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Designing KOHA 18.11 in Ubuntu 18

Designing KOHA 18.11 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: A Model PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED TO ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN (Library Automation and Networking) Submitted By PRASANTH K Enrolment No: 2901800010 Under the Guidance of Ms. N. SUBALAKSHMI Assistant Professor/Programmer Computer Science and EngineeringWing Directorate of Distance Education Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar – 608 002 ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE WING ANNAMALAINAGAR – 608 002 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It gives me immense pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Dr. M. Arul, Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University who has given me the opportunity to pursue my P.G. Diploma in Library Automation and Networking. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. M. Sadik Batcha, Wing Head, Library and Information Science Wing, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University for his consistent co-operation and encouragement throughout the programme. I express my heartfelt thanks forever to Ms. N. SUBALAKSHMI Project guide for suggesting this work, invaluable and untiring guidance, encouragement, Unfailing support and valuable criticism throughout my project work. I wish to record my sincere thanks to all my colleagues, friends and my family members whose blessings made this task possible for me. PRASANTH K ii DECLARATION I hereby declare that the dissertation, entitled “Designing KOHA 18.11 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: A Model” submitted for the Award of Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking is my original work and the Project has not formed the basis for theaward of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or similar other titles. It has not been submitted to any University or Institution for the award of any degree or diploma. Signature of the Student Name: PRASANTH K En.No: 2901800010 Place: Date: iii CERTIFICATE This is to Certify that the project work, entitled “Designing KOHA 18.11 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: A Model” for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking submitted by PRASANTH K (Enroll No: 2901800010) during the period of his study under my guidance and that the project has not previously formed the basis for the award of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or similar other title. Signature of the Guide Ms. N. SUBALAKSHMI Place: Date: iv ABSTRACT In this digital era, KOHA is the most favorable open source library management software (ILS) for libraries. It contains wide range of functional modules for Cataloguing, Circulation, Acquisitions, Serials Control, Patron Management and many more. Also, more number of developers are supporting as a volunteer from worldwide. With this advent we successfully upgraded the latest KOHA 18.11 at IIITDM, Kancheepuram Library. Its my privilege to share the experience with illustrations and the way how we installed KOHA version 18.11 in ubuntu 18.04.02 LTS. After installation, we have done email configuration with postfix mail server using Gmail for sending notices to our library users. Keeping regular database backup is the most important aspect in library automation. So, we configured Cron jobs to take automatically scheduled database backup every day and this will help to prevent data loss or software error issues in future. We have restored database backup with migrating Books, Periodicals, Patrons, MARC records database to newly installed KOHA server. Finally we Fixing the Koha auto increment problem to avoid check in errors in KOHA. Keywords: Library automation, open source software, KOHA, Email Configuration, Cron jobs, Database Backup, Database migration, DBMS auto increment fix. v CONTENT Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview of KOHA 1 1.2 KOHA features 3 1.3 System Requirements 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6 Chapter 3 Objectives of the study 7 Chapter 4 Research Methodology 8 4.1 Statement of the Problem 9 Chapter 5 Why I choose KOHA? 10 5.1 Full-featured ILS 11 5.2 Multilingual and translatable 11 5.3 Full text searching 11 5.4 Library Standards, Compliant 11 5.5 Web-based Interfaces 12 5.6 Free/Open Source 12 5.7 No Vendor Lock-in 12 5.8 KOHA Architecture 12 Chapter 6 Designing KOHA Functional Modules 14 6.1 Acquisitions 14 6.2 Administration 15 6.3 Reports 16 6.4 Cataloguing 17 6.5 Circulation 18 6.6 OPAC 19 6.7 Patrons 20 6.8 Searching 21 6.9 Serials 22 Chapter 7 Installation of KOHA 18.11 In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 7.1 KOHA Catalog data migration: old database to new installation vi 24 27 7.2 Configure Gmail with Postfix to send notices from KOHA 28 7.3 Schedule Database backup With Cron jobs Commands 31 7.4 DBMS auto increment fix 34 Chapter 8 Conclusion and recommendation 37 References 38 vii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: KOHA FEATURES 3 FIGURE 2: KOHA LIBRARY SYSTEM 10 FIGURE 3: KOHA ARCHITECTURE 12 FIGURE 4: ACQUISITION MODULE 14 FIGURE 5: ADMINISTRATION MODULE 15 FIGURE 6: REPORTS MODULE 16 FIGURE 7: CATALOGUING MODULE 17 FIGURE 8: CIRCULATION MODULE 18 FIGURE 9: OPAC MODULE 19 FIGURE 10: PATRON MANAGEMENT 20 FIGURE 11: KOHA BASIC SEARCH 21 FIGURE 12: KOHA ADVANCED SEARCH 21 FIGURE 13: SERIAL MODULE 22 FIGURE 14: KOHA STAFF INTERFACE 26 FIGURE 15: KOHA OPAC INTERFACE 26 FIGURE 16: POSTFIX PACKAGE CONFIGURATION 28 FIGURE 17: POSTFIX MAIL CONFIGURATION 29 FIGURE 18: PATRON OVERDUE NOTICES 31 FIGURE 19: OVERDUE NOTICES EMAIL 31 FIGURE 20: CRONTAB 32 FIGURE 21: RECORD RELUCTANT TO CHECK-IN 33 viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION International Encyclopedia of Information technology and library science defines automation as ‘the technology concerned with the design and development of process and system that minimize the necessity of human invention in their operation. The fundamental unit of requirement for automation is the technological infrastructure. The infrastructure mainly consists of the ‘Computers’. The computers are the essential components for the automation. It is that super product of electronics that is capable of performing the functions as desired by the user with maximum accuracy and quickness. (Sonker, 2000-2001) The term Information Technology is made of two separate term’s information and Technology where Information is the power and refers to fact and opinions provided and received during the course of daily life. This thesis provides information about the Koha integrated library system in IIITDM, Kancheepuram Library as a means to acquire, store, transmit, retrieve and process information for its students and staff. It also describes various challenges faced by library staff in implementing this software. The institute is just twelve years old, but it has been amazingly successful in attracting a number of students for the course of Engineering. Presently the Institute is running 5 full time courses. The institute is administered by the MHRD, Govt. of India. The library is using Koha : Integrated library System for automating its library resources and services. The library holds the details of more than 5500 books and serves 1500 students. 1.1 Overview of KOHA In 1999 when the Horowhenua Library Trust (HLT) in New Zealand, was looking for a Y2K compliant replacement for their library system, Katipo 1 Communications proposed a new system, using open source tools to be released under the GPL. Koha (the Maori word for ‘gift’ or ‘donation’) went live at HLT in January 2000, and was the world’s first open source ILAP and is distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Latest version of the Koha is Koha-3.0.2 (Linux platform only) and Koha 2.9.x (for Windows and other platforms) (http://koha.org). It runs on different platform like Linux, MacOSx, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Windows. Originally developed on the Linux OS, is written in Perl. It runs on Apache web server. It has better support for multiRDBMS like MySQL, PostgreSQL. It has OPAC interface in CSS with XHTML. It supports all major library standards such as MARC record import/export. Data can be exchanged using Z39.50 server and SRU/W features. Koha-3.x supports Zebra full text search engine as backend. Records are stored internally in an SGML-like format and can be retrieved in MARCXML, Dublin Core, MODS, RSS, Atom, RDF-DC, SRWDC, OAI-DC and Endnote standards. Its OPAC can be used by citation tools such as Zotero. Koha’s default installation supports running in Zebra which is configured to support SRU queries on bibliographic and authority data. Zebra itself is capable of detecting Z39.50 or HTTP and responding with SRU if the incoming request is HTTP (Anuradha, K.T. and Sivakaminathan, 2009). Koha is a full featured open source Integrated Library System (ILS) for automating Library transactions, developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd. and first deployed in January of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust, it is currently maintained by a team of software providers and library technology staff from around the globe. (https://koha-community.org/ ) Koha is an open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). It supports global standards including MARC 21 bibliographic format and Z39.50 Server. Webcentric architecture (no additional software/ utility is required at the client side, access through the browser Mozilla Firefox only). It provides tremendous freedom for customization. All the modules of LMS including Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, OPAC, Membership Management, System Administration, Serial Control, etc are available. Web 2 based OPAC system allows the public to search the catalogue in the library and at homes. The software is UNICODE compliant. The creation and retrieval of Indic script based documents is possible. Export and import as well as backup or restoration facilities are available in it. Koha runs on Linux, Unix, Windows and MacOS platform. Koha uses MySQL as backend RDBMS and Apache Web server which are also open source software (DELNET, 2008). 1.2 KOHA Features FIGURE 1: KOHA FEATURES • Management Interfaces • Circulation i.e. issues & returns of Library items 3 • Database of Library users • E-mail Overdue Notifications and • It uses dual database design that utilizes the strengths of the two major industry standard database types (Text & RDBMS). This ensures that it is scalable enough to meet the transaction load of any Library. • Management of serials i.e. subscription, renewals etc • MARC21 and UNIMARC support • Online Public Access Catalogue of the Library holdings • Online Reservations & Renewals • Other most of the related functions of the Library • Transfers between Library Branches • Virtual Shelves Barcode Generator • Web-based OPAC • Z39.50 server compliant. 1.3 System Requirements 1.3.1 Hardware Requirement: Processor Pentium- 4, 2.6 GHz or higher RAM 2 GB or higher HDD 80 GB or higher DVD Drive 1.3.2 Software Requirement: To install Koha for use we recommend A Linux server – Debian/Ubuntu is what most people use Apache – Web Server is an open-source web server creation, deployment and management software. 4 MySQL – open-source relational database management system. Perl – A family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Root access to the server A better than average level of skill with the command line, Apache, and MySQL tools 1.3.3 Manpower The professionals having expertise in Linux operating system and knowledge of Local Area Network (LAN). 1.3.4 Internet Configuration A high speed dedicated Internet link. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITRETURE REVIEW It was rightly asserted by Karetzky (1998) that the best sources of reliable information about a particular library application are usually librarians who are currently using it. In selecting software for library automation, first, it is important to have adequate knowledge of the available software. Secondly, verify the software capabilities, weaknesses, and possibility to meet the needs of users as well as future improvements. Osaniyi (2010) stressed that the wrong package can lead to failure to support an important process; supporting a process inaccurately or inefficiently; unhappy clients; loss of patronage; etc. While on the other hand, the right package provides employees with the right tools for the job and can lead to substantial improvement in services. Among the libraries that are presently using Koha worldwide, none has recorded any system breakdown. The only challenge to the smooth running of the software has been erratic power supply. This notable challenge is external from the software. This in no doubt was the case in India as identified by Neelakandan, Duraisekar, Balasubramani and Srinivasa (2010). Koha is an “open source”, which according to Boss (2008) is free software that includes the original source code used to create it so that users can modify to make it work better for them. It also includes the right of redistribution; therefore, there may be both open source and proprietary products that are based on open source software. Conversely, a closed, proprietary system limits the ways the library can access the underlying data (Breeding, 2009). Koha has several features that makes it usable at both staff and clients’ interface. Müller (2012) ranked Koha ILS the most complete FOSS ILS because of a number of functions including routing periodicals, inventory control, authorities, generation of notices to customers, order tracking, among others. Some of these features are listed on OSSlabs website http://www.osslabs.biz/koha/features 6 CHAPTER 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To implement KOHA at IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM the following are the objectives aimed • To develop and update database of books and other resources of Central library at IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM. • To implement automated Library system using KOHA Open Source Software. • To carryout housekeeping functions like Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial Control and OPAC very effective. • To provide various search options like author, title, keyword, publisher, publication and year etc • To know the availability of books and other status of the resources. • To connect the library OPAC in web environment for the wider reach. • To have entire control over the library operations. 7 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram (IIITDM, Kancheepuram) was established in 2007 by the MHRD, Govt. of India to provide Design and Manufacturing oriented Engineering education and research. The institute library functioned in many temporary locations inside the campus till the allocation of a permanent building. Finally in August 2016, the dedicated library facility was opened with the name “Knowledge Plaza”. Our Institute offers B.Tech., M.Des., Dual Degree and Doctoral Programmes. Our library is effectively used by all the students in the institute. Library collection has increased tremendously day by day with the Text books, Reference books, CDs, periodicals and Online Journals etc. The primary task of any institute librarian is to provide easy accessible information to the users through Internet or Intranet in an uninterrupted manner. The various functions and routines of Library staff has been studied and observed. Accordingly the following steps were followed to create an automated library system. First the researcher studied about the library collections and arrangement of books. Then the researcher started giving the accession numbers as a fresh and made all the necessary entries in books. Later entered the books details in Accession register for the current and future use. Accession details were entered in excel for the easy conversion of bibliographical data. After all the preliminary study, the researcher planned to go for the automation by using Open Source Software. The researcher selected KOHA Integrated Library System based on its performance and open support from the developer. Before going for the installation of KOHA software the researcher installed the pre request Operating system as Ubuntu and other software. 8 KOHA Integrated Library System has been used to automate the Library staff which contains the complete bibliographic details about books and members of the Institute. 4.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Implementation of Open Source Integrated Library Software is difficult for library professionals because of its complex installation procedure. Most of the Open Source software are suitable for libraries work only with Linux operating system. Installation of Open Source Library Management System in Linux operating system is note to say that the installation of the software is a user friendly. Windows based software’s. Installations of Koha in libraries need either the help of an expert or the library professionals should acquire expertise in Linux operating system.To have an effective control over the Library Management or the School, this study Design and Implementation of library Automation Using KOHA (OSS) at JNV,Boudh was carried out. 9 CHAPTER 5 WHY I CHOOSE KOHA? FIGURE 2: KOHA LIBRARY SYSTEM Koha is the first open source Integrated Library System (ILS), used worldwide by public, academic and special libraries. The name Koha comes from a Māori term for a gift or donation. Koha is web-based ILS, with a SQL database backend with cataloguing data stored in MARC and accessible via Z39.50. The user interface is very configurable and adaptable and has been translated into many languages. Koha has most of the features that would be expected in an ILS, including: • Simple, clear interface for librarians and members (patrons) • Various Web 2.0 facilities like tagging and RSS feeds • Union catalog facility • Customizable search • Circulation and borrower management • Full acquisitions system including budgets and pricing information (including supplier and currency conversion) • Simple acquisitions system 10 • Ability to cope with any number of branches, patrons, patron categories, item categories, items, currencies and other data • Serials system for magazines or newspapers • Reading lists for members 5.1 Full-featured ILS In use worldwide in libraries of all sizes, Koha is a true enterprise-class ILS with comprehensive functionality including basic and advanced options. Koha includes modules for acquisitions, circulation, cataloging, serials management, authorities, flexible reporting, label printing, multi-format notices, offline circulation for when Internet access is not available, and much more. Koha will work for consortia of all sizes, multi-branch, and single-branch libraries. 5.2 Multilingual and translatable Koha has a large number of available languages, with more languages every year. 5.3 Full text searching Powerful searching, and an enhanced catalogue display that can use content from Amazon, Google, LibraryThing, Open Library, and Syndetics, among others. 5.4 Library Standards, Compliant Koha is built using library standards and protocols such as MARC 21, UNIMARC, z39.50, SRU/SW, SIP2, SIP/NCIP, ensuring interoperability between Koha and other systems and technologies, while supporting existing workflows and tools. 11 5.5 Web-based Interfaces Koha’s OPAC, circ, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies—XHTML, CSS and Javascript— making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. 5.6 Free/Open Source Koha is distributed under the Free Software General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later. 5.7 No Vendor Lock-in It is an important part of the free software promise that there is no vendor lock-in: libraries are free to install and use Koha themselves if the have the inhouse expertise or to purchase support or development services from the best available sources. Libraries should be free to change support company and export their data at any time, make sure your support company allows this. 5.8 KOHA Architecture FIGURE 3: KOHA ARCHITECTURE 12 Koha system architecture is organized into three layers, each of which consists of a number of components. 5.8.1 Storage Layer This layer is responsible for the physical storage of bibliographic data or any file uploaded in koha system. It is comprising of Database Drivers, RDBMS wrappers and File System API. 5.8.2 Business Logic Layer This layer deals with the Koha business model. The koha core along with the various modules Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Patron, Lists, Koha Administration, Tools, Authorities, Serials, Reports etc. 5.8.3 Application Layer The application layer contains components that communicate with the outside world. The two Koha interfaces are most important koha staff client and koha opac. As koha is a open source software it is also having opening for integrating other customized tool within the software. Like for example PHP code may be used for writing custom utilities. Each individual layer only invokes the layer beneath it; the application layer may not use the storage layer directly, rather the components of application layer uses the components of business logic layers and that it turns uses the storages layer API. With reference to API the modules are written using Perl scripting language as well as the architecture remains open to implement other scripting language to design and develop specialised tools or utilities. Henceforth the source code is organized to follow the three-layer architecture, so it makes easy implementation of the software. 13 CHAPTER 6 DESIGNING KOHA FUNCTIONAL MODULES AT IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM LIBRARY 6.1 KOHA ACQUISITION MODULE: FIGURE 4: ACQUISITION MODULE Simple acquisitions: The simple acquisitions module makes it possible to acquire materials and add them directly to the catalogue. It does not manage budgetary matters, the orders placed with the suppliers, etc. Full acquisitions: The full acquisitions module makes it possible to manage: Budgets and book funds: Budget available, Committed, Spent Suppliers. Orders, via ‘shopping baskets’. 14 6.2 KOHA ADMINISTRATION MODULE FIGURE 5: ADMINISTRATION MODULE The Koha Administration page ( Figure 3) shows various system parameters. It allow us to difne different parameters for the functioning of Koha library branches, item types, the categories of borrowers, the charges taken for the different types. System preferences is the most important module of Koha. It deal with administration and maintenance part of Koha. Only Librarian, Admininstrator or person of smilar designation can hold access right to this module. 15 6.3 KOHA REPORTS MODULE FIGURE 6: REPORTS MODULE • Reports in Koha are a way to gather data • Reports are used to generate statistics, member lists, shelving lists, or any list of data in your database. 16 6.4 KOHA CATALOGUING MODULE FIGURE 7: CATALOGUING MODULE • MARC Management: The cataloguing module is one of the principal strong points of Koha.Several “frameworks” can be defined to do different cataloguing for monographs, electronic resources, periodicals, etc. • Export/Import: Importing records in ISO2709 format (the MARC reservoir) and through Z39.50 (client) for fast cataloguing. • Copy records: One or more copy records can be attached to each bibliographic record. • Fast cataloguing:To accelerate cataloguing, Koha provides, Management of a MARC record reservoir, in ISO2709 format, A Z39.50 client that can access several Z39.50 servers • MARC view and simple view: Catalogue data can be displayed in MARC format, in simplified form. • Searching: searches can be performed on any MARC field. Advanced functions, search on one word, the beginning of the field, greater than, less than, etc are also available. 17 6.5 KOHA CIRCULATION MODULE FIGURE 8: CIRCULATION MODULE Borrowing a book from any branch (not just the branch where the borrower first registered) • Returning an item at any branch • Reserving an item for at any branch. • Circulation rules can be defined very finely by the library: for each member category, item category, and holding branch of the item, the duration of the loan and the maximum number of books loan able can be defined. • Returning items (“checking-in”) is extremely easy: Simply scan the barcodes of the items being returned. 18 6.6 KOHA OPAC MODULE FIGURE 9: OPAC MODULE Koha provides a full-functioned Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). OPAC users can carry out searches starting from ten fields (Keyword, Subject, Title, Class, Barcode, author, publisher, etc.). As in the librarian interface, they can order the results according to several criteria. OPAC users who are loggedin members can place reservations on library items. Bibilio basket:Logged-in members can select records from an OPAC search and retrieve them by e-mall, either in human-readable form or in an ISO2709-format file. An ISO2709 file can be processed using bibliographic software like End Note. OPAC users can submit suggestions for acquisition. Koha automatically informs the OPAC user (by e-mall) of the action taken on each suggestion. 19 6.7 KOHA PATRON MANAGEMENT FIGURE 10: PATRON MANAGEMENT Koha help library staff in various sections to get individual login power to perform routines tasks (e.g. Circulation, Acquisition, Cataloging etc.). • Upload patrons in bulk • Upload patron images individually or in bulk • Create patron cards • Batch modify patrons • Search patrons by phone, email address, name and more • Browse patrons by name • Add custom searchable fields to patron records 20 6.8 KOHA SEARCHING 6.8.1 Basic Searching FIGURE 11: KOHA BASIC SEARCH The search box that library staff and library patrons will see most often is the persistent search box at the top of the page. Koha interprets the searches as keyword searches. 6.8.2 Advanced Searching FIGURE 12: KOHA ADVANCED SEARCH When you can’t find the most appropriate material with a general search, you can move to the Advanced Search page by clicking on the Search option on the persistent toolbar. The Advanced Search page offers many ways to limit the results of your search. You can search using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT; limit by item type; limit by year and language; limit by subtypes 21 audience, content, format, or additional content types; by location and by availability. 6.9 KOHA SERIALS MODULE FIGURE 13: SERIAL MODULE • It is possible to register subscriptions with reviews, and to track the arrival of periodicals. • Koha manages late issues, skipped issues, and claims with the suppliers. • Koha manages complex classifications, allowing the librarian to work with eleven different publication periods (from daily newspapers to annual publications), with delayed publications, and with publications out of sequence. 22 • A state of the collection can be defined which will synthesize the missing publications, received publications, etc. • The state of the collection can be displayed differently in the OPAC and in the librarian interface. 23 CHAPTER 7 INSTALLATION OF KOHA 18.11 IN UBUNTU-18.04 LTS Type these commands in terminal. To open terminal either you can press CTRL+ALT+T together or open through GUI. Then enter sudo su (enter password, it will not be visible so be careful. Here you have to enter the same password which you have given at the time of installation). Update Ubuntu sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Add Koha community repository echo deb http://debian.Koha-community.org/Koha stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Koha.list wget -O- http://debian.Koha-community.org/Koha/gpg.asc | sudo apt-key add Update the software repository sudo apt-get update Install Koha sudo apt-get install Koha-common Server configuration sudo nano /etc/Koha/Koha-sites.conf Here I change the port number of Koha staff client to 8000. Find the following line in the file and make changes. INTRAPORT=”8080” Install MySQL server sudo apt-get install mysql-server Koha instance creation 24 Apply following commands to create Apache configuration files. sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo a2enmod cgi sudo service apache2 restart Create a Koha instance with the name library. sudo Koha-create --create-db library Add new port Open the following file and add a new port. sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf Copy paste following line below Listen 80 Listen 8080 Restart Apache, sudo service apache2 restart Enable modules and sites sudo a2dissite 000-default sudo a2enmod deflate sudo a2ensite library sudo service apache2 restart Generate Koha Interface Login Password. sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v ‘yazgfs/config/pass’ /etc/Koha/ sites/library/Koha-conf.xml It will generate the password at terminal. Just copy or even password you can locate at /etc/Koha/sites/library/Koha-conf.xml Restart Memcached sudo service memcached restart Now, Koha has been installed successfully. Open the browser and type the following: For Koha Staff Interface : http://localhost:8000 For Koha OPAC : http://localhost 25 FIGURE 14: KOHA STAFF INTERFACE FIGURE 15: KOHA OPAC INTERFACE 26 7.1 Koha Catalog data migraration: old database to new installation 1. Backup of old Koha Take the backup of your existing Koha database. Either you can make use a database kept in your pen drive otherwise you can apply following command to take the backup, sudo su mysqldump -uroot -p Koha_library | xz > Koha_library.sql.xz Put MySQL root password, when it asks. 2. Install Koha Follow the instructions in Koha wiki 3. Restoration of old Koha database to a new one Remove the existing database in the new Koha installation sudo su mysql -uroot -p [Enter the MySQL Root password] drop database Koha_library; create database Koha_library; quit; Copy your database backup from your pen drive to home folder. Extract the backup file, the extension will be .sql Then restore the old backup to the new Koha installation. Database Restoration commands, sudo su mysql -uroot -p Koha_library < Koha_library.sql name of your source Koha database] exit Koha_library - name of database in new installation 27 [Check Koha.sql - name of database in old installation Enter the MySQL root password. 4. Upgrade Database Schema Database schema of old Koha should upgrade to match with the new version. Apply following commands in a terminal one by one, sudo service memcached restart sudo Koha-upgrade-schema library 5. Rebuild the Zebra Index. Apply following command in a terminal, sudo Koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library 7.2 Configure Gmail with postfix to send notices from Koha 1. Installation of postfix mail server Open a terminal and apply the following commands one by one, sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postfix FIGURE 16: POSTFIX PACKAGE CONFIGURATION 28 Select no configuration in the post installation screen. FIGURE 17: POSTFIX MAIL CONFIGURATION 2. Copy the configuration file. sudo cp /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.debian /etc/postfix/main. cf 3. Install following packages too sudo apt-get install libsasl2-2 sudo apt-get install libsasl2-modules sudo apt-get install ca-certificates 4. Open the following file and add few lines. sudo leafpad /etc/postfix/main.cf Add the following lines at the bottom of the file. relayhost = [smtp.gmail.com]:587 smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem 29 smtp_use_tls = yes 5. Create a new file to save the gmail password. sudo leafpad /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd Add the following line in the opened file. [smtp.gmail.com]:587 urgmailid@gmail.com:yourpassword Add your Gmail username and password. 6. Change the permission of the following file. sudo chmod 400 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd 7. Translate the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd to Postfix lookup tables. sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd 8. Create the /etc/aliases.db sudo postalias hash:/etc/aliases 9. Create the /etc/postfix/cacert.pem. sudo cat /etc/ssl/certs/Equifax_Secure_CA.pem >> /etc/postfix/ cacert.pem For Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Users sudo cat /etc/ssl/certs/thawte_Primary_Root_CA.pem >> /etc/postfix/ cacert.pem 10. Restart Postfix. sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart 11. Enable email service in Koha Execute following command in a terminal sudo Koha-email-enable library 30 12. Enable less secure apps in Gmail account 13. Check the following settings in Koha to send email notices, Koha > Administration > Patron categories > Overdue notice required > Yes [Check for each patron category] FIGURE 18: PATRON OVERDUE NOTICES Koha Administration > Global System Preferences > Patrons > Enhancedmessagingpreferences > Allow Set Koha > Tools > Overdue Notice/status triggers FIGURE 19: OVERDUE NOTICES EMAIL 7.3 Schedule Database Backup With Cron jobs Commands You can enable schedule backup of Koha database with the help of cron job feature in Ubuntu. Cron is a system daemon used to execute desired tasks (in the background) at designated times.You can read more about cron in Ubuntu here. 31 In this process we put a mysql command to take backup of Koha database in every 60 minutes. Create a folder in home folder called “backup”, where backup file store. Open Applications > Accessories > Terminal Apply the following command, crontab -e It will ask to select a text editor. You can select Nano text editor. FIGURE 20: CRONTAB You can see crontab file content. Use down arrow button and move the cursor to bottom part of the cron file. Copy following command there. */60 * * * * mysqldump -uKoha_library -pKoha123 Koha_library | xz > /home/Koha/backup/Koha_library.sql.xz Run backup command in a specific time 15 16 * * * mysqldump -uKoha_library -pKoha123 Koha_library | xz > /home/Koha/backup/Koha_library.sql.xz Above mentioned command take a backup at 3:15 PM every day. Apply Ctrl + o button to save the file. Then apply Ctrl + x to leave the cron. You can find backup file in /home/Koha/backup folder after 60 minutes. Explanations of key parts in the command, -u Koha_library = MySQL Koha Database username -p Koha123 = password of Koha Database Koha_library = Koha database name 32 XZ = compression format. Delete circulation entries from databse tables (DBMS auto increment) Certain records reluctant to Checkin due to DBMS auto increment problem. In such cases, the transaction remains in the tables. Developers still working on the solution. Here is a temporary solution. I tried this steps on Koha installed on Debian 8,9 and Ubuntu 16.04 with MySQL and MariaDB Server. Symptoms of DB increment problem FIGURE 21: RECORD RELUCTANT TO CHECK-IN Check Koha > About > System Information where you can find affected tables and entries in it. Clean the wrong entries from the affected tables The problem often affected on deletedbiblio, deleteditems, deletedborrowers and old_issues tables in Koha database. We have to access the database of Koha and delete that specific entry. Then we apply DBMS auto increment fix. First identify the tables with wrong entries. Apply SQL queries to delete the wrong entries; Log into MySQL/MariaDB sudo mysql -uroot -p use Koha_library; 33 Apply following SQL query to delete the wrong entries from old_issues table; DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (Copy and paste issue IDs inside the brackets); e.g. DELETE FROM old_issues WHERE issue_id IN (353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 579, 580, 581, 585, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 28539, 28537, 28535, 28536, 28533, 28534, 28516, 28185, 28186, 28187, 28583, 28584, 28585, 28648, 28649, 28650, 28651); Delete wrong entries from deletedbiblio DELETE FROM deletedbiblio WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblio numbers inside the brackets); Delete wrong entries from deleteditems DELETE FROM deleteditems WHERE biblionumber IN (Copy and paste biblionumbers inside the brackets); Delete wrong entries from deletedborrowers DELETE FROM deletedborrowers WHERE borrowernumber IN (Copy and paste borrower numbers inside the brackets); Exit from MySQL after the deletion of wrong entries from all tables. Apply the following command; exit Check again Koha > About Koha > System Information after deleting all wrong entries from affected tables. 7.4 DBMS auto increment fix as per Koha Wiki For MySQL with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 34 sudo leafpad /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf Place following line under [mysqld]. Hope that your Koha DB name is Koha_ library, otherwise change the DB name in the line; init-file=/var/lib/mysql/init-file_Koha_library.sql Save and close the file. Create a new file, remember to add the DB name at the end of the line. sudo leafpad /var/lib/mysql/init-file_Koha_library.sql Copy and paste the following lines into the file and save, close. Replace the Koha DB name in the first line. USE Koha_library; SET @new_AI_borrowers = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM borrowers ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM deletedborrowers ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE borrowers AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @new_AI_borrowers ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_biblio = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblionumber) FROM biblio ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblionumber) FROM deletedbiblio ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE biblio AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @ new_AI_biblio ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_biblioitems = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblioitemnumber) FROM biblioitems ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblioitemnumber) FROM deletedbiblioitems ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE biblioitems AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @new_AI_biblioitems ); 35 PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_items = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(itemnumber) FROM items ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(itemnumber) FROM deleteditems ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE items AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @ new_AI_items ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_issues = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(issue_id) FROM issues ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(issue_ id) FROM old_issues ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE issues AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @ new_AI_issues ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_reserves = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(reserve_id) FROM reserves ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(reserve_id) FROM old_reserves ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( ‘ALTER TABLE reserves AUTO_INCREMENT = ‘, @new_AI_reserves ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; Restart MySQL sudo service mysql restart 36 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The most obvious choice was for an open source system with its main advantage of no tie-ins to a commercial developer or agent and a low initial upfront cost. In terms of upfront cost, the University made significant savings by not using the services of a third party. Again, compared to the case studies mentioned, Regent IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM Library stands out from the rest of them because of the wholly in-house solution. In this research work, a sincere attempt has been made towards finding out ways and means for automating activities in the IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM Library. This project had the basic objective of designing a bibliographic data base for IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM Library with which the automation of circulation routines is carried out. From this point of view it may be concluded that Koha is a useful package for the creation of a database and for information retrieval. This set of programmed for the automation of circulation section is tested with the database created from the collection from IIITDM, KANCHEEPURAM Library. With that test model the programme for each function of the circulation section is tested with the available computer system. Koha is integrated software system with all the required models for small to very large libraries. It is found that this automation projects will serve as a model for any library. Being an open source, any Library wanted to go for automation for their library housekeeping operations can make use of this software. This project further enabled the students and faculty of the Institute to access the bibliographic data and can made transactions everywhere from intranet even remote places through internet. Implementation of also enabled library Professionals working in the Institute Central Library, to make award of library automation, particularly with advance features of integrated open source software KOHA and to participate in the library networks and other library networks for sharing and accessing the data. 37 REFERENCES 1. 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