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Универзитет „Евро-Балкан“ ВИЗАНТИЈА И СЛОВЕНИТЕ: СРЕДНОВЕКОВНИ И МОДЕРНИ ПЕРЦЕПЦИИ И РЕЦЕПЦИИ Зборник на трудови од Петтиот меѓународен симпозиум „Денови на Јустиниjан I“, Скопје, 17-18.11.2017 Уредник Митко Б. Панов Скопје, 2018 Византија и словените: средновековни и модерни перцепции и рецепции _________________________________________________ Зборник на трудови од Меѓународниот симпозиум „Денови на Јустиниан I“ Скопје, 17-18 ноември 2017 Издавач: Универзитет „Евро-Балкан“, Скопје Уредник: Митко Б. Панов Лекторка: Јордана Шемко Герогиевска Ликовна и техничка обработка: Игор Панев Печати: Ирис принт Струга CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 323.1(=16:495.02)"04/14" 27-36-76-051:003.02(=16)(495.02)"04/14" 930.85(495.02)"653" МЕЃУНАРОДЕН симпозиум "Денови на Јустиниjан I" (5 ; 2017 ; Скопје) Византија и Словените : средновековни и модерни перцепции и рецепции : зборник на трудови од Петтиот меѓународен симпозиум "Денови на Јустиниjан I", Скопје, 17-18.11.2017 / уредник Митко Б. Панов. Скопје : Универзитет "Евро-Балкан", 2018. - 198 стр. : илустр. ; 25 см На стр. 3: Byzantium and the Slavs: medieval and modern perceptions and receptions : proceedings оf the 5th International Symposium "Days of Justinian I" Skopje, 17-18 November, 2017 / edited by Mitko B. Panov. Трудови на мак. и англ. јазик. - Фусноти кон текстот ISBN 978-608-4714-99-6 а) Словени - Византија - Среден век б) Мисионерска дејност - Словенска писменост - Византија - Среден век в) Византија - Културна историја Среден век COBISS.MK-ID 108861706 "Euro-Balkan" University BYZANTIUM AND THE SLAVS: MEDIEVAL AND MODERN PERCEPTIONS AND RECEPTIONS Proceedings оf the 5th International Symposium “Days of Justinian I” Skopje, 17-18 November, 2017 Edited by Mitko B. Panov Skopje, 2018 Уредник Митко Б. Панов МеЃУнАрОден нАУЧен кОМиТеТ ФЛоРин кУРта (УнивеРзитет во ФЛоРида) еЛизаБета диМитРова (УнивеРзитет Св. киРиЛ и Методиј, СкоПје) ХРвоје ГРаЧанин (УнивеРзитет во заГРеБ) дРаГи ЃоРЃиев (инСтитУт за национаЛна иСтоРија, СкоПје) јане коЏаБаШија (УнивеРзитет евРо-БаЛкан, СкоПје) РУБин зеМон (УнивеРзитет евРо-БаЛкан, СкоПје) виктоР ЛиЛЧиЌ (УнивеРзитет Св. киРиЛ и Методиј, СкоПје) ЃУзеПе Маино (УнивеРзитет во БоЛоња) ГеоРГи никоЛов (УнивеРзитет во СоФија) Митко Б. Панов (инСтитУт за национаЛна иСтоРија) каРоЛин С. СнајвЛи (ГетиСБУРГ коЛеЏ) донатеЛа БијаЃи Маино (УнивеРзитет во БоЛоња) витоМиР МитевСки (МакедонСка акадеМија за наУки и УМетноСти, СкоПје) ендРјУ РоУЧ (УнивеРзитет во ГЛазГов) аЛекСандаР СПаСеновСки (УнивеРзитет Св. киРиЛ и Методиј, СкоПје) јаСМина ЧиРиЌ (УнивеРзитет во БеЛГРад) СекреТАри нА редАкЦиЈА дРаГан ЃаЛевСки (инСтитУт за национаЛна иГоР Панев иСтоРија, СкоПје) EditEd by Mitko B. Panov iNtERNAtiONAL SCiENtiFiC COMMittEE FFLoRin CURta (UniveRsity oF FLoRida) eLiZaBeta diMitRova (UniveRsity ss. CyRiL and MethodiUs, skoPje) hRvoje GRaČanin (UniveRsity oF ZaGReB) dRaGi GjoRGjiev (institUte oF nationaL histoRy, skoPje) jane kodjaBasija (eURo-BaLkan UniveRsity, skoPjе) RUBIN ZEMON (eURo-BaLkan UniveRsity, skoPjе) viktoR LiLČiĆ (UniveRsity ss. CyRiL and MethodiUs, skoPje) GiUsePPe Maino (UniveRsity oF BoLoGna) donateLLa BiaGi Maino (UniveRsity oF BoLoGna) vitoMiR Mitevski (MaCedonian aCadeMy oF sCienCe and aRts, skoPje) GeoRGi nikoLov (soFia UniveRsity) Mitko B. Panov (institUte oF nationaL histoRy, skoPje) andReW RoaCh (GLasGoW UniveRsity) CaRoLyn s. sniveLy (GettysBURG CoLLeGe) aLeksandaR sPasenovski (UniveRsity ss. CyRiL and MethodiUs, skoPje) jasMina ČiRiC (UniveRsity oF BeLGRade) EditORiAL SECREtARiES dRaGan GjaLevski (institUte oF nationaL histoRy, skoPje) iGoR Panev СОДРЖИНА / CONTENTS ПРЕДГОВОР / FOREWORD 9 Витомир Митевски ВИЗАНТИСКИОТ ЕП ДИГЕНИС АКРИТ И НЕГОВАТА РЕЦЕПЦИЈА НА БАЛКАНОТ 11 Митко Б. Панов ВИЗАНТИСКАТА КОНЦЕПТУАЛНА ПРЕТСТАВА ЗА СКЛАВИНИИТЕ (7-9 ВЕК) 16 Łukasz Różycki EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES OF TATIMER AND MILITARY TACTICS OF THE SLAVS IN THE TIMES OF EMPEROR MAURICE 32 Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez “DEALING WITH THE SLAVS, THE ANTAE AND THE LIKE”. DANUBIAN BYZANTINE WARFARE IN THE MAURICE´S TREATY STRATEGIKON 49 Драган Ѓалевски ПРЕТСТАВАТА ЗА СЛОВЕНИТЕ КАКО ВОИНИ ВО ВИЗАНТИСКИТЕ ИЗВОРИ (VI-X ВЕК) 59 Bojana Radovanović SEMANTIC FIELD “PAGAN – HERETIC” IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE BYZANTINES AND WESTERNERS WITH REFERENCE TO THE SLAVS AND THE BALKANS 67 Dick van Niekerk LUTHER 500 (1517-2017): THE ALLEGED CONTINUITY BETWEEN BOGOMILISM AND PROTESTANTISM 78 Salvatore Costanza SICILIANS, BYZANTINES, AND MACEDONIANS IN 11TH AND 12TH CENTURIES 87 Marco Fasolio DOWN WITH THE EMPEROR, HAIL TO THE DESPOT. EPIROTE PARTICULARISM AT THE DUSK OF STEPHEN DUŠAN’S EMPIRE 96 5 Rubin Zemon THE SLAVIC IDENTITY AND THE NATIONALISMS IN THE BALKANS 108 Виктор Лилчиќ Адамс и Игор Ширтовски КОНТРОЛА НА ЗАПАДНИТЕ ВЛЕЗОВИ ВО СКОПСКО ВО ВРЕМЕТО НА ЈУСТИНИЈАН I 117 Васил Ѓоргиев – Ликин ПРЕНЕСУВАЊЕТО НА ПЕТНАЕСЕТТЕ ТИВЕРИОПОЛСКИ СВЕШТЕНОМАЧЕНИЦИ ОД СТРУМИЦА ВО БРЕГАЛНИЦА 126 Robert Mihajlovski and Zoran Rujak NEWLY DISCOVERED BYZANTINE LEAD SEALS FROM HE MEDIEVAL FORTRESS “CAREVI KULI” IN STRUMICA 137 Rozmeri Basic RE-EXAMINING SELECTED EARLY BYZANTINE MONUMENT IN ZADAR AND SURROUNDS: THE CHURCH OF ST. DONAT 146 Konstantin Voronin and Mariуа Kabanova THE BYZANTINE TRADITION OF JEWEL DECORATION OF ICONS IN THE LANDS OF WESTERN RUSSIA IN MIDDLE AGES (ARCHAEOLOGICAL INFORMATION) 158 Трајче Нацев и Драган Веселинов ЗАКАНИ И ОПАСНОСТИ ОД ПРИРОДНИ НЕПОГОДИ KAJ OБЈЕКТИТЕ И МЕСТАТА ПРОГЛАСЕНИ ЗА КУЛТУРНО НАСЛЕДСТВО НА ТЕРИТОРИЈАТА НА ИСТОЧНИОТ РЕГИОН НА РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 165 Весна Матијашевиќ - Покупец РЕФЛЕКСИИ НА ВИЗАНТИСКИОТ И ПОСТВИЗАНТИСКИОТ ПЕРИОД ВО МАКЕДОНСКОТО ПОЕТСКО И ПРОЗНО НАРОДНО ТВОРЕШТВО 176 Маќеј Хелбиг GUSTUS PAVONIS. ЖИВИНАТА ВО АНТИЧКАТА И ВИЗАНТИСКАТА КУЈНА СПОРЕД ПРИМЕРОТ НА ПАУНОТ Јане Коџабашија АРАЛАМПИЕ ШАХПАСКИ – АМПО, ПСАЛТ СМОЈМИРСКИ 6 187 195 Robert Mihajlovski School of Historical and European Studies La Trobe University, Melbourne Zoran Rujak NI Institute for Protection of the Cultural Monuments and Museum, Strumica удк: 904:623.446.8(497.742)”653” NEWLY DISCOVERED BYZANTINE LEAD SEALS FROM THE MEDIEVAL FORTRESS “CAREVI KULI” IN STRUMICA Abstract: Historical data about the construction of the fortress Carevi Kuli are lacking, as well as the correspondence between the central government and the fortress. In the absence of written historical sources, sphragistics offers some data that give us information about Byzantine officials. The lead Byzantine seals from the Carevi Kuli represent an important source in the research of historical events. Can the seal of John Doukas Caesar, with the monastic name Ignatios, be connected with the activities surrounding the development of the medieval fortress above the city of Strumica, or the seal with the figures of St. Theodore Tyron and St. Theodore Stratelates, with the events around the rebelion of Dobromir Chrysos or Strez, are the questions that still remain open. However, these lead seals represent a starting point in explaining events related to the history of the medieval fortress Carevi Kuli of Strumica. Medieval Strumica was an important military-administrative fortification in the south-eastern parts of the Balkans. There are not many historical sources on its organization and appearance and we can assume that the town of Strumica did not differ from the other medieval settlements that developed from the late 11th to the end of the 14th century. The city had an acropolis with the fortress, “Carevi Kuli” (Tsar’s Towers) on the hilltop, and its suburbia had concentric terraces where the houses with narrow streets and markets were located. According to some data, the city of Strumica had, probably, between 2.000 and 5.000 inhabitants during the Middle Ages.1 1 Љ. Максимовић „Град у Византији“, Плато (2003), 40 137 Map of the South-eastern Balkan with some of the medieval towns and the city of Strumica The medieval fortress of “Carevi Kuli” was built on an elongated saddle peak on the eastern slopes of Mount Elenica. It had a complex fortification similar to a number of fortified places in this part of the Balkans. According to the research, backed up with historical data, this fortress played an important role in securing the strategic junction that connected with the road from Constantinople, through Serres and further to Prosek,2 Stip and to Skopje.3 From the south, the main road connected Strumica with the port of Thessalonike. 2 Роберт Михајловски и Орданче Петров, “Нови наоди од тврдината Просек, Демир Капија: печатот на Георги Инеот, севаст и паракимомен, околу 1198 година”, Патримониум 15, (2017), in press. 3 Robert Mihajlovski, “A collection of medieval seals from the fortress Kale in Skopje excavated between 2007 and 2012”, Byzantion 86 (2016), 261-316. 138 The fortress Carevi Kuli with the city of Strumica at the foothill The exact time of construction of the medieval fortress Carevi Kuli is not known, but many data support the opinion that construction of the large fortification was sometime at the end of the 11th or the beginning of the 12th century. Probably, due to the danger caused by the invasion of the Pechenegs and Cumans, the founder of Komnenos dynasty, Alexios I began the re-construction of the fortress, and it intensified after the invasion of the Normans and the First Crusade.4 It explains the great concentration of the Byzantine army at the end of the 11th century in this area. This data were recorded in the monastic archives of the monastery St. Holy Mother the Merciful of Velyusa. It should be also related with the inspectional visit of Alexios I Komnenos to these areas at the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century, visiting the city and the famous monastery in Veljusa. Recently, the archaeological excavation on the north-western plateau of the medieval fortress unearthed some new Byzantine lead seals. Four damaged Byzantine seals found at the fortress testify about the correspondence between the Byzantine court and the Strumica fortress. One of the preserved seals that complements above mentioned Veljusa monastery’s historical records about the visit of the emperor Alexios I Komnenos to Strumica belonged to John Doukas Caesar, a politician and personal adviser of Alexios I. 5 4 Zоran Rujak, Carevi Kuli (Tsar’s Towers). The most significant values of the cultural and natural heritage (Skopje: Ministry of Culture of R. Macedonia, Cultural Heritage Protection Office, 2015). 5 Бранко Панов, “Струмица и Струмичката област во средниот век (VI139 The seal is bilateral, with partially preserved text on the both sides. It is made of lead with a diameter of 2.2 cm, weight of 5.53 grams (inventory number ZMS-A-0005239). By the time of its occurrence, this seal belongs to the last quarter of the 11th century. The text on the both sides is covered with a circle of dots. On the obverse, damaged text is stored in four rows: + ΘΚΕ|ΒΟΗ/Θ/̣ΕΙ |ΤΩΣΩΔ.|ΛΩ Θεοτοκε βοήθει τῷ σῷ δούλῳ The reverse has a damaged text in four lines: Ιγνα|τίΩμοναχΩ|τΩΚαί|σαρι ᾿Ιγνατίῳ μοναχῷ τῷ Καίσαρι In translation: + Holy Mother, help your servant John, the monk and Caesar. Bilateral seal of John Doukas Caesar with the monastic name Ignatius from the 11th century. XI)”, Акта Велјуса (1984), 68-69. 140 Samples from this seal are found in several places; they are processed by several authors and belong to several collections of Byzantine lead seals.6 John Doukas Caesar had a great influence on the political life of the Byzantine court during the second half of the 11th century. The Byzantine chronicle Michael Psellos writes that the Byzantine Emperor Constantine X Doukas (1054-1067) appointed his brother John Doukas with the title Caesar in 1073/74. According to the chronicles of Michael Psellos and Anna Komnene, John Doukas Caesar was a significant figure in the Byzantine imperial policy of the second half of the 11th century. As a talented general and politician, he suppressed the conspiracy against the emperor in 1061, and after the death of Emperor Constantine X, he was an adversary to the new emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (1068-1071) and he carried out a coup in favour of his grandson Michael VII Doukas, Parapinakes (1071-1078). In 1074, John Caesar was sent out by the logothete Nikephoritzes to fight the mercenary Roussel de Bailleul who mutinied against the emperor Michael VII, but soon they became allies. In 1073, he was proclaimed emperor at Amorium by Roussel de Bailleul and marched on Constantinople. Terrified by their military coalition, Byzantine Emperor Michael sought help from the Seljuks, promising them east Anatolia. John Caesar fell into Turkish captivity and he was released by ransom. In order to avoid the punishment for his betrayal he became a monk with the name Ignatios and in 1076 retreated to a monastery. But even though he was monk, occasionally, he left the monastic walls and returned to political life, forcing Emperor Michael VII to abdicate. Ignatios influenced the political marriage between his niece Irene Doukaina and the future Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. Although a monk, Ignatios was involved in political life and was active as adviser to Emperor Alexios I Komnenos from 1081 to 1088. He died on May 12, 1088, and was buried in the monastery Christos Philanthropos, founded by his niece, Empress Irene Doukaina.7 The seal originated from the period between 1081-1088 when John-Ignatios was an active adviser to the new Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (10811118), since he used both titles as monk and Caesar. The seal is probably related to a correspondence addressed to the builders or administrators of the fortress of Strumica. 6 V. Lauren, Le corpus des sceaux de l’empire Byzantine, V.2 , l’administration centrale (Paris 1981), nr. 1388 ; G. Zacos – A. Veglery, Byzantine lead seals , vol. 3 (Basel, 1972), nr. 2685. 7 E.R.A. Sewter, Fourtheen Byzantine rulers, The Chronographia of Michael Psellos (Harmondsworth, New York: Ringwood, 1987), 350-366; R. Dalvern, Anna Comnena (New York, 1972), 62-64. 141 The second seal is with two figures on the obverse, one of which is St. Theodore Tyron, and another saint, probably, St. Theodore Stratelates? In this fine-made, but damaged seal, only the obverse is preserved. The seal is made of lead with a diameter of 3.2 cm, weight of 19.61 grams (inventory number ZMS-A-0003584). It is found on the northwestern plateau of the medieval fortress Carevi Kuli. According to the workmanship, the seal probably belongs to a senior official from the 12th to the 13th century. On the obverse there are figures of St. Theodore Tyron and possibly St. Theodor Stratelates, in full growth and in full military equipment. St. Theodore is frontally shown, in a standing position, with an aureole around his head, wearing a short military tunic. In the right hand he holds a spear, and in the left shield. On the left and right side of the figure of St. Theodore Tyron there is a vertical inscription. The other figure, on which may be depicted St. Theodore Stratelates, although partially preserved, is also dressed in a short military tunic and has a aureole around his head. In the right hand this saint probably holds a spear. Unfortunately, the text of the reverse, where the name of the owner of the seal should be, is heavily damaged. 142 Lead seal with the figures of St. Theodore Tyron and St. Theodor Stratelates? (12th - 13th century) On the obverse of the seal there are two vertical inscriptions placed on the left side of the standing figures. ΑΓΙΟΣ ΘΕ|ΟΔΩΡΟΣ Ὁ ἅγιος Θεόδωρος In translation: St.Theodore According to the other archaeological findings, the fortress Carevi Kuli was recorded at the time of Konstantinople occupation by the Latins when the Second Bulgarian Empire ruled these territories. Activities have been intensified in the time of the independence of Strez and the time of the wars that occurred after his death in the first half of the 13th century. Unfortunately, in this stage of research it is not possible to establish to whom exactly belonged the seal with the figures of St. Theodore. The answer should certainly be sought in the correspondence of some Byzantine dignitaries led by one of the aforementioned rulers of Strumica during the 12th and 13th centuries. During the archaeological excavations on the plateau of the medieval fortress, two fragments of lead seals were discovered. The first one, with inventory number ZMS-A-0003375, has a preserved diameter of 1.9 cm and a weight of 3.55 grams. It is half of a damaged lead seal with the text in four rows. The letters are unreadable so that the text cannot be read. On the other side of the seal, the inscription is completely damaged. 143 A fragment of a lead seal with unreadable content The second seal, with an inventory number ZMS-A-0003582 and a diameter of 2.2 cm, weight of 11.68 grams, has an irregular shape. It is a central part of a seal that is damaged and unreadable. On the other side of the seal there is no inscription. There are several decorative signs, so it is difficult to determine whom it belongs to and what purpose this seal had. 144 A central part of the seal with unreadable content Historical data about the construction of the fortress Carevi Kuli are lacking, as well as the correspondence between the central government and the fortress. In the absence of written historical sources, sphragistics offers some data that give us information about Byzantine officials. The lead Byzantine seals from the Carevi Kuli represent an important source in the research of historical events. Can the seal of John Doukas Caesar, with the monastic name Ignatios, be connected with the activities surrounding the development of the medieval fortress above the city of Strumica, or the seal with the figures of St. Theodore Tyron and St. Theodore Stratelates, with the events around the rebelion of Dobromir Chrysos or Strez, are the questions that still remain open. However, these lead seals represent a starting point in explaining events related to the history of the medieval fortress Carevi Kuli of Strumica. 145