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Web scraping

Workshop on Digital Data Analysis: methods of web scrapping . (July 8th IBEI) Jorge Luis Salcedo M jorgelsalcedo@gmail.com ; jsalcedoma@uoc.edu Outline 1. What is web scrapping or web harvesting? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Which are the potential uses of this data for interest groups research? ............................................................................................................................... 3 3. Which free and low cost instruments can we use? .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 4. Dissection a Newspaper web pages with Outwit Pro. .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 1.1. 1.1.1. Obtaining hyperlinks ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 1.1.2. Image extraction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................19 1.1.3. Creating your own tables of data ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 1.1.4. Exporting on different formats your data. ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 1.2. 5. Free functions. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Pro version .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 1.2.1. Words frequency ............................................................................................................................................................................................................21 1.2.2. Creating your personalize scrappers. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21 1.2.3. Exploring multiple web pages ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 1.2.4. Macro automation ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Some final considerations. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Further readings.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 1 1. What is web scrapping or web harvesting? - You can always copy & paste, but it's time-consuming and prone to errors. -To gather, in an automated fashion, freely available data in virtually any kind of online format. -Web scraping is the process of extracting web information automatically and transforms it into a structured dataset. -Scraping describes the method to extract data hidden in documents - such as Web Pages or PDFs and make it useable for further processing. It is among the most useful skills if you set out to investigate data - and most of the time it’s not especially challenging. For the simplest ways of scraping you don’t even need to know how to write code. 2 2. Which are the potential uses of this data for interest groups research? It is a growing amount of data is available on the Web: Election results, budget allocations, legislative speeches Social media data, newspapers articles Some sources (we pages) that we are going to use http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss http://rss.elmundo.es/rss/ http://ep00.epimg.net/rss/elpais/portada.xml http://www.cis.es/cis/export/sites/default/-Archivos/Marginales/2980_2999/2981/Cru298100SEXO.html http://www.bcn.cat/estadistica/castella/dades/tpob/llars/a2010/persones/person01.htm http://lobbyplag.eu/map 3 3. Which free and low cost instruments can we use? Google Chrome and Mozilla Spreadsheets formulas Feeds HTML-tables Some apps https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/table-capture/iebpjdmgckacbodjpijphcplhebcmeop https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/dafizilla-table2clipboard/ Google Scraper https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd Outwitpro http://www.outwit.com/ 4 Spreadsheets formulas Go to http://drive.google.com, log in and create a new spreadsheet Import Feeds 1 5 2 6 Import tables from web pages Why we don’t use excel? (Import data from the web) http://www.cis.es/cis/export/sites/default/-Archivos/Marginales/2980_2999/2981/Cru298100SEXO.html The last number indicates the number of the table in the document, just try them out and find the matching one... 7 Other syntaxes =importHTML("http://www.cis.es/cis/export/sites/default/-Archivos/Marginales/2980_2999/2981/Cru298100SEXO.html", "table", 8) 8 Other app to import tables and list https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/dafizilla-table2clipboard/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/table-capture/iebpjdmgckacbodjpijphcplhebcmeop Some considerations -Always take care of (, ; . and spaces) - It is necessary to do a little cleanup: Delete all empty rows and the header -Notice how if you work with the sheet, the deleted rows appear again and again? This is because the formula keeps refreshing the content. - In order to change the content or delete it, we’ll need to copy the content of the first sheet into another sheet (paste values only) 9 Scrapper INSTALL THE APP, ONLY WORKS ON CHROME. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd Right click after you select the content. 10 11 -It is crucial to observe, and try to identify the multiple tags -Do you see the small box on the upper left, saying XPath? 12 -See how the tweet is within a <p> tag? Let’s add the tag to our xpath. -In the “Columns” section, change the name of the first column to “Tweet” -Now let’s add the XPATH for the tweet to it -The xpaths in the columns section are relative, that means “./p” will select the <p> element -add “./p” to the xpath for the tweet column and click “scrape” 13 See more at: http://extract-web-data.com/xpath-review/#sthash.xxsBbkqV.dpuf 14 15 4. Dissection a Newspaper web pages with Outwit Pro. It works standalone or with Mozilla (app). Download and install- (http://blog.outwit.com/ ) Feature Light free version Pro Unlimited extractions Link extraction Image extraction & download Email extraction Data extraction Simple text extraction RSS News extraction Colorized source Document extraction & download Words & groups of words Directories of links & queries Advanced scrapers Macro automation Periodical job execution Query generation matrices Advanced Dig functions 16 1.1. Free functions. -It’s a data extractor. -The log panel is at the top -The catch is my collection basket, where I can store all -Types of information. Anything of interest can be dragged to the catch -Form the page or any other view. -I can identify all the out-links in a webpage, the documents, and pictures. 17 1.1.1.Obtaining hyperlinks Searching on Google or Google scholar It is a way to identify the Web communication policy of an organization. 18 1.1.2.Image extraction. Searching Google images When are you searching documents, also you don’t load selecting files. 19 1.1.3.Creating your own tables of data 1.1.4.Exporting on different formats your data. Excel HTML CVS TEXT SQL 20 1.2. Pro version 1.2.1. Words frequency 1.2.2. Creating your personalize scrappers. In the case of TOPSY or some specific browsers or any web page. 1.2.3. Exploring multiple web pages 21 1.2.4. Macro automation IF you know that you need to a task several times or event regularly the best alternative is a macro IN addition you can program a job. 22 5. Some final considerations. -The main function of scraping is to convert data that is semi-structured into structured data and make it easily useable for further processing. While this is a relatively simple task with a bit of programming - for single webpages it is also feasible without any programming at all. -Respect the hosting site's wishes: Check if an API exists, or if data are available for download. Some websites \disallow" scrapers on their robots.txt -Limit your bandwidth use: Wait one second after each hit; Try to scrape websites during off-peak hours; Scrape only what you need, and just once -The fact that you can access some data doesn't mean you should use it for your research. -Be aware of rate limits. -Ongoing debate on replication of social science research using this source of data. -Be careful of scrapping Google. 23 Further readings http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.slideshare.net/anniecushing/web-scraping-forcodeophobes&usd=2&usg=ALhdy29HTB4v5gZ9TzFizwQXJIT2usxdVA http://www.google.com/url?q=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iebpjdmgckacbodjpijphcplhebcmeop&usd=2&usg=ALhdy29xBBNA6 cy5X9RDDbZMm8BIGgP2Rw http://www.google.com/url?q=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd&usd=2&usg=ALhdy2_LHaNQo moylXXECAJ6DbzlYN5Ulg http://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/a/seerinteractive.com/spreadsheet/ccc%3Fkey%3D0Ak_0EzUuRyn0dDFYOWxwWGt0e UNkTlcySk9iMUdDOGc%23gid%3D2&usd=2&usg=ALhdy2_AyYtUR8u3cH4AJTVu0owKUYGa3A http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.seerinteractive.com/blog/importxml-cookbook/&usd=2&usg=ALhdy2-Fa8IPlF4WZlphrkn_2_VbcjuOA http://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/xpath-tutorial&usd=2&usg=ALhdy2-rG-k-Tc1ADe9ll39WLUBhlRBwBw https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak_0EzUuRyn0dFVnZUNHQVRGZ1hES3IxY3hWdVVsNEE#gid=3 24