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Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng TOP AGRIBUSINESS IDEAS Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. The term was coined in 1957 by Goldberg and Davis. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution, farm machinery, processing, and seed supply, as well as marketing and retail sales. LIVESTOCK BREEDING BUSINESS IDEAS 1. Cattle Ranch A typical example of livestock breeding business is a cattle ranch. An ideal cattle ranch is place where cows, ox, bulls, bullocks, heifers, donkeys, camels, calves et al are reared. Cattle rearing is a big business; meats, skins, milks and manure et al are gotten from cattle ranches. If you have the financial capacity and you are looking towards going into livestock breeding business, one of your major options is to open a cattle ranch. There is a global market for cattle and it is indeed a profitable business to go into. Please note that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to successfully manage a cattle ranch. 2. Grass – cutter Farming Business Grass cutter farming is yet another lucrative livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is looking towards making money should consider going into. In recent times, it is now pretty much easier to breed grass cutters in cages, unlike when hunters would have to go hunting for grass cutters. Grass cutter farming is a highly thriving and profitable business in Africa; grass – cutter meat is a good delicacy that is eaten in all parts of the world especially in West Africa and East Africa. 3. Pig Farming Pigs breeding business is yet another highly profitable and thriving livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is interested in farming should consider going into. Although pork is not consumed in Arab countries and within the Muslim communities, but that does not mean that the pig farming is not a thriving and profitable business venture. Before going into pig farming, ensure that you have done your market survey and feasibility studies so as to ensure that there is a market for pigs in the community you intend building your pig pen. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 1 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng 4. Fish Farming Business Another highly thriving and profitable business venture an entrepreneur who is interested in making money from the agriculture industry should consider starting is to go into fish farming. Fish is consumed in all parts of the world; hence there is a large market for fish. Over the years, quite a few people have made fortunes from fish farming, as the population is swelling and protein needs are far outstripping the available supply. Before now, people find it easier to rear only catfish, but in recent time fish farmers can comfortably rear tilapias, trout and salmons fish et al. All you need to get started is a space, tanks or ponds, fingerlings and fish feeds et al. 5. Goats and Sheep Rearing As a matter of fact, goats and sheep is consumed in all parts of the world, it is a good source of protein. If you are looking towards starting a livestock breeding business, one of your best bet is to go into goat and sheep rearing. No doubt it is not easy rearing goats and sheep, but one thing is certain, there is a global market for goats and sheep and it is a highly thriving and profitable business to go into. 6. Rabbits Farming Rabbits farming is yet another highly thriving and profitable livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is interested in the agriculture business should consider starting. There is no law prohibiting the keeping of rabbits in Towns and Cities. A backyard can serve as a good source of additional income, food and employment; thus reducing poverty, hunger and idleness. Rabbit do not compete with humans for food, as kitchen leftovers, cut grasses and formulated or compounded feed can sustain them. Rabbit keeping does not require much capital for investment and maintenance. As little space is needed, most rabbits could be kept in the backyard or in the abandoned sheds. 7. Dog Breeding Business Amongst domestic animals, dogs are being considered to be one of the closest companions to human. Dogs breeding business is a lucrative business especially in countries where people value dogs. Dogs are used for hunting, for security as pets, for games and in some climes as a major source of protein. 8. Snail Farming Business @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 2 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Snail farming is another interesting, thriving and profitable business venture that an entrepreneur for is interested in making money from livestock breeding should consider going into. As a matter of fact, snail farming require low start – up capital and anyone who is serious about business can generate good income from the business. Snail meat has been severally affirmed as a most safe and nutritious delicacy. 9. Poultry Farming Business Hens, various birds, quails, guinea fowls, ducks et al are all birds that can be comfortably reared in poultry. Chicken and birds are widely consumed in all parts of the world hence there is a large market for poultry farmers. If you want to start a livestock breeding business, then one of your options is to settle for poultry farming. Poultry farming is a highly thriving and profitable business venture. Aside from the fact that people consume birds and chickens et al, supply of eggs is also a major source of revenue generation for poultry farmer. 10. Bees Farming It is no longer new that people are now finding it easier to go into bees farming. Honey is gotten from bees and honey is in high demand in most countries of the world. As a matter of fact, people now prefer to use honey as sweetener as against sugar; it is safer and healthier to use honey. Honey is also highly medicinal hence the high demand for honey. If you are considering starting a livestock breeding business, then you should consider going into bees farming. It is a profitable and thriving business venture. Please note that you would have to learn how to breed bees if not, you might not find it funny when you get several stings from bees. 11. Start a Shrimp Farming Business Shrimp farming is known to be a profitable business and has evolved from small scale to a global industry in most countries where it’s carried out. Countries like United States, China, Japan, Thailand and even South American Countries have been farming shrimps on larger scales for a long while. Shrimp is known as one of the world’s healthiest foods and is eaten in all the continents of the world. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content makes it most desirable by those who are careful about their cholesterol intake. It is classified as a marine creature and it is easy to come by especially in coastal area and riverside. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 3 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng 12. Worm Farming Another not too popular breeding business that an entrepreneur can successfully start is the breeding business that requires pretty low start – up capital is worm farming. Worms can be reared in farms just like snail farming, pig farming and other classes of farming that you may know. Worm farming today has come to stay because it has moved from its primitive stage where it was only an activity and hobby, to what it is today – a line of business. 13. Turkey Rearing Unlike chickens and other birds, turkeys are bigger birds that are usually allowed to move freely within a confined area for safety purposes. Of course turkeys are consumed in all parts of the world and as a matter of fact, they are more expensive than chickens and other birds. If you are looking towards starting your own livestock breeding business, one of your options is to go into turkey rearing business; it is indeed a thriving and highly profitable business venture. 14. Parrot Breeding Business Parrot is yet another interesting bird that is loved by many because of its display of intelligence. Starting a parrot breeding business might not be easy venture initially, especially when it comes to sourcing for parrot. But one thing is certain, if you are able to kick start the business with good spices of parrots (the talking species) then you will not struggle to sell and make good profits off them. There is a large market for parrots although it is rear to see people who eat parrots, but almost everybody that purchase parrots keep them as pets, they are funny and interesting pets to keep as companion. If you are lucky to have an intelligent and lively parrot in your home, there won’t be any dull moment. 15. Aqua farming Catfish farming, Tilapia farming and crayfish farming are very good businesses for young people who are interested in agriculture. 16. Fish hatchery This is a place for artificial breeding, hatching and rearing through the early life stage of fish and shellfish in particular. Hatcheries produce larva and juvenile fish primarily to support the aquaculture industry where they are transferred to on-growing systems. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 4 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: 17. info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Dairy Farming You can start making your own dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and butter for sale Commercial dairy farming is one of the most profitable agriculture business ideas. Apart from milk it produced a quantity of manure. There is a tremendous scope/potential for increasing the milk production through profitable dairy farming. 18. Goats Farming Goat farming are among the main meat-producing animals. This meat is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. 19. Piggery Having a sufficient landholding an entrepreneur can start piggery business. Among the various livestock species, piggery is most potential source for meat production and pigs are more efficient feed converters after the broiler. Pig farming requires small investment on buildings and equipment. 20. Fodder Farming for Goats and Cows Fodder is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as chickens, horses, pigs, cattle and goats. The term refers to food given to animals, rather than the food they forage for themselves. Types of plants typically grown for fodder include alfalfa, barley, oats, clover, grass and wheat. 21. Hatchery Another very good business for young entrepreneurs is starting a hatchery for eggs and selling day-old chicks to poultry farmers. 22. Poultry and meat production and packaging. There is the general belief that manually packaged meat or poultry are not too hygienic because of the way they might have been handled. A lot of people are now making good money from machine processed and packaged meat. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 5 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: 23. info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Quail egg Farming Recently, a lot of people have come to discover the amazing health benefits of quail egg and a lot of people are now going into quail egg farming. Depending on how you decide to go about it, Quail egg farming business can be started with less than N20,000. 24. Snail Farming Snail meat is a healthy alternative for meat. People who are on a diet or suffering from a health condition that prevents consumption of too much cholesterol usually turn to snail meat instead of meat. AGRO LEASING & CONSULTANCY 25. Agricultural Equipment leasing With the increase in people going into the agricultural business, you can make money from hiring out equipment like tractors, ploughs, sprayers, harvesters and irrigation machines to farmer. 26. Agricultural Brokerage You can start a business in agricultural brokerage by linking sellers of agricultural produce with buyers and get commission for it. You can also become a consultant and offer expert advice or organize training and seminars. 27. Facilitative services (credit, insurance, marketing, storage, processing, transportation, packing, distribution.). 28. Agro-Farming Blogging As internet facility is spreading fast, even farmers from remote villages have access to internet. There is a growing need for unbiased, honest advices for farming related activities. People having knowledge and expertise in farming related activities worth consider agro farming blogs 29. Agriculture Consulting As with other consulting services, agriculture consulting requirement is surely expected to grow with coming days. People with experience and knowledge @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 6 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng on a specified field of farming activity can consider offering consulting services to organizations and farmers. 30. Landscape expert This is a personnel who have enough knowledge in the field of landscape architecture. The practice of landscape architecture includes: site analysis, site inventory, land planning, planting design, grading, storm water management, sustainable design, and construction specification and ensuring that all plans meet the current building codes and local and federal ordinances. 31. Soil Testing Lab Soil Testing is agronomically sound, beneficial and environmentally responsive tool used for monitoring the nutrient as well as making precise fertilizer recommendations for various crops and cropping sequences ensuring no damage to the environment. Establishing a soil testing lab with a Government certification is one of the most ideal agriculture business ideas. 32. Export business An entrepreneur can start export business of farm produce by collecting them from local farmers. One can start this business from home location only having phone and computer with internet connection AGRO – ALLIED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RELATED BUSINESS IDEAS 33. Flour milling You can start your own flour milling business and start converting grains like wheat, corns, millet and cassava into flour. Wheat flour is a product that is in high demand in the baking industry. Flour milling is something you can do from the convenience of your home if you have a small space that you can mark out for it. If you do not have space within your home, you can rent a small space and start from there and as your business expands, you can opt for a larger space. You can easily get wheat, corns, millet or cassava from local farmers, and then learn how to process it and make it into flour. 34. Fruit Juice or Jam Production @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 7 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Our fore-fathers used to make their own jam and fruit juice at home by themselves before some smart investors recognized the business potential of these items and started making processed and packaged fruit juice and jam for sale. As a young entrepreneur, you can start making your own fruit juice or jam and supply them to supermarkets and food stores around you. There is huge demand for natural fruit juice now as more people are now learning how to eat healthy and avoid artificial and overly preserved foods and drinks. You can buy fruits in large quantity from local farmers and make your own natural healthy fruit juice at home. 35. Groundnut Processing Groundnut is a popular snack that is loved by very many people. Take a trip to a nearby supermarket and you will see bottled groundnuts branded and packaged in a fanciful way. Very little effort goes into frying and packaging those groundnuts for sale and distribution. With as little as $200, you can start your own groundnut processing and packaging business. And of course, you can do it from the comfort of your home. If you can start your own groundnut farm, you will get access to groundnuts cheaply but if you don’t have a space for groundnut farming, you can still get cheap raw groundnuts from farm markets. 36. Cashew Nut Processing Cashew nut processing and packaging is similar to groundnut processing, the only difference is that cashew nuts are more expensive and difficult to get than groundnuts. Raw cashew nuts are readily available in local village farms and markets where you can purchase them, bring them home for processing and packaging and sell them at a good profit. 37. Livestock Feed Production A lot of people are going into livestock farming like fish farming, pig farming, poultry farming and a whole lot of others. As a smart investor, you can start producing feed for people to feed their animals. However, you must ensure that you carry out a lot of research and come up with a product that is rich in nutrients and would promote quick growth and good health of the animals. To start a livestock feed production business, you will need a grinding machine, mixing machine, weighing machine, customized packing bags and raw materials for production. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 8 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng 38. Soya Beans processing Soya milk, soya flour, soya sauce, soya bean oil. Soya bean milk is a healthy and nutritious drink that is in high demand by health conscious people. You can start a soya bean milk processing business for a little capital. 39. Fertilizer Manufacturing Company It is common to see farmers who are into non – organic farming using fertilizers to boost the growth of their crops. Fertilizer is a typical agro allied products. No doubt there is a very large global market for fertilizer, as a matter of fact, the government of most countries is the major buyers of fertilizer; it is a highly thriving and profitable business venture. As an entrepreneur who is looking at starting an agro allied related business, one of your best options is to go into the production of fertilizers. This type of business is capital intensive and will require licensing and permits from appropriate authority. 40. Insecticide, Herbicide and Pesticide Production Company Another agro – allied related business that an entrepreneur should consider starting is to go into the production of insecticides, herbicides and pesticides. As a matter of fact, pest control is highly needed for the preservation of crops most especially grains meant for storage. Hence, if you are looking towards starting your own agro allied business, then you should consider going into the production of insecticide, herbicide and pesticide; there is a huge market for these products amongst the farming community. 41. Fumigation Services A typical agro allied related services business that an entrepreneur should consider starting is to offer fumigation services. Fumigation is done to eliminate unwanted insects, and weeds et al. It is a highly thriving and profitable business venture that is easy to set – up and manage. If you looking towards starting a fumigation services business, then you need to apply to the appropriate authority in your country to secure the required chemical handling permits and license. 42. Air Fresheners and Perfumes Perfumes and air fresheners are products that are produced from plants. There is a global market for perfumes and air freshener and it is quite easy to @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 9 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng set – up this type of business. If you are considering starting an agro allied related business, then one of your options is to go into the production of different perfumes and air freshener. It is a highly thriving and profitable business venture. As a matter of fact, if you are ready to invest big in the business, your brand can grow big and become a global brand in no time at all. 43. Palm Oil Mill Setting up a palm oil mill is yet another highly thriving and profitable agro allied related business that an entrepreneur can successfully start. There is a large market for palm oil; palm oil is used for cooking and also in the production of pomade et al. Hence, if you considering starting an agro allied related business, you should consider starting a palm oil mill. Please note that it is advisable to set this type of business close to palm tree plantation; with that, it will be pretty much easier for you to get your raw materials – palm kernels. 44. Rubber Mill Lastly, another highly profitable and highly thriving business venture that an entrepreneur who is interested in setting up an agro allied related business should go into is to start a rubber mill. Rubber that is tapped raw from rubber plantation usually go through processing before they are sold. The job of rubber mill is to process raw rubber before selling to manufacturing companies that need them. It is a capital intensive business, but you can be rest assured that you will breakeven within a short period of time if the business is strategically located. 45. Fertilizer Distribution Business Fertilizer distribution business in Nigeria is highly controlled by Government regulation. It is one of the profitable agriculture business ideas one can start with moderate capital investment 46. Grocery E-shopping portal This is the most trending business in recent phenomena. This tech-based business opportunity demand proper planning and strong online marketing strategy to start. 47. Potato Chips Production @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 10 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Commercial small potato chips production line can process both potato chips and french fries. As it is a FMCG product demand is increasing globally. 48. Micro nutrient Manufacturing – Folier and Soil Application Micro nutrient has an immense potential in agriculture business. Having a strong distribution strategy, one can start this manufacturing business with substantial capital investment. CROP CULTIVATION BUSINESS IDEAS 49. Rice Cultivation Rice is stable food that is consumed in all parts of the world which makes it a good crop to cultivate. If you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business and you live in an area (preferably swampy and water logged areas) where the soil composition and the climatic conditions support the growth of rice, then one of your best options is to go into rice farming. . 50. Tomatoes and Pepper Cultivation Tomatoes and pepper are another key agricultural produce that plays prominent roles in the preparation or stew (sauce, soups et al), this is irrespective of the part of the world that you live in. What is more, one good thing about tomatoes and pepper is that it is easy to cultivate. As a matter of fact that there is a large market for tomatoes and pepper. 51. Vegetable Farming Spinach, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, and cucumber et al, are all vegetables that are consumed in every part of the globe and can also be cultivated in every part of the world. This goes to show that there is a very large market for vegetables. So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into vegetable farming. 52. Grains Farming Grains are a stable food that is consumed in all the countries of the world; hence there is a global market for grains. Grains such as millet, wheat, oat, @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 11 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng shogun, barely, cereal, soybeans, black mustard, sunflower seed et al, are of good market value. This is expressly for food processing companies that are into flour production, malt drinks and beer et al. So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then you should consider going into grain farming. On like vegetables, grains can last longer if well preserved. 53. Groundnut Cultivation Groundnut is a cash crop that can is consumed in all the parts of the world. The truth is that, there is a large market for groundnuts. If you live in area where the soil composition supports the cultivation of groundnuts, then you should consider going into the cultivation of groundnut. 54. Sweet Potatoes and Irish Potatoes Farming Sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes are crops that are consumed globally and it can be processed into different forms. It can be eaten when cooked, and when fried. Potatoes chips can easily be packaged and exported from country to another. Thus, if you are looking at starting an agricultural business, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. It is a cool way of making money because there is a readily available market. 55. Fruits Plantation There are several types of fruits that exist. They are such as mangoes, cashew, guavas, oranges, apples, pawpaw, cherry and the list goes on. No doubt there is a large market for fruits and the fact that fruits can be processed into drinks and juice makes it highly sellable. 56. Cassava Plantation Cassava is a crop that is predominantly consumed in South America and Africa. It can be processed into flours and also into chips. If you live in Africa especially West Africa or you live in South America, and you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business; one of your options is to go into cassava plantation. Cultivating cassava is less stressful especially if cultivated in a land to supports its growth. 57. Pineapples Plantation Pineapple juice, pineapple chips and pineapple flavor et al, are products from pineapples. One good thing about starting this trade is the point that these @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 12 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng products can be exported from one country to another, because there is a global market for pineapple products. So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into pineapples cultivation. Please note that just like most agricultural produce; pineapples are highly perishable hence you should make sure you make arrangement for selling them before it ripens. When it comes to selling pineapples sourcing for juice production company is your best bet. 58. Apple Plantation Apples are some of the few fruits that can last for a while and stay fresh if well packaged- which is why it is easier for apples to be exported from one country to another. Although apples don’t grow in all the countries of the world, but if you live in a country where the soil composition and climatic condition supports the growth of apples, then it will be a good idea to start your own apple plantation. 59. Yam Cultivation Yam is another tuber crop that is cultivated majorly in Africa, South American and in most countries of the world. Yams can be eaten when cooked, fried and as flours et al. No doubt there is a large market for yams. As a result, if you are looking towards starting an agriculture crop cultivation business and you live in Africa or South America, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of yam. Unlike most agriculture produce, yams if well preserved in a barn can outlive one season. You do not necessarily have to be the person doing the cultivation. You may think to just handle the business management aspect, whilst you hire farmers to help with the operations. 60. Mangoes Plantation Mangoes takes time to grow from seedling state to fruition stage; so if you are considering going into the cultivation of mangoes cultivation, then you must be patient enough to wait. One good thing about mangoes plantation is that once the tree is up, then you can be rest assured to harvest mangoes once or twice a year. There are some species of mangoes that can produce mangoes fruit twice in a year- if that is the type of species you would like to start with, then you may consider asking experts to put you through in that line. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 13 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng 61. Orange Orchard Orange is perhaps one of the most popular fruits in the world; there is a massive market for oranges. As a matter of fact, owning an orange orchard is an investment because year in year out you will continue to generate income from it. Oranges are consumed directly and predominantly as drinks and juice. So if you are looking towards starting an agriculture crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into orange farming. It is a cool way of making money especially if you have the financial capacity to set up your own juice production company. 62. Cashew Plantation Cashew is a cash crop that is consumed all over the world. One good thing about cashew is that aside from the fruits that can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, the nuts are also edible; they are eaten as snacks. So, if you are looking to launch out into farming, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of cashew. Just like most fruit trees, once your cashew trees are matured, you will continue to harvest from them for as long as possible. 63. Cotton Wool Farming Wools can be gotten from sheep and also from cotton wool. It is regarded as a cash crop. No doubt wool is a major component in the textile industry, as it is used in producing textiles for garments. This goes to show that there is a very large market for wool. If you have the financial capacity to go into cotton wool farming, there are no limits to the income you can generate as long as you have vast hectares of land to cultivate cotton wool. Cotton wool can easily be exported from one country to another and there is readily available market for cotton wool. 64. Rubber Plantation Rubber is another economic crop that has great value. Rubbers are used in producing loads of products ranging from containers, to bags, to electrical and mechanical components hence there is a large global market for rubber. If you are looking towards investing in the crop cultivation, one of your best options is to go into rubber cultivation. As a matter of fact, a handful of rubber trees can sustain a family from one generation to another; that is how valuable rubber is. In essence investing in a rubber plantation is and investment of a lifetime. 65. Palm Tree (Fruit) Plantation @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 14 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Just like rubber, palm fruit is yet another economic crop that as great value. Owning a palm fruit plantation is a lifetime investment. You are like going to generate income from your palm fruit plantation for as long as possible. Palm trees and palm fruits are used in the production of loads of products ranging from creams, to palm oil, to palm wines, to chemicals, to brooms and craft works et al. If you have access to a large portion of land in an area with soil composition and climatic conditions that supports the growth of palm trees, then one of your best options is to go into the cultivation of palm fruits. 66. Beans Farming Just like rice and most grains, beans is another stable food that is consumed in all the parts of the world. This goes to show that there is a large market for means. Beans if well preserved can last long and they can be comfortably bagged and transported from one region to another. There are different types of beans that you can cultivate, just ensure that you conduct your research and market survey before making your choice on the type of beans that is highly marketable in your country. 67. Maize Farming Maize is yet another crop that is consumed globally. As a matter of fact, maize can be processed into various forms; gourmet, flour, beers et al. No doubt there is a large market for maize and maize is simple to cultivate. In most parts of the world and perhaps with the aid of scientific advancement, maize can be cultivated all though the year irrespective of the season. So if you are looking towards starting your own farming business, especially a product that can be cultivated within a short period of time, then one of your options is to go into maize farming. 68. Tea and Coffee Farming Tea and coffee are considered as cash crop that can be cultivated in a country and exported to another country. As a matter of fact, tea and coffee are the major export from some countries; it is one of their major sources of income generation. Tea and coffee are cultivated in most countries of the world and there is a large global market for them. So, if you are looking towards going into exportation of agriculture produce from your country to another country, then one of your options is to go into tea and coffee farming. It is a highly profitable farming business to go into. 69. Tobacco Farming @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 15 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Tobacco is yet another agriculture produce that has high market value. There is tobacco manufacturing companies to source for supply of tobacco crops. If you live in state of region with the presence of tobacco manufacturing companies and you are looking towards going into farm, one of your options is to go into tobacco farming. No doubt there is a readily available market for tobacco crops either locally or internationally. 70. Plantain and Banana Plantation Plantain and banana are crops that can easily be cultivated and they are consumed in all the parts of the world. Owning a plantain or a banana plantation is a lifetime investment. The truth is that bananas and plantains grow naturally with little or no input from a farmer (the owner of the plantation). 71. Sugarcane Plantation Another crop that is known to grow easily around tropical islands is sugarcane. As a matter of fact, during the slave trade era, islands within the tropical region (the Caribbean countries) are used for sugarcane plantations. Till date, these regions are notable for the cultivation and export of sugarcanes. Therefore, if you are looking for any agricultural related business to start around tropical islands, you should consider starting your own sugarcane plantation. 72. Mushroom Farming Mushroom is another crop that is easy to cultivate and that is consumed in most countries of the world. There are two main broad categories of mushrooms; the edible and the non-edible (which is poisonous). The deliberate mushroom cultivation is therefore essential to eliminate the imminent threat of mistakenly gathering the dangerous type. The start-up requirement are mushroom shed or house, sawdust, Polythene bags, Spawns/mushrooms seeds, Urea/nitrogen fertilizer, Lime, water, ceiling machine, weighing scale, extra hands, Refrigerator. 73. Bamboo Farming Bamboo has a lot of economic benefits and that is why it is a brisk business to start a bamboo farms. Because of its strength and resilience, bamboos are utilized as a building material (scaffolding, roofing, flooring et al) in the construction industry, it can be used to make furniture, it is used for decorations, bamboos are used as writing surface, bamboo fiber are used to @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 16 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng make high quality paper, bamboo are used to produce musical instruments and it is also used to construct weapons. 74. Herbs and Flower Farming Another strategic and rewarding crop cultivation business an entrepreneur should consider starting is to go into the cultivation of herbs and flowers. Although this type of farming is not popular amongst farmers, but the fact remains that it is highly profitable especially if you choose herbs and flower that are in high demand. As a matter of fact, drugs manufacturing companies relies on the supply of herbs from herbs farmers to manufacture drugs. Herbs farming is highly profitable in countries like India and China. 75. Marijuana Cultivation With the recent legislation pushing towards legalizing recreational use of marijuana in the United States of America, there is likely going to be an increase in the demand for marijuana. If you live in a country where there are no law prohibiting people from farming marijuana, then you have the option of going into marijuana farming. There is a large global market for marijuana 76. Cocoa Plantation Cocoa is a cash crop that is used in the production of beverages and chocolate et al. There is a global market for cocoa; a farmer in Africa can become a major supplier of cocoa seeds to a beverage company or chocolate factory in Europe et al. So if you are looking towards starting an agriculture crop cultivation business, you should consider going into the cultivation of cocoa; it is indeed a profitable venture to go into. Just like most cash crop, a cocoa plantation can outlive a generation. 77. Carrots Cultivation Another easy to cultivate and easy to sell agriculture produce that a farmer can cultivate is carrot. Carrot is a crop that is consumed in all the parts of the world because of its nutritional value. This goes to show that there is a large global market for carrots. So if you are looking towards going into agriculture crop cultivation, one of your options is to go into carrot cultivation. One good thing about carrot is that you can successfully cultivate carrots alongside other crops such as cucumber, water melon et al. 78. Onion Farm @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 17 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Another highly sellable crop that a farmer aspiring to make money from the farming should consider starting is onion farm. Onion is a crop that is consumed in all the parts of the world hence there is a large global market for onion. One good thing about onions is that if well bagged (especially with jute bag) it can be transported from one region to another and even across borders. 79. Spices Production Spices used to make food like curry, thyme, cayenne pepper to mention a few are usually in high demand at food stores and supermarkets. Take advantage of that by processing and packaging your own spices. . 80. Medicinal and Herbal plant cultivation Medicinal plants and herbs are in great demand both locally and for export. Growing medicinal herbs commercially is one of profitable agriculture business ideas. Having sufficient land and knowledge about the herbs marketing, an entrepreneur can initiate medicinal herbs farming with moderate capital investment 81. Vegetable Farming Vegetables are one of the highly consumed food items in the world. Starting a vegetable farm is one of the simplest and easiest businesses in the world with a high profit margin of up to 500%. 82. Florist Fresh flowers are generally used for home decorations or event decorations and you can make money from growing flowers for sale. An entrepreneur also can generate a substantial online sale by offering customers door-step delivery. 83. Potato Powder Potato powder has wide application in the processed and snack food industries, it can be used in any recipe which requires mashed potatoes. Potato powder is used as a thickener or base for preparation of ready to eat vegetable gravies and soups. Processing method is also not very complex. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 18 Coastal Agro Vision No 13 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Phone: 08036722905, Email: info@coastalagrovision.com.ng Potato powder processing business can be initiated semi-automatic small scale basis. 84. Corn Farming Corn (Maize) is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. Commercial corn farming by using modern technology with quality seed is one of the most profitable agriculture business ideas.. 85. Tea growing business Tea business has huge potential and demand for the product is increasing globally. Tea plants typically fare best in acidic soil and regions with heavy rainfall (around 40 inches per year), although they can be grown anywhere from sea level to altitudes as high as 1.3 miles above sea level. 86. Horticulture Crop Farming Horticulturists produce fruits, flowers, and plants in greenhouses and nurseries. Selection of the crops and method is important in this business. 87. Botanical pesticide This is one of the most profitable agriculture business ideas. It is an essential and mandatory product for organic farming. The demand for this product is increasing highly. 88. Mushroom Farming It is similar to quail egg farming and not many people know that this business brings up to 500% profit. If you have a clean space in your home, you can start your own mushroom farming business today and start selling mushrooms to hotels, exporters and pharmaceutical companies in the next 21 days. @Coastal Agro Vision. 08036722905 Page 19