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ilarxue;o s8rnlaal 8r-rnnpur ol lnq'luatuqsnrnd;o uorlrsodut aL{} ol pJllrlsal }oLI sr Jluolorl 1eBa1 .noq saqrluapr iessa s,urure[uog J]r"rJIor,\ )rql,(Lu pue p8al Jo sarlr]eaJ Jql uJa,r\lJq al€ru ot saul urlrreluag ]pLIl uolllJuuol Jtl] sr lradsar srr{l ut .(ESSJ aql LII ,,bln8lqure. ,Io uotltsod aqt u1 .ro1:e; Surlelldurol ;aql.rn; y '-(leutut:ataput igergDads sre]ar eq '.i€sse rql q qt-(Lu ;o .(trn8rqrue aql saqltrsap urureiuafl uar.{lt 'priEr{ lJqto aql uO 'slse-rellll ssep Jo LIoII-rJtord aq} ur }selalul ieIJJlEtu s}t sosrn8srp l€Llt .iirlesrJlrlrll JSlp.J e ot pualard ol u.!\or{s sr .\\t2l aqi -1o ,.(1r1enbo, aql s1r o1 :lLI3u, srr{1 .(oirra 1re1 ur arros,(pro arur5'(elZ:t,ttS) .saBpuq Jq} iapun tqBlu aqt puods o1 uJpprqJoJ .i11er-rba ere qfu pu€ rood, ]pql LlrIell )ILIorI s,eluerl JJoleuV uorldi;rsap srr{l JoJ Jlr.raprlJ s€ seln Jq pue ,snon3rqrue .(11ernroruap, sE .\\€l aql saqrilsap urure[uog'o]ue]sur.rog'snonSrqruP JrE'r3;\J.r\or{:arualolr\,io onbrlu3, aq1 ttr llrr.r8rqure lrr{}iLlr -lo a"rnlee; Surugap rq} sl lpq} .(}upp -lo Irpl aq},Io suortlunJ rqI ',i8o1oeql 1o rsel rrll ur so8ol ,+o,[uep aqt pue'q*-(rulo esE] 3l1t LII JluJJrs ro Jsrl p-roj\Jo rusorls,(u sr-ronBrqrue eql ol seluala-Ja.r,(q pa1:eui st uotltsoddo aql 'le.rairaB u1 rrorldalad lerr8oloaqt ;o ,(I.rep rqt pLrp .(itnBrqrue rrqt(ru Llaartlaq tuorlrsoddo oqt qBrio.rql ,(esso rql ur palrocldns sr .(lmBrqure ut s-tapunoJ qlttl,\\ .III E sI ([r ]eq] srsrqt aq1 uortdar-rad lerrSoloaql pLrE r-lll trqt-,(r-u Llre.\\trq s.rprp rLI srql ur uorlrso,J s.urureiueg o1 ,(a1 aq1 'JlualsrxJ ilratE-i € ot sBuleq uEurllq uuapuol qlrq^{'sLU.roJ snonSrque re.go.rd.ieql :sSulJq uEtlrnr{ ]o_I uorleluJlJo alenbape apr.ro.rd loir op slplllr.r ildurg ;;r1 rrlsrlplllr -yo anbrlt.r: s.uirtteii-tog sr.(pssa srql ur sJsJLIl trre:,gruBrs Jql ,io rLro -r_lrl lrlsllrrlll-i pup Jlr,.J 'tpnB o1 .(lrnBrqtrre s1ur1 urrueluag -(essa srqt u1 .saiTrlg/y, J,ui)elE srlllrog. ',(essa y;61 aq] uI sLLIr-rt I-rpts LII lnd sr uortrsod JLI1 'ql-(Lu.,lo s3lnqu1te sE saugap unueluJB leql qtll.it-Io J-auasqe pu€ -iyreplo I)El JLIl LlLUapuol ot pJsn sr IJo.\l .(1.rea aqt ur.(lm8tciute'leraua8 ui Sutueaut c.rrleroiad.ila.rrsnl:ra rre ,r.JLrol ot Iro,\\ (1.reo oqt Lri p.rsn sr LLr-rJl ;qt.(u.rr :q1 sar1c1,(] ..rlLrolor,\_lo;nbr1u3, Jql'(0t ory') ,snonBrqr-rre, se rSprur IerllrJlPrp.rril .lo stuarrodruol il11 rqrtrsap ol (9t6I) -(.rnlrra3 LlluaeleulN rLll_{o l€lldEf .rql 'slred. LII SJSn eq E[11Lu.IoJ Jri] ur s€'JnJe.\ ipro,\i11bs ue 1.reru uer.-(lrnBtqru€, Iio.\\ a1e1 s.urrueiu.tg uI searaqM 'llla:Ftlnapn,ttT] . (tinBrqure, Lu:ol Jr[] s"r:^n .JlLrJlorr\ -io anbr]r.rJ, s.urruriucg tpql s,(E,lr lLrJ.r.rHrp,lo.rJrlr.rnru p rlsmBLrrlsrp rrl:lQlssod sr 1r.(1r-re1:1crr1(1errr:1r s-.sod.tt-rd.trqi lo-I .1r1 :rqt ls€rluor -.q1 sr -(essa ssou uosrlY .e3ualorl\ Jo anbllirS, qurue(.,afl ur ,hrnBIqLuV yo ,firn8lqrrrv T aql .10 Tcrrr'rti-if i iltc Critiqtte Lri \-io1*rcc relers to the eariiest Iegai statr'rtes anil guilt. As evitlence ior this clain-r' Benjan.rin as th:Lt'betalls' 'unrvrittr'ti iill(l tlle'retribr'rtion'their trirnsgressit)t-t it'tcltrs as sotnethir-tg thtts inclLr and theul r'tpou iniringe an'ttnsttspectiilg victitl': '\ tnrrtl can r'rrlt'vittirlglf its occltr victii-n' its i-rnstispecting relribution ... BlLt horvever tLr-rluckily it r-rla,v bef;r1L again in itself ilot chance' but fate sholing rence is, in the unrlerstanding of the larv' to points dreacl that'lal.'incluces its cleliberate arnbigtLit,v'(S1l'i:la9)' The ailxietvar.rtl betr'veet.t cor.rrlcction Hotr'ever' this its intinlacl'rvith'ihe cleliberate anrbigLrity'ol't:rtt'l thc dcccittr'rl sr-Lbiusatior.r that larv betrueen clifference the to fate lncl larv also points tl'rat tlehnes tate's (and indeterminac'v requires in its 'tlemonic ambiguit;-' allcl the larv's)'deliberate arnbi guit,vl fate essrrt" rvhich airn to tie lat'to lnlthic There lrre ir series olother exlrnples in the -fi-rr'rs that line the tir'rt 'irnrbiguitl'l he clainls uncl r,ioLetrce tl-rrough reurarkit-tg on lt"" ambigr-LoLrs lirle (Sitr 1:2'19); is nil tre'rtv pe'ice the in neither part,Y may cross established lat' is enlbiguor'rs ir.rsotar as ihe subject's he also contencls that the tr'rncticning of the irnd' irs rt'e sa''u it-r ihe clse o[ ignorance olthe lar'v is tlo irnsler to the lau'(Sll'1:ll9); to 'entbrces' a trrlse eqLrrliitt- Eacll of these Llses of iin.rbiguitl' Ar.ratole Frirnce, that larv chlrrrcterize to link'larv' and't-uyth' lud to characterize llrv assists Ber-tjan-rin's xttenlpt Hence he cl;rirns that the punishment vioience of use both as engendering guilt in their (S1l' 'an.rbiguous' and that it leaves her 'more guiltl'thar.r before' of Niobe ir.r Greek n.r1th is is the of irmbiguitl'to link lirrv rvith mithic tate divine rvhicl-r divine ar-rd nlytl-ric violence irr cotltrilst the essay attelnpts to lnake betl'een rncl rr-rlthic violence the'bad' el1ect of olexpiation violence rvoulel l.rirve the'good' etl'ect kinds of violence seems to mirror in a dense and gr-rilt. This opposition b.ti"trt the tw'o life betrieeu the pejorirtivelv cocled n-rflhic abbreviated tbn.n the rve11-devt'iop'ed cot.rtrast the in perception it-t cases of the nloral decision ancl the vetlerltecl access to ti-reological i('r\ iic r'r\cs ul 'rrtrbigtrity irr the viul(ll'c-(\\Jy cssa) on Goe tlre's rlorcl. '\lthotrgh"thc"' ti.ref inter-rd by ambiguitv tluite ditl'erent this general poler.nical poirlt Leiarding m1'th' of ''iniversal entbrcement reqr-rired for pretence things, rrhicl-r range from the deceitfr-rl 1:218). Tl-re generll intent behini this r-tse subri.rission to lar'r, to tl-re ir.rcletermir.racy ollarv tl-rat ir.rdLrces guilt' rnay be a conseclLtence of the Admittcdl,v, the arnbiguitf in his Lrse oi ar.nbiglrit'v of argurlrentation' Among the rccornplished essa\rs cott.leilsed ancl inlltgtnt schema irabiiitation thesis oir the Tratrerspiel' \\,orks of his early period - it"h " l'ris rejecteti concept oicriticism ani'l his essav on the essal- on langtlage, his rvork oll the romantic trot stirnd or-rt either as a rvork 'Goetl-re's Elective A-ff'rtitics' - ti-re essay oll \riolellce cloes essav within Benjamins earll' irllfortallt a11 of signiRcant t-nerit ot-t its choset'r topic' or ere sr'rbstatltially n-reirr-ringless essav the it-t corplls. L-r eilect, mally of the ke1- teims ttsetl from tl.ie sat.ne period' pieces cther to rr.ithor.rt the possibility of clariif ing references schoLarl'v reception recent its o[ lrodes It is str'.rnge, therr, that one oi the prominet.rt Benjarr-rins t'arl"' irotr other otLt L-'ieces takes the ibnn oi co1l1lllel1t;-lrY tl-rat brackets irlorle' rioleilce-essay the from oettvre iiucl tocr'Lses obsessilell'' on particr'L1ar irhrases divine on prositlorl Benjarnin's 6f i1516rtir-rg Snch cotlmentary has colre irt the price acli-oclte t'ion-r'ioLence't\\thrieve r n-right be to tenn this d by inten.le he if as violence, Ber-rjan-rin tlol'ht're states arld det!nds saitl aboLrt the essay's cotlceptttirl r'ttrtitliness' rrdvatlce it on his behali to cxp'lain the such a position; it rvotrld L'thutt tllose rvl-ro ess;rt'' omission ol an,v stlrtet-nent tLr this t'f1'ect in his :i: :'.' ., -:-. .- ' , - ---:1. u,-.--- -.' l.a\!,--. :iir,..,'..,-.--. tl-Jplir',;i -- . rti:ii1,:-.. :. LiLc t:. : - - ir.t-ipt-t.:,: .. tll,l.llitr .. . , t'itrlcttJr : -.. -, diflererti' lLLlIl) l\:.- In this , ' - - - case- *re 1he lo::-,-::.--sellse. lll: tet'lll. 1\;-.-,.: -' Luildi:r: ,. -' ' , for ul-ri;:. -'. way, the various larr atr.l ..:,, nr e it't:. I rr'oi.- att . ': '36[191111r - of irurb;:...' ti-ic reil'.ll:.:,. , the gror,t;:.., ambiguor.,. ':conter-t-tPo:'':-.. - - cogent position key r-narkit. ' the atrbiE''..:. different uses he points of co.:: - - in Benjamint the opposition Iqt,(LuJo,(luPIrJo IrPI rt[] traa.\\lrq J,ratli p.IP,\\roJ 111d st lEq] LIot]rsocldo aq1 ,(11erqoac1s pue',sa4tu$y ettp)lf s,aqlJOD, tro .(PssJ srloJttll:odtltJlttol s,Ltttlre[t-lJg tll prrE aJrl (lrn8rqure ]srnpSp:rlua1od Jrll pLre sasll sllor-rp.\ JSJLII trJar\laq trorlpLIlpl.toolJo slutod aql reprsuol [[r,!\ I '{]xaN '.(ussa-a:uo1ot,r, eq1 ur ,(l1n31qILIP Jo saI€Ltt Jq s.rsn luJlagtp JrllJo ilnlollE 1e:rp(1:ue ue apr.ro.td ]s-rg [{rrr\ I asp] stql JIpLtt oI'.rre1-1o.(lrnBrqLLIe aq} lsure8e rruralod sILlJo sJIels Jr{l }rl1-llsuorJJ o} pJS11 ac1 ,(eur uotltsod srql laryeur,(a1 aql sr ,,(llnBIQ!!IP, qln{r\ roJ 'aJII pezllen}Il o} suollla(qo srq 3urp.re3o.r uorlrsod lua8o: e ]lnrlsLrol o1 alqrssod sl ll 'SLIIlIr,w dpea s.utureiurg LUo{ stxJt snoJue.lodruoluol ]lnsuol a.\\J{'la.\a,roH til,(Lu puE t\EI uaa,\\lJq suorJlaullof aqlJo lullolle snonStqrut ue rlro4 slgo;d uorlrsod srq 1o .(,ruaSo: Sutruaas rLI] uoddns 1eq1 spur.ro:8 aq1 spaalxa .\\el eL[] lsure8e rruraiod sILI :uoqs ri1 ttotsi:a.td 1tr-r1da:rrot po.rrnba.r aq] lrloqlr-\\ os op I1q 's1eo3 1t:rtualod Strrqr,rr,ra.lo s..(essa sIq JIL\las .(lrnBrqure 1o :1I aql uPldxe oi Jleqa( spuaJep puP salels a lq8ltu la^alel{f'\ ' auhrp uo uol]Isod s, 'euoF .(?sse-ef,ualo! aq sprure[uag riro uorldeoa; d1:eloqls : ,,(1.iea 'polrad aures 3q1 tni ssalSurueaur l.1erlrre d1.iea sprrue(uag u1q IroM e se reqlIa lno sasll tr"rJ.re-Urp Jtll lEqt ou8.te o1 JIII p[no,!\ I'iaq].rltJ s,(t,n sJSll .JlLrJIorll 1o anbr1r.r3, s.rrrurtluag luLp slsJql JLlt pu4J[r o] aIII pp1o,\\ I 'pJlr.rr?.r.n?,\\ sr uorltsod stq] ',(essa oLIl Lrrqlr.\\ s8ttrtteartt lua.ralllp asJq] jo asn JLIi uJ,\13'lJqlJtl.!\ )^i ISP Ol uotlsoub otll :JlLtJIol,\ 1t3a1 pue,nr:1 Jrll Lro [rorISod 1err1r,rr P Jf L\-tas ,(essa aql Lrr .(1rnBrqure.1o s8rttttuotrt stlolil],\ JL[] ',(P,\ uo dessa srq prrE lus' 'pldsfin2tl aq1 uo s .roqllg PaluP.rle.\\ sr alLIJIol,r .(.truot1n1o,rJ-l/JU1.\lP -Jo .rr.loJ a,\lll11.lls3p aql qrlqr!\ ,loJ pue,(essr .rql;o sleoB LrrELLt JtilJo oLIo sI leql .\\€l JillJo o8trut o,ttle8att aql dn Surplrnq lrr slsisse'LrJJlsrp pl11ol euo Sutrteatu s1I LtI sllollelgt:ads snot,te,l eL[i.tJ,rJ]Pr.{,n'tula} JOJ lua.ro,gip rrr,,(1rr-rBrqure, aq1 Jo asrl lltEpulrqE JL{} Jlr.IJH'alrT rlql-(LLIJo J.InleoJ e sE pJugap osl€ st }l puE'JsuJS a,rrle.roiad 1e:aua8 e seq ,(lrnBrqutp :I\EI lsure8e asE] siLl ,Jo SSJUJT\ISLiJqaldurot aql ppnq diaq .(aqt asne:aq 1ue:girr8rs a.Ie llnlSrqure ,io sasn ploJIuELU oi{1 'asel stq} uI 'uoilisod srq io 1:oddns LtI alrf lIEl aq saf,-nlosJr Jql dals.Ia,\o LI)Itl,!\'-\\el StttpleBa-r sutte 1e:nualod s.urrueiuoglo aluanbasuor Jtll Jq,ipLu araq pJS11 sI ,(lrn8lqu€ s.(e-n lua,ragrp aq] 'pLmt[ .taq]o otll uO JlLIalot,\ JtrI.\Ip uo notlrsod sIL[ Jo uotleltlrtl-re qutruefitag Sutrurdlapun SLtotJEAIloLu xaldurot Jtl] ur,(][€use].roLrrLLr e se,(lrnriqrue;o.(ltu8tqure aql prrtlsJapLrll plrlot[s o,rr sdeq.rod ',(-ru11o"tor r: sy .(lrnBrqitru Jo ]lt1r'.J ot[] oruJIot,\ 1e3.-ri ptrc lrql(Lrr :,(1r-re1: Jo JrlI-n,\.rLl] Jr\uLl r.rtrJ[()r.\,(.rurtot1u1o,ru pLlt? 3LIi.\lC 'Lr.rJLIl LrJ.r,\\laq LlolllsoLldo cql 1o ,(1r1enlr JlellirpI .(aql s8ur.rrell oq]1o s.:pr:.r8 a,r]l.rdsal --rLlt trpL[] ltreuodnrt ssJ[ .r]E ,raqlrSo] s.rted ,(ussa Jtll puJLuoLIJq.l aq1 ,Io slIlsr.rc]lr-rEq-r ltta-Io,UIp JL[] 'uoilrsod srqt Brrrtclrllil-re go rsod-rnd rqt .rol (OS-OrZ:l ,llS) LII(ur Jo stroiiE-rglts,(ttt a1c1e:e1c1uri JLll L)LrE .dpoo1q, rrit orl1 ,(o.r1sap tl LIt1.\\ prrl? rlLrolor-\ pBal asodap oi alqp Jrl pl11o!\'rltrJIor,\ aurr\rp Jo sasEl rrr sprra lsni Jo LIoIlnlJSo.Id aql ur ol pelsJll€ sI stttl€l1 Jq r{rirl-\L '.aruJlor,\ ,lrLllo, srql '(s-fll,t ,ltS) .\\el Jqt,lo Elurqrs Pur/suealll aql ul pa,(oldrp olualor,\ Jq] rrEtl] ,JILIJIOI.\ latllo, -ilioqt\ ,{o JSIl.Ia\J Jtll sl Jlualol-r -(leuotlnlora.t ]pq] Jr{oq Jr{l pu+Jp ol spuJlul aH -raLllo Jtl] tro J-1LIJIoI,\ Jul\rp prte -(.teuotlt-i1o,ra-t pue'Jpts alio'rIo'LII,(LLI puE -\\ttl tt-rJ.\\]-rq sttoll,rJLItlol .\\P.lp JLI leql se.ttnbr,t,(essa atll 1o uorlrsoil lll (ilZ:l ,115)..r011e1 rqt LIo poD pLrP'.rrttuo,I rtlt LIo srpl].rp rlualor,\ pasod[rr'o]e.; :sL)rra -io ssaLr]snI Jql puc sLlu.]LLI -]o Llotlr')qtl\111 Jql tlo \JprlJp leLIl l-luiP.)l r.)\,)LI .l ll lr' I, .)f ur[L]r\ ,\Lil.\r[\.]() silUl\r1l .)tll u] .r.loJ.).1 )ql tll)I' l)Lltl (JsJ.tJltll uplLnlrJ ;o poqr,rn.1 cq u12l srLrJloi.\ rllrls lrrLll slsiql .)q] dn s.r1e1 .(rssa s,tttriiul:rrag 'clri:oc{s,rad riusrlrcd e,(1o.rour sn.t uorlrsi,rci srqi lirql tulpll Jt[] tuo,q J.nllas J(l plno,\\ ]eL[l J]u.lor,\,(.ruuor1Lr1o,r;.r,Io .(tr(lo-rd Jtll ,to JrLl..1ep e apr,ro.rd o] tdrr-ra]]r: rtp ul W ,atn1or1 Jb attb4i.L1, s,tLttuufu:tg ur ,(lrrdtquty to {iu8tqLLty' ..Lg paqsrlduorl? aql 8I eql Jo afuanbasuol pajlnbal lualuear lueraJlp alrnb,bPtH efi^ras .(Bssa-afualog ar{l q uolslleP IErou rlqilul paPorIPA Pue esuap e ur Jol4ll aJI Jo 13a:Ua .pBq, eql atr aul^lp q3lqa uI srral eql sl alq 49) rlqufttrw' .arolaq ueqr&gn lueuqslund aql le$ t ezlralrerel{f ol PUE I o1 dlp8rqrue Jo sasn Jo as?J eql uI Mes at qpa(qns erI s3 rBJosr :(6tZ:I l4S) auq snq leql eul eql l?ql $u aleJ llqilul ol ^rel aI pue) salE seugaP :r Mel ]?ril uoi}?Snfqes ueerluoq uollfauuof oi slurod sefnpul uI ! .-r\E' u1?3€;1as1r Surrro: -Jnffo sll 'rur1rr,r 3r4 Jnlul snqtr pue luaq; .sllBJeq, t€qt SulqlaE s? s01111?1s 1e3e1 lsa1i. 12 I Towards the Critique of Violence the theological perception oi trtLth ir.r logos. Finall,v, I rviil conlrneilt on the rLse of tl.ie concept of arr-rbigr-rit,v in Bertjarnin's iater n'ork arld consider ivhart tile shilt in its stattls the .ril:;,. , . ir'c'll lr.:-.r --. teils us rbout Benjamir.r's earll'thinkirtg ir'fl o11 the topic oir,'iolence and Iarr'. ec i:, ,:'. . Lc,::.. : i1t\thrrt-r.:.: The ambiguit,y in Benjamin's critique of the ambiguity of legal violence In 'Critique of Violence' Benjamin claims that the iarv is itself a ti'pe of mfihic violence. To defend this assimilation of larr tc m11h, Benjamin rnakes much oi the t-act that the eariiest legal statutes were not rr'ritten dorvt-r. -\s a conseqtlence it rvas 'uncertain' rvhen the latv rr'as transgressed, or *'hether acts that did transgress it, iuotild incr-rr'retributionl The significancr'and'deepcst PLrrpose' of this Lrncertair.rt,v Iies fbr Benjamin in'the sphere of fate ir.r rvhich it origir.iates'(SI't'1:242). The ret'erence to the Lrncertaint,v oi f'ate tbreshadorvs the essatrs hter transposition oi the con-rporlents of its objections to lan, as objections to the features oimlthic lit'e. The therne tlliarv's nncertaintl'understood as the consc'quettce of the rron-discursive status oithe lar'v iaises ltr obvious objection. If Benjan-rin rvishes to tie lau'to mlth and to r1o so or.r the grounds of their shared conitection to fate, horv does he extend the claim of uncertaintv that is the basis of un-articlrlated rules to the x'rlffert lau'? The claim tl.rat the punitive exercise of the law is ambiguoris seems to be the rr-ay that he attempts to secure this point. Benjamin argues that it is Llncertain uhether transgression of the iaw rvill end in r.iolent retribution. This ambigr"ritv over l'hether transgressions elicit penalty aligns Iarv to the uncertainty oi mrth and through mvth to fate. The ke1' poir.rt seems to be that such uncertaintv is the factor that generates anxiety and guilt. Lan.has the authority to pur-rish transgressions. However' the authority to pur.rish what it codilies as a transgression is amtriguotts since rvhether and u'hen it detects the transgression is uncertain. Larv exerts a menacing presence preciselv in its statr-rs as a potentittl threat of detection and pr.rnishment. In lris treatment ol legal statutes, Benjamin drarvs attention to the fact that ignorance of the lan'lvarrallts no exen-iption from the applicabilit,v of the law's punitive force. Further, despite its appearance as a neutral broker, the law understands 'equalit,v belbre the law' in the same way that, as Ar.ratole France ironically comments, 'poor and rich are equally forbidden to spend the night under the bridges' (Sit'1:249). Benjamin claims that these latter ambigr-rities in the lan' aiign its operations to those of mvth: they reign in a tl.rreatening fashion because the boundaries they police are uncertain. As he writes in his 'Paralipomena to "On the Concept of History"': 'The basic conception in ralih is the rvorld as punishment - punishment u,hich actually er.rgenders those to rvhom pr.rnishment is due'(S!!'4:-103). The punitive dimension of mlth intensi6es the existential effects of the fact that, like the larv, rvhat it prohibits is r.rot clear (i.e., it is not articulated) and rvhether it pr-rnishes is not certain ('there is alrval's hope of eluding [the] ... arrn [of the lair']' [S!!'l:2'12]). This is the import of Beniamin's ciairl that neither m1'th rlor legal statutes have any relation to trr,rth. The claim rests on the stattts oi articulation as meritorious in Benjarnin's thinking. The vah,re of truth ar.rti clarity that is attached to it-tr.rch ::'.: --.--. iangr-l;:t.:-:-His 191t.,,, trf lairgi:.:. : i,. - I !lL\ duuic.::: lreans. - , - i'- - : - COlTilllLr-=---:i LlrlC-\,!-'., vierr'L.e-1.--.. prl)si-, :: si-tic']de.:, .-. -\lth,.:- -, rlLrt entireh helprs , . - i.' ;;'., i.. presencr. : this accr ,-:., rnlthic :i: --: - - COITIITILIi.,:- ' - COTlSCQ'.:ii.,:: . , I.. - -- ir-rsuper;.:-. in thc'nt. fi)r ansrr'.: -- -. -- Lrreterdc1...... been is.r-i.: - abor,rtthe-:..' only the l:'. ,. -- : ambiguitr :: doing br -... The cc,::. - -: - Benjamins:-.--. Hor'*ever. :--.. : of ambiqr,r::'. : r: .: :.-. legal and violence. :s clescribe - tht ,-... upon' her ':: ^ destmctive - i,:-.Niobe is let: :. Sc/llck-srr1.; - - -- t sp pue lInB Jo rartaq alnu ,l'11eu:ala uP sP Llloq, pulqaq Url sr aqolN '(8tZ:Lll5//6I:l'a 59 ',puaro4sfi, rlttpua8ra lqru $1 a19'ulafiLl aqotN fiqn s/i'sylllrs sap atoqdg ua&lnaptan; 'uaraqllsLnt "t?p sfia oslll llpttq lDn4at 'lC',) ,a'\llr11llsaP auols ,(r?purloq " :aq .uodn Jo araqds snonSrqlllP 'ulPualun aql uorJ, slsrnq,1?qt a)ueiol^ aq] :aqolN rro lq8no:,tr uollnql-Ilal lualoi^ eqlJo asel aq] aqllrsep d11enire, 'salu-\l aq :1ou sl a1€J " lou sl, alualol^ ql11s lEql sl'aluelor^ ,e^IllnJlsep aur^rp.Io alo; Surltpqrullc aqt ol uollrsoddo slr sauUrp lPtil a)ualol'\ rrqliru put 1e301 eql ul illn8lquP Jo 'afue1sul :og Jo sarntta.l aqi -lo auo tPql surel) ulru€lurg "(essa sesues luareXIp o^\l aq] raqtaSo] a8raru uotleztJalleJeql slgl JoJ spunor8 er{1 ''le^a^\oH 'alualor^ t1qilru pue p8el Jo salnlP{ par€qs aql Jo uoll€zllalle:eqr s,urruekrag o1 aserqd slql sasn eH'(Siz:1 ,1,1S) ur slauet IErluJr aill Jo auo sr lynB pue dlrnBrqulr tleoulaq uolllauuol aql ol l,)Li.1r:tr \' .- . . sP uollPllllli,i; - :-.- qLiLLt .i ) -. . . lnl utrr ' :-. :. pur, (p.tEI11r.:-i , -.i (l))U,) -. :,,tr . - iril .l() sl ltlJLtll-l.lLl;'* sr .-. PFO.\', )1.. ' euauodrte;ig irorqsr1 Fut.:.:-,- -. - s,.tltrt8tqtttr--.-:' I"ll#;:: -Buo,.n Jo uorrlalap ltxlualodaqt Sulpu.tsrapun lo.l aLLl€{ }u,^ala, 'r, 'uollnqlller aql '{po uotledt:tlue sI sIqI aq] aruelglu8rs aql ot saruats-]al 11qilru Jo Jo aql asaql lnoqe pue slrlpa aql luaiuol alnt?a1 Jlaql Jo 'uorssa:3sue:l Ieuollualulull Jo uaaq pallssr e,\tq uaaq :pepre8alsrp orr uotledl-rlxa s,\\ollo-] IIIr\\ .(turcl:arun aqt uroq a^eq tpql stlrpa eluls acuanbasuor alqPl^eur aql sl lllnD ,{lrn8rqrut Surlttryqap rala:d -ralur Jlar{l .rago iluo uel qllrl^\ 'sluloJ snonsuas suotlsanb Surpueruap 8ut:a'usue ro1 'uaq] ul aprn8 aqt s€ salinl 1r asnelaq 11p3;o lxaluor aql uI pe^ll sr ay1 :rqilu aql 'alqeradnsur P(irJ\ or rt..li' sr 'lEql .ir \1 )--:-' ' p st . - a..Un:r:;:- .. uotldttt..r.' ,''.: :...- -.- ':)llllrl: Irir . - SlllPlc (l' LII \'-' si-r)trf 1: ' " u'_.. :_ ." qctutrJ ot .i::.: . pauralsrp aq uet Suruearu .'{ue leql sueaut s1l1els arlslnlslp-uou llaq1 sr sldara:d st sttrJo1 qrns Jo iln8rqurt aLLL sulo1 a,\lsl11)slp-uou ut 'saluanbasuol a,trliund a,req i11er1uo1od qtrq,t sldalard ''3'a 'Surueau luelrodrut -lo uollelluiltuttlol aql raqdr:ap lsnru {aql a.loi.{'\\ uollenlts e ur lq8ne: a:e s8uraq u€unq 'sruro; :rql'(ur 'lul1ollt slrll uror.l elupprn8 4aas put qliu ;o a,ulfadslad aql ur a^1l ,{aql uaq,11 a:uasa:d ql(1q sau8 up alnletl Jo 1l-lrlolrP alpur ol sur.ro,l s,a.InJpr-r uo .,(1uo sJllel lPtll 'qu(tu ol sd1'rt1 i-lrlads aq o1 slla[qo ur ]Pq'\\ snoultuo puu snot:adul up suaxa qr-tl.N i1a:i1uo s.uruteiuag '3ur:ut'tror alualoll :rqltru ;o ad,(1 e s? M?l aqt 1o uorldr:rsap Jq ol srllaas l-. : : su8rlei(11tuaJ: r': ipu3 iiIM -\\Ei:-'- - srql arnlas 0l s-:,-:.a,rrlrund JLlt r:-. -- 1eq1 iluret.ia:'.;:- .- -- qlnr] pue qraads attprtrl.IP ro ',r\Pl aql pue q1{ru uP sasrP,r ,\\Ei 'suolllaLruol ielllllr r{lns qSnoqqy aqt anbltl:f, aql eIPLU S^e,\\P 1ou saoP ,aluaiolr\;o '^\pl aqi 1o uorle:ado ,Tellnau. aqt .{q p..p1orqs uaa.rrlaq IUII aql Jo arnleu ar{l s? puP slselallll u€LLIllr{ alulasold 1ou saop 1l :.po, qtl^\ uollellunruutol s,u€lll, 3o ,(1reil aql o1 uJ{E sI 11 asn€laq '\\oI s,urrue[uag ur a]ualor^ a;nd st arualol^ euIAIP {lreprr-rr5 (99:L 4S) ,po2 o1 {1as1r sapt sJsarelLrr ssep ltrlred aql a:o-+aJaql salrllqllluP li -tutlLuLuo) untLt {o Sutaq f)iltaLu alll 'auuu ?111 tll :suP.rtLI 11, :po) qll^\ uollllllullruutol 'sLltrrLu s.unLu sr a8rnFtrrl .JaLIlo. stLll ttolln.lll-lllLLlLu().r.lo ar'suftfr otl Purl1)lqo oti ou sr\ouli, qtrq,u ,a8en8uelJo uorldaluol IJI{}o aq}, PUE lSuraq ueurnq € eo-ssalppP sl1 pup'lcntl€.1 lraiqo s1r'plo$ aqt sI uolltllunluurolJo suPa[], aq] qllql\ ur,a8enBuel;o uorldaruor stoaS:noq. " ,Lldura put p{]PAUI, aql slsEllllor a8en8url uo iessa gl6l slH 'rierulo a8enBuel Stttur:tt aql pttP poDlo plo.r\ a,\llrarl aql urol; palPUallt sr aBen8rrel sroaS:noq -1o i.ro8aler l€luaulnllsul aql lEql sruttll titrue[uag st ir:'n eulPs aql q]l1ur ur qlnlr;o -iti.rep aqt uor-j palPUaIIP sl ll'(aga:LllS):r3o1 pua suEaru Ieluaunrlsur aq'a:ua1ol'r 1e3r1 .lo:ru-roj prPlsPq.:o,iltrndrut. aql ot Surpro:lp sale:ado'sanSrp ,'a8en8uel ttLl srrot1laU3.l Jrtl aql st l1rra s.uiruriuag ol uolltllJ-t ur pa1:edrnr aq uPr .JollrLlr. ru ,(1t-rr:1r Jo sp ullllrEl aqt pue all1ut eLIl ,Io suorlt:gr1s-rur aql ol posoddo puP p-lo'\i w IIJr\\ alelllllllt ptuaprrl {o anbryt3, s,uru.mfuag ur ,Qm&qwy to ,tyn&qwy aq1 arll spuno.t8 aq1 rl. ,: -'-':- :- -Jallr1l s.,\\Pl_li- a ---. -. : s1r.1o slitauodLL: - ,- . - aqj 01 afualplaj ;- Jo,i sali i(lutetr.',- pl11ol\'IssarFs-..:-sc,rt 1t .-' -.- , a:ttaul'.r!,. - : . - ,- - aql .]o qrl1tlJ st):i.-. -. rrqilrulo adi:: --. 3o &rn8rqure e{i ' rEI PlrE .]; snlBls sl] ul ulqs aql rP+q alll Jo esn ar{1 uo luaIII=l Towards the Critique of Violence 44 the fror:tier betu'eeu rnett atrd gods' (S1f i:2-18). The annihilating force of divine violencc' in thc case ol God's destrnctiort of tl.re cortrpanl'of Korah. on the other hand, is crpiatorl,. f-his tttLrst ttteatt that l'hat rllrlhic violerlce does tlot clestroy is l'hat he calls, in'Fate ancl Chalacter,'the gr.rilt context of the living'('Sclilcft'sdl i.st dei. Sciruldttsttrnttenhnng des Leberrdigeirl GS 2.i:175i 511' 1:104).' Hon'ever, in de{ending this position Ber.rjantin drau's uot jnst on the 'deliberate ambiguitl' of fatc tliat engenders gLrilt, but also otr tl-re 'derllonic anlbiguity' of thc tleceittr-ri universaiitl. of the lau'. Constitutional lau,, the establishing of frontiers, 'after a1l the rvars of the m,-r'1hic age, is the primal phenonrerloll of a1i lalr'making violence' (S11' 1:24E-9). Benjamin or.r l\lLUc11 ---: to each i:: i -.4 >:-. _ - -- comrneltts: Here rre sec m()st clearlY that po\\'er, nlorc than the lrost extl'alagant glin in propert)', is r.r'hat is guarartteed b1' aIl larrtlaking violence. \\then frontiet"s are decided, the adversar'f is not sir.r.rpl1'annihilated; indeed, he is accorded rights er,eu rthen 1he victor's superioritf iit p1r11'gf is conflete. And thcsc are, it.t.t dcn-ronicalll' anrbiguous fLlintonisch zt'eitlcutigcrl t'a1', 'etlual' rights: ltrr botli parties to the treatl', it is the same line that ma)' nol be crossed. Here appears, in a terf ibl)'primitive form. the m1-thic ambiguitv of lat's ltnythisclrc Zveideutigkeit der Gesetzei that ma1'r.rot be'infrir.rged'- the same anlbicuit)'to H'hich Analole France refers satiricalll'u'hen he says, 'Poor and rich are etlLralll. lorbidclen to spend the night under the bridgesi (GS 2.1:19U/SI1-i:2'19). Benjamin. bourgeoi:. 'Ll i::.:,.: - char':--.::, -1 .,-, -.,'. rn\1ir -i.' , i The 'line'that canr.rot be crossed is der.r.ror.ricall,v ambiguous because it dissin.rulates the pou'er- diffelential that underpins the lau', engaging in the pretence that the lau' is ar.r tIeCiIl: -i . broker and that 'it is the same lirte that r.nav not be crossedl There is also another respect in rvhich establishing fi'ontiers is significant for under star-rding the 1an': 'Lau's and circurnscribed fi'ontiers rentain ... ttnrtritten larvs'(Sl1' 1:249). This means that thel'can be unu'ittinglf infringed and still incur retribution. Such unu-ittir.rg inf lingement is the secor.rd ureaning of ar.r'rbiguitf ir.r the essal', that is, the 'deliberate ar.nbiguiti" of fate: r'SSJIS. rl: eqLral ]ror each intervenlion oflal that is provoked b1'au offer-rse against the unu'ritten and untrotrrur lau- is called 'retribution' (in contradistinction to 'Punishment'). But horr'ever unluckill- it n-rai' befall its unsuspectine victim, its occurrence is, in thc r-rndcrstanding olthe lau, not chance, but late shou'il-rg itself or-rce agaitl in its deliberate ambiguity lplanvollctt Z|eitledigkeitl. (GS 2.1:199/S111 1:2'19) Ber.rjamin's essa)r thus uses an ambigr-ious series of references to ambiguity to fuse together lau' and n.ryth and then to set out his oPposition betu'een iegal and n-rlthic violence, on olle side, and divine ar-rd revoh-rtionary violence, on the other. The ar.r.rbigr-ritr- in his use of ambiguiti' can, I will argue belou', be clarified in relation to tl.re existential stakes of fate that he attaches to ambiguitf in his treatment of ritualized life in 'Goethet Elective Afinitiei. , . : : : ' no\'!'l s,.:: -'--, mrthic iife and i:.'.., : oithis ntlrtll;1 ct,-- - , the lrrqL,s: l'itiror.rt :..: - - . t--.. COI1S€QLli11-:: irredr.rciblr. ('SSa\', llOt 'r: - . of irreduciblr- the s1.mbo1 of the expressionlese bear"rtifr-rl se::-.-- - -. that reduces the it shatterr the false. the work. b1 inlo the tor. - (Of€:t ,tts) 'pqurls PJo osro] rtl] olul 'puor\r anll aqtlo tuaruSe4 P olul 'sp.lPqsJo Surql P olul ll Surralleqs '(q'yo't cqt salaldruor ssaluorssaldxa aqt '(1ug ',(1r1uto] ellllosqe aq] - 'tltelol lut'IlJ 'e:^lP'J rtl] :alu€lqu3s ln]l]n€aq lle ul soeq]Jo {le3a1 aqt se :^e'\l'u11s IIIIS lar\a}eq'\\ slaueqs lI aJrI pazrTBn1lr Jo :,osroJ €, o1 1oqur,(s aql;o sarlm8rqlue aql sellipal 1eql <rltreiqulrs lullrleaq ssaluorssa.rdxa aq] Jo ,a)uolor,\ [e]rlt-rl, Jq] sl 11 leq1 sagrrads Jq aql ;o sttp) ssaprorssa-rdxa rql Jo suortltlpas aqi ]srtiB8e plenB e se [aso7s1:rr-rpsny sde'r1 uPrunq loqur'(s eql ldaruor 1e1o,rrd aqt salnporlui ,(gar-iq,(essa aq] uaq,11 sBtrraq 'a:ue:gtu8ts snon8rque '(lqrrnpaut;o ;o ,(irn8rqrue aq] ',(]1;oqlne;o al.I11os E se ua{?.I p rlr-ro; 1uelts p sE ]ltq 'Sttttteattt;o .(lrprrnle; u8rrroq e salPIPP-l lEq] ttl'lo; se lou "(essa snotlStqurt '(iqrlnpa'r-rr at1l rr1 1ot1ur,(s aql;o,(.ro8a1el Jql sle3ll aq'3lLt€lsLIl 'loi sLtl'lo1 uro.r1 Sutueout luetgtu8rs ,{lpasoddns 3ur}a.rd.ta}ur o} pr)t1par aJII e Jo saluaubosuor '(9Zt:L119) .'Go1oeL11 1noq1p\ se palriasa:d ar€ aJII trqtr(u;o tprB pue dlarnre eql rlrr aq1 puno:8 lI srop .Iou 'L[]r1r] ]11oqll,!r a;r1 puno.r8 ]ou seop alrt'\rp aql :soBo1 aq1 LIr'\r sr Jrrr,\rp,(1n.r1 oql ol .rado.rd sl ]eL[,!\,',(1os.ra,rtto3 (gig't,t'lS) ,q]-(ru til - Io'r'lr lou alLrar{ puP - ssaulelo,rtnbautt oLI sI alaql .toJ'L[]11'l] oLI sl J-laqI'LIolsllpxJ lell]l1ttl rq} }Elil ,a8pa1.tou1 aq}, sr uoitrsod siql;o Jo auo sr, r{}11r1 pue ql-(ru uaa.utaq uoIlele.I '.(11e:r3o1oaqt alqrtdal:ad sI alnllnrls slql ]Pql Llollualuol srq PuE a;ri 11qilur 1o,r,.1 aq1 slsaq] 1e'ratraB oq1 s]'roddns 1o'rou Jo J.n11l11rls I€rlualsrxr rtll sPq a-;r1 stocS.moq ]eql aqt ;o ,,s,{1nue s,utrue(ueg .\\oL[ ul .(11elgr:ads p"rlse.rr]trr ure 1 ''taldeql slLll tll s'(ESSa -(1a,rr1rqrqo:d lsoLu stq -Io auo osle sl ]l 1nq 'salatd leriuulsqlls ]solu s.trtutuftrog urPir a1erur13a1 e seq iessa aql 'rraq saqntdy attls'lJ olll Jo iuarllEarl ;o spruruftiagJo li€tap aurqltrrr.(qe1 aql IIE olul oB lou 1r-t (E0€ pue ggg:1.115) 111(ur pr11td, aqt LII pJ,\lI sr,\lI se 'r]LIalot,\ tto .(essa cql lo t{L(Ltl r-ro a'rrllat{:^'tad aq} lprgrp auo Brrraq 01 luaurlElI eql ol uollElar uI PeglreF: erll 'roqlo eq1 uo 'arE+ :1qilru pue pBal uaa-rrtaq asnJ 01 Llrn8rqure 01 s"rc s11 (evz:t ttsts aluoJpsr u1 uleBe s{'l ul 'sl af,uaunffo '(:uaruqslund, o1 uog uanlrmun atp ru.r& 'sr 1eq1 i(essa arit ii. .- -: 'Ll()llnqlJlJl .lll-itll '-.-. .11S) .s.\\el urur.r \\ Ue SI r\ir?[ aq] " ..: .rJpull .roJ )r.ln)gl'.::. _: ]eql ef,ualall salelnullssip aq1 - . .' 1l asnBreq I Jo ,1qBII qlp\ Luapuu] ur 'saqllf sJp -rq qrlq.!\ '[Pl1]t'l pJzllPttr.rol ''(1dura Jo sJ/\ll oILII s'tJ1)ll'teL[] JSJtll s,\\o-Ir{l it'-taq}Eg a:aq.rr-(rte utalll peal lou seop Llo'\\ Jr\E{ Iar\oLI JLll LII s]a}lelPlll uortlpPlt rLIo,rJ Luopraj; a[L'aJII pezIIEnlr]'sroaS:noqJo s]alP'J 'r-IP llin8 pu€ rql ol u)pptq.t(I .(11r':r.'. -:l(rlPuv q:1q.tr,'. ....' ya18pnap1a,x7 ati: :: ]p!il I s,.rq1JoD rto '(essa s,utruefuag 'prrnodxa ,(lolunbope loLr sJop ,(r:ssa 1r:ql LptLl'\\ 1t1q ,alua[ol1\ Jo anbry'r3, ur salElrlrllLullrol p-ror\ oql s8utuearu -,i8sle:}s Jo qipea-lq Jql '(JI'lrp o1 dloq uel 'e;1l pazllen}t'l'sro:B'inoq ;atlnrdy d,tll)al1 s,rr{looD, ur ,,(InBtqure,Jo rsn eq1 'qlns sv alatd.lJtuloJ aql rrr .{}pr8lqute,'tttrue(ricg ;o,(1rrue,r JqiJo s,tolerlpur '(a1 aql1o auo sr lto.(rssa oq] ur '(1]ualsrstlof aioul s,3q]aoD tr€ti1 ut s! aql uo,(essa 1l JoJ J)uJIor.\ [4,\ou .- ':.. r.Jlo(l .l() :s1t1it.t , " ,(letxue lpLll srsat[1 JL[] p.ler\.1o.] slnd la,rott 608 oslp pue,(13ur-reds J.toltt pJSl1 sr,-(lnEiqr-uy,'LtotsllJp oLiliJlu:uollela'\Jiiq]'(rr't . ttr '..rerdde 1.1)H l'l tll 'ULl l\')lll I\ r1r1it.t p:p.r,,. .r' a.re sJerliro.rj tur ureS - ' .' ! trJil-\,! lueip.r'a.tlr: :: -. - - ir-ror1e1 -lr)rue/eluJiIS :aluelol\ lErlllni.(llll,\Il sroaBlnoq :ssaluotssa'tdu Jqllartlelqutes JL{l :uoisr)ap ieroLrI rtil/Jrlorir .ra4, stoa8rnoq:,(1r.re1:7.(imBrqrue :rpnllul'3qiro9 uo -(essa rql Lrl qllq.\\'sriorlrsoddoSo PtLIaqls E.+o sprs l.rapotr.([a'\r]P8au aql.Jo 'Irqrlarl qler ol paln(lt.rlle )rlsr.rJ])n.rtrL[] u sr,.(ltnBrqtrte, [J,\ol"l s,JL{iJoD LIo J]3ld;ql ut'(usso-'lltlJIol'\ Jr[] LIr str'.raql.rtU Jsuas J,\t1ll,to[ad.(1tr:r1dxa rrr: u.r'ltE sl .'(]ln3{qLLIP, ut'ra1 at1} '(ess'r urure(uag '(O-gtZ:t ,ftS) : c1qilur aqt Jo srefl rq+ [F aq1 ;o .dlrn8rque lluouep aleraqrlep, ar{l uo lsnr lou s slql Lrl :arurloil;o anbr1r.r3, r)i1'1 .rrualotrl 1o ar'.i:r1t:3, lo ia6I ur irorlelilqnd pue uotltsoduto: aql L[]IM ,(lsnoorrelodulJluol 'zz-6 I6I LieJ'!\lJq uJul'L\\ sP'\\ '9i lz6 I 'IJ'\o :tlo.t1L..g )LFsltt)O riirN tlt sluJttrltlstll or\\l tlt p.TLISII(yrd ;slr1lrr4ly )'|ttp)11 s.otllaoS' np ,salntgv ailpalg seqlaoD, uI sluroJ snonSlqtlle pLIE aJll Ienllu aur^rp Jo ar.roy Surlelqruue au: a+r ptualoqy lo anbrytS, s,urwo[uag ur ,{1m3rc1wy to ,Qm&qwy atg l,e?ttp5,) ,3ura4 eIIr-Io r lou saop afuelol\ lr raqto eq] uo 'qero14 go {uedu ls! sr /o;1sap 16 Towards the Critique of Violence The vioience of the expres-rionless, iike divine violence, is destructive oiamtrigr.rin.and its accontpanving gr.rilt and .inxjetv; it is destructile of nrltiric tbrnts. 'fhe svrr.rboi is the ntaterial tbrm rvhose plenitude oiineaning sustains plural inter pretations. -\ccording to Be-njamint positior.r ir.r this essa1., the her.mer.rer,rtic acti\-itl that is reqr.rired rvhen material iorms are given ti.re status oiguirles ibr the conduct oi human lit-e is pernicions since the meanings ther. ;e6111i111icate are neither iirticLrLate, nor, accordingl,v. abie to be disantbiguated. \\'hen such fbrr.ns are taken to be authori, tative they condemn hr.Lntan beings to lives oi an_rietv and gLiilt. The an-tietv fbllorvs fiom the need to lvork out rvhat these forms are communicating, ir.hen any claritv on the matter is impossible. The guiit is the consequence of the beliei that these tbrms have the ar.rthority to impart rules and that it is certain only that these ruies r,vill have been transgressed, not t,hen or horv, since rvhat ther, prohibit is r.Lnclear: Nothing but strict attachment to ritual - u,hich mav be called superstition onlv lyhen, torn from its context, it survives in rudimentary lashion _ can promise these human beings a stav against the nature in r.vhich the,v iive. ... [l]t is nature itself rvhich, in the hands oi human beings. gror,r.s sr.rperhurranlv a.rive. (Sll, -{l i;'.: .: . 1lt!t il: ::l : but:...:: \\,]\" -: .- 1:3()3 ) life is excoriated as a Iit-e that abides bv the precepts oi ambigr.rous, serlstlorls tbrms. The absence of tmth in sources taken to be authoritative. such as the presumecl profr"rndity of nature's inscrutable fbrr-r-rs in rur1h, is the core of the fatetirl lif-e. Ii lve consider this thesis in relation to the critique of the .deliberate ambiguity, antl Ritr-ral 'demonic ambiguity' of law and mlth in the violence_essal,, it is clear that in these instances too there is an absence of truth (e.g. the,unknor,vn,and.unrvritten law) in soLrrces that are taken to be authoritative. Benjamins call tbr their rlestruction rnay €Irih:::: .- -. Benjami:.. -. .- - lr::.: and the 1'. i- -:, statlls. sense of bourgeols .-: -- , f'ear' Lrec:*.= -, also be trnderstood theretbre as the rejection .:. otheressa'..:.- breeds an-xiety and guilt. in the 19,1-.,,. Beniamin opposes to the life that abides by the precepts of ritualized forms, the lite that disregards the captir.ating eft-ects of sentblance: the rnoral decision is tl.re motlel lbr the destruction of the bour-qeois life, which in Beniamins vier.v is sl.nonvmous not with the 'ease' it aims to cultivate, but with restlessness, an_\iety and guilt. Benjamin,s essay thus opposes two q?es of existence: on one hand, there is the iite entranced by the free aesthetic arrangement of lorm that the r,r,aning force of tradition enables ancl rvhich cor.rdemns huntans to \.ain attempts to propitiate in rittral the silent forms that they presume to hold ar.rthority bearing precepts. On the other. there is the life lir.ed in faith that rhere is something beyond mere life and that is rvilling to r.isk everlthing. even life itself.{This type of life is able to destro_v t-ate. Benjarnin patterns the contrast betrveen these two forrns of life according to the contrast he sees betu,een thc. lives oi the characters tiom Coethe's novel and those oithe characters of the novella that this escaPe oithose institr-Ltions ai.rcl practices unable to otler anlthing more than an uneasv accomrnodation rvith the lack of clarity that novel contair-rs: It is the chimerical striving for tieedom that drarvs dolr,n fate upon the characters in the novel. Ihe lovers in the novella stand bevonii both lreedom antl tate, irnd their courageous decision suiEces to tear to lrits a tate that rvould gather to a head c'fiectivr' ,-. r ,ii't:::: : - (Slt'2:5.q0 - -. that the art..* . : tbr-rncier in c.- :. - - which the , l'iolence-trr unalloyed means of the iittempts i,- r-:. : tions of mere.', t'.. :- Benjarnils important tbr : *: legal codes is . !i:.:. - , ,- As we sarr', J:i -to the frontier line as terribly primitive forna' (SlV l:249). Bqr'. : ' law-making violence ct frontiers. His des;: : sirsas ,auII leIiLIoJ-L aql .Jo -illnSlqltlil .fluoluap, aql Jo tlolldl'lrsap slH slallllo{ snollSrqurt saierauaB 'st-t-IlPIr aLl 'qrlq.\\ i\\el IPuolltllllsuor Jo altlslol'\ Srrrryru-'ut1 aLIl azrlllilr o1 .IlnSrqurr, -Io asuas a,r'tiero(ad aql sisll sllql ulLuPltl'rg (6nz:I /t'ls) :rql'(ru aql, -}o .tulo-l a^lllruird '(1qrr:a1 .,.pe8uu.]ul,. aq 1ou ieru tEL{l smPl -to iln8iqut e, sr slq8r.r qlns sazlJall€Jtl{r aq put'snou8tqrur ilierruoruap, se aull Jalluo{ aql ol ''\lPS JM sV lradsa; ur,slq8r:1enbo, aql ol ,iessa alualoi^ slq ul sJJ,lJr utulr(uag ',(essa-a:ua1ot,r aql ul sl1]Pls uslll-l-\\ llaql olul pasodsue:1 put Peul€lslls sr sapol 1e8a1 uel]r.Irru11 aql-Io.(lulEl.lalu11 aql 'r'roq ureldxa dlaq uel ll af,uIS:rdol:no:o-J lut1:odrur sr qlntl put qtaads ut L]l:ep uaai\}aq uollPlel aql -Jo Supuelslapun s.ultuPluJg r)u:,: : Pli:- ,-- -: srsllPrPrlt fL" -- : prJll ()1 qrlq,\ 'aJII IPllalPiu ,r1a.rau 3o suorl lnq iillil,\ll qlt,t a:ead aIPLil ol s1dula11t aq1 'alEJ sI -euldr:r aql saoplltt uotltlllllu€ sll uarim ui tou'peruaalsa sI pto,{r aql3o.(ir:t1l a[Lr'(tt7:1,1'1S) ,luau]aar8elo sueau padolleun sE srqlllsap '(essa-arualo1"\ aq] qllq^\ Jo asn arlt s$ollE, leril ,Toollno pazlll^ll, aql alelaqllap uI laPulloJ 'i1t1t,ttt sroaS:noq;o l31let{-1 ssalSutueaw aql se qrns "tln-r8rqrue oslp LrPr a-cn plo \ 'alP.J ol lJlullor a^l]ralla uP 'ql11s sc 'sI plo,u alE1l1)ll'lP aql l€ql ewlrpur loLI seop seldurexa papo:,(1a,rr1rsod asaql ur qlaads-+t) srl1€ls aql (088:4,4'1S) rredsap srq salpll1tI1le ]nq 'ale1 ol llruqlls dlalrur ]ou saop aq es11e)Jq ,slstue ade:rsa aqt u1 1ta:3 aqt Jo ts€l aqt, sr s',rdrpag ltql san8:e aq ,sndrpag s.apl9, uo iessa ;961 'aftraH ]l tuoj-l asPJIaJ ? sl alP.I ol 1:tq Suryeads leql sanS:t u[ueiuag 'siessa raq]o ul uorllaqJ; tuaps LII Peltrlpuor aq louLIl?r a,rtlrads:ad slql Jo uollPissluor a^t]raJa leq} a,rilrads:ad t lqrqui 'raql asnelaq.rta-] laqt teq,n sllqpr{ul reqt illlpat erit. 01 puliq sr sroa8rnoq aq}-Io a,III aqLa-}ll sroaS'rrloq i1d[ra 1nq :pa]er\r1lnr, aqllo salllssaJd a,rtl;ao: ar{l ol Llolllsoddo lero'lrnbaunJo esuJs aql sErl uolslrap atll .lo sl1l€ls .lElolu, aql lxJll-lol qllq,\\ ul 'uolslrap It'loLU Jqi put Jlp..] uaa.\rlaq uorlrsoddo sttl ot uolltlol ul poolslJPull Jq ol spaall 1l paapLII'sl1lels pJi€l11lrup slr uo ]sn[ ]ou slsa.l ,leloul, st uolsllap aql 3o uorldr::sap s.utrueftrag il{I'(l0t:1 r11S) ,tuill} ol palrl1sLlrl, sr pur P ()l 'alP.l srqt lPqt ETIr.\o'- lo sa.\rl aql :_. uea \..-: . : :-' :: - lsEJluot aql su;:-:, : '3urql,i.ra,ta 1sl: --- . pa,\ll aJII eql sr :-.: - - _ : lPql su-rol lu.lts :_: :puP salqPua Lro::.::-, . :-: : :. s,urrurfuag']pni :-: _. 1ou snoruiuou-\! !- l ,rq parue.rlua:,1:, iapOLLl aql Sl LIrf i'-:f .l''i-, -, a,ili aql 'srLlrol teqt ;(11:ep ,Io - yr: : - - JIqEull sallltE:J :',_- , . lput uotl-.u:ls.rf - :- , ul (n\e] ,uallll.\1u:- : _esaql ur l€qt l?:-r : _ , pur ..ittnBrqtur -.:..' .iT'rlll ln.l)lrl )'.:: : l.)Lull\r.l(l .rql \r -: . stlollstiJS'srtonEic.,., - (pappe sastqdua 1rt.l'iarg '8uraq :raql -lo asnEraq lnq sxlorirll tatll {o asllt)1?q 'l\lto,\ a41 a-L().J'eq a|ruu pltt) lloa o1 ]baq 'le*n' ,or.r 'rt]aqt :^alnle tunoflP 3ur:apua6 rraqt oE {aqt 'ainu 1nq '6utaas 'lPaP }nq '3ur1aa,1 'a8on8uu1 il)ql 11o reqlPr lnq suorl-lP Jreril uo tou tuaruSpnlr sE ]uparu ]^1 slljl 'lPllq]a sl leqr\\ Jo-I asuas aql ]sol a,req,iaqt :i1u;aas sI lPtl.\\.ro1 3ur1aa.1 E tuaq] ua'rt8 aleq ssllo-I asaql.'urer{l qJnl '!--i0t:l -1,1s) 'it{a1rs ol lualodrut a.lo:d :ara:o.1 itur 1r.ir ua,\a 'pa:alstlu a.\eq ol SLLIIPII uollllllllnr ltql salr().I aql o1 ltaiclns alP " Isral]P:tq: asaql] uolill.\Illnr.Ilaql -Jo tq8raq aqt ty lallel aqi Jo llaq} Llll-\\ 'la^oLr aqr ul srall?rELir aq] ar{] al11tu 'Burssaiq 'IoJ )sP .slua'ied -lo lrnpuol sllorlll oltl rql a,1,,] ueLi)tl.ol1Lu1,t1 oq,rr - [."r.;7rlr-ys.ri,qri.)l,N -lo ,slrErqloa'\\s PootlPlrqr orLL, s.la.\ol pllr^ou Jql slserlLlor ututfrrag arLraFI (9ii:1 1i5) ,ttotlrlturl[luro] Jo olul 1:afqo ue Burruo:aq sltt{t ]lloqlt-\\ '3urxtads ,(1}lrls 'puP tuloJ lEqls-\ 111oq}I-\\ aJIl auolP sJ.Inles sll lPql O-\, ,LIOIllllIUlltULuOl Jalua uEr uolsIlaP IEIoIU -'S1llels ,]cloLLi, go i:ratqt-.. aql oll-Il 1r Sutlrur'sl lPql'tlLrlstrap aql SUrlr:Irlr1'lE sl 1l ,11 sP srueos lI :s3J1lr\\ aq (att:i aqt olui u-\\op ruallt LI ,atua1or11 11nd plno,rr letll tuopaell t .11S) srror{-1 -lo ss;ruButqlott q8norql aas ol Put ruaql la'\o {o anbqtr), s,utwa[uag ur ,Qm&qwy {o [yn&quy aq1 z[S) 'aanre ,fiuetunp arnleu sr l[1] "' 'aaqI aslurord rrel - uoFtsa dpo uorlqs-ladns panr :-tp)1.\ -:.. . rrti lll\\ \)li].r )\)_: .- - . sur.lo.l tqeql IPL{1 _l) : uo ilr.rpl: .iur u:; \ : - -- ' ,t _ \\\{)l]o.J il:rrtrr a[L . - : . ')lrllrrrlrr l)Lllr.1Li :.:- '.l,r'lllll\LIO: )'-11 Jo-;ll. : .i'lt rll..r -atlp)LI.)1-t.::i I.l\)LJlllr ,r(] -.r,.lLrr ol tl\\r' Ir.rrtlJ \urrt.:r. . i .(t.i.:.:.. pur' .iirrrBrqure.io J.\l:.-' -..' - 48 Tott,ards thc Cr it ique o.i' \liolence drarr o:t thc helnenerrtic conception of arrbiglritl in the sense that a text or clli irnag,c, or in this.ase thc possessi(llt of 'cqual rights'in respcct to a frontier, cait be interprc-tr.d in clifierent u'11,s. this scnst is a)sci p1c5qn1 in Coethe's conce|tiolt o1-thc s1,ntl,.ol ISirilrl/r/], t'hele ntate.r'irrl lbt'nts car.r)'s)ntbolic ntcanings insofar as the),sLrstain ,an unending task of interpretatior-rl-ln both the essavs olt Goc.tlte's novel and the essa1, on violence. Benj;ru-rin calls such allbisrlit\. of mcaning 'den-ronicl Further, Beirjartriu t'elates demottic antbigLrity to tl-re experielce ol fate. \Arhat sr.rstains tl-ie pr.ocess of ir.iterp1s1311sn is not therefole, as on the hermeneutic model oi ambiguitl,, benign fecunditl of rleaning, but the lack of an1. relation to truth in such for.rls. Hence u,hat is distinctile about the vocab,llarl'of tqr_ral rights' is that thel. dissimulate the n.rechanisms of iorce' that establish ancl rnaintain the fr.ontier and n.hich Lallnish those rr,ho inflrir.rge it. lhe exclLisioit oisuch lorms fr-om truth, rvl.riclr Benjantin r.nar.ks bv callino the consequences of infringcnttr-rr 'r-etritrr-rtior-r' rather thar-r 'pr-rnishntentl creates the cor.rditions lcrr guilt ancl artriett'. t'hicl.i thrive under the reign of unccrtaint)r. This is an intfrol'tilrlt p6i111, rr'hjcit can be reconstnicted fi-ont the pejoratir,e discussion of mlth in thc violence,c-ssar', but rr,hosc. sicnificarlcc is oul)/ iirlly explainccl in thc essar, ort Goethc's novel. Lr l-ris essal'ort r.iolcnce, Benjantin attentpts to link the cast of Niobe, rr-hose arrogance challenses the eods, to the principle that 'ignorance of law is no protection agair.rst pr.rnishntentl This plinciple of lau,, he states, dates back to the r.nlthic statutes in n,hich 'lals and circr.rntscribed fi'ontiers'are unrrritten and can be unrrittingil.infringed. In such cases: "'retribution" (in contradistinction to "punishment") ... hot.ever unluckill it mav befall its unsr-rspecting victim ... is, in the understanding of the lau., r.rot chance shol'ins itself once asain in its deliberate ambigriitl.(S11, 1:2J9). The uncertaintl,of applghel.rsion and punishnrent, seeing that tl.rere is aln,a1.5 h6p1s of eluding the arm of larr,, is the aspect of the 'antbiguity' that lau. shares r,vitl.r n.rrth, but f-ate u,hich ties thent both to the'deliberate an.rbigr_rin" of fate (S11r 1:242). The ur.rcertaintv pur.rishrnent rnles out the liberal interpretation of the lart as exercising a firnction of cleterlence. In fact, Benjantin rvrites. the ultcertaintv of apprehension 'makes Iax'] all thc r.norc threatening, lilie latt'(S.l1, l:2,12). \\rhen he disctrsses uncer taintv in the context of m1fh, this sense of ambisuitr.as the uncertaintv of fate is one that is shou'rr to have concrele existential effects. Life lir.ecl under the pallid iight of Ir\-thic ambiguitl,prodr.rces ar.r anxietv-r.idden state in u,hich tl.re fear of punishment at ever\- turn is overu helming. Tl.ie evasion of the judgentent of late is not experienced as relief. but onlv as a postponement of certair.i, impending plulishment. The c1,cle of transgression, guilt and punishment is closed. since there cannot be anr-appeal against fate. Aside from knou'ing that thel' must be guilty of some transgression because they sulTer u.hat they perceir.e to be 'their' pnnishment, nothing is knou,n abor_rt the whole mechanisrn bv the persor.r rr,ho undergoes it. Indeed to reflect on the ancier.rts, conception of fate is to be led to 'the "inescapable realization,, that it is, in Hermann Cohent rvords, "fatet orders then.rselves that seerr to carlse and bring about this infringenrent, this offense"'(SI1'1:249). There is no exit fi.om the ontnipresent thr.eat of ruilrons retributior-r because fate does not articr"rlate intentions that calt be scrutinized, but exerts an an-rbiguous, uncertain presence. This is rrhl,the diffuse sense of guilt feeds the dread of violent pur.rishurent. of legal the mlthi; ',\.'.' ): - - , a,,1:.-...:' :-, - 'authentic' h;:n.ls ,- '. . : -, B!'ll'il- irts.'it i,- -l . aaaili.li.'- - ' .-. . rl.iti:ra -' thc' cl,ti.:. : . hunrltt.... itt thc' :i... . novclla t,r :'... . llrJr.till slloia8llrP JLII oltil sa.\lasru3ql ^\oiLIl .{aql uoti]\\ SJ,\II JIaql ISI.I ol ETIaAou aql ril s.r-l,\ol .tll .Jo :^sctlSullll,\\ stll 'ptlPtl .lltlio oLll ilo 3)irl aql Jo s-l3lr\\ Illls Otil tll slr,\\o.rp lrrqlrr s,allol.lllq.)'l-l.\ou aLll tll uollr,\lts_lo ltl3LUnllstll lllr a(l pllr a-lll utLLlllll ,{o.r1sep tlloq irrl rJlf;,\\ -Jo lriaur:ia aLit aluaH stu.ro,l s,a-lllltlr o1 sr,rtB 1l llrLil.ilirtlr aLP prrE rrorlElr.\au sllt ol PLrriq aii: stIELullLI uoq^r par{sEeliill sr qriq^\'(9ig:1,115) ,a:tr1tu slrolrsr-r.rs..lo,crll rrLll,(ul,3LIl ol s.tJ-la.i aH Lil-(Lulo tlirls,(s llloltLlcs 3tll oltlr tloll-Iaslll -uatll lnq lrLIotr.rrp.).lu lt-'Lll as.taci slttarttalJ 11?l1lll?u lou sl ll lr:r-11 sarlS-rt utntr:(irog LIpLI-I11q la,\o spLIcq ':^or.ro-i iEr{iiLlE:.(1 '3r-rrrralca-rql Jlueli 'alql]rltoLllr.Jull ol aJIl slpos n1q alqellrEo.iddr: a:r,.ltu aI€ur 1ou seop 'lar,ott s,aqlao3 uo .'(tss-r aq] ol Surp.rolle 'rlllJ{,, uraqt qsr,.rl l1-'tll sraFitti. Frlualod Jo rustql B suado ll 'srualslxJ ,llluaqln€, tur Sur.rptsoJ uorllPlr-rl tuolj ,Itlolr3a,l.l, rlaLil ,Io ptals[11 sllql 'uol]11ql.I]a.l -lo pto'lp Jrr-raLl pup slucrtta8rtt.tgrtr lcrtlt-.1ttd Jo tuo.tP tllr olul a-111 .{.1pp sulll} sJ.l1lpa)o'td pue sluauo8ue:.ir Ieu.lo] ol liIJLuq-aElle rllsllElllIu llqtqul ,(aq1 luatuuo-rt,rua pa8ue;:e dllrga.rer aql ulorj suals lile:tlrol leql ereu*u PUE ppa-lp Jo asues ? sptaq lrerlr uo u,rrop s8rri.rq sprrrr;-I asJLI1 lo ,tLIopoJ.iJ, aLLL ,(leIrLIil sarnpo:d Iluo .(lnbrqn asotl.tr oq1, 1rn1r-r,iq parr:1da: sr [rol1pt.t] ol tlolllrio-l Srrrr-lotlsatrbltt-t [lt ulo.q .Llol]rraqll, JO JSLIaS JSlllJl't-1 : _- -l'ln.lls )q [rr': .- _'. . lea:q1 luts:.rJi::.- slqt tnoqp :- : _. 3'.rr [rtrEu]-rJH uI 'sr :: ,: - .)tl] Lr. :. : : -. Jql tnoqP rr.\\,'L-; .', : JSllPlJq 1161.<:;:r '- .slUJt-1UP tsrrrp8n -. lrad.lr .i..- Jo JJ-..i) JLl1 lL: ).-. p,r;11311.r.11 r luL: i r. . luatutlsl 1111J j,' --... ;Jo lqSll pr11eJ '-: arro ql JlpJ 1o irL:...-..- . -.rJ)rnl sJSsnlslf .-- LtOtsu,.tle.r,lJr .r, .. . . :- aut8a.t a,rtssa;ddo rtc sauolaqsruroJlilllsJoituottolnearltpEalsui sarlsra[t111 a.p1 rroa,trlrads.rod:rq],(ruaql ]€lltr3]slxa pLIE uolltluallo lPql l€a-Itll luasa;dtuuto elllJo ple,\\.(aq1 Ue":on "tit:ulas srlrsluf;Lilaur altnbol-rt apr.'ro.rd loLI op 'lLIl1ol11? s.tttutt[uag tll 'sLu]o,J lllaLI]sJY , .. e Sursrrraxa sE -!..:- : ,(1ure1:arun rql : ,r'la,\oll aql jo.raldnr-p ls.lu al{l LIt ialllli{ o} p.lrnp3 sltlJttltllor'ptrno-r8 lt'l3tll1-J sllli eas, :iap-lo rllaqlsaf; uE uolllp€-l1 loJ allllilsqns ol ldurout sPrl a}]ol.Il?tlJ ^\oq spual.rl erlf 'a-iil LIpLunq ro1 papaau Sntutau io aLlIEl-l aql st uoIlllrE.rl elelda.r ,(eru lErll\ sr au.rs slql .lo lunolrt slq III allssl lEa.I aql lng .t1r:oqlrt ou ploq suollnlllsul .rt1n]l1'rcd lcLrorlrpE.rl a-laq\\ a.Jll 5^roa8.lnoq Jo sSulllas .rtl1r-rrod aql lc3-ll 01 aldttlexa slrll s3.s11 ututriuag'(zos,i,tts).ttolltjaplsLlor -ro aldrl-rls lllollll,l\, p.rr,{qr'rnqr atll saql.lrsap utur(uag ulo-rJ sJuolsa.rerS aql s^oti.I.rr Ia,\ou Jql ut spllel{ aLil ^\otl ,.,r{essa-arua1or,\ aql ul luaruqsrrrnd s,aqorN.lo aldurexa ltlql,(tu aLIr tl[q].IaJnJIr aIP]s lt sellssi aql o>leru ia.\ou aqlao9 JLll sul-loJ sllollstlcs o1 8trr1oo1 .;o saldntr:xo urJpotLI aqL J,lll tlrrullli aprnB ol Srttttr:eut-Jo ).lot1 'sFirraq utLLIllLI .to-1 Jo Jo astlas a^llltlllslP E sl slql 's;a,ltod a.rtssa:dxa ua,ttB st a-lnl?Ll Jlnul aluo asll? lerp s8urueeru allugul i11tr1ua1od uPrunq :o3 alqeq:to-rddt aurolaq '{aq1 aqt uroj.l sruals r{],(LLi Jo IllnSlqurr aq1 ^'s8triaq p pLIr stLIloJ sc].ro] ua,rt8 a,lp lrlrlulrLi os arr.l Irql lc.lnltlt't{}itu uI a]nltLlJo s3l.lo.J pLIe ',,(1rrl3rqtuP, s,tr:p,{pro qttLl^\'eJll LlrLulltl uI Ilrlll sl letl,\\,Jo (",aitl ptlolllplr;l, r) lLIllo-)rr urumq E st rlilLLI sfilluls;e'iu1l utuir[uag 'a]Llalslra InJeltJ P saul[I:alap ultpa]ti1l suuo.J uo Llsnon8rquit sp suiroJ lelr-rlPui -Jo aluat.Iadxa eql a;aql\ salu?lslllllllll alaJluol saqrlls.ir urue luag r{]rll.\\ ur - lLrc.JUI 3ri1.io a-lli a'ql surlcl) leql -Ialtn Illls erllJo -lr^\od rrLrourap aqt pLIc p"rr:,,(qr-rnqt otll ur p.rt.(a,t:8 ar-11 3o ttotltzttrcS-toa.l .s-lollt.lPq) atll -lo 'a;url' lliaulllrJ-Il slq - Ia,\ou aql ,lo uolsslllsrp s.dessa slql ul sa]rnrlsrtr,{a1 0,rt1 o]r a-raq1 ruor-l saulot lpr{l luaulqslund a1qe1r-rtsul aLIlJo a8Bt:-tt: slt st StttuBaut snon8rqurelo aluauadxa 3ql uI ol s1l.:(qo 3LI lPq^\ ltt{l l\olls seop Ia.\ou sJqiao3 uo -(tssa aql ul aJII lLlliLrr aqr.rls3p o1 iltn8rqurt.;o rslt stLl rpulq taqlo cr{l uO 'arualol.\ rlql"(ul qli,rt spug o11 srualqo,rd oqt;o arnlrid lll.llsls^tlol rr 3^I3 lotl oP .{lrnBrqtr-ri:.Jo slrqJa st-tot:ttt:ad aqt irrdap ol 6i ,tr:ssa aluJloi.\ Jqt ut sJstl trt[rPlLIag ]r:qi soldurcxa luJla;]lp ar{I ,atuaptrl {o anbuttS, s,uruto[uag ur [lm8rqwy lo ,(yn&Euy aq1 ' )::. .- sl - (b;- p3rlrlllraq q:rq,t -]o slre;a Iplltrrlslxa aql soql.Ilsap _ _ 'qt(ur qtr.rr i).rr'-'. . s.(P.111p ' ..: .r)UrqI lOU'\\r'l .(p1..rtprn .rJ \.).\\i .. tr1 p,r$111.1.111v i1:r: .-. tJJlq\ Lil (.)lltlr't. :... lsuru8p rrorl:ato.r.: a:trc3o.r:e JcoL{ \\ -.. .. .it't.: .;111 trl I'.)sr:' : ).\'::.: LIUI\\ll.lslP J() slr{1 .itulpl.rerLr:r Jr.ll : ' '. . -' -. ()lnJl) ''lrr)tL.::.... dur11e: .(t1 - () rrr[r l:::.:: otl \\ J(Oql rlsrrrr:J 1..'.. -Pr[.rp11, lPLl Jill rll'litr-::i. :. \\ J.1uJH stlr.],'.: . --. . ua'rrr;q'.ilrrrSrQlr.rir,,;tr ss,.-lrl.tJ .)rll \ur,'.'. till-ul'tu,1B ..t.rtll.ilt j ..- .. ,.. .ictt.t rtlr puP lJ.rnt: : . r-rP, LllPl\l1s .(at1t .r .r.: . il, t.l .. .: r1,r.rJ.r.t1trr ,rq ut,.r .l ) :.. .1' '06'nrtrt rrn .ro l\)l P lr'.: : 1 Jo(lr u ii Jrl) .i, ) ,r 50 Towards the Critique of Violence the truth oitheir love, rvhich.'because it risks life tbr the sake of tme reconciliation. achieves this reconciliation ar.rd \\'ith it the pe.rce in l'hich their bond of love endures' (S11' 1:-3-11) Benjantin opposes to tl.rr- supposed tl'r.edonr ol'boureeois choice' ptrrarlecl bythecharactersofthenor-el the'moraldecision oftheloversofthenolella.Salvation throi-rgh faith can onlv be attaineC on the other side of uncompromisir.ig tiefiance of natlrraj lite.'BecaLrse true reconciliation rr.ith God is achievetl bv no c'rr-rc. rr'ho does not thert'bl clr'strol el'erlthing or irs nruch as hc possesses - in orclcr oniy then. befbre God's reconciled colrntenance, to hnd it resurrectcd'(Slf i:-r4l). Faith in the transcendent source of iife reconstitr-rtes nature as responsir-e to hur-nan interests, no longer cut o11 frorn the transcer-rdent. Humans are at home in nature onlr'tl-rrough the Iarorvledge of the intention behind its creatior.r. that is. the Rr.velation. It is this bond r,r'ith the transcendent that prolides a u,al out o1' rnaterial totalitl'. \\-ithin Gocthe's nor.ei. the novella pror.ides a vantage point that allou's the destructive efects of mltl.ric natllre behind the bear.rtifi-rl semblances of the nor.ei to be recognized:'if the ambi.euitl' thlrs leads into the novelt centre, stili it points back again to the n.llhic origin of the novel's ir.nage of the bear-rtiful life'(SI.1'l:341-2). \\:hat is illLrrninatecl is hou, the still waters of the novel embodl the 'porver of ambiguitr'': a bottontless pit oi'printeval' forces that are seeminglr' 'contained' in a pleasurable, calnr. aesthetic reflection (Shr 1:341). The deceptive appearance of the rvater as'reflecting, clear and claril,r'ing' seenrs akin to thc'an.rbisLritr'' of lau', rvhich deceptivell prescnts itself as neutral: \\rater as the chaotic elcment of lile does not threaten here in desolate wales that sink a man; rather, it threatens intheenigntatic caintthat lets him go to his ruin. Tr.r the extent that fate go\.erns, thelr'] ... gr) to their ruin. \\ihere thev spurn the blessine ol firnt gror-rnd, tlte1' sttcatmb to the un.fttthonlible, rvhich in staqnaltt \\'ater appeal's as something pr-imeval. ... 1n all this it is natLlre itseliu"hicl-r, il llic lnnds o-f huntan beings, grou's superhumanlr, active. (5If i:303, emphases added) ambig:- n f *-t cr:eric exclude the Jari:r cr= demoni; reconciled The'Criilg:e from this perict r-r--\-r: ca lal- and resoldrrc violence. The scrc=r natural forms become omnipotent; the,v dor.r.rinate human lifc. This is the significance perception. Hence in the cases of both'deliberate ambigr-rit1,'and'demonic ambiguitl,' in the violence-essa), Benjamin identifies the proliferating force of entrapment that occurs rvhen forrns that exclude truth (the line governed b,v the peace treat\', the statute that proclaims ignorance of the law as no exemption to punishment, the precepts of mlth that take natrlre's forms) enjo1. false authority. ' i-r.! i,'llll,..-:C:-----: -):- rl)ai.ll1a':lLli::-\\'nr'11 ,l lll,- -1-.: ii'rLL:1.1,1,:.a - ' .. _-- to the nou- is dial meaning (\?a. -l to replace the ea: communion $i'Lh Most notabir of ambiguiry wh pejorative preseo 10). the context ( :. - arr-rhiguil'. = C'l=. and rerelation Benjamins essay shorvs hou- the deceptive presentation of the surt-ace of the lvater is demonicallv ambiguons. \\:hen there is no anchor point outside m\thic natllre, ofthe fact that the lovers in the novella do not take their bearings from nature. In fact, when the lovers decide to jump, he says, the,v make this decision each 'a1one il.ith God' (S14'i:344).rrThus Beniamin makes the point that nature's senslious forms can never be adequate grounds for hurran meaning. The novella lovers stand to the sernblance of nature, as rer.oh-rtionarv violence stands to lau, and divine violence to m1th. The1, each absolutely oppose a false totaiitl,, and do so on the grounds of practical faith in something bevond merelr. natural 1ife. tr4ore than this: such practical faith dissolves the ambiguities of mlth (and law) because it is attuned to the trr-rth of theological r - l l liln&(]utv qloda slq] Jo stlnlord PuP suol]?lar lelros aql o] rerlnlrd -lrnirqrue rrP'salllM ali'sl alsql:lefl.Iolslq sl uollPnle^al slqlJo ixaluol JILL (01 dy) .rlllaplp ,1o Sur8erur ls{Iuetu Jql, sP 's,(essa ,(1.rea srq uI LIoI}PJLIasJld a,rrlerolad slr o] ,(:ertuo) sapDriv aql lo; ,,asodx3 9€6I, arl1 uI Prugrp sI qlnl,!\ '-itrnBrqrue -{o ldaruor rql satepllE^ pLI€ slle-Illsar )TloM otel aql ul Ulqs srqt :(lqelotr 1so14 'poD q]l.\\ uolLlllLlttuol snotlttuad eql .}o uoll€llolxa ietliPa aql a:e1da.r o1 uollou eql (t 'e;,1) Surueaur sauol Iprlurlod Suruearu a,trlduapa: "(roledr:ueuraJo e suloJ e uoll€llalsuol dluoppns, ',lua8:arua 1I ',lerIlrJIPIp sl -tou ar1} 01 Jo .peua)ie.\re, LUO{ JO }r1l sUIroJ ;O ,(ltnSrqrue uaaq-s€q-1€q,!\Jo IJollelal Jq], leql saltr,n rttrue[uag 's1er1tra1od Stttueoui.!\Ju uleJsns o1 ,(qe:aqt sJLLIo) pLIE luasard aql rrr SurueorLI slt slalullolua ]sBd.rL{lJo }tlJttlottl e LlJt{^\ Llollelaqtl ,riorlruSorar_Io qs€U, e uI sJrlllo srql lsed eql urol-i Surueeru;o sJllplsslJo ro enfsar eql roJ (lrltqrssod Jqt sa8els a8erur 1e:r1ta1Elp rill 'pslelo'\pe st Sutuear-u Ielrlolsrq;o uorldar.rad aql .roJ srrldo ,uett e a8erut IPTIIIJIEIp aql Jo uollelnlulo; sltl Lrr'.llueJsur -roj qlnr] IerrJolstqJo uorldatred aqt o1 .(e.na1t8 e1o Surqlatuos \^attloloq ilrn8rqrue 'sryo.n ,(1.reo aql ul .(poqura LllILu puP a)LIJIor,\ 1e8a1 leqt q11111,lo uolsllllxr aqi Sul4lu8ls Jo peelsul rrlle,\ Ielo,\Il1ba ue seq .i]rnBrquie '1tahl4 s"rprr-ly sltl uI ;eluelor,\ puE a;ll Ieluli_Io srs.(1eue .(1-rea srq-+o srural aql tro uorltsoddo sIr{} Luo{ -(e,rre grqs aql;o sarrrartbasLlol Jt[] a:e ]eq1yI'Io,r\ .1l]EI JLI] Lrr popora seq SLrrlurql srq uo sELI uotllsoLldo srqt ploq rql }tlq'(po9) ttottrl.:^J-i ptrP qliru uaanlaq uorlrsoddo Jq1 .iq Sullt-t,r,(1,rea stq ur palq8ra,n sI PLuJqls JILL JltlJIoL\ Jur,\rp pue ,.rrll.tur pu€ :ssalLlolssa:dxa oql pLIE JIIIEIqUJS Jtll :uol111lo,\Jl pLtE -\\€l :qln.rt prre qliru:,(tr:ep pue.(trn8rqrue :suorlrsoddo,io PLLIaLils e.(e.r-re por-r-td slql Luo'I-l s1ror11 Burlr:,n,(pea s,trrureiuaglo;ror:ad aq] oi sBuolaq,J)LIJlol.\.ro anbr1r"r3, :r11 'lJmB prrre.(latrue o] LLIJT{}.\\ollo-j oLi.!\ Jsoq} LItLIaptlor prlP Ll}rlll1o.ilr-rr1: Jq} apnpxa ]Eql suuo; pup suotprltlsur ol \.tJ,IJJ ututrirt.-rg JSPI q)€a ul ]Eq1 leplsllol '1-\r il pJ[I-ruo]J-l eq u?f, '.(Essa-alualor^ slrl uI ol€,iJo ,ilrn8rqure ale.I3qtlap, eq] pue ,.(lm8rqure )luoulap, s,,t\€l o] saluala;Jl srttrue[uag ut satltu8tqrue aql (i0t:l .tlS) las sl tlol]u-rJLll JUL\lp,io ,(1r.rep oqtlo pro,\Jp.rip ]ELJI :^lJ.uod :rql(ru'rteurnq:odus, lqtlo del1 ;-rrrzr1t1o1 Jql pLIe arueprn8 lo-1 pallnsllo] J.le lPql srulo,l ,(;a,r 3ql rlo-l-i pepnl-rxJ sl qlll-rl '11ti sto.'8noc1 rt1 'ap_lJo -ra.\up ilolsllll..J s.qtiuilo iiSrs IEaJ aq] st spttetsl;prm ututnluag il-rtq-rr'qlllllJo sr Jql sl tl asn€raq sr 1-rort,(1.reo sni ur.i1.-:,rr1e:o[ad papc-rl .-illnirqure, uosE.rr aLi] 11?ti1 rlJq ponS.re a,req i sreloq)s uturcluag .(uenr ,(q JILIJlls LII ,iJ,\o pslllls JIP - poD liepn{ aq} qllm LtortEIa.\Jr pttP tl]1111 puP :.iSololll-(tLl I3-r'l..l qlr.tr q]-(rir :tlLlllLIf,lLlr JLIr-\tP JLil'r'r 'poglo plo.\\ J.\rlearl aql;o.itr-rep Jqt qlII\ a8enb'ue1-po uoi}PIJosst Jqi - I.ior\ }-sJIIIEJ srq ,Io sluauilrLuuol lEluauEprJnl eq] -1o ,(ue11 siolptuJru[Io] sill .lc sepu-t8e Jql [pt-tJlEtu alqerld strat osali] apPtu a.req - .iessr-:r-rLIrlol.\.rq1 Stlipnllul i1.rea srq Jo Juros Jo s"rlrirl,r,qqo JIL sLLIIP[] .to s.rsJql -l"iol ()JLll 8rtt1t.t-rr slti jrl-+ 3ut1tl.rr1o salatd illslp 'istroI lp ro'rr.\\op ir trrd r-r] prerl lr s.r){pLLI'sIro-\\ stqJo.iur:ru qBuo.rql p.rpP.r,rLil .r.lP }PLIi slrtaLLI -alur-rouo:d repr-rero lpuorsEllo Jql pLle uottelnautt8-re -;o a1,ts passa:druol Jql f-ill,!\ .roqlaSol'stt{} PLIe,(qdosolqd ur slruIJ.ilr:eurplo JLIo }Etil ridol e o} LiolluJli€ ''tletualsis ,lo aclt JLll J.\Eq ]ou sJop 1r ]Eql sr Blitlt:,L s.rtrttritrag ill {Jo,!\ J}el s.Lrrurefuag ut q]nJ] Pue I9 sl,-\Jdse tprlll-]lP J'.li,lo .rtlo .tlnSlqlljv ,atualorrl {o anb4r"t3, 1uu,ua[uag ur {ynZrqu.ry {o ,Qm&quty at11 --rIr:Errl ar{l 'iuauqsrund or uoqfo=61r lq Fe{ aql llea.r] acead aqt 1uq1 ;--l .rdl Jo qlrul aql o: trq luauderlua Jo alro-J .l1rn8rqure f, p:r8o1oaql ruoruep, pue sJ,\lossrp qlrP_l iPr.---i- _ uI qllEJ p:r1ce.rd 3o spuno.t . ,(aq1 'qiltu o] af,ualolr rEr aluelqulas aql ot pusls sr-. JAAaU U€f, SUr.roJ snor6EaS .po9 t{1lr!\ ouop I uoF! qtrea 'l3eJ uI aJnleu ruo4 sSur-rra arue:gru8rs ei{l sr SFII :--E 'arntreu rrql-{ru rprqno :EE rale^\ eql Jo efEJlns arP -:.o (pappe saszqdura .u1:-i _r aLfi ul <q)fiL[ ajx:E llasl-r ]ueu8els ui i{lrq.n --?-.3. aqt u.rnds ,(aqt araatl -= 'urnJ srr{ o1 oB uryq s1- Ieql = ci:= sa^E,4t alelosap .r,,.,,,:';,'iiil', ;..',' -' uorl.lJUJl .1n:ul.:;r r,,rur:J. .lo trJ .. : .. lJIl( .rql \\,)lJ \r Ir: : .)q1 l(r ilri-r.lo trriL.... .. . .(tltarqLup.rrlt.ii. : ..rqtiLu.lo),1.\rH.r :'. :. . q rrllJr)D lrrtlit.\\ ... . frtl')q \lL{} rt :qt tl rr. .. 1 qSrr,,.rr1t.i1Lr,' -.1 _.. ,\Ll (]\oi.t ))Llt Llpi-:.- _ ltll Llr qtiP{ l.f: . tr'rtl) iltt,, r )11.1,, \ r( rl) , \\ )ur r . .1'll .iO J.-tlPIj)p iiirr..-: -.... . tlDIlP.\JPq PIJJ.\, 'Lr 1. . p)irn.tlJ (.).1 ltllLl ) ' LIr rllllt ,rr1611 r.1. 1j- r \{ ,J lr ) t\ ll-1U( )...1-l -: rl-.:l -. . . I Torrarrls tlrc Crititlue o.f Violencc 52 is the manifest imagirtg oi tlitilectic, the lntt o.f clittlectics ttt tt stnnelstili. -lhis star.rd, still is utopia and the clialectical imirge, thereiirre, dreirr-r-r intage. -\uclt an inrrrge is allbrcled by the coinmoditl'per se: as fetish. Strch ln inrage is L-.resented by tlte arcades, rr'hich are house no less than street. Such ln im.rge is lhe frrostitlrte seller and sold in one. (lP and partial 10, emphasis added)r, Against the value he l-rad placed on .1 trilnsparent rr.latior-r to the r,rnequivocal cssence of things ir-r his early cliscussion ollirngLLage, tl-re lirte l.oLli secrns to .rssulre tltat r-naterial forrns c1o bear au-rbiguor,rs r-neanings and that tl-re negative meaning tho.carry can be conYerted into a positiye one. Hence in the comrnoditv form there is a negatir.e lorm of meaning that gathers togetl.rel the semblance char:rcteristics needecl lor the erigencits of erchange reilied lrour tLse artci laborrr; bLLt there is also a pr.tsitii'e r-neiining that is ernancipated front both r.rse ancl exchange and resistiir-rt to rrnv r-Lltintate decrvption. This second rreaning is tl.re meaniirg potential of the commodity lorm that is traficked through its rr-rined fbrm. The commoditv becomes a site of conr-ertible ancl conve rted meaning potentials. On this poillt, the Ararrles clearly breaks rvith Benjamin's earl1' critique of the perrricious efl'ects of erntbigtLoris merning potcntial irs he norv cxpects euancipatorv consequences fron'r the fact that such potentials are hor,rsecl irt uraterial forn.rs. Irrdeed, if the'Goethe's Elective Afinitie! essav emphasizes that the.rn-rior,Ls, gr-rilt-ridclen life is the conseqrlence of strbntitting to the aLrthoritirtir-e force of sensuoLls lorms, such fornts r-rorr-becor-ne guirles tbr historic:rl trr-rth.L:Hot,shoulcl cates rvc. guilt .-_'_ runderstarld the significar.rce of this shiit? a-nC _:_-' - - In relation to Ber.rjan.rir.r's essay on violence tl're question is especially st;trk since the ambiguity of larr, mlth and late that tlir.ine/revoh-rtionary violence rvas scripted to clestroy. His essav on Coethe's novel similarly describes the shirnrneL.ing movenlent of the serrblance iis the ambiglrorrs forrn thlt the critical r.iolence of tl.re expressionless cuts clorvr-r. It seer-r-rs to rne tl-iirt trvo poiuts cln be nrlde in support of the thesis that there is a continr.rity ur.rclerpinning Benjarnir-r's seemiitglv i.rltered position it r,r,as thi; oi ambiguih in j:e or demonicl. rrtal: is onh- tluough on the topic of ar.nbiguitr.. First, the later positior.r is cor.rsistent rvith the earlier concern aboLrt the pernicious effects of a hopeless hermeneutic relirtion to aLrthoritri Alter iill, anrbigLritf iltay be the ieature of the dialectic ilt lr sttnrlstill, bLrt it has this stltrLs of the 'standstill' becatLse it rloes i.rot efl'ective ll.clisgr-rise the trLLth, but exposes it: tbr instance, tl-re'ambiguit,v'olthe prostitute is that she is'sel1er and sold rn onel Second, to the extent that it is sensrLoLls iorms that are ccrr-isulted to itccr.ss the historical trLrth of the nir-reteenth cer-rtur1-, such iolnts are able to bear trr.rth becitr-rse tl'rc.1. are the of the ide.rls lor emarrcipatirtn. Thc vitirrteci stirtrrs of air..i','frorl tli.;ine to hurnan revelation, even thor-rgh the ileans cf this rer-ehtion reurains the theological conception ol the perceptior.r of truth in the claritl'of intention. These l,ishes are c'levatetl br'1'onJ the partialiti' of h,,rilan ilrterests that he idr.ntihes in lcgal r,ioleuce an(l instrLlttlerttll hngLr"ree since they are the tnitlt .rs such itf hLLutrrr-r historl-and thct. are cletected ancl'read' in the'historical i1t!lc\'oi.inother centuir,.r'As srLch, this later position is also consistent \\'iti1 his prerspective on trrrth as the 'cleeth of inier.rtion in the Trrriirr--splei book(OIl6), a spc.cific fon.r.rLLlltion that is also e.hoecl in the Ariai/c-s (N3,1). Like the r'ntan.ipiltorl' r.llect ol thi. kitollcclge ol the trirnsccntlent, crcrtivc. clepro5i1s11. I-rur-nan rvishes ancl these ruishes is rvhat Benjamut intenils to l:r1'b,rre. Henc.. the sl-rilt is ,: )..,..: , "Critique.ri r: " t 2 i itcli --i.- .- -i-il.,:.1-l itlr.rt:. 'r 11,, , _' -- - tuetsrsuor tsoru 3rlt Ta^aMoH '(tOg'zte 'tEg:t,.fts) rarito aq] uo ,p1pd, pue.lunllot, '(Irep, sr q)rq^{ tpqt pLrE aprs auo uo :tuelpEr, put: .palturrunly, .,(pue11p:q, sr lEr{M uaa^{taq lsErtuol eqt ul patptrlunuuor osle sr.(i.re1:go ldaruor aqt pu? '(ert 'zvg 'IZE:I A S aas) Lesss sartrtu{y ailpall aql u1 .lrFr11 ot seruaroJar rgnads a.rE eraql 'OZl-t6 t(nrcZ) lft a.\1lr:.rt'{lUtir',: :.-. ..r1)ir.t./\, .ltil U i.: tir,Lloilii.rllli j, .i,rlf Mill 'L-11.i.- Z anbtyt3 uulang ma51 ',,,saryu{y a^1iall s,allleo3,, Jo e,rrlcads.rad ar{t uro{ .,arualor1 Jo anbr1r.r3,, s.ulure(uag rallp.I{ :olualor^ aurlTp pue rrqu(u: uea^rlaq uortf,unsrp aq1, ur.(rsso :. ,i;r-il irirL: .,,.rits. -. . altlliot \ 1i.i.., '... , ' .r.rP :lL]sr.\\ a!.r -oruolol^ s.ulrue(uag;o uorlelo:dralurgo uourp€ll slql ol uollEraprsuor 1ecr1r:c a.,rr8 1,(essa-a:ua1or-{r^rr{urluournS:e s.ulureiuogr{tl^{seoplrueqlLSoioluos.bur:g3o sldara:d aql rill^{ uoururo3 ur arolrr serl spuaJap aq uortrsod aql pue.{:ue1q rn1-uea{ i.rr : - lE-iiF(ll,-rJr.ll .- .: .'t:i \li: ,ri ,.'-; j0 Srirrls P.1li l. . . .i{l r,rr iri,1, :..-, ot palBllpop st.(essa sreqf,rrrrcH '9t-80I '(9967 'ssa:4 uaruEurlJ ::a1saqtue1atr) auroqso ralad pul? urure(uag Ma;puy 'spa'atuauadxg pua uo4itu$ae :h1doso11q4 Eurunt[uag rajruA ul:..arualor1 Jo anbrlr:3,, sprurefuog :altr]s 'a^ltpurlo.Uv irar{rerupH rau.ra \ uI punoJ aq uuc uorlrsod srq}Jo uortelnrr]-rp Frluangur uV : _ . l1:,rl.ltllSr:, .-' .. .i\!to-)f\.:-lr t. rnl :l \.)'U.l\ " rillf,. (ttil.r:. L]1ll-11 . seloN . -1.-'I\',ilr.roLlli',i lpql JEa-J 3r{l Jo uorln;lsap aLIl oslp sr limFrqrue -Jo r.rorltn,rlsap pcplrllxe sr Lllll,\\ lpql sl rniup(rr.rg lo1 srrpaur lr ltq,\\'rruorLr.rp, ro ,alrJJqrlap, si {lrnBrqmr: ieqlcrl:4,\ alqrBrllatr,rr sr ,{essa alrolor,\ atll ur .(lrn8rqr-ur:..go Sututau aqt tprll s,rrruc[u.rg Jo slro^\ raq]o qI^\ Liorlrlrrpiool srql qFnolqt iluo sr tl lErll 'ra^a,\\oq 'araq panSlr a.rtq 1 'qilru qtp\ a1rl sioa8rlloq go i1r:rlduot aqt puE a8r:r-rBue1 i(.ro1srq uo saI€l aq suorlsod sllorr'e,\ aLil qlr,\\ paleurlr-rool Jq trur aluelor^ ruo lesso I1-rra srq ur :aqdrr .rraqt sr lelit dlrn8rqurc aqt pup sctlrlplot as1e.1 lsurrSr: sorytu aq aspl aLLL slrrlualod a,uldurapa.r Lrrptsns ol clqr rq iri11o^\ lrqt lsed aqt Jo sntr.ri3p aql ul IrtJr oql .roj {ool o1 ,(3o1oaqt Jo sal.Illosa-r aqt sJsrl urLuItueg s2lllrJ-/V- eq] ul '11t: {i-rna slqt 'uoltllrlsap atalduior rlaql ro-l Jo dluelrllLLr aql sallrpllu )ror\ ralEl slH :3rrr.ra.re,trrn silrr I.ro.\\ -(1.rea srq sr so]loJ JSaql ol uollrsoddo sr11 'uEra-r .rrar.ll lsaluol ol pcp.rJrr a8r-rnor aql :^rraqlSuo.rls prrlr oslp.J oq ol sal.roJ rpns s,\\oLls 1r:i11 ,(1r1:1o1 ,1o salloJ ur Irprr eql sr uorldat:ad qlns'sur.roJ snollsuas-1o sarlm8rqurr: Jql tsprLlm Llln.rl aqt 3o uorldar:ad aqt ro-J salrlo.\pr unurfuag i(ppa aql ur sp 'lro1\ alEI aqt u1 (.qrn5 se a8tn8url.) qtn.rl Jo a8pal.rrorq lo lllllqlssod aqt sprradsn-. pur s8urqt uo spror\\ .ro plori aql salr.rr:das Ja^alo.l ssaLn.rtrlrqrp 1o tr8ra.r aql 'aSrnBuEI Sururcu aql salrrldJr ;(lriiqtlnrsr.rr aql:qlnrl a8rrr8rre qr11s -]nlur Ipl1lu o1 a^u1)11 s.aqtaog,) .(tarrrrc prrr ,(lrruro;uot go ,(uurrdl aluur aql 'alrorp aJ.rJ slr-roJ1? 11rnB sclr:t leqt lpapi ai[] sp dn plaq sr a,1r1 sroaS;noq '<ll,Jrinpaq aqlJo arupiquas aqt uaq,1\'(.arua1or11o ar.rbry-r3,) ,(1riru1;c:un o] ltlrqlls ol paISE a-rp a,\\ rrorssrLLrqns sr uorldo lluo aql puE uorlrlqula: Irrolor^Jo lotrq.rr .ql sr ,\\ri rr.rl^\\ '(ltt[o.r4 srl,r]-r,ry rrg_) lsr:d rLIt.lo rr.roJ Surzrlr-.1o1 aql ur luaurdr:1ua qll,\r pctp.J a-rc al alaldurol pup ra.\o sr:;o lq8noql sr lsed aq1 rrat111 ,,'uotledtrueure-lo eilrqa,r E sp srulo-J alnru lstrrrBe lsrt sr a8tn8upl qlrq.\\ ur1-ro,u,t1-n:a sILl,Jo a.\rllads-rad aq] slrrelslls snlo_l srLLL 'srlrr.l.ri- arlt.Jo snroJ ar{t si lrql 'sJ-\lasru3ql snonsurs orll urri].raqlur'palf;l11lr1.rr plrc prSpoi a.rr: sJrisr.,\1 LlliLl.\\ ur suorlryl aLll sl ll ',(11r:Lrrg sauo 8ur1u:aorl snql prrlr Irrl.iolsrq sLrril luq'suorlrr.rtlrr 1cr1-rr:d pue ,(rcrltsue.ri lou aJr sapD)rv eql ur alpls lr.suortlrotul. aql'arnlpu purqaq uorluelur surlo-.1 [g :,.11-1o uroJ.J '(;at1ru$y 1 lctuourrl.rlsur u.rq^\ puv ,a)ualot,\ {o anbtyt2, s.uuuufuag ur {1ttfirqwy lo lyn&qwy atg. - ii.1....::.'.r.l1ll.i:.. ... . . ucrlrsoil pa:a; -. . ;, 'salBranaB Jtll f.iod.lns'.r -J() clllriol ,. :: . _- , _ :'Lrr.r,.r-rtttrrl. -- . . c1 11 :11.)lrrl \ .....- alrrs >-irls -i11i:::,... J\r Pllt()LIS.\\r);j -_ JO et.lo-l a.\lI .._. - ' . '\llOl\Ul')U:l:..:l Ii'1.r.)jtttr ril \ 1.1.).1 i1 \, r I\.. \\, , Ll .: rr'., : rrrLL.r'trr ., . '.: . . . il:t.t).rIt1... llLrr :. -... .t) f,1).\Ulr.tl :l u: ::.. ' rt o sr t1cl-i:-rap 1t:t-11 a1,..'.i: : I SLrrLrt:rrLr .:.. r$;1 r ,)tll .r..: :. ..r; r11 iu .1l.lO-l . . - _ . l.rt1t 3r.: )(. Lll.l .il.ti-.' .r... iIl.l.llLr.r j1'Lll,)Ll:: .. i,) r.iLL)(\ ) 11..,, \ll:.. .. -. - alnlqso.rd oql sr a8zu: e aqt .,(q potuasard sr a8eq a a8eu-r1 ue qrng .a8uun u:=-: -Puels srql 'iltlspuus D s3 E I- Icr rr'iii.iJ-r tit 54 c Cr it i qt t e o1' \'iolett crr rrlarurla!'is irr tilr itllitltiti.'a()lllleatt(\ll lierlilrlllill \('a\ l)cL\\acil sp.'ccll alltl clari(t i.\l\ 1:-1(l:r. Ioi lhir r.r1:rrtl .\11 sl'ctaillcs: il.trilr oi aalit)ll i\ strlli)1.t11.1-lik., iltltl itt li,,iilt Lirl innti lil. iil lltr,st rr'lt,r irr tltj: \{in fr!s!r\g 1l111iistlte: i: !lrr 1e:: t,hscttri tl tlrert []t.tit tc rrtltti: ,-\l\ l:l-17). ( (rn)pJl-r.'(rLrr'lht: Eli',./;i, -{.f rliirc,i; 'l.tte r. tll. il!\r1! r)i SLiiil lIIllr)il{ Lhe livilrg,' i .1 -i 6 i-\i1- 1:-r{). ). rocallnl.t;'r oi iilith': 'Ii]1lu rel.'.rllilti ril-i.'lessiilc thlt' ill the nirrrllil. tlrc lotct': taki l-ilt.ilr'\riiil tilelll ai)rrr\P()llL1\ la) iilr ll()1tr tli'rrdci,-lpLiot.i ih:Lt rr-c itonrislt iirr all thr Ljcacl, f[i-r ]11ps ir th,: sr,le i'.t-ciitiiatir:lt i:)-titt.itiith irt tu:tnc,ridiit). r'hi;h illusi llai'.i'tlr'kintlie'-1 t:'t,ill oilc'.: .\rll c-\isi.Il.a' i-(1i- 1:35-5, L'Irphr.si5 adicil). ,\c'e \\-inliicd \letrriir-lghau:'s rlisct-issio:l tri this poillt in '\\'a1ter Brtliirrllitl's viti-i'ltiotl-\ oi iltaqelcssncs:. Clrti.nl /J.ri-i;on,i l -i.-r il0 j,r i: {(). -lS. c,r1'. '11 , - ir,. ,(peciiLl Issui ott nri lti,i1,, cd:. Att.lrct. Btt.tiulirl atrJ -{li:,rtl iiors. Recal-i'rit'ig thc \c. tl.ie tliscttssiott rrl'su;h'ttttatl:'itl ]1,,::.'lhe tlistinctioll hcL\\c.ll rllr [hic antl rlirirtt violct.tct, I l. i 3 9 1(i 19. Sse iz\rIall irtt]orrrr 5.taairLllll o1'hcrttltll.'tilii illteri'rflltioll o1-tll. srntlt'rl itl his 7/r,',rr.ii-. trl l/tr'-Strtt1,r,l, tr:tit:. (..rlf ierirtt ])ol.lri l'lllt.tca. N):(.onlell L'irircrsit,r I)ress. llrEl t. :06 7. Sce \\'.iltr'r Ilr,rrktrl. -Sil.lia/irr1' nitil Hl,ilirt.) i rr Gr.,'ik -\lltiloio.e.l irrrri Hr-<lor r (i os .\ngc1e .. (-.{: L-rnir-crsitr ol'Laiilirrnia Prcs5. I !l:91. this cirit bc cor.rrl.iu.eti rr'itlt Hans ]llutlettbcrSs trcilttllcllt i)r'llri\ t()Pi. irl i-,is llirr,( oii -\ir r/:, trans. Rt,l.ert \1. \\'a11acc ((-antl'r-i,1g.. ]i-\: \liT Prcss. 19fii I Llnlikc llenianrin. lliLunenbcrq 5ecs n\1h as ar elf.ative rr'ar o1'tnaililqing arilhropological dihcits. Ertcnditic Biurlertherg's accoLllli, rrL'lrriqhi say that rrhat Benjamin calls the,rlogr ilntl cre,jils ir'iih tirc'il'uth'that he clairlls is exclucicrl ticttt t.nrlll is rea1lr' jr-lsi iinothdr natttr ic,t thc usc oirlrllh to deiLl rr-ilh atlthropological ticiicits. i r-ielenri this ctrnipirrisort rr-ilh Blutrtetrbcrg irr (-hapLcr 5 oi llirllr:r B(tt.iLili111is Cottccpt ttf tln ht,t.q,' (\or' Yr.rr:k: Rt,utlcdg.. 201'1). .1hi: is csl.cciallv so sincc th..olllrast itl tht'riolctl;c cssa\ b.tlrac1l \ttiil.rs puilishnlcut rtnrl th. clestrttcliolt ti1'Kor:rh is p1r11111 handlccl. \iobt is lcfl. irl ijenjanrinls \torris, a\ it'tllLll. llttttttclarr stollcl her fLlnishlllclll thtrs i.1ocs clcarll ntarL thc clillcre llce bctuce ll tllc pol'crs o1'tilc (,otlt attrl tllortal ii1e , dcspitc Ilcnjarllill's ticscriptiLrn L'1 tlic Purlishn)orlt o1-\i()l)e conritlg 1-rolll 'the tll]c0rtaill' 'ttttttc' as a furth.'r arnbigu()tis sphcrc of iate' artd thc t.neatrins o1 l'ier bcirlg rclldcre(l rrarkcr of 'arnbisuitr'' (,S1\'1:2-13).I'or furtirer analvsis of the furlction olti-re Niobc mvLh in Beniarnin-s essav scc Arnir Ahmadi's anai\-sis of lJctrianlirls dislortion oiti-rt extant fi)rms oi the Greek n'l-th of Niobe in this volurne (London: Pensuin Books. J. \\. r'on Goethe, Eit'ctit'e,{finities. trans, R. i. Hollingciale . 11 19;t ),,l-3. 12 l:rt'ud fan-iouslv analrsed tl-rc p1sn1p15 13 for anxien tl-rai sLrch an un-dcfined lrcid produccs: like Benjarnirt. in Frcud'.s accoullt u-i'rat defirles anxiel\ is the absence of a definitc obicct. Anxicfl [Arrg.st] has an ltnmistakable rclation t() e-lp.?.r.l1i()rrr it i5 trn.\iftv nbot.rt lvorl somc'thing. 1t l-ras a quaiitv t:t'indc.firtitcne's.' rrtirl lac,( ol'ob-iett.' Signruncl Irrcutl,'lnhibiLioits. svu-tptotns attcl irrlrietr', Thc Stuttlnrd Etiitiort o.f tlit Contpktt Psl,c/rolotlcn/ llirrL.i ol'Sl.grrrr rrtd Frt'tttl. \irlurrle \X, trans. Jirnrcs Stracl-rct' (l-ortdott: thc Hoqarth I)rcss irtrcl thc institutc of l)svcito-Atlalr sis' 1973), 1(r't 5' 1n his gloss olt thc cortlrttanr.lnttt.tt, "lhou shall llot kill: itl his cssrl orl r-iolcttcc, lJcniatnin sa]'s:'lt exists II()l as a criteri{)ti tifiudgnlctlt, bLIt i15 ll guidciinc lirr iL { d '6 !t- lL'f. !-6r (q ')^r)^,(leuy-(iq,r,(s(lJo Jlrilll5-ul rql pup ss^Jrd tlt:e8oH rtlT-:llopuo-1 .(eq:er1.'^ s;rure{ 'pna.Li puntuSrsjir s1.ro,11 1tt:t3o1ot1:,$4 tn1druo1 P3trP3 PUP prlP[!^uP].L YX ;iur]lo,\ il.l] Jb uolllpT ptotltLL)ls:r71 -,(;atr1n: pue sutolduti'^ 'suoIl{qlqul, 'punur3rs 'pnc.i1 .I-6t ..),,(,8 urn8ua4 ;Lroplio-I a1rpSuri1o11 { 6 -(q prtels^ues1 strytt[y' lltqatl '6 :y'1 's.r1o8uy so'1 ,(.io1srg puu ,(3o1ot1l,iy,ti llat) ut uo,r 3ue311111 uLIEt{ol :o; aimapp8 e 'aluaioi,r uo -iessa q u il *tsitat--d daqce:1g saurel'sEEu -!L rq ary{o uo111g1 r,;.nrre5- ryt ' 9 -r9 l' (f. !61 'aqtro:) /hi'\\rl(T p1111illllP-) It) ill\lir,\lUIl (toyt11 ptua anl)tl.tls rrlltr,!\'l"trl.ing 'q861 'ss:rld TTiN :y11 'a8pi:ilurel 'mplp..\\ 'tr\ urqog {q p-.te1sue:1 'qi,iLf, uo ).ro-tl srrcH'Sraqtraumlg palrl s{Jor\,\ '(p197 'o8papno5 :Irol ,*a61) a3ow1 aqt lo fiaruo) lunur[uag n11rl4 ui IIE]ap erolrr ur IroM rolEl pue d1.rea s,trrure(uag uoonloq uolluloJ al{lJo SuIp€aJ qql dola,rop 1 11 '(I '?N) r:ot1e1a:d:a1u1 uearP Jo Is?t oql t8n*r 1"q1 o1 p.re8e; gllrt 'dn sa)pt ueuolslq eqt tEr{r luaurou slqr }p si }I qrns s? e8eurr urea:p relnrrl;ed sqt tsni saziuSorar 'sa,(e sll Surqqn: 'furueurnq qllqm uI 3uo 3q1 'dJJureu - qloda rgr:ads alrnb e o1 ,(po 'uorsello t{lea uo 'lsoJlueur s1 }I irJA3Mor{ 'qlns sV ,.1?rJorrtauturr aurr] rxo4 uaaq seq leI{M,, ',tJsnoauellnurls's,(er,rp sr rlcoda .re1n:r1:ed e rrrqll.^a ueoq s?q leq.{\'J8€uI lulllroplp JLII uI, :satlrl't ag '(1 'E1q) .aun ;e1ncr1rcd e 1e ,(1uo ,ltitqFai o] uletl? ,(eqt iuqt <ll3 3^oq€ 'sIes ]i raurrl -te1n:t1rcd u o1 3uo1aq daqr reql s.{es ,{po 1ou sa8eurl aqt 3o xapul lelIro}siq aqt roJ, ( t 'gN) .saBeurt - ireqlr" ]ou 'sr leql - Ief,r.rolst{.,(1aurnua8, saSeurr ie:r1ca1elp aq} se{€ru leq-tt sI sa8erul;o.lrllql8al, oql'(Z'rN) .paueddeq lEr{MJo Iooq oqt uado a,14'areq pai€ei} aq 11ut l..rntuoc qluoolrulu aqiJo llrlEar ar{t Moq sr teql puY'lxo} e o)ilI Par rql peor u?r ruo ter{i srtullpul ..alnteuJo {ooqaril,, uorsso:dxa oq1,:(d-rniuer qlalluamt eql "a'r) ]uasa:d Jq] pue (drnlua: qtuao]auru aq] ''r'l) tuauroru lsed e uaarElaq.xaput Fruotsq, rq} iuo4 saurol sa8erur asoqlJo &tlqfol aqt teqt EepI aqt o1 pue isa8erut go .Surpea:,;o adLl u se uortdar.rad prr.rolsri{ ot srrJJr pa[ot4 sapatty ry1ure(uag 9I '(EOg,t,44S) .pearp, ol Lessa srql ur saruaraJar aql osle aa5 (gig:1 /14S) sauoua^o ssapunol s1r iq auol Jetuaurepun; E sI se 'oJIIJo ere; eql ul,{tarxue ,{q parutdurorou sr qieap Jo alEJ ar{} ur fta;ruy 'real uErI} srol}elJ€,t uI raqllr sr 3ur1aa3 og, :af,ualsrxa uappr.r-.(larxur u? qlnsJo JJpour Jql se aJil EeqteoC ot sraJrr,{essa oq1 gI '(968 dy) gsodxE SE6I aqt Jo uoIS-Ia^. ,(i:ea srq ,Qrn8rqrue ;o aruel:odurr ar{lJo alualsrsur arrrts aq]Jo suorl€lnru:oJ ]uaJaJIp roJ osle oas 'sarrnbar.(esse srq3o luaurn8re aql leql Jlualol,r ,heuotlnlola; pue aurrlrp uaal{leq uorilauuol aql sastutordruol ll lerl} llurpp }sntu Juo 'lf,elul ,(larlos r,rau p uj qllq p:oru,{'reuor1n1o-ta: spruefuag salea] r,ror{ouros iualqo:d slqtJr ua^E 'r€alf, sr '(glt,t itts/t8t:I I Sg) [l1o) to,t wa11o tltts m{zuo3 npa[ wal .poD qtl^{ auol€, qree aPEur sr uorsrlap osoq.r\'uollBnlIs.sla^ol aql o1 lalleJ?d oqtJo Sur8pn; aq1 '(pappu srseqdura'092:L44S) ;,apntlps ur, str€ llialor.\3o uralqo:d aq] i{]lrlr apsaj.{\'slrtllodJo o:eds aql sI IP rauE qlrqr,r'lrunruurol € uel asuss }eI{.^^ uI :a:ualorl d.rruorlnlo^al Jo ]unof,l€ s dessa arp ur uralqo:d e ol slutod .sJltlunururof, pue.suos;ad, uaaluaq.ro, ar{tJo luaura:e1d Ipnser sIH'(pcppu srseqdu;a'697:1 ,lS) .tl Supou8r;o ,hrgqrsuodsa: aqt se^lasuaql uo a{P} ol 'sasel puotlda:xa ut 'pue apnlrlos uI 1r qll^\ allsarm ol aleq or{A\ salJlunuruiol;o suos:ad;o suol}ft 99 ptuapU\ {o anb1u), s,uruafuag ut {yn8tquy to l1m8tqu,ry at11 = D$ :I pue :rqtiui il 'i:[: l 11\ '-.' tit 1l1ir.i )ii) ... .. U()rlrJLUiir.lj.. 'rr1l .iirr-rr1 - Llt .' .' lrll Sii,t.--: -. rllll\rl() (\tJ ('Li ,: .' tll lltlll ',rYII- r,rr ri-r!..-. -. irt.ll'l-r 1r111' 1:. .. Irrrr'rl-ri-s tlrc Crif iLitLt 56 I Ianraclier, \\'cnrcr. oi Yiolcnce ',\ltirrnrltivc. strikc: Ilcrij.rnrin's "(-ritirluc ,rl'\'iolcnce"l In ll,r/frr. Bi'rrl{rlrlr:( pltiIp5t.tpltl: D,',silirrlrrlr rilr(l 1..\fr]ial.r'. l:rlitc(L lrt..\nJr.,rr [3errjentin .inrl l)ctrr ()slrornc. \l.rnchc.Icr: (-lin;.rutcn L)rcss, ]0()(). 10S -l(r. \le rrninghaus, \\'inl-rietl.'\\'.r1ier Ilcn.jeuriu's,..rri.rtiorrs ol irnagclcssncs.l ll-.rrrsl.itctl Lrr.ir r--l\. \pcciel Ls.LLc f irurrlh) iSlhti .rntl l).n'itl Hcrrslcv.Ct'lticLti Hr)/r--r)r\ l+.1(llll' ou Xir lirlri'i.', lldil.d L.r .\ntlrcrr [3enjairriu irnrl AIiron Ross. RLrss, AlisLrn.'-Il-rc ciistinction l.elrrt-en ruthic ar.Ld tiirinc violcncc: \\iltcr Rcnlantin's rr['\:iolcnce" tioin the pcrsi]e.ti\ c .ri "Goe ilic's Eluti,,'e -{,f i;rlr:.i"i \l' (j t r' ; r t,t tt C r tt t t1t Lt I 1. 1 l0 i -1) : 9,1- 1 20. Ben.itttin\ Cortceot .:i ti;e intage. Nel'\brk: Ror-rllcrlge, 2()11. -\\'o.iter lbrioror-, Tzvetan. Tlieories ,:.i tlte S,r'mLtol.'frirn-slateil bl.Catherine Porter. ititirca, N1': "(--riLitlLrc L (-ornel1 Universitv Prr.ss. I L 9,91.