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Media Ethics Initiative Scott R. Stroud, Director Department of Communication Studies Moody College of Communication University of Texas at Austin sstroud@austin.utexas.edu Website: www.mediaethicsinitiative.org Purpose The Media Ethics Initiative aims to publicize and promote cutting-edge research on the ethical and moral dimensions of media use in democratic society. By bringing together experts on a variety of communication arenas and from a range of Moody College departments, the Initiative will create a community of scholars dedicated to rigorous and creative approaches to tough decisions and ethical issues in communication and media. The Initiative also aims to promote respectful and reflective discussion over these difficult issues in media ethics in our graduate and undergraduate student communities. By uniting academic researchers whose work engages normative issues in communication, the Initiative will serve as a sustained presentation of expertise on media and communication ethics to the University of Texas community and beyond. Media Ethics Initiative Events Fall 2016 “Habitus, Doxa, and Ethics: Insights from Advertising in Emerging Markets in the Middle East and North Africa” Dr. Minette E. Drumwright, University of Texas at Austin, October 13, 2016 “Trump, Clinton, and the Rhetorical Construction of Democracy in Campaign 2016” Dr. Martin J. Medhurst, Baylor University, November 2, 2016 Spring 2017 “Who Speaks for Ambedkar? The Debate over Navayana’s Edition of Annihilation of Caste and the Buddhist Teaching of Right Speech” Dr. Christopher Queen, Harvard University, January 24, 2017 “American Journalism’s Ideology: The Question of Bias in the Media” Dr. Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin, January 31, 2017 “We’re All Gatekeepers Now”: The Ethics of Digital Journalism Dr. Mary Bock, University of Texas at Austin, February 16, 2017 “The Ethical Challenges of Online Revenge Porn” Dr. Scott R. Stroud, University of Texas at Austin, February 2017 “Organizational Ethics: Theory and Practice” Dr. Daniel A Bonevac, University of Texas at Austin, March 2017 “Communication Ethics at the Crossroads” Dr. Clifford Christians, University of Illinois, April 2017 “Using Ethics Case Studies in Communication Courses” Dr. Minette Drumwright & Dr. Scott R. Stroud, University of Texas at Austin, April 2017 Media Ethics-Interested Faculty at the University of Texas at Austin While many faculty members in the Moody College of Communication and beyond will be interested in the activities organized by the Media Ethics Initiative, the following faculty members have expressed their interest in being identified as interested stake-holders in the Media Ethics Initiative. Communication Studies Barry Brummett, Charles Sapp Centennial Professor Roderick Hart, Allan Shivers Centennial Chair in Communication/Cronkite Regents Chair in Communication Richard Cherwitz, Ernest A. Sharpe Centennial Professor Joshua Gunn, Associate Professor Matthew McGlone, Associate Professor Joshua Barbour, Assistant Professor Jeffrey Treem, Assistant Professor Journalism: R.B. Brenner, G.B. Dealey Regents Professor Tracy Dahlby, Frank A. Bennack, Jr. Chair Robert Jensen, Professor Renita Coleman, Associate Professor Mary Bock, Assistant Professor Radio-Television-Film: Karin Gwinn Wilkins, Professor S. Craig Watkins, Professor Mary Beltrán, Associate Professor Laura Stein, Associate Professor Wenhong Chen, Assistant Professor Advertising and Public Relations: Minette Drumwright, Associate Professor Angeline Close Scheinbaum, Associate Professor Lucy Atkinson, Associate Professor Kate Pounders, Assistant Professor Kevin Thomas, Assistant Professor Communication Sciences and Disorders: Mark Bernstein, Associate Professor