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Comentario: Este documento fue producido por Sergio Galdames PhD, en colaboración con la el Fantástico equipo de la Red de Directores de San Felipe (Beatriz, Paola, Atricio y Andrea) Chile. Este documento fue presentado en el webinar realizado el día 3 de Junio 2020. Si bien el documento es dependiente de la presentación y la posterior discusión, esperamos que pueda facilitar el trabajo y vida de educadores y lideres educativos en la comuna y en otros lugares. Fuerza en estos difíciles momentos estimados educadores. Juntos superaremos estos difíciles momentos Contacto: sergiogaldames@gmail.com Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? ¿Quién Cuida de los que nos Cuidan? Liderando en tiempos de Pandemia Sergio Galdames Psicólogo Educacional - PUCV Magíster Liderazgo Educativo - UWA PhD Liderazgo Educativo - UCL-IoE Junio - 2020 Sergio Galdames ▪ Exploración del trabajo directivo en Chile ▪ Énfasis en las trayectorias profesionales de los líderes educativos y sus prácticas directivas ▪ Recientemente, el trabajo y el aprendizaje de Directores Nóveles ▪ Y más recientemente, la relación entre carrera directiva y teoría generacional Millennials, Generation X y Baby-Boomers 3 Sergio Galdames 4 Contenidos 1. Crisis Global 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar 3. Liderazgo en tiempos de Crisis 4. Liderazgo Situacional 5. Estrategias 5 Fuentes ▪ Experiencia Internacional sobre Crisis (Caso Europeo y Asiático) ▪ Investigación en Liderazgo Educativo ▪ Investigación en Psicología (social y clínica) ▪ Investigación en otras áreas complementarias (organizacional, neurología, psiquiatría) ▪ Experiencia Personal como ‘Covid Survivor’ 6 1. Crisis Global 7 Países/Liderazgo ¿Quiénes han manejado mejor la pandemia? https://www.forbes.com/sites/avivahwittenbergcox/2020/04/13/what-do-countries-with-the-best-coronavirusreponses-have-in-common-women-leaders/#22ae13993dec 8 1. Crisis Global https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse 9 1. Crisis Global Intensificará problemas pre-existentes ▪ Inequidad económica (Navarro-Vargas, Colombia, 2020) ▪ Discriminación de Minorías (Ajnesh Prasad, India, 2020) ▪ Tensiones entre lo macro, meso y micro (Duc Minh Duong, Vietnam, 2020) ▪ Tensiones entre lo nacional e internacional (Kanupriya, India, 2020) ▪ Estados de Ánimos/Depresión (Desrochers, 2013) ▪ Dificultades en el aprendizaje (Ruth Lupton, UK, 2020) 10 1. Crisis Global Tipología de las Crisis 1. Crisis a corto plazo: ones that are sudden in arrival and swift in conclusion. 2. Crisis Catárticas: ones that are slow in build-up, reach a critical point and then can be swiftly resolved. 3. Crisis a largo plazo: ones that develop slowly and then bubble along for a very long time without any clear resolution (such as the pathway of a ‘failing school’ from early warning to major crisis) 4. Crisis de un momento: ones that are quite unique and would not be expected to be 5. Crisis infecciosas : ones that occur and are seemingly resolved quickly, but leave behind significant other issues to be addressed, some of which may subsequently develop into their own crises. (Smith & Riley, 2012) 11 1. Crisis Global Sorpresa How to lead during a crisis is not something you learn in superintendent school. You may get a couple of classes on crisis management or communications, and perhaps a guest speaker will tell a compelling story of how they handled an emergency. But the truth is that you can’t know how you’ll respond to a crisis until you actually encounter one. And the COVID-19 pandemic is like nothing any of us have encountered in many decades. Unlike school shootings, tornadoes, and floods, this catastrophe is neither localized nor a single, onetime event. Joshua P. Starr (2020) 12 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar ¿Qué hacemos cuando nos sentimos en Peligro/Estresados/Tristes/Ansiosos? 13 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar 14 Misión: DESTRUIRME! 15 My Hero!!! 16 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar 17 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar Oxitocina (Oxytocin): la molécula social The neurobiology of attachment behavior has been studied extensively in animal models (Insel and Young, 2001; Swain et al, 2007), and more recently in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Lorberbaum et al, 2002; Bartels and Zeki, 2004; Swain et al, 2007; Strathearn et al, 2008). Although there is likely to be a complex interaction of multiple neuroendocrine systems, two specific systems have been shown to consistently play a role in promoting and maintaining maternal behavior: (1) the dopaminergic reward processing system (Champagne et al, 2004; Strathearn et al, 2008; Ferris et al, 2005) and (2) the oxytocinergic system (Bartels and Zeki, 2004; Champagne et al, 2001; Levine et al, 2007). Oxytocin release into the peripheral circulation occurs within seconds of stimulation and its half-life has been estimated to be 6–7 min (Vankrieken et al, 1983; Robinson and Verbalis, 2003). In randomized, placebocontrolled trials, intranasal oxytocin produces a broad range of social effects, including enhanced social memory, improved eye gaze when viewing faces, increased recognition and memory of facial expressions and identity, and increased manifestations of trust (Domes et al, 2007; Savaskan et al, 2008; Baumgartner et al, 2008; Kosfeld et al, 2005; Guastella et al, 2008b; Guastella et al, 2008a). Lane Strathearn (Neuropsychopharmacology, 2009) 19 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar Oxitocina y Apego Guided by an ethological behavior-based approach, we suggest that micro-level social behaviors in the gaze, vocal, affective, and touch modalities are dynamically integrated with online physiological processes and hormonal response to create dyad-specific affiliations. Studies across multiple attachments throughout life are presented and demonstrate that the extended oxytocin (OT) system provides the neurohormonal substrate for parental, romantic, and filial attachment in humans; that the three prototypes of affiliation are expressed in similar constellations of social behavior; and that OT is stable over time within individuals, is mutually-influencing among partners, and that mechanisms of crossgeneration and inter-couple transmission relate to coordinated social behavior. Ruth Feldman (Hormones and Behavior, 2012) 20 2. Aislamiento y Bienestar Apego – Oxitocina - Drogas In light of this information, it appears that OXT inhibits the development of opiate tolerance, dependence, and selfadministration as well as the acute behavioral actions of and chronic tolerance to cocaine. This suggests the possible role of this neuropeptide in the regulation of drug abuse. Therefore, OXT may act as a neuromodulator on dopaminergic neurotransmission in limbicbasal forebrain structures to regulate adaptive CNS processes leading to drug addiction. Sarnyai (Psychoneuroendocrinology, 1994) 21 Dr Paul Zak – Doctor Love (Amor) He recommends a minimum of eight hugs a day (pets count, too); massage and even soppy movies seem to work: he has done the blood tests. Interactions on Twitter and Facebook seem to lead to oxytocin spikes, offering a powerful retort to the argument that social media is killing real human interaction: in hormonal terms, it appears, the body processes it as an entirely real kind of interaction. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/jul/15/interview-dr-love-paul-zak 22 ¿Cómo el aislamiento ha modificado tu acceso al contacto físico? 24 3. Liderazgo en tiempos de Crisis Aclaraciones antes de avanzar: 1. Liderazgo en oposición/complemento a la Gestión 2. Liderazgo desde lo colectivo/organizacional 3. Liderazgo es más que una fuerza individual, pero también es una fuerza individual 4. Liderazgo es en resumen: Dirección e Influencia (implícitamente colectivo) (Leithwood et al., 2006) 25 3. Liderazgo en tiempos de Crisis • Empatía y Respeto • Optimismo/Tenacidad • Habilidades de síntesis • Habilidades Comunicativas • Inteligencia de proceso • Flexibilidad • Intuición • Creatividad y pensamiento lateral • Toma de decisiones (van Wart & Kapucu, 2011) 26 • Necesidad de un liderazgo fuerte pero con calma • Necesidad de tomar decisiones pragmáticas, en la urgencia y la escasez • Necesidad de coordinar y reorganizar (van Wart & Kapucu, 2011) 27 3. Liderazgo en tiempos de Crisis A great leader helps individuals believe in themselves and contribute to an achievement that they thought not possible if acting alone. A landscape crisis such as the SARS CoV-2 pandemic is a global crisis such as we have never seen. But with principles of great leadership in mind, the radiology community can ‘‘adjust the sails’’ and help steer the medical community back to the safe haven of quality, timely, and evidence-based care. El pesimista se queja del viento El optimista espera que el viento cambie El líder AJUSTA las velas John C. Maxwell Bruce Forster (Canada, 2020) 28 3. Liderazgo en tiempos de Crisis ¿Ha cambiado tu estilo de liderazgo (+gestión) producto de la pandemia? 30 4. Liderazgo Situacional ▪ También llamado contingente ▪ Liderazgo que se adapta a las necesidades del entorno y de la organización ▪ Ejemplo: Directores Noveles – Novice principals in Chile mobilizing change for the first time [directores noveles movilizando el cambio por primera vez] (Galdames et al, 2018) 31 4. Liderazgo Situacional 32 4. Liderazgo Situacional Instruccional (pedagógico) ▪ Centrado en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje ▪ Capacidades pedagógicas ▪ Busca fortalecer los procesos de enseñanza ▪ Desarrolla a otros ▪ Impacta en la practica docente ▪ Pertinente en condiciones estables 33 4. Liderazgo Situacional Instruccional (pedagógico) Transformacional ▪ Centrado en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje ▪ Centrado en los valores y la motivación ▪ Capacidades pedagógicas ▪ Capacidades comunicacionales ▪ Busca fortalecer los procesos de enseñanza ▪ Busca modificar la cultura organizacional ▪ Desarrolla a otros ▪ Pertinente en condiciones estables ▪ Impacta en la práctica docente ▪ Inspira a otros ▪ Pertinente en momentos de cambio ▪ Impacta en el compromiso 34 4. Liderazgo Situacional Transformacional y su vinculo en los valores The results indicate that: (1) generally, both moral obligation and public leadership as well as their constituent indicators contributed positively to collective action for COVID-19 prevention and control; (2) moreover, moral obligation and public leadership can strengthen each other’s positive role in collective action for COVID-19 prevention and control. Based on the above findings, this paper suggests that villagers’ moral obligation can be perfected through internalizing epidemic prevention and control norms into the villagers’ moral norms by the way of villagers mastering the rural public health governance scheme. In addition, public leadership can be improved through professional training of village cadres and by motivating village elites to run for village cadres. With improved villagers’ moral obligation and village cadres’ public leadership, collective action for epidemic prevention and control could be more likely to be realized. Yang, Liu & Ren, Yang (China, 2020) 35 4. Liderazgo Situacional Balance entre Liderazgo, Gestión y Control The Covid-19 pandemic that swept through the world in late 2019 and through 2020 provides a test not just for all societies and their leadership, but for leadership theory. In a world turned upside down, when many conventions are disposed of, it is clear that things will not return to the status quo ante any time soon, if ever. In the light of these challenges, this short paper suggests we might reconsider the way governments and their leaders act against the frame of societal problems, originally established by Rittell and Webber in 1973. I suggest that all three modes of decisionmaking (Leadership, Management and Command) are necessary because of the complex and complicated nature of the problem and conclude that while Command is appropriate for certain times and issues, it also poses long-term threats, especially if the context is ignored. Keith Grint (Inglaterra, 2020) 36 Cuidando los que Cuidan 37 5. Estrategias 1. Cuidado con el Liderazgo Heróico (Muhr & Lemmergaard, 2009) 2. Abrazo y Contacto físico (Doctor love, Zak) 3. Mas Cahuín (Dunbar, 2003) 4. Distribuir el monitoreo entre todos (Biddle, 2017) 5. Gestión de la información (Lancet, 2020) 6. Creación de culturas positivas (Emma Towers, 2020) 7. Pedir Ayuda (Rosette et al, 2015) 8. Computadores y problemas de sueño (Shechter, 2018) 9. Drogas (Tops et al., 2018) 38 5. Estrategias 1. Cuidado con el Liderazgo (y Gestión) Heróica 39 5. Estrategias 2. Más abrazos, miradas, risas, y toques (con respeto!) 40 5. Estrategias 3. Más cahuín (enredo-despelote) Búsqueda del amigo no-crítico Conversation is a uniquely human phenomenon. Analyses of freely forming conversations indicate that approximately two thirds of conversation time is devoted to social topics, most of which can be given the generic label gossip. This article first explores the origins of gossip as a mechanism for bonding social groups, tracing these origins back to social grooming among primates. It then asks why social gossip in this sense should form so important a component of human interaction and presents evidence to suggest that, aside from servicing social networks, a key function may be related explicitly to controlling free riders. Finally, the author reviews briefly the role of social cognition in facilitating conversations of this kind. Dunbar (2004) 41 5. Prácticas de Cuidado 4. Distribuir el monitoreo entre todos Más redes de pares donde USTEDES no son protagonistas (Biddle, 2017) Schools that build and support high levels of trust between stakeholder groups have been shown to support greater collaboration amongst those groups, including parents, teachers, administrators, and students (Tschannen-Moran, 2001). When stakeholders in schools feel the sense of sychological safety that accompanies trust, they are more willing or likely to engage in the behaviors that support continuous improvement, including speaking up about concerns or mistakes, seeking help or feedback from one another, innovating, and engaging in relational bridge-building across traditional institutional boundaries (Cosner, 2009) In addition to fostering collaborative behaviors, trust has been found to be related to a host of other positive organizational outcomes, such as the establishment of more just organizational structures in schools (Hoy and Tarter, 2004), greater organizational attachment by teachers (Bryk and Schneider, 2002), and healthier school climates (Tschannen-Moran and Gareis, 2015) 42 5. Estrategias 5. Gestión de la información Balance de lo que ocurre con una pizca de optimismo https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCOe_y6KKvS3PdIfb9q9pGug 43 5. Estrategias 6. Culturas positivas que te retroalimenten (Emma Towers, 2020) Adopción del liderazgo transformacional (temporalmente) Schools with collegial and friendly colleagues and supportive cultures can influence teachers’ decisions to remain working in a particular school (Dinham & Sawyer, 2004; Jarzabkowski, 2009). Indeed, this is intrinsic to the nature of the job as a teacher and headteacher. As Nias (1989) argues, ‘work itself includes [the teachers’] involvement in the school as a social system, and thus their interactions with their colleagues as well as with their pupils’ (p. 236). For the urban teacher, good relationships with colleagues are a key intrinsic reason in teachers’ decisions for staying (Eslinger, 2012; McIntyre, 2010). 44 5. Prácticas de Cuidado 7. Pedir ayuda (mediado por género) These findings represent a paradox for male leaders. Specifically, a large body of literature has shown that help-seeking behaviors contribute to positive functioning in a host of domains, including leadership (Bamberger, 2009; Edmondson, 1999, 2002; Hargadon & Bechky, 2006; Kotter, 1999; Lee, 2001; McDonald & Westphal, 2010; Mueller & Kamdar, 2011; Nadler, Ellis, & Bar, 2003; Schein, 2009; Sutton, 2010). Yet, when men engage in these beneficial behaviors, their skills and abilities as leaders may be questioned, and perceptions of their male gender role may be impaired. Indeed, leadership frequently encompasses the need to enact typically masculine behaviors (e.g., being decisive, assertive, achievement-oriented) that are representative of prototypical leadership behaviors, but leaders cannot possibly have all the answers all the time. Hence, effective leadership may necessitate a balance that incorporates collaboration, relationship building, and seeking assistance from others, including subordinates, when needed. Our results suggest that finding the right parity may not come easy for male leaders, but for the good of the organization (and not just the leader), it should be worth pursuing (Rossette et al, 2015) 45 5. Estrategias 8. Computadores y ZZZ These findings have health relevance given the broad use of lightemitting devices before bedtime and prevalence of insomnia. Amber lenses represent a safe, affordable, and easily implemented therapeutic intervention for insomnia symptoms. (Shechter, 2018) Computer use can be a significant cause of insomnia complaints in an adolescent population regardless of whether the individual is classified as addicted or not. 46 5. Estrategias 9. Drogas (Apego) Oxytocin may accomplish this by facilitating a ventral-to-dorsal shift in activation in corticostriatal loops, which produces a shift from a reactive reward drive (wanting) to stable appreciation of familiar social aspects (“liking” or “loving”). The authors suggest that through dopaminergic, serotonergic and endogenous opioid mechanisms, oxytocin is involved in shifting the balance between wanting and liking in corticostriatal loops by facilitating consolidation of social information from ventral reactive reward systems to dorsal internal working models that aid in prospectively selecting optimal actions in the future, increasing resilience in the face of stress and addiction. (Tops et al., 2018) 47 Ya casi terminamos…! 48 Documentos/ideas complementarios ▪ Parear a los estudiantes incentiva la motivación (Brasier, 2019) ▪ El rol de señalar/indicar cuando no hay conocimiento previo (Arslan, 2017) ▪ El tamaño de la imagen no hace diferencia signficativa en el aprendizaje (Pi, 2019) ▪ Ejemplos ayudan a las estrategias metacognitivas (Frerejean, 2016) ▪ La importancia central de Personalización, Voz, y ▪ Corporalidad (embodiment) (Mayer, 2017) ▪ ▪ La importancia de la metacognición, visualizar el como y el final con los estudiantes (Yen, 2017) ▪ ▪ La mirada y la conexión social entre profesor y estudiantes (Wang, 2018) ▪ ▪ Audio y preguntas personales hacen la diferencia ▪ (Filius, 2018) ▪ Compartir información entre los estudiantes y revisión entre estudiantes (García, 2017) Videojuegos y Matemáticas (Tokac, 2018) Monitoreo excesivo (Seguidor de ojos) puede tener efecto negativo (Starkova, 2018) Tiempo, motivación y satisfacción, asociado con aprendizaje (Wu, 2016) Música para el estudio personal (Malibha, 2020) Resumen al final de cada sesión, (Van der Meij, 2016) 49 Otros Recursos PODCAST www.planetaeducativo.cl ▪ (alternativamente) https://planetaeducativo.podbean.com/ – Capitulo 6: Análisis de como Hong Kong a liderado la crisis en el sistema escolar Artículos y Documentos https://ioe.academia.edu/SergioGaldames Contacto Email: Twitter: sergiogaldames@gmail.com @sergiogaldames 50