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An Assessment on threatened classification of Gloriosa superba L

This article gives an overview of categorization of threatened status of Gloriosasuperba L., medicinal plant in the present status. The available literature related to these aspects drawn from studies done in various interest areas of threatened condition viz. extinct, critically endangered and endangered, vulnerable (VU), data deficient (DD), low risk (LR) and not evaluated (NE). The supporting literature obtained from standard web sources and available authentic data from national and international research agencies. The relative analysis is definitely promoted to actual classifying of G. superbaL. in national, IUCN system and as well an international database. Throughout to individual afford required of a botanist, biotechnologist, conservationists and policy makers , an obligatory to conserve it and develop techniques for in-situ and ex-situ conservation. Further, the threatened medicinal plant will be available for future, accordingly essential need a development method for molecular study, germplasm conservation and phytochemistry etc.

DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. Review Art icle DCSI 15: 140 –150 (2016) Received: 13 July, 2016 Revised: 27 July, 2016 Accepted: 29 July, 2016 An Assessment on thr eatened classification of Glor iosasuper ba L. Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi*, K.L. Tiwari, S.K. Jadhav and AfaqueQuraishi School of Studies in Biotechnology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla Univer sity, Raipur (CG) 492010 *cor r espondence: chandr aw anshi11@gmail.com Abstract: This ar ticle gives an over view of categor ization of thr eatened status of Glor iosasuper ba L., medicinal plant in the pr esent status. The available liter atur e r elated to these aspects dr aw n fr om studies done in var ious inter est ar eas of thr eatened condition viz. extinct, cr itically endanger ed and endanger ed, vulner able (VU), dat a deficient (DD), low r isk (LR) and not evaluated (NE). The suppor ting liter atur e obtained fr om standar d w eb sour ces and available authentic data fr om national and inter national r esear ch agencies. The r elative analysis is definitely pr omoted to actual classifying of G. super baL. in national, IUCN system and as w ell an inter national database. Thr oughout to individual affor d r equir ed of a botanist, biotechnologist, conser vationists and policy maker s , an obligator y to conser ve it and develop techniques for in-sit u and ex-sit u conser vation. Fur ther , the thr eatened medicinal plant will be available for futur e, accor dingly essential need a development method for molecular study, ger mplasm conser vation and phytochemistr y etc. Keywords: Medicinal plant, thr eatened, IUCN, i n-sit u , ex-sit u , phytochemistr y I nt r oduct ion: 80% of t he world’s populat ions direct ly rely on I ndia is a wealt h of plant biodiversit y, t radit ional m edicine. I n t he current scenario, it it s cont aining 8% of the worlds and 12.5% of was felt t hat due t o the absence of a scient ific t he world’s phyt o-biodiversit y. According t o system of collect ion and fostering regenerat ion Anonym ous, ( 2000) I ndia is included am ong of such plants, m any plant species have been t he t op 12 m ega–biodiversit y nat ions in t he com pletely lost or have becom e endangered world. However, this prosperous biodiversit y and m any m ore on t he verge of ext inct ion wit h recent ly reached in severe t hreatened st atus; varying degrees. That is affect ing on a genet ic due t o the habit at ion dest ruct ion and over- erosion and causing a loss of biodiversit y exploit at ion of t he nat ural resources byhum an ( Mishra, 2011) . I n I ndia, m edicinal plant s are for indigenous welfare. The present sit uat ion is ext ensively a very dangerous concerning for m edicinal populat ion, and now it has been est im ated t hat plant diversit y. Rainaet al. ( 2011) st ated t hat in t ot al m ore over 7500 plant species are 140 used by all segm ents of t he DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. direct ly ut ilized by m any et hnic societ ies for st atus. The present review report concerned t reat ing various hum an diseases ( AI CEP 1994; wit h prim ary object ives such as potent ial in Ant hropological Survey of I ndia 1994) . G. m edicinal plant resources ut ilizat ion, diversit y superbaL. is one t hem valuable m edicinal plant and assessing various aspect s of t he m edicinal ( Colchicaceae), plant sector, including som e biot ic and abiot ic which is an herbaceous perennial vine, growing 3.5 t o 6.0 m eters in fact or lengt h. I t is a nat ive plant of t ropical Africa and t hreatened category. The report will be helpful nat urally in m any t ropical Asian count ries like in t he fut ure for public awareness, conservat ion I ndia, and classified for under various threatened Myanm ar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and which pushed Bangladesh. According t o Maroyiet al. ( 2011) category. G. superba L. is a t uberous plant wit h L or V- Re vie w proce dur e: t o G. superbaL. int o shape, finger- like tubers t hat are pure white, Aut hent ic reports were defined that, G. when becom ing too brown in j uvenile st ageand superbaL. is considered under t he t hreat ening clim bing category. I n t he available references or report s herbnat ure. It has carrying dark green, glossy leaves and each cont aining wit h on a t endril of leaves, which it clings ont o ot her published abst racts, art icles, books and book neighbor plants. According to Sivakum ar and chapter, thesis available at internat ional online Krishnam urthy ( 2002) it s seeds and t ubers databases such as a web of sciences, Scopus, containing Google a valuable alkaloids, such as t he species, scholar which and is consulted j ournal from websites. The colchicine and colchicoside, bot h are t he m aj or potent ial lit erat ure sources find out from online const it uents of t his plant , which are used t o databases of t he precise libraries by screening t reat for gout and rheum at ism . Colchicoside for ident ified drug t hreatened, least concern, crit ically vulnerable, because it has shown a propert y t o direct ly act endangered, crit ically endangered, rare and on spindle fiber form at ion in cell division steps. vulnerable, etc. as a pot ent ial ant icancer t he term s Also, The t ubers direct ly collected from natural sites of under t he references category ident ified of by for m edicinal uses, in unscient ific ways, which searching, an extensive library collect ion of leads t o dest ruct ive harvest ing of t he plant in Nat ional Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Office nat ural superbaL. of Environm ent & Herit age, Orange ( Aust ralia) affected with the problem of low seed set in and NSW Depart m ent of Prim ary I ndust ries. nat ure, Besides, som e searched by habitat . Other which t han, m akes G. seed harvest uneconom ical ( Rainaet al., 2011). Moreover, Diversit y Chandrawanshiet t hat Bullet in, Wildlife and Protected Areas ( I ndia) ; Polyt elagloriosaeis t he m ajor pest of t he G. ENVI S Cent re on Conservat ion of Medicinal superbaL. prevalence Plants, FRLHT, I ndia; Royal Botanic Garden, infect ion m ode of the pest in plant, and furt her Kew; I UCN: Ecosystem s and Livelihoods Group, described that pest att ack was fat al for all Asia infected I nt ernat ional, U.K et c. al. They also j uvenile Chandrawanshiet ( 2013) al. reported recorded plant. ( 2015), According having to Net work African Bot anical and Alliance ( Sout h Africa) ; for Nat ural Envis Healt h N a t ur e of Ca t e gory avery I nt ernat ional Union for Conservat ion of st rong apical dom inance character, t herefore once t he apical m eristem is affected, plant s Nat ure never grown in nat ural habitat . This is a one St andards and Pet it ions Subcom m it tee ( 2010) rem arkable fact has for at tained t o threatened 141 and been Natural recognized Resources t he ( I UCN) categories by DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. and prim ary causal reason for t he ext inct ion of fragm ent at ions of populat ions. I t has defined plant species ( G. superba L.) and sim ilarly t he categories int o nine classes; for every taxon in lack t he com m unit ies geographical range, world ( except populat ions, for m icro- organism s) . of awareness am ongst regarding and t he t he m arket ing local harvest ing, According to Nayar ( 1996) t he earlier groups processing approach t hat have also classified in Ext inct , Endangered, prom ote t o t he t hreat ened st at us of m edicinal Vulnerable, and Rare. These has been super plants. classified under t he cat egories such as Ext inct Unde r in Cr it ically Enda nge re d ca t e gor y Crit ically The habit at loss due t o developm ent al ( EN) ; program s, overgrazing, anim al husbandry and Dependent t ourism had resulted in the loss of biodiversit y. ( CD) ; Dat a Deficient ( DD) ; Low Risk ( LR) and The part icular research note or dat a reported Not Evaluat ed ( NE) . for crit ically endangered species is supported Finding by differ e nt a re a / sour ces by I ndian cont inent . I n I ndia, Ut t rakhand and Unde r in Ex t inct ca t e gory Ut t ar Pradesh region G. superbaL. is considered ( EX.) ; Ext inct Endangered Vulnerable in t he Wild ( EW) ; ( CR) ; ( VU) ; Endangered Conservat ion There is an am ple evidence present in crit ically endangered condit ion; t he survey t hat affected t oo m any wild m edicinal plant was m ade by Utt er Pradesh St at e Biodiversit y species, several reasons for responsible for Board ( Prakash, 2011). suscept ible Unde r in Endange r ed ca t egory such as deforestat ion, over- Most of t he researcher, scient ist , and exploit at ion and other form s of natural habitat In t he different aut hent ic com m unit y division, t hose ordering, G. were prepared dat a for a threatened cat egory superbaL. is also categorized under the ext inct based on plant s availabilit y or geographical category. I n I ndia, it is largely used for t he dist ribut ion. They found t hat one of t he biggest Ayuverdic and Unani syst em of m edicine. I t is problem s i.e. used by t ribal healers for t reat m ent of various exploit at ion of diseases (Chopra et al., 1956; Wat t, 1962) . I n products, for I ndia, is pharm aceut icals subst ance and also dem and considered as a prosperous for t he diversit y of for m edicinal plants, are increasing for t reat ing et hno m edicinal plant s, and rich custom for various hum an diseases, in both developing t radit ional m edicine pract ices. I t reported t hat and 14% of the m edicinal plant s of t his region are Soejart o, under t hreat ening t hat G. superbaL. belong t o an endangered st atus. G.superbaL. is considered at t he verge condit ion, and t he m axim um relat ed report s of researchers obtained from t he I ndia cont inent s and som e al., were reported by globally. dest ruct ion higher ( Bhatt araiet classes of Darjeeling different ext inct ion ( Chhet riet al., al., t hreated Him alayan categories is 2002). report ed 2005, of by Saj em et region 2008) . developed In According t o an addit ional report , in t he Cent ral enorm ous forest -based plant s developm ent count ries 1991) .I t was I ndia, t he to new (Farnswort h scarcely som e related accepted aut hent ic endangered and dat a Him alayas region som e species have already supported becam e ext inct , e.g., Aconit um heterophyllum , G.superbaL. , obtaining from various regions Berberisaristata, like ( West ern Ghat s, I ndia) Ayensu, 1986; Nardost achysjat am ansi, for uncont rolled Am irt halingam superba L. also considered. According t o Bisht I ndia) Soosairajet al., 2007; ( Eastern ghats, ( 2006) over-exploit at ion had recorded t o t he Tam ilnadu, I ndia) ( Pacchaim alai of Saussureacost us and Swert iachirataet c and G. 142 2010; posit ion Soosairaj et Hills, al. DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) ( 2005) ; ( Sout hern I ndia) Peninsular, Sukum aranet Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. Tam il al., wealth of heritage; as a result G. superbaL. Nadu; was under- considered in t he least 2008; ( Him achal concern Pradesh) Badola and Pal, 2002; (West Bengal) order. A few reliable dat a are report ed t o Mit raand Mukherj ee, 2009; ( Vindhyan Region support for t hese t hreatened param eters ex. in Madhya Pradesh, I ndia) Dubeyet al., 2008; t he I ndia, here recorded in som e region alike ( Garhwal Him alaya, Ut t aranchal). Also pointed ( Garhwal Him alaya) Tiwariet al., ( 2010) ; and by m ore scient ist s, such as Bhat t and Negi, ( Eastern Ghat s) Balaguruet al., ( 2006) I n t he 2006; ( Tpchanchi, Hazaribag Jharkhand, I ndia) globally recorded, ( KENYA Nort hern Front ier Lal and Mishra, 2011; (Ut taranchal, I ndia) Kala Dist rict : et al. ( 2004) ; (Orissa) Mishra, 2007; ( Cent ral, ( Sout h Africa) Rooyen (2010) and Moyoet al., I ndia) ( 2011) etc. Mishra, 2011; (Southern Peninsular, Dandu) Hoenselaar, ( 2005) ; and I ndia) Sukum aranet al., 2008; I ndia, Kapaiet al. Thr e a t e ne d re por t ed by som e a ccur a t e 2010; I ndia, Rainaet al. 2011 and ( Nort hern, da t a In I ndia) Chandra et al., 2006. recent years, is focusing on Som e prom inent scient ific societ y t hat categorizat ion of m edicinal plant s in various also categorized under these cat egory e.g. classes, because m ost of t he herbs t otally Chhat t isgarh Board, reach t o landm arks of ext inct in it s nat ural ENVI S Cent re for Conservat ion of habitat . So,m any of t he researcher, scient ific Raipur; St ate Medicinal Plant Bangalore; associat ion and biodiversit y conservat ion board Biodiversit y Conservat ion Priorit izat ion Proj ect t ried t o categorize on t heir presence availabilit y ( BCPP) I ndia, also and part icular dist ribut ion condit ion in locat ion Medicinal Plants, FRLHT, Conservat ion Assessm ent and Managem ent Plan ( C.A. M. P.) , Lucknow wise. ( U.P.) . Am ong all dat a support ed by worldwide t hreatened category in nat ionally and globally, report ed such as ( Bangladesh) Siddiqueet al., whichis supported by som e reliable data. I n 2004; ( Nepal) Gewali, 2008; Bhat t araiet al., I ndia, som e places shows t hreat ened stat us. 2001; ( U.K.) in 2011 reported by Alliance for These are following regions: (Madhya Pradesh) Nat ural Healt h I nt ernat ional agency. Pandey and Saini ( 2007) ; Sikarwar, ( 2011) ; Ra r e ly re por t ed by som e re liable da t a ( Sem iarid region) Kot iaet al. ( 2008) ; ( Eastern under G. rare ( Orissa) Biswal and Nair ( 2008) ; Dash et al. to according part icular to their ( 2007) ; geographical The approved t o a rare stat us in especially various biosphere) I ndia, here Daniels, Sukum aranet al., m ent ioned: 1996, 2008; ( in ( in et al. al. ( 2008) ; ( 2005) ; Manivannan, ( 2010) and ( Bangalore) Naut iyal, ( 2011) . dist ribut ion. Many scient ific dat a or resources of Khan Soosairaj et under Ghat s) condit ion, ( Tam ilnadu) considered Som e researcher also categorized on availabilit y st ates superbaL.is researcher ( Nilgiri worldwide were report s m ade by of som e (southwestern Et hiopia) Yinegeret al. ( 2008) ; ( Aust ralia) MSW Tam ilnadu) and Maharasht ra) OEH, ( 2011) ; ( I ndo- Burm a Hot spot Deshm ukh and Waghm ade, 2011; ( in Nort h- Region) Rai and Lalram nghinglova, ( 2011) ; Eastern Ut ter Pradesh) Shukla, 2009, etc. ( Sout hern Africa) Johnson and Tarr, ( 2005) . Le a st Conce rn r epor t ed by som e r e liable Addit ional cat egorizat ions have recorded such da t a as endem ic ( Locally rare) evaluat ed by t he Due t o lack of knowledge and research researcher. I n I ndia, it has recorded under in of t hese groups of t he plant, people of t he locally rare stat us, in som e places, which are part icular region are also unaware of t his following 143 (Western Ghat s, Maharasht ra) DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Deshm ukh, ( 2010) ; (Southern Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. biodiversit y is an essent ial necessit y; ot herwise Peninsular) Selvam ony and Solom on ( 2008) , et c. m any plant s species will be vanished in t he Ex ist ing fort hcom ing period. Furt herm ore, prerequisit e Appr oa ches to Biodiv er sit y a Conser v a t ion Nowadays, present stat us of m edicinal plant, in supported dat abank, in level societ ies are having a st rong consciousness of nat ional and worldwide for t aking a st eps for about conservat ion. biodiversit y person of and t he individual characterizat ion conservat ion. Part icularly, conservat ion of m edicinal plant s is M e dicina l pla nt conse rv a t ion ce nt e rs in one of t he m ost burning issues faced t oday in I ndia Most of t he developed count ries have I ndia. Through conservat ion, plant species are num erous developed various st rategies for conservat ion environm ent al t hreat s, including those caused of t hreatened plant s. I n I ndia, m any nat ional by also levels research laboratories have involved in perm it s a plant ’s nat ural regenerat ion on it s research and prom oted t o scient ific database unique habit at ( Bhat tacharyya et al., 2006) . creat ion, also supply a desired m edicinal plant The Governm ent t hrough applying scient ific t echnologies, t hese conserved and hum an protected interference. from This process of I ndia, t hrough various suit able policy int ervent ions, has been st riving research hard t o conserve t he valuable plant biodiversit y various agencies of Governm ent. Som e of t he by prom inent research inst it ute likes i.e. using in- situ and ex- sit u conservat ion works financial supported by t he The m ethods. The exam ples of in- sit u conservat ion Council of Scient ific and I ndust rial Research include creat ion of protected or targeted areas, ( CSI R), which is considered by I UCN categories ( I UCN Research online) Reserve: involved in drug discovery; Cent ral I nst it ute of scient ific Medicinal IIV viz., St rict protected area purpose; Wilderness Nature accom plished Area: for focused inst it utes Lucknow for I nst it ute and such as (CDRI ), Arom at ic focused ( Cent ral on Lucknow) Plant s validat ion and conservat ion. for ecosystem prot ect ion, also m anagem ent Furt herm ore, has ( CI MAP) , m edicinal wilderness protect ion; Nat ional Park: covered Drug propert ies Nat ional Bot anical and recreat ion. Natural Monum ent : precisely Research I nst it ute ( NBRI ), Lucknow working on for plant t he conservat ion of specific nat ural pharm acognosy biodiversit y feat ures; Habitat / Species Managem ent Area: conservat ion preservat ion Laborat ories ( RRLs) at Jam m u, Bhubaneswar, t hrough m anagem ent and and int ervent ion; Threatened Landscape/ Seascape: Jorhat, safeguarding Thiruvanant hapuram for landscape/ seascape Regional Palam pur, Research Bhopal proj ected on and ret ent ion Managed and validat ion of m edicinal values of the plants. Reserve Protected Area: the perpet uat ion of The I ndian Council of Agricult ural Research t he sustainable use of nat ural ecosystem s ( I CAR) has involves an All I ndia Coordinated ( Badm an and Bom hard, 2008) . The I UCN Research Project on Medicinal and Arom at ic report ed 12 percent of t he planet ’s land surface Plants in associat ion wit h Nat ional Research as protect ed area, a drast ic increase com pared Center t o 1962, whereas, m erely 3 percent of the face ( NRCMAP) ; Nat ional Bureau of Plant Genet ic of Research ( NBPGR) , and I ndian I nst it ute of conservat ion and also recreat ion; t he eart h had assessed as protected for Medicinal and Hort icult ural Research ( I I HR) . landscape som e year ago ( I UCN, 2005) . I n current st at us, im pact on t he conservat ion of 144 Arom at ic Plant s DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. and Kalakot i, 1996; Nair, 2002; Bhat t, 2002; The Bot anical Survey of I ndia ( BSI ) is supported by t he Departm ent of Environm ent Purohit and Vyas, 2004) . and Forests, Conser v a t ion t hr ough M icropr opaga t ion established Governm ent m any of I ndia. regional It has circles For t he conservat ion of m edicinal plant , and experim ental gardens in different geographic num erous regions of I ndia for m aintaining t o local specific scient ist plant germ plasm conservat ion t hrough in- sit u were as well as ex-sit u to conservat ion. Maunder ( 1992) reported t hat Bhatt acharyya et al., ( 2006) part icular zone t he re- int roduct ion of plants in steadily applied has established for prom ot ing the conservat ion approaches and sustainable m anaging of m edicinal plant s created an efficient m et hod m edicinal plants. germ plasm in various parts of I ndia, t hat is According located in regions wise , such as Allahabad Hassan and Roy ( 2005) developed in vit ro ( Cent ral circle) , t echniques for of G. superbaL., successfully Coim bat ore done by organogenesis of apical bud. I n I ndia ( Sout hern circle) , Pune ( Western circle) and som e research act ivit y wit h progress on t he Port Blair ( Andam an and Nicobar) . Three ot her conservat ion aspect s by applying t o various st at ions aspect of safeguarding t o t hreaten species. A circle) , Dehradun circle) ; m et hods. Shillong ( Nort hern are at Jodhpur According ( Eastern circle) , Gangtok ( Sikkim –Him alaya (Arid Zone), research and act ivit ies researcher, established for to plent iful for plant carried m et hods prom ot ing prot ect ion Sam arajeewaet and al. by to has ( 1993) ; st raight forward and efficient prot ocol has been and I t anagar The developed for regenerat ion and conservat ion of Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and G. superbaL. t hrough m icro t ubers induct ion Research on from in vit ro cult ure of apical and auxiliary conservat ion and sust aining m anagem ent for buds ( Roy and Hassan, 2008). Abraham et al. deciduous, m arshy and riverine veget at ion, ( 2008) grasslands. Also invest igat ional rocky areas genet ic resource developed for different m icroclim at ic condit ions collected from Andam an and Nicobar I slands. for t he profusion growt h of the t ropical species. Krishnan et al. ( 2011) developed t he in vit ro The inst it ut e also involved in t he expansion of conservat ion technology for G. superbaL. by display garden, in vit ro gene bank, field gene apical bank and seed gene bank. I t has played a developed in vit ro conservat ion m et hod for G. significant role in conservat ion of threatened superbaL. species. t echnology. Through t his m et hod, developed ( Arunachal Pradesh I nst it ut e, Field Kerala Stat ion) . is working m anaged bud. t he of conservat ion t his plant , Chandrawanshiet t hrough of t he germ plasm al. ( 2015) m icrot uberizat ion for t he largest num bers of m icrot uber, on short est is t im e periods.Deshm ukh ( 2010) worked on ex- init iat ed by t he Depart m ent of Biot echnology sit u conservat ion for G. superbaL. Manivannan ( DBT) , Governm ent of I ndia. I t has est ablished ( 2010) developed conservat ion st rategies for t hree rare, endangered and threatened m edicinal The G- 15 GBMAP ( Gene Bank Medicinal and Arom at ic Plant s) program cryo-preservat ion m edicinal plant s gene conservat ion. banks In for plants in South I ndia. fact , Rainaet al. ( 2011) non- governm ent established organizat ions, several indust ries, and private t hreatened organizat ions Pradesh region. The num erous research works governm ent farm ing of and also prom ote m edicinally to com m ercial im portant already and conservat ion m edicinal going on m edicinal plants. pharm aceut ical valued plant s by farm ers ( Shah 145 plants m et hod of for Him achal conservat ion aspect s for DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. Ack now ledgem e nt : Conclusion: Herbal m edicines occupy a Aut hors are thankful to t he School of Studies in very significant sector of t he healt h care system in Biot echnology, I ndia. The m edicinal plants and it s biodiversit y Universit y, Raipur, Chhat t isgarh for support . is nat ional Aut hors are also grateful to Departm ent of resource or assets in nat ionally or globally. The Science & Technology, New Delhi, for financial present paper report s that G. superbaL. is support t hrough DST- FI ST schem e ( Sanct ion considered on under all t hreatened category of No. t he I UCN. sanct ioned represent ed lit erat ure as an im port ant These are supported by aut hent ic and research report s Pt. RavishankarShukla 2384/ I FD/ 2014- 15, to the dated School 31.07.2014) of Studies in Biot echnology. worldwide. Most of t he art icles im plosion on threatened Re fe re nces: category and also endangered t axa. Abr a ham , Z., Se nthilk um ar , R., John, K. J., But it is im portant t o ensure t hat, t heir conservat ion for Sha r m a, sustainable ut ilizat ion is very necessary. I t Unnik r ishna n, should be a proper considerat ion for a regular Ge orge, J. K., Um a , S., La t ha , M., M a lik , S. update on field evaluat ion system for analysis S., M ishr a, S. K. , Bha nda ri, D . C. a nd for defining of stat us on state, nat ional and Pa r e ek , S. K. 2 0 0 8 .Collect ion of plant genet ic int ernat ional levels. Also have t o am bit ious resources effort s I slands.Genet Resour Crop Evol., 5 5 : 1279- of Bot anist , Biotechnologist , T. V. R. M., from S. , N air , Kum a r a n, Andam an and N. V., P. M., Nicobar Conservat ionist s and Policym akers are required 1289. t o t ake essent ial st eps for conservat ion and AI CEP 1 9 9 4 .Sum m ary Report of t he All I ndia characterizat ion Coordinat ed Et hno biological Proj ect ( AI CEP) of of various threatened Minist ry category. of Environm ent and Forest , Governm ent of I ndia. We m ust be developing a connect ion t ribal Am ir t ha lingam , M . 2 0 1 0 . Rare, Endangered conservat ion and Threat ened ( RET) Plants in t he Sacred purposes of t he t hreat ened m edicinal plants. Groves of Tam il Nadu. Eco News, 1 6 ( 2 ) : 18- They should be educat ed t o develop m edicinal 20. plants gardens in the village, which will not Anonym ous only supply t heir basic needs but also be a News.Depart m ent of Biot echnology, GOI , New source Delhi,1 ( 1 ) : 1- 6. bet ween m ass populat ions of awareness regarding incom e, m edicinal plants t o and t he through selling village Vaidya’s, valued 2 0 0 0 .The Ant hr opological t ribal Biom e sur v ey of I ndia healer and ot her plants collect ors. At this t im e, 1 9 9 4 .People of I ndia Proj ect Report for 1994. t he im portance of t he t radit ional m edicine Aye nsu, propert ies has been released in t he worldwide, resources.I n som e of t hem proved t o be very effect ive, agricult ure ( V.L. Chopra and T.N. Khoshoo, som e of t he need t o prescript ion by t radit ional Eds.) . I CAR, New Delhi. healers. Finally, should be created dat abases Ba dm a n T, a nd Bom ha rd, B. 2 0 0 8 .World ( t hrough scient ific analysis for crude m aterials Heritage and I UCN edit ion. applying various required assay) for E.S. 1 9 8 6 .World Conservat ion and Protect ed m edicinal for plant product ive Areas.Published by individual plants, which is m ore beneficial for Ba dola , H. K. a nd Pa l, M . 2 0 0 2 .Endangered hum ankind and also prom ote t o conservat ion m edicinal st eps, for sust ainable m anagem ent. Pradesh.Current Science.8 3 ( 7 ) : 797- 798. 146 plant s species in Him achal DCSI Vol. 15 No. 1: 140 – 150 ( 2016) Nagendra K. Chandrawanshi et. al. Ba la gur u, B., Br it t o, S. J., N a gam urugan, Analysis N ., 1 4 : 142- 147. N a t ar a j a n, D. a nd Soosair a j , S. of GloriosasuperbaL..Biotechnology, 2 0 0 6 .I dent ifying conservat ion priorit y zones Cha ndr a w a nshi, N . K. , K.L. 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