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Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 456 CATEGORIAL FEATURES OF POLITICAL VS. RELIGIOUS DISCOURSES: LINGUO-SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS Natalia A. Bozhenkova1 Pavel A. Katyshev2 Darya V. Atanova3 Raisa K. Bozhenkova4 Abstract: The article offers a political/religious communication, iconic which determine algorithms of verbal- constituents of religious and political discursive behavior. The combination of discourses as the most complex and methods symbolically linguistic-cognitive comparative description saturated of types of of discourse analysis, projection and institutional interaction. The research is functional-pragmatic consideration of based on a systemic multi-level analysis textual units of the mentioned spheres of of the component structure of discourse communication made it possible to in order to identify and characterize qualify linguistic and sociocultural constants linguosemiotic components of discourse and markers of semasiologically holistic data, which, while receiving a specific polycode practices combined by certain refraction in a socio-communicative axiological attitudes. reality, methodological concept The and clearly taxonomize demonstrate the the at typological signs of a linguocultural modeling institutional interactions made universe. The results of the study it possible to characterize the methods indicate that, despite the conceptual and mechanisms of explication and contrast between politics and religion, transformation of the iconic elements of these types of discursive practices have aimed Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education - "Pushkin State Russian Language Institute" 2 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education - "Pushkin State Russian Language Institute" 3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwest State University» 4 Federal State Budgetary Institution Of Higher Professional Education - "Pushkin State Russian Language Institute" 1 Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 457 many correlating features, which are sociological components of discourse based on a comparable similarity of data, which receives a specific refraction content, mechanisms and methods of in the socio-communicative reality. The generating methodology discursive constructs, of a comparative- correlated principles of representation of typological study of verbal/non-verbal mental categories and a definite analogy signs representing the corpus of religious of symbolic-symbolic design of a and political communication can be communication process. extrapolated to other institutional interactions (both in synchronic and Keywords: political discourse, religious diachronic aspects) and become the basis discourse, for creating a model of linguosemiotic socio-and linguocultural constants, linguocultural signs. space of various mental communities. Scientific value Topicality In the scientific paradigm of In the context of a modern contemporary linguistics, where the integrated communicative reality, the object speech problem of explication of typological communication in the context of socio- mechanisms for organizing interactions, cultural structures, systematization of the the determinants of which are the mental conceptual universals of research is foundations of various of individual/collective approaches of humanitarian knowledge consciousness, occupies a special place. to the analysis of the discursive practices In this regard, the most complex and of the new information society is the symbolically methodological key to solving many institutional discourse are political and research problems. The combination of religious, having (with the ideological methods of discourse analysis, linguistic polarity of politics and religion) quite a cognitive of few correlating signs of considerable institutional interactions and functional- interest. Comparative characterization of pragmatic consideration of textual units iconic constituents of religious and of political and religious spheres of political discursive practices based on a communication made it possible to systematic multi-level analysis of the qualify component structure of discourse clearly projection, and modeling taxonomy the semi- saturated types of Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 458 demonstrates the processes of diffusion to critical discourse analysis, and re-contextualization of language and communicative speech influence techniques, which in asymmetry turn makes it possible to identify new ideologically linguocultural resources of institutional practices in order to identify areas of communication practices and identify possible risk communication). tools used, indices, social fixed marked the by discursive markers for their implementation. Introduction The modern era, which involves Novelty of multiple non-screen forms and methods linguosemiotic markers of the two most of information broadcast, determines the important spheres of human existence, daily inclusion of subjects in the social i.e. politics and religion, made it possible interactive space, which leads to the to substantiate the principles of modeling formation of certain communication modern identify relationships and the roles of participants synergistically organized mechanisms of one or another type of verbal for building institutional interactions; interaction. As a result, the issues of the construct algorithms for the use of verbal functioning of the socio-communicative and non-verbal sign systems in religious system, its structural and semiotic and organization, A comparative society political study space, discourses; describe the mechanisms of and education and existence of the most pragmatic identifiers of political and important social realities are of particular religious A importance. In this regard, the decisive significant result of the work is the link in building a model of social being verification methodological and the image of the world as a whole is concept of the study, the most important discourse (in a broad sense, emotive- components of which are the multi-level informational interaction, reflecting the ways of representing and interpreting connection discursive the reality), since images and concepts are functional and stylistic analysis of the produced and become real only within corpuses of political/religious texts that the framework of discourses, and social characterize their genre specificity, prior interactions axiological, semasiological discursive of the constructs interaction. (from between cannot language be and understood Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 459 without reference to discursive practices their dependence on cultural, social and in which their semantic field is formed psychological factors; This definition is [15]. characteristic of pragmatic theories in As you know, discourse is a both linguistic and semiological, multi-valued term for a number of sociological and psychological research; disciplines exploring language, language • critical interpretation: discourse behavior, language functioning in is considered as a corpus of culture, etc. The interpretation potential prescriptions, rules, requirements and of this definition is extremely wide: the their practical expression in order to concept is being developed not only in rationalize, evaluate and confer a certain linguistics, but also in other sciences meaning to social facts (as a rule, a such as sociology, philosophy, political specific science, logic, and in different paradigms community or an entire culture); • of knowledge, it is used in various historical period, functional social interpretation: the discourse refers to any way the language discourse functions in a social context; This proposed by E.A. Kozhemyakin is approach has taken a firm position in shown below: Europe and Russia in recent decades [10: meanings. In this connection, taxonomy of the term • formal interpretation: discourse 11]. In appears as a category of natural oral or modern human science, written language - a relatively complete “discourse” is a stable, socially and in terms of meaning and structure, a culturally defined tradition of human speech work whose length varies from a communication, in which the linguistic syntagmatic chain of two or more factor that determines the development statements to a meaningful piece of work of communicative behavior, norms of (story, reproduction conversation, descriptions, and interpretation of instructions, lectures) ; this interpretation language constructs in social reality [15: is characteristic mainly of linguistic 1], and a similar presentation of the theories proper; phenomenon of discourse reflected in the • pragmatic interpretation: here work of a number of scientists. Thus, N. the emphasis is placed on the pragmatics Fairklo considers discourse as “a of the implementation of statements and language used in the process of Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 460 representing social practice that is emotional and informational exchange, different from a particular point of view” exerting [16: 4]. L. J. Phillips and M. V. interweaving instantly Jørgensen, communicative strategies in turn, believe that influence on each other, changing and their “discourse is a form of social behavior verbal and non-verbal incarnations in the that serves to represent the social world practice of communication ” [7: 18].]. O. (including knowledge, people and social F. Rusakova characterizes the discourse relations)” [17:17]. R. Barth calls as discourse “synthetic and integrating communicative-sign system with six transtextual education” and highlights its main properties functionality, intentions, strategies, designs), relevant processuality, relevance [1: 39]. M. (the embodiment of power intentions in Foucault believes that discourse is “a real activity, having a sign-symbolic socially conditioned organization of the character), system of speech and action” [18: 27]. T. understanding of meanings, values, A. Van Dijk, analyzing models of identities), contextual (expansion of the situations as behavioral models, by semantic field based on sociocultural, discourse means “the functional part of historical communicative and more general social psychological and cultural goals of social groups or charge, content in discourse and gives it individuals” [6: 21]. According to van a suggestive force) and “sedimentary” Dijk, discourse involves the interaction (the imprint of all the plans listed above between language and reality, which in provides a world view and existence. S. experience, in that the constructed and Saranji and M. Beinham understand materialized society environment, which discourse as a way in which the language shapes are a reflection of the culture) is formed and at the same time forms a [16: 5]. K.F. Sedov, abstracting from the sociopolitical reality [16: 5]. V.I. Karasik terms conveying linguistic and textual asserts that “discourse is a speech communication, nominates discourse as practice, i.e. interactive activities of the “an objectively existing verbal-sign participants construction such of as communication, establishing and maintaining contact, “a the complexly plans: intentional virtual and that (power (recognition other (emotional, public structured and contexts), energetic consciousness accompanies and the process of socially significant interaction Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 461 of people” [14: 8]. M. Chimombo and R. socially (and personally) significant L. Roseberry define discourse as “an meanings. extremely complex process consisting of numerous interdependent components. It arises from intersecting, mental for 1. processes example, with Materials and methods The methodological concept of the research is aimed at a psychological, social, cultural and other multidimensional study of the social aspects of life” [16: 4]5. issues of discursive practices and Summing up various research includes linguocognitive and interpretations, we propose the following linguoculturological vectors describing interpretation discourse, of this phenomenon: dependent on a discourse is a certain dimension of the multidimensional set of components of communicative space, designed as a the sociocommunicative context. This chain/complex of statements (i.e., as a methodology process and result of a speech act), which humanitarian and heuristic methods latently contains a multi-level system of (registration, formal modeling method; taxonomic, dynamic elements connected by was based on instrumental both methods, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, and and explicates the pragmatic-ideological linguistic methods - the method of attitudes of the subject of the utterance, formalizing limiting the potential inexhaustibility of component, contextual and categorical text values as the product of social and synchronous analysis, the method of communicative activity. At the same segmentation time, phenomena (facts), followed by their the most important factor explanatory description), linguistic of descriptions, specific organizing the discursive practice is the generalization, wide societal context, which determines characterization both the “rules of the game” (for a ethnomental entities, etc. abstraction of the and verbal and underlying particular type/type of discourse) and the The material for the study of mechanisms for the actualization of political discursive practices was the 5 Of course, this is far from an exhaustive list of interpretations of the phenomenon of discourse. Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 462 of chosen that have a single biblical basis, representatives of the world political meaningfully close religious articles, elite prayers, theological commentaries (more scripts of (Russia, public the speeches USA, France, Germany). The choice of subjects of than 500 units). political communication is due to two The integrity of the proposed factors: on the one hand, the state foreign model for the study of communicative policy, taking into account the current interaction, focused not only on national geopolitical situation, is of increasing values of society, but also on tense points interest of institutional communication regarding to researchers, including linguists; on the other hand, the speeches which of official manipulated, and the correlation of the representatives of the foreign affairs volume of research material provides, agencies of various countries largely according to the authors, the accuracy of shape the global political discourse, the conclusions of the comparative therefore, the analysis of speech products typological analysis. the first persons and public consciousness is (speeches) allows building a completely objective picture of the unification and 2. Results The specificity of the use of communicative problem of explicating strategies in linguocultural universes. typological mechanisms for organizing The second material selection criterion communicative practice in the context of was the genre and thematic community modern integrated reality, where the of speeches, and therefore special object attention was given to press releases communication in the context of socio- published in official sources, briefing cultural structures that determine the texts, comments and interviews that mental explicate the essential unity (with individual/collective consciousness and ambiguity of ideological positions) of determine the linguistic and cultural the linguo-semiotic constituents of the experience of the nation, occupies a political space (more than 500 units ). As special place in the scientific paradigm a research field of religious discourse, of texts of Russian and English-speaking discursive practices as separate space- (Orthodox and Protestant) sermons were time formations are in a state of of modern research universals linguistics. is speech of Multiple Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index continuous development, • study involving the processes 463 of mutual influence and interdependence, diffusion and re-contextualization of the interpenetration and complementarity of language different discursive types and genres, influence; behavioral, methods of speech • identify new linguocultural each of which is determined by the thinking, and ethnocultural resources of institutional communication components of social relations in the practices and identify markers of their context of world economic and political implementation. processes. A significant result of the work In this regard, a comparative is the verification of the methodological description of linguosemiotic markers of concept of the research, the most the two most important spheres of human important components of which are the existence, i.e. politics and religion, made multi-level methods of representing and it possible to systematize the conceptual interpreting discursive constructs: • a macro approach involving foundations of different approaches of humanitarian knowledge to the analysis an of the discursive practices of modern discursive components and properties society and thus allowed: within the framework of the constituent • substantiate the principles of modeling modern social space; • identify integrated fundamental analysis structures of of various society discourses (from identifying constitutive synergistically features and characterological dominants organized mechanisms for building of discourses to defining the discursive institutional interactions; means of expressing them in a wider • qualify and taxonomize the institutional space); identifiers of political and religious • critical discourse analysis discursive interaction, to compare their used to identify social asymmetry semantic, indicators recorded by ideologically syntactic and pragmatic characteristics; marked discourse practices; • construct algorithms for the • method of discursive use of verbal and non-verbal sign psychology, which allows to consider the systems participants of discursive interaction, in discourses; religious and political Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 464 their mental states, to characterize the Discussion totality of their cognitive models, etc .; • method of linguistic and Global and local informational and communicative spaces are cultural interpretations, giving a holistic characterized by an ever increasing view of the semasiological nature of the complexity of social relations, an sign units used in political and religious extension of the semasiological sphere, discursive practices; an increase in connotative elements in it, • analysis functional of the and stylistic corpuses which, on the one hand, necessitates a of timely assessment and interpretation, on political/religious texts, characterizing the other hand, it directs the research idea the features of their genre specificity; to the methodological framework of • pragmatic analysis of speech critical discourse -analysis, the most acts, the use of which allowed to identify important feature of which should be certain tools considered to be the setting for the study (strategies/tactics /speech steps) and of mechanisms for creating socially identify determined ideas and objects that make communicative areas of possible communication risks. The up our universe, and ways to objectify methodology comparative-typological of the study of them in the time aspect6. Being a multidimensional verbal/non-verbal signs that manifest the sociocultural phenomenon and semantic corpus political multimodal unity, including various communication can be extrapolated to aspects of communication (establishing other institutional interactions (both in and maintaining contact, emotional and synchronic and diachronic aspects) and informational become the basis for creating a model of each other) and representing a certain linguosemiotic space of various mental area of functioning of the language communities. involved in the field of assessments, While other methodologies “work” on interpreting the universe as a given construct, the critical discourse analysis is aimed at in-depth study of the techniques of its production and description of the mechanisms for its designation [25: 17]. In other words, in a critical discourse analysis, it is customary to regard discourse as a constitutive of the social world, formed by different-level and diverse categories, and proceed from the fact that the world cannot be known independently of the knowledge of discourse. 6 of religious and exchange, influencing Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 465 cognitive attitudes and mythologies of sports, medical, political, mass media, various social groups [6: 4], discourse religious, family, etc.); not only objectifies the • "interpenetration" of various semiotic systems, but also simultaneously identity (national, supranational, regional, religious, etc.); • ideological discourses (discourses of democracy, verbal and non-verbal components. parliamentarism, Multiple discursive practices such as populism, racism, fascism, etc.); • discourses citizenship, of authoritarianism, illegitimate practices in a state of continuous development, (extremist, terrorist, radical discourses, implying interdependence, etc.); influence and mutual complementarity of • business discourses different discursive types and genres, business communication, each of which is an intellectual- corporate culture, etc.); behavioral projection of social relations • [5]. It is no coincidence that the modern paradigm of discursive (discourses of marketing, art discourses (discourses of theater, cinema, practices7, implemented in the societal space is literature, visual arts, architecture, fashion, etc.); • discourses of subcultures (different expanding more and more, covering new youth speech-behavioral discourse of substance abuse, play and phenomena, and today fall into the field of scientific personal discourse (existential and body discourse bodybuilding scientific, discourse, etc.); 7 military, According to A.A. Kibrik, to understand the diversity of discourse, it is important to take into account at least four parameters: the most important are the differences in mode (oral/written), genre, functional style, formality. Accordingly, all taxonization principles proposed today are independent of discourse, habitat discourses (discourse at home, institutional discourses (pedagogical, administrative, criminal interior, city, landscape, etc.); • everyday); cultures, other addiction, etc.); • description: • of generates complex implementations of separate spatial-temporal formations are • discourses (body discourse, discourse, sexual each other and constitute a complex combinatorics of various possibilities [9: 19]. It is with a detailed study of the combinatorial types of discourse that the further progress of discourse analysis as a scientific discipline is connected. Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index • 466 dream discourse and the others8. of social institutions in which people In the context of world geoeconomic processes, carry out their professional and powerful institutional activities, and is demonstrated in certain discourses are of particular interest, patterns of behavior. At the same time, it embodying typical models of social is important to note the ambivalence of interaction, developed in the process of the correlation of the above categories: cultural, historical and ethnomental on the one hand, social institutions development of a nation, which, in turn, “produce” and broadcast discourses (in led to the formation and functioning of the form of ideas, concepts, constituents, typological mechanisms for organizing principles, images and other symbolic communicative practice for a certain figures), which define the framework, linguistic culture. The key realities of the focus centers (so-called “glasses ") Of institutional type of communication are our vision and understanding of reality, various researchers include the concepts on the other hand, institutional discourse of social institution, social status, social produces and explicates norms and role, where a social institution is an standards authority that ensures the organizational reinforces binary relations norm / and disciplinary interaction of subjects abnormal, positive / negative, admissible based on generally accepted standards / unacceptable , good / evil, canonical / and ways of hierarchical subordination; heretical, etc., expressed in moral social status - a characteristic of a subject imperatives, traditions, rituals, codes of occupying a particular position in the conduct, legal acts, etc. [13: 194]. social hierarchy of an institution in accordance with certain criteria of status-role behavior, All components that make up the communicative relationship are (educational/professional level, prestige interpreted in the framework of the of the profession and occupation, official relevant social institution, and the position, amount of power, etc.); social institutional communication developing role is a way of objectifying status, in it is characterized by specific corresponding to the regulatory regimes linguistic 8 The above list is certainly far from finished; It can be supplemented with new forms of institutional communication. and speech means: the Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 467 meanings of signs in the form of a code From these positions, the most linguocultural “stable” and symbolically saturated consciousness9 of the native speaker types of institutional discourse – political (and the ethnic group as a whole) and and religious – whose linguosemiotic accumulate in a complex way / are constituents receive a specific refraction generated in the discursive act [22]. It is and frame in a socially communicative in the reality – are significant [3]. Despite the personal and socially important values conceptual antithesis of politics and are actualized, i.e. the representatives of religion, these types of discourse have the which, many points of contact, which are based according to semasiological ideas, are on a certain unity of the “production” of very diverse and include both verbal and knowledge, and non-verbal code: the language manifests principles and itself in a graphic image and in a “verbal” generating discursive constructs, and the text, and in bodily gestures, and in other relative analogy of the symbolic design semiotic forms. of the communication process10. 9 in the presentation of the key cultural concept and the values it defines); 5) strategies that meet the goals of this type of communication and are reduced to the main intention of communication; 6) material; 7) types and genres (the principles of distinguishing genres in religious and political discourse are also reduced to the intentional content of these types of communication, respectively, do not reveal any significant similarities); 8) precedent (cultural) texts (in the content-semantic field of both religious and political discourse, the category of precedence plays a crucial role, since the recipient identifies and reproduces key axiological signs only if they are in the presupposition - as a result of reading / listening to similar texts); 9) linguistic and speech features reflected in characteristic discursive formulas, which are a peculiar model of not only the cognitive processes of communication participants, but also the mechanisms for organizing the linguocultural universe as a whole [4: 318]. are fixed in institutional the discourse ethnomental sphere, that R.K. Bozhenkova defines linguocultural consciousness as a special level of conscious experience that builds on its linguistic levels, and acts as a system of linguocultural norms developed in the process of communication, organized in the form of codes [22]. 10 This statement is a summation of a multilevel analysis of the discourse component structure, including a detailed description of the following, according to V.I. Karasik [8], categorical signs of social interaction: 1) participants who are usually classified into agents and clients: the first are those who play active role in institutional communication, to the second - those who turn to agents and act as representatives of society as a whole in relation to representatives of the institute; 2) chronotop, which implies a description of the place and time of the conventionally fixed discursive interaction; 3) goals; 4) values (within the stated genres of religious and political discourse - the goals of institutional communication are fundamentally different, which is due to the fundamental difference the similarity mechanisms of for Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 468 Undoubtedly, the oldest and most important type institutional they either constitute the actual subject communication that formed the basis for of communication, realizing the deictic the development of all other forms of function, or act as elements of a wide social communication can be called the axiological-pragmatic context. It can be practice of religious departures: religion said that the functioning of both types of and the church (as its main institution) discourse is represented in two aspects: arose earlier than all existing institutions on the one hand, they are focused on — the institute of politics, schools, the achieving, “semiotic consolidation” and army, translation etc. ; of of the social field are objectified since all the institutions of value-pragmatic functioning in modern society derive experience, on the other hand, on the their sources from religious interaction. preservation and reproduction of a social Religion is a worldview and attitude that institution (religion or politics). The determines human behavior, and cult basic component of the social institution actions based on faith11 in the divine, in of politics, as well as the social the existence of a higher power, in their institution of religion, determines the all-encompassing power [2: 6]. At the sustainability of their existence and at the same time, political discourse is also an same ancient form of knowledge and social transformation, interaction further development. that emerged with the emergence of the concept of “power”: time the possibility often of necessary for In this regard, it should be noted politics is a semantic and sense- that reproducing activity regulated by certain communication historical codes opposition of institutional discourse to forming, personal on the basis of personal or maintaining and развития. changing representative orientation of the subjects relations of (traditions) and ethno-cultural aimed of at dominance and political and (despite communication) the rigid rarely “absolutely be subordination in society. Accordingly, in characterized the political discourse all the constituents communication”: the institutional nature “Faith” as a concept turns out to be an operating object in the logical pair “truth is a lie” and is reflected in human communicative actions (verbal and nonverbal) in different directions, depending on the degree of acceptance of this concept. 11 as can religious status Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 469 of these forms is always gradual12. Thus, At the same time, the significance of the the status-role characteristics of subjects personal characteristics of the agent of of a religious field, as well as subjects of discursive a political field, defined by genre component) in religious and political specifics, of communication can be of decisive discursive practice, affect the lexical- importance. Of course, the gradual grammatical, character of institutional interaction themes and stylistic tonality and other semasiological characteristics of social correlates interaction, practice with (personal the kind of often expressing a communicative event that determines the personality-oriented orientation of different degrees of strict adherence to communication. This allows them to be pattern. An example of a “tough” variety defined as mixed types of social in religious discourse is a church service communicative practice13, in which with a clear differentiation of typed signs of not only institutionalization are stages, participants, texts, and other found, the elements of worship; The genres of of social confession and spiritual conversation and social with a priest, the structure of which with but normative also personalities: determination relations/communication coercion (the institutional component) the determine the disciplinary functions of components is very variable, can be organizing these relations and manifest attributed to samples of the “soft” themselves in religious practice in the variety. In the political discourse, the form of control over their observance, illustrations of the first option can be meeting in provided by briefings of representatives political practice - in the form of a of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of system of laws, decrees, Lament etc .; as any state, the second option - political for social coercion, in two cases it is interviews, political commenting and leveled to the level of “voluntary even pre-election debates. ritualistic prescriptions, immutability of the defining personal choice”, i.e. In a certain way it The intersection of political and borders on signs of personal discourse. religious discourses is marked by diverse 12 personalization has always had a special meaning. In contrast, for example, from scientific, medical, military discourses. 13 This probably includes the pedagogical and sports types of discourses, where Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 470 symbolic means. First of all, in the rationale political and religious discourse there is compliance with the designated targets a human and values; integration includes the consciousness14, a trustworthy attitude to search, involvement and solidarity of the word and (to a certain extent) belief like-minded people; agony implies a in the “higher” purpose of the leader15 kind of aggression, the struggle against [21: 57]. These types of communication opponents who may in one way or a priori imply the ability and ability to another prevent the embodiment (verbal “impose” (even inspire) others with their or non-verbal) of axiological postulates ideas. discourse, of the relevant discourse. Going beyond ideologies are included in purposeful a certain community that adheres to propaganda and agitation - forms that are certain views (ideological or religious) present in a modified form in religious inevitably leads to the ousting of a given discourse (for example, in the text of a political or religious group - to the church sermon). Political discourse transition from the category of “own” to unites people with a higher political idea, the category of “alien”. mythologization In the of political for the importance of just as in religion people are united by In this regard, the language of one religion. At the same time, the basic politics and religion, on the one hand, organizing the turns out to be the “language for communicative space of both types of initiates,” on the other, it should be discourse functional- accessible to the broad masses (“alien”), semiotic triad integration – orientation – which, if certain ideas are adopted, can agonality, which is projected onto the be transferred to the class of “their own” dichotomy of “one's own – others”. 16 Orientation includes the formulation and people do not directly come into contact explanation principle is the of (political/religious) 14 of basic . It should be noted that, in most cases, one’s own with the world politics and the religious position, the sphere, and their knowledge in this area The mythologization of human consciousness is certainly supported by appropriate attributes: the icon, Holy banner, censer - in religion; portraits of leaders, sculptural works, ideological symbols - in politics. 15 Which, of course, is not related to a specific personality. 16 It is no coincidence that today the language of politics, as well as the language of religion, is incorporated into the personal discourse itself — everyday and everyday communication. Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 471 is not based on their own experience of order signs” - a special metalanguage political participation/religious service, created for decoding and interpreting but mainly on the basis of the “verbal “first order marks”. images” offered to them various forms The language of religious (from dogmatic postulates, descriptions, discourse opinions and which is caused by the need to preserve conclusions) and can be implemented in the dogmatic value potential of this type a wide variety of speech actions of corresponding to a given discursive language, being in some way between genre. However, all such messages, in two poles - a functionally determined addition to explicit, lexically expressed special language and a socio-co-ordinate information, necessarily include the of a certain group with an ideology implicit-connotative layer - first of all, peculiar to it - also tries to preserve the emotively stencil to comparisons colored keywords is formally communication. forms and conservative, The political communication representing basic orientations, values, formulas for the sustainable functioning symbols, etc. Implicit information can of the community. In a broad context, the also be obtained by summarizing, language of religion, as well as the “reading the language of politics, is designed for a characteristics of the chronotope of a specific group, which must be (at least verbal act, its connection with historical, elementary) prepared for the perception cultural, axiological and other factors, of the message. At the same time, the semantic uncertainty and a given ritual language of religion is a semiotic system are significant linguistic components, of a group, which, unlike the participants etc. This gives grounds to evaluate the in a political discourse, is limited and constitution and united not by the unity of political views religious types of discourse as a kind of and ideology, but by a stronger entity — synergetic interaction faith. The language of politics, as well as unfolds in two planes - in the plane of the language of religion, is inherent in "first order signs" (natural human euphemism and even esotericism17. language) and in the plane of “second “Politicians, like no other, know how to 17 nature, both religious and political discourse are theatrical and suggestive. between of unity: both lines”: political social Of course, esotericism in religion and politics has a different tonality, but by their Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 472 evade a direct answer to a question, kind of semantic constant: “If you stay know how to say a lot and say nothing” with us, you will have a bright future and [17: 58], however, the esotericity of a happy life, if you share the views of political discourse is pragmatic, while others esotericism in religious discourse is opponents, enemies), do not expect based on the inner mysticism of anything good in the future”. The same linguistic signs which, due to their is observed in religious discourse, but unusualness and vagueness, create the when stating such formulas, the cleric is effect of the unreal, divine, which one more appealing to the emotional sphere would like to believe: the “magic” of the of the believer, which is why ideas of sin, influence of religion is largely contained punishment, hellish torment, retribution in the word. in the next world become an absolute. In addition, both the language of politics and the language of religion a performs kind of “advertising” function: relying on sign constants and linguocultural realities, the recipients must consciously / unconsciously (opponents, our ideological All this allows us to state that both types of discourse are characterized by impressiveness, obvious irreality and significant manipulative potential. The most important is the fact of orientation of political/religious change their attitude to certain facts / discursive practices towards the mass phenomena of no recipient and, as a result, the vector coincidence that leaders' orientation of the basic constituents of speeches are usually full of promises, religious and political communication and the texts of campaign speeches are (primarily linguistic communication) usually following into other diverse spheres of social (admitting some variations) pattern: “If reality. With the help and due to the you follow us / share our views ……, universality/integration you will / will get…. you are guaranteed concepts of “faith” and “power”, religion ....... If not .......... expects you ... , etc. and politics (respectively) permeate Provided distraction from the real lexical “interrelated content of any of the ideologically within the framework of a given setting marked texts, it can be summarized as a (setting)” [26: 12], creating intertextual based reality. It political on the is of conflicting the key discourses Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 473 connections with communication other in types synchronic of and the language of religion are extrapolated to the existential and everyday example, communication of the widest civilian recently, the inclusion of religious- masses; we already see signs of political discursive techniques in the media and religious convergence in the so- universe has been actively practiced called “culture of everyday life” (in both [20]: due to the growing interest in ordinary verbal behavior and folk various faiths and beliefs, the emergence anecdote genre, in the author’s song, and of various religious trends and teachings, in theatrical production with acute socio- modern media are taking on the mission political overtones): such an intense of spreading religious ideas and beliefs practice has a significant impact on the among communicative-psychological diachronic sections. For population. Political communication is not only mediated by organization of a particular person and the media: media resources are the main the target audience as a whole. Thus, both political discourse and medium of its existence. Moreover, new means and technologies give rise to new religious forms and methods of information institutional-personal transmission, which in turn leads to the not only fully manifest the culture of an emergence and individual society with its ideological polysemiotic communication systems, attitudes, mental symbols, and other the content of which is politics and axiological components, but are also religion, and the form of existence is a characterized by the same (with different display text with special differential verbal design) sociocultural markers – features: nonlinearity (branching, no metaphorical, euphemistic, polemical, beginning ideological (with a clear demonstration of new and (multimedia), mono- end), multi-coding interactivity (direct discourse as a type of communication of the dichotomy of “bad-good”, “friend- connection with the reader, the reader’s foe”), influence on the structure of the text), peculiarity, the assertion of “absolute which both truth”, and – the dominant part – political/religious discourse and its sign irrationality, which is based on rituals, (in the broad sense) components. As a symbols and “pulsating” uncertainty result, today the language of politics and denotations. directly affects a certain emotional slogan Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 474 However, with a pronounced imply the modification of the “self” of an correlation of discursive categories, the individual / society in such a way that the formation and functioning of religious vision of the world turns out to be limited and political discursive practices (as, to indeed, any other discursive form of identifying the dominant characteristics communication) is determined to a of political and religious practices as the greater degree by collective and idio- two most important components of ethnic factors, which are represented in human existence through the prism of the features of linguocultural codes that linguistic and cultural aspects of the “frame” this communicative act and formation of discourse allows not only to embodies the various principles of the describe ethno-lingvo-semiotic space, to conceptualization of mental categories. compare its semantic-syntactic and Being social and national in nature, a pragmatic characteristics, to study the language cannot fail to bear the imprint processes of language diffusion and of the characteristics of worldview, interpenetration of language methods of ethical and moral values, as well as the influence, but also to typify identifiers of norms of speech behavior characteristic the most complex social phenomenon of of this universe. In other words, the human communication. language frames. Accordingly, norms and strategies of behavior are Further study of the mechanisms determined by the laws and values of this for organizing interpersonal/intergroup socio-communicative system, which, in political and (or) religious interaction, turn, has been shaped by cultural and thereby identifying the key markers of historical factors. communicative interaction, analyzing the ways of manifestation of ethno- 3. Conclusion culturally determined constituents of Discursive means, embodying communication, which help build the patterns of discursive behavior and communicative behavior of various national-linguistic picture of the world as social groups (from a small community a whole, comparative consideration of to a whole ethnic group), do not simply their characterize society — they themselves linguocultural universes will provide an are part of it, its purpose and means, and opportunity to achieve a new, higher and the general characteristics of refractions in different Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020 ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index 475 harmonious level of reality acceptance, Issues in the Study and Teaching of its competent operating structures that Russian will International promote the development of Language Forum and on Culture: Research, productive social relations and overcome Theories, and Best Practices. 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