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!"#$%&'( !(&#)* '(+ !(,-#$(.&(/'0 1'2 3&,-&2 Law & Business !"#$%&'() #* +$",(- ./, 012(-1/2%31/$ !454 637 89: ;<== >? >$@'(1 //1 )(1 A%B1 C'( D(2'(-$/1)& E3$) /1) )%&2-%#"2() %1 D3-2'F G(12-/$ /1) E3"2' >H(-%I/ #* >&@(1 !"#$%&'(-&F 01I4 J;=9 KI+%11(* G%-I$( L-()(-%IMF KN ;9J=< O1%2() E2/2(& 3P >H(-%I/ E3$) /1) )%&2-%#"2() %1 /$$ 32'(- I3"12-%(& #* C"-@%1 N%&2-%#"2%31 !(Q/&"& N-%R( E2-/2231 6"&%1(&& !/-MF 6%QQ$(&,/)( 6()P3-)&'%-( ES9T TCU O1%2() +%1Q)3H 0EED =V::W9:<: ! ;=9=F +$",(- ./, 012(-1/2%31/$ C'%& B3"-1/$ &'3"$) #( I%2() /&X Y;=9=Z 9V [[[.A C'( ["-3@(/1 [1(-Q* /1) [1R%-31H(12/$ ./, A(R%(, %& @"#$%&'() : 2%H(& @(- *(/-4 E"#&I-%@2%31 @-%I(& P3- ;=99 \]3$"H( ;=F D"H#(-& 9 2'-3"Q' :^ %1I$")%1Q @3&2/Q( /1) '/1)$%1QX !-%12 &"#&I-%@2%31 @-%I(&X [OA:V8_OENV;`_S6!`9= 51$%1( &"#&I-%@2%31 @-%I(&X [OA:<;_OENT`:_ S6!<J; YI3R(-& 2,3 I31I"--(12 "&(-&Z C'%& B3"-1/$ %& /$&3 /R/%$/#$( 31$%1( /2 ,,,4M$",(-$/,31$%1(4I3H4 E/H@$( I3@%(& /1) 32'(- %1P3-H/2%31 /-( /R/%$/#$( /2 ,,,4M$",(-$/,4I3H4 L3- P"-2'(- %1P3-H/2%31 /2 @$(/&( I312/I2 3"- &/$(& )(@/-2H(12 /2 a89 Y=Z 9J; :<9`:; 3- /2 &/$(&bM$",(-$/,4I3H4 L3- /)R(-2%&(H(12 -/2(& @$(/&( I312/I2 3"H/-M(2%1Q )(@/-2H(12 /2 a89 Y=Z 9J; :<9`;` YK/-%1/ N3-)%IZ 3- /2 H/-M(2%1QbM$",(-$/,4I3H4 >$$ -%Q'2& -(&(-R()4 D3 @/-2 3P 2'%& @"#$%I/2%31 H/* #( -(@-3)"I()F &23-() %1 / -(2-%(R/$ &*&2(HF 32-/1&H%22() %1 /1* P3-H 3- #* /1* H(/1&F H(I'/1%I/$F @'323I3@*%1QF -(I3-)%1Q 3- 32'(-,%&(F ,%2'3"2 @-%3- ,-%22(1 @(-H%&&%31 3P 2'( @"#$%&'(-&4 !(-H%&&%31 23 "&( 2'%& I312(12 H"&2 #( 3#2/%1() P-3H 2'( I3@*-%Q'2 3,1(-4 !$(/&( /@@$* 23X !(-H%&&%31& N(@/-2H(12F c3$2(-& +$",(- .(Q/$F J: D%12' >R(1"(F J2' P$33-F D(, d3-MF Dd 9==99F O1%2() E2/2(& 3P >H(-%I/4 [WH/%$X @(-H%&&%31&bM$",(-$/,4I3H4 !-%12() 31 /I%)WP-(( @/@(- Managing Editors Kurt Deketelaere Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Zen Makuch Imperial College London Associate Editors Bram Delvaux Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Marijke Schurmans Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Editorial Advisory Board Lucas Bergkamp Hunton & Williams LLF, Brussels Erasmus University, Rotterdam Michael Faure Maastricht University Stephen Stec Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) Country Office, Hungary Book Reviews Editor Karen Makuch Imperial College London European Energy and The European Energy and Environmental Law Review invites the submission of Environmental Law unsolicited articles from scholars, practitioners and students of energy and environmental Review law. The Editors are willing to consider proposals for articles but is unable to make any commitment as to publication prior to submission of the final script. Book reviews are also welcome. Letters in response to articles can only be considered for publication if they do not exceed a maximum of 500 words. Aims and Scope European Energy and Environmental Law Review is a bimonthly journal which presents comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in energy and environmental law throughout Europe. In addition to this, European Energy and Environmental Law Review contains concise, accessible articles which explore and analyse significant issues and developments in energy and environmental law and practice throughout Europe. European Energy and Environmental Law Review enables the reader to keep abreast of significant and topical aspects of energy and environmental law, including the legal issues relating to renewables, energy security, energy efficiency, energy competition law, energy liberalisation process, electricity and gas markets, climate change; sustainable energy, land, air, fresh water, oceans, noise, waste management, dangerous substances, and nature conservation. Its succinct, practical style makes it ideal for the busy professional, while the authority, scope,and topicality of its coverage make it an invaluable research tool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