistical reference group. Further, many of these monuments that we started to take note of, served very different purposes. From Temples, to Caravan Sarais to Forts and Palaces, this pattern was continually being used. They were also located on different continents, belonging to different civilizations. This pattern then crossed on from monuments into urban planning, with Greek cities planned by Hippodamus, and their agoras. Its ubiquity in such a range of geography, time and civilizations made it clear that this was something much more than just general influences of one architectural style upon a neighboring architectural style. This spiked some very critical questions. Why? How could monuments built in different millennia and by very different geographic rulers have the same pattern? v 180 yards (360 cubits); detailed in the next pages. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 The creation of monuments, cities and built form as we have come to see was a very distinct and conscious effort into which a lot of thought was put into. There was no random approach and every aspect of creation of built form involved serious deliberation, logic and rationale. Thus, in no way could this pattern be trivial or not have a serious rationale governing its origins. This pattern begged the question – was there a distinct plan, a template in mind of the architects and builders that was leading to the creation of the very same built expression in different buildings and over very large time frames. While again, the search for these answers is not the topic of this paper, it is however important to appreciation the significance of this template if it actually did serve as a governing factor in the creation of built form. Armed with insight as to how builders created monuments, archaeological teams could in a smarter fashion investigate monuments. They could use this particular pattern and measure as an additional aid in informing them on how to approach their excavations. An example of how knowledge of this template informed future monument analyses and how it could be used as an exploratory tool is the subject of the upcoming paper, which showcases Persepolis as a case in example. Persepolis is built on a grid of 4 such squares. IN ARCHITECTURAL VOCABULARY: A DISTINCT SIGNATURE Hopefully the raw satellite snapshots could help highlight the strong presence of a distinct square. It however is equally possible though that for some, such a pattern may not be readily distinguishable. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 In architectural terms, and for a trained architectural analytical eye, this similarity may be as exact as seeing exact clones/replicas of a sharp distinct pattern. To help aid this, a special architectural drawing set, combination of satellite measures and a detailed list have been created. Even the additional visual noise in satellite imagery makes it tough to clearly pinpoint this pattern. Thus special measured drawings that highlight the form and its measure have been created for a select number of sites. More of these architectural drawings are being done for other sites. At present though the existing ones are presented as to highlight the very distinct signature, as visible to us. In evaluating these, a clear point has to be noted. Each monument has had a specific genesis, and alterations too. As for example, the golden temple complexvi, Amritsar, one of the holiest of Sikh shrines. When analyzing this, it was very disturbing that the actual lake of holy water was enclosed by this pattern, but the surrounding built form lay clearly outside this. Only on further historical investigation was it found that the surrounding buildings were a much recent addition in 1985. The structures were made to enclose this basic pattern. This is the reason why the basic structure at first appeared to define the dominant pattern. The same, I think, will be the case with many sites. Over time, with more than 300 sites presenting this pattern as a core of their layout – we are now much more assured in the special importance of this template. In the spirit of true intellectual curiosity and discovery, it is important to thoroughly examine the true extents of this pattern. In terms of geographic depth, time and civilizations. The first step to this is the recognition that perhaps there is a larger pattern that exists. vi PAGE 17, with satellite image & architectural drawing THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 DETAILING THIS MASTER TEMPLATE DISTINCT SIGNATURE The very specific pattern that emerged is best classified as this: 1. A square plan, which manifests as the larger overall layout of the monument. 2. A distinct measure, of 180 yardsvii The square plan highlighted here, has further also been seen as an essential planning unit in larger compositions – urban and monuments. The Roman town of Dura Europosviii ; Greek towns of Pella; the central core axes of the Taj Mahal; the Indus valley citadel of Dhola Vira: are all a couple of first examples to showcase the use of the square of 180 yards as a planning tool. Further, 180 yards also manifests itself in its multiples that exist throughout these sites. Many sites as for example Balkh, Gur, Khorsabad are a multiple of 180 yards. APPRECIATING THE SQUARE OF 180 YARDS AS A PLANNING TOOL. Hypothetically, if we were part of the team asked by King Cyrus, or an Indus king, or Egyptian king to build a palace suitable for the King. How would we have gone about planning such a monument? Imagining a huge vast plain tract of land, what would vii modern day yards as listed by Google earth viii All these sites listed here, are detailed in annexure 1. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 guide us to the very dimensions we would imagine as an enclosure, appropriate for such a palace? One potential answer to this is the presence of 180-yard monuments pre-existent to such a creation, and which serves as a key input to guide the creation of new monuments. While the actual dynamics of how 180 yards became the de-facto planning tool are still not clearly established. What is of significant value is the established fact that 180-yard is a constant to all monuments DISCERNING THE 180-YARD SQUARE (HOW TO IDENTIFY THE PATTERN CORRECTLY) A critical issue, to which many will also try to find flaws in, is how does one identify the planning grid of 180 yards. The only logical sequence to evaluate this is by evaluating the first steps taken by the creator of the monument in question. Persepolis, in the upcoming white paper is a very strong example to this fact. Prior to a proper evaluation of how Persepolis evolved under different rulers, it was not clear as to the presence of 180 yards. Then approaching the problem with an architects frame of mind, we asked, if King Darius asked us as architects to design a magnificent palace for him – how would we have designed it? How would we have even begun with the general (ball park) spatial outlay of the palace? It is only through this sort of critical analyses and deduction, that the true presence of the 180-yard measure can be discerned. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SELECTED SITES, DOCUMENTED TO SHOWCASE THE SQUARE OF 180 YARDS NOTES: 1. 2. 3. the illustrations combine satellite snapshots and measured drawings made by the thought studio, so as to highlight the planning in cases of where satellite images were inadequate and had visual noise. Through these the presence of the distinct squares can come forward more clearly. The North is a constant upright direction in all these. Google Satellite measurements: the red line and the measure are all taken from Google Earth snapshots. the thought studio THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS SQUARE OF 180 YARDS SQUARE OF 180 YARDS SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 the the thought studio thought studio THE MOST REVERED OF SIKH TEMPLES SQUARE OF 180 YARDS NOTES: 1. the buildings encircling the square are built at a much later date. (ref pg: 12) 2. distorted square (rhombus) THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 the thought studio SQUARE OF 180 YARDS SQUARE OF 180 YARDS NOTES: 1. Perfect 180 yard sides, but not at right angles; a rhombus similar to Golden Temple reservoir 2. There are multiple such Qasr, Qalat throughout the middle east, which are built according to the 180 yard square template. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE LOUVRE, PARIS NOTES: Map credit: Google Earth SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS NOTES: 1. The great bath was the starting point to further exploration of the citadel 2. The docks approach from the west, is again on the measure of 180 yards. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 the thought studio SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: 1. The Byzantine remains of the temple of Bell, have the inner area of 180 yards square. Further investigation is required to confirm if the additional enclosure was built at a later stage. Much like the example of the Golden Temple, Amritsar. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 180 YARDS SIDE NOTES: 1. the enclosure of the Buland Darwaza if of 180 yard width. 2. The other side of the enclosure appears shorter. The perfect square however does encompass the stairs leading to the buland darwaza and the additional water tanks 3. The question then is whether the builders started with the 180 yard layout on the ground, and proceeded with first the steps to the magnificent gate. 4. The site is also situated on a hilly outcrop. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: 1. The Jama Masjid sits on an exact site of 180 yard square 2. As seen in the Buland Darwaza, at Fatehpur Sikri – an important predecessor to the Jama Masjid – the monumental stairs were included in the general 180 yard layout. 3. Here also, the steps on 3 sides, are included in the square. The West side, the qibla, is sealed, and after keeping an offset, the road has circled around the mosque. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ROMAN SQUARE OF 180 YARDS Now present in URBAN PLAN Multiple components here conform to 180 yard Square. DURA EUROPAS Is another example of the 180 yard square as a city planning grid THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 DURA EUROPOS URBAN GRID 180 YARDS SQUARE In the image to the left, the grey squares correspond to 180 yards (164m) according to the scale provided in the map. These measurements are further confirmed by satellite measurements as shown above. Image courtesy: iranicaonline.org THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS 4MBWFOJ$BTUSVN Fortress THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS NOTES: Most Mughal Caravan Sarais and other important gathering places ( jama) are of the very exact 180 yard square plan. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS with later additions to its structure the thought studio THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 SQUARE OF 180 YARDS the thought studio THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Preliminary investigations have confirmed the presence of the square of 180 yards as noted in plans, as above. Further detailed study is also being undertaken for a more distinct view into the planning pattern of the Sumerians. SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION SQUARE OF 180 YARDS More examples are appended in the following pages. The red measure, as highlighted along the scale, and in the image; are of exact measure 180 yards Image credits: ezida.com THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: When aligned with site topography, and more detailed satellite pictures it will be possible to highlight the possible presence of more structures and distances conforming to the 180 yard square and measure. SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION UR The red measure, as highlighted along the scale, and in the image; are of exact measure 180 yards Image credits: ezida.com SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 PARTHIAN EMPIRE NISA, TURKMENISTAN NOTES: Quite similar in the way that the Sumerian architecture were complicated squares integrating into a larger composition, the structures at Nisa, too exhibit a larger pattern of 180 yards 180 YARDS The usage of 180 yards as a distinct spatial measure, continues to become more evident in multiple sites. At places, the smaller structures integrate into a larger 180 yard square or rectangular form. However, 180 yards increasingly is evident as a spatial control, a distinct unit of monuments. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: EGYPTIAN TEMPLES, as seen strongly follow the rectangular layout of 90 x 180 yards. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION KARNAK 180 YARDS At places, these do lead to a typical square of 180 yards being structured. However, here it is not possible to say that the square was the dominant lead-planning factor. The measure of 180 yards though is prevalent, in factorials and multiples. AGAIN, the presence of the measure and the square is noted. Also, defining the need to have a thorough look at the architecture of the period. With multiple examples at Saqqara and other sites along the Nile showing same details, it is quite clear that much more examples of this measure of 180 yards and the square will come forward. The red measure, as highlighted along the scale, and in the image; are of exact measure 180 yards Image credits: bible-history.com THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: With the measure and square of 180 yards being visible in Sumerian structures, it was more probable that this measure would be visible in the Indus Valley settlements too. The strongest and clearest example of the presence of the 180 yard square and measure is in the layout of Dhola Vira. INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION DHOLA VIRA SQUARE OF 180 YARDS CITADEL In addition, basic measurement and analyses have shown this pattern also present in Harappa, Lothal and more work is being done to see the extent of prevalence of this pattern. The area noted as the central Citadel in Dhola Vira, is the area that conforms to the exact square of 180 yards. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ANCIENT GREECE HIPPODAMUS CITY PLANNING NOTES: The next page elaborates on this. SQUARE OF 180 YARDS AGORA 180 YARD – CITY UNIT PLANNING THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ANCIENT GREECE THE AGORA OF ATHENS, SQUARE OF 180 YARDS where democracy was first discussed, PELLA, MILETUS, PIRAEUS, CYRENNE, SQUARE OF 180 YARDS AGORA HIPPODAMUS CITY PLANNING 180 YARD – CITY UNIT PLANNING NOTES: The presence of the square of 180 yard is distinctly established in the Roman period. Castra, and cities clearly show this distinct pattern. The presence of the square of 180 yard is very strongly clear in Greek cities, stadia, and their central squares (Agora) The most striking fact is the ancient agora of Athens, which was heavily modified later on by the Romans still bears the distinct square pattern of 180 yards in its layout. The evidence of the 180 yard pattern is further supported by the list of cities designed on the basis of the plans by HIPPODAMUS, often quoted as the father of Urban planning. The stadia at Pompeii, and more textual facts that identify the pattern are also discussed further in this paper. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: The above is a superimposition of the plan of Piraeus, onto the satellite image. THE AGORA : A SQUARE OF 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 OLD DAMASCUS & PAESTUM THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Above: Palmyra: very intriguing patterns of multiples of 180 yards are observed. Below: Paphos also showcasing this presence. More investigation required. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Jerash & Palymra (below) THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: The presence of the square of 180 yard is distinctly established in the Roman and Greek periods as an important unit of measure for monuments. THE VATICAN Its presence in St Peters, was thus looked into. While more depth of analyses is needed, the key nodes that control the overall architectural composition: the tomb, the fountain of symmachus and the obelisk: all are separated by the distinct measure of 180 yards. ST PETERS Illustrated in the next page, above image: the long vertical grey band is the equivalent measure of 180 yards to scale credit: saintpetersbasilica.org/Plans/Architecture.htm 180 YARDS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: THE POSSIBILITY: (as accurate on site measurements are required to finally say this, authentically) of 180 yards separating the 3 distinct points of St Peters is another clear indicator to the importance of the search of 180 yards in monuments. The elevation profile variations of the site require for corrections during satellite measurement. The above are measures taken post correction. THE VATICAN ST PETERS 180 YARDS: THE 3 KEY NODES THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Typical with other roman settlements, multiple areas showcase the presence of 180 yards. A more detailed investigation into Rome would help highlight the multiple presence of this pattern. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Above: Paris: Luxembourg Below: Madrid THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: BERLIN THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 TAKHT E SULEIMAN ZOROASTRIAN TEMPLE NOTES: The presence of the 180 yard template is suggested here too. A more elaborate plan could highlight this better. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ACHAEMENID EMPIRE NOTES: The square of 180 yards is clearly evident in the Persian empire architecture too. Persepolis, is outlined in the upcoming paper, on how the square of 180 yards offers a strong theoretical base for future exploration. PASARGARDE & PERSEPOLIS SQUARE OF 180 YARDS In addition to the distinct square of 180 yards, there is also indication of the circle of 180 yards in certain latter period monuments. Gur, Derabgarh, and other key Zoroastrian forts of its period showcase this style. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE DOME OF THE ROCK NOTES: Through the course of this paper, quite intriguingly the most important of religious sites, for various world religions showcase this distinct square of 180 yards, or the measure of 180 yards. In the temple scrolls, the measure of 180 yards finds its clear historical mention. TEMPLE MOUNT MENTION IN TEMPLE SCROLLS THE DISTINCT MEASURE OF 180 YARDS 180 YARDS ( 360 CUBITS) “Each section of the wall is 360 cubits” SQUARE OF 180 YARDS DESCRIPTION OF JERUSALEM TEMPLE IN JOSEPHUS & THE TEMPLE SCROLL Lawrence H Schiffman http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/symposiums/4th/papers/Schiffman99.html 11QT 40:11-13 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: There is literary record also that states the presence of 360 cubits and 360 number in BABYLON. This is appended in the literary research attached. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: ADDITIONAL ZOROASTRIAN FORTS Above: Dorabgard (multiples of 180 yards) x5 Below: Gur, (x6) flooded by Alexander in 320BC THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: Above: BALKH: multiple of 180 yards, its radius is 540 (x 6 in diameter). The red marking is another remains of exact 180 yard side. Below: KHORSABAD, again a larger square as multiple of 180 yards, and smaller squares of 180 yards. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 NOTES: GORGON WALL There are multiple Forts created along this wall, and while size varies, they are multiples of 180 yards. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 LISTING THESE SITES TOGETHER (a short extract of the 300+ sites in our list) PERIOD (N) CIVILIZATION MONUMENTS CITIES SPECIAL FACTORS BRONZE AGE INDUS CITADEL & LAYOUT DHOLA VIRA SPATIAL LAYOUT HARAPPA ALSO SUGGESTS MOHENJODARO 180 YARDS LOTHAL BANAWALI MEHRGARH SUMER BUILDINGS UR SPATIAL LAYOUT URUK AGAIN SUGGESTS ERIDU 180 YARDS BABYLON SUSA NIMRUD KISH GERSU EGYPTIAN TEMPLES SAQARA PYRAMIDS KARNAK SETI LUXOR EDFU DAYR EL BAHARI NAPATA HERMONTHIS EL KAB later BRONZE AGE HATTUSA PERIOD CAESARE REGIONS OF MARITIMA LAVANT HERODIUM ANATOLIA DELOS (Hittite capital: SETTLEMENTS NOTES: (N) CIVILIZATION TIMELINES (& non repetition of city names) FOR THE PURPOSE OF GAINING SOME CLARITY ON THE MULTITUDE OF SITES, ALL SITES PERTAINING TO A LARGER CIVILIZATION ( FOR EX EGYPTIAN) ARE ALL LISTED TOGETHER IRRESPECTIVE OF EXACT TIMELINES OF CONSTRUCTION. TELLS & TEPE STUDY MANY SITES THAT ARE TODAY KNOWN AS TEPE & TELS, ARE SHOWING CLEAR EVIDENCE OF 180 YARD IN THEIR LAYOUTS. A MORE DETAILED STUDY IS BEING DONE ON THIS. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 PERIOD CIVILIZATION MONUMENTS CITIES SPECIAL FACTORS ACHAEMENID PALACES (also including FORTIFIED assyrians) CITIES FORTS PASARGARDE EXACT USAGE OF PERSEPOLIS 180 YARD SQUARE GUR & 180 YARD DERABGAD KHU E KHWAJA TAKHT E SULEIMAN MULTIPLES MEASURE THE ADDITION OF ASHUR 180 YARD IN NINEVEH CIRCULAR PLAN GREEK BUILDINGS ATHENS AGORA GREEK SITES IN PIRAEUS Afghanistan, AGORA PELLA Turkmenistan, STADIA OLYMPIA Uzbekistan & the BATHS THEBES whole region KANDAHAR around the OXUS. HERAT The exact list of all ISKANDERUM sites and ASPENDOS monuments is too CYRENNE comprehensive to DELPHI be added here. CITIES COLONIES (Full list needs to be separately stated) ROMAN BUILDINGS CITIES DURA EUROPOS JERASH Same as above (the full extent of AGORA PETRA the Roman Empire) STADIA ROME BATHS TIMGAD COLONIES BERLIN CASTRA HOMS DAMASCUS THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 OTHER SPECIAL SITES, (not listed above) TELS & TEPE : (a special list being created) GONUR, ALTIN, YAHYA, NAMAZGA, ABRID, ABUSEFAH, KISURRA, IN OTHER CIVILIZATIONS : ISFAHAN, SAMMARAH, FEZ, TRIPOLI, CAIRO, JERICHO, MERV, AYAZ KALA, FARAH, SURKH KOTAL, TAXILLA, HAGIA SOPHIA, KALA ZAL, PANJAKENT, SUN TEMPLE KONARK, POMPEII, SAMALAN, BALKH IN OTHER seemingly unconnected CIVILIZATIONS: ANGKOR WAT, CUZCO, MACHU PICHU, CARAL, TEOTIHUCAL, THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ARGUMENTS AGAINST THIS THEORY Going forward, scholarly research can evaluate the facts for themselves. As a universal principle we believe that facts should be let to speak for themselves. However, at certain points, scholars may argue that the square of 180 yards and the measure of 180 yards may be a resultant and not a leading planning tool that guided the creation of monuments. Also, that perhaps at some places, 180 yards is a happy coincidence or a square doesn’t really apply and that the investigators perhaps were just looking for 180 yard squares in their search of sites. With regards to all this, I believe that after all for and counter arguments are done, as scholars a review is done as to how many sites do we actually see this 180-yard square in existence. Also, that the sheer number and the fact that they exist over centuries, civilizations definitely points to something that was important for some reason, even purely natural perhaps. But, in whichever way, it doesn’t take away from the fact that this pattern exists very distinctly throughout the monuments of the world. Through the ancient cities, over thousands of years and yet it still exists. If there were just squares, varying oddly in size, this pattern may not have been of any value. But the very fact that a distinct measure, repeatedly used and adhered to, through civilizations seemingly unrelated; clearly alludes to a larger happenstance. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 ADDING MORE PERSPECTIVE TO THIS. If this pattern was so very central and at the core of each monument, city why is not still used today? Was it at the point of the Renaissance that this came to pass by or was it the modernism phase? Also, does this actually represent a loss in terms of architects’ ability today? If Zaha Hadid and other architects are building without knowledge of such a special pattern, is there a loss? If this pattern was so unimportant, why did so many civilizations build upon it? Once again, these draw back to the main focus of the paper: The recognition amongst scholars, of the existence of this distinct pattern. Only after this pattern is appreciated can further serious intellectual work be done to expound its relevance and roots. In summary, the very knowledge that a larger pattern connects the civilizations acts as a very strong force to lead further integration of our understanding of Architectures, Civilizations and the human story of evolution. It is in this regard that it serves as an outstandingly important role. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013 APPENDIX: LITERARY REFERENCES TO “360 CUBITS” Please find the file : 360 cubit.pdf attached as a separate linked file. THE THOUGHT STUDIO © 2013