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Swearing as a Proto-Language


This forthcoming (rewritten) paper argues for the significance of swearing as a different type of language (a "proto-language") - one that serves to project and express unbearable, pre-verbal frustration, fear and feelings about Life's struggle, as well as truly awesome beauty. It is pitched somewhere in the psyche as an intermediary between feeling and action, before thinking makes its mark as a modifying agent. A detailed exploration of the various unconscious meanings of different types of swearing modes is undertaken, and swearing is revealed as a complex and important form of emotional communication, notwithstanding its basis in the "primitive" origins of infantile anxiety. The paper - originally a conference presentation with audio and video excerpts - is currently being updated (from its pre HBO-Netflix original form) because times have changed significantly in the past decade re Swearing no longer being quite the taboo that it once was. During "renovations" this draft for the conference presentation is being made available, temporarily, and comments are welcomed - although the audio-visual elements are absent, and some paragraphs are still in shorthand form.

‭ ‬The Significance of Swearing as a Proto-language Language,‭ ‬in its‭ ‬primitive function,‭ ‬is to be regarded as a‭ ‬mode of action‭ ‬rather than a countersign of thought. ‭ ‬ Malinowski The man who overreached his opponent by breaking his oath reveals that he is afraid of his enemy,‭ ‬but despises the god he has invoked. ‭ ‬Lysander. ‭“‬ You taught me language,‭ ‬and my profit on it is I know how to ‭ ‬curse.‭”‬ Caliban‭ ( ‬to Prospero‭ ) Juliet‭ ‬O‭! ‬swear not by the moon,‭ ‬the inconstant moon‭ … Romeo‭ ‬ What shall I swear by‭ ? Juliet‭ ‬Do not swear at all‭; “ Not bloody likely‭ !”‬ and‭ “‬ Move yer arse‭ ! “‬ Eliza Doolittle in‭ ‬My Fair Lady. ‭“‬ Of recent years in England there has been a noticeable decline of swearing and foul language,‭ ‬and this,‭ ‬except at centres of industrial depression,‭ ‬shows every sign of continuing indefinitely until a new shock to our national nervous system‭ ‬– envisageable as war,‭ ‬pestilence,‭ ‬revolution,‭ ‬fire from Heaven,‭ ‬or whatever you please‭ ‬– may‭ ( ‬or may not‭ ) ‬revive the habit of swearing,‭ ‬simultaneously with that of praying.‭ ‬Robert Graves. ‭ The Future of Swearing and Improper Language.‭ ( ‬1936‭ ) Beware of the community in which blasphemy does not exist‭; ‬underneath,‭ ‬atheism runs rampant. ‭ ‬Antonio Machado ‭ ‬ Giving psychoanalytic papers is not a very glamorous business.‭ ‬You might spend a few years thinking about something,‭ ‬months writing it down,‭ ‬and then,‭ ‬if you‭’‬re lucky‭ ‬-‭ ‬90%‭ ‬of the audience will be indifferent,‭ ‬5%‭ ‬offended,‭ ‬4%‭ ‬might find it clinically useful‭ ‬-‭ ‬eventually‭ ‬– and,‭ ‬if you‭’‬re very‭ ‬lucky,‭ ‬and have been quite sincere in the writing,‭ ‬1%‭ ‬might approach you‭ ‬5‭ ‬or‭ ‬10‭ ‬years later and say,‭ ‬even if over a second glass of wine,‭ ‬that the paper was not only useful clinically‭ ‬-‭ ‬but has changed the way they‭ ‬view the world. ‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the only reasonable way to get some more‭ ‬immediate satisfaction from writing a paper is to be interested in the subject,‭ ‬and to want to learn something about it. This usually means that one already has some sort of interest and growing preconceptions,‭ ‬fed by clinical perceptions and reflections on the subject‭ ‬-‭ ‬but these preconceptions have not yet been transformed into communicable ideas which can then be shared with colleagues,‭ ‬in turn,‭ ‬to gather their thoughts. ‭ ‬This paper is my attempt to begin this process in relation to an area of semi-conscious behaviour‭ ‬-‭ ‬usually verbal,‭ ‬which we call‭ '‬swearing‭'‬.‭ A topic which even,‭ ‬or especially,‭ ‬by its most ardent practitioners‭ ‬– remains little understood,‭ ‬or even thought about. So,‭ ‬I wondered‭ ‬-‭ ‬if dreams are supposedly the Royal road to the unconscious,‭ ‬then swearing‭ ‬-‭ ‬the very common us of supposedly taboo words‭ ‬-‭ ‬might be the sleazy plebeian freeway‭; ‬and it might be worth taking a ride. The OED defines the word‭ ‬swear‭ ‬: 1‭ ‬state or promise solemnly or on oath.‭ ‬E.g.‭ ‬take‭ (‬an oath‭)‬. 2‭ ‬say emphatically‭; ‬insist‭ (‬swore he had not seen it‭)‬. 3‭ ‬cause to take an oath‭ (‬swore them to secrecy‭)‬. 4‭ ‬use profane or indecent language,‭ ‬esp.‭ ‬as an expletive or from anger. 5‭ ‬make a sworn affirmation of‭ (‬an offence‭) (‬swear treason against‭)‬. 6‭ ‬appeal to as a witness in taking an oath‭ (‬swear by Almighty God‭)‬.‭ ‬b colloq.‭ ‬have or express great confidence in‭ (‬swears by yoga‭)‬. 7admit the certainty of‭ (‬could not swear to it‭)‬. The derivation seems to be Old English‭ ‬-‭ ‬swerian from Germanic:‭ ‬related to‭ ‬answer.‭ Interestingly,‭ ‬Bion‭ ( ‬Elements of Psycho-analysis.‭) ‬often used to quote Blanchot‭’‬s axiom that: ‭ ‬The answer is the unfortunate consequence‭ ‬( malheur‭ ‬) of the question.‭ ( ‬Meaning:‭ ‬don‭’‬t reach irritably to prematurely resolve mysteries in the material‭ ‬– let them unfold.‭) ‬Well‭ ‬-‭ ‬in this instance therefore,‭ ‬swearing could be seen as an expression and forced eviction of the accrued‭ ‬frustration with‭ ( ‬what Keats called‭ )‬the‭ ‬‘burden of the‭ ‬mystery‭’‬.‭ Most of the people that I asked said that swearing was a way of getting out anger and frustration‭ ‬– and one said it was the‭ ‬‘language of the guts‭”‬ .‭ ‬I was interested to know more detail about what or who the anger was directed towards,‭ ‬and in‭ ‬what shape and form it was‭ ‬‘got out‭’‬ ? What were‭ ‬‘the guts‭’‬ trying to express‭ ? So‭ ‬– to get the ball rolling,‭ ( ‬quite literally,‭ ‬as it turns out‭ ) ‬in this far from exhaustive little study‭ ‬– a couple of well-known golf‭ ‬jokes‭ ‬– surprisingly similar‭ …‬ but lets think,‭ ‬as we go,‭ ‬why they might be regarded as funny‭ ‬– well,‭ ‬at least to many people. A nun was sitting with her Mother Superior chatting. ‭ “‬Mother Superior,‭ ‬I used some horrible language this week and feel absolutely terrible about it.‭”‬ “When did you use this awful language‭?”‬ asked the elder.‭ “Well,‭ ‬I was golfing and hit an incredible drive,‭ ‬right in the sweet spot,‭ ‬that was going to go‭ ‬200‭ ‬metres,‭ ‬but it struck a phone line over the fairway and straight down to the ground after only‭ ‬100metres.‭”‬ “And that's when you swore‭?”‬ “No,‭ ‬Mother,‭”‬ says the nun.‭ ‬After that,‭ ‬a squirrel ran out of the bushes and grabbed my ball in its mouth and began to run away.‭”‬ “And THAT'S when you swore‭?”‬ asked the Mother Superior.‭ “Well,‭ ‬no,‭”‬ says the nun.‭ “‬You see,‭ ‬as the squirrel was running,‭ ‬an eagle came down out of the sky,‭ ‬grabbed the squirrel in his talons and began to fly away‭!”‬ “Is THAT when you swore‭?”‬ asked the amazed elder nun.‭ “No.‭ ‬As the eagle carried the squirrel away in its claws,‭ ‬it flew near the green and the squirrel dropped my ball.‭”‬ “Did you swear THEN‭?”‬ asked Mother Superior impatiently.‭ “No,‭ ‬because the ball fell on a big rock,‭ ‬bounced over the sand trap,‭ ‬rolled onto the green and stopped about six inches from the hole.‭”‬ The two nuns‭ ‬were silent for a moment.‭ Mother Superior sighed,‭ “‬You missed the fucking putt,‭ ‬didn't you‭?”‬ II A farmer and a priest are out on the golf course.‭ ‬On one hole,‭ ‬the farmer misses a twelve foot putt. ‭“‬Dammit,‭ ‬missed the fucker‭!”‬ he swore. ‭“‬My son,‭ ‬you really shouldn't swear like that,‭”‬ the preacher scolded gently.‭ “‬It angers God.‭” On the next hole,‭ ‬the farmer missed a six foot putt. ‭“‬Dammit,‭ ‬missed the fucker‭!” “Now,‭ ‬my son,‭ ‬I don't want to alarm you,‭”‬ the preacher said much more sternly.‭ “‬But if you curse like that again,‭ ‬God is going to strike you dead‭!” But alas,‭ ‬on the next hole,‭ ‬the farmer missed a‭ ‬-three-‭ ‬foot putt. ‭“‬DAMMIT‭!”‬ He shouted.‭ “‬MISSED THE FUCKER‭!” The sky suddenly darkened,‭ ‬clouds roiling and thunder booming.‭ ‬The clouds parted,‭ ‬and lightning split the sky,‭ ‬screaming down and striking the preacher,‭ ‬killing him instantly.‭ ‬From the sky came a gusty sigh,‭ ‬and then a rumbling voice. ‭“‬Dammit.‭ ‬Missed the fucker.‭” * * * * * * * * * * Apart from the fact that both of these jokes take place on that most Oedipal of places‭ ‬-‭ ‬the Golf Course‭ ‬– ( apologies to JB‭ ) ‬they both allow that even the holiest Mother and the almighty Father cannot avoid‭ ‬-‭ ‬indeed,‭ ‬do not even try to avoid‭ ‬– the human foible of swearing when frustrated by human foibles.‭ ‬Both jokes relieve our sense of guilt about just needing to‭ ‬‘let it out‭’‬ when the occasion demands. Although the‭ ‬main of this paper is begin to explore the psychological and emotional functions of swearing,‭ ‬I‭’‬ll begin with a very brief overview of the history of some keywords in the modern swearing lexicon‭ ‬– partly for interest sake,‭ ‬but also to show how arbitrary the choice of some words are in the collective profanity unconscious,‭ ‬and to show the importance of cultural isolation in the development‭ (‬or degeneration,‭ ‬as the case may be‭ ) ‬of linguistic specificity in swearing.‭ History‭ ‬of obscenity as a paraleipomena‭ ( ‬appendage,‭ ‬not included in the main body‭) ‬to language. ‭ Robert Graves wrote a little book called Lars Porsena,‭ ‬or‭ ‬The Future of Swearing and Improper Language.‭ ‬Writing in the‭ ‬1920s,‭ ‬he claimed that there was a definite class difference in the use of the words‭ '‬bastard‭' ‬and‭ '‬bugger‭'‬.‭ ‬He claimed that in the working class,‭ ‬people might well be sensitive about illegitimacy,‭ ‬but were often unfamiliar with homosexuality,‭ ‬and so bastard was a mortal insult and bugger was a much milder term. The severity was reversed in the upper classes,‭ ‬who had nice traceable bloodlines and a boarding-school education.‭ ‬He claimed that bugger was a much more serious insult in upper-class circles,‭ ‬where people were more likely to believe it. So,‭ ‬even within a particular culture,‭ ‬there might be quite marked differences and lexical boundaries of obscenities between sub-cultures.‭ ‬ Geoffrey Hughes‭ (‬1991‭) ‬has provided the only serious study of the social history of swearing in the English language,‭ ‬and I‭’‬m using his work for some of the following piecemeal overview of cultural differences and similarities in swearing. Most‭ ‬swear words derive from childhood slang for anal and genital body parts or products‭ ‬– what we would call‭ ‬‘part-objects‭’‬ – where they are disengaged‭ ( ‬or perhaps I should say dis-membered‭ ) ‬from the concept of a whole person,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬for example,‭ ‬as Hughes notes:‭ ‬” A more childish term for penis is‭ '‬willy‭'‬.‭ ‬This British English word had audiences sniggering in the aisles of cinemas throughout the UK when the first trailers were shown for the film Free Willy.‭ ‬On the other hand it is tempting to wonder whether or not the celebrated actor and rapper Will Smith had taken advice on the way in which British audiences might interpret‭ ‬the title of his‭ ‬1997‭ ‬album Big Willie Style‭ (‬though it's unlikely he would actually have objected to the misunderstanding‭)‬.‭ ‬Willie is essentially an innocent playground word,‭ ‬and there was delighted laughter across the land when commentator Brian Johnson‭ ‬referred to two players during a Cricket match,‭ ‬pointing out that‭ '‬The bowler's Holding,‭ ‬the batsman's Willey‭'‬.‭ ‬ One of the most offensive terms for female genitalia,‭ ‬the c-word,‭ ‬is the ultimate four-letter word in British English,‭ ‬the final media taboo.‭ ‬The first use of the word in a UK TV drama was in Mosley,‭ ‬a drama about the rise and fall of the British Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley.‭ ‬This was first shown on Channel‭ ‬4‭ ‬in the late‭ ‬1990s.‭ ‬The word is‭ ‬also the title of a novel by Stewart Home,‭ ‬published in‭ ‬1999,‭ ‬about the break down of a writer as he rather badly loses the plot,‭ ‬both literally and creatively.‭ ‬The word has Germanic cognates including old Norse‭ (‬kunta‭)‬,‭ ‬middle-Dutch‭ (‬Kunte‭) ‬and possibly High German‭ (‬Kotze meaning prostitute‭)‬,‭ ‬which all point to a pre-historic germanic ancestor kunton.‭ ‬A Latin word,‭ ‬Kuntus,‭ ‬meaning wedge,‭ ‬might also have been an influence.‭ ‬The word would appear to have entered the English language during the early Middle Ages‭; ‬in‭ ‬1230AD,‭ ‬both Oxford and London boasted districts called‭ '‬Gropecunte Lane‭'‬,‭ ‬in reference to the prostitutes that worked there.‭ ‬The Oxford lane was later renamed the slightly less-contentious Magpie Lane,‭ ‬while London's version retained a sense of euphemism when it was changed to‭ '‬Threadneedle Street‭'‬.‭ ‬Records do not show whether it was a decision of intentional irony that eventually placed the Bank of England there.‭ ‬The word has good Shakespearian usage,‭ ‬though even he was a little subtle.‭ ‬Hamlet asks whether he can lie in Ophelia's lap,‭ '‬I mean,‭ ‬my head upon your lap‭?' ‬and then says‭ '‬Do you think I meant country matters‭?' ‬and follows up with‭ '‬It is a fair thought to lie between maids‭' ‬legs‭'‬.‭ ‬Ophelia answers non-committally to most of this.‭ ‬A slightly‭ ‬more bawdy use of the word appears in Carry On Don't Lose Your Head,‭ ‬one of a series of British comedy films of the‭ ‬1960s,‭ ‬in which actress Joan Sims refers to her husband,‭ '‬The Count‭'‬,‭ ‬deliberately pronouncing the word‭ '‬Count‭' ‬with just enough room to be‭ ‬(mis)interpreted while still getting past the British film censors.‭ ‬A Scottish alternative to these words,‭ ‬little-known even in England,‭ ‬is‭ '‬fud‭'‬.‭ ‬ But the name of the‭ ‬cartoon nemesis of Bugs Bunny,‭ ‬Elmer Fudd,‭ ‬causes no offence to people outside of Scotland.‭ Intercourse‭ ‬Although this sounds like the most Anglo-Saxon of all Anglo-Saxon words,‭ ‬the origin of the f-word meaning‭ '‬sexual intercourse‭' ‬is actually rather obscure.‭ ‬There is a legend that the old name for the crime of rape was‭ '‬Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge‭'‬,‭ ‬and part of the punishment was that an abbreviation of the crime would be branded on the perpetrators head‭ ‬– like a mark of Cain.‭ ‬Hence,‭ ‬people with‭ '‬F.‭ ‬U.‭ ‬C.‭ ‬K.‭' ‬on their head were known to be rapists.‭ ‬A similar story is that during the‭ ‬time of the plague when it was necessary to increase the population a royal injunction was issued telling the common folk to‭ '‬Fornicate Under Command of the King.‭' ‬These,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬would appear to be acronyms intentionally spelling out an existing word rather than new creations themselves.‭ ‬The etymologist Eric Partridge has suggested that the Old German‭ '‬ficken‭' ‬or‭ '‬fucken‭'‬,‭ ‬meaning‭ '‬to strike or penetrate‭'‬,‭ ‬was related to the Latin words for pugilist,‭ ‬puncture,‭ ‬and prick,‭ ‬or to the Latin‭ '‬futuere‭' ‬which had the slang meaning‭ '‬to copulate‭'‬.‭ ‬There are also clearer links to Dutch where‭ '‬fokken‭' ‬means breed and is applied to cattle,‭ ‬and to a Swedish dialect word‭ '‬fokken‭' ‬which has the English meaning.‭ ‬Interestingly,‭ ‬all the earliest uses of the word in English‭ ‬came via Scotland,‭ ‬suggesting a Scandinavian origin.‭ ‬Hughes notes: ‭“‬ Records from as early as‭ ‬1278‭ ‬identify a man called John Le-Fucker‭ (‬which,‭ ‬considering people often had names to do with their occupations,‭ ‬makes the mind boggle‭)‬,‭ ‬and it was certainly in common usage by the‭ ‬16th Century,‭ ‬appearing in a dictionary,‭ ‬in‭ ‬1598.‭ ‬By the‭ ‬18th century,‭ ‬it had became a vulgar term‭; ‬It was even banned from the Oxford English Dictionary.‭” ‬DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover‭ (‬written in‭ ‬1928‭) ‬was the first non-pornographic book in English to use the word accurately and in context and was famously banned for over thirty years.‭ ‬In‭ ‬1960,‭ ‬US publishers Grove Press won a court case permitting it to publish the book in America,‭ ‬meaning it was the first time the word had‭ ‬been legally used in print,‭ ‬while three years later,‭ ‬the ban was overturned in a British court in the infamous‭ '‬Lady Chatterly trial‭'‬. ‭ ‬American author Norman Mailer used the euphemism‭ '‬fug‭' ‬in‭ ‬The Naked and the Dead,‭ ‬and when Dorothy Parker met him at a party,‭ ‬she said,‭ '‬So you're the young man who can't spell‭ “‬fuck‭”‬ ? ' It has been recognised as one of the most versatile words in the English language,‭ ‬and can be put to use as an expletive,‭ ‬an adjective,‭ ‬a noun or a verb,‭ ‬as demonstrated with admirable aplomb in the following:‭ [ ‬* play Cd re fuck usage‭ * ]‬ Poet Laureate Philip Larkin used the word in the opening lines of one of his poems,‭ ‬writing one of those sentences which is simple,‭ ‬lucid and which cannot possibly be expressed in any other way:‭ '‬They fuck you up,‭ ‬your Mum and Dad,‭ ‬They may not mean to,‭ ‬but they do‭' ‬In‭ ‬1999,‭ ‬Conservative Future‭ ‬-‭ ‬the youth wing of the Conservative Party‭ ‬-‭ ‬started using the logo‭ '‬CFUK‭'‬.‭ ‬Sadly,‭ ‬this got them into trouble with the clothing company French Connection‭ ‬UK,‭ ‬who had recently re-branded themselves‭ '‬fcuk‭'‬.‭ ‬* see opening quote re connection between conservative and swearing. A phrase that,‭ ‬until recently,‭ ‬was almost exclusively American,‭ ‬is the incestuous term‭ '‬mother-fucker‭' ‬– first recorded from‭ ‬1956.‭ ‬It is interesting to Hughes because the incestuous relationship is always referred to from an‭ ‬‘Oedipal‭’‬ rather than an‭ ‬‘Electral‭’‬ point of view,‭ ‬father-fucker‭ ‬not‭ ‬being a term used in any culture.‭ ‬The term is universal except,‭ ‬notes,‭ ‬Hughes,‭ ‬in England,‭ ‬where‭ ‬its is used more reluctantly than in any other nation.‭ ‬He goes on to say:‭ ‬ “ Despite sounding very Oedipal,‭ ‬this does not have Freudian derivations.‭ ‬The word was apparently coined by African slaves to describe the slave owners who had raped the slave's mothers.‭ ‬Simple as that.‭ “ ( oh really‭ …‬.‭ ? ‬don‭’‬t we need to also explain why it has caught on to the rest of the world‭ ? ) ‬From the Middle English for‭ '‬wriggle‭' ‬or the Old French for‭ '‬rub‭'‬,‭ '‬frig‭' ‬is sometimes used as a euphemism for‭ '‬Fuck‭'‬,‭ ‬at other times used to mean‭ '‬masturbate‭'; ‬usually only seen as a gerundive‭ (‬or verbal adjective‭) '‬frigging‭'‬.‭ ‬The binding of oedipal experience with black hole angst is expressed in the Sex Pistols version of The Good Ship Venus,‭ ‬with the chorus‭ '‬Frigging in the rigging‭ '‬cos there's fuck all else to do‭'‬.‭ Micturation‭ ‬Hughes thinks that‭ “‬ swear-words that do not pertain to body parts invariably refer to bodily functions or secretions.‭ ‬It's true to say that the first swear-words most children learn are scatological,‭ ‬focusing on urination‭ ('‬wee-wee‭') ‬or excretion‭ ('‬plop‭'‬,‭ '‬poo‭')‬.‭ ‬As we get older,‭ ‬though sexual swear-words tend to predominate,‭ ‬there is still a resistance to progressing beyond what Freud described as the‭ '‬anal phase‭'‬.‭” ‬ In some aboriginal‭ ‬tribes,‭ ‬the worst‭ ‬thing you can say is something like,‭ “‬ you are Satan‭’‬s shit‭ ! “ ( I find this to actually be quite a complex insult‭ …‬ ) Taboo Terms of profanity have historically been taboo words.‭ ‬Some words originally considered profane have become much less offensive with the increasing secularity of society,‭ ( ‬for example the word fuck is now a standard requirement in Hollywood action and cop movies‭ ‬-‭ ‬while others,‭ ‬primarily racial or ethnic epithets which can be considered part of hate speech,‭ ‬have become increasingly taboo.‭ The word‭ ‬‘cunt‭’‬ maintains much of its taboo status at least partly due to the influence of feminism,‭ ‬though other feminists are attempting to‭ "‬reclaim‭" ‬a neutral or complimentary status for this word.‭ ‬Shakespeare hinted at the word in Henry V and Hamlet:‭ ‬Hamlet and Ophelia quip about‭ "‬country matters‭" ‬when he tries to lay his head in her lap‭; ‬and the French Princess Katherine is amused by the word‭ ‬‘gown‭’‬ for its similarity to the French for cunt,‭ ‬coun.‭ ‬Interlanguage complexities ‭ ‬ In European Spanish,‭ ‬coño‭ (‬usually translated as‭ "‬cunt‭" ‬in English‭) ‬is very common in informal spoken discourse,‭ ‬meaning no more than‭ "‬Hey‭!" ‬or‭ "‬Christ‭!"‬.‭ ‬Likewise,‭ ‬in French,‭ ‬merde as well as Scheiße in German‭ ‬– Boris Becker notoriously escaped tennis fines by using it‭ ‬-‭ ‬is‭ (‬both translated as‭ "‬shit‭") ‬are also quite common as an expletive meaning little more than‭ "‬Damn‭!"‬.‭ ‬Some scholars have noted that while the French and Spanish are comfortable hearing native speakers use these words,‭ ‬they tend to hear the‭ "‬stronger‭" ‬meaning when the same words are spoken by non-native speakers.‭ ‬This may be similar to the differences in the acceptability of queer or nigger depending on who is saying the words.‭ ‬Or it may be an example of how it is easier to learn swear‭ ‬words in a new language or dialect than to learn the fine shades of intensity which accompany their use.‭ ‬A profane word in one language often sounds like an ordinary word in another.‭ ‬Fuck sounds like the French words for seal‭ (‬phoque‭) ‬and jib‭ (‬foc‭)‬,‭ ‬as well as the Romania word for‭ '‬do‭' (‬I do‭ = ‬eu fac‭); ‬shit sounds like the Russian for‭ "‬sewn‭"‬.‭ ‬Even names in one language may appear as vulgar words in another linguistic community,‭ ‬which causes many immigrants to change their names‭ (‬common Vietnamese personal‭ ‬names include Phuc and Bich‭)‬.‭ One thing that I did notice in common with most swear words was that they are short and sharp,‭ ‬usually finished with a hard consonant,‭ ‬with variations in the length of the preceding vowel.‭ ‬This brought to mind a missile or arrow flying through the air and crashing into something very harshly‭ ‬– like hitting something. ‭ [‬ * show All or Nothing‭ ‬– beer-can man whacking seat as he cannot contain his rage.‭] ‬ Québécois French can string a few basic terms from Roman Catholic liturgy into quite impressive strings of invective of up to a minute or more.‭ ‬This is known as sacre.‭ This might be seen as the beginnings of‭ ‬ META-Language‭ ? [ * show‭ ‬All or None invective I‭ & ‬II‭ ] ‬ Russia Profanity took a very interesting form in Russia where there exists a language of sorts,‭ ‬most of its words based on four basic profane roots‭ ‬-‭ ‬nouns penis,‭ ‬whore,‭ ‬cunt and verb fuck.‭ ‬At least two hundred derivative words exist in this language,‭ ‬plus countless word combinations.‭ ‬It is possible to sensibly communicate using just these four basic roots.‭ ‬Due to countless very fine nuances‭ (‬stress on a different syllable changes the meaning of certain words etc.‭) ‬it is not easy to master that language which is very widely used in Russia,‭ ‬especially in rural areas.‭ ‬Before the‭ ‬1990s these words never appeared in print‭ (‬except special articles published in universities‭) ‬and they remain officially banned on TV and in the movies. ‭ ‬ One of the things which becomes clear is that usage varies widely from country to country,‭ ‬and within countries.‭ ‬In one place a word may be a term of affection,‭ ‬in another a clear and direct term of abuse.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬used‭ ‬‘authentically‭’‬ and with panache,‭ ‬many people feel that these words actually add depth,‭ ‬colour and a sense of regional variation to the English language,‭ ‬whilst the more conservative see these words as mere aberrations,‭ ‬which should be culled from the dictionaries,‭ ‬and discouraged as degenerative and a significant danger to cultural and moral development. This polarization of attitudes towards swearing is profoundly and comically explored in the recent animated film‭ ‬‘ South Park‭ ‬– Bigger,‭ ‬Longer‭ & ‬Uncut‭”‬. ‭ ‬Briefly,‭ ‬the plot concerns a little group of pre-adolescent children who sneak into a puerile,‭ ‬but funny,‭ ‬Canadian animation film,‭ ‬and learn the usual half-dozen four-letter obscenities.‭ ‬When,‭ ‬as a consequence,‭ ‬one of the town‭’‬s mothers hears her child swearing she incites the other parents in the community to declare war on Canada,‭ ‬and‭ ( ‬oddly enough‭ ) ‬they succeed in convincing America to,‭ ‬in fact,‭ ‬go to war against Canada‭ ‬– risking the lives of millions,‭ ‬including their own children. ‭ ‬Eventually,‭ ‬it is only the children themselves who are able to bring sense to the adults‭ ‬– although the film is sharply ironic‭ ‬in the tone of its uneasy ending. ‭ ‬How is it that swearing produces such sharp and intense feelings and polarities in us‭ ? How is it that,‭ ‬for some people,‭ ‬it is felt to be a corruptive evil weapon,‭ ‬taking the‭ ‬‘ Lord‭’‬s name in vain‭’‬,‭ ‬whereas for others it is seen as a tool for augmenting our expressive capabilities as humans‭ ? ______________________________ I am going to argue that swearing is a complex,‭ ‬psycholinguistic attempt to process acutely painful emotional states,‭ ‬which are felt to be potentially catastrophically disintegrative‭ ‬– in the perceived absence of an internal parent capable of reverie about the pain. For most people in our so-called civilized society,‭ ‬this is a very temporary state‭ ‬– jamming a finger in a door,‭ ‬being cut off by another car in traffic,‭ ‬having to wait longer than one is accustomed to in a queue,‭ ‬or receiving a large phone bill.‭ ‬But for some,‭ ‬especially those who have not internalized much capacity for reverie-in-the-face of frustration or pain‭ ‬– there can be an almost permanent state of internal persecution‭ ‬– well beyond‭ ‬‘irritability‭’‬ – where all frustrations and pains are felt to be tormenting and conspiratorial.‭ ‬In such mental conditions,‭ ‬there is a desperate need for an ongoing means of flushing away the accretion of what Bion calls‭ “‬ beta-elements‭”‬ -‭ ‬raw,‭ ‬unprocessed‭ ‬– usually persecutory and terrifying‭ ‬– unconscious elements of emotional perception. ‭ ‬I would suggest that this need gives rise to the formation of a‭ ‬‘proto-language‭’‬ – which prevents impulsive violent action,‭ ‬but which is not yet capable of processing intense feeling states by reflective symbolic thought,‭ ‬which would eventually produce meaningful communication.‭ ‬This proto-language acts like a kind of buffer,‭ ‬or holding bay,‭ ‬for thoughts in search of a receiver‭ ‬– a mind capable of reverie,‭ ‬and receptivity.‭ ( ‬Meg Harris Williams points out how Hamlet is always in search of such a mind‭ ‬– whether he finds it‭ ‬,‭ ‬or not,‭ ‬in Horatio is a moot point.‭ ‬But he certainly doesn‭’‬t get it from his parents,‭ ‬or friends or girlfriend.‭) So this type of swearing can be seen as an emetic,‭ ‬purging of primitive paranoid-schizoid object formations before they terrorize the waking ego.‭ ‬It is akin to a screaming baby,‭ ‬before the voice of the soothing,‭ ‬understanding mother arrives on the scene.‭ ‬We have already seen an example‭ ‬from‭ “‬ All or None‭”‬ of the baby‭’‬s rage against birth,‭ ‬the breast and the‭ ‬‘fucking‭’‬ parental couple. At the time of the eruption of intense mental pain‭ ‬– the psyche cannot rally the concerned maternal presence that would say something like‭ ‬:‭ “‬ poor thing‭”‬ – or,‭ “‬that‭’‬s terrible,‭ ‬lets think what to do‭…” Such depressive capabilities are not felt to be accessible quickly enough,‭ ‬and the expletive volcano of beta-elements,‭ ‬particularly paranoid terror and black-hole nameless dread‭ ‬– blows its stack. ‭ ‬Richard Nixon is probably the most famous public example of someone who had a constant need for an expletive steam valve‭ ‬– an almost constant spray of swearing at internal persecutors,‭ ‬which blinded him to any realization of his own persecuting actions against millions of people in the external world. ‭ ‬Similarly,‭ ‬in the interestingly-titled gangster series‭ “‬ The Sopranos‭ “‬ – I say interesting because most of the characters are like castrati‭ ‬:‭ ‬unable to sing in an authentically male or potent voice‭ ‬– swearing is used as a kind of‭ ‬‘shortcut‭’‬ to the Real.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬most of the characters evade‭ ‬any emotional experience,‭ ‬by constantly swearing,‭ ‬and when that is insufficient,‭ ‬violent action breaks out‭ ‬– which only further increases the terror,‭ ‬and guilt,‭ ‬and the need for more defensive toughness in evading it. ‭ ‬This type of character,‭ ‬who constantly projects fear and terror into others was also vividly depicted by Dennis Hopper in David Lynch‭’‬s film‭ “‬Blue Velvet‭”‬.‭ ‬His paranoid projection of invasive hatred and voyeurism into the‭ '‬fucking couple‭' ‬was expressed by his ongoing murderous invective:‭ “‬ Don't fucking look at me‭ ! “‬ Because the unprocessed beta elements‭ ‬– particles of intense mental pain and fear‭ ‬– are felt to be radioactively deathly and toxic,‭ ‬the expulsion must be with great force and rapidity.‭ (‬Almost all swear words have a vowel snapped off abruptly with a harsh consonant‭ ‬– almost as if it was a missile hurtling through the air and exploding with a bang‭)‬. In‭ ‬later life,‭ ‬this may sometimes be used as a defence against the experience of O‭ ( “‬ O my GOD‭”‬ ! ) where overwhelming awe is treated‭ ‬as if it was‭ ‬toxic faecal matter,‭ ‬rather than the nourishing germinal REAL,‭ ‬but of which,‭ ‬we‭ ‬can only tolerate minute particles. Swear words have a kind of‭ ‬‘privileged‭’‬ projective valency‭ ‬– like hand grenades‭ ‬– which are predictably‭ ‬‘explosive‭’‬ in their emotional charge when released.‭ ( ‬explosive PI‭ ‬cf‭ ‬intrusive PI‭ ‬-‭ ‬‘terrorism‭’‬ would be an externalisation and magnification of this psychological process.‭) However,‭ ‬there are quite permissible‭ ‬‘unloaded‭’‬ words which do not carry these projective valencies,‭ ‬because they‭ ‬‘hide‭’‬ as‭ ‬words for the biological process‭ ‬– for example,‭ ‬‘copulation‭’‬ -‭ ‬or as‭ ‬more playfully evocative‭ ‬– if un-erotic‭ ‬– words which bring in the subjective experience‭ ‬– e.g bonking,‭ ‬or banging‭ ‬– which could have come from the nursery.‭ ‬That‭’‬s why we don‭’‬t consider these words as swear words‭ ‬– in fact its quite common to hear prim and proper BBC or ABC announcers using these terms in a very matter-of-fact tone. BION thought that a failure of containment,‭ ‬or understanding,‭ ‬of the persecutory internal object by the external mother is experienced,‭ ‬by the infant,‭ ‬as an attack. I would understand this as an internal experience of the mother as expelling‭ ‬her toxic,‭ ‬beta elements into the child. That is,‭ ‬the child projects its‭ ‬own need to expel beta elements into the mother‭ ‬-‭ ‬who is then experienced/feared as doing it to the child.‭ ( ‬Notwithstanding the added complexity if the external mother has a tendency to also do that with her child.‭) Interestingly,‭ ‬there is no culture that I know of that has swear words for the breast or nipple.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬we‭’‬d probably find it quite comical to even imagine using them.‭ ‬It may be that since,‭ ‬according to Klein,‭ ‬the breast is the first object of infantile love,‭ ‬hate,‭ ‬and envy it is just too anxiety-provoking to openly eviscerate it with public invective. I‭’‬m suggesting that swearing can be understood as a‭ ‬‘ proto language‭’‬ ,‭ ‬which facilitates the temporary and rapid expulsion of what the psyche‭ ‬fears as‭ ‬an invading toxically-charged part object,‭ ‬which is dreaded for having massive disintegrative power. In our external world,‭ ‬it would be equivalent to an hysteria about weapons of mass destruction,‭ ‬based on a paranoid projection of our own destructive urges. ‭( ‬Tony Blair‭’‬s slip‭ ‬– where he spoke of‭ ‬‘weapons of mass‭ ‬distraction‭’‬ said it all,‭ ‬really.‭) This proto-language is loaded with raw,‭ ‬unprocessed‭ (‬un alpha-betized,‭ ‬according to Bion‭) ‬emotional charge,‭ ‬from where the unbearable frustrations with the breast,‭ ‬meet the emotional shock of the oedipal‭ '‬primal scene‭' ‬-‭ ‬pre-maturely,‭ ‬before a maternal object capable of reverie in the face of panic has been internalised securely‭ ‬– and before the development of symbolic,‭ ‬expressive language has sufficiently matured to bear such urgent intense emotional states. In practise,‭ ‬none of us ever reach this ideal state‭ ‬– hence the opening jokes about the inevitability of even Mother superiors and Almighty fathers also needing to swear occasionally. ‭ ‬The proto-language attempts to forestall the urgency of the impulse to violent and panicky‭ ‬action,‭ ‬with destructive consequences that could increase the anxiety. ‭ ‬I can remember an all too vivid example of the very fine line between swearing‭ & ‬impulsive aggressive‭ ‬action‭ ‬illustrated to me by a patient who automatically interrupted anything I said which could‭ ‬– in her view‭ ‬– gave me a kind of‭ ‬‘potency‭’‬.‭ ‬After a week of cursing and battling with my interpretations about why she needed to do this,‭ ‬she abruptly announced,‭ ‬during a Friday session,‭ ‬that she was giving up swearing‭ ‬– something that had always been‭ ‬‘second nature‭’‬ to her. On the Monday she reported‭ ‬– in a not too sorry tone‭ ‬– that she had‭ ‬whacked her new boyfriend in the testicles whilst playing squash on the weekend.‭ ‬He had to spend two nights in hospital recovering. ‭ ( ‬I have to say that there are times when a therapist might be very grateful that some things are acted out,‭ ‬rather than in.‭) Death wishes,‭ ‬and subsequent castration fears,‭ ‬are often held in check‭ ‬by the urge to swear‭ ‬– especially behind the back of the feared parent. For example:‭ ‬ [ Cartman‭ " ‬fuck‭" ‬with ball-breaking mother‭ ‬...‭ ‬video‭ ** ] This level of,‭ ‬of ongoing,‭ ‬self-toileting and self-protection is also invoked in a similar psychological function,‭ ‬in another type of swearing which places a protective barrier between the waking self‭ (‬ego‭) ‬and the emotional impact of the‭ ‬Real.‭ ‬When this is threatened to be breached,‭ ‬an involuntary outbreak of swearing is used as a temporary wall‭ ‬– e.g.‭ ‬9/11‭ ‬Holy Shit‭! ‬– fuck-me-dead‭! ‬This almost always fuses part-object infantile bodily language with what Bion calls the‭ ‬‘Godhead‭’‬.‭ ( ‬Holy Fuck‭! ‬God all-fucking Mighty‭! ‬Holy Crap‭! ‬Sweet Fucking Jesus‭! ‬God-fucking-No‭ ) ‬These were heard in the live,‭ ‬uncensored reactions to the catastrophe,‭ ‬before network editors moved in to focus on bravery,‭ ‬numbers dead,‭ ‬and political spin. Ultimately,‭ ‬as Bion suggested,‭ ‬it is the‭ ‬fear of Death that must be expelled‭ ‬. ‭ ‬But he also suggested that an emotionally-receptive maternal mind can modify that fear,‭ ‬over time,‭ ‬by showing that an adult mind can pick up and hold and reflect upon the panicky elements of the fear,‭ ‬and can return that calmness to the infant,‭ ‬who may then internalize not only the calm‭ ‬– but the mothers capacity to bring it about,‭ ‬through her internal reverie. In proposing that the proto-language of swearing is to protect the psyche from any sudden intense feeling which is felt to be disintegrative or catastrophic,‭ ‬I also include feelings of awe‭ ‬– the terror‭ ‬of beauty,‭ ‬and the supra-human.‭ ‬I will return to this at the conclusion of the following section. ‭ ‬Levels of the primitive in swearing Greed and envy An increasingly popular jibe at wealthy men,‭ ‬these days‭ ‬– never aimed at women,‭ ‬is‭ “‬ Fat Fucker‭ “‬.‭ ‬It might be seen as‭ ‬projection of greed into the Oedipal Father,‭ ‬where it is enviously cursed,‭ ‬and also combined with oedipal jealousy.‭ ‬Incidentally,‭ ‬Oedipus might have saved us all a lot of trouble if his father had taught him how to swear properly,‭ ‬particularly at traffic intersections.‭ ‬These days,‭ ‬the sporting fields become the symbolic form of the crossroads,‭ ‬although probably more so for the cursing and swearing spectators than for the actual participants‭ ‬of the sport‭ ‬– interestingly,‭ ‬the latter will be symbolically‭ ‬‘castrated‭’‬ ( through bans,‭ ‬suspensions and fines‭ ) ‬if they use abusive language‭ ‬– but guttural abuse of the umpires by the spectators is what many pay money for,‭ ‬and forms an important part of‭ ‬the spectator‭’‬s emotional experience. ‭ Oedipal pain,‭ ‬frustration and hatred. This type of swearing is usually aimed at the‭ ‬‘fucking couple‭’‬ (elsewhere I have talked about the depressive growth needed to re-pair the attacked internal couple‭ )‬.‭ ‬The death drive may be‭ ‬projected into the oedipal father,‭ ‬or his genital part-object,‭ ‬or the mother‭’‬s.‭ ‬For example:‭ “‬ fucking prick‭”‬,‭ “‬ fucking cunt‭”‬,‭ ‬or,‭ ‬the rather confused‭ “‬ cock-sucking mother-fucker‭”‬ etc‭ … A good interpretation which,‭ ‬in the unconscious of the patient,‭ ‬is often experienced as the therapist‭’‬s coupling,‭ ‬or showing off potency or fertility,‭ ‬might‭ ‬therefore be attacked through jealousy,‭ ‬and not always just envy.‭ ‬Looking carefully at the expletive explosives which follow,‭ ‬is therefore important in trying to unravel what has been triggered in the unconscious by the interpretation.‭ ‬For example:‭ “‬ fuck off‭!”‬ – or‭ “‬you think you‭’‬re so‭ ‬fucking smart‭”‬,‭ ‬or‭ “‬I don‭’‬t give a fuck what you fucking think‭!” “ You fucking say what you fucking like‭ !” One psychotic patient,‭ ‬who I treated many years ago,‭ ‬had agreed with something I‭’‬d said,‭ ‬and then told me‭ ‬– with an unnerving smile‭ ‬-‭ ‬that I should provide‭ “‬fucking condoms for each session‭”‬ or else my wife would complain. This patient‭ ‬was extremely intrusive and claustrophobic patient‭ ( ‬the former often causing the latter‭ ) ‬and,‭ ‬in turn,‭ ‬had a psychotically intrusive mother. In one session,‭ ‬following a break‭ ‬– he complained bitterly,‭ ‬and with much exasperation,‭ ‬that he had set up a video to record a television program,‭ ‬and then told his mother,‭ ‬several times,‭ ‬not to touch the machine.‭ ‬When he returned home from work,‭ ‬she had switched it off,‭ ‬and added indifferently,‭ ‬that it was using electricity. I said,‭ ‬with dubious anodyne effect,‭ ‬that that must have been extremely frustrating. He responded loudly:‭ “‬ You don‭’‬t understand‭ ! “‬ I‭’‬m in a cunt of a position‭ “‬. I was eventually able to link this to his habit of parking in the senior staff car park at Parkville,‭ ‬in spite of his being asked not to.‭ ‬And when I encouraged him to look at the part of himself that was somewhat like the mother he was complaining about,‭ ‬he exploded with:‭ “‬ You can fuck off‭ ‬– you‭’‬re getting it at home,‭ ‬so the least I can have is a fucking car space,‭ ‬you prick‭ …‬ then,‭ ‬with some relaxation of tension and hatred,‭ ‬he started laughing‭ …‬ “ I‭’‬m fucked,‭ ‬aren‭’‬t I‭ ? ‬How many years have we got‭ ? “ Territorial expletive‭ ‬ Swearing as a primitively aggressive marking of one‭’‬s home territory,‭ ‬when invasion is feared. Australian politics: ‭( ‬Ruddock mentality‭ ) ‬need to regard and project the dangerous beta particles‭ ( ‬which are delusionally externalised and called foreigners‭ ) ‬into refugees. Also,‭ ‬Beasley calls all terrorists‭ ‬‘vermin‭’‬ – like Hitler called the Jews.‭ ‬Whilst his political anger is understandable,‭ ‬and predictable,‭ ‬it is worrying that he uses the same language as the murderers throughout human history. ‭ ‬However,‭ ‬swearing is less violent,‭ ‬and less irreversibly destructive than dropping bombs on a foreign nation.‭ Keating‭ ‬– calls senators unrepresented swill‭ ‬– mud-slinging anal language‭ ‬– Howard described as an arse-licker‭ ‬– sometimes the poo fits‭ … ( show‭ *** ‬Monty Python tape‭ ( ‬Holy Grail‭ )‬ (re‭ ‬English poo bastards‭ ‬etc‭ …‬.‭ ‬And TEAM America‭ ‬tape‭ …‬ speech.‭ A nation,‭ ‬insecure in its own identity,‭ ‬will need to hate an enemy to define its own‭ “‬ Axis‭”‬ ( of‭ ‬moral goodness‭ ‬cf Bush‭ ) ‬hence Bush‭’‬s weird image of an axis of evil‭…‬.‭ ‬Often made corpo-real by some physical feature or disease‭ ‬– e.g.‭ ‬vermin‭ ‬– equated with something parasitic and plague-like.‭ ‬Robert Drewe,‭ ‬in his recent book,‭ ‬Grace‭ ‬– has cleverly shown‭ ‬the dynamics of territory-marking and‭ “‬ boundary-pissing‭”‬ deep at work in the Australian psyche‭ ‬– the us-and-them battles that go on secretly and subtly,‭ ‬in and between all of us.‭ ‬ Python castle-‭ ‬French excrement-‭ ‬scene‭ ‬9‭ ‬and ending. When upset or threatened,‭ ‬children in the school-ground‭ ‬-‭ “‬ fuck off‭ ! “‬ meaning‭ ‬– how dare you stupid,‭ ‬fucking parents impose your fucking on,‭ ‬and into,‭ ‬MY private space‭ ‬.‭ ‬i.e.‭ ‬a very confused expletive where one‭’‬s own intrusive impulses towards the oedipal couple‭ ‬are projected into that couple and then experienced as their intrusiveness towards the infant. This is very‭ ‬common in the adolescent quest for identity,‭ ‬and a private space in which to develop,‭ ‬or incubate,‭ ‬it.‭ ‬Some such invective or taunt is often‭ ‬stuck on a young person‭’‬s bedroom door‭ ‬-‭ ‬the unconscious says something like:‭ “‬ Now that I‭’‬ve realized that you two parents are fucking away in‭ ‬your bedroom,‭ ‬well I can do that too,‭ ‬and‭ ‬you can fuck‭ ‬OFF‭ ! ‬so get the fuck out of here‭ ‬– i.e.‭ ‬get your fucking out of my head please,‭ ‬or my mind feels like a‭ “‬ fucking hell‭”‬.‭ ‬As I mentioned before,‭ ‬we have plenty of opportunity to see this dynamic expressed many times over in the transference reactions that many of our patients have when we demonstrate that we are thinking,‭ ‬in front of them,‭ ‬and par excellence when we return from breaks.‭ But swearing can sometimes be a weapon to express healthy rage at overly intrusive,‭ ‬police-like parents.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the word‭ ‬‘fuck‭’‬ itself is used as a‭ ‬boundary marker‭ ‬– saying,‭ ‬in effect,‭“‬ we are not afraid to go our own way‭”‬ -‭ ‬It can be a catchword for a sane political alternative to the mindless warring‭ ( ‬e.g.‭ ‬Vietnam of a conservative and paranoid parental generation at Woodstock‭ …‬ These days at rock concerts‭ ‬– there is a kind of obligatory‭ ‬swearing‭ ‬– usually very predictable and safe,‭ ‬which says‭ ‬– we‭’‬re staying up late and we don‭’‬t care what our parents think‭ ! ‬Make love and not war‭ ! ‬What are we fighting for‭ ? ‬against the Nixon ant-mentality etc.‭ ) Usually this occurs at‭ ‬the psychological transition point between childhood and adulthood‭…‬ where there is enormous internal ambivalence about separating and‭ ‬dis-identifying with the parental values,‭ ‬taken on so passively in earlier years‭ …‬ beginnings of separation of the generations‭ ‬– So the latency kids‭' ‬swearing is usually not malicious or expulsive,‭ ‬primarily,‭ ‬but a way of having a private expressive area away from the‭ '‬proper‭' ‬supervision of adults‭ ‬-‭ ‬an initiation into adolescence,‭ ‬and out of good-kid latency‭ ‬– or‭ ‬rather the adult myth of latency.‭ ) A similar example is provided in My Fair Lady‭ ‬– ( where Eliza is all dolled up but taken to see a supposedly sophisticated horse-racing meet,‭ ‬where the primitive is unleashed through her earnest entreaty to her horse of‭ ‬“ move yer arse‭! “‬.‭ ‬Similar to the supposed naivety of the sister in the aforementioned fucking putt joke‭ ‬-‭ ‬My Fair lady‭ ‬-‭ ‬pre oedipal‭ (‬supposedly‭ ) ‬young‭ '‬ladies‭ ‬-‭ ‬even of the cross are revealed to have passions desires and real frustrations that need to‭ ‬be expressed,‭ ‬as part of their sexual identity.‭ ‬The adolescent girl is needing to show her parents that she has become sexual,‭ ‬and is no longer a show-doll for display purposes or manipulation.‭ ( ‬This dynamic is explores in a really wacky way in many Doris day movies.‭) Swearing,‭ ‬and other provocative behaviour,‭ ‬helps the adolescent girl adjust her father to the fact that she is becoming a sexual being,‭ ‬and has a knowledge,‭ ‬and a body,‭ ‬which extends beyond the boundaries of his control. Eliza Doolittle in fact‭ “‬ does a lot‭”‬ to bring an emotional dimension of intestinal,‭ ‬gut real‭ ‬– sexuality-with-jealousy to the over-educated and controlled‭ ‬– Henry Higgins,‭ ‬who cannot fall in love,‭ ‬until he meets her..‭ ‬She fills a painful dark gap,‭ ‬brought about by the lack‭ ‬of the feminine and sensitivity to feeling,‭ ‬in his life,‭ ‬and is educating and transforming him much more so than he thinks he is educating and transforming her. ‭[‬ However,‭ ‬we have all had the embarrassing experience of our adolescent assertiveness backfiring‭ ‬– when we have been caught out using our pseudo-adult swear-barrier in front of parents,‭ ‬or the equivalent authority figures.‭ ( ‬me‭ ‬scouts‭ ‬---‭ ‬torch‭…‬ show‭ ‬Cartman‭ ‬tape‭ ‬* ( Of course,‭ ‬red-blooded conservative parents will always hope that any rebellious or sexual tension will be simply relieved by all manner of adolescent sport‭ ‬-‭ ‬anything that involves balls,‭ ‬sticks,‭ ‬holes and goals.‭ ) The‭ ( ‬so-called‭ )‬ penal colonies were said to be rife with swearing‭ ‬– in comparison to so-called peaceful colonies,‭ ‬and Hughes sees this as due to a large proportion of rebellious characters in the population. However,‭ ‬recent neuropsychological findings‭ ‬– don‭’‬t ask me what sort of a person studies such things‭ ‬– that parts of the Amygdala‭ ‬– the centre for highly-charged‭ ‬fearful responses,‭ ‬is de-activated during orgasm.‭ ‬It would be interesting to see if swearing creates a similar response in temporarily inhibiting the terror and fear circuits of the brain. Nurses know well that patients coming out of anaesthetics,‭ ‬and going into hypoglycaemic episodes involuntarily swear up a storm and we may still have a lot to learn about normal neurological functioning and layers of mental functioning and language development from people with Tourette's syndrome. ‭ ‬So,‭ ‬maybe,‭ ‬the question ought to be more‭ “‬ how do we stop ourselves from swearing most of the time,‭ ‬in daily life‭ ‬– rather than‭ “‬ why‭ ‬do we swear‭ ? “ As the rebellious,‭ ‬sexual anti-authoritarian stance is expressed and worked through,‭ ‬in healthier adolescents,‭ ‬the provocative swearing settles into an esoteric‭ ‬‘teen-speak‭’‬ with its own‭ ‬‘cool‭’‬ words and catch-phrases‭ ‬– not all that different to our own psychoanalytic catch-words,‭ ‬like‭ ‬‘containing‭’‬ ( instead of‭ ‬‘cool‭’‬ ),‭ ‬or narcissistic‭ …‬ instead of wanker‭ …‬ for example.‭ ‬This teen-speak‭ ‬– or Hamlet-speak,‭ ‬makes them untouchable to the parental generation,‭ ‬and sets a clear boundary that screams‭ “‬ I am not the same as you,‭ ‬and want a self of my own,‭ ‬rather than having to watch you two couple for my only entertainment‭! “ Swearing as a psychic‭ ‬‘poly-filler‭’‬ for the Black Hole ‭ ‬experience of‭ ‬psychotic despair. ex‭·‬ple‭·‬tive‭ ‬Date:‭ ‬1612‭ ‬1‭ ‬a‭ ‬:‭ ‬a syllable,‭ ‬word,‭ ‬or phrase inserted to‭ ‬fill a vacancy‭ (‬as in a sentence or a metrical line‭) ‬without adding to the sense‭; ‬2‭ ‬:‭ ‬one that serves to fill out or as a‭ ‬filling‭ ‬for‭ ‬BLACK HOLE‭ ? expletive derivation of:‭ ‬comes from explere expletif old french serving to fill out-occupying space or required to make up a required quantity or number.‭ ‬Meaning expletive word or phrase one used for filling up a sentence.‭ ‬Eeking out a metrical line without adding anything to the sense.‭ ‬often applied to a profane oath or meaningless exclamation.‭ ‬An exclamation or oath,‭ ‬especially one that is profane,‭ ‬vulgar,‭ ‬or obscene.‭ ‬A word or phrase‭ ‬that does not contribute any meaning but is added only to fill out a sentence or a metrical line.‭ ( ‬like‭ *&‬%‭^&‬$‭&‬%‭** ‬ when swearing is designateed and depicted in comics‭ !!!! ) ‬Linguistics A word or other grammatical element that has no meaning but is needed to fill a syntactic position,‭ ‬such as the words it and there in the sentences It's raining and There are many books on the table.‭ ‬adj.‭ ‬Excrement‭ show Monty python eg‭ ‬from Holy Grail‭ ‬as example of where the word process of swearing intersects with the action‭ ‬– one literally pours into the other‭ ! ( ‬the Holy Grail itself is given to Arthur‭ ‬– in the MP film‭ ‬– to fill a void or Lacanian gap‭ ‬in his,‭ ‬and in all human,‭ ‬life‭ … TAUNT‭ ‬n.‭ ‬a thing said in order to anger or wound a person. reproach‭ (‬a person‭) ‬contemptuously. 16th c.,‭ ‬in the phrase taunt for taunt from French tant pour tant‭ ‬‘tit for tat‭’‬,‭ ‬hence a smart rejoinder‭] ‬closely-related to Tantrum. ‭ Swearing as an oath of sincerity,‭ ‬in the face of the Real.‭ Swearing‭ ‬can‭ ‬say:‭ “‬ I really mean this and you‭’‬d better believe it‭!”‬ It is particularly effective if the swearer does not usually swear in day-to-day life.‭ “‬ Do that again and I will blow your fucking head off‭ “‬ will be extremely powerful if said by a usually level-headed person,‭ ‬and will,‭ ‬at times,‭ ‬be far more effective than a politely reasoned rational argument.‭ ‬Similarly,‭ ‬it can be used to acknowledge the reality of what someone has said to you‭ ‬– a Fuck or shit‭ ‬– said with‭ ‬an exclamation tone,‭ ‬will say‭ “‬ You‭’‬ve really got through to me,‭ ‬and I am taking what you‭’‬ve said very seriously.‭”‬ It can also express awe,‭ ‬because the language of the Real has no words‭ ‬– and the gap must be filled quickly and effectively.‭ [ Fucking‭ ‬Moon tape‭ * ] But reverence for awe can easily slip back into fear and persecution‭ ‬– even via the same swear word.‭ ‬Buzz Aldrin caused very mixed emotions in America last year when he‭ ‬yelled‭ " ‬fucking idiot‭!”‬ at a guy who challenged the‭ '‬reality‭' ‬of the moon landing.‭ ‬But even that wasn‭’‬t sufficient to prevent him from also punching the man,‭ ‬when the latter repeated the taunt. Swearing can be used as ejective evasion of the limits of Awe‭ ‬– a protective contact barrier‭ ‬– like a trampoline shield‭ ‬– which keeps awareness and full emotional impact of awe repressed,‭ ‬and thrust back into the social ether‭ ‬– passed around like a body over the top of the crowd at an ecstatic rock concert. ‭ ‬The Ultimate Conflict‭ ‬between the Life Drive and the Death drive The creative flash‭ ‬vs‭ ‬the evacuative flush. No doubt,‭ ‬if Archimedes had been an Aussie,‭ ‬the Eureka stockade would have been called the Fuck Me‭! ‬stockade. ‭ ‬That is to say,‭ ‬swearing can express‭ ‬a‭ “‬ breakthrough‭ ! “‬ moment,‭ ‬or‭ “‬psychological birth‭”‬ experience‭ ( ‬Mahler etc‭) ‬or a sudden realization. ‭ ‬So‭ “‬ bloody Hell‭’‬ might express feelings about the womb,‭ ‬or even placenta or birth itself.‭ ‬Patient who wished to be permanently anaesthetized,‭ ‬and always said‭ “‬ bloody hell‭”‬ when forced to look at his real life situation,‭ ‬which he‭’‬d withdrawn from into an addiction with online poker games. Another patient,‭ (‬who suffered with a creative writing block,‭ ‬and who had lost touch with her real feelings and thoughts‭ ‬– similarly in her marriage,‭ ‬she no longer knew whether or not she loved her husband,‭ ‬or whether she just felt that she should‭ ) ( in relation to her confusion between creativity-with-feeling‭ ‬vs evacuative‭ ‬‘production-line‭’‬ works‭ ‬-‭ ‬experienced as‭ ‬‘psychic shit‭’‬ -‭ ‬because the authentic feelings could not be contained‭ ‬– or as Meltzer and Harris Williams prefer to put it:‭ ‬the burden of the mystery cannot be sustained.‭) Dreamt she was looking at some mud thrown against a wall‭ ‬– man‭ ( ‬me‭) ‬says don‭’‬t do that‭ ‬– they could be valuable works of Art if you put feeling into it‭ ‬– then she looked at the audience who said‭ ‬– yes,‭ ‬put care into it‭ ( ‬like a Greek chorus‭ ‬– she‭’‬d loved a Greek grandparent when she was a young girl,‭ ‬but had lost touch with her‭ ) ‬-‭ ‬then they turned into colour,‭ ‬and she felt grown-up and valuable herself,‭ ‬but was also dreading that this would mean that from now on she would lose control of what came out of her. ‭ ‬The next session,‭ ‬she arrived and announced that she was ready to use the couch.‭ For some patients,‭ ‬the capacity to swear,‭ ‬with feeling and passion,‭ ‬becomes an expressive achievement.‭ ‬For other patients,‭ ‬it can be an achievement for them to cease‭ ‬‘automatic swearing‭’‬ and to contain their frustrations enough to‭ ‬allow them to be thought about.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the context and meaning of the swearing is very important. ‭ * * * * * * * Life instinct‭ ‬-‭ ‬ ‘healthy‭’‬ swearing: ‭“‬ Jesus Christ in a bread basket‭ “‬ or‭ ‬-Shakespearean invective/insults‭ ‬etc‭…‬ invokes wit. ‭ ‬It makes the Real more bearable‭ ‬– has a sighing depressive tone‭ ‬-‭ ‬Fuck yes‭ ! ‬it is affirmative,‭ ‬rather than denigratory/destructive and mocking‭ ‬-‭ ‬or anti-female,‭ ‬or racist or with murderous intent. ‭ ‬It‭ ‬decelerates the impulse to mindless action.‭ ‬It helps‭ ‬digest feelings rather than excretes them from the psyche.‭ ‬It is always tongue-in-cheek and playful,‭ ‬and affirming of life‭ ‬– “ fuck-yes‭ ! ‬you fucking beauty‭ ! “‬( to use some Australia examples‭ ) It helps traverse the limits of Awe,‭ ‬by transforming outbreaks of Death Drive‭ ( ‬especially close to moments of‭ ‬‘ emergency‭’‬ -‭ ‬e-merging from the primal object,‭ ‬psychological birth‭ ( ‬to again use Margaret Mahler‭’‬s and Otto Rank‭’‬s term‭ ‬– or what Bion calls‭ ‬ “ catastrophic change‭ “‬.‭ ‬Swearing can revive a kind of reverie at times like this‭ ‬– internally recalling the Mother‭’‬s Life-drive‭ ‬-‭ ‬transforming something potentially deathly into something humorous‭ ‬– which says‭ ‬– “ This is difficult,‭ ‬but it is known and manageable‭ ‬– even death happens‭ …‬ so we can bear it together. Death-drive spiteful‭ ‬swearing‭ ‬– aimed at source of Life itself.‭ (‬Maybe why‭ ‬‘cunt‭’‬ is still a fairly taboo word in our language.‭ ) This type of swearing‭ ‬keeps the depressive position at bay‭ ‬– rather than accepting or modifying painful feelings.‭ ‬Therefore is desperate,‭ ‬paranoid and violently and urgently needing a toilet-container/victim to pour invective on.‭ ‬It is quite frightening and threatening to be assailed by. This is why swearing can be so offensive to some people‭ ‬– it isn‭’‬t just because they are prudish‭ ( ‬although that may sometimes be the case‭ )‬.‭ ‬It‭’‬s because they feel that the tone and intent of swearing is aimed against life itself,‭ ‬or the Creator‭ ( ‬Neville Symington‭’‬s appropriated term from Melanie Klein,‭ ‬is‭ “‬ Life-giver‭”‬ ) In Kleinian terms,‭ ‬the nipple is seen as being vomited out and fired back at Life/God,‭ ‬with vengeance and spiteful,‭ ‬envious resentment.‭ ‬This is therefore felt by religious people as the most offensive form of swearing‭ ‬– taking the name of the Lord in vain.‭ ‬It is experienced as a smearing of God‭’‬s offerings to humans,‭ ‬particularly when these offerings involve pains,‭ ‬frustrations and losses and it is equated with the workings of an envious Satan,‭ ‬or a snake in the garden of Eden,‭ ‬who incites humans into breaking their oath with God,‭ ‬the Life-giver‭ ‬– one‭’‬s oath to find life sacred and Good. ‭ ‬So it might well be experienced by some as the equivalent of breaking wind at God,‭ ‬and directing hatred towards the goodness of Life‭ ‬– the language of an envious Satan,‭ But there is a wonderful paradox at work here‭ ‬– something that pokes fun at our simplistic attempts to describe mentality in terms of a simple duality‭ ‬– something that shows just how intertwined our life and death drives are‭ ‬– as are love and hate. ‭ ‬In order to curse a God you have to be believe in its existence,‭ ‬and omnipotence.‭ ‬Furthermore,‭ ‬you must feel that the Creator is‭ ‬open for business,‭ ‬and listening to complaints. Thankfully then,‭ ‬the abysmally simple division of swearing motivation falls to pieces when we consider the kaleidoscopic melange of the drives conjured by ‭ ‬ Comedy There is very little profanity on network TV‭ ‬-‭ ‬why‭ ? ‬because its aim is anodyne anaesthesia from the Real and from emotional experiences which are ant-depressive and distracting‭ ‬– to keep any depressing thoughts at bay‭ ‬– and to give the illusion that everything is pleasant and manageable‭ ‬– and simple.‭ ‬Exceptions do break through occasionally‭ ‬– but are quickly slotted into manageable segments of info-tainment.‭ These days,‭ ‬Hollywood movies almost compulsorily use‭ “‬fucking‭”‬ language as a cheap wallpaper effect to make the characters seem‭ '‬real‭' ‬-‭ ‬of course this is a very cheap trick,‭ ‬and the producers have to gamble on not losing too many potential‭ '‬proper‭' ‬audience members. Obscenity is swearing to off-end an audience‭ ‬– a large group,‭ ‬or a society or tribe.‭ ‬It can be either creative,‭ ‬like satire,‭ ‬provoking thought‭ ‬– or it may be to project feelings of humiliation and embarrassment into the audience.‭ ‬Very often it is both. Compare‭ ‬Barry Humphries‭) ‬who‭ ( ‬even with the unrestrained Les Patterson never swears,‭ ( ‬but,‭ ‬who,‭ ‬on the other hand is well-known for humiliating and vilifying certain audience members‭ ‬– particularly those who come late,‭ ‬or who happen to be sitting in the front rows‭ ‬-‭ ‬with Billy Connolly. Billy Connolly‭ ‬– needs to be singled‭ ‬out,‭ ‬because of the way he has made broadband swearing part of the mainstream.‭ ( ‬He now successfully combines family television travelogues with the obscene taunting of the local population.‭) His ongoing use of the word‭ “‬fuck‭”‬ is psychic glue,‭ ‬at worse‭ (‬ also,‭ ‬the drunk passenger in‭ " ‬All or Nothing‭ " ‬– in the face of black hole dread and meaninglessness.‭ ‬Billy Connolly‭ ‬-‭ ‬at best:‭ ‬he provides a gateway for the audience to experience the‭ ‬Real in their quotidian existence‭ ‬-‭ ‬especially human inadequacy and‭ ‬buffoonery in coping with it But‭ then again‭–‬ at worst:‭ ‬he uses the word‭ ‬‘fuck‭’‬ as a kind of psychic glue to fill a huge vacuum in his own capacity to find words for feelings. ‭ ‬ * * * * * A few years ago,‭ ‬a supervisee came to a her supervision session,‭ ‬folded her arms,‭ ‬and then told me that there wasn‭’‬t much to discuss,‭ ‬because all her patient had done was to swear in the past week of sessions.‭ I asked to hear the material,‭ ‬and she said‭ ‬– “ it was all just swearing‭…‬ I didn‭’‬t write it down‭ ! ” She was quite uncomfortable when I asked her to try to recall what was‭ ‬said‭ ‬– but it turned out to be‭ ‬ a very fruitful supervision‭ ‬– in spite of some of the transferential implications being quite unsettling,‭ ‬The attempt we both made to explore the swearing‭ ‬– almost as if it was a waking dream‭ ‬– allowed the therapist to begin thinking about areas of emotional experience in her patient that were previously unreachable‭ ‬-‭ ‬particularly overwhelming pain and‭ ‬frustration and self-‭ ‬disgust.‭ ‬As a result,‭ ‬the therapist probably headed off a danger of enacting countertransference aloofness and disgust with her patient. ‭ If it is the psychic interplay of life‭ & ‬death drives that gives rise‭ ‬to humour,‭ ‬then it may be that the crucial difference between malicious,‭ ‬anti-life swearing and the expressive,‭ ‬enlivening swearing which facilitates the emotional contact with the REAL,‭ ‬is the presence or absence of a humorous tone‭ ( ‬cf contemptuous mocking vs irony‭ ) ‬or,‭ ‬to use our own jargon‭ ‬– the presence or absence of the depressive position in emotional communication Just as we hate a sporting contest that is too one-sided,‭ ‬the power of well-timed,‭ ‬if clumsy swearing can bring a richness to Life‭ ‬– a sharp reminder of the knife-edge we all glide along between our life and death drives. But,‭ ‬might not we all be forgiven for the often clumsy way we shuffle and fall between playful gratitude and abusive cursing,‭ ‬as we journey on the painful burden and great gift‭ ‬we call‭ “‬Life‭”‬ ? Conf.‭ ‬with slides and audio‭ ‬6/10/2005‭ Neil Maizels ‭ 19