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Papers of the British School at Rome
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This research presents new archaeological findings from an area of approximately 22 hectares related to the ancient city layout of Portus, providing evidence of its larger size than previously estimated. Results indicate a regular pattern of urban insulae, with dimensions consistently measuring 80 × 40 m, as well as a less dense pattern of occupation suggested by open spaces within some insulae. Core samples reveal significant accumulation of material over the site, affecting visibility of road traces, while outlying building complexes were identified, potentially indicating later development. The collaboration involved multiple international institutions in disseminating these findings.
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2018
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 24/1 (October 2018) CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Magdalini VASILEIADOU, Ioannis LIRITZIS The historical ages in the South-Eastern Aegean (800–200 BC): a review — Ioannis LIRITZIS, Nikos ZACHARIAS, Ioulia PAPAGEORGIOU, Anthoula TSAROUCHA, Eleni PALAMARA Characterisation and analyses of museum objects using pXRF: An application from the Delphi Museum, Greece — Claudia MÁRSICO Materiales mágicos. Conjuros, fantasmas, necromancia y otros dispositivos de economía antropológica en el pensamiento griego — Juan Manuel BERMÚDEZ LORENZO La administración subalterna en Raetia durante el Imperio Romano — George NUȚU, Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA Roman pottery in the countryside of Dobruja. Topolog as case study — Imola BODA The population of Colonia Sarmizegetusa — Marta LICATA, Adelaide TOSI, Chiara ROSSETTI, Silvia IORIO The Bioarchaeology of Humans in Italy: development and issues of a discipline — Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ Salinae in Justinian’s Digest
Papers of the Brisitsh School at Rome, 2022
Previous reports (Haynes et al., 2020; 2021) have summarised progress on ROMETRANS, the ERC-funded research project 'Rome Transformed: interdisciplinary analysis of political, military, and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE' (). The period 2021-22, which falls half-way through the current five-year project, has been of the utmost importance to the overall fieldwork programme. To meet ROMETRANS's internal deadline for primary data capture (May 2022) while recovering time lost as a result of COVID restrictions required a tremendous effort from team members and our many generous collaborators, stakeholders and facilitators. ROMETRANS work in Rome takes four main forms: structural analysis, geophysical survey, a programme of borehole drilling and ongoing archival analysis. Data derived has been, or is in the process of being, documented in the project's internal interim reports, and where applicable fed into the RT 3D, a system developed by the ROMETRANS team at the University of Florence by Margherita Azzari and colleagues. RT 3D is designed to enable the project team to generate Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for buried land surfaces of each major transformation phase examined by the project. Structural analysis work, coordinated by Thea Ravasi, integrated with Laser Scanning survey, overseen by Alex Turner, took place over five separate study seasons each of two to three weeks' duration. All together, the work oversaw the detailed recording, including provisional phasing, of all areas of exposed archaeological fabric pre-dating the ninth century AD within the project's 68 hectare research area not studied in previous seasons. Work ranged from the substantial building complex now partially preserved under the INPS building on Via Amba Aradam, at the western extremity of the project's research area, through to a collaborative reappraisal of the buildings of the S. Croce archaeological area at the east. It was a special privilege to study in the Oratorio dell'Arciconfraternita del SS. Sacramento and under the Scala Santa alongside Fausto Cacchi, and as the project team set about the challenging task of disaggregating multiple complex elements of the complex's structural history. To the east, work in the S. Croce archaeological area ranged from the subterranean elements of the
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