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Popular Music

RESEARCH PROPOSAL FORM Research Title: Popular Music: A Comparative Analysis on its Effects on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students Name of Researcher : Atajar, Paolo L. Caringal, Lanz Aljenson Dequito, Ainah Jelynne C. Laude, Joshua P. Maghirang, Monica Shaila M. Strand : STEM Researcher's Contact Details : 09776985325 Name of Research Adviser : Ricalde, Simeon Research Proposal Rationale of the Research The researchers chose this topic for them to know if Popular Music is really helpful to students. They want to know if listening to it can be an effective way to relieve and manage their stress. This study seeks to explore the role of popular music to senior high school students’ daily lives. The qualitative method of research will help researchers to gather descriptive data from the respondents in that way the research will be able to collect definitive data that will further the understanding of popular music and its countless effects to Senior High School Students. The researchers consider Popular Music as one of the significant things in our daily lives. Not just to Senior High School Students but also to the whole community of music lovers. Also, Popular Music is very important because it has become a norm in this modern day and age. The gathered data and conclusions of this study will further help future researchers and hopefully this research will fill the gaps of past research similar to this study. The psychology of music and emotions helps to better understands emotions as synchronized responses (cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling, physiological response, expression, action tendency and regulation) to changes in the environment (Juslin, Liljeström, Västfjäll, Barradas, & Silva 2008). Experimental methods developed by the psychology of music offer sound methodological and ethical strategies to induce and manipulate strong emotions in laboratory settings (Juslin & Västfjäll 2008) Purpose of the Research The goal or main purpose of the study is to discussed Popular Music and A Comparative Analysis on its effects on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students. Likewise researchers, aims at finding answers to the following specific objectives: What benefits do Senior High School students perceived in listening to Popular Music on their academic performance? How does Senior High School Students balance their Academic Performance while listening to Pop Music? What are the perceived impact of listening Popular Music to Senior High School Students Academic Performance? What are the positive and negative effects of listening Popular Music to Senior High School Students Academic Performance? What are the differences between students who listens to popular music from those who do not? Theoretical Framework Studying for tests and exams is an activity which is very important to students’ academic success. Some of these stimuli, such as music may be chosen by the student depending on his/her personal study preferences. The researchers’ finding in theoretical framework is mostly by Widerman M. S. 2013 and the theory is entitled “Mozart Effect Theory”. In this theory, cited by (Widerman M. S. 2013) "Mozart Effect Theory", “students regularly listen to music while studying as a way to help them stay engaged in studying". This theory refers to potential increase in levels of spatial temporal reasoning after listening to music. In short, they said that listening to music help students to engage in studying. Also, music helps students to be motivated in their studies and for them to gain more knowledge to be able to have good grades and for the students to improve their academic performance. Then, there are reasons too, to believe that music may be both helpful and hurtful to students’ academic performance. There is also an extensive history of findings which report positive effects of listening to music. In other words, listening to music is not that bad for the students while studying. It's just that, it depends on the person who is in that position if he/she can excel more his/her grades on academic performance while listening to music. Literature Survey Everyone has music. It can be different from one person to another (Titon, 2009). Music had been part of people's lives from generations to generations. It affected the Body unconsciously and consciously. Music has different effects on an individual. It can be beneficial or it can also amplify emotion that is already in the person who is listening. According to Thompson (2013), it shows that the amount of time studying do not affect the performance but the strategies. How the person copes up with the studies like reading the whole book or notes twice or thrice or answering the homework can help the person increase their mastery that help keep up their academic performance. Studying through memorization is good but you can't be sure that you will not forget what you have memorized. Just memorizing without understanding is like digging your own grave. So it is better to read repeatedly to fully understand about the topic that is being studied. Based on the study of Lamb (2013), popular music is also the music which is for the urban middle class that include different music from classical to heavy metal. Pop music appealed to teenagers that focus on rhythms and romance. In this case, many people prefer listening to Pop Music because it is more beautiful in the ears of the listener. Everyone has different preference when it comes to music. Also, the music that an individual is listening to can depend on his/her mood. A person who has an affection towards the opposite sex will listen more often to songs about love. This will also be studied by the researchers to know more about Popular Music and how this works with the listeners. As cited by Pepe (2012), students listening to music while studying, helps boosting up their academic performance. Studying for hours may have an effect on the academic performance since the person is more prepared rather than cramming. It soothes a person’s mind for them to think straight and clearly. There are some who prefers to listen to music while studying and there are also some who does not. While those who prefer, find it more engaging to and fun while studying. This study shall explain that listening to Popular Music helps the students relax and to think right. According to Reck (2009), listening to pop music while doing something like studying helped people to relax, reduce blood pressure, remedy for headaches and migraines, improves intelligence and concentration, and lastly good coordination. To some listening to music at work can increase one's mood and as a result perform better at work. Also, there are people who find it relaxing while listening to music to relieve stress. This study helped the researchers to know the effects of listening to Popular Music. Significance of the Research This study determined the Comparative Analysis on its effects of Popular Music on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students. Also, to see if Popular Music contributed positively or negatively to the students’ academic performance. Popular Music is the wide appeal that is typically distributed to large audiences through the music industry. Popular Music is usually played on electronic instruments, it is also popular to many people because it consists of short yet beautiful songs with a strong beats and simple tunes that are easy to remember. Music is a very significant part of our daily lives. Popular Music would have a good significance too, according to the following: Students. Students engaging with popular music build a variety of transferrable skills even in math and science. Many studies from global universities show the benefits of learning music from a young age, regardless of the genre. Dr. Kyle Pruett, clinical professor of child psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine who is also a practicing musician, says that ‘musical experience strengthens the capacity to be verbally competent’. Studying with music has been shown to help students study longer and retain more information. Teachers. Teachers can serve music as a core feature of a lesson or just make for good background ambiance and signal transitions in class activity. Whether playing it during tests or reading time, music can have a significant impact on how students react to learning. Schools. Schools enjoy music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. Popular music can be a way to gather everyone as a community and for them to enjoy music. Schools will benefit too because they can use popular music to have social events, programs, etc. Also, popular music can be a way to gather everyone as a community and for them to enjoy the music. Future Researchers. Future Researchers found that listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication. Future Researchers be benefiting too, because they can use this study as an additional knowledge and for them to have an idea about Popular Music. This study can serve as a guide to them who wants to be able to read this. Definition of Terms Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.  Research done by Borde showed that gender did not play a role in academic performance. Another study by Meece and Jones also revealed that gender differences did not influence students’ standardized science test scores. However, Haist et al., showed that men performed better than women in certain settings while women outperformed men in other settings. A study by Hedges and Newell showed male students outperformed female students in science, but in reading and writing female students did much better. Genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. Allan F. Moore, state that genre and style are two separate terms, and that secondary characteristics such as subject matter can also differentiate between genres. A music genre or subgenre may also be defined by the musical techniques, the style, the cultural context, and the content and spirit of the themes. Geographical origin is sometimes used to identify a music genre, though a single geographical category will often include a wide variety of subgenres. Music is something that is produce by man that can be form into a work of artor complement the activities (Titon, 2009). Music was defined as a form of entertainment that lessens boredom (Milliman, 1982). Music can be generalized as type of genre such as Pop, Rock, Classical, R&B, Country, Jazz/Blues, Hip-Hop, Modern Folk, Electronic, Asian, Comedy, Caribbean and Latin American music. Popular Music is music with wide appeal that is typically distributed to large audiences through the music industry. These forms and styles can be enjoyed and performed by people with little or no musical training. David Hatch and Stephen Millward define pop music as "a body of music which is distinguishable from popular, jazz, and folk musics". According to Pete Seeger, pop music is "professional music which draws upon both folk music and fine arts music". Although pop music is seen as just the singles charts, it is not the sum of all chart music. The music charts contain songs from a variety of sources, including classical, jazz, rock, and novelty songs. Pop music, as a genre, is seen as existing and developing separately. Thus "pop music" may be used to describe a distinct genre, designed to appeal to all, often characterized as "instant singles-based music aimed at teenagers" in contrast to rock music as "album-based music for adults". Scope and Limitation of the Study The research will focus on the effects of Popular Music on the academic performance of selected senior high school students. The study will tell how many students prefer to listen to popular music while studying and it will also tell how many students prefer to not listen to Popular Music while studying. The research data were implied by the Senior High School students, this is for the researchers to know the effects of Popular Music to students nowadays. The population is the Grade 11 Senior High School Students and the sample size is 6 respondents who are listening to Popular Music. The limitation of the study is only limited for Senior High School Students and the ones who are listening to Popular Music. The study is exclusive only about Popular Music and no other genres are included. Statement of Desired Outcomes Students who choose music with positive messages or soothing sounds can help themselves relax and to feel better. The stresses of puberty can be reduced by listening to or creating music with positive sounds and words. The idea that music can make students smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the media is fascinating. Listening to pop music can actually make you learn better and research confirms this. It can also help you learn and recall information more efficiently, researchers say. Though it depends on the degree to which you like the music. Music can help students to study better and earn higher grades. Choosing the right genre that does not distract a student from working and concentrating is important because some music can be distracting in both its lyrics and its rhythm and tones. Listening to uplifting music such as pop music induces happiness in a person. Even when you are sad, sad music can lift your mood and make you feel happier. The researchers think that it is factual that Popular Music can really help students to improve their learning skills and for them to be more focused. Research Design/Research Instrument/Data Gathering Procedures Research Design The research used the qualitative method in gathering the data. The structured interview method was used to gather the perceptions of the participants. Interview was conducted to know the participants’ answers. Research Instrument The researchers used structured interview and the participants answered it. Structured interview was used to gather the responses of the Senior High School Students. Several questions were given to make it easy for the participants to answer specifically and clearly. Data Gathering Procedure The study logically followed the needed steps to have a reliable gathering. The first step was the Researchers asked the permission of the selected participants. After choosing the participants, the Instrument interview was given. After the interview, it was followed by tallying the results. The data was gathered through the use of statistical formula and it was transcribed for coding. Sampling Design and Procedures As the researchers formulated a statement of a problem, the researchers’ work would make a prepared interview. The interview consists of 3-5 questions. Researchers come up with this kind of criteria. Researchers selected Grade 11 Senior High School students who are in the top 10 in their class. Participants should answer the criteria according to the characteristics that the researchers gave. Participants should answer the interviews properly given by the researchers. Participants need to be honest. And about the researchers, they should guide the participants properly. Participants/Units of analysis/Subjects of the Study Participants The study will have Grade 11 Senior High School STEM students as participants. The subjects will be chosen from the following criteria (1) the subjects should have knowledge about pop music; (2) the subjects find it relaxing when listening to music while studying; (3) the subjects should be knowledgeable about Popular Music). The researchers will be able to gather the information they need. Units of Analysis The unit of analysis in this study is about Pop Music. The research tackles about how it can affect students in a positive way and how it might help them achieve goals. Subjects of the Study In this study, Senior High School students who are listening to Popular Music will be the participants of this research. Selected students will be given questionnaires for them to answer to gather data. The respondents that will be given questionnaires will be from Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. Assumptions Popular music affects each person differently. Our research aims to identify the effects of Popular Music to Senior High School Students. Our method of gathering the information we need is to hand out questionnaires to the students who listen to music. The questionnaires will be a guiding point for us to identify the positive effects of Popular Music to students. Through this research we hope to help people understand Popular Music better. Data Analysis Plan The analysis was to mainly look for the effects of Popular Music to Senior High School Students’ Academic performance. The researchers used thematic analysis and asked questions towards the participants. Also, the researchers analyzed the feedbacks of students who are listening to Popular Music. The study will follow the structured interview that has been developed by the researchers and it was used in the chat interview that was answered by the subjects. Moreover, the researchers used a narrative treatment to show the qualitative research results. The gathered data helped the researchers in assessing the implication of Pop Music in student's academic performance. Research Paradigm/Conceptual Framework One important observation is that presence of music. The fact that presence of music healed our problem that need of people particularly in students. It is because environment may change rapidly even internet or social media. Peaceful is the most need of a person having a problem. Sometimes, it is difficult to find a friends because their effort is not enough to solve our problem however we look forward on music because we need harmony or the combination of ourselves and music. It is different activity or hobby that need of a person having a problem because there is possible reason to solve our problem. Meanwhile, there is a real benefit in/on listening music to individual’s problem based on theme and goal of music, giving happiness and motivation to hold our dream. Thus, nature of listening music explains only the initial stages of gathering of emotion and use of knowledge of an individual regarding how internet and social media affects us. However, listening is the process of remembering unforgettable moment/scenes, the happiness, the sign of positive in different problem because there is a music and friends: example are bonding in a friend's house in with Videoke set and having multiple kinds of popular music influenced by online activities. Somehow, they differ in terms of the factors that influence of music is behind us no matter what. In this study, the researchers focused on the influence of music and how affect us. This study followed the pattern of systems approach which determined the effects or the influence of music to emotional cognition of a person and its impact. The Research Paradigm of the study is illustrated below: References Bachelors Degree (2014). 20 Important Benefits of Music in our Schools. Retrieved July 21, 2014 from: https://nafme.org/20-important-benefits-of-music-in-our-schools/ Bisk (2018). Music in the Classroom Proves Beneficial for Learning. 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