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3 DECREES TRAVIS CARPER 3 DECREES Revised Edition 2.3 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2017 Travis Carper This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. However you can use parts of the book and blogs if referenced back to the original source. And if you are going to make stickers, T-shirts or products from the quotes then please donate a percentage to this non profit. Gratitude! https://www.3decrees.org Support for the Ascension Process! Also find Conscious Media videos and posts on my Social Media Sites! https://www.youtube.com/c/TravisCarper https://www.facebook.com/travis.carper.5 https://www.facebook.com/traviscarper888 https://www.twitter.com/traviscarper888 https://www.linkedin.com/in/traviscarper888 https://www.pinterest.com/traviscarper888 https://soundcloud.com/travis-carper-990066751 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. FORWARD 2. THREE DECREES 3. THE BLOGS 1. FORWARD Here is a revised edition to the original book. I will always be adding to this periodically as more tools, techniques and divine inspirations become a part of my awareness. I am a student as well as an Ascension Guide, as I am going through this majestic process with all of you. I have added the blog posts to give more support and explanation. The original manuscript of 3 Decrees : A Starseed activation journal was a way to help me to release what was going on subconsciously. The writing made it tangible to bring this out on a conscious level. The Kundalini Awakening or being activated as we Starseeds like to say is part of the trans-mutational process that leads you back and reconnects you to your Higher-Self. It is a bit abstract but that is how my mind works. Like a poet and an artist. A painting of a larger picture. These metaphysical concepts are not new at all. But this is how it formulated in my mind. Sometimes it can just be three simple sentences as a tool to help you on your journey to re-awaken. The same goes for you and when you begin to re-member your true Self. You will have your own unique way of expressing your ascension journey. Here are most of my tools and insights to help guide you through the rough patches. Please pick and choose what resonates with you. And then meditate and listen to your Higher Self. You are your own Sovereign Master and Student because you are never not connected to Source. You will find one of the greatest keys that I have remembered is opening up your heart and listening to your Higher Self in meditation. And then clearing, cleaning and detoxifying and ultimately healing your Avatar ( your biological body, your emotional body, your light body ). This is all about Keylontic Morphogenetic Science. Seriously, gratitude to you all for going through this journey. And may you find your high heart and transmute your own darkness to a lighter side. With much Love and Light! Travis Carper 12-13-2017 2. THREE DECREES Every snowflake that has ever fallen to earth has been uniquely different. Not one over millions of years has ever been the same. The diversity of all that's been created is beyond quantifiable. We are Selves are expressions of creation. The Creator split it Self like a fractal to experience love in all its myriad forms and diverse expressions. God or the conscious expansion in Fluidic Fractal Space-Time is the fabric of the Multiverse. We humans on this planet are multidimensional light beings. And we are God having a human experience. When we meditate we usually acknowledge the I AM presence as the Creator with in us and the Creator in everything. All energy is light, all light is energy. Even darkness. Everything is the Creator (Source, God, Quantum Cosmosis, Us, The Multiverse, The Omniverse, Omnipresence, Prime Creator, Supreme Being, All that is, Love, The Tetrahedron, The Yin/Yang, insert here with your own unique and creative description or symbol in any language). Everything is Creation. And you are a co-creator in this free will Universe. These are some of the words we speak in our heads as we meditate. Everyone has variations. “I am or rather We are in the present moment of now in the space-time continuation of experiencing love in all it's myriad forms and diverse expressions.” Or simply “ I am in the present moment of now in the space-time continuum.” Here are some of my inner-voice, journal entries and guided meditations that divinely inspired the Three Decrees... and my own on going awakening. June 1, 2015 Activation. Morning, noon and night meditations! June 2, 2015 Morning meditation. I was a gorilla, a bear, a terradactyl flying. I was a Greek soldier killing someone with a spear. I was a farmer walking in the fields next to the Nile river delta. I saw the waterfall at lake Victoria. Every life time was just as vivid as you and I sitting and talking to each other. There is a chamber on a Mother ship with a group of us emanating energy around an oval table. We are each of a higher dimension with mostly a blue outline of a body. Beneath the table is a pool of purple wavy energy. Above us hanging over in the center is a giant crystal full of violet energy that flows into us. We are meditating on the energy to be sent down to Gaia's (Mother Earth) crystal core. It's a pool of love. Then it comes to me. This Avatar, this Travis, this expression down to where I am meditating in the 3rd dimensional. The love wave, the violet energy form that I then send into Gaia's core and out into the world. And I see the wave merge with other love waves as it grows to encompass the globe. Now I root myself into Mother Earth as this violet love wave is flowing directly through me. I go back to my 5th dimensional Self, my higher self and start the process all over again. Which takes a long time for me to get the energy just right in this physical body. June 4, 2015 Today I felt a little depleted. Like I needed potassium. Probably a green juice is in order. I am having a weird time with linear time. I go to different times that I have reincarnated. I am like a time traveler. OK I will call forth some help to piece myself back together. It is really great though. I feel I have been waiting or rather putting tools in a metaphysical tool box to use now at this Now time. I love it. I also envisioned being in the Last Super room and seeing Yeshua's (Jesus, Sananda) heart. It was very large and outside his chest floating with a purple glow. And then I walked around the room as we drank water or wine and I noticed more people than the twelve apostles. Mary Magdalene and more woman and men with children that were all happy. It was glorious! June 6, 2015 Two nights ago when I was meditating in bed I felt my body get bigger. Today when I was working out I noticed I used to jump up to grab a chin up bar. Now I can stand flat footed and wrap my hands around the bar. My spinal column opened up. Stretching, swimming and meditating I think are making my chakras line up. I meditated this morning at the wall that looks out over the Atlantic ocean. I imagined sending purple love letters out to the sea. Small fish gathered and then bigger ones. The sky sparkled. I then rode my bicycle down through the town and all the trees looked brighter. Everything was more radiant today. Mmmm feeling excited on this road back to my 5 th dimensional Self. June 7, 2015 Before I forget. In my dream the other night I saw blades of grass from the perspective of a bug. They were tall and in a lotus pattern. I have noticed all plants, trees and grass while riding my bike have become florescent. Today I was swimming alone at the pool and when I went under I noticed the fractal octagonish pattern the sun was shinning onto the pool floor. And of course it was all the whole spectrum wave form of the rainbow. The pool was calm, clear as glass. I couldn't see how that pattern was forming. So I got in a lounge chair and put the headphones on with meditation music and thought wow that same rainbow spectrum is everywhere, man. It's hitting me right now. It's touching and running through everything on Mother Earth. OK that's not all. Then I rode over to meditate at the coast guard pier and saw the same light show. I barely remember as a kid what that discovery felt like. I can remember it as a kid in all those public pools. I cant believe I haven't noticed this. I have been swimming for a year and sitting by the water. OK anyways the water was reflecting small particles like tiny rainbow mirrors. Then they seem to dance in patterns as far as the eye could see. It was that same miracle bright pattern. My own light show. I thought wow it's the God particle beam touching and running though everything. I felt love and sent it to Gaia and tried somehow to transmute all fear and past ignorance into love. Because I knew I was God. The God inside me and everything. It was that love portal spectrum “ the violet flame” running through me and into the Earth. A masculine side that is blue and a feminine side that is pink. And it makes the love energy. “ The violet flame. “ The purple streaming particle wave. So now I am riding my bike back to the shelter and I look up at the sky thinking OK its also in the air. And I know everything comes in three's. So um I bet I will see a rainbow. And of course I didn't see anything riding on the highway shoulder to the shelter where the busy cars were distracting. I thought man I can't take it. So I got off the bike and started walking very slow and asked how do I get through this. Sirens, cars, the noise pollution. Then I looked up and yup you guessed it. A giant rainbow. Ha! I knew it. In three's. So OK I think I am visually seeing a portal, a rainbow bridge to a higher dimension that has always been there. But I, my 3rd dimensional avatar has not been conscience enough to see it. I AM ASCENDING to my 5th dimensional Self. And then expanding this avatars consciousness. It's like opening up your heart and talking with your 5 th dimensional Self all the time. So you really don't leave. Ascension for me is expansion of the mind, body, spirit into a human light being here on Earth. And a mastery of emotions and ever expanding qualities of elemental's, celestial's, and well God. And the 5D is just the beginning man. Were talking who knows how many dimensions. Wow. And it's been since well Atlantis in this space-time continuum. The now moment that I AM arriving. Let's just say in linear time it's been a long long time to finally start to awaken again. I do not want to reincarnate again. It was heavy this last time. I remember being six years old hanging out in my closet crying and talking to my higher Self and saying this is to heavy. I can't do it again. And then a wash of energy blew through me. Hair stood on the back of my neck. OK. I am so happy to be a part of this experience. I knew a long time ago Travis Carper would have to be around to hold some hands through this experience. One of them being my Self. I will do my best to transmute energies for love and change for all things in this planetary system. There are a lot of smiles and laughter coming out of me too. I am letting it... or trying to let it happen naturally. That way I get surprised. This slow process is great. It really makes you appreciate it. GRATITUDE, man. Total gratitude. Thanks, every part of my Self. Supremo way of being. Saint Germain will you help me keep meditating and on this path by helping me creatively come up with payment for my storage locker while I am homeless. So I can continue this process. Thank you. It's all I want to do anymore. OK more GRATITUDE. I am excited. Let's see what magic will happen tomorrow. Oh I forgot. The frequency buzzing in my ear is louder than when it started back in 1111-2011. So sound, vision and smells are high-tend to. My Intuition, and clairaudience are as well. Hmm. Telepathy... next. June 8, 2015 ACCELERATED ASCENSION PROGRAM (full immersion baby!) OK, Sunrise. I noticed that the light follows every one from where ever they are standing. That sparkling rainbow following you. Ha. I enroll Travis Carper (this avatar) into the accelerated ascension program to remember my 5th dimensional Self and transmute the dark 3rd dimensional energy into the 5th right along with Gaia's 5th. Love. Gratitude. The new particle wave forms and portals are opening up. This solar system is changing DNA, atoms, planets, and us and everything in between. This I AM Adamantine particle flows through for this blue print and this round of ascension. This is just incorporating your 5D Self and higher into your 3D Self. You expand your consciousness. You become more of an observer. OK back to putting together my Multidimensional Self. All the things and beings and plants and animals I have ever been on this planet. So I can take all fears and lay them to rest with the violet flame. Fill it with love. So at about 4pm or so I go to the park to meditate. My message to think about or my concept was fear and transmuting my own fears of how I am going to pay for things. But I let go and decided that they will work out. Somehow they always do. Something creative will come up. Work, sell a painting, help a friend move, something. So in the meditation I wished that all beings, Earth, all things would let go of their fears and feel the love and abundance fill them and me (the Travis avatar) up. That's how it started anyway. I found a spot by a blossoming tree and I could smell the fragrance. Then somehow my higher Self gave me a guided meditation. I started to say... love, and fear will leave. The purple particles are like pollen in the wind and I will send them out into the world. Then I was saying I AM the Creator. I AM a co-creator I AM Love And I AM sending it down through my root chakra to Gaia. And back up through all my chakras to the 5th dimension and beyond to the mother/father god. Honestly I did a lot of I AM. Plus I would say... I AM calm I AM peace I AM sending this avatar what it needs I remember saying I AM God and so forth. When something in the background disrupted me or a thought that I did not like from Travis-avatar would say no your not or something to that effect. I would shut it down knowing it was like a child without more information. I could logically understand at that point how to control the thoughts before they became manifest. Awesome. My whole body was tingling and vibrating to a high frequency. I think 936 Hz or higher. The top of my head felt like it was open. My brain tingling and I felt the love particles all over me. So I put my hands on the earth and sent it into Gaia. There is more to the guided meditation. More details. It's well my Higher Self that takes over. I AM wisdom I AM in this Space-time of Now I AM love and always have been I AM peace I AM raising this Avatar's consciousness I AM raising this Travis's frequency I AM ascending toward 5th dimensional space-time and back to 3D I AM on the ship in a higher dimension I AM a multidimensional being I AM and will be a love transponder and transmit the Supreme Beings love particles (will) to Gaia This vessel is glorious I AM HERE IN THIS NOW TIME TO FOFILL MY SOULS BLUE PRINTED CONTRACT I AM LOVE My aura got very purple,man. Anyways all the sudden it was 7pm. And it took me a while to get up. But I was still being guided. Higher Self said take it slow, relax, breath, then get up. Look at the trees, clouds, hear the sounds, get some water, slowly realize and acclimate back to 3D. But now I re-member. Open and let your 5D Self guide you. I AM slowly comprehending what is happening to me, us. June 9, 2015 Morning meditation at the wall. This is fun greeting the day slowly with a smile and not having to be in a rush. OK. Nature is the greatest teacher. A moth gave me tutelage. It landed on me and my first reaction was to flick it off. Then later I had my eyes open and another one landed. I just let it sit on my leg while I was meditating. What I am saying is airplanes, cars, people passing by from meditating but just let it. Then don't analyze it. Just get back to meditating and if you have to somewhat start over then start over. Rewind the music on the mp3 player if you have too, dude. OK. Let everything around you do it's thing. Even the ants and bugs biting you. You will get better at concentrating. June 10, 2015 The central sun comes in waves of joy glistening into my etheric body I absorb the purple flame floating I throw my anchor out into Gaia Now rooted I curl my physical Self into a ball The sound of love whispers to me as I hug my Self Yesterday I met Kameron with a K. He was about 5 to 7 years old. Ya that's how he said his name. He was a third wave Indigo/crystal. Man he was Royalty. He gave me two spectacular hugs. I hope to see him again some day. He is part of my soul family. Cosmically connected. He is raising the vibrations of the 3 rd and lower 4th dimensions to the 5th with love, joy, abundance, clarity, wisdom, peace, and diplomacy. Another great morning meditation filled with love for all things in this space-time of now. Evening meditation At the park I found it easier to get into the groove. First I listened to Archangel Michael's channel where he guides you going through each chakra all the way to the soul star chakra above the crown. Then a one hour high vibrational music meditation. I think it was 968 Hz Solfeggio frequencies with binaural beats. Also if I get uncomfortable I get into a different position. My right shoulder always hurts. Hmm. OK anyways. Also I sit up straight and I can feel my body bouncing from side to side. Like in a box. Then I tell my Self to calmly slow down. I AM calm I AM peace I AM I AM in love I breath in love I breath out love Then a stillness comes over me. And my higher Self guides my meditation. I need to stretch more. I probably should do yoga but the bum knee. I can't do the lotus position but when I hang my legs over the wall or sit in a chair. Hmm. June 11, 2015 It's getting better, easier to meditate. I go through the 9 chakra's opening up each one starting with grounding my Earth star chakra to Gaia's crystal core. And then I do a one hour 963 Hz music meditation. This evening I was full of food and did about 3 minutes. But sat for a while and looked at the ocean and sky. June 12, 2015 This Friday night was the best dance party/love fest I have ever been to. I did meditation. Aligned 9 Chakras ready go. After I was feeling funny. I wanted to tell a few jokes. So I wanted to lighten this serious meditation/ascension thing up. So I played some lounge/chill music and then these visuals came to me. A giant mirror globe and it's reflecting octagon shapes of rainbows filled me and the love vibe. I sent it across Mother Earth and felt thousands of souls sharing this Friday night love groove- Purple particle wave. It's a Multidimensional Dance Party! Our 5D leading to all divinity... and back down to all our avatars. It's like going to this festival of love with 200,000 or more of your closest friends. An amazing experience. For about an hour or more. Gratitude! So euphoric! June 13, 2015 I forgot the other day I saw a seahorse. Then a seahorse with a horn. It became my symbol. A unicorn seahorse. That's what I ride holding a blueish purple sphere when I go to the pyramid where my higher Self sits in a crystal chair with the others from my soul/star family. All of us around the circular table. A round table. Ha. Also I go into Gaia's oceans and say hello to all sentient life. Dolphins, whales, the Merpeople, etc. Then I glide into the mother-ship pyramid and sit into my Multi-Self. Then sometimes I leave and come back to this avatar and just be calm. And wait for messages. Oh and I take the purple particle love wave and send it into the core of Mother Earth. Then the love wave connects with 5th dimensional Gaia and with other expressions. Soul/Star mates and there love waves. We transmute the darkness into a higher love frequency. We work in tandem with Mother Earth. I AM a conduit I AM the trans-mission I AM the re-connection I AM the multidimensional being I AM supremely situated in this now present moment of the space-time continuum I AM divinity I AM love I AM the purple particle wave I AM breathing in light I AM sharing, caring, healing I AM diplomatic I AM peace I AM wisdom I AM calm I AM abundant I AM one with all spectrum's I AM all expressions I AM a co-creator expression of divine love essence I AM flowing out to all the reaches of darkness like a breath of new now I sparkle and sprinkle love pollen And back again so I may experience my Self in all myriad expressions June 14, 2015 Morning meditation Quantum everything is energy at a frequency. I saw Yeshua(Jesus, Sananda) in front me. In a gesture with his first two fingers he pointed at his heart and then to mine. I felt the sense that he wanted me to focus. I was feeling a little silly. I was laughing and thinking of funny things. I like to crack myself up. June 15, 2015 QUESTION ANSWERED To experience God's love in every possible way. Earth to New Lemuria Earth to Nova Earth Leave the new name up to the aquatics and Gaia and the plant and animal kingdoms The I AM's are now becoming WE ARE's WE ARE one WE ARE love (Like Yoda, man!) June 16, 2015 We are one meditation Alright, tight. Before I sat down this morning I was confronted by a man (an expression) who I have seen around. Homeless shelter, soup kitchen, etc. Just as I give everyone a smile for recognizing them I gave one smile out to this fella. He was filled with anger and started yelling at me. He doesn't want me to look at him anymore. He was yelling your gay. I was just riding by on my bike at a considerable distance from the dude. I said OK man, no problem. I think he is unhappy with seeing me happy. He could also be schizophrenic. I am not sure how gay comes into just a friendly smile. Also I think he just doesn't have enough information. Anyways when I was meditating I had to process his vibe. It reminded me of another guy who likes to give me guff. But I AM happy to be there jester. I forgive them and my self included for having a lack of info. So I started breathing love in and out of my breath. Soon I was in deep meditation and I could see him sometime in the future crying and hugging another. Instead of getting angry somehow I (we) transmuted that negative energy into a light heart-ed meditation. The rest of the meditation was great. We are working in tandem with our Higher Self. Aquarian age. That's funny in my meditations I have been trying to find a new word for th this 5 dimensional Gaia. We are working in tandem with the Aquatic's, Celestial's, Space families, etc. For this return to 5th dimensional water world. I have always wanted to be a part of the Biomorphic design team. And We are. I AM. WE ARE. We are going to get shown other water worlds as we clean this one up and re-design it in a natural Aquarian Golden Age way. June something, 2015 3D-4D Energy playing field (illusion, matrix)              unknown cosmic waves radium rays gamma rays x-rays chemicals, perfumes ultraviolet Humans are the 49th Octave of vibration in the electromagnetic light spectrum radiant heat waves infrared waves television waves radio waves sound waves brain waves I AM one of the expression players, a co-creator, an artist, a biomorphic architect of a 5 dimensional new world. A system protector on this system re-boot, re-birth. th June 22, 2015 Yes I have been meditating good things. Not as many epiphanies. But many connections are being made. Connect the dots. Ha. Logic. OK. Now my dreams still seem very guttural. Very 3D humanistic. Hmmm. Yesterday was a great meditation though. At about 6pm at the wall I felt like I connected to the other expressions meditating for peace and love on the summer solstice. Rode bicycle far today. Sluggish. Not connected. Feels weird. Yesterday light, today heavy. Brain cant get uplifted. Need sleep. Need sailboat or alone time to process and integrate. Gratitude for books 4 a penny 4 a bird song 4 everything I AM pleasantly surprised Chakra- a wheel or turning vortex or whirlpool, circle, cycle EARTH STAR CHAKRA – just below the root chakra to Gaia's energy I AM connected, anchored to Gaia's crystal core ROOT CHAKRA – the physical self, grounds to the life force of earths energy and gives you stability, more vitality, a treasure chest of abundance I AM grounded and supportive NAVAL/SACRAL CHAKRA – seat of your physical emotional self I AM creative and connected SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – power center I AM one with the Divine HEART CHAKRA – giving love and receiving, a cycle of unconditional love I AM giving and receiving love THROAT CHAKRA – soul talk, truthful, kindly, clear communication, devotion, prayer, mantra center I AM truthful with my self THIRD EYE CHAKRA – pineal gland working in tandem with the pituitary gland, mind, visualization, dream, imagination I AM open to divine wisdom and guidance CROWN CHAKRA – spiritual, higher guidance I AM one with the infinite all SOUL STAR CHAKRA – connects to the rainbow bridge and the higher Self and beyond, your souls blue print I AM connected to my 5D self and higher June 23-24, 2015 Yesterday, third eye opening. My pineal gland is working in tandem with my pituitary gland and releasing Melatonin. I have been decalcifying it for over a 2 years. The eyebrow chakra. The brow chakra or as they like to say in Hawaii “ The Bra Chakra “. Ha, ha. OK not as funny as this expression thinks it is. This morning I did another meditation. I asked Archangel Micheal and the Archturians to help out. This multidimensional Self asked if there was a physical representation of a soul mate. It seems there is and she is doing yoga or meditation somewhere. Da! OK. I AM trying to let this all happen naturally. This process, this illumination, this love, this expansion of consciousness. WE ARE awakening WE ARE connecting to our spiritual self's WE ARE one WE ARE love WE ARE divinely presents WE ARE June 24, 2015 An evening meditation. OK. There was this older wise man. Like a Moses or an Abraham in a robe pointing up with his right arm in a white robe. Then Yeshua (Jesus, Sananda) carrying his cross. Then he was up on it pointing directly at me with his right arm and finger. Like I was on a cross next to him. Then he got beamed up by a spaceship. Hmm. Then a shower head with water spraying out. Then three showers and a beautiful girl with black hair. Like the one who is my twin flame. Maybe her name is Rain or Glorious. And there appeared a Saturn type planet in the background. And in the foreground now was a desert. There in the distance walking toward me was a woman taking off her head dressing like the ones the nomads wear in the Sahara desert. And she looked like my twin flame Rain. So maybe the twin flame thing was answered and she ran by me while I was meditating. But I definitely had visions of her in a past or future or both lives. June 25, 2015 The kundalini energy (the force in star wars) rises up from everywhere on Mother Earth. It comes into my Earth Star Chakra then connects to my Root Chakra. Now this force is of all spectrum's like the rainbow of light energy. When you swim in a pool and the sun reflects into the water you see the patterns of the rainbow colors on the bottom of the pool. The force is everywhere. So this energy, the God energy, the kundalini energy flows in to the Root Chakra. These light centers (Chakra's) are split up colors of the rainbow. Just like you are split up into physical, emotional and ethereal. When these colors (light centers) are lined up with the connection to the force (kundalini) all the way up to the Crown Chakra and then the Soul Star Chakra it connects to the cosmic or the multidimensional higher Self. It is the rainbow bridge. Then you can feel the gift of the Monatomic particle wave of love. The ADAMANTINE PARTICLES. For me they are like streams, like fiber optical light connections from root to earths core. And from the top of the Crown Chakra (the lotus flower) to the Soul Star Chakra. The flow is a dynamic communication or rather commune with the divine source and to all its creative expressions. And thus the feeling of love is shared. And in those now moments your expansion begins again. Attributes, awakenings, enlightenment. You are filled up with the ADAMANTINE PARTICLE and share it with Gaia's crystal core. June 28 or 29, 2015 Morning meditation pretty mellow. I asked Zaquill, Amethyst, and the Bee consciousness if I AM on the right track with all of this. And yes. Yes was the response. Every bodies path is uniquely different. Every bodies got their own spiritual teams. Whats cool is you can substitute. Sometimes I just directly start talking to Prime Creator. Every thing has special gifts. What up flower? Or hey Merlin I need help with some alchemical healing stuff. And then you find your Self buying Colloidal trace minerals. Ya man this is sweet. June 30, 2015 Night meditation The concept was leaving everything behind. All attachments. And incorporating a constant connection to 5D expression. July 1, 2015 It's a choice. There are no obligations. Creativity. I AM choosing an Eco-village I AM choosing my twin flame I AM choosing to build a meditation center I AM choosing to expand this expressions consciousness I AM choosing to lift other expressions frequencies I AM love unconditionally I AM incorporating knowledge, wisdom, diplomacy, peace, calmness, etc. every millisecond in the present moment of now I AM grateful for this experience Morning meditation Leaving the attachments to my thoughts.(bike is not getting stolen, bills, people walking, planes going over head, etc.) Anchor. And go. That's the leaving. We are lighter today. And all the attributes of the mother/father God are coming though. Light heart-ed, more loving, communal, open to our higher Self's, diplomatic, peaceful, humanitarianism, a broader stroke, a bigger picture of this Mother Earths solar system. We are galactic human beings joining a much larger picture! We hug more often with loving unity, respect and gratitude! July 2, 2015 Wow. Umm. Oh Ohm. Wow. Be in the present moment of now in this time line in the space-time continuation of the exploration of love. Also I am crystallizing. I can ask questions and swing back and forth while meditating and get the answers like a pendulum. We imagined forming this expressions crown chakra into a crystallized amethyst crown. And then the entire physical body on a sub atomic level. Like some purple crystal quantum cosmic surfer. Also a family tree was shown. Like in genealogy. Everything is family. Everything is connected. Another visualization for God in everything. My or rather our mission or blueprint for this round of ascension is clearer. Travis Carper's will is one in the same with the Supreme Being ( and when I say Supreme Being I say it as the fluid light energy fractal of the all ). This journey, this experience in this now, I AM finding more joy everyday. A focused knowledge that I inherently know. Hmm. With the added bonus of my own silliness. July 3, 2015 This mornings meditation I was to tired. Fighting back a cold virus. Evening meditation was great. Also my guiding angel brushed it's wings up and down my spine. And I saw the Adamantine particles. Imagine a backdrop of a solid violet color and little snow flake lights sprinkling down. I also wished that all the families in America would extend their love out to others. Extend their hearts out to all and widen their family tree on this fourth of July weekend. After the meditation I looked towards the sun. The clouds were dark and the sun shined through with a rainbow ring around it. Then lightning. Spectacular. July 4, 2015 Morning meditation. Concepts.  Everyone is a teacher and everything ( seed-flower blossoms, person-expands, water-flows )  Intuition and everything's Aura ( unique spectrum, their blueprint )  Zero degree of separation ( family tree expanding ) I have first hand knowledge at making myself sick. I stressed about a bill I had to pay and immediately got sick. Viruses know where to go when negative energy is balled up and not flowing. Thoughts are energy. Powerful. Unbalanced bacteria in gut, viral energy takes over. MINDFULL OF THOUGHT MINDFULL OF THOUGHT MANIFESTING AT FASTER SPEEDS NOW So I took in nutrients from the air. Oxygen into the white and red blood cells to lay this cold virus dormant. Wow. First trial at BREATHATARIAN. Breathing, breath work, brain expansion, good neurology. Not as sick. Calming. July 5, 2015 White-yellow like cotton integration. Two hour meditation. We integrated this white yellow tint, cream color spectrum of crystallizing energy with more attributes of the mother/father God. Like diplomacy, peace, unconditional love, calmness, unity, etc. OK. I, we visualized this blueish outlined human form. A 5 th dimensional representation of my higher Self. The blue human blueprint entered into a light chamber or spectral beam. It radiated this ivory energy from with in him. I cant even describe with words. I wish I could computer generate these images. Then the blueprint comes and sits into me. This is the second time this has happened. It shares it's energy with me. Then I saw the DNA helix which looked like ribbons. It looked more crystallized and I think there were four not two. 4 strands. Deep. Deep meditation. And I think I have sort of a gauge. A sort of spectral diagram. Look up the rainbow colors and the chakra colors again. Night time meditation I used a higher frequency meditation music. July 6, 2015 Saw the upright triangle. Then the darker down triangle. They combined and started forming into a crystallized 3D sphere. As the sphere grew larger Sid ( Siddhartha, Buddha) sat in a lotus position inside of it. He had his hands together like prayer style. He was showing me an exercise. A breathing, lifting of the hands and re positioning oneself if they are not comfortable. Pull breath in with hands then release air out as you put hands upon knees. Energy in, energy out. Relaxed and calming. He bestowed upon me simplicity. Breathing no words. Natural. Let it happen. Re position, put legs out, move hands, crack back, etc. It seems you don't have to sit in the lotus position. Just an upright back. Lean against a chair. Stand. Thankfully for me and my bum knee. YES! I can find the perfect meditation position for this body. It just takes a while to get comfy. Night meditation So intense now. And when I hold that white/yellow light I understand why Buddha (Sid) showed me the breath and hands clasped together thing. It helps me send it down into Gaia's crystal core and release it. For it is to much for one body to hold. I think that's why this is a group, planetary ascension. That's why it is always, always important, and I mean always important to root one Self to the Earth Star Chakra and Gaia's core. Gaia sends the Supreme beings energy after it is transmuted through us (Adamantine particle, love frequency, etc.) out to the world and beyond. We are like little light houses shining the way back home. Cute ha. Ha. It seems the first month was a purple healing and a collecting pieces of one's Self in 3D/4D. Getting the techniques from previous ascensions. Loving one Self again. Reremembering. Loosing more of the little ego. Oh, remembering I AM. I AM a galactic human, a multidimensional Self, an expression of divine energy! This new month of July is Hmm. I will call it cotton/banana pure light. I was even given a white cotton teddy bear to hold at one point with the blue outlined group. And someone had a toy panda bear to hold. It was for comfort and security. When at first it is so intense and your waking up as a spiritual child it's these tremendous gifts your imagination give you. Which are divinely inspired. Gratitude. Wow. I am having Deja Vu. Like I have written this before. I am excited for learning these new attributes and embodiment of the higher Self. “ The Christening “ The Christ consciousness expansion. It's a baby step towards huge love to come. For now it is a spectral color wheel for me. Like the Andromedan's talking about circles. Everything synchronizes with Self. A 12 spectrum consciousness. Like a wheel spinning back to Self. A Blue printed step by step process ( grace, grace of god, attribute of karma) for this group ascension 3D/4D to 5D awareness and expansion. I really love non linear time. This Space-Time continuation of the exploration of love in all it's myriad facets and diverse expressions. What broad strokes and pin pointed dots of energy painted on canvases not yet discovered. I AM so thankful to be a here in this vessel. A time traveler and a co-creator in this vast cosmic artwork. Fascinating and illuminating. Explosions inside of me can barley be contained. I AM so silly sometimes after meditation. I AM sure people think I AM some happy nutty guy drunk on... well love. I was singing that tonight on the way home. Lovey, lovey, every bodies lovey dovey. And of course I saw people making out. Cause that was on my mind. Nine major Chakras and corresponding colors. Like a color wheel when spun or overlapped become white. Light-energy. July 7, 2015 Morning meditation Each new energy or higher frequencies flowing now in the body has to adjust. Absorb and then interpret. It gets easier. I am transmuting that energy and sending it to Gaia's crystal core. Where it builds and disperses it through this planetary system. Just imagine Venus and Mars doing the same thing. For that matter all the celestial bodies in this Milky Way galaxy. In fact today's vision had Jupiter in it. And the eye of the storm. Jupiter energy! Also Buddha gave me another technique. Putting arms out and hands facing down towards the ground for balancing. Balancing! Oh and I sort of strapped on a sort of seat belt. And we went to Jupiter. When the arms are out it is like flying through space. But by thought alone. Hard to describe more like a Stargate type of travel. A multidimensional portal to and from. These simple techniques come in handy when one is traversing the stars. Ha, ha. Traversing. Kinda like Travis. I thought about this quote. “ TRAVERSING THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM.” Night meditation An integration of a most generous gift transpires. Seeing the Blue/Green Emerald 5D form. My whole physical body gone for moments at a time. I think I saw my twin flame in future moments. And when in 5D mode ( Blue/Green Emerald crystal outline ) we sat across from each other in a lotus position and there was a thin like force field between us. We reached up with our hands and clasped them together and exchanged a beautiful energetic love. Indescribable, beyond words, beyond family love. Like touching God. Because she or rather the feminine expression is a soulful deep exchange of truth. July 8, 2015 Morning meditation. Emerald Crystallization attributes UNITY. Harmony, peace, united, wholeness, oneness. We align ourselves with the will of the Creator in this attribute wholeheartedly. And we share with Gaia's crystalline core to expand to all facets micro and macro out into this planetary system in the present moment of now. In this Space-time continuation of the exploration of love in all its myriad expressions. Emerald crystallization. Manifestation in the form of prosperity and abundance. Romance. Removing barriers to spiritual growth and thus raise consciousness. Intuitive awareness, psychic clairvoyance. Grant all knowledge from past, present and future. Rhythmic breathing. Protect travelers. Expression and communication. Enhancing harmony, joy, memory and faith. Intellect, decision making and promotes truthfulness and honesty. Seeing past the superficial. Oh, that's why I was seeing pictures of my twin flame. Future. July 9, 2015 Morning meditation Light and still seeing the Rainbow bridge, full spectrum, fractal crystallizing crown chakra and sending the God particle to Gaia. Today I felt connected to my 5 th dimensional Self. But not as intense of immersion. Not feeling the group consciousness. Alignment off. Something in this world is happening. A shift. Nutritional energy is off to. Anyways I will let it sit. I will let it happen. In the mean time of the present moment I will use the attributes I have already learned. Thank you. Relax. I saw a Rainbow today. Night meditation Same tonight. Unity. Rainbow. A moon stone. Thankful. Gratitude. Even for the Dark Cabal for showing the darkness so we can find the light. Very, very humbling. July 10, 2015 Morning meditation Restorative. Rest and healing so we may think of solutions and see the unification, diplomacy, wholeness and oneness. We used the Ultraviolet flame and the white-yellow emerald healing properties for rest and healing. Sending this to Gaia's crystal core to disperse. Everything is circular. From the subatomic circles to the macro celestial circles. Thank you Andromedans. Evening meditation I am of Atlantian decent. Further. I am from a planet by Sirius B. Further back on linear time there was a great war in the Vega system. What a long magnificent journey. Ready to go home and rejuvenate shortly. This planetary system needs us right now. Gratitude. BLUE SAPHIRE. Tranquility, Serenity, Calm decision making. Serene. Floating on oceans of blue where the horizon kisses the sky. Blue upon blue. July 11, 2015 Morning meditation Worked with previous energies and attributes that are being integrated. Tranquility, unity, unconditional love, oneness, connections to higher-self, connections to the planet, a bigger picture. In this ascension process it feels like millions of others consciousness are combining with Gaia's . And it is raising the frequencies to a 5 th dimensional one. I caught a glimpse of the unified theory of everything. Night meditation Ruby red crystal love meditation. Romantic love. The love for all in tranquil unity. I thought on these quotes (stickers or tee's). Ha. “ GAIA IS MY MEDITATION GARDEN “ “ THE MULTIVERSE IS MY DOJO “ July 12 or 13, 2015 Morning and night meditations. I pulled in all the crystal energies so far on an etheric level. In meditation the visualization of a crystal and its attributes comes to me and I integrate them. Then those energies and attributes are sent into Gaia's crystal core. A clear yellowish quarts, an emerald, a sapphire, a ruby and a moonstone. And there corresponding attributes unity, unconditional love, diplomacy, serenity, tranquility, harmony, oneness, expansion of the heart. Also the palms of my hand were faced up a lot. Sometimes my physical body doesn't have the strength and I need to get more rest and nutrients. Oh and I connected and held hands with other 5D souls. When I am in there they have a blue outline of a body that is neonish. And its in a room in a pyramid. Nicknames for some of my soul family are Slingshot, B, Dragonfly. I think my nick name is Dragonfly. Hmm. This all sounds like I eat ayawaska. But I have never done that. The meditations are just getting deeper and deeper. Hmm. No wonder the Dali Lama is always smiling. He meditates like six hours a day or something. It feels good to be ascending with so many others. Love is in the air. Literally. OK. So far. A white-yellowish crystal quarts meditation, Apophyllite meditation, Emerald meditation, Rainbow moonstone meditation, Sapphire meditation, and a ruby meditation. July 14, 2015 Morning meditation. THE DIAMOND MIND MEDITATION Holding the entire spectrum of love. Crystallizing and sending it to Gaia. July 15-19, 2015 Still tired from the diamond mind meditation. July 20, 2015 Morning meditation I asked what is the Lions Gate Portal. I saw a hatch-ling become an adult. Then after meditating I opened my eyes and saw two cranes out in front of me standing in the shallows of the ocean. One was dark and the other yellowish-white. Then I noticed the tide and the flow of the ocean. And I started thinking about circles. The circle of life. All energy in one continues sacred geometry. July 21 or so, 2015 I thought on this... “ I AM FREEING MY SELF FROM THE PRISON OF A LIMITED IDENTITY” July 22, 2015 The Lions Gate Portal coming up on august 8 th. The 8-8-8 dynamic. Sirius blue dwarf star lining up with our golden sun and the central sun of our galaxy. It will be a Galactic year! Ya! Some 225 million years or so. Leo, Lion, two lion heads protecting the portal. More Adamantine particles pouring in. Rays of love changing and shaping. Oh those gamma rays. Ha, ha. I visualize a multi-level chess board. I can see that a spark of love or rather a higher frequency grow in a malevolent Anunnaki somewhere in the distance. We forgive our Selves. We forgive the dark and disconnected in order to see the light. We have been dark to. Some future time-line a burst of love tears up in a malevolent Anunnaki expression and they begin to teach others of love and oneness. July 23-26, 2015 Worked. Went to meditate but it has been raining. Not full meditations in a while. Feels weird. Sleepy, exhausted and trying to deal with that whole currency energy stuff. Patient, waiting, reflecting. Learning to trust my Self. Listening to my higher Self before the super intense next phase of higher frequency particles ramp up and flow through Earth. July 26, 2015 The Golden Meditation Nesara, the Gold standard, humanitarian efforts, higher consciousness, unity, seed diversity. We are light We are mufti-dimensional We are the portals to Nova Earth With unity and blessings we raise Gaia and this planetary system to 5 th dimensional space-time I thought on this... “ ALL FOR THE ONE AND THE ONE FOR THE ALL” July 27, 2015 PM meditation Not as intense right now. My intuition tells me to be patient. Gearing up for the energies of the 8-8-8. It seems like I am in more contact with my 5D Self. And when I speak it is coming from the heart more and I am less reactive emotionally. There is more conscious thought. I am more of an observer inside this vessel. It is a slowing down and more aware of your thought patterns. And what your really doing. What kind of energy you want to put out in this 3D world. Out into this projection, this matrix, this third and fourth dimensional energy field. All I want to do right now is transmute this energy coming in and change mentally, physically, emotionally. And then send that energy into Gaia's core. And be a support for all others. I had stopped doing art and poetry because I felt like it all had been done. And I had been waiting for this moment all my life. Somehow I am uniquely qualified for this endeavor. This mission that I had chosen long ago. Just knowing that Earth and this system are stepping into a fifth dimensional unity makes this expression happy. July 28, 2015 Night meditation We are projections of energy on the 3D4D screen. I am seeing the 5D particles flicker. And I see the rainbow particle pattern of the 3D matrix. The shifting is here. You just have to be aware of it. It's a jump or a slow sling shot to future 5D if you are aligned with it. But I think most of us are whether we know it or not. The collective consciousness has been rising. And now it is at it's tipping point. Enough lower density. Time to lighten up. Reflect on what we have learned. Heavy, dudette! July 30, 2015 Afternoon meditation. The Royal Princess meditation Getting closer to the Lions gate. I can feel the energy ramping up. Unity, oneness, patience, diplomacy, forgiveness, acceptance of diversity. With out it we do not change as fast. So that's why I have always thought this planet was so unique. It's a showcase planet. It's a library. It's so diverse. It's an amazing piece of real estate on this side of the galaxy. Ha. A blue feminine/ masculine, yin/ yang type of thing. A balancing meditation. Plus there is that cruise ship docked over yonder from the pier I meditate at. Defiantly need more of the mother, sister and the female attributes. July 31, 2015 Morning meditation. The Divine Mother/ Heart meditation Mother Mary came to me in a bright white light nuns uniform. Sort of, more angelic than that. And gave this expression a piece of a bright white light heart. I am thinking the junk DNA/ RNA is activating more. She arose from a hospital bed that had a white mosquito net around it. She was so beyond beautiful and full of light that it is to hard to describe in this 3D way. I added the piece of white light heart to my own to enlarge my physical, emotional and mental body. Oh Ya white light. Also I was feeling my chakras merging. If the colors of the chakras merge it becomes a bright white light. Wow talk about a higher frequency. She had come to me before. I am not sure what age. Around 1988 or so. Anyways she was on a hill top more like a mound and I was siting in a lotus position at the bottom. A white butterfly was floating around and landed on the top of my head. It began to levitate me and I started to float by her. I was tingling and in such euphoria that I jolted out of meditation. August 1, 2015 Night meditation I see the Blue Eagle beings. The Blue Avian space beings helping us. I shared the Adamantine particles with Gaia's core. And saw further out and sent the energy of love and oneness to the malevolent Anunnaki. I feel the Lions Gate portal opening up for more energy. I feel this rising frequency until the last blood moon in September. I reviewed this expressions life. I saw my Self as a Dark expression and I reached out with two fingers blazing and sent loves unity and the re-connection to a higher frequency. A love, a gift from the Christ Consciousness. August 2, 2015 Morning meditation. Forgiveness meditation Forgiving my Atlantian Self. Forgiving Self of past ignorance's. Time and expansion to learn. Asked so what is the bigger picture here. Asked for help. Asked the pieces of Prime Creator that are best suited to help this expression. So I charged up my Merkabah ship and headed inward and upward. This Merkabah ship that I had been building in my minds eye while meditating. At first it was a triangle, then another superimposed over the other upside down. Then it multiplied into a 3D geometrical sphere. Then I would see my florescent blue outlined Self inside of it. I could then be anywhere at any time. A Multidimensional ship that moves without moving. An Astral body projection inside your own personalized inner-dimensional ship. I wondered if time travel was possible. I wondered a lot of things. August 3, 2015 Morning meditation at the Pier. While I was stretching I saw the most beautiful florescent blue tropical fish swimming in a school out in front me. It felt like Earth was lighter today. I was feeling NOVA EARTH (New Earth). August 4, 2015 Morning meditation. THE GOD PARTICLE I am feeling more energy from the Central Sun of the Milky Way. I see the Adamantine particles flowing through the Sirius white dwarf blue star into our golden sun and out into this planetary system. The Latin word Adamantus. The Adamantine particle. Indivisible particles that assemble the atoms of all original substances like oxygen, nitrogen, iron, in other words, everything that is, including our physical bodies. Night meditation A key was hanging in my Merkabah vehicle and I reached up and grabbed it. I set the key into my heart. I could literally feel it go into my chest. It is like seeing a computer animated etheric representation. Your astral body putting the key in your chest and then your actual 3D physical body tingles. You actually make it real. I added the key to my auric field and felt it. Here is what I think it meant to me so far. Some words from Archangel Micheal. “ Knowledge/wisdom overlaid with love/compassion and focused intent/action creates the power that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of un-manifested potential. Potential that is just waiting for you to mold it and create anything you can envision.” August 5, 2015 Morning meditation. Key Holders So the key is in my heart chakra. And out in front of me is a dark cloaked me and the unitard white track suit me, facing each other. I am going to place the key in between them. But it is not the right time yet to unlock that plane of existence. August 6, 2015 Morning meditation Deep into it I started to see Yeshua and Mary. They were on a balcony. I was behind them looking up. The balcony was part of this crystal light city. Then I went up to them and hugged them. I felt love not only from them but a whole plethora of my family of light. In the 3D while this meditation was going on I could feel a tear drop fall from my eye. Overwhelming love. Deep breath, I thought about this... MAKE LOVE YOUR GUIDING FORCE August 7, 2015 Morning meditation at the pier. Silicon Crystal Life Form Now my Diamond Merkabah is traveling inter-dimensionaly without moving. And I am toggling between 3D and 5D. Also I was thinking about Yeshua(Jesus) and Mary(Magdalene) and Yesusal(past life me) and Mitrieha (Rain, past life twin flame) hanging out together in a different time line. There is a lot of love there. Hmm. Enough thought, go with high heart feeling! As the 8-8-8 alignment approaches I catch a glimpse into an accelerated time-line in the space-time continuum. Another thing about the human carbon based form we inhabit. These avatar bodies if you will. With all the gamma rays pouring in and alchemically compressing the carbon matter to it seems a silicon based life form eventually. Just like a silicon wafer holds energy in a photo-voltaic panel we are evolving to hold more light, more energy. Hence the word enlightenment. Astrophysically our solar system is in the photon belt moving closer to the Sirius star system. A higher frequency energy. Organic chemistry and Geologically the second most abundant element on this planet is silicon. Oxygen being the first. Hmm. So really what is our junk DNA doing? It seems we are making a swift jump without there being enough said about where we are headed. Aquarian age, new age, the golden age, we are being helped and supported. Our collective consciousness is changing for the betterment of this planetary system. Feeling lighter yet? August 8, 2015 Morning meditation From inside my Merkabah I saw my trans-dimensional ship wiz through our Yellow dwarf star. I then went through the Sirius binary star system. Then on into the core of the Milky Way where I was witnessing the Adamantine particle wave flowing out of our Galactic center super-mega black hole. And I sat still in immense ah. And said something like “ Oh Father/Mother, Oh Prime Creator.” I said I would like to go to a bigger galaxy or Andromeda and go to there Galactic center. But I am not in the loop of that knowledge yet. So I asked for help from the Adromedans for some tutelage in a future time-line. I thought of this... “ LIGHT FLOWS THROUGH THE DARKNESS “ - Prime Creator August 9, 2015 Morning meditation. The Adamantium Chakra “ WORDS/ ACTIONS/ THOUGHTS CARRY ENERGY SO CHOOSE LOVE AS YOUR GUIDING FORCE IN EVERY SINGULARITY OF THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW” Buddha and Archangel Morpheus I can't even begin to describe this meditation. I AM. Intense. I went through our sun again and on to the Sirius binary star system and a tad bit of fear arose from unworthiness. But with my team we pulled it together. We all have a support team. There are so many diverse experts that flow through us, guide us. Being quite enough to listen is key. OK I said why, why not and I can, I AM. And the confidence of Prime Creator and my assembled team for this expression went through and on to the center of the Milky Way. I gave gratitude to the Adamantine particle beam flowing though the Black Hole. “ Through the darkness shines the light.” Also I was thinking what we would call it when the 9 main chakras combine and you have a silicon crystalline body? And you have attained the Christ Consciousness, Unity consciousness etc. and became a Galactic human? THE ADAMANTIUM CHAKRA? Night meditation Only about five minutes. Energy low from this morning. I went to my storage unit and found my medicine bag (that's a whole other story from 2003). I had gotten my purple quarts crystal out that I had got way back on Orcas Island, Washington in 1987. It has always helped me heal through the years. It represents a healing power to me. I channel the energy with mind into matter to heal. Listened to chill lounge music and worked my Self into a blissful state of mind. I am thinking again. Ha. Thinking that it will be easier for others in a future time-line to deal with ascension symptoms. And the Agarthans Light Chambers will help. There is so much Gratitude I am feeling. August 12, 2015 Morning meditation This expression in the 3D, 4D merging with the 5D Self and transmuting the attributes of the mother/father God and sharing with all in this magnificent blue printed ascension of the present moment of now in the space-time continuum. “ WE ARE BUILDING A SILICON CRYSTALINE BASED VEHICLE TO HOUSE THE ADAMANTIUM CHAKRA OF LOVE” August 13, 2015 Proclamation or affirmation. Really a declaration to Self. A Declaration of Sovereignty. A Decree used daily. Whatever you want to call these three statements is up to you. All I know is that it helps me get through the day. When I take three deep breaths and see these three sentences in a sticky situation they help. Even if I am riding a bicycle and can't get away from combustible engines. I slow down and see them. Then I start to look at the trees and what vibe I am putting out there in this 3D world. 1. BE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW GROUNDED TO GAIA 2. CHOSE LOVE AS YOUR GUIDING FORCE ( Thoughts/words/actions) 3. RE-MEMBER YOUR DIVINITY ( You've got the group back together for the most monatomic re-union tour ever!) We have assembled the best team for your expression. Prime Creator(Director) is fastly becoming your best friend I AM RE-MEMBERING August 14, 2015 I thought on this... “ THIS SOULS BLUEPRINT WAS BUILT FOR CREATIVE OSCILLATION.” Meditation is much further. I grabbed an Acorn. Which represents... “ It just takes one seed of love to grow a tree, a flower, a universe, a planet. From just one human, great forests of ideas, transitions, and changes can grow. “ When the call comes out we respond with loving kindness. We are here to support each other and become great stewards of this planetary system. August 15-16, 2015 Tried meditating in the morning and didn't feel it. It rained. At night it was the same. I was very tired but here in lays the difference. When I sit to meditate I feel as if 5D Self is almost right there. And I feel Gaia's connectedness as well. I am thinking Chakras are expanding. However I am still frustrated. It is like drinking a bunch of coffee or being hung over from a high. Little annoyances. Headaches and nausea. I am thinking that The Team ( Angels, Galactic Federation of Light, Blue Avians, Ascended masters etc.) are regulating energies. And I am in great gratitude for that. Healing time is the best time to practice what knowledge has been remembered. 1. STAY IN THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW - find some nature - expansiveness 2. CHOOSE LOVE AS YOUR GUIDING FORCE - soul talk - action/ smile - fun/ funny thoughts 3. RE-MEMBER YOUR DIVINITY -you are a multidimensional light being transmuting the ADAMANTINE particles of love -we are transforming this carbon 3D body into a silicon crystal body capable of holding more light -A 5D Self. Gaia, you and everything in this planetary system in this round of ascension August 16, 2015 A little bit of a difficult day. Taking Vitamin C and Colloidal Silver. Trying to keep my immune system up. Thank you to that cool dude at the health food store. He said to take it with Aloe Vera juice. Listening to good music. So it is rest time and healing now. Giving gratitude and practicing the Three Decrees through out the day. August 17, 2015 Meditations are lighter right now. But they are such a wonderful way of bringing things into focus. Even if you don't have an A Ha moment. Trying to let this process flow. Instead of always having to do something. Letting go of the old paradigm. It feels very heavy going through about 600 hundred or so lives since the Atlantian times or the connections with everyone else's along with Gaia. But I am feeling lighter and closer now to this Higher-Self. Listening to my my 5D Self more and more. The intense connections through the portal of the 8-8-8 was a fantastic flood of love. So again I keeping the 3 Decrees in my conscience mind. I also manifested some healing thins I needed like vitamins, bicycle parts and money for a bill. OK. Sleeping a lot. Working on this physical body. Changing it from Carbon based to Silicon based very slowly so it may hold more light-energy. Hence the word enlightenment. It is like Gaia and our physical Selves are fluctuating and crystallizing. So more Alchemy and rest. Vitamin C, Colloidal Trace Minerals, Energy Foods etc. Choosing love in every moment. Accepting this souls blueprint and this planetary shift. Looking beyond the blade of grass to the spirit and the quantum levels with in Self. Everything is connected and holding its own unique energy. Magnificent!, Magical! August 18, 2015 To sick. Couldn't meditate. Totally off day. Felt like crap. (Laughing!) August 19, 2015 Morning meditation was good and light. After I just spent an hour looking into the sea and watching the clouds. I had help dissipating the chem trails. There going to town with them right now. I guess the Cabal doesn't want any of us to decalcify our Penal Gland so we awaken our third eye. They must also have some kind dark Psychic network where the consciousness is expanding as a deterrent. More and more I am empathic and I can feel the Collective Consciousness waves. Tomorrow this physical vessel is 50 years old. Yeah! That crazy Gregorian Calender. As opposed to the Julian Calender. Tongue out... fart sound! August 20, 2015 Morning meditation. Super intense. Feeling like carbon body is changing. Kicking out old toxins. This is what my inner voice said in the meditation. I AM Yesusal I AM the foundation of the pillar I AM here to support you We are all the salt of the earth The earth is silicon The fifth dimension is already here Lots of energy flow. Lots of Adamantine particles all around. I was envisioning the light crystal cities again on a time line. Connections are synchronizing with Gaia's crystal core. EVERYTHING IS CONSCIENCE ENERGY This vessel wants to house the ADAMANTIUM CHAKRA. A dolphin out in front of me swimming in the crystal waters. Salt. They are surrounded by crystals. Know wonder they can use sonar and telepathically communicate. GRATITUDE! August 21, 2015 Super intense meditation. An hour and a half. I can feel the 5D Self more and more. Listening and opening to that part of me. Not as much toggling back and forth. But a constant observer. Looking through this 3D vessel with a 5D consciousnesses. Very loving and beautiful meditation. Asked for help with healing this physical body from an expert team member. Also viewed a crystal city. Came back to this now time line to breath and let the Adamantine particles of love flow through. Held them in for a few seconds and then released them with a sharing intention into Gaia's crystal core. Like I have done since June first. And I remember thinking about the plants and animals here on earth more. I envisioned joyful, playful fields of sunflowers and bee's, butterflies, bird's, a harmonious place to be. I also was playing with a dolphin. Splashing the water and smiling. Oh and... I took out the ACORN out of my chest ( my high heart in my etheric body ) and sent it down to Gaia's crystal core to share the love I have for all the kingdoms of Mother Earth. The elemental, plant, animal, human, the Agarthian, etc. Then the ACORN begins to blossom. And some day I will see a multicolored fractal flower. August 22, 2015 Morning meditation a little bit tired. No concentration still sick. Night time meditation no good ether. Trying to relax. Being cranky and irritated. It's harder to have loving thoughts. OK. I will try again tomorrow. Sleep then. Gratitude to all and to all a good night! Thanks Merlin for the purple crystal. I will try to heal this physical body with help. Blessed experience in fluid moment of love.  Setting mind to purpose in this moment  Choosing love  Re-membering my divinity August 23, 2015 No meditation. Just a small workout and swam some laps. August 24, 2015 Morning meditation. Jeez where to begin on this one. Oh how about... FAR IN, MAN! (like saying far out) Everything starts from with in. Almost two hours of holding the light and sending the balancing of polarities into Gaia's crystal core. Thinking about the crystal cities in Agartha (Inner Earth). Telos under Mt. Shasta and Petiti under Lake Titicaca. In the meditation I am telepathically linked to other Starseeds on this planet. And we transmute the Adamantine particles (Gamma rays in the Photon Belt, the higher frequency of particles flooding this planetary system, etc.) and send it into Gaia's crystalline core to disperse through out the planet. And I was thinking that at some point we take out our keys and do the same to unlock the crystal cities and that is the time they rise. Or something. Obviously this is all inherent knowledge and it's being done on an etheric quantum level that is tied to everything. Think string theory. MIND INTO MATTER! Not mind over matter. OK. Also I saw a woman outlined in yellow-lime-bright green that had a green DNA strand floating in front of her. I was in her Merkaba. I plucked her DNA floating strand from the air and set it inside of this vehicle. And it felt like she was my twin flame. August 25-30th, 2015 OK. Just working at this house painting job. Small meditations here and there. Still feeling sick. Not much energy. August 31, 2015 Morning meditation was good. Physical body still with viruses. Still not full on. But 5D Self is guiding meditations. Starting to just say I AM a multidimensional being inside a 3D4D physical etheric body in the present moment of now. Oh and saying the Three Decrees a lot more often. September 1-2, 2015 Tired again. I feel like I am missing out on meditation and channels that give me more information and affirmations. Try again tomorrow. September 3, 2015 Morning meditation was one and a half hours. It felt like 5D Self was present the whole time. The linear brain makes it sound like it is separate. But it's all there. Many dimensions to us. We have just been resonating down at 3D. Can't listen to the higher-selves if we're not open to it. OPENING! Soaked in the Gamma radiation (Adamantine particles) hitting the planet for healing. And then I sent this energy built up inside of me into Gaia's crystal core along with I felt like thousands of others around the planet. It's kind of a love prayer. We transmute the energies and send them inside and outside the globe. Gratitude! Wow! September 4, 2015 Tired. Worked. September 10, 2015 Meditations short. Tired. Worked. September 22, 2015 OK. Meditation at the pier was very good. Feels like I am closer with less struggle. Probably around the new moon, blood moon the 28 th. Like I am listening to my higher-self without questioning as much. Or just not that duality thing. It's like not playing the victim any more. I take responsibility for my actions. If I need to manifest something I don't whine about it. I just figure out how I am going to take the baby steps in that direction. September 28-29, 2015 Morning meditation. I breathed deeply. And mostly stayed up to see the moon and stars. Felt at peace. October something, 2015 A couple of weeks into October is when it really started to sink in. It all became easier to go with the flow. I was now able to feel the energies highs and lows. I wasn't struggling as much any more. This vessel and it's brain made it somewhere. I felt a relief. I remember saying to my six year old Self... hey man we made it, we made it this far. And it felt like more light, love and confidence in this whole logical, magical, evolutionary process. I didn't seem to have that duality thing. Now if I made a decision I just did it. I didn't put my self down. No more kicking my own Self. And no more whining. October 27, 2015 I just spent the morning in meditation. One word popped out and it was enough for a full thrust. The word CHARITY. Which was weird. How about SHARITY. I thought about the war refugees in the world and how all the non profits like Doctors without Borders, Pump aid and Water.org etc. needed support. So I willed or wished that funds be released from the Bankers in Switzerland, the Illuminati, the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's, the Vatican etc. and go towards humanitarian efforts. With Saint Germain and all those working on NESARA, GESARA and setting a global gold standard back I sent all the Adamantine energy and love I could muster. POSSIBLE ENDINGS that are always NEW BEGININGS This is part of the on going process I am going through for this round of ascension. I still keep to these practices today. I can't count how many times a day I use the 3 Decrees. A lot, man! And boy does it help. I hope this account is helpful for you as well. May you take little bits of inspiration from this and put them into your metaphysical tool bag so you can carry them to a much deeper and larger picture. Gratitude to you all for going through this Monatomic (new word for awesome) evolutionary experience! You are supported. LOVE, LIGHT, and LAUGHTER! 1. LIVE IN THE TEMPORAL NOW 2. CHOOSE LOVE AS YOUR GUIDING FORCE 3. REMEMBER YOUR DIVINITY – you are a multi-dimensional Light being! Here is support and inspiration for your Ascension journey! These are some of the Blog Posts on my non profit website to help you discover your Higher Self and beyond. To help you ease into the ascension process. These are the tools and techniques that have helped meas well as others along the way. When there is a larger picture to our story it helps us understand the reasons of our existence. If you want to engage, all that is required from the ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus is placed on one's heart with a desire to know your true Self again. It will happen naturally so don't force it or worry about it. Don't have any fears from the old paradigm telling you that your not good enough. You will make all the time-line shifts you need to, for you. Try to enjoy your unique journey and may it be as fruitful as mine (This is funny if you watch my Beholder series on my YouTube channel). 3.THE BLOGS WHAT IS ASCENSION? Ascension is a change in frequency. Dimensions are based on vibrations. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which in turn create the reality or experience within that dimension. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanding consciousness. As a human being undergoes the Ascension process or the Awakening, that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness. Third dimensional reality is the lowest density or frequency which a human expression of consciousness can experience. 3D reality, including the illusion of linear time, the inability to perceive higher dimensions and to connect to the rest of the universe is forgotten. The illusion of separation. Separate from Source, ourselves and everything. The Ascension process is the transformation of the physical body, the light body and the consciousness which animates it, in order for it to hold a higher frequency. Your Higher Self is merging with your lower dimensional Self. Our 5D Self and higher are being integrated into our physical and light bodies and expanding our consciousness. As a human being undergoes the Ascension process that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness, which can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, the perceiving of multidimensional realities, sensing extra dimensional entities and feeling a direct communion with Source (God) and the interconnected energy that exists between all things. Now as for Quantum or Particle Physics governing this flow or movement of consciousness through the Space-Time Continuum, the Gamma rays or the Adamantine particles that are flowing into this Solar System are transmuting everything in it to a higher frequency. We have entered into the Photon Belt (see also ‘ Where is our solar system? ‘ blog on website). This is a cognitive evolutionary experience. We can talk about our "Junk DNA" and how that is being transmuted. We can talk about Self Awareness and the Souls Blueprint, Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. We are talking about carbon bodies that are changing to a crystalline based body to hold more light, more energy, a higher frequency. A greater connection to the love in our hearts. All that is required from the ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus is placed on one's heart with a desire to know your true Self again. You will hear all the phrases like The Awakening, The Solar Christos light body, The Apocalypse of the Psyche, The Christ Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, etc. This is all a part of the same Ascension journey. Separation and duality are fading. DECALCIFY THE PINEAL GLAND LIST! Thinking of your physical body, your Avatar as an energy vehicle? What are the kinds of energies you want to give your vehicle? Do you want to give it rest, rejuvenation and care? Do you want to love it? If everything is energy than what are the highest frequency energies for food, exercise and rest? Tuning the physical body in turn, helps you listen to your light body, your soul, your spirit. Tune in and turn it on. And here is a list of things you can do to decalcify your Pineal gland. There is a lot of Fluoride and Heavy Metals in our drinking water and in the air we breath. It will help you open up your Third Eye! In meditation you want a good flow of Melatonin and a natural release of DMT which is regulated by your Pineal gland and Pituitary gland. Practicing meditation everyday will open you up to your Higher Self. So you can listen to your Souls Blueprint and discover who you really are and what you came here to do. ( see also Meditation and The Breath blog on website ) Remove existing calcification within your Pineal Gland 1. Organic Blue Ice Skate Fish Oil or Cold Pressed Flax Seed Oil 2. MSM 3. Organic Raw Dark Chocolate 4. Citric Acid 5. Garlic 6. Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 7. Oregano oil and Neem extract 8. Activator X (Vitamin K1/K2) 9. Boron 10. Plant based Melatonin 11. Kelp Iodine 12. Tamarind 13. Distilled Water 14. Nigella Sativa (the black seed) 15. Zeolite 16. Chaga Mushroom 17. Yoga 18.Meditation 19. Probiotics 20. Chlorophyll Intention reshapes our reality. Make challenges synonymous with freedom and opportunity for all. Risk offering your greatest gifts to revision and reshape your life and the life of the planet. Synergize your personal vibration with the cosmic heart and mind, and know that you carry a whole new world within you! WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH GRATITUDE? Gratitude is a process for shifting your energy to manifest more of what you want in your life. It is when you focus on what you have instead of focusing on what you do not have. So you say " thank you for my car instead of saying, man I don't have enough money for car insurance ". Then you take it further and say " Hey thank you for the energy of currency to pay for the car insurance ". You don't know where the money is going to come from but you put it out there in the universe and let it take care of itself. Now what will happen, if you quiet your mind, is you will start to think of some baby steps to help you pay for car insurance. You really don't know. But you put faith in your Higher Self to find a solution. You let it go and a little bit of time goes by and you think hey wait minute they charge me to much anyway and I am going to cancel and switch to a different company. So many possibilities. Try something smaller let say like " I am so grateful for that wonderful giant salad I am going to eat tonight ". I bet you will eat a Monatomic (new word for awesome) Salad tonight. Ha! " I am so thankful for my stylish tennis shoes ". But wait a minute I don't have a pair of stylish tennis shoes. So you get specific dudette and you clip out a picture of the shoes you want and put it on the wall next to your bed or in your backpack if you do not have a home. Then once in a while you look at the picture and say " I am so grateful for those killer stylish tennis shoes ". (laughing) One possible outcome is your friend says let's go to that mall and you don't normally go to mall's but you go with friend. And you walk by a shoe store that has those killer tenny's in the window display marked at more than half off. And you have just about enough money in your pocket to get them. And your friend gives you the rest of the money. Then you tell your friend thank you. And your friend say's no prob dude, you paid for lunch last week and now you can take down that crumpled picture next to your bed. You smile, your friend smiles and you both think that's pretty great. The point of giving gratitude is it is a positive emotion. Even the smallest of things can put a smile on ones face. Everything is energy and giving thanks for something gives it a positive vibe. And in turn can attract it back to you. So if you say I do not have enough than you won't. I am thankful for this website and grateful for having other Teachers support and write wonderful and informative blogs here. Gratitude for the air I breath, gratitude for that pencil I have. I can draw and write with it! LOVE, LIGHT and LAUGHTER! Your friend and supporter, Travis WHAT IS THE ADAMANTINE PARTICLE? In English the word Adamantine means something extremely hard, unyielding, adamant. The word is derived from the Latin word Adamantus. It's also an adjective for hard and brilliant as a diamond. Adamantine particles describe all fundamental, subatomic particles. These particles form all of the elements in the universe by assembling the atoms of all the original substances such as oxygen, hydrogen, iron, etc. They are the basis of everything that exists, including our bodies and are the smallest particles that cannot be divided any further. Quantum physicists have already discovered these particles but have selected other names by which to identify them: electrons, quarks, muons, neutrinos etc. Some even call it “ The GOD Particle”. These pure particles are so small and simple that they represent an absolute and so are one of the constants of the universe. Adamantine particles are crystalline particles of infinity that all contain the stored potential to manifest any original substance or element. These particles are encoded with a type of universal DNA somewhat like stem cells, which allow the particles to form any possible type of atom. Adamantine Particles require power to build the other particles and atoms. There is, however, only one type of energy (not energy generated by friction as we know in 3D) that is compatible with them. This energy is the magnetic power of Love, which pervades the Universe in the form of Universal Life Force (The Force in Star Wars). It is the building block that is the fabric of the Multiverse. LOVE is the power which ignites and directs Adamantine Particles into manifestation. And those particles are at a higher frequency now that we are in the PHOTON BELT or Band. (see " Where is our Solar System? " blog on the website). Dig that! Particle Physics, Metaphysics. Hmm! THOUGHTS, WORDS, ACTIONS... CARRY ENERGY! LOVE Compassion Contextual Diplomacy ONENESS Cohesion DISCERNMENT Enlightenment NURTURE Everything is conscious energy. The conscious energy field manifests in different vibrations. All of these vibrations can occupy the same location in space and time. And yet none of them distorts or interferes with the others. The best way to develop your awareness of this is to sense the ongoing vibration in your own body. How does sitting in the park and looking at a flower make your body feel. This is the awareness of the vibration. And awareness is an infinite and knowing connection with the conscious energy field. You are the observer. Observing your emotions and your feelings toward that beautiful flower. Or is the flower observing your loving thoughts? Hmm. WHAT IS A MERKABAH? The word Merkabah or Merkavah is the Hebrew word for chariot and the word for the Throne of God. In Ancient Egypt the pattern was called Mer-Ka-Ba. It was actually three words, not one. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit, your ethic body. And Ba meant the human body. Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. It is an inter-dimensional travel vehicle that you can use because you are a multidimensional being of light, of energy! Ya! This concept of the Merkabah as an ascension vehicle is not new. It is very, very old. It is achieved through a meditation that requires the mind, heart, body, and spirit to completely integrate in one pattern of light and transcend the human limitations of this reality, the 3D/4D. You are transporting your ethic body, your spirit body from one dimension to another. It is the sacred geometry pattern found in all things. The Merkabah is an inter-dimensional vehicle consisting of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedral of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. This point symmetric form is called a stella octangula. It can change it's electromagnetic field to a higher frequency. Thus giving you the ability to go to other dimensions without moving. Wow. Deeeep meditation. If you have ever had any outer body experiences than you can probably achieve this easily with your meditation practice. Quieting the mind, going inward, choosing love to guide you and listening to your Higher Self ( or Over Soul or Over Self ) you will be pleasantly surprised. LOVE, LIGHT and lot's of LAUGHTER! Your friend and supporter Travis WHERE IS OUR SOLAR SYSTEM? Our Solar System and Earth are located about 25,000 light-years to the galactic center and 25,000 light-years away from the rim. The Milky Way probably has two major spiral arms – Perseus arm and the Scutum-Centaurus arm – with several smaller arms and spurs. The Solar System is located in a region in between the two arms called the Orion-Cygnus arm. This arm measures 3,500 light-years across and is 10,000 light-years in length, where it breaks off from the Sagittarius Arm. It takes the Sun 250 million years to complete one rotation around the Milky Way – this is what is known as a “Galactic Year” The solar apex, the direction of the Sun's path through interstellar space, is near the constellation Hercules in the direction of the current location of the bright star Vega. Our Solar System orbit is close to circular, and orbits near the Sun are at roughly the same speed as that of the spiral arms. OK, so what's in the neighborhood .The closest is the triple star system Alfa Centauri, which is about 4.4 light-years away. Alpha Centauri A and B are a closely tied pair of Sun-like stars, whereas the small red dwarf,Proxima Centauri, orbits the pair at a distance of 0.2 lightyear. In 2016, a potentially habitable exoplanet was confirmed to be orbiting Proxima Centauri, called Proxima Centauri b, the closest confirmed exoplanet to the Sun. The stars next closest to the Sun are the red dwarfs Barnards star,Wolf 359, and Lalande 21185. The largest nearby star is Sirius, roughly 8.6 light-years away and roughly twice the Sun's mass and that is orbited by a white dwarf Sirius B. The nearest brown dwarfs are the binary Luhman 16 system at 6.6 light-years. OK, the Photon Belt. This photon belt or band was first discovered in 1961 by means of satellite instruments. About every 26,000 years our Earth travels twice through this higher frequency band, affecting the material world and our consciousness. It is the date when the Maya calender ends and a new world begins. Cycles are closing at the same time; one of 26,000 years, one of 104,000 years, and one of 225 million years. In January 1987, our sun entered for the first time again in this photon band and has been prepared to adjust to this higher frequency. All what is happening outside is also happening inside of us. We are adjusting internally on a cellular level to the external change. The Photon Belt in geometry is a Torus. A Toric field of energy that emanates out from Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Pleiades Toric Field is commonly referred to as the Photon Band of Light. During our Solar Systems 26,000 year transit of Alycone, we spend 11,000 years outside of the Photon Belt of Alcyone, followed 2,000 years inside the Phone Belt, followed by another 11,000 years outside and another 2,000 years inside. Our entire Solar System rotates around Alycone, the brightest star of the Pleiades constellation. Alcyone and our Solar System are revolving around the Galactic Core. One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years. The entire Milky Way Galaxy is held within an energetic field, which is a Torus shape also. A toric structure is easy to picture if you think of a slinky and join the two ends together to form a bagel. Energy moves up from the center of the bagel along the energetic meridian lines of the Torus, over the top of the bagel in a fibonacci spiral and moving back into the bagel hole underneath, then moving out from the center again repeating the cycle over and over. Thus energy waves are continually being released from the Galactic Core of the Milky Way and are moving out through the Galaxy and returning once again to the Galactic Core. So what is happening is this energy or Photonic light is transforming the planet and all life on it and in it, into a higher dimension, a 5D frequency. We are literally being changed from the carbon state of our 3D/4D existence into a more crystalline state of being. So we can hold more light more energy. A lighter state of being. En-light-en-ment, baby! Getting to the bigger picture through Astronomy and Particle Physics, ya! And always LOVE, LIGHT and LAUGHTER! MEDITATION AND THE BREATH Meditation and any form of rest or relaxation acts to reduce and slow the heart rate and improve the flow of blood internally Meditation is a state in which the excessive and stress producing activity of the mind is neutralized without reducing alertness and effectiveness. The benefits of meditation are many including reducing stress, improved concentration, increased self awareness, slowing down the aging process, decreasing depression, boosting your immune system and it really can encourage a healthy lifestyle. Meditation enables us to move from higher frequency brain waves to lower frequency brain waves, which activates different centers in the brain. A slower brain wave means the more time between thoughts and the more opportunity to skillfully choose which thoughts you invest in and what actions you take. It takes a little while but you usually get to the “Theta State of Mind”. The Theta brain wave. Some monks can get down to the Delta wave. The sleeping state. OK for us we will just concentrate on a simple meditation to use to begin the transition from Beta or Alpha to the Theta State. We will focus on the breath. Breath Work or pranayama in Sanskrit has a variety of effective breathing techniques, some geared toward calming, some toward energizing. Most are done while seated and all will enhance your health and energy. The breath and mind work in tandem, so as breath begins to lengthen, brain waves begin to slow down. I usually have one low lit light in a room if I can not be out in nature somewhere. We will get into Nature and the outdoor air in a later blog. I like to use meditation music on my headphones because there are usually distractions. To begin the meditation, sit comfortably in your chair with your shoulders relaxed and spine tall. Place your hands mindfully on your lap, close your eyes and as much as possible eliminate any stimulus that may distract you. Watch your breath. Simply notice your breath flowing in and flowing out. I usually just do three deep, deep slow breaths in and out and then as my eyes are closed breath naturally. Try to think of something simple like I AM LOVE, I am loving, I am love. Don't try to ask a question yet. You just want to get used to slowing down and breathing deep. That way you can use what you have learned through out the day. My example is when I am washing dishes and have a million other things to do and someone is trying to talk to me at the same time. I take three deep breaths while I am feeling my emotions and become an observer. Then I let go of the million things I have to do and answer the question slowly. That gets me into the present moment of now. And now it is just me and the dishes. It becomes a meditation. I am calm, I am calm, mantra. Ha. That works to. Once you get into these beginning meditations regularly then you can lengthen them. One in the morning and one at night work the best for me. Most teachers can not stress enough of how important it is to just start and keep doing it on a daily bases. I totally concur. There are a lot of guided meditations on Youtube to chose from now days which is absolutely fantastic. Pick one that resonates with you. Because that's probably where your vibrating. I use a few my Self and I am always finding new techniques and teachers and guides. Lots of LOVE, LIGHT and LAUGHTER! Your pal Trav STARSEEDS AND GATEKEEPERS Starseeds are individuals that originate from far-distant star and solar systems, planets, and galaxies. These highly evolved souls carry a plethora of wisdom and special abilities that hibernates deep within the core of their being. All starseeds are encoded with activation encryptions in there DNA that will unlock their knowledge and talents at a predetermined or spontaneous time on earth. The retrieval of this information is to be utilized for very specific purposes. Their belief system of extraterrestrials, space travel, supernatural forces, psychic endeavors and multidimensional spirit connections, are very customary and real to them. Starseeds have an inner knowing that Earth is not their primary source of existence or identity. They feel like foreigners on this planet, and they find the behaviors and customs of our world to be perplexing, irrational, and even absurd. Starseeds innately have extraordinary intuition and psychic abilities, and they are very adept and attuned to concealed agendas and conspiracies of earthly societies, however, they are not always aware of their specials gifts. In fact, many starseeds live in a walking sleep-state for most of their lives. Fortunately, all starseeds have a built-in alarm clock that is meant to awaken and activate them from their slumber, to remember who they are and why they have come to the planet, and thus accomplish their duties which they in fact volunteered for upon their prior incarnation. A starseed's primary goal for "landing" on a planet is to bring their unique and distinctive abilities and wisdom to planetary civilizations, for the purpose of serving in a humanitarian capacity, and uplifting the planet to a higher ascended status. The journey of the starseed is to pave new pathways, transport progressive innovations and technologies to the planet, harness new healing modalities, and seed advanced frequencies of light, all for the growth and expansion of both the planets and souls who inhabit them. Gatekeepers serve Source and the Ascension by opening and maintaining interdimensional Gateways. These high-frequency portals such as Sacred Sites, Vortexes, Ley Lines and the New Earth Grid systems link this dimension with the higher dimensions, the SUN, the Galactic Center, the Great Central Sun and ultimately back to Source. Gatekeepers are called to serve via pre-incarnational agreement and a deep dedication to Gaia and humanity. Some Gatekeepers are called to consistently travel, some are assigned to a specific gate or gates. Gateways open energetic passageways for the New Light frequencies to enter, revealing and accelerating the experience of higher consciousness. Gatekeepers themselves hold codes and sacred templates which enable Ascension frequencies to pass through into this plane of existence. They serve as conduits for the New Light, and typically serve a specific area of the planet. It is a role that continues to expand based on what the collective consciousness can receive. All of the book 3 DECREES was written during an activation time for me down in Key West, Florida. Very close to a convergence vortex The Bermuda Triangle. Which I had no Idea I was at a pivotal portal opening. I just knew inherently I had to meditate and transmute the energy I was feeling and ground it to Gaia. I am still awakening, which is a good thing. Just like all of you who are Starseeds, Lightworkers, Walk-ins, Gatekeepers and Key Holders etc. Bare in mind these are just names like job titles. President, Janitor, Math Teacher etc. There is one goal that stands out for all of us going through this ascension process and that is Love and a collective sense of oneness DIVINITY AND THE FRACTALIZATION OF SELF Re-member that you are Divine. You are that piece of God having a human experience. Explanation of a linear human mind: Imagine if you will a string of pearls. Each one represents a dimension. As your consciousness expands in frequency you integrate the next dimension on a quantum level. And so forth up to Source Energy and then back again in a constant flow of experiences. Now imagine an abstract mind feeling love more and more and more and reaching its creative flow to a brighter auric field. The field expands to encompass Creator and then fractals it Self. All while still being connected to every new and old painted creation. Hence that is why the now moment is connected to the past, present and future. All explanations are true. Your etheric body and heart are connected to your Higher Self. Your Over Soul. You are Divine. Your physical body is made up of light energy which is at a frequency of a 3rd dimensional density and connected to everything. You are with, around, under, in, IN God. IT is everything. IT is all energy. All energy is consciousness. You are inside the “ Mind ” of your fractal Self so that you may experience the diverse expressions of love. With Love, Light and Laughter! GETTING INTO THE ZONE : FINDING YOUR ASCENSION PORTAL Now that you have started meditating you will find that your light centers (Chakra's) in your etheric body are lining up. You have taking your three deep breaths and now you are breathing calmly. Your High Heart or Heart Center is opening up. There is a flow of energy (kundalini) from Gaia into your Earth Star Chakra and out through your Crown Chakra to your Soul Star Chakra. And similarly from Source into your Soul Star Chakra back down to Gaia's Crystalline core where a Toric field is created. Now your getting into your “ Theta State of Mind “. It takes me 10 to 45 minutes depending on where my energy is, has been, or so many factors. But that is not what is important at all. You are feeling with your body and your High Heart now. So you are always patient and open to what the energy of the day has to offer you. You are now a vehicle. And you are forming your own Merkabah (Chariot). It is your energetic field in Sacred Geometry that allows you to move without moving inter-dimensionaly. Visualization is really good for this to. Use your imagination. Re-member when you were a kid again. It helps. The more you practice this the better you get. Think of how an Athlete trains when they are in school then on into a profession. Practicing and using a spiritual tool like this will open up your Soul. Silence and meditation will allow you to listen to your Higher Self. You will begin to get a flow going. A sense of energy all around you. Think of an expert in this like a Monk. But you only have to do this for about 10 to 60 minutes a day just like you would do your exercises for your physical body. You get into a good constructive spiritual habit. This is the same principle you use for all aspects of life. Who are the experts and what do they do. This is also good for your Neurology. Your brain will think more clearly. Now, your getting into the zone with your meditation. You have downloaded your favorite meditation music. You can get your vibe going at a higher frequency. Your visualizing. Your calm. Your Silent. You see your energetic field. You have constructed your own Merkabah. Now your tapped into your Soul Star Chakra and beyond. You are finding your own Portal, an opening, a column flowing to and from a higher dimension. You are a multidimensional being. You are now incorporating your 5th dimensional Self. You have opened up your Heart. You are reconnecting to your 5D Self and beyond. Further you start to develop your intuitive and empathic abilities. And soon your finding that you are tapped into the collective consciousness. Now you know that your thoughts and words and visualizations have energy. And your Higher Self is saying things like unconditional love, I am calm, there is peace in this world, diplomacy, sovereignty, your Higher Self words, thoughts, feelings, etc. You have opened up your High Heart Portal and your connecting once again to your true Self. This is the linear time to awaken and to incorporate your 5 th dimensional Self and beyond. There is an energy field, a Torus field that has been specifically created in this now moment to help assist you. YOU ARE SUPPORTED! Now your in the Ascension Process, baby! Ya! GAIA'S HEARTBEAT : THE SCHUMANN RESONANCE SPEEDS UP! The Earth's Electro-Magnetic field or the Toric field ( Torus ) and it's Schumann Resonance is speeding up. The center of Earth’s Torus is anchored deep within the crystalline core of Earth ( Gaia's crystalline diamond core ). Energy then emanates through Gaia’s Torus in a Fibonacci Spiral ( bagel ) that forms around and through Gaia, and returning back into Gaia’s crystalline core. In our Fluidic Fractal Space-Time Universe the Toric field of Gaia is that same similar Fibonacci Spiral ( bagel ) as the Toric field of the Atom, the Toric field that surrounds the human heart, the Toric field around our Sun ( Solaris ) and even on a much larger scale around our entire Milky Way Galaxy. The magnetic component of Gaia’s Torus gives Gaia her magnetic North and South poles ( see ' The Pole Shift ' blog on website ). The electrical component is measured in hz (hertz). The electromagnetic wave frequency, The Schumann Resonance which is at 7.83 hz is referred to as Gaia's heartbeat. Collectively, the ElectroMagnetic field creates the receptacle of Gaia’s atmosphere and protects all life on Gaia by deflecting solar wind and protecting against harmful solar radiation. In addition, the Toric Field resonance is the receptacle of the consciousness of Our Mother Earth – Gaia. Yes, Cosmonauts and Astronauts have to have an artificial resonance field at 7.83 hz. Imagine an extraterrestrial with a 15 hz or above! Or when we begin to resonate at a higher frequency. The 13.13 hz. Makes me go, hmm. A 5th Dimensional frequency. OK, now that you know that Gaia's resonate frequency is at 7.83 hz and supports all life with in it's Biosphere and that resonance has been steadily rising since the 60's. Oh the 60's. Hmm. Our Sun entered into the Photon Belt or the Band of Alcyone ( Toric field of Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades – see ' Where is our Solar System? ' blog on website ) which is effecting the resonate frequency of this entire Solar System. Fast Forward pun intended, 2012 and the Schumann Resonance is at 11 to 12 hz, and making linear time speed up creating a 16 hour day. Now present day as of this blog date ( Space Observing System Integrated monitoring in Tomsk website http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7 ) is showing spikes from 13 to 40 hz. Ya, no kidding. Now you can imagine what kind of DNA restructuring is taking place to hold such a higher frequency. Hence this whole thing we call The Ascension Process, The Awakening, The Apocalypse of the Psyche, The Solar Christed Consciousness etc. Cosmology,baby! We are waking up now! It is that linear time to get a larger picture to the whole. A sense of oneness. A balance between the Darkness with in us and the Light showing us a way! ( Yin-Yang, Mother/Father God, Female/Male, Light/Dark, The Law of Polarity etc. ) THE POLE SHIFT Earth's ( Gaia's ) Geomagnetic Pole Reversal happens every few hundred thousand years. Gaia’s magnetic field dwindles to almost nothing ( see ' GAIA'S HEARTBEAT : THE SCHUMANN RESONANCE SPEEDS UP! Blog on website ), then gradually reappears with the North and South poles flipped. Gaia's electrical beat ( Schumann Resonance ) has an inverse relationship with Gaia's magnetic field, thus as the 7.83 hz frequency of Gaia increases, Gaia’s magnetic field is diminished. As the magnetic field reaches such a low threshold, magnetic North and South become so weak and chaotic that ultimately this leads to a full magnetic pole shift. Geologists and Scientists have narrowed it down to about 184 reversals in the last 83 million years and 33 over the last 25 million years and 9 in 3.6 Million years. The Geologists and Scientists say our last full Magnetic Pole reversal was over 780,000 years ago referred to as the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal . Regardless of the stats we are over do. And the Schumann Resonance is proving that the geomagnetic field is chaotic and diminishing. So you have The Galactic Toric Field activating The Photon Belt ( The Photon Band of Alcyone, Alcyone's Toric Field ) activating The Solar Toric Field activating Gaia's Toric Field. And you have The Toric Field's of Humanities collective and individual activation, and all the Celestial alignments. OK. Do you start to see how it is all connected? Universal Toric Field, Galactic Toric Field, Solar and Celestial Toric Field's, Human Toric Field's, etc. So this is why it is such a big deal. This round of Ascension has to do with everything. Everything is changing, moving, awakening, re connecting and re creating just like a beautiful Fractal. And that is why I call it a Fluidic Fractal Space-Time Continuum. But that's just a description I use. You can call this larger picture whatever works for you. It is your Multiverse. And you are Divine. As the Schumann Resonance increases and holds a synchronized, sustained and harmonic frequency around Gaia at 13.13 hz, at which this will be the critical point frequency that will lead to a full Magnetic Pole reversal ( see ' GAIA'S HEARTBEAT : THE SCHUMANN RESONANCE SPEEDS UP! Blog on website ). As Gaia's Magnetic Toric Field diminishes and becomes erratic, it will then be humanity’s collective Heart Toric Fields in combination with Alcyones Toric Field and The Galactic Toric Field and so on... that will quantum leap us into this next phase of evolution. A Fifth dimension and beyond. Your Physical and Etheric bodies are tuning up! Lot's of DNA activation codes. You will be ready for this shift. I promise you! And if you want to make it easier on your Self find some teachers, websites, nutritionist's, nature etc. Better yet meditate and find your Higher Self. You will guide your Self back to where you have been before. You are Supported! It has been a hard journey but trust your Self it would have been boring ether wise. What fun is it being an omnipotent being without creating and exploring who you really are. That is what you are and that is what you are doing. Exploring and experiencing love in all its myriad forms and diverse expressions. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD : Tools to ease ascension symptoms! Right off the bat. Meditation, Silence, Nature, Exercise, Nutrition, FILTERED CLEAN WATER! 1. The first thing is to be willing with your open heart to let go of the past. Let go of what you have been programmed over many of incarnations. I know this is not easy and the higher frequencies coming in are well higher. If you can except the fact that you are a multidimensional being of light that is a great start. You are not just a physical 3D dense body. So now you are going to embark upon making your physical body, your etheric body, and your mind... lighter! More lets say, child like. OPEN. 2. GRATITUDE! Make sure you focus on the things you do have in your life that you are grateful for. Now this is excellent for your mind. Even the little things. I am grateful for this computer. I am grateful for my bicycle. I am grateful for my cool ass tennis shoes. I am grateful for the Organic Natural foods I eat and the farmers who grow the foods and the Earth it comes from. This tells the Universe that you are blessed and similar blessings will appear when needed. 3. Meditation. And all kinds of forms of silence. Quieting your mind so you can listen to your Higher Self. Walking in Nature. Not only do I meditate but I ride my bicycle in Nature. And stop to listen to the river, birds, ducks, bees, wind through the trees and how the life force flows so easily in and out like the breath of the now moment. CALMING. 4. SALTS and CRYSTALS. Yes salts and crystals. I know very new agey. Swimming in the ocean or taking salt baths help. Here is why. Salts are crystals and are a catalyst for bringing in higher frequency energies. This is a very grounding experience for your physical body. Specifically if you can get Bath Salts with Cedar, Fir, or the Hinoki tree in them to help with detoxification. They pull the heavy metals right out of your skin. Same goes for having a Crystal you gravitate to by your bed side at night. You want to draw higher frequencies into your healing process at night while you sleep. 5. Get a MASSAGE. This will help you relax. I know they are expensive. But put some money aside and do it. Your physical body is under going a trans-mutational state. It will thank you for it. 6. NUTRITION. If you can get a blender. Go to the Health food or Natural grocery store and buy an organic plant based superfood powder with plant enzymes and probiotics in it. Then make your favorite fruit or vegetable smoothie with it. Mine is organic bananas, organic coconut milk, organic superfood pea protein powder, organic Greek yogurt, local bees honey and sometimes acai or local blueberries. There are also the brands that make these ready to drink. I like the cold pressed ones. OK. Also chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green photosynthetic pigment found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Chlorophyll is an essential component of photosynthesis, which helps plants get energy from light. It efficiently delivers magnesium and helps the red blood cells in carrying the much needed oxygen throughout the body. It is a detoxifier as well. 7. Listen to your physical body. It is made of energy. And everything is conscious energy. It will speak to you when you are silent. It will tell you to rest. It will tell you to exercise. It will tell you the nutrients it needs. It will tell you the supplements it needs. 8. SLEEP and REST more often when the Schumann Resonance is peeking and the high energies are flowing. Usually the day after a high frequency surge I sleep more. I take a nap or get 10 hours of sleep. Very important for the healing process. Delta and Theta brain wave patterns are much needed in your 3D vehicle. If you can not sleep take a natural plant based Melatonin. Not a synthetic one. A sleep aid with Valerian root. Or a sleep tea at night. 9. Filtered WATER! WATER! WATER! We are made of 60 percent water. An infant is made of 80 percent. No wonder it can absorb and be open to knowledge. That is what you want to be, fluid and child like. To be open to the wisdom of your Higher Self. 10. MUSIC and LAUGHTER! Find your favorite music to listen to for relaxation. I like meditation music with high Solfeggio frequencies and theta binaural beats. I also remember that laughter is good medicine. Hmm. Your working on your Mind, Body and Spirit more in this linear time of this round of ascension. So turn off the TV as much as you can and DEPROGRAM, DETOXIFY and use your DISCERMENT and enjoy the roller coaster ride. You are Supported! And if your hearing that ringing in your ears, it is a good thing. It means you can hear the frequencies rising. I use it like I would the meditation music. Throughout the day I stop and take a deep breath and meditate for seconds or even minutes tapping into it's download. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 2 : Liquid Intermittent Fasting! 1. Create a SACRED SPACE. Whether it is in your house or out in your back yard or on the roof of your apartment building. Make sure you create a quite place to meditate. When I was homeless in Key West, FL I found an almost empty pier that I biked to several times a day about four miles away. You don't have to be as extreme as I was. I have this friend who has a lovely backyard but he was always running around with his head cut off. I put a chair out there and sat and watched the birds for an hour or so. A few days later he was sitting out there and he told me all the things he began to notice. He just slowed down one day. Which reminds me. Do you know how to slow down cellular decay?... Slow down. We can't tell you enough of how important it is to go with in your Self. That's where your answers lay. Make room for a dedicated slice of silence. Quite and calming. You can calm your world down! Hmm. 2. NUTRITOIN : Gut Health! Yogurt is rich in Probiotics, beneficial bacteria that improves the guts immune system. Be sure your yogurt has live and active cultures and is free of sugars, flavorings and additives. If your a vegan or lactose intolerant get your beneficial microorganisms from fermented foods like sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, miso, kambucha and natto. There are also great supplements out there that I take once a day. Why is the Microbiome so important? Just as your stomach knows to secrete digestive juices when you eat, the microbiome, located in your intestines, has its own intelligence. ( remember everything is conscious energy ) Friendly bacteria or probiotics help absorb and produce vitamins, Like vitamin K, while others eliminate pathogens. These friendly bacteria are killed off by antibiotics in medications, meat and poultry raised on factory farms, pesticides in food and beverages, fluoride and chlorine in drinking water and other toxins in our environment. Because we don't eat the dirt on fruits and veggie's unless we go to the farmers market or get some organic or heirloom foods we don't ingest many of the beneficial microorganisms or trace minerals any more. Probiotics are important in decalcifing your Pineal gland as well. Third Eye Open! I have a good gut feeling about this! 3. LIQUID INTERMITTENT FASTING : It sounds hard but it really isn't. The kind of fasting I am talking about is just abstaining from solid foods for a day. You are relieving your intestinal track from solid fibers that are indigestible. It will help improve organ and gland functions by not having them work so hard. And it will help them detox. So you have your tea, espresso, juice or your blended drink in the morning. Have a blended Green Superfood smoothie in the afternoon. I make mine with organic greek yogurt, organic coconut milk, agave syrup, organic wild blueberries, organic green superfood powder with probiotics, and organic bananas. And I make it extra large. You can do a vegan version as well. All the while you are drinking a ton of filtered water through out the day. I am usually good with that. But in the evening you can have a liquid salad. If you have a juicer even better. Blend or juice your veggies! I like to put organic ginger root and organic turmeric root in mine. 4. REALIGN with the new cosmic pathways. It sounds new agey but it is. Ha. Allow your Self the linear time to be silent. The more you do this the more in alignment you will become. It is natural. It's Cosmic evolution allowing for the Cosmic intelligence to be absorbed by you. You become a willing participant in your own Ascension Process. You are slowing down an acknowledging that you are transmuting a higher frequency energy. Basically you are saying yes I would like to have more love grow in my heart. We are not talking about the kiss, kiss love. We are talking about that deep appreciation you have for Nature or whatever your passionate about and expanding it to encompass everything and everyone including your Self. Truth – if you can't love your Self it is very difficult to love anything else. This is not an egocentrically mental thing. This is a clearer understanding of who you are and digging it. Don't measure up to anyone else except your Self. Realign. Nature is a good place to do that. 5. HOLY AFFIRMATION : I am talking about a positive affirmation. Just one sentence or quote that you love. Better yet make one up your Self. I am talking about a sacred statement that you totally resonate with. Write it down and carry it in your pocket. Put it on your phone. Put it up on the fridge with one of those magnets. Put it on your manifest board. Tape it to your mirror in the bathroom. Now Choose wisely because this Decree will carry energy out into the ether's. Take one from the book or all three. I had the 3 decrees written down with a Sharpie and taped up to the inside door of my storage locker for two years. They are in my brain bank now when I need them. I like to make ones up like “ GAIA IS MY MEDITATION GARDEN “ and tack it by the computer desk which helps me remember to get out into nature and breath and meditate. EARTHSEEDS : Everyone is Starseed In Gaia's human lineage there were 7 Root Races and 5 additional races seeded within the Earth gene pool. The 7 Root races are called the Earthseeds. Each Earthseed root race evolution cycle was to develop one of the first five strands of DNA within the 12 strand original divine human blueprint. The 12 strand silicate DNA matrix. The additional five races are referred to as the Cloister races. Their function was to keep the 12 strand DNA potential alive for the entire human race and represent the advancement of human evolution. The Cloister races are also called the Starseeds. So the Earthseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to activate each DNA strand 1 through 5 and then to anchor in each new respective level of dimensional experience for the human species on Gaia. And the Starseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to hold the dormant DNA strands 7 through12 in order to have the template of the divine human in tact through the cycles of evolution. Even though these DNA strands are dormant and called junk DNA, it keeps the potential of the divine human’s true spiritual inheritance as a 12 Strand DNA Avatar physical body possible. Each strand of DNA when activated correlates to the dimensional field of awareness available to the soul when incarnated in the human physical body. That is what is happening now. We are being activated through the Gamma waves. The Adamantine Particles that carry codes. That is why in recent years so many people are waking up. Not only are they downloading codes into there light bodies and re-membering but we are all downloading activation codes for our physical bodies to realign with the Solar Christos light body. A crystalline physical body to hold more light which is energy. In this round of ascension we are transmuting to a 5 strand DNA and a 5th dimensional and higher conscious awareness. Into the Unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, etc. All human biology’s have the potential to receive genetic acceleration and evolutionary advancement. Love, Light and Laughter! Gratitude to all! ( see also ' Alchemical Wizard : Tools for ascension symptoms ' blog ) GALACTIC ORIGINS : SIRIANS The Blue and the Human Sirians are a connection for me. And further back on a time-line to the Vega system and the Lyran and Orion Wars and the exodus from Lyra. On a time-line when we were serving the principles of THE LAW OF ONE. Before the arrival of the reptilians from Alpha Draconis. There is a lineage karmically, genetically, and reincarnationally to these Galactic civilizations. Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Orions, Lyrans, Vegans, and the list goes on. We are going to talk about our benevolent Star families here. Now for applying and awakening these attributes that you have learned for this round of ascension to be in service of Nova Earth (Gaia 5D) is what we are going to explore. Do you have the planetary system Sirius as one of your planetary origins? As a Starseed ( see also ' Starseeds and Gatekeepers ' blog ), lightworker from Sataris ( Sirius A and B constellation ) you are committed to helping and to give support for this round of the ascension. Sataris has been through it's own ascension and it was probably a school for you in the Temples of Sirius. You are a multidimensional light being committed to accelerating the human awareness as we become more highly conscious stewards of Gaia. And you want to help us all achieve the awakening of our light bodies, remember our multidimensional Selves and give support as we approach this round of ascension. You provide this Awakening with a greater understanding of the forces behind the global conspiracy to keep us from realizing our starseed origins and to bring the light of truth to those who are still in darkness. You are here to assist those who intend to be in service as healers and guides of this ascension. Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time. Sirian starseeds have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity. Those of us from Sirius make loyal, trustworthy friends, but expect the same in return. We become hurt and disillusioned when these expectations are not met. Sirians do not share their inner personal self with others easily, and may have difficulty sharing emotions and expressing feelings and needs. Those of us from Sirius tend to be future oriented, and do not enjoy focusing on the past. We may become defensive if forced to focus on the past by others. Sirians are spiritual warriors, and strongly connected to dolphins and whales. We are connected to these sentient beings and Aquatic worlds. So if you feel a connection as I do to the Blue and Human Sirians you can remember the attributes that you carry in your Light body as well as awakening your DNA. Swimming in the ocean, taking salt baths, meditating by a body of water and letting the Adamantine particles flow through your Chakras. ( That's what I did ) There are many Yoga and Kundalini awakening classes out there as well that will help. Energy work done by a Reiki healer! Keep a dream journal by your bedside as well. It will help you remember and your spiritual mission that you sign up to do. You are a multidimensional being so remember there are many facets to you. You may have connections to many Galactic races. As well as Source or other Galaxies and Universes. There are also the beautiful Feline Sirians that many people have a connection with. There are many inhabitable planets in the Sirius Star System with diverse beings. There are the feline beings, blue skinned beings, elemental beings and lion beings that have wings. It is a mystical and fantastical place. As for all humans on this planet we are all Starseeds in one form or another. ( see also ' Earthseeds : Everyone is Starseed ' blog ) This now moment is a gifted time-line to reconnect to your Higher Self and to awaken those feelings you have had. Don't be afraid to talk about these inner most precious feelings. You are supported! ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 3 : NeuroScience / Brain Foods Here are a list of foods to boost your cognitive powers and enhance your memory. But remember the number one booster for the brain is oxygen. So breath deeply often and slow down enough to meditate. Hear your thoughts. 1. Kefir and Yogurt. Organic and Goats milk if you can get it. Yes, probiotics again. You don't eat dairy then fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha. Because about 90 percent of the body's serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and behavior, is made in the gut. 2. Rosemary and Sage. Rosemary is high in carnosic acid, a phytochemical that can enhance learning and spatial memory, help reduce oxidative stress and prevent neuron damage. 3. Peppers, Celery, Carrots, Radicchio. Foods high in luteolin, a bioflavonoid antioxidant that helps to protect the brain from inflammation, cognitive aging and neurodegenerative diseases. 4. Spinach, Kale and Avocado. Foods rich in vitamin E. The nutrient referred to as vitamin E is actually a variety of different elements called tocopherols and tocotrienols. These helpful nutrients help to prevent over-oxidization in the body. Vitamin E helps slow down cognitive decline. 5. Leafy Greens like Kale, Chard and Collards. Foods high in lutein, an antioxidant that protects the brain from free-radical damage and inflammation. 6. Turmeric. Turmeric contains Curcumin, an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Curcumin helps to repair damaged neurons and stimulate Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which is a type of growth hormone that functions in the brain. 7. Nutritional yeast which is a source of B vitamins, including thiamine, folate, B-6 and niacin. Some B vitamins help cells burn fats and glucose for energy. Others help make neurotransmitters like serotonin. And some B's assist with the production and repair of DNA. 8. Organic Apples. Yes an apple a day. High in flavonols. Antiioxidants that have been shown to increase learning, improve memory and boost overall brain power. 9. Walnuts, Flax and Chia seeds. Rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a fatty acid that can be converted by the body to omega-3's. Omega 3 concentrations are highest in the brain and nervous system. These fatty acids are needed for the protection of cells, optimal functioning of the neurons and decreased cell death while improving nerve transmission. 10. Garbanzo beans, Lima beans and Lentils. If you don't eat free range organic eggs. These legumes are high in choline. Choline is essential in the formation of the cholinergic neurons that make up portions of the brain, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. It is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in muscle function, memory, and learning. GALACTIC ORIGINS : PLEIADIANS There is a lineage karmically, genetically, and reincarnationally to these Galactic civilizations. Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Orions, Lyrans, Vegans, and the list goes on. We are going to talk about our benevolent Star families here and our Starseed connections. And also don't forget each one of us can have multiple places, times-lines and universes that we gravitate to. There is a vast picture. This is just to get us to re-member and re-connect to our Star families and to our own Higher Selves and to Source. To begin a healing process. To know that you are supported in this Ascension process. After the Lyran and Orion Wars the Lyrans were forced out into the galaxy. Some found one of their new homes in the Pleiades. This star system is an open star cluster located in the constellation of Taurus, which is 444 light years on average from Gaia and 80 more light years to the planet Erra. Long after the wars on Lyra, Pleiadians our benevolent brothers and sisters who hold true to THE LAW OF ONE teachings have come and gone from Gaia many times. The nine brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the seven sisters in Greek mythology Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celeano and the largest Alcyone, along with their parents Atlas and Pleione. Pleiadian starseeds have a deep, abiding desire for peace and happiness for all. Pleiadians have a pleasant energy which others enjoy being near. Pleiadian starseeds are emotional and loving, yet tend to repress much due to their desire to please others. They are sensitive and react quickly to criticism. Pleiadians tend to sacrifice personal needs and wants while attempting to please others. This may cause inner resentment. Rather than expressing resentment or anger openly, Pleiadians may instead use passive aggressive behavior in hopes that their feelings will be noticed and responded to without the need for discussion. It was much easier expressing thoughts and emotions telepathically in their past Pleiadian form. Because it was loving. Here on Gaia, in this 3D mostly negative vibe, it can be difficult until one has started to re-connect to ones Higher Self. Pleiadians can become physically ill in situations where there is anger, open tension or arguments around them, as they absorb emotions of others in an unconscious effort to mediate and smooth out situations. They are highly empathic. Their tendency to repress their own emotions, and the emotions they have absorbed from others can form energy blockages if not released over a period of time. Pleiadian starseeds are very strong on faith and trust. They have a strong sense of purpose from childhood, a feeling of knowing there is a Source connection, a purpose and a plan, even in their darkest hour. There is an inner desire to seek spiritual answers and to find their connection to their Higher Self. As they begin to seek and learn, growth begins. As they begin to realize this connection and to love themselves as the divine beings that they are, many of their old feelings, emotions and self doubts will fade. As do all of ours when we take the time to slow down and incorporate spiritual practices on a daily basis. And begin to awaken our cosmic consciousness. We are all multidimensional light beings that have chosen a role to play in this now moment on Gaia in the Space-Time continuation of the exploration of love in all it's myriad forms and diverse expressions. THE LAW OF ONE The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Quantumly and Metaphysically. Everything is conscious energy. It is the Truth taught by Yeshua, (Jesus Sananda) and many other Ascended Masters when they proclaimed, " Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Loving your Self is key. And not egocentrically but understanding that you are Divine and hold the light and darkness with in you. We are all direct expressions of the One Source. We are having a human experience. The Law of One is an energetic reality as well as a creational covenant with the Founder races. The Family Entity of RA, the Melchizedeck Ur's, The Aurora Host Races. The Law of One is practiced by our benevolent Cosmic sisters and brothers that promote Self responsibility and accountability in our Free Will Universe or the Fluidic-Fractal Space-Time Continuum. The Law of One expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spirit and Consciousness that animates it. The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of conscious energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a sacred science of the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love. Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Source (Creator, Omniverse or God etc.) Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at one with Source and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practicing Unity Consciousness and Oneness is directly reflecting the image of Source's Love. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. ( see also ' Divinity and the Fractalization of Self ' blog ) The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension. It is a single philosophical system which merges cosmology, science and spiritualism. So for us using this 3D/4D Avatar physical, mental and light body it is a practice to expand our cognitive ability to encompass that inner light of Christos. And we are getting cosmic support for this (see ' Where is our Solar System? ' blog on website along with many others). We are on the evolutionary time-line now for a greater expansion. We are in a round of Ascension. All that is required from the ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus is placed on one's heart with a desire to know your true Self again. This is a natural process so don't force it. Your high heart will know what to do. It is just up to you to listen and then make your free will decision on how you want to participate. Everyone's journey is specifically tailored for them. You will hear all the phrases like, The Awakening, The Solar Christos light body, The Apocalypse of the Psyche, The Christ Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, etc. This is all a part of the same Ascension journey. Separation and duality are fading. We have learned what we needed to from that and now it is linear time for a new beginning. In LOVE, LIGHT and a smile that will lead you to LAUGHTER! Your brother, ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 4 : Natural Detox You don't have to go to the extreme or take drastic measures to detox your physical body. In fact you probably shouldn't shock your anatomical systems. Just like when you become a Vegan you normally are a Semi-vegetarian for years and then a Ovo-lacto vegetarian and eventually a Vegan. Semi-fruitarian, Semi-breatharian. It should be a slow process. Your body, your Avatar already has a detoxification system in place so you want to enhance that by thinking of detoxifying of your mind, body and spirit on a daily basis. Have you ever seen a happy person who comes into work with a green juice and they said they had a small workout or yoga class already? And their all smiles and giggles. That's because they are detoxing on a daily basis. They sweated out toxins before they got to work and they Self empowered themselves. I am not saying that cleanses and detoxes are at all bad, their great. I am saying those happy people don't look at it as a rigid detox or a diet. They incorporate knowledge like ancient wisdom teachings and practices, good nutrition and exercise and call it a Healthy Life Style. Oh, my. 1. SLEEP. Don't get your Self sleep deprived. You won't make good decisions and you will probably be more grumpy. Make the linear time to rest that mind, body and spirit. They have been working hard from being pulled by 3D gravity. Let them lift up and be free for a good nights rest. 2. Conscious Deep Breathing. Deep breathing expels carbon dioxide from the lungs and boosts energy levels. Deep breathing delivers oxygen to the digestive system and strengthens the immune system. Deep breathing also delivers oxygen to neurons in the brain. Deep breathing in Nature where there is cleaner oxygen and other gaseous elements is like having a bowl of fruit. It is sweet! 3. Magnesium. Foods rich in magnesium like oats, hemp seeds, cashews, quinoa and of course cacao. Yes a nice little chunk of organic raw dark cacao. Chocolate! Ya! 4. Beets with leaves (juice it), milk thistle and dandelion which helps detoxify the liver. That's a cleanse in it's self. I sometimes juice organic beets, carrot, ginger, turmeric and oranges or pineapple. Yum! 5. Find household cleaners and beauty products with nothing but a few natural ingredients in them. Or better yet make your own. I like to take some activated charcoal, cinnamon, baking soda, a few drops of lemon and some filtered water and mix up a batch of my own toothpaste. Get back to the basics. If you can't read a label and it sounds like something was synthesized from a plant anyway then just go find the source plant. But Trav, I don't have time for that or the money to get expensive organic natural products. I say bull-sha-viki. Don't buy that lottery ticket instead spend the extra five on an eco-friendly dish soap. There are toxins everywhere making you tired, stressed and grumpy! Talking about my Self but I think you can relate. So what you are doing is relieving and reducing your overall toxin intake load. 6. The Sweat. Like a sauna sweat or steam room. Which you can do in your own home with a hot bath or shower. Also some kind of a 20 minute workout in the morning will help circulate the blood and push out left over toxins through your sweat glands. Then shower with a filter attached to the shower head. Not only do you want to drink filtered and reverse osmosis water but you want to do the same with your bath and shower water. These Alchemical Wizards are designed to help you flow more naturally with the Cosmic shift that is happening and the ascension symptoms that go with it. Not to mention getting out of all the negative victim-victimizer mindsets. Just remember little by little baby steps to naturally detox your Self. It has a ripple effect. You will begin to see a different world around you because you are changing your Self. And your Self is a part of the One. ASAP : Keylontic Morphogenetic Science / Cymatics Advanced Support for the Ascension Process or ASAP is a category that will dive deeper into the dynamics of existence and it's processes. Keylontic morphogenetic science is the science of consciousness, it is the science of the templates of matter upon which everything manifests. It represents the living codes of matter and all biology's built upon them. The Keylon Codes set everything from the type of body you will manifest through the genetics of your biology to the very chemical, hormonal and energetic functions which keep the body in motion. Its dynamics are used in teaching and healing, but also in the literal formation of reality constructions where it serves as the structure upon which manifestations are built. It is the science of light symbol codes and sound frequencies which affect the way energy moves through the Universal Space-Time Matrix ( Fluidic-Fractal Space-Time Continuum ) structures. The base codes of matter called Keylon Codes direct the contours of entry upon which forms are built. Keylontic Morphogenetic Science is the science of creation, of the underlying structure of what matter is created from. It is the structure of consciousness. It is the science of the Adamantine Particle ( The God Particle ) that is the conscious energetic building block of creation. It's the science of DNA activation, genetic imprinting, cellular memory and transmutation of form. Keylontic Morphogenetic Science is an overall science of Space-Time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, the integration of multi-dimensional identity ( see ' The Law of One ' blog on website ) and an accelerated biospiritual evolution. One of it's components is Cymatics, the name is new but the science is old. This is the science which brings matter to life with sound or wave frequencies. Think of a Tibetan singing bowl and the harmonics of mantra's. The Ohm throat sound to realign your mind, body and spirit to a higher frequency of harmony and love. Sound healing and sound therapy. Crystal bowl sound therapy. Hmm. ( Helpful hint to ease your ascension process ) Why I bring this up is for the people who hear the ringing in their ears. This is one of the ascension symptoms, which is just the re-calibration of your biological body. Ringing in the ears is the fine tuning of our personal toric energy field of your biological body to the unity time-line called the God wave or Crystalline Grid Carrier. This pitch, this frequency that is rising to an eventual 13.13 hz and above. A fifth dimensional harmonic frequency and higher. As this wave frequency rises it transforms and activates your DNA in your biological body. Carbon to Crystalline. A silicate matrix to hold more light which is conscious energy. These hidden sacred sciences existed for a billion years in our present perception of linear time. Now is the time to crack open our HU-man (God being) potential, our Divinity and Self empowerment. Re-member who we are. May we break free from our prison of a limited identity and declare our sovereignty! Your brother, GALACTIC ORIGINS : ARCTURIANS There is a lineage karmically, genetically, and reincarnationally to these Galactic civilizations. Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Orions, Lyrans, Vegans, and the list goes on. We are going to talk about our benevolent Star families here and our Starseed connections. And also don't forget each one of us can have multiple places, times-lines and universes that we gravitate to. There is a vast picture. This is just to get us to re-member and re-connect to our Star families and to our own Higher Selves and to Source. To begin a healing process. To know that you are supported in this Ascension process. Arcturus is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation. Arcturians have a home planet near by and it is also an Aquatic world. I call planets aquatic if they have over half their celestial body covered by water. In fact Arcturus was one of the models for Earth. Arcturus is a 5D planet. So there are 5D beings in physical form and the 9D council in energetic form that we mostly communicate with. Think of Arcturus as lush with crystalline buildings. Organic and natural and with more oceans. Their starship Athena is part of the quarantine protection right now along with Ashtar Command and so many others in the Galactic Federation of Light. And even more space families that are here to support and observe. More on that in another blog. Arcturian Starseeds have a high intelligence and are natural critical thinkers and natural analyzers, being very mentally polarized. They tend to be quite serious and ardent, yet when they relax they can have a wicked sense of humor. They can also have a side to them that they keep all to themselves. Don't expect them to open up easily, they tend to search for their equal. They are analytical and fully capable of making a strong argument about it. At the same time, Arcturian starseeds are very selective in using their intellect and they have no opinion about the topics that they are not interested in. When Arcturians express themselves about the things they feel strongly about, they are not only intellectually well prepared but they also utilize the power of emotions and brilliant insights. This way, they offer valuable perspectives to this world. Life on 3D/4D planet Earth is challenging for advanced souls like Arcturians. All though I could say that for just about all of us. While Arcturians are compassionate and forgiving they are also very sensitive, so they often feel hurt and offended. News of social injustice break their heart. And many Arcturian starseeds become vegetarians primarily for compassionate reasons. Arcturian Starseeds are full of life and are not shy when it comes to receiving attention. They are great planners and work hard to fulfill their plans. It is said that they are not good at expressing emotions except for anger. They may fall into a pattern of being angry simply to avoid showing other more real emotions, so when one is in a relationship with one it is necessary to be patient. To more sensitive souls, their power can make them overwhelming to be around, and their need for attention exhausting. Now as for re-membering the different aspects of our Selves so that we may help humanity wake up from this very dark and dense time-line. As we shift our own consciousness in turn it adds one more light energy to the energetic flow of the next evolutionary cosmic stage. So you, your Self become the pebble thrown in the cosmic pond and add another ripple. You are a multidimensional being connected to everything, having a human experience at this now moment. Your life's mission is to open your heart and to help others in this trans-mutational shift with your super intellect and compassion. To flow more easily into service to others and that includes Gaia it Self and all the flora and fauna. Now sisters and brothers with a connection to Arcturus it's a roller coaster ride for a while. This is a huge undertaking and to go with the flow more easily I have written down some of the things that I do to stay connected to my Higher Self. All the Alchemical blogs. Also some of the other Teachers out there and a few Channelers that I dig. But really it's just about unplugging, slowing down, meditating and having your own thoughts. Listening to your inner voice. You are supported! Allowing it. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 5 : Adaptogenic Herbs A new word for traditional herbs that are used in Chinese and Ayurveda medicine. Adaptogen is a non toxic substance that helps the body to adapt to stressful situations while also normalizing physiology. These ancient tonics and elixirs offer a rejuvenating holistic path to wellness. Not only are they growing (pun) in popularity with herbalists and the supplements industry but they can be added to your coffee, teas, juices and smoothies. Adaptogens can help you improve your resilience emotionally and physically. They promote balance and aid in restoring biological functions. Here are some of the more popular ones. 1. Ashwagandha. This rejuvenating herb boosts mood, energy and memory. It supports sexual health and fertility and it lowers cortisol levels. It helps to increase oxygen consumption. 2. Rhodiola. Rhodiola can help relieve depression, improve mental performance, increase endurance and reduce anxiety. This herb also gives you support for cortisol balancing so you can stay calm during mentally stressful situations. 3. Ginseng. American and Asian ginseng can enhance strength and stamina, improves your blood sugar and insulin function. And enhances your immunity system along with improving memory. Siberian ginseng or Eleuthero also enhances immunity, physical performance and endurance. All help support neurological health. 4. Cordyceps. The caterpillar fungus. This fungus grows on caterpillar larvae in the Himalayas. This fungus helps to enhance longevity, improve energy and sexual function. It helps to improve kidney function and reduces inflammatory damage. 5. Holy Basil. Tulsi or Holy Basil protects against chemical stress from exposure to environmental toxins. It normalizes blood sugar levels, improves memory and mental function. 6. Maca. This is the Peruvian ginseng. Not related but is used and works in a similar fashion. Enhances sexual function and fertility, helps with depression and lowers blood pressure. 7. Bacopa. Bacopa or Brahmi herb helps mental function and memory. Now with that said, these herbs can be grown right on your kitchen window seal. Growing your own herbs and foods or buying them from the store and adding them to your diet will help improve your overall health and mental well being. Plus you won't have to buy as many vitamins and supplements at the health food store. Expensive. Think of your biological body as that temple which houses your etheric and conscious mind. Think of how many mystics and sages that have come from the east. Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, meditation and all those elixirs and tonics that have been past down through the ages. They have added these tools to their spiritual lives to help them ease into a higher conscious state of mind. A calmer less stressful and more joyful way of being. These are some of the proven paths that many have taken to help listen to their Higher Self. Take bits and pieces of herbalists, among others, knowledge that resonate with you and Self empower and give your Self the much needed support on your Ascension journey! Gratitude. ASAP : Keylontic Morphogenetic Fields / August 2017. Advanced Support for the Ascension Process or ASAP is a category that will dive deeper into the dynamics of existence and it's processes. Sirius gets closer to Gaia every year on July 3rd thru the 7th. Starting on July 22 nd thru the 23rd is when our sun (Solaris) and the Sirius binary star system rise on the horizon together in harmonious convergence. During July and August a continual stream of Sirian Light consciousness (indigo blue light rays) will uplift and enlighten humanity. End of July is a powerful time for accelerated evolutionary advancement, leading to the sacred day of 8-8 Lions Gate Portal activation's. In addition to the annual Sirian Stargate upgrades, we also are preparing for two powerful eclipses in August. The Lunar Eclipse on 8-7 and the Solar Eclipse on 8-21. Cosmic and Astronomical alignments are great but as far as the Ascension Process, this current evolutionary shift is flowing from Source now and constantly at higher and higher frequencies. So it is always a good time to take off your shoes and put your bare feet on Gaia's surface and ground. Slow down and breath deeply. In fact I have not seen any chemtrails lately. Listen to your high heart daily, meditate and lighten up your daily activities if you can. There are incoming waves of cosmic electric currents from the Sun. Gamma radiation hightend. Photonic light. These particle waves of light consciousness pass through the membranes of time into our biological Avatars, re-coding DNA with Galactic intelligence. These are the Key Codes to your Higher Self. Leading you to the Solar Christos Consciousness (Unity Consciousness, Christ Consciousness). You are integrating your 5D Self. Not only is your genetic code transmuting, but your mind is expanding into bandwidths of higher knowledge and understanding. Your personal electro-magnetic field (your toric field) is converging within the harmonic resonate energies. So try to slow down and meditate and breath deeply if you can. Get lot's of rest and hydrate. Lot's of filtered water. Get out in nature. Quantum infinite potential or time-line shifting is building up to the Lion's Gate 8-8 and the Solar eclipse on 8-21. These photonic light waves are assisting us to ground to Gaia and lift us to a higher potential. So in lining up our High Heart Center and Toric Field we amplify our highest intentions. When I meditate on Sun days I can feel others around the globe. I do my own little we are... diplomatic, calm, peaceful, sovereign etc. Tapping in to this collective consciousness is pretty Monatomic! (newer word for awesome, singular, one atom, oneness) This will be a meditative time for me. Here is what's going on with me and millions of others around Gaia. Our Avatars ( Biological bodies ) are integrating the Keylontic Morphogenetic codes ( Photonic light, Gamma rays, Adamantine particles ) which is activating the dormant 3 rd, 4th and 5th strand DNA in the 12 strand silicate DNA matrix. This is part of the ascension process which is a natural quantum evolution. Source ( you ) are done with this experience ( experiment ) of heavy 3D duality. Now is an excellent time to join in on global group meditations! I personally meditate every day and on Sun-days join in on a Unity/Peace meditation. So just a heads up, if you can slow down a little more than usual and get lots of rest as well. So I am going to slow down, stay hydrated, open my high heart, meditate in the back yard and set mind to purpose ( peace, sovereignty for all, etc.) If you do not know what I am talking about that is OK. No big deal. I have always been goofy. But if you do know then this is a powerful time to find linear time to integrate and transmute these energies with Gaia and your sisters and brothers. These are the " times you do not want to miss". It has been a humbling experience. Gratitude to all of you for going through this. Love, Light and a smile will lead to Laughter! ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 6 : Aquaceuticals Here are some supplements that come from the sea that will be beneficial in assisting you on your wave ride. Ha. Your biological body is made up of about 60% water and Gaia is an Aqua world with about 70% of the surface covered in water. So when vitamins and supplements are not produced synthetically they come from the Earth. So it's natural that many of the ingredients would come from the oceans. This is the category called aquaceuticals. 1. Fish oil. You have all heard of omega-3 fatty acids, and most of the supplements come from sardines and anchovies. Some of the better supplements come from wild salmon sources from Alaska and Norway. Now, I personally take 1000 milligrams of cold pressed Flax seed oil a day instead of fish oil. 2. Krill oil. Krill oil is said to be sustainably harvested. The tiny shrimp like food for whales has astaxanthin and phospholipids that help the body's absorption of the omegas. Personally I get my astaxanthin from an algae source. 3. Seeweeds and sea vegetables like dulse, wakame, kombu and kelp. These are rich in iodine that support thyroid function. Also helps to reduce inflammation in the joints. I drop some kelp iodine in my water bottle along with chlorophyll. 4. Spirulina. This algae (cyanbacteria) can help protect against neurodegenerative disorders and help support your immune system. Spirulina powder which is grown all over the world and not just in Hawaii is incredibly high in protein and a good source of antioxidants, B-vitamins and other nutrients. When harvested correctly from noncontaminated ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available. The concentration of protein, essential amino acids and vitamins in Spirulina has led many to classify it as the “most nutrient dense food on the planet.” Compared to other foods gram for gram, it lives up to this reputation and is a great source of Protein. It is considered a complete source of high-quality protein and is often compared to eggs for the amount of protein per gram. Iron. Spirulina is a favorite food for vegetarians and vegans because it is one of the best plant sources of iron. Even for those who consume meat, it has a highly absorbable form of iron that is gentle on the digestive system. Calcium. Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk. Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including vitamin B1(Thiamin), B-2(riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6(pyridoxine), B-9(folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. 5. Chlorella. This single cell green algae is native to Taiwan and Japan. This superfood is rich with phytonutrients, including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorous, biotin, magnesium and the B-complex vitamins. More than 20 vitamins and minerals are found in chlorella, including iron, calcium, vitamin A, C, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 12, E and K, biotin, inositol and folic acid. Chlorella naturally has the highest concentration of chlorophyll you can find in a plant and is one of the only known plant sources of the active B 12 vitamin that our bodies can digest. Ounce-per-ounce, chlorella is packed with protein and has more cell-building nucleic acids than any other food source. The foundation of its cell-building power is from the chlorella growth factor (CGF) a unique DNA and RNA complex that provides the building blocks that cells need to rebuild, repair and rejuvenate. This is a great detoxifier for heavy metals and helps in supporting your immune system. I take a cracked wall chlorella and a spirulina supplement together, every day. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 7 : H2O Water. Agua. H2O. Water is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. The name water typically refers to the liquid state of the compound. The solid phase is known as ice and the gas phase is steam. It is the main fluid for most living organisms. Water. H2O is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, nearly colorless. This simple hydrogen chalcogenide is by far the most studied chemical compound and is described as the universal solvent for its ability to dissolve many substances. This allows it to be the solvent of life. It is the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas in normal terrestrial conditions. Water has many distinct properties that are critical for the proliferation of life. It carries out this role by allowing organic compounds to react in ways that ultimately allow replication. All known forms of life depend on water. Water is vital both as a solvent in which many of the body's solutes dissolve and as an essential part of many metabolic processes within the body. Metabolism is the sum total of anabolism and catabolism. In anabolism, water is removed from molecules, through energy requiring enzymatic chemical reactions, in order to grow larger molecules (starches, triglycerides and proteins for storage of fuels and information). In catabolism, water is used to break bonds in order to generate smaller molecules (glucose, fatty acids and amino acids to be used for fuels for energy use or other purposes). Without water, these particular metabolic processes could not exist. Water is fundamental to photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthetic cells use the sun's energy to split off water's hydrogen from oxygen. Hydrogen is combined with CO2 (absorbed from air or water) to form glucose and release oxygen. All living cells use such fuels and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to capture the sun's energy and reform water and CO2 in the process (cellular respiration). Water is also central to acid-base neutrality and enzyme function. OK. Here is a perspective. Your biological body (your Avatar) is mostly water and microorganisms held together by an electromagnetic field. This body water is distributed in different compartments in the body. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water. Blood contains 83% water, body fat contains 25% water and bone has 22% water. Body water is regulated by hormones, including anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide. Feel good hormones produced in the body by positive thought patterns change the energetics of how these regulate and shape the body's water. Now we all know how malleable water is. In Cymatics we have seen water change color with variations in frequencies. Look at rain freezing into a snow flake. Every snow flake that has ever fallen to earth has had a different geometric shape! What we are getting to here is, at what frequencies, do we want to surround, ingest, and speak. Everything is conscious energy and water seems to be one of the most malleable in this 3D state. You have your water bottle that you carry to the gym, use it on your bicycle, and bring it home to use. You have written the word love on it. Now lets take that a step further. You have a reverse osmosis and filtration system for purification. You put Kelp iodine or chlorophyll in it to alkalize. You went further and went online and bought Megahydrate capsules that you put in it. OK. All of that is superfantastic! Now before you drink your water you give it gratitude and you say words like abundance, prosperity and sovereignty for all. Or some other invocation like, better health for this body. And be very specific. Because you will get exactly what you asked for. Remember there is no separation, just a slight delay. And those delays are shrinking in linear time. Your biological body's water purification is important to stay alkalized and balanced. We are constantly detoxifying acidic substances. Now we know this applies to thought patterns as well. How is that piece of fruit going to effect my body H2O? I would like that organic leafy green kale salad to infuse my body H2O with all it's health benefits. Thank you salad. How is that person speaking to me, effect my body H2O?. That vibration feels positive! Or does it feel negative? Our feelings and attitudes can be changed dramatically by what is flowing around, in, and through us. Be fluidic, be flexible, be malleable. Staying in a positive flow takes work. But if we make slow conscious decisions, baby step by baby step, we can positively charge our body's H2O. Thus giving us the foundation for higher energetics! And we can use that energized body, mind and spirit towards are passions in life. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 8 : Medicinal Fungi These Alchemical Wizard blogs are here to support us in our ascension process. It is a good time to keep boosting and detoxifying our biological bodies, our Avatars. There is a lot of Photonic light right now and more on the way. These will help us ease our ascension symptoms. Mushrooms have the ability to boost the immune system and combat many diseases by way of providing important vitamins, minerals and enzymes. I use them a lot in the winter months in stews and soups for their extra immune boosting powers. 1. Shiitake. The ancient Chinese used shiitake to improve energy levels, speed recovery from illness, slow the aging process and as a treatment for respiratory and liver diseases. Shiitakes are also unique for a plant because they contain all eight essential amino acids, along with a type of essential fatty acid called Linoleic acid. Linoleic acid helps with weight loss and building muscle. It also has bone-building benefits, improves digestion, and reduces food allergies and sensitivities. Shiitake mushrooms are a great source of B vitamins, which help support adrenal function and turn nutrients from food into useable energy. They also help balance hormones naturally and break through the brain fog to maintain focus all day long. They improve your cognitive performance. 2. Maitake. Maitake a widely used mushroom in Japan possesses immune-boosting compounds called beta-glucans, which, though present in certain other foods, possess a structure in maitake mushrooms that is particularly effective. Receptors for these polysaccharide molecules, known as D-fraction, are found on a category of white blood cells known as macrophages. When you eat maitake mushrooms these cells, which have the job of engulfing foreign particles such as pathogens and tumor cells, are activated. Macrophages, in turn, activate other components of the immune system, such as natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells. I can't say enough about this one. I sometimes even find them at regular grocery stores. 3. Reishi. Reishi mushroom's have been used for 2,000 years in Chinese medicine. Reishi has the ability to boost the body's immune system to protect it against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. It is one of the most popular mushrooms in the East and West for enhancing a compromised immune system and like cordyceps, maitake, and shiitake mushrooms, the reishi mushroom's immunologically active constituents are polysaccharides, primarily beta-D-glucan. Beta-D-glucan has immune-stimulating qualities as well as liver protecting and antioxidant qualities. 4. Cordyceps. Cordyceps is valued primarily for its extraordinary ability to increase energy and reduce fatigue by dilating the lung’s airways, providing more oxygen to the blood. It has been used in the past to strengthen the immune system by increasing the amount of the body’s natural killer cells. These defend the body against bacteria and viruses. It benefits the entire vascular system by regulating blood pressure, strengthening the muscles of the heart and improving circulation. Cordyceps boosts adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) levels in the body. ATP is the body's main energy supply source and is required for all cellular processes. 5. Chaga. Chaga the king of the medicinal mushrooms is one of the most powerful adaptogens and superfoods on the planet, exhibiting immune supporting complex polysaccharides that are considerably more potent than most any other medicinal mushroom. In addition to sterols, polyphenols and polysaccharides, the mushroom also contains a host of other superhealthy antioxidant constituents including melanin and superoxide dismutase as well as triterpenes, like betulin, inotodiol and lupeol. Lets just say that a single strong cup of Chaga tea has the same number of antioxidants as 30 pounds of carrots. 6. Lions Mane. Yamabushitake. Lions Mane has the ability to repair and regenerate neurons, resulting in improved cognitive function. Apart from vitamins and minerals, Lion’s Mane also contains some specific compounds such as hericerins, erinacines, erinaceolactones and specific glycoproteins and polysaccharides. This is the mushroom that has been found to be extremely effective at inducing what is referred to as "nerve growth factor" or NGF in the brain. This is a good one to brew in your tea. 7. Turkey Tail. Kawaratake. Turkey Tail is full of polysaccharides and triterpenes that give its immunomodulating properties. Turkey Tail has two unique beta-glucans. PSK and PSP. PSK and PSP have the ability to regenerate white blood cells and stimulate the activity and creation of T cells, macrophages and natural killer cells which destroy pathogens. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 9 : The Gut Microbiome Our microbiome is the collection of all the microbes associated with our body. In our gut alone we have around 100 trillion microbes, which is the same number of cells we have in our entire body. Unlike our human genetics, we can change and manipulate our microbiome. The "gut brain," the digestive tract is the body's only organ to house its own nervous system. This is called the Enteric Nervous System. This neural network consists of 500 million neurons, five times the amount in the spinal column. It operates independently from the central nervous system, and continues to function even when the vagus nerve, the main channel of communication between the gut and the brain is severed. Gut microbes impact mood and behavior by directly interacting with the nervous system, without involving the immune system. And 80 percent of our immune system is in our microbiome, which help our body with just about every process, including helping us to digest our food, think clearly and even maintain healthy weight. They also produce some vitamins that our genes cannot make. There is a complex neurochemical delivery system in which microbes such as probiotics can send messages directly to the brain. This influences not only our mood but learning and memory. The gut is responsible for making about 95 percent of the body's serotonin, which influences mood, appetite, and sleep. An average human body has ten times more bacteria than human cells. Like I have stated before that our Avatars ( biological bodies ) are mostly microorganisms and water held together by an electromagnetic field and those electromagnetic or rather Morphogenetic fields are transmuting everything. So the more we cleanse, fast, detox, eat plant based and drink plenty of distilled, filtered and alkalized water the easier it will be to ride this wave. We really are what we eat! If you feel heavy then don't eat. If you feel to light and ungrounded then you might have to eat something heavy. Take some deep breaths and listen to your other brain for a moment. So here are some ways to heal and protect your gut brain during this Ascension Process. 1. Obviously eliminate these first if you can. Refined sugar, synthesized antibiotics, processed foods, high fructose corn syrups and GMO foods. 2. Probiotic supplements. Choose a broad-spectrum supplement, that includes Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis (B. animalis), and Bifidobacterium longum. 3. Prebiotics. Some food for the microorganisms should include Garlic and Onions, Turmeric root, Chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke if you can get it, Leeks, Asparagus, Bananas, Barley, Oats, Apples, Burdock root, Flaxseeds, Sweet potatoes, Jicama root if you can get it, Wheat Bran, Seaweed and Cocoa beans. 4. Trace Minerals. Trace minerals are inorganic nutrients that are used for many biological functions, such as digestion, growth and hormone regulation. Also try to go to a Farmers market and get Organic and Heirloom fruits and vegetables. Then just rinse a little when you get home so you can eat a little dirt. We develop immunity to potential pathogens and ingest some beneficial bacteria. 5. Fermented foods. Sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh, natto and water kefir. Also have a bottle of Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar on hand. I add a table spoon to water and tea with a little juice flavor and drink it at night for all it's amazing benefits. Yum! And Don't forget to Eat some Pineapple, Papaya and Ginger root! Think of all the ancient food combinations from Asia, India and around the world. There is a reason why a Turmeric Root is combined with a Pepper for more bio-availability. And do your Liquid Intermittent Fasting or some form of Fasting that resonates with you so you can let your Gut Microbiome have a break. It will help you get out toxins, extra indigestible fibers, parasites and pathogens. Do some juicing if you can too. The Gut Microbiome or gut brain is part of your three brains system. The Central Nervous System Brain, Your Heart Brain and your Gut Brain. Support your body which will support your mind and soul and take you much deeper into your Ascension journey. So be gentle with your gut flora and listen to what they say. Some of those microorganisms have been around for more than a billion years and they might know a thing or two. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 10 : Emotional Body Guide Balancing our emotions in these challenging times are difficult. The Ascension Process is a roller coaster ride. Gamma rays and Solar flares, Geomagnetic fluctuations and the ever increasing hidden truths coming to the surface. The Apocalypse ( Ancient Greek literally meaning "an uncovering" uncover, disclose, reveal ) or the Veil being lifted from our current Matrix, this round of an Ascension Process can not be avoided without causing some psychological and emotional distortions. Conflicting values or beliefs in our mind can lead to a state of cognitive dissonance. Here are some tools to help us emotionally adjust and cope with all the changing and evolving energies. Practicing Gratitude is always a positive reinforcement. Pause throughout the day and consciously find something that you are truly grateful for. In every stressful situation search for one thing that you can say an honest thank you about. In order for this to work, it has to be a real and grounded thing that you can connect with. “ I am grateful for my vintage bicycle “. Only the real attitude of gratitude has the power to change your emotional state. I really do use my bike almost every day and I love it. It keeps me healthy, gives me freedom to travel, doesn't require expensive maintenance, plus I dig the older 10 speeds and think it looks cool. I am truly grateful for it. I mean no matter how small that may seem, consciously thinking of that experience in a positive manner will help bring your emotional state into balance. Change your viewpoint to the observer. If you’re stuck in the middle of intense emotions, you won’t see clearly and you will be reacting from past patterns. Act don’t react. Consciously choose your actions from a place of clarity, rather than just reacting to pain or running toward pleasure. As soon as you notice yourself losing your emotional center, excuse yourself and change your view, literally. Become the observer of your own emotions. Try to recognize where they are coming from. Are they coming from something you were taught? From some belief you have? Try a little logic. Think like Spock without suppressing the emotions. Instead recognize them before acting on them. Take a step back and make some emotional distance so you can remain as an objective observer. Which leads us to our feelings. So much tension and wasted energy is spent repressing or denying how we feel, both emotionally and biologically. Which is one in the same when talking about energetics. We literally make our selves sick by having to much stress in our lives. It's not very often that you here of a Tibetan monk getting cancer. Hmm. What are they doing that I can incorporate into my daily routine? Feel honestly about what you are feeling and allow the simple truth of your emotions to set you free. Don’t divorce yourself from your emotional body or be too intellectual. Don’t let your feelings drown you either. Acknowledge what you feel when you feel it and observe it. And then use that clarity as the basis for your decisions and interactions with others. Every emotion surfaces to teach you something or tell you something. Your job is to be clear enough to recognize the emotion for the messenger that it is. Communicate your emotions to others when appropriate, but remember to do so in a balanced way that respects the person with whom you are sharing. I have a good feeling about this! Use your senses to stay in the present moment of now. Cheerful thoughts through the organs of your five senses orient your field of awareness toward the present moment. Through what you see, what you touch, what you smell and taste. Direct your awareness to what you like about your current experience. While riding my bicycle I noticed the trees and how they smell and it seems they wave at me as I breeze by. Let your senses tell your mind that you are alive at that moment. Being in nature is one of the best ways to be in touch, literally. Get fresh air and see the sunlight as much as possible. Notice and appreciate your surroundings. If your in a city get out. Go to the park or create a sacred space in your home. If you are homeless then find your own sacred space, not one that you camp out on. Somewhere you can go to meditate before you start your survival daily routine. Get mobile and energize your flow. Specially if you have a job that requires you to stay seated for long hours. Remember to take every chance you get to walk, stretch and move around. In nature if you can. Little bursts of physical movement help the body feel better and the mind focus more intently. That is why so many people do yoga, tai chi and qigong. It helps them be flexible when energies are high or low. You don’t have to run a marathon or go to the gym to be energized, If it is to cold out to ride my bike I go for a walk besides doing yoga stretching every morning. And about four times a week a little qigong. If you don’t have time to get outside of your office, stand up in front of your desk for a few minutes every hour take some deep breaths and either stretch or continue what you’re doing while standing. Even the added physical effort of standing for a few minutes helps. Shake it loose. Deep Breathing. As always practice your breathing. Even while doing dishes. Close your eyes just for a moment and count out your 3 deep breaths. Then end it with a smile on your face. It's a mood changer. Mind into Matter. You are relaxing your Self and relieving some stresses. And if you can sit out in your yard or park and do more deep breathing and then meditate then Gaia (Mother Nature) will lend you a hand. Your body will flow into the natural vibration of the planetary Ascension. Day Dreaming. Remember that. When is the last time you just laid down in a park and looked at the clouds? Let yourself daydream. Don’t fill every moment of your day with Social media, TV and your phone. Just let yourself relax and your mind wander. Be careful not to let your mind harp on the negative in these little reveries. Close your eyes and let the mind free associate, even if there are no words that accompany this state. This is like a mini holiday in the middle of the day. Small refreshing daydreaming breaks help your mind integrate lessons and recuperate. You are also practicing being receptive, which is crucial to moments of wisdom and inspiration. Let it flow, shake it loose, bring out your inner child. Take the last moments of your day to reflect on the good things about your day. See the negative experiences as a learning tool and evaluate them with the perspective of what you can learn, not how you have failed. Take stock of the positive and negative emotions you experienced throughout the day. Validate yourself for progress made towards your emotional, physical and spiritual development. Pat yourself on the back. Feel good about yourself. Your taking little baby steps towards balancing out your emotional body. While it can be great to have goals and visualize the future don’t let yourself get too caught up in how things “should” be. Place them and state them on your vision board and then detach from the outcome. No expectations. Be prepared to let go so that you can be open to something bigger than you have ever imagined. Let life lead you down unexpected turns and you will discover magic in the most ordinary places. Remember the clouds. Remember your inner child. Remember your Divinity. Remember what one of the ascended masters said “ To be free from suffering, free yourself from attachments”. - Buddha. These are massive changing times and so goes out the old paradigm. We can manifest something completely new. Nutritionally, some of the supplements to take are a B vitamin complex, Omega 3 fatty acids and a high bio-available C. And the foods they are in. Along with Magnesium and calcium you can take Maca root, Panax and Siberian ginseng, Gotu Kola, Yerba mate, Lemon balm, and Ginko biloba. Also at night a tea with Valerian root, St. Johns Wort, Chamomile, Arctic root and Passion flower. Also of course distilled, alkalized and filtered water. And lots of it. Oxygenating the blood improves the flow to the brain and helps protect the cells from free radicals. And use some Aromatherapy. Using aromatherapy can be a positive and effective method of using herbs to combat the emotional symptoms of the Ascension Process. Essential oils may be diffused to smell their aroma, and in some cases be applied topically, usually with a carrier oil, such as grape seed, almond, or avocado oil. Herbs are especially helpful as essential oils for concentration like Rosemary, Peppermint and Basil. Since we don't sleep outdoors anymore and smell the trees and flowers we miss out on our natural world and it's changes. If we really want to engage in this Ascension Process then we start by taking on these holistic (whole, holy) lifestyle practices and open up our hearts once again to more Source. Love and Forgiveness in our Selves. ALCHEMICAL WIZARD 11 : Exercise / Body Weight Training Why is it so vital to keep our Avatars (biological bodies) fit and healthy during this Ascension Process? Since the Morphogenetic fields are ramping up with more Photonic light and trans mutating everything in this planetary system to a higher vibration, all lower vibrational planes of existence can not follow. The more we can feel and listen to what are body is saying the more cosmic intelligence we can hear. Our Hearts and Endocrine systems are like antenna's to our Higher Selves. Detoxifying the biological body often will help bring these frequencies into focus on a cellular level. Think of unlocking our “Junk DNA”. What the potential of this can mean to you. Think beyond working out and looking good. Think of unlocking a long line of suppression and freeing your cells, and then Self empowering your newest version of Self. This will help you participate more in the Ascension Process by feeling what your body needs. And give you a longer lasting boost while meditating. That's why you see so many people that do yoga, dancing, swimming, cross fit training, bicycling, running, mountain climbing, martial arts, qigong, some form of body movement, etc., that can transition right into meditation. The body has a number of glands that secrete hormones that communicate with one set of cells to another. I personally do some form of Body Weight Training every other day and meditate a little during and for a longer period after. I like to do my routines outdoors if I can. Mother Nature (Gaia-Sophia) has a way of healing us because we step into her natural vibration as she transits to 4D/5D. If you go to the Gym, great! If you do some other exercise then great. Exercise also teaches us how to nurture our Selves so that we can love and nurture others. Hear are some helpful tips on unlocking our cellular memory! Exercise! 1. The Plank. The Forearm plank is what most people consider to be a standard plank. Lie face down with legs extended and elbows bent and directly under shoulders; clasp your hands. Feet should be hip-width apart, and elbows should be shoulder-width apart. Contract your abs, then tuck your toes to lift your body (forearms remain on the ground); you should be in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 60 seconds or as long as you can. I do the straight arm plank. The top push up position for about 30 seconds and then come back to it after every set of push ups. 2. The Push Up. Variations. Arms can be out wider or in under shoulders for targeting the triceps. Start in a high plank position. Place hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Ground toes into the floor to stabilize your lower half. Brace core (tighten abs as if preparing to take a punch), engage glutes and hamstrings, and flatten your back so your entire body is neutral and straight. Begin to lower your body keeping back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you to maintain a neutral neck until your chest touches the floor. 3. The Incline Push Up. The basic incline push up is done using a bench, table, or other solid surface that is about three feet high. Here's how to do this style correctly: Stand facing the bench, table, or the edge of a bed. Place your hands on the edge of the bench just slightly wider than shoulder width. Realign your feet so that your arms and body are completely straight. Lower your body down with arms so your chest touches the bench. Back up and make sure your breathing. 4. The Tricep Dips. Position your hands shoulder width apart on a secured bench or stable chair. Slide your butt off the front of the bench with your legs extended out in front of you. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep. Keep your shoulders down as you lower and raise your body. You can bend your legs to modify this exercise. 5. The Squat Jacks. Bring your hands under your chin and squat down so that your knees are slightly above a 90 degree angle. Start with your knees together. Jump in the air and spread your legs. Land with your legs spread and then jump again bringing them back together. Continue to switch feet position every time you jump. 6. The Lunge Tap Backs. Variations. Basic Body Weight Lunge. To start, stand with your feet together, shoulders back, and your core tight. Lift your right leg off the ground and take a big step forward. Lower your body toward the ground until your right upper thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee forms about a 90 degree angle. Straighten up by pushing through your right heel to return to stand. Reverse Lunge. Stand tall, with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Take a big step back with your left foot, landing on the ball of your feet. Lower your body down while bending your right knee until it forms a 90-degree angle. Reverse the movement to return to stand. Repeat on the other side. Or the Reverse Lunge Kick. Move through the regular reverse lunge, but instead of returning to stand on two legs, kick your back leg out in front of you until you can touch your toes with your opposite hand. Return to stand and repeat on the other side. 7. The Hip Raise. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms out to your sides at a 45 degree angle. Brace your core and imagine you're about to be punched in the guts then squeeze your glutes tightly. Then raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from you shoulders to your knees. Pause for fives seconds as you keep your core braced and continue to squeeze your glutes. Then lower your body back to the starting position. 8. The Burpees. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, weight in your heels, and your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet. Shift your weight onto them. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick up in the air, as both can keep you from effectively working your core. Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep. 9. The Leg Flutter Crunch. Or called the Flutter Kick with Crunch. Lay flat on back and slightly lift your core off the floor. Then lift your legs off the ground and kick or flutter them for about 30 seconds. Then one leg at a time, bend knee and pull into your core. If you can't slightly lift your back off the floor then don't. Just lay flat and do the flutter kicks. 10. The Bicycles. Almost the same as the Flutter Kick. Lay flat on the floor and bring knees up to core and then pretend you are riding a bicycle for about 30 seconds a rep. Now, I usually do 3 to 4 sets of 20 or 30 seconds. Sort of depending on what my body is telling me. I rotate these. I do the yoga stretching before any type of work out. Then a plank / push up of only 10. Then up to Tricep Dips or what ever feels like a good exercise fit. Then back to a 30 second Plank / 20 Push Up. Rotating and breathing pretty hard. Then I drink my filtered chlorophyll water and sit and meditate. If your out in a park and there are monkey bars to do pull ups and chin ups then do a few of those to. Sweating helps the body detoxify and the strength training tells the body to speed up the metabolism even when you are sleeping. Blood flows and increases your cognitive ability. Your charging up your batteries, your moving things around and telling your biological cells that you are alive! In return they are saying OK. Challenge excepted. Lets get through all the transmutations of this miraculous Ascension Cycle and feel what it is like to have that much Photonic Light bursting fourth again! ASAP : Keylontic Morphogenetic Fields / Leo Lunar Eclipse Jan. 31 / Aquarius Solar Eclipse Feb. 15 / Aries Equinox March 20 Advanced Support for the Ascension Process or ASAP is a category that will dive deeper into the mysteries of creation and the dynamics of existence and it's processes. Let's go for another ride shall we? OK. You guys have your distilled filtered water and your adaptogenic herbs on hand? There is all kinds of help to support you on this current Ascension Cycle. Ton's of articles on holistic health including emotional health. Here we go! Through Solaris's Corona we will feel these electromagnetic waves. They produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays. Photonic light. These charged plasma particle waves of light consciousness pass through the membranes of time into our biological Avatars, re-coding DNA with Galactic intelligence. These are the Key Codes to our Higher Self. Leading us back to the Solar Christos Consciousness (Unity Consciousness, Christ Consciousness). We are evolving into our 5D Self. Not only is our genetic code transmuting, but our mind is expanding into bandwidths of higher knowledge and understanding. Our personal Heart Centered Toric Field (electromagnetic field) is converging with in the harmonic resonate energies. So try to slow down and meditate and breath deeply if you can. Get lot's of rest and hydrate. Lot's of filtered water. Get out in nature. Quantum infinite potential or time-line shifting is building once again into the primary time-line. These energies now will be even more filled with the Adamantine Particles so as to lift up more and more of the 3D density to 4D/5D. Global illnesses with headaches and nausea are more common as the Photonic Light (Gamma Radiation) penetrates everything in this Solar system and transmutes 3D matter. Which is conscious light, it Self. This causes cold and flu viruses that are still in the body to rise. So we want to boost our immune system at every chance. We have talked a lot about Ascension symptoms and how to ease them with holistic healing techniques in the articles called Alchemical Wizard. Early morning Wednesday January 31 there is a Total Lunar Eclipse here in North America. It is a Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in a month, and will appear red, like a Blood Moon. This is a rare Blue Moon Total Eclipse. This gateway will open up and activate Gaia's grid system, activating ancient sites, her crystal beds, the aquatic kingdom, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the elemental kingdom, and activate our heart center toric fields. This is the wave ride we have volunteered for. So we prepare by slowing down and not getting emotionally caught up in the global drama that is about to occur. The old set up, matrix, paradigm is fading and a lighter one is rising once again. We explored the shadow side of our Selves and now we are remembering our loving, forgiving and compassionate Selves. On Thursday February 15 a partial Solar Eclipse will occur mostly over Antarctica and Argentina. Hmm. Very interesting. These energies feel like they are going to shed even more light on what has been hidden. More partial disclosures on Ancient ruins, Deep State government controlled mechanisms and Ufology. The Spring Equinox on March 20, 2018 energies feel like more discovery of our authentic Selves. A real uplifting of these new beginnings in our Ascension Process toward a 5D Earth. Nova Earth. It feels like there maybe a larger Corona ejection from Solaris (our Sun) around this linear time. We are going to need all Holistic Healing Modalities and practitioners at this time. And lots of slow it down time, resting time, silent time and meditation time! This will be a real heightened wave activating the crystals in our bodies. Gaia's second most abundant element is silicon. Perceptions of the Temporal Now! should be transmutating into an ever expansive consciousness. We will feel even closer to Source through this wave exciting the particles in our High Heart Toric Fields. Cosmic DNA (“junk DNA”) will be regenerating and become more active. So lets slow down, stay hydrated, open our high hearts, meditate and set mind to purpose ( peace, sovereignty for all, etc.) And let's give forgiveness to us all for not knowing any better. Even the darkest of these are unaware of the controls. With compassion, because we have been in everyone's shoes and taken on many experiences, we forgive! It might take some time to heal. But that is what we have, infinity, in the Temporal Now! This is a powerful time to find linear time to integrate and transmute these energies with Gaia and your sisters and brothers. These are the " times you do not want to miss". It has been a humbling experience. Gratitude to all of you for going through this. With Love and Light! ASAP : Astral Holistic Healing / Metamorphic Light Chambers Advanced Support for the Ascension Process or ASAP is a category that will dive deeper into the mysteries of creation and the dynamics of existence and it's processes. Astral Projection and Remote Viewing have the same principles but what we are talking about here is the healing work that is being done with our light bodies (etheric body) during Dream Time. With your free will consent our Benevolent Star Families and our Inner Earth Families are helping us heal from the massive transmutational changes occurring during this Ascension Cycle. Also on an Angelic Realm level. We are not only working through biological body upgrades in our DNA lineage but also all our past emotional traumas. This present round of Ascension on Earth is an enormous undertaking by all. And I mean all. Dark and Light. From all of the physiological toxins to all of the psychic toxins, our natural energy force that flows through all human, animal and plant life has been disrupted and suppressed. Our natural energy flows through the body from Solaris (our Sun) and Gaia-Sophia (our Earth) and through our energy centers and meridian lines which are like energy rivers carrying this natural, vital energy around the body, feeding all the organs, tissues, blood, cells, muscles and bones. When this energy flow is blocked, we can experience low energy, pain, debilitation, disease and chronic conditions. The Morphogenetic Toric Fields we have entered into is transmuting on all levels and creating Ascension Symptoms because we are getting rid of the old trauma's and evolving to a higher awareness and expanded consciousness. This is a rapid shift. An accelerated ascension. This hasn't been done before on this type of scale. This many beings living on the surface of a planet almost all ascending at the same time. So you can imagine the kind of support and healing we need. Solaris (our Sun) is changing from a Yellow dwarf Star to a White dwarf Star. We are in alignment with our Galactic Central Sun as well. Toric field into toric field into toric field etc., into our Heart Space toric field. This is the Fluidic Fractal Space-Time Evolution. These are the Keylontic Morphogenetic Fields. Macro to Micro. Now, these Holistic Healing Light Chambers or Metamorphic Light Chambers are a gift to us from Source and offered through the facilitation and assistance of our Star Family, The Galactic Federation of Light, the Angelic Realm and the Agarthans (Inner Earth). These Chambers are pods for healing on all levels and layers; emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and the lineages of our mind and bodies. The Chambers are living technology of Light, Sound, Tone, Color and Frequency unique and specific to our energetics. It is a Healing Center created just for you, attuned to your energy, consciousness and Soul’s Purpose. These Remote Astral Metamorphic Light Chambers assist us with healing, changing and activating our DNA, amplifying our Light Bodies, upping the Light quotient of our Avatars (biological bodies) on Gaia. They activate the Crystals in our bodies. Including decalcifying our Pineal Gland. They work with our chakras, all of them, to make sure they are clear, spinning, and fully engaged. And they attune us to who we are as Source Energy. To access your specific Metamorphic Light Chamber ask Source Energy, your Star Family, the Galactic Federation of Light, your Higher Self, the Angelic Realm, your Spirit Guides, your Team or whomever you feel comfortable interacting with while you sleep. Make sure you set your intentions on not only healing your Self but in turn that which will heal a greater part of the whole, with your benevolent guide before you go to bed. You may see many crystals placed above your body of different colors. These vibrate at the frequency needed for your specific healing. Crystals are an integral part of Gaia's creations and all carry what you would call storage capacity of frequencies. This is not yet fully understood in the earthly dimensions but will as time goes by become a major player in the healing process for as you know the chakra system responds to the crystal in the way of frequency tuning and balancing. Crystals are absorbent and transmitters of vibration and on this vibration is carried information for healing. So the color of the crystal carries a vibration for the specific intention requested. Now this is for your Etheric Light Body to go during Dream Time if you so choose. But in the near Temporal Now (Future) we will be able to access these personally with our Avatars (biological bodies) on Ships and in the Crystal cities. This will help facilitate our jump to a fuller conscious awareness and a lighter biological body. A 5 th dimensional beingness. What I am getting at is there is so much support inside of you to access and to help you consciously engage in your own Ascension Process. The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and biological bodies. It's still a ways off for most of us, but when you take an active role you begin to consciously feel the Photonic light build in you activating your chakra system more and more past your original Activation or Kundalini awakening. Stay hydrated and slow down enough to meditate or sit in silence once in a while if you can. It will help you Self empower. And get your Self a team together and utilize them on a daily bases and don't be afraid to ask for help. You are so supported! ASAP : Keylontic Morphogenetic Science / Heliophysics Advanced Support for the Ascension Process or ASAP is a category that will dive deeper into the mysteries of creation and the dynamics of existence and it's processes. Here we are going to talk a little bit about Space Weather and it's effects on everything in this Solar System. Space weather is influenced by the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) carried by the solar wind plasma. A variety of physical phenomena are associated with space weather, including geomagnetic storms, the energetics of the Van Allen radiation belts, ionospheric disturbances and disruptions of satellite-to-ground radio signals and longrange radar signals, aurora and geomagnetically induced currents at Earth's surface. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's) and their associated shock waves are also important drivers of space weather as they can compress the magnetosphere and trigger geomagnetic storms. Solar energetic particles (SEP), accelerated by coronal mass ejections or solar flares, are also an important driver of space weather. Which leads us to Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's). CME's are a release of plasma and a magnetic field from the solar corona. CME's most often originate from active regions on the Sun's surface, such as groupings of sunspots associated with frequent flares. CME's release large quantities of matter and electromagnetic radiation into space above the Sun's surface, either near the corona or farther into the planetary system, or beyond. The ejected material is a magnetized plasma consisting primarily of electrons and protons. While solar flares are very fast (being electromagnetic radiation), CME's are relatively slow. Solar flares eject clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms along with the electromagnetic waves through Solaris's (our Sun's) corona into outer space. These Solar energetic particles (Adamantine Particles) and Solar rays (Gamma Rays) that are being absorbed by Gaia are transmutating everything to a higher frequency or speeding light up. These Divine plasma pulses are delivering very unique light codes which activate the ancient holographic templates of Ascension and unity consciousness. Gaia's crystal core (Unity Consciousness Drive) has been ignited. On the Schumann Resonance scale we see at about 24.3 hz. that an electromagnetic pulse is emerging. This is the Solar Christos (Kristos) Consciousness that is activating not only Gaia's Crystal Core (Unity Consciousness Drive) but our own Crystal (Krystal) DNA.