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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 05, May 2019, pp. 92-98, Article ID: IJCIET_10_05_010 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=05 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication A STUDY ON INDEX PROPERTIES OF ALKALINE SOILS TREATED WITH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS J.V.Gurumurthy Professor of Civil Engineering, G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh-518007. E. Sanjeeva Rayudu Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh-518007, Email:rayu.svu@gmail.com ABSTRACT Rapid Industrialization take part a key role in wealth of a country. Enormous growing Industrialization has resulted in production of liquid and solid wastes. Disposal of industrial wastes, especially on land has caused serious environmental problems. Land contamination is a severe issue as it alters the index and engineering properties of soils. Alteration of soil properties from industrial wastes results in foundation failures and structural damages. The present study communicates the study on index properties of alkaline soil by the application of partially treated Pharmaceutical industrial effluent. In this investigation, studies were conducted for identification of alkaline soils and analysation of industrial wastes of Pharmaceutical and also index properties of existing soil and blended pharmaceutical effluent soil. Keywords: Alkaline soil, Industrial effluent, Index properties, pH, Electrical conductivity. Cite this Article: J.V.Gurumurthy and E. Sanjeeva Rayudu, a Study on Index Properties of Alkaline Soils Treated with Pharmaceutical Industrial Effluents. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10(05), 2019, pp. 92-98 http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=05 1. INTRODUCTION In the modern world due to rapid industrialization and development a huge number of industries are emerging. All the industries produce a large amount of effluents which cause serious pollution to soil and all other natural resources. Effluents after being treated they are directly either disposed on to the ground or any nearby water bodies which pollute the surrounding vicinity [1]. Some industries release their effluents on to the ground which leads \http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 92 editor@iaeme.com J.V.Gurumurthy and E. Sanjeeva Rayudu to the changes in the physical and chemical properties of the soil .There are various types of industries such as tanning, battery, textile, dyeing, pharmaceutical, food production, some kind of mineral and many other chemical industries [2]. The Index and Engineering properties of the ground get modified in the surrounding area of the industrial plants mainly as a result of contamination by the industrial wastes disposed [3-4]. The major sources of surface and subsurface contamination are the disposal of industrial wastes and accidental spillage of chemicals during the course of industrial operations [5]. The leakage of industrial effluent into subsoil directly affects the use and stability of the supported structure. Results of some studies indicate that the detrimental effect of seepage of acids and bases into sub soil can cause severe foundation failures [6]. In many situations, soils in natural state do not present adequate geotechnical properties to be used as road service layers, foundation layers and as a construction material. In order to adjust their geotechnical parameters to meet the requirements of technical specifications of construction industry, studying soil stabilization is more emphasized [7]. Hence an attempt has been made by researchers to use industrial wastes as soil stabilizers so that there is a value addition to the industrial wastes and at the same time environmental pollution can also minimized [8]. Failure of foundation/structures due to ground contamination/ accidental spill of chemicals etc., has been reported it has been established that the inorganic and organic pollutants present in industrial effluents, in general, affect various geotechnical characteristics of fine grained soils [9]. It is therefore necessary to study and understand the soil-pollutant interactions and the effect of contaminants/ industrial effluents on various geotechnical properties, for various engineering applications [10]. Critical review of published literature has revealed that only very few studies have been reported on the effect of industrial effluents, especially on natural soils and that the focus so far has been on understanding the effect of pure chemicals on commercial soils. An attempt is made in this investigation to study the effect of certain Industrial effluents such as pharmaceutical effluent on the physico-chemical and index properties of soil. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 2.1. Soil Sampling The best time of sample collection is when there is no rain. To obtain a composite sample, small portion of soil are to collected up to desired depth(15-30 cm) by a suitable sampling tool from at least 4 well distributed and random spots (from each sampling unit) after scraping of surface litter, if any[11]. 2.2. Industrial Sampling Grab Sampling was carried out to assess the quality of effluent from the Industries. Sample collections were carefully planned to get a fairly representative sample from source [12]. 2.3. Experimental Method The collected soil sample and industrial wastes were analysed for various parameters and Classification of soils and characteristics of pharmaceutical industrial waste measured based on the results of analysis. The different proportion of the industrial effluent was added to one cubic feet of soil, then mixed thoroughly and was kept for a curing period of 90 days [13]. The treated soil samples were analyzed for various physic-chemical and chemical parameters, according to standard methods. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 93 editor@iaeme.com a Study on Index Properties of Alkaline Soils Treated with Pharmaceutical Industrial Effluents 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Nature of Soil The characteristics of existing soil are presented in Table 1 Table 1 Characteristics of Existing Soil Parameter pH EC SAR OC OM Liquid limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Specific gravity. Units Mmhos/cm % % % % % % g/cc Value 8.8 3.2 13.41 0.18 2.82 49.93 20.78 29.2 2.41 The standards used for soil classification and identification are pH is more than 8.5; EC is less than 4.0 Mmhos/cm; and SAR is greater than 13. These parameters in the present study are 8.8, 3.2 Mmhos/cm and 13.41 respectively [14]. 3.2. Nature of Pharmaceutical Industry The manufacturing process of Ephedrine Hydrochloride and Pseudo Ephedrine hydrochloride is semi synthetic process of producing Ephedrine from molasses. The waste water generated from this industry is being treated by employing `Anaerobic Bioreactor` and the characteristics of treated effluent are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Characteristic of Treated effluent: (From Anaerobic Bioreactor) Parameters Units Values pH - 7 to 7.5 EC mS 17.00 to 21.00 BOD Ppm 3000 to 5000 COD Ppm 20000 to 25000 TVS Ppm 28000 3.3. Physico-chemical and index properties of soil treated with pharmaceutical effluent The data pertaining to physic-chemical and index characteristics of alkaline soils treated with different doses of pharmaceutical industrial effluents and the test results are displayed in Table 3. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 94 editor@iaeme.com J.V.Gurumurthy and E. Sanjeeva Rayudu Table 3. Characteristics of treated soil Sample No Pharmaceutical Effluents(m3/ha) pH EC Mmhos/cm LL(%) PL(%) PI Sp.Gr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 8.80 8.72 8.65 8.58 8.49 8.41 8.34 8.27 8.18 8.13 8.05 3.20 3.28 3.33 3.41 3.47 3.52 3.56 3.62 3.67 3.71 3.79 49.93 31.00 31.00 31.50 30.00 31.00 31.00 30.90 32.10 30.00 28.00 20.78 20.4 23.85 26.76 23.4 26.31 23.71 26.57 24.75 23 22.6 29.15 10.6 7.15 4.74 6.6 4.69 7.29 4.33 7.35 7.00 5.40 2.41 2.25 2.25 2.55 2.46 2.28 2.36 2.5 2.87 2.46 2.25 3.3.1. pH Soil pH is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil. It is an important characteristic of soil, which influences the availability, toxicity and deficiency of nutrient elements and also influences the soil microorganism. Data related to variation in soil pH at different proportions (Treatments) of pharmaceutical industrial effluent is presented in Table 3. As the quantity of effluent increased, the pH value decreased, gradually, from 8.88 to 7.21. The decreasing of trend of pH values is due to application of low pH effluent and kept curing period for 90.The treatment with effluent is effective in bringing down pH values from alkaline to near neutral values, essential to agricultural purpose [15]. 3.3.2. Electrical Conductivity The EC values of treated alkaline soil enhanced from 3.82 to 3.79 Mmhos/cm. This was mainly due to accumulation soluble salts that are present in Pharmaceutical effluents. If EC value more than 4 Mmhos/cm will affect critical growth of sensitive crop in soil [16]. 3.3.3. Liquid Limit The results of study displayed in Table 3 indicated that the liquid limit values of treated alkaline soil decreased with increase in pharmaceutical effluent. The liquid limit values decreased from 31.0% to 28%. The decreasing trend of liquid limit values is due to the application of industrial effluent to the soil which would result in change in pore fluid chemistry i.e. dielectric constants, electrolyte concentration and ion valency, leading to physico-chemical interaction between the individual particles and particle groups and may lead to replacement of cations or change in diffuse double layer thickness [17]. http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 95 editor@iaeme.com a Study on Index Properties of Alkaline Soils Treated with Pharmaceutical Industrial Effluents 3.3.4. Plastic Limit The data related to plastic limit given in Table 3 indicated that the Plastic limit value of the untreated soil is 20.78%. The plastic limit value of the treated soil varies slightly with different proportions of Pharmaceutical industrial wastes. The variations in Plastic limit values are due to the application of industrial effluent to the soil which would result in physico-chemical interaction between the individual particles and particle groups and may lead to replacement of cations or change in diffuse double layer thickness [18]. 3.3.5. Plasticity Index A critical examination of the data presented in table 3 indicated that plasticity index values of treated alkaline soils decreased with increase in different proportions of industrial wastes from 29.15%, to 5.4% respectively [19]. 3.3.6. Specific Gravity An examination of data presented in Table 3, revealed that the specific gravity value of treated alkaline of soil decreased with an increase in different proportions of industrial effluents. The specific gravity values of the soil decreased from 2.41 to 2.25. 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