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Study on the Performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Grown on Substrate Treated with Soil Microbes THESIS Submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In AGRICULTURE (Entomology) By Rahul Patidar (170119012) Department of Entomology College of Agriculture, Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur 482004 (MP) 2019 CERTIFICATE - I This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in AGRICULTURE (Entomology) of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Mr. Rahul Patidar, ID No. 170119012 under my guidance and supervision. The subject of the thesis has been approved by the Student‘s Advisory Committee and the Director of Instructions. All the assistance and help received during the course of the investigation has been acknowledged by him. Place: Jabalpur Date: / (Dr. Moni Thomas) /2019 Chairman of the Advisory Committee THESIS APPROVED BY THE STUDENT‟S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee Name Signature Chairman Dr. Moni Thomas ………………………………………. Member Dr. R. Pachori ………………………………………. Member Dr. S. K. Dwivedi ………………………………………. Member Dr. P. S. Kulhare ………………………………………. Member Dr. H. L. Sharma ………………………………………. CERTIFICATE – II This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” submitted by Mr. Rahul Patidar to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture in the Department of Entomology has been, after evaluation, approved by the External Examiner and by Student‘s Advisory Committee after an oral examination on the same. Place : Jabalpur (Dr. Moni Thomas) Date : / /2019 Chairman of the Advisory Committee MEMBER OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee Chairman Name Signature Dr. Moni Thomas ........................................... Dr. R. Pachori Member ........................................... Dr. S. K. Dwivedi Member ........................................... Dr. P. S. Kulhare Member ........................................... Dr. H. L. Sharma Member Head of the Department/ Section Director of Instructions ........................................... Dr. A. K. Bhowmick Dr. S. D. Upadhyaya ....................... ....................... Declaration and Undertaking by the Candidate I, Rahul Patidar S/o Shri Ishwer Lal Patidar certify the work embodied in the thesis entitled “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” is my own first time Bonafide work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Moni Thomas, Principal Scientist at Directorate of Research Services, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur during 2018-2019. The matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma. Due credit has been made to all the assistance and help. I, undertake the complete responsibility that any act of misinterpretation, mistakes, and errors of fact are entirely of my own. I, also abide myself with the decision taken by my advisor for the publication of material extracted from the thesis work and subsequent improvement, on mutually beneficial basis, provided the due credit is given, thereof. Place: Jabalpur Date: / /2019 Rahul Patidar Copyright © Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 2018-2019 Copyright Transfer Certificate Title of the Thesis : Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes Name of the candidate : Rahul Patidar Subject : Entomology Department : Entomology College : College of Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur Year of the submission Thesis : 2019 Copyright transfer The undersigned Rahul Patidar assigns to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, all rights under Copyright Act, they may exist in and for the thesis entitled “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” submitted for the award of M.Sc. (Ag.) degree. Date: / /2019 Place: Jabalpur Dr. Moni Thomas Rahul Patidar (Major advisor) (Student) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Prostration and adoration to the lotus feet of the God almighty for giving me this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have extended help to make this study success. It is my proud privilege to express my venerable regards and profound sense of gratitude to my guide Dr. Moni Thomas, Principal Scientist, Directorate of Research Services, JNKVV, Jabalpur for his precious, able guidance, convincing suggestions and constant encouragement during the tenure of investigation and preparation of the manuscript as chairman of my advisory committee. I am extremely grateful to all the respected members of my advisory committee, Dr. R. Pachori, Professor, Department of Entomology, JNKVV, Jabalpur, Dr. S. K. Dwivedi, Professor, Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur, Dr. P. S. Kulhare, Professor, Department of Soil Science JNKVV, Jabalpur and Dr. H. L. Sharma, Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics and Agricultural Statistics, College of Agricultural Engineering, JNKVV, Jabalpur for their valuable suggestions during the study and preparation of the manuscript. I am also very thankful to the Head of the Department of Entomology, Dr. A. K. Bhowmick for encouraging me to proceed my work properly. My cordial thanks to Dr. P.K. Bisen, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, JNKVV, Jabalpur, Dr. S. D. Upadhyaya Director of Instruction, Dr. D. Khare, Dean faculty of Agriculture, JNKVV, Dr. R. M. Sahu, Dean, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur for providing necessary facilities for this research work. I am thankful to all the Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant professor of the Department and other staff members for their co-operation and help in completion of this investigation. I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Niraj Tripathi, Research Associate and senior Sumit kakde, Anurag Basediya and all my friends Rajendra Patel, Shivam Vajpayee, Gopilal anjana, Sahab K. Patel, Yadvendra S. Ninama, Nitesh Birla, Praveen Patle, Gajendra bairwa Ankita sahu, pratibha, Swarna and junior OP gupta, Ishwar mandloi, Rudra Anjana, for their cooperation and immense support. Words are not enough to express my gratitude and regards to my beloved father Shri. Ishwer Lal Patidar, and mother Smt. Devi Bai Patidar for their blessing and good wishes without which I could not be able to fulfill this study. I would like to thanks my brother Ravi Patidar and Shakti Patidar and all family members for their everlasting inspiration, abundant love, encouragement, blessing and valuable support during the period of study. Finally, I am thankful to the Almighty God for his heavenly blessings which has enabled me to achieve this seemingly invincible. Place : Jabalpur Date : (Rahul Patidar) LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter . Title Page No. 1. Introduction 1-2 2. Review of Literature 3-16 3. Material and Methods 17-30 4. Results 31-65 5. Discussion 66-89 6. Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Work 90-96 References 97-103 Appendices i - viii Curriculum Vitae LIST OF TABLES Table No. 1. 2. Title Experimental details of the treatments and notations used are as below Details of different field operations done in Cajanus cajan during kharif– Rabi, 2018 – 19 Page No. 18 19 3. Physico-chemical properties of the substrate (65kg) Poly propylene bag (PPB) 20 4. Spray schedule of pesticides 22 5. Skeleton of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 29 6. Mean number of Primary and secondary branches of C. cajan under different treatments 31 7. 8. 9. Mean number of Primary and secondary branches per C. cajan plant with lac insect settlement on 30th days after BLI i.e. 08.12.2018 Mean number of lac insects settled/2.5 cm2 on branches at different treatments after BLI Percent of reduction in the mean number of lac insects per 2.5 cm2 on branches 33 34 36 10. Sex ratio of lac insect at 155 days after BLI 37 11. Mean height (cm) of C. cajan at different time Intervals 38 Percent increase in the mean plant height during 12. 13. 14. 15. the crop growth stages Mean thickness (cm) of the stem of C. cajan at different time intervals Percent increase in mean thickness of stem of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages Mean thickness (cm) of the primary branches of C.cajan at different time intervals 39 41 42 43 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Percent increase in mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages Mean thickness (cm) of the secondary branches of C. cajan at different time intervals Percent increase in mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages. Yield of raw lac and 100 dry lac cell weight per plant Mean no. of pods at different time intervals Percent difference in the mean number of pods per plant during successive pickings Mean dry weight (g) of pods at different time intervals Percent difference in the mean dry weight of seed (g) per plant during successive pickings Mean dry Weight(g) of seeds at different time intervals Percent difference in the mean dry weight of seed (g) per plant during successive pickings. Mean dry weight (g) of 100 seeds during different Pickings D Difference in the weight (g) of 100 seeds during different pickings 45 46 47 48 51 52 53 54 56 57 57 59 28. Total Calorific value (Kcal/100g) of seeds 60 29. Total carbohydrate (g/100g) of C. cajan seeds 61 30. Total Moisture percent of C. cajan seeds 62 31. Total protein percent of C. cajan seeds 63 32. Total Ash percent of C. cajan seeds 63 33. Total Crude fibre percent of C. cajan seeds 64 34. Total Fat percent of C. cajan seeds 65 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page No. (In between) 1 Layout of experimental trial 18-19 2 Percent Loss of lac insects from 65 to 185 days per 2.5 cm 2 36-37 3 Percent increase in the mean plant height on 30.10.2018 to 29.04.2019 39-40 4 Percent increase in the mean thickness of stem on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 39-40 5 Percent increase in the mean thickness in primary branches on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 45-46 6. Percent increase in the mean thickness in secondary branches on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 46-46 7. Percent difference in the mean number of pod /plant/picking 51-52 different picking 8. Percent difference in the mean weight of dry pods(g) /plant/picking 54-55 9. Percent difference in the mean weight of dry seeds(g)/plant/picking 56-57 LIST OF PLATES Plate No. Title Page No. (In between) 1. Nursery of C cajan and experimental layout 30-31 2. Transplanting of C. cajan sapling in PPB 30-31 3. Field operation 30-31 4. Process of Brood lac inoculation 30-31 5. Harvesting and yield recording seed yield of C cajan 30-31 6. Harvesting of Lac crop 30-31 7. Tagging and Measuring of stem and branches of C cajan 30-31 8. Process of slot making on C cajan plant 30-31 9. Growth stages of lac insects 30-31 10. Male lac insects 30-31 11. Visitors on experimental field 1 65-66 12. Visitors on experimental field 2 65-66 LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol Stand for @ > < At the rate of More than Less than ± Plus or minus % Percentage °C Degree Celsius Abbreviation CD Cm Critical difference Centimetre ha hectare hr hour Kg Kilogram L Litre M Meter G Gram Max Maximum Min Minimum NS Non significant RH Relative humidity SEm  Standard error of mean SMW Standard Metrological Week Temp Temperature G EC Granules Emulsifiable concentration et al. (And other or co-worker) Fig. Figure VAM Vesicular – Arbuscular Mycorrhiza PSB Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria BLI Brood lac inoculation DAT Days after transplanting INTRODUCTION The present day concern in India revolves around agricultural sector, due to low productivity, markets, weather and finally farmer‘s income. Crop insurance, more crop per drop, doubling of farmer‘s income and soil health card are a few of the much promoted slogans and schemes to strengthen in the farm sector. Cropping intensity and diversity, optimum use of available resources and minimize input costs (Kesvan and Swaminathan 2008) are a few initiatives that can help small and marginal farmers to increase their income (Swaminathan. 1996). In the state of Madhya Pradesh, small and marginal farmers constitute 70.86 percent (rkvy.nic.in). Small holdings and their resource constraints lead to household financial distress and malnourishment among juveniles, adolescent and women (unicef.org) in the state. Development initiatives that promote of protein rich food production and income generation activities among small and marginal farmers can address it. Pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] is a popular pulse crop in MP, cultivated in 362 thousand ha (http://mpkrishi.mp.gov.in). According to Amarteifio et al. 2002 C cajan contains protein(19.0-21.7%), carbohydrates (67%), Ash (3.9- 4.3%), Fat (1.2-1.3%), Minerals (K 1845-1941, P 163-293, Ca 120-167, Mg 113-127, Na 11.3-12.0, Zn 7.2-8.2, Fe 2.5-4.7 and Cu 1.6-1.8mg/10g dry seeds), amino acids (39.8-43.7%) and crude fibre (9.8-13.0%).This hardly perennial pulse crop can be grown in wide agro-climatic conditions across the state and in the country (Gajbhiye and Mandal 2000). Lac is a minor forest produce (Ogle et al. 2006) and a cash crop (Ranjan et al. 2011). It is produced by Lac insect (Kerria lacca Kerr), while feeding on the phloem sap of its host plants (Kehr. 2006; Kaushik et al. 2012). There are over 400 host plants (Roonwal et al. 1958). C. cajan is one of the host plants of K lacca (Zhenghong et al. 2001). MP is the 3rd largest producer of Lac in the country (Yogi et al. 2014). Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur revived lac production in MP during the year 1997(Thomas. 2003). Similarly, the process of technology development and refinement on Lac production on C cajan was initiated in Shahdol again by JNKVV, Jabalpur (Thomas. 2003). Very often, a doubt arises, how C. cajan can be successfully utilized as a host for lac production when it is cultivated as rainfed crop in MP. Secondary, K lacca is a phloem feeder like white fly or aphids. White fly is known for its devastation in cotton (Horowitz et al. 2018), soybean (Bisht. 2017), as well as on vegetables (Mansour et al. 2012). Similarly, aphids are reported for its detrimental effect on mustards (Malik et al. 1998), cowpea (Thomas. 1997), brinjal (Shakeel et al. 2014), cotton (Sarwar et al. 2014) to mention as few. Thus, if K. lacca is reared on C. cajan for Lac production, yield of the pulse crop is expected to suffer both qualitatively and quantitatively. The challenge therefore was to find a way as how both crop (C. cajan and lac) can be harvested economically. In view of this, the present research work entitled ‗Study on the Performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes‘ was conducted with following objectives 1. To determine the settlement and growth of lac insect on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. under different treatments 2. To determine the yield of Lac and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. under different treatments REVIEW OF LITERATURE The work done by earlier workers in the field related to the present research is reviewed as below: Cajanus cajan 2.1 TJT – 501 Kumar et al. (2014) evaluated fourteen pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan L. Millsp. genotypes for their yield performance at two locations during kharif season of 2009-10 and 2010-11. A significant genotypic difference for yield character was observed. The stability analysis showed significance of linear component of variation for grain yield. The genotypes TJT-501 (1728.667 kg/ha) and GRG-2009-3 (1570.00 kg/ha) exhibited low mean performance along with regression value nearer to unity (bi=1) and non significant deviation from regression (S2 di=0) indicating, the high stability and wider adaptability across the different environments. Tiwari et al. (2016) reported that Pigeonpea C. cajan commonly known as Arhar, red gram or tur is a legume crop belonging to the family Fabaceae and subfamily Papillionaceae. It is an important source of protein, carbohydrates, B-group vitamins, and certain minerals (iron and iodine). India ranks first in area (74%) and production (63%) in the world, where it is mostly consumed as dehusked splits or dal. Shrivastava et al. (2018) reported that an assessment of raised bed sowing of pigeon pea TJT-501 was done in the vertisols of Narsinghpur district in Central Narmada Valley Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh during the years 2014-15 and 2015-16. Under the flat bed sowing the crop yield was just 9.75 q/ha which improved to 15.23 q/ha under the raise bed sowing. The flat bed sown pigeon pea fetched at gross return of Rs. 56800/- whereas the raised bed sown crop fetched a gross return of Rs. 88480/-. 2.2 Soil microbes Wellings et al. (1991) reported that in a glasshouse trial, C. cajan was grown in a Vertisol from the Darling Downs, Qld. The experimental design included two rates of inoculation with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi (nil and inoculated), three rates of phosphorus (P) application and two of zinc (Zn), and inoculation (nil and inoculated) with a recently discovered pathogen of pigeonpea, Phytophthora drechsleri Tucker. lnoculation with the pathogen was included in the factorial design to investigate any effect of VAM on root rot. Plants responded to inoculation with VAM fungi, showing that the growth of pigeonpea is highly dependent upon mycorrhizal colonization of its root system. The mycorrhizal plants yielded, on average, 3.3 times the dry weight of the non-mycorrhizal plants. VAM increased P concentration, P uptake, Zn concentration, Zn uptake and P/Zn ratio, indicating enhanced growth through improved P and to a lesser extent Zn nutrition. Zinc fertilizer (15 mg kg-1 soil) without Phytophthora inoculation was fungitoxic to the mycorrhizae, decreasing per cent VAM colonization and depressing plant growth Hussain et al. (2002) conducted an experiment in which Rhizobium trifoli inoculated with Trifolium alexandrium showed higher biomass and increased number of nodulation under salinity stress condition. P. aeruginosa has been shown to withstand biotic and abiotic stress. Pseudomonas putida RS-198 enhanced germination rate and several growth parameters including plant height, fresh weight and dry weight of cotton under conditions of alkaline and high salt via increasing the rate of uptake of k+, Mg2+ and Ca2+and by decreasing the absorption of Na+. Liddycoat et al. (2009) observed that nitrogen fixing bacteria help the legume plants in overcoming drought stress. Application of Pseudomonas sp. to basal plants improves their anti-oxidant and photosynthetic pigment content. Pseudomonas sp. was found to have positive effect on the seedling growth and seed germination. Ramana et al. (2010) reported in French bean that the application of 75 per cent RDF (Recommended Dose of Fertilizer) + VAM (Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae) @ 2 kg ha-1 +PSB (Phosphorus Sulibulizing Bacteria) @ 2.5 kg ha -1 significantly increased the plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, leaf area (cm 2) and dry weight (g) of plant in the variety Arka suvidha (V2) followed by selection 9 and Arka komal. Zvereva et al. (2010) assessed the general patterns and sources of variation in the effects of sap feeding insects on growth, photosynthesis, and reproduction of woody plants. Sap-feeders significantly reduced growth (-29%), reproduction (-17%), and photosynthesis (-27%); seedlings suffered more than saplings and mature trees. Deciduous and evergreen woody plants did not differ in their abilities to tolerate damage imposed by sap-feeders. Different plant parts, in particular below- and above-ground organs, responded similarly to damage, indicating that sap-feeders did not change the resource allocation in plants. Rashid et al. (2017) reported that soil micro-organisms with growth-promoting activities in plants, including rhizo-bacteria and rhizo-fungi, can improve plant health in a variety of different ways. These beneficial microbes may confer broad-spectrum resistance to insect herbivores. They provided evidence that beneficial microbes modulate plant defenses against insect herbivores. Beneficial soil micro-organisms can regulate hormone signaling including the jasmonic acid, ethylene and salicylic acid pathways, thereby leading to gene expression, bio-synthesis of secondary metabolites, plant defensive proteins and different enzymes and volatile compounds, that may induce defenses against leaf-chewing as well as phloem-feeding insects. Singh et al. (2017) reported that the effect of dual seed inoculation with PSB + PGPR produced the maximum nodulation, seed yield (2314 and 2173 kg/ha), net return, B:C ratio, production and economic efficiency, being significantly superior to alone seed inoculation of PGPR, PSB and control during both years and also dual seed inoculation of PSB + PGPR was recorded higher organic carbon and available soil nutrients, which was significantly superior over alone seed inoculation of PGPR, PSB and control. Ade et al. (2018) reported that the inoculation of Rhizobium + PSB recorded significantly the highest mean plant height (175.6 cm) followed by the individual seed inoculation of Rhizobium (165.8 cm) and PSB (162.6 cm). Seed inoculation of PSB found to be at par with Rhizobium inoculation at all growth stages. Combined seed inoculation with Rhizobium + PSB improved N and P status of soil and ultimately increased N and P uptake which enhance the plant growth attaining higher plant height. The seed inoculation with PSB + PGPR was recorded significantly higher values of yield attributes like pods/plant, seeds/pod, 1000 seed weight and seed yield (2314 and 2173 kg/ha, respectively) of pigeonpea when compared to PGPR, PSB and control in both the years. The higher number of pods plant-1 were 198.6 and 207.1 obtained due to dual seed inoculation of Rhizobium + PSB at 150 DAS and at harvest respectively. It was found significantly superior over Rhizobium or PSB inoculation alone. Seed inoculation of PSB and Rhizobium was remaining at par with each other. 2.3 Lac production on C. cajan Yunzheng et al. (1980) reported that traditionally, long-duration pigeonpea was cultivated at 1 × 1.5 m spacing at two plants per hill resulting in a population of 13320 plants ha-1. From this crop, an estimated 39960 suitable branches can be obtained for lac production with a total branch length of 35164 m ha-1. Kaiwei et al. (1988) reported that long-duration pigeonpea plants bear a lot of flowers and have a long blooming period in winter and early spring seasons. So they also produce a large number of pods. This results in depletion in the deposits of important inorganic elements and consequently the growth of lac insects reared on such plants is also restricted. This adversely affects the yield and quality of lac. Malik and Bhagwan (1998) reported that the field studies conducted in Uttar Pradesh, India, during the kharif season of 1996-97, a negative correlation was found between the infestation level of Lipaphis erysimi and plant growth characteristics (branches per plant, siliqua per plant, grains per siliqua, test weight, seed size, seed yield, oil content and oil yield) in Indian mustard. Seed characters were significantly dependent upon plant characters. An increase in aphid numbers was responsible for the reduction in plant height, branches per plant, siliqua per plant, grains per siliqua, test weight, seed yield, oil content and oil yield. Ghosh et al. (2014) reported that pigeonpea seed is an important source of protein in human diet. When protein content in seeds of pigeonpea germplasm was analyzed in inoculated vis-à-vis uninoculated condition the overall 10.25% decrease in seed protein was observed. Its depletion was less in Assam local 2 (5.0%) and KA 9-2 (5.5%) germplasm as compared to others. Aphid feeding on wheat decreases bread making quality of seed due to lower gliadin/glutenin ratio was reported. Decrease in seed protein level in Mustard (Brassica juncea) after infestation with aphids was reported. There was report that lac insect (K. lacca) feeding on pigeonpea decrease in seed protein content. Apart from proteins role in plant growth as a building material, they also had a role in defense against herbivore attack such as proteinase inhibitors. The decrease in seed protein may be attributed to the reconfiguration of leaf protein towards production of defense proteins which may acts against lac insect feeding. Ghosh et al. (2014) reported that the Present experiment was conducted to know the impact of pigeonpea-lac insect interaction for the production of raw lac/scrapedlac as well as grain yield and protein quality in seeds. On the basis of broodlac and scrapedlac yield, five genotypes of pigeonpea viz., IPA 8-2, Bahar, Assam local, According number 591139 and RCMP 5 were identified promising for lac production. Rearing of lac insect on pigeonpea reduced 100 seed weight (13.03%) and grain yield per plant (12.08%) significantly but no significant reduction was observed on crude protein content in seeds (1.02%). Biochemical traits measured in mature leaves in inoculated and control plants revealed that reducing sugar (RS), chlorophyll ‗a‘ and total chlorophyll decreased after lac insect inoculation but non-reducing sugar, total sugar (TS), proline and malondialdehyde increased after insect inoculation. The biotic stress rendered due to lac insect (free phenol) and abiotic stresses due to high temperature (malondialdehyde) did not significantly affect scrapedlac yield. Jamdar et al. (2014) reported a field experiment was conducted at MARS, Dharwad to evaluate the effect of different age of seedlings and inter row spacing on plant growth, seed yield and economic parameters in transplanted pigeonpea seed production. The seedlings transplanted at 120 cm inter row spacing produced significantly more seed yield (22.46 q/ha), gross returns (Rs.88,760.00), net returns ( Rs.72,007.59) and cost benefit ratio (5:28).The 28 days old seedling transplanted to main field produced significantly higher plant height (215.67), primary branches (25.49), secondary branches (30.98), thick stem (2.83 cm), number of pods per plant (300.00), seed yield per plant (269.33 g), seed yield (23.62 q/ ha),gross returns (Rs.92,880.00), net returns (Rs.76,116.39) and cost benefit ratio (5:53). Treatment combination of 28 days old seedlings transplanted at 120 cm inter row spacing was found significantly superior with respect to seed yield (24.33 q/ha), gross returns (Rs.97,320.00), net returns (Rs. 80,565.34) and cost benefit ratio (5.80). Kumar et al. (2017) reported that there was a significant difference in 100 seed weight and seed yield among selected germplasm of pigeonpea. The average seed yield of pigeonpea in lac inoculated condition was 12.2 q/ ha as compared to 13.5 q/ ha in control. Hundred seed weight ranged from 9.1 g - 11.7 g in lac inoculated germplasm lines and 9.8 g - 12.9 g in control indicating lac cultivation on pigeonpea influenced significantly seed yielding traits under investigation. On an average, lac culture on pigeonpea reduced 100 seed weight and seed yield by 5.4 and 10.5 percent, respectively. KA 9-2 (11.7g & 12.9g) and Assam Local 2(11.2g & 12.1g) maintained high 100 seed weight in both situations as compared to check Bahar (9.9g & 10.5g),whereas KA9-2 and MAL 13 had relatively higher seed yield in both inoculated (19.9 q/ha&18.7 q/ha) as well as control (21.7 q/ha&19.5 q/ha) condition as compared to check Bahar (10.7 q/ha&12.4 q/ha).Decrease in 100 seed weight was observed low in IPA 9-1 (-1.4 %) and RCMP 2 (-2.6%), whereas MAL 13 (-3.7 %) and IPA 8-2 (-5.7%) recorded lesser amount of decrease in seed yield. Ghosh et al. (2018) reported that the Six promising germplasm of pigeonpea (Birsa Arhar 1, Bahar, Assam local 1, IPA 8-2, RCMP2 and RCMP5) identified from earlier experiment was taken to know whether seeds and its seedlings obtained from lac infected plant vis-à-vis control differed significantly with respect to morphology, physiology and biochemistry. The seedlings which were raised from lac infected plants reduced germination percent by 10.91 % at 21 days as compared to control. However, there was no significant change in fresh and dry weight of seedlings, root length, shoot length, leaf length and width length and even leaf area noted after 21 days. As far as biological traits are concern there was no change in total sugar in leaves, but soluble protein content decreased and phenol increased in seedlings which was raised from seeds harvested from lac infected plants as compared to control. In our study there was slight decrease in root activity and slight increase in membrane permeability in seedlings raised from the seeds of lac infested plants. Though rearing of lac insect on pigeonpea reduces grain component significantly but most of them are not hindering the establishment of the new plant. Thus farmers can cultivate pigeonpea for grain and lac resin to enhance the economy. Lohot et al. (2018) investigated the effect of lac culture on seed quality in selected germplasm. Lac culture decrease 100 seed weight (5.4 %) and seed yield (10.5 %). Higher income has been achieved from seed yield along with lac cultivation on MAL 13, IPA 9-1 and KA 9-2 but seed contributed most in income. However, Assam local 1, Assam local 2 and RCMP 5 lines of pigeonpea had significantly higher profit percent under lac cultivation where income from lac culture contributed the most. Lac culture decreases seed soluble protein (10.3 %) and starch (14.7 %) and increases total sugar and free phenol by 8.8 % compared to control. It was concluded that farmers will get more income from these three germplasm through combination of seed as well as lac culture than from seed as sole crop. 2.4 Nutritional value of seeds Saxena et al. (2010) reported that carbohydrates are the major components of seed cotyledon in pigeonpea. When total sugar content in the seeds was determined it was found that there was an 8.8% average increase in all the germplasms except Birsa Arhar 1 and KA 9-2 where marginal decrease was observed. Several sugar-induced resistance genes have been found signifying the role played by sugars in signaling. Sucrose, glucose, and fructose act as specific regulatory signals on the wound. It has been reported that photosynthetic activity increased in unattacked leaves following damage by defoliating herbivores . The increase in seed sugar content in all the pigeonpea germplasm indicates that sufficient quantities of primary metabolites are produced in the leaves which are trans-located for seed development, used for defense against lac insect and for its own growth and development. 2.5 Lac Colton (1984) reported that lac insect, Kerria lacca is a valuable gift of nature to mankind and it belongs to the order- Hemiptera, suborder- Homoptera, super family Coccoidea and family Lacciferidae. K. lacca it possesses piercing and sucking type of mouth parts which and sucks plant sap, in the process the insect secrets resinous substance from its three pair of highly specialize lac glands Chauhan (1988) has reported that sex ratio in Meghalaya lac insect differs significantly on differ host plants. It was observed to be 72 % in favour of males on F. macrophylla, 82% on C. cajan and 98% on Ziziphus mauritiana. Douglas (2003) reported that phloem sap is an extreme food source used as the dominant or sole diet of very few animals, specifically insects of the order Hemiptera, including aphids, whitefly, plant hoppers and some pentatomid bugs. Ogle and Thomas (2006) reported that India is the largest producer of lac, has a share of 62 Per cent of the world production of 44,000 metric tons. The country earned a foreign exchange worth Rs. 15,262 lakhs. Ramani (2011) reported that there are 12 lac producing states in India. viz. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Chattopadhyay (2011) In case of Kusmi strain, two crops are- Jethwi (harvested in June/July) and Aghani (in January/February) while in case of Rangeeni, two crops are- Katki (harvested in October/November) and Baishakhi (in May/June). Jaiswal and Sharma (2011) found that normally the first molting takes place after 3 weeks in Katki and 7 weeks in case of Baisakhi lac crop after the settlement of shoot. Similarly in case of Aghani and Jethwi crop of Kusmi lac. Jaiswal (2011) reported that the Madhya Pradesh contribute 16 per cent production of the country; however, the growth rate during the study period was negative and to the tune of 10.1 per cent per annum. Seoni district contributed maximum in lac production (41.6 per cent) followed by Balaghat (30.6 per cent), Hosangabad (8.4 per cent) and Mandla (7.00 per cent). Strain-wise growth rate for the whole state showed that both Rangeeni and Kusmi lac production attained a negative growth of 5.2 and 32.1 per cent per annum. Crop-wise growth rate for state showed that Rangeeni-summer attained positive growth (12.1 per cent per annum) while Rangeenirainy registered negative growth (37.5 per cent). Similarly, both Kusmi-winter and Kusmi -summer crop registered negative growth rate of 34.0 and 29.9 per cent per annum respectively. Major reduction in lac production was due to loss of Rangeeni-rainy crop which caused less availability of broodlac for next season. Thus less production in one season indirectly affected production of succeeding season Lac crop. Janghel et al. (2014) reported that the mean population density of k. lacca was observed from 2.5 cm2 of lac insect settlement at 5 fixed locations on each of randomly selected 3 branches per B. monosperma, 30 days after BLI onwards the population density was correlated with meteorological factor. The man population density at 30 days after BLI was 83.6 per 2.5 cm2 while that at harvest was 22.63. Thus only 26.98 percent lac insects found to survive at the end of crop season.Relative humidity morning and humidity had a positively correlated with the K. lacca population density while it highly negative correlated with evening temperature. Shah et al. (2014) reported that the study reveals that both lac growers with irrigated land and rainfed fields do not adopt all the operation of the lac production technology. However, in comparison to rainfed lac growers, those in irrigated area were batter adopters of lac production technology. The study concluded that there is a need for intensive promotion of lac production technology in the villages for improving the lac productivity. 2.6 Yield of raw lac Sharma et al. (1997) have observed 39.76 and 37.28% males in rangeeni and kusmi strains of K. lacca on F. macrophylla that increased to 70.05 and 62.65% when reared on C. maschata. Sharma et al. (1997) reported that Lac insects can be made to settle on any plant but they survive only on good hosts. Rangeeni lac insect does not survive on S. oleosa (kusum) and it suffers very high mortality on Flemingia semiallata; same is true for kusmi strain for Butea monosperma (palas), while Ziziphus mauritiana (ber) supports both the strains. Lac insects are gregarious in nature and settle in close proximity. Hence, density of settlement has a bearing on lac yield. Different lac insects show varied density of settlement: average 80-192 per sq. cm in rangeeni, 136-242 per sq. cm in kusmi and 166-264 per sq. cm in Meghalaya stock depending upon the quantity of the broodlac used. According to Mishra et al. (1999) in F. semialata the live cell weight and Phunki (dry) cell weight on varied from 13.16 to 38.33 mg and 8.00 to 19.00 mg respectively, whereas on F. macrophylla it were from 16.83 to 31.67 mg and 9.33 to 18.83 mg. Thus the yield varies from host to host. Ghosal et al. (2011) reported that diameter (thickness) of 85% of lac sticks (of host) were within the range 0.5-0.8 cm in case of kusum trees; lac sticks with diameter of 0.6 to 0.8 cm produced good quality broodlac. In another experiment it was visualized through regression analysis that thickness of broodlac encrustation is the most important factor governing settlement of lac insect, followed by phunki (empty broodlac) scrap weight and weighted living cell weight. Patel (2013) reported that the mean fresh weight (g) of 100 mature lac cells was 4.88g in Kusmi lac and 3.38g in case of Rangeeni lac, while in the present study it varied from 6.14 to 8.02g in various treatments. The mean dry weight of 100 cells was 4.66g in case of Kusmi lac and 2.63g in case of Rangeeni lac. Vashishtha et al. (2013) reported that analysis of phloem sap constituents as well as hemolymph of lac insect is important because it ultimately gets converted into lac by insect intervention. Main phloem sap constituent‘s viz. sugars and free amino acids and hemolymph of lac insect were analyzed using HPLC and tandem mass spectrometry, respectively. The results were transformed to relative percentage of the total sugars and free amino acids analyzed in each sample for comparison among lac insect hemolymph and the phloem sap of the three different host taxa. Sucrose (58.9 ± 3.6–85.6 ± 0.9) and trehalose (62.3 ± 0.4) were the predominant sugars in phloem sap of three taxa and hemolymph of lac insect, respectively. Glutamic acid (33.1 ± 1.4–39.8 ± 1.4) was found to be main amino acid among the phloem sap of three taxa while tyrosine (61 ± 2.6) was the major amino acid in hemolymph of lac insect. The relative percentage of nonessential amino acids (60.8 %–69.9 %) was found to be more in all the three host taxa while essential amino acids (30.1 %–35.4 %) were present at a lower relative percentage. In contrast to this, the relative percentage of essential amino acids (81.9 %) was observed to be higher as compared to non-essential amino acids (17.7 %) in lac insect hemolymph. These results led to the detection of lac insect‘s endosymbionts. Moreover, this study revealed a clue regarding the importance of development of a synthetic diet for this insect so that a precise pathway of lac biosynthesis could be investigated for thorough understanding. Mohanta et al. (2014) reported that the initial density of settlement of larva ranged between 92.58-126.74 no./cm2 and 93.12-109.62 no. /cm2 in Kusmi strain on Kusum and Ber trees, respectively. For Rangeeni strain it was 82.67-118.32 no./cm2. The sex ratio (male: female) was found to be 1:3 for all the crops, strains and host plants. The range of resin output per cell was 17.00-21.40 mg for winter crop and 19.0025.60 mg for summer crop of Kusmi strain on Kusum and Ber plants. For Rangeeni strain on Palas plant it was 05.30-11.20 mg for rainy crop and 18.72 -23.00 mg for summer crop. Namdev (2014) reported that the mean fresh weight (g) of 100 mature lac cells was varied from 5.27 to 8.91g in various treatments. The mean dry weight of 100 cells was 4.25g to 7.84g in case of Kusmi lac and the mean yield of raw lac (kg) per plant obtained after harvesting of lac crop was varied from 3.83 to 5.08 kg. Shah et al. (2014) reported that nutrient application significantly increased the percentage survivability of K. lacca as compared to control. The mean percentage survivability of K. lacca at maturity of the lac crop was the highest (3.78%) over control in case of plants treated with NPK. It was followed by N (2.48%) and NP (2.18%). Similarly, the mean dry weight (g) of 100 cell of lac insect was also highest in case of NPK (19.71%) over control, followed by NP(14.50%) and NK (13.57%). The results thus indicate that, not only, there was an increase in the survivability of K. lacca on nutrient managed Z. mauritiana but also an increase in resin production by the lac insect was observed. Shah and Thomas (2015) reported that the population density (insects/2.5cm 2) of K. lacca during its different stages of growth revealed that its survival percentage at maturity of lac crop was significantly higher in nutrient managed Z. mauritiana plants over control. Survival percent was varied from 20.47 to 23.52 %. Ghugal et al. (2015) reported that the mean dry weight (g) of 100 cells of lac insect varied from 3.82g to 5.18g. The mean dry weight of 100 lac cells was varied from 3.86g to 5.18g The mean yield of raw lac (kg) per Butea monosperma plant obtained after harvesting of lac crop was varied from 2.03 to 4.01kg. Namdev et al. (2014) reported that the mean yield of raw lac (kg) per Z. mauritiana obtained after harvesting of lac crop was 3.83 to 5.08 kg per plant. There was a significant difference in the mean yield of raw lac among all the treatments. Sharma (2015) reported that the mean yield of raw lac (kg) per Butea monosperma obtained after harvesting of lac crop was minimum 0.58 to maximum 2.10kg. There was a significant difference in the mean yield of raw lac in all the treatments with each other. Sharma et al. (2015) reported that the mean lac larval settlement and survival per 2.5 sq cm were recorded from 30 days after BLI to the harvest of the lac crop. The mean number of lac insects settled per 2.5 cm2 different treatment varied from 37.95 to 58.24. There was significant difference in the per cent survival lac insect of in the different treatments. Janghel et al. (2016) reported that the mean fresh weight of 100 mature healthy lac cells obtained from the sticklac at harvest did not differ significantly among three treatments. The mean weight of 100 mature lac cells was highest (4.08 g) in Emamectin benzoate + Mancozeb followed by 4.04 g in Cartap hydrochloride + Mancozeb and control (3.66g). Kalahal et al. (2017) reported that the weight of female cells of Rangeeni strain of lac insect on pigeonpea in Katki season during 2016 were recorded by electronic balance and resin weight also recorded by removing dead insect body from the female cells. The results of present investigations reveal that the mean weight of single female cell was 13.06 mg and ranges from 6-24 mg. Large quantity of lac resin is secreted by female after fertilization, which protects mother insect as well as its young-ones at later stages. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present investigation entitled ―Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” was conducted during Kharif - Rabi season of 2018-19. The materials used and methodologies employed to conduct the field experiment are concisely described in this chapter. 3.1 Experimental Site The field experiment was conducted at the experimental field KVK, JNKVV, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh during June 2018 to May 2019.The topography of the experimental area was fairly uniform. All physical facilities were adequately available on the research farm to carry out the field experiment. The analytical works were done in the Laboratories of College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur. 3.2 Climate The climate of Jabalpur region is typically Sub humid, featured by hot dry summer and cool dry winter. Jabalpur is situated at 23° 09' North latitude and 79 0 58' East longitudes with an altitude of 411.78 meters above the mean sea level. Jabalpur district is in the agro- climatic zone VII i.e. ―Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills‖ and Agro-ecological region number 10 [Central Highlands (Malwa and Bundhelkhand)], Sub region number 10.1 [hot sub-humid eco-region (Malwa Plateau, Vindhyan scarp land and Narmada Valley)]. The mean annual rainfall of Jabalpur during the year was 1350mm, mostly received between mid-June to end of September and winter rain occurred between January to February (9.50mm). The minimum monthly temperature was 4.80°C during winter, while the maximum temperature was 41.80°C during May 2019. Generally, relative humidity remains very low during summer (17 to 23%), moderate during winter (45.60 to 46.71%) and attains higher values (95.10 to 96.40%) during rainy season. 3.3 Weather conditions Seasonal variations prevailing during the growth period play an important role not only in the growth and development of the crop, but also in the intensity of weeds which ultimately influence the final yield of crop. The weekly meteorological data recorded during crop season at Meteorological Observatory, College of Agriculture Engineering, Jabalpur are presented in Appendix-I. It is evident from the data given in the Appendix-I that weather conditions were almost favourable for the growth and development of pigeon pea. The monsoon commenced in the first week of July and terminated in the 1st week of October. The total rainfall received during the crop season was 1162.90 mm, which was equally distributed in 58 rainy days from July to last week of May. Minimum and maximum mean temperature ranged from 4.800C to 24.900C and 28.50 to 41.800C, respectively. The relative humidity ranged between 82 to 87 percent in the morning and 29 to 55 percent in the evening. The sunshine hours varied between 0.50 to 10.30 hours per day. 3.4 Experimental Technique The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design during the rainy season of 2018-19 with seven treatments replicated thrice (Table 1). The details of the treatment and the actual plan of layout are given in Fig 1. Table 1: Experimental details of the treatments and notations used are as below S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bio-agents and lac insects ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ 6ft 10ft 6ft 42ft ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ ℗ 62ft Fig. 1. Layout of experimental trial Other details Location : Experimental field KVK, JNKVV Jabalpur, M.P. Season : Kharif- Rabi season, 2018-19 Crop : Pigeon pea Variety : TJT – 501 Design : RBD Replication : 3 Treatment : 7 Spacing : 6 ft x 6 ft 3.5 Schedule of operations Schedule of agronomic operations done in the experimental field during the course of experimentation are given in Table 2 in chronological order. Table 2: Details of different field operations done in Cajanus cajan during kharif– Rabi, 2018 - 19 S. No. Field operation Date 1. Seed treatment and nursery raising 30.05.2018 2. Land preparation 25.07.2018 3. Layout of the experiment 05.08.2018 4. Filling of substrate bag in field 10.08.2019 5. Transplanting of seedlings 15.08.2018 6. Nipping of plants 30.08.2018 7. Bud initiation 02.10.2018 8. Date of flowering 12.10.2018 9. Date of podding 26.10.2018 10. Brood lac inoculation 03.11.2018 11. Phunki 12. Picking of mature pod 03.01.2019 13. Harvesting of lac 17.05.2019 21 days after BLI 3.6 Nursery raising of C. cajan Nursery of C. cajan was raised on the substrate (Kapu + FYM) filled polythene bag (18 x 16 cm) by sowing seeds treated with Trichoderma viridae, Rhizobium and PSB. Polythene bags were perforated to drain out excess irrigation water applied at weekly intervals. Polythene bags were kept in shade (Plate 1). The seedlings were sprayed with insecticides to prevent insect pest incidence. The growing tips of the seedlings were nipped at 8-12 days interval till its transplantation Nipping was done to train the seedlings to a bush form. 3.7 Layout of the main field The layout of the experiment was planned in plot size of 62 feet x 42 feet field to accommodate 63 C. cajan plant. The spacing between plant to plant and row to row in the main field was six feet. The spacing between replication was maintained at a spacing of 10 feet (Plate 1). 3.8 Substrate The seedlings of C. cajan was transplanted in polypropylene bags (PPB) which was filled with substrate consisting of a mixture of river bed basin soil (Kapu) and well rotten Farmyard manure (FYM). The weight of substrate for each C. cajan plant in PPB was 65 kg i.e. 45 kg of Kapu + 20 kg of FYM. The Kapu and FYM in the above ratio were thoroughly mixed with the help of a spade to obtain a homogenized substrate. The physio-chemical property of the substrate is mentioned in the Table- 3. Table 3: Physico-chemical properties of the substrate (65kg) Poly propylene bag (PPB) Constituents Available N Available P2O5 Available K2O Value (in g/65kg Method used substrate) 136.15 Alkaline permanganate method (Subbiah and Asija,1956) 45 Calorimeter method (Olsen et al., 1954) 304 Flame Photometer method (Chapman and Pratt, 1961) 3.9 Poly propylene bag (PPB) Sixty-five kg of homogeneously mixed substrate was filled in a polypropylene bag (PPB). Each PPB weighed 125 g and had a dimension of 93 cm x 61 cm when empty. The substrate was gradually filled into the PPB with help of a tasala followed by constantly shaking the bag to ensure proper settlement and compactness. The 65 kg substrate filled PPB attains a dimension of 46 cm height and 125 cm circumference. The PPB was filled with substrate on the designated spot in the layout of the experiment, such that it is not disturbed in future. 3.10 Treatment of the substrate The PPB filled with substrate that was placed in the designated spot as per the experimental design, and was treated with microbes as per the treatments. The microbes were thoroughly mixed in the substrate. 3.11 Transplantation of C. cajan saplings The C. cajan saplings on attaining a height varying from 1.5 feet to 2 feet were transported to the main field. Each of the 63 saplings were place at the base of substrate filled PPB (Plate 2). The polythene bag of the C. cajan saplings was carefully removed without disturbing the root system. The sapling with substrate base is carefully transplanted in the PPB and pressed tightly from all corners, followed by watering. The transplantation was done in the evening hours of 15th August 2018 (Plate 2). 3.12 Irrigation Each of the PPB with C. cajan plant was irrigated at regular intervals. Between August to October 2018, there was no irrigation due to rains. While from November 2018 to February 2019 the interval of irrigation was 15 days, but from March 2019 to May 2019, the irrigation schedule was at 10 days interval. Approximately 10 litres water was given per plant during each irrigation (Plate 3). 3.13 Nipping The transplanted C. cajan was again nipped at 10-12 days interval till the last week of September, 2018 (Plate 3). 3.14 Application of pesticides Three spray of pesticides on C. cajan pants were carried out (Plate3). Table 4: Spray schedule of pesticides Spray 1st 2nd Chemical Emamectin benzoate Cartap Hydrochloride Dose Day 1g/litre 30 DAT 1 g/litre 30 BLI Cartap.+ 3rd Diethane M-45 Remark To manage foliage feeders To manage predators and parasites of lac insect To manage predator and 2g/litre 60 BLI parasites of lac insect and sooty mold * DAT = Days after transplanting, * BLI = Brood lac inoculation 3.15 Brood lac inoculation Rangeeni brood lac purchased from Adarsh Lac Samiti, Jamankhari village, Tehsil Barghat, district Seoni, M.P. on 02.11.2018, The brood lac was sorted for quality and predator free brood before inoculation on C. cajan. Brood lac stick weighing 15 g was tied at the base of each C. cajan in the PPB on (Plate 4) with the help of a twine as per the treatments. 3.16 Phunki removal: The Phunki was carefully removed from C. cajan plant 21 days after BLI without damaging the lac insect settlement on the plants (Plate 4). 3.17 Harvest of pods On the maturity of 80 per cent pods, they were handpicked separately per plant. The harvested pods were counted, dried weighed, threshed for grain yield (Plate 5) during successive pickings and maintained a record. 3.18 Harvest of Lac crop C. cajan with lac was harvested on 17.05.2019. The harvested C. cajan plant was shade dried for four days and all the branches with lac crop was separately kept and tagged (Plate 6). The lac was scrapped from the plant after keeping a clean plastic sheet at the base. The lac obtained was dried and weighed to record the data. 3.19 Observations 3.19.1 Plant growth Height: The plant height was recorded 3 days before BLI (31.10.2018) and later at 30 days interval till (29.04.2019) (Plate 7). Thickness The thickness of the stem, primary and secondary branches was recorded with the help of Vernier Caliper at 35 days after BLI. The second reading was taken at 45 days interval till (23.04.2019) (Plate 7). 3.19.2 Lac insect count Lac insects were counted per 2.5 cm2 (2.5 cm length and 1.0 cm width) space on the stem or branch as the case may be. Marking of slot Thirty days after BLI, branches with good lac insect settlement were selected for marking of slot. Once lac insect inserts its stylet into the phloem, it becomes sedentary. A slot of 1 cm width and 2.5 cm length was marked on the bark of the branch bearing good settlement of the lac insects.Three slots were made on plant each of 2.5 cm 2. Each slots were designated as S1, S2, and S3. Later stretching a thread between the index fingers of both the hands the insect settlement adjacent to the boundaries of the slot is carefully removed to make the slot clearly differentiated from the rest of the lac settlement on the branch (Plate 8). Digital recording Lac insect settlement within the slot was digitally photographed with the help of a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera fitted with 100 mm micro lens by settling it in manual mode with ISO 400 and shutter speed of 4.5 to 6 several pictures of the slot was taken for clarity, finally the best click is selected. Digital counting The digital images from the DSLR camera were transferred to the Laptop/ computer with the help of memory card reader. The image was opened in the Paint 3D programme of the Microsoft office 10 (MS Office 10). After enlarging the image on the screen of the computer. The Brush tool on the Tool bar of the Paint 3D programme was selected. This was followed by selecting the thickness point of the Calligraphy pen from 1 bx to 18 x and contrast colour of the brush tool. Placing the cursor on the individual lac insect on the image within the slot, on a left click of the mouse, a dot of the selected thickness and colour appear on the insect. The process was followed till all the lac insects in the slot had a dot on it. All the dots were counted and recorded followed by saving the image in a designated folder after renaming it, for retrieval in future (Plate 9). Frequency of lac insect count Counting of lac insects within the slots were done at 65, 95, 125, 155 and 185 days after BLI. Emergence of male lac insects The date of emergence of male lac insects as well as it duration was recorded (Plate 10). 3.20 Bio-chemical estimations of C. cajan The C. cajan seeds were analyzed for the bio-chemical constituents as follows: 3.20.1 Estimation of nitrogen and protein percent in seeds The nitrogen content was estimated by Micro Kjeldhal method (AOAC.1965) as per method suggested by Gopalan et al. (1985) Reagents used  40% NaOH-400g dissolved in 1litre  Boric acid indicator (4% solution)-4g in 100ml  Dissolve 0.1g of Methyl red with 0.05g Methyl blue in 100ml of 95% ethanol  Standard HCl acid 0.1N or H2SO4 acid 0.1N  Catalyst mixture: K2SO4 and CuSO4 in the ratio of 5:2 (3g per sample). Procedure  Weigh 100mg of the sample (containing 1 to 3mg Nitrogen) and transfer to a 30ml digestion flask.  Digest with conc. H2SO4 (10ml) in the digestion of (CuSO4, 5H2O and 0.34g solution selenate). After digestion for about 3hr when liquid becomes colourless, the digestion tube was allowed to cool and the content carefully diluted to 100ml with distilled water.  This solution was then transferred quantitatively to a distillation apparatus followed by adding of 15ml of 40% of NaOH. The reagents liberating ammonia was collected in a flask containing 10ml of 2% Boric acid with 2 drops of mixed indicator (Bromocrysol green+ methyl red).  Distillation continued for 5min till the appearance of green colour, to ensure the complete evaluation of ammonia. After distillation, the solution was titrated with 0.1N H2SO4. Nitrogen and protein percent was calculated by the following formula: 14 x Normality of H2SO4 x Vol. of H2SO4 x 100 Nitrogen % = weight of sample x 100 Protein percent in the sample was estimated multiplying nitrogen percent of sample by factor 6.25. Protein % = Nitrogen % x 6.25 3.20.2 Estimation of total carbohydrate percentage Total carbohydrates in the sample were estimated by the hydrolysis method as described in AOAC (1984). Reagents used  5% phenol: (by dissolving 50g of redistilled reagent grade phenol in water and dilute to 1 litre)  96% Sulphuric acid (reagent grade)  Standard glucose: [stock - 100mg in 1(x) ml of water working Standard 10ml of stock diluted to 100ml with distilled water] Procedure  Weigh 100mg of the sample in a boiling tube  Hydrolyze by keeping it in a boiling water bath for 3 hr. with 5ml of 2.5N HCl and cool to room temperature  Neutralize it with solid sodium carbonate until the effervescence ceases  Make up the volume to 100ml and centrifuge  Pipette out 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1ml of working standard into a series of test tubes  Pipette out 0.1 and 0.2ml of the sample solution in two separate test tubes. Make up the volume in each tube to 1ml with water Set a blank with 1ml of water  Add 1ml of phenol solution to each tube  Add 5ml of 96% H2SO4 to each tube and shake well  After 10 min of shakes the contents in the tubes & place in a water bath at 25-30 °C for 20 min  Read the colour at 490 nm  Calculate the amount of total carbohydrate present in the sample solution using the standard graph Calculation sugar Total value from Total graph (μg) of extract (100 ml) carbohydrate in = the sample volume x Aliquot sample used (0.1or 0.2) ×100 Weight of sample (100mg) 3.20.3 Total crude fibre (%) Materials  H2SO4 solution: (12.5 ml of conc. H2SO4 was diluted to 1 litre distilled water)  NaOH solution: (12.5 g of NaOH was dissolved in 1 litre distilled water) Procedure  Extract 2g of ground sample with ether or petroleum ether to remove fat (initial boiling temperature 35-38 °C and final temperature, 52 °C. If fat content is less than 1% extraction may be omitted  After extraction with ether, boil 2g of dried material with 200ml of H2SO4 acid for 30 mins with bumping chips  Filter through muslin cloth and wash with boiling water until washings are no longer acidic  Boil with 200ml of NaOH solution for 30min  Again filter through muslin cloth and wash with boiling water until washings are no longer basic  Remove residue and transfer to ashing dish (pre-weighed dish W 1)  Dry the residue for 2hr at 130±2 °C. Cool the dish in a dessicator and weigh (W 2)  Ignite for 30min at 600±15 °C  Cool in a dessicator and weigh again (W 3) Calculation: Loss in weight on ignition x (W 2-W 1)-(W 3-W 1) x100 Crude fibre % = Weight of sample 3.22.4 Determination of fat percentage The fat content in the sample was estimated by Pelican equipment Socs plus based on principle of Soxhlet‘s extraction method as described in AOAC (1980). The extract method used for this purpose is given below. Procedure One gram of sample was weighed accurately into a thimble and plugged with fat free cotton. The extraction flask (A). Fat content was determined by extracting the sample with solvent, petroleum ether A.R. grade 60-800 fraction, for 6 hours by Soxhlet‘s extraction procedure. After extraction, excess of ether is evaporated until no colour of ether remained. Cooled at room temperature and weighed the flask (B). The percent of fat was calculated by using following formula. Wt. of flask (B) – Wt. of flask (A) x 100 Fat (%) in ground sample = Weight of sample 3.20.5 Total ash (%) The ash content in the seed sample was estimated according to AOAC (1980). The details procedure used is given below: Procedure Two gram of sample was weighed accurately into a weighed. Proclaim crucible (which had precise been heated to about 600 °C and cooled). The crucible was heated first over a low lame till all material was completely charged, followed by heating in a Muffle furnace for about 600 °C, to ensure completion of ashing. It was then cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The crucible was again heated in the Muffle furnace for 1-2 hours then cooled and weighed. This was repeated till two consecutive weights were same and then ash was almost white or greyish white in colour. Weight of ash Ash (%) = x 100 Weight of sample 3.20.6 Total Moisture The moisture content in the sample was estimated according to the method of AOAC (1984). The sample was taken in pre weighed moisture box, dried at 105 °C for 24hr in hot air oven, cooled in desiccators and weighed. The difference in weight of moisture box represents the moisture content of the sample. Calculation: Difference in weight Moisture (%) = x 100 Weight of sample 3.21 Analysis of data: Table 5: Skeleton of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Source of variance d.f. S.S M.S.S F.cal F. tab Replication (r-1) SSR VR VR/VE - Treatments (t-1) SST VT VT/VE Error (r-1) (t-1) SSE VE - - Total (rt – 1) - - - - F at 5% (t-1), (r-1) (t-1) Where, r = number of replications t = number of treatments VR= replication mean sum of square VT=treatment mean sum of square VE= error mean sum of square The significance among different treatment means was judged by critical difference (C.D) at 5% level of significance for comparison among the treatments, for which the marginal means of each treatment was considered. The following formula was used for various estimations. Standard error of mean SEm± = Critical difference (C.D.) = SEm± x √2 x t 0.05 Where, Ems = error mean sum of square t = 't‘ value at 5 % level at error d.f. r = number of replications SEm± = standard error of any treatment mean CD Critical difference = a. Sowing of C cajan seed in substrate filled polythene bags b. Nursery of C cajan c. Preparation of experimental layout in the field Plate- 1 Nursery of C cajan and experimental layout a. Filling of substrate in polypropylene bags b. Transplanting of C cajan sapling c. View of transplanted C cajan d. Ariel view of the C cajan sapling Plate 2 Transplanting of C. cajan sapling in PPB a. C cajan plant stand in PPB b. Spraying of Insecticide d. Irrigation of C cajan in PPB c. Nipping of growing tips Plate 3 Field operation a. Rangeeni Brood lac c. Broodlac tied on C cajan b. Brood lac inoculation on C cajan d. Lac insect settlement after BLI Plate- 4 Process of Brood lac inoculation a. Hand picking of mature pods c. Weighing of 100 seed of C. cajan b. Sun drying of harvested pods d. Weighing of seeds per C. cajan plant Plate- 5 Harvesting and yield recording seed yield of C cajan a. Harvesting of C cajan with Lac b. Harvested Sticklac of C cajan crop c. Scrapping of raw lac from sticklac crop d. Weighing of raw lac Plate- 6 Harvesting of Lac a. Counting and tagging of branches C. Measuring of stem and branch thickness b. Measuring plant height d. Tagging of lac insect settled branches Plate .7 Tagging and Measuring of stem and branches of C cajan Plate- 7 Observation of plant growth a. Natural settlement of Lac insects after BLI b. Marking of 2.5cm2 slots on lac insect settled branches c. Use of thread to remove the insects outside the d. Demarcation of the slot for lac insect count slot Plate- 8 Process of slot making on C cajan plant a. Before counting of lac insect within 2.5cm2 c. Lac insects at 95 days of BLI b. Digital marking after counting of lac insect d. Lac insects at 125 days of BLI Plate- 9 Growth stages of lac insects a. Apterous male lac insect b. Pterous male lac insect Plate- 10 Male lac insects RESULTS The finding of the field experiment entitled conducted during the year 2018 – 19 in the experimental field of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur is presented under different heads as below: 4.1 To determine the settlement and growth of lac insect on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. under different treatments 4.1.1 Branches per C. cajan plant Primary and secondary branches per plant The mean number of primary branches per plant varied from a minimum (2) in no lac insects and soil microbes to maximum (2.83) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in mean number of primary branches in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, no soil microbes and no lac insects and soil microbes. The latter six treatments were at par among each other. Table 6: Mean number of Primary and secondary branches of C. cajan under different treatments Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bio-agents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean no. of branches/plant Primary Secondary 2.17 6.67 2.17 7.00 2.17 7.00 2.33 6.50 2.83 6.83 2.33 6.50 2.00 6.33 0.29 0.67 0.29 NS S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The mean number of secondary branches per plant varied from a minimum (6.33) in no lac insects and soil microbes though however maximum (7) in both Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM but all the values were at par with each other. There was no significant difference in the mean no. of secondary branches per plant among all the treatments (Table 6). 4.1.2 Settlement of lac insects on primary and secondary branches Brood lac inoculation (BLI) on C. cajan was done on 03.11.2018. On BLI the larvae of the lac insects crawled to settle on the main stem, primary and secondary branches of the C. cajan. The settlement on main stem was very less therefore, the settlement on primary and secondary branches were recorded as it is of economical importance. Primary and secondary branches of C. cajan with lac insects The percent of primary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (83.33%) in both PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and no soil microbes. while it was minimum (61.11%) in Rhizobium. There was no significant difference in the percent of primary branches with lac insect settlement among the treatments. This is natural phenomena as the lac insects settling on the branches of C. cajan had no choice but it settle on branches of plant for its survival. The percentage of secondary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (90.97%) in no soil microbes, while it was minimum (79.87%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in the percentage of the secondary branches with lac insect settlement in no soil microbes over PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, and no lac insects and soil microbes however; the latter six treatments were at par with each other (Table 7). Table 7: Mean number of Primary and secondary branches per C. cajan plant with lac insect settlement on 30th days after BLI i.e. 08.12.2018. Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bio-agents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% % of branches/plant with lac insect settled Primary Secondary 72.22 80.60 (4.86) (5.15) 61.11 80.33 (4.47) (5.14) 83.33 85.02 (5.22) (5.29) 77.78 83.94 (5.01) (5.25) 77.78 79.87 (5.05) (5.12) 83.33 90.97 (5.22) (5.47) 0.00 0.00 (0.00) (0.00) 0.91 0.10 NS 0.31 * figure in parenthesis (sin) are transformed values, S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Lac insects settlement per 2.5 cm2 on branch The mean no. of lac insects per 2.5 cm 2 of branches declined after 65 days of BLI. The trend however varied with the treatments. 65 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 of branches was maximum (180.89) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was minimum (155.45) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus after 65 days of BLI. In no lac insects and soil microbes the plants were not inoculated with lac insects. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. Table 8: Mean number of lac insects settled/2.5 cm2 on branches in different treatments after BLI Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo + VAM + Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean no. of lac insects settlement per 2.5cm2 on days after BLI 65 95 125 155 185 Days days days days days 172.56 162.50 154.28 124.22 118.50 (13.11) (12.73) (12.41) (11.14) (10.88) 156.73 148.28 142.78 115.28 109.17 (12.48) (12.14) (11.92) (10.69) (10.41) 157.89 145.61 137.72 119.72 114.39 (12.57) (12.08) (11.75) (10.96) (10.71) 180.89 (13.47) 166.33 (12.92) 152.22 (12.36) 132.28 (11.52) 124.94 (11.20) 155.45 (12.46) 148.50 (12.18) 139.72 (11.81) 119.72 (10.93) 113.22 (10.63) 172.72 (13.15) 0.00 (0.71) 0.50 NS 161.28 (12.72) 0.00 (0.71) 0.49 NS 152.94 (12.39) 0.00 (0.71) 0.49 NS 132.83 (11.54) 0.00 (0.71) 0.48 NS 126.78 (11.28) 0.00 (0.71) 0.47 NS * figure in parent thesis are transformed values Trichoderma viridae , S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + 95 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 of branches was maximum (166.33) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was minimum (145.61) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM after 95 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 among the treatments with BLI. 125 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settled per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (154.28) in PSB while it was minimum (137.72) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM after 125 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. 155 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (132.83) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (115.28) in Rhizobium after 155 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. 185 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (126.78) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (109.17) in Rhizobium after 185 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI (Table 8). Percent reduction in mean Lac insects during 65 to 185 days after BLI As mentioned earlier, these were a reduction in the mean lac insect count per 2.5 cm2 of the branches with age of the insects. The loss is reported on percentage. The information gives the dynamics of the density of lac insects. The present reduction was very high between 125 days to 155 days of BLI, which coincided with male lac insect emergence (Table 9). Reduction in the percentage of mean number of lac insects was maximum (8.05%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus between 65 to 95 days interval and minimum reduction (4.47%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. Reduction in the percentage of mean number of insects between 95 to 125 days interval continued to be maximum in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (8.48%) while it was minimum (3.71%) in Rhizobium. However the reduction of insects between 125 to 155 days interval was maximum (19.48%) in PSB and was minimum (13.07%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. The maximum reduction in the present of mean lac insect count per 2.5 cm2 on the branches between 155 to 185 days was in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (5.54%)) and minimum in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM (4.45%). The present reduction in the mean lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 of the branch between 65 days to 185 days after BLI was maximum in PSB (30.35%) and minimum in no soil microbes (26.60%) (Fig. 2). 35 30 31.33 30.35 30.93 27.55 27.16 26.6 T1 PSB 25 T2 Rhizobium 20 15 T3 PSB+Rhi.+VAM 10 5 0 0 T4 PSB+Rhi.+VAM+Asper. T5 Psb+rhi.+Asper. T6 only S1 T7 without bioagent &lac Fig. 2. Percent Loss of lac insects from 65 to 185 days per 2.5 cm 2 Table 9: Percent of reduction in the mean number of lac insects per 2.5 cm2 on branches Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus % of loss in the mean no. of lac insect per 2.5 cm2 at different dates 65 to 95 to 125 to 155 to 65 to 95 125 155 185 185 days days days days days 5.83 5.06 19.48 4.61 31.33 5.39 3.71 19.26 5.30 30.35 7.78 5.42 13.07 4.45 27.55 8.05 8.48 13.10 5.54 30.93 4.47 5.91 14.31 5.43 27.16 T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 6.63 5.17 13.15 4.56 26.60 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Male emergence Adult male emergence was first observed on 12.03.2019 i. e.: 129 days after BLI. Both winged and wingless adult males were observed. The last male was observed on 26.03.2019 i e. 143 days after BLI. Though adult male last for 4 days but due to emergence at different days the adult male present was for 14 days. This period gives sufficient for matting with female lac insects. Female lac insects produce lac. Sex ratio of lac insects The female and male ratio was highest (6.65:1) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while it was lowest (4.13:1) in PSB. Male lac insect does not produce lac, presence of more female is a positive symptoms for lac production. On the basis of more female to later male PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were the best treatments (Table 10). Table 10: Sex ratio of lac insect at 155 days after BLI Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Female and Male ratio 4.13 :1 4.19 :1 6.65 :1 6.63 :1 5.98 :1 6.61 :1 0:0 * S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae 4.1.3 Effect of lac insects on the growth of C. cajan Plant height The mean height of the C. cajan plant with and without lac insects were recorded from 31.10.2018 till 29.04.2019, During the six observation period of recording the plant height, it was observed that there was increase in plant height during successive growth period, but in all the recording stages there was no significant difference in the mean height of the C. cajan plant. Effect of lac insects on the height of C. cajan The mean height of C. cajan varied from 136.17 cm (PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus) to 149.23 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus) on 31.10.2018 i. e. 3 days before BLI the plant height in all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean height of C. cajan varied from 142.59 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 154.36 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus) on 30.11.2018 i.e. 27 days after BLI the plant height of C. cajan in all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean height of C. cajan varied from 146.08 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 158.01 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus) on 29.01.2019 i.e. 87 days after BLI. The plant height of C. cajan in all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean height of the plant continued minimum in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (147.15cm) and maximum (159.82 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus on 28.02.2019 i.e. 117 days after BLI, yet there was no significant difference in the plant height of C. cajan in the treatments as they were at par with each other. Table 11: Mean height (cm) of C. cajan at different time intervals Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 SE(m)± CD at 5% 31.10.18 137.26 142.68 144.13 136.17 149.23 138.13 138.10 Mean plant height (cm) 30.11.18 29.01.19 28.02.19 29.03.19 147.34 149.97 151.33 152.30 148.36 151.41 152.73 153.79 152.05 154.88 156.00 157.15 142.59 146.08 147.15 148.05 154.36 158.01 159.82 161.05 150.05 154.53 156.20 157.09 153.39 156.60 157.37 158.78 29.04.19 153.18 154.72 158.01 148.95 162.11 157.85 159.85 6.62 5.88 5.86 5.66 5.73 5.73 NS NS NS NS NS NS The trend in the plant height of C. cajan continued as minimum (148.05 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was maximum (161.05 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus on 29.03.2019 i.e. 146 days after BLI but all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean height of the plant was minimum (148.95 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was maximum (162.11 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus on 29.04.2019 i.e. 176 days after BLI .but all the treatments were at par with each other (Table 11). Increase percent in plant height The percent increase in the mean height of the plants after the brood lac inoculation was recorded to see if the lac insect influenced the growth of the plants. Between 31.10.2018 and 29.04.19 six observations were recorded for the increase in the percent height of the plants. The increase in the mean height during initial growth of the plants was maximum (11.07%) in no lac insects and soil microbes between 31.10.2018 to 30.11.2018 while it was minimum (3.44%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The increase in the mean height of the plants between 30.11.2018 to 29.01.2019 was maximum (2.99%) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (1.78%) in PSB. Similarly, the increase in the mean plant height between 29.01.2019 to 28.02.2019 was maximum (1.15%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and minimum (0.49%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. Similarly, the increase in the mean plant height between 28.02.2019 to 29.03.2019 was maximum (0.90%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and minimum (0.57%) in no soil microbes. Table 12: Percent increase in the mean plant height during the crop growth stages Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 % increase in the mean plant height at different dates 31.10.18 30.11.18 29.01.19 28.02.19 29.03.19 31.10.18 to to to to to to 30.11.18 29.01.19 28.02.19 29.03.19 29.04.19 29.04.19 7.34 1.78 0.91 0.64 0.58 11.60 3.99 2.05 0.87 0.69 0.60 8.44 5.50 1.86 0.73 0.68 0.60 9.63 4.71 2.45 0.73 0.61 0.61 9.39 3.44 2.36 1.15 0.77 0.66 8.63 8.63 2.99 1.08 0.57 0.48 14.27 11.07 2.09 0.49 0.90 0.67 15.75 The increase in the mean plant height between 29.03.2019 to 24.04.2019 was maximum (0.67%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and was minimum (0.48%) in no soil microbes (Table 12). It was observed that the increase in height was higher during initial 30 days of BLI, The percent of increase in plant height during later six observations were less than one percent in majority of cases. However, percent increase in plant height of C. cajan when observed from 31.10.18 to 29.04.19 it was highest (15.75%) in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e of the shoots without lac insect while it was lowest (8.44%) in Rhizobium i.e substrate treated with Rhizobium only (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Percent increase in the mean plant height on 30.10.2018 to 29.04.2019 Effect of lac insect on the thickness of the shoots of C. cajan Increase in the thickness of the stem and branches are another plant growth parameters recorded to observe if lac insects on the plant influence it. Unlike the non significant difference in plant height of C. cajan with and without lac insects, there was a significant difference in the stem thickness during growth period of the plant. Thickness of stem of C. cajan On 08.12.2018 i.e. 35 days after BLI the mean thickness of stem of C. cajan was minimum (1.77 cm) in PSB and maximum (2.22 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean thickness of stem in treatment Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, no soil microbes and no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The stem thickness of the latter two were at par with each other. On 23.01.2019 i.e. 80 days after BLI the mean thickness of stem was minimum (1.89 cm) in PSB while it was maximum (2.35 cm) in both PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and no lac insects and soil microbes. The mean thickness of stem in treatment Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, no soil microbes, and no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The mean stem thickness of the latter three were at par with each other. The mean thickness of stem of C. cajan was minimum (2.06 cm) in both PSB and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was maximum (2.49 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 08.03.2019 i.e. 125 days after BLI. Table 13: Mean thickness (cm) of the stem of C. cajan at different time intervals Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM+Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean thickness (cm) of the stem on 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 1.77 1.89 2.06 2.16 2.09 2.16 2.22 2.34 2.02 2.09 2.17 2.28 1.89 1.98 2.06 2.16 2.22 2.35 2.47 2.60 2.19 2.27 2.35 2.49 2.18 2.35 2.49 2.66 0.07 0.22 0.08 0.25 0.10 0.31 0.09 0.30 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The mean thickness of stem in treatment no lac insects and soil microbes and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus were significantly higher than that in over the treatments PSB and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. However it was at par among no lac insects and soil microbes and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. Similarly there was also a significant positive difference in the mean thickness of the stem in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and no lac insects and soil microbes.On 23.04.2019 i.e. 170 days after BLI the mean thickness of stem of C. cajan was minimum (2.16 cm) in both PSB and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was maximum (2.66 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The mean thickness of stem in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, no soil microbes and no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over the treatments PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus. However the stem thickness of C. cajan in treatments PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, no soil microbes and no lac insects and soil microbes were at par with each other (Table 13). Percent increase in the mean thickness of stem C. cajan in different treatments during growth Stage The percent increase in the mean thickness of the stem of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (3.27%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (7.81%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 the % increase in the mean thickness of the stem was minimum (2.62%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (9.10%) in PSB. However, between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was found to be minimum (2.51%) in PSB and maximum (6.76%) in no lac insects and soil microbes (Table 14). However when a cumulative percent increase in stem thickness was taken from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, it was maximum (22.21%) in no lac insects and soil microbes while minimum (11.87%) in Rhizobium (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Percent increase in the mean thickness of stem on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 Table 14: Percent increase in mean thickness of stem of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects % increase in the mean thickness in stem at different dates 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 08.12.18 to to to to 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 23.04.19 6.79 9.10 2.51 19.43 3.27 2.62 5.56 11.87 3.80 3.50 5.38 13.22 4.95 3.96 5.10 14.66 5.85 4.82 5.54 17.09 3.81 3.37 5.96 13.70 7.81 6.18 6.76 22.21 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Thickness of primary branches of C. cajan Majority of the lac insect settlement was on the primary and secondary branches of C. cajan. There was a significant difference in the mean thickness of both primary and secondary branches due to lac insect settled on them. The mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan was minimum (1.17 cm) in PSB while it was maximum (1.58 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 08.12.2018 i.e. 35 days after BLI. The mean thickness of the primary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. However except no lac insects and soil microbes, the thickness of the primary branches in all the treatments was at par with each other. Table 15: Mean thickness (cm) of the primary branches of C. cajan at different time intervals Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM+Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean thickness (cm) of the primary branches on 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 1.17 1.30 1.38 1.45 1.25 1.32 1.36 1.39 1.25 1.33 1.39 1.44 1.36 1.44 1.50 1.55 1.37 1.50 1.59 1.66 1.43 1.54 1.62 1.62 1.58 1.70 1.78 1.84 0.09 0.28 0.08 0.26 0.09 0.27 0.10 0.32 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan was minimum (1.30 cm) in PSB while it was maximum (1.70 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 23.01.2019 i.e. 80 days after BLI. The mean thickness of the primary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. However except no lac insects and soil microbes the thicknesses of the primary branches in all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan was minimum (1.36 cm) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (1.78 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 08.03.2019 i.e. 125 days after BLI. The mean thickness of the primary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. The thicknesses of the primary branches in rest were at par with each other. On 23.04.2019 i.e. 170 days after BLI the mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan was minimum (1.39 cm) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (1.84 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The mean thickness of the primary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. The thickness of the primary branches of C. cajan in rest were at par with each other. Thus, it is worth nothing that the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes which is without lac insects had significant increase in thickness of primary and secondary branches during all the four observation period (Table 15). Percent increase in the mean thickness of primary branches C. cajan in different treatments during growth Stage The percent increase in the mean thickness of the primary branches of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (5.32%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (11.43%) in PSB. Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 it was still minimum (3.22%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (6.06%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (Table 16). However between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was minimum (1.77%) increase still continued in Rhizobium but the maximum (10.61%) increase in the mean thickness of the primary branches was in no lac insects and soil microbes. The cumulative of increase in thickness of primary branches from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, was maximum (24.52%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and minimum (10.64%) in Rhizobium. The cumulative percent increase in the thickness of primary branches of PSB and no lac insects and soil microbes almost the same (Fig. 5). Table 16: Percent increase in mean thickness of primary branches of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM+ Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects % increase in the mean thickness in primary branches at different dates 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 08.12.18 to to to to 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 23.04.19 11.43 5.83 5.15 24.00 5.32 3.22 1.77 10.64 5.85 4.96 3.17 14.63 6.14 4.46 2.83 14.00 9.22 6.06 4.14 20.63 7.46 5.53 3.19 17.02 7.82 4.41 10.61 24.52 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Fig. 5. Percent increase in the mean thickness in primary branches on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 Thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan The mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan was minimum (0.85 cm) in PSB while it was maximum (1.16 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 08.12.2018 i.e. 35 days after BLI. The mean thickness of the secondary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. Except no lac insects and soil microbes the thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan in all the treatments were at par with each other. The mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan was minimum (0.92 cm) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (1.26 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes on 23.01.2019 i.e. 80 days after BLI. The mean thickness of the secondary branches in the treatments no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. Except no lac insects and soil microbes the thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan in all the treatments were at par with each other. Table 17: Mean thickness (cm) of the secondary branches of C. cajan at different time intervals Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean thickness (cm) of the secondary branches on 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 0.85 0.95 1.01 1.06 0.86 0.92 0.98 1.02 0.87 0.94 0.99 1.02 0.92 1.02 1.10 1.17 0.96 1.06 1.13 1.18 1.06 1.05 1.07 1.11 1.16 1.26 1.34 1.40 0.08 0.26 0.09 0.29 0.10 0.30 0.09 0.28 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae On 08.03.2019 i.e. 125 days after BLI the mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan was minimum (0.98 cm) in PSB while it was maximum (1.34 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The mean thickness of the secondary branches of no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. Again except no lac insects and soil microbes the thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan in all the other treatments were at par with each other. On 23.04.2019 i.e. 170 days after BLI the mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan was minimum (1.02 cm) both in Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while it was maximum (1.40 cm) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The mean thickness of the secondary branches in the treatment no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over PSB , Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan in the treatments no lac insects and soil microbes continued to be significantly more than all the treatments. As observed in the primary branches, the thickness of secondary branches was significantly more all the treatments during all the four observation periods (Table 17). Percent increase in the mean thickness of secondary branches C. cajan in different treatments during growth Stage The percent increase in the mean thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (1.94%) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (10.94%) in PSB (Table 18). Table 18: Percent increase in mean thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan under different treatments during the growth stages Treatments % increase in the mean thickness of secondary branches at different dates 08.12.18 23.01.19 08.03.19 08.12.18 to to to to 23.01.19 08.03.19 23.04.19 23.04.19 T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae 10.94 7.04 4.28 23.83 6.98 6.88 3.39 18.22 8.43 5.30 2.35 16.86 10.71 7.79 6.46 27.04 10.26 6.62 4.73 23.13 1.94 1.98 3.66 4.72 8.93 6.61 3.97 20.75 Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 though the minimum (1.98%) increase in the mean thickness of secondary branches was in no soil microbes but the maximum (7.79%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. But between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was minimum (2.35%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while the maximum (6.46%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The cumulative increase in the mean thickness of the secondary branches from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, it was minimum (4.72%) in no soil microbes while maximum (27.04%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (Fig. 6). Fig. 6. Percent increase in the mean thickness in secondary branches on 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019 4.2 To determine the yield of lac and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp under different treatments 4.2.1 Yield of raw lac Mean weight 100 dry lac cell The mean dry weight 100 lac cell varied from 2.78 g (no soil microbes) to 3.01 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry weight of 100 lac cells was significantly higher in all the treatments over no soil microbes. The mean dry weight of 100 lac cell between PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus as well as PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were at par with each other. Thus the mean dry weight of 100 lac cell was 8.27 and 7.91 percent more in lac crop on C. cajan with PSB, Rhizobium, VAM and Aspergillus and lac crop on C. cajan with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM treatments respectively (Table 19). Table 19: Yield of raw lac and 100 dry lac cell weight per plant Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bio-agents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Lac yield (g) 100 cell wt. Lac yield/plant 2.94 346.18 2.89 342.02 3.00 360.07 3.01 386.02 2.97 350.90 2.78 327.47 0.00 0.00 0.059 0.019 2.68 8.26 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Mean weight of raw lac yield per plant The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan varied from 327.47 g (no soil microbes) to 386.02 g (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan in all the treatments were significantly higher than that in no soil microbes. In comparison to the raw lac yield on C. cajan grown without soil microbes treatment (no soil microbes). The increase in the raw lac yield was 17.96 and 7.15 percent on C. cajan grown on different combination of soil microbes in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus respectively (Table 19.). The present finding suggests that it will be always beneficial to optimum lac production on C. cajan grown with soil microbes treatment of PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. 4.2.2 Yield of C. cajan Lac production on C. cajan influence the yield of the crop is a general speculation. Generally phloem sap feeder has a negative influence on the yield of the crop. There for it was very important to reached the yield of the crop in terms of number of pod, dry pod weight and dry seed weight per plant as well as 100 seed weight. Mean number of pods per picking per C. cajan plant There was three hand picking of mature pods at 60, 90 and 115 days after BLI. Picking were done when 80 percent of the pods was mature. 1st picking The mean number of pods per C. cajan plant during 1st picking was minimum (529.17) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (912.50) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/picking/plant in treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB were significantly higher than that in over Rhizobium. However the values of PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB were at par with each other. 2nd picking The mean number of pods per plant during 2 nd picking was minimum (1441.67) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was maximum (1759.50) in PSB. The mean number of pods/plant during 2nd picking in PSB was significantly higher than that in over PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/plant/picking in rest of the treatments was at par with each other. 3rd picking The mean number of pods per plant during 3 rd picking was minimum (1528.50) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (1841.17) in PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/ plants during 3 rd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and PSB were significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. There was also a significant positive difference in the mean number pods /plant in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus over PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and PSB. The latter two were at par with each other. The total no. of pods/plant of the 3 picking was maximum (4316.34 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus followed by (4104.66 g) PSB, (4017.50 g) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, (3864.33 g) no lac insects and soil microbes, (3739.01 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (3701.67 g) Rhizobium and (3701.00 g) no soil microbes (Table 20). Table 20: Mean number of pods at different time intervals Mean no. of pods per plant after BLI Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% 60 days 90 days 115 days Total 658.33 1759.50 1686.83 4104.66 529.17 1618.50 1554.00 3701.67 595.67 1515.67 1627.67 3739.01 794.00 1681.17 1841.17 4316.34 912.50 1441.67 1663.33 4017.50 557.50 1615.00 1528.50 3701.00 625.00 1705.00 1534.33 3864.33 32.14 99.04 100.28 308.98 33.41 102.95 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Percent difference in mean number of pod per plants in 3 pickings The difference in the harvest among different pickings was recorded to find out if the lac insect growth influenced the plant yield. Increase in the mean number of pod per plants was maximum (205.86%) in Rhizobium between 1st to 2nd picking. Table 21: Percent difference in the mean number of pods per plant during successive pickings % difference in the mean no. Treatments of pods/plant in the successive pickings 1st& 2nd 2nd& 3rd 1st& 3rd T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bio-agents and lac insects 167.27 -4.13 156.23 205.86 -3.99 193.67 154.45 7.39 173.25 111.73 9.52 131.88 57.99 15.38 82.28 189.69 -5.36 174.17 172.80 -10.01 145.49 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae It was minimum (57.99%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The increase in the mean number of pod per plants between 2 nd to 3rdpicking was maximum (15.38%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it decrease by 10.01 percent in no lac insects and soil microbes. The percent increase in the mean number of pods/plant between 1st and 3rd picking was maximum (193.67%) in Rhizobium while the minimum was (82.28%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (Table 21) (Fig. 7). Mean dry weight of pods per picking per C. cajan plant 1st picking The mean dry weight of pods was minimum (248.17 g) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (450.83 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean weight of pods/ plant during 1st picking in PSB, PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over Rhizobium. There was also a significant positive difference in the mean dry weight of the pods/ plant among PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and no lac insects and soil microbes. 2nd picking The mean dry weight of pods per plant during 2 nd picking The mean dry weight of pods/ plant during 2nd picking in PSB, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and no lac insects and soil microbes were significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. The values of PSB and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were significantly different over no lac insects and soil microbes however the former two were at par with each other. 3rd picking The mean dry weight of pods per plant during 3rd picking was minimum (711.33) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (800.83) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean dry weight of pods/ plant during 3 rd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. 1st and 2nd picking 2nd and 3rd picking 1st and 3rd picking Total no. of pod Fig. 7. Percent difference in the mean number of pod /plant/picking different picking 1st and 2nd picking 2nd and 3rd picking 1st and 3rd picking Total weight of pod Fig. 8. Percent difference in the mean weight of pod /plant/picking different picking Table 22: Mean dry weight (g) of pods at different time intervals Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% Mean weight(g) of pod per plant after BLI 60 days 90 days 115 days Total 317.17 862.67 746.17 1926.01 248.17 721.50 716.33 1686.00 285.33 721.33 748.67 1755.33 389.83 896.67 785.17 2071.67 450.83 821.50 800.83 2073.16 279.33 682.17 711.33 1672.83 307.00 771.67 722.17 1800.84 15.52 47.83 17.52 53.99 15.16 46.71 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The former two were at par with each other. The total mean dry weight of pods/plant of all the 3 pickings was maximum (2073.16 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus followed by (2071.67 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, (1926.01 g) PSB, (1800.84 g) no lac insects and soil microbes, (1755.33 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (1686.00 g) Rhizobium and (1672.83 g) no soil microbes (Table 22). Percent difference in mean dry weight of pod per plants in 3 picking The difference in the mean dry weight (g) of the pods per plant per picking was also recorded to observe if the insect influenced the dry weight of the pods during pickings. Percent increase in the dry weight of pods per plant was maximum (190.73%) in Rhizobium between 1st and 2nd picking. it was minimum (82.22%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The percent increase in mean dry weight of pod per plants between 2nd and 3rd picking was maximum (4.28%) in no soil microbes while there was a maximum decrease of 13.50 percent in PSB. The percent increase in the mean dry weight of pods/plant between 1 st and 3rd picking was highest (188.65%) in Rhizobium and lowest (77.63%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (Table 23) (Fig. 8). Table 23: Percent difference in the mean dry weight of seed (g) per plant during successive pickings Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects % difference in the mean dry weight of pods(g)/plant in the successive pickings 1st& 2nd 2nd& 3rd 1st& 3rd picking picking picking 171.99 -13.50 135.26 190.73 -0.72 188.65 152.80 3.79 162.38 130.01 -12.43 101.41 82.22 -2.52 77.63 144.21 4.28 154.65 151.36 -6.41 135.23 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Mean dry weight of seed per picking per C. cajan plant 1st picking The mean dry weight of seeds per plant during 1 st picking was minimum (134.17 g) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (211.67 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean dry weight of seeds/ plant during 1st picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. The mean dry seed weight per plant per picking in rest of the treatments was at par with each other. 2nd picking The mean dry weight of seed per plant during 2 nd picking was minimum (450.00 g) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (515.83 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean dry weight of seeds/plant during 2nd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over Rhizobium. The former were at par with each other. 3rd picking The mean dry weight of seeds per plant during 3 rd picking was minimum (472.67 g) in no lac insects and soil microbes while it was maximum (527.33 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the 3rd picking. The mean dry weight of seeds/plant during 3rd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over no lac insects and soil microbes. The former two were at par with each other. The total mean dry weight of seeds/plant of all the 3 pickings was maximum (1254.83 g) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, followed by (1182.00 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, (1104.3 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (1096.67 g) PSB, (1094.33 g) no lac insects and soil microbes and (1067.67 g) no soil microbes. Thus, the data on the seed yield per plant indicated that C. cajan grown on microbes treated substrate with lac insect had 14.67 percent more yield (Table 24). Table 24: Mean dry Weight (g) of seeds at different time intervals Mean weight(g) of seeds per plant after BLI Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects SE(m)± CD at 5% 60 days 90 days 115 days Total 153.33 464.17 479.17 1096.67 138.33 450.00 478.33 1066.66 150.83 467.50 486.50 1104.83 188.33 489.17 504.50 1182.00 211.67 515.83 527.33 1254.83 134.17 455.83 477.67 1067.67 153.33 468.33 472.67 1094.33 7.79 23.99 10.69 32.95 9.94 30.64 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Percent difference in mean dry seed weight per plant during 3 pickings The percent increase in the mean dry weight of seeds per plant was maximum (239.75%) in T6 between 1st to 2nd picking. It was minimum (143.70%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The mean increase in percent of dry weight of seeds per plant between 2nd and 3rd picking was maximum (6.30%) in Rhizobium while it was minimum (0.93%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The percent increase in the mean dry weight of seeds/plant between 1 st and 3rd picking was highest (256.02%) in no soil microbes and lowest (149.13%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (Table 25) (Fig. 9). 1st and 2nd picking 2nd and 3rd picking 1st and 3rd picking Total no. of pod Fig. 9. Percent difference in the mean weight of dry seed /plant/picking different picking Table 25: Percent difference in the mean dry weight of seed (g) per plant during successive pickings Treatments % difference in the mean dry weight (g) of seed/plant in the successive pickings 1st& 2nd 2nd& 3rd 1st& 3rd picking picking picking T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects 202.72 3.23 212.50 225.30 6.30 245.78 209.94 4.06 222.54 159.73 3.13 167.88 143.70 2.23 149.13 239.75 4.79 256.02 205.43 0.93 208.26 S1 = 40kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Mean Dry weight (g) of 100 seeds during 3 pickings. The mean dry weight of 100 seeds during the three picking was highest (10.92 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was closely followed by no lac insects and soil microbes (10.79 g), PSB + Rhizobium + VAM (10.54 g), PSB (10.52 g), Rhizobium (10.45 g), no soil microbes (10.28 g). It was minimum (9.99 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (Table 26). Table 26: Mean dry weight (g) of 100 seeds during different pickings Treatments Mean weight(g) of 100 seed during successive picking 1st picking 2nd picking 3rdpicking Mean T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects 10.86 10.91 9.8 10.52 9.88 11.45 10.03 10.45 9.71 12.06 9.85 10.54 10.38 10.55 9.05 9.99 11.61 11.11 10.03 10.92 10.93 10.62 9.3 10.28 10.79 11.12 10.45 10.79 S1 = 40Kg kapu + 25 Kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Percent difference in Dry weight (g) 100 seeds during 3 pickings. Dry weight of 100 seeds gives a data while compared to see the influence of lac insect in the seed weight. Weight of 100 dry seed during each picking was done to see if when the insect influences the seed yield. The mean dry weight of 100 seeds during the 3 pickings varied among different treatments and pickings, indicating an influence of lac insects on the yield of C. cajan. 1st picking The mean weight (g) 100 seeds was highest (11.61 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus closely followed by no soil microbes (10.93 g), PSB (10.86 g), no lac insects and soil microbes (10.79 g) and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (10.38 g). It was lowest (9.71 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. 2nd picking The mean weight of 100 seeds was highest (12.06 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM closely followed by Rhizobium (11.45 g), no lac insects and soil microbes (11.12 g), and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (11.11 g) on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus had lowest (9.05 g). 3rd picking It was highest (10.45 g) in no lac insects and soil microbes followed by Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (10.03 g), while PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus had the lowest (9.05 g). The mean dry weight of 100 seeds was 1.20 percent more in the treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over no lac insects and soil microbes which was without lac insect and soil microbes (Table 27). The percent difference in the mean weight of 100 seeds between 1 st and 2nd picking was highest (24.20%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while it decreased by 4.31 percent in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. Between 2nd and 3rd picking the mean weight of 100 seed decrease in all the treatments. 100 seed weight in 3 rd picking decreased by a maximum of 18.33 percent in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM over 2nd picking while it was minimum (6.03%) in no lac insects and soil microbes when compared with 3rd picking from 2nd picking. Table 27: Difference in the weight (g) of 100 seeds during different pickings Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Mean weight (g) and % difference of 100 seed during successive picking st nd rd 1 2 3 Diff. 1st& 2nd Diff. 2nd& 3rd Diff. 1st& 3rd picking picking picking picking (%) picking (%) picking (%) 10.86 10.91 9.80 0.46 -10.17 -9.76 9.88 11.45 10.03 15.89 -12.40 1.52 9.71 12.06 9.85 24.20 -18.33 1.44 10.38 10.55 9.05 1.64 -14.22 -12.81 11.61 11.11 10.03 -4.31 -9.72 -13.61 10.93 10.62 9.30 -2.84 -12.43 -14.91 10.79 11.12 10.45 3.06 -6.03 -3.15 When the difference in the mean weight of 100 seed was compared with the 1st and 3rd picking there was increase by 1.52% in Rhizobium and 1.44% in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while is not of the treatments it decreased by 14.91% in no soil microbes followed by 13.61% (PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus), 12.81% (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus), 9.76% (PSB) and 3.15% in (no lac insects and soil microbes). 4.2.3 Qualitative analysis of C. cajan seeds Qualitative analysis of seed of C. cajan with lac crop on 7 parameters [calorific value (Kcal/100g), total carbohydrate (g/100g), moisture (%), protein (%), Total Ash (%), crude fibre (%) and fat (%)] was done to determine any qualitative changes during the three pickings under different treatments and the presence of lac insect on the crop. Calorific value (Kcal/100g) of seeds The calorific value (Kcal/100g) of C. cajan seeds was maximum during the first picking as it ranged from 354.08 (PSB) to 367.36 (Rhizobium). However the mean of the 3 picking revealed that the highest calorific value was 361.83 Kcal in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e. C. cajan without lac insect and minimum was in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (351.48 Kcal). In comparison to C. cajan with lac (no soil microbes) those without lac (no lac insects and soil microbes) had 1.28 percent more calorific value in seeds. When calorific value of seeds was compared between the 1st and 3rd picking, the mean calorific value of C. cajan seeds of the 3 pickings revealed that there was a minor difference among the treatments (Table 28). Table 28: Total Calorific value (Kcal/100g) of seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Calorific value (Kcal/100g) of C. cajan seeds in 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 354.08 354.33 363.49 357.30 2.66 367.36 357.86 356.55 360.59 -2.94 356.88 354.3 351.47 354.22 -1.52 354.17 353.09 347.17 351.48 -1.98 361.55 357.75 354.61 357.97 -1.92 359.94 357.21 354.49 357.21 -1.5 362.34 361.66 361.5 361.83 -0.23 Total carbohydrate (g/100g) of C. cajan seeds The total carbohydrate (g/100 g) content in the seeds of C. cajan revealed a decline from the 1st picking to the 3rd picking in all the treatments except PSB. Table 29: Total carbohydrate (g/100g) of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Carbohydrate (g/100g) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. st 1 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 68.33 69.72 68.85 68.97 0.76 67.81 65.67 62.96 65.48 -7.15 70.88 67.1 60.16 66.05 -15.12 76.1 69.67 67.00 70.92 -11.96 75.62 69.15 73.8 72.86 -2.41 69.78 68.31 66.18 68.09 -5.16 70.48 69.82 68.82 69.71 -2.36 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The total carbohydrate of seeds in the 1st picking varied from a maximum of 76.1 g/100 g seed (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 67.81 g/100 g seed (Rhizobium). The mean total carbohydrate content of 3 pickings was highest (72.86 g/ 100 g seed) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus closely followed by that (70.92 g/100 g seed) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was lowest (65.48 g/100 g seed) in Rhizobium (Table 29). Total Moisture percent of C. cajan seeds The moisture percent in the seeds of C. cajan varied with treatments and also with pickings (Table 30). The moisture percent in the seeds of 1st picking reduced during successive pickings in all the treatments. The moisture percent was highest (8.79%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and lowest (6.57 %) in no lac insects and soil microbes. However the moisture percent in the mean of the 3 pickings was highest (8.09%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while the lowest (6.43%) was in no lac insects and soil microbes. The seeds of C. cajan with lac insects and no soil microbe had 23.33 percent more moisture than the seeds with no soil microbes and lac insects (Table 30.). The moisture percent in the seeds was 25.82 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM) and 24.42 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) percent more than that in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e. C. cajan seeds with no lac insects and soil microbes, indications that C. cajan with soil microbes treatment were better. Table 30: Total Moisture percent of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Moisture (%) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 8.50 8.36 6.60 7.82 -22.35 8.22 8.00 7.10 7.77 -13.63 8.30 7.97 8.00 8.09 -3.61 8.79 8.10 7.11 8.00 -19.11 8.13 7.93 6.55 7.54 -19.43 8.60 7.51 7.69 7.93 -10.58 6.57 6.44 6.27 6.43 -4.57 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Total protein percent of C. cajan seeds The protein percent varied with treatments and declined during successive pickings (Table 31). It was maximum during 1st picking where protein percent in seeds varied from 29.97 percent (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 19.46 percent (no lac insects and soil microbes). The mean protein percent % in the seeds of 3 pickings was highest (21.5%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and lowest (17.21%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was 4.13 percent more protein in the seeds of C. cajan with lac insect and no soil microbes over that from C. cajan without both soil microbes and lac insects. There was 14.88 percent (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) and 14.72 percent (Rhizobium) more protein that in no lac insects and soil microbes. Table 31: Total protein percent of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects protein (%) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 22.12 17.67 17.22 19.00 -22.15 23.30 21.14 18.92 21.12 -18.80 20.17 16.60 15.73 17.50 -22.01 29.97 17.41 16.08 21.15 -46.35 19.55 17.14 14.94 17.21 -23.58 20.44 19.47 17.61 19.17 -13.85 19.46 17.99 17.79 18.41 -8.58 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Total Ash percent of C. cajan seeds Ash percent indication inorganic content, especially mineral contents. The ash percent in the seeds of C. cajan varied with treatments and decline during successive pickings in most cases except PSB. The ash percent of seeds varied from highest (4.78%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM to lowest (4.17%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The mean ash percent in the seeds of the 3 pickings was highest (4.30 %) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while lowest (3.99%) in no soil microbes. There was 6.56 percent more ash content in seeds of C. cajan with lac insect but no soil microbes over seeds of C. cajan grown without both soil microbes and lac insets (Table 32). Table 32: Total Ash percent of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Ash (%) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 4.38 3.97 4.14 4.16 -5.48 4.16 4.01 3.98 4.05 -4.33 4.78 4.18 3.93 4.30 -17.78 4.17 4.11 4.10 4.13 -1.68 4.38 4.02 4.0 4.13 -8.68 4.26 3.98 3.73 3.99 -12.44 4.32 4.26 4.24 4.27 -1.85 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae The percent of crude fibre in the mean of the 3 picking was highest (12.27%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM closely followed by Rhizobium (11.90%) while it was lowest (8.19 %) in PSB. There was 1.62 percent more crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan grow without soil microbes over treatment without both soil microbes and lac insects. Total Crude fibre of C. cajan seeds The percentage of crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan in all the treatments varied and declined during successive pickings (Table 33). The percent of crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan was highest (17.49 %) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and closely followed by Rhizobium (16.95%) while lowest (9.47 %) in PSB (Table 33). Table 33: Total Crude fibre percent of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Crude fibre (%) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 9.47 7.59 7.50 8.19 -20.80 16.95 9.94 8.82 11.90 -47.96 17.49 9.19 10.12 12.27 -42.14 9.77 9.10 8.18 9.02 -16.27 9.52 8.31 6.98 8.27 -26.68 12.52 7.50 6.35 8.79 -49.28 11.55 8.48 5.92 8.65 -48.74 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae Total Fat percent of C. cajan seeds The fat percent in the seeds of C. cajan in all the treatments varied and indicated a decline trend with successive pickings (Table 34). It was maximum (2.48%) in Rhizobium while minimum (0.93%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus during 1st picking. In the mean of the 3 pickings the fat % was maximum (1.58%) in Rhizobium while maximum (0.80%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. Table 34: Total Fat percent of C. cajan seeds Treatments T1 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB T2 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with Rhizobium T3 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM T4 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB +Rhizo. + VAM +Asper. T5 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + Asper. T6 - Lac insects on C. cajan grown on S1 T7 - C. cajan grown on S1 without bioagents and lac insects Fat (%) in the C. cajan seeds during 3 pickings % Diff. 1st 2nd 3rd Mean 1st & 3rd 1.29 1.12 0.73 1.05 -43.41 2.48 1.18 1.07 1.58 -56.85 1.16 1.27 0.58 1.00 -50.00 0.93 0.81 0.65 0.80 -30.11 1.11 0.75 0.93 0.93 -16.22 0.98 0.89 0.85 0.91 -13.27 1.58 0.94 0.86 1.13 -45.57 S1 = 40 kg kapu + 25 kg FYM + Trichoderma viridae There was 19.47 percent more fat content in the seeds of C. cajan grown without both lac and soil microbes over that with lac and without soil microbes. However in Rhizobium the percent fat was 36.59 percent more than that (1.13%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. DISCUSSION Discussion of the present research work on “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” are discussed below. 5.1 Primary and secondary branches per plant The mean number of primary branches per plant varied from a minimum (2) in no lac insects and soil microbes to maximum (2.83) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in mean number of primary branches in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, no soil microbes and no lac insects and soil microbes. The latter six treatments were at par among each other. The mean number of secondary branches per plant varied from a minimum (6.33) in no lac insects and soil microbes to maximum (7) in both Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM but all the values were at par with each other. There was no significant difference in the mean number of secondary branches per plant among all the treatments. Pigeon pea variety TJT-501 notified vide no. 2187 (E) dated 27.08.2009 maturing in 145-155 days is a semi spreading intermediate plants with large 4seeded pods, yellow flowers and brown seeds of 9.5 g per 100 seeds. (ums.rvskvv.net/RVSKVV_ Research / research significant achievements. Aspx.). The variety being high stability and adaptability across different environments (Kumar et al. 2014) was the reason for its selection for the present trial. Muniswamy et al. (2017) in trial reported mean number of primary and secondary branches of TJT 501 up to 10.61 and 4.76 respectively. Thus, if lac production on TJT-501 is economically viable, the technology spread can be across different states of India to benefit numerous farmers. 5.2 Settlement of lac insects on primary and secondary branches Brood lac inoculation (BLI) on C. cajan was done on 03.11.2018. On BLI the larvae of the K. lacca crawled to settle on the main stem, primary and secondary branches of the C. cajan. However, preference for settlement was maximum in secondary branches of C. cajan. Main stem had least settlement. Therefore, the settlement on primary and secondary branches was recorded as it is of economical importance. 5.2.1 Primary and secondary branches of C. cajan with lac insects The percent of primary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (83.33%) in both PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and no soil microbes. while it was minimum (61.11%) in Rhizobium. There was no significant difference in the percent of primary branches with lac insect settlement among the treatments. This is natural phenomena as the lac insects settling on the branches of C. cajan had no choice but it settle on branches of plant for its survival. The percentage of secondary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (90.97%) in no soil microbes, while it was minimum (79.87%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in the percentage of the secondary branches with lac insect settlement in no soil microbes over PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, and no lac insects and soil microbes however; the latter six treatments were at par with each other. The finding is an indication that K. lacca preferred secondary branches more than primary branches. Kumar et al. (2002) reported that Lac insects can be made to settle on any plant but they survive only on good hosts. Rangeeni lac insect does not survive on S. oleosa (kusum) and it suffers very high mortality on Flemingia semiallata, same is true for kusmi strain for Butea monosperma (palas), while Zizyphus mauritiana (ber) supports both the strains. Settlement of lac insects on the succulent branches of B. monosperma (Sharma et al. 2015), Zizyphus mauritiana (Namdev et al. 2015; Shah et al. 2015) and Schleichera oleosa (Ghugal et al. 2015) has been reported. K. lacca on C. cajan has been reported (Lohot et al. 2018 and Thomas. 2003) in India and in China (Yunzheng et al.1980) but they have not specified the type of branches K. lacca preferred. 5.2.2 Lac insects settlement per 2.5 cm2 on branch Unlike any other moving insects, where the population of insects fluctuation during the growth stage of the crop or insects, K. lacca moves only during is its larval (crawlers) stages. Later lac insects become sedentary. There is already decline in the population from BLI to harvest of the crop. Lac insects are gregarious in nature and settle in close proximity. Hence, density of settlement has a bearing on lac yield. Different lac insects show varied density of settlement: average 80-192 per sq. cm in rangeeni, 136-242 per sq. cm in kusmi and 166-264 per sq. cm in Meghalaya stock depending upon the quantity of the broodlac used. The mean number of lac insects per 2.5 cm2 of branches declined after 65 days of BLI. The trend however varied with the treatments. 65 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 of branches was maximum (180.89) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was minimum (155.45) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus after 65 days of BLI. In no lac insects and soil microbes the plants were not inoculated with lac insects. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 among the treatments with BLI. Namdev (2014) reported that the mean live lac cell count per 2.5 cm2 of kusmi lac on Z. mauritiana at 60 days after BLI varied from 40.01 to 47.6 in different treatments. There was a significant difference among in the mean live lac cell count the treatments. Patel (2013) reported that the mean kusmi lac cell count per 2.5 cm2 at 60 days on Z. mauritiana after BLI to vary from 53.20 to 86.60 in different treatments. There was a significant difference among in the mean lac cell count the treatments. Janghel (2013) reported that the mean population density of rangeeni lac insects per 2.5 cm2 on B. monosperma at 60 days after BLI to vary from 28.13 to 40.53. There was a no significant difference among the treatments. Similarly, Sahu (2016) also reported that the mean population density of Rangeeni Lac insect at 62 day after BLI though varied from 37.05 to 39.34 in different treatments but were at par among the treatments. The finding of the present trail and these reported by earlier are in agreement that usually in the initial stages of settlement of lac insects, there is no significant difference per 2.5 cm2. 95 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 of branches was maximum (166.33) in PSB +Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was minimum (145.61) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM after 95 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm 2 among the treatments with BLI. Patel (2013) reported that the mean kusmi lac cell count per 2.5 cm2 at 90 days on Z. mauritiana after BLI to vary from 34 to 42.60 in different treatments. There was a significant difference among in the mean lac cell count the treatments. Thus the number of lac insects between 90-95 days depends on the host, treatments and type of lac crops. Janghel (2013) also reported a decline in the rangeeni lac insect count per 2.5 cm2 on B. monosperma at 90 days after BLI. The lac insect count varied from 19.87 to 30 per 2.5 cm2 in different treatments. Namdev (2014) reported that the mean kusmi female lac cell count per 2.5 cm2 on Z. mauritiana at 90 days after BLI varied from 22.88 to 27.88 in different treatments. There was a significant difference in the live female lac cell among all the treatments. Kumar et al. (2017) reported that at 94 days after the BLI the mean population density of lac insect per 2.5 cm2 also reduced in comparison to that on 50 day after BLI. It varied from 20.86 to 26.05 per 2.5 cm 2. The mean population density of lac insect differed significantly among treatments. 125 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settled per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (154.28) in PSB while it was minimum (137.72) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM after 125 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. Patel (2013) reported kusum female lac cell count per 2.5 sq. cm at 130 days after BLI to be varing from 31.20 to 37.60 in different treatments. There was a significant difference among the treatments due to the application of pesticide. Similaly, Namdev (2014) too reported that the mean live kusmi lac cell count per 2.5 cm2 Z. mauritiana at 130 days after BLI varied from 16.50 to 20.33 in different treatments. There was a significant difference in the mean number of live lac cell count among the treatments. Different significantly as recorded by earlier works. In the present trails too, there was a decline in the mean count of lac insects per 2.5 cm 2. 155 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (132.83) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (115.28) in Rhizobium after 155 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. Patel (2013) reported that Aghani crop of Kusmi lac crop matured and harvested 151 days after BLI, while Katki crop in 110 days. In Kusmi the mean lac cell count per 2.5 sq. cm at harvest or maturity varied from 28.40 to 33.80, while in Rangeeni it varied from 19.00 to 24.60 in different treatments. There was a significant difference in the mean female lac cell count in different treatments due to the pesticide application. Namdev (2014) reported that the Aghani crop of Kusmi lac matured and harvested at 172 days after BLI. The mean lac cell count at harvest which varied from 15.57 to 18.43 per 2.5 cm2. There was a significant different in the mean live lac cell count among different treatments. 185 days after BLI The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (126.78) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (109.17) in Rhizobium after 185 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments with BLI. Kunal (2013) reported that the Baisakhi lac crop of rangeeni lac was harvested after 180 days of BLI. When the mean lac cell count per 2.5 sq cm varied from 16.36 to 25.01. There was a significant difference among the mean lac cell count among the treatments due to the application of pesticide. Ghugal et al. (2016) have also reported decline in the mean number of K. lacca per 2.5 cm2 from BLI to the harvest of the lac crop. The mean number of K. lacca on B. monosperma was from 42.99 to 48.72 per 2.5 cm2 at 45 days after BLI. Economically more number of lac insects in the present studies that was recorded may due to advance technology developed for lac insect country. The technology is applied to patents vide registration no: 201921007852A dated 15.03.2019. 5.2.3 Percent reduction in mean Lac insects during 65 to 185 days after BLI As mentioned earlier, there was a reduction in the mean lac insect count per 2.5 cm2 of the branches with age of the insects. The loss is reported on percentage, gives the dynamics of the density of lac insects. The reduction was very high between 125 days to 155 days of BLI, which coincided with emergence of adult male of K. lacca. Reduction in the percentage of mean number of lac insects was maximum (8.05%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus between 65 to 95 days interval and minimum reduction (4.47%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. Sharma (2015) reported that the per cent of Rangeeni lac insect that survived on 45 day after BLI varied from 64.27 to 73.5 % in different treatments. There was a significant difference in the per cent survival of lac insect of in the different treatments. Namdev (2014) found the present live lac cell over the control varied from 5.67 to 1.97 % at 30 to 60 days after BLI. Sahu (2016) reported that the transmission loss of lac insects on 50 to 62 day after BLI varied from 7.38 to13.86 percent depending on the treatments. While on 62 to 76 day after BLI it varied from 14.16 to 21.33 percent and it was 22.99 to 28.85 % between 76 to 94 day after BLI. There is a loss in the mean number of K. lacca from BLI to the harvest of the lac crop. This appears to be a natural phenomenon as earlier worker also reported the same. There was a loss on the percent of mean number of lac insects from BLI to harvest. It varied with the type of lac crops, host, season and treatments. In present studies it varied from 26.6 to 30.33 %. Sharma et al. (2015) reported 41.15% loss of Rangeeni lacca on B. monosperma while it was 75% according to (Patel 2013) during Baisakhi crop on Z. mauritiana, 78 % loss according to (Namdev. 2014). 5.2.4 Male emergence Adult male emergence was first observed on 12.03.2019 i. e.: 129 days after BLI. Both winged and wingless adult males were observed. The last male was observed on 26.03.2019 i e. 143 days after BLI. Though adult male last for 4 days but it had a prolonged presence on the plant due to emergence at different days. Adult male presence for 14 days gives sufficient time for matting with female lac insects. Only female lac insects produce lac more only after matting. Date of adult male emergence is an important event. It is only after the mating female lac insects produce more lac production. Date of male emergence depends on whether factor (Swami et al. 2017) while the number depends on the density of settlement (Mohanta et al. 2014) and food supply (Sharma et al. 2015). Namdev (2014) reported male emergence in Aghani crop of kusmi lac between 65-75 days after BLI, when Winged male lac insect were seen, which were short lived. 5.2.5 Sex ratio of lac insects The female and male ratio was highest (6.65:1) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while it was lowest (4.13:1) in PSB. Male lac insect does not produce lac presence of more female is a positive symptoms for lac production. On the basis of more female to later male PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were the best treatments. In Meghalaya male lac insects 72,82 and 98 percent respectively on F. macrophylla, C. cajan and Ziziphus mauritiana (Chauhan. 1988), while Sharma and Ramani (1997) observed 39.76 and 37.28% males in rangeeni and kusmi strains of K. lacca on F. macrophylla that increased to 70.05 and 62.65% when reared on C. maschata. Sex ratio of K. lacca is also a deciding factor for the yield of the lac crop. More males and less female K. lacca will lead to low yield as female produce lac (Swami et al. 2017). In the present case the female to male was usually high (6.65:1) indicates that settlement was not dense and there was significant good availability. 5.3 Effect of lac insects on the growth of C. cajan The mean height of the C. cajan plant with and without lac insects were recorded from 31.10.2018 till 29.04.2019, During the seven observation period of recording the plant height, it was observed that there was increase in plant height during successive growth period, but in all the recording stages there was no significant difference in the mean height of the C. cajan plant. 5.3.1 Effect of lac insects on the height of C. cajan The percent increase in the mean height of the plants after the brood lac inoculation was recorded to see if the lac insect influenced the growth of the plants. Between 31.10.2018 and 29.04.19 six observations were recorded for the increase in the percent height of the plants. The increase in the mean height during initial growth of the plants was maximum (11.07%) in no lac insects and soil microbes between 31.10.2018 to 30.11.2018 while it was minimum (3.44%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The increase in the mean height of the plants between 30.11.2018 to 29.01.2019 was maximum (2.99%) in no soil microbes while it was minimum (1.78%) in PSB. Similarly, the increase in the mean plant height between 29.01.2019 to 28.02.2019 was maximum (1.15%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and minimum (0.49%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. Similarly, the increase in the mean plant height between 28.02.2019 to 29.03.2019 was maximum (0.90%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and minimum (0.57%) in no soil microbes. The increase in the mean plant height between 29.03.2019 to 24.04.2019 was maximum (0.67%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and was minimum (0.48%) in no soil microbes. It was observed that the increase in height was higher during initial 30 days of BLI. The percent of increase in plant height during later six observation were less than one percent in majority of cases. However, percent increase in plant height of C. cajan when observed from 31.10.18 to 29.04.19 it was highest (15.75%) in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e of the shoots without lac insect while it was lowest (8.44%) in Rhizobium i.e substrate treated with Rhizobium only. Chen et al. (2010) found kusmi lac insect infested branch growth in Schleichera oleosa by 17 percent. Ramana et al. (2010) reported in French bean that the application of 75 per cent RDF (Recommended Dose of Fertilizer) + VAM (Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae) @ 2 kg ha-1 +PSB (Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria) @ 2.5 kg ha -1 significantly increased the plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, leaf area (cm2) and dry weight (g) of plant in the variety Arka suvidha (V2) followed by selection 9 and Arka komal. In the present case, there was a constant increase in the height of C. cajan, but the rate of its increase was surely affected. The increase in the plant height of C. cajan with no lac insect was 15.75 % from 3 .04.20.19 to 29.04.2019 while it was 8.63 % in the C. cajan with lac insect. Insects infestation remarkably affects plant growth. There are numerous reports of the phloem feeders detrimental effect on plant growth. For example hoppers in rice (Watanabe et al. 1997), whitefly in soybean (Khanzada et al. 2013), Sesame (Imran et al. 2014), K. lacca also being a phloem feeder (Shah and Thomas 2018) its impact on plant growth cannot be ruled out. 5.3.2 Effect of lac insect on the thickness of the shoots of C. cajan Increase in the thickness of the stem and branches are another plant growth parameters recorded to observe if lac insects on the plant influence it. Unlike the non significant difference in plant height of C. cajan with and without lac insects, there was a significant difference in the stem thickness during growth period of the plant. Thickness of stem of C. cajan The percent increase in the mean thickness of the stem of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (3.27%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (7.81%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 the % increase in the mean thickness of the stem was minimum (2.62%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (9.10%) in PSB. However, between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was found to be minimum (2.51%) in PSB and maximum (6.76%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. However when a cumulative percent increase in stem thickness was taken from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, it was maximum (22.21%) in no lac insects and soil microbes while minimum (11.87%) in Rhizobium. Thickness of primary branches of C. cajan The percent increase in the mean thickness of the primary branches of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (5.32%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (11.43%) in PSB. Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 it was still minimum (3.22%) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (6.06%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. However between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was minimum (1.77%) increase still continued in Rhizobium but the maximum (10.61%) increase in the mean thickness of the primary branches was in no lac insects and soil microbes. The cumulative of increase in thickness of primary branches from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, was maximum (24.52%) in no lac insects and soil microbes and minimum (10.64%) in Rhizobium. The cumulative percent increase in the thickness of primary branches of PSB and no lac insects and soil microbes almost the same. Thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan The percent increase in the mean thickness of the secondary branches of C. cajan between 08.12.2018 to 23.01.2019 was minimum (1.94%) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (10.94%) in PSB. Between 23.01.2019 to 08.03.2019 though the minimum (1.98%) increase in the mean thickness of secondary branches was in no soil microbes but the maximum (7.79%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. But between 08.03.2019 and 23.04.2019 it was minimum (2.35%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while the maximum (6.46%) in PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus. The cumulative increase in the mean thickness of the secondary branches from 08.12.2018 to 23.04.2019, it was minimum (4.72%) in no soil microbes while maximum (27.04%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. Ghosal et al. (2011) reported that diameter (thickness) of 85% of lac sticks (of host) were within the range 0.5-0.8 cm in case of kusum trees; lac sticks with diameter of 0.6 to 0.8 cm produced good quality broodlac. In another experiment it was visualized through regression analysis that thickness of broodlac encrustation is the most important factor governing settlement of lac insect, followed by phunki (empty broodlac) scrap weight and weighted living cell weight. Usually the thickness of the stem and branches of the plant infested with phloem feeder do not grow significantly. In the present case, the increase in the thickness of the stem, branches may be due to the soil microbes added to the substrate and regular irrigation. Increase in the thickness of branches of C.cajan due to soil microbes. . 5.4 Yield of lac 5.4.1 Mean 100 cell weight The mean dry weight 100 lac cell varied from 2.78 g (no soil microbes) to 3.01 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry weight of 100 lac cells was significantly higher in all the treatments over no soil microbes . The mean dry weight of 100 lac cell between PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus as well as PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were at par with each other. Thus the mean dry weight of 100 lac cell was 8.27 and 7.91 percent more in lac crop on C. cajan with PSB, Rhizobium, VAM and Aspergillus and lac crop on C. cajan with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM treatments respectively. Namdev (2014) reported that the mean dry weight (g) of 100 cell of lac insect differed significantly among the different treatments. As it varied from 4.25 to 7.90 g. Patel (2013) reported that the mean dry weight of 100 cell was 4.66 g in case of Kusmi lac and 2.63g in case of Rangeeni lac. Kumar et al. (2017) reported that the mean dry weight of 100 cell was 4.95 g to 8.21 g per Butea monosperma Lam. Plants. While according to Sharma (2014) it varied from 3.03 to 3.68 g depending on the treatments on B. monosperma. 5.4.2 Lac yield per plant The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan varied from 327.47 g (no soil microbes) to 386.02 g (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan in all the treatments were significantly higher than that in no soil microbes. In comparison to the raw lac yield on C. cajan grown without soil microbes treatment (no soil microbes). The increase in the raw lac yield was 17.96 and 7.15 percent on C. cajan grown on different combination of soil microbes in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus respectively. The present finding thus suggests that it will be always beneficial to optimum lac production on C. cajan grown with soil microbes treatment of PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. Namdev (2014) reported that the mean kusmi lac yield (kg) per Z. mauritiana varied from 3.83 to 5.08 kg/plant. Sharma (2015) reported that the mean Rangeeni lac yield of raw lac (kg) per plant varied from 0.58 to 2.10 kg/plant. 5.5 Yield of C. cajan Lac production on C. cajan influence the yield of the crop is a general speculation. Generally phloem sap feeder has a negative influence on the yield of the crop. There for it was very important to reach the yield of the crop in terms of number of pod, dry pod weight and dry seed weight per plant as well as 100 seed weight. 5.5.1 Mean number of pods per picking per C. cajan plant There was three hand picking of mature pods at 60, 90 and 115 days after BLI. Picking were done when 80 percent of the pods was mature. 1st picking The mean number of pods per C. cajan plant during 1st picking was minimum (529.17) in Rhizobium. While it was maximum (912.50) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/picking/plant in treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB were significantly higher than that in over Rhizobium. However the values of PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB were at par with each other. 2nd picking The mean number of pods per plant during 2 nd picking was minimum (1441.67) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was maximum (1759.50) in PSB. The mean number of pods/plant during 2nd picking in PSB was significantly higher than that in over PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/plant/picking in rest of the treatments was at par with each other. 3rd picking The mean number of pods per plant during 3 rd picking was minimum (1528.50) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (1841.17) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The mean number of pods/plants during 3rd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and PSB were significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. There was also a significant positive difference in the mean number pods /plant in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus over PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and PSB. The latter two were at par with each other. The total no. of pods/plant of the 3 picking was maximum (4316.34 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus followed by (4104.66 g) PSB, (4017.50 g) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, (3864.33 g) no lac insects and soil microbes, (3739.01 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (3701.67 g) Rhizobium and (3701.00 g) no soil microbes. The mean number of pods per C. cajan of variety TJT501 was 142.782 was reported by Muniswamy et al. (2017). In the present case the total of three hand pickings was 4316.34 pods/plant in the treatment S1 with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and lac insects, while the total no. of pods/ plant without lac insect was 3864.33. This means lac insect influence the yield. Ade et al. (2018) reported that the higher number of pods plant-1 were 198.6 and 207.1 obtained due to dual seed inoculation of Rhizobium + PSB at 150 DAS and at harvest respectively. It was found significantly superior over Rhizobium or PSB inoculation alone. Seed inoculation of PSB and Rhizobium was remaining at par with each other. 5.5.2 Percent difference in mean number of pod per plants in 3 pickings The difference in the harvest among different pickings was recorded to find out if the lac insect growth influenced the plant yield. Increase in the mean number of pod per plants was maximum (205.86%) in Rhizobium between 1st to 2nd picking. it was minimum (57.99%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The increase in the mean number of pod per plants between 2 nd to 3rdpicking was maximum (15.38%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it decrease by10.01 percent in no lac insects and soil microbes. The percent increase in the mean number of pods/plant between 1st and 3rd picking was maximum (193.67%) in Rhizobium while the minimum was (82.28%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean no. of pods between 1st and 2nd was more it was less during the 1st picking however, the difference between the 2nd and 3rd picking was less, but when it compared with the 1st and 3rd picking the % increase was always more. 5.5.3 Mean dry weight of seed per picking per C. cajan plant 1st picking The mean dry weight of seeds per plant during 1 st picking was minimum (134.17 g) in no soil microbes while it was maximum (211.67 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean dry weight of seeds/plant during 1 st picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over no soil microbes. The mean dry seed weight per plant per picking in rest of the treatments was at par with each other. 2nd picking The mean dry weight of seed per plant during 2 nd picking was minimum (450.00 g) in Rhizobium while it was maximum (515.83 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. The mean dry weight of seeds/plant during 2nd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over Rhizobium. The former were at par with each other. 3rd picking The mean dry weight of seeds per plant during 3rd picking was minimum (472.67 g) in no lac insects and soil microbes while it was maximum (527.33 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the 3rd picking. The mean dry weight of seeds/plant during 3rd picking in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus was significantly higher than that in over no lac insects and soil microbes. The former two were at par with each other. The total mean dry weight of seeds/plant of all the 3 pickings was maximum (3137 kg/ha) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, followed by (2955 kg/ha) PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus, (2761 kg/ha) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (2742 kg/ha) PSB, (2736 kg/ha) no lac insects and soil microbes and (2669 kg/ha) no soil microbes. Thus, the data on the seed yield per plant indicated that C. cajan grown on microbes treated substrate with lac insect had 14.67 percent more yield. Ade et al. (2018) reported that the seed inoculation with PSB + PGPR was recorded significantly higher values of yield attributes like pods/plant, seeds/pod, 1000 seed weight and seed yield (2314 and 2173 kg/ha, respectively) of pigeonpea when compared to PGPR, PSB and control in both the years. Kant et al. (2016) reported that application of Rhizobium and PSB along with 75 kg ha-1 P2O5 gave the maximum grain yield (9.28 q ha-1). which was 47.06% more over control. Jamdar et al. (2014) reported a field experiment was conducted at MARS, Dharwad to evaluate the effect of different age of seedlings and inter row spacing on plant growth, seed yield and economic parameters in transplanted pigeonpea seed production. The seedlings transplanted at 120 cm inter row spacing produced significantly more seed yield (22.46 q/ha), gross returns (Rs.88,760.00), net returns ( Rs.72,007.59) and cost benefit ratio (5:28).The 28 days old seedlingd transplanted to main field produced significantly higher plant height (215.67), primary branches (25.49), secondary branches (30.98), thick stem (2.83 cm), number of pods per plant (300.00), seed yield per plant (269.33 g), seed yield (23.62 q/ ha),gross returns (Rs.92,880.00), net returns (Rs.76,116.39) and cost benefit ratio (5:53). Treatment combination of 28 days old seedlings transplanted at 120 cm inter row spacing was found significantly superior with respect to seed yield (24.33 q/ha), gross returns (Rs.97,320.00/ha), net returns (Rs.80,565.34/ha) and cost benefit ratio (5.80). The mean yield of dry seeds per plant of TJT was 24.8 g (Ramesh 2017). However in the present case the mean yield of per plant was maximum (1254.83 g) in treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and minimum (1066.67 g) in treatment Rhizobium. The increase in the plant yield of C. cajan of TJT is due to management practices and soil microbes treatments per plant, there was 14.7 % increase in the yield of treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over treatment no lac insects and soil microbes. The yield of C. cajan due to lac inoculation was 2.44 % in comparison to that without lac in the present case the loss was less in comparison to that (Kumar et al. 2017). 5.5.4 Percent difference in mean dry seed weight per plant during 3 pickings The percent increase in the mean dry weight of seeds per plant was maximum (239.75%) in no soil microbes between 1st to 2nd picking. It was minimum (143.70%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus during the period. The mean increase in percent of dry weight of seeds per plant between 2 nd and 3rd picking was maximum (6.30%) in Rhizobium while it was minimum (0.93%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. The percent increase in the mean dry weight of seeds/plant between 1st and 3rd picking was highest (256.02%) in no soil microbes and lowest (149.13%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. 5.5.5 Mean Dry weight (g) of 100 seeds during 3 pickings The mean dry weight of 100 seeds during the three picking was highest (10.92 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was closely followed by no lac insects and soil microbes (10.79 g), PSB + Rhizobium + VAM (10.54 g), PSB (10.52 g), Rhizobium (10.45 g), no soil microbes (10.28 g). It was minimum (9.99 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. Kumar et al. (2017) reported 100 seed weight of different germplasm of C. cajan with lac production vairing from 9.1 g to 11.7g. In the present finding the 100 seed weight of the some variety (TJT-501) with lac varied from 9.99 g to 10.92g which indicates the influence of lac insect and soil microbes treatment. 5.5.6 Percent difference in Dry weight (g) 100 seeds during 3 pickings. Dry weight 100 seeds give a data while compared to see the influence of lac insect in the seed weight. Weight of 100 dry seed during each picking was done to see if when the insect influences the seed yield. The mean dry weight of 100 seeds during the 3 pickings varied among different treatments and pickings, indicating a influence of lac insects on the yield of C. cajan. 1st picking The mean weight (g) 100 seeds was highest (11.61 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus closely followed by no soil microbes (10.93 g), PSB (10.86 g), no lac insects and soil microbes (10.79 g) and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (10.38 g). It was lowest (9.71 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM. 2nd picking The mean weight of 100 seeds was highest (12.06 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM closely followed by Rhizobium (11.45 g), no lac insects and soil microbes (11.12 g), and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (11.11 g) on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus had lowest (9.05g). 3rd picking It was highest (10.45 g) in no lac insects and soil microbes followed by Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus (10.03 g), while PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus had the lowest (9.05 g). The mean dry weight of 100 seeds was 1.20 percent more in the treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over no lac insects and soil microbes which was without lac insect and soil microbes. The mean weight of seed of TJT-501 is 9.5 g (RVSKVV) while it was 10.60 g (Muniswamy et al. 2017). This itself indicates that the 100 seed weight depends on the management. In the present study the mean 100 seed weight was 10.92 g in treatment PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was 10.79 g in treatment no lac insects and soil microbes. Kumar et al. (2017) reported that the 100 seed weight varied 9.8-12.9g depending on the germplasm. The average seed yield of pigeonpea with lac crop was 12.2 q/ ha as compared to 13.5 q/ ha in control. Hundred seed weight ranged from 9.1 g - 11.7 g in lac inoculated germplasm lines and 9.8 g - 12.9 g in control. 5.6 Nutritional seed analysis of C. cajan Qualitative analysis of seed of C. cajan with lac crop on 7 parameters [calorific value (Kcal/100g), total carbohydrate (g/100g), moisture (%), protein (%), Total Ash (%), crude fibre (%) and fat (%)] was done to determine any qualitative changes during the three pickings under different treatments and the presence of lac insect on the crop. 5.6.1 Total Calorific value (Kcal/100g) of seeds The calorific value (Kcal/100g) of C. cajan seeds was maximum during the first picking as it ranged from 354.08 (PSB) to 367.36 (Rhizobium). However the mean of the 3 picking revealed that the highest calorific value was 361.83 Kcal in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e. C. cajan without lac insect and minimum was in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus (351.48 Kcal). In comparison to C. cajan grown without soil microbes with lac (no soil microbes) those without lac (no lac insects and soil microbes) had 1.28 percent more calorific value in seeds. When calorific value of seeds was compared between the 1st and 3rd picking, the mean calorific value of C. cajan seeds of the 3 pickings revealed that there was a minor difference among the treatments. The decline in calorific value was minimum (0.23%) in no lac insects and soil microbes while it was maximum (2.94%) in Rhizobium. Saxena et al. (2010) reported that protein mal-nutrition is widespread among poor of developing and under developed countries. Since animal protein is beyond the reach of this group, their primary protein supply comes from plant based products. Amongst these, pigeonpea or red gram [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important food legume that can be grown under rainfed conditions with least inputs. Pigeonpea is rich in starch, protein, calcium, manganese, crude fiber, fat, trace elements, and minerals. Besides its high nutritional value, pigeonpea is also used as traditional folk medicine in India, China, Philippines and some other nations. Literature on this aspect show that pigeonpea is capable to prevent and cure a number of human ailments such as bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, respiratory infections, dysentery, menstrual disorders, sores, wounds, abdominal tumors, tooth ache, and diabetes. 5.6.2 Total carbohydrate (g/100g) of C. cajan seeds The total carbohydrate (g/100 g) content in the seeds of C. cajan revealed a decline from the 1st picking to the 3rd picking in all the treatments except PSB. The total carbohydrate of seeds in the 1st picking varied from a maximum of 76.1 g/100 g seed (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 67.81 g/100 g seed (Rhizobium). The mean total carbohydrate content of 3 pickings was highest (72.86 g/ 100 g seed) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus closely followed by that (70.92 g/100 g seed) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was lowest (65.48 g/100 g seed) in Rhizobium. There was 2.32 percent more total carbohydrate content in the seeds of C. cajan with no lac insects on that with lac insets. However there was 4.52 and 1.74 percent more total carbohydrate content in seeds in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus over no lac insects and soil microbes, this indicates that lac production can be successfully carried out on C. cajan treated with soil microbes without compressing the total carbohydrate content of the seeds. Saxena et al. (2010) reported that carbohydrates are the major components of seed cotyledon in pigeonpea. When total sugar content in the seeds was determined it was found that there was an 8.8% average increase in all the germplasms except Birsa Arhar 1 and KA 9-2 where marginal decrease was observed. Several sugarinduced resistance genes have been found signifying the role played by sugars in signaling. Sucrose, glucose, and fructose act as specific regulatory signals on the wound. It has been reported that photosynthetic activity increased in unattacked leaves following damage by defoliating herbivores. The increase in seed sugar content in all the pigeonpea germplasm indicates that sufficient quantities of primary metabolites are produced in the leaves which are trans-located for seed development, used for defense against lac insect and for its own growth and development. 5.6.3 Total Moisture percent of C. cajan seeds The moisture percent in the seeds of C. cajan varied with treatments and also with pickings. The moisture percent in the seeds of 1st picking reduced during successive pickings in all the treatments. The moisture percent was highest (8.79%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and lowest (6.57 %) in no lac insects and soil microbes. However the moisture percent in the mean of the 3 pickings was highest (8.09%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while the lowest (6.43%) was in no lac insects and soil microbes. The seeds of C. cajan with lac insects and no soil microbe had 23.33 percent more moisture than the seeds with no soil microbes and lac insects. The moisture percent in the seeds was 25.82 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM) and 24.42 (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) percent more than that in no lac insects and soil microbes i.e. C. cajan seeds with no lac insects and soil microbes, indications that C. cajan with soil microbes treatment were better. 5.6.4 Total protein percent of C. cajan seeds The protein percent varied with treatments and declined during successive pickings. It was maximum during 1st picking where protein percent in seeds varied from 29.97 percent (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 19.46 percent (no lac insects and soil microbes). The mean protein percent % in the seeds of 3 pickings was highest (21.5%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus and lowest (17.21%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was 4.13 percent more protein in the seeds of C. cajan with lac insect and no soil microbes over that from C. cajan without both soil microbes and lac insects. There was 14.88 percent (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) and 14.72 percent (Rhizobium) more protein that in no lac insects and soil microbes. Plants under stress produce more proline as a defense mechanism. Higher percent of protein in soil microbes treated C. cajan may also be indication better assimilation of microbes. Ghosh et al. (2014) reported that pigeonpea seed is an important source of protein in human diet. When protein content in seeds of pigeonpea germplasm was analyzed in inoculated vis-à-vis uninoculated condition the overall 10.25%decrease in seed protein was observed. Its depletion was less in Assam local 2 (5.0%) and KA 9-2 (5.5%) germplasm as compared to others. There is non-significant decrease in protein content in matured pods after lac culture. After infestation of chewing and sap sucking insect, peroxidase activity in the sap and total soluble protein (TSP) enhanced. There was report that lac insect (K. lacca) feeding on pigeonpea decrease in seed protein content. Apart from proteins role in plant growth as a building material, they also had a role in defense against herbivore attack such as proteinase inhibitors. The decrease in seed protein may be attributed to the reconfiguration of leaf protein towards production of defense proteins which may acts against lac insect feeding. However in the present study higher protein percent was observed lac grown on C. cajan treated with soil microbes. This indicates that, of lac production is taken on C. cajan it should be treated Rhizobium, PSB, VAM, Aspergillus and Tricoderma viridae. 5.6.5 Total Ash percent of C. cajan seeds Total ash percent indication inorganic content, especially mineral contents. The ash percent in the seeds of C. cajan varied with treatments and decline during successive pickings in most cases except PSB. The ash percent of seeds varied from highest (4.78%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM to lowest (4.17%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. The mean ash percent in the seeds of the 3 pickings was highest (4.30 %) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while lowest (3.99%) in no soil microbes. There was 6.56 percent more ash content in seeds of C. cajan with lac insect but no soil microbes over seeds of C. cajan grown without both soil microbes and lac insets. Lac production on thus C. cajan treated with soil microbes do not adversely affect the nutritional status of the seeds as environmentally thought. 5.6.6 Total Crude fibre percent of C. cajan seeds The percentage of crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan in all the treatments varied and declined during successive pickings. The percent of crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan was highest (17.49 %) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and closely followed by Rhizobium (16.95%) while lowest (9.47 %) in PSB. The percent of crude fibre in the mean of the 3 picking was highest (12.27%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM closely followed by Rhizobium (11.90%) while it was lowest (8.19 %) in PSB. There was 1.62 percent more crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan grow without soil microbes over treatment without both soil microbes and lac insects. 5.6.7 Total Fat percent of C. cajan seeds The fat percent in the seeds of C. cajan in all the treatments varied and indicated a decline trend with successive pickings. It was maximum (2.48%) in Rhizobium while minimum (0.93%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus during 1st picking. In the mean of the 3 pickings the fat % was maximum (1.58%) in Rhizobium while maximum (0.80%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. There was 19.47 percent more fat in the seeds of C. cajan grown without both lac and soil microbes over that with lac and without soil microbes. However in Rhizobium the percent fat was 36.59 percent more than that (1.13%) in no lac insects and soil microbes. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK The present research work entitled „Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes‟ was conducted during the year 2018 – 19 in the experimental field of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur with the objectives 1. To determine the settlement and growth of lac insect on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. under different treatments 2. To determination of the yield of Lac and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. under different treatments 6.1 Summary 6.1.1 Branches per C. cajan plant The mean number of primary branches per plant of C. cajan variety TJT-501, varied from a minimum (2) with no lac insects and soil microbes to maximum (2.83) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in mean number of primary branches in that treated with PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus over that with PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, no soil microbes as well as no lac insects and soil microbes. The latter six treatments were at par among each other. The mean number of secondary branches per plant varied from a minimum (6.33) with no lac insects and soil microbes to in plants treated maximum (7) with Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM but all the values were at par with each other. There was no significant difference in the mean number of secondary branches per plant among all the treatments. Brood lac inoculation (BLI) on C. cajan was done on 03.11.2018. K. lacca preferred to settle on primary and secondary branches over the main stem of C. cajan. The percent of primary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (83.33%) in both PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and no soil microbes treatments, while it was minimum (61.11%) in Rhizobium. There was no significant difference in the percent of primary branches with lac insect settlement among the treatments. The percentage of secondary branches of C. cajan with lac insect settlement was maximum (90.97%) in no soil microbes, while it was minimum (79.87%) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus. There was a significant difference in the percentage of the secondary branches with lac insect settlement in no soil microbes over PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, and no lac insects and soil microbes however; the latter six treatments were at par with each other. 6.1.2 Lac insects settlement per 2.5 cm2 on branch and sex ratio The mean number of lac insects per 2.5 cm2 of branches declined after 65 days of BLI. The trend however varied with the treatments. The mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of branches was maximum (180.89) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was minimum (155.45) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus after 65 days of BLI. There was no significant difference in the mean number of lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 among the treatments at 65, 95, 125, 155 and 185 days after BLI. The present reduction in the mean lac insect settlement per 2.5 cm2 of the branch between 65 days to 185 days after BLI was maximum in PSB (30.35%) and minimum in no soil microbes (26.60%). Adult male emergence was first observed after 129 days of BLI. The female and male ratio was highest (6.65:1) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while it was lowest (4.13:1) in PSB treated C. cajan. Among all treatments PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were the best treatments on no soil microbes treatments. 6.1.3 Effect of lac insects on performance of C. cajan In the seven observation period of recording the plant height, it was observed that there was increase in plant height during successive growth period, but in all the recording stages there was no significant difference among treatment in the mean height of the C. cajan plant. The mean height of C. cajan varied from 136.17 cm (PSB +Rhizobium + VAM +Aspergillus) to 149.23 cm (PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus) 3 days before BLI. The mean height of the plant was minimum (148.95 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus while it was maximum (162.11 cm) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus on 176 days after BLI. It was observed that the increase in height was higher during initial 30 days of BLI. Unlike the non significant difference in plant height of C. cajan with and without lac insects, there was a significant difference in the stem thickness during growth period of the plant. A cumulative percent increase in stem thickness was maximum (22.21%) in no lac insects and soil microbes treated C. cajan while minimum (11.87%) that with Rhizobium treatment. Majority of the lac insect settlement was on the primary and secondary branches of C. cajan. There was a significant difference in the mean thickness of both primary and secondary branches due to lac insect settled on them. Similarly the cumulative increase in the mean thickness of the secondary branches was minimum (4.72%) in no soil microbes while maximum (27.04%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. 6.1.4 Mean weight 100 dry lac cell The mean dry weight 100 lac cell varied from 2.78 g (no soil microbes) to 3.01g (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry weight of 100 lac cells was significantly higher in all the treatments over C. cajan with no soil microbes. The mean dry weight of 100 lac cell on C. cajan treated with PSB, Rhizobium, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus as well as PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus were at par with each other. Thus the mean dry weight of 100 lac cell was 8.27 and 7.91 percent more in lac crop on C. cajan grown with PSB, Rhizobium, VAM and Aspergillus as well as on C. cajan grown with PSB + Rhizobium + VAM treatments respectively. 6.1.5 Mean weight of raw lac yield per plant The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan varied from 327.47 g (no soil microbes) to 386.02 g (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus). The mean dry raw lac yield per C. cajan in all the treatments were significantly higher than that in no soil microbes. In comparison to the raw lac yield on C. cajan grown without soil microbes treatment (no soil microbes), the increase in the raw lac yield was 17.96 and 7.15 percent on C. cajan grown on different combination of soil microbes in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, PSB + Rhizobium + VAM and PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus respectively. 6.1.6 Yield of C. cajan Lac production on C. cajan influence the yield of the crop is a general speculation. Generally phloem sap feeder has a negative influence on the yield of the crop. There were three hand pickings of mature pods at 60, 90 and 115 days after BLI. The total number of pods/plant of the 3 picking was maximum (4316.34 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus followed by (4104.66 g) PSB, (4017.50 g) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, (3864.33 g) no lac insects and soil microbes, (3739.01 g), PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (3701.67 g) Rhizobium and (3701.00 g) no soil microbes. The total mean dry weight of seeds/plant of all the 3 pickings was maximum (1254.83 g) PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus, followed by (1182.00 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus, (1104.3 g) PSB + Rhizobium + VAM, (1096.67 g) PSB, (1094.33 g) no lac insects and soil microbes and (1067.67 g) no soil microbes. The mean dry weight of 100 seeds during the three picking was highest (10.92 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while it was closely followed by no lac insects and soil microbes (10.79 g), PSB + Rhizobium + VAM (10.54 g), PSB (10.52 g), Rhizobium (10.45 g), no soil microbes (10.28 g). It was minimum (9.99 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus. 6.1.7 Qualitative analysis of C. cajan seeds Qualitative analysis of seed of C. cajan with lac crop on 7 parameters [calorific value (Kcal/100g), total carbohydrate (g/100g), moisture (%), protein (%), Total Ash (%), crude fibre (%) and fat (%)] was done to determine any qualitative changes during the three pickings under different treatments and the presence of lac insect on the crop. The calorific value (Kcal/100g) of C. cajan seeds was maximum during the first picking as it ranged from 354.08 (PSB) to 367.36 (Rhizobium). The mean calorific value of C. cajan seeds of the 3 pickings revealed that there was a minor difference among the treatments. The total carbohydrate (g/100 g) content in the seeds of C. cajan revealed a decline from the 1st picking to the 3rd picking in all the treatments except PSB. There was 2.32 percent more total carbohydrate content in the seeds of C. cajan with no lac insects on that with lac insets. The moisture percent of the seed was highest (8.79%) C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus with lac insect and lowest (6.57 %) in C. cajan with no lac insects and soil microbes. However the moisture percent in the mean of the 3 pickings was highest (8.09%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while the lowest (6.43%) was in no lac insects and soil microbes. The protein percent varied with treatments and declined during successive pickings. It was maximum during 1st picking where protein percent in seeds varied from 29.97 percent (PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus) to 19.46 percent (no lac insects and soil microbes. The ash percent in the seeds of C. cajan varied with treatments and decline during successive pickings in most cases except PSB. The percent of crude fibre in the seeds of C. cajan was highest (17.49 %) C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM with lac insect and closely followed by that with Rhizobium (16.95%) while lowest (9.47 %) in PSB. The percent of crude fibre in the mean of the 3 picking was highest (12.27%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM closely followed by Rhizobium (11.90%) while it was lowest (8.19 %) in PSB. The fat percent was maximum (2.48%) in Rhizobium while minimum (0.93%) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus during 1st picking. There was 19.47 percent more fat content in the seeds of C. cajan grown without both lac and soil microbes over that with lac and without soil microbes. 6.2 Conclusions  Cajanus cajan can be successfully grown on substrate treated with soil microbes in PPB.  K. lacca influence the plant growth in comparison to C. cajan grown without soil microbes (T6) to that without soil microbes and lac insect (T 7), there was an increase in plant height, thicknesses of stem, primary branches, secondary branches by 10.37 %, 38.31%, 30.58 %, 77.25 % respectively.  Maximum settlement of K. lacca was on secondary branches.  Decline in K. lacca population from BLI to harvest occurred and varied among treatments. Minimum loss of lac insects 27.16% was on C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus.  The mean lac yield per plant was maximum (386.02 g) C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus followed by PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus while minimum (327.47 g) C. cajan grown on no soil microbes.  The mean dry weight of 100 lac cell was maximum (3.01 g) C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + VAM while minimum (2.78 g) on that with no soil microbes.  The seed yield per plant was maximum (1254 g) C. cajan grown on PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and minimum (1066.67 g) C. cajan grown on no soil microbes.  The mean yield per plant was 2.40 percent more in C. cajan grown without both soil microbes and lac insects over that with lac insects and without soil microbes.  100 seed weight was maximum (10.92 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + Aspergillus and minimum (9.99 g) in PSB + Rhizobium + VAM + Aspergillus.  K. lacca influenced the qualitative value of seed. 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Dr Dhirendra Khare,Director Research Services,JNKVV interacting with students in the field b. Visit of Dr Dhan Pal Singh Former Vice Chancellor ,JNKVV d. Visit of Dr Mukesh Kumar, Professor IIITDM to the experimental site Plate- 12 Visitors on experimental field 2 SW Temperature (OC) Max. Min. 27 28 29 30 31 32.50 32.40 31.40 28.70 29.60 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29.40 30.30 28.50 26.80 26.80 31.20 31.10 32.80 34.20 32.00 32.70 31.90 30.50 29.00 30.50 29.70 27.00 25.60 24.40 22.30 22.80 25.00 22.90 23.93 23.41 24.36 26.21 26.21 29.93 26.93 28.93 31.56 32.50 36.74 38.80 39.90 34.60 40.20 41.10 40.10 39.70 41.80 Relative humidity (%) Morn. Even. Wind Velocity (Km/hr) Vapour pressure (mm) Morn. Even. Sunshine (hrs) Rainfall (mm) 24.60 24.80 24.80 23.60 24.30 3.90 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.50 44.10 64.60 137.00 106.90 2.80 86.00 92.40 95.30 95.00 89.00 67.40 78.10 79.90 88.40 72.90 7.20 5.20 6.70 7.90 7.30 23.10 23.40 23.60 21.80 21.70 24.30 24.60 23.30 23.40 22.60 22.70 22.70 22.10 19.80 18.00 17.80 14.70 15.10 10.90 9.00 9.90 8.20 9.00 7.90 4.80 4.80 6.60 6.40 5.31 11.99 7.06 9.89 10.66 13.69 12.61 11.67 14.73 13.44 15.29 17.70 19.80 18.40 19.80 20.00 21.20 22.20 24.90 0.60 2.60 0.90 0.30 0.30 8.10 6.00 8.00 9.20 8.10 8.70 9.20 8.60 8.30 8.80 8.00 6.70 4.40 5.10 7.10 8.20 7.83 5.43 8.91 3.71 9.11 7.29 8.21 8.56 8.80 8.76 6.89 9.17 9.19 8.70 9.00 8.30 10.30 9.20 9.70 10.20 10.30 187.90 86.30 138.80 193.80 72.20 0.00 11.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.30 0.00 1.00 5.40 0.00 0.80 12.00 5.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.90 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 93.30 94.00 95.10 95.30 96.40 90.00 91.00 90.00 88.70 86.40 85.70 84.90 87.70 84.90 82.40 84.30 84.40 85.90 83.30 77.40 75.80 77.29 83.86 72.14 83.71 79.00 69.00 77.71 76.71 78.00 82.00 85.14 79.43 73.29 57.00 52.00 74.00 66.00 53.00 47.00 52.00 49.00 83.70 77.90 93.00 91.40 84.30 69.10 72.00 61.70 53.90 60.70 53.30 52.90 45.60 28.60 35.30 30.30 34.10 33.90 43.30 36.60 31.40 37.43 42.86 27.00 55.71 34.71 36.43 46.71 39.86 42.86 36.43 48.57 29.00 22.43 17.00 20.00 36.00 23.00 27.00 35.00 43.00 32.00 6.20 5.40 6.20 6.20 6.40 4.40 5.80 3.50 2.80 3.60 2.60 2.70 3.30 2.50 2.00 2.10 1.80 2.00 3.00 2.70 2.30 2.09 2.69 2.47 4.67 2.74 3.64 2.97 3.57 4.89 3.20 4.36 3.24 2.69 3.70 4.80 4.30 3.50 4.60 5.50 4.90 5.90 22.50 23.60 22.10 21.90 21.30 21.00 20.90 20.70 18.60 17.00 16.70 14.30 14.10 11.00 10.60 9.90 9.10 9.30 9.00 7.40 6.70 7.57 8.26 6.24 10.01 7.97 8.66 10.14 12.36 9.77 10.27 12.81 12.34 12.64 11.40 13.00 14.70 15.80 16.50 14.20 15.50 16.80 Evaporation (mm) Rainy days 23.40 25.20 24.10 22.50 22.70 3.80 3.50 3.30 2.20 1.90 3.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 0.00 23.20 24.90 23.70 23.00 22.30 22.50 23.50 22.90 20.70 20.40 19.70 17.80 14.70 8.50 9.20 9.10 8.80 8.00 9.60 7.30 6.30 8.40 8.66 6.06 10.13 8.16 8.64 11.17 12.20 11.17 10.73 14.83 10.87 10.00 8.50 10.90 13.10 12.50 14.20 17.90 20.20 19.50 3.40 2.70 2.70 2.00 2.10 4.30 3.60 3.80 4.20 3.60 3.50 3.30 2.80 2.60 2.40 2.60 1.90 1.90 1.70 1.80 2.00 1.89 1.73 2.30 1.79 2.24 3.06 2.63 3.17 3.56 3.74 3.66 4.07 5.10 6.50 7.00 5.70 7.70 7.60 8.90 8.50 10.30 4.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APPENDIX – II Primary and secondary branches per plant ANOVA 1: Primary branches SV DF SS Replication 2 0.3 Treatment 6 1.3 Error 12 1.7 Total 20 SE m ) 0.29 CD at 5 % 0.67 MSS 0.142857 0.214286 0.142857 ANOVA 2: Secondary branches SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 5.2 2.58333333 Treatment 6 1.2 0.20634921 Error 12 18.8 1.56944444 Total 20 SE m ) 0.72 CD at 5 % 2.22 F Cal. 1.00 1.50 F Cal. 1.65 0.13 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 Settlement of lac insects on primary and secondary branches ANOVA 3: Primary branches SV DF SS MSS F Cal. F Tab. 5% Replication 2 0.2 0.09805 0.38 3.8852938 Treatment 6 64.8 10.795308 41.69 2.9961204 Error 12 3.1 0.2589604 Total 20 SE m ) 0.10 CD at 5 % 0.31 ANOVA 4: Secondary branches SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 0.1 0.0373215 1.20 Treatment 6 70.8 11.791787 377.70 Error 12 0.4 0.0312202 Total 20 SE m ) 0.30 CD at 5 % 0.91 2 Lac insects settlement per 2.5 cm on branch ANOVA 5: 65 days after BLI SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 1.6 0.8241366 1.09 Treatment 6 383.5 63.915225 84.77 Error 12 9.0 0.7539916 Total 20 SE m ) 0.50 CD at 5 % 1.54 ANOVA 6: 95 days after BLI SV DF SS Replication 2 0.8 Treatment 6 357.2 Error 12 8.9 Total 20 SE m ) 0.49 CD at 5 % 1.53 MSS 0.411585 59.538767 0.7453906 F Cal. 0.55 79.88 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS 5% NS NS 5% NS S 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S ANOVA 7: 125 days after BLI SV DF SS Replication 2 0.6 Treatment 6 335.5 Error 12 8.8 Total 20 SE m ) 0.49 CD at 5 % 1.52 ANOVA 8: 155 days after BLI SV DF SS Replication 2 0.9 Treatment 6 281.2 Error 12 8.4 Total 20 SE m ) 0.48 CD at 5 % 1.49 MSS 0.2984619 55.90961 0.7331025 F Cal. 0.41 76.26 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S MSS 0.4250265 46.859541 0.6986577 F Cal. 0.61 67.07 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S F Cal. 0.52 65.63 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S ANOVA 9: 185 days after BLI SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.7 0.3546084 Treatment 6 266.3 44.384588 Error 12 8.1 0.6762621 Total 20 SE m ) 0.47 CD at 5 % 1.46 Effect of lac insects on the height of C. cajan ST ANOVA 10: (1 observation 31/10/2018) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 92.9 46.4503 Treatment 6 402.2 67.025575 Error 12 1576.3 131.35911 Total 20 SE m ) 0.6.62 CD at 5 % 20.39 F Cal. 0.35 0.51 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 1.18 0.48 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 1.21 0.50 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS nd ANOVA 11: (2 observation 30/11/2018) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 244.7 122.36213 Treatment 6 296.9 49.478349 Error 12 1246.0 103.83453 Total 20 SE m ) 5.88 CD at 5 % 18.13 rd ANOVA 12: (3 observation 29/01/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 249.7 124.84378 Treatment 6 310.5 51.758121 Error 12 1239.0 103.24915 Total 20 SE m ) 5.86 CD at 5 % 18.08 th ANOVA 13: (4 observation 28/02/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 276.0 138.0007 Treatment 6 326.1 54.352449 Error 12 1154.6 96.216544 Total 20 SE m ) 5.66 CD at 5 % 17.45 F Cal. 1.43 0.56 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 1.52 0.59 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS th ANOVA 14: (5 observation 29/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 298.5 149.253043 Treatment 6 345.7 57.6221603 Error 12 1180.2 98.3470317 Total 20 SE m ) 5.73 CD at 5 % 17.64 th ANOVA 15: (6 observation 29/04/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 295.4 147.67889 Treatment 6 353.6 58.935252 Error 12 1181.3 98.445274 Total 20 SE m ) 5.73 CD at 5 % 17.65 Thickness of stem of C. cajanStem ST ANOVA 16: (1 observation 08/12/2018) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.1 0.06420119 Treatment 6 0.5 0.087745635 Error 12 0.2 0.014612302 Total 20 SE m ) 0.07 CD at 5 % 0.22 F Cal. 1.50 0.60 F Cal. 4.39 6.00 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 F Tab. 5% 3.885293835 2.996120378 5% NS NS 5% S S nd ANOVA 17: (2 observation 23/01/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.2 0.114719 Treatment 6 0.6 0.0982603 Error 12 0.2 0.0195913 Total 20 SE m ) 0.08 CD at 5 % 0.25 F Cal. 5.86 5.02 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% S S rd ANOVA 18: (3 observation 08/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.1 0.06420119 Treatment 6 0.5 0.087745635 Error 12 0.2 0.014612302 Total 20 SE m ) 0.10 CD at 5 % 0.31 F Cal. 4.39 6.00 F Tab. 5% 3.885293835 2.996120378 5% S S th ANOVA 19: (4 observation 23/04/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.3 0.1374333 Treatment 6 0.7 0.1224714 Error 12 0.3 0.0283333 Total 20 SE m ) 0.09 CD at 5 % 3.30 Thickness of primary branches of C. cajan ST ANOVA 20: (1 observation 08/12/2018) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.0 0.022728571 Treatment 6 0.3 0.055219048 Error 12 0.3 0.025261905 Total 20 SE m ) 0.09 CD at 5 % 0.28 nd ANOVA 21: (2 SV Replication Treatment Error Total SE m ) 0.08 observation 23/01/2019) DF SS MSS 2 0.0 0.0165333 6 0.4 0.0635603 12 0.3 0.0222389 20 CD at 5 % 0.26 F Cal. 4.85 4.32 F Cal. 0.90 2.19 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 F Tab. 5% 3.885293835 2.996120378 5% S S 5% NS NS F Cal. 0.74 2.86 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 0.31 3.02 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S F Cal. 0.25 3.04 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.885293835 2.996120378 5% NS NS rd ANOVA 22: (3 observation 08/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.0 0.0073777 Treatment 6 0.4 0.071216 Error 12 0.3 0.0235937 Total 20 SE m ) 0.09 CD at 5 % 0.27 th ANOVA 23: (4 observation 23/04/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.0 0.0062286 Treatment 6 0.4 0.0748964 Error 12 0.3 0.0246286 Total 20 SE m ) 0.10 CD at 5 % 0.32 Thickness of secondary branches of C. cajan ST ANOVA 24: (1 observation 08/12/2018) SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 0.1 0.071585714 3.23 Treatment 6 0.2 0.036265079 1.64 Error 12 0.3 0.022174603 Total 20 SE m ) 0.08 CD at 5 % 0.26 nd ANOVA 25: (2 SV Replication Treatment Error Total SE m ) 0.09 observation 23/01/2019) DF SS MSS 2 0.1 0.0392905 6 0.2 0.0403524 12 0.3 0.0268905 20 CD at 5 % 0.29 F Cal. 1.46 1.50 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 1.45 1.66 F Tab. 5% 3.885293835 2.996120378 F Cal. 1.25 2.11 F Tab. 5% 3.8852938 2.9961204 5% NS NS F Cal. 0.36 3348.75 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S rd ANOVA 26: (3 observation 08/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.1 0.040479762 Treatment 6 0.3 0.046261012 Error 12 0.3 0.027933929 Total 20 SE m ) 0.10 CD at 5 % 0.30 5% NS NS th ANOVA 27: (4 observation 23/04/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.1 0.0316619 Treatment 6 0.3 0.0531317 Error 12 0.3 0.0252341 Total 20 SE m ) 0.09 CD at 5 % 0.28 Yield of lac crop ANOVA 28: (100 dry lac cell) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 0.0 0.0004 Treatment 6 22.2 3.702227 Error 12 0.0 0.001106 Total 20 SE m ) 0.019 CD at 5 % 0.059 ANOVA 29: (weight of raw lac) SV DF SS Replication 2 19.5 Treatment 6 324689.8 Error 12 259.0 Total 20 SE m ) 2.68 CD at 5 % 8.26 MSS 9.740033 54114.96 21.58428 F Cal. 0.45 2507.15 Mean number of pods per picking per C. cajan plant st ANOVA 30: (1 picking at 03/01/2019) SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 4126.0 2063.012 0.67 Treatment 6 342941.0 57156.83 18.44 Error 12 37192.5 3099.373 Total 20 SE m ) 32.14 CD at 5 % 99.04 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S nd ANOVA 31: (2 picking at 02/02/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 107195.2 53597.607 Treatment 6 219421 36570.166 Error 12 361991.8 30165.98 Total 20 SE m ) 100.38 CD at 5 % 308.98 ANOVA 32: (3rd picking at 27/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 22523.5 11261.7619 Treatment 6 222218 37036.484 Error 12 40186.8 3348.9007 Total 20 SE m ) 33.41 CD at 5 % 102.95 F Cal. 1.78 1.21 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS NS F Cal. 3.36 11.06 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S Mean dry weight of pods per picking per C. cajan plant st ANOVA 33: (1 picking at 03/01/2019) SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 898.7 449.3333 0.62 Treatment 6 89952.0 14991.99 20.74 Error 12 8673.3 722.7778 Total 20 SE m ) 15.52 CD at 5 % 47.83 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S nd ANOVA 34: (2 picking at 02/02/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 1175.1 587.5714 Treatment 6 115884.7 19314.11 Error 12 11050.2 920.8492 Total 20 SE m ) 17.52 CD at 5 % 53.99 ANOVA 35: (3rd picking at 27/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 4851.2 2425.583 Treatment 6 21561.1 3593.524 Error 12 8271.5 689.2917 Total 20 SE m ) 15.16 CD at 5 % 46.71 F Cal. 0.64 20.97 F Cal. 3.52 5.21 Mean dry weight of seed per picking per C. cajan plant st ANOVA 36: (1 picking at 03/01/2019) SV DF SS MSS F Cal. Replication 2 208.9 104.4643 0.57 Treatment 6 14303.0 2383.829 13.11 Error 12 2182.7 181.8948 Total 20 SE m ) 7.79 CD at 5 % 23.99 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S nd ANOVA 37: (2 picking at 02/02/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 379.2 189.5833 Treatment 6 9149.4 1524.901 Error 12 4116.7 343.0556 Total 20 SE m ) 10.69 CD at 5 % 32.95 ANOVA 38: (3rd picking at 27/03/2019) SV DF SS MSS Replication 2 2066.7 1033.333 Treatment 6 6960.6 1160.103 Error 12 3560.2 296.6806 Total 20 SE m ) 9.94 CD at 5 % 30.64 F Cal. 0.55 4.45 F Cal. 3.48 3.91 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 F Tab. 5% 3.885294 2.99612 5% NS S 5% NS S CURRICULUM VITAE Name of the author : Rahul Patidar Permanent address : Alote Road Tal, Tehsil -Tal Distt. Ratlam (MP) Date of Birth : 05 March 1993 The author of this thesis Mr. Rahul Patidar, S/O Mr. Ishwer lal Patidar and Mrs. Devi Bai Patidar, born on 5th March 1993 at Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh). He joined the following institutions and successfully completed the degree of M.Sc. (Ag.) during the year 2018-19 with 7.1 OGPA out of 10-point scale. S.No. Institution Degree awarded Year Percentage 1 JNKVV, Jabalpur M.Sc. (Ag.) 2019 71.04% 2 JNKVV,Jabalpur B.Sc. (Ag.) 2017 72.8% 3 School for Excellence Ratlam Shree Mahaveer Vidyalaya, Alote, Ratlam 12th 2012 82.6% 10th 2010 85.5% 4 For the partial fulfillment of the master‘s degree programme, he was allotted a field research experiment on “Study on the performance of Kerria lacca (Kerr.) on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. grown on substrate treated with soil microbes” which was successfully conducted by her and being submitted in the form of the thesis.