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Moje, Asyut 4_U.indd 1 The Asyut Project 4 Harrassowitz Verlag Jan Moje The Ushebtis From Early Excavations in the Necropolis of Asyut, Mainly by David George Hogarth and Ahmed Bey Kamal Harrassowitz Jan Moje received his PhD in 2005 from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster with a thesis about Hieroglyphic Palaeography of 19th dynasty private stelae. From 2005 – 2008, he was a research associate at the Egyptological Seminar of Universität zu Köln. From 2009–2011, he was a postdoctoral fellow of the Excellence Cluster “TOPOI. The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations” at the Egyptological Seminar of Freie Universität Berlin. In 2012 he received his habilitation at Freie Universität Berlin. Moje · The Ushebtis From Early Excavations of Asyut Ushebtis – statuettes used as funerary equipment to serve their owners – are one of the most popular object groups from Ancient Egypt and receive much attention. On the other hand, statuettes explicitly originating from Middle Egypt are distinctly underrepresented in Egyptological research and hardly any information has been published as a corpus so far. The present volume fills a part of this gap. Here, the ushebtis found during early 20th century excavations in the necropolis of Asyut have been compiled and published for the first time. They have been analyzed regarding iconography and burial practices in Asyut from the New Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period. The Asyut Project 4 The Asyut Project 4 05.02.2013 16:19:41