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JSEALS Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society Paul Sidwell, Managing Editor Mark Alves, Executive Editor this edition Editorial Advisory Board George Bedell (Thailand) Gerard Diffloth (Cambodia) Marlys Macken (USA) Brian Migliazza (USA) Keralapura Nagaraja (India) Amara Prasithrathsint (Thailand) Martha Ratliff (USA) Sophana Srichampa (Thailand) Uri Tadmor (Indonesia) Justin Watkins (UK) JSEALS is the peer-reviewed journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, and is devoted to publishing research on the languages of mainland and insular Southeast Asia. JSEALS was formally established by decision of the SEALS 17 meeting, held at the University of Maryland in September 2007. It supersedes the Conference Proceedings, previously published by Arizona State University and later by Pacific Linguistics. JSEALS welcomes articles that are topical, focused on linguistic (as opposed to cultural or anthropological) issues, and which further the lively debate that characterizes the annual SEALS conferences. Publication is annual. Papers should be submitted to the Managing Editor, electronically (paul.sidwell@anu.edu.au or paulsidwell@yahoo.com) by December 31st for inclusion in the follow year’s issue. Submission is open to all, although we expect that most JSEALS articles have been formally submitted for peer review and publication after having the opportunity to be presented and discussed at the SEALS conference. Note that papers are expected to be written in English. As a service to the community, non-reviewed conference presentations are archived on our website (www.jseals.org). The SEALS On-Line Archives holds the texts of most of the yearly conference publications. Pacific Linguistics Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ISSN 1836-6821 Contents Editorial iii Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Vocabulary And Sociolinguistic Conditions For Borrowing Mark J. Alves 1 Agreement In Laizo George Bedell, Kee Shein Mang, Khar Thuan 11 Influence Of Lexical Semantics On Reflexes And Allomorphs Of *<um> And *<in> In Bonggi Michael Boutin 23 Northern And Southern Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation: A Comparative Case Study Marc Brunelle 49 Contact Pragmatics: Requests In Wisconsin Hmong Susan Meredith Burt 63 English Loanword Adaptation In Burmese Charles B. Chang 77 A Layer Of Dongsonian Vocabulary In Vietnamese Michel Ferlus 95 Modality In Burmese: ‘May’ Or ‘Must’ – Grammatical Uses Of yá ‘Get’ Mathias Jenny 111 Singapore English Wh-Questions: A Gap In The Paradigm Chonghyuck Kim,Qizhong Chang,Rong Chen Lau,Selvanathan Nagarajan 127 Structural And Pragmatic Functions Of Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations Deborah King 141 The Middle Voice In Tagalog Naonori Nagaya 159 Reduplication Asymmetries In Bahasa Indonesia And The Organization Of The Lexicon-Syntax Interface Yosuke Sato 189 i Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism: Moving On From Shorto’s ‘Alternances’ Paul Sidwell 205 Basic Serial Verb Constructions In Thai Kiyoko Takahashi 215 An Acoustic Study Of Interword Consonant Sequences In Vietnamese Trần Thị Thúy Hiền, Nathalie Vallée 231 The Integration Of English Loanwords In Hong Kong Cantonese Cathy Sin Ping Wong, Robert S. Bauer, Zoe Wai Man Lam 251 Nonexhaustive Syllabification In Temiar Ngee Thai Yap 267 Data Paper Preliminary Notes On The Phonology, Orthography And Vocabulary Of Semnam (Austroasiatic, Malay Peninsula) Niclas Burenhult, Claudia Wegener 283 ii Editorial Welcome to JSEALS Volume 1, the first issue of the Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. From the inception of the Society in 1991, until 2006, papers presented at the annual SEALS meetings were published as proceedings volumes, first by the Arizona State University, and later by Pacific Linguistics and at the Australian National University. From now on JSEALS will be the principal organ of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. This change follows a history of difficulties with the proceedings; some issues were delayed by years for editorial and financial reasons, and those which were printed were not sold widely. It became evident that it would take a significant commitment of resources, for which there was no obvious source, to continue the old publication model. At the 2006 and 2007 meetings (20-21/9/06 Atma Jaya University, Indonesia and 31/8-2/9/07 University of Maryland, USA) conference committee members and attendees engaged in discussions about the future of the proceedings, with many ideas canvassed. At the Maryland meeting, it was finally decided that SEALS should pursue a two pronged strategy: (1) to adopt electronic publication as the primary distribution mechanism to reduce costs and improve access, and (2) to move to peer review in order to ensure consistent high quality content. The second of these is particularly important; more than ever, scholars must demonstrate their research output with the publication of refereed journal articles, while traditional conference proceedings increasingly count for less. At the same time, there is still scepticism about the quality and status of electronic publications, so the adoption of a robust quality control mechanism is essential. Consequently, the Society decided to take action by ending the old proceedings series and relaunching publication as JSEALS. A new website was created at www.jseals.org, and Pacific Linguistics agreed to publish the journal online for free, and also offer a printed version for sale on demand. Subsequently, an editorial board and executive editors were recruited, and we set about preparing the first issue. This was slated to take papers from the 2007 meeting, as well as being open to other contributions that might pass editorial criteria and the review process. The plan was simple enough: papers submitted by the end of the year would be reviewed in the first half of the following year, and the journal would come out before year’s end. That implied a first publication date of late 2008 for the birth of the new journal. However, the initial process of starting a refereed journal took much longer than anticipated. Collecting papers from dozens of authors, enlisting the unpaid aid of even more reviewers, and maintaining contact with all of them was a complex and timeconsuming task. We have learned much from our experience so far and have already made some procedural changes which are reducing the holdups somewhat. For this issue we decided to go to press once a minimum number of finalized papers were compiled and typeset. The half dozen or so still unfinalized papers will have priority for the next issue of the journal. In addition to refereed papers, we will also accept data papers, book reviews, and conference reports (subject to internal editorial review). For the first issue of JSEALS we iii are very pleased to include a substantial data paper on Semnam, an endangered Aslian languages of Malaysia. We hope that the results of our labours are satisfactory, and we thank everyone who has contributed papers and reviews for their efforts and patience through the process. The second volume of JSEALS should be published later in 2009, and the publication process will then hopefully become routine. Ultimately our success will be realised as increased status for the journal and a secure future for our annual SEALS meetings. Mark Alves (Executive Editor) Paul Sidwell (Managing Editor) March 2009 iv SINO-VIETNAMESE GRAMMATICAL VOCABULARY AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC CONDITIONS FOR BORROWING Mark J. Alves Montgomery College <markalves2004@yahoo.com> Abstract Vietnamese has been demonstrated to be a Mon-Khmer Austroasiatic language (Haudricourt 1954, Shorto 2006), albeit one which differs substantially from the typical Austroasiatic phonological template (Alves 2001). Some of that linguistic transformation was most likely due in part to language contact with Chinese, primarily through the massive lexical borrowing that took place over the past two millennia. However, the question of the sociolinguistic conditions under which this borrowing occurred over this large period of time has nevertheless been little described. The main purpose of this paper is to consider the borrowing of grammatical vocabulary in particular from Chinese into Vietnamese to exemplify the long-term Sino-Vietnamese language contact. This requires an exploration of the socio-historical context in which the elements of Chinese came into Vietnamese and a sorting out of the spoken versus literary means of transmission of linguistic borrowing. This case study in the borrowing of grammatical vocabulary sheds light on the issues of language contact and linguistic borrowing when a prestigious written language is accessible to a linguistic community. Overview A database being amassed by this author 1 indicates that well over 400 Vietnamese words, considered native vocabulary today, were most likely borrowed via a spoken means of transmission around the time of the Han Dynasty (though some possibly as late as the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, which began in the 7th century CE). This large number of early loanwords at least in part the result of the immigration of some twenty thousand Chinese soldier-settlers who were sent to Vietnamese and brought with them many of the cultural customs and material trappings of Chinese civilization (Taylor 1983:49). The Han Dynasty was, however, the only period in which such a large quantity of spoken Chinese was directly borrowed without the powerful influence of written Chinese. It is the assertion here that the early foundation of Chinese culture in the Han Dynasty coupled with the second major spread of Chinese culture during the powerful Tang Dynasty (7th to 10th 1 The database is based on work by numerous scholars, including primarily Haudricourt 1954, Wang 1958, Mei 1970, Pulleyblank 1981 and 1984, and Nguyễn T. C. 1995. Admittedly, complete certainty of loanword status of the words in the database is impossible to achieve. Instead, the author has evaluated a range of high to low certainty based on the overall phonetic and semantic patterns, coupled with historically documented details about the kinds of social contact at that time. Of the over 500 words, nearly 300 have been evaluated as highly likely Old Chinese loanwords, about 150 are at medium certainty, and about 40 are at low certainty. Alves, Mark. 2009. Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Vocabulary And Sociolinguistic Conditions For Borrowing. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:1-9. Copyright vested in the author. 1 2 JSEALS Vol. 1 centuries CE) in Vietnam served as a socially prestigious platform from which Vietnamese literate in Chinese could spread Chinese vocabulary, including grammatical vocabulary, into Vietnamese regardless of the number of actual bilingual Chinese speakers in Vietnam. 2 Material borrowing, in contrast with borrowing of syntactic and phonological patterns, may occur from languages of high status even without a bilingual population (Sakel 2007). This appears to be the case in Vietnam, in which the initial era of Chinese political domination was marked by a substantive and influential population of Chinese settlers. Subsequently, the direct influence of the Chinese population was diminished as they were nativized (Taylor Ibid.:52). There have been numerous instances throughout history when groups of Chinese maintained small but financially influential communities in Vietnam, and written Chinese has constantly been an important part of the upper levels of Vietnamese society, but there has never been an era in which Chinese was spoken throughout Vietnam. Thus, it must be concluded that, over the past thousand years since the time of Vietnamese political independence from China, the time during which the bulk of Chinese vocabulary was borrowed into Vietnamese, written texts have been the primary source of this borrowing. The focus of this paper, transfer of grammatical vocabulary, is particularly telling of the increased borrowing via literary texts. While Vietnamese syntactic structure has largely been unaffected by Chinese and maintains a primarily Southeast Asian template (Alves 2001), the amount of grammatical vocabulary in Vietnamese of Chinese origins is significant. They constitute several major categories, including connective words, passive voice markers, classifiers and general measure words, among others (Lê 2002, Alves 2005 and 2007). The earliest well-known linguistic description of Vietnamese appears in the 1651 Vietnamese-Portuguese-Latin dictionary of Alexandre de Rhodes, the “Dictionarium Annamiticum, Lusitanum, et Latinum”. 3 The introduction to the text contains a grammar section, and grammatical words and examples of their usage are provided throughout the dictionary’s 9,000 entries. Exploration of the data (referring to a 1991 translation into Vietnamese of the original Latin text) shows that, structurally, Vietnamese syntax has changed little since the 1600s. While the dictionary was influenced to a good deal by Central Vietnamese, with some lexical and phonological characteristics specific to that region, the text can still be considered representative of general Vietnamese grammar. Overall, the data in the dictionary clearly show that Vietnamese at that time was a topiccomment language with other typological characteristics similar to Vietnamese today. The Vietnamese grammatical vocabulary inventory, on the other hand, has changed noticeably over the past three and a half centuries. In a comparison of the grammatical vocabulary of the 1600s (both de Rhodes’ work and a dictionary of archaic Vietnamese by Vương 2002) and that of today, in some cases, there are preservations or minimal semantic and phonetic changes of some grammatical words. In other cases, some words have changed more substantially in their semantico-syntactic functions and are in the ongoing process of grammaticalization. Finally, there are grammatical words in the pre-modern era which do not exist today or which have very limited usage in modern Vietnamese, and a 2 3 Consider the Latin loanword “via,” which is considered a formal register word in English, in contrast with the more neutral English word “through”. Other works that precede de Rhode’s work are discussed in Jacque 2002. Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Vocabulary 3 noticeable number of those words are not of Chinese origins. It is this last category of words that are of particular interest in this study. In the following sections, the eras of socio-historical Sino-Vietnamese contact are described, and then linguistic data are provided to demonstrate how Sino-Vietnamese grammatical vocabulary were borrowed over the past few centuries through biliteracy rather than spoken bilingualism. Historical Sociolinguistic Background The eras of Sino-Vietnamese contact are here divided into four general categories based on the nature of the sociolinguistic contact: (a) the Han Dynasty era (1st century BCE to 2nd century CE), (b) the Tang Dynasty era (7th to 10th centuries CE), (c) the era of Vietnamese independence (11th century to the modern era), and (d) the modern era (20th century to the present). Besides the first era, all the other eras are marked by situations in which Chinese is largely transmitted via writing rather than an influential Chinese vernacular community. Documented Sino-Vietnamese language contact begins early in the Han Dynasty. The ancestors of the modern Vietnamese resided, at that time, primarily in modern day northern and north-central Vietnam, with a cultural center in the Red River Delta. In the Eastern Han dynasty at the beginning of the Christian era, the Chinese administration mandated the adoption of Chinese cultural customs throughout Vietnam, including Chinese family and household customs and accoutrements (e.g., Taylor Ibid.:33-34). The tools of administration left lexical imprints (e.g., giấy “paper” (Sino-Vietnamese chỉ; Chinese 纸 zhǐ), họ “family name” (Sino-Vietnamese hộ, Chinese 户 hù “household”), etc.), though these etyma were nativized and later reborrowed with standardized, Sino-Vietnamese literary readings (the second readings in the previous examples). Another crucial burst of language contact occurred during the time when large groups of Chinese soldier-settlers and the establishment of an elite Sino-Vietnamese class, who, despite their eventual “Vietnamization,” maintained some sense of Chinese identity for centuries. As noted, there are perhaps hundreds of these words which belong to a core of Vietnamese culture, and thus this contact was indeed significant. During this period, there occurred the borrowing of at least a few hundred Chinese words, mostly nouns and some verbs, but almost no grammatical words. Chinese power wavered after the Han dynasty. To what extent sociolinguistic contact led to borrowing before and into the early Tang dynasty several centuries later is less clear, though there were certainly Chinese leaders, armies, and traders in Vietnam in this era, and this was the period during which Chinese-style Buddhism began to flourish (Taylor Ibid.:80-84). At the very least, it can be said that Vietnam’s continuing status as part of China coincides with a progression into further sinicization of culture and language, a process which was complete among the modern varieties of Chinese spoken in Southern China, where there had been numerous non-Chinese groups prior to the Han Dynasty. China regained its political strength in the Tang Dynasty, and a large-scale spread of Chinese writing ensued throughout East Asia—including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam— via the Chinese rhyme dictionaries. These texts, containing tens of thousands of Chinese characters, provided access to the entirety of the Chinese lexicon. From this era on, the vast majority of Chinese loanwords have maintained their official, standardized, literary readings, in contrast with the vernacular pronunciations of the Han Dynasty loans. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Vietnam gained political independence. While there continued to be Sino-Vietnamese contact through trade, politics, religion, and 4 JSEALS Vol. 1 education and some amount of Chinese immigration (Luong 1988, Châu 2006), with few exceptions, there are no instances of large-scale migrations of Chinese into Vietnam in this era that would have resulted in widespread spoken bilingualism. This combination of factors—little Chinese immigration and ready access to Chinese vocabulary without the need for native speakers—supports the idea of a mainly literary means of transmission. Perhaps somewhat ironically, at the same time that the Vietnamese increasingly sought political independence from China, the Chinese political and educational model grew in influence in Vietnam. This is exemplified by the creation of the Confucian university, the Văn Miếu (文廟 wén miào) “Temple of Literature,” shortly after independence from China, thereby establishing a long-term literary Chinese tradition in Vietnam. With this simultaneous independence from China but strengthened ability of Chinese writing as a center of education in Vietnam in the Post-Tang Dynasty era, it can be assumed that borrowing from Chinese continued to be primarily through biliteracy of the Vietnamese literary elite. Modeling of the Chinese socio-political and cultural systems continued even into the 1800s (Woodside 1971). This was the case regardless of the size of the Chinese population in Vietnam, which did increase at times, particularly in the late 1800s under French interest in Chinese labor and managerial skills. The influential Chinese merchant class moved easily throughout Vietnam, but also continued to establish permanent family-managed properties and businesses (Ibid. 272). However, over a period of several decades, the immigration of many dozens of thousands of Chinese, many of whom came from neighboring Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, did not result in massive lexical borrowing of spoken Cantonese or indeed any other Southern variety of Chinese. Over the centuries, larger numbers of Chinese loanwords entered daily, spoken Vietnamese, but these were literary, non-dialectal readings. Loanwords from Cantonese are few in number, 4 a few dozen at most, and are limited mainly to the domain of food (e.g., chiên “to pan fry” (Sino-Vietnamese tiên; Chinese 煎 jiān; Cantonese jīn), lạp xưởng “Chinese sausage” (Sino-Vietnamese lạp trường; Chinese臘 là cháng; Cantonese laahp cheúng)). This situation is in sharp contrast with the hundreds of Han Dynasty era loanwords which span numerous semantic domains and which have remained part of the Vietnamese lexicon for two thousand years. Finally, it is worth noting that these loanwords are clearly recent borrowings based on their close phonetic matches, and none of them appear to be typical Yue or Cantonese dialectal words. In the modern era, from the early 20th century, it is clear that borrowing from Chinese into Vietnamese occurred mainly as a result of biliteracy among Vietnamese. The large-scale spread of “Sino-neologisms” (i.e., translation by Chinese and Japanese of Western concepts and terms using Chinese morphs, typically combinations of two morphs) led to the borrowing of many thousands of “Chinese” words, but these came from both Japanese and Chinese texts. A number of influential Vietnamese studied in Japan in the early 20th century, helping to stimulate the spread of these words (Sinh 1993). As these loanwords were borrowed primarily from writings, they are consistently pronounced with literary Sino-Vietnamese readings, and notably not with any dialectal pronunciations. At the same time that Sino-neologisms entered Vietnamese, there was massive growth in 4 One possibility considered by this author is that the neighboring Pinghua Chinese, distinct from Yue Chinese, spoken in modern day Guangxi province, where Chinese schools existed, could have been a source of the so-called “southern koine” (Hashimoto 1978). Exploration of Pinghua lexical and phonological data in Li 1998 shows no traces. Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Vocabulary 5 literacy rates in Vietnam—from 5% to 20% prior to World War II (DeFrancis 1977:218) to 90% today. This increase in literacy also corresponds to the time when the national Vietnamese Quốc Ngữ alphabet became an important aspect of literacy campaigns (Marr 1981:137 and 181). Finally, the intentional standardization of the massive quantities of new vocabulary of largely Chinese origins (the Vietnamese lexicon grew from 40,000 in 1945 to hundreds of thousands within a few decades (Marr 1981:168, Nguyễn et. al. 2002:19) further magnified the impact of these Chinese lexical imports on both the spoken and written Vietnamese lexicon. All in all, the borrowing of Chinese words came into Vietnamese via the written word. Linguistic Data and Grammatical Vocabulary The Vietnamese lexicon has been described as being 70% Chinese in origin, with technical vocabulary constituting 80%. However, in a loanword typology project utilizing a list of about fifteen hundred words, only 27% of Vietnamese vocabulary was shown to be from Chinese (Alves 2007a). However, this number must be considered low since that study did not include grammatical vocabulary, names, common vocabulary in the region, among other categories of words to which the Chinese lexicon is the source in Vietnamese. Still, by focusing on a set of more core vocabulary, as the study did, it does suggest that 70%, which includes the entirety of a dictionary, is not a realistic figure either if the goal is to determine the depth of influence on spoken Vietnamese in contrast with specialized vocabulary. No studies thus far have indicated the percentage of vocabulary of Chinese origin based on a set of high-frequency Vietnamese vocabulary. Such a study would logically be expected to show a number somewhere between 27% and 70% and more accurately and realistically portray the role Chinese has played in the Vietnamese lexicon. Regardless, the number of words of Chinese origin must be considered substantive even if little more than a third of core Vietnamese vocabulary is Chinese in origin. As for grammatical vocabulary, no studies have been found to quantify the percentage of function words of Chinese origin, though the percentage must indeed be substantial. Based on collections of such words in Lê 2002 and Alves 2005 and 2007a, connective words are largely of Chinese origin, dozens of measure words and some major classifiers are from Chinese, a number of preverbal grammatical morphs are Chinese, and a majority of the words in the complex system of pronoun reference come from Chinese. However, Chinese grammatical vocabulary, which entered Vietnamese at different times, did so for the most part in the Post-Tang era since most are pronounced with their literary readings from this era. In fact, it may be the case that a majority of Chinese grammatical vocabulary entered Vietnamese after the 1600s and even as late as the turn of the 20th century. Nguyễn Đình Hòa (1991) identified archaic lexical items in de Rhodes’ dictionary which are not part of modern Vietnamese. Exploration in the dictionary of Vương (2002), which is based on numerous ancient Vietnamese writings from the past several centuries, also reveals additional archaic vocabulary in Vietnamese which has been replaced over the centuries. Unfortunately, more detailed statistical studies of the timing of the historical changes in written records, which would serve to clarify and verify the ideas in this study, are non-existent. Still, the position that some of the words in Vietnamese in the 1600s are not in modern, standard usage is feasible and can be confirmed by native speaker intuitions and simple corpus queries. Both lexical loss and replacement did take place over the past few centuries, and the realm of grammatical vocabulary also shows this kind of change. 6 JSEALS Vol. 1 Such is the case for the archaic Vietnamese words bèn “but” and âu là “or”, which have the modern Sino-Vietnamese counterparts nhưng “but” (仍 réng) and hoặc “or” (或 huò). Of particular note in this study are the numerous examples in de Rhodes’ dictionary of non-Chinese grammatical vocabulary which were subsequently replaced by synonymous Chinese vocabulary. The grammatical functions are wide ranging, including a number of important grammatical lexical categories. Examples are shown in Table 1, which contains grammatical words found in de Rhodes’ dictionary which are not Chinese in origin and their mainstream, modern counterparts of Sino-Vietnamese origin. Forms in the 17th century column marked with an asterisk are extremely literary and/or have very limited usage in modern Vietnamese. Table 1: 17th Century Grammatical Words in Vietnamese and their Modern SinoVietnamese Replacements Grammatical Functions Quantity Sentence connecting 17th Century đòi* “every” phô “the various (higher social status)” bèn “but” chưng* “because” âu là* “or” Modern Era mỗi “every” (每 měi) các “the various” (各 gè) nhưng “but” (仍 réng) vì 5 (non-literary reading) “because” (為 wèi) hoặc “or” (或 huò) 6 Negation chẳng* “no/not” không “no/not” (空 kōng) Location ca “at” tại “at” (在 zài) Comparison and intensification ngất “equal to” bằng (Old-Sino-Vietnamese) ( Time terms chưng (progressive marker) đạc “time/instance” píng) đang (progressive marker) (當 dāng) lần “time/instance” (輪 lún) Grammatical adverbs bui “only” chỉn “truly” nghĩ “by oneself” chỉ “only” (只 zhǐ) thật “truly” (實 shí) tự “by oneself” (自 zì) Data in de Rhode’s 1651 Vietnamese-Latin-Portuguese Dictionary reveal the following. First, de Rhodes’ dictionary highlights the diglossic distinction between Chinese vocabulary and Vietnamese, with Chinese morphs having a formal status even higher than 5 6 This particular form is a nativized reading with the huyền tone. The standard literary pronunciation is vị, with the nặng tone. The native huyền tone vs. the literary nặng tone is seen in a number of forms, as discussed in Alves 2005. The form chẳng “no/not” in particular has more widespread usage in modern Vietnamese, though statistically, it has significantly lost its status to không “no/not.” Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Vocabulary 7 it is today. With literacy in the pre-modern era at a minimum, a small fraction of the entire population, it must be assumed that only biliterate Vietnamese could have been those in control of initiating the spread of such vocabulary, both content words and grammatical vocabulary. Next, de Rhodes’ dictionary shows that Cantonese or other varieties of Yue had contributed extremely little in terms of lexical content by that time, again suggesting that spoken bilingualism in Chinese was relatively unimportant after the first few centuries of Sino-Vietnamese language contact. While the de Rhodes’ dictionary highlights the highly formal status of Chinese vocabulary in Vietnam in the 17th century, modern era Sino-Vietnamese grammatical vocabulary supports the idea of the literary means of transmission by their notably literary status. In a collection of 156 grammatical Vietnamese words of Chinese origin (Lê 2002: 397-403), many belong to a very formal and/or written register (e.g., nhược ( ruò) “if,” giả sử (假使 jiǎ shǐ) “in the event that”, and sở dĩ (所 suǒ yǐ)). Another characteristic of these words is that some are prefixes in Vietnamese but free morphs in Chinese (e.g., bất “un-” (不 bù), tái “re-” (再 zài), and tối “-est” (最 zuì)), 7 which suggests that such morphs were not borrowed as part of a grammatical system but rather simply by borrowing the morphs in words, again suggesting borrowing through literacy in Chinese (and in some cases, in Japanese). Some of the borrowed words differ in part of speech from the Chinese forms. For example, the Chinese adverb 果然 (guǒ rán) “as expected” is an adjective in Vietnamese quả nhiên, and the Chinese adverb 實在 (shí zài) “truly/really” is in Vietnamese thực tại both an adverb “really” and noun “reality”. Finally, it is important to note that some of these grammatical words, which are common in Mandarin, spoken far to the north of Vietnam, are not spoken Cantonese (though they appear in literary Cantonese), for instance, bị (passive marker) (被 beì) and tại “at” (在 zài)). This might seem counterintuitive as Mandarin has never been spoken widely in Vietnam, while Cantonese is a virtual lingua franca among Chinese in Vietnam, unless one accepts the idea that the borrowing came via written Chinese texts, which contain essentially Mandarin-style grammar and grammatical vocabulary. Conclusions While at some points, some borrowing via spoken transmission did take place, primarily during the initial contact in the early Han Dynasty and a limited scope of borrowing from Cantonese in the modern era, most Sino-Vietnamese borrowing has taken place via a written means of transmission. The limited immigration of Chinese into Vietnam, the substantial adoption of the Chinese written tradition and cultural patterns, and the tendency towards literary status of Chinese vocabulary in Vietnamese all support this position. Among the borrowed grammatical Chinese vocabulary, the vocabulary is higher register, not borrowed from dialectal varieties of Chinese in or near Vietnam, and show unexpected semantico-syntactic shifts from loan source, all highlighting this more literary status and route for borrowing. These data not only portray a portion of the linguistic history of Vietnam but also serve as a case study of language contact (both spoken and written), of the sociolinguistic 7 Spoken Cantonese, like Vietnamese but in contrast with Mandarin Chinese, does not use the free morph 不 bù “no,” which only occurs in bound form in words or in highly literary Cantonese. The other grammatical words noted, however, are free morphs in Cantonese, like Mandarin Chinese but in contrast with Vietnamese. 8 JSEALS Vol. 1 history of the peoples in East and Southeast Asia, and of broader psycholinguistic issues (i.e., spoken versus written language, semantico-syntactic categories of words). References Alves, Mark J. 2001. What’s so Chinese about Vietnamese? Papers from the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. ed. Graham W. Thurgood. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University. 221-242. Alves, Mark. 2005. Sino-Vietnamese grammatical vocabulary and triggers for grammaticalization. The 6th Pan-Asiatic International Symposium on Linguistics. Hà Nội: Nhà Xuất Bản Khoa Học Xã Hội (Social Sciences Publishing House). 315332. Alves, Mark J. 2007a. Sino-Vietnamese Grammatical Borrowing: An Overview. Grammatical Borrowing in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. ed. by Yaron Matras and Jeanette Sakel. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 343-361. Alves, Mark. 2007b. Categories of grammatical Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary. Mon-Khmer Studies 37: 217-230. Benedict, Paul K. 1947. An analysis of Annamese kinship terms. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 3: 371-390. Châu, Thị Hải. 2006. 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The agreement systems of Lai and Mizo have been described in Bedell (1995) and (2001). In this discussion we will outline the Laizo agreement system and compare it with those of Lai and Mizo. The systems are quite similar but nevertheless show differences of some interest. The categories of agreement are the same in all three languages: person (first, second and third) and number (singular and plural). The free pronouns of Laizo are shown in (i): (i) 1 2 3 s kei ‘I’ nang ‘you’ ani ‘he/she/it’ pl kanni ‘we’ nanni ‘you’ anni ‘they’ The corresponding Lai pronouns are slightly different, as shown in (ii). In Lai the third person singular and the plural forms end in a glottal stop absent in Laizo. (ii) 1 2 3 s kei ‘I’ nang ‘you’ anih ‘he/she/it’ pl kannih ‘we’ nannih ‘you’ annih ‘they’ The corresponding Mizo pronouns are also slightly different, as shown in (iii). Like Laizo, the Mizo forms lack a final glottal stop; the first and second person plural forms have stems identical to the corresponding singulars. (iii) 1 2 3 1 s kei ‘I’ nang ‘you’ ani ‘he/she/it’ pl keini ‘we’ nangni ‘you’ anni ‘they’ Laizo is spoken primarily in Falam Township, Chin State, Myanmar and adjoining areas of Myanmar, India and Bangladesh. Laizo can be distinguished from Zahao and from the language spoken in the town of Falam. Gordon (2005) gives a speaker count of 18,600 for Laizo and 14,400 for Zahao and uses ‘Falam Chin’ as a cover term for both, together with several other Central Chin dialects. The Laizo forms in (i) through (xxxii) represent the usage of Khar Thuan, and are given in standard Laizo orthography. We are grateful to F. K. Lehman for help with Mizo. Bedell, George, Kee Shein Mang, Khar Thuan. 2009. Agreement In Laizo. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:11-22. Copyright vested in the authors. 11 12 JSEALS Vol. 1 Laizo and Lai have a second set of pronouns as shown in (iv). These are formed with a suffix -mah, which originally meant ‘self’. (i) and (iv) are not completely 2 interchangeable. (iv) 1 2 3 s keimah ‘I’ nangmah ‘you’ amah ‘he/she/it’ pl kanmah ‘we’ nanmah ‘you’ anmah ‘they’ Mizo has similar pronouns. 3 (v) 1 2 3 keimah ‘I’ nangmah ‘you’ amah ‘he/she/it’ keimahni ‘we’ nangmahni ‘you’ anmahni ‘they’ Laizo, but not Lai, has sets of genitive pronouns as shown in (vi) and (vii). These are combinations of the pronouns in (i) and (iv) with the Laizo genitive particle ih, which is lacking in Lai. (vi) 1 2 3 s kei(z)i ‘my’ nangi ‘your’ ani(h) ‘his/her/its’ pl kanni(h) ‘our’ nanni(h) ‘your’ anni(h) ‘their’ 1 2 3 s keimai ‘my’ nangmai ‘your’ amai ‘his/her/its’ pl kanmai ‘our’ nanmai ‘your’ anmai ‘their’ (vii) In Mizo, there is a similar genitive particle a, with high tone. When preceded by a -mah pronoun, it suppresses the usual glottal stop and merges with the preceding vowel, as in (viii). (viii) 1 2 3 keima ‘my’ nangma ‘your’ ama ‘his/her/its’ The paradigm of an intransitive Laizo verb is given in (ix); the verb is feh ‘go’ and the preceding particle in each form shows agreement with the subject whether or not it is overt. An intransitive verb has no objects and therefore shows no object agreement. 2 3 See Ceu Hlun and Lehman (2002) for the distinction in Lai. Chhangte (1993, page 65) calls them ‘emphatic’. The Mizo distinction seems different from Lai, where the -mah pronouns are much more frequent. 13 Agreement in Laizo (ix) 1 2 3 s ka feh ‘I go’ na feh ‘you go’ a feh ‘he/she/it goes’ pl kan feh ‘we go’ nan feh ‘you go’ an feh ‘they go’ The corresponding Lai paradigm is as in (x). The subject agreement particles in Lai are the same as in Laizo, but the lexical verb kal ‘go’ differs. (x) 1 2 3 s ka kal ‘I go’ na kal ‘you go’ a kal ‘he/she/it goes’ pl kan kal ‘we go’ nan kal ‘you go’ an kal ‘they go’ The corresponding Mizo paradigm is as in (xi). The lexical verb kal ‘go’ is the same as in Lai, but the second person subject agreement particles i (singular) and in (plural) differ from the corresponding na and nan in Laizo and Lai. (xi) 1 2 3 s ka kal ‘I go’ i kal ‘you go’ a kal ‘he/she/it goes’ pl kan kal ‘we go’ in kal ‘you go’ an kal ‘they go’ To illustrate object agreement, we begin with the first person subject forms, shown for Laizo in (xii). In (xii) the verb is hmu ‘see’, and ka and kan mark agreement with the first person subject just as in (ix). If the object is second person, the particle lo appears between ka or kan and the verb. If the object is third person, no person agreement particle appears. The number of a second person object is unmarked, but a third person object may optionally be marked plural with the postverbal particle hai. If the object is first person, it is understood as a reflexive (or, if it is plural, as a reciprocal), and marked with the postverbal particle aw. (xii) 1 2 3 1s ka hmu aw ‘I see myself’ ka lo hmu ‘I see you’ ka hmu ‘I see him/her/it/them’ 1pl kan hmu aw ‘we see ourselves/each other’ kan lo hmu ‘we see you’ kan hmu ‘we see him/her/it/them’ 3pl ka hmu hai ‘I see them’ kan hmu hai ‘we see them’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xiii). The Lai second person object agreement particle is in, which combines with the first person singular subject agreement particle ka into kan. As in Laizo, a third person object is not marked. But plurality of a second or third person object is marked by the postverbal particle hna. Unlike Laizo hai, Lai hna is not optional. The reflexive or reciprocal particle in Lai is i, which combines with the first person singular subject agreement particle ka into kaa. Lai reflexives and reciprocals also show a morphological change in the verb: hmuh ‘see’ becomes hmu. 14 JSEALS Vol. 1 (xiii) 1s 2s 3s 1s kaa hmu ‘I see myself’ kan hmuh ‘I see you’ ka hmuh ‘I see him/her/it’ 1pl x kan in hmuh ‘we see you’ kan hmuh ‘we see him/her/it’ 1pl 2pl 3pl x kan hmuh hna ‘I see you’ ka hmuh hna ‘I see them’ kan i hmu ‘we see ourselves/each other’ kan in hmuh hna ‘we see you’ kan hmuh hna ‘we see them’ The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xiv). The Mizo second person object agreement particle is che, and unlike Laizo lo or Lai in it follows the verb. As in Laizo and Lai, there is no Mizo third person object agreement particle. In Mizo, plurality of a second person object is marked by u following che, but plurality of a third person object is unmarked. The Mizo reflexive or reciprocal particle is in. (xiv) 1s 2s 3 1s ka in hmu ‘I see myself’ ka hmu che ‘I see you’ ka hmu ‘I see him/her/it/them’ 1pl x kan hmu che ‘we see you’ kan hmu ‘we see him/her/it/them’ 1pl 2pl x ka hmu che u ‘I see you’ kan in hmu ‘we see ourselves/each other’ kan hmu che u ‘we see you’ Laizo has eight first person object agreement forms corresponding to ten in Lai and eight in Mizo. The Laizo forms with a second person subject are shown in (xv). In (xv) the forms with a third person object are unmarked for agreement in person and optionally marked for agreement in number with that object, and the reflexive or reciprocal forms are marked with aw, just as in (xii). A first person object is marked with i or in; unlike the second person object agreement particle lo in (xii), Lai in in (xiii) or Mizo che in (xiv), these object agreement particles exclude any subject agreement particles. They partially mark the number of the first person object: i is used only when the first person object is singular, but in may be used if either the subject or the first person object is plural. If the subject is plural and the first person object is singular, either i or in may appear. (xv) 1 2 3 2s 2pl i/in hmu ‘you see me/us’ i/in hmu ‘you see me/us’ na hmu aw ‘you see yourself’ nan hmu aw ‘you see yourselves/each other’ na hmu ‘you see him/her/it/them’ nan hmu ‘you see him/her/it/them’ 3pl na hmu hai ‘you see them’ nan hmu hai ‘you see them’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xvi). In (xvi), the forms with a third person object are unmarked for agreement in person, hna marks plurality of a third person object, and the reflexive and reciprocal forms are marked with i, just as in (xiii). A first person object is marked with ka if singular and kan if plural, which come between the subject agreement 15 Agreement in Laizo particles na and nan and the verb. As in (xiii), object number agreement increases the Lai forms with respect to Laizo. (xvi) 1s 2s 3s 2s na ka hmuh ‘you see me’ naa hmu ‘you see yourself’ na hmuh ‘you see him/her/it’ 2pl nan ka hmuh ‘you see me’ x nan hmuh ‘you see him/her/it’ 1pl 2pl 3pl na kan hmuh ‘you see us’ x na hmuh hna ‘you see them’ nan kan hmuh ‘you see us’ nan in hmu ‘you see yourselves/each other’ nan hmuh hna ‘you see them’ The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xvii). In (xvii), the forms with a third person object are unmarked for agreement in person or number, and the reflexive and reciprocal forms are marked with in, just as in (xiv). A first person object is marked with mi or min, but unlike Laizo i and in in (xiv) or Lai ka and kan in (xv), these are interchangeable and do not mark number for first person objects. Like Laizo i and in, and unlike Lai ka and kan, they exclude subject agreement particles. (xvii) 1 2 3 2s mi(n) hmu ‘you see me/us’ i in hmu ‘you see yourself’ i hmu ‘you see him/her/it/them’ 2pl in in hmu ‘you see yourselves/each other’ in hmu ‘you see him/her/it/them’ In Laizo there are eight second person object agreement forms corresponding to ten in Lai but only to five in Mizo. The Laizo forms with a third person subject are as in (xviii). In (xviii) a first person object is marked with i or in just as in (xv); a second person object is marked with lo just as in (xii); a third person object is unmarked and a reflexive or reciprocal object is marked with aw just as in (xii) or (xv). When the subject is third person, there may be either an ordinary third person object (if the subject and object refer to different things) or a reflexive or reciprocal object (if the subject and object refer to the same thing). (xviii) 1 2 3 3pl 3s i/in hmu ‘he/she/it sees me/us’ a lo hmu ‘he/she/it sees you’ a hmu aw ‘he/she/it sees him-/her-/itself’ a hmu ‘he/she/it sees him/her/it/them’ 3pl i/in hmu ‘he/she/it/they see me/us’ an lo hmu ‘they see you’ an hmu aw ‘they see themselves/each other’ an hmu ‘they see him/her/it/them’ a hmu hai ‘he/she/it sees them’ an hmu hai ‘they see them’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xix). Just as in Laizo (xviii), Lai (xix) illustrates the same object agreement patterns as in (xiii) and (xvi). Here too the ordinary third person object agreement and the reflexive or reciprocal third person object agreement are both possible. 16 JSEALS Vol. 1 (xix) 1s 2s 3s 3s 3pl a ka hmuh ‘he/she/it sees me’ a kan hmuh ‘he/she/it sees us’ an hmuh ‘he/she/it sees you’ an hmuh hna ‘he/she/it sees you’ aa hmu ‘he/she/it sees him-/her-/itself’ x a hmuh ‘he/she/it sees him/her/it’ a hmuh hna ‘he/she/it sees them’ 1pl 2pl 3pl an ka hmuh ‘they see me’ an in hmu ‘they see you’ x an hmuh ‘they see him/her/it’ an kan hmuh ‘they see us’ an in hmuh hna ‘they see you’ an i hmu ‘they see themselves/each other’ an hmuh hna ‘they see them’ The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xx). Just as in Laizo (xviii) and Lai (xix), Mizo (xx) illustrates the same object agreement patterns as (xiv) and (xvii) and contains both the ordinary third person object agreement and the reflexive or reciprocal third person object agreement. (xx) 3s 3pl 1 2s 3 mi(n) hmu ‘he/she/it/they see me/us’ a hmu che ‘he/she/it sees you’ an hmu che ‘they see you’ a in hmu ‘he/she/it sees him/her/itself’ an in hmu ‘they see themselves/each other’ a hmu ‘he/she/it sees him/her/it/them’ an hmu ‘they see him/her/it/them’ 2pl a hmu che u ‘he/she/it sees you’ an hmu che u ‘they see you’ In this case Laizo has ten forms, Lai has fourteen and Mizo has nine. Laizo imperatives with an intransitive verb are as in (xxi). The preverbal agreement particles in (ix) are not used in imperatives; instead there are postverbal particles. There is a distinction between in exclusive and inclusive in first person plural imperatives not found elsewhere in the language. The particle hai used to mark optional plurality of third person objects is used obligatorily to mark plurality of third person imperative subjects. (xxi) s feh keng ‘let me go’ feh aw ‘go!’ feh seh ‘may he/she/it go’ pl feh uh si ‘let us (exclusive) go’ feh kung ‘let us (inclusive) go’ feh uh ‘go!’ feh hai seh ‘may they go’ The corresponding forms in Lai are as in (xxii). Lai lacks a distinction between exclusive and inclusive first person plural and has no counterpart to Laizo aw as a second person singular imperative marker. Lai hna, like Laizo hai, marks plurality of a third person imperative subject. The particle hna differs from hai in one other respect: it functions as a 17 Agreement in Laizo general noun phrase plural particle in Lai, but in Laizo the corresponding particle is pawl rather than hai. (xxii) 1 2 3 s kal ning ‘let me go’ kal ‘go!’ kal seh ‘may he/she/it go’ pl kal u sih ‘let us go’ kal u ‘go!’ kal hna seh ‘may they go’ The corresponding forms in Mizo are as in (xxiii). Mizo lacks a first person singular form, any distinction between exclusive and inclusive, and does not mark number for third person. It has an imperative particle rawh which, unlike Laizo aw, appears in all second and third person forms. (xxiii) 1 2 3 s(pl) kal rawh ‘go!’ kal rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they go’ pl kal ang u ‘let us go’ kal rawh u ‘go!’ Laizo has seven intransitive imperative forms, Lai has six, and Mizo has five. Laizo transitive imperative forms with a first person subject are as in (xxiv). The postverbal particles keng, uh si and kung are the same as in the corresponding portion of (xxi) combined with object agreement particles as in (xii). The particle hai is used obligatorily to mark plurality of a third person imperative object. (xxiv) 1 2 3s 3pl 1s zoh aw keng ‘let me look at myself’ lo zoh keng ‘let me look at you’ zoh keng ‘let me look at him/her/it’ zoh hai keng ‘let me look at them’ 1pl zoh aw uh si ‘let us (ex) look at ourselves’ zoh aw kung ‘let us (in) look at ourselves’ lo zoh kung ‘let us look at you’ zoh kung ‘let me look at him/her/it’ zoh hai kung ‘let us look at them’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xxv). Just as in Laizo, these forms combine the subject agreement pattern of the intransitive imperatives in (xxii) with the object agreement pattern of the transitive declaratives (xiii). (xxv) 1 2 3 1s i zoh ning ‘let me look at myself’ in zoh ning ‘let me look at you’ zoh ning ‘let me look at him/her/it’ 1pl x in zoh u sih ‘let us look at you’ zoh u sih ‘let us look at him/her/it’ 1pl 2pl 3pl x in zoh hna ning ‘let me look at you’ zoh hna ning ‘let me look at them’ i zoh u sih ‘let us look at ourselves’ in zoh hna u sih ‘let us look at you’ zoh hna u sih ‘let us look at them’ 18 JSEALS Vol. 1 The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xxvi). Mizo lacks first person imperatives and uses a distinct lexical verb; otherwise it fits the same pattern as Laizo and Lai. (xxvi) 3 1pl en ang um ‘let us look at him/her/it/them’ 1pl in en ang u ‘let us look at ourselves’ Laizo has nine transitive imperative forms with a first person subject, Lai has ten, and Mizo has only two. Laizo transitive imperative forms with a second person subject are as in (xxvii). Just as with the first person forms in (xxiv), these have subject agreement like the second person forms in (xxi) and object agreement like the declarative forms in (xv). (xxvii) 1 2 3 3 2s i zoh aw ‘look at me!’ zoh aw aw ‘look at yourself’ zoh aw ‘look at him/her/it!’ zoh hai aw ‘look at them!’ 2pl i/in zoh uh ‘look at me/us!’ zoh aw uh ‘look at yourselves/each other!’ zoh uh ‘look at him/her/it!’ zoh hai uh ‘look at them!’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xxviii). These have subject agreement as in (xxii) and object agreement as in (xvi). (xxviii) 1 2 3 1pl 2pl 3pl 2s ka zoh ‘look at me!’ i zoh ‘look at yourself!’ zoh ‘look at him/her/it!’ 2pl ka zoh u ‘look at me!’ x zoh u ‘look at him/her/it!’ kan zoh ‘look at us!’ x zoh hna ‘look at them!’ kan zoh u ‘look at us!’ i zoh u ‘look at yourselves!’ zoh hna u ‘look at them!’ The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xxix). These have subject agreement as in (xxiii) and object agreement as in (xvii). (xxix) 1 2 3 2s min en rawh ‘look at me/us!’ in en rawh ‘look at yourself!’ en rawh ‘look at him/her/it/them!’ 2pl min en rawh u ‘look at me/us!’ in en rawh u ‘look at yourselves!’ en rawh u ‘look at him/her/it/them!’ Laizo has eight transitive imperative forms with a second person subject, Lai has ten, and Mizo has six. Laizo transitive imperative forms with a third person subject are as in (xxx). Here the subject agreement pattern is as in (xxi), but the object agreement pattern differs from Agreement in Laizo 19 that in (xviii) in that hai obligatorily indicates a plural third person object. The form zoh hai seh is used when either the subject or the object, or both, is plural. (xxx) 1 2 3s 3pl 3s 3pl i zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at me’ i/in zoh hai seh ‘may they look at me/us’ lo zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at you’ lo zoh hai seh ‘may they look at you’ zoh aw seh ‘may he/she/it look at him-/her-/itself’ zoh aw hai seh ‘may they look at themselves/each other’ zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at him/her/it’ zoh hai seh ‘may he/she/it/they look at him/her/it/them’ The corresponding Lai forms are as in (xxxi). These have the subject agreement pattern of (xxii) and the object agreement pattern of (xix). Lai zoh hna seh, like Laizo zoh hai seh, is used when either the subject or the object, or both, is plural. (xxxi) 1 2 3 1pl 2pl 3pl 3s 3pl ka zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at me’ ka zoh hna seh ‘may they look at me’ in zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at you’ i zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at him-/her-/itself’ zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at him/her/it’ kan zoh seh ‘may he/she/it look at us’ kan zoh hna seh ‘may they look at us’ in zoh hna seh ‘may he/she/it/they look at you’ i zoh hna seh ‘may they look at themselves’ zoh hna seh ‘may he/she/it/they look at him/her/it/them’ The corresponding Mizo forms are as in (xxxii). These again have the subject agreement pattern of (xxiii) and the object agreement pattern of (xx). (xxxii) 1 2s 3 2pl 3 min en rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they look at me/us’ en che rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they look at you’ en rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they look at him/her/it/them’ in en rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they look at him/her/it/themselves’ en che u rawh se ‘may he/she/it/they look at you’ Laizo has eight transitive imperative forms with a third person subject, Lai has ten, and Mizo has five. We will close this discussion with a few examples from parallel translations to highlight the differences in the agreement patterns of Laizo, Lai and Mizo. 4 Most of them 4 Examples (1) through (10) are cited from Baibal Thianghlim (The Holy Bible [Laizo], 2000), Lai Baibal Thiang (The Holy Bible in Lai, 1999), and Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim (God’s Holy Book [Mizo], 1964). The numbers refer to chapter and verse of Matthew, and the orthography is as in the originals. 20 JSEALS Vol. 1 have to do with object agreement. Examples (1) to (4) show first person object agreement. In the Mizo sentences both mi and min appear, and correspond to English ‘me’ and ‘us’. But the Mizo object agreement particles are not distinguished in number; they could be interchanged. In the Lai sentences we see ka and kan, but these do distinguish number and cannot be interchanged. In the Laizo sentences we see i and in; since both subject and object are singular in (1), only i is possible. In (2) and (4) the object is plural and only in is possible. In (3) the subject is plural and the object singular; in is used in this example, but i would also be possible. (1) [Laizo] Ziang thil thra so, tiah ziangah so i sut? (19:17) [Lai] Zeicaahdah zei rian thra dah ti na ka hal? [Mizo] thil thra thu engahnge mi zawh? Why do you ask me about what is good? (2) [Laizo] ‘Ziangah so Johan cu nan zum lo?’ in ti ding. (21:25) [Lai] ‘Ziah a bia nan ngaih kun lo?’ a kan ti lai. [Mizo] ‘Engahnge a thu in awi loh le?’ min ti si ang a. He will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ (3) [Laizo] Hi mi pawl hin an kaa lawngin in upat ih (15: 8) [Lai] Mah hna nih hin an kaa lawngin an ka upat i, [Mizo] He miteho hian an ka in mi chawimawi a This people honors me with their lips, (4) [Laizo] nan zinan in thren ve uh, (25: 8) [Lai] Nan zinan kha tlawmpal in kan pe ve u, [Mizo] In khâwnvâr tui kha min pe ve rawh u, Give us some of your oil, Examples (5) and (6) show second person object agreement. In the Mizo sentences che indicates agreement with a second person object, followed by u if that object is plural. In the Lai sentences, the -n of an and kan indicates second person object agreement, and hna appears after the verb if that object is plural. Second person object agreement che in Mizo follows the verb, but in Lai -n combines with the subject agreement (a or ka) and precedes it. Notice that in Mizo the che not only follows the adverbial particle ve ‘also’ but also the future tense particle ang. In Lai the postverbal number agreement particle hna follows ve but precedes the future tense particle lai. In the Laizo sentences lo indicates second person object agreement, but there is no number agreement in this case. (5) [Laizo] Zo in so thu a lo pek? (21:23) [Lai] Hi nawl ngeihnak hi ahodah an pe? [Mizo] tuinnge thu pe che? Who gave you this authority? Agreement in Laizo (6) 21 [Laizo] zo ih thu in hi bangtuk thil hi ka tuah tiah ka lo sim ding, (21:24) [Lai] aho nawl ngeihnak in dah ka tuah ti kha kan chimh ve hna lai. [Mizo] kei pawh in thu kam khat ka zâwt ve ang che u I also will tell you by what authority I do these things. Examples (7) to (10) show third person object agreement. None of the three languages has an overt third person object marker, and in Mizo the number of a third person object is also not marked. In Lai, hna marks plurality of a third person object just as it did of a second person object in (6); it is in the same postverbal position. In Laizo, hai marks the plurality of a third person object, and is also postverbal. (7) is a declarative clause, and Mizo hai is optional unlike Lai hna which is obligatory. (8) is an intransitive imperative with a plural subject and both hai and hna obligatorily mark the plurality of the subject. (9) and (10) are transitive imperatives with a plural subject and (10) also has a plural object; hai and hna are obligatory here too. (7) [Laizo] An pumkhawmnak inn ah a zirh hai ih (13:54) [Lai] an sinakok ah khan a cawnpiak hna i [Mizo] an inkhâwmna inah chuan anmahni a zirtîr ta a, he taught them in their synagogue (8) [Laizo] Nauhak pawl cu ka hnen ah ra ko hai seh, (19:14) [Lai] Ngakchia hna kha ka sinah ra ko hna seh, [Mizo] Naupang tête ka hnênah han kaltîr ula, let the children come to me (9) [Laizo] Mi in kan parah tuah hai seh ti nan duh vekin mi dang parah tuah ve uh. (7:12) [Lai] Nan cungah tuah hna seh ti nan duh bantuk in mi cung zongah tuah ve u; [Mizo] thil engkim miin chunga an tiha in duh tûr ang apiang chu, mi chungah pawh ti ve rawh u; whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them (10) [Laizo] I thlun sawn aw, mithi pawl in mithi cu phum ko hai seh, (8:22) [Lai] Rak ka zul ko, mithi nih an mithi cu rak vui ko hna seh, [Mizo] Mi zui rawh; mitthiin anmahni mitthi chu vui rawh se, follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead Examples (4), (8), (9) and (10) also illustrate some differences in subject agreement in imperative sentences. In (10), the first clause is a second person singular imperative with Mizo rawh and Laizo aw; Lai has no corresponding particle. (4) and the second clause in (9) are second person plural imperatives with the imperative plural particle u in Mizo and Lai or uh in Laizo. Mizo has rawh in this form, but Laizo does not use aw. The second clauses in (9) and (10) are third person imperatives with the imperative particle se in Mizo or seh in Lai and Laizo. Again Mizo has rawh in this form, but Laizo does not use aw. (8) is a parallel construction in Lai and Laizo, but Mizo uses a second person imperative with the causative verb kaltîr ‘let go’. The following u is the second person imperative plural 22 JSEALS Vol. 1 marker seen in (4). The first clause in (9) is another parallel construction in Lai and Laizo which serves as a complement clause to the verb duh ‘want’; here Mizo does not use an imperative at all, but a relative construction similar to the English version. In addition to the details of agreement as examined above, a comparison of the three languages in examples (1) through (10) will reveal many other differences. It may not always be clear whether a particular difference which appears in such material reflects a genuine difference in the grammar or lexicon of the languages rather than different styles, or even the individual usages of translators. Still we may appreciate how different closely related languages like those considered here can be. References 2000. Baibal Thianghlim (The Holy Bible [Laizo]), Hong Kong, United Bible Societies. George Bedell. 1995. ‘Agreement in Lai’, Papers from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Tempe, Arizona, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University, pp. 21-32. George Bedell. 2001.’Agreement in Mizo’, Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Tempe, Arizona, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University, pp. 51-70. Ceu Hlun. 2007. ‘Pragmatic Influence on Pronouns in Lai (Hakha) Chin with especial reference to focus and contrast’, Papers from the 12th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (2002), Pacific Linguistics E-4, pp. 79-88. L. Chhangte. 1993. Mizo Syntax, U of Oregon dissertation. Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.) 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition, Dallas, Tex., SIL International. Online version. 1999. Lai Baibal Thiang (The Holy Bible in Lai), Hakha, Bible Society of Myanmar. 1946. The New Testament (Revised Standard Version), New York, Thomas Nelson. Andrea Osburne. 1975. A Transformational Analysis of Tone in the Verb System of Zahao (Laizo) Chin, Cornell U dissertation. 1964. Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim (God’s Holy Book [Mizo]), Bangalore, India leh Ceylon-a Pathian Lehkhabu Chhutu Pawl. David A. Peterson. 2003. ‘Hakha Lai’, in G. Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla, The Sino-Tibetan Languages, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 409-26. INFLUENCE OF LEXICAL SEMANTICS ON REFLEXES AND ALLOMORPHS OF *<UM> AND *<IN> IN BONGGI Michael Boutin Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics & SIL International <michael_boutin@gial.edu> 0 Abstract 1 The reflexes of Proto-Austronesian *in and *um. can occur as both a prefix and an infix in many daughter languages. In Bonggi, 2 both the position (prefix or infix) and the phonological shape (/i/, /n/, or /in/) of the forms are predictable. Linguists who have looked at similar alternations between prefixes and infixes in related Austronesian languages have focused on providing phonological explanations for both the position and the variant shapes of the alternations. While phonology is an important part of the explanation for the alternate forms in Bonggi, the position and shape of the forms are conditioned by the lexical semantics of the verb as well as the phonology. Any analysis which does not account for the lexical semantics of verb classes will be unable to account for the position and the form of these morphemes. 1 Introduction Two infixes have been reconstructed for Proto-Austronesian: the voice-marking infix *<um>, and a tense/aspect/modality-marking infix *<in> which is glossed in various daughter languages as ‘past tense’, ‘perfective aspect’, ‘completive aspect’, or ‘realis modality’. 3 Most of the languages of the Philippines and northern Borneo have morphemes which are reflexes of Proto-Austronesian *<um> and *<in>. In many daughter languages, the reflexes of Proto-Austronesian *<um> and *<in> occur as either a prefix or an infix. For example, the first column of table 1 shows that Bonggi has six distinct forms for marking past tense (or realis modality): the three prefixes i-, n-, and in- in rows (a-c); the two infixes <i> and <in> in rows (d-e); and ablaut in row (f). With the exception of ablaut which is a suppletive form, both the position of these forms (prefix or infix) and the phonological shape (/i/, /n/, or /in/) are predictable. The position and shape of the inflected forms in table 1 are conditioned by the lexical semantics of the verb and phonology. 1 2 3 I am indebted to Paul Kroeger and Steve Parker for their comments on an earlier version of this paper. Bonggi is a Western Austronesian language spoken by approximately 1,500 people on Banggi and Balambangan islands in Sabah, Malaysia. Bonggi reflexes of *<in> are glossed as ‘past’ (tense) or ‘realis’ (modality). See Boutin (1991) for a discussion of the semantics of this morpheme. For proto-forms, see Wolf (1973:73), Blust (2002:66), Himmelmann (2002:9), and Ross (2002:49). For a past tense analysis, see Wolf (1973:86). See Reid (1992) for a discussion of realis modality, past tense, and perfective and completive aspect. Boutin, Michael. 2009. Influence Of Lexical Semantics On Reflexives And Allomorphs of *<um> And *<in> In Bonggi. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:23-47. Copyright vested in the author. 23 24 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 1: Six forms for marking past/realis in Bonggi 4 a. b. c. d. e. f. Past/realis marker inin<i> <in> e Verb stem pesaʔ ‘broken’ tutuŋ ‘burnt’ ala ‘defeat someone’ bubus ‘pour something’ bereit ‘tear something’ mati ‘die’ Inflected form i-pesaʔ n-tutuŋ in-ala b<i>ubus b<in>ereit meti Modification type prefix prefix prefix infix infix ablaut Linguists who have looked at alternations between prefixes and infixes that share a common meaning in Austronesian languages have primarily focused on the phonologymorphology interface. Crowhurst (1998) claims that the occurrence of um as an infix or prefix in Toba Batak is conditioned by constraints on consonant clusters rather than prosodic structure as argued by Prince & Smolensky (1993). Blevins (1999) analyzes a Leti nominalizing morpheme whose allomorphs look very similar to the forms in table 1. She provides evidence that some sound patterns that result from infixation are opposite of those predicted in an optimality approach. Blevins shows how allomorphs are determined by verb class and phonology, and she suggests that verb semantics plays a role in some forms (1998:388). Goudswaard (2004) examines the allomorphs of Ida’an-Begak morphemes which are derived historically from Proto-Austronesian *<in> and *<um>. She claims that the synchronic surface forms cannot be derived from underlying abstract morphemes, but are best explained in terms of suppletive allomorphy. Paster (to appear) examines phonologically conditioned suppletive allomorphy in a number of languages including Kwamera, a language of Vanuatu. She states that the perfective prefix in Kwamera has two suppletive allomorphs (/ɨn-/ and /uv-/) which are conditioned by the initial vowel/segment of the stem. Yu (2007) discusses <um> in Tagalog and the Leti data in Blevins (1999) as he describes how phonology influences morphology, especially infixes. These linguists have focused on providing phonological explanations for both the position and the variant shapes of the alternations. With the exception of Blevins (1999), they have sought to account for the allomorphs of *<um> and *<in> in terms of strict phonological conditioning. Although phonology is an important part of the explanation for the alternate forms in table 1, phonology is not the whole story. The position and shape of the forms are conditioned by the lexical semantics of the verb as well as the phonology. Any analysis which does not account for the lexical semantics of Bonggi verb classes will be unable to account for the position and the form of the past tense morpheme in table 1 or the position and the form of the reflexes of *<um>. 4 The abbreviations and glossing conventions used follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules which are available at http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/files/morpheme.html. Infixes are separated by angle brackets in both the text and the gloss as seen in table 1. Bonggi has seventeen consonant phonemes, /p t k b d ɡ ʔ s dʒ m n ɲ ŋ l ɾ y w/ and five vowel phonemes /i u e o a/. The data is shown in phonemic form using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) except ‘g’ is used for /ɡ/ and ‘r’ is used for the flap /ɾ/. Phonological processes are briefly described in §4. The data for this paper is from unpublished texts and an unpublished dictionary which were collected by the author and his wife. 25 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi Of the accounts summarized above, this paper is closest to Blevins (1999). However, I claim that verb semantics plays a primary role in determining which of the variant forms in table 1 occurs. Verbs are subcategorized according to their semantic representation. Section 2 provides a very brief introduction to Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) which is the theoretical framework used in this paper. Section 3, which is the heart of this paper, shows how a lexical semantic description of verbs results in classes of verbs which share the same lexical semantic template. All verbs which share the same template belong to the same verb class, and all verbs that belong to the same verb class are morphologically marked the same (apart from phonologically conditioned alternations). Section 3 also provides evidence of correlations between lexical semantics and verb morphology by showing how different lexical semantic representations correspond to different verb classes which are morphologically marked. Section 4 describes phonologically conditioned alternations which account for the surface phonetic shapes of word-forms. The verb classes described in §3 together with the phonological conditioning described in §4 account for the position and form of the past/realis markers in table 1, as well as a number of other morphological markers. Section 5 provides some general conclusions including how derivational processes change the lexical meaning, while inflectional processes do not. 2 Role and Reference Grammar The general structure of an RRG-based theory of grammar is presented in figure 1. RRG only recognizes one level of syntactic representation which is directly linked with a semantic representation. 5 ↑ SYNTACTIC REPRESENTATION ↓ Linking algorithm SEMANTIC REPRESENTATION Figure 1: General structure of RRG (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:21) The primary mechanism in the RRG approach to semantics is a system of lexical representation involving predicate decomposition. The RRG system of lexical representation is based on the classification of predicates into Aktionsart classes; i.e., classes based on inherent aspectual properties (Van Valin 1993:34). Vendler (1967) devised a universal four-way semantic distinction between: 1) states, 2) accomplishments, 3) achievements, and 4) activities. The distinctive features of the four Aktionsart classes are shown in table 2. 5 Because the focus of this paper is primarily on the relationship between lexical semantics, morphology, and phonology, very little is said about syntactic representations. 26 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 2: Distinctive features of basic Aktionsart classes State +static -telic -punctual Accomplishment -static +telic -punctual Achievement -static +telic +punctual Activity -static -telic -punctual These four Aktionsart classes correspond to major verb classes which are encoded in the verbal morphology. States are static situations with no activity. Bonggi has several subclasses of states. While condition states and attributive states are described in this paper, 6 possessive states, internal experience states, locative states, and existential states are mentioned briefly. The English sentence in (1) illustrates a condition stative clause. 7 (1) My boil is ruptured. English condition state clauses like (1) contain a subject (e.g. my boil), a form of the copula be, and a predicate complement (e.g. ruptured). Bonggi does not have a copula verb; instead, condition state clauses like (2) contain a condition stative verb (e.g. tedak ‘ruptured’) and a single argument (e.g. busul ku ‘my boil’) which is syntactically the subject. (2) Tedak na busul ku. ruptured now boil 1SG.GEN My boil is ruptured. In RRG, the relationship between a predicate and its arguments is expressed by logical structures (LSs) which provide a formal semantic representation for each verb. Logical structures consist of predicates, their arguments and a small set of operators (Van Valin 1990:223). Each of the four Aktionsart classes in table 2 has two possible logical structures depending on whether the predicate has one or two arguments. For example, single argument condition stative verbs like tedak ‘ruptured’ in (2) have a generic LS predicate' (x), whereas two argument possession stative predicates have a generic LS have' (x, y). The variables ‘x’ and ‘y’ represent arguments of the predicate. The generic logical structure for condition stative verbs is shown in (3a), while the LS for the verb tedak ‘ruptured’ is shown in (3b). The semantic representation (SR) for the clause in (2) is given in (3c). 8 Adverbials like na ‘now’ take the logical structure of the core as their argument. In a more enriched semantic representation, possession within NPs (e.g. busul ku ‘my boil’ in (2)) is represented semantically as possession within clauses as shown in (3d). 6 7 8 See Boutin (2007) for a discussion of locative states and verb classes which have a locative state in their semantic representation. Kroeger (2005:175) refers to clause like (1) as attributive clauses, whereas RRG distinguishes condition states from attributive states. Condition states are a resulting state, whereas attributive states are an inherent state. Compare (3a) and (36a) for semantic distinction, and tables 3 and 11 for morphological differences. Logical structures (LSs) show the relationship between predicates and their arguments, whereas semantic representations (SRs) for a sentence include the LS of the verb, the arguments of the verb, and adjuncts including adverbials. 27 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi (3) a. b. c. d. Generic LS for condition stative verbs: LS for tedak ‘ruptured’: SR for (2): Enriched SR for (2): predicate' (x) ruptured' (x) now' [ruptured' (busul 1SG)] now' [ruptured' (have' [1SG, busul])] The syntactic representation of (2) is shown in figure 2. 9 My boil is ruptured. Figure 2: Syntactic representation of (2) The heart of the grammar in RRG is the linking between semantic representations like (3c) and syntactic representations like figure 2 (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:645). This linking between semantics and syntax is governed by the Completeness Constraint in (4) (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:325). (4) Completeness Constraint All of the arguments explicitly specified in the semantic representation of a sentence must be realized syntactically in the sentence, and all of the referring expressions in the syntactic representation of a sentence must be linked to an argument position in a logical structure in the semantic representation of the sentence. The first step in linking from semantics to syntax is to determine the actor and undergoer assignments. Actor and undergoer are semantic macroroles. Actor refers to the entity which instigates, controls or effects the action expressed by the verb. Undergoer indicates the entity affected by the action or state expressed by the verb (Walton 1986:45). The prototypical Actor is an agent, whereas the prototypical Undergoer is a patient (Van Valin 1993:46). The principles for determining the number and nature of macroroles are shown in (5) (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:152). 9 The tree structure in (2) follows Kroeger (2005), rather than standard RRG trees. 28 JSEALS Vol. 1 (5) DEFAULT MACROROLE ASSIGNMENT PRINCIPLES: a. Number: the number of macroroles a verb takes is less than or equal to the number of arguments in its LS. 1. If a verb has two or more arguments in its LS, it will take two macroroles. 2. If a verb has one argument in its LS, it will take one macrorole. b. Nature: for verbs which take one macrorole, 1. If the verb has an activity predicate in its LS, the macrorole is actor. 2. If the verb has no activity predicate in its LS, the macrorole is undergoer. According to principle 5.a.2, the verb tedak ‘ruptured’ in (2) has one macrorole since its logical structure in (3b) has one argument. By principle 5.b.2, the single macrorole in (2) is an undergoer since the LS in (3b) does not contain the activity predicate do'. As shown in figure 1, linking is bidirectional. To link from syntax to semantics, link the core syntactic arguments to semantic macroroles. Because (2) only has one core syntactic argument (busul ku ‘my boil’), it is linked to the undergoer. In (4), the phrase “referring expressions in the syntactic representation” refers to the NPs in the sentence. The two NPs in figure 2 are linked to the two argument positions of the predicate have' in (3d) satisfying the Completeness Constraint. 3 Lexical semantic conditioning and Bonggi verb classes In their description of the relationship between lexical semantics and morphology, Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1998:252) adopt an aspectually motivated predicate decomposition system which is comparable to the RRG system. The lexical semantic representations in this paper are very similar to the lexical conceptual structures of Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1998). 3.1 Condition stative The condition stative verb tedak ‘ruptured’, which is illustrated in (2) and described in (3), is morphologically unmarked as are other condition stative verbs some of which are listed in table 3. Table 3: Condition stative verbs belaʔ bereit binasa ‘split’ ‘torn’ ‘broken’ kakas kotop loput ‘uncovered’ ‘broken off’ ‘snapped’ pesaʔ puan tedak tutuŋ ‘broken’ ‘satisfied’ ‘punctured’ ‘burnt’ The decomposition in (3a) provides a lexical semantic template for all condition stative verbs (cf. Levin and Rappaport Hovav 1998:252). All verbs which belong to the same class share the same template. For example, tedak ‘ruptured’ in (3b) and belaʔ ‘split’ in (6) are both condition stative verbs so they share the lexical semantic template in (3a). (6) LS for belaʔ ‘split’: split' (x) The difference in meaning between verbs in the same class is captured by replacing predicate' in the template with a specific verb in bold face such as ruptured' in (3b) or split' in (6). Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1998:253) refer to ruptured' in (3b) and split' 29 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi in (6) as constants. Constants are English words since English is the semantic metalanguage used. In their discussion of lexical decomposition, Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1998:258) point out that lexical representations can be related in two ways. First, they can share the same lexical semantic template, but have a different constant, such as tedak ‘ruptured’ in (3b) and belaʔ ‘split’ in (6). Second, they can contain the same constant, but have a different lexical semantic template, such as tedak ‘ruptured’ in (3b) and n-tedak ‘RLS-ruptured’ in (7). As stated above, logical structures consist of predicates, their arguments and a small set of operators. One of these operators is INGR in (7) which is described in §3.2. (7) LS for n-tedak ‘RLS-ruptured’: INGR ruptured' (x) 3.2 Achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate Achievements are punctual situations which result from a single change of state. Achievements contain an underlying stative predicate in their LS. The LS for achievements varies depending upon the type of stative from which a particular achievement verb is derived. The lexical semantic template for achievement verbs which are derived from condition stative predicates is shown in (8). (8) Lexical semantic template for achievements with underlying condition stative predicate: INGR predicate' (x) Achievements are derived from states by the addition of the logical operator INGR which is an abbreviation for ‘ingressive’ and refers to punctual or instantaneous changes (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:104). 10 Because achievements are derived from states, states are considered basic. This section shows how the addition of the logical operator INGR to the condition stative predicates described in §2 and §3.1 affects both the semantic and morphological structure. Example (9) illustrates an English condition stative clause and its LS, whereas (10) illustrates the corresponding achievement clause and its LS. (9) My boil is ruptured. (10) My boil ruptured. ruptured' (have' [1SG, boil]) INGR ruptured' (have' [1SG, boil]) The Bonggi clauses which correspond to (9) and (10) are (2), repeated as (11), and (12). Whereas the difference between states and achievements is indicated periphrastically in the English examples, the difference is indicated morphologically in Bonggi. Bonggi condition stative verbs are morphologically unmarked as illustrated by tedak ‘ruptured’ in (11), whereas the achievement verbs n-tedak ‘RLS-ruptured’ in (12) and me-tedak ‘IRRrupture’ in (13) are morphologically marked by a prefix indicating tense-modality. Achievement verbs do not have an overt verb class marker. In other words, there is no morphological form which corresponds to the logical operator INGR in the logical structure of achievement verbs. However, achievement verbs are obligatorily marked for realis or irrealis modality, whereas condition stative verbs are never marked for tensemodality. 10 In early versions of RRG, achievements were derived from states by the addition of the logical operator BECOME (e.g., Walton 1986:21, Van Valin 1990:223). 30 JSEALS Vol. 1 (11) Tedak na busul ku. ruptured now boil 1SG.GEN My boil is ruptured. (12) N-tedak na busul ku. RLS-ruptured COMPL boil 1SG.GEN My boil ruptured. (13) M-olok ow me-tedak. ST-afraid 1SG.NOM IRR-rupture I am afraid it will rupture. Table 4 provides a list of achievement verbs which have an underlying condition stative predicate in their logical structure.11 As seen in table 4, realis and irrealis are always marked by prefixes on achievement verbs. 12 The variant shapes of these prefixes are accounted for in §4. Table 4: Achievements derived from underlying condition statives Achievement verbs Condition stative verbs bereit binasa pesaʔ kakas kotop tedak topu tutuŋ 11 12 ‘torn’ ‘broken’ ‘burnt’ ‘broken’ ‘extinguished’ ‘split open’ ‘uncovered’ ‘broken off’ (e.g., branch) ‘choked’ ‘snap’ (e.g., rope) ‘broken loose’ ‘die’ ‘drunk’ ‘damp’ ‘struck’ ‘punctured’ (e.g., tire) ‘astray; lost’ ‘brittle; fragile’ ‘pierced’ ‘burnt’ ‘IRREALIS’ m-bereit m-binasa m-paliʔ m-pesaʔ m-pudaʔ mu-guab ma-kakas mo-kotop ma-lagan mo-loput mu-rupus mati m-elu mo-domos mu-suat me-tedak me-teirn mo-topu mu-tuguun mu-tuŋ ‘REALIS’ i-bereit i-binasa i-paliʔ i-pesaʔ i-pudaʔ i-guab i-kakas i-kotop i-lagan i-loput i-rupus meti n-elu n-domos n-suat n-tedak n-teirn n-topu n-tuguun n-tutuŋ The absence of an underlying condition stative verb form for some achievement verbs reflects the absence of such forms in my corpus. Undoubtedly, more unaffixed forms could be elicited and added to tables 3 and 4. The only exceptions are irrealis mati ‘die’ and realis meti ‘die’ in which the stem vowel alternation results from ablaut, a suppletive process that is in complementary distribution with prefixes and infixes (Blust 1997:7). 31 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi A crucial component of RRG is the set of syntactic and semantic tests for determining the class membership of a verb in a particular sentence. For instance, how do we know (11) is a stative situation and (12) is an achievement? The tests used to determine Aktionsart classes in Bonggi are given in table 5 (cf. Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:94). Table 5: Tests for determining Aktionsart classes in Bonggi Criterion 1 Occurs with progressive 2 Occurs with adverb kosog ‘vigorously’ 3 Occurs with adverb pelaanpelaan ‘slowly; carefully’ 4 Occurs with X for an hour 5 Occurs with X in an hour States No No Accomplishments No No Achievements No No Activities Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No irrelevant Yes No No Yes No According to table 5, achievements fail every test. The only difference between states and achievements is that states pass test 4, the test for temporal duration. Both states and achievements fail test 5, the test for temporal completion. The temporal duration and temporal completion tests are designed to distinguish telic from non-telic verbs. Because states are non-telic, they should fail the in an hour temporal completion test, but pass the for an hour temporal duration test. Because achievements are punctual events, they are incompatible with durative temporal phrases. While the application of Aktionsart tests must be done carefully for any language, two precautions are in order when applying the temporal tests to Bonggi. First, unlike English, Bonggi has no adpositions indicating duration or completion. When the temporal phrase simbatu jaam ‘one hour’ is added to a clause as in (14), the meaning of the temporal phrase must be contextually interpreted. The absence of overt adpositions increases the complexity of the tests and the possibility of error. (14) Sia binasa si-m-batu jaam. 3SG.NOM broken one-LIGATURE-GENERAL.CLASS hour It was broken for one hour. Second, achievements can co-occur with the temporal phrase ndaʔ sampay simbatu jaam ‘within one hour’ as in (15). However, temporal phrases in achievement clauses refer either to the time until the onset of the event, or to a time period within which the event takes place. They do not refer to the temporal duration of the event itself and are therefore irrelevant (Van Valin & LaPolla 1997:96). Sentence (15) illustrates a common means for indicating the temporal frame in which an achievement takes place. (15) Ndaʔ sampay si-m-batu jaam not reach one-LIGATURE-GENERAL.CLASS hour It broke within one hour. sia i-binasa. 3SG.NOM RLS-break The addition of the temporal phrase simbatu jaam ‘one hour’ to (12) or (13) makes the clause ungrammatical under both the temporal duration reading and the temporal completion reading. Because sentences (12), (13), and (15) also fail tests 1, 2, and 3 in table 5, they are achievements. 32 JSEALS Vol. 1 The lexical semantic template for achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate is shown in (8), repeated as (16a). The LS for the achievement verbs ntedak ‘RLS-rupture’ in (12) and me-tedak ‘IRR-rupture’ in (13) is shown in (16b). The semantic representation (SR) for (12) is shown in (16c). According to (5a.2), the verb in (12) takes one macrorole since it has only one argument in its LS in (16b). The nature of the single macrorole is predictable from (5b.2). Since there is no activity predicate in the LS in (16b), the single macrorole has to be an undergoer. Thus, ‘x’ in (16b), or more specifically busul ku ‘my boil’ in (12), is an undergoer. Since the undergoer in (12) is the only possible candidate for subject, it is linked to the subject. (16) a. Lexical semantic template for achievements with underlying condition stative predicate: INGR predicate' (x) b. LS for n-tedak ‘RLS-rupture’ & me-tedak ‘IRR-rupture’: INGR ruptured' (x) c. SR for (12): INGR ruptured' (have' [1SG, busul]) A comparison of (16b) with (3b) is instructive. The only difference in semantic representation is the addition of the logical operator INGR in the LS of the achievement verb. However, no change occurs in the assignment of macroroles or syntactic relations. In both instances, the single argument ‘x’ is an undergoer which is linked to the syntactic subject. The logical structures in (3b) and (16b) contain the same constant (i.e., ruptured'), but have a different lexical semantic template. Achievements are semantically derived from states by the addition of the operator INGR to the logical structure. Achievement verbs are morphologically derived from states by zero-derivation. The derived achievement verb stem (e.g. tedak ‘ruptured’ in (12) and (13)) is identical to the bare root of condition stative verbs (e.g. tedak ‘ruptured’ in (11)). In subsequent sections, changes in verb class are marked overtly, rather than by zeroderivation. Achievement verb stems are obligatorily inflected for either realis modality (e.g. (12)) or irrealis modality (e.g. (13)), whereas condition stative verbs cannot be inflected for either realis or irrealis modality. The difference in meaning between realis and irrealis modality is not lexical. As seen in (16b), realis and irrealis forms of a verb share the same logical structure. A fundamental difference between derivational and inflectional morphology is derivation results in either a change in syntactic category or a change in lexical meaning, while inflection does not. Different lexical semantic templates result in different verb classes. Differences in verb class are marked by derivational morphology including zeroderivation. Achievement verbs such as n-tedak ‘RLS-rupture’ in (12) have a single core syntactic argument which is semantically the undergoer (cf. (16b)). However, achievement clauses can have optional adjuncts as illustrated by the PP gaʔ ku ‘by me’ in (17). (17) Tilug i-pesaʔ gaʔ ku. egg RLS-broken by 1SG.GEN An egg was accidentally broken by me. The LS for the achievement verb i-pesaʔ ‘RLS-broken’ in (17) is shown in (18a) (cf. (16a)). In (17), the NP gaʔ ku ‘by me’ is syntactically an oblique adjunct. The gaʔ marked adjunct refers to an entity that does something non-volitionally to bring about a resultant state. The semantic representation for (17) is shown in (18b) where the logical Lexical Semantics in Bonggi 33 predicate from' has two arguments with the second argument ([INGR predicate' (y)]) being the LS of the verb. Because the adjunct modifies the core as a whole, it takes the LS of the verb as one of its arguments. Indirect/antecedent causality is syntactically marked by gaʔ ‘by/from’. It can occur with achievements, accomplishments (§3.5), and other nonvolitional intransitive verbs (e.g. (37)). (18) a. LS for i-pesaʔ ‘RLS-broken’: INGR broken' (x) b. SR for (17): from' (1SG, [INGR broken' (tilug)]) According to (5a.2), the verb in (17) takes one macrorole since it has only one argument in its LS in (18a). The nature of the single macrorole is predictable from (5b.2). The single macrorole must be an undergoer which is linked to the syntactic subject. 3.3 Adversative achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate Sentences (19) and (20) illustrate two types of achievement verb constructions. The verb ipudaʔ ‘RLS-extinguished’ in (19) is a regular achievement verb like those described in §3.2 (cf. table 4). The verb i-puda-an ‘RLS-extinguished-ADVRS’ in (20) is an adversative construction which is the topic of this section. (19) I-pudaʔ lampu ku kerebi. RLS-extinguished lamp 1SG.GEN last.night My light went out last night. (20) I-puda-an ow lampu ku kerebi. RLS-extinguished-ADVRS 1SG.NOM lamp 1SG.GEN last.night My light went out on me last night. The lexical semantic template for achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate is shown in (16a). The LS for i-pudaʔ ‘RLS-extinguished’ in (19) is shown in (21a), and the SR for (19) in (21b). Adverbials like kerebi ‘last night’ in (19) take the LS of the core as their argument. Possession within NPs (e.g. lampu ku ‘my lamp’ in (19)) is represented semantically as possession within clauses in (21b). (21) a. LS for i-puda' ‘RLS-extinguished’: INGR extinguished' (x) b. SR for (19): last.night' [INGR extinguished' (have' [1SG, lampu])] Because adversatives are a type of achievement, their LS must include an achievement. Furthermore, since the LS in (21a) for the achievement verb in (19) includes an underlying condition stative predicate, the LS for the adversative in (20) must also include an underlying condition stative predicate. The lexical semantic template for adversatives with an underlying condition stative predicate is seen in (22a), the LS for ipuda-an ‘RLS-extinguished-ADVRS’ in (20) is seen in (22b), and the SR for (20) in (22c). (22) a. Lexical semantic template for adversative achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate: feel' (x, [INGR predicate' (y)]) b. LS for i-puda-an ‘RLS-extinguished-ADVRS’: feel' (x, [INGR extinguished' (y)]) c. SR for (20): last.night' [feel' (1SG, [INGR extinguished' (have' [1SG, lampu])])])] In (22a), the achievement is embedded in an internal experience stative. Internal experience statives have two argument positions ‘x’ and ‘y’, but only one argument ‘x’. 34 JSEALS Vol. 1 The second argument position in (22a) is filled by a predicate (i.e., [INGR predicate' (y)]). In (22a), ‘y’ is an argument of the embedded predicate (i.e., predicate'), not an argument of feel'. The lexical semantic template in (22a) correctly predicts that adversative achievements have one macrorole, an undergoer. In RRG, transitivity is defined in terms of the number of macroroles that a predicate takes, not in terms of the traditional notion of syntactic valency. Transitive verbs have two macroroles, whereas intransitive verbs have one macrorole. Because adversatives have only one macrorole, they are intransitive clauses in RRG terms. 13 Adversatives are peculiar syntactically and semantically (Kuno 1973:24). Syntactically, they have an extra noun phrase when compared with regular achievements. However, non-macrorole NPs such as lampu ku ‘my lamp’ in (20) are adjuncts. They do not bear the grammatical relation object, and cannot be passivized, questioned, or fronted. Semantically, the subject in adversative constructions is usually adversely affected as in (20) (cf. Payne 1997:208). Table 6 lists some regular achievement verbs which have a corresponding adversative achievement verb. Table 6: Achievement verbs and adversative achievement verbs Meaning of achievement ‘spilt’ ‘broken’ ‘extinguished’ ‘dead’ ‘split open’ ‘uncovered’ ‘broken off’ ‘escape’ ‘snap’ ‘fall over’ ‘broken loose’ ‘finish’ ‘fall’ ‘become’ ‘pinched’ ‘struck’ ‘fall into’ ‘punctured’ ‘astray’ ‘capsized’ ‘burnt’ Achievement ‘IRREALIS’ ‘REALIS’ m-bubus i-bubus m-pesaʔ i-pesaʔ m-pudaʔ i-pudaʔ mati meti mu-guab i-guab ma-kakas i-kakas mo-kotop i-kotop me-lepas i-lepas mo-loput i-loput me-rebaʔ i-rebaʔ mu-rupus i-rupus m-abis n-abis ma-dabuʔ n-dabuʔ ma-dadi n-dadi mi-sipit n-sipit mu-suat n-suat me-tabuŋ n-tabuŋ me-tedak n-tedak me-teirn n-teirn mo-togob n-togob mu-tuŋ n-tutukŋ Adversative achievement ‘IRREALIS’ ‘REALIS’ m-bus-an i-bus-an m-pesa-an i-pesa-an m-puda-an i-puda-an m-piti-an i-piti-an mu-guab-an i-guab-an ma-kakas-an i-kakas-an mo-kotop-on i-kotop-on me-lepas-an i-lepas-an mu-luput-an i-luput-an me-reba-an i-reba-an mu-rupus-an i-rupus-an m-ibis-an n-ibis-an mu-dubu-an n-dubu-an mi-didi-an n-didi-an mi-sipit-an n-sipit-an mu-suat-an n-suat-an mu-tubuŋ-an n-tubuŋ-an me-tedak-an n-tedak-an mi-tirn-an n-tirn-an mo-togob-on n-togob-on mu-tuŋ-an n-tuŋ-an All the verbs in table 6 can occur as regular achievement verbs such as meti ‘died’ in (23) or adversative achievement verbs marked by –an ‘ADVRS’ such as ipiti-an ‘died on’ in (24). Adversative achievement verbs, like other achievement verbs, are 13 Van Valin (1993:87) argues that Japanese adversatives are intransitive constructions with one macrorole. Compare Kroeger (2005:279) for a different perspective. 35 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi morphologically marked by a prefix indicating modality. 14 However, unlike regular achievement verbs which do not have an overt verb class marker, adversative achievement verbs are marked by –an ‘ADVRS’. The alternations between –an, –on, –arn, and –orn in tables 6 and 7 are phonologically conditioned, so they are described in §4. (23) Meti na anak nya. 15 die\RLS COMPL child 3SG.GEN His child died. (24) Sia i-piti-an anak. 3SG.NOM RLS-die-ADVRS child He had a child die (on him). While most of the achievement verbs in table 6 have an underlying condition stative predicate in their logical structure, some of them are derived from other types of stative predicates. For example, the motion verbs ma-dabuʔ ‘IRR-fall’ and n-dabuʔ ‘RLSfall’ have an underlying locative stative in their logical structure (Boutin 2007), and the verbs meaning ‘finish’ and ‘become’ have an underlying existential stative in their logical structure. Not every adversative achievement verb has a corresponding regular achievement verb. The adversative achievement verbs in table 7 are derived from noun roots. Example (25) illustrates an adversative achievement verb derived from a noun root. Table 7: Adversative achievement verbs derived from noun roots dolok sidu dusa togor Meaning Activity Meaning’ ‘rain’ ‘urine’ ‘sin’ ‘rust’ d<om>olok s<im>idu ‘raining’ ‘urinate’ Adversatives not derived from achievements ‘IRREALIS’ ‘REALIS’ mo-dolok-on n-dolok-on mi-sidu-an n-sidu-an mu-dusa-an n-dusa-an mo-togo-orn n-togo-orn (25) Sia n-dolok-on. 3SG.NOM RLS-rain-ADVRS He got rained on. 3.4 Induced achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate Sentences (26), (27), (28), and (29) illustrate induced states of affairs, specifically induced achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate. Induced states of affairs are complex in that one state of affairs brings about another. The verbs in (26), (27), (28), and (29) are semantically induced state of affairs involving someone doing something (an activity) which results in a lamp being extinguished (an achievement). 14 15 See footnote 12 regarding suppletive ablaut forms (e.g. irrealis mati ‘die/IRR’ and realis meti ‘die/RLS’) which are in complementary distribution with prefixes. The Leipzig Glossing Rules use a backslash to separate the stem gloss and the grammatical category label when a morphophonological change of the stem such as ablaut occurs. 36 JSEALS Vol. 1 (26) M-udaʔ ow lampu. ISA.AV-extinguish 1SG.NOM lamp I will extinguish the lamp. (27) Kirobi, i-m-udaʔ ow lampu. last.night PST-ISA.AV-extinguish 1SG.NOM lamp Last night, I extinguished the lamp. (28) Puda-an ku gulu. extinguish-ISA.UV 1SG.GEN first I will extinguish it first. (29) Lampu p<i>udaʔ ku. lamp <PST>extinguish 1SG.GEN The lamp was extinguished by me. The lexical semantic template for induced achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate is shown in (30a). As seen in (30b), the logical structure is the same for the four verbs meaning ‘to extinguish something’ (i.e., mudaʔ in (26), imudaʔ in (27), pudaan in (28), and piudaʔ in (29)). All four verbs refer to an induced state of affairs in which an activity results in an achievement. Since the causing activity is unspecified, it is represented as Ø in the LS in (30b). The semantic representations for the clauses in (26)(29) which contain the verb meaning ‘to extinguish something’ are shown in (30c)-(30f). (30) a. Lexical semantic template for induced achievements with underlying condition stative predicate: do' (x, [predicate' (x)]) CAUSE [INGR predicate' (y)] b. LS for mudaʔ, imudaʔ, pudaan, and piudaʔ ‘to extinguish something’: do' (x, Ø) CAUSE [INGR extinguish' (y)] c. SR for (26): do' (1SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR extinguish' (lampu)] d. SR for (27): last.night' [do' (1SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR extinguish' (lampu)]] e. SR for (28): first' [do' (1SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR extinguish' (Ø)]] f. SR for (29): do' (1SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR extinguish' (lampu)] The four induced achievement verbs in (26)-(29) belong to the same verb class. They share the same lexical semantic template and the same logical structure. Induced achievements have two macroroles either of which can be the subject. The actor is the subject in (26) and (27), whereas the undergoer is the subject in (28) and (29). 16 Actor and undergoer voice options are only relevant for verbs that have two macroroles. Differences in voice and tense-modality do not change logical structures. Because a change in voice does not result in a change in lexical meaning, this suggests that voice is an inflectional affix. However, the voice affixes also have a derivational function as seen by the addition of the actor voice prefix ŋ- ‘ISA.AV’ in (26) and (27) which changes the underlying achievement verb stem pudaʔ ‘extinguished’ (cf. tables 4 and 6) into a derived verb stem m-udaʔ ‘ISA.AV-extinguish’, and the addition of the undergoer voice suffix -on ‘ISA.UV’ 16 In (28), the undergoer is the subject even though it is unspecified (i.e., represented by Ø) in the semantic representation. 37 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi in (28) which changes the underlying verb into a derived verb stem puuda-an ‘extinguishISA.UV’. 17 As seen in (27) and (29), past tense is overtly marked for induced states of affairs, in contrast to non-past tense which is not overtly marked as seen in (26) and (28). The absence of an overt verb class marker in past tense, undergoer voice induced states of affairs (e.g. (29)) is a well-known feature of Philippine languages. Table 8 lists some induced achievements which have an underlying condition stative. Both actor and undergoer forms in past and non-past tense are included. Table 8: Induced achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate Root ala elu bereit binasa bubus paliʔ pesaʔ pudaʔ guab kakas kotop lagan loput lomos sekat tedak terin tobuk togob tutuŋ Meaning of induced forms ‘defeat someone’ ‘get someone drunk’ ‘tear something’ ‘break something’ ‘pour something’ ‘burn someone’ ‘break something’ ‘extinguish something’ ‘split something open’ ‘uncover something’ ‘break something off’ ‘choke someone’ ‘snap something off’ ‘choke something’ ‘detach something’ ‘puncture something’ ‘lead someone astray’ ‘stab something’ ‘turn something over’ ‘burn something’ Actor voice ‘NON‘PAST’ PAST’ ŋ-ala i-ŋ-ala ŋ-elu i-ŋ-elu m-ereit i-m-ereit m-inasa i-m-inasa m-ubus i-m-ubus m-aliʔ i-m-aliʔ m-esaʔ i-m-esaʔ m-udaʔ i-m-udaʔ ŋu-guab i-ŋu-guab ŋ-akas i-ŋ-akas ŋ-otop i-ŋ-otop ŋa-lagan i-ŋa-lagan ŋo-loput i-ŋo-loput ŋo-lomos i-ŋo-lomos n-ekat i-n-ekat n-edak i-n-edak n-eirn i-n-eirn n-obuk i-n-obuk n-ogob i-n-ogob n-utuŋ i-n-utuŋ Undergoer voice ‘NON‘PAST’ PAST’ olo-on in-ala in-elu b<in>ereit binasa-an bus-un b<i>ubus pili-in p<i>ali’ pesa-an p<i>esa’ puda-an p<i>uda’ guab-an g<in>uab kakas-an k<i>akas kotop-on k<i>otop lagan-an l<i>agan luput-un l<i>oput lomos-on l<i>omos sekatan s<i>ekat tedak-an t<i>edak tirn-an tubuh-un t<i>obuk tegob-on t<i>ogob tutuŋ-un t<i>utuŋ Because induced states of affairs have an activity predicate do' as part of their logical structure (see (30a), they can occur in imperative clauses as illustrated by the actor voice clause in (31) and the undergoer voice clause in (32). (31) Dei pu-n-utuŋ! do.not IMP-ISA.AV-burn Don’t burn it! 17 The suffix –on is realized as /-an/ due to vowel harmony (cf. §4). The voice system of Philippine languages is viewed as derivational by Starosta (1986, 1988) and as inflectional by De Guzman (1978, 1991). This paper agrees with Sells (1997) who claims that the voice markers have both inflectional and derivational properties. 38 JSEALS Vol. 1 (32) Dei tutuŋ-aʔ! do.not burn-ISA.UV.IMP Don’t burn it! Imperative mood is only compatible with irrealis modality. Imperative forms are never inflected for tense-modality. The imperative verbs in (31) and (32) share the lexical semantic template in (30a) with all induced achievements that have an underlying condition stative predicate. Causative verbs can be derived from some achievement verbs with an underlying condition stative predicate such as m-elu ‘IRR-drunk’ in table 4. Causative verbs are formed by prefixing p- to verb roots as illustrated in (33) which contrasts with the noncausative induced achievement verb in (34). Causative verbs are normally overtly marked for past tense as in (33) or non-past tense (e.g. m-p-elu ‘NPST-CAU-drunk’). That causative verbs can only be derived from some achievements and that all causative states of affairs can be inflected for tense reflects a well-known difference between derivational and inflectional morphology. “Inflectional morphology tends to be more productive than derivational morphology” (Aronoff & Fudeman 2005:161). (33) Sia i-p-elu diaadn. 3SG.NOM PST-CAU-drunk 1SG.ACC He made me get drunk. (34) Sia i-ŋ-elu diaadn. 3SG.NOM PST-ISA.AV-drunk 1SG.ACC. He got me drunk. Causative verbs are a type of induced state of affairs whose meaning includes an additional CAUSE in its logical structure. The logical structures for the verbs in (33) and (34) are shown in (35a) and (35b), whereas the semantic representations for (33) and (34) are shown in (35c) and (35d). Since the causing activity is unspecified, it is represented as Ø in (35a)-(35d). The verbs in (33) and (34) are in actor voice; however, causative verbs can occur in undergoer voice just like non-causative induced states of affairs. (35) a. LS for i-p-elu ‘PST-CAU-drunk’ in (33): do' (x, Ø) CAUSE (do' (y, Ø) CAUSE [INGR drunk' (y)]) b. LS for i-ŋ-elu ‘PST-ISA.AV-drunk’ in (34): do' (x, Ø) CAUSE [INGR drunk' (y)] c. SR for (33): do' (3SG, Ø) CAUSE (do' (1SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR drunk' (1SG)]) d. SR for (34): do' (3SG, Ø) CAUSE [INGR drunk' (1SG)] The discussion of verb classes throughout §3 has shown that different verb classes can be derived from a single root as illustrated in table 9 using the two roots tutuŋ ‘burnt’ and elu ‘drunk’ to illustrate all the verb classes described thus far in §3. 39 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi Table 9: Verb classes with an underlying condition state Verb class Form Meaning Condition state Achievement Adversative achievement Induced achievement tutuŋ mu-tuŋ mu-tuŋ-an burnt' (x) INGR burnt' (x) feel' (x, [INGR burnt' (y)]) do' (x, Ø) CAUSE [INGR burnt' (y)] Causative state of affairs n-utuŋ tutuŋ-un m-p-elu do' (x, Ø) CAUSE (do' (y, Ø) CAUSE [INGR drunk' (y)]) Voice Tense/ Modality Section irrealis irrealis §3.1 §3.2 §3.3 actor non-past §3.4 undergoer actor non-past non-past §3.4 Five verb classes are shown in table 9: 1) condition states; 2) achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate; 3) adversative achievements with an underlying condition stative predicate; 4) induced achievements in which an activity induces an achievement with an underlying condition stative predicate; and 5) causative states of affairs in which a causer does something which influences a causee to do an activity that induces an achievement with an underlying condition stative predicate. All five of the verb classes described in §3.1, §3.2, §3.3, and §3.4 share one semantic feature – an underlying condition stative predicate, predicate' (x), is part of their lexical semantic template. Some verb classes which do not share this feature are briefly introduced in §3.5. 3.5 Brief introduction to verb classes without an underlying condition stative predicate As stated in §2, the four basic Aktionsart classes shown in table 2 correspond to verb classes which are encoded in the verbal morphology of Bonggi. Thus far, evidence for this claim has been presented from one class of stative verbs and achievement verbs. I have not yet proven that accomplishments and activities are semantically and morphologically distinct from states and achievements. Induced states of affairs (including causatives) are not basic Aktionsart classes. States and activities are the most basic Aktionsart classes since both achievements and accomplishment have an underlying stative predicate in their logical structure. Limitations of space prevent me from elaborating on other verb classes in this paper. If I were to do so, we would find that induced states of affairs (including causative states of affairs) which are derived from accomplishment verbs or activity verbs are marked the same morphologically as the induced forms described in §3.4. Thus, morphological contrasts between the basic Aktionsart classes are neutralized in induced states of affairs. Such events are semantically transitive involving both an actor and an undergoer, either of which can be the subject. Accomplishments are nonpunctual changes of state which have an endpoint. Activities involve a participant doing something and have no clear endpoint. Accomplishments are frequently derived from attributive states which have the lexical semantic template shown in (36a). The lexical semantic template for accomplishments is shown in (36b), and the template for one-place activity verbs is shown in (36c). 40 JSEALS Vol. 1 (36) a. Lexical semantic template for attributive statives: be' (x, [predicate']) b. Lexical semantic template for accomplishments: BECOME be' (x, [predicate']) c. Lexical semantic template for one-place activity verbs: do' (x, [predicate' (x)]) Table 10 lists sample motion activity verbs in indicative and imperative mood. Activity verbs in indicative mood are marked by an infix –m– or a prefix m-, whereas imperative forms are bare roots. [Compare the imperative forms of induced states of affairs in (31) and (32).] The indicative forms are only inflected for past tense. Non-past tense is morphologically unmarked. Table 10: Sample motion activity verbs Meaning ‘ACY-lie.down’ ‘ACY-sit.down’ ‘ACY-return.home’ ‘ACY-stand.up’ ‘ACY-walk; go’ ‘ACY-send’ ‘ACY-descend’ ‘ACY-swim’ ‘ACY-exit’ ‘ACY-ascend’ ‘ACY-enter’ ‘ACY-stop.to.rest’ ‘ACY-dive’ ‘ACY-turn.at.intersection’ ‘ACY-depart’ Indicative mood ‘NON-PAST’ ‘PAST’ m-ilaŋ m<in>ilaŋ m-upug m<i>upug m-uliʔ m<i>liʔ m-usag m<i>usag m-panu i-panu m-piit i-piit d<um>uaʔ d<i><m>uaʔ l<om>oŋi l<i><m>oŋi l<um>uas l<i><m>uas s<em>elekei s<i><m>elekei s<um>uak s<i><m>uak t<em>erana t<i><m>erana t<om>olop t<i><m>olop t<im>indiaŋ t<i><m>indiaŋ t<um>ulak t<i><m>ulak Imperative mood ilaŋ upug uli' usag panu piit dua' loŋi luas selekei suak terana tolop tindiaŋ tulak Table 11 lists some attributive stative verbs and derived accomplishment verbs which have an underlying attributive stative predicate in their logical structure. Attributive stative verbs are marked by the prefix m- which undergoes assimilation (cf. §4). Like the condition stative verbs described in §3.1, attributive stative verbs, and other stative verbs as well, are not inflected for tense-modality. Because accomplishment verbs do not have an activity predicate do' as part of their logical structure (see (36b)), they cannot occur in imperative clauses. Accomplishments are marked by an infix -m- (cf. §4). They are inflected for past tense; however, non-past tense is morphologically unmarked. One interesting feature of accomplishment verbs is they require an infix. Usually, infixes are inserted after the initial consonant of a root or stem unless the root or stem is vowel-initial. In this case, a prefix occurs. For example, table 10 contains several vowelinitial activity verb roots such as /upug/ ‘sit.down’. In indicative mood, these verbs are marked by a prefix /m-/ ‘ACY’, rather than an infix /-m-/ ‘ACY’. Similarly, past tense, undergoer voice, induced achievement verbs are marked by a prefix /in-/ ‘PST’ rather than an infix /-i-/ ‘PST’ when the stem is vowel-initial as in in-ala ‘PST-defeat.someone’ in table 8. Table 11 contains several vowel-initial roots such as /ayad/ ‘pretty’. Accomplishment verbs are formed by prefixing /km-/ to vowel-initial roots and roots 41 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi whose initial consonant is a bilabial stop /b/ or /p/. 18 Some accomplishment verbs appear to be derived from a stem which has been formed by prefixing k- ‘NON-VOLITIONAL’ to a root as illustrated in (37). Other accomplishment verbs such as kam-ayad ‘ACL-pretty’ have no corresponding /k-/ marked form such as *kayad. In this case, /km-/ is analyzed as an allomorph of -m- with the /k/ providing the phonological environment for infixation. (37) a. Onu i-ku-bukaʔ? what PST-NVOL-open What opened it? b. K<i><m>bukaʔ gaʔ dodos. NVOL<PST><ACL>open by wind It opened due to the wind. Syncretism occurs when a single inflected form corresponds to more than one set of morphosyntactic features. For example, /timikuŋ/ in table 11 corresponds to t<im>ikuŋ ‘<ACL>crooked’ and t<i><m>ikuŋ ‘<PST><ACL>crooked’. In the former instance the vowel /i/ is epenthetic (cf. §4), whereas in the latter instance the vowel /i/ is supplied by an inflectional rule. Syncretism occurs in accomplishment verbs whenever the first vowel of a root is an /i/. Syncretism also occurs in indicative mood, activity verbs when the root is a non-bilabial, consonant-initial obstruent and the first vowel of the root is an /i/. In table 10, /timindiaŋ/ corresponds to t<im>indiaŋ ‘<ACY>turn.at.intersection’) and to t<i><m>indiaŋ ‘<PST><ACY>turn.at.intersection’). In the former instance the vowel /i/ is epenthetic (cf. §4), whereas in the latter instance the vowel /i/ is supplied by an inflectional rule. Table 11: Sample attributive stative verbs and accomplishment verbs Attributive stative verbs m-ayad m-iŋi m-odom m-ubas m-basaʔ m-bukaʔ m-panas m-putiʔ n-dalam n-doot n-segaʔ n-tikuŋ n-tuug ŋ-kapal ŋ-koriŋ mi-gia mo-lompuŋ ma-ramig ‘ST-pretty’ ‘ST-crazy’ ‘ST-black’ ‘ST-common’ ‘ST-wet’ ‘ST-open’ ‘ST-hot’ ‘ST-white’ ‘ST-deep’ ‘ST-bad’ ‘ST-red’ ‘ST-crooked’ ‘ST-dry’ ‘ST-thick’ ‘ST-dry’ ‘ST-big’ ‘ST-fat’ ‘ST-cold’ Accomplishment verbs ‘NON-PAST’ ‘PAST’ kam-ayad k<i>m-ayad kim-iŋi k<i>m-iŋi kom-odom k<i>m-odom kum-ubas k<i>m-ubas kam-basaʔ k<i>m-basaʔ kum-bukaʔ k<i>m-bukaʔ kam-panas k<i>m-panas kum-putiʔ k<i>m-putiʔ d<am>alam d<i><m>alam d<om>oot d<i><m>oot s<em>egaʔ s<i><m>egaʔ t<im>ikuŋ t<i><m>ikuŋ t<um>uug t<i><m>uug k<am>apal k<i><m>apal k<om>oriŋ k<i><m>oriŋ g<im>ia g<i><m>ia l<om>ompuŋ l<i><m>ompuŋ r<am>amig r<i><m>amig Section 2 and §3 have dealt with the relationship between lexical semantics and morphology. The correspondences between lexical semantic representations and 18 In non-past tense forms, an epenthetic vowel is inserted between the /k/ and the /m/ (cf. §4). 42 JSEALS Vol. 1 morphology are summarized in table 12. Items to the left of the arrow in the third column refer to the semantic representation and items to right show how that semantic representation is realized in the verb morphology. For example, feel' in the lexical semantic representation for adversative achievements is realized morphologically as -an ‘ADVRS’. Table 12: Correspondences between lexical semantics and morphology Verb class Lexical semantic template condition stative achievement predicate' (x) INGR predicate' (x) adversative feel' (x, [INGR predicate' (y)]) do' (x, Ø) CAUSE [INGR predicate' (y)] do' (x, Ø) CAUSE (do' (y, Ø) CAUSE [INGR predicate' (y)]) be' (x, [predicate']) BECOME be' (x, [predicate']) do' (x, [predicate' (x)]) induced achievement causative attributive stative accomplishment activity Correspondence between semantic representation & derivational morphology predicate' Æ verb root INGR Æ Ø feel' Æ -an ‘ADVRS’ do' … CAUSE Æ ŋ- ‘AV’, -on ‘UV’ 19 do' … CAUSE … do' … CAUSE Æ ‘p-’ be' Æ m- ‘ST’ BECOME be' Æ -m- do' Æ -m- Examples table 3 (12), (13), table 4 (20), table 6 table 8 (33) table 11 table 11 table 10 As seen in table 12, Bonggi has two morphemes which are reflexes of *<um>: -m‘ACL’ and -m- ‘ACY’. A comparison of the accomplishment verbs in table 11 with the activity verbs in table 10 shows that the allomorphs of -m- ‘ACL’ and -m- ‘ACY’ are identical before consonant-initial roots whose initial consonant is /t/, /d/, /s/, /l/, or /r/. However, contrasts occur before roots whose initial consonant is /p/ or /b/ and before vowel-initial roots. An invariant analysis which claims that -m- marks intransitive verbs would miss an important distinction between the two verb classes. 4 Phonologically conditioned alternations Stress is penultimate; it shifts when a suffix is added; e.g. /i-/ + /kusut/ + /-an/ Æ /ikusutan/ [iku'sutadn] ‘RLS-fall.through.hole-ADVRS’ in table 6. Vowels are nasalized following nasal consonants; e.g. /tutuŋ/ + /-on/ Æ /tutuŋun/ [tu'tuŋũn] ‘burn-ISA.UV’ in table 8. Nasality spreads from nasal consonants to following vowels in the same word until it is blocked by a non-nasal consonant; e.g. /m-/ + /tumaŋ/ Æ /mutumaŋ/ [mũ'tumãŋ] ‘IRR-stranded’ in table 6. Word-final nasals are simple if the preceding vowel is nasalized; e.g. /tutuŋun/ [tu'tuŋũn] ‘burn-ISA.UV’ in table 8. Wordfinal nasals are preploded if the preceding vowel is non-nasalized; e.g. /puan/ ['ɸuadn] ‘satisfied’ in table 4. Syllable onsets are always simple. Epenthetic vowels are inserted to break up impermissible consonant clusters. Epenthetic vowels are a copy of the following vowel; e.g. /m-/ + /guab/ Æ /muguab/ [mũ'guab] ‘IRR-split.open’ in table 4; /ŋ-/ + /loput/ Æ /ŋo-loput/ [ŋə̃'loɸut] ‘ISA.AV-snap.something.off’ in table 8; /-m-/ + /loŋi/ Æ /lomoŋi/ 19 As shown in table 8 and described in §3.4, -on ‘UV’ only occurs with non-past tense. Undergoer voice is unmarked in past tense. Lexical Semantics in Bonggi 43 [ləmõŋĩ] ‘ACY-swim’ in table 10; /m-/ + /gia/ Æ /migia/ [mĩ'gia] ‘ST-big’ in table 11; and /-m-/ + /basaʔ/ Æ /kambasaʔ/ [kəm'basaʔ] ‘ACL-wet’ in table 11. In prestressed syllables, the contrast between nonhigh vowels (/e/, /o/, and /a/) is neutralized as [ə]; e.g. /m-/ + /lepas/ + /-an/ Æ /melepasan/ [mə̃lə'ɸasadn] ‘IRR-escapeADVRS’, /m-/ + /kotop/ + /-an/ Æ /mokotopon/ [mə̃kə'toɸodn] ‘IRR-broken.offADVRS’, and /m-/ + /kakas/ + /-an/ Æ /makakasan/ [mə̃kə'hasadn] ‘IRR-uncoveredADVRS’ in table 6. Vowel harmony operates in terms of the effects of root vowels on affixes; i.e., root vowels are the controlling vowels. Only non-high vowels can be changed by vowel harmony. High vowels are never targets for vowel harmony. High vowels /i/ and /u/ spread from the root replacing the mid vowel /o/ in the suffix /-on/ ‘ISA.UV’; e.g. /tutuŋ/ + /-on/ Æ /tutuŋun/ [tu'tuŋũn] ‘burn-ISA.UV’ in table 8. As seen in table 11, when the first vowel of a root is /i/ (e.g. /tikuŋ/ ‘crooked’), the contrast between non-past and past tense accomplishment verbs is neutralized (e.g. /timikuŋ/ ‘<ACL>crooked’ and /timikuŋ/ ‘<PST><ACL>crooked’). If the last vowel of a root is high and it is separated from the preceding vowel by at least one consonant, then the high vowel spreads left within the root onto preceding nonhigh root vowels when the root is suffixed; e.g. /loput/ + /-on/ Æ /luputun/ [lu'ɸutudn] ‘snap.something.off-ISA.UV’ in table 8. The mid back vowel /o/ spreads from left to right to replace the low vowel /a/ in the suffix /-an/ ‘ADVRS’; e.g. /m-/ + /kotop/ + /-an/ Æ /mokotopon/ [mə̃kə'toɸodn] ‘IRRbroken.off-ADVRS’ in table 6. When the final vowel of the root is /a/ and the suffix /-on/ is added, the low vowel /a/ spreads from the root to the suffix; e.g. /pesaʔ/ + /-on/ Æ /pesaan/ [ɸə'saadn] ‘breakISA.UV’ in table 8. Final glottal stops are deleted when a suffix is added; e.g. /i-/ + /pudaʔ/ + /-an/ Æ /ipudaan/ [iɸu'daadn] ‘RLS-extinguished-ADVRS’ in (20) and table 6. The prefix m- ‘ATTRIBUTIVE STATIVE’ assimilates to the same point of articulation as a following non-sonorant consonant; e.g. /m-/ + /dalam/ Æ /ndalam/ [n'dalabm] ‘ST-deep’ and /m-/ + /kapal/ Æ /ŋkapal/ [ŋ'kaɸal] ‘ST-thick’ in table 11. The prefix /ŋ-/ ‘ISA.AV’ and root-initial voiceless consonants are replaced by a nasal homorganic to the root-initial consonant; e.g. /ŋ-/ + /tobuk/ Æ /nobuk/ ['nõβuk] ‘ISA.AV-stab’ in table 8. Root-initial voiced bilabial plosives also coalesce with /ŋ-/; e.g. /ŋ-/ + /bubus/ Æ /mubus/ ['mũβus] ‘ISA.AV-pour’ in table 8. Alveolar sonorants /r/, /l/, and /n/ metathesize with the following vowel before /n/; e.g. /m-/ + /raŋgar/ + /-an/ Æ /maraŋgaarn/ [mə̃rə'gaardn] ‘IRR-collide-ADVRS’, /n-/ + /terin/ Æ /nteirn/ [n'teirdn] ‘RLS-lost’, and /m-/ + /tandan/ + /-an/ Æ /matandaan/ [mə̃tən'daadn] ‘IRR-stuck-ADVRS’ in table 6. 20 Voiced labial stop /b/ weakens to fricative [β] intervocalically within roots; e.g. /m/ + /guab/ + /-an/ Æ /muguaban/ [mũgu'aβadn] ‘IRR-split.open-ADVRS’ in table 6. However, root-initial /b/ does not weaken to [β] intervocalically following a prefix; e.g. /i/ + /bubus/ Æ /ibubus/ [i'buβus] ‘RLS-spilt’ in table 6. 20 Nasal deletion occurs following the metathesis of /n/ and /a/ in /m-/ + /tandan/ + /-an/ [mə̃tən'daadn] ‘IRR-stuck-ADVRS’ because homorganic nasal clusters are only permitted wordinitially. 44 JSEALS Vol. 1 Voiceless labial stop /p/ weakens to fricative [∏] intervocalically and word initially; e.g. /i-/ + /paliʔ / Æ /ipaliʔ/ [i'ɸaliʔ] ‘RLS-burnt’ and /puan/ ['ɸuadn] ‘satisfied’ in table 4. Voiceless velar stop /k/ weakens to glottal fricative [h] intervocalically in unstressed syllables within roots; e.g. /i-/ + /kakas/ Æ /ikakas/ [i'kahas] ‘RLS-uncovered’ in table 4. The weakening of /k/ to [h] intervocalically results in root-final /k/ weakening to [h] when a suffix is added; e.g. /i-/ + /rumbak/ + /-an/ Æ /irumbakan/ [irum'bahadn] ‘RLS-collapse-ADVRS’ in table 6. However, root-initial /k/ does not weaken to [h] when a suffix is added; e.g. /i-/ + /kotop/ + /-an/ Æ /ikotopon/ [ikə'toɸodn] ‘RLS-broken.offADVRS’ in table 6. 5 Conclusion This paper has discussed both derivational and inflectional verb morphology. One difference between derivational and inflectional morphology is that derivational morphology may correlate with a change in syntactic category or a change in meaning. Apart from the examples in (25) and table 7 which illustrate verbs that are derived from nouns, no change of syntactic category has been discussed. The syntactic category of all the forms described throughout this paper is ‘verb’. However, each subclass of Bonggi verbs has a different meaning with each subclass being characterized by a unique lexical semantic template which accounts for the lexical meaning of every member of the class. Differences in lexical semantic templates correspond to differences in meaning and derivational morphology. Inflectional morphology does not result from changes in lexical meaning. Morphological processes related to the formation of verb classes are derivational and occur before those processes related to tense and modality which are inflectional. Inflectional morphology occurs outside of derivational morphology. According to Beard (1995:8), the core concern of morphology is the relation of linguistic sound and meaning. The motivation for the verb subclasses described in this paper is semantic. The emphasis has been on semantic and morphological differences between verb classes. Very little has been said about syntactic differences between the classes other than defining transitivity in terms of the number of macroroles that a verb takes. 21 Linguists have long known that a simple classification of verbs into transitive and intransitive verbs is inadequate (cf. Baker 1992:96). It would also be inadequate to subclassify intransitive verbs in Bonggi into only two classes, those whose single argument is an actor, and those whose single argument is an undergoer. Intransitive verbs whose single argument is an undergoer do not form a homogenous class. They include condition states, attributive states, accomplishments, and achievements. Distinguishing states from events would not leave one class of intransitive verbs whose single argument is an undergoer. As seen by comparing the achievement verbs in table 4 with the accomplishment verbs in table 11, the morphology of Bonggi clearly distinguishes these two classes of intransitive verbs. Apart from the morphological differences between achievements and accomplishments, my analysis correctly predicts that adversative constructions are formed from achievements, not accomplishments (cf. §3.3). Any analysis which does not account for the verb classes described in this paper will be unable to account for the derivational morphology of Bonggi, nor will it be able to account for the various forms of *<in> which are shown in table 1. With the exception of 21 Intransitive verbs have one macrorole, and transitive verbs have two macroroles. 45 Lexical Semantics in Bonggi ablaut which is suppletive, both the position (prefix or infix) of the forms in table 1 and the phonological shape (/i/, /n/, or /in/) are predictable. The position of the inflected forms in table 1 is conditioned by the lexical semantics of the verb. Because states are not inflected for tense-modality, none of the forms in table 1 occur with condition states (cf. table 3) and attributive states (cf. table 11). Achievements (cf. table 4), including adversative achievements (cf. table 6), and actor voice induced states of affairs (cf. table 8) are always marked by a prefix. Infixes can only occur with undergoer voice induced states of affairs (cf. table 8), activity verbs (cf. table 10), and accomplishment verbs (cf. table 11). The position of the tense-modality affix provides information about the possible verb class. In other words, part of the functional yield of these affixes is carried by their templatic position, rather than exclusively by their segmental make-up. Once the verb class has put the inflectional morpheme in the right position, the rest of the story is phonological (cf. §4). In summary, semantics drives the system. I have shown that a lexical semantic analysis leads to a number of semantically defined verb classes which are uniquely marked by derivational morphemes. These semantically defined verb classes impact the syntax which is responsible for the position of inflectional morphemes whose surface form is determined by the phonology. The relationship between form and meaning is not a simple, one-to-one relationship. The position and the form of the inflectional tense-modality markers are contingent upon a verb’s subclass as well as the phonological operations described in §4. More specifically, the position of tense-modality marking morphemes is primarily determined by a verb’s subclass, whereas phonological principles determine the shape of these markers. 22 Abbreviations 1 first person 2 second person 3 third person ACL accomplishment verb ACT actor ACY activity verb AV actor voice ADVRS adversative CLASS classifier COMPL completive DET determiner GEN genitive case IMP imperative mood INGR ingressive IRR irrealis modality ISA induced states of affairs LS logical structure NOM nominative case NP noun phrase NPST non-past tense NVOL non-volitional PL plural 22 PP PST RLS SG SR ST UND UV prepositional phrase past tense realis modality singular semantic representation state undergoer undergoer voice See Bradshaw (2001) for a different approach to accounting for the alternations in realis and irrealis forms in a distantly related Austronesian language. 46 JSEALS Vol. 1 References Aronoff, Mark and Kirsten Fudeman. 2005. What is morphology? 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The Phonology-Morphology Interface from the perspective of infixation. New challenges in typology: Broadening the horizons and redefining the foundations, ed. by Matti Miestamo and Bernhard Wälchli. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN VIETNAMESE TONE COARTICULATION: A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY Marc Brunelle University of Ottawa <marc.brunelle@uottawa.ca> 0 Abstract Vietnamese dialects have diverse tonal systems that can include voice quality distinctions. For this reason, they constitute good test cases for the hypothesis that the direction and magnitude of coarticulation is shaped and constrained by phonological contrast. As dialects that have voice quality distinctions in their tone systems rely less on pitch than dialects that do not make use of voice quality, they should exhibit stronger pitch variation. A comparative acoustic study of Northern and Southern Vietnamese reveals that it is the case and further shows that long and short distance coarticulation should be distinguished. 1 Tonal coarticulation Lexical tones are often described in terms of fixed isolation forms. However, it is wellknown that tones vary considerably depending on intonation and focus, segmental environment and neighbouring tones. In this paper, we will discuss the effects of coarticulation on the realization of adjacent tones in two Vietnamese dialects and show how Vietnamese tone coarticulation sheds light on our understanding of the relation between phonological contrast and phonetic realization. We will first review the acoustic properties of Northern and Southern Vietnamese tones (§1.1) and a few models of coarticulation that can frame the interpretation of our experimental results (§1.2). We will then present an experiment designed to measure the direction and magnitude of tone coarticulation in Northern and Southern Vietnamese (§2 and §3). Finally, we will show how the organization of tonal contrasts in the two dialects seems to account for the observed coarticulation patterns and argue that long distance and short distance coarticulation must be distinguished (§4). 1.1 Vietnamese tones Vietnamese dialects have widely divergent tone systems (Vũ 1981; Vũ 1982 for an exhaustive acoustic description). While Northern Vietnamese (NVN) has six tones that combine pitch and voice quality contrasts, Southern Vietnamese (SVN) has 5 tones that rely exclusively on pitch. These tone systems are illustrated in charts (1) and (2), with data taken from one NVN and one SVN subject. The tone curves in the charts are averages of ten utterances of each tone embedded in a frame sentence and preceded and followed by level tones. The two speakers are representative of their respective dialects, but it must be kept in mind that there can be a surprising amount of sociolectal and idiosyncratic variation in the realization of Vietnamese tones, even in a single dialect. For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to the tones with alphanumerical labels (Michaud 2004), but the native names of the tones are also given in chart (1) and (2). Brunelle, Marc. 2009. Northern And Southern Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation: A Comparative Case Study. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:49-62. Copyright vested in the author. 49 50 (1) Tone system of a female NVN speaker JSEALS Vol. 1 (2) Tone system of a male SVN speaker Besides the trivial fact that tones do not have identical pitch curves in the two dialects, there are two important differences between the NVN and SVN tone systems. First, NVN has six tones whereas SVN only has five (C1 and C2 are merged). Second, some NVN tones combine pitch and voice quality distinctions. In NVN, tone C2 has a medial creak and tone B2 has a strong final glottalization, while tones C1 and A2 exhibit more variable glottal constriction and breathiness, respectively (Nguyễn and Edmondson 1997; Michaud 2004; Vũ, d'Alessandro et al. 2005; Michaud, Vũ et al. 2006). There is well-documented contextual and indexical variation in Vietnamese tones (Trần 1967; Seitz 1986; Đỗ, Trần et al. 1998; Ingram and Nguyễn 2006; Nguyễn and Ingram 2006; Brunelle and Jannedy 2007). As for tone coarticulation proper, two studies focusing on NVN have shown that it exhibits more progressive than anticipatory effects and that the patterns of tonal contrasts are maintained in identical tonal environments (Han and Kim 1974; Brunelle 2003). Both the height and slope of tones are affected by their tonal context, but the relative position of each tone in the tonal space is overall stable. In contrast, we do not yet dispose of evidence on tonal coarticulation in SVN. Tone coarticulation has also been studied in other languages (Abramson 1979; Shih 1988; Shen 1990; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Laniran 1993; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Xu 1994; Potisuk, Gandour et al. 1996; Peng 1997; Xu 1997). Overall, it seems to be bidirectional in all the languages that have been studied, but progressive coarticulation is usually stronger (Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Xu 1994; Potisuk, Gandour et al. 1996; Xu 1997). Shen (1990) suggests that the magnitude of progressive and anticipatory coarticulation might be similar in Mandarin, but this is systematically disproved by Xu (1997). Further, while progressive coarticulation is always assimilatory, dissimilatory anticipatory coarticulation is common in Thai and Chinese, at least in some tones (Shih 1988; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Peng 1997; Xu 1997). Xu (1997) attributes this dissimilatory effect either to the great articulatory effort necessary to reach a low tonal target, which is reduced by raising the preceding tone, or the functional need to distinguish coarticulation and downstep. However, the fact that no such dissimilatory coarticulation was found in NVN (Han and Kim 1974; Brunelle 2003), suggests that these strategies are not universal. Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation 51 Finally, tonal slope is affected to various degrees by coarticulation in different languages. The effect is strong in Vietnamese (Han and Kim 1974), but limited in Thai and Mandarin (Shen 1990; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994). 1.2 Direction and magnitude of coarticulation The main models of coarticulation have been developed for non-contour supraglottal segments. For this reason, they do not make clear predictions about tone coarticulation, which involves a complex interaction of laryngeal articulators and have dynamic shapes. Nevertheless, some elements of these models can help us better understand the behaviour of tone in connected speech. First, a general assumption in the literature is that phonological contrast should impose constraints on coarticulation. If a phonetic difference between two segments or types of segments is used to distinguish them, this difference should be preserved even in coarticulated contexts to allow the interpretation of phonemic contrast. For example, nasalization of vowels adjacent to nasal consonants tends to be stronger in languages that contrast nasal and oral vowels than in other languages (Clumeck 1976; Cohn 1990). The claim that phonemic contrast constrains coarticulation (output constraints) was made in two studies of vowel-to-vowel coarticulation which demonstrated that the magnitude of coarticulation is greater in languages with smaller vowel inventories (Manuel and Krakow 1984; Manuel 1990) This effect was also captured in models of phonetic underspecification (Keating 1990; Choi 1995). However, later studies showed that the relation between contrast and coarticulation is not automatic (Bradlow 1994; Han 2007). Output constraints only seem to be a part of the story: crowded phonetic spaces tend to restrict variation, but languages with sparse inventories might choose to restrict variation for independent reasons (Farnetani 1999; Manuel 1999). In contrast, the factors contributing to the direction of coarticulation are usually assumed to bio-mechanical (Recasens, Pallarès et al. 1997; Recasens and Pallarès 1999; Recasens 2002). To our knowledge, there have been no attempts at relating phonemic contrast and directionality. Another aspect of previous models that will be relevant for the Vietnamese data is the nature of anticipatory coarticulation. Time-locked models hypothesize that an articulation always has a fixed duration, regardless of its environment (Bell-Berti and Harris 1979). On the other hand, look-ahead models assume that anticipatory coarticulation should start as early as possible, through neutral segments (Henke 1967). After some debate in the 1970s (Farnetani 1999; Farnetani and Recasens 1999 for an overview), a hybrid model reconciling the two types of anticipatory coarticulation was proposed based on lip-rounding data (Perkell and Chiang 1986). The central tenet of the hybrid model is that anticipatory coarticulation is a two-phase phenomenon combining a weak and long-distance look-ahead anticipatory phase with a stronger, more abrupt timelocked effect. Perkell and Chiang’s results have since been reinterpreted (Perkell and Matthies 1992) and the current consensus is that anticipatory coarticulation takes place in a single-phase with scalable gestures that cannot be compressed beyond a certain point (Abry and Lallouache 1995). However, as we will see below, both Vietnamese dialects under study exhibit weak and long-distance anticipatory tone coarticulation, which suggests that some insights of the look-ahead models might still be useful. 52 JSEALS Vol. 1 2 Experiment An acoustic study designed to measure the magnitude and direction of coarticulation in NVN and SVN was conducted. The goals of the experiment are 1) to try to determine universal tendencies by comparing Vietnamese to Thai, Taiwanese and Mandarin and 2) to see if the patterns of tonal contrast can predict the magnitude of coarticulation. The choice of NVN and SVN was specifically made to test the second claim. Since NVN tones combine pitch and voice quality cues, the functional load of their pitch curves should be lower than in SVN, which relies exclusively on pitch. As voice quality can also be used by listeners to identify NVN tones, their pitch is less important than the pitch of SVN tones. Therefore, NVN should tolerate more variation in pitch, i.e. more f0 coarticulation 1. 2.1 Subjects Five NVN speakers (3 women, 2 men) and six SVN speakers (3 women, 3 men) were recorded in Hà Nội and Hô Chí Minh City, respectively. NVN subjects were born and raised in the Red River delta and SVN subjects were born and raised south of Phú Yên province. All subjects were born between 1976 and 1985 and had been living in Hồ Chí Minh City or Hà Nội for at least four years at the time of the experiment. 2.2 Recordings In order to control for as many factors as possible, two constant tone bearing vowels were chosen (// and /a/). They were separated by the sonorant /m/, which has no effect on the f0 of the neighbouring vowels and has a measurable f0 of its own, contrary to obstruents. A set of frame sentences containing the sequence (/ ma/) was thus designed so that all possible two-tone combinations could be superimposed on a constant segmental string. As there are six tones in NVN and five tones in SVN, these dialects have 36 and 25 frame sentences, respectively. The general structure of the frame sentences is exemplified in (3). While their beginnings exhibit a limited amount of variation, the two words immediately following the target sequence are always identical. Further, the target sequence is always preceded by at least four words and the overall length of the different frame sentences is similar. The prosodic structure was also kept constant. (3) “…W W W W C ma sm o W k W (W) xo” Where C = consonant and W = word) Since subjects tended to emphasize the target syllable /ma/, it is typically more stressed and realized with a fuller tone curve than the preceding syllable (Potisuk, Gandour et al. 1996). In theory, this should favour anticipatory coarticulation. The frame sentences are all semantically well-formed and grammatical. In order to have meaningful sentences, syllables composed of the string /ma/ combined with the six tones were created. The subjects were instructed to treat these as proper names when reading the wordlist. Also for reasons of semantic well-formedness, one of the six frame sentences has an /u/ instead of an //. Since the two vowels are high, the difference in intrinsic F0 should be minimal. The subjects were asked to read the word list ten times in a quiet room. The randomized list was read at a normal speech rate and the subjects were asked to make a 1 The reader should of course keep in mind that f0 is not the only correlate of pitch. Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation 53 short pause between sentences. Two filler sentences were added at the beginning and the end of the list. 2.3 Analysis 2.3.1 Data processing Recordings were analyzed in Praat The fundamental frequency of the vowels // (V1) and /a/ (V2) was measured at their onsets, endpoints and at three equidistant intermediate points. The end of second formant was used to determine vowel endpoints. Utterances with apparent f0 doubling and halving were entirely excluded rather than manipulated 2. Spectral measurements of voice quality and duration were also made but are not reported here. 2.3.2 Normalization and statistical analysis In order to be able to compare the pitch ranges of the different speakers, f0 values were normalized using a Z-score method (Rose 1987) 3. In this paper, the normalized pitch curves are used to illustrate the overall magnitude of coarticulation. However, as normalization does not filter out idiosyncratic tone productions, speaker effects were also controlled for statistically (see below). The model used to evaluate the magnitude of tone coarticulation is inspired by a technique previously used for Thai (Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994). However, instead of using an ANOVA, a general linear model (GLM) analysis was conducted (in SPSS 11.0). The advantage of the GLM is that it can simultaneously treat both categorical and gradient predicting variables. Therefore, gradient f0 values can be used as a predicting variable instead of a categorical tone variable that is blind to f0 variations inside a tonal category. The statistical model is relatively simple. In each dialect, utterances were divided into groups defined by the tone of V1 (anticipatory coarticulation) or the tone of V2 (progressive coarticulation). The normalized f0 of this constant tone was used as the dependant variable. Two types of independent variables were used as predictors for the variability in the f0 of the constant tone The first one is the identity of the subject, which is included to control for idiosyncratic differences in the contour of certain tones (especially B1 and C1 in NVN). The second one is the normalized f0 at the onset of V2 (for anticipatory coarticulation) or the offset of V1 (for regressive coarticulation). A statistical analysis measuring the effect of the same independent variables on the slope of Vietnamese tones was also carried out. The slope was calculated by subtracting the normalized f0 of tone onsets from the normalized f0 of tone offsets. The magnitude of tonal coarticulation will be evaluated with F-values, as was done by Gandour et al (1994). As F-values are relative, they can be used to compare the magnitude of coarticulation across measurement points, types of coarticulation and dialects. However, the F values reported in Gandour et al. are not directly comparable with 2 3 Most subjects show no doubling/halving. The subject who has the most is a female NVN speaker for which 22 utterances out of 360 had to be excluded. I would like to thank Jerold Edmondson for suggesting this normalization. Although it does not significantly affect the results of the statistical analysis (because speaker effects are also controlled for), normalization greatly facilitates visual comparison of tone curves across subjects and makes it possible to plot means for all subjects. 54 JSEALS Vol. 1 those found in this paper because of the different statistical methods and independent variables included. 3. Results Normalized tone curves show that progressive coarticulation is much stronger than regressive coarticulation in both dialects, despite the fact that the stress pattern of the frame sentence should favour regressive coarticulation 4. This can be seen by comparing the left (anticipatory coarticulation) and the right (progressive coarticulation) columns in figures (4) and (5). The endpoint of the first tone in the left-hand column is much less variable than the onset of the second tone in the right-hand column. Figures (4) and (5) must be taken with a grain of salt, as their tone curves are mean normalized values that could hide abnormal distributions and subject-specific variation. Further, it is difficult to eyeball potential long-distance coarticulation effects on such charts. For this reason, a quantification of the magnitude of coarticulation effects was conducted with the statistical method described in section 2.3.2. The magnitude of the anticipatory effect of the f0 height at V2 onset on the preceding tones is reported with F values in figure (6). Similarly, the progressive effect of f0 height at V1 offset on the following tones is reported in figure (7). 4 As explained in section 2.2, the second syllable of the target sequence is stressed and therefore has a more fully realized tone curve. Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation (4) Anticipatory and progressive tone coarticulation in NVN 55 56 (5) Anticipatory and progressive tone coarticulation in SVN JSEALS Vol. 1 Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation 57 Just like figures (4) and (5), figures (6) and (7) show that in both NVN and SVN, short distance progressive coarticulation is much stronger than its anticipatory counterpart. However, long distance coarticulation is primarily anticipatory in both dialects. More tones show anticipatory coarticulation effects throughout their duration than progressive coarticulation. The second important observation is that NVN exhibits stronger coarticulation than SVN. In the case of regressive coarticulation, this is mostly due to tone A1 and is probably not very meaningful. Progressive coarticulation, on the other hand, is stronger in NVN than in SVN throughout the tone. Even if we remove tone B1, which has the highest F-value in NVN, progressive coarticulation is still more robust in NVN than in SVN at all measurement points except the onset. (6) Strength of tonal coarticulation in NVN (left: anticipatory, right: progressive, p < 0,01 only) (7) Strength of tonal coarticulation in SVN (left: anticipatory, right: progressive, p < 0,01 only) Slope is also more affected by progressive than anticipatory coarticulation, as illustrated in figure (8). The minor anticipatory effect of the f0 height at V2 onset on the slope of the preceding tone suggests that in both dialects, the entire tone curve is shifted upwards or downwards in anticipation of the following tone, as seen in figures (4) and (5). The progressive effect of the f0 height at V1 offset on the slope of the following tone is robust in both dialects, but it is much stronger in SVN than in NVN. This is not surprising in light of the results showing that progressive height coarticulation tends to affect a relatively large portion of the tones in NVN, as shown in (4) and (6). In SVN by contrast, tone offsets are not affected by progressive coarticulation, as illustrated in (5) and (7). 58 JSEALS Vol. 1 (8) Strength of coarticulation in tonal slope in NVN and SVN 300 200 F Anticipatory Progressive 100 0 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 NVN A1 A2 B1 B2 C1C2 SVN Tone 4. Discussion These results show that in both dialects under study, height coarticulation is bidirectional, but with a strong progressive bias. Overall, this confirms what has previously been found for NVN (Han and Kim 1974; Brunelle 2003) as well as Thai and Mandarin (Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Xu 1997). However, contrary to Thai, Mandarin and Taiwanese (Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Peng 1997; Xu 1997), Vietnamese does not exhibit dissimilatory coarticulation at all. Progressive and anticipatory effects are equally assimilatory, for all tones and all tone pairs, which raises questions about the validity and/or universality of some of the articulatory mechanisms postulated in Xu (1997). Results for slope coarticulation lead to two observations. First, the strong progressive slope coarticulation in SVN shows that the onset and offset of a tone can shift independently to a much greater extent in this dialect than in NVN, which suggests that pitch slope is more important in the patterns of tonal contrasts of NVN, while pitch height plays a stronger role in SVN. Second, the very limited anticipatory effects on slope suggests that anticipatory coarticulation shifts the entire tone curve upward or downward rather than just a part of it (in both dialects). Beyond Vietnamese per se, the greater magnitude of coarticulation in NVN seems to support Manuel’s model of output constraints (Manuel 1990; Manuel 1999). While the tone system of SVN relies almost exclusively on f0, this acoustic cue plays a relatively smaller role in the patterns of tonal contrast in NVN because three of its six tones are laryngealized to some degree and one is optionally breathy. As a result, variation in the height and shape of the NVN tone contours is less likely to lead to confusion with other tones than in SVN, which seems to result in more tolerance for coarticulation. However, the possibility that SVN limits tonal coarticulation for reasons independent of contrast cannot be excluded. Besides the magnitude of coarticulation effects, Vietnamese can also contribute to our understanding of the issue of the directionality of coarticulation. The two directions of Vietnamese Tone Coarticulation 59 tone coarticulation in Vietnamese seem to correspond to two different types of processes. Anticipatory tone coarticulation affects the entire tone curve, shifting it upwards or downwards as a whole. It is a weak, but long distance effect. The speaker seems to be preparing his articulators for the upcoming tone, without overriding the phonetic properties of the tone currently being produced. It is different from what is usually described as lookahead coarticulation because it affects the entire tone equally instead of being an interpolation between two targets (Cohn 1990; Keating 1990). Progressive tone coarticulation, on the other hand, is strong and gradient, but more local. Ideally, a continuous f0 realization would link tonal targets at the offset of the first tone and the onset of the second tone. However, these targets are sometimes too far apart to allow a smooth transition. In Vietnamese this conflict between conflicting targets is solved by missing the tonal target at the onset of the second tone. This results in either overshoot or undershoot, depending on the target at the offset of the first tone. However, after this initial mis-shoot, the actual tonal realization quickly converges with the ideal tone target and the amount of overshoot or undershoot is minimal by the end of the tone. In short, the progressive coarticulatory effects found in this study are similar to the effects predicted by time-locked models, despite the fact that they were not originally designed to account for carry-over effects. The bi-directionality of Vietnamese tone coarticulation supports a hybrid view of coarticulation, even if this model is substantially different from the original hybrid model proposed by Perkell and Chiang (1986). On the one hand, there is a long-distance lookahead effect, that must be very weak to prevent the blurring of tone contrasts. This lookahead effect is by definition anticipatory. The second type of coarticulation is a shortdistance compromise between conflicting targets, and could be either anticipatory or progressive (or possibly both). The reasons determining its direction could be of a universal articulatory nature or could be language-specific and linked to the nature of tone contrasts. If it turns out that short-distance tone coarticulation is mainly progressive in all tone languages, like in Vietnamese, Mandarin and Thai, the first option will have to be considered seriously. However, at this point, there is also a possibility that the dominance of progressive effects be due to the low functional role of the targets located at the onset of the tones. In the case of Vietnamese, we can see in figures (1) and (2), that tone onsets are more similar than tone offsets. They should therefore play a smaller role in differentiating the tones, a claim that is supported by perceptual evidence (Brunelle 2008). In other words, since tone onsets are less functionally important, or more lightly weighted (Xu and Wang 2001), than tone offsets, speakers prefer to miss onset targets, which results in progressive coarticulation. The fact that tone onsets seem to have more similar f0s that tone offsets in all the languages in which tone coarticulation has been studied could explain why progressive coarticulation is consistently stronger than anticipatory coarticulation. However, the relative perceptual role of tone onsets and offsets in these languages must be further tested before we can make such a generalization. There is also a possibility that tone targets are always weaker at tone onsets than at tone offsets because of a universal tendency to progressive local coarticulation. Unfortunately, in the absence of precise phonetic reconstructions of the diachronic evolution of tone systems, this question will remain open. 60 JSEALS Vol. 1 5. Conclusion The Vietnamese data confirm the results of other studies of tone coarticulation in that tone coarticulation is bidirectional, with dominant progressive effects. However, anticipatory coarticulation is assimilatory, contrary to what was found in Thai and Chinese (Shih 1988; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1992; Gandour, Potisuk et al. 1994; Peng 1997; Xu 1997). The output constraints proposed by Manuel (1987, 1990) to account for the relation between phonemic contrast and magnitude of coarticulation seem supported by the Vietnamese data. NVN, which uses both pitch and voice quality contrastively, exhibits stronger articulatory effects in f0 than SVN, which relies on pitch exclusively. This is consistent with the hypothesis that a crowded phonetic space allows less variability. The direction of Vietnamese tone coarticulation could be explained in terms of contrast, more specifically by the relative contrastive role of the different parts of the tone curves. Since tone offsets are more important than onsets in Vietnamese tone perception, anticipatory coarticulation, which modifies the tone onsets, is less detrimental to tone identification. Tonal coarticulation in East Asian languages is far more complex than the types of coarticulation that have been studied so far because it involves multivalent contrast and dynamic contour targets. 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Results show both continuity and change within Wisconsin Hmong: younger speakers showed continuity with elders; they have acquired pragmatic particles of Hmong, particles that monolingual English speakers would find difficult. However, a close look at the distribution of these particles in data from younger speakers shows a massively disproportionate use of the sentence-initial particle thov, in contrast to the elders, who use this particle infrequently. This dramatic increase in use of thov can be attributed to its semantic and syntactic similarity with English please. Several Hmong elders opted out of requesting a favor from a parent or parent-in-law in interviews, stating that it was embarrassing or shameful. There are indications that younger speakers also knew when to ask for help and when to opt out. But, the data show that AngloAmerican teaching about please seems to have influenced Hmong metapragmatics as well as Hmong usage of thov in bilingual speakers. 1. Introduction Since 1975, the population of Hmong people in Wisconsin has grown to approximately 46,000 (Lo 2001:107). This has put the Hmong language into extended contact with a language with a different pragmatic system, American English. Close examination of responses to an oral discourse completion task shows that as young Hmong-Americans have grown up exposed to two cultural and pragmatic systems, influence from English has affected these speakers’ verbal requests in Hmong. This paper will discuss two types of evidence for this claim: 1) responses to a discourse completion questionnaire, in which both native speakers of Hmong (the immigrant generation) and Hmong-English bilinguals (young adults) are given a scenario and asked what they would say in the situation described. We will see in these responses that the young bilinguals’ use of pragmatic particles in requests is different from the usage of the older, monolingual speakers. Second, I will discuss these same speakers’ responses to questions about the similarities and differences that both generational groups perceive 1 This paper was presented at the Seventeenth Annual meeting of the South East Asian Linguistics Society, at the University of Maryland, College Park, on September 1, 2007. The author is grateful for the comments of linguists present at that meeting, and for the suggestions of the two anonymous reviewers. She alone is responsible for any errors in the paper, however. The author would welcome further comments at : smburt@ilstu.edu. Burt, Susan Meredith. 2009. Contact Pragmatics: Requests In Wisconsin Hmong. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:63-76. Copyright vested in the author. 63 64 JSEALS Vol. 1 between their own usage and that of the other generational group. From this evidence, it will be seen that exposure to English has prompted one metapragmatic statement about particle usage in requests, and that this speaker’s view of appropriate usage differs from the view expressed by other speakers of both younger and older groups. After the section on data collection, the paper will present the basics on the relevant particles, and then present the data. 2. Data collection For this project, my bilingual collaborator, Hua Yang, recruited 30 members of her extensive social network to be interviewed. Using an oral discourse completion questionnaire, along with questions designed to elicit metapragmatic commentary, we interviewed 20 of the participants in Hmong: 10 elders, 5 male and 5 female, and 10 college-age young adults, 5 male and 5 female. Finally, 10 more young adults, 5 male and 5 female, were interviewed in English, using the English version of the same questionnaire. Hua Yang translated the English version of the questionnaire into Hmong; her translation was checked and its accuracy confirmed by means of a back-translation done by another bilingual. Hua also conducted the interviews that took place in Hmong, and transcribed the resulting tape-recordings, using the Romanized Popular alphabet. I then translated them into English, using Heimbach’s (1980) dictionary. I also conducted and transcribed the interviews done in English. The questionnaire contained 14 situations in which requests could be elicited: thus, there were 140 opportunities for each 10-person speaker group to give requests. Seven of these 14 request situations could be considered low imposition: the speaker requested the rice at a family meal; seven more were considered high-imposition: the speaker asked for help carrying groceries into the house. 3. Hmong pragmatic particles Hmong allows the option of adding particles, that is, morphemes that do not fall into the categories of the “traditional parts of speech,” to requests or supportive moves to emphasize or “soften” the utterance. According to one anonymous reviewer, this is not uncommon in South East Asian languages. Eight of the ten older speakers used these particles; four speakers (Speakers 1,3,7 and 9) used them extensively. These optional particles were added to 54 of the 140 requests (39%) made by the elders; however, it is possible to use more than one particle per utterance; thus, speakers produced 67 such particles in total. The particles that Wisconsin Hmong speakers use in this fashion are thov, soj, seb, yom and os. Example (1) is speaker 3’s request to her sister to help carry heavy packages into the house. (1) 2 Koj khoom no pab kuv nqa qhov no os. Hnyav hnyav li os. You free here help me carry thing this POL heavy heavy like POL 2 Abbreviations used in the glosses include: CLF CLF.PLU COMPL EMPH NEG PAUSE POL classifier plural classifier completive particle emphatic particle negative pause particle politeness particle PRT SFP TOP bro m-i-l s-i-l particle sentence-final particle topic marker brother mother-in-law sister-in-law Hmong Contact Pragmatics 65 ‘You’re free, help me carry this thing. It’s very heavy.’ (Speaker 3) In (1), the particle os, by far the most frequently used optional particle in this corpus, here is used at the end of both the request and the statement of need. The particles in question include, first of all, thov, literally, ‘beg,’ but often translated as ‘please’ (see Heimbach 1980:341); this particle typically appears at the beginning of a request utterance, as in: (2) Thov koj muab tais mov cev los rau kuv. beg you give bowl rice pass return to me ‘Please pass the bowl of rice back to me’ (Speaker 4, to his mother). In contrast, three of the other four particles that appear in requests typically take sentencefinal position: (3) Niamntxawm, zaubmov nyob ntawm ko. Koj sim cev los rau kuv seb. sister-in-law food stay there by-you you try hand return to me SFP ‘Sister-in-law, [the] food stays there by you; you try to hand it back to me’ (Speaker 8) (4) Hlob, txav ze mentsis soj. older-bro move close a-little SFP ‘Older brother, move [the rice] a little closer.’ (Speaker 7) (5) Niam, koj pab kuv nqa qhov no yom. mother you help me carry thing this SFP ‘Mother, help me carry this thing.’ (Speaker 9 to her mother-in-law) Of these particles, only thov has an English translation equivalent, literally, ‘to beg or ask for,’ or ‘please.’ 3 Heimbach (1980) glosses both os and soj as ‘final emphatic particle,’ but according to Hua Yang, os adds “softness” to an utterance, and perhaps could be seen as a politeness marker. This interpretation might apply to all five of these particles; when we look at the distribution of these particles in the speech of the elders, all 70 of the requests for the rice elicited only 23 politeness particles, while an equal number of requests for help carrying the packages—a higher imposition request—elicited 44 particles. 3 One reviewer has questioned whether thov should be considered a particle, given that it usually is glossed as a verb. There are several reasons to consider thov a particle: first, in sentences such as (2) and (7), thov precedes the subject of the sentence, koj, and does not form a part of the post-subject verb or verb series. In this pre-sentence-core position, thov is completely lacking in arguments; it has no subject, object, or complement. Second, the fact that thov is a verb does not prevent it from acquiring a second function as a pragmatic particle (as please, also a verb, has done in English); indeed the process of pragmaticization seems to have produced exactly this result in both languages, even before contact with English helped increase the frequency of use of thov as a particle. This explanation is in accord with the claims of scholars of grammaticization, who represent a view of grammar as “emergent from experience, mutable and ever coming into being rather than static, categorical and fixed” (Bybee 2006:714). 66 JSEALS Vol. 1 Heimbach (1980) glosses both soj and yom as “completive” particles, with the further note that the speaker uses yom “when an affirmative answer is known or expected” (Heimbach 1980: 429). While it is clear that the pragmatic uses of Hmong particles need much more exploration (see Fuller 1987, 1988 for evidence of the controversy in determining the pragmatic function of the particles mas and ces, for example), the fact that Speaker 9 would use yom to her mother-in-law argues for its also having an interpretation of added politeness. Heimbach does not include sentence-final seb at all, and notably, glosses none of these sentence-final particles as ‘please.’ The fifth particle, os, seems to be more flexible in its placement in the sentence; os can appear as phrase-final, although it frequently appears in sentence-final position. (6) Tub es, muab mov los rau kuv os. son PAUSE give rice return to me POL ‘Son, give the rice back to me.’ (Speaker 3) (7) Maiv Yaj, os koj ib puas khoom os. Khoom no koj los Mai Yang pol you one are you free POL free here you come pab kuv soj. Thov koj los pab kuv nqa kuv cov khoom no. help me SFP beg you come help me carry my CLF-PLU package this ‘Mai Yang, are you free? When free, you come help me! Please come help me carry my packages.’ (Speaker 1) Here, sentence (6) shows os in sentence-final position, while example (7 ) shows os used in two places in one sentence—as well as having both soj and thov in the utterance. Both older and younger generation speakers include these particles in their requests. The count and distribution of these five politeness particles across the generations show both continuity and change in Hmong politeness practices. However, in the data from the younger speakers, we will see that cross-linguistic identifying of the particle thov with English please has led to an increase in the use of thov in the Hmong of younger generation speakers. Both generations of Hmong speakers in Wisconsin use all five of these particles. The ten elders used a total of 67 particles in their request utterances. As (7) shows, it is possible to use more than one particle per utterance, particularly if the utterance contains a supportive act as well as the head act; there were 9 utterances with more than one particle given by the elders. Altogether, 54 request utterances exhibited at least one of these five particles; of all the request responses in the corpus from older speakers, 39% have at least one particle. Similarly, the younger speakers used 66 particles in 49 utterances; fifteen of these utterances had more than one particle. As the younger generation speakers also had 140 request opportunities, this amounts to using particles in 35% of these occasions. If we concentrate on overall frequency of particle use, the younger generation of speakers shows continuity with the elders in this politeness practice. However, a focus on the individual particles tells a different story. Table 1 shows the number of each particle used by the ten speakers of both age groups, and the percentage of the total particle count for that generational group. 67 Hmong Contact Pragmatics Table 1: Use of Five Politeness Particles by Two Generations of Speakers Particle os seb soj thov yom total Number used by Elders n % 33 49% 6 9% 17 25% 6 9% 5 7% 67 100% Number used by Young Adults n % 34 51% 3 4% 5 8% 20 30% 4 6% 66 100% A look at the frequencies of soj and thov shows change between the generations: in both numbers and percentages, use of soj has greatly decreased from the older generation to the younger. In contrast, thov has gained in usage; the elders used thov quite rarely, only 6 times in 140 opportunities, i.e., the elders used thov in only 4% of those opportunities. The younger speakers, however, used thov 20 times out of 140 opportunities, or 14%. For the elders, thov forms only 9% of the total particle count (i.e. of the 67 particles used), whereas for the younger speakers, thov accounts for 30% of all the particles used. Thus, while the overall count of politeness particles is almost the same for the two age groups, the distribution of individual particles shows a change in usage between the generations, with the younger speakers using thov more than three times as often as the elders do. A plausible explanation is that thov is making gains in frequency of use under contact with please, particularly if the rough translation equivalency of the two particles is known, since please usage is frequently stressed by English-speaking adults. This explanation gains in plausibility if we look at the results of the young HmongAmerican adults who were interviewed in English, and compare their use of please and its placement in sentences with the use and placement of please by Anglo-American speakers. In the English data of young Hmong-American bilinguals (speakers 11 through 20), there were 20 instances of please out of 140 request responses: of these, three were initial, or following an alerter, as in (8): (8) “Nyab, please give me some of the rice,” (Speaker 15) “Mom, please hand the rice over.” (Speaker 17) “Please come help me, um, get some groceries.”(Speaker 15 to older brother) Ten instances of please were medial or immediately before the verb, as in (9): (9) “Father, can you please hand over the rice?” (Speaker 17). And seven requests had sentence-final please, as in (10): (10) “Sister-in-law, can you hand over the rice, please?” (Speaker 19) “Mother-in-law, could you help me bring the bags in, please?” (Speaker 19) 68 JSEALS Vol. 1 For the sake of comparison, we investigated the usage by non-bilingual native speakers of American English. 4 In the native-speaker American English data, there were 51 instances of please in 140 request responses; please could appear initially, as in (11), medially, as in (12), and finally, as in (13): (11) “Please pass the potatoes.” (12) “Mom, could you please pass the potatoes?” (13) “Nikki, could you pass the potatoes, please?” Sixteen of the 51 please instances were sentence-initial ( 31.4%), 27 of them were medial (52.9%), and only 8 (15.7%) were final. This distribution of please—heavy in the preverbal part of the sentence, light in final-position—would make the identification of sentence-initial thov with please even more compelling to bilingual speakers. Table 2: Use and distribution of please by Hmong-Americans and Anglo-Americans Hmong-American Anglo-American initial (%) 3 (15%) 16 (31.4%) medial (%) 10 (50%) 27 (52.9%) final (%) 7 (35%) 8 (15.7%) total 20 51 Table 2 compares the placement in the sentence of English please by college-age Hmong-American bilinguals and college-age monolingual speakers of American English (Anglo-Americans). If we take the Anglo-American distribution of please as a possible native speaker target, the Hmong-American speakers are close to the native percentage mark with the prevailing medial placement in their English requests—and with the conventionally indirect request (Can you please V, Could you please V) that medial please co-occurs with. The distribution of peripheral please (i.e., please at beginning or end of the sentence), on the other hand, does not match the native speaker pattern, but since one speaker (Speaker 19) is responsible for 6 of the 7 final please instances in the HmongAmerican data, we should probably not over-interpret this distributional pattern. On the other hand, young Hmong-Americans do not match the native speakers of English in terms of overall frequency of use of please. Young Hmong-American adults use please much less frequently than native speakers, only 20 times out of 140 request responses, compared with the Anglo-Americans’ 51 times. However, the young HmongAmericans’ frequency of the use of please matches exactly their use of thov; as shown above, the ten young Hmong-Americans interviewed in Hmong used thov twenty times out of 140 request responses, and the young Hmong-Americans interviewed in English used please twenty times. It would appear that in both their languages, the young HmongAmerican bilinguals have constructed a compromise between the high English nativespeaker frequency of please and the low Hmong native-speaker frequency of thov, settling on an intermediate frequency of use for both particles. The construction of such a compromise argues strongly for pragmatic transfer, or at least for a cross-language identification of please and thov. In summary, a close look at the distribution of the five Hmong particles by two generations of speakers shows that the younger speakers interviewed in Hmong use one 4 The author thanks Jennifer Loster for collecting and transcribing the Anglo-American data. 69 Hmong Contact Pragmatics particle, thov, more than three times as often as the older speakers do. In fact, its frequency matches the frequency of use of the particle please by the younger Hmong-Americans interviewed in English. Whether or not this constitutes pragmatic transfer, it looks as if young Hmong-Americans have identified thov with please functionally. In the next section, we will see further evidence for this. 4. Opting out or Avoidance In this section, we will look at the strategy of deciding not to utter the request at all in the situation described. We will look first at what some elders told us when confronted with the description of certain request situations. We will see that at least some Hmong elders think that the appropriate response is not to make the request at all. We then look at comparable responses for the younger speakers, and find that while several of them voice similar restrictions on who may be asked for help, one younger speaker seems to think that the use of thov in the request can override such restrictions. Her metapragmatic statement is a significant departure from the metapragmatic statements by the elders. Five of these avoidance situations were in requests addressed to parents, and five were for requests addressed to the mother-in-law (the one remaining case was a father who, rather than request the rice from his son, said that he would stretch to reach the rice, since his son would not mind). Three of the speakers who opted out of request situations were female, and one was male. Speaker 2, for example, told us that she would not bother her mother-in-law with a request for the rice: (14) Yog niampoj ho nyob ze ntawm tais mov, tejzaum kuv yuav sawv If mother-in-law and-then stay near there bowl rice maybe I will stand-up mus hais. Muab kuv lub tais mus hais los rau ntawm kuv xubtiag. go scoop take my CLF bowl go scoop return to there my front-of-body ‘Then if my mother-in-law is near the rice bowl, maybe I will stand up, go scoop. Take my bowl, go scoop, come back to my place.’ (Speaker 2). This same speaker was also hesitant about asking her mother-in-law for help in the higherimposition package-carrying situation, and gave a report of what she would do, rather than an example of what she would say: (15) Pog, tejzaum yog niampog hluas lawm ces kuv yuav txib tau. Mother-in-law, maybe if m-i-l young COMPL and I will enlist-help able. Yog nws laus lawm ces tejzaum kuv yuav ua kuv. Kuv kuj tsis txib nws thiab. if she old COMPL and maybe I will do I I also not enlist-help her also ‘[As for the] mother-in-law, maybe if mother-in-law is young, I can enlist her help. If she is old, maybe I will do [it] myself, and moreover, not enlist her help.’ (Speaker 2) 70 JSEALS Vol. 1 Speaker 8 seemed to feel similar compunction against asking the mother-in-law for help in the package-carrying situation: (16) Tseem niampog nyob los yus yeej nqa yus xwb. Yus yeej tsis txib. still m-i-l live TOP one will carry one simply one will NEG enlist-help Rau qhov tias yog niampog lawm ces yus tsis xav txib. because that if m-i-l COMPL PAUSE one not want enlist-help ‘[Even if] mother-in-law is right there, one simply carries oneself. One will not enlist her help. Because she is the mother-in-law, one does not want to enlist her help.’ (Speaker 8). This speaker made a similar case against asking parents for help in a high-imposition request situation such as carrying heavy things: (17) Rau qhov tias yog yus tebchaws mas txawm hnyav npaum twg los yus because say if one’s country TOP so heavy equal which or one yeej tsis txib yus niam. Yus yeej paub tias yus niam thiab yus txiv will NEG enlist-help one’s mother one will know that one’s mother and one’s father nkawv laus ces yus yeej nqa yus tshuag tshuag hauv tsev xwb. pair old PAUSE one will carry oneself quickly inside house simply ‘[In] my country, no matter how heavy [the load], one will not enlist the help of one’s mother. One knows that one’s mother and father are an old couple, and one will simply carry [the load] quickly inside the house oneself.’ (Speaker 8) (18) Kuv txiv los kuv yeej tsis txib. Kuv txiv laus lawm ces hnyav npaum my father TOP I will not ask my father old COMPL PAUSE heavy equal twg los kuv nqa kuv xwb. which TOP I carry I simply ‘My father, I will not ask. My father is old, and no matter how heavy, I simply carry [it] myself.’ (Speaker 8) Speakers 6 and 7 each opted out of asking their respective fathers for the rice, as shown in (19) (with a bit of codeswitching) and (20): (19) Usually peb cov Hmoob mas yog tias yus loj lawm no ces yus txiv mas usually we CLF.PLU Hmong TOP if say one big COMPL here PAUSE one father TOP 71 Hmong Contact Pragmatics yus yeej tsis tshua nug na. one will not like ask SFP ‘Usually we Hmong [think] if one is big, one does not like to ask one’s father.’ (Speaker 6) (20) Ib yam nyob ze ntawm kuv txiv ces kuv one type stay close there my father TOP I Yog tus laus ces kuv hos hluas ces If CLF old TOP I then young PAUSE I yog tus laus lawm. is CLF old COMPL kuv yuav tau ua siab ntev ncav will able be patient stretch mentsis los tau rau qhov tias nws laus lawm na. a-little or able because say he old COMPL SFP ‘If [food] is close [to] my father, I—he is the old one. If he is old, and I am young, I will be able to be patient and to stretch a little, since he is old.’ (Speaker 7) Opting out of the request altogether looks like a politeness practice particularly appropriate to use for older addressees. Indeed, ten of these avoidance instances were for requests addressed to mother, father or mother-in-law; there were sixty request situations directed to these addressees, so the ten avoidance instances constitute 17% of request responses directed to older addressees. Opting out of the request occurred eleven times out of the total 140 request opportunities (or 8% of the time). There were 11 instances when four of the elders told us that they would not make the request we hoped to hear, since requesting the particular favor of the particular addressee (usually parents or mother-in-law) was not polite or appropriate. Of the younger speakers interviewed in Hmong, only Speaker 28 opted out of specific request elicitations, and he opted out of four of the 14 request situations posed in the interview questionnaire, and made clear that he might opt out of a fifth, depending on the age of the addressee. Clearly, in response to the oral questionnaire, the elders opt out more than twice as often as the younger speakers do. It is important to note, also, that Speaker 28 immigrated at the age of 12, and assessed his abilities in Hmong as much better than his abilities in English, so it is probably not coincidental that his responses stand out from those of the rest of his age cohort. An example of his responses is in (21): (21) Thaum ntawd ces...um...ze yus niam tias lawm no ces. time that TOP um near one m-i-l COMPL this PAUSE Kuv tsis tau muaj dua niam tais nawb. Kuv muaj ntsis txaj muag thiab ces I NEG able have before m-i-l EMPH I have a-little embarrassed also TOP tsis tshua hais thiab. Ces li um..--ces li hais rau yus tus pojniam, NEG much say also let-it-be let-it-be say to ‘one’ CLF m-i-l 72 JSEALS Vol. 1 ibyam li noj mov ntawd ces yeej hais tus pojniam kom nws muab tais mov like eat rice there TOP will say CLF wife cause her give bowl rice los rau yus xwb. Ibyam li kuv tsis tau muaj pojniam nawd, return to one simply same way I NEG able have m-i-l EMPH tabsis ibyam li tus pojniam ces lawv hu hais tias tus hlub los honey no los mas, but same way CLF wife TOP they call say that CLF love or this TOP Koj pab muab tais mov los ntawm no. you help give bowl rice return here ‘When [the rice] is near one’s mother-in-law, I have not had a mother-in-law before, I would also be a little embarrassed to say much. Leave it—leave it, [I’ll] say to my wife, like [we’re] eating rice there, speak to [my] wife [so as to] cause her to simply pass the rice bowl back. Like, I do not have a wife. But like, a wife, they will call ‘lover’ or ‘honey’ [and] say ‘You help hand the rice bowl back here.’’ (Speaker 28) Here, Speaker 28 shows that he would seek out an alternative addressee (including an Anglo term of address) so as to avoid having to make a request of his mother-in-law. He shows a similar reluctance to address a request to his sister-in-law, and so, opts out of making that speech act as well: (22) Tus niam tij ces tej zaum peb yuav tsis hais rau qhov CLF s-i-l TOP maybe we will NEG say because Hmoob no mas yeej txawv. Hmong this TOP will differ ‘[To] a sister-in-law maybe we will say nothing, because Hmong are different on this.’ Although Speaker 28 was the only younger speaker who explicitly opted out of specific questions, when we asked the younger speakers specifically about who should not be asked for help, all ten of the younger speakers interviewed in Hmong knew of categories of people from whom one should not ask favors or assistance, All five of the young men interviewed in Hmong said that one should not ask one’s mother-in-law, as shown by these responses: (23) (a) Kuv yeej tsis nug kuv pog los pab kuv nqa. Kuv pog laus laus lawm. I will NEG ask my m-i-l come help me carry my m-i-l old old COMPL ‘I would not ask my mother-in-law to come help me carry. My mother-in-law is very old.’ (Speaker 26) Hmong Contact Pragmatics (b) 73 Yog kuv niam or kuv niam tais li ntawd ces kuv yeej tsis nug os. if my mother my m-i-l like that TOP I will NEG ask POL ‘If [it’s] my mother or my mother-in-law, I will not ask.’ (Speaker 27) (c) tus niam tij tsis zoo nug heev xwb thiab tus niam tais. CLF s-i-l NEG good ask very simply and CLF m-i-l Rau qhov tias niam tij thiab tus kwv ces ua haujlwm uake mas because that s-i-l and CLF bro TOP do work together TOP peb Hmoob muaj ntsis txaj muag. we Hmong have little embarrassed Hos niam tais no mas yus yeej ib txwm tsis txib niam tais heev. And m-i-l this TOP one will from-the-beginnig NEG send m-i-l very ‘It is simply not good to ask your sister-in-law and your mother-in-law. Because if the sister-in-law and younger brother work together, we Hmong are a little embarrassed. And there is simply no way that you should ask your mother-in-law.’ (Speaker 28) (d) Tsis phiv, tabsis txaj txajmuag xwb. Tej zaum NEG wrong but embarrassed only maybe kuv tsis hais kuv pojniam tus niam. I NEG say my wife CLF mother ‘Not wrong, but embarrassing. Maybe I wouldn’t ask my wife’s mother.’ (Speaker 30) When we asked the five young women whom we interviewed in Hmong whether there were people whom one should not ask for help, their answers were more varied: one said not to ask one’s mother-in-law, another listed the sister-in-law, the third listed parents, and the fourth listed elders in general: help should be solicited from younger people rather than elders. (24)(a) Umm...I think kuv yeej ...kuv tsis txib kuv niam pog. I will I NEG send my m-i-l Rau qhov...I don’t know. Tsis paub. because NEG KNOW Tsis zoo txib yus niam pog los pab na. NEG good send one m-i-l come help right? ‘I will not ask my mother-in-law. Because—I don’t know. It is not good to ask one’s mother-in-law to come help, right?’ (Speaker 21) 74 (b) JSEALS Vol. 1 Tejnpam tsis tshua zoo saib yog yus nug yus niam thiab yus txiv. maybe NEG quite good look if one ask one mother and one father ‘Maybe it doesn’t look quite good [doesn’t seem proper] if one asks one’s mother and one’s father.’(Speaker 23) (c) Tej zaum nws kuj yuav tsis zoo thiab. maybe s/he also will NEG good also Vim rau qhov feem ntau mas yog tias yus nug yus— because because part much TOP ? that one ask one cov hlob yus los pos cov neeg laus, nws tsis tshua zoo nkauj na. old one or PAUSE CLF.PLU people old it NEG seem well appropriate, right? CLF.PLU Ces yog tias muaj cov yau uas pab tau yus ces yus txib cov yau PAUSE if that have CLF.PLU young who help can one TOP one send more ntau. CLF.PLU young ‘I think it is maybe not good, because many times, one asks one—the elders or the old people, it does not look appropriate, right? If they have young [people] who can help, you get the younger[ones] [to help you].’ (Speaker 25) If we put these responses together with those given by the elders, a pattern emerges of a general reluctance, among all speakers, to ask elders, whether parents or in-laws, for help with ordinary tasks. Furthermore, there seems to be a reluctance to ask opposite-sex samegeneration in-laws for help, although only one of the younger speakers mentioned this before being asked specifically about categories of people who should not be asked for help. So not only is there a certain amount of in-law avoidance in requests, but also some generational barriers to request-making; adults are reluctant to ask parents as well as parents-in-law for help, while feeling free to ask their own children for help, or their siblings. Married women can ask their husband’s brothers’ wives. If younger speakers perceive the same pattern of askability that adults articulate, do they implement that pattern in discourse? Of the ten young adults interviewed in Hmong, only one chose to opt out of the request elicitations in the embedded Discourse Completion Task, and he opted out of five of the 14 requests, all to female addressees. It is possible that none of the other younger speakers opted out because the interviewer, Hua Yang, works in the public schools as a teacher, and some of the younger speakers may have perceived the interview as a school task. All ten of these speakers, however, were able to name people who should not be asked to help: all five of the young men interviewed in Hmong, and one of the young women as well, named the mother-in-law as someone they would not ask. One young man and one young woman also named the sister-in-law. One woman said that she would not ask her parents for help, and another said she would not ask elders at all, but only younger people. Hmong Contact Pragmatics 75 But one young woman’s responses were slightly different. When asked whether it was wrong or impolite to ask any of these people for help, Speaker 24 answered: (25) Yuav tsis phiv rau qhov tias tsev neeg no yog kuv tsev neeg, will NEG offend because that family this is my family kuv yeej paub lawv ces lawv txaus siab pab kuv thiab. I will know them TOP they enough liver help me also ‘[I] will not offend anyone because this family is my family, and I know them, and they have heart enough to help me, too.’ (Speaker 24) Here, Speaker 24 was probably referring to her husband’s family, the family that she had married into; their having “heart” (literally ‘liver’) enough to help her is not necessarily something a young wife can take for granted in her family of in-laws, and is therefore worth commenting on. Interestingly, this young woman was aware of pragmalinguistic (Thomas 1983) differences between the generations, because she said of the elders: (26) Tej zaum lawv nug txawv rau qhov tias lawv cov lus Hmoob lawv muaj— maybe they ask differ because that they CLF.PLUword Hmong they have um...lawv cov laus lawv siv txawv li peb cov hluas. um they CLF.PLU old they use differ like we CLF.PLU young ‘Maybe they ask differently because they have Hmong words, and they use them differently than we young [people do].’ (Speaker 24) When asked further whether she felt that she knew how to ask correctly, she responded: (27) Um...kuv xav tias yog tamsis yeej yog tsis ntau puas tsawg um I think that correct but will be NEG many that much rau qhov tias cov laus lawv hais, um... lawv muaj qhov thov no ces— because that CLF.PLU elder they say um they have way ask this TOP thiab tsis tas li ntawd Hmoob lawv yeej hais qhov thov ntawd no ces and NEG complete like that Hmong they will say way ask that this TOP yog tias yus hais thov lawm no ces lawv yeej pab yus thiab. if that one say please COMPL this TOP they will help one also ‘Yes, I think [it’s] correct, but it may not be that correct, because the elders say— they have ways to request –and also the Hmong have ways to ask, and if you say ‘please,’ then they will help.’ (Speaker 24) 76 JSEALS Vol. 1 Speaker 24’s last statement is intriguing—it looks like the thin edge of the wedge of cultural change, in the form of a politeness prescription that resembles Anglo-American tradition much more than it represents what the other respondents perceive as Hmong practice. Recall how infrequently the Hmong elders used the particle thov, in comparison with the relatively enthusiastic use of this particle by the younger speakers. Recall, too, how members of both generations could be reasonably explicit about whom not to ask for help, even though this changes as one grows older and thus becomes entitled to ask an ever greater number of younger people to help. In contrast, this recommendation of thov by Speaker 24 looks very much like the Anglo-American “magic word” tradition of politeness instruction (Gleason, Perlmann and Greif 1984)—but now, the instruction is in Hmong, about Hmong. The statement represents a case of metapragmatic transfer, supporting, or arising from the identification of thov with please in the use of particles that we saw above. 5. Conclusions Young Hmong-Americans, who have grown up speaking both English and Hmong, seem to have identified the Hmong particle thov with the English particle please. The two words are semantically similar, and both words tend to occur before the verb in requests, although it is possible for please to occur at the end of the sentence, as well. Although Hmong adults use thov relatively rarely, and although native speakers of American English use please relatively often, young Hmong-American speakers seem to have chosen an intermediate frequency of use for both particles, and in our sample, employed both words with equal frequency. Speaker 24 took this identification of thov and please one step further, and asserted that using thov would allow her to ask almost anyone for help, although most of the rest of the Hmong-Americans interviewed identified categories of addressees who should not be asked to help. Speaker 24’s claim is therefore a significant change in metapragmatics, and indicates that American English politeness teachings have affected her understanding of politeness conventions in Hmong. The data from the other younger speakers indicates that, in usage practices that follow from this, Speaker 24 may not be alone. References Bybee, Joan. 2006. From usage to grammar: the mind’s response to repetition. Language 82,4: 711-733. Fuller, Judith Wheaton. 1987. Topic markers in Hmong. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10, 2:113-127. Fuller, Judith Wheaton. 1988. Topic and Comment in Hmong. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club. Gleason, Jean Berko, Rivka Y. Perlmann and Esther Greif. 1984. What’s the Magic Word: Learning Language through Politeness Routines. Discourse Processes 7: 493-502. Heimbach, Ernest. 1980. [1966]. White Hmong-English Dictionary. Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University. Lo, Fungchatou T. 2001. The Promised Land: Socioeconomic Reality of the Hmong People in Urban America (1976-2000). Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press. Thomas, Jenny. 1983. Cross Cultural Pragmatic Failure. Applied Linguistics 4(2):91-112. ENGLISH LOANWORD ADAPTATION IN BURMESE∗ Charles B. Chang University of California, Berkeley <cbchang@post.harvard.edu> 0 Abstract This paper provides a descriptive account of the main patterns found in the adaptation of English loanwords in Burmese. First, English segments missing from the Burmese inventory are replaced by native Burmese segments. Second, coda obstruents are represented by laryngealized tones. Third, consonant clusters are resolved through vowel epenthesis or consonant deletion. Finally, various phonotactic gaps native to Burmese, some with rather idiosyncratic distributional properties, are consistently maintained in loanwords via a number of different strategies. The data suggest overall that Burmese phonology heavily constrains the adaptation of English loanwords, and a brief sketch of an Optimality-Theoretic analysis is presented. 1 Introduction Lexical borrowing is a common process across languages. Even so, words borrowed into a language are rarely borrowed faithfully; instead, they typically undergo modification vis-àvis their form in the source language from which they were borrowed. This process of modification may result from the influence of the phonology native to the borrowing language, from general principles of Universal Grammar, or from a combination of the two. Loanword phonology has been of great interest in recent years due to the implications it holds for phonological grammar in general, and the process of loanword adaptation has been modeled in various ways (e.g. Silverman 1992, Kenstowicz 2003, Peperkamp and Dupoux 2003, Broselow 2004, LaCharité and Paradis 2005, inter alia) that make different claims about the stages of adaptation and the relative importance of factors such as the borrower’s proficiency in the source language and the veridicality of cross-language speech perception. The phonology of Burmese, however, has not been very heavily studied, and the few sources that do comment on it are generally quite old or brief (e.g. Armstrong and Tin 1925, Stewart 1936: 1-17, Cornyn 1944, Jones and Khin 1953, Jones 1960, Burling 1967, Okell 1969: 241). The present study is the first to provide a systematic description of the phonological patterns in English loanwords that have been incorporated into Burmese. The paper is organized as follows. This section provides some background on aspects of Burmese phonology that are relevant to loanword adaptation, with special attention to phonological differences from English, and summarizes the methods used in ∗ This work was supported in part by a grant from the Harvard College Research Program, a Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Comments, insights, and intuitions from Michael Kenstowicz, Javier Martín-González, Lynn Nichols, Donca Steriade, Bert Vaux, Ingyin Zaw, Jie Zhang, and the audience at SEALS XVII have improved this paper immeasurably. Naturally, any remaining errors are mine. Chang, Charles B. 2009. English Loanword Adaptation In Burmese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:77-94. Copyright vested in the author. 77 78 JSEALS Vol. 1 this study. Section 2 details the substitutions used to fill inventory gaps, and Section 3 illustrates the repairs made to syllable codas and consonant clusters. Section 4 presents loanword data that show certain Burmese phonotactic gaps to be systematic, rather than accidental. Finally, Section 5 briefly sketches an analysis of competing phonological considerations in loanword adaptation using the framework of Optimality Theory, and Section 6 summarizes the main conclusions. 1.1 Background on Burmese phonology In this section the basics of the Burmese phonological system are laid out in order to highlight patterns and constraints that are reflected in the adaptation of foreign forms. 1.1.1 Inventories Depending on what one counts, the Burmese language can be said to contain 34 consonants. There is a three-way laryngeal contrast among voiced, voiceless unaspirated, and voiceless aspirated obstruents, as well as a typologically rare voicing contrast in sonorants. A glottal stop and several fricatives round out the inventory (cf. Figure 1). Notable gaps in comparison to English are the lack of labial fricatives, the alveolar approximant /r/, and the voiced palatal fricative /ʒ/. labial plosive dental p pʰ b alveolar velar t tʰ d glottal k kʰ g Ɂ tʃ tʃʰ dʒ affricate (t ̪)θ (d̪)ð fricative nasal palatal m̥ m lateral ʃ n̥ n l̥ ɲ̥ l h ɲ ŋ̊ ŋ (ɾ) tap/flap approximant w̥ s sʰ z w j Figure 1: Burmese consonant inventory 1 The Burmese vowel inventory consists of five oral vowels, with nasal counterparts to the “corner” vowels /i a u/, and four oral diphthongs, each of which has a corresponding nasal diphthong. Schwa, which occurs as an allophone of [ɪ, ɛ, a, ʊ], rounds out the inventory (cf. Figure 2). 2 Here there is a notable gap at the mid height, where nasal vowels do not occur. Burmese also lacks the low front vowel /æ/ and the diphthong /ɔi/ of English. Other English vowels missing from Burmese, such as the lax vowels /ɪ, ɛ, ʊ/, have close correspondents in Burmese vowel allophones not included in the chart below. 1 2 The interdental fricatives are accurately described by Win (1998) as sounding “more like weak plosives than fricatives”; thus, they are often transcribed in conjunction with a dental stop. The flap is placed in parentheses because it is not a phoneme, but an allophone of /d/ that otherwise appears only in loanwords (Cornyn 1944). The vowels [ɪ, ɛ, ʊ] are not included in the vowel chart because they appear to be allophones of their tense counterparts that appear in closed syllables. Though Win (1998) considers schwa to have phonemic status, the fact that it alternates with several full vowels and cannot stand on its own suggests otherwise. Therefore, in this study schwa will be considered an allophone of [ɪ, ɛ, a, ʊ], as noted above. 79 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese FRONT HIGH MONOPHTHONGS MID i e CENTRAL ɪ̃ DIPHTHONGS u ɔ (ə) a LOW ei ẽĩ ai ãĩ BACK ʊ̃ ã au ãũ ou õũ Figure 2: Burmese vowel inventory Burmese is a tone language, where differences between tones have to do not only with pitch, but also duration, intensity, phonation, and vowel quality (Green 2005). By most accounts (e.g. Cornyn 1944, Khin 1976, Wheatley 1987, Green 1995), there are four distinct tones: low, high, creaky, and a so-called “checked” or glottal tone with the general features of creaky tone followed by glottal stop (cf. Figure 3). The tone that falls on schwa is neutral. TONE TRANSCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS low à high á creaky glottal a̰ aɁ medium duration, low intensity, low/rising pitch long duration, high intensity, high/falling pitch, can be breathy short duration, high intensity, high/falling pitch, creaky very short duration, high pitch, sharp glottal closure Figure 3: Burmese tone inventory Though it is possible to analyze the glottal tone as an allotone of creaky tone occurring before glottal stop, this study will follow previous ones in adopting a system of four phonemic tones; however, this decision affects little about the analyses presented below. 1.1.2 Syllable structure and phonotactics The basic Burmese syllable structure is C1(C2)V(V)(C3) (cf. Figure 4). An onset C1 is obligatory and may be optionally followed by an approximant C2. The rhyme minimally contains a monophthongal nucleus, and may also contain a diphthong. A coda C3 is optional, but is limited to the glottal stop occurring with glottal tone. 3 3 Green (1995) includes a “placeless” nasal as a possible filler of the coda position C3. Under this analysis, nasal vowels are the surface manifestation of oral vowels followed by placeless nasal codas. Indeed, final nasals are represented in orthography and pronounced incidentally as nasals homorganic with the following consonant in rapid speech, but in normal speech these nasals are realized only as nasalization, making it unclear that synchronically there is still a nasal coda underlying what on the surface are just nasal vowels. Here nasal vowels are assumed to be underlying, and glottal stop is taken to be the only permissible coda. 80 JSEALS Vol. 1 σ ONSET C1 C2 C2 = {w, j} C3 = {Ɂ} RHYME NUCLEUS V V CODA C3 Figure 4: Burmese syllable canon Several phonotactic restrictions apply to this basic structure. First, the glide /j/ only occurs after labials; clusters such as */tj, kj/ are ill-formed (Green 1995). Second, the diphthongs /ai, au/ only occur before coda glottal stop (i.e. not in open syllables). Third, /ɔ/ does not occur with a glottal coda (Cornyn 1944), while the lax vowels [ɪ, ɛ, ʊ, ʌ] only occur with a glottal coda, or else nasalized (except [ɛ]). Finally, the configuration of a nasalized vowel followed by a coda glottal is disallowed (Cornyn 1944). 1 Two different syllable types occur in Burmese, distinguished by Green (1995) as major and minor. Major syllables are heavy, containing any vowel except schwa and bearing tone, while minor syllables are light, contain schwa and no other vowel, do not bear tone, and are not word-final. While most Burmese vowels can be found in monosyllabic words, a syllable with a schwa cannot stand on its own and is always bound to a following major syllable (Cornyn 1944). Most Burmese words are either monosyllabic or consist of a minor syllable followed by a major syllable. Words longer than two syllables are mostly compounds or loanwords (Green 1995). 1.2 Methods All data presented below are drawn from a corpus of 280 adaptations comprising 193 established loanword adaptations and 46 non-word adaptations gathered from one main Burmese-English bilingual consultant, as well as 41 additional adaptations from Win (1998) and Green (2005). Non-word adaptations were made online based upon aural input. Examples that come from the data of Win or Green are marked as ‘W’ or ‘G’, respectively. 1 If nasal vowels are assumed to arise from underlying nasal codas as in Green (1995), then the restriction against nasal vowels co-occurring with glottal stop can be attributed to the presence of only one coda slot in the syllable canon. Here it is simply stipulated that they do not occur with glottal tone, since doing so sacrifices nothing in terms of empirical coverage and does not force us to assume underlying nasal codas. Again, however, the analyses presented below are amenable to either set of assumptions. Two additional generalizations made by Green (2005) are contradicted by data from native Burmese words and so are not considered further here. First, the diphthongs /ei, ou/ are said to pattern with the diphthongs /ai, au/ by not occurring in open syllables (cf. Cornyn 1944, Win 1998 as well); however, several forms contradict this claim (e.g. /jèì/ ‘water’, /pwéí/ ‘gathering’, /pòù/ ‘to have extra’, /póú/ ‘insect’, /po̰ṵ/ ‘to send’). Second, the lax vowel /ɛ/ is included in the vowel inventory alongside tense /e/ and is said to occur in open syllables as well as syllables closed by glottal stop; however, /ɛ/ is actually never found to contrast with /e/ in open syllables in either native Burmese or the loanword data examined in this study. This vowel clearly appears to be an allophone of /e/ that occurs in closed syllables. 81 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese 2 Segmental mapping in loanword adaptation Where an English word contains a segment absent from the Burmese inventory, the segment in question is generally replaced by the closest correspondent from the Burmese inventory. With regard to consonants, the voiceless labiodental fricative /f/ is almost invariably substituted for by the voiceless aspirated bilabial stop /pʰ/ (cf. 1). This pattern of substitution applies regardless of whether /f/ is initial (cf. 1a-b, 1e-f) or medial (cf. 1c-d), holds for either orthographic representation (cf. 1a-d vs. 1e-g), and is the substitution of choice in online adaptation of non-words (cf. 1h). 2 (1) Substitution of Burmese /pʰ/ for English /f/ in loanword adaptations a. feeling > [pʰì.lɪ ̀ ]̃ b. film c. coffee > e. Philippines > g. Sphinx > [kɔ̀.pʰì] [pʰìlɪɁpàì ]̃ [sə.pʰɪ ̰ ]̃ > [pʰə.lɪ ̀ ]̃ [ɾàì p̃ ʰè] d. rifle > f. phone > [pʰóú ]̃ h. ‘fote’ > [pʰouɁ] The voiced labiodental fricative /v/ is usually replaced by a voiced bilabial stop /b/ (cf. 2c-f), which sometimes occurs in a cluster with the labial velar glide /w/ preceding /i/ (cf. 2a-b). Note that there is no similarly restricted distribution of /bw/ in native Burmese. Instead, the complex onset substitution strikes a sort of phonological compromise, essentially “breaking” the fricative into segments lying on either side of it on the sonority hierarchy: /b/ is less sonorous and reflects the obstruency of the fricative, while /w/ is more sonorous and reflects the continuancy of the fricative. In older borrowings, /v/ is replaced by /w/ alone (cf. 2g-h). 3 (2) Substitution of Burmese /b, w/ for English /v/ in loanword adaptations a. video > [b(w)ì.dì.jɔ̀] b. T.V. > [tìb(w)ì] c. Harvard > [há.bʌɁ] d. Chevy > [tʃʰèbì] e. David > [déí.bɪɁ] f. university > g. Victoria > [wḭ.tòù.ɾḭ.ja̰] h. November > [jù.nì.bà.sì.tì] ̃ [nòù.wɪ ̀ .bà] The voiced palato-alveolar fricative /ʒ/ is consistently devoiced to /ʃ/ (cf. 3a-d). 2 3 ̃ ̀ ]̃ according The only apparent exception is the word conference, which comes out as [kʊ̀ .pə.ɾɪ to Win (1998). This isolated instance of /p/-substitution may be related to the fact that /f/ here is surrounded by consonants, albeit sonorants, on either side (cf. /ˈkɒnfɹəns/), which might have the effect of masking or shortening the duration of the lower-frequency noise typical of /f/. A couple of different facts suggest that (2g-h) are older borrowings: the anomalous final creaky tones in (2g), and the class of words to which (2h) belongs – namely, words for months of the year, which generally show different patterns of segmental substitution than the majority of words in the corpus (Chang 2003). As for tones in loanword adaptations, Wheatley (1987: 836) observes that “the assignment of tones in the process is unpredictable”. This statement is not really true of the laryngealized tones (whose occurrence is largely predictable, as detailed below), but is true of the low and high tones (whose occurrence is not neatly correlated with, e.g., stress – see Chang 2003 for further discussion). 82 (3) JSEALS Vol. 1 Substitution of Burmese /ʃ/ for English /ʒ/ in loanword adaptations ̃ a. Indonesia > [Ɂɪ ̀ .dòù.ní.ʃá] b. Malaysia > c. Asia > [Ɂà.ʃa̰] d. television > [mə.léí.ʃá] [tè.lì.bè.ʃɪ ̀ ]̃ (W) Finally, the English rhotic /r/ (typically realized as an alveolar approximant [ɹ]) is either mapped to the palatal glide /j/ (cf. 4a-f) in older adaptations, or mapped to the alveolar flap /ɾ/ (cf. 4g-l) in newer adaptations. There is no apparent conditioning environment for these particular variants, and several words can occur with either. (4) Substitution of Burmese /j, ɾ/ for English /r/ in loanword adaptations [jà ]̃ a. radio > [jèì.dì.jòù] b. rum > c. Russia > [jṵ.ʃá] d. crown > e. April > [Ɂèì.pjì] f. Andrew > g. rubber > [ɾà.bà] h. rifle > ̃ [ɾàì .pʰè] i. steering > j. director > [dà.ɾaiɁ.tà] k. drum > l. brake > [bə.ɾeiɁ] [sə.tì.jà.ɾàì ]̃ [də.ɾà ]̃ [kə.jáú ]̃ (W) ̃ [Ɂɪ ̀ .də.jú] With regard to vowels, the low front vowel /æ/ is replaced by /ɛɁ/ (i.e. /e/ with glottal tone, cf. 5a-b), while the diphthong /ɔi/ is replaced by the sequence /wãĩ/, which always comes out nasalized even in the absence of a nasal in the input (cf. 5c-d). (5) Substitution of Burmese vowels for English vowels: /æ/ > /ɛɁ/; /ɔi/ > /wãĩ/ a. Jack > [dʒɛɁ] b. captain > c. boy > [bwáí ]̃ d. Joy > [kɛɁ.pə.tèì ]̃ [dʒwáí ]̃ The substitutions exemplified in (1)-(5) are the major areas where an English segment is mapped to a significantly different Burmese segment. The rest of the Englishto-Burmese segment mappings are fairly straightforward. English voiceless plosives generally correspond to Burmese voiceless unaspirated plosives (cf. 6a,c,e), while English voiceless affricates go to Burmese voiceless aspirated affricates (cf. 6g). English voiceless fricatives are mapped to Burmese voiceless fricatives (cf. 6l,n), with English /s/ going to Burmese aspirated /sʰ/ before most unreduced vowels (cf. 6k). English voiced obstruents generally correspond to Burmese voiced obstruents (cf. 6b,d,f,h,j,m). Nasals (cf. 7a-b), laterals (cf. 7c), and glides (cf. 7d-f) remain essentially unchanged. 83 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese (6) (7) Mapping of English obstruents to Burmese obstruents a. Poland > [pòù.là ]̃ b. bomb > [bóú ]̃ d. dollar > [dɔ̀.là] > [tà.jà] [kɪ ́ ]̃ f. guitar > [gì.tà] chocolate > [tʃʰɔ́.kə.lɛɁ] h. Germany > i. Ethiopia > [Ɂì.t ̪θì.jɔ́.pí.já] j. Netherlands > [dʒà.mə.nì] [nè.ðà.là ]̃ k. size > [sʰaiɁ] l. stage show > m. Mazda > [mà.zə.dà] n. hamburger > c. tire > e. king g. [sə.teiɁ.ʃóú] ̃ [hà .bà.gà] Mapping of English sonorants to Burmese sonorants a. May > [mèì] b. national > c. liberty > d. wine > e. queen > [lì.bà.tì]/[lè.bà.tì] [kwɪ ́ ]̃ ̃ [nèì.ʃɪ ̀ .nè] [wàì ]̃ f. Toyota > [tòù.jòù.tà] As for the rest of the vowels, English tense vowels generally correspond to phonetically non-short Burmese vowels – that is, vowels with non-short tones (cf. §1.1.1, Fig. 3). These may be tense monophthongs (cf. 8a-b) or tense diphthongs (cf. 8c-d). (8) Mapping of English tense vowels to non-short Burmese vowels a. CD > [sì.dì] b. university > [jù.nì.bà.sì.tì] c. B.A. > [bì.Ɂèì] d. Coca-Cola > [kòù.kà.kòù.là] On the other hand, English lax vowels are represented either by phonetically short or phonetically non-short Burmese vowels. Lax vowels followed by a nasal coda are mapped to phonetically non-short vowels (cf. 9b,h), as are the longer lax vowels /ɑ, ɔ/ (cf. 9i-j). When not followed by a nasal coda, the lax vowels /ɪ, ɛ, æ, ʌ, ʊ/ are sometimes mapped to phonetically non-short vowels (cf. 9a,c), but more often they are mapped to phonetically short vowels – typically those with glottal tone, which has the effect of laxing/centralizing the host vowel (cf. 9b,d,e,f,g). (9) Mapping of English lax vowels to short or non-short Burmese vowels a. cigarette > [sí.kə.ɾɛɁ] b. Living Color > ̃ [lɪɁ.bɪ ́ .kà.là] c. sweater > [sʰwè.tà] d. B.Sc. > [bì.ɁɛɁ.sì] e. jacket > [dʒɛɁ.kɛɁ] f. ‘vood’ (/ʊ/) > g. bus + car > [bʌɁ.sə.ká] h. number > [bʊɁ] ̃ [nà .bʌɁ] i. car > [ká] j. Johnny > [dʒɔ̀.nì] The low diphthongs /ai, au/ retain essentially the same quality (cf. 4d, 6k, 7d), while final schwa is always turned into a full vowel, whether in an open syllable (e.g. 2g, 3a-c, 6i,m, 7f, 8d) or a closed syllable (e.g. 2c, 6a,j). 84 JSEALS Vol. 1 3 The treatment of marked structures 3.1 Coda consonants In the previous section, several patterns of English-to-Burmese segment mappings were laid out. The vowel mappings apply quite generally, but the consonant mappings are mostly restricted to onset position; the treatment of coda consonants differs greatly from the treatment of onset consonants shown above. Coda obstruents, for example, are consistently debuccalized to the glottal stop occurring with glottal tone (cf. 10); they are almost never salvaged via vowel epenthesis. (10) Adaptation of English coda obstruents with Burmese glottal tone a. make-up > [meiɁ.kʌʔ] b. September > ̃ [sɛɁ.tɪ ̀ .bà] c. Tibet > [tḭ.bɛɁ] d. cigarette > [sí.kə.ɾɛɁ] e. cake > [keiɁ] f. Jack > [dʒɛɁ] g. club > [kə.lʌɁ] h. card > [kaɁ] i. plague > [pə.leiɁ] j. March > [maɁ] k. clutch > [kə.lʌɁ] l. college > [kɔ́.leiɁ] m. police > [pə.leiɁ] n. gas > o. size > [sʰaiɁ] p. English > [gɛɁ] ̃ [Ɂɪ ́ .gə.leiɁ] q. Joseph > [dʒóú.sʰɛɁ] r. Elizabeth > [Ɂì.lɪɁ.zə.bɛɁ] This debuccalization occurs regardless of voicing, with both voiced and voiceless segments being debuccalized (cf. 10a-f vs. 10g-i); regardless of place of articulation, with bilabials (cf. 10a-b), alveolars (cf. 10c-d), post-alveolars (cf. 10k,l,p), and velars (cf. 10e-f) all being debuccalized; and regardless of manner of articulation, with plosives (cf. 10a-i), affricates (cf. 10j-l), and fricatives (cf. 10m-r) all being debuccalized as well. This last result is especially noteworthy because the fricatives in (10m-p) belong to the perceptually salient class of sibilants, often exempt from neutralization or deletion processes that apply to other types of foreign segments in loanword adaptation (e.g. /s/ is given special treatment in Cantonese loanword adaptation, cf. Silverman 1992). Coda sonorants are also treated differently from onset sonorants. Coda nasals at all places of articulation are realized as nasalization on the preceding vowel, both wordmedially (cf. 11a,c,e) and word-finally (cf. 11b,d,f). Coda laterals, on the other hand, are simply deleted (cf. 12). 4 4 As for coda rhotics, the history of British colonial rule in Burma/Myanmar suggests that the variety of English in closest contact with Burmese was a dialect of British English, in which case coda rhotics were most likely absent in the input to loanword adaptation. 85 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese (11) (12) Adaptation of English coda nasals with Burmese nasal vowels ̃ a. champagne > [ʃà .péí ]̃ b. rum c. auntie > e. Singapore > ̃ [Ɂà .tì] ̃ [sɪ ̀ .gà.pù] > d. Spain > f. feeling > [jà ]̃ [sə.pèì ]̃ [pʰì.lɪ ̀ ]̃ Deletion of English coda laterals a. April > [Ɂèì.pjì] b. e-mail > c. Nicole > [nì.kóú] d. bicycle > [Ɂí.méí] ̃ [bàì .sə.kè] 3.2 Consonant clusters The differential treatment of codas and onsets illustrated in the previous section is reflected in a similar dichotomy between coda cluster resolution and onset cluster resolution. Consonant clusters in onset position are broken up via schwa epenthesis (cf. 13), while consonant clusters in coda position are simplified, like singleton codas, by debuccalization and deletion (cf. 14). (13) (14) Resolution of onset clusters via vowel epenthesis a. glider > [gə.laiɁ.dà] (G) b. England > ̃ [Ɂɪ ̀ .gə.là ]̃ c. Sprite > [sə.pə.jaiɁ] d. disco > [dɪɁ.sə.kòù] Resolution of coda clusters via debuccalization and deletion a. August > [Ɂɔ̀.gouɁ] b. Quaker Oats > [kwèì.kà.ɁouɁ] c. golf > [gauɁ] d. Egypt > [Ɂì.dʒɪɁ] e. ‘lasked’ > [laɁ] f. Charles > [tʃʰá] Onset clusters that are permitted in Burmese (i.e. certain stop-glide clusters) are adapted faithfully with no epenthesis into the cluster (cf. 7e, 9c, 14b). 4 Clarifying the status of distributional gaps In §1.1.2, several phonotactic gaps in Burmese were identified that seemed like they could simply be accidental. For instance, only three of the five Burmese monophthongs have nasal counterparts; /e, ɔ/ do not occur nasalized. Why should this be? It is not possible to conclude on the basis of this static pattern that there is a constraint against nasal mid vowels since there is no way to tell whether this distribution is the result of a systematic ban or a historical accident. On the other hand, loanword data help adjudicate between these two possibilities. As seen in (15), English words containing sequences of /ɛ/ or /ɔ/ and a coda nasal are altered in a variety of ways instead of being mapped to /ɛ̃/ or /ɔ̃/, indicating that a constraint against nasal mid vowels is active in the grammar. The gap is systematic and causes the vowel to be raised (cf. 15a-c) or diphthongized (cf. 15d). 86 (15) JSEALS Vol. 1 Avoidance of nasal mid vowels in loanword adaptations ̃ a. November > [nòù.wɪ ̀ .bà] b. December > c. > John > [dʒʊ̀ ]̃ d. form ̃ [dì.zɪ ̀ .bà] [pʰàù ]̃ The low diphthongs provide another example of this sort of distributional gap. While the mid diphthongs /ei, ou/ are allowed in open syllables, the low diphthongs /ai, au/ only occur with coda glottal stop. There is no clear phonetic reason for this kind of distribution, so it could simply be the accidental result of layers of historical change (its origins are in fact historical, cf. Wheatley 1987). Again, however, this gap turns out to be systematic and the result of constraints whose effects can be plainly seen in loanword adaptations. In order to avoid a low oral diphthong in an open syllable, either a coda glottal stop is inserted (cf. 16a-c) or the diphthong is nasalized (cf. 16d-j). (16) Avoidance of low oral diphthongs in open syllables in loanword adaptations [taiɁ.pʰʊ́ ]̃ (G) ̃ [sʰàì .kə.lóú ]̃ (G) a. glider > [gə.laiɁ.dà] (G) b. typhoon > c. Michael > d. cyclone > e. bicycle > [maiɁ.kè] ̃ [bàì .sə.kè] f. Diana > g. diary > h. Thai(land) > ̃ [dàì .jà.nà] [tʰáí ]̃ i. style > j. powder > ̃ [pàù .dà] ̃ [dàì .jà.jì] [sə.tàì ]̃ Glottal stop codas are yet another example. They have an asymmetrical distribution, co-occurring with high vowels, low vowels, and the mid front vowel /e/, but never with the mid back vowel /ɔ/. Given this negative evidence, we might hypothesize that there is a constraint in the language against mid back vowels before tautosyllabic glottal stops, and this hypothesis is confirmed by positive evidence from loanword data. English words containing sequences of /ɔ/ and a coda obstruent are altered in a variety of ways rather than being mapped to ɔʔ]σ, indicating that a constraint against mid back vowels before coda glottal stop is active in the grammar. In (17a), the vowel is raised; in (17b), it is diphthongized; and in (17c-e), creaky tone is used instead of glottal tone as the strategy for adapting the coda obstruent. (17) Avoidance of mid back vowels before coda glottal stop in loanword adaptations a. Ford > [pʰʊʔ] b. New York > [nə.jú.jauʔ] c. George > [dʒɔ̰] d. Scott > [sə.kɔ̰] e. hot dog > [hɔ̰.dɔ̰] Finally, nasal vowels are associated with a distributional gap as well. Though they occur with low, high, and creaky tones, they never occur with glottal tone, and this phonotactic restriction is reflected in the adaptation of English words with coda clusters comprising a coda nasal and a (voiceless) coda obstruent. Since the coda nasal must be rendered with a nasal vowel, creaky tone is used instead of glottal tone to represent the coda obstruent (cf. 18), in similar fashion to the alternate adaptation strategy used to 87 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese represent coda obstruents following mid back vowels (cf. 17c-e). On the other hand, in ND(Z)]σ clusters the voiced obstruents are simply deleted (e.g. 1e, 6a,j, 13b). (18) Avoidance of glottal tone with nasal vowels in loanword adaptations a. Sphinx > [sə.pʰɪ]̰̃ b. count > [kãṵ ̰̃] 5 An Optimality-Theoretic analysis of loanword adaptation in Burmese The phonological restrictions of Burmese that apply to the adaptation of English borrowings are simple to formalize and analyze in the constraint-based framework of Optimality Theory (henceforth, OT: Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004). The central tenet of OT is that surface outputs result from the interaction of markedness constraints against disfavored structures and faithfulness constraints against departures from the input, with the form of the ultimate output depending on how well it satisfies the most important (i.e. highest ranking) constraints in the phonology. From the loanword data presented above, we can deduce that there are several constraints against illicit structures. These markedness constraints are summarized in (19). For details on the formalisms, see Kager (1999). (19) Markedness constraints active in loanword adaptation a. *NOONSET: ‘Syllables are not onset-less.’ b. *CODA[place]: ‘Coda consonants do not have an oral place of articulation.’ c. *COMPLEXONSET: ‘Onsets are not complex.’ d. *COMPLEXCODA: ‘Codas are not complex.’ e. *Õ: ‘Mid vowels are not nasal.’ f. *ai/au]σ: ‘Low oral diphthongs do not occur in open syllables.’ g. *OɁ]σ: ‘Mid back vowels do not occur with glottal tone.’ h. *ÃɁ]σ: ‘Nasal vowels do not occur with glottal tone.’ i. *ə(C)]PrWd: ‘Minor syllables do not occur word-finally.’ These markedness constraints are counterbalanced by a set of faithfulness constraints penalizing alterations to the input. These faithfulness constraints are summarized in (20) and fall into three main families of constraints: DEP(ENDENT), militating against additions to the input; MAX(IMIZE), militating against subtractions from the input; and IDENT(ITY), militating against featural changes to the input. 88 JSEALS Vol. 1 (20) Faithfulness constraints active in loanword adaptation a. DEP: ‘Output segments have input correspondents (i.e. no epenthesis).’ b. MAX-ONSET: ‘Input onsets have output correspondents.’ c. MAX-CODA: ‘Input codas have output correspondents.’ d. MAX[nasal]: ‘An input [+nasal] feature corresponds to some output [+nasal] feature (i.e. no denasalization).’ e. IDENT[tense]: ‘Tense vowels stay tense; lax vowels stay lax.’ f. IDENT[place]: ‘Input segments keep the same specification for [place] in the output (i.e. no debuccalization, no changing of place).’ In general, the markedness constraints dominate the faithfulness constraints (M » F), resulting in changes to the marked structure in the input. For example, it is worse to have a syllable without an onset (cf. 19a) than it is to insert a new segment into the output (cf. 20a), which leads to the winning output candidate having a glottal stop onset in (21). /bi.ɛs.si/ ‘B.Sc.’ (21) ) a. bì.ɛɁ.sì b. bì.ɁɛɁ.sì *NOONSET DEP *! * Furthermore, it is worse for coda consonants to have an oral place of articulation (cf. 19b) than it is to delete the place specification of an input segment (cf. 20f), which leads to another possible output for /bi.ɛs.si/ ‘B.Sc.’ losing in (22). /bi.ɛs.si/ ‘B.Sc.’ (22) ) a. bì.Ɂɛs.sì b. bì.ɁɛɁ.sì *CODA[place] IDENT[place] *! * Consonant clusters are always repaired, suggesting that constraints (19c-d) are undominated. 5 Onset clusters in particular are repaired by epenthesis rather than deletion. In other words, it is worse to delete onset segments to resolve a cluster (cf. 20b) than it is to insert vowels to save onset segments, which leads to the ranking seen in (23). 5 This is not exactly right, as certain stop-glide clusters are in fact allowed (cf. §1.1.2). The ban in (19c) is analyzed as more general here only to simplify the OT formalization. 89 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese (23) a. ) b. /glai.də/ ‘glider’ *COMPLEXONSET glaiɁ.dà *! MAX-ONSET DEP * gə.laiɁ.dà ** c. laiɁ.dà *! * d. gaiɁ.dà *! * On the other hand, coda clusters are resolved by deletion rather than epenthesis. It is worse to insert vowels to save coda segments than it is to delete coda segments (cf. 20c). This ranking is shown in (24). /i.dʒɪpt/ ‘Egypt’ (24) ) *COMPLEXCODA DEP * *! MAX-CODA a. Ɂì.dʒɪɁɁ b. Ɂì.dʒì.pə.tə **!* c. Ɂì.dʒì.pə **! * d. Ɂì.dʒɪɁ * * e. Ɂì.dʒì * **! Returning to the case of glider in (23), the constraint *ai/au]σ and the constraint *ə(C)]PrWd prevent other possible outputs from surfacing. It is worse to have a low oral diphthong in an open syllable or a minor syllable at the end of a word than it is to insert (coda) segments or to change the place of a vowel (cf. 25-26). /glai.də/ ‘glider’ (25) ) a. gə.lai.dà b. gə.laiɁ.dà /glai.də/ ‘glider’ (26) ) a. gə.laiɁ.də b. gə.laiɁ.dà *ai/au]σ DEP *! * *ə(C)]PrWd IDENT[place] *! * Constraint (19h) against nasal vowels with glottal tone appears to be undominated as well. It is worse for this structure to appear in the output than it is to delete the input coda obstruent (*ÃɁ]σ » MAX-CODA), and deletion of the coda obstruent is preferred as the repair to this structure over denasalization (MAX[nasal] » MAX-CODA), cf. (27). 90 JSEALS Vol. 1 /kaʊnt/ ‘count’ (27) ) a. kãũɁ b. kauɁ c. kãṵ ̰̃ *ÃɁ]σ MAX[nasal] MAX-CODA *! * *! * ** However, given that the correspondent of the coda obstruent is deleted, there is actually a choice among three tones for the vowel. In this case, creaky tone is usually chosen over high or low tone, since the perceptual distance between an English ANT]σ sequence (where the sonorant portion is likely to be significantly laryngealized in anticipation of the final voiceless closure) and a Burmese nasal vowel with creaky tone is smaller than that between the same sequence and a Burmese nasal vowel with high or low tone. In OT these relationships of perceptual similarity are encoded in terms of intrinsically ranked correspondence constraints pairing segments or structures that are perceptually more vs. less similar to each other (cf. Steriade 2001). A subset of the correspondence constraints that are relevant in the above case is shown in (28). (28) Subset of correspondence constraints responsible for adaptation of English ANT]σ a. b. c. *CORR(ANT]σ~Ã̰ ): ‘A vowel + nasal + voiceless obstruent sequence in the input does not correspond to a nasal vowel with creaky tone in the output.’ ̃ ‘A vowel + nasal + voiceless obstruent sequence in *CORR(ANT]σ~Á ): the input does not correspond to a nasal vowel with high tone in the output.’ ̃ ‘A vowel + nasal + voiceless obstruent sequence in *CORR(ANT]σ~À ): the input does not correspond to a nasal vowel with low tone in the output.’ Of these three constraints, *CORR(ANT]σ~Ã̰ ) is ranked lowest, since the substitution of a creaky nasal vowel for ANT]σ represents the smallest departure from the input (cf. 29). /kaʊnt/ ‘count’ (29) ) a. *CORR(ANT]σ~Á )̃ *CORR(ANT]σ~À )̃ kãṵ ̰̃ b. káú ̃ c. kàù ̃ *CORR(ANT]σ~Ã̰ ) * *! *! As for the treatment of mid vowels, formalized in (19e) and (19g) are constraints against nasal mid vowels and mid back vowels before coda glottal stop, structures which are both illicit in Burmese. Loanword data reveal that preserving either of these structures is worse than altering the place of the input vowel (cf. 30-31). 91 Loanword Adaptation in Burmese /dʒɔn/ ‘John’ *Õ a. dʒɔ̀ ̃ *! b. dʒʊ̀ ̃ (30) ) ) * /fɔːd/ ‘Ford’ (31) a. pʰɔɁ b. pʰʊɁ IDENT[place] IDENT[place] *OɁ]σ *! * However, changing the quality of the vowel is not the only possible repair for the configuration of a mid back vowel before coda glottal stop; deletion of the coda is also attested. Thus, fixing this structure also appears to be more important than preserving coda segments (*OɁ]σ » MAX-CODA). In the present analysis, this variation in repair strategies is modeled by keeping MAX-CODA and IDENT[place] unranked with respect to each other. As shown in (32), this allows both the candidate with coda deletion and the candidate with vowel quality changes to emerge as possible winners. /skɔt/ ‘Scott’ (32) ) ) a. sə.kɔɁ b. sə.kɔ̰ c. sə.kʊɁ *OɁ]σ MAX-CODA IDENT[place] *! * * What determines which of these candidates ultimately wins, then, is the ranking of perceptually based correspondence constraints similar to those in (28). In the case of Ford, [ʊɁ] is apparently a closer match for the rhyme than [ɔ̰] (*CORR([ɔːd]~[ɔ̰]) » *CORR([ɔːd]~[ʊɁ])). On the other hand, in the case of Scott, [ɔ̰] is a closer match for the rhyme than [ʊɁ] (*CORR([ɔt]~[ʊɁ]) » *CORR([ɔt]~[ɔ̰])). Vowel quality is quite faithfully adapted otherwise. Lax vowel quality is maintained, even though doing so often requires inserting new segments not present in the input (i.e. IDENT[tense] » DEP, cf. 33). /lɪ.vɪŋ.kʌ.lə/ ‘Living Color’ (33) ) a. b. ̃ lí.bɪ ́ .kà.là ̃ lɪɁ.bɪ ́ .kà.là IDENT[tense] DEP *! * In addition, tense vowel quality is maintained in obstruent-final syllables, though it is laxed in nasal-final syllables. In other words, maintaining vowel tenseness (cf. 20e) is more important than representing an input (obstruent) coda, but less important than representing input nasality (cf. 20d): MAX[nasal] » IDENT[tense] » MAX-CODA, cf. (34)-(35). 92 JSEALS Vol. 1 /kwin/ ‘queen’ (34) ) a. kwí b. kwɪ ́ ̃ c. kwɪɁ a. bḭ b. bɪɁ IDENT[tense] *! * /vit/ ‘veet’ (non-word) (35) ) MAX[nasal] *! * IDENT[tense] MAX-CODA * *! The choice of creaky tone in (35) is again modeled with a set of perceptually based correspondence constraints (e.g. *CORR(AT]σ~Á), *CORR(AT]σ~À) » *CORR(AT]σ~A̰ )). A full account of these correspondence constraints is beyond the scope of this paper, but as noted above, they play a critical role in narrowing down the pool of possible outputs to the optimal candidate that ultimately surfaces. Abstracting away from these correspondence constraints, the constraint rankings shown in the above tableaux can be summarized as in (36). At the center of this network of constraints is the ranking MAX-ONSET » DEP » MAX-CODA, which captures the fact that onset segments are saved (by epenthesis when they occur in clusters), while coda segments are not – a dichotomy that reflects the typically stronger cues for consonants in onset position as compared to coda position. (36) Hierarchy of markedness and faithfulness constraints (cf. 19-20) *COMPLEXCODA *COMPLEXONSET MAX-ONSET *NOONSET MAX[nasal] *ai/au]σ IDENT[tense] *ÃɁ]σ *OɁ]σ *Õ *ə(C)]PrWd DEP *CODA[place] IDENT[place] MAX-CODA 6 Conclusion The results of this survey of loanword adaptation have revealed four main patterns in accord with the observation of Wheatley (1987: 836) that loanwords in Burmese “tend to be fully adapted to Burmese segmental phonology”. First, English segments with no close counterpart in the Burmese inventory are replaced by native Burmese segments rather than being imported into the language. Second, coda obstruents translate into glottal tone or, when glottal tone is not compatible with the vowel or would change the quality of the original vowel, by creaky tone. Third, consonant clusters in syllable onsets are resolved Loanword Adaptation in Burmese 93 through vowel epenthesis, while consonant clusters in syllable codas are repaired through consonant deletion. Finally, phonotactic gaps native to Burmese are maintained in loanwords via a number of different strategies even when they do not have clear phonetic motivations. Thus, the data in the present study indicate that the adaptation of English loanwords in Burmese is severely restricted by the constraints of Burmese phonology. References Armstrong, Lilias, and Pe Maung Tin. 1925. A Burmese Phonetic Reader. London: University of London Press. Broselow, Ellen. 2004. Language contact phonology: Richness of the stimuli, poverty of the base. In K. Moulton and M. Wolf (eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society, Vol. 1. Amherst: GLSA, 1-21. Burling, Robbins. 1967. Proto Lolo-Burmese. International Journal of American Linguistics 33(2): 13-15. Chang, Charles B. 2003. “High-interest loans”: The phonology of English loanword adaptation in Burmese. AM thesis, Harvard University. Cornyn, William. 1944. Outline of Burmese grammar. Language 20(4), suppl.: 3-34. 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Phonology 9(2): 298-328. 94 JSEALS Vol. 1 Steriade, Donca. 2001. The phonology of perceptibility effects: The P-map and its consequences for constraint organization. Ms., University of California, Los Angeles. To be published in K. Hanson and S. Inkelas (eds.), The Nature of the Word: Studies in Honor of Paul Kiparsky, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA in 2008. Stewart, J. A. 1936. An Introduction to Colloquial Burmese. Rangoon: British Burma Press. Wheatley, Julian K. 1987. Burmese. In B. Comrie (ed.), The World’s Major Languages. New York: Oxford University Press, 834-854. Win, Than Than. 1998. Burmese-English Accent: Description, Causes, and Consequences. PhD dissertation, Northern Illinois University. A LAYER OF DONGSONIAN VOCABULARY IN VIETNAMESE Michel Ferlus Independant Researcher <jrmferlus@orange.fr> 0 Abstract The present paper aims at demonstrating by means of linguistic evidence how the pestle used to husk rice was invented by the Dongsonians, the ancestors of the Vietnameses. That innovation spread in Southeast Asia as far as India, through the Austroasiatic continuum. 1 1 Background The place of the Vietnamese language (or Viet in its shortened form) in the Asian phylogeny has varied significantly since the first research on the topic was carried out. After being classified among the Chinese or the Tai-Kadai languages, it was finally bound to the Mon-Khmer family [for historical insight see Alves 2006] and more widely to the Austroasiatic family. The discovery (scientifically speaking) of conservative languages related to Vietnamese, made it possible to elaborate a Viet-Muong group (henceforth VM), or Vietic, and to reconstruct a Proto Viet-Muong (henceforth PVM). Some authors shed light on the close lexical relationship between the VM and the Katuic groups. Historically, it is highly probable that the VM group is the result of an ancient expansion of a form of Katuic coming from Northeast Thailand, which would have covered an Austroasiatic substratum localized in the North Vietnam (corresponding to the ancient Giao Chỉ and Cưu Chân). Vietnamese and Mường, its offshoot, include vocabulary and phonetic features which differentiate them from other languages of the same group. The subject covered here relates precisely to Vietnamese vocabulary with the initial x- supposed to belong to that particular substratum. 2 Languages and dialects of the Viet-Muong (Vietic) group A simple and practical classification of the VM is presented below. 1- Maleng : 2- Arem : 3- Chứt : 4- Aheu : 5- Pong : 6- Thổ : 7- Mường : 8- Viet : 1 Maleng proper, Malang, Pakatan, Mãliềng, Maleng Brô, Kha Phong (or Maleng Kari). Arem (or Cmrau/Cmbrau). Sách (or Chứt, or Salang), Rục. Thavung, Phôn Soung, Sô (or Sô Thavung). Pong (or Phong), Toum, Liha, Đan-lai. Làng Lỡ, Cuối Chăm, Mọn. Mường (or Mọl/Mọn); comprises many dialects of which, Mường Đằm, Mường Khói and Mường Tân Phong and Nguồn. written standard Vietnamese and its dialects. I cordially thank Frédéric Pain (Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium), a linguist specialist in Southeast Asia, who read the text over with the greatest attention. Ferlus, Michel. 2009. A Layer Of Dongsonian Vocabulary In Vietnamese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:95-108. Copyright vested in the author. 95 96 JSEALS Vol. 1 3 PVM initial consonants: an outline PVM comprised monosyllables CV(C) and sesquisyllables C-CV(C). The PVM phonemes (bold) and their modern Vietnamese reflexes (in italic and quốc ngữ spelling) are tabled below. pʰ tʰ ph th p b t d ɓ ɗ b~v m m m đ~d n n n v s kʰ t~r ɟ c h kh ch~gi tʃ x~gi k h g c/k~g/gh ʔ # ʄ nh ɲ nh ŋ ng/ngh j v d r l r l The aspirated plosives pʰ tʰ kʰ are not frequent and must have evolved from clusters of the type /plos. + h/. Obstruents p-b, t-d, c-ɟ, s, tʃ and k-g underwent two types of phonetic changes, (i) normal changes of initials in monosyllables, (ii) spirantization of medials in sesquisyllables [Ferlus 1982]. For example, the pair of initials p-b is on the whole represented now by b~v (b in monosyllables and v in ancient sesquisyllables). It must be noticed that, in the 17th century, v was rendered by ʗb/ʗbĕ in Alexandre de Rhodes’ dictionary [1651]. 4 The PVM initial tʃ and its place in Mon-Khmer PVM tʃ (Viet. x) while not frequent is attested in significant vocabulary. That proto phoneme is only attested in the northern branch (Viet + Mường). The comparison shows some correspondences between Viet x- and Khmu c- [Ferlus 1994]: Vietnamese xum ‘to get together’ xương ‘bone’ xoi ‘to dig, to sow, to pierce’ xẻ ‘to split’ Khmu cuːm ‘classifier for groups’ cʔaːŋ ‘bone’ cmɔːl ‘to dig, to sow in holes’ cɛh ‘to square off’ To support the correspondences put forward above, it should be added that Khmu underwent the following chain of phonetic changes: *s> h -- *c> s -- -- *tʃ> c *saːl > haːl *cɔʔ > sɔʔ *tʃuːm > cuːm ‘to peel’ (Phong Kenieng saːl) ‘dog’ (Viet chó) ‘classifier for groups’ (Viet xum) Apart from those correspondences, Khmu also attests many other examples of words with the initial c- : cit ‘grass’, cat ‘sour’, caŋ ‘bitter’, cuʔ ‘to want, be sick’, caːm ‘to weave a piece of thatch’, crnaːm ‘a piece of thatch’, … 97 Dongsonian Vocabulary In Sino-Vietnamese, x- rendered the Middle Chinese *tɕʰ [Ferlus 1992]. The place of *tʃ in Viet and Khmu raises some problems. That proto phoneme is poorly represented if compared to the major units in the system, but, nevertheless, it exists in basic vocabulary. As far as we are concerned, *tʃ is a residual phoneme originating in a North-Austroasiatic substratum partially preserved in Khmu and Vietnamese. 5 Morphological pairs of words (verb in x-, dérivative in ch-) 5.1 One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Vietnamese lexicon is to possess a short list of five morphological pairs made up of a verbal base in x- associated with a derivative in ch- with an instrumental meaning. Verbal base - xáy ‘dig, hollow, excavate’ / xay ‘grind, husk (rice)’ - xeo ‘lift up with a crowbar’ ‘to propel (a boat) with a long pole’ - xum ‘gather, form groups’ / xúm ‘gather, form groups’ - xỉa ‘pick, jab, to put on a stip’ - xỏ ‘sting, pierce’ Nominal derivative chày ‘pestle’ chèo ‘oar’ chùm ‘bunch, cluster’ chụm ‘assemble, gather’ chĩa ‘pitchfork, trident’ chõ ‘pan to cook sticky rice’ How could a nominal derivative in ch- (PVM ɟ), with a low serie tone, derive from a verbal base in x- (PVM tʃ), with a high serie tone ? Correspondences between the attestation of ‘pestle’ among the VM languages suggest an old -r- infix: Mường Cuối Chặm Sách Arem kʰaj² reː¹ riː¹ ⁿrɪː Another example can be found in Nguồn (a Mường dialect whose speakers were resettled in Quảng Bình): to the Viet chõ ‘pan to cook sticky rice’ corresponds the Nguồn rɔː⁶. The change /tʃ+ r/> ɟ is necessary to understand the relation between x- and ch- in the morphological pairs. That change is an isolate specific to Vietnamese ; in the other VM languages it evolved like current clusters /plos.+ r/ whose some examples are given below: PVM p-riː k-roːŋˀ k-raːp ɟ-ruː Proto Pong pʰriː¹ kʰroːŋ³ kʰraːp⁷ kʰruː² Rục priː¹ kroːŋ³ kʰraːp⁷ cəruː¹ Mường kʰaj¹ kʰoːŋ³ kʰaːp⁷ kʰuː¹ Viet say sống sáp sâ u ‘be drunk’ ‘ridge, back’ ‘wax’ ‘deep’ 5.2 The phonetic history of Lao attests a similar change which supports the change /tʃ+ r/> ɟ in Viet. Proto Tai possessed the two voiced palatal initials *ɟ and *z which respectively evolved into cʰ- (ช) and s- (ซ or ทร) in Thai, but merged in s- (ຊ) in Lao [Fang Kuei Li 1977]. A short list of Lao words with the initial s (<*z) underwent the change /plos.+ r/> z, the initial of the cluster being a coronal. 98 JSEALS Vol. 1 seːᴬ² (<*zeː) ຊ ‘river’ < Old Khmer *sreː ‘ricefield’ (through the semantic change ‘ricefield’ > ‘ricefield + canal’ > ‘canal’ > ‘river’). Not represented in Thai. saːjᴬ² (<*zaːj) ຊາຍ ‘sand’ < Old Chinese *sCraj [C-raj], shā 沙 [Baxter 1992: 785]. Thai ทราย. saːjᴬ² (<*zaːj) ຊາຍ ‘hog deer (Cervus porcinus)’ < Old Mon drāy, Modern Mon drāy kràj. Thai ทราย. sɔːᴬ² (<*zɔː) ຊໍ ‘two-stringed violin’ < cf. Modern Mon draw krò. Thai ซอ. sajᴬ² (<*zaj) ໄຊ ‘banyan tree’ < Old Khmer jrai, Modern Khmer jrai crej / Old Mon jrey, jreai. Thai ไทร. 5.3 The instrumental infix -r- can only be reconstructed after the PVM initial tʃ. That infix has only been detected in the North-Austroasiatic substratum of Vietnamese. In the MonKhmer languages of Southeast Asia, the most commonly attested infix is -rn- (in its full form) or -n- (in its reduced form). The origin of the infix -r- and its place in Austroasiatic morphological system are a new subject of research which will not be dealt here. 6 The morphological pair ‘to husk (rice) - pestle’ in PVM xáy ‘dig, hollow, excavate’ / xay ‘grind, husk (rice)’ > chày ‘pestle’ 6.1 PVM presents two basic verbs from which chày ‘pestle’ can have derived: (i) PVM tʃeʔ (xáy) ‘dig, hollow, excavate’ and (ii) PVM tʃeː (xay) ‘grind, husk (rice)’. The root tʃeː, which has a specialized meaning, must probably derive from tʃeʔ, which has a general meaning. Let’s now try to explain the phonetic change which led tʃeʔ (xáy) ‘dig, hollow, excavate’ to tʃeː (xay) ‘grind, husk (rice)’. It is a well known fact in general linguistics that a repetitive action is generally expressed by a reduplication of the basic verb indicating the simple motion. We can consequently supposed the following change tʃeʔ > tʃeʔ-tʃeʔ. Thereafter, the reduplicate form was reduced to tʃ-tʃeʔ, which is nothing else than a structural adaptation to a sesquisyllabic constraint. 6.2 Before going further in the explanation of phonetic changes which brought PVM to Vietnamese, it is necessary to point out some phonetic changes that affected Chinese and which occurred between the stage of Old Chinese and Middle Chinese. The formation of the Vietnamese language since its origin has been strongly influenced by some phonetic changes that affected the Chinese language. One could even say that the phonetic changes in Vietnamese are aftereffects of the phonetic changes that affected the Chinese language. Between the final stage of Old Chinese (2nd-1st BC) and that of Middle Chinese (7th AD), a phonetic feature of tenseness developed in sesquisyllables as a consequence of the coalescence of primary tenseness of initials in each syllable. Both separate tenseness merged into one stronger tenseness. By contrast, the feature of laxness developed in monosyllables. Consequently to monosyllabization, the tense~lax contrast (henceforth T~L) became relevant in creating two types of syllables which most sinologists name A and B. 99 Dongsonian Vocabulary C-CV(C) CV(C) > > CV(C)/T CV(C)/L (tenseness) (laxness) A B Thereafter, the T and L features modified the apertures of the vocalic onsets, lowering in A, raising and associated with breathiness in B. That theory was developed in our two communications at the 31st and 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics [Ferlus 1998, 2006]. It should be mentioned, however, that our theory is far from being accepted in the sinologists’ world. 6.3 By the Han time, the T~L contrast in the Chinese syllables was transferred to PVM in the same context: sesquisyllables developed a tenseness feature, while monosyllables developed a laxness feature. T~L contrast on PVM, however, acted differently than on Chinese. Those rather complex changes brought us to view two stages for PVM: an Early PVM and a Late PVM (the traditional PVM). That theory was presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, Mahidol University at Salaya, 2001 [Ferlus 2004]. In Early PVM, the tenseness on sesquisyllables caused the final -ʔ loss, creating so open syllables. Let us point out some examples illustrating those changes: Early PVM *k-maʔ *c-ruʔ (Khmu) (kmaʔ) (ɟruʔ) Late PVM *k-maː *c-ruː Rục kəməa² cəruː¹ Viet mưa sâu ‘rain’ ‘deep’ xay chày ‘to husk(rice)’ ‘pestle’ Concerning the vocabulary which interests us here: *tʃeʔ>tʃ-tʃeʔ *tʃ-reʔ --(cnᵈreʔ) *tʃ-tʃeː *tʃ-reː --nriː² In monosyllables, on the other hand, the final glottal stop was preserved (the presyllabic vowel was not taken into account as a presyllable): *əcɔʔ *əkaʔ *tʃeʔ (sɔʔ) (kaʔ) --- *cɔʔ *kaʔ *tʃeʔ acɔː³ akaː³ --- chó cá xáy ‘dog’ ‘fish’ ‘dig, excavate’ 6.4 To summarize: *tʃeʔ (xáy) ‘dig, hollow, excavate’. *tʃeʔ > (reduplication) tʃeʔ-tʃeʔ > (sesquisyllabization) tʃ-tʃeʔ > (tenseness and loss of final -ʔ) tʃ-tʃeː > (monosyllabization) tʃeː (xay) ‘to husk (rice)’. *tʃeʔ + infix -r- > tʃ-reʔ > (tenseness and loss of final -ʔ) tʃ-reː > tʃreː > (reduction) ɟeː (chày) ‘pestle’. It is clear that xay ‘to husk (rice)’ is the result of an old process of reduplication of xáy ‘dig, hollow, excavate’, while chày derive from xáy by the infixation of -r-. All changes involved in the demonstrations are in conformity with the regularity of the phonetic laws. 100 JSEALS Vol. 1 7 The morphological pair ‘to husk (rice) - pestle’ in Austroasiatic The vocabulary analyzed here comes from personal collected materials [Ferlus, Martin] and from linguists’ publications [Sidwell, Zide, Diffloth, ...] as well as of non linguists’ ones [Baradat, Skeat & Blagden]. The authors implied in works of liguistic reconstruction were conveniently not quoted. It was quite difficult to collect the two words for ‘to husk (rice)’ and ‘pestle’, particularly when they were scattered in general studies or lexicons in which target language is placed in input. There are often ambiguities between ‘to husk’ and ‘to pound’ ; the Western authors being sometimes not accurate on those technical actions, while are so fundamental in the concerned societies. Group/Language VIETIC [Ferlus] PROTO VIET-MUONG Viet Mường [Nguyễn VK 2002] Cuối Chặm Làng Lỡ ‘to husk’ (tʃeʔ >) tʃeː (xáy >) xay saj¹ (xay) saj¹ saj¹ PROTO PONG Thavung Sách Arem Maleng Kari muːl¹ cuk⁷ tlʊh kəluː⁵⁶ KATUIC [Ferlus] Suei Ong Kantou Sô kloh kloh ciklɔh KATUIC [Sidwell] PROTO KATUIC [2005] kloh Souei Sô/Bru klɔh ‘to pound’ təp⁸ tuːɲ² tùːɲ ‘pestle’ (tʃreʔ >) ɟeː chày kʰaj² (khày) reː¹ ʈeː¹ reː¹ ahəː¹ əriː¹ ⁿriː səreː¹ ntap nᵈrèː ndraj ntrɛː ntɽiː tap ntap ʔnᵈree ntre̤e ntri ̤i BAHNARIC [Sidwell] PROTO BAH. [1998] pəh ʔənrəj/r(ən)aj NORTH BAHNARIC [Sidwell] PROTO NORTH BAH. [2002] Jeh Halang Rengao Sedang Bahnar pɛh pɛhᵀ pɛhᵀ pihᵀ pej pɛh ʔəraj ʔədrajᵀ hədraj hədriiᴸ drajᵀ hdrəj SOUTH BAHNARIC [Sidwell] PROTO SOUTH BAH. [2000] Mnong Stieng Chrau pəh pɛh pɛh pɛh r-n-aj nɛ rənaj rənaj 101 Dongsonian Vocabulary WEST BAHNARIC [Ferlus] Laven Nhaheun Brao Sapouan Lave Cheng tpɛh tvɛh tvɛh tveh WEST BAHNARIC [Sidwell, Jacques] PROTO WEST BAH. [2000] təpɛh PROTO WEST BAH. [2003] tʔpɛh Laven/Jru’ təpɛh Nyaheun Sapuan BOLYU [Edmondson 1995] ɟaʔ ɟaʔ ʔrɛj ʔreː raj araj araj raj jaʔ jaʔ ʔraj ʔraj ʔraj ʔree ʔraj tən⁵³ xɯɔk³¹ jaʔ jaʔ MANG təː tuŋ KHMUIC [Ferlus] Khmu Phay Thin Pray Lamet Keneng Hat Khang Kesing Mul hic kʰəːt kʰəːt kʰəːt pɛh kal suʔ tɛpɛː bɔk cnᵈreʔ ŋgleʔ ŋgrɛʔ ŋgiaʔ ntroː kanrɛː ndraː heˀ hagɛ̀ː PALAUNGIC [Ferlus] ɗaʔaːk taʔaːŋ raʔaːŋ aduh ɗɔh ɗɨh ŋkʀej greː glɔŋ achom tah kujh taoh dəh tɨh blɔuh toh pɔuh toh grìʔ ŋɨʔ glìʔ ŋɨʔ nrɛʔ kʰɔuˀ grɛiˀ kʰoː toh ŋriʔ WAIC [Ferlus] pəʐaək vaˀ Sem Phalɔk Samtao lavɨaˀ La-oop Lawa PROTO WA [Diffloth 1980] RIANG [Luce 1965] rɛ̀ʔ DANAW [Luce 1965] réʔ MONIC Môn [Shorto 1962] yàik [jàc] yāk Nyah Kur [Theraphan 1984] jàːk rìˀ ri ŋrìːˀ 102 KHMER Khmer PEARIC [Baradat 1941] Pear, Kpg Speu Pear, Kpg Thom Pear, west Pear, east PEARIC [Martin] Samray Sɔmree PEARIC (various) Pear [Headley 1978] Saoch Chong [Siriphen 2001] JSEALS Vol. 1 bok puk kɤn kin ʔɔŋrɛː chhâk bok chhûk chhâk ken ken rôhi-i ré rôhi-i rôhik chuuk chɔɔk ken kɯn (rôhi-i) (rôhik) bɔt rəhiː ʀi kəhiːᴿ¹ [kəˈhiː] čhaːk tʰaːk cʰɔːkᴿ¹ KHASI [Singh 1920] ASLIAN Jahai [Burenhult 2001] Tembi [Skeat & B. 1906] Serau [Skeat & B. 1906] ’aṅræ synrei sntip/tɨʔ/sih/patɨm/tɨl gul rentik kĕnöh, kĕnuˀ (?) NICOBAR - - NORTH MUNDA [Zide 1976] Korku Ho Santali Santali [Macphail 1954] rumruuŋruṛuŋ- sok’ toko / tuki tok - taŋlad taŋlad ẽ(n)ṛi / eṇdi tiŋeʔ toŋkæ in(d)ri ɔŋrɨj pis/pøs [k]ɓok nrəyʔ / nrəəy SOUTH MUNDA [Zide 1976] Kharia Remo Gtaʔ Gorum Sora PROTO MON-KHMER [Shorto 2006] huṛuŋ General remarks: (see Summarized chart and map at the end of article) A remarkable fact arises from the reading of the table: the verbal base ‘to husk (rice)’ and the nominal derivative ‘pestle’ form a morphological pair only in the subgroups of Vietnamese, Mường and Thổ (Cuối Chặm, Làng Lỡ), i.e. in the most septentrional languages of the VM group. On the other hand, the same derivative ‘pestle’, recognizable by the presence of r in its various forms, is attested in the other VM languages and in most groups of the Austroasiatic family. The languages or groups of languages which attest other roots for ‘pestle’ are Bolyu (Guangxi - Zhuang Autonomous Region), Mãng (Lai Châu, Vietnam), the Aslian group (Peninsular Malaysia) and North Munda (India). As far as Nicobarese is concerned, it does 103 Dongsonian Vocabulary not seem to have proper vocabulary for rice and its culture ; the word for ‘rice’ (Nancowry arōsh, Teressa aros) is genuinely Portuguese [de Röepstorff 1875]. It is obvious that the derivation which produced the word ‘pestle’ took place in a northern VM language, direct ancestor of Vietnamese. From there, the object and its name spread through most Austroasiatic languages, as far as in India. In current classifications, Munda forms a clearly characterized branch within the Austroasiatic family. However, it seems surprising that the word for ‘pestle’ reached South Munda and missed North Munda. The Munda branch might be the result of a symbiosis of several waves of Austroasiatic languages coming from the Austroasiatic Urheimat, somewhere in the heart of China. 8 xeo ‘lift up with a crowbar, to propel (a boat) with a long pole’ > (cái) chèo ‘paddle, oar’ PVM tʃɛːw (xeo) and tʃ-r-ɛːw> ɟɛːw (chèo) must be reconstructed. Chèo must have originally named the long pole used to propel boats ; today, it means ‘to paddle, to row’, while cái chèo means‘paddle, oar’. The word chèo, verb or noun, is quite common among the VM languages and many languages of Vietnam and neighbouring countries. It is represented in Khmer by caew cæv ‘to paddle, to row, paddle’, while ‘oar’ is crəvaː cravā. In Lao we find sɛːwᴬ² (<*ɟɛːw) ຊວ ‘to row’. To the same word family we must add neo ‘anchor’, formed by the insertion of an old -rn- infix with an instrumental meaning: tʃɛːw > (infixation) tʃ-rn-ɛːw > (monosyllabization) nɛːw neo ‘anchor’. Note: (i) The infix -rn- has been preserved in some Maleng dialects of the VM group. For exemple, in Maleng Brô [Ferlus 1997]: se̜k - srne̜k ‘to comb - a comb’ tajˀ - trnajˀ ‘to light with a steel lighter - a lighter’ kɒˀ - krnɒˀ ‘to dwell, to stay at - a house’ (ii) The Vietnamese vocabulary attests many examples of the type xeo-neo which reinforce the reconstruction of an infix -rn-: đan - nan ‘to plait - bamboo split’ đút - nut ‘to cork (a bottle) - a cork’ chọc - nọc ‘to shake down (with a long pole) - a long pole’ xếp - nếp ‘to fold - a fold’ 9 xum ‘gather, form group’ xúm ‘gather, form groups’ > > chùm ‘bunch, cluster’ chụm ‘assemble, gather’ The place of xum in dictionaries needs some further remarks. Xum is not attested in the modern Vietnamese dictionaries, while in others, xum and xúm are presented as synonyms. 104 JSEALS Vol. 1 Father E. Gouin [1957] was the only one to establish a clear distinction between (in French) xum ‘se réunir, rassembler’ and xúm ‘se réunir, réunir, rassembler, convoquer, grouper’. This distinction can be interpreted as xum ‘to meet, to get together’, with an intransitive meaning, and xúm ‘to gather, to collect, to call together’ with a causative aspect. We can then reconstruct PVM tʃuːm (xum) as the basic root with the meaning ‘to meet, to get together’ and suppose a causative derivation, p-tʃuːm with the following chain of changes: tʃuːm > (prefixation) p-tʃuːm > (tenseness and glottalization) p-tʃuːmˀ > (monosyllabization) tʃuːmˀ (xúm). On the circumstances of the occurrences of glottalization in sesquisyllables, see Ferlus [2004]. Formation of derivatives with the infix -r- : tʃ-r-uːm> ɟuːm (chùm ‘bunch, cluster’) and (p-)tʃ-r-uːmˀ> ɟuːmˀ (chụm ‘assemble, gather’). The prefixed form p-tʃuːm gave giùm ‘give help, help’ by spirantization of tʃ in medial position: p-tʃuːm > (spirantization) p-ʝuːm > (monosyllabization) ʝuːm (giùm). Old dictionaries also attest gium ‘help’, giúm ‘to help each other’ and giụm ‘to put together’. The prefixed form passed in Khmer, prəcum prajuṃ, then in Thai pracʰumᴬ² ประชุม and in Lao, pasumᴬ² ປະຊຸມ. 10 xỉa ‘pick, jab, to put on a stip’ > chĩa ‘pitchfork, trident’ PVM tʃɛh (xỉa) and tʃ-r-ɛh> ɟɛh (chĩa) must be reconstructed. Derivative formed with -rn- infix: tʃɛh > (infixation) tʃ-rn-ɛh > (monosyllabization) nɛh nĩa ‘fork’. These words remain confined in the Vietnamese area. 11 xỏ ‘sting, pierce’ > chõ ‘pan to cook sticky rice’ PVM tʃɔh (xỏ) and tʃ-r-ɔh> ɟɔh (chõ) must be reconstructed. These words remain confined in the Vietnamese area. 12 Conclusions The PVM proto phoneme tʃ is specific to the Vietnamese language and to some very close VM languages. Words opening with the initial *tʃ (x-) are very few but belong to the significant vocabulary of everyday life. Correspondences with Khmu have been noticed. In Vietnamese, there are five morphological pairs of words associating a verb in xwith a nominal derivative in ch-. These five pairs are: (1) xáy/xay - chày, (2) xeo - chèo, (3) xum/xúm - chùm/chụm, (4) xỉa - chĩa and (5) xỏ - chõ. The verb expresses a basic action, while the derivative indicates an object or a concept related to the exercise of the action. Correspondences in VM make it possible to highlight an old nominalizing -r- infix with an instrumental meaning. Among these morphological pairs, the most striking is xáy/xay - chày. It was explained how from PVM tʃeʔ (xáy) ‘to dig, excavate’ was formed the derivative tʃeː (xay) ‘to husk (rice)’ with a more specialized meaning, and also was formed tʃreʔ> ɟeː (chày) ‘pestle’. Dongsonian Vocabulary 105 It was also noted that, in the primordial PVM pair tʃeʔ - tʃreʔ, the reflexes of the basic verb (tʃeʔ>) tʃeː ‘to husk (rice)’ remained restricted to Vietnamese, while the reflexes of the derivative *tʃreʔ ‘pestle’ spread in the most Austroasiatic languages. Bolyu, Mãng, Aslian, Nicobarese, North Munda and some languages of South Munda did not receive that derivative. We are faced to a rather exceptional case, considering the antiquity of the phenomenon, where a word created in a limited area invaded the quasi totality of a linguistic family. This phenomenon is not only of linguistic nature, it is also necessary to take into account also the technological component and more generally the level of civilization in the area of origin. It is obvious that the word for ‘pestle’ spread with the object itself. Such an expansion does not have any equivalent in the old times. It is the object itself more than the carrying languages, that spread through the Austroasiatic family. That means that the pestle was an innovating invention, the technical superiority of which was higher than all that preceded in the manner of husking rice. The complex ‘pestle - mortar’ (in French ‘pilon - mortier’), made possible a better husking of the grain than the complex ‘saddle quern - rubber stone’ (in French ‘meule dormante - molette mobile’) which might exist before. The other advantage is that ustensils out of wooden are easier to make than those out of stone. The continuity of the morphological pairs in a layer of the Vietnamese vocabulary (the layer of PVM tʃ) can only be explained if one population went on speaking the same language in the same place. Moreover, the verbs of the morphological pairs imply current actions, the nominal derivatives of which are ustensils or concepts useful in the everyday life: : ‘pestle’, ‘oar’, ‘group’, ‘trident’ and ‘pan to cook sticky rice’. The speakers of that language belonged to a culture which encouraged them to innovate. As the Đông Sơn culture (c. 7th BC to 1st AD), famous for its bronze drums [Parmentier 1918: Pl. IV, fig. l], was precisely located in the North of Vietnam, at the same place as the area of origin of our morphological pairs, one can conclude from it that this layer comes from the Dongsonians’s language. In conclusion: the Vietnamese language preserved a part of the Dongsonians’ language, and the Vietnameses are the most direct heirs of the Dongsonian culture. References Alves, Mark. 2006. Linguistic Research on the Origin of the Vietnamese Language: An Overview. Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1(1-2): 104-130. Baradat, R. 1941. Les dialectes des tribus sâmrê. Manuscript, École Française d’ExtrêmeOrient. Paris. Burenhult, Niclas. 2005. A Grammar of Jahai. Pacific Linguistics 566. Canberra, The Australian National University. Diffloth, Gérard. 1980. The Wa Languages. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 5(2). Edmondson, Jerold. 1995. English-Bolyu Glossary. Mon-Khmer Studies 24: 133-159. Fang Kuei Li. 1977. A Handbook of Comparative Tai. The University Press of Hawaii. Ferlus, Michel. Unpublished materials on several Mon-Khmer languages, specially VietMuong (Vietic) languages, collected in Laos, Thailand, Burma and Vietnam. Ferlus, Michel. 1982. Spirantisation des obstruantes médiales et formation du système consonantique du vietnamien. Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 11(1): 83-106. 106 JSEALS Vol. 1 Ferlus, Michel. 1992. Histoire abrégée de l’évolution des consonnes initiales du vietnamien et du sino-vietnamien. Mon-Khmer Studies 20: 111-125. Ferlus, Michel. 1994. Contacts anciens entre viet-muong et austroasiatique-nord. Kristina Lindell Symposium on Southeast Asia. University of Lund. May 16, 1994. Ferlus, Michel. 1997. Le maleng brô et le vietnamien. Mon-Khmer Studies 27: 55-66. Ferlus, Michel. 1998. Du chinois archaïque au chinois ancien: monosyllabisation et formation des syllabes tendu/lâche (Nouvelle théorie sur la phonétique historique du chinois). The 31st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. University of Lund, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 1998. Ferlus, Michel. 2004. The Origin of Tones in Viet-Muong. Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society 2001. Edited by Somsonge Burusphat. Arizona State University: 297-313. Ferlus, Michel. 2006. What were the four Divisions (děng 等) of the Middle Chinese. The 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, University of Washington at Seattle, September 14-17. Gouin, Eugène. 1957. Dictionnaire vietnamien chinois français. Saigon, Imprimerie d’Extrême-Orient. Headley, Robert K. 1978. An English-Pearic Vocabulary. Mon-Khmer Studies VII. Jacq, Pascale & Paul Sidwell. 2000. A Comparative West Bahnaric Dictionary. Lincom Europa. Luce, Gordon H. 1965. Danaw, A Dying Austroasiatic Language. Lingua 14: 98-129. Macphail, R.M. (edited by). 1954. Campbell’s English-Santali Dictionary. Santal Mission Press, Benageria, India. Man, Edward Horace. 1889. Dictionary of the Central Nicobarese Language (EnglishNicobarese and Nicobarese-English), … London, W.H. Allen and Co. Reprint 1975, Delhi. Martin, Marie A. Unpublished materials on Pearic languages. Nguyễn Văn Khang, Bùi Chỉ and Hoàng Văn Hành. 2002. Từ Điển Mường-Việt [MườngViệt Dictionary] . Hà Nội, Nhà xuất bản văn hóa dân tộc. Nguyễn Văn Lợi. 1993. Tiếng Rục [The Rục language]. Hà Nội, Nhà xuất bản khoa học xã hội. Parmentier, Henri. 1918. Anciens tambours de bronze. Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Exrême-Orient 18(1): 1-30 + planches. Peiros, Ilia. 1996. Katuic Comparative Dictionary. Pacific Linguistics C-132. Canberra, The Australian National University. Rhodes, (Père) Alexandre de. 1651. Dictionarium annamiticum, lusitanum, et latinum. Rome. Reprinted with a translation into Modern Vietnamese: Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội tại T.P. Hồ Chí Minh, Từ Điển Annam-Lusitan-Latinh, 1991, Nhà xuất bản khoa học xã hội. Röepstorff, Frederick. Ad. de. 1875. Vocabulary of Dialects Spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles. Calcutta, Superintendent Government Printing. Second edition: 1987, New Delhi, Asian Educational Services. Dongsonian Vocabulary 107 Shorto, Harry L. 1962. A Dictionary of Modern Spoken Mon. London, Oxford University Press. Shorto, Harry L. 2006. A Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary. Edited by Paul Sidwell, Doug Cooper and Christian Bauer. Pacific Linguistics 579. The Australian National University. Sidwell, Paul. 1998. A Reconstruction of Proto-Bahnaric. Thesis. University of Melbourne. Sidwell, Paul. 2000. Proto South Bahnaric, A Reconstruction of a Mon-Khmer language of Indo-China. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University. Sidwell, Paul. 2005. The Katuic Languages, Classification, Reconstruction and Comparative Lexicon. Lincom Europa. Sidwell, Paul & Pascale Jacq. 2003. A Handbook of Comparative Bahnaric, Volume 1: West Bahnaric. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University. Singh, U Nissor. 1920. English-Khasi Dictionary. Assam. [1993. Reprint Mittal Publications. India] Siriphen Ungsitipoonporn. 2001. A Phonological Comparision between Khlong Phlu Chong and Wangkraphræ Chong. MA thesis. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University at Salaya. Skeat, Walter W. and Blagden, Charles Otto. 1906. Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula. Two volumes. London, Frank Cass. Reprint 1966. Suwilai Premsrirat. 2002. Thesaurus of Khmu Dialects in Southeast Asia. Salaya (Nakhon Pathom, Thailand), Mahidol University, Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development. Theraphan L. Thongkum. 1984. Nyah Kur (Chao Bon)-Thai-English Dictionary. Monic Language Studies II. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University Printing House. Zide, Arlene R. K. & Norman H. Zide. 1976. Proto-Munda Cultural Vocabulary: Evidence for Early Agriculture. Austroasiatic Studies, part II. Edited by Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, and Stanley Starosta: 1295-1334. A husking rice scene engraved on a Dongsonian bronze drum [Parmentier 1918: Pl. IV, fig. l]. Museum of History in Hanoi. 108 JSEALS Vol. 1 Summarized chart: ‘to husk (rice) - pestle’ in Austroasiatic Groups/Languages PROTO VIET-MUONG Viet Mường Bì Sách Arem PROTO KATUIC PROTO BAHNARIC PROTO NORTH BAH. Rengao Bahnar PROTO SOUTH BAH. Stieng PROTO WEST BAH. Laven/Jru’ BOLYU MANG KHMUIC Khmu Thin Keneng PALAUNGIC taʔaːŋ PROTO WAIC RIANG MÔN KHMER PEARIC Saoch Chong KHASI ASLIAN Jahai Tembi NICOBAR NORTH MUNDA Korku Santali SOUTH MUNDA Kharia Sora PROTO MON-KHMER to husk (rice) to pound pestle təː (tʃreʔ >) ɟeː chày kʰaj² (khày) əriː¹ ⁿriː ʔnᵈree ʔənrəj/r(ən)aj ʔəraj hədriiᴸ hdrəj r-n-aj rənaj ʔraj ʔraj xɯɔk³¹ tuŋ hic kʰəːt kal ɗɔh toh yàik [jàc] bok cnᵈreʔ ŋgrɛʔ kanrɛː greː ŋriʔ rɛ̀ʔ rìˀ ʔɔŋrɛː (tʃeʔ >) tʃeː (xáy >) xay saj¹ (xay) cuk⁷ tlʊh kloh pəh pɛh pihᵀ pɛh pəh pɛh tʔpɛh təpɛh tuːɲ² tùːɲ tap jaʔ tən⁵³ tʰaːk cʰɔːkᴿ¹ kɤn bɔt sntip/tɨʔ/sih/… gul rentik - rum- huṛuŋ pis/pøs ʀi kəhiːᴿ¹[kəˈhiː] synrei sok’ toko / tuki tok taŋlad [k]ɓok ẽ(n)ṛi/eṇdi ɔŋrɨj nrəyʔ/nrəəy Dongsonian Vocabulary 109 MODALITY IN BURMESE: ‘MAY’ OR ‘MUST’ – GRAMMATICAL USES OF YÁ ‘GET’ Mathias Jenny University of Zurich <jenny@spw.uzh.ch> 0. Abstract The topic of this study is the grammaticalised uses of the verb yá ‘get’ in Burmese. Occurring in postverbal position, yá covers a number of functions, which are distinguished by syntactical means. I will look at the historical development of the processes involved, as well as parallels in neighbouring languages which suggest influence on or from Burmese. The main points to be investigated are 1. the semantics of yá ‘get, 2. the difference between free and bound auxiliaries, and 3. the future vs. non-future distinction made by verbal markers, all of which contribute to the grammatical uses of yá as marker of OBLIGATION or PERMISSION/POSSIBILITY. Finally an attempt is made at explaining the grammaticalisation processes in historical and general cognitive terms. 1 1. The semantics of the verb yá ‘get’ As a full verb, yá ‘get, receive’ expresses a non volitional event, excluding control by the actor. The semantics of yá can be summarised as follows: have´ (x,y); x = recipient (actor) [-volition], [-control], [+human/high animate] y = theme (undergoer) [± desirable] BECOME The ACTOR/RECIPIENT RECIPIENT without his remains inactive (physically or metaphorically), THEME comes to effort or influence, as seen in (1). Usually, but not necessarily, the theme is conceived as something desirable. The expression in (2) sounds odd to some native speakers, but is accepted by others. (1) θú ʔəphe ́ shi θwà tãì θu paiʔshã yá 3:gen father :gen prox go each 3 money get ‘Each time he goes to see his father he gets some money.’ 1 tɛ. NF Most colloquial Burmese data were collected with language consultants from southern Burma. Although mostly monolingual native speakers of Burmese with high school education, they might exhibit some regional differences from speakers of standard Rangoon Burmese in the use of grammatical elements including the ones described in this study. Transcription is in standard IPA, but [y] is used for [j]. Tones are indicated by acute [á] for the short high tone and gravis [à] for the long falling tone. The low-mid level tone is unmarked. Voicing of intervocalic consonants is indicated only where lexically relevant. Jenny, Mathias. 2009. Modality In Burmese: ‘May’ Or ‘Must’ – Grammatical Uses Of yá ‘Get’. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:111-126. Copyright vested in the author. 111 112 JSEALS Vol. 1 ʔəme douʔkhá ʔə-myà ʨì (2) ? θà ʔəʨãú son because mother suffering DVL-much big ‘The mother has to suffer a lot because of her son.’ yá tɛ. get NF The actor has no control/volition, so there are no imperative/prohibitive occurrences, as seen in (3, 5).2 The verb yá does not normally occur in desiderative contexts, as in (7), which, depending on context, is accepted by some speakers but not by others. If control or volition of the actor is involved, yá is replaced by the activity verbs yu ‘take’ as in (4) or khã ‘accept’ as in example (6), or the inherently desiderative lo ‘want, need’ (example (8)). (3) * paiʔshã θwà yá laiʔ pa! money go get IMPL POL ‘Go and get some money!’ (4) paiʔshã θwà yu laiʔ pa! money go take IMPL ‘Go and get some money!’ POL (5) * di lo douʔkhá mə-yá this sim suffering NEG-get * ‘Don’t get that suffering!’ (6) di lo douʔkhá (lɛʔ) pa nɛ́! POL PROH mə-khã pa this sim suffering (hand) NEG-accept POL ‘Don’t accept that kind of suffering!’ nɛ́! PROH yá ʨhĩ tɛ. (7) ? ʨənɔ paiʔshã 1m money get DES NF ‘I want to get some money.’ (8) ʨənɔ paiʔshã lo ʨhĩ tɛ. 1m money want DES ‘I want to get some money.’ NF Modal extensions are only possible with epistemic reading: (9) ʨənɔ paiʔshã yá nãi 1m money get POT ‘I might get some money.’ tɛ. NF Summary of yá ‘get’: X, which is always human or human-like, receives Y without own effort, control or volition. Y can be desired (as in (1)) or (in many cases less idiomatically) undesired (as in 2 Some speakers accept imperative and prohibitive uses of fixed expressions containing yá, e.g. θətí yá ‘remember’. 113 Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ (2)). Some backgrounded (often unidentified) entity (AGENT or FORCE) is implied as giver of Y. The transfer of Y to X (from Z) may be physical or metaphorical, i.e. X may be EXPERIENCER rather than RECIPIENT and Z may be STIMULUS rather than AGENT. The verb yá can said to have anti-causative semantics, backgrounding an underlying agent. Expressions involving yá can alternatively be expressed with pè ‘give’, adding the backgrounded giver as subject and turning the original subject X into a marked object (ko): X Y yá → Z X ko Y pè 2. Free vs. bound auxiliaries (V2s) Burmese syntax is strictly verb-final. The pre-(main)verbal position in the verbal syntagma is reserved for (partly grammaticalised) serial verbs indicating manner. Modal, aspectual and other auxiliaries always appear after the main verb and may be either free or bound morphemes. Some V2s behave like free morphemes in some constructions and like bound morphemes in others. There is also some fluctuation between the two types. It may be more accurate to speak of a continuum of boundness rather than seeing it as a binary feature. Operators expressing aspect (changed vs. unchanged situation), politeness and plurality are always bound morphemes and cannot be clearly seen as derived from full verbs. The final slot is reserved for verbal markers (VM) indicating tense/status (see section 3). As all V2s are believed to originate in full verbs, free morphemes are historically more recent than bound morphemes. Most of the free and some of the bound V2s still occur as full verbs, so that most modal constructions are semantically transparent, as in (10), where the V2 give expresses a benefactive activity ‘buy for (someone)’ involving a physical transfer, while in (11) it functions as main verb. (10) ʨənɔ θú ko sa.ʔouʔ 1m 3:GEN OBJ book ‘I bought a book for him.’ tə-ʔouʔ wɛ pè one-cl buy GIVE NF ko sa.ʔouʔ (11) ʨənɔ θú 1m 3:GEN OBJ book ‘I gave him a book.’ tə-ʔouʔ pè tɛ. one-cl give NF tɛ. Bound V2s are seen as older constructions exhibiting stronger grammaticalisation and being linked more tightly to the main verb, both syntactically and semantically. Many bound V2s occur as free morphemes in older stages of the language. While (12) is normal spoken language, (13) is acceptable only in LB and sounds rather old fashioned. ko pyò khãì tɛ. (12) ʨənɔ θú 1m 3:GEN OBJ speak order NF ‘I order him to speak.’ (13) ??ʨənɔ khãì tɛ. 1m order NF ‘I ordered (it).’ 114 JSEALS Vol. 1 2.1 Syntactic differences between free and bound V2s a. Subordinator Free V2s can (in some cases must) be separated from the main verb by a subordinator as in (14) and (15), while bound V2s always occur next to the main verb without intervening subordinator, as in (16). The choice of subordinator can vary according to the semantics of the auxiliary verb. (ló) yɛ̀ tɛ. (14) ʨənɔ pyɔ̀ 1m speak (sub) dare NF ‘I dare (to) speak.’ tɛ. (15) θu gəzà (ló) taʔ 3 play (sub) know.how NF ‘He knows how to play.’ (16) ʨənɔ mṍu sà ʨhĩ tɛ. (*mṍu sà ló ʨhĩ tɛ) 1m sweets eat DES NF ‘I’d like to eat some sweets.’ b. Negation The negation pattern for free V2s is either NEG-V V2 as in (17) or V (SUB) neg-V2 as seen in (18). The latter negation pattern is more common in CB and the only possible construction for some V2s. Bound V2s can be negated only with the pattern neg-V V2, as in (19). (17) ʨənɔ mə-pyɔ̀ yɛ̀ phù. (= pyɔ̀ mə-yɛ̀ phù) 1m NEG-speak dare NEG ‘I don’t dare to speak.’ phù. (= mə-gəzà taʔ phù) (18) θu gəzà (ló) mə-taʔ 3 play (SUB) NEG-know.how NEG ‘He doesn’t know how to play.’ (19) ʨənɔ mṍu mə-sà ʨhĩ phù. (*mṍu sà mə-ʨhĩ phù) 1m sweets neg-eat DES NEG ‘I don’t want to eat any sweets.’ c. Stand-alone Only free V2s can occur as one word expressions, e.g. as a short answer to a question containing the same auxiliary, as shown in (20). Bound auxiliaries must always occur with a main verb, as seen by the ungrammaticality of (21). (20) yɛ̀ tɛ ~ mə-yɛ̀ phù, taʔ tɛ ~ mə-taʔ phù ‘I dare ~ I don’t dare’, ‘I can ~ I cannot’ Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ 115 (21) ?? khãì tɛ ~ ?mə-khãì phù, *ʨhĩ tɛ ~ *mə-ʨhĩ phù ‘I ordered ~ I didn’t order’, ‘I want to ~ I don’t want to’ 3. Verbal markers (VM) tɛ and mɛ - modality, status or tense? a. REALIS vs. IRREALIS or NON-FUTURE vs. FUTURE The verbal syntagma in Burmese ends in a VM, i.e. an operator indicating tense and/or status. The VM is the only obligatory element in a verbal syntagma besides the main verb, while aspect, direction, manner, and modality markers are syntactically optional. The main VMs in colloquial Burmese are the following: tɛ mɛ pi phù nɛ́ só NON-FUTURE (NF) FUTURE NEW SITUATION (NSIT) NEGATIVE PROHIBITIVE HORTATIVE Lack of a VM is usually interpreted as IMPERATIVE. The NEGATIVE and PROHIBITIVE VMs always occur with a negated verb (main verb or auxiliary), while the HORTATIVE VM is only used with the verbal plural marker ʨá. The NF/FUT distinction is lost in negative contexts, unless the verbal syntagma is nominalised or used attributively (with some marginal exceptions). In the present discussion the two VMs indicating NON-FUTURE and FUTURE are of special interest. b. NON-FUTURE The non-future marker tɛ (and its attributive form tɛ́ and nominalised form ta) indicates that a situation holds at the time of speaking (22) or has occurred earlier (23), or that it is construed as certain or generally true. Burmese grammars explain tɛ simply as a “sentence closing word” (Myanmar Language Commission 1999:335) or as a verbal affix (kəríyawíbaʔ) of “past” and “present” tense: θi, ʔiʔ and pi cannot be used on their own as present tense or past tense verbal suffixes. The [temporal] meaning of the sentence depends on the temporal phrases in the same sentence to distinguish past and present meanings. (Myanmar Language Commission 2005:15) This VM has been described as realis marker by most western authors (e.g. Allott 1965:288 “realized”, F. K. L. Chit Hlaing and other papers in Watkins (ed.) 2005). This label is challenged by (24), which describes a past-unrealised situation. Sentence (25) clearly has future reference, thus challenging the analysis as NON-FUTURE. This expression seems to be rather isolated and the use of the nf VM may be explained by the fact that it is now already clear that the speaker will be free the next day. Another possible explanation is that tɛ expresses certainty rather than reality or past-present tense. Gärtner states that the marker tɛ fulfils 116 JSEALS Vol. 1 a twofold task: [...] it marks events happening at any time except the future, under certain circumstances it can also indicate determination with respect to future action, overweighing tense. (Gärtner 2005:109) This double function explains the seemingly contradictory use in sentence (25). ʨənɔ thəmi ̀̃ (22) ʔəkhú now 1m rice ‘I am eating now.’ sà ne eat STAY NF ká ʨənɔ yã.kõu (23) məné yesterday ABL 1m Rangoon ‘Yesterday I went to Rangoon.’ tɛ. θwà tɛ. go NF ká ʨənɔ ʔà yĩ ʨənɔ di ko la ta (24) məné yesterday ABL 1m free COND 1m this OBJ come NF:NML ‘If I had been free yesterday I would have come here.’ (25) mənɛʔ.phyã ʨənɔ tomorrow 1m ‘I’ll be free tomorrow.’ ʔà free pɔ́. RINF tɛ. NF c. FUTURE Labelled FUTURE tense by older authors (including Burmese indigenous grammars, e.g. Myanmar Language Commission 1999:242 as “word indicating future tense”), the VM mɛ (with the attributive and nominalised variants mɛ́ and hma respectively) is often analysed as IRREALIS marker (e.g. Allott, 1965:288 “unrealized”, Watkins (ed.) 2005). While (26) is plain FUTURE, there are obvious non-future contexts, such as (27) and (28). The former can be seen as expressing uncertainty (the same sentence with the VM tɛ instead of mɛ indicates a stronger assumption), the latter probably indicates relative future tense (if the second clause is not to be translated as ‘... I would give you some money’, i.e. FUTUREIRREALIS). According to some speakers, hma can be replaced in this sentence with ta without obvious change in meaning. As a the notion of ‘predictiveness’ is part of the semantics of future tense, modal use (hypothetical, assumptive, speculative) of future tense markers is very common cross-linguistically. (26) mənɛʔ.phyã ʨənɔ yã.kõu θwà mɛ. tomorrow 1m Rangoon go FUT ‘I will go to Rangoon tomorrow.’ (27) ʔəkhú θu sa yè ne mɛ/tɛ now 3 letter write stay FUT/NF ‘I think he is writing letters right now.’ thĩ tɛ. think NF 117 Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ ká ʔəlouʔ la louʔ yĩ ʨənɔ paiʔshã pè hma (28) məné yesterday ABL work come do COND 1m money give FUT:NML ‘If you had come to work yesterday I would have given you money.’ pɔ́. RINF The difference NF-FUT is neutralised in some kinds of subordinate clauses, as can be seen in the conditional clause of (28). The distinction made by the VMs tɛ and mɛ seems to be one of tense intermingled with degree of certainty, i.e. tɛ indicates NON-FUTURE/CERTAIN and mɛ FUTURE/SPECULATIVE. This description is compatible with Gärtner’s analysis (Gärtner 2005:107) of mɛ (and related forms) as indicating “hypothetical events: things that might happen or might have happened”. Events that, given other circumstances, would have happened as in (24) are marked as NON-FUTURE/CERTAIN, as there is no uncertainty or speculation about their happening (or rather not having happened). I prefer the analysis as tense rather than modality (REALIS/IRREALIS, s. Comrie 1985:50f, cf. also Bybee 1998) for a number of reasons, including the compatibility of tɛ with past counterfactual events and the obligatoriness of mɛ in future contexts, but not in modal contexts. Further research is required in this field, as in most aspects of Burmese grammar. 4. Grammaticalisation of yá ‘get’ Grammaticalised yá appears already in Pagán period inscriptions of the 11th and 12th centuries. The Old Burmese (OB) text is given here in traditional transliteration together with a Colloquial Burmese (CB) translation. (29) ṅrī ɲi ko ʔaluṁ ʔà.lõù roṅ ruy way ra yãù pì wɛ yá so tɛ́ mliy mye (OB) (CB) y.brother OBJ all sell SEQ buy get NF:ATTR land ‘the land which I was able to buy after I had sold everything to my younger brother’ (Ohno 2005: 295) (30) min taw mū mẽí tɔ mu piy pè rakā pukaṁ niy yəkà bəgã hma ne ra yá ʔeʔ. tɛ. (OB) (CB) order royal do give since Pagán LOC stay GET NF ‘Since the king has ordered it, he could stay in Pagán.’ (Ohno 2005: 295) (31) ʔarimittiyā ʔərímiʔtèyá purhā phəyà skhaṅ θəkhĩ ʔa-phū mə-phù ra yá Arimetteya holy lord NEG-behold GET ‘Let them not be able to behold the Lord Arimetteya.’ (Taw Sein Ko and Duroiselle 1919: 23, 25) pa ciy. se. 3 POL let (OB) (CB) In all these examples yá ‹ra› expresses deontic modality, i.e. the ability as in (29) or possibility/permission as in (30) and (31) of the subject to do something. In (29) and (30) ‹ra› occurs with the NON-FUTURe operator. The absence of a subordinator and the preverbal position of the negation marker ‹ʔa-› suggest that grammaticalised ‹ra› was used as a 3 The word order in modern Burmese optative expressions is irregular, with the causative marker after the politeness particle. 118 JSEALS Vol. 1 bound V2 already in OB. OBLIGATIVe modality ‘must’ in OB is expressed by the unrelated operator ‹rā›, originally maybe a nominaliser. The use as potential modal can also be seen in classical Literary Burmese (LB), e.g. in the 19th c. Konbaungzet Mahayazawin-daw-kyi chronicle: phãu-tɔ thɛʔ twĩ laiʔ yá θi. (32) θu tó 3 PL raft-ROY aboveLOC follow GET NF ‘They could/were allowed to go with them on the royal raft.’ (MYK2:121) (33) mí mother bá tó fatherpl mə-sò.ʔouʔ yá pa, tãì -nãi.ŋã sò.ʔouʔ θí rule NF:ATTR hãθawəti ko hmyá dominion-country OBJ as.much.as nãi.ŋã ko sò.ʔouʔ yá pa θi. NEG-rule GET POL Pegu country OBJ rule GET POL NF ‘I cannot rule over the whole country which my parents ruled, but I can rule over Pegu country.’ (MYK2:238) Sentence (34) shows yá with the future VM, indicating obligative modality: ŋwe khuniʔ peiʔtha ŋà shɛ pè yá myi. (34) ʔəphò value silver seven viss 5 10 give GET FUT ‘They had to give the value of seven viss and fifty [ticals] in silver.’ (MYK2:111) Both potential and obligative uses show yá as a bound V2, i.e. occurring directly after the main verb in (32) and employing the negation pattern mə-V yá as in (33). The 20th century Burmese version of the historical novel Yazadayit gives an altered picture of the use of yá as a modal auxiliary, corresponding to present day LB or Formal Burmese (FB) usage. While the OBLIGATIVE operator is still a bound morpheme as seen in (35), the POTENTIAl operator is separated from the verb by a subordinator, i.e. it has developed into a free morpheme, as in (36) and (37). 4 (35) [shĩ elephant yá myà ko] ɲá.ne PL myi hú OBJ ʨá hlyĩ myó twi ̀̃ evening fall when town inside byĩ.ɲà nwɛ́ mẽí θi. hnaiʔ θa LOC thà only keep GET FUT QUOT lord Nwe order NF ‘Byinnya Nwe ordered: “In the evening you must keep the elephants inside the town.”’. (YDY:115) khəlè ŋo θɔ ʨhɔ́.mɔ́ ywé mə-yá. (36) tə.kha.tə.yã sometimes child cry COND sooth SUB NEG-GET ‘Sometimes when a child weeps one cannot sooth him.’ (YDY:224) 4 POTENTIAL yá is used as a bound morpheme in FB in some conventionalised expressions involving verbs of perception (ʨà yá tɛ ‘can hear’, myĩ yá tɛ ‘can see’ etc.). 119 Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ (37) tə-phɛʔ hni ́̃ tə-phɛʔ ʔənãi-ʔəɕõ̀u one-side with one-side victory-defeat ‘Neither side could win or lose.’ (YDY:227) yu ywé mə-yá take SUB NEG-GET ʨá pa. PL POL In CB, there seems to be a strong tendency (maybe dialectal southern Burmese?) to drop the subordinator in POTENTIAL contexts and to restrict the NON-FUTURE operator to the POTENTIAL reading, while OBLIGATIVE yá remains a bound operator which most commonly co-occurs with the fut marker. Compare the FB and CB expressions in (38) and (39). (38) a.ʨənɔ di né pwɛ̀ θwà ló yá θə né pwɛ̀ θwà yá b. ʨənɔ di 1m this day festival go SUB GET NF ‘May I go to the temple fair today?’ (39) a. di né ʨənɔ ʨãù tɛʔ ̀ né ʨənɔ ʨãu tɛʔ b. di this day 1m school go.up ‘Do I have to go school today?’ là? là? (FB) (CB) Q yá yá mə/θə mə là? là? GET FUT/NF Q (FB) (CB) The affirmative and negative answers to the above questions are given in (40) and (41): (40) a. θwà b. go ‘Yes.’ ló yá yá tɛ. tɛ. θwà ló mə-yá mə-yá phù. phù. SUB GET NF go SUB ‘No.’ NEG-GET neg (41) tɛʔ go.up ‘Yes.’ yá mɛ. mə-tɛʔ yá GET FUT NEG-go.up GET phù. (FB) (CB) (FB & CB) NEG ‘No.’ The modal uses of yá can be summarised as follows: Table 1: Development of yá Potential Obligative OB (11th c.) V-ra [+bound], NF (?) (V-rā) LB (19th c.) V-yá, [+bound], NF (?) V-yá, [+bound], FUT (?) FB (20th c.) V SUB yá [-bound] V-yá [+bound] CB (21st c.) V (SUB) yá [-bound], NF V-yá [+bound], FUT 120 JSEALS Vol. 1 5. Explanations Three points require an explanation: 1. Semantic development (‘get’ > POTENTIAL and OBLIGATIVE) 2. Development from bound morpheme to free morpheme in FB and CB 3. The unusual exploitation of the NF-FUT distinction for POTENTIAL-OBLIGATIVE 5.1 The semantics As shown above, the verb yá indicates a situation that occurs to the subject without his own efforts and is beyond his control. Allott (1965:305) states that “ya. denotes a predetermined course (of action) about which the agent of the verb (if there is one) has no choice.” She goes on giving examples of different uses, some requiring the translation ‘have to’ while others must be interpreted as ‘can, may’. Allott then concludes that [i]f we examine a series of sentences containing the auxiliary verb ya. we get a large variety of translation equivalents, but it seems clear that we are dealing with only one word in Burmese. (ibid.) There is no question that from the Burmese point of view we are dealing with a single lexeme yá which covers a rather wide range of meanings and functions, but still the POTENTIAL and OBLIGATIVE functions are kept apart syntactically (s. 5.2). A conceptual parallel can be seen in Tagalog NON-VOLITIVE mood (named POTENTIVE by some authors), which is used to express actions or events over which the actor has no control or which the actor does not initiate (s. Kroeger 1993:80ff). The verb ‘get’ has developed grammatical functions in many Southeast Asian languages (s. especially Enfield 2003), usually as a postverbal modal indicating ABILITY and POSSIBILITY. This is easily explainable as grammaticalised function of a serial verb construction such as (42): (Thai) (42) khǎw càp plaa ɗây. 3 catch fish get ‘He can catch fish’ (< ‘he catches fish and gets one/some’) The use is then extended to purely modal contexts (with some languages retaining the old construction with different syntax), in some languages covering both deontic and epistemic modality. In most languages the postverbal modal GET is a free morpheme. The other common development is into a preverbal auxiliary, indicating that “V is true, and that this is because of something else that had happened or had become the case prior to this.” (Enfield 2003:142). Enfield’s description is kept rather vague in order to cover all functions of preverbal GET in his language sample (which does not include Burmese). The translations obtained range from ‘have (had) an opportunity to V (and thus V)’ to ‘V-ed in the past’, ‘get to V’ and ‘have to V’ in some instances. The latter is seen by Enfield as a pragmatic implicature or possible connotation rather than as an entailment of GET V, as is the past connotation Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ 121 present in many contexts. Preverbal get is a bound morpheme in most (if not all) languages exhibiting this morpheme. In Burmese the form V-yá can have the same function as get V in other Southeast Asian languages in some (usually negated) contexts, but this use is rather marginal and may be a more recent development under influence from Mon (or Thai/Shan). In Burmese there are two possible explanations for the grammatical functions of yá: 1. 2. V-yá developed out of a grammaticalised serial verb construction or resultative verb compound, as the postverbal GET in Thai and other languages. V-yá describes the result of some (prior) causative situation, which is beyond the control of the subject. This implicit causative situation is backgrounded. While the first development can explain the potential use of yá (which indeed seems to be the original function of V-yá) it fails to explain the obligative reading and the boundness of yá in older texts. The second approach is more promising in both respects and corresponds well with Enfield’s explanation for preverbal get and with the semantics of yá outlined in section 1 above. We may explain the V-yá construction as a kind of “anticausative”, i.e. the focus is taken away from an entity or situation causing the event described by V: Y CAUSE X V → X (DO/MAY/MUST) V or (in Burmese) Y X-obj V-se → X V-yá The implicit causing event can be foregrounded and expressed in FB by the postverbal auxiliary se ‘let, make so. do sth.’, a standard translation for Pali causatives (s. Okell 1965:203). The causative expression can have permissive or jussive reading, explaining the ambiguity of the V-yá construction. In CB V-se is replaced by V-khãì , with the semantically transparent khãì ‘command, order’ in jussive contexts and the syntactically irregular pè V (with preverbal ‘give’) in permissive contexts.5 This latter construction is obviously a very recent innovation not used in standard language and is seen by some authors as being the result of influence from Mon (s. Okano 2005).6 Applying the notion of Talmy’s force dynamics analysis (Talmy 2000 vol. 1, ch.7), one can say that an expression X V-yá indicates that a. b. 5 6 an unnamed Antagonist (Y) fails to overcome the Agonist’s (X) disposition towards motion (i.e. V) [if it is X’s desire to V] or an unnamed Antagonist (Y) overcomes the Agonist’s (X) disposition towards rest (i.e. not-V) [if it is X’s desire not to V] or For some speakers at least preverbal pè can also have jussive meaning, corresponding to Thai and Mon usage. The parallelism is more perfect in Thai and Mon, where the causative expression involves the preverbal operator GIVE, i.e. the semantic opposite of ‘get’, with both JUSSIVE and PERMISSIVE readings. The corresponding GET-V construction does not have OBLIGATIVE reading in either language, though. 122 c. JSEALS Vol. 1 an unnamed Antagonist (Y) causes the Antagonist (X) to V [if X’s disposition toward motion or rest is neutral or unspecified]. Semantically, a. appears to be the older use in Burmese. The use b. is a pragmatically based extension, i.e. a logic interpretation in situations where V is seen as unwanted by X. The common factor is that V-yá expresses a caused situation, differing in the disposition of the Agonist (and therefore the direction of the causing force or Antagonist). The third (marginal) function of yá (corresponding to preverbal GET in other languages) shows an neutral or unspecified disposition of the Agonist towards motion or rest, and a (rather weak) Antagonist causing the Agonist to V. This explanation is perfectly in line with Enfield’s analysis of preverbal GET in other Southeast Asian languages quoted above.7 As especially a. and b. came to be perceived as different notions, different means came to be applied to keep these notions apart. The means employed will be discussed in 5.2 and 5.3. The semantic development or extension from POTENTIAL to OBLIGATIVE readings or vice versa, though cross-linguistically rare, is not cognitively impossible and can be seen in some other languages. Swedish få (from a verb meaning ‘catch’) means both ‘may’ and ‘must’, depending on context, and dürfen means ‘may’ in New High German, but its meaning in Old High German was ‘need’, showing the inverse development. 5.2 The syntactic development We have seen above that in older stages of the language yá appears as a bound operator, while in later stages it is a free operator in one function (POTENTIAL). This development is rather unusual, as it seems to go against the normal paths of grammaticalisation processes (unidirectionality: a free form can become a bound form, but not the other way round). One possible explanation for this unexpected development may be internal restructuring. As the constructions involving grammaticalised ‘get’ are transparent in all languages of the region (‘get’ is never fully grammaticalised, i.e. it always also retains its lexical meaning), restructuring of the expressions is always possible. As V-yá took over a new meaning as OBLIGATIVE, the POTENTIAL could have been re-invented along the lines of the explanation given above, i.e. as a serial verb construction, in order to keep the two functions more clearly apart. The use of the subordinator ywé in LB, which corresponds to both ló ‘that, because’ and pì ‘SEQUENTIAL’ in CB obviously supports this explanation. The expression in (43) could be paraphrased as ‘Because he (tried to) catch fish, he got one.’ or ‘He (tried to) catch fish and then he got one.’ (43) FB CB θu θu ŋà ŋà phã̀ ywé phã̀ ló/pì 3 fish catch SUB/SEQ ‘He can/may catch fish.’ yá yá θi. tɛ. GET NF This re-invention of the pre-existing construction may have been reinforced by corresponding expressions in the neighbouring languages (especially Thai and Mon), with which Burmese has had intensive contact for many centuries. It is remarkable that the (preverbal) OBLIGATIVE marker in Mon (tɛ̀h from ‘(be) hit’) also is a bound operator, while 7 c. is here tentatively added to cover the third meaning of yá constructions. Further detailed investigation is needed to account for this function in Burmese and other SE Asian languages. 123 Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ postverbal GET for POTENTIAL is a free form. The situation in Burmese thus corresponds syntactically to Mon, although the lexemes involved are different. Sentences (44) and (45) are Mon translations of the Burmese examples given in (38) and (39) above, together with the corresponding positive and negative answers. (44) ŋuə nɔʔ ʔuə ʔa day this 1s go (45) ŋuə nɔʔ ʔuə tɛ̀h day this 1s HIT wɔ̀ɲ puə play festival tɒn kɤ̀ʔ ha? (ʔa) kɤ̀ʔ. / (ʔa) hɤ̀ʔ kɤ̀ʔ. GET phɛ̀ə ha? go.up school Q Q (go) tɛ̀h tɒn. HIT go.up GET (go) NEG GET / hɤ̀ʔ tɛ̀h NEG hit tɒn. go.up Burmese in turn has obviously influenced Shan, where preverbal get together with FUT/IRREALIS marking is used to indicate obligation (46) (unlike other Tai languages, which employ other auxiliaries to express obligation and necessity) and postverbal potential GET is used as a bound morpheme like in older Burmese but unlike other Tai languages (47). (46) tě lɐi hɐɯ kón pěn nɔ́n person be(.sick) lie.down ‘You must let the sick person lie down.’ FUT GET GIVE wɐ̂i. KEEP ʔɐ̀m lám lɐi. (47) nɔ̂ŋ y.sibling NEG guess GET ‘I cannot guess it.’ There seem therefore to be two layers of grammaticalisation, the results of both still being used in modern Burmese. The first development was an extension of the semantic structure of yá to take a sentential complement, first expressing permission (corresponding to a desired theme), later including obligation (corresponding to the more marginal use with undesired themes). Later a serial verb construction was grammaticalised to cover the ability meaning. A more extensive analysis of available historical linguistic data both within and outside Burmese is likely to shed more light on the direction of influence and path(s) of grammaticalisation involved. 5.3 The NF-FUT distinction The last point to be explained is the grammaticalisation of the NON-FUTURE/FUTURE distinction in CB (at least in some areas). This distinction is present only in CB, where the subordinator ló (obligatory in FB in most contexts) is usually dropped (but it is retained in example (50) below). Compare the similar situations expressed in sentences (48)-(49), the first without modal and NF VM, the second with OBLIGATIVE modality and FUT VM. (46) has the same temporality (this week) but the choice is for the NF VM to be used with potential modality. The FUTURE/FUTURE distinction is used for POTENTIAL/OBLIGATIVE distinction consistently only in present time or general contexts. In past and future contexts the tense distinction is retained, overriding the modal function of the VM mɛ and tɛ. 124 JSEALS Vol. 1 ʔəpaʔ tɔ́ ɲá.ne pãì ʔəlouʔ (48) di this week CHNG evening part work ‘This week I work evening shift.’ shi ̀̃ go.down (49) di ʔəpaʔ né tãì mənɛʔ.khĩ ʔə-sɔ̀ ʨì this week day every morning DVL-early big ‘This week I have to get up early every day.’ ʔəpaʔ ʔeiʔ-ya thá (50) di this week sleep-place get.up ‘This week I can get up late.’ tɛ. NF thá yá mɛ. get.up GET FUT nauʔ.ʨá ló yá tɛ. late SUB GET NF Apart from being a means to keep different functions apart, there might be some deeper cognitive reason behind the choice of NF for POTENTIAL and FUT for OBLIGATIVE modality. Probably obligative expressions are more closely linked with future tense in that it makes more sense pragmatically to talk about a situation that has to occur at some point in the future than situations that had to occur in the past. Many Burmese speakers avoid constructing sentences expressing NECESSITY or OBLIGATION with past reference. In these cases the plain verb is preferred. Bybee et al. (1994:258) state that apart from DESIRE “the other common agent-oriented pathway to future is that of obligation.” This can be seen in many languages around the world, indicating the rather strong link between the two notions. In Burmese the pre-existing category FUTURE seems to have favoured the OBLIGATION reading of the modal auxiliary rather than the other way round. A similar connotation can be seen in German sentences like (51), where the future tense is used to (indirectly) express an obligation: (51) Du wirst das heute noch machen. 2s FUT:2S DEM:ns today yet do:INF ‘You will (= have to) do this today.’ Ability on the other hand is rarely exploited to express future (Bybee et al. have only one language, Cantonese in their sample). They state (p. 266) that grams marking one or more of the meanings ability, root possibility, permission, and epistemic possibility are quite common, but their development into future markers is apparently not common. Permission or ability to do something is obviously more closely related to non-future tense. This distinction may have psychological reasons: The (desired) permission to V is seen to be present before the event has started, while the (undesired) obligation is put off to the future i.e. the actual start of the situation/activity (‘I will have to V’). The NF-FUT distinction to disambiguate the different kinds of modality is not fully grammaticalised, but it seems to be enough conventionalised that some speakers are unsure as to the correct expression of FUTURE POTENTIAL situations. Some prefer V yá nf while others insist on V yá FUT. In both cases yá remains a free operator. Without context, most speakers interpret yá tɛ as ABILITIVE and yá mɛ as OBLIGATIVE. Burmese ‘May’ or ‘Must’ 125 In epistemic function (NECESSITATIVE/ASSUMPTIVE), V-yá FUT is preferred, probably expressing a lower degree of certainty expressed by the FUT VM. 8 POTENTIAL epistemic modality is expressed by another V2 (nãi ‘win, overcome’), as seen in sentence (9) above. 6. Conclusion In Burmese, like in most or all languages of Southeast Asia, the verb meaning ‘get’ has developed different modal meanings. This grammaticalised use of get can be observed already in Old Burmese inscriptions. The stages of the grammaticalisation of the verb ‘get’ can be summarised as follows: • • • • V-yá expresses non-volitional, uncontrolled events (anticausative), usually positive for the actor → POTENTIAL modality (parallel to semantics of full verb yá with theme wanted/desired by RECIPIENT)., Use is extended to OBLIGATIVE modality (corresponding to main verb use of yá with THEME unwanted by RECIPIENT); old obligative marker is gradually replaced (still present in literary language). Potential modality is re-introduced from grammaticalised use of biclausal construction expressing ACTIVITY (volitional, conative) and RESULT (non-volitional, no control), possibly influenced by Mon and/or Thai usage (constructions semantically transparent in all languages) → new free operator for potential modality, occurring with subordinator. Subordinator is dropped in colloquial language, leading to ambiguity in some constructions → new distinction made based on pre-existing NON-FUTURE/FUTURE distinction (not fully grammaticalised, maybe dialectal), consistent mainly in present or general contexts, much less in past and future, where NONFUTURE and FUTURE are used to marked tense distinction. The development of potential modality (root possibility) in modern Burmese has been shown to be a case of re-grammaticalisation of the lexeme ‘get’ rather than direct development from a bound to a free operator. It seems possible that neighbouring languages such as Thai and especially Mon had their share of influence in the latter development. It is obvious that mutual influence including structural and semantic borrowing (calques) plays an important part in the history of the Southeast Asian languages, which have been in close contact for at least a thousand years. This influence in many cases resulted in reinforcing or accelerating language internal change such as grammaticalisation and restructuring of functional morphemes. Much of this mutual influence remains to be investigated, taking into account a greater corpus of historical stages of Burmese as well as of the neighbouring languages. 8 The epistemic function of V-yá mɛ is secondary and seems to be a more recent innovation, maybe an example of English influence in Burmese structure. 126 JSEALS Vol. 1 Abbreviations: ATTR Attributive Impulsive action POL Politeness particle CHNG Change of event/topic INF Infinitive PROX Proximative CL Classifier LOC Locative QUOT Quotation marker COND Conditional NF Non-future RINF Reinforcement of proposition DES Desiderative NML Nominaliser SEQ Sequential DVL Deverbaliser OBJ Object SUB Subordinator FUT Future PL Plural IMPL References Allott, Anna J. 1965. Categories for the description of the verbal syntagma in Burmese. In Lingua 15, 283-309. Bybee, Joan. 1998. “Irrealis” as a grammatical category. Anthropological Linguistics 40/2, pp. 257-271. Bybee, Joan, Revere Perkins and William Pagliuca. 1994. The evolution of grammar. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Chit Hlaing, F. K. L. 2005. Towards a formal cognitive theory of grammatical aspect in Burmese. In Justin Watkins (ed.) Studies in Burmese linguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 125-142. Comrie, Bernard. 1985. Tense. Cambridge: University Press. Enfield, N. J. 2003. Linguistic epidemiology. London: Routledge Curzon. Gärtner, Uta. 2005. Is the Myanmar language really tenseless? In Justin Watkins (ed.) Studies in Burmese linguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 105-124. Kroeger, Paul. 1993. Phrase structure and grammatical relations in Tagalog. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Myanmar Language Commission. 1999. khəyì shãu myãma ʔəbídã (Myanmar pocket dictionary). Rangoon: Ministry of Education. Myanmar Language Commission. 2005. myãma θaʔda (Myanmar grammar). Rangoon: Ministry of Education. Ohno, Toru. 2005. The structure of Pagán period Burmese. In Justin Watkins (ed.) Studies in Burmese linguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 241-305. Okano, Kenji. 2005. The verb ‘give’ as a causativiser in colloquial Burmese. In Justin Watkins (ed.) Studies in Burmese linguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 97-104. Okell, John. 1965. Nissaya Burmese - a case of systematic adaptation to a foreign grammar and syntax. In Lingua 15, 186-227. Pan Hla, Nai (undated). yazadəyiʔ ʔəyè-tɔ põu ʨã̀ (The struggle of King Yazadarit). Rangoon: Myawati Printing House. (YDY) Talmy, Leonard. 2000. Toward a cognitive semantics. (2 vols.) Cambridge: The MIT Press. Taw Sein Ko and Chas. Duroiselle (eds.) 1919. [repr. 1972]. Epigraphia Birmanica. Part 1. Rangoon: Government Printing. U Maung Maung Tin. 1968. Konbaungzet Mahayazawin-taw-kyi (Great royal chronicles) 3 vols. Rangoon: Lei Ti Mandaing Printing House. (MYK) Watkins, Justin (ed.) 2005. Studies in Burmese linguistics. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. SINGAPORE ENGLISH WH-QUESTIONS: A GAP IN THE PARADIGM Chonghyuck Kim, Qizhong Chang, Rong Chen Lau, Selvanathan Nagarajan National University of Singapore <ellkc@nus.edu.sg>, <g0700645@nus.edu.sg>, <g0600697@nus.edu.sg>, <g0600696@nus.edu.sg> 0 Abstract In this paper, we illustrate and explain a gap in the paradigm of wh-question formation in Singapore English (SE). We show that the simple assumption that SE question formation strategies are the union of the strategies employed by its parent languages, Standard English (StdE) and Chinese, is not sufficient to derive all the facts in SE. While SE wharguments can wh-move like StdE wh-phrases or stay in situ like Mandarin wh-phrases, SE wh-adjuncts have only the single option of wh-moving like their StdE counterparts. We claim that the lack of SE wh-adjuncts in situ is due to a universal principle, the Overt-overCovert Movement Principle (OCMP). The OCMP is shown to regulate the influence that StdE and Chinese exert on SE, and produces the wh-question formation pattern in SE. 1 Introduction Singapore English (SE) is considered to be a variety of English which Standard English (StdE) has transformed into over time under the constant influence of various Chinese languages spoken in Singapore 1 (Bao 2001, and virtually all the literature about SE). To use terms from contact linguistics, the superstrate, StdE, has shifted into SE under the influence of the substrates, the Chinese languages. Due to the mixed nature, SE generally employs more than one strategy to implement what appears to be the same construction. Let us consider how a relative clause is formed in SE for illustration: (1) Relative NPs: a. [the book [RC that I buy]] is on the table. b. [the book [RC I buy one]] is on the table. In SE, a relative clause (RC) can be formed in one of the two ways. 2 The RC construction in (1a) is identical to its StdE counterpart, and thus its source is no mystery. However, SE can also form a RC with one, as shown in (1b). 1 2 SE is also found in contact with Malay and Tamil, but their influence is limited to lexical borrowings. Since our focus here is on the structural properties found within SE, we exclude these languages from the discussion. SE has all the other ways of forming relative clauses StdE has, i.e., by using relative pronouns such as who, which, and etc. or a null operator. We do not discuss them since they are not relevant to the discussion at hand. Kim, Chonghyuck, Qizhong Chang, Rong Chen Lau, Selvanathan Nagarajan. 2009. Singapore English WhQuestions: A Gap In The Paradigm. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:127-140. Copyright vested in the authors. 127 128 JSEALS Vol. 1 The existence of a deviating construction such as the one in (1b) makes SE theoretically significant, because an analysis of the construction will necessarily involve addressing important questions such as (i) what is its structure?, (ii) why SE has come to have this structure, and (iii) why are the other logically possible structures not attested? Answering these would lead to a better understanding of how relevant individual languages interact to create the deviating construction and the role of universal grammar in its making. Turning back to the specific case in (1b), we may, following Alsagoff and Ho (1998) and Bao (manuscript), assimilate SE one to the Chinese relativizer de in (2a) which takes its sentential complement to its left and the SE order between the RC and its head to that of English counterpart in (2b), which captures the word order in (2c(=1b)): (2) Relativized NPs in Chinese, StdE, and SE: a. Chinese: [I buy de] book [S-R]-N b. StdE: the book [that I bought] N-[R-S] c. SE: the book [I buy one] N-[S-R] (S=Sentence, R=Relative Marker, N=Noun) Attributing the deviating structure in (2c) to the properties of the RCs in StdE and Chinese seems to be the right approach, especially given the origins of SE. This approach, however, will also need to address questions such as (i) why one, which can never be used as a relativizer in StdE, can be used as a relativizer in SE and (ii) why the English word order is chosen for the order between the RC and its head, not the Chinese word order, as in the following logically possible but ungrammatical construction: (3) *[I buy one] the book. [S-R]-N In the process of answering these questions, we will attain an understanding of how a simple pronominal element one in one language (StdE) can extend its ability to take on an additional role as a relativizer in another language (SE) and why a specific word order gets to be chosen among the competing options. In this paper, we investigate wh-question formation in SE, which raises similar sorts of questions to the ones we illustrated above with regard to the SE relative clause formation. Whereas previous studies on SE question formation (Bao 2001, Chow 1995, Ho 2000, among others) have focused on the discoursal properties of question formation, here we examine the formal syntactic properties of question formation in the language. Our main claim is that SE wh-question formation is best understood as a combination of the StdE and Chinese strategies with a universal principle regulating the combination. In section 2, we show that SE employs two strategies to form a wh-question when the wh-phrase is an argument, which raises the question of how to account for the strategy that deviates from the StdE strategy. However, when the wh-phrase is an adjunct, only one strategy which is the StdE strategy can be used. The deviating strategy is not allowed. We illustrate this argument-adjunct asymmetry, and show that although the behaviour of wharguments can be explained by simply attributing it to the influences of StdE and Chinese, the behavior of wh-adjuncts cannot be handled in the same way. In section 3, we address the question of why only one strategy is employed for wh-adjuncts and propose, as an answer, a principle called the Overt-over-Covert Movement Principle. The proposed Singapore English Wh-Questions 129 principle makes language-internal and cross-linguistic predictions regarding movement. In Section 4, we show that the predictions are correct. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Argument and adjunct asymmetry in SE wh-questions 2.1 SE wh-arguments – two question formation strategies In a SE question, the wh-argument can be overtly realized at the front of a clause, as in (4), or left in-situ, as in (5): (4) SE fronting of wh-arguments a. What Mary eat? b. Who Mary like? (5) SE wh-in-situ a. Mary eat what? b. Mary like who? One strategy involves the wh-argument displaced from its thematic position, while the other involves the wh-argument remaining in the thematic position. 2.2 SE wh-fronting is StdE wh-movement The fact that SE can have the wh-argument at the initial position of a sentence is not surprising, given the fact that StdE is a parent language of SE and that it forms a question with a wh-phrase at the initial position of a sentence, as shown in (6) and (7): (6) (7) wh-question in StdE a. What did Mary eat? b. *Mary eats what? a. Who does Mary like? b. *Mary likes who? The similarity between (4) and (6a/7a) suggests that the mechanism responsible for whquestion formation in StdE is also at work to produce the wh-argument at the initial positions of the sentences in (4) in SE. Wh-fronting in SE shares other defining properties associated with StdE whquestions. In StdE, a wh-phrase undergoes obligatory movement to [Spec, CP] and, in doing so, it obeys subjacency constraints (successive cyclic movement). The following example indicates that a wh-phrase must occupy [Spec, CP]: (8) wh-movement to [Spec, CP] of StdE [IP John knows [CP (*that/*whether/*if) whoi Mary kissed.]] When who in the embedded clause follows that, whether, or if, the sentence is ungrammatical. They must be absent in order for the sentence to be grammatical. The ungrammaticality of the sentences with who following the realized complementizer is standardly attributed to the fact that who is not in [Spec, CP]. When the complementizers 130 JSEALS Vol. 1 are absent, who can be in [Spec, CP] and the sentence is grammatical 3. Sentence (9), SE’s counterpart of (8), shows that SE wh-questions also face the same restriction when the whelement is fronted: (9) Wh-movement to [Spec, CP] of SE John know [CP (*that/*whether/*if) whoi Mary like.] Wh-movement in StdE is constrained by the Subjacency Condition (Chomsky 1986): wh-phrases cannot move out of islands (Ross 1967). For instance, a wh-phrase cannot move out of a Complex NP (Complex NP Constraint (CNPC)), as illustrated in (10a). Contrast (10a) with (10b) in which no islands are crossed by the fronted wh-phrase: CNPC and StdE wh-arguments (10) a. *Whoi did the boy say [IP John likes [DP the man that [IP beat ti]]? b. Whoi did the boy say [IP John likes ti]]? SE wh-fronting behaves in exactly the same way as StdE, indicating that the same mechanism is at work in both languages: CNPC and SE wh-arguments (11) a. *Whoi the boy say [DP John like the man that [IP beat ti]]? b. Whoi the boy say [IP John like ti]]? We have shown that fronting of SE wh-arguments behaves exactly like StdE whmovement with respect to its landing site and the Subjacency Condition. With this, we conclude that wh-fronting in SE is the same as wh-movement in StdE. 2.3 SE wh-in situ is Chinese wh-in situ Since StdE wh-questions cannot have a wh-element in situ, 4 it clearly cannot be the reason why CSE has wh-in-situ as one of its question formation strategies. Chinese, which is another parent language for SE, is the natural source that could have contributed to this strategy in SE. Chinese wh-arguments can only be in-situ. As shown by the contrast in (12), a whargument must stay in the position where it receives its thematic role: Chinese wh-argument in-situ (12) a. Meili chi shenme? Meili eat WHAT What did Mary eat? b. *Shenme Meili chi? 3 4 A parallel point to this is that even if we were to switch the position of the complementizer and the wh-element such that the wh-element precedes the complementizer, the sentence will still be ungrammatical. But, this ungrammaticality is due to an independent constraint, the Doubly Filled Comp Filter. We do not consider questions with multiple wh-phrases in this paper. Singapore English Wh-Questions 131 Besides, Chinese wh-arguments are known to be not subject to any movement diagnostics such as intervention effects (Hagstrom 1998) or Subjacency. Sentence (13) illustrates the lack of intervention effects with Chinese wh-arguments: Absence of intervention effects for Chinese wh-in-situ (13) Meili meiyou chi shenme? Meili NEG eat WHAT What didn’t Meili eat? Even if the NEG mei intervenes between the wh-element and its scope position, the sentence can still be interpreted as a question. The insensitivity of Chinese wh-arguments to islands is illustrated in (14). In sentence (14), the wh-element shenme can appear inside an island, CNPC, and the sentence is still grammatical: Absence of subjacency violation for Chinese wh-arguments (14) Mama da-le [DP [IP chi shenme de] nanhai]? Mother hit-LE eat WHAT COMP boy Intended meaning: For which x, mother beat the boy who ate x? SE wh-arguments in-situ behave exactly the same as Chinese wh-arguments in-situ with respects to intervention effects and the CNPC. First, they are impervious to intervention effects: Absence of intervention effects for SE wh-in-situ (15) John doesn’t like who? In (15), the SE wh-argument who can occur after negation and still be interpretable as a question just like the Chinese example in (13). Furthermore, SE, which does obey the Subjacency Condition when the wh-element is fronted, does not obey this condition when the wh-element is in-situ. This can be seen in (16): Absence of subjacency violation for SE wh-arguments in-situ (16) The boy see [DP the man that [IP beat who]]? We conclude that wh-arguments in-situ in SE come from Chinese. To put the conclusions together drawn in this subsection and the previous subsection, the wh-fronting in SE comes from StdE wh-movement and the deviant structure of wh-in-situ in SE comes from Chinese. 2.4 SE wh-adjuncts – asymmetrical behavior with wh-arguments Turning to wh-adjuncts in SE, unlike wh-arguments which can move or remain in-situ, they can only be fronted, as shown in (17) and (18): 132 JSEALS Vol. 1 Wh-movement in CSE wh-adjuncts (17) a. Whyi Mary like Tom ti? b. *Mary like Tom why? (18) a. Howi Mary do her work ti? b. *Mary do her work how? As with their argument counterparts, the fronting of SE wh-adjuncts exhibits the characteristics of StdE wh-movement. SE wh-adjuncts can move only to [Spec, CP], as shown in (19), and they are sensitive to island constraints, as shown in (20): wh-movement to [Spec, CP] of SE wh-adjuncts (19) [IP John know [CP (*that/*whether/*if) [IP why Mary like him ti]]]? Complex NP Constraint (CNPC) in SE wh-adjuncts (20) *Whyi the boy see [DP the girl that [IP kill the fish ti]]? Given the fact that SE wh-adjuncts cannot remain in-situ, the question of why this should be the case becomes pertinent. If SE wh-arguments can either wh-move or remain in-situ due to StdE and Chinese influence, why is this not the case for SE wh-adjuncts? After all, Chinese wh-adjuncts also remain in-situ, as shown in (21) and (22). Chinese wh-adjunct in-situ (21) Meili weishenme chi pingguo? Meili WHY eat apple Why did Meili eat the apple? (22) Meili zenme zhidao zhenxiang? Meili HOW know truth How did Meili know the truth? It seems that a simple replication of the question formation structures in StdE and Chinese into SE is not a viable option. There is a restriction that prevents SE wh-adjuncts from following Chinese wh-adjuncts, and being in-situ. Furthermore, there is the question of why it should be Chinese wh-adjunct in-situ which is forming the gap in the paradigm of SE wh-questions. In other words, is there a principled reason why StdE wh-movement was adopted by SE wh-adjuncts rather than Chinese wh-adjuncts in-situ? The various whquestion formation strategies in SE and their influences are summarized in Table 1 below. Table 1: the SE Wh-Question Formation Strategies StdE wh-Movement Chinese wh-in-situ SE wh-Arguments Yes Yes SE wh-Adjuncts Yes No Recall the Relative Clause data discussed in the introduction. We showed how a simple adoption of StdE and Chinese RC formation strategies cannot be the complete answer as to how the SE RCs are formed. This is because there is a gap in the full Singapore English Wh-Questions 133 paradigm of RCs allowed in SE. To reiterate, while the internal RC structure of Chinese and the position of the nominal head relative to the RC of StdE is adopted by SE as can be seen in (23c), both internal RC structure and position of the nominal head relative to the RC of Chinese is not seen in SE. This is shown in (23d). While we do not have an answer for why this gap exists for the RC structure in SE, we believe we have the solution for why SE wh-question formation shows the gap illustrated in Table 1 and this is dealt with in the next section. Specifically, we will answer the following two questions, i) why can’t SE whadjuncts remain in-situ like their Chinese counterparts, ii) what is the reason for the gap to be with Chinese wh-adjunct in-situ and not StdE wh-adjunct movement? (23(=2)) Relativized NPs in Chinese, StdE, and SE a. Chinese: [I buy de] book [S-R]-N b. StdE: the book [that I bought] N-[R-S] c. SE: the book [I buy one] N-[S-R] d. *[I buy one] the book. [S-R]-N 3 Overt-Over-Covert Movement Principle 3.1 Two types of Chinese wh-in-situ The simple assumption that SE adopted wh-movement from StdE and wh-in-situ from Chinese respectively cannot account for the lack of in-situ wh-adjuncts in SE, especially since Chinese wh-adjuncts are located in-situ, as illustrated in (21-22), much like the Chinese wh-argument data in (12). In order to determine why SE wh-adjuncts have not adopted the Chinese in-situ strategy, we first need to scrutinize the mechanism of Chinese wh-in-situ. It is well known that Chinese wh-arguments and wh-adjuncts, while they look the same on the surface, behave differently in terms of movement possibilities (Soh 2005). While the wh-argument shenme in (24) can appear inside an island, a complex NP, and still take matrix scope, the wh-adjunct weishenme in (25) cannot appear inside an island: CNPC and Chinese wh-argument in-situ (24) Mama da-le [DP [IP chi shenme de] nanhai]? Mother hit-LE eat WHAT COMP boy Intended Meaning: For which x, Mother beat the boy who ate x? CNPC and Chinese wh-adjunct in-situ (25) *Mama da-le [DP [IP weishenme chi pingguo de] nanhai]? Mother hit-LE WHY eat apple COMP boy Intended meaning: For which reason x, Mother beat the boy that ate apples x? Given the standard assumption that island violations are evidence for movement, 5 while weishenme remains in-situ on the surface, it is actually moving covertly. Another piece of evidence for this covert movement of Chinese wh-adjuncts comes from intervention effects. When the negation intervenes between weishenme and its scope 5 Pesetsky (2000) has shown that covert movement, like overt movement, also violates subjacency. 134 JSEALS Vol. 1 position, as in (27), the sentence becomes ungrammatical. Contrast this with Chinese whargument in-situ illustrated earlier and reproduced here as (26). This is another crucial difference between Chinese wh-arguments and wh-adjuncts: (26) Absence of intervention effects for Chinese wh-argument in-situ Meili meiyou chi shenme? Meili NEG eat WHAT What didn’t Meili eat? (27) Presence of intervention effects for Chinese wh-adjunct in-situ *Ta mei weishenme jian-guo Lisi? He NEG WHY meet Lisi Why didn’t he meet Lisi? To summarize, Chinese wh-arguments and wh-adjuncts exhibit different properties in terms of movement possibilities; wh-argument in-situ is impervious to both subjacency violations and intervention effects, wh-adjuncts in-situ, on the other hand, exhibit both subjacency violations and intervention effects. This shows that Chinese wh-adjuncts move covertly. 3.2 The Overt-over-Covert Movement Principle Chinese wh-arguments and wh-adjuncts show a split in behaviour; wh-arguments do not move whereas wh-adjuncts undergo covert movement. SE wh-arguments and wh-adjuncts show a similar split, but the split is not the same. While Chinese wh-adjuncts undergo covert movement, SE wh-adjuncts must undergo overt movement. We propose that there is a principle which we call the Overt-over-Covert Movement Principle (OCMP), given in (28), and claim that it is what is responsible for the fact that SE wh-adjuncts can only undergo overt movement: (28) Overt-over-Covert Movement Principle (OCMP) Overt wh-movement blocks covert wh-movement. The OCMP says that in a particular language, if overt wh-movement can occur, then covert wh-movement will not be possible. It should be noted that OCMP is not an altogether novel proposal. The OCMP can be subsumed under Pesetsky’s general Earliness Principle (Pesetsky 1989): (29) Earliness Principle: Satisfy filters as early as possible on the hierarchy of levels: (DS >) SS > LF > LP The Earliness Principle requires that if there are transformational derivations with identical number of steps involved to reach a similar ‘end-product’, the one that can be derived the earliest in terms of the hierarchy of levels is always preferred over another that can be derived at a later level. The hierarchy further illustrates that the operations on the level of surface structure always takes place earlier than LF, entailing that overt operations are always preferred by a language over covert operations (with other conditions being equal), which is what the OCMP has outlined in a specific form. By positing that overt Singapore English Wh-Questions 135 movement will prevent covert movement from taking place, given that both operations are available choices for a language, the OCMP thus provides a specific application of the Earliness Principle. 3.3 Summary and Predictions 3.3.1 SE wh-adjuncts and the OCMP Let us reconsider the wh-phenomena in SE with respect to the OCMP. We have shown that SE wh-arguments have the option to either wh-move overtly (due to StdE wh-movement) or stay in-situ (due to Chinese wh-argument in-situ). However, SE wh-adjuncts can only wh-move but cannot stay in-situ like Chinese wh-adjuncts. In section 3.1, we have shown that Chinese wh-adjuncts, unlike their argument counterparts, move covertly. We claimed in the previous section that the reason why covert movement of Chinese wh-adjuncts is not replicated in SE is due to the OCMP in (28). Since SE has the option of overtly moving wh-phrases, (28) bars any form of covert movement of wh-adjuncts. This explains why SE wh-adjuncts cannot remain in-situ. The covert movement option of wh-adjuncts Chinese imparted to SE is blocked by the overt movement option imparted by StdE. We have answered the first question posed at the end of section 2.4 as to why SE wh-adjuncts cannot remain in-situ. We showed that this is due to OCMP, a universal principle which forces overt movement over covert movement. However, OCMP does not provide a principled explanation for why it is that covert movement of SE wh-adjuncts is blocked and not overt wh-movement. After all, OCMP does not say anything about why overt movement should be preferred over covert movement. This is where we allude to Pesetsky’s Earliness Principle in (29). (29) amounts to saying that operations are satisfied as early as possible in the derivation. Since SE wh-adjuncts can move overtly in the syntax, this would satisfy (29) and we would expect movement at no other level of the derivation. This effectively rules out covert movement of SE wh-adjuncts and explains why SE whadjuncts, given the choice between overt and covert wh-movement, have chosen StdE whmovement over Chinese covert movement. 3.3.2 Predictions of the OCMP The OCMP predicts that a language cannot have both overt and covert wh-movement simultaneously. This provides us with a convenient way of testing the validity of the OCMP. We formulate (30) as a way of capturing the prediction that the OCMP makes regarding languages with optional wh-movement: (30) Prediction of the OCMP If a language has optional wh-movement, the wh-in-situ will never be subject to island constraints. If there was a language which had the option of moving its wh-phrases and allowing them to remain in-situ, the in-situ option could not be an instance of covert movement due to the OCMP. Therefore, the in-situ wh-phrases are predicted to show no island violations. In the next section, we will proceed to test this prediction of OCMP with several languages which have optional wh-movement, namely SE itself, Malay, Babine Wisuwit’en, and French, and show that it is correct. 136 JSEALS Vol. 1 4 Optional wh-movement Before we proceed to provide cross-linguistic support for the OCMP, we first examine how it fares with the in-situ wh-arguments in SE. 4.1 SE wh-arguments and the OCMP In section 2.1, SE wh-arguments were shown to optionally wh-move. According to the prediction in (30), the in-situ strategy adopted by SE wh-arguments is predicted to be free from island constraints. This prediction is borne out: CNPC and SE wh-arguments (31(=16)) The boy see [DP the man that [IP beat who]]? Adjunct island and SE wh-arguments (32) Mary left [because John did what]? Factive island and SE wh-arguments (33) John discover [the scandal about who]? (31-33) show that SE wh-arguments can appear inside any islands in line with the prediction in (30). 4.2 Malay and the OCMP According to Cole & Hermon (1998), Malay wh-arguments show optional wh-movement, as shown (34): Malay Wh-arguments (34) a Apa Fatimah makan? What Fatimah eat What did Fatimah eat? b. Fatimah makan apa? [Cole & Hermon 1998: 226] Given that Malay wh-arguments have optional movement, the in-situ wh-arguments are predicted to show no island violations. This prediction is borne out, as shown in (35) and (36): Subject island and Malay wh-arguments in-situ (35) [[Yang Ali menghawini siapa] mengecewakan that Ali married Who upset That Ali married who upset his mother? [literal] ibunya] his mother CNPC and Malay wh-arguments in-situ (36) Kamu sayang [perempuan [yang telah berjumpa siapa]]] you who woman that already meet who You love the woman who met who? [literal] [Cole & Hermon 1998: 228] 137 Singapore English Wh-Questions Unlike the in-situ arguments, their moved counterparts give rise to island violations, as shown in (37) & (38): Subject island and fronted Malay wh-arguments (37) *[ Siapai [ti yang [Ali menghawini ti]] Who that Ali married That Ali married who upset his mother? [literal] mengecewakan ibunya] upset his mother CNPC and fronted Malay wh-arguments (38) *Dengan siapai [kamu sayang [perempuan [yang telah berjumpa ti ]]] With who you love woman that already meet Intended meaning: You love the woman who met who? [Cole & Hermon 1998: 227] The OCMP correctly predicts the behaviour of the wh-in-situ of Malay wharguments. 4.3 Babine Wisuwit’en and the OCMP Denham (2000) shows that Babine Wisuwit’en, an Athabaskan language, has optional whmovement, as illustrated in (39): BW wh-in-situ (39) a. Lillian ndu yunket? Lilian WHAT bought? What did Lillian buy? BW wh-fronting b. ndu Lillian yunket? WHAT Lillian buy What did Lillian buy? [Denham 2000: 201] In accordance with the prediction of the OCMP, the in-situ wh-phrases do not induce island violations, as shown in (40), whereas the fronted wh-phrase does induce island violations, as shown in (41): Subject island and BW wh-in-situ (40) [[George Mbi yudilyhe] Lillian yilhggi]? George WHO knows Lillian surprised That George knows who surprised Lillian? [literal] Subject island and BW wh-extraction (41) *Mbii [[George ti yudilyhe] Lillian yilhggi]? WHO (that) George knows Lillian surprised That George knows who surprised Lillian? [literal] [Denham 2000: 206-207] 138 JSEALS Vol. 1 Babine Wisuwit’en is, therefore, another language that supports the OCMP. 4.4 French “optional movement” – A case against the OCMP? Malay and Babine Wisuwit’en have attested to and affirmed the prediction made by the OCMP. French is another language which also seems to exhibit optional wh-movement. Consider the different word order variants of a simple French wh-question in the following examples: wh-in-situ – French (42) EIle a donné la montre à qui? She gave the watch to who? wh-fronting – French (43) qui a-t-elle donné la montre? Whom did she give the watch? [Lassadi 2003:83] On the surface, it appears that French does allow for both wh-in-situ, as in (42), as well as wh-fronting, as in (43). If we were to assume that French wh-fronting was an instance of wh-movement, the OCMP predicts that wh-in-situ will not be an instance of covert movement. However, there is evidence to suggest that French wh-in-situ is an instance of covert movement and consequently a potential counterexample to the OCMP. Cheng & Rooryck (2000) show that French wh-in-situ is vulnerable to intervention effects such as the presence of negation in (44). Such vulnerability means that French wh-in-situ has to be instance of covert movement: Negated wh-question – French (44) *Il n’ a pas rencontré qui? He NE has not met WHO Who hasn’t he met? [Cheng & Rooryck 2000:11] Does this mean that French is a counterexample to the OCMP? This doesn’t seem to be the case. First, consider the fact that the wh-in-situ phenomenon in French is very restricted; a wh-in-situ element is not allowed in an embedded clause, as shown in (45). Embedded clause with wh-in-situ – French (45) a. *Pierre a demandé tu as embrassé qui? Pierre has asked you have kissed who Pierre asked who you kissed? Embedded clause with a wh-fronting – French b. Pierre a demandé qui tu as embrassé?' Pierre asked who you kissed? [Bošković 2000: 8] Singapore English Wh-Questions 139 This suggests that in at least complex sentences, the OCMP holds. This is because only wh-fronting is allowed in such sentences and this poses no trouble for the OCMP. As for the cases with simple clauses, there is controversy in the field regarding the nature of French wh-fronting. Lassadi (2003) has argued that the wh-fronting phenomenon in French is not wh-movement at all. Lassidi treats French wh-fronting in simple clauses as movement of wh-phrases “triggered by a focus feature that must be checked before the derivation reaches the interfaces” (Lassidi 2003:69). He concludes his findings by stating that French “lack(s) wh-movement that is triggered by a strong [+wh] feature.” (Lassidi 2003:89). If Lassadi is correct, then even the cases of optional wh-movement in simple clauses will not be a counterexample to the OCMP because wh-fronting is not whmovement at all and the OCMP says nothing about fronting that is not wh-movement. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we have examined the various question formation strategies in SE by means of showing StdE and Chinese influence. We have shown that a simple adoption of the question formation strategies in StdE and Chinese into SE does not account for the gap in the paradigm of SE wh-questions. While SE wh-arguments can move like StdE wharguments and stay in-situ like Mandarin wh-arguments, SE wh-adjuncts have only the single option of moving like their StdE counterparts. We explained this gap by means of the OCMP, which is a specific implementation of Pesetsky’s Earliness Principle. We provided empirical evidence for the OCMP not only from SE, but also from other languages, such as Malay, Babine Wisuwit’en and French. If our claim is correct, a language created in a contact situation is shaped not only by the influences of its parent languages but also by universal principles. References Alsagoff, Lubna and Ho, Chee Lick (1998), The relative clause in Colloquial Singapore English. World Englishes 17.2, 127-138. Bao, Z (2001), The origins of empty categories in Singapore English. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 16.2, 275-319. _____. ms. One in Singapore English. National University of Singapore. Boskovic, Z. 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Honors Thesis, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Lassaadi, B. (2003), Optional wh-movement in French and Egyptian Arabic, Cahiers linguistiques d’Ottawa, 31, 67-94. Pesetsky, D. (1989), Language-particular processes and the Earliness Principle. Ms. MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Pesetsky, D. (2000), Phrasal movement and its kin. Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press. Ross J. R. (1967), Constraints on Variables in Syntax. Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Soh, H.L, (2005). WH-in-situ in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistic Inquiry 36: 143-155. STRUCTURAL AND PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF KUKI-CHIN VERBAL STEM ALTERNATIONS Deborah King The University of Texas at Arlington <debbiekin@gmail.com> 0 Abstract While the Kuki-Chin languages of India and Myanmar are primarily characterized by agglutinative morphology, their widespread use of verbal stem alternations provides an interesting counterexample. These alternations exist as verbal pairs which differ only by the addition or alteration of one phoneme (e.g., pe~pek). Since they were first noted, many attempts have been made to define how the stems are used. Historical evidence indicates that stem 2 developed from nominalizing and valence-increasing morphemes, functions which still exist today. However, some Kuki-Chin languages have (to use Cooreman’s terminology (1994)) “co-opted” stem 2, adapting it for subject/object disambiguation in relative clauses and WH questions. Other languages have also developed a pragmatic function, using stem 2 in ergative independent clauses. This paper compares and contrasts the use of stem alternations in five Kuki-Chin languages: Lai, Mizo, Falam, Tiddim, and Sizang Chin. The results suggest four basic functions of stem alternations: 1) nominalization; 2) subordination; 3) disambiguation in relative clauses/WH questions; and 4) valence-changing. Furthermore, the uses divide naturally by agentive vs. nonagentive focus. It seems that verbal stem alternations are in fact the morphosyntactic manifestation of the agentive voice and its logical counterpart, the nonagentive voice. 1 Introduction The division of Tibeto-Burman known as Kuki-Chin 1 manifests a form of fusional morphology uncharacteristic of these typically agglutinative languages. Verbal stem alternations, as they are called, take shape as two distinct variations in the verb stem, formed by the addition or alternation of a single final morpheme. 2 These variations are known as stem 1 and stem 2. (1) 1 2 3 that ~ thah to kill 3 These languages are spoken primarily in the hills of western Burma and neighboring northeast India. While both tone and vowel length are also frequently in variation (and in a large percentage of verbs are the sole distinguishing factors) they are not considered in depth here. Personal Falam Chin field data, written in the practical orthography of that language. I am deeply grateful to my language helpers, Paul Van Hre, Mang Herh, and Peter Lal Din Thar for their patient assistance. King, Deborah. 2009. Structural And Pragmatic Functions Of Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:141-157. Copyright vested in the author. 141 142 JSEALS Vol. 1 The nature of verbal stem alternations is rooted in their historical derivation. In §2, I propose an account of the original functions and how the various types were formed. In §3, I compare and contrast data from five Chin languages—Mizo, Lai, Falam, Tiddim, and Sizang Chin—to show how Kuki-Chin languages use the stems for different functions. In §4, I suggest that while the languages have developed various structural and pragmatic functions, stem alternations are fundamentally the morphosyntactic manifestation of the agentive voice and its logical counterpart, the nonagentive voice. 2 Clues from Phonology and Historical Linguistics 2.1 The Phonological Forms Verbal stem alternations are formed in various ways, which, though not completely predictable, can be grouped into characteristic types. 4 These are shown in Table 1: 5 Table 1: Types of Verbal Stem Alternations in Five Kuki-Chin Languages Central Chin Languages Alternation Type 1) addition of final oral stop to vowel/diphthong 2) /ŋ/ ~ /n/ English to give to sing to cook Mizo pee ~ peek sa ~ sak Lai pee ~ peek tshuaŋ ~ tshuan Falam to kill 4) glottalization of final sonorant 5) nasal ~ stop to see to look at that ~ thaʔ hmuu ~ hmuʔ that ~ thaʔ hmuu ~ hmuʔ Tiddim pe ~ pek sa ~ sak suang ~ suan to be tall 3) final stop ~ glottal stop Northern Chin Languages that ~ thah hmu ~ hmuh Sizang pia ~ piak saa ~ sak saaŋ ~ saan that ~ thaʔ muu ~ muʔ en ~ et saaŋ ~ saan that ~ thaa muu en ~ et The majority of Kuki-Chin languages have two orthographically distinct forms for at least some of their verbs. 6 4 5 6 See Henderson (1965), Melnik (1997), and Osburne (1975) for further discussion of the phonological types. Examples are drawn from Bright (1957), Patent (1997), Osburne (1975) and personal data, Henderson (1965), and Stern (1963). Throughout this paper I have standardized phonological representation for ease of comparison. In the case of Falam Chin examples drawn from personal data, however, the representations are orthographic. Hyman & VanBik (2002) report that 80% of Lai verbs have two distinct forms (754 out of a verbal corpus of 910). 143 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations 2.2 An Historical Perspective Although clearly grammaticalized now, the stem alternations are rooted in formerly productive Proto-Tibeto-Burman (PTB) morphology. As noted previously, the formation of stem 2 is somewhat unpredictable. (2a) (2b) Falam: 7 ti ~ tit thi ~ thih to lay eggs to die Even though the stem 1 forms are phonologically similar, the stem 2 forms diverge. This indicates that the stem 2 forms resulted from (at least) two separate processes. 2.2.1 Nominalizing and Valence-Changing Morphemes Chhangte (1993) was among the first to suggest the possibility of two derivations. Historically, she said, a nominalizer and a “valence-changing morpheme” were in operation. As evidence, she notes that a few Mizo verbs have retained three separate forms, 8 of which stem 2 is identical to the nominalized form, and stem 3 is an invariant causative or benefactive version. Table 2: Verbs with Three Forms: Central Chin S1 S2/Nominalized S3/Valence Change Lai keŋ ~ ken to bring along keʔn to make bring along Mizo ṭii ~ ṭit to be fearful ṭiʔ to fear someone Chhangte proposed that the PTB causative suffix -t shows up in Mizo as a glottal stop (-ʔ), and suggests -d as the nominalizing morpheme. More recently, Matisoff (2003) has also pointed to a PTB causative, although he identified it as -s which developed into Proto-Chin -ʔ. Matisoff’s analysis also differs from Chhangte’s in that he sees the stem 2 and 3 forms as derived from a subordinating -ʔ and a causative -ʔ, each of which operated at different points diachronically. The best solution results from a synthesis of Chhangte and Matisoff’s analyses. Two processes acted separately on the verbs: a nominalizing -t (a well-attested PTB morpheme; Matisoff 2003:454; Benedict 1972:97) and a causative/benefactive -ʔ. While a few verbs have produced and kept three distinct forms, most likely only a subset of verbs ever derived forms using both morphemes. Table 3: Comparison of Suggested PTB Morphemes and Their Functions S2 Chhangte nominalizing /-d/ Matisoff subordinating /-ʔ/ synthesis nominalizing /-t/ 7 8 S3 valence-changing /-t/Æ/-ʔ/ causative /-s/Æ/-ʔ/ causative/benefactive /-s/Æ/-ʔ/ Examples from here on, unless otherwise noted, are from Chhangte 1993 (Mizo), Patent 1997 and Kathol & VanBik 1999 (Lai), personal field data (Falam), Henderson 1965 (Tiddim), and Stern 1963 (Sizang). In fact, “stem 3” functions as a separate verb. 144 JSEALS Vol. 1 For those that did, most Kuki-Chin languages collapsed the nominalizing and causative/benefactive processes, retaining either one or the other of the forms as stem 2. For every cognate verb, some Kuki-Chin languages chose the causative/benefactive form, while others chose the nominalized form (Chhangte 1993). (3a) (3b) Mizo: fiŋ ~ fin Bawm: fiŋ ~ fiŋʔ to be clever to be clever 9 2.2.2 Northern Chin Type 5 alternations, nasal ~ stop, occur solely in Northern Chin languages. Furthermore, glottalized nasals appear only in Central Chin. As the two seem to be in complementary distribution, it is likely they reflect different outcomes of the application of the same affix. Table 4: Northern Chin vs. Central Chin S1 S2/Nominalized S3/Valence Change Lai keŋ ~ ken ‘to bring along’ keʔn ‘to make bring along’ Sizang keŋ ~ ken ‘to have’ ket ‘to bring for someone’ It seems probable that while ŋ ~ n alternations are a product of -t affixation, nasal ~ stop alternations are a product of -ʔ affixation. 2.2.3 Phonological Processes Thus, the phonological derivation of the verbal stem alternation types is as follows: types 1-2 form from the nominalizing -t, and types 3-5 from the causative/benefactive -ʔ. 3 Functions of Verbal Stem Alternations In order to determine the current functions of the stems, I compiled a list of pertinent verbal contexts in which to examine stem use. My final list included: independent, indicative clauses; relative, complement, adverbial, and non-finite 10 clauses; yes-no and WH questions; nominalizations and verbal nouns; negatives; and imperatives. Using this list, I examined all the available data for five Chin languages representative of the Central and Northern branches of Kuki-Chin: 11 Mizo, Lai Chin, and Falam Chin (Central) and Tiddim and Sizang Chin (Northern). As I compared and contrasted the five languages according to their use of verbal stem alternations, four general functions emerged: 1) nominalization, 2) subordination, 3) disambiguation in relative clauses and WH questions, and 4) valency-changing. However, irrealis mood can neutralize stem 2 use. 9 10 11 Löffler 1973. There is no formal distinction between infinitives, gerunds, and participles in Kuki-Chin languages. Unfortunately, little work has been done on the Southern Chin languages at the time of this writing. 145 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations 3.1 Nominalization There are three basic types of nominalizations, one of which is characterized by stem 1, the other two by stem 2. 3.1.1 Agentive Nominalizations The first type, agentive nominalizations, are those in which the noun formed is the agent of the action. This type uses stem 1 plus an agentive nominalizer, such as -tu or -mi (“one who”). (4) (5) Mizo: sa ~ sak Falam: that ~ thah to sing to kill hla-sa-tuu that-tu singer murderer 3.1.2 Nonagentive Nominalizations Nonagentive nominalizations are those in which the noun formed is the object of the verb or, in the case of stative verbs, its abstract nominal realization. Usually, this type is a combination of stem 2 plus a nominalizing morpheme such as na/nak (“place, manner, quality of __”). (6) (7) Mizo: ṭhuu ~ ṭhut Falam: cing ~ cin to sit to sow ṭhut-na cin-nak seat field 3.1.3 Verbal Nouns Verbal nouns convey a variety of nominal ideas related in some way to the verb: the outcome or the instrument, for example. These also are expressed by stem 2, but usually lack a nominalizing morpheme. (8) (9) (10) Mizo: rethey ~ retheyʔ to be poor Falam: tla ~ tlak to fall Tiddim: zunuŋ ~ zunun to feast retheyʔ-(na) nitlak zunun poverty sunset (lit., day fall) feast 3.2 Subordination I examined four main types of subordinate clauses: complement, relative, adverbial, and non-finite. Complement clauses in Kuki-Chin languages are treated exactly like independent clauses. Relative clauses will be dealt with in §3.3. 3.2.1 Adverbial Clauses Adverbial clauses appear in stem 2, unless they reflect irrealis mood (see §§3.5.4-3.5.6) Adverbial subordination is always indicated by an adverbial subordinator, most frequently with a temporal, locative, or reason significance. (11) Mizo: kan-zin chuuŋin, 3P-travel.II while While we traveled, 146 (12) JSEALS Vol. 1 Lai: Maŋkio ʔa-ʔiʔ Mangkio 3S-sleep.II When Mangkio slept, tik-ʔaʔ, when, (13) Falam: a-har-tuk veekin, 3S-difficult.II-too since, Because it’s too hard, (14) Sizang: ka-va tiaŋ, 1S-go.II when, When I went, 3.2.2 Non-Finite Verbal Clauses Main clauses with psychological verbs of desire, feeling, or perception often take nonfinite verbal complements. These are distinguished from complement clauses or adverbial clauses by their lack of any complementizer or adverbial subordinator. 12 As with adverbial clauses, unless they reflect irrealis mood, non-finite verbal clauses always take stem 2. (15) Mizo: i-zin ka-duʔ. your-travel.II 1S-want I want you to travel. (16) Lai: Lawthlawpaa ʔa-ʔiʔ farmer 3S-sleep.II I saw the farmer sleep. (17) Falam: Kim cu hlasak a Kim DEI song-sing.II 3S Kim learned to sing. (18) Hlasak cu a song-sing.II DEI 3S Singing is fun. nuam fun.I ka-hmuʔ. 1s-see.II zir. learn.I zet. very 3.3 Disambiguation in Relative Clauses and WH Questions Relative clauses in Kuki-Chin languages are frequently formed as a full sentence followed by a relative pronoun. They can also take the form of a non-finite verb without subject agreement prefixes, and with or without the relative pronoun. In either case, studies of Lai and Mizo relative clauses have shown that when the relativized element is the subject, stem 1 is used; but if the relativized element is the object or an oblique, stem 2 is used (Hillard 1977; Lehman 1996; Kathol 1999). This generalization holds true for Falam, as well. 12 Both Chhangte 1993 and Kathol 2003 identify these clauses as complement clauses. However, they are distinct from complement clauses, as noted, by not having any complementizer. 147 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations 3.3.1 Relative Clauses: Relativized Subject Relative clauses where the subject is the relativized element look and act quite similar to agentive nominalizations. As with agentive nominalizations, it is the agent of the action that is in focus. The relative pronouns used (if any) are -mi or -tu, just as in agentive nominalizations, and they occur with stem 1. lawthlawpaa ʔa-that mii ʔuitsow farmer 3S-kill.I REL dog the dog that killed the farmer (19) Lai: (20) Mizo: 13 hmei chiaa ui vo tuu woman dog beat.I REL the woman who beat the dog (21) Falam: zunghruk a ru tu pa ring 3S steal.I REL man the man who stole the ring a REL 3.3.2 Relative Clauses: Relativized Object or Oblique Likewise, relative clauses where the object or oblique is relativized look quite similar to nonagentive nominalizations. Here, the argument receiving the action is in focus. The relative pronouns used may be -mi (Lai, Falam) or -a (Mizo). With obliques only, -na(ak) is sometimes used. Just as with nonagentive nominalizations, they occur with stem 2. (22) Lai: lawthlawpaa niʔ ʔa-thaʔ farmer ERG 3S-kill.II the dog that the farmer killed (23) Mizo: zir-tiir-tuu in leʔ-kha-buu a-lei na teacher ERG book 3s-buy.II REL the village where the teacher bought the book (24) Falam: a ruk mi zunghruk 3S steal.II REL ring the ring which (he) stole (25) Tiddim: ka sial gawh a vom hi 1s mithian kill.II 3S black.I PAR The mithian which I killed is black. (26) Sizang: daŋka na piak numei money 2S give.II woman the woman to whom you gave the money 13 mii ʔuitsow REL dog Relative clause examples for Mizo are from Hillard 1977. khuaa village 148 JSEALS Vol. 1 3.3.3 WH Questions Unlike yes-no questions, which always appear in stem 1 (see §3.5.1), WH questions take different stems depending on which element is questioned. Just as in relative clauses, if the subject is in focus, stem 1 is used. (27) Mizo: eŋ ŋee what Q What fell? (28) Lai: ʔa-how daʔ ʔa-ʔit? who 3S-sleep.I Who slept? (29) Falam: Zo so vainim vok a who corn pig 3S Who fed the pig corn? tlaa fall.I pe? give.I If, on the other hand, an object or oblique is questioned, stem 2 is used. 14 eŋ ŋee i-tiʔ? who Q 2S-do.II What are you doing? (30) Mizo: (31) Falam: Khui mi ramsa so vainim na pek? Which animal corn 2S give.II Which animal did you feed the corn to? 3.4 Valency-Changing Operations So far in this discussion of stem functions, with some slight variations, all of the languages surveyed have seemed unified. Now, we come to a use category not equally distributed in every Kuki-Chin language—that of valency-changing operations. 3.4.1 Causatives and Benefactives Just as the nominalization function of one PTB morpheme continued to influence stem usage, so did the causative/benefactive function of the other. As the original valenceincreasing morpheme became grammaticalized, however, new structures developed. 14 It must be stated that not all the WH question data available conforms to this model. Some Lai data, for example suggests that topicalization of a non-questioned element can override the default configuration. (32a) Maŋkio taʔ? Mangkio Q What about Mangkio? (32b) ʔa-how niʔ daʔ (Maŋkio) ʔa-bomʔ? who Mangkio 3s-help.II Who helped Mangkio? See §3.4 for further explanation of this Lai-specific phenomena. In Falam, some questioned obliques (postpositional phrases, time and locative expressions) take stem 1. 149 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations Table 5: Comparison of Causative/Benefactive Forms Across Five Kuki-Chin Languages Central Chin Northern Chin Mizo Lai Falam Tiddim Sizang causative tur (S2) ter (S2) ter (S1) sak (S1) sak (S1) benefactive sak (S2) sak (S2) sak (S2) sak (S2) sak (S2) For the Northern Chin languages, the morpheme sak is now used both for benefactive and causative meanings, and stem 2 morphology became the distinguishing factor between them. So, sak + stem 1 = causative, while sak + stem 2 = benefactive. (33) Tiddim: a dám sak 3S heal.I CAUS He healed (him). (34) (35) hi PAR na lo kong khawh sak your field you cultivate.II I’ll cultivate your fields for you. hi BEN PAR Sizang: koŋ pài sak hi I come.I CAUS PAR I made (them) come. (36) koŋ pái sak hi I come.II BEN PAR I come for (them). (on their behalf) The Central Chin languages, however, developed separate morphology for causative and benefactive structures: tur/ter and sak respectively. Both motivate the use of stem 2 in Mizo and Lai, while in Falam, only sak does. (37) (38) (39) (40) Mizo: keel min-veen-tur goat me-watch.II-CAUS He made me watch the goats. kor mi-ley-sak dress me-buy.II-BEN She bought a dress for me. Falam: Thing i cing-ter ginger 1S plant.I-CAUS He made me plant ginger. Thing ka lo cin-sak ginger 1S 2S plant.II-BEN I planted ginger for you. 150 JSEALS Vol. 1 Peterson (1998) has shown that in other Lai applicative contexts there is a similar valence-increasing effect, and thus stem 2 is used there as well. 3.4.2 Ditransitive Verbs A similar stem shift occurs in Falam when a transitive verb becomes ditransitive by promotion of a postpositional phrase to an indirect object. (41a) A falanui hnenah a His girlfriend to 3S He gave (it) to his girlfriend. pe. give.I (41b) A falanui a pek. His girlfriend 3S give.II He gave his girlfriend (it). 4.4.3 Ergative and Antipassive Structures Lai Chin has been shown to have an ergative/absolutive argument orientation 15 (Kathol and VanBik 2001; others). Like many other ergative languages, Lai has developed a detransitivizing structure that has been identified as an antipassive (Peterson 1998; Kathol and VanBik 2001; Kathol 2003) 16 to serve as an alternative to the transitive form. This antipassive structure is used for pragmatic reasons of discourse prominence—to allow shifting of topic status from the object of a transitive sentence to the subject of the derived intransitive sentence. In examples 42-44, below, the intransitive, transitive/ergative, and detransitivized antipassive structures are shown. The object-focused ergative structure uses stem 2, while the subject-focused intransitive and antipassive structures use stem 1. It seems that the development of the antipassive motivated use of stem 2 in the ergative structure to help distinguish the two. (42) Intransitive: Subject has topic status Maŋkio ʔa-ʔit. Mangkio 3S-sleep.I Mangkio slept. (43) Ergative: Object has topic status Maŋkio niʔ vok ʔa-tsook. Mangkio ERG pig 3S-buy.II Mangkio bought a pig. 15 16 Hillard (1974) has suggested that Tiddim, Lushai (Mizo), and Sizang Chin also seem to be drifting toward ergativity, and that this may be a Kuki-Chin language trend. There are several reasons to be hesitant about calling this structure an antipassive. See discussion in §4. Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations (44) 151 Antipassive: Subject has topic status Maŋkio vok ʔa-tsoo Mangkio pig 3S-buy.I Mangkio bought a pig. 3.5 Irrealis Mood A few environments can neutralize the verb stem, causing it to appear as stem 1 when it would normally be stem 2. Yes-no questions, imperatives, and negatives affect ergative structures in this way. 17 Certain special types of adverbial clauses also appear in stem 1 when we might expect stem 2: some conditionals, contrafactuals, and circumstantial clauses. The common theme among these contexts is their low register on a scale of reality factor, or irrealis mood. 3.5.1 Yes-No Questions Lai data (Kathol 2003) demonstrates that yes-no questions are consistently in stem 1, even when the ergative structure would normally predict stem 2. (45) Maŋkio niʔ vok ʔa-tsoo ma? Mangkio ERG pig 3S-buy.I Q Did Mangkio buy a pig? 3.5.2 Imperatives Lai also consistently uses stem 1 for imperatives. (46) Tii dìng tuaʔ! water drink.I IMP Drink the water! 3.5.3 Negatives When an ergative structure in Lai is negated, the verb appears in stem 1. 18 (47) Maŋkio niʔ ʔa-tsoo low. Mangkio ERG 3S-buy.I NEG Mangkio did not buy (it). 3.5.4 Conditionals Kathol (2003) and Chhangte (1993) both note that certain types of conditionals always appear in stem 1. Stern (1963) likewise notes that “polite conditionals” are in stem 1. (48) 17 18 Mizo: vo-rhep maʔ i-la a-soot-cuaŋ-low-aŋ beat.I-INT EMPH if 3S-improve.I-CF-NEG-FUT Even if we give him a good licking, he will not improve. This is a reanalysis of Kathol’s (2003) system of competing constraints. Negatives do not appear to affect adverbial clauses, relative clauses or WH questions. 152 JSEALS Vol. 1 (49) Lai: Maŋkio niʔ vok tsoo Mangkio ERG pig buy.I If Mangkio bought a pig, (50) Sizang: ka pàì 1S go.I If I go, koo, if le if However, conditionals can appear in stem 2 as well. koŋ a-chiat poʔ-in kan-kal-thow-aŋ road 3S-bad.II even-if 1P-go-still-FUT Even if the road is bad, we will still go. (51) Mizo: (52) Falam: Ka pa a thih asile, kan farah ding. my father 3S die.II if 1P poor FUT If my father died, we would become poor. (53) Tiddim: Na sial a vom leh Your mithian 3s black.II if, If your mithian is black, I want (it). (54) Sizang: noŋ páí you come.II If you come, ka 1s deih hi. want.I PAR lek, if Perhaps the explanation for this disparity lies in a subtle distinction in the meaning of ‘if’ related to its probable reality. In the first set of examples, if means ‘if (assumed to be untrue),’ falls in the realm of irrealis, and takes stem 1. In the second set of examples, if means ‘if (assumed to be true),’ is treated as a normal adverbial clause, and therefore takes stem 2. In support of this argument is the fact that different particles are used for if in example set 1 than are used in example set 2. 3.5.5 Contrafactuals Chhangte (1993) gives some evidence that contrafactuals (what she calls “imaginary conditionals”) always appear in stem 1 in Mizo. This is also true of Falam. ṭhian ṭhaa ni-low i-la cuan mi-seʔ-may-aŋ. friend good be.I-NEG if if 1o-bite.I-just-FUT If I had not been a good friend, he would just eat me. (55) Mizo: (56) Falam: Rul that lo la, a lo cuk ding. snake kill.I NEG if 3S 2S bite FUT If you do not kill the snake, it will bite you. 153 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations 3.5.6 Circumstantial Clauses Similarly, clauses which clearly never took place are in stem 1 in Mizo and Falam. (57) Mizo: a-faate hmu-lowin a-bowral. his-children see.I-without 3S-die He died without seeing his children. Table 6: Comparison of Verbal Stem Alternation Functions Across Five Kuki-Chin Languages 19 Central Chin Languages Lai Mizo Falam Independent , Indicative subject Q nonsubject Q subject relative nonsubject relative Nominalization/ Subordination Irrealis Mood declarative complement clause Relative Cl./ WH Questions Context Intr. Atp. Erg. I I II I I II I I II 20 II causative/benefactive core argument IO imperative yes/no Q negation conditional clause: Type 2 contrafactual/circumsta ntial conditional clause: Type 1 adverbial subordinate clause non-finite subordinate clause agentive nominalizations non-agentive nominalizations I II I II I II I N/A I I I/II I/II II II I II I II I I , II I II I I I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II II II II II II II N/A II I I I/II (IIZahao) II Northern Chin Languages Tiddim Sizang 21 Table 6 contains a summary of the functions discussed in §3. 19 20 21 Blanks indicate that no data, or inconclusive data, was available for that structure in that language. And other applicative morphemes (Peterson 1998). Most obliques. 154 JSEALS Vol. 1 4 Analysis There are two possible ways to view the results of the data presented in §3: 1) based on how the languages differ and 2) based on how they agree. 4.1 Structural and Pragmatic Functions in Developmental Stages The functions addressed in §3 tend to occur in the languages, not randomly, but in specific groupings. It may be that the languages aquired different structural and pragmatic functions through various stages of language development, as follows: 1. A nominalizing morpheme originally served to derive nouns from verbs, while a valence-changing morpheme derived causative and benefactive stems. 2. The derived forms grammaticalized, merged and began to be used in subordinate environments. New morphemes developed for causation and benefaction, but the stem 2 forms were either used along with them (Central Chin) or distinguished between them (Northern Chin). 3. The grammaticalized forms acquired a subject focus and object/oblique focus distinction, which different types of nominalizations reflected. 22 The distinction was then extended to apply in relative clauses and WH questions. 4. By analogy, and with the development of the antipassive, some languages began to use stem 2 to heighten the difference between the ergative and antipassive structures. In Ann Cooreman’s (1994) discussion of antipassives, she notes that antipassives appear in two distinct types: semantic/pragmatic and structural. The use discussed in §3.4.3 (Ergative and Antipassive Structures) is what Cooreman identifies as the semantic/pragmatic use, which serves to background the O argument by detransitivizing the verb, thus investing the S argument with topic status. The second type, the structural antipassive, is used not so much to shift topic status as to make an argument available for some purpose such as coordination or relativization. This is what we see in Kuki-Chin relativization and WH-question patterns. 23 In Cooreman’s view, structural antipassives are “co-opted” from semantic/pragmatic ones (Cooreman 1994:75). However, from looking at the Kuki-Chin data, I would suggest that it is possible to move from the structural to the semantic/pragmatic usage as well as the other direction, as at least two Kuki-Chin languages (Mizo and Falam) have the structural use without the semantic/pragmatic use. 4.2 Agentive and Nonagentive Stems A second way of analyzing the functions as presented in §3, is to organize them according to general consensus. Table 7, below, lists the main categories of functions divided by stem use. Looking at the types this way, a pattern begins to emerge. The structures which take stem 1 have a clear subject focus, while the structures which take stem 2 have an object/oblique focus. We could characterize them as agentive and nonagentive. 22 23 Perhaps in conjunction with a shift from nominative/accusative to ergative/absolutive argument orientation. It also occurs in Lai coordination patterns. 155 Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations Table 7: Functions of the Stems by Focus Stem 1 Agentive agentive Function nominalization adverbial/non-finite subordination relative clauses wh questions Stem 2 Nonagentive nonagentive/verbal nouns subject relativized object/oblique relativized subject questioned object/oblique questioned valence-changing operations causatives 24 causatives/benefactives antipassive ergative 4.2.1 Subordinate Clauses A few remarks are in order regarding the one-sided distribution of subordinate clauses. At least two explanations could be advanced for why adverbial and non-finite clauses are uniformly in stem 2. As Kathol (2001) points out, “Subordinate environments of this kind are typically closely connected to nominalizations”—specifically, nominalizations of the nonagentive type. An alternate explanation is that topic status is lifted from subordinate clauses and invested completely in the main independent clause (Osburne 1975). 4.2.2 Causatives and Applicatives Like subordinate clauses, causative, benefactive, and other applicative constructions consistently occur in stem 2 (with some exceptions for Falam, Tiddim, and Sizang). This can be explained by these structures’ inherent nonagentive nature. Since the purpose of such valence-increasing operations is to promote an object or oblique to a higher status (causative promotes the object to subject status; benefactive promotes an oblique to object status), intuitively the argument thus promoted would be the topic of the sentence. 4.3 Agentive and Nonagentive Voice Up to this point I have continued to use the terminology antipassive to describe the detransitivizing counterpart to the ergative structure in Lai Chin. There are, however, some objections to this identification. First, antipassives typically delete the O argument or else demote it to oblique status (with accompanying oblique case marking) (Cooreman 1994). The non-ergative structure in Lai seems rather to operate by noun-incorporation, and deletion of the O argument is ungrammatical. Likewise, the corresponding structural uses in relative clauses and WH questions are not necessarily valency-decreased, as a true antipassive ought to be (Campbell 2000). In the same vein, the term active voice does not adequately describe the transitive ergative structure in Kuki-Chin languages. 25 Active voice reflects a nominative/accusative mindset which views the action in terms of the subject. (I.e., active voice indicates the subject performs the action, while passive voice indicates the subject receives the action.) In discourse terms, the subject always equals the topic. The topic slot is, in general, fixed (subject = topic), but which argument (agent vs. patient) falls in that slot is variable. In 24 25 Falam, Tiddim, and Sizang Some authors term this the ergative voice. 156 JSEALS Vol. 1 contrast, in at least some ergative/absolutive languages such as Lai or Falam Chin, the argument slots are fixed (subject always equals agent/experiencer), but location of the topic can vary. Instead of moving an argument into topic slot, these languages switch topic location. It is possible that better terminology exists. Campbell (2000), in his description of valence-changing derivations in K’iche’, notes that along with a normal antipassive structure, K’iche’ has what is termed the agent-focus antipassive, or agentive voice. The agent-focus antipassive behaves remarkably similarly to the “antipassive” in Lai, both for pragmatic and structural functions. Because of the clear agent/nonagent focus distinction implied by verbal stem alternations in Kuki-Chin, I would like to propose that the terms agentive voice and nonagentive voice be adopted to characterize what have heretofore been termed stem 1 and stem 2, as well as what have been termed antipassive and active or ergative voice. 26 5 Conclusion While the Kuki-Chin languages surveyed in this paper do not agree one hundred percent in their usage of verbal stem alternations, they clearly agree in dividing them according to an agentive versus nonagentive distinction. I thus would propose the terms agentive voice and nonagentive voice be used to describe the stem alternations in the future. I further propose that voice distinctions based on valence are partially neutralized by irrealis mood (case marking continues to indicate the voice), while voice distinctions in relative clauses and WH questions are not. Neutralization also occurs in some types of subordinate clauses. While mine is not the first attempt to compare use of verbal stem alternations across Kuki-Chin languages (see Hillard 1974 and Löffler 1973), I have tried to provide a more thorough treatment and more comprehensive solution to the issue of verbal stem alternations than has been suggested up to the present. However, unanswered questions certainly remain. For example, Southern Chin did not figure largely in this analysis because of limited data. It may be that the Southern Chin languages have developed quite differently. I hope this attempt will provide a framework in which to examine other KukiChin languages in the future, thus providing a fuller picture of this unique structure. References Benedict, Paul. 1972. Sino-Tibetan: A Conspectus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bright, William. 1957. Alternations in Lushai. Indian Linguistics 18.101-10. Campbell, Lyle. 2000. Valency-changing derivations in K’iche’. In Changing Valency, eds. R.M.W. Dixon & Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, 236-281. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chhangte, Lalnunthangi. 1993. Mizo Syntax. PhD dissertation, University of Oregon. Cooreman, Ann. 1994. A functional typology of antipassives. In Voice: Form and Function, eds. Barbara Fox & Paul Hopper, 49-88. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Dixon, R. M. W. 1994. Ergativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 26 I suggest replacing the terminology only insofar as it has been used for these particular KukiChin-specific structures. Kuki-Chin Verbal Stem Alternations 157 Henderson, Eugenie J. A. 1965. Tiddim Chin: A Descriptive Analysis of Two Texts. London Oriental Series #15. London: Oxford University Press. Hillard, Edward J. 1974. Some aspects of Chin verb morphology. Linguistics of the TibetoBurman Area 1.1.178-85. Hillard, Edward J. 1977. On the differentiation of subject and object in relativization: Evidence from Lushai. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, eds. Kenneth Whistler, et al., 335-46. Berkeley: University of California. Hyman, Larry & Kenneth VanBik. 2002. Tone and stem 2-formation in Hakha (Lai Chin). Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 25.1:113-120. Kathol, Andreas & Kenneth VanBik. 1999. Morphology–syntax interface in Lai relative clauses. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society, eds. Pius Tamanji, Masako Hirotani and Nancy Hall, 427–441, Amherst: University of Massachusetts. GLSA. 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THE MIDDLE VOICE IN TAGALOG ∗ Naonori Nagaya Rice University <nagaya@rice.edu> 0 Abstract The current approaches to the Tagalog focus system attach too much importance to syntactic transitivity, and leave unanswered the question of how the focus system correlates with voice phenomena, thereby failing to elucidate its functional aspects. In this paper, we address this question by examining the middle voice and related voice phenomena in this language. Adopting the conceptual framework for voice phenomena (Shibatani 2006), we claim that Goal Focus (GF) verb forms express active situations, whereas Actor Focus (AF) verb forms represent two different non-active situations, namely, middle situations with introverted verbs and antipassive situations with extroverted verbs. AF verb forms also work for actor nominalization. We argue that these two functions of AF verb forms, non-active voice categories and actor nominalization, stem from their primary function, namely, actor-focusing. 1 Introduction For more than a century the Tagalog focus system has been challenging our understanding of voice phenomena. In this system, a particular participant of an action is singled out as primary focal participant, and receives special marking in two ways. For one thing, the participant selected as focal participant is realized in the nominative case; in addition, its semantic role is marked on the verb by one of the focus affixes. Let us consider (1) for illustration. 1, 2 The examples in (1) respectively pick out an agent (1a), a patient (1b), a ∗ 1 An earlier version of this paper was presented in the 17th annual meeting of the Southeast Asia Linguistics Society on September 2, 2007 (Nagaya 2007) and in the University of the Philippines Diliman on August 7 and December 17, 2007. I am grateful to the audience of the presentations, especially Michael Boutin and Mark Felix Albert Santiago, for their invaluable questions and comments. I am also grateful to Michel Achard, Suzanne Kemmer, Laura C. Robinson, Masayoshi Shibatani, and two anonymous reviewers of this paper, whose insightful comments and suggestions are of great help. Of course, responsibility for any errors is purely my own. The research presented here was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant for the project “Austronesian voice systems: an eastern Indonesian perspective” (BCS0617198) headed by Masayoshi Shibatani. Lastly but sincerely, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ricardo Ma. Duran Nolasco “Sir Ricky”, who has taught me a lot of things about Philippine languages for years. The following abbreviations are employed in glossing: ABS-absolutive, AF-actor focus, ASPaspect marker, CAUS-causative, CF-circumstantial focus, DAT-dative, DEF-definite, ERGergative, EXC-exclusive, F-feminie, GEN-genitive, GF-goal focus, INC-inclusive, INSinstrumental, LF-locative focus, LK-linker, LOC-locative, NEG-negation, NOM-nominative, OBL-oblique, P-personal name and kinship term, PF-patient focus, PL-plural, PREFperfectivizing prefix, PRES-present tense, RL-realis, S-subject of an intransitive verb, SGsingular, SP-spontaneous, TRANS-transitive, 1-first person, 2-second person, 3-third person, “< Nagaya, Naonori. 2009. The Middle Voice In Tagalog. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:159-187. Copyright vested in the author. 159 160 JSEALS Vol. 1 location (1c), and a beneficiary (1d) for primary focal prominence. The element so identified is realized as the nominative pronoun form or marked in the nominative case, whereas the semantic role of each focal participant is registered on the verb by different focus affixes, namely, <um> (1a), -ø (1b), -an (1c), and i- (1d), yielding four different forms of the same verb. Note that the term “focus” in this system has no relevance to pragmatic focus (as opposed to presupposition in Lambrecht 1994’s sense); rather it is a manifestation of conceptual focal prominence (Langacker 1991:318-320, 2004:79-81, 2008:380-381, cf. French 1987/1988 and Himmelmann 2002). Reflecting its conceptual import, the focal participant is typically interpreted as referential, often definite, and can be exclusively involved in several syntactic processes (Schachter 1976, 1977, Kroeger 1993). (1) a. K<um>ain=ako ng=mansanas. eat<AF>=1SG.NOM GEN=apple I ate an apple/apples. b. K<in>ain-ø=ko ang=mansanas. eat<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN NOM=apple I ate the apple. c. K<in>ain-an=ko ang=pinggan ni=John Rey. eat<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN NOM=plate P.GEN=J.R. I ate off of John Rey’s plate. d. I-k<in>ain=ko si=Fiona. CF-eat<RL>=1SG.GEN P.NOM=F. I ate for Fiona (because she could not eat for some reason). Four focus types are formally recognized in Tagalog as in Table 1 (Kroeger 1993, Himmelmann 2004, 2005b), although not all verbs have four different focus forms. Semantically, what is in focus is the initiator of an action in Actor Focus (AF) and the endpoint of an action in Goal Focus (GF). GF in turn breaks up into three types: Patient Focus (PF, focusing a patient), Locative Focus (LF, focusing a recipient, location, goal, and source), and Circumstantial Focus (CF, focusing everything else). There is more than one affix for Actor Focus, -um- and mag- being the most productive. Note that in realis mood the PF marker -in is realized as -ø as in (1b), and the AF marker mag- as nag-. The infix -in- in (1b-d) is a realis marker for GF verb forms. 2 >”-infix, “=”-cliticization, and “~”-reduplication. The diagraph ng represents a velar nasal except that the genitive marker ng is pronounced as [naŋ] and the plural marker mga as [maŋa]. Technically speaking, the gloss “nominative” is not appropriate for ang and si; it implies that arguments in question are grammatical subject but they may not be (Schachter 1976, 1977). Nonetheless, we still use the term “nominative” for the sake of convenience. Also, it is common for Philippinists to replace the term “focus” with “voice” (e.g. “Actor Voice” instead of “Actor Focus”). In this paper, however, we use “focus” for language-particular structural categories of verbs and “voice”for conceptual or functional categories expressed by the focus system. 161 Middle Voice in Tagalog Table 1: Focus affixes Focus type Actor Focus (AF) Goal Focus (GF) Patient Focus (PF) Locative Focus (LF) Circumstantial Focus (CF) Focus affix -um-, mag-, etc. -in -an i- The main function of the focus system is to represent different voice categories. 3 In the literature, the primary voice opposition has been drawn between AF and GF clauses, but different characterizations have been given to each clause type. For example, Bloomfield (1917) and Blake (1925), among others, consider that AF clauses are active, while GF clauses are passive because the primary argument is an agent in AF clauses, but a non-agent in GF clauses. Compare the AF clause in (1a) with the GF clauses in (1b-d). More recently, however, linguists have realized that GF clauses are more transitive than AF clauses in the sense of Hopper and Thompson (1980), showing typical properties of the active voice (Wouk 1986, Nolasco 2003, 2005, 2006, Nolasco and Saclot 2005, Saclot 2006). Some put forward an analysis that AF clauses are actually equivalent to intransitive or antipassive constructions in ergative languages (Cena 1977, Payne 1982, De Guzman 1988, Liao 2004, Reid and Liao 2004). For example, by comparing Tagalog with Yup’ik Eskimo, Payne (1982) points out functional parallels between several construction types of these two languages: PF clauses in Tagalog correspond to ergative clauses in Yup’ik, and AF clauses to antipassive and intransitive clauses. Nolasco (2003, 2005, 2006) analyzes AF clauses as intransitive and GF clauses as transitive in terms of the transitivity parameters reformulated from Hopper and Thompson (1980). For instance, the AF clause in (1a) is analyzed as syntactically intransitive and the PF clause in (1b) as syntactically transitive. These antipassive/intransitive analyses of AF clauses, however, have been called into question by Kroeger (1993), Foley (1998), Ross (2002), and Himmelmann (2002, 2005a, b) for the reason that AF clauses are not as intransitive as antipassive clauses are in languages with ergative syntax. Kroeger (1993:Chapter 2) claims that both AF and GF clauses are transitive, showing several pieces of evidence that in AF clauses like (1a) both agent and patient are grammatical arguments. Another reason against the antipassive analyses of AF clauses is that in ergative languages antipassive verb forms are morphologically more complex than basic verb forms, showing their derived status (Dixon 1994:146), but AF verb forms are typically no more complex than their GF counterparts (Foley 1998, Katagiri 2005). 4 As in Table 1, the voice contrasts in Tagalog are made by equally morphologically complex verb forms, and thus often referred to as a “symmetrical” voice system (Himmelmann 2002, 2005a) as opposed to an “asymmetrical” voice system like the active-passive opposition in English and the ergative-antipassive contrast in Dyirbal. 3 4 As discussed in Section 6, another equally important function is to mark argument nominalization. See Cena (1977), De Guzman (1992), and Blake (1988, 1993) for another view of the morphological complexity of AF verb forms. 162 JSEALS Vol. 1 From our viewpoint, these arguments for or against the antipassive/intransitive analyses of AF clauses have the following problems in common. First, they put too much emphasis on the formal characteristics of the focus contrasts, and do not give enough examination into their conceptual aspects. Of course, it is of significance to determine whether AF and GF clauses are transitive or intransitive, but we should also consider conceptual differences between AF and GF clauses in asserting their voice function. Second, little attention has been paid to the fact that AF clauses express a selforiented meaning like (2) and (3). The self-oriented meaning found in these examples is different from the semantics of antipassives, i.e. a lower degree of individuation and affectedness of a patient, but what is known as the middle voice. (2) Nag-hubad si=Tero. AF.RL-undress P.NOM=T. Tero undressed. *Tero undressed someone non-specific. (3) B<um>angon si=Zen. get.up<AF> P.NOM=Z. Zen got up (from bed). *Zen got up someone non-specific (from bed). The middle meaning observed in AF clauses (2) and (3), however, disappears in their corresponding GF clauses (4) and (5). The LF verb form hinubaran ‘undressed’ in (4) indicates that the agent undressed someone else, not the agent himself, while the CF verb form ibinangon ‘got up’ means that the agent got up someone else, not the agent herself. (4) H<in>ubar-an undress<RL>-LF Tero undressed Ray. ni=Tero P.GEN=T. si=Ray. P.NOM=R. (5) I-b<in>angon ni=Zen ang=anak=niya. CF-get.up<RL> P.GEN=Z. NOM=child=3SG.GEN Zen got up her child (from bed because the child was sick). As is illustrated above, the AF-GF distinctions in Tagalog represent an activemiddle voice contrast as well as an active-antipassive one. A satisfactory account for the focus system, then, has to take into consideration how middle situations like (2) and (3) are realized in this language, and how they interact with the focus system. A third and more important problem of the current approaches is that the most fundamental question to the Tagalog focus system has been left unanswered: how does the focus system correlate with voice phenomena? Syntactic transitivity of AF and GF clauses, on which the recent studies have been concentrating, does not really answer this. In this paper, we address this very question by examining the ways middle situations are realized in Tagalog. The paper is organized as follows: the conceptual framework for voice phenomena developed by Shibatani (2006) is introduced in Section 2, and is applied to Tagalog voice Middle Voice in Tagalog 163 phenomena in Section 3. It is pointed out that the voice contrast made by AF and GF clauses lies between non-active and active situations: AF clauses realize non-active situations (antipassive and middle), and GF clauses active situations. In Section 4, we examine the middle voice in Tagalog more closely, showing a variety of middle situations represented by AF verb forms. In Section 5, we show that the two different non-active situations, that is, antipassive and middle situations are brought about by the semantic contrast between introverted and extroverted verbs (Haiman 1983). In Section 6, we discuss another function of the focus system, that is, argument nominalization. This function results in neutralizing the voice oppositions made by AF and GF verb forms. In Section 7, it is argued that the two functions of AF verb forms, non-active voice categories and actor nominalization, are rooted in the single basic property of AF verb forms, namely, actor-focusing. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 8. 2 Conceptual framework for voice phenomena Based on Shibatani (2006) and Shibatani and Artawa (2003, 2007), voice is understood here as the pattern of the form-function correlation along the parameters pertaining to the evolutionary properties of an action. Different voice categories correspond to different conceptualizations of how an action evolves. There are thus marked voice categories pertaining to the origin of an action (spontaneous, passive, causative), the nature of the development of an action (middle, antipassive), and the termination of an action (applicative, external possession). 5 In this paper we are concerned with the active voice and two voice categories pertaining to the nature of the development of an action, the antipassive and middle voice. The active voice is defined as that in which an action extends beyond the agent’s personal sphere and achieves its effect on a distinct patient. For instance, English transitive clauses are active in most cases (e.g. Mary killed John). The active voice contrasts with the antipassive and middle voice in terms of the nature of the development of an action. In the antipassive voice, an action extends beyond the agent’s personal sphere, but does not develop to its full extent and fails to achieve its intended effect on a patient (see also Heath 1976, Comrie 1978, Hopper and Thompson 1980, Cooreman 1994, Dixon 1994, and Polinsky 2008). A typical example of the activeantipassive contrast is given in (6). The active/ergative construction in (6a) describes an action which is done toward, and does affect, the distinct patient. In contrast, the antipassive construction in (6b) ‘‘indicates that the action is carried out less completely, less successfully, less conclusively, etc., or that the object is less completely, less directly, less permanently, etc. affected by the action” (Anderson 1976:22, see also Hopper and Thompson 1980:268-269 and Cooreman 1994:60). (6) 5 Bzhedukh dialect of West Circassian (Anderson 1976:21) a. č’ʹaaλa-m č’əg˚-ər ya-ź˚a. boy-ERG field-ABS 3SG(-3SG)-plows The boy is plowing the field. [active] In this framework, the action is conceived in a broad sense, including non-volitional processes, and the agent is an initiator of such an action. The agent defined as such has been referred to as an ‘actor’ in the literature of Philippine linguistics (Schachter 1976, 1977). In this sense, “actor focus” is equivalent to “agent focus” in this paper. 164 JSEALS Vol. 1 b. č’ʹaaλa-r č’əg˚-əm ya-ź˚a. boy-ABS field-OBL 3SG(-3SG)-plows The boy is trying to plow the field. or The boy is doing some plowing in the field. [antipassive] In Tongan, an antipassive construction indicates that a patient is only partially affected by an action (Hopper and Thompson 1980:263). Compare (7a) and (7b). The active/ergative clause has an ergative-absolutive alignment pattern, showing that the whole fish was eaten; the antipassive construction in (7b), which lacks the transitive marker -i, indicates that only part of the fish was eaten. (7) Tongan (Clark 1973:600, cited from Hopper and Thompson 1980:263) a. Na’e kai-i ’a e ika ’e he tamasi’i. PAST eat-TRANS ABS DEF fish ERG the boy The boy ate the fish. [active] b. Na’e kai ’a e tamasi’i ’i he ika. PAST eat ABS DEF boy OBL the fish The boy ate some of the fish. [antipassive] Antipassive meanings are often indicated by verbal affixation or case-marking, but may be achieved by the indefinite object deletion, as exemplified in English (Heath 1976). The deletion of the patient in (8) signals an antipassive meaning, that is, the lower degree of identifiability of the patient. It also implies the habitual aspect of the proposition, especially in (8a) and (8b). See also “unspecified object alternations” in Levin (1993:33) and “characteristic property of agent alternations” in Levin (ibid.:39). (8) English (Health 1976:203) a. He drinks. b. Speed kills. c. The suspect is about to break under questioning. d. Minnesota Fats is about to break (i.e., is about to make the first shot in a game of pool). In the middle voice, in contrast, the development of an action is confined within the agent’s personal sphere so that the action’s effect accrues back on the agent itself. This definition of the middle voice resonates with its traditional descriptions. Benveniste (1971:148) says: “In the active, the verbs denote a process that is accomplished outside the subject. In the middle, which is the diathesis to be defined by the opposition, the verb indicates a process centering in the subject, the subject being inside the process.” Since the development of an action is confined within the agent’s personal sphere, the action has an effect on its single participant, i.e. the agent. Lyons (1968:373) says: “The implications of the middle (when it is in opposition with the active) are that the ‘action’ or ‘state’ affects the subject of the verb or his interests.” See also Barber (1975), Klaiman (1988, 1991, 1992), and Kemmer (1988, 1993, 1994). The most well-known instances of the middle voice include those of Indo-European languages like Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, in which the characteristic voice alternation is 165 Middle Voice in Tagalog active/middle rather than active/passive (Lyons 1968:373, Barber 1975, Klaiman 1991:2324). See (9) and (10). In active clauses, the action extends beyond the agent’s personal sphere and affects the distinct patient. In middle clauses, the action is done within the agent’s personal sphere and affects the agent itself. The same contrast can be found in nonIndo-European languages like Fula. See (11). (9) Ancient Greek (Barber 1975:19) a. lou -ō ta himatia wash act. the cloaks I wash the cloaks. [active] b lou -omai wash mid. (1sg.) I wash myself. [middle] (10) Sanskrit (Klaiman 1991:93) a. So namati he-NOM bends-3SG ACTIVE He bends the stick. [active] b. Namate daṇḍaḥ bends-3SG MIDDLE stick-NOM The stick bends. [middle] (11) Fula (Arnott 1970:260, cited from Klaiman 1991:26) a. ’o ɓorn -ii mo ŋgapalewol he dress past ACTIVE him gown He dressed him in a gown. [active] b. ’o ɓorn -ake ŋgapalewol he dress past MIDDLE gown He put on a gown. [middle] daṇḍam stick-ACC Middle situations can be marked not just morphologically like (9)-(11) but also lexically or periphrastically. They may be expressed by an intransitive verb as in (12a), or by a periphrastic reflexive construction as in (12b). In these sentences, the action is still confined within the agent’s personal sphere. (12) English (adopted from Haiman 1983:803) a. Max washed. b. Max kicked himself. The three situation types, namely, active, antipassive and middle situations can be represented as in Figure 1, where an arrow indicates an development of an action, a dotted circle an agent’s personal sphere, an “A” an agent, and a “P” a patient (Shibatani 2006:233). In active situations, both agent and patient are salient. In non-active situations, in contrast, there is no affected patient distinctly delineated from the agent, and the agent is the only salient participant. The difference between antipassive and middle situations is in the existence/absence of a patient outside the agent’s personal sphere. There are several 166 JSEALS Vol. 1 types of middle situations: an action may happen inside the agent itself (a), be reflected on the agent (b), or be carried out toward a patient which is coreferential with the agent (c) (reflexives). A P A Active situation A Antipassive situation A A Middle situation (a) P Middle situation (b) P(=A) Middle situation (c) Figure 1: Active, antipassive, and middle situations 3 Conceptual approach to Tagalog voice phenomena Let us now consider how the Tagalog focus system, especially, the AF-GF contrast represents different voice categories within our conceptual framework. From our perspective, and as argued by the recent analyses mentioned in Section 1, it is not controversial that GF clauses realize active situations. For example, in (1b), repeated here as (13), the action of eating extends beyond the personal sphere of ko ‘I’ and affects the patient mansanas ‘apple’ totally: the particular apple was completely eaten. The patient is individuated and has a definite interpretation. Morphosyntactically, the agent is marked in the genitive case, and the patient in the nominative case. This is true of (14). (13) K<in>ain-ø=ko ang=mansanas. eat<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN NOM=apple I ate the apple. [active] (14) P<in>atay-ø ni=Juan kill<RL>-PF P.GEN=J. Juan killed Kuwan. [active] si=Kuwan. P.NOM=K. In contrast, AF clauses realize two types of non-active situations. The first type of non-active situation is the antipassive situation, as argued by the antipassive analyses of AF clauses. In AF clause (1a), repeated here as (15), the action of eating is carried out by ako ‘I’ beyond his or her personal sphere and is directed to mansanas ‘apple’. However, the completion of the action is not specified. The patient is not completely affected and has an indefinite or non-specific reading (McFarland 1978). Also, (15) can have the partitive interpretation that the agent ate some of the apple (Hopper and Thompson 1980, Wouk 1986, Nolasco 2003, 2005, 2006, cf. Tongan antipassive in 7b). Thus, the AF clause in (15) Middle Voice in Tagalog 167 fits neatly into the conceptual description of antipassive situations. Morphosyntactically, the agent is marked in the nominative case and the patient in the genitive case. (15) K<um>ain=ako ng=mansanas. eat<AF>=1SG.NOM GEN=apple I ate an apple/apples/*the apple. [antipassive] In some AF antipassive clauses, individuation of a patient plays a more important role than its affectedness (see Hopper and Thompson 1980:253 for individuation). In (16), the AF verb form pumatay ‘kill’ means that the agent committed the action of killing, without mentioning which specific individual the agent killed. As (17) shows, AF verb forms cannot take a highly individuated patient, since such a patient is allowed for active situations, but not for antipassive situations. Compare (14) and (17). (16) (17) P<um>atay si=Juan ng=aso. kill<AF> P.NOM=J. GEN=dog. Juan killed a/*the dog. [antipassive] *P<um>atay si=Juan kay=Kuwan. 6 kill<AF> P.NOM=J. P.DAT=K. Intended for Juan killed Kuwan. In her functional typology of antipassives, Cooreman (1994) reports that across languages the antipassive construction tends not just to indicate a lower degree of individuation and affectedness for the patient, but also to describe an action as incomplete or non-punctual. This aspectual characteristic of antipassives is apparent when they are used in an embedded complement clause of the verb of completion tapusin ‘finish’ (Smith 1997:Chapter 3). Since they imply that a designated action is completed, GF active clauses can be used in a complement clause of tinapos ‘finished’ as in (18a). However, AF antipassive clauses, which describe an action without a discernable onset or conclusion, are not compatible with this verb of completion as in (18b). (18) a. T<in>apos-ø=ko=ng kain-in ang=mansanas. finish<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN=LK eat-PF NOM=apple I finished eating the apple. [active] b. *T<in>apos-ø=ko=ng k<um>ain ng=mansanas. finish<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN=LK eat<AF> GEN=apple Intended for I finished eating an apple/apples. [antipassive] As is often the case with antipassive constructions in other languages, AF antipassive constructions are often accompanied by a habitual reading with an implicit object (Heath 1976, cf. English examples in 8). To illustrate, the AF antipassive clause in (19a) means that Lyndie drinks as a habit. Also, it implies that she drinks alcohol, although there is no explicit mention to it. Crucially, this interpretation is not possible in its GF active counterpart in (19b). (19b) just describes the situation Lyndie is drinking something 6 As we note later in Section 6, this AF clause is grammatical when nominalized. See (71). 168 JSEALS Vol. 1 specific at the moment of utterance. The implicit patient only refers to something recoverable from the context, which may or may not be alcohol. The same contrast is obtained in (20), in which the AF antipassive clause indicates that the speaker’s dog does not have the habit of biting people, while its GF active counterpart states that their dog is not biting something specific (for example, a bone) at the moment. (19) a. <Um>i~inom si=Lyndie. <AF>ASP~drink P.NOM=L. Lyndie drinks (alcohol as a habit). [antipassive] or Lyndie is drinking (alcohol right now). b. <In>i~inom-ø ni=Lyndie. <RL>ASP~drink-PF P.GEN=L. Lyndie is drinking (something specific right now). [active] (20) a. Hindi na-nga~ngagat ang=aso=namin. NEG AF-ASP~bite NOM=dog=1PL.EXC.GEN Our dog does not bite. [antipassive] b. Hindi k<in>a~kagat-ø ng=aso=namin. NEG ASP<RL>~bite-PF GEN=dog=1PL.EXC.GEN Our dog is not biting (something specific right now). [active] The conceptual contrast between the antipassive and the active becomes clearer in interpretation of reference-tracking. Compare the purpose clause construction in (21a) and (21b), in which para ‘for’ introduces a subordinate clause describing a purpose of the action expressed in the main clause. (21a) means that the speaker bought the apple in order to eat it. This interpretation is not achieved in (21b), which has the AF verb in the purpose clause, because the AF verb kumain cannot have an individuated patient to mean ‘to eat the apple’. On the other hand, both (22a) and (22b) are grammatically correct but have different interpretations. Since the GF verb kainin can only take an individuated patient, (22a) means that the agent called Tuting to eat him, although it is pragmatically (and ethically) unacceptable. In contrast, (22b) is fine; here the AF verb kumain means ‘to eat a meal (or something one typically eats)’. The sentence indicates that the agent called Tuting so that he would eat a meal. (21) a. B<in>ili-ø=ko ang=mansanas buy<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN NOM=apple I bought the apple to eat (it). b. *B<in>ili-ø=ko ang=mansanas buy<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN NOM=apple Intended for I bought the apple to eat (it). para for kain-in. eat-PF para for k<um>ain. eat<AF> 169 Middle Voice in Tagalog (22) a. #T<in>awag-ø=ko si=Tuting call<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN P.NOM=T. I called Tuting to eat (him). b. T<in>awag-ø=ko si=Tuting call<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN P.NOM=T. I called Tuting so that he would eat (a meal). para for kain-in. eat-PF para for k<um>ain. eat<AF> The second type of non-active situation realized by AF clauses is the middle situation, as we have already seen in (2) Naghubad si Tero ‘Tero undressed.’ and (3) Bumangon si Zen ‘Zen got up (from bed).’ In these sentences, each action is carried out within the agent’s personal sphere, and the agent is the one who is affected by the action. Another illustrating example is given in (23), which contains the AF verb form maghilamos ‘wash one’s face’. This sentence means that the agent washed her own face. Here, the action of washing does not develop beyond the agent’s personal sphere, and the agent herself is affected by the action in the sense that her own face was washed. It does not mean that the agent washed someone else’s face. (23) Nag-hilamos si=Kath. AF.RL-wash.face P.NOM=K. Kath washed her face. [middle] (lit. Kath face-washed (herself).) In contrast, the corresponding LF verb form realizes an active situation as in (24). The action of washing extends beyond the agent’s personal sphere, and affects the patient distinct from the agent, namely, her child (cf. Ancient Greek examples in 9). (24) H<in>ilamus-an ni=Kath ang=anak=niya. wash.face<RL>-LF P.GEN=K. NOM=child=3SG.GEN Kath washed the face of her child. [active] (lit. Kath face-washed her child.) Although there is a strong tendency for AF middle clauses to be intransitive, transitive AF middle clauses still exist. Certain verbs of grooming (Section 4) can have a specific body part as a patient. For example, the AF verb form magsabon ‘wash (with soap)’ means that the agent washes her own whole body as in (25a). But it can also be used to mean that the agent washes her specific body part kamay ‘hand’ as in (25b). In this case, the body part has to be interpreted to belong to the agent; the interpretation that the agent washed someone else’s body part is not possible. Note that the body part patient here is interpreted as part of the agent and within her personal sphere, and is different from a “distinct patient” involved in active situations. The same is true of (26). See “understood body-part object alternations” in Levin (1993:34-35). 170 (25) (26) JSEALS Vol. 1 a. Nag-sabon si=Merla. AF.RL-wash P.NOM=M. Merla washed. [middle] b. Nag-sabon si=Merla AF.RL-wash P.NOM=M. Merla washed her own hand. [middle] a. Nag-sipilyo si=Vicky. AF.RL-brush P.NOM=V. Vicky brushed. [middle] b. Nag-sipilyo si=Vicky AF.RL-brush P.NOM=V. Vicky brushed her teeth. [middle] ng=kamay(=niya). GEN=hand(=3SG.GEN) ng=ngipin(=niya). GEN=tooth(=3SG.GEN) Importantly, the patient in (25b) and (26b) has a definite and non-partitive reading: it refers to the specific body part owned by the agent (see also Himmelmann 2005b). Remember that a definite patient is not allowed in AF antipassive constructions like (15) and (16). This means that the constraint on the definiteness of a patient is applicable to AF antipassive constructions, but not to AF middle constructions. Antipassive and middle are related yet distinct voice categories. Another example of transitive AF middle clauses is a “causative middle”. Let us compare (27a) and (27b). Both of them mean that the speaker was kissed by Kathleen, but are different in terms of who benefits from the action. The AF causative middle clause in (27a) denotes that the action of kissing was carried out for the benefit of the speaker/agent. The speaker may even have made a request to Kathleen. This interpretation is not present in the GF causative active clause in (27b). Here the action was initiated by Kathleen’s request and done for her benefit. More examples of causative middles are given in the following section. (27) a. Nag-pa-halik=ako kay=Kathleen. AF.RL-CAUS-kiss=1SG.NOM P.DAT=K. I had Kathleen kiss me (for my interest; I wanted to be kissed by her). [middle] b. P<in>a-halik-ø=ko si=Kathleen. CAUS<RL>-kiss-PF=1SG.GEN P.NOM=K. I let Kathleen kiss me (for her interest; she wanted to kiss me). [active] The causative middle plays a significant role in reference-tracking, as does the antipassive-active opposition in purpose clauses (21) and (22). In Tagalog control constructions, for instance, an argument in a matrix clause can control only an agent argument in its complement clause (Schachter 1976, 1977, Kroeger 1993). Thus, the argument in the matrix clause in (28) can be coreferential with the agent gap (“kisser”) in (28a), but not with the non-agent gap (“kissee”) in (28b). (28) a. S<in>ubuk-an=ko=ng try<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN=LK I tried to kiss Kathleen. [halik-an kiss-LF [A] si=Kathleen]. P.NOM=K. 171 Middle Voice in Tagalog b. *S<in>ubuk-an=ko=ng [halik-an try<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN=LK kiss-LF Intended for I tried to be kissed by Kathleen. (lit. I tried Kathleen to kiss me.) ni=Kathleen P.GEN=K. [P]]. For the “kissee” to be coreferential with the argument in the matrix clause, the AF causative middle magpahalik must be employed as in (29). (29) S<in>ubuk-an=ko=ng [mag-pa-halik [A] try<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN=LK AF-CAUS-kiss I tried to be kissed by Kathleen. (lit. I tried to get myself kissed by Kathleen.) kay=Kathleen]. P.DAT=K. To summarize, GF clauses realize active situations and are, therefore, active voice forms, whereas AF clauses represent antipassive and middle situations and form either antipassive or middle constructions. Although only antipassive meanings of AF clauses have been attracting attention in the literature, their middle meanings constitute an integral part of their voice function. Crosslinguistically it is not uncommon that a single form has both middle and antipassive functions (Dixon 1994, Lidz 1996, Terrill 1997, Shibatani 2006:239-240, Polinsky 2008). Polinsky (2008) reports that in some languages syncretism is observed between the morphology of the antipassive and the morphology of other detransitivizing operations, most commonly reflexivization (middle). In Diyari (PamaNyungan, South Australia), for example, the verbal derivational suffix -t̪adi expresses antipassive and middle (reflexive) meanings among others (Austin 1981, Dixon 1994:151). Compare the antipassive in (30a) and the middle in (30b). This is also the case with Lithuanian -si in (31). (30) Diyari (Austin 1981:152-153, glossing modified, emphasis added) n̪aŋkaŋu wil ̪a-n̪i a. ŋan̪i kaḷka-t̪adi-yi 1SG.S wait.for-ANTIP-PRES 3SG.F.LOC woman-LOC I wait for the woman. [antipassive] b. ŋan̪i muduwa-t̪adi-yi 1SG.S scratch-MIDDLE-PRES I scratch myself. [middle] (31) Lithuanian (Geniušienė 1987:94, 82, glossing modified, emphasis added) a. Petr-as svaido-si akmen-imis Peter-NOM throws-ANTIP stone-INS.PL Peter is throwing stones. [antipassive] b. Vaik-as su-si-žeide child-NOM PREF-MIDDLE-hurt The child hurt himself. [middle] The question that arises, then, is when do AF clauses realize antipassive situations, and when do they represent middle situations? To answer this question, we first have to 172 JSEALS Vol. 1 describe AF clauses with a middle reading in more detail, situating them in the context of the realization of a middle meaning in this language. 4 Aspects of middle situations with AF verb forms In this section, we take a closer look at several representative middle situations expressed by AF clauses, namely, grooming actions, changes in body posture, non-translational and translational motions, inchoatives, reciprocal actions, and causative middles. They are also compared with active situations expressed by the corresponding GF clauses so that their characteristics are well understood.7 , 8, 9 Grooming (or bodily care) Grooming or bodily care actions are prototypical middle situations (Kemmer 1988, 1993, 1994), and are realized by AF clauses in Tagalog. (2), (23), (25) and (26) are also examples of this type. In their corresponding GF clauses, the action of grooming extends beyond the agent’s personal sphere and affects others (cf. Fula examples in 11). (32) (33) 7 8 9 a. Nag-bihis si=Katrina. AF.RL-dress P.NOM=K. Katrina dressed. [middle] b. B<in>ihis-an ni=Katrina dress<RL>-LF P.GEN=K. Katrina dressed her child. [active] ang=anak=niya. NOM=child=3SG.GEN a. Nag-pulbo=ako. AF.RL-powder=1SG.NOM I put powder on (my face). [middle] b. P<in>ulbuh-an=ko ang=anak=ko. powder<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN NOM=child=1SG.GEN I put power on (the face of) my child. [active] It is noteworthy that certain bare verbs, i.e. non-affixed verbs, which are used only in special sentence types, can represent middle situations. Such special sentence types include an imperative sentence (i), an exhortative sentence (ii), and a volitive sentence (iii). (i) Ingat=kayo. take.care=2PL.NOM Take care (of yourself)! (ii) Upo=tayo. sit.down=1PL.INC.NOM Let’s sit down! (iii) Ligo=na=ako. take.bath=already=1SG.NOM I am about to take a bath. As Seunghun J. Lee (p.c.) points out, sentences like This book sells well is often treated as “middle” in some languages. Kemmer (1993:147ff) distinguishes this situation type from the middle, naming it as the facilitative (see Faltz 1985 [1977] for the facilitative). In Tagalog the facilitative is encoded as a spontaneous situation, with which we are not concerned in this paper (see Shibatani 2006 for the spontaneous voice). See Kemmer (ibid.) for the close relationship between facilitative and spontaneous situations. A few verbs only have an AF middle verb form: for example, magkaroon ‘have’, magkasakit ‘get sick’, and magtalik ‘make love’ lack the corresponding GF verb forms. 173 Middle Voice in Tagalog (34) a. Nag-sumbrero si=Barbie. AF.RL-put.on.hat P.NOM=B. Barbie put on a hat. [middle] b. S<in>umbreruh-an ni=Barbie put.on.hat<RL>-LF P.GEN=B. Barbie put a hat on Kaiser. [active] si=Kaiser. P.NOM=K. Change in body posture AF forms of verbs of change in body posture indicate a situation where an agent changes its own body posture, while their GF forms mean that an agent changes someone else’s body posture. (3) is also of this type. (35) a. <Um>upo si=Yang. <AF>sit.down P.NOM=Y. Yang sat down. [middle] b. I-ni-upo ni=Yang CF-RL-sit.down P.GEN=Y. Yang sat the child down. [active] ang=bata. NOM=child (36) a. L<um>uhod si=Kim. kneel<AF> P.NOM=K. Kim knelt down. [middle] b. I-ni-luhod ni=Kim ang=manika. CF-RL-kneel P.GEN=K. NOM=doll Kim placed the doll in a kneeling posture. [active] (37) a. K<um>andong=ako kay=Macy. sit.on.lap<AF>=1SG.NOM P.DAT=M. I sat down on Macy’s lap. [middle] b. K<in>andong-ø=ko si=Stef sit.on.lap<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN P.NOM=S. I sat Stef on Macy’s lap. [active] kay=Macy. P.DAT=M. Non-translational motion Kemmer (1994:196) characterizes non-translational motion as “those which denote actions of motor manipulation of the body”, following Leonard Talmy’s terminology. AF verb forms of non-translational motion mean that an agent makes such a motion. GF verb forms of this type mean that an agent causes something to make such a motion. (38) a. Nag-unat=ako. AF.RL-stretch=1SG.NOM I stretched. [middle] b. In-unat-ø=ko RL-stretch-PF=1SG.GEN I stretched my hand. [active] ang=kamay=ko. NOM=hand=1SG.GEN 174 (39) (40) JSEALS Vol. 1 a. L<um>iko=ako. turn<AF>=1SG.NOM I turned. [middle] b. I-ni-liko=ko CF-RL-turn=1SG.GEN I turned the car. [active] a. Y<um>uko=ako. bow<AF>=1SG.NOM I bowed. [middle] b. I-ni-yuko=ko CF-RL-bow=1SG.GEN I bowed my head. [active] ang=kotse. NOM=car ang=ulo=ko. NOM=head=1SG.GEN Translational motion As opposed to non-translational motion, translational motion includes “actions involving motion of an animate entity under its own power through space” (Kemmer 1994:197). AF verb forms of translational motion express such a motion of an agent; their GF verb forms also express the same type of motion, but the emphasis is put on the endpoint of a motion being affected rather than the motion itself. 10 (41) a. P<um>unta si=Mark sa=mall. go<AF> P.NOM=M. DAT=mall. Mark went to the mall. [middle] b. P<in>untah-an ni=Mark ang=mall. go<RL>-LF P.GEN=M. NOM=mall Mark went to the mall. (The mall is focused.) [applicative] (42) a. <Um>akyat ang=babae sa=bundok. <AF>climb NOM=woman DAT=mountain The woman climbed the mountain. [middle] b. <In>akyat-ø ng=babae ang=bundok. <RL>climb-PF GEN=woman NOM=mountain The woman climbed the mountain (and conquered it). [applicative] (43) a. T<um>akas ang=bata sa=pulis. run.away<AF> NOM=child DAT=police The child ran away from the police. [middle] b. T<in>akas-an ng=bata ang=pulis. run.away<RL>-LF GEN=child NOM=police The child ran away from the police. (The police are focused.) [applicative] Inchoative In our framework, the inchoative, which expresses a change of state, also goes into a middle category in the sense that an agent undergoes a change of state within its 10 Although we cannot go into details here, we analyze (41b) (42b) and (43b) as applicative, where the action develops further than its normal course, such that an entity other than the direct eventparticipants becomes a new terminal point registering an effect of the action (Shibatani 2006). 175 Middle Voice in Tagalog personal sphere, and the agent itself is affected by the process. The AF and GF verb forms of this type express an inchoative situation and a causative situation respectively, resulting in inchoative-causative alternations (Nagaya 2006, see also Sanskrit examples in 10). 11 (44) (45) (46) a. H<um>into ang=kotse. stop<AF> NOM=car The car stopped. [middle] b. I-h<in>into=ko CF-stop<RL>=1SG.GEN I stopped the car. [active] a. S<um>ara ang=takip. close<AF> NOM=lid The lid closed. [middle] b. I-s<in>ara=ko CF-close<RL>=1SG.GEN I closed the lid. [active] ang=kotse. NOM=car ang=takip. NOM=lid a. L<um>aki si=Osang sa=Caramoan. big<AF> P.NOM=O. DAT=C. Osang became bigger (i.e. grew up) in Caramoan. [middle] b. Ni-lakih-an ni=Osang ang=font RL-big-LF P.GEN=O. NOM=font Osang made the font bigger. [active] Reciprocal action Reciprocal actions, where multiple participants act on each other, are also realized by an AF verb form. The corresponding GF verb form, in contrast, expresses a non-reciprocal active situation. (47) 11 a. Nag-away si=Flor at Weng. AF.RL-quarrel P.NOM=F. and W. Flor and Weng quarreled (with each other). [middle] b. <In>away-ø ni=Flor si=Weng. <RL>quarrel-PF P.GEN=F. P.NOM=W. Flor quarreled with Weng. (Flor began the quarrel.) [active] One of the reviewers notes that inchoative situations can be expressed by verbs with the prefix ma- as in (i). However, we analyze ma- as the spontaneous prefix, which indicates an action is brought about accidentally or non-volitionally. Thus, (i) does not simply mean a change of state. Indeed, (i) can take an agent as in (ii), which is not the case with AF inchoatives. (i) Na-sira ang=laptop ni=Nijan. SR:RL-break NOM=laptop P.GEN=N. Nijan’s laptop (accidentally) broke. (ii) Na-sira=ko ang=laptop ni=Nijan. SP:RL-break=1SG.GEN NOM=laptop P.GEN=Nijan I broke Nijan’s laptop accidentally/unintentionally. 176 JSEALS Vol. 1 (48) a. Nag-kausap si=Mutya at Melody. AF.RL-talk P.NOM=M. and M. Mutya and Melody talked with each other. [middle] b. K<in>ausap-ø ni=Mutya si=Melody. talk<RL>-PF P.GEN=M. P.NOM=M. Mutya talked to Melody. (Mutya began the conversation.) [active] (49) a. Nag-hiwalay si=Marcos at Imelda. AF.RL-separate P.NOM=M. and I. Marcos and Imelda separated. [middle] b. H<in>iwalay-ø ni=Marcos si=Imelda sa=mga tao. separate<RL>-PF P.GEN=M. P.NOM=I. DAT=PL people Marcos separated Imelda from the people. [active] Causative middle As the Classical Greek middle, one of the important middle situations in Tagalog is the causative middle (“causative reflexive” in Lyons 1968:374). AF verb forms with the causative prefix pa- mean that an action is carried out for the benefit of, or in the interests of, the agent (i.e. causer). This interpretation is not present in GF verb forms with pa-. See also Nolasco (2003, 2005, 2006) and Saclot (2006). (50) a. Nag-pa-gupit si=Aldrin AF.RL-CAUS-haircut P.NOM=A. Aldrin had his hair cut by Ria. [middle] b. P<in>a-gupit-an ni=Aldrin CAUS<RL>-haircut-LF P.GEN=A. Aldrin let Ria have her hair cut. [active] kay=Ria. P.DAT=R. si=Ria. P.NOM=R. (51) a. Nag-pa-luto=ako ng=adobo kay=Tatay. AF.RL-CAUS-cook=1SG.NOM GEN=adobo P.DAT=father I had my father cook adobo (for myself or my guests). [middle] b. I-p<in>a-luto=ko ang=adobo kay=Tatay. CF-CAUS<RL>-cook=1SG.GEN NOM=adobo P.DAT=father I made my father cook the adobo. [active] (52) a. Nag-pa-sama si=Ivy kay=Jessie. AF.RL-CAUS-accompany P.NOM=I. P.DAT=J. Ivy had Jessie accompany her. [middle] b. P<in>a-sama-ø ni=Ivy si=Jessie. CAUS<RL>-accompany-PF P.GEN=I. P.NOM=J. Ivy let Jessie accompany her or someone else. [active] 5 Antipassive and middle In the previous sections we have argued that AF clauses realize two non-active situations, antipassive and middle. In this section, we examine when AF clauses mean antipassive situations and when they realize middle situations, based on the semantic contrast between introverted and extroverted verbs proposed by Haiman (1983). Through the discussions it Middle Voice in Tagalog 177 will also be shown that the marking of a middle meaning is economically motivated in Tagalog. In his seminal work, Haiman (1983) proposes an economic motivation for the marking of a middle meaning (Haiman’s “reflexive”), introducing the distinction between “introverted verbs” and “extroverted verbs”. Introverted verbs “refer to actions which one generally performs upon one’s self” (ibid.:803); extroverted verbs “describe actions which the subject usually performs toward others” (ibid.:803). For example, there are two markers for a middle meaning in Russian: the reflexive pronoun sebja and the verb suffix sja. According to Haiman (1983:804), extroverted verbs can only use the reflexive pronoun sebja for this purpose as in (53), whereas introverted verbs can employ the verb suffix -sja, the reflexive pronoun being reserved for those instances where the patient is in contrastive focus as in (54). In other words, a middle meaning of extroverted verbs is realized by the full reflexive pronoun, while that of introverted verbs is indicated by the reduced verbal suffix. (53) Extroverted verb (Haiman 1983:804, glossing modified): a. *Viktor nenavidit-sja. Victor hates-MIDDLE b. Viktor nenavidit sebja. Victor hates self Victor hates himself. (54) Introverted verb (Haiman 1983:804, glossing modified): a. Ja každyj den’ moju-sj. I every day wash-MIDDLE I wash every day. b. Ja myl sebja. I washed self I washed myself (not someone else). Similarly, in English, a middle meaning of extroverted verbs is expressed by the full reflexive pronoun, whereas such a meaning of introverted verbs can be designated by a zero form. Compare (55) and (56). (55) (56) Max kicked himself. Max washed. Haiman goes on to claim that the marking of a middle meaning is economically motivated: “what is predictable receives less coding than what is not” (Haiman 1983:807). The identity of an agent and a patient is expected or predicted in introverted verbs, and therefore is marked by a reduced (or zero) form. But the disjoint references for an agent and a patient are expected in extroverted verbs. When this expectation is not fulfilled, such a situation is expressed by a full form. A similar idea was also mentioned by Faltz (1985 [1977]) before Haiman, and has been discussed extensively in the literature on the middle voice (Kemmer 1988, 1993, 1994, Shibatani and Artawa 2003, 2007). 178 JSEALS Vol. 1 This contrast between extroverted and introverted verbs, we argue, plays an important role in the Tagalog middle voice as well. On the one hand, AF verb forms of extroverted verbs cannot express middle situations but only antipassive situations as in (57) and (58). Indeed, all the examples of antipassive constructions we have discussed are AF clauses with extroverted verbs: kumain ‘eat’ (15), pumatay ‘kill’ (16), uminom ‘drink’ (19), and mangagat ‘bite’ (20). (57) P<um>atay si=Juan. kill<AF> P.NOM=J. *Juan killed himself. [middle] Juan killed (someone non-specific). [antipassive] (58) S<um>ampal si=Marf. slap<AF> P.NOM=M. *Marf slapped himself. [middle] Marf slapped (someone non-specific). [antipassive] On the other hand, introverted verbs can realize middle situations, but not antipassive situations, with AF verb forms like (59) and (60). In fact, the AF verb forms we have looked at in Section 4 are those with introverted verbs such as verbs of grooming and of change in body posture. (59) Nag-damit=ako. AF.RL-clothe=1SG.NOM I clothed (myself). [middle] *I clothed (someone non-specific). [antipassive] (60) T<um>ayo si=Glai. stand<AF> P.NOM=G. Glai stood up. [middle] *Glai stood up (something non-specific). [antipassive] To express a middle meaning with extroverted verbs, which is an unpredictable situation, it is necessary to employ the sarili reflexive construction. The sarili reflexive construction is a GF clause where coreference between agent and patient is overtly marked by sarili ‘self’ 12 (Schachter 1976, 1977, Faltz 1985[1977]:30-31). See (61) and (62). The situations the sarili reflexive construction realizes are middle situations in the sense that the development of an action is confined within the agent’s personal sphere and the agent him- or herself is affected (cf. English reflexives in 12). But they are “unusual” middle situations, where extroverted verbs have a middle meaning contrary to expectations, being distinguished from “usual” middle situations expressed by AF clauses like (59) and (60). 12 For some reason, the sarili reflexive construction cannot be used with AF antipassive constructions as below. (i) *P<um>atay ang=lalaki kill<AF> NOM=man Intended for The man killed himself. ng=sarili=niya. GEN=self=3SG.GEN 179 Middle Voice in Tagalog Variation in form is taken as a function of the “usualness” of the middle situation (Shibatani 2006:235). (61) P<in>atay-ø kill<RL>-PF The man killed himself. ng=lalaki GEN=man ang=sarili=niya. NOM=self=3SG.GEN (62) S<in>ampal-ø slap<RL>-PF Marf slapped himself. ni=Marf P.GEN=M. ang=sarili=niya. NOM=self=3SG.GEN Interestingly, it is possible to employ the sarili reflexive construction with introverted verbs, but the resulting sentences mean “unusual” middle situations with special implications such as the emphasis on a patient and the difficulty of an action. For example, the sarili reflexive construction in (63) emphasizes that the agent clothed no one but him- or herself. (64) has the reading that the agent had difficulty in standing up (e.g. because of her sickness). AF middle constructions do not have these implications. (63) D<in>amit-an=ko clothe<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN I clothed myself (not someone else). ang=sarili=ko. NOM=self=1SG.GEN (64) I-t<in>ayo ni=Glai ang=sarili=niya. CF-stand<RL> P.GEN=G. NOM=self=3SG.GEN Glai stood herself up (in spite of the difficulty). To summarize, the semantic contrast between extroverted and introverted verbs differentiates two distinct voice categories of AF verb forms. AF verb forms realize antipassive situations with extroverted verbs and middle situations with introverted verbs, whereas GF verb forms represent active situations. Exceptionally, GF verb forms can indicate middle situations, but “unusual” ones, with the sarili reflexive construction. See Table 2. To put it differently, the marking of a middle meaning is economically motivated in Tagalog. Middle situations with introverted verbs are predictable and thus expressed by an AF verb form (a zero form); those with extroverted verbs are not predictable and thus indicated by the sarili reflexive construction (a full form). Table 2: Voice oppositions realized by the focus system Types of verbs Extroverted verbs Introverted verbs AF Antipassive Middle GF Sarili-construction Active Reflexives It is worthy of mention that the contrast between extroverted and introverted verbs is a matter of degree. On the one hand, verbs like pumatay ‘kill’ and sumampal ‘slap’ in (57) and (58) are completely extroverted verbs, and verbs of change in body posture and translational/non-translational motion are strongly introverted verbs. On the other hand, some verbs may fall between extroverted and introverted verbs, allowing for both middle 180 JSEALS Vol. 1 and antipassive interpretations. For example, the action of grooming is typically selfdirected, but can be carried out toward others in special circumstances. In (65), for example, the AF verb form nag-ahit ‘shaved’ means the middle situation that Ricky shaved himself. But when it is employed with a patient possessed by someone else as in (66), the AF verb form is coerced into having the antipassive reading that the patient is partially affected, and the completion of shaving action is not specified. (65) Nag-ahit si=Ricky (ng=bigote). AF.RL-shave P.NOM=R. (GEN=mustache) Ricky shaved (his own mustache).[middle] (66) Nag-ahit ang=nurse ng=buhok AF.RL-shave NOM=nurse GEN=hair The nurse shaved (part of) the patient’s hair. [antipassive] ng=pasyente. GEN=patient Lastly, we should also note that certain verbs that include a change of state in their meanings, especially inchoative verbs, have more than one AF verb form, one for a middle situation (a change of state) and one for an antipassive situation (an action which induces a change of state of something non-specific).13 In these verbs, AF and GF verb forms display a three-way voice distinction, that is, middle, antipassive, and active as in (67). (67) a. B<um>ukas ang=pinto. open<AF> NOM=door The door opened. [middle] b. Nag-bukas si=Rogie AF.RL-open P.NOM=R. Rogie opened a door. [antipassive] c. B<in>uks-an ni=Rogie open<RL>-LF P.GEN=R. Rogie opened the door. [active] ng=pinto. GEN=door ang=pinto. NOM=door 6 Voice neutralizations in nominalization The focus system is not only used for voice phenomena. Another equally important function is to form argument nominalization, by which a clause is converted into a nominal expression profiling a particular argument of the clause (Comrie and Thompson 1985). 14 In 13 14 It has been mentioned in Section 1 that there is more than one AF affix, and the most productive ones are mag- and -um-. As noted above, certain verbs can occur with both affixes, resulting in two distinct AF verb forms like (67). In this case, mag- AF verb forms tend to express antipassive situations, while -um- AF verb forms are likely to express middle situations, although the antipassive-middle contrast is only one of the functional contrasts between magand -um-. See Pittman (1966), Himmelmann (2004), Reid and Liao (2004), and Bril (2005). Pittman (1966:12) reports that there is a semantic distinction between umahit ‘to shave others’ (non-reflexive) and mag-ahit ‘to shave oneself’ (reflexive) (cf. 65 and 66). But the Tagalog speakers the present author consulted with do not have this distinction. They only use mag-ahit. Thanks to Mathias Jenny (p.c.) for drawing my attention to this point. What we call nominalization here has been referred to as headless relative clauses in the literature, and it has been claimed that only the nominative argument can be relativized 181 Middle Voice in Tagalog argument nominalization, the focus system is employed to specify the semantic role of the argument nominalized. Thus, the AF affix indicates actor nominalization like English -er (e.g. sing-er and hear-er), the PF affix patient nominalization like English -ee (e.g. employee), and so on, as exemplified in (68). Compare the nominalized verb forms in (68) with the non-nominalized verb forms in (1). (68) a. Ako ang=[k<um>ain ng=mansanas]. 1SG.NOM NOM=eat<AF> GEN=apple [The one who ate an/the apple] is me. b. Ang=mansanas ang=[k<in>ain-ø=ko]. NOM=apple NOM=eat<RL>-PF=1SG.GEN [What I ate] is the apple. c. Ang=pinggan ni=John Rey ang=[k<in>ain-an=ko]. NOM=plate P.GEN=J.R. NOM=eat<RL>-LF=1SG.GEN [What I ate off of] is John Rey’s plate. d. Si=Fiona ang=[i-k<in>ain=ko]. P.NOM=F. NOM=CF-eat<RL>=1SG.GEN [The one for whom I ate] is Fiona. Nominalized clauses can also work as noun-modifying (or relative) clauses by being attached to the noun they modify (cf. Shibatani 2009). (69) <Um>alis=na ang=lalaki=ng [k<um>ain <AF>leave=already NOM=man=LK eat<AF> The man [who ate an/the apple] already left. ng=mansanas]. GEN=apple A special fact about Tagalog nominalization is that the voice oppositions made by the focus system are neutralized in nominalized verb forms. Notice that the patient noun of the nominalized AF verb form kumain ‘the one who ate’ can be either indefinite or definite as in (68a) and (69). This means that the nominalized AF clause above can receive two different interpretations, namely, the antipassive interpretation that an indefinite apple or some of the apple was eaten, and the active interpretation that a definite apple was completely eaten. Likewise, the AF clause in (70) has two readings: it can express either an antipassive situation with a non-specific patient or an active situation with a definite distinct patient. Compare (16) and (70). The nominalized AF verb form pumatay ‘the one who killed’ can even take a highly individuated patient as in (71). Compare (17) and (71). Thus, the antipassive-active opposition made by AF and GF verb forms is not observed in nominalization. (70) Na-huli ang=[p<um>atay ng=aso]. SP.RL-arrest NOM=kill<AF> GEN=dog [The one who killed a dog] was arrested. [antipassive] or [The one who killed the (particular) dog] was arrested. [active] (Schachter 1976, 1977, Kroeger 1993). In our analysis, there is no extraction involved in nominalization. 182 (71) JSEALS Vol. 1 Si=Juan ang=[p<um>atay kay=Kuwan]. 15 P.NOM=J. NOM=kill<AF> P.DAT=K. [The one who killed Kuwan] is Juan. [active] This is also the case with the middle-active opposition. The nominalized clauses in (72) and (73) illustrate the point. Since it is an introverted verb, the AF verb form nag-ahit ‘shaved’ indicates a middle situation in a matrix clause like (65). However, when it is used as a nominalized verb as in (72), the situation this AF verb form represents is ambiguous between middle and active situations: it can be interpreted to indicate either that Ricky shaved himself (middle) or that Ricky shaved someone else (active). The same is true of (73) (cf. 34). (72) Si=Ricky ang=[nag-ahit]. 16 P.NOM=R. NOM=AF.RL-shave [The one who shaved (himself)] is Ricky. [middle] or [The one who shaved (someone else)] is Ricky. [active] (73) Si=Barbie ang=[nag-sumbrero]. P.NOM=B. NOM=AF.RL-put.on.hat [The one who put on a hat] is Barbie. [middle] or [The one who put a hat on (someone else)] is Barbie. [active] Thus, the function of the focus system is different in and out of nominalization. In particular, the AF affixes indicate non-active voice categories (antipassive and middle) in non-nominalized clauses, but mark actor nominalization in nominalized clauses. 17 7 Non-active voice categories and actor nominalization We opened this paper by introducing the focus system as a mechanism of singling out a particular participant of an action as primary focal participant, and observed that AF verb forms, which focus an actor, have two different functions, namely, non-active voice categories (antipassive and middle) and actor nominalization. In this section, we discuss how the two functions of AF verb forms are motivated by their basic function, that is, actor-focusing. To begin with, let us think about why two distinct non-active voice categories, antipassive and middle, are realized by the single AF verb form. Recall from Section 2 that within our conceptual framework the antipassive voice and the middle voice are grouped together relative to the active voice in terms of the nature of the development of an action. In both voice categories, there is no totally affected distinct patient and the agent is the single salient participant (Shibatani 2006:239-240). 15 16 17 A highly-individuated patient (e.g. a personal name and a pronoun) in a nominalized clause is marked in the dative case (McFarland 1978). To be more precise, (72) can even have the antipassive interpretation that the one who shaved some of someone’s mustache is Ricky. Here, the antipassive-middle contrast is neutralized. Crosslinguistically it seems widespread that an antipassive morphology has a different function in and out of subordinate clauses (e.g. relative clauses). According to Heath (1976:210), often an antipassive construction shows a lower degree of individuation of a patient in main clauses, but involves a syntactic process of changing a transitive subject to an intransitive subject in subordinate clauses. A similar observation is also found in Cooreman (1994:72-81). Middle Voice in Tagalog 183 This conceptualization is exactly what actor-focusing means, and is what AF verb forms have in common. In other words, since they foreground an agent, backgrounding other roles, AF verb forms are used for representing non-active situations. Then, the voice contrast between antipassive and middle is brought about by the semantic contrast between introverted and extroverted verbs. Since introverted verbs are inherently self-directed, their AF verb forms realize middle situations, where an action develops only within the agent’s personal sphere. On the other hand, AF verb forms of extroverted verbs express antipassive situations: since extroverted verbs are other-directed, an action goes beyond the agent’s personal sphere, but still there is no fully affected distinct patient because of the conceptualization of AF verb forms. Having understood the similarity and difference of antipassive and middle voice categories, it is no surprise that the two voice categories are realized by the same formal category. In fact, the actor-focusing function of AF verb forms is not just shared by nonactive voice categories but also by actor nominalization. When they are used for actor nominalization, AF verb forms profile the agent of an action so that the meaning of a clause shifts from an action meaning to a nominal, agent-referring meaning. To put it differently, since they foreground the agent of an action, rarefying the action meaning itself, AF verb forms are employed for turning the meaning of a clause into its agent. Although the two functions seem different, non-active voice and actor nominalization are the same in that an actor is focused. 8 Conclusions At the beginning of this paper, we pointed out that the current approaches to Tagalog voice phenomena pay too much attention to the formal properties of the focus system, especially its syntactic transitivity, and thus fail to take enough account of the relationships between the focus system and voice phenomena in this language. In this paper, in contrast, we took the conceptual approach to voice phenomena and examined the conceptual distinctions that the focus contrasts make, with special reference to the middle voice. With this investigation, we are now in a position to answer how the Tagalog focus system interacts with voice phenomena: GF verb forms realize the active voice, while AF verb forms express non-active voice categories, representing the antipassive voice with extroverted verbs and the middle voice with introverted verbs, respectively. The focus system is not a mere marker of syntactic transitivity, but represents a voice system, namely, how Tagalog speakers conceptualize an action. We also observed that this voice function is neutralized in argument nominalization, in which the focus system simply marks the semantic role of the argument nominalized. This nominalizing function, however, can be considered as a reflection of the basic focusing function of the focus system, which also motivates the voice contrasts discussed above. A few comments need to be made about syntactic transitivity and ergativity. 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I propose that these observations receive a straightforward account under the nonlexicalist view of word formation as in Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993). Under the proposed analysis, these patterns can be derived as a natural consequence of a particular hierarchical arrangement of certain morphosyntactic features such as Asp and Num in tandem with independently motivated assumptions concerning the cyclic post-syntactic assignment of phonological features. This result, therefore, provide support for the nonlexicalist view of the lexicon-syntax correspondence that attempts to locate all types of word formation within the sole realm of generative syntax. 1 Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa Indonesia To find out existing patterns in nominal and verbal reduplication in BI, Sato and McDonnell in press have conducted a corpus survey of four popular newspapers published in Indonesia. The present corpus contains approximately 160, 000 words, taken from the archives of the following four newspapers: Tempointeraktif (www.tempointeraktif.com), Suarapembaruan (www.suarapembaruan.com), Mediaindo (www.mediaindo.co.id), and Kompas (www.kompas.com). The result of this study is given in Table 1 on the next page. I have included here only the results pertaining to derivational affixes; see Sato (2008) and Sato and McDonnell in press for the expanded result that also contains inflectional affixes. The results given in Table 1 reveal an asymmetry between nominal and verbal reduplication that has not been noted in the literature on the morphology of BI. Verbal affixes such as ber–, meN–, di–, and ter– allow only stem reduplication. Nominal affixes behave differently from verbal affixes in that they potentially allow not only stem reduplication but also stem-affix reduplication. Specifically, certain affixes such as peN–, peN–an, and ke–an have strong tendency to feed stem-affix reduplication whereas other affixes such as –an and per–an allow both stem and stem-affix reduplication. As is true for the corpus study in general, however, it is difficult to know what reduplicative forms that are not attested in the corpus actually cannot be produced by the grammar of BI, though the Sato, Yosuke. 2009. Reduplication Asymmetries In Bahasa Indonesia And The Organization Of The Lexicon-Syntax Interface. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:189-204. Copyright vested in the author. 189 190 JSEALS Vol. 1 study does provide indication that the reduplication asymmetry observed here is real. To address this concern, I have conducted a grammaticality judgement task with one native informant to confirm whether the forms not found in the corpus study are actually unacceptable to the speaker. Table 1: The Corpus Survey of Four Newspapers in Indonesia (approx.160, 000 words) The following examples show that the corpus study in Table 1 reflects the grammar of BI. For reasons of space, I concentrate on the verbal affix ber– and the nominal affix –an in this paper. Consider first the reduplication pattern found with ber–. Table 1 indicates that this prefix only allows stem reduplication. This result is confirmed by the contrast between (1a-c) and (2a-c). (1) (2) Stem Reduplication with the Verbal Prefix bera. belit ‘twist’ Ö [ber [belit-belit]] b. cakap ‘talk’ Ö [ber [cakap-cakap]] c. jalan ‘walk Ö [ber [jalan-jalan]] ‘meander’ ‘chat’ ‘stroll’ Stem-Affix Reduplication with the Derivational Prefix bera. belit ‘twist’ Ö *[[ber-belit]-[ber-belit]] b. cakap ‘talk’ Ö *[[ber-cakap]-[ber-cakap]] c. jalan ‘walk Ö *[[ber-jalan]- [ber-jalan]] ‘meander’ ‘talk’ ‘stroll’ 191 Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa A similar argument can be made for the finding in Table 1 that the nominal suffix –an allows both types of reduplication. That this finding is correct is indeed evidenced by the grammaticality of stem reduplication in (3a-c) and stem-affix reduplication in (4a-c). (3) Stem Reduplication with the Nominal Suffix –an a. sayur ‘vegetable’ Ö [[sayur-sayur]-an]] ‘many types of vegetables’ Ö *[[sayur-an]-[sayur-an]] b. buah ‘fruit’ Ö [[buah-buah]-an]] ‘many types of fruit’ Ö *[[buah-an]-[buah-an]] c. biji ‘seed’ Ö [[biji-biji]-an]] ‘many types of seeds’ Ö *[[biji-an]-[biji-an]] (4) Stem-Affix Reduplication with the Nominal Suffix –an a. pikir ‘think’ Ö [[pikir-an]-[pikir-an]] Ö *[[pikir-pikir]-an]] b. tulis ‘write’ Ö [[tulis-an]-[tulis-an]] Ö *[[tulis-tulis]-an]] c. masuk ‘enter’ Ö [[masuk-an]-[masuk-an]] Ö *[[masuk-masuk]-an]] ‘thoughts’ ‘writings’ ‘inputs’ (3a-c) show that the nominal suffix –an allows stem reduplication while (4a-c) show that the same suffix can also feed stem-affix reduplication. It is important to observe, however, that the choice between the two forms of reduplication is not entirely free with this suffix; rather, the choice is affected by the type of stem that it is identified with. Thus, when this suffix is combined with nominal stems as in (3a-c), it only allows stem reduplication. On the contrary, when this suffix is combined with verbal stems as in (4a-c), it only allows stem-affix reduplication. Thus, it is not the case that a single nominal affix allows both types of reduplication. We have already observed this pattern in the behaviour of circumfixes such as peN–, peN–an, and ke–an, whose dominant reduplication pattern is stem-affix reduplication, as shown in Table 1. 2 Reduplication in Bahasa Indonesia and Lexicalist Theories The lexicalist theory is one traditional approach to the lexicon-syntax interface. Its central tenet is that there is a strict division of labor between the lexical and syntactic components of the grammar, which can only interact through a restricted set of information that is accessible to both components. Under this view, the products of lexical operations serve as atomic indivisible units that syntactic combinatorial processes operate on as terminal nodes. This view of the lexicon-syntax interface thus yields the so-called Lexical Integrity Hypothesis, which states that principles of syntax cannot peek into the internal structure of complex objects created in the pre-syntactic lexical component. This separation comes from the long-standing observation that morphological “words” are somehow distinct from syntactic “phrases” in several dimensions including semantic and phonological idiosyncrasies/compositionality, gaps/productivity, and the derivation vs. inflectional dichotomy. The purpose of this section is to show that the nominal vs. verbal reduplication asymmetry and the existence of the word-internal reduplication pattern that targets the nonedge of a complex stem cannot be accounted for by several versions of the lexicalist theory as in Chomsky 1970, Anderson 1982, Kiparsky 1982/Mohanan 1986, and Di Sciullo and Williams 1987. I also note that this problem arises precisely because the lexicalist theory 192 JSEALS Vol. 1 adopts a view of the syntax-lexicon interface that postulates the generative lexicon either as the pre-syntactic component responsible for certain types of word formation or an independent word system whose information is encapsulated from the perspective of the syntactic system. 2.1 Chomsky’s 1970 Weak Lexicalist Theory Chomsky 1970 proposes, based on several syntactic and semantic contrasts between derived nominalization (destroy Ö destruction) and gerundive transformations (destroy Ö destroying), that non-productive, irregular processes take place in the pre-syntactic lexical component while productive, regular processes take place in the syntactic/transformational component. This separation of the two types of complex word formation in terms of their regularity/productivity has been widely taken in the generative literature to define the classical version of the weak lexicalist theory (see Marantz 1997, though, for an alternative interpretation of Chomsky’s work). If we adopt Chomsky’s version of the lexicalist hypothesis, ber–/–an affixation as observed in (1-4) counts as a lexical/pre-syntactic process. As noted in the literature on the morphology of BI as in McDonald 1967 and Sneddon 1996, the verbal prefix ber may attach to nominal, numeral, and verbal bases that yield highly unpredictable/irregular semantic outcomes. Predicates consisting of this prefix and a nominal base refer to a customary possession of, or to characterization by the referent of the noun, as shown in (5a, b). This type of prefixed predicate can also be used to refer to the act of producing the reference of the noun or making use of it, as shown in (5c, d). When the nominal base refers to a profession or way of life of an animate being, the derived predicate refers to the property of making a living with that possession or by that way of life, as shown in (5e, f). (5) ber–prefixation: Input = Noun/Output= Verb (MacDonald 1967: 44,45) a. anak ‘child’ → [ber [anak]] ‘have children’ b. kaki ‘foot’ → [ber [kaki]] ‘have feet’ c. kokok ‘cackle’ → [ber [kokok]] ‘produce a cackle’ d. sepeda ‘bicycle’ → [ber [sepeda]] ‘use a bicycle’ e. kuli ‘coolie’ → [ber [kuli]] ‘work as a coolie’ f. tukang ‘artisan’ → [ber [tukang]] ‘work as an artisan’ The same prefix can also combine with a numeral, unreduplicated or reduplicated, to yield the complex noun meaning ‘forming a group of’ and ‘in groups of’, as shown in (6a-c). (6) ber–prefixation: Input = Numeral/Output= Numeral (MacDonald 1967: 47) a. dua ‘two’ → [ber [dua]] ‘two together’ b. ratus ‘hundred’ → [ber [ratus]] ‘in hundreds’ c. karung ‘sack’ → [ber [karung]] ‘in sackfuls’ The same prefix also may create intransitive verbs by attaching to verbal bases that otherwise do not occur alone, as in (7a, b). If the root is reduplicated, an additional meaning of variety, repetition or lack of purpose is implied, as in (7c, d). Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa (7) 193 ber–prefixation: Input = Verb/Output= Verb (MacDonald 1967: 47,48) a. -henti‘stop’ → [ber [henti]] ‘come to a stop’ b. -pikir‘think’ → [ber [pikir]] ‘be cogitating’ c. belit ‘twist’ → [ber [belit-belit]] ‘meander’ d. cakap ‘talk’ → [ber [cakap-cakap]] ‘have a chat’ The function of the nominal suffix –an is no more complex. It serves as nominalizer when it attaches to verbal bases as in (4a-c). It serves as a kind of classifier meaning ‘types of’ when it attaches to nominal bases, as in (3a-c). These considerations suggest that the two affixes are irregular morphemes and that the affixation involved is a lexical/pre-syntactic process in Chomsky’s sense. In section 3, I show that the two functions of –an can be determined by two different attachment sites in the syntax. By contrast, reduplication is a fully productive, hence syntactic process under Chomsky’s productivity-based division of the two types of word formation. Reduplication of any countable noun produces a grammatical form that is specifically plural. Thus, reduplication in BI is a productive realization of the Number in the nominal domain. It is not apparently as clear whether the corresponding argument can be made for the verbal domain to show that verbal reduplication is really productive. The literature on the verbal reduplication in BI as in MacDonald 1976 and Sneddon 1996 notes that reduplication of a verb yields an interpretive consequence of adding emphasis of an action denoted by the base stem and yielding outcomes related to variety, multiplicity, and atelicity. Sneddon 1996, for example, gives a variety of meanings as in (8a-d): (8) Semantic Effects of Verbal Reduplication (Sneddon 1996: 20) a. With some verbs reduplication gives a connotation of action done in a causal or leisurely way. Examples: duduk ‘sit’ Ö duduk-duduk ‘sit about’ berjalan ‘walk’ Ö berjalan-jalan ‘walk about, go for a stroll’ b. With many verbs reduplication indicates continued action, either an action done over a period of time or an action performed repeatedly Example: Bu Yem mengurut-urut rambut anaknya. Mrs Yem stroked-RED hair child-her ‘Mrs.Yem stroked her child’s hair.’ c. With some verbs reduplication gives a meaning somewhat different from that of the single form, usually conveying a sense of intensity. Examples: menjadi ‘become’ Ö menjadi-jadi ‘get worse’ meminta ‘request’ Ö meminta-minta ‘beg’ d. Accompanied by tidak ‘not’ reduplication of the verb can indicate that the action has not occurred, usually implying that this is contrary to expectation. Example: Sudah dua hari Pak Tanto tidak muncul-muncul. yet two day Mr Tanto Neg turn up-RED ‘Mr Tanto has not turned up for two days now.’ The following two considerations show that verbal reduplication in BI is more like a syntactic process rather than a lexical process in the lexicalist sense. First, the examples in (1ac) seem to all belong to the type (8a) in Sneddon’s classification. This semantic effect as well as the other three in (8b-d) are in keeping with the general notion of plurality/emphasized 194 JSEALS Vol. 1 quantity, a crosslinguistically attested effect of reduplication, as evidenced by the extensive investigation of the function of reduplication conducted by Moravcsik 1978. Though Moravcsik herself concludes (p. 325) that “no explanatory or predictive generalization about the meanings of reduplicative constructions can be proposed,” as Travis 1999 argues, the results of her investigation should be construed as suggesting that reduplication serves some abstract quantificational function which is diversely instantiated as plural, causuality, distributivity, multiple iterative event readings, reciprocals, emphasis, and so on. The existence of this quantificational effect of reduplication suggests that reduplication in BI is a syntactic process in Chomsky’s sense, since the quantificational effect can only be dealt with in the phrase-level system (see also section 2.4). The second related argument to support the syntactic nature of the reduplication in BI comes from the event structural effects of reduplication. Davies 2000 shows that reduplication forces the multiple event reading of a verb based on his examination of reduplicative constructions in Madurese, a Javanic language closely related to BI. There seems to be a general agreement in the lexicalist literature, including Chomsky 1970, at least tacitly, that the lexicon creates complex words based on lexical categories (N, V, A, P) but never on functional categories (Aspect, T, C). This assumption is natural because time or event reference must crucially depend upon the rules of sentence formation. The following examples from BI, modelled after the corresponding examples in Madurese provided by Davies 2000: 127-129, show that reduplication of a verb in BI also creates a variety of new interpretations unavailable to its unreduplicated counterpart, such as multiple event readings, interleaved activity readings, and temporally displaced readings. (9) a. b. c. Semantic Effects of Reduplication: Multiple Events Readings Esti meng-elus(-elus) rambut anak-nya. Esti AV-stroke-RED hair child-her ‘Esti stroked her child’s hair many times.’ Aini dan Lina me-motong(-motong) kayu selama dua jam dan menanam bibit Aini and Lina AV-cut-RED wood for two hours and plant seed ‘Aini and Lina cut down trees for two hours and planted seeds.’ Aini dan Lina men-cubit(*-cubit) adik-nya yang lucu. Aini mem-cubit-nya hari Aini and Lina AV-pinch-RED child-their that cute Aini AV-pinch-her day Senin Lina hari selasa. Monday Lina day Tuesday ‘Aini and Lina pinched their cute baby. Aini did so on Monday and Lina did so on Tuesday.’ (9a) illustrates the multiple event reading whereby the telic event of stroking a child’s hair occurred several times. If reduplication does not occur, by contrast, the sentence is ambiguous between the single event reading and the multiple event reading. This event-related property caused by reduplication can also be seen in (9b). Although judgments are subtle, according to my two language consultant, (9b) with reduplication allows the interpretation where the event of tree-cutting is interspersed with the event of seed-planting; for example, this sentence is true in the situation where Aini and Lina continued the activity of tree cutting for one hour, then did seed-planting for some time, and then resumed the tree-cutting activity for another hour. This interspersed activity reading is impossible without reduplication of the verb in (9b). Similarly, (9c) shows that the activity of the reduplicated verb can be spaced over time. For example, (9c) Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa 195 is acceptable with reduplication under the reading where Aini pinched her baby on Monday but Lina did so on Tuesday. The acceptability of this example with reduplication is what we predict because the reduplication of a verb feeds multiple event readings. This reading, however, is unacceptable without reduplication in the same example. What is important about (9a-c) is that the availability of these three readings, derived by verbal reduplication, makes crucial reference to the notion of time or event. Again, this reference should not be possible in the lexical component to the extent that the above-mentioned assumption holds, namely, that the lexicalist sense of lexicon does not contain functional elements such as Aspect, T and C. The readings forced by reduplication in BI as in (9a-c), therefore, provide an argument for treating BI reduplication as a syntactic/non-lexical process. With these observations in mind, consider whether the examples of stem-reduplication and the nominal vs. verbal reduplication asymmetry in BI might be accounted for under Chomsky’s classical weak lexicalist theory. Examples of stem-reduplication as illustrated in (1a-c) and (3a-c) instantiate the word-internal reduplication, namely, that an affix (either ber– or –an) is attached to the complex stem created by reduplication. In other words, the affixation applies wordinternally. This pattern of reduplication poses an inverse ordering problem for Chomsky’s version of the lexicalist hypothesis. The formation of the stem reduplicated forms such as belitbelit and sayur-sayur requires the syntactic process of reduplication because reduplication is a productive process. The ber–/–an affixation applies to this stem-reduplicated form to yield the grammatical forms such as [[ber-[belit-belit]] and [[sayur-sayur]-an]]. This ordering, however, should be impossible under the lexicalist architecture of the lexicon-syntax interface that posits the lexicon as a pre-syntactic system because the generation of these forms requires that the syntactic process of reduplication precede the lexical/pre-syntactic process of affixation. Furthermore, it seems that Chomsky’s variant of the weak lexicalist hypothesis does not have anything to say about why there is an asymmetry between nominal and verbal reduplication in BI, as illustrated in the examples in (1-4) and Table 1, where nouns allow both stem and stemaffixation whereas verbs only allow stem reduplication. Chomsky’s 1970 weak lexicalist theory, therefore, has serious architectural and empirical shortcomings in face of the existing reduplication patterns in BI. 2.2 Anderson’s 1982 Weak Lexicalist Theory Anderson 1982 develops a different version of the weak lexicalist theory from Chomsky’s 1970 version that does not depend on the notion of productivity. He argues that inflectional morphology is treated in the syntax whereas derivational morphology is treated in the lexicon. He defines the inflectional/syntactic nature of a word formation process as follows: (10) The Definition of Inflectional Morphology in Anderson 1982 Inflectional morphology is what is relevant to syntax. (Anderson 1982: 587) This definition requires that any affixation that has relevance to syntax such as agreement, tense, event structure should be treated in the syntactic manner. This conception of the weak lexicalist theory is particularly problematic in face of BI reduplication. The affixation of ber–/–an counts as a lexical/pre-syntactic process because it does not seem to have syntactic effects such as agreement, tense, and event structure. However, we have seen in section 2.1 that reduplication in BI has clear event-structural/syntactic accounts in the form of the plural quantification of nominal denotations and the event multiplication of verbal denotation. This means that reduplication is an inflectional process to be treated in the syntax under Anderson’s 1982 system. 196 JSEALS Vol. 1 Then, the word-internal reduplication pattern illustrated in (1a-c) and (3a-c) should be ungrammatical because the generation of such a pattern requires the application of the syntactic rule to be followed by the application of the lexical rule. Anderson’s 1982 version of the weak lexicalist theory also has nothing to say about the reduplication asymmetry observed in BI. 2.3 Kiparsky’s 1982/Mohanan’s 1986 Strong Lexicalist Theory The same reduplication asymmetry and the word-internal reduplication pattern also refute one well-known version of the strong lexicalist theory known as Lexical Phonology (Kiparsky 1982; Mohanan 1986). This theory maintains that morphology and phonology interact in tandem with each stratum/cycle governing operations with certain characteristics. Specifically, affixational/inflectional processes with irregular phonological and morphological consequences occur in Stratum 1 while regular inflectional processes with transparent consequences occur in a later Stratum (Stratum 3 in Kiparsky/Stratum 4 in Mohanan). Kiparsky’s 1982 model of the Lexical Phonology is given in (11). See Mohanan 1986 for a further development of Kiparsky’s original model, which I am not going to discuss here. (11) Kiparsky’s 1982 Model of Lexical Phonology in English (Kiparsky 1982: 133) This model assumes that the word formation rules and the lexical phonological rules are partitioned into an ordered series of levels/strata/cycles. “+boundary” inflectional affixes in Level 1 include the umlaut of tooth-teeth, the ablaut of sing-sang and other stem-changing morphology whereas “+boundary” derivational affixes include what have been called Level 1 affixes in the Level-Ordering Hypothesis of Siegel 1974 such as –al, -ous, and –im (as in refusal, pious, and impotent). “#-boundary” derivation in Level 2 involves what have been called Level 2 affixes in the Level-Ordering Hypothesis such as –un, –ness, and –er whereas compounding is a process of combining two independent root elements such as black board, nurse shoes, and red coat. Finally, “#-boundary” inflection in Level 3 deals with the affixation involving the rest of the regular inflectional affixes such as plural –s, and past tense –ed in English. Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa 197 One theoretical tenet of Lexical Phonology which is important for the purposes of this paper lies in the Bracketing Erasure Convention. This convention deletes all brackets at the end of each stratum/level of word formation and thus has the effect of rendering access to the previously available internal structure of complex words opaque in later strata/cycles. This convention, thus, derives one version of the lexical integrity hypothesis, namely, that word formation processes in Level 2 and 3 cannot look into the morphological makeup of complex morphological objects created by word formation processes in Level 1 and Level 2, respectively. Lexical Phonology, therefore, makes an explicit prediction that no processes in a particular level should be able to apply within a complex object that is derived by word formation processes characteristic of earlier levels. This prediction is clearly falsified by the reduplication pattern attested in BI. We have seen in section 2.1 that reduplication is a fully productive process. Under Kiparsky’s model, this process is located in Level 3 on a par with regular inflectional affixes such as plural –s, and past tense –ed: recall that any countable noun and semantically appropriate verb can be input for reduplication just as any countable noun and verb can be affixed by –s and –ed in English, respectively. We have also seen there that affixes like ber– and –an yield a set of semantic irregularities when attached to a stem. This unpredictable behavior leaves affixation of these pieces in Level 1 on a par with irregular umlaut and ablaut rules as in tooth-teeth and sing-sang. Now, to derive the word-internal reduplication pattern as illustrated in (1a-c) and (3a-c) under Kiparsky’s model, the Level 1 affixation (ber-affixation and -an suffixation) must be preceded by the Level 2 inflectional process (reduplication), an ordering that should be impossible in Lexical Phonology due to its central hypothesis that each level/stratum is strictly ordered and hence cannot be traversed. To illustrate it with ber-belit-belit, under Lexical Phonology, the base belit is submitted to Level 1, at which ber-prefixation would apply to yield [ber-belit]. This complex object is submitted to Level 3, at which reduplication applies to the whole object to create the output [[ber-belit]-[berbelit]]. Importantly, this output is ill-formed as shown in (2a), even though this is the only output that is predicted to be possible under the strict layering of levels in Lexical Phonology. BI reduplication is also problematic for Lexical Phonology in three other respects. First, due to the Bracketing Erasure Convention, Kiparsky’s model above makes a prediction that reduplication must target the right or left edge of the whole complex object because at the time this process applies in Level 3, the input transferred from Level 2 enters the Level 3 as an atomic unanalyzable element as the result of the erasure of all word-internal constituent boundaries. However, the existence of forms like [ber-[belitbelit]] shows that reduplication does target part of the complex stem rather than the left or right edge of it. Second, Kiparsky’s 1982 assumes that the output of each level is itself a full-fledged lexical item. However, the ill-formedness of forms such as *belit-belit shows that this is not always the case. Finally, Kiparsky’s theory of Lexical Phonology does not seem to provide us with any way of explaining why the asymmetry between nominal and verbal reduplication obtains in BI. 2.4 Di Sciullo and Williams’ 1987 Strong Lexicalist Theory Di Sciullo and Williams 1987 develop the most comprehensive defence of the strong lexicalist theory. They maintain that morphology and syntax are two different domains of inquiry with two different primes (e.g., stems, affixes, roots vs. NPs, VPs, CPs) and operations (compounding, θ-identification vs. movement, quantification). Thus, for Di Sciullo and Williams 1987, the so-called lexicalist hypothesis/the lexical integrity hypothesis/the lexical 198 JSEALS Vol. 1 atomicity “is not a principle of grammar but rather a consequence of the conception that grammar contains two subparts, with different atoms and different rules of formation” (p.2). Assuming this strict division of labor between the word system and the phrase system, Di Sciullo and Williams 1987 maintain that the morphology and syntax can still communicate with one another through a restricted range of shared vocabulary, specifically, the “topmost properties of words, the features and argument structure of the topmost words.” (p. 45). Let us consider what their version of the strong lexicalist theory could tell about the reduplication patterns in BI. Note that the argument against their system cannot be made on the basis of relative productivity of reduplication and the lack thereof in ber–/–an affixation, as in Chomsky’s weak lexicalist theory, because they argue that morphological objects and syntactic objects alike show productivity. Therefore, I provide an argument based on what they take to be top-most properties of the morphological word that work as shared information between morphology and syntax. Di Sciullo and Williams 1987 illustrate this cross-modular communication with compounding in English. Compounding involves the creation of what they call morphological objects that derive their agreement features from the percolation of the features of the right-hand head (Williams 1981). Crucially, it is the output agreement recorded on the top-most level of the compound (namely, the topmost N in (12a, b)) that is used for the purposes of syntactic subject-verb agreement, as the contrast between (13a) and (13b) shows. (12) English N + V compounds a. N [sg] N [pl] parts (13) a. b. b. N [sg] supplier N [pl] N[sg ] part N[pl] suppliers Parts-supplier is/*are mean to me. Part-suppliers *is/are mean to me. This agreement pattern correctly falls out from Di Sciullo and William’s 1987 system because the feature specification for the non-head member of the compound is invisible from the perspective of syntax. Thus, this pattern is one way in which the syntax and morphology can communicate through a restricted range of shared vocabulary though the atomicity thesis above still blocks the syntax from accessing the internal composition of compounds. The word-internal reduplication pattern in (1a-c) and (3a-c) pose a serious difficulty for Di Sciullo and Williams’ version of the strong lexicalist theory. Since they assume that affixes are one type of primitive in their morphological system, it is reasonable to think that ber–/–an affixation in BI is a morphological operation in this system. We have seen in section 2.1 that reduplication in BI yields new quantification (plural) and event-structural (multiple event) interpretations, which cannot be produced by lexical operations since such an operation belongs to the sentence system. This observation is important because Di Sciullo and Williams explicitly state (p. 50) that “the atomicity of words prevents wordinternal time reference from being assigned time values in the way that ‘tense’ is.” Then, the availability of the multiple event readings, interspersed activity readings, and the displaced time reading in (9a-c) in verbal reduplication suggests that reduplication belongs to the sentence system under their system. Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa 199 Given the foregoing observation, the word-internal reduplication pattern illustrated in (1a-c) and (3a-c) pose an empirical problem for Di Sciullo and Williams’s atomicity thesis because ber–/–an affixation, a morphological process, takes the output of the reduplication, a syntactic process, as its input. This should not be possible, since the morphological operation must apply only to morphological primitives such as stems, roots, and so on. One might counter that these affixes attach to the top-level object created by syntax but this possibility seems unlikely within their framework in light of the observation that the communication of the word system and the phrase system is asymmetrical because phrases are derived out of words but not vice versa. Another problem for Di Sciullo and William’s 1987 theory comes from the availability of both stem and stem-affix reduplication with respect to certain derivational nominal affixes such as –an. As I show in the next section, the suffix –an has two different functions in stem reduplication and stemaffix reduplication, depending on the height of syntactic projections that it is merged within. Thus, the functions of this polysemous suffix are determined by the syntactic environment in which it is found. If this analysis is tenable, it is not clear whether Di Sciullo and Williams’ system could capture this correlation between the functions of the suffix –an and their structural height because an-suffixation should not be able to interact with syntactic information such as structural height that is solely available within the syntactic system due to their atomicity thesis. The arguments developed here thus provide evidence against the general architecture of the lexicon-syntax interface as in Di Sciullo and Williams’s 1987 strong lexicalism. 2.5 The Lexicon as the Source of Embarrassment To summarize this section, I have shown that the reduplication within lexically/pre-syntactically derived complex stems in BI pose non-trivial empirical and architectural problems for a number of well-known versions of the weak and strong lexicalist theory as presented in Chomsky 1970, Anderson 1982, Kiparky’s 1982a/Mohanan 1986, and Di Sciullo and Williams 1987. I have also shown that those lexical approaches would have little to tell about how the asymmetry between nominal and verbal reduplication arises in this language. Thus, those facts on BI reduplication provide strong arguments against certain versions of the weak/strong lexicalist theory. It is important to note that this type of inverse ordering is a problem only when we postulate the lexicon/morphology as the pre-syntactic generative component that is responsible for certain types of word formation characterized by productivity, semantic/phonological compositionality, the relevance of morphological primes to the syntax, and so on. In other words, this problem does not (or cannot) arise in non-lexicalist theories of the lexicon-syntax interface that do not posit such an independent component prior to/in addition to the generative system of syntax. In light of this consideration, in the next section, I pursue an alternative, non-lexicalist analysis of the reduplication in BI within the more recent framework of Distributed Morphology. 3 A Distributed Morphology Approach to Reduplication in Bahasa Indonesia In this section, I show that the asymmetry between nominal and verbal reduplication and the word-internal reduplication pattern receive a straightforward account within the nonlexicalist theory of Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993). Specifically, I propose that these facts are explained as a natural consequence of a particular hierarchical arrangement of morphosyntactic features such as Aspect and Number in BI. I assume, in line with much recent work on reduplication conduced within a number of different theoretical frameworks (see Marantz 1982, McCarthy and Prince 1995, and Travis 1999, among others), 200 JSEALS Vol. 1 that this process consists in affixation of the reduplicative null morpheme RED (UPLICATION) that triggers copying on a stem on its local environment; 3.1 Verbal Reduplication Consider first verbal reduplication. As we have seen in section 2, verbal affixes can only allow stem reduplication. This pattern is naturally explained if verbal reduplication is mediated by the Inner Aspect head (Travis 1999) that dominates the reduplicative null morpheme. This assumption is supported by the fact that, as noted in section 3.1, verbal reduplication has effects on the event structure of the verb. Under these assumptions, then the morphosyntactic derivation for (1a), [ber-[belit-belit]], will be as in (14). (14) The Morphosyntactic Derivation of the Stem-Reduplication in (1a) Morphosyntax Phonology vP Î [ber-[[belit]-[belit]]] Î AspP v ber– Asp RED [[belit]-[belit]] √ belit In this derivation, the Asp head merges with the acatgeorial root belit ‘twist’. The object that results from this merger is phonologically realized as the reduplicative form, [[belit]-[belit]], because the only stem that the RED morpheme in the Asp head triggers copying of is the root belit within its local c-commanding environment. The Asp head undergoes further merger with the verbalizing prefix ber–. The complex morphosyntactic object then is interpreted at the syntax-external phonological component as [ber-[[belit]-[belit]]], as desired. It is important to note that the reduplicative morpheme intervenes between the v head and the root in this derivation. Accordingly, the RED morpheme cannot reach up to the position of the v head to include the verbalizing prefix in its domain for reduplication to yield the ungrammatical form as in *[[ber-belit]-[ber-belit]]. This derivation thus correctly predicts the unavailability of the stem-affixation reduplication pattern for verbal affixes such as ber–. In this way, the fact that verb affixes only allow stem reduplication naturally falls into place once we assume a particular hierarchical arrangement of certain morphosyntactic features/heads. It is also to be stressed here that the state of affairs observed above in which the functional heads are linearlized in the direction predicted by the hierarchical alignment of morphosyntactic features is exactly what is expected under the theory of Distributed Morphology. Within this framework, word formation of any kind is conducted by the single generative procedure as the sentence formation of any kind. Accordingly, the verbal reduplication pattern in BI is simply the direct consequence of the grammatical architecture of the Distributed Morphology. On the contrary, under non-lexicalist views of the syntaxlexicon interface, there is no reason to expect that the syntactic structure and the morphological structure match in this manner, as the interface between the lexicon and syntax is indirect. Thus, the reduplication for verb stems in BI can be construed as one good testing ground to tease apart the predictions of the two competing theories. The proposed analysis of verbal reduplication in BI also supports the locality of phonological feature assignment at the syntax-external interface; it crucially rests on the idea that the post-syntactic late insertion of phonological material at the interface closely mirrors the 201 Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa way the syntactic derivation proceeds; ber- cannot be included as part of input for verbal reduplication because it is merged in a structurally higher position than the object (AspP) that becomes the target for reduplication; only the root must be included for reduplication because it is in the c-commanding domain of the RED morpheme. Therefore, the stemaffix reduplication pattern as in *[[ber-belit]-[ber-belit]] is simply underivable under the interpretive nature of the phonological component, as assumed in Distributed Morphology. 3.2 Nominal Reduplication Nominal suffixes in BI allow both stem and stem-affix reduplication, as we have seen in section 2. The choice between the two types of reduplication is not entirely free but rather is governed by the syntactic category of the input stem. The input nominals in (3a-c) that allow only stem reduplication are all simplex nominals (i.e. sayur ‘vegetable’, buah ‘fruit’, and biji ‘seed’) whereas the input nominals in (4a-c) that allow only stem-affix reduplication are all complex deverbal nominals (i.e. pikir ‘think’ Ö pikir-an ‘thought’, tulis ‘write’ Ö tulis-an ‘writing’, and masuk ‘enter’ Ö masuk-an ‘input’). This difference, I claim, holds a key to a full understanding of why nominal derivational affixes allow the two types of reduplication unlike their verbal counterparts. Let us assume that nominal reduplication consists in the copying of a nominal stem by the reduplicative null morpheme located in the Num head. The Num head selects a nominal stem as its complement, a rather natural assumption that reduplication of a nominal element yields the form that is specifically plural in BI. Under these assumptions, then, simplex nominal stems as in (3a-c) can directly merge with the Num head. Verbal stems as in (4a-c), by contrast, cannot merge with the Num head this way because this head only selects a nominal stem as its complement. Thus, they are nominalized by –an before they can merge with the Num head. The morphosyntactic derivations for the examples in (3a) and (4a), then, will be as in (15) and (16), respectively. I assume that –an serves the role of classifier in (15); See Sato (2008) for evidence for this assumption from the kind-denotation of bare nominals in BI. (15) The Morphosyntactic Derivation of the Stem-Reduplication in (3a) Morphosyntax Phonology FP Î [[sayur]-[sayur]-an]] F –an NumP Num RED nP n Ø √ sayur Î [[sayur]-[sayur]] Î [sayur] (16) The Morphosyntactic Derivation of the Stem-Reduplication in (4a) Morphosyntax Phonology NumP Î [[pikir-an]-[pikir-an]] Num RED nP n –an vP v Ø Î [pikir-an] Î [pikir] √ pikir In (15), the root sayur ‘vegetable’ is instantiated as a noun by adjoining to the null nominalizing head. This stem, being a nominal, can directly merge with the Num head as input for reduplication to yield the reduplicated form [[sayur]-[sayur]]. The morphosyntactic derivation further continues by merging the NumP with the F that hosts the suffix –an to yield the correct final output [[sayur]-[sayur]-an]]. Since the RED morpheme can have access to the nP in its local c-commanding domain, –an cannot be included for nominal reduplication. Thus, forms such as *[[sayur-an]-[sayur-an]] are simply ungeneratable. The derivation in (16) is crucially different from that in (15) in that the base stems are all verbal. Accordingly, they must undergo zero-derivation into nominal stems by the suffixation of the nominalizing suffix –an to serve as the complement that can satisfy the categorial restriction imposed by the Num head. Since the RED morpheme contained in this head includes the nominalizing suffix as well as the base stem in its local c-commanding domain, the syntactic derivation dictates that the phonological component include both elements as input for reduplication, thereby closely following the path curved by syntactic derivation in a local manner and yielding the correct output [[pikir-an]-[pikiran]]. Under this derivation, then, the stem reduplication pattern as in the hypothetical *[[[pikir]-[pikir]]-an] is simply underivable due to the way syntactic derivation proceeds and the way a particular set of morphosyntactic features is organized. This way, the proposed analysis provides a straightforward explanation for the fact that the choice between the stem and stem-affix reduplication correlates with the underlying category of the input stem. 4 Conclusions In this paper, I have introduced the results of my corpus study of four popular newspapers published in Indonesia. This study has revealed that a) nominal affixes such as –an in principle allow both stem and stem-affixation reduplication whereas verbal affixes such as ber– allow only stem reduplication and that b) both nominal and verbal stems may allow reduplication to target part of a morphologically/lexically derived complex word rather than its left or right edge. I have also shown that these results of the corpus study are indeed verified by native speakers’ intuition by conducting a grammaticality judgment task. Then, I have demonstrated that these two facts concerning BI reduplication pose non-trivial architectural and empirical challenges for a number of well-known versions of the weak and strong lexicalist theory as in Chomsky 1970, Anderson 1982, Kiparsky 1982/Mohanan 1986, and Di Sciullo and Williams 1987. I have also emphasized that the inverse ordering paradox caused by the word-internal reduplication pattern only arises in a theory of the lexicon-syntax interface that postulates the generative lexicon as an autonomous 202 Reduplication Asymmetries in Bahasa 203 pre-syntactic/parallel generative component. Accordingly, the inverse ordering problem ceases to be a problem under non-lexicalist theories of the interface because we do not have such a component in the first place. Based on this consideration, I have argued that the two facts on BI reduplication noted above receive a straightforward explanation within the more recent, nonlexicalist, morphosyntactic theory of Distributed Morphology outlined in Halle and Marantz 1993 if we take seriously a particular hierarchical arrangement of certain morphosyntactic features/heads such as Asp and Num as well as the underlying syntactic category of input stems for reduplication. One key assumption of the proposed analysis is that the post-syntactic phonological feature assignment closely mirrors the bottom-up derivation of morphosyntactic structures; the phonological component requires the reduplicative morpheme to target only the constituent within its c-commanding domain and the assignment of phonological feature applies from bottom up in a strictly cyclic manner. According to this analysis, the stem-affix reduplication as in *[[[sayur]-an]-[[sayur]-an]]] and *[[[ber-[belit]]-[ber-[belit]]] or the stem reduplication as in *[[pikir]-[[pikir]-an]]] are simply underivable as the natural consequence of the way syntactic derivation proceeds. The overall result in this paper, therefore, provides a strong piece of evidence against the traditional lexicalist architecture of the syntax-lexicon interface, and, at the same time, argues in favour of non-lexicalist theories as in the recent Distributed Morphology framework that attempt to locate all types of word formation within the sole realm of the syntactic derivation. References Anderson, Stephen. 1982. Where’s morphology? Linguistic Inquiry 13: 571-612. Chomsky, Noam. 1970. Remarks on nominalization. In Roderick A. Jacobs and Peter S. Rosenbaum (eds.), Readings in English Transformational Grammar, Waltham, Mass., Ginn and Company, pp. 183-221. Davies, William. 2000. Events in Madurese reciprocals. Oceanic Linguistics 39: 123-143. Di Sciullo, Anna-Maria and Edwin Williams. 1987. On the Definition of Word. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press. Halle, Morris and Alec Marantz. 1993. Distributed morphology and the pieces of inflection. In Kenneth Hale and Samuel J. Keyser (eds.), A View from Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 111-176. Kiparsky, Paul. 1982. From cyclic phonology to lexical phonology. In Harry van der Hulst and Norval Smith (eds.), The Structure of Phonological Representations, Dordrecht, Foris, pp. 131-175. Marantz, Alec. 1982. Re reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry 13: 435-482. Marantz, Alec. 1997. No escape from syntax: Don’t try morphological analysis in the privacy of your own lexicon. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, pp. 201-225. McCarthy, John and Alan Prince. 1995. Faithfulness and reduplicative identity. 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Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar. London, Routledge. Travis, Lisa. 1999. A syntactician’s view of reduplication. Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, pp. 313-331. Williams, Edwin. 1981. On the notions “lexically related” and “head of a word”. Linguistic Inquiry 12: 245-274. PROTO-MON-KHMER VOCALISM: MOVING ON FROM SHORTO’S ‘ALTERNANCES’ Paul Sidwell Centre for Research in Computational Linguistics & Australian National University <paulsidwell@yahoo.com> 1. Introduction While we have had a century of more-or-less consensus views on the nature of the ProtoMon-Khmer (PMK) consonant inventory, cries of exasperation have accompanied consideration of PMK vocalism. David Thomas, harking back to Pater Schmidt, wrote in the first issue of Mon-Khmer Studies that “…comparativists have stated flatly that regular sound-laws simply do not exist in Mon-Khmer vowels, and, indeed, no one has yet succeeded (in print, anyway) in establishing a regular pattern in Mon-Khmer vowel comparisons” (1964:161). Blood (1966:6) cited Piat (1962) as finding in respect of KhmerBru correspondences that “…vowel shifts did not conform to predictable rules”. Thomas’ prescription was that comparativists should proceed from the bottom up, to reconstruct small groupings and sub-branches only, to work progressively towards deeper reconstruction, “…in this way [….] will the Mon-Khmer vowels be able to be solved” (1964:161). This advice was followed almost to the letter over subsequent decades, so that by the beginning of the 21st century we have access to reconstructions for various MonKhmer sub-groups (e.g. North Bahnaric: Smith 1972; South Bahnaric: Sidwell 2000; West Bahanric: Sidwell & Jacq 2003; Waic: Diffloth 1980; Katuic: Diffloth 1982, Efimov 1983, Peiros 1996, Sidwell 2005; Semai: Diffloth 1977, Phillips 2005; Monic: Ferlus 1983, Diffloth 1984; Vietic: Barker 1966, Thompson 1976, Ferlus 1991; Palaungic: Mitani 1979, Diffloth 1991). Yet at this point in time there has not appeared in press a reconstruction of Proto-Mon-Khmer vocalism based upon the systematic comparison of sub-grouping reconstructions. However, there has been at least one attempt at reconstructing the PMK vowels; this is the “teleo-reconstruction” of Shorto (1976, 2006), which triangulates from two notso-closely related branches directly back to the proto-language, skipping over any intermediate sub-groupings. The method is both tremendously powerful and risky, since the reliability of the results depends crucially upon the choice of criterion languages. Shorto based his analysis on a binary comparison of Old Mon and Written Khmer, which produced (consistently with Thomas’ lamentation) a body of regular correspondences and a significant residue of chaotic correspondences. Shorto hypothesized that in the latter he could discern a pattern of variation, which reflected an ancient system of vowel gradation, that he called “alternances”. In the application of this model Shorto set up a hierarchy of changes which greatly skewed his reconstruction typologically; low vowels are much less frequent in his proto-language than are typically found in the daughters. Sidwell, Paul. 2009. Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism: Moving On From Shorto’s ‘Alternances’. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:205-214. Copyright vested in the author. 205 206 JSEALS Vol. 1 Comparative reconstruction is inherently pursued in a staged manner; initial analyses are done with a manageable data set, preliminary results are carefully considered and revised as progressively more data are drawn in, and in this way, a coherent picture hopefully emerges. From the perspective of approaching the present issue in a scientific manner, we can suggest that it would be especially satisfying if the results of a progressively widened teleo-reconstruction converged on those of independently pursued bottom-up studies, but it does not appear to be the case. I submit that Shorto’s theory of alternances was too powerful. As he brought more languages into his dataset, it allowed him to neglect the reanalysis of correspondences that would otherwise be indicated by their data. Short’s comparative lexicon was primarily built upon the nearly a thousand comparisons of Mon, Khmer, Bahnar and Stieng compiled by Schmidt (1905), and he used more extensive and reliable Bahnar and Stieng (and other Bahnaric) data to increase that set (for example, the number of Bahnar items was increased nearly 50% over Schmidt to more than 1350). A logical step would have been to extend the set of criterion languages to include at least Bahnar and Stieng, in effect establishing a preliminary Proto-Bahnaric reconstruction and effective Proto-Mon-Khmer-Bahnaric. In this paper I offer such a reanalysis, focusing on the diphthongs which are so heavily involved in Shorto’s alternances. With this first step I hope to demonstrate that we can usefully build directly upon Shorto’s achievement by broadening his top-down reconstruction. 2. Discussion In pursuing his phonological reconstruction of a language family that was (and still is) far from adequately documented, Shorto followed the well established procedure of establishing sound correspondences for several criterion languages for which extensive and reliable sources were available. In this case he selected, Old Mon (for which he had compiled a dictionary) and Khmer as represented in the standard writing system (and which was presumed to more or less faithfully reflect historical pronunciation). This use of only two criterion languages stands in contrasts to the more common practice of comparing at least four languages to determine phonological correspondences, evidenced in such canonical works as Schmidt (1905), Dempwolff (1938), Li Fangkuei (1977) and other. It is also notable that these other scholars consistently assisted their interpretation of the correspondence sets by considering relevant available data from other related languages, a methodological necessity if one is to distinguish phonological history otherwise obscured by parallel changes that may have occurred among the criterion languages. However, in this case Shorto implemented a novel approach; first he determined his reconstruction based solely upon the binary comparison of Mon and Khmer, and then he applied the results to his wider data set. What he found was a substantial proportion of reflexes that could be accounted for without difficulty, plus a sizable minority of apparently irregular correspondences that did not immediately sit with the preliminary reconstruction. Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism 207 Table 1: Mon-Khmer vowel correspondences from Shorto (2006) How did he deal with this? Shorto took a crucial step - he supposed that among the problematic correspondences he could discern regular patterns that suggested an explanation which would allow him to maintain his preliminary model more or less without revision. This patterning was of the following kind: where he may have expected, for example, to see a reflex of *u, he instead sometimes saw what appeared to be a reflex of *uu; where he expected a reflex of *uu, he instead sometimes saw what appeared to be a reflex of *uǝ; and so forth. these patterns suggesting a pattern of vowel gradation with PMK along the lines of *u > *uu > *uǝ > *ɔɔ, and similarly for the front vowels. Assuming that there were co-occurring forms of the same etymon with various vowel grades within PMK, reflecting perhaps some ancient morphophonemic processes, one could posit alternate proto-forms (or alternances), without needing to posit additional proto-phonemes or complicated sound laws to account for the more problematic correspondences. Consequently when one browses Shorto’s dictionary a veritable plethora of alternate reconstructions are noted. For example, the following two entries nicely illustrate the pattern of gradation: 208 † JSEALS Vol. 1 305 *tiik; *tiək to lie down, sleep. A: (Mon, Khmer, Aslian) Khmer deːk, Kensiu tik, (or B?) 座emnam &c. tɛg; ~ (probably originally hypothetical) Old年Mon stik /stik/, Modern年Mon toik; ~ Mah年 Meri gətik, (~?) 座emelai jətek, by metathesis Jah年Hut ticɛːk. B: (Khasi, Nicobaric) Khasi thiah, Central年Nicobarese iteak, Nancowry ʔitiák. 1326 *cum; *cuum; *cuəm; *cəm matched, complete. A: (Palaungic, Khmuic, ?Mon) Literary年Mon [ci] cuiṁ to be complete (or D), Kammu咁 Yuan cùm (!; contaminated by flock, herd < 1338 *bjum), Palaung sɯm pair (MILNE 1931). B: (Mon, Palaungic) Mon cum pair, set; to be even in number, complete, Palaung sum pair (MILNE 1931). C: (Mon) Old年Mon com /com/ entirely. D: (Khmer, 座outh年Bahnaric) Khmer cɔm exact(ly), directly; ~ 座tieng tacəːm to put together again. So one result of this approach is that when reflexes of one etymon in different languages (especially between Mon and Khmer) did not show regular correspondence, multiple proto-forms were posited rather than prompt a reanalysis the vocalism. But another striking fact is that, when Mon or Khmer were absent, the phonological hierarchy (e.g. *u > *uu > *uǝ > *ɔɔ) at the centre of the theory of alternances was applied in a manner that overrode the basic assumption of reconstructing the fewest number of changes needed to account for the observed correspondences (in violation of “Occam’s Razor”). Referring to Table 1, you will note the otherwise unremarkable correspondence of Old Mon orthographic o to Written Khmer uǝ and ɔ, ɔ̄, and parallel correspondence of Old Mon orthographic e to Written Khmer iǝ and ɛ. Shorto interpreted these as reflecting mergers in Mon, while Khmer retained archaic diphthongs. The straightforward consequence is that wherever the Khmer reflex is diphthonged, so the PMK reflex is presumed to be. Here is a simple example from the dictionary: 1157 *duən pole, lance. A: (Mon, Khmer, Viet咁Muong) Literary年Mon don lance, pike, Khmer tùːən fish-spear, (lùmpɛ̀ːŋ —) kind of lance, Muong tòn (BARKER 1966 22), Vietnamese đòn lever, carrying-pole; → Thai tʰuan tasselled lance. It happens that when Shorto began assembling MK cognate sets, he did so by first extracting the Mon, Khmer, Bahnar and Stieng comparisons compiled by Schmidt (1905) (the latter two languages being related within the Central sub-branch of Bahnaric, see Sidwell 2002). Among these comparisons Shorto noted that for a proportion of etyma for which Khmer has uu and uǝ, a goodly number of Bahnar and Stieng reflexes show ɔɔ (or low back vowels). Shorto took this to indicate that in such cases Bahnar and Stieng ɔɔ reflect a regular development from PMK *uǝ- in some cases directly from a primary PMK *uǝ (and in some others from an uǝ alternant of PMK *uu). A neat example as is seen here: Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism 209 822 *cnuəc to spit, transfix. A: (Mon, Khmer, North年Bahnaric) Kontum年Bahnar hnɔːc to sharpen, to stab (GUILLEMINET 1959-63); ~ Mon kənot canat! spit (merging 1005 *t/rn/uut skewer), Khmer crənuːəc meat on spit (& tranuəc spit, GUESDON 1930, contaminated by trənaot skewer < *t/rn/uut); ~ Khmer crənuːəc (& krənuːəc) to roast on spit. So confident was Shorto that he variously reconstructed PMK *uǝ to explain correspondences of Old Mon o to Bahnar and/or Stieng ɔɔ even when a Khmer reflex was lacking, e.g. (note alternate B. immediately below): 280 *kuk; *kuək egret. A: (Khmer, 座outh年Bahnaric) Khmer kok heron, egret, Biat kok egret. B: (Bahnaric) Chrau kɔːʔ cattle egret, Bahnar [klaːŋ] kɔːk generic term for egrets &c. (GUILLEMINET 1959-63); probably → Cham kɔːʔ; Vietnamese cò. And even in cases when neither a Khmer nor Mon reflex are present: 878 *huəc to flow. A: (Bahnaric, Khasi) Central年度ölöm hɷac, Biat hɔːc to flow, Bahnar hɔːc [water] to carry away; to unroll, flow out, Khasi hoit to flow out, seep out; ~ Bahnar təhɔːc to dispose of by throwing into stream, (GUILLEMINET 1959-63) to overflow. Parallel considerations also applied to his treatment of *ii, *iǝ such that Bahnar/Stieng etc. ɛɛ is frequently treated as a reflex of PMK *iǝ even in the absence of a diphthonged Khmer reflex: 731 *[k]liəŋ forehead. A: (Bahnaric) Biat [ndraŋ] klɛːŋ, Bahnar klɛŋ, Jeh kleːŋ, Halang kleaŋ; by secondary derivation ~ 座re biŋliaŋ. 1010 *gtit; *gtiət lorikeet, parakeet. A: (座outh年Bahnaric; ~ *grtit >) 座re rətet green lorikeet, Loriculus vernalis. B: (Bahnaric, ?Viet咁Muong) 座tieng, Biat tɛːt, Bahnar [sɛːm] dɛːt parakeet (GUILLEMINET 1959-63), perhaps by metathesis (*dkiət >) Vietnamese két; ~ (*grtiət >) Chrau kətiət parakeet. On the other hand, there are exampls of Bahnaric ɔɔ corresponding to ɔɔ in other MK branches, including Old Mon graphic o, and Khmer ɔɔ (and similar vowels), for which Shorto reconstructs PMK *ɔɔ, e.g.: 25 *skɔɔʔ grey-haired. A: (Mon, Khmer, Bahnaric) Khmer skoːv grey-haired, 座re koː to be white-haired, albino, Bahnar kɔː grey[hair]; ~ Old年Mon siṅko’ /sənkɔʔ/ grey-haired, Modern年Mon həkɔʔ to be grey-haired, Old年Khmer saṅkū grey-haired. 210 JSEALS Vol. 1 412 *prɔɔk squirrel. A: (Bahnaric, Khmuic, Palaungic, Viet咁Muong, North年&年Central年Aslian). 座re pro (→ 座tieng prɔh?), Chrau prɔːʔ, Biat, Bahnar prɔːk, Jeh proːk (GRADIN & GRADIN 1979), Kammu咁Yuan prɔːk, Palaung [ə]prɔʔ (MILNE 1931), Vietnamese [con] sóc, 座akai prōkn (i.e. 座emai; SKEAT & BLAGDEN 1906 M 136 (c)); → Lao, Ahom *rook (BENEDICT 1975 226, bat…); Cham, Jarai prɔːʔ, 度öglai proʔ, North年度öglai proːʔ. Cf. Khmer kɔmprok, apparently < *koːn prɔːk, for which cf. Vietnamese; → Thai krarɔ̂ɔk (with kr- by hypercorrection) at early stage 466 *sɔɔk to peel. A: (Mon, Khmer, Katuic, North年Bahnaric, Khmuic) Mon sɔk to peel, skin, Khmer年sɔːk to peel, remove bark, to slough, Kuy sɑːʔ slough, to slough; ~ Mon hənok peel, rind, bark, shell, slough, Khmer年sɔmnɔːk slough, [onion-]skin, [bamboo-] sheath; ~ Khmer年 sɔmbɔːk, (→?) Kuy mphùaʔ skin, bark, shell, husk, Kammu咁Yuan həmpɔ́ːk bark; ~ (*smɔɔk >) Chrau mɔːʔ bark, Bahnar hmɔːk thick bark of certain trees; ~ (*srsɔɔk >) Biat rchɔːk [egg]shell; (?*sɔk >) Bru sɒʔ to peel. 547 *t1ɔɔŋ handle. A: (Khmer, Katuic, Bahnaric) Khmer dɔːŋ (→ Cham ḍauṅ), Kuy tɑːŋ, 座tieng toːŋ, Chrau tɔːŋ handle, Biat tɔːŋ (— jraː) crutch, (—njiːŋ) balance, Bahnar tɔːŋ quantifier for guns, swords, axes, &c., Jeh toːŋ quantifier for tools, Halang toaŋ quantifier for long tools; ~ (*tntɔɔŋ >) Biat ntɔːŋ handle. 1634 *pɔɔr (& *pɔr?) rice-gruel. A: (Khmer, Bahnaric) 座tieng pɔːr soup, 座re por rice-gruel (< variant?), Chrau pɔːr soup, gruel, Biat pɔːr rice soup, Bahnar pɔːr, Jeh poːl, Halang poar cooked rice; ~ Khmer年bəbɔː papar (→ 座tieng pobɔːr) soup, rice-gruel. So it is evident that Bahnar (or Bahnaric?) ɔɔ can reflect both PMK *uə and *ɔɔ, evidently implying a merger of *uə and *ɔɔ > ɔɔ in (at least) Bahnar. In the absence of an indicative Khmer reflex (or other helpful indications), it would in principal be impossible to decide whether to reconstruct the diphthong or monophthong on the basis of the Bahnaric reflex. Shorto appears to have dealt with this conundrum by privileging his alternance hierarchy (*u > *uu > *uǝ > *ɔɔ), preferring to reconstruct proto-diphthongs, e.g.: 280 *kuk; *kuək egret. A: (Khmer, 座outh年Bahnaric) Khmer kok heron, egret, Biat kok egret. B: (Bahnaric) Chrau kɔːʔ cattle egret, Bahnar [klaːŋ] kɔːk generic term for egrets &c. (GUILLEMINET 1959-63); probably → Cham kɔːʔ; Vietnamese cò. 475 *huək; *ʔuək brains. A: (Palaungic) Palaung hɔʔ; ~ (*huək huək > *khuək >) 度iang咁Lang khuak. B: (North年Bahnaric, Viet咁Muong, ?座outh年Bahnaric) Vietnamese óc; ~ Biat rŋɔːk (or A?), Bahnar ʔŋɔːk. 211 Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism 1273 *rup; *ruup; *ruəp to cover. A: (Khmer, 座outh年Bahnaric, ?Khasi) ~ Khmer kɔntrùp kandrup dark gloomy place, made dark by overhanging branches &c., Biat ndrup lid; ~ (*[t]rr- >; or B?) Khasi tyllup to cover up completely (IVAN M. SIMON PERS. COM.). B: (Khmer, Kuy, ?座outh年Bahnaric) ~ Khmer kraop to cover, hide; lid; ~ 座tieng gruːp to cover, stop up (or A?); ~ Kuy troːp to cover with e.g. fowl-basket. C: (Mon, Bahnaric) 座tieng ruɔːp to hide, bury; ~ West年Bahnar krɔːp hidden, hiding (GUILLEMINET 1959-63); ~ Middle年Mon grop /grop/, Modern年Mon kròp to cover; ~ Old年Mon ginrop screen, Modern年Mon həròp cloth cover. And the same where a monophthong is evident in South Bahanric, e.g.: 1374a *[ ]ɓuəm; *[ ]ɓ[ə]m cheek. A: (座outh年Bahnaric, Khmuic) Biat [tɒːm] bɔːm, Kammu咁Yuan pɔːm (→ Thin pɔm?). B: (Katuic) Kuy bam. The situation may have been complicated by a lack of understanding of the phonological history of Bahnar. I have identified (e.g. Sidwell 1998, Sidwell 2002) that there is tendency to monophthongization in Bahnar, due to a subtle stress shift within Bahnar mainsyllable vowels. This can be seen in examples such as: Proto-Bahnaric Bahnar *puan > pwan ‘four’ *ciam > hjɛm ‘to feed’ Where the prevocalic consonant is already a rhotic (or a glide?) the original diphthong becomes a low monophthong: Proto-Bahnaric *ruat *ruay *ruas *riah Bahnar > rɔt > rɔɔy > roih > rəh ‘to buy’ ‘fly’ ‘elephant’ ‘root’ These and similar examples form prominent etymologies among the Bahnaric data. It appears that Shorto did not recognise the phonological conditioning of the monophthongization, and consequently such examples influenced him to think that a Bahnar low back vowel is generally indicative of a PMK *uǝ (and similarly a low front vowel indicative of *iǝ). Shorto’s analysis of the relevant phonological correspondences is schematized in the following table: 212 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 2: Shorto’s Mon:Khmer:Bahnar:Stieng low back correspondences Old Mon Written Khmer Bahnar Stieng* 1 o o ɔɔ ɔɔ 2 o uǝ ɔ(ɔ) ɔɔ 3 o uǝ ɔ(ɔ) ~ wa uǝ PMK *ɔɔ *uǝ *uǝ *and other South Bahnaric Lines 1 and 3 above would be straightforward enough but for the complications caused by the correspondence in line 2. The question reduces to whether the line 2 reconstruction should be *uǝ or *ɔɔ, or something else, particularly depending upon which of Khmer or Bahnaric is the innovator. In the absence of an obvious conditioning factor, there is not enough data here to decide. All other things being equal, it may be suggested that it is just as likely that Khmer merged *uǝ and *ɔɔ to uǝ as it is that Bahnaric merged *uǝ and *ɔɔ to ɔɔ. However, not all things are equal, especially in terms of the structural imbalances within Shorto’s reconstruction. Shorto’s PMK vowel inventory is as follows: */ i e iə u ə o a ɔ [ɯə] uə ai ii ee əə aa uu oo ɔɔ / Note the complete lack of low front vowels despite the frequent fact of such a contrast in MK languages. This correlates with an imbalance in frequency between Shorto’s reconstruction of 365 cases of *uə versus only 80 cases of *ɔɔ, whereas it is more typical for ɔɔ to outnumber the back diphthong by about 2:1 in phonologically conservative MonKhmer languages (by my counts). A rough count of Shorto’s *uǝ etymologies also finds that reflexes in Northern Mon-Khmer languages are more often *ɔɔ than diphthonged. It is thus apparent that in respect of the line 2 correspondence, the Khmer diphthong reflex is the odd-man-out, and is much more likely to reflect a Khmer innovation via a merger with uǝ, although the conditioning factors are not yet clear. By implication, a parallel merger of *iǝ and *ɛɛ to iǝ in Khmer is also indicated, requiring us to posit an additional proto-vowel *ɛɛ (and probably also a short *ɛ) which would fill the rather odd gap in an otherwise more or less normal inventory for an “unrestructured” MK language (applying the terminology of Huffman 1985). Accepting this line of reasoning as our present working hypothesis, there is no need to posit a new back vowel phoneme to account for the line 2 correspondences, although a systematic revision and reassignment of proto-forms is certainly indicated. A broader data set is required to determine if a specific conditioning environment can be identified for the hypothetical restricted mergers suggested for Khmer. Proto-Mon-Khmer Vocalism 213 Conclusion Shorto most likely erred in only basing his vocalism on the comparison of two languages. In my view, if he had more properly used the four languages as laid out in his principal source (Schmidt 1905), he could well have avoided the excessive application of his theory of alternances, and offered a more reasonable reconstruction. As it stands, the phonological and lexical reconstruction offered by Shorto (2006) is skewed away from low vowels in favour if high vowels and diphthongs – this is in serious need of revision. Even within the limits of the data organised and presented by Shorto, it is possible to move more or less quickly to address these issues and produce a much more satisfactory account of PMK vocalism. References Barker, Milton E. 1966. Vietnamese and Mương tone correspondences. In Norman Herbert Zide (ed.) Studies in comparative Austroasiatic linguistics. N. Zide (ed.), The Hague, Mouton. pp.9-25. Blood, Henry F. 1966. 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Chulalongkorn University Press. 214 JSEALS Vol. 1 Peiros, Ilia. 1996. Katuic comparative dictionary. Pacific Linguistics C-132. Phillips, Timothy C. 2005. Linguistic Comparison Of Semai Dialects. Unpublished manuscript. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia. Piat, Martine. 1962. Quelques correspondences entre le khmer et le Bru, langue montangarde du Centre-Vietnam. Bulletin de le Societé Etudes Indochine 37:311323. Schmidt, Wilhelm. 1905. “Grundzüge einer Lautlehre der Mon-Khmer-Sprachen.” Denkschrift der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Philologisch-Historische Klasse 51:1-233 Shorto, Harry L. 1976. The Vocalism of Proto-Mon-Khmer. Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson, and Stanley Starosta (eds.). Austroasiatic Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii (Oceanic Linguistics, Special Publication, No. 13). Part II, pp.10411067. Shorto, Harry L. 2006. A Mon-Khmer Comparative Dictionary. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics 579. 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BASIC SERIAL VERB CONSTRUCTIONS IN THAI Kiyoko Takahashi Kanda University of International Studies <kiyoko@kanda.kuis.ac.jp> 0 Abstract This paper aims to provide a comprehensive classification of Thai ‘basic serial verb constructions’ (henceforth, basic SVCs) composed of two verb phrases serialized. My claim is as follows. The classification of Thai basic SVCs should be based primarily on temporal relationship between the two sub-events represented by the two verb phrases as well as the degree of assertiveness (or factuality) of each of the two verb phrases. Causation-related classes of verbs, such as ‘agentive verbs’, and restrictedness-related classes of verbs, such as ‘minor verbs’ (Aikhenvald 2006), are not crucial factors for the classification. Rather, the aspectual and modal classes of verbs, such as ‘durative verbs’ and ‘non-implicative verbs’ (Karttunen 1971, Givón 1973), are the most relevant factors. 1 Introduction As Foley 2008 points out, the range of types of complex events expressed by SVCs differs from language to language. To adequately classify SVCs in a verb-serializing language, we must take into consideration the language’s characteristic morpho-syntactic properties and the speakers’ culture-particular conceptualizations of complex events. SVCs are thus language-specific both morpho-syntactically and semantically. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a comprehensive classification of basic SVCs in Thai. ‘Basic SVC’ is defined as construction in which two verb phrases are serialized with no overt linker (Chuwicha 1993). The two verbs in the construction designate a certain substantial event or situation (action, process, change, state, and so on) and share at least one nominal argument, which may or may not be explicitly expressed. Thai basic SVCs are exemplified in (1) to (4) below.[1] All these examples express a single complex event comprising two substantial sub-events, which is construed by Thai speakers. (1) tòk tɛ̀ɛk fell be broken (It) fell off and (it) was broken. (2) lǎy maa flow come (It) came flowing. (3) tham khǎay make sell (He) made (it) to sell (it). Takahashi, Kiyoko. 2009. Basic Serial Verb Constructions In Thai. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:215-229. Copyright vested in the author. 215 216 (4) JSEALS Vol. 1 yàak kin want eat (He) wanted to eat. Basic SVCs must consist of two verb phrases and must not include a lexical item effecting valency change, i.e., a voice-related lexical item to be used to increase or reduce a nominal argument in the given verb phrase. Examples (5) and (6) respectively have the ‘causative’ marker hây ‘CAUSATIVE’ (< hây ‘give’) and the ‘benefactive’ marker hây ‘BENEFACTIVE’ (< hây ‘give’) followed by an additional nominal argument (i.e. phɯ̂ an ‘friend’), and so they are not basic SVCs. (5) hây phɯ̂ an láaŋ caan friend wash dish (He) caused/allowed (his) friend to wash dishes. CAUSATIVE (6) láaŋ caan hây phɯ̂ an wash dish BENEFACTIVE friend (He) washed dishes for (his) friend. Similarly, examples (7) through (11) are not basic SVCs either because they are not composed of two verb phrases proper. (7) chák hǐw be hungry (He) is beginning to be hungry. INCHOATIVE (8) dây pay REALIZATION go It is realized that (he) goes. (9) kin dây eat POSSIBILITY It is possible that (he) eats. (10) khít yùu think CONTINUOUS (He) is thinking. (11) Ɂûan khɯ̂ n fat INCHOATIVE (He) got fatter. One of the two constituents of these predicates is a functional morpheme that is more or less grammaticalized: example (7) includes the ‘inchoative’ aspect marker chák ‘INCHOATIVE’ (< chák ‘draw’) in the first position; example (8) includes the ‘realization’ modal/aspect marker dây ‘REALIZATION’ (<dây ‘emerge’) in the first position; example (9) Serial Verb in Thai 217 includes the ‘possibility’ modal marker dây ‘POSSIBILITY’ (< dây ‘emerge’) in the second position; example (10) includes the ‘continuous’ aspect marker yùu ‘CONTINUOUS’ (< yùu ‘be located’) in the second position; and, example (11) includes the ‘inchoative’ aspect marker khɯ̂ n ‘INCHOATIVE’ (< khɯ̂ n ‘ascend’) in the second position. This paper is organized in the following way. Section 2 addresses the compositional system of the structure of basic SVCs and identifies four main types of complex events represented by the constructions. Section 3 proposes a new perspective from which Thai basic SVCs are properly categorized into ‘symmetrical’ and ‘asymmetrical’ types. Section 4 lists up all subtypes of the four main types of Thai basic SVCs, and examines the semantic and syntactic properties of each type. Discussions in Sections 3 and 4 will reveal that the primary parameters for the classification of the semantic types of Thai basic SVCs are the aspectual distinction ‘durative vs. non-durative situations’ and the modal distinction ‘factual vs. non-factual situations’. On the contrary, the hitherto often examined, famous distinctions ‘agentive vs. non-agentive situations’ and ‘situations denoted by verbs from a restricted vs. non-restricted class’ have little relevance or are at most secondary parameters. In Section 5, I will give concluding remarks. 2 Compositional system of the structure of basic SVCs In my previous study on basic SVCs in general (Takahashi 2006), I posited two primary dimensions for classifying complex events expressed by basic SVCs, namely the dimensions of ‘temporality’ and ‘factuality (or the degree of assertiveness)’. The definitions of these two concepts are spelled out in (12). (12) Two most important dimensions for classifying complex events expressed by basic SVCs (Takahashi 2006) are: a. Temporality: temporal relation between two sub-events represented by the two verb phrases in a basic SVC, i.e., ‘consecutive’ vs. ‘simultaneous’ Factuality (the degree of assertiveness): the existential status of each of the two sub-events, i.e., ‘factual (assertive)’ vs. ‘non-factual (non-assertive)’ b. I would assume that subtypes of complex events denoted by basic SVCs in any verbserializing languages systematically differ in these two dimensions. Previous studies of Thai SVCs (Chuwicha 1993, Diller 2006, Iwasaki & Ingkaphirom 2005, Muansuwan 2002, Sereecharoensatit 1984, Sudmuk 2005, Thepkanjana 1986/2006, Wilawan 1993, inter alia) mainly consider the former temporal dimension, leaving the latter modal dimension untouched, which leads to an incomplete classification of the constructions. Considering the factors of temporality and factuality, we can classify complex events expressed by basic SVCs into the following four main types. (13) Four main types of complex events expressed by basic SVCs a. Type of ‘complex event of natural consequence’: two factual events occur consecutively, e.g., (1) tòk tɛ̀ɛk ‘fall (factual) + be broken (factual)’ Type of ‘complex event with two facets’: two factual events occur simultaneously, e.g., (2) lǎy maa ‘flow (factual) + come (factual)’ b. 218 c. d. JSEALS Vol. 1 Type of ‘complex event of purposive activity’: a factual event and a non-factual event occur consecutively, e.g., (3) tham khǎay ‘make (factual) + sell (non-factual)’ Type of ‘complex event integrated’: a factual event and a non-factual event occur simultaneously, e.g., (4) yàak kin ‘want (factual) + eat (non-factual)’ The dichotomy of ‘factual vs. non-factual situations’ comes from the theory of ‘the ontology of situation’ postulated by Johnson (1981). He rephrases ‘the ontology of situation’ as “the degree to which the situation can be considered as a real part of the course of events in the actual world, as opposed to being part of some projected course of events which has not yet been actualized” (ibid.: 146). According to him, the existential status of a situation is divided into two contrastive categories, as stated in (14). (14) Two contrastive categories of the existential status of situation (Johnson 1981) a. Real, determined or ‘manifest’ (i.e. factual) situation: at least one complete instance of the situation is a historical fact that is known to a human observer Projected, hypothesized or ‘imminent’ (i.e. non-factual) situation: no complete instance of the situation is a historical fact b. In my opinion, the factuality dimension is directly related to what Croft (2001) calls ‘Complex Figure’ vs. ‘Figure-Ground’ constructions. The terms ‘figure’ and ‘ground’ originate in Gestalt psychology. The figure is a part of our experience which we pay attention (a focal entity); in contrast, the ground is a part of our experience to which we do not attend (the background) (Benjafield 1993: 55). Croft (ibid.: 327) considers what is asserted in coordination and adverbial subordination to be figure-like, and relates the basic conceptual distinction between coordination and adverbial subordination with the Gestalt distinction between Complex Figure and Figure-Ground sentences. Specifically, “[I]n coordination, both clauses are asserted, in line with its complex figure construal”, whereas “[I]n adverbial subordination, only the main clause is asserted, because only the main clause is the figure of the sentence” (ibid.: 338). Endorsing his argument for applying the Gestalt distinction ‘Complex Figure vs. Figure-Ground configurations’ to the analysis of complex sentences, I approach basic SVCs from the same perspective. The resultant categorization of basic SVCs is shown in (15). (15) ‘Complex Figure’ vs. ‘Figure-Ground’ types of basic SVCs a. Coordination-like Complex Figure SVCs, (13a) and (13b): the combination of two assertive verb phrases representing a factual situation (VP1: factual + VP2: factual) Subordination-like Figure-Ground SVCs, (13c) and (13d): the combination of an assertive verb phrase representing a factual situation and a non-assertive verb phrase representing a non-factual situation (VP1: factual + VP2: non-factual) b. Table 1 below illustrates the two-dimensional classification of basic SVCs that I maintain. The table helps us visualize the systematized structure of basic SVCs with the parameters of temporality (consecutive or simultaneous event construction) and factuality 219 Serial Verb in Thai (construction consisting of two factual events or of a factual event and a non-factual event). Table 1: Two-dimensional classification of basic SVCs Symmetrical, Complex Figure construction Basic SVCs for complex event Consecutive event construction of natural consequence, e.g. (1) Factual sub-event Æ Factual sub-event Asymmetrical, Figure-Ground construction Basic SVCs for complex event of purposive activity, e.g. (3) Factual sub-event Æ Nonfactual sub-event Basic SVCs for complex event Basic SVCs for complex event Simultaneous event construction with two facets, e.g. (2) integrated, e.g. (4) Factual sub-event = Factual sub-event Factual sub-event = Nonfactual sub-event To recapitulate, ‘complex events of natural consequence’ (13a) are represented by Complex Figure SVCs of the consecutive event type; ‘complex events with two facets’ (13b) are represented by Complex Figure SVCs of the simultaneous event type; ‘complex events of purposive activity’ (13c) are represented by Figure-Ground SVCs of the consecutive event type; and, ‘complex events integrated’ (13d) are represented by FigureGround SVCs of the simultaneous event type. I will elaborate on the natures of these four main types in Section 4. 3 Symmetrical vs. asymmetrical SVCs Before going on to particularly discuss the two-dimensional classification of Thai basic SVCs in the following section, I would like to clarify how my classification differs from Diller’s (2006), which accords with the analysis of Aikhenvald (2006). In her cross-linguistic study of SVCs, Aikhenvald (2006) offers two main types of SVCs, namely ‘symmetrical’ and ‘asymmetrical’ SVCs. As indicated in (16), if an SVC encompasses a ‘minor’ verb (a verb from a restricted class, like a motion verb and a posture verb), the SVC is regarded as asymmetrical. (16) Aikhenvald’s (2006) classification of SVCs a. Symmetrical SVCs: SVCs consisting of ‘major’ verbs, viz., verbs from an unrestricted class Asymmetrical SVCs: SVCs including a ‘minor’ verb, viz., verb from a restricted class (e.g. motion verb, posture verb) b. Her classification connotes an insightful generalization regarding evolution of linguistic constructions, namely, the combination of two ‘major’ verbs in the symmetrical type tends to become lexicalized while a ‘minor’ verb in the asymmetrical type tends to become grammaticalized. However, I have found that this classification is not accurately applicable to Thai basic SVCs. For one thing, Thai verbs are largely polysemous or polyfunctional, and so the range of their usage is quite wide. This means that verb classes in Thai mostly have fuzzy boundaries. What is more, Thai verb classes, except for the classes of so-called directional verbs (khɯ̂ n ‘ascend’, loŋ ‘descend’, khâw ‘enter’, Ɂɔ̀ɔk ‘exit’) and of deictic verbs (pay ‘go’, maa ‘come’), are seldom restricted. For example, the class of posture verbs in Thai is 220 JSEALS Vol. 1 by no means a restricted class. There are many verbs of bodily state and action in Thai (cf. Chuwicha 1993). Naturally, the great majority of Thai basic SVCs comprise two ‘major’ verbs. Based on these facts, I would claim that as for the types of Thai basic SVCs, the dichotomy of ‘symmetrical vs. asymmetrical’ should not be equated with that of ‘lexicalsemantically balanced vs. unbalanced’ (basic SVCs consisting of two major verbs vs. of a major verb plus a minor verb) as Aikhenvald (2006) argues for. Rather, the dichotomy of ‘symmetrical vs. asymmetrical’ should be equated with that of ‘modally balanced vs. unbalanced’ or that of ‘Complex Figure vs. Figure-Ground’ in Croft’s (2001) terminology (basic SVCs consisting of two assertive verbs vs. of an assertive verb plus a non-assertive verb) as I have explicated in the preceding section (see Table 1 above). 4 Subtypes of complex events denoted by Thai basic SVCs In the following subsections, I will examine subtypes of each of the four main types of complex events represented by Thai basic SVCs. 4.1 Complex event of natural consequence The first main type is the type of complex event of natural consequence. I have attested five semantic patterns of this event type, as exemplified in (17) to (21) below. Though many of these examples have been popularly called ‘resultative constructions’ (e.g. Enfield 2007, Iwasaki & Ingkaphirom 2005, Thepkanjana 2006), I call them ‘accomplishment constructions’ (Takahashi 2007). I have been arguing against the pervasive idea that this construction in Thai corresponds to resultative construction defined in other languages, which is usually regarded as a kind of ‘secondary predication construction’, or more generally ‘adjunct construction’, in which a ‘head’ (or ‘main’) verb phrase is followed by a ‘non-head’ (or ‘subsidiary’) verb phrase. My basic idea is that Thai accomplishment construction encoding complex event of natural consequence like those in (17) to (21) are a kind of coordination-like Complex Figure construction consisting of two assertive verb phrases, each of which is neither ‘head’ nor ‘non-head’. (17) a. VP1: action + VP2: change of state/location or state cháy mòt use come to an end (He) used (it) and (it) was used up. b. tii tɛ̀ɛk beat be broken (He) beat (it) and (it) was broken. (18) VP1: non-specific but direct action + VP2: change of state/location a. tham hǎay do disappear (He) directly acted on (it) and (it) disappeared. b. tham tòk do fall (He) directly acted on (it) and (it) fell off. 221 Serial Verb in Thai (19) VP1: action/process or state + VP2: accumulation a. càp dây sǎam tua catch emerge three CLASSIFIER (He) caught (them) and the number (of them) amounted to three. b. yen dây nɯ̀ ŋ chûamooŋ cool emerge one hour (It) was cool and the period (of being cool) amounted to one hour . (20) a. VP1: sensation-related action + VP2: perception/conception mɔɔŋ hěn look see (He) looked away and (he) saw (it). b. faŋ rúu rɯ̂ aŋ listen understand (He) listened to (it) and (he) understood (it). (21) VP1: non-purposive action or process + VP2: change of state/location or state a. dɯ̀ ɯm maw drink be intoxicated (He) drank (it) and (he) was intoxicated. b. pay thɯ̌ ŋ go arrive (He) went away and (he) arrived. The second verb phrase in these examples expresses realization of an effect event as the result of a preceding cause event denoted by the first verb phrase. The effect event may or may not be durative, while the cause event is typically durative. Even if the period of the cause event is pretty short (e.g. hitting), it must take some time until the effect event comes into existence. The important point is that even when the cause event involves an agent, the realization of the effect event should not be completely under control of the agent, and there must be something beyond the agent’s control, such as suitable circumstances and timeliness helping to bring about a certain resultant situation. The communicative function of this SVC type is to comment on whether or not an effect event arises from a cause event. The speaker must concern himself with the realization of the effect event. Both the static ‘continuous’ aspect marker yùu ‘CONTINUOUS’ (< yùu ‘be located’) and the dynamic ‘progressive’ aspect marker kamlaŋ ‘PROGRESSIVE’ (<kamlaŋ ‘power’) cannot be included in examples (17) to (21), because the telic nature (i.e. entailing a clear endpoint) of this SVC type is incompatible with the imperfective (atelic) aspect. Normally, the negative marker mây is inserted between the first and the second verb phrases and the effect event alone is negated, as illustrated in (22). 222 (22) JSEALS Vol. 1 cháy mây mòt use NEGATIVE come to an end (He) used (it) but (it) was not used up. It is also possible to negate the whole event by putting the negative marker in front of the first verb phrase, as in (23). (23) mây cháy mòt use come to an end (He) did not do in such a way that (he) uses (it) and (it) is used up. It is not correct to believe that (he) used (it) and (it) was used up. NEGATIVE Note that to express a purposive activity with a clear intention to bring about a certain goal situation in the future (usually in the imperative mood), Thai speakers employ another kind of predicates which utilize the causative marker, as in (24) and (25). (24) cháy hây mòt use CAUSATIVE come to an end (He) used (it) in order to use (it) up. Use (it) up! (25) cháy hây lɯ̌ a use CAUSATIVE remain (He) used (it) to bring about the result that some part (of it) is left. Use (it) leaving some part (of it)! 4.2 Complex event with two facets The second main type is the type of complex event with two facets. There are relatively diverse semantic patterns for this event type, as exemplified in (26) to (29) below. The first verb in the pattern (26) is a verb for bodily state or action in general, which subsumes not only what is called ‘stance’ or ‘posture’ (cf. ‘stance-activity constructions’ Diller 2006, ‘associated posture constructions’ Enfield 2002, ‘posture SVCs’ Thepkanjana 2006) but also a variety of bodily action which are frequently called ‘manner’ (cf. ‘manner SVCs’ Thepkanjana 2006). (26) VP1: bodily state/action + VP2: concurrent action a. yím hěn dûay smile agree (He) smiled; (he) agreed. (He agreed smiling.) b. rîip tham hurry do (He) hurried; (he) did (it). (He did it in a hurry.) The bodily action represented by the first verb in the pattern (26) may be a ‘primary action’ (Chuwicha 1993) in which we can perceive clearly which body part is used (e.g., yím Serial Verb in Thai 223 ‘smile’, nâŋ ‘sit’, dəən ‘walk’) or a ‘non-primary action’ (Chuwicha 1993) in which we cannot perceive so clearly (e.g., rîip ‘hurry’, chûay ‘help’, rə̂əm ‘begin’). The second verb in the pattern (27) is a deictic verb denoting a concrete motion away from or toward a certain reference point in the physical world. (27) a. VP1: action/process + VP2: deictic direction (pay ‘go’ or maa ‘come’) wîŋ pay run go (He) ran; (he) went away from a reference point. (He ran away.) b. lɔɔy maa float come (It) floated; (it) came toward a reference point. (It came floating.) The first verb in the pattern (28) is a verb of perception (e.g. seeing, hearing). (28) VP1: perception + VP2: action/process a. hěn lǎy see flow (He) saw (it) flowing. b. dâyyin hǔarɔ́Ɂ hear laugh (He) heard (her) laughing. The second verb in the pattern (29) is a stative verb expressing the speaker’s view or evaluation regarding the manner or the resultant state of the situation described by the first verb phrase, which entails the event-participants named by the nominal arguments of the verb. (29) VP1: action/process or state + VP2: state a. phûut phìt speak wrong (He) spoke (it); (it) was wrong. (He spoke it wrongly.) b. rúu dii know good (He) knew (it); (it) was good. (He knew it well.) Previously, predicates of the pattern (29) have been variously named, say, ‘modifying verb serialization’ (Bisang 1995), ‘event-argument constructions’ (Diller 2006), ‘depictive secondary predication’ (Schultze-Berndt & Himmelmann 2004, Enfield 2005), ‘depictive or adverbial complementation’ (Enfield 2007), and so forth. Although apparently examples (26) to (29) above express quite different kinds of complex events, they do have the following same event structure in terms of temporality and factuality: two factual sub-events arise simultaneously. It is noteworthy that both the 224 JSEALS Vol. 1 two sub-events must be durative. The reason for this is that there must be a certain time span for the two sub-events to concur. Owing to their inherent atelic nature (i.e. not entailing a well-defined endpoint), examples (26) to (29) may include the imperfective (continuous or progressive) aspect marker, as illustrated in (30) and (31). (30) nɔɔn Ɂàan yùu lie read CONTINUOUS (He) was reading lying. (31) kamlaŋ rîip tham PROGRESSIVE hurry do (He) was doing (it) in a hurry. Normally, the negative marker is put before the first verb phrase to negate the whole event, as in (32). (32) mây nɔɔn Ɂàan lie read (He) did not do in such a way that (he) reads lying. It is not correct to believe that (he) read lying. NEGATIVE The behaviour with respect to negation of the second verb phrase differs among different tokens, as in (33) to (35). (33) phûut mây phìt speak NEGATIVE wrong (He) spoke (it); (it) was not wrong. (He spoke it not wrongly.) mây Ɂàan (34) ? nɔɔn lie NEGATIVE read (He) lied; (he) did not read. mây tham (35) ?? rîip hurry NEGATIVE do (He) hurried; (he) did not do. 4.3 Complex event of purposive activity The third main type is the type of complex event of purposive activity. There is only one semantic pattern for this event type, as indicated in (36). (36) VP1: purposive action + VP2: intended situation a. khɯ̂ n rót fay pay chiaŋmày ascend train go Chiangmai (He) took a train to go to Chiangmai. 225 Serial Verb in Thai b. yâaŋ kin roast eat (He) roasted (it) to eat (it). The terms ‘purposive action’ and ‘intended situation’ in (36) are not the terms for lexical semantic classes of verbs. These nomenclatures imply the event-participant’s desire or hope, as the following. Any factual activity that the person in question is engaged to achieve a goal (goal-oriented action) can be regarded as ‘purposive action’, and any nonfactual, albeit substantial, situation that is hopefully expected to bring about after some purposive action (desirable situation) can be considered as ‘intended situation’. This is the reason why we cannot determine a particular lexical aspect of verbs that could be used to express ‘purposive action’ and ‘intended situation’. To overtly express that the event represented by the second verb phrase is an intended, non-factual event, we may put the linker phɯ̂ a ‘in order to’ before the second verb phrase, as in (37). (37) khɯ̂ n rót fay phɯ̂ a (thîi càɁ) pay chiaŋmày ascend train in order to go Chiangmai (He) took a train in order to go to Chiangmai. This pattern, which involves a positive activity, may be modified by the progressive aspect marker, as in (38). (38) kamlaŋ tham khǎay make sell (He) was making (it) to sell (it). PROGRESSIVE Normally, this pattern is not negated. Possibly, the negative marker is placed in front of the first verb phrase to negate the whole event, as in (39). (39) mây khɯ̂ n rót fay pay chiaŋmày ascend train go Chiangmai (He) did not do in such a way that (he) takes a train to go to Chiangmai. It is not correct to believe that (he) took a train to go to Chiangmai. NEGATIVE It is awkward if only the second verb phrase expressing a non-factual situation is negated, as in (40). (40) ? khɯ̂ n rót fay mây pay chiaŋmày ascend train NEGATIVE go Chiangmai (He) took a train not to go to Chiangmai. The second verb phrase in this pattern describes a certain situation intended, or more specifically, a non-factual desirable situation expected to result from a prior purposive action. Such a situation is typically affirmative and has a positive value (cf. Takahashi & Thepkanjana 1997). 226 JSEALS Vol. 1 4.4 Complex event integrated The fourth main type is the type of complex event integrated. Only one semantic pattern indicated in (41) belongs to this event type. Many linguists take predicates of this pattern as ‘complementation constructions’ (e.g. Enfield 2007, Thepkanjana 2006). (41) VP1: mental activity related to a non-factual action + VP2: action a. khîi kìat tham be indolent do (He) felt indolent to do. b. sǒn cay rian be interested study (He) was interested in studying. This pattern contains a verb of mental activity concerning a non-factual action, such as a verb of desire, dislike, decision, efforts, and the like. Givón 1973 calls this kind of verbs (e.g. want, plan, try, prefer, hate, dread, intend, etc.) ‘non-implicative modality verbs’. The irrealis marker càɁ may occur in front of the second verb phrase, as in (42). (42) khîi kìat (thîi) càɁ be indolent IRREALIS (He) felt indolent to do. tham do It is a static expression specifying a certain feeling, and therefore it is compatible with the continuous aspect marker, as in (43). (43) khîi kìat tham yùu be indolent do CONTINUOUS (He) felt indolent to do. Normally, the negative marker is put in front of the first verb phrase to negate the whole event, as in (44). (44) mây sǒn cay rian be interested study (He) was not interested in studying. NEGATIVE It is odd to negate only the second verb phrase representing a non-factual action toward which some feeling is directed, as in (45) and (46). (45) ? sǒn cay mây rian be interested NEGATIVE study (He) was interested in not studying. 227 Serial Verb in Thai mây tham (46) ?? khîi kìat be indolent NEGATIVE do (He) felt indolent not to do. 4.5 Summary The characteristics of the four main semantic patterns of Thai basic SVCs discussed above are summarized in Table 2 below. From this Table, we can easily see that each pattern has its own characteristics that is shown in each row of the table. What is important is that any tokens of a single pattern, in common, have the same characteristics. This can be regarded as a piece of evidence to prove the adequacy of the way of classifying Thai basic SVCs that I propose. Table 2: Characteristics of four main semantic patterns of Thai basic SVCs Pattern 1 for ‘complex event of natural consequence’ (13a) Factual VP1 → Factual VP2 Pattern 2 for ‘complex event with two facets’ (13b) Factual VP1 = Factual VP2 Pattern 3 for ‘complex event of purposive activity’ (13c) Factual VP1 → Nonfactual VP2 Pattern 4 for ‘complex event integrated’ (13d) Factual VP1 = Nonfactual VP2 Progressive reading Continuous reading Negation of VP1+VP2 Negation of VP2 kamla VP1 VP2 VP1 VP2 yuu may VP1 VP2 VP1 may VP2 × × (9) 9 9 9 9 9/? 9 × (9) ? × 9 9 ? The distinctive syntactic and semantic features among the four patterns listed in Table 2 are briefly accounted for, as follows. The pattern 1, representing two factual events concatenated, cannot co-occur with the imperfective (continuous or progressive) aspect marker, and normally only the second verb phrase is negated. The pattern 2, representing two concurrent factual events, can co-occur with the imperfective aspect marker, and normally the combination of the two verb phrases is negated. Only the second verb phrase can be negated, given some fitting referent scene. The pattern 3, representing a prior factual event and a posterior non-factual event, may co-occur with the progressive aspect marker, and normally it is not negated. And, the pattern 4, representing a factual event and a non-factual event that arise at the same time, can co-occur with the continuous aspect marker, and normally the combination of the two verb phrases is negated. 5 Conclusion Such linguistic notions as ‘event-participant’s agency or controllability’, which is often referred to as one of the main factors forming a causative situation, and ‘the degree of restrictedness of verb classes’, based on which Aikhenvald (2006) distinguishes between minor and major verbs, have been widely recognized as significant, presumably due to the fact that these notions indeed underlie the syntax and the semantics of many languages in 228 JSEALS Vol. 1 the world, especially of Indo-European languages which most linguists are familiar with. However, the present study has revealed that these notions have little relevance to the fundamental compositional system of Thai basic SVCs. In conclusion, the central claim of the present study is that complex events represented by Thai basic SVCs should be categorized primarily in terms of temporality (consecutive or simultaneous two events) and factuality (two factual events or a factual event plus a non-factual event), which are two different human perspectives needed in the minimum conceptualization of eventness. Notes I would like to thank the audience of the SEALS 18 conference (the 18th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Kuala Lumpur, May 21-22, 2008) for helpful and insightful comments on an earlier version of this paper. Thanks are also due to Bruce Horton for stylistic suggestions. 1. The constructed examples in this paper are considered to be acceptable by native speakers of the Thai language. References Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2006. Serial verb constructions in typological perspective. In Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and R. W. Dixon (eds.) 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A Reanalysis of So-called Serial Verb Constructions in Thai, Khmer, Mandarin Chinese, and Yoruba. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Hawai’i. AN ACOUSTIC STUDY OF INTERWORD CONSONANT SEQUENCES IN VIETNAMESE Trần Thị Thúy Hiền & Nathalie Vallée GIPSA-lab, Speech and Cognition Department, Grenoble, France <thi-thuy-hien.tran@gipsa-lab.inpg.fr>, <nathalie.vallee@gipsa-lab.inpg.fr> 0 Abstract Vietnamese learners of French often fail to produce French clusters even after several years of practicing, and even when the French clusters correspond to Vietnamese consonant sequences. The reasons of this continuing difficulty are still unknown. Our aim is to identify the factors which are the main cause of this problem. In a first time, we decided to focus on acoustic realizations of Vietnamese consonants by native speakers. This paper presents a pilot study on consonants in coda positions, pronounced by a single subject. Realizations of final stops (/p/ /t/ /k/) and nasals (/m/ /n/), often unreleased, were examined within both monosyllabic (CVC words) and dissyllabic (syllable 1 of compound words) contexts and compared with their realizations in word-initial position. Results show significant acoustic variations depending on consonant’s within-word and syllabic positions, and support the notion that syllable boundaries induce articulatory changes in the pronunciation of consonants. Our findings suggest a clear effect of the word syllabic structure on the final-consonant production, providing evidence of the role of the syllable in speech production, and as a result they warrant further investigations. 1 Introduction One of the difficulties faced by Vietnamese subjects upon learning French is the pronunciation of consonant clusters, which do not exist in Vietnamese. Those clusters are often deformedly pronounced and this problem persists even after several years of practicing (Nguyễn, 2000), even if specific consonant combinations are found in both languages. As a result, what are the main reasons for this barrier to Vietnameses’ French cluster acquisition? Apart from the fact that Vietnamese is a tonal language, other dissimilarity between the two languages refers to their lexical and syllabic structures. By means of computerized analyses of a corpus available from a 17-language syllabified lexicon database developed partly at UCLA (Maddieson and Precoda 1992), then in our laboratory (Rousset, 2004), we obtained information on word syllabic structures in Vietnamese (from a 5.000-word lexicon) and French (22.800-word). Each lexical entry consists of an IPA notation with marks of its syllabic structure, representing the following informations: The division in syllables and for each syllable its conventional sub-syllabic components, namely onset and rhyme (rhyme = nucleus and coda). Additional languages were included to Maddieson and Precoda’s (1992) database using similar sources of information and excluding recent loan words as ‘telephone’, ‘football’ (Maddieson, 1993:1). The syllabification was done either from published (printed or computer-readable) syllabified lexicons (French: BDLEX-Syll from BDLEX 50.000, Pérennou and de Calmès, 2002) or manually by at least two native Trần Thị Thúy Hiền & Nathalie Vallée. 2009. An Acoustic Study Of Interword Consonant Sequences In Vietnamese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:231-249. Copyright vested in the authors. 231 232 JSEALS Vol. 1 speakers of the language (Vietnamese, Trần 2006). The lexical entries are lemmas only. For each language, we listed the lexical patterns accounting for at least 2% of the lexicon, by classifying them according to their number of syllables (Tables 1 & 2). In the Vietnamese lexicon there were as many monosyllabic words (50%) as dissyllabic (49%), (trisyllabic words accounting for 1%), while the French lexicon had few monosyllabic units (10.8%), but a majority of disyllabic (34%) and trisyllabic (36.7%) items; foursyllable and five-syllable words accounted for 15% and 2.9% respectively. The prevalent monosyllabic pattern in Vietnamese as in French was the CVC syllable type, respectively 70% and 34% of the monosyllabic words, and respectively 70% and 20% of the language syllable inventory. Table 1: Main word-internal structures (frequency above 2% in a 5.000-word lexicon), among the 23 word structures observed in Vietnamese, and their respective frequency within their corresponding category (the dot indicates the syllable boundary). Lexical patterns Monosyllabic Disyllabic Type % Type % CVC 70 CVC.CVC 49 CV 22 CV.CVC 16.3 CCVC* 5.2 CVC.CV 16.3 CV.CV 7.5 *(CC- in CCVC structures corresponds to Cw-) Table 2: Main word-internal structures in French (frequency above 2% in a 22.800-word lexicon), and their respective frequency within their corresponding category. 949 word structures were observed in French (the dot indicates the syllable boundary). Monosyllabic Type % CVC 34.3 Disyllabic Type % CV.CVC 20.3 CV.CV 19.4 CCV.CV 6.5 Lexical patterns Trisyllabic Type % CV.CV.CV 18.5 CV.CV.CVC 11.2 V.CV.CV 6.8 Others Type CV.CV.CV.CV % 15.3 Đoàn Thiện Thuật (1999) suggested the following internal structure for the Vietnamese syllable, the brackets indicating the optional constituents: C1(w)V(C2). This pattern implies that the glottal stop which always appears in onset position is phonemic. Syllabic structure diversity is much more present in French, due to the fact that complex onsets and codas are allowed. From Rousset’s study (2004), we proposed for the French syllabic structure: (C1)(C2)(C3)V(C4)(C5)(C6)(C7). We pointed out that the pattern C1(C2)V(C3) made up 96% of the possible syllabic structures in French. It corresponds also to the structure of the monosyllabic words in Vietnamese (if /w/= C2). However, like other Southeast-Asiatic languages, Vietnamese is typologically an isolating CVC language and therefore shows consonant sequences only in the speech chain at word boundaries. Indeed, disyllabic words are special because all of them are compound words 1 and so are 3-syllable words. 1 In this study the dissyllabic words are either transparent compounds (e.g. xác chết /ak cet/ cadaver is built from /ak/ which means body and /cet/ which means to die) or opaque ones Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 233 Thus, although consonant clusters are never found in Vietnamese (in the sense that “cluster” generally refers to a sequence of consonants that appears in the same syllable, either in onset or in coda position), this study focuses on consonant sequences located at ‘syllable’ edges inside compound words. We investigated several acoustic factors that might reveal differences between different types of boundaries. We considered the segments of 2-consonant sequences taking into account the location of the boundary, either interword (in the case of monosyllabic words) or inside compound words (lexical disyllabic word). Because many experimental studies in phonetics have showed differences in the production of consonants according to their position within the syllable (Lindblom, 1983; Keating, 1983; Krakow, 1999), within the word (Keating, Wright and Zhang, 1999), within prosodic domains e.g. utterance (Fougeron and Keating, 1997), we compared the acoustic realizations of Vietnamese segments in consonant sequences with their realizations in word-initial position. In the case of Vietnamese disyllabic lexical compounds, consonant combinations are not realized like French clusters, even if the segments involved are similar in both languages, mainly because they are necessarily distributed among two successive syllables (Trương Văn Chình, 1970; Đoàn Thiện Thuật, 1999; Nguyễn Thị Bình Minh, 2000). Indeed, showing the coarticulation to be stronger inside syllables, many studies have suggested that the syllable might be a basic unit of speech production (Krakow, 1989; Browman and Goldstein, 1995; for a relatively complete review, see Krakow, 1999; also Kühnert and Nolan, 1999). Several studies have provided support for the hypothesis that the syllable corresponds to the domain of anticipatory coarticulation (Kozhevnikov and Chistovich, 1965; Benguerel and Cowan, 1974; Gay, 1978; Sussman and Westbury, 1981), and others studies to the temporal domain of coordinative movements (Kelso, Saltzman and Tuller, 1986; Tuller and Kelso, 1991). In addition, in the MacNeilage’s Frame/Content Theory (1998), syllables are units of speech motor organization in infants and languages (MacNeilage, Davis, Kinney and Matyear, 2000). The influence of the speakers’ native phonetic inventory on the foreign language acquisition process is now well demonstrated (see Best; 1995; Flege, 1995; Flege, Frieda and Nozawa, 1997; Piske, MacKay and Flege, 2001, for a review). For this reason, we decided to focus on consonant combinations found in both languages. Among the possible consonant sequences in French and Vietnamese appear /syllable-final stop + consonant/ and /syllable-final nasal + consonant/ combinations. In French, the plosive and nasal final consonants /p t k b d  m n  /, realized with or without vocal fold vibration (voicing), are generally produced by a total obstruction (occlusion) maintained for a while in a place of the vocal tract, then followed by an audible release (burst). However one of the Vietnamese phonetic particularities is that the final consonants /p t k m n / are not articulatory released whatever the conditions of their realizations. As a result, the occlusion is not followed by a typical noise of fast and audible explosion (Đoàn Thiện Thuật, 1999). This characteristic in the production of the Vietnamese occlusives in coda position does not change the meaning of the word. This pilot study on acoustic properties of Vietnamese consonants in sequences spanning syllable boundary aimed at achieving to better understanding the Vietnamese (bán kết /ban ket/ semi-final (sport) from /ban/ which means half in compound words but to sell when used alone and /cet/ which means to conclude). No distinction between these two types of compound words was taken into account in our analyses. 234 JSEALS Vol. 1 consonant sequence realization. For that purpose, we proposed analyses of voiceless plosives and nasals appearing in the final position, either of a simple word-pattern CVC, or of the first syllable of a disyllabic lexical compound CVC.CVC. Are there acoustic differences in the realization of syllable-final consonants according to word structure? If dissimilarities are observed, what acoustic characteristics make them different from each other? Is the realization of C2 in C1VC2 different from the one of C2 in CVC2.C3VC due to a more important coarticulation of successive consonants at the syllable boundary of lexical compound rather than at the monosyllabic word boundary? 2 Methodology 2.1 Corpus and speaker Fifteen monosyllabic and twenty dissyllabic items were selected from the Vietnamese 5.000-word lexicon because they included both one of the five following syllable-final consonants /p t k m n/ 2 and the most open vowel /a/, and because they had one of the following three structures: CV, CVC, CVC.CVC (the thirty-five words are listed in the appendix). Moreover, we attempted to control for tone in selecting items under the highrising tone, B1 or D1, written as an acute accent (for more information about the Vietnamese tones, see Michaud, 2004). In this way, the five consonants occurred in various within-word positions: i) In onset position (C1) of monosyllabic words, with coda /C1aC2/ or without /C1a/ (e.g. /tak/, /kat/, /mat/; /ta/, /ka/, /ma/); it should be noted that in Vietnamese the bilabial plosive is never found in syllable-initial position; ii) In coda position (C2) of monosyllabic words /C1aC2/ (e.g. /nat/, /kak/, /tam/, /fap/) or in coda position of the first syllable of dissyllabic compound words /C1aC2.C3VC4/, (V) was a monophthong or a diphthong (e.g. /fat.zak/, /ak.cet/, /am.st/, /dap.an/). Each selected item was spoken in the carrier sentence ‘Bạn sẽ gặp từ ... xuất hiện trong bài khoá’ [ban s ap t swt hien t baj xwa] (‘You will find the word to appear in the text’). The speaker read four repetitions of each in a random order, which corresponded to 140 tokens for analysis. A short break of 10 min was taken after the acquisition of a first set of 70 items. The corpus was preceded by a training set consisting of the following 4 items under the high-level tone (A1): /tie/, /wan/, /sin/, /ta/ embedded in the carrier sentence. The Vietnamese is a language of the Austroasiatic family, Mon-Khmer branch, Viet-Muong group, being made up of three main dialects: Northern, Central and Southern. Our study focused on the Northern variety in which 19 initial consonants are involved, and the retroflexed coronals have been replaced by predorsals. The speaker was a native Northern-Vietnamese female, aged 26. She was a friend of the first author and was not informed on the purpose of the experiment. The recording was performed in a sound-proof room in the GIPSA-lab’s Department of Speech and Cognition (Grenoble, France), using the numerical recorder Marantz PMD 670, micro AKG C1000S. The corpus had been sampled at a rate of 44.1 KHz. 2 // does not figure in this preliminary study. Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 235 2.2 Data processing Praat (4.6.34) software was used throughout to perform the acoustic analyses. Many measurements were made on three segments of the 140 words: /a/, and either the syllableinitial or syllable-final consonant. Several durations were computed as well as spectral parameters: • All duration of the consonant: C1 in /C1a/ and /C1aC2/; C2 in /C1aC2/ or /C1aC2.C3VC4/; • All duration of /a/; • Duration of the VOT (Voice Onset Time); • Duration of the occlusion; • Duration and amplitude of the burst; Specific parameters were added for coda (C2) because of the frequent unreleased plosives found in this position. Formant transitions and intensity were chosen according to Serniclaes (1987), Cao (1985), in that they contribute to characterize VC transitions: • Transitions of F0, F1, F2 and intensity measured over the three last cycles of the periodic vibrations of /a/ before the occlusion of the following consonant, from an adequate width of window centered on the two points T1 and T2 corresponding to the beginning and the end of this time interval. 2.3 Alignment and measurements All duration of C1 was measured on the spectrogram by taking the time interval between the last periodic pulse of the immediately preceding vowel // aligned with the apparent end of the formant structure, and the start of the glottal vibration for /a/ aligned with the sharp beginning of its formant structure. C2 duration was calculated as the difference between the time marked as the voicing termination of the vowel /a/ and the time marked as the beginning of the frication noise of the /s/ in /swt/. The closure duration of the plosives was defined by the time interval measured between the beginning of the consonant closure (located at the last periodic peak of the immediately preceding vowel) and the beginning of the release noise, which coincide with a rising of the intensity curve. The VOT is the time interval between the release of a stop consonant and the beginning of the glottal vibration (voicing onset) for the following vowel. Measurements of VOT, as release burst durations, were performed from the broad-band spectrograms. In the case of syllable-final consonants (C2 in /C1VC2/), the VOT was calculated from the difference between the time marked as the beginning of the release burst (when this one is present) and the time marked of the voicing onset for the immediately following fricative [z] which is the voiced allophone of /s/ in /swt/. For the plosives (C2) in coda position of the first syllable of dissyllabic compound words /C1aC2.C3VC4/, the VOT was calculated both when the burst is present and when C3 is a voiced consonant. Measurements of the burst intensity were given in dB relative. The averages were based on the four repetitions when the release noise was visible on the spectrogram. Measurements of the intensity could not be taken whenever the stops were realized as unreleased (absence of burst). The slopes of F0, F1, and F2, and the slope of intensity in VC2 transition (V=/a/) were performed on the three last cycles of the glottal vibration for the preceding vowel by calculating, for each, the difference between the time marked as the end of the glottal 236 JSEALS Vol. 1 vibration (T2) and the time marked as the beginning of the antepenultimate cycle (T1), divided by the duration of the interval (T2 – T1): ΔF0 = F0T2 − F0T1 T2 − T1 ΔF1 = F1T2 − F1T1 T2 − T1 ΔF2 = F2T2 − F2T1 T2 − T1 ΔI = I T2 − IT1 T2 − T1 2.4 Statistical analysis The data from the acoustic measurements were analyzed by using SPSS© (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). In order to determine whether syllable- and wordboundary effects could be detected in the realization of Vietnamese consonant sequences, two types of analysis were carried out according to: • The effect of both the within-syllable position and the syllabic structure of word on the following parameters: Duration of the consonant, closure duration, burst duration, and burst intensity; • The effect of the interaction between the syllabic structure of word (monosyllabic or disyllabic compound) and the place of articulation of syllable-final stop (labial, coronal, or velar) on the following acoustic parameters: Slope of intensity, fundamental frequency and the first two formants of the immediately preceding vowel. 3 Results 3.1 Stop durations Duration of word-initial stops was not affected by syllabic structure (Figure 1): There were no significant differences in means between open or closed syllable, except for /n/ (46 ms more (30%) in CV than CVC structure), whereas a great lengthening of the vowel /a/ was observed in CV syllables (almost 2 times longer in CV than in CVC, min: 1.87 when the immediately preceding consonant was /n/, max: 2.25 when it was /k/). Therefore, for the analyses reported below on consonant duration according to within-word position, we decided to not separate the consonant in C1V and the one in C1VC2 word-initial position. Whatever the word structure involved (monosyllabic or disyllabic), the results of duration measurements showed that nasals lengthened approximately more 40 ms than plosives in all examined within-word positions, and also that both plosives and nasals were significantly shorter in syllable-final than in syllable-initial position (p < .05). The mean duration of the plosives was 132 ms in word-initial position, 97 ms in word-final position and 81 ms in final position of the first-syllable of dissyllabic word. The mean duration of the nasals was of 164 ms in word-initial position, 141 ms in word-final position and 122 ms in final position of the first-syllable of dissyllabic word. Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 237 300 Durations (ms) 250 200 C1 150 V 100 50 0 /ta/ /tam/ /tan/ /tat/ /ka/ /kak/ /kan/ /kat/ /ma/ /mak/ /mat/ /na/ /nat/ Figure 1: Mean duration (ms) of plosives and nasals in word-initial position (C1), and mean duration of their adjacent vowel on the right (V=/a/), according to each monosyllabic word involved. Table 3 shows that bilabial plosives in all within-word positions reached, on average, a longer duration than the coronal and velar ones: Mean duration for /p/ was almost 50 ms longer than mean duration for /t/ or /k/ in word-final position, and respectively 50 ms and 10 ms longer than /t/ and /k/ before consonant in syllable-final position. This trend was not observed for nasals which had similar duration whatever their position within the word; at the very most, 12 ms lengthening for /m/ over /n/ was noted in initial position. Regarding the two syllable-final positions, located either at the end of monosyllabic words, or at the end of the first syllable of disyllabic compound words, a greater duration was observed for all consonants in final-word position than at the position immediately preceding the syllable boundary of disyllabic compound, except for the velar plosive /k/, which lasted respectively 79 ms and 92 ms. Although the difference in length was not significant (p = .308) for plosives whereas it was for nasals (p = .001), we can assume that the shorter consonant duration at inside-word syllable boundary should be due to a stronger coarticulation of within-word successive consonants rather than consonants located at word edges. 238 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 3: Mean duration (ms) of each Vietnamese consonant according to their withinword position: Word-initial (C1), word-final (C2), and first-syllable coda of dissyllabic word (C2.C3). /p/ never occurs in syllable-initial position. Within-word position Consonant p t k m n C1 132 131 169 158 C2 128 82 79 142 141 C2.C3 101 49 92 120 124 Table 4 summarized statistical results on consonant durations in relation to the within-word position factor. Significant differences are marked with an asterisk; no significant ones are indicated by the p value which is higher than the threshold .05. Table 4: Significant and non-significant differences between the overall consonant durations, and between the closure durations (dependant parameters) according to the within-word position factor. Parameters Plosive duration Nasal duration Closure duration Positions C1 C2 C2.C3 C1 C2 C2.C3 C1 C2 C2.C3 C1 C2 * * p= .3 * * * * * p= .9 * indicates a significant difference (p < .05) As regard the closure duration of /p t k/, no significant differences were found between the two syllable-final positions (p = .9), although for both fronted plosives the closure was shortened in syllable-final position inside word: On average, less 29 ms for /p/ and 18 ms for /t/. On the contrary, velars had a lengthening of the closure inside disyllabic words: 77 ms vs. 65 ms in word-final position. As for the overall duration of the plosives, a significant lengthening of the closure was found between word-initial and word-final position: It lasted on average 50 ms more for /t/, and 44 ms more for /k/. 3.3 Closure release One of the Vietnamese language particularities is that each stop consonant has an unreleased allophone in syllable-final position. In our study, the Vietnamese speaker presented three different types of realization for final plosive: Either the burst was absent, and there was no visible closure release on the spectrogram (Figure 2), or a stop release noise of shorter duration was visible and could be regarded as a weakened full plosive (Figure 3), or the burst was accompanied by a laryngealization when immediately followed by a glottal stop (Figure 4). Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 239 Figure 5 shows that in word-initial position, no plosives without closure release noise were found in our data, either in open, or closed syllable structure, while such full plosive occurred less frequently in word-final and syllable-final positions. Stop consonant endings were more often unreleased inside word before other consonant: More than twelve percent of the word-final plosives lost their burst, while this was the case for almost onethird of the plosives in the first-syllable coda of disyllabic compounds. This result is surprising regarding the received knowledge on the Vietnamese unreleased plosive and will be discussed in section 4. Figure 2: Waveform and spectrogram of /at-nk/ a compound word in which the burst of /t/ is absent. Figure 3: Spectrogram of /kak/. The final /k/ presents short burst duration (2.7 ms). 240 JSEALS Vol. 1 Figure 4: Acoustic representation of the compound word /sak-p/. The closure release noise of /k/ is clearly laryngealized. 27,30% 30% 25% 20% 12,50% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% C1 C2 C2.C3 Figure 5: Proportion of plosives realized without release burst according to their within word positions. Statistical results concerning both burst duration and burst intensity according to within-word positions are summarized in Table 5. Asterisks mark the significant differences; no significant ones are indicated by the p value (threshold of significance: .05). Burst duration measured for each plosive was very short: From 4 ms for /p/ at the end of words to 6 ms for /k/ at syllable boundary within words, and inside each position, we observed a lengthening of the release closure noise duration with the consonant backness. The mean difference in burst length between word-initial and word-final position was significant (p = .033), a shortened duration being found in the latter for both /t/ and /k/. Between word-final and first syllable coda position, the mean burst duration was significantly different (p = .01): It was shorter in word-final position. On the contrary, no significant differences between the mean burst duration were observed between wordinitial and first syllable coda position (p = .7). Mean consonant-burst intensity was significantly greater for word-initial plosives (C1) than word-final (C2) and syllable-final (C2.C3) ones, respectively 72 dB, 57dB, 47 dB for /t/, and 66 dB, 57 dB, 57 dB for /k/ [F(2,91) = 44.71, p = .00]. Very small differences in 241 Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese means for the plosive release energy were observed between word-final and first syllable coda position in the case of the bilabial and the velar (p = .56), while /t/ showed a decrease of burst intensity between the two positions (from 57 to 47 dB). Table 5. Significant and non-significant differences between burst parameters according to the within-word position factor. Parameters Burst duration Burst intensity Positions C1 C2 C2.C3 C1 C2 C2.C3 C1 C2 * p = .7 * * * p =.5 * indicates a significant difference (p < .05) 3.2 VOT It was not possible to carry out statistical analyses on VOT owing to the fact that, in disyllabic compounds, the syllable-initial consonant which immediately followed the stop in question was sometimes assimilated and realized like a voiceless consonant as in phát giác /fat.zak/ “to find out” realized [fat.sak], or khát nước /at nk/ “thirsty” pronounced [at nk] by our speaker. To that may be added the fact that plosive consonant endings were often unreleased before other consonant and for this reason had no visible burst release. In such cases, VOT could not be measured. However, we showed in Figure 6 some results on released plosives having an adjacent voiced segment on the right. In word-initial position, the mean of VOT was longer for the velar plosive (21.8 ms, which is the longest measured for /k/) while it was 10.9 ms for the coronal stop (and the shortest VOT value for /t/). Figure 6: Mean VOT duration for each plosive according to the within-word position (ms). 242 JSEALS Vol. 1 In word-final position, the mean of VOT for the labial stop was the shortest among the three places of articulation (10.3 ms) while it was 13 ms for the coronal stop and 14.5 ms for the velar one. These results were consistent with other studies in particular those of Lisker & Abramson (1964) in 11 languages (Dutch, Spanish, Hungarian, Tamil, Cantonese, English, English Armenian, Thai, Korean, Hindi, Marathi) and Serniclaes (1987) in Belgian-French: With the same voicing feature, the shortest VOT is generally observed for labial stop consonants, while the longest VOT is observed for velar stops. The value of the VOT for coronal stops is intermediate. For both labial and velar stops, the mean value of VOT was greater in the firstsyllable coda position of disyllabic compound words than in word-final position, while the coronal stop had the longest VOT in the latter. No correlation was found between the length of the VOT and the overall duration of the stop consonants (R=0.2). At this stage of the investigation, it was difficult to find an influence of the within-word position on VOT values. Only the mean values of VOT found in word-initial position were consistent with previous studies which showed that the length of the VOT depended on the place of articulation of the consonant, the shortest being for the labial stops and the longest for the velar ones. 3.4 Vowel-consonant transition In the case of stops in word-final (C2) or syllable-final (C2.C3) positions, we were interested in vowel-consonant transition because of unreleased closures. That is why we measured intensity, F0, F1, and F2 during the three last cycles of the periodic vibrations of the vowel /a/ that immediately preceded the consonant closure. Statistical analyses are summarized in Table 6. The mean values of the transitions of I, F0, F1, and F2, were not significantly different (p > .05) between the word-final position and the first-syllable coda position of disyllabic words, for the plosive and nasal consonants. Table 6: Significant and non-significant differences between the values of I, F0, F1, and F2 (dependant variables), measured in VC transitions according to: i) the two within-word positions (either word-final, or first-syllable coda of disyllabic word); ii) the consonant place of articulation (labial, coronal, and velar); iii) the interaction between i) and ii). Withinword position Place of articulation Interaction (position * place) ΔIntensity ΔF0 ΔF1 ΔF2 ΔF1 p = .881 p = .718 p = .142 p = .168 p = .703 p = .391 * * * p = .689 p = .453 p = .531 p = .430 p = .244 p = .912 p = .275 p = .804 p = .990 Plosives Nasals ΔF2 * indicates a significant difference (p < .05). Significant differences of mean ΔIntensity were observed according to the place of articulation, showing a more negative slope for the velar plosives than for the coronal and Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 243 labial stop consonants [F(2,29) = 8.773, p = .01]. Intensity decreased more progressively when /a/ was adjacent to the latter. Differences between mean values of ΔF0 in VC transitions were significant according to the consonant places of articulation, labial (ΔF0 > 0), coronal (flat F0 contour) and velar (ΔF0 < 0) when the consonant sequences were either at word edges, or inside word (p = .00). No such observation was made between the bilabial and coronal nasal consonants: For each, the mean value of ΔF0 was around 50. The means of ΔF1 were also significantly different for plosive consonants according to the three places of articulation [F(2,73) = 4.024, p = .022]. At the end of the vowel, F1 sloped sharper from labial to velar consonant closure in both within-word positions. Though no significant differences of mean ΔF2 were found according to both within word-position (C2) and (C2.C3) in the cases of labial and coronal plosive consonants, the difference was significant when the vowel was followed be a velar stop consonant [F(1,26) = 4.498, p = .044]. The great variability of the second formant trajectory can be due to the fact that the closure for velar stops is realized slower by a back rising of the tongue body than ones for labial and coronal, which involves respectively both lips and tongue tip. As a result, formant transitions from /a/ to velar closure, and more specifically the movement of the second formant was not as rapid as the ones for labial and coronal closures. 4 Discussion and future work The aim of this study was to investigate the acoustic realization of Vietnamese consonant sequences according to their position inside words, and more precisely, we set out to examine the acoustic properties of the first segment of two-consonant sequences. In the Vietnamese language, consonant sequences are found at word boundary, or in the case of lexical compound, at syllable boundary inside word. By the same token, we wondered whether the type of boundary had important implication for the acoustic realization of consonant sequences, and by extension, whether the coarticulation of consonants in sequences at word edges and inside word were different. In this pilot study, in which were examined data from a single speaker, we compared the acoustic realisation of both Vietnamese plosive and nasal consonants, i.e. labial, coronal and velar, in word-initial (C1 in /C1a/) vs. word-final position (C2 in /C1aC2/) vs. first-syllable coda position of disyllabic compound words (C2 in /C1aC2.C3VC4/). Measurements were made first on the overall duration of the consonant and the duration of the stop closure, then on the duration and amplitude of the release burst, on the VOT, and lastly, on the trajectory of the intensity and formant frequencies during the last three cycles of the periodic vibrations of the preceding vowel. Results showed that Vietnamese stops tended to be shorter in final position of the first-syllable of disyllabic word, than in word-final position. The differences in the overall length of the consonant were significant for nasals, but not for plosives: The bilabials and coronals plosives followed the tendency while the mean duration of the velar ones was 13 ms longer in word-final position. A similar shortening was also observed for the closure duration of the stops located at syllable boundary inside disyllabic words, except for /k/. This finding supports the hypothesis that consonant sequence inside word was more coarticulated than similar consonant sequence at word edges, even if the succession of consonants spanned syllabic boundary. 244 JSEALS Vol. 1 Both length and amplitude of release burst revealed also interesting differences. The burst duration of stop consonants increased significantly when the consonant appeared in the coda of the first syllable of a compound word and was longer for word-initial consonant. Differences in the burst amplitude were significant only between the word-final and the word-initial position. Between the word-final position and the first-syllable coda, the mean value of the burst amplitude decreased for the coronal (-10 dB) but was relatively constant for both labial and velar stops (around 56 dB). The amplitude of the noise of the release burst was higher when the stop was in word-initial position (values from 66 to 71 dB). This result is consistent with the fact that unreleased closures never occurred in wordinitial position and were more frequent in syllable-final position of a lexical compound than in final position of a simple word. However, the fact that more than 87% of the consonants were realized with burst in word-final position (C2), and they were 72% in coda position (C2.C3), is not similar to what was commonly described for Vietnamese plosives in coda (Cao Xuân Hạo 1985; Đoàn Thiện Thuật 1999). Even though bursts were particularly present in our data, it is worthwhile to note that they were of short duration (on average 4 ms) and their intensity was weak (on average 52dB) compared with those produced in the initial position. It is not clear why these burst were persistent in coda positions. We do not rule out the possibility of a specific characteristic of the speaker. The phonetic context of the carrier phrase gives no more explanation. Nevertheless this result is consistent with our finding about consonant durations: The within-word syllable-final position was associated with the shortest consonant durations and more often with the unreleased occlusions. This point strengthens the assumption that within-word consonant sequences were more coarticulated than the ones at word edge, even if in this study Vietnamese dissyllabic words were always the coproduction of two CVC lexical items. Even though it will be necessary to carry on this study with others speakers, these results are consistent with those of many previous studies which have shown that in many languages the pronunciation of phonemes was influenced by their position within syllables, words, sentences (Browman and Goldstein, 1995; Fougeron and Keating, 1997, Keating, Right and Zang, 1999; Redford 1999; for a review: Krakow 1999). Taken together, our results provide articulatory evidence that in Vietnamese the production of two successive consonants across a within-word syllable boundary seems different (with a weak articulation) than the production of two consonants spanning a word boundary. If these findings were confirmed in a multi-speaker study, they would contribute to determine the nature of different boundary types in Vietnamese, and more generally confirm the status of the syllable in phonetics, namely a fundamental unit in the organization of speech articulation. We observed also the first two formant trajectories, as well as the movement of intensity, and the F0 trajectories in the transition from /a/ to the closure of the ending consonant. Our results showed that position inside words affected more the stop consonant release burst, and the overall consonant duration, than the formant frequency structure and the relative amplitude of the vowel-consonant transition. The latter did not exhibit significant differences according to the type of boundary, either interword, or within-word. However, significant differences for intensity, F0, and first formant movement, were found according to the three consonant places of articulation, except for the second formant transition. Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 245 Also in this study, we did not find any clear effect on VOT duration caused by within-word position. These findings agree with some of the studies on acoustic attributes used for discriminating among the place of articulation of stop consonants which suggested that attributes relating to the release burst were more important in identification stop consonant place of articulation than the acoustic attributes related to formant frequency transitions (Bonneau, Djezzar and Laprie, 1996; Ali, Spiegel and Mueller, 2001; Suchato and Punyabukkana, 2005). These studies pointed out also that the second formant trajectory was not sufficient for classifying stop consonant among the three place of articulation i.e. labial, coronal, and velar. Our results show that no significant information on consonant sequence within-word localization was obtained from formant transitions, F0 and intensity slopes. We presume, therefore, that better results could be obtained by analyzing the spectrum shape of the release burst, when final stop consonants are realized with a rapid release of the closure. However, further investigation of the acoustic attributes of VC transitions will be extended to the third formant movement, according to Serniclaes (2005). In order to eliminate speaker-dependant effects (rate of speech, pronunciation habits) a similar multi-speaker study is under way. Data were collected among 10 native speakers of Northern Vietnamese (5 males and 5 females). This time, we have added the velar nasal // to the set of consonants. The results will be completed by perception experiments aiming at accounting for the perception of Vietnamese and French consonants sequences by Vietnamese speakers. Findings from acoustic analyses completed with perception investigation will have to be related to articulatory data. In our future work, we plan to carry out production experiments using EMA® (Carstens, electromagnetic articulography) about French and Vietnamese consonant sequences pronounced by native Vietnamese speakers. In the further experiment, it will be also necessary to investigate the contribution of an assumed stress accent in Vietnamese. A detailed experimental study, realized by Đỗ Thế Dũng (1986), and quoted by Nguyễn (2000), showed evidence of the presence of an accent which falls on the ending syllable of lexical compounds. Nguyễn and Ingram (2006) suggested that the second syllable of Vietnamese reduplicated forms is more acoustically prominent. They concluded in a companion paper (Ingram and Nguyễn, 2006) dealing with acoustic and perceptual characteristics of Vietnamese compound words and their phrasal counterparts, that Vietnamese has “lexical stress as a phonetic tendency, but not as an active phonological contrast”. Then it will be interesting to examine the unreleased stop consonants taking into account the accent position in polysyllabic compound words. Acknowledgments The authors thank Alexis Michaud for helpful advice. This research has received research funding from the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) PC – 411/2460. 246 JSEALS Vol. 1 Appendix List of the Vietnamese words used in the study. All are under the same high-rising tone (B1 and D1). The measured consonants are highlighted in bold character. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Orthographic word tá cá má ná tát cát mát nát các mác tám tán cán áp pháp áp suất đáp án đáp ứng khát nước phát giác sát khí ác ý ác tính tác chiến xác chết xác ướp đám cháy đám cưới giám sát khám phá khám xét sám hối bán kết gián tiếp phán quyết API Transcription /ta/ /ka/ /ma/ /na/ /tat/ /kat/ /mat/ /nat/ /kak/ /mak/ /tam/ /tan/ /kan/ /ap/ /fap/ /ap wt/ /dap an/ /dap / /at nk/ /fat zak/ /at i/ /ak i/ /ak ti/ /tak cien/ /ak cet/ /ak p/ /dam caj/ /dam kj/ /zam at/ /am fa/ /am st/ /am hoj/ /ban ket/ /zan tiep/ /fan kwiet/ Significance dozen fish mother crossbow to slap sand fresh crushed every, all scimitar eight to wheedle handle to press against French pressure model solution satisfy thirsty to find out murderous air look malice malignant (medicine) operation (military) cadaver mummy fire wedding to supervise to discover to search to repent semi-final (sport) indirect judgment Consonant Sequences in Vietnamese 247 References Ali, A.M.A., Spiegel, J.V. & Mueller P. 2001. 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THE INTEGRATION OF ENGLISH LOANWORDS IN HONG KONG CANTONESE 1 Cathy Sin Ping Wong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University <egcathyw@polyu.edu.hk> Robert S. Bauer Independent Scholar <rsbao@yahoo.com> Zoe Wai Man Lam Hong Kong Community College <cczoelam@inet.polyu.edu.hk> 0 Abstract Borrowing from English into Cantonese has been the catalyst for change in the Cantonese phonological system and lexicon. Many English loanwords have become fully integrated into Hong Kong Cantonese as demonstrated in this paper. Our research team has compiled a database comprising around 700 English loanwords. This paper presents data demonstrating how extensive has been the integration of English loanwords into Cantonese in terms of the following linguistic features: (a) Suffixation: The Cantonese suffix 哋 dei2 is added to reduplicated monosyllabic stative verbs to mean ‘having some quality of the stative verb’. Some English loanwords undergo the same process: HIGH haai1 ‘high’ becomes HIGH HIGH 哋 hai1 hai1 dei2 ‘a little excited’. Many English loanwords can take the Cantonese aspectual marker 咗 zo2: CHECK cek1 ‘check’ becomes CHECK 咗年cek1 zo2 ‘have checked’. (b) Change of Syntactic Categories: Upon being borrowed into Cantonese, some loanwords change their syntactic categories. The noun man becomes the stative verb MAN men1 ‘manly’ as in 好 MAN hou2 men1 ‘very manly’ and MAN MAN 哋 men1 men1 dei2 ‘with some manly quality’. (c) Productivity: A loanword may be incorporated into the Cantonese grammatical structure to generate new lexical items as demonstrated by撈年 lou1 ‘Rolex’ as in 金撈年年 gam1 lou1 ‘gold Rolex’ and 鑽撈年zyun3 lou1 ‘diamond Rolex’. (d) Acceptability: Some English loanwords have become so integrated into Cantonese that speakers who know no English assume they are ordinary Cantonese words such as 巴士 baa1 si6/2 ‘bus’. These features provide solid evidence that many English loanwords have become thoroughly integrated into Cantonese. 1 Introduction Linguistic borrowing is one of the most salient consequences of language contact. English and Cantonese are typologically distinct languages, yet the differences between them have in no way impeded mutual borrowing. Historical contact between English and Cantonese 1 The research on which this paper has been based was supported by grant G-YF04 provided by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Wong, Cathy Sin Ping, Robert S. Bauer & Zoe Wai Man Lam. 2009. The Integration Of English Loanwords In Hong Kong Cantonese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:251-266. Copyright vested in the authors. 251 252 JSEALS Vol. 1 began in the late 17th century when British traders came to Canton to buy Chinese tea and porcelain and has continued to the present. English loanwords are documented in the first English-Cantonese, Cantonese-English dictionary A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect authored by Robert Morrison and published in 1828. Borrowing from English into Cantonese has been a catalyst for change in the Cantonese phonological system and lexicon (Bauer, 2006; Bauer and Benedict, 1997; Chan and Kwok, 1982, 1986; Wong, 2006). From our observations it is clear that many English loanwords have become fully integrated into the Hong Kong Cantonese lexicon. Our research team has compiled a database comprising about 700 English loanwords, most of which are nouns. In our study of loanwords we have been concerned with their phonological, syntactic, and semantic aspects; in Bauer and Wong (2009 to appear) we have examined the impact that loanwords have had on the phonological system with the formation of new rimes and syllables in the Cantonese syllabary, while in this paper we have focused on the syntactic and semantic features of loanwords. There are three methods by which English words have been borrowed into Cantonese: (1) semantic translation in which the English lexical item is translated into Cantonese and the phonetic form of the word bears no relationship to the source word, for example, the English phrase lame duck has been translated into 跛腳鴨 bai1 goek3 aap3 (literally ‘lame’, and ‘duck’) in Cantonese; (2) phonetic transliteration in which the phonetic composition of the ‘borrowed’ English lexical item is transliterated into Cantonese, for example, the English word store is transliterated as 士多 si6 do1 in Cantonese; and (3) the combination of these two, for example, English egg tart is 蛋撻 daan6 taat1 with the first syllable borrowed through semantic translation and the second syllable represented through phonetic transliteration. It may sometimes be difficult to determine if a semantically-translated loanword has come directly into Cantonese or via standard Chinese; for this reason our database has excluded all borrowings of this type, and we have limited our collection of loanwords borrowed into Cantonese based on the second and third methods mentioned above: phonetically transliterated items and items that have combined at least one phonetically transliterated syllable with one or more Cantonese morphosyllables. Since the sound systems of standard Chinese (i.e., Mandarin or Putonghua) and Cantonese are quite different, it is usually not difficult to decide whether or not phonetically transliterated items have been directly borrowed into Cantonese. 2 Database of English Loanwords in Hong Kong Cantonese Our database of English loanwords comprises about 700 lexical entries. According to our analysis of this database, 85% of our lexical entries are words which include only phonetically-transliterated syllables, while 15% are made up of at least one phoneticallytransliterated syllable and at least one Cantonese morphosyllable which bears some semantic relationship to the loanword. In the process of compiling our database of loanwords we have paid close attention to the syntactic categories and semantic areas to which the loanwords belong. We have classified loanwords according to six syntactic categories and 24 semantic categories. In Table 1 below the six syntactic categories are listed in the descending order of the percentages of loanwords that belong to these categories: 253 English Loanwords in Hong Kong Table 1: Distribution of loanwords by syntactic categories. Syntactic category: Nouns Verbs Attributives Classifiers Fixed expressions Adverbs % 80.5 11.7 5.5 1.3 0.6 0.4 As we see in the above table, the vast majority of loanwords in Cantonese are nouns, with the next largest group being verbs; the two smallest syntactic categories are fixed expressions and adverbs. Table 2 below presents the distribution of loanwords according to their semantic categorization in the descending order of percentages of loanwords belonging to the categories. As indicated, the two largest semantic categories are Food (11.4%) and Recreation (10.0%). Table 2:. Distribution of loanwords by semantic categories. Semantic category: Food Recreation Academic environment Language (descriptive/social) Mechanical instruments & materials Fashion Technology Daily life Units of measurement Drinks Occupations Music % 11.4 10.0 7.6 6.7 6.4 5.8 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.8 3.7 Semantic category: Activities & states Finance & business Chemicals, medicines, & drugs Police jargon Office environment Address terms Household Garments Transportation Brand names Fabrics Animals & plants % 3.7 3.3 3.2 2.6 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.5 As for the written representation of English loanwords, we have observed that 61% have written Chinese characters associated with them, while 35% are not represented by any Chinese characters. 3 Integration of Loanwords into Cantonese The integration of loanwords into Cantonese can be analyzed according to four criteria: (1) frequency of use, (2) native-language synonym displacement, (3) morphophonemic and/or syntactic integration, and (4) acceptability (Poplack and Sankoff, 1984:103-104). This paper presents data on the integration of English loanwords into Cantonese in terms of their morpho-syntactic and semantic features, as well as their acceptability as reflected by their written representations and productivity. We first examine the written representations associated with English loanwords. 254 JSEALS Vol. 1 3.1 Written Representation of Loanwords One measure of loanword integration in Cantonese is the sizeable number of loanwords which are conventionally written with Chinese characters. Table 3 below lists some commonly occurring loanwords that belong to this category. We may note that both 巴士年年 baa1 si6/2 2 ‘bus’ and 的士 dik1 si6/2 ‘taxi’ have an official status in Hong Kong, as the first item is painted on road surfaces to mark bus stops, and the second is written on taxis and signs. Table 3: Examples of loanwords written with standard Chinese and Cantonese characters. Written form: Romanized form: English source: Written form: Romanized form: English source: 巴士年 餐屎年 的士年 菲林年 卡士年 展年 柯崙年 安士年 拍乸年 批年 甫士年 沙展年 士多年 地年 T恤年 威乎年 威士忌年 baa1 si6/2 caan1 si6/2 dik1 si6/2 fei1 lam4/2 kaa1 si6/2 maa1 zin2 o1 leon4/2 on1 si6/2 paat1 naa2 pai1 pou1 si6/2 saa1 zin2 si6 do1 san1 dei6/2 ti1 seot1 wai1 fu4 wai1 si6 gei6/2 bus chance taxi film cast margin orlon ounce partner pie pose sergeant store sundae T-shirt wife whiskey 啤酒年 打 年 多士年 科文年 冧巴年 柯打年 阿華田年 柯化年 打粉年 啤牌年 沙紙年 士的年 士多啤梨年 梳打年 威化餅年 威也年 窩夫年 be1 zau2 daa2/1 ling6/2 do1 si6/2 fo1 man4/2 lam1 baa1/2 o1 daa2 o1 waa4 tin4 ou1 faa3/4 paau1 daa2 fan2 pe1 paai4/2 saa1 zi2 si6 dik1 si6 do1 be1 lei4/2 so1 daa2 wai1 faa3 beng2 wai1 jaa5/2 wo1 fu1 beer darling toast foreman number order Ovaltine over baking powder playing cards certificate stick strawberry soda wafer wire waffle In contrast, that a loanword is a recent borrowing may be indicated by its lack of Chinese characters as its written form, and the convention is to write it with the word’s original English spelling. Examples of these include CYBER 3 saai1 baa2 from cyber, 2 3 The Cantonese pronunciations of English loanwords have been transcribed in the Jyut Ping romanization system devised by the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. Although the rimes of some loanword syllables do not occur in the standard Cantonese syllabary, the syllables can be still romanized, for example the rime –en is a colloquial rime and occurs in the loanword MAN ‘manly’ as men1. When a romanized syllable is accompanied by two numbers separated by a slash, it indicates a tone change. For example, the character 士 si6 originally has tone 6 but is pronounced with tone 2 in the loanword 巴士 baa1 si2 ‘bus’ so the second syllable is romanized as si6/2. If a loanword is normally represented by English spelling in written Cantonese, we will show the written representation of the loanword in capital letters to differentiate it from the English gloss. English Loanwords in Hong Kong 255 FORM fom1 from form, FIRM foem1 from firm, SAMPLE saam1 pou2 from sample, WORK woek1 from work, WARM wom1 from warm. As for the historical documentation of loanwords in Cantonese, we have attempted to identify the occurrence of Cantonese loanwords in early publications, and we have observed that some loanwords were being written with Chinese characters not long after they had been borrowed into Cantonese. In Robert Morrison’s A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect, the world’s first English-Cantonese, Cantonese-English dictionary published in 1828, the following English words were listed as having been borrowed into Cantonese (the romanizations reflect the Cantonese pronunciation of that time): arack 亞叻酒 aa3 lik1 zau2, ball 球 bo1 kau4, beer 卑酒年be1 zau2, brandy 罷闌地酒 baa6 laan4 di6 zau2, cheese 支士 zi1 si6, chocolate 知古辣 zi1 gu2/1 laat6/1, coffee 架啡 gaa3 fi1, couch 勾子床 ngau1 zi2 cong4, flannel 佛囒仁 fat6 laan4 jan4, liqueur 利哥酒 li6 go1 zau2. The fact that many of these loanwords do have their respective written representations with Chinese characters indicates the high level of their acceptance in Cantonese – as even some native colloquial Cantonese lexical items do not have written representation with Chinese characters. 3.2 Morpho-syntactic Processes If a loanword exhibits the same morpho-syntactic features of native Cantonese lexical items, it is an unambiguous indication that the loanword has been integrated into the Cantonese grammatical system. From our database, we have found a number of loanwords which demonstrate such features. First, when we examine suffixation, we find that many English loanwords are found to behave like Cantonese words. For example, the Cantonese suffix 哋年dei2 is added to reduplicated monosyllabic stative verbs to mean ‘having some quality of the stative verb’; 藍 laam4 ‘blue’ becomes 藍藍哋 laam4 laam4 dei2 ‘with a shade of blue’. Some English loanwords undergo the same process: (1) HIGH haai1 ‘high’ becomes HIGH HIGH 哋 haai1 haai1 dei2 ‘a little excited’ (2) Q kiu1 ‘cute’ becomes QQ哋 kiu1 kiu1 dei2 ‘quite cute’ (3) 啡 fe1 ‘brown’ (from 咖啡 gaa3 fe1 ‘coffee’) becomes 啡啡哋色 fe1 fe1 dei2 sik1 ‘brownish’ (4) SHORT sot1 ‘crazy’ or ‘malfunctioning’ (from ‘short circuit’) becomes SHORT SHORT sot1 sot1 dei2 4 ‘somewhat crazy’ or ‘somewhat malfunctioning’ Another very common suffix for Cantonese verbs is the Cantonese aspectual marker of completion 咗 zo2. Many English loan verbs can also take 咗 zo2 as shown in the following examples: (5) CHECK cek1 ‘check’ becomes CHECK咗 cek1 zo2 ‘have checked’ (6) DOUBLE dap1 bou4 ‘double’ becomes DOUBLE 咗 dap1 bou4 zo2 ‘have doubled’ (in quantity) Cantonese nouns, on the other hand, can be suffixed with diminutive 仔 zai2, and it also occurs with some English loanwords: (7) 啤啤 bi4 bi1 ‘baby’ becomes 啤啤仔 bi4 bi1 zai2 ‘small babies’ (8) CADET ket6 det1 ‘cadet’ becomes CADET 仔 ket6 det1 zai2 ‘a cadet guy’ 4 This loanword originally kept the English meaning which refers to an electric short circuit. It is now more often used metaphorically to refer to someone who is crazy, or to something that has malfunctioned. 256 JSEALS Vol. 1 E 仔 ji1 zai2 ‘ecstasy (the drug)’ is formed by the abbreviation of ecstasy ‘E’ plus 仔年 zai2 (10) K kei1 from ketamine becomes ‘K 仔’ kei1 zai2 ‘ketamine’ That such morphological features combined with English loanwords well illustrates how many English loanwords have become fully integrated into Cantonese. In addition to the above morphological characteristics, the syntactic properties manifested by English loanwords also clearly indicate the extent to which English loanwords have been integrated into Cantonese. Most Cantonese stative verbs can be modified by the intensifiers 好 hou2 ‘very’, or gam3 ‘so’, as in 好靚 hou2 leng3 ‘very pretty’, 靚 gam3 leng3 ‘so pretty’, 好醒 hou2 sing2 ‘very smart’, 醒 gam3 sing2 ‘so smart’. The intensifiers 好 hou2 and gam3 are found being used in some English loanwords as follows: (11) HIGH haai1 ‘high’ becomes 好 HIGH hou2 haai1 ‘very high in spirit’, or HIGH gam3 haai1 ‘so high in spirit’ (12) FIT fit1 ‘fit’ becomes 好 FIT hou2 fit1 ‘very fit’ or FIT gam3 fit1 ‘so fit’ (13) PRO pou6 ‘professional’ becomes 好 PRO hou2 pou6 ‘very professional’, or PRO gam3 pou6 ‘so professional’ A prevalent syntactic operation in forming interrogative sentences in Cantonese is the ‘A-not-A’ construction. To form this ‘A-not-A’ structure, the first syllable of a verb is reduplicated, and the negative morpheme 唔 m4 is inserted. In the case of 沖涼 cung1 loeng4 ‘to take a bath’, for example, the ‘A-not-A’ structure turns it into a Yes-No question, 你沖唔沖涼 nei5 cung1 m4 cung1 loeng4 ‘Do you want to take a bath?’ The ‘Anot-A’ construction can also be applied to stative verbs such as 辛 san1 fu2 ‘having a hard time’, for example, 辛唔辛 san1 m4 san1 fu2 ‘Having a hard time?’ That English loanwords can also share the ‘A-not-A’ construction provides further evidence that these loanwords have been fully integrated into Cantonese, as in the following examples: (14) HAPPY hep1 pi2 ‘happy’ becomes HAP 唔 HAPPY hep1 m4 hep1 pi2 ‘Are you happy?’ (15) understand is clipped to its first syllable UN an1 as the loanword: 你 UN 唔 UN 呀?年年 nei5 an1 m4 an1 aa3? ‘Do you understand?’ The above morpho-syntactic features associated with many English loanwords are summarized in Table 4 below. (9) 257 English Loanwords in Hong Kong Table 4: Summary of morpho-syntactic features. English source: Loanword: -哋 -dei2 stative verb suffix: high HIGH haai1 cute Q kiu1 coffee 咖啡年年 gaa4 fe1 short circuit SHORT sot1 Examples: English gloss: HIGH HIGH年哋年 haai1 haai1 dei2 QQ 哋年 Kiu1 kiu1 dei2 啡啡哋色年 fe1 fe1 dei2 sik1 SHORT SHORT 哋年 sot1 sot1 dei2 ‘a little excited’ -咗 -zo2 verb marker of completed actions: check CHECK CHECK 咗年 cek1 cek1 zo2 double DOUBLE DOUBLE 咗年 dap1 bou4 dap1 bou4 zo2 -仔 -zai2 noun suffix: baby 啤啤年 bi4 bi1 cadet CADET ket6 det1 ecstasy E仔 ji1 zai2 ketamine K仔 kei1 zai2 啤啤仔年 bi4 bi1 zai2 CADET 仔 ket6 det1 zai2 E仔 ji1 zai2 K仔 kei1 zai2 好 hou2 / high gam3 stative verb modifiers: HIGH 好/ HIGH haai1 hou2 / gam3 haai1 fit FIT 好/ FIT fit1 hou2 / gam3 fit1 professional PRO 好/ PRO pou6 hou2 / gam3 pou6 A 唔 A ‘A-not-A’ construction: happy HAPPY HAP 唔 HAPPY hep1 pi2 hep1 m4 hep1 pi2 understand UN 你 UN 唔 UN 呀 an1 nei5 an1 m4 an1 aa3? ‘quite cute’ ‘a shade of coffee’ ‘somewhat crazy’ ‘have checked’ ‘have doubled (in quantity)’ ‘small babies’ ‘a cadet guy’ ‘ecstasy (the drug)’ ‘ketamine’ ‘very / so high’ ‘very / so fit’ ‘very / so professional’ “Are you happy?” “Do you understand?” 3.3 Change of Syntactic Categories Upon being borrowed into Cantonese, some loanwords may change their syntactic categories. The noun man changes to the stative verb MAN men1 ‘manly’ as in 佢 MAN咗好多 keoi5 men1 zo2 hou2 do1 ‘he has now become very manly’ and MAN MAN 258 JSEALS Vol. 1 哋 men1 men1 dei2 ‘with some manly quality’. The noun friend also becomes the stative verb FRIEND fen1 ‘friendly’, as in 佢同我好 FRIEND keoi5 tung4 ngo5 hou2 fen1 ‘he and I are good friends’. The first syllable of 啤酒 be1 zau2 can function as a verb in 啤 啤 be1 jat1 be1 ‘Let’s go and have a beer’. Taxi is borrowed as 的士 dik1 si6/2, but the first syllable of the noun 的 dik1 becomes the verb ‘to take a taxi’ in 我哋的去啦 ngo5 dei6 dik1 heoi5 laa1 ‘Let’s take a taxi!’. Okay OK ou1 kei1 can modify other stative verbs to mean ‘moderately’, as in OK 難 ou1 kei1 naan4 ‘moderately difficult’. Mug 嘜 mak1 and car 卡 kaa1 ‘a railway carriage’ function as both nouns and classifiers in Cantonese. The unit of measuring weight pound can be used as a noun to refer to the scale (磅 bong2) and also the verb meaning ‘to weigh’ (磅 bong6). The vocative expression 拜拜 baai3/1 baai3 ‘bye-bye’ can be used as a verb in Cantonese, as in 你同 AUNTIE 拜拜咗未呀?年 nei5 tung4 aan1 ti4 baai3/1 baai3 zo2 mei6 aa3 ‘Have you said goodbye to Auntie?’ The noun cyber can be used as a stative verb in Cantonese, as in 呢個 DESIGN 好 CYBER ni1 go3 di6 saai1 hou2 saai1 baa4 ‘This design has a cyber feel.’ English soft becomes the verb 梳芙 so1 fu4 ‘to enjoy oneself’ in Cantonese: 佢放咗假去曼谷梳芙 keoi5 fong3 zo2 gaa3 heoi3 maan6 guk1 so1 fu4 ‘He is on vacation and is enjoying himself in Bangkok.’ The syntactic adaptation of loanwords described above further demonstrates how they have become fully and intimately integrated into the Cantonese grammatical system. Table 5 below lists and summarizes these example loanwords. Table 5: Examples of loanwords with changed syntactic category. English source: Loanword: man MAN men1 friend beer taxi okay mug car pound 5 FRIEND fen1 啤酒年 be1 zau2 的士年 dik1 si6/2 OK ou1 kei1 嘜年 mak1 卡年 kaa1 磅年 bong2 磅年 bong6 Change in syntactic category 5: N Æ SV N Æ SV NÆV NÆV Adj Æ Adv N Æ Clf N Æ Clf MÆN MÆV Example: English gloss: 好 MAN hou2 men1 MAN MAN 哋 men1 men1 dei2 佢同我好 FRIEND keoi5 tung4 ngo5 hou2 fen1 啤 啤年 be1 jat1 be1 我哋的去啦年 ngo5 dei6 dik1 heoi3 laa1 OK 難 ou1 kei1 naan4 嘜米年 jat1 mak1 mai5 兩卡貨年 loeng5 kaa1 fo3 個磅年 go3 bong2 磅吓啲米年 bong6 haa5 di1 mai5 ‘very manly’ ‘with some manly quality’ ‘He and I are good friends’ ‘Let’s go and have a beer’ ‘Let’s take a taxi!’ ‘moderately difficult’ ‘a mug of rice’ ‘two cars of cargo’ ‘the scale’ ‘Let’s weigh the rice’ Adj=adjective; Adv=adverb; Clf=classifier; Exp=fixed expression; M=measure; N=noun; SV=stative verb; V=verb. 259 English Loanwords in Hong Kong bye-bye cyber soft 拜拜年 baai3/1 baai3 CYBER sai1 baa4 梳芙年 so1 fu4 Exp Æ V N Æ SV Adj Æ V 你同 AUNTIE 拜拜咗未呀?年 nei5 tung4 aan1 ti4 baai3/1 baai3 zo2 mei6 aa3 呢個 DESIGN 好 CYBER年 ni1 go3 di6 saai1 hou2 sai1 baa4 去邊 梳芙?年 heoi3 bin1 dou6 so1 fu4? ‘Have you said goodbye to Auntie?’ ‘This design has a very cyber feel’ ‘Where shall we go to enjoy ourselves?’ 3.4 Clipping In daily Cantonese speech, long expressions tend to be shortened or clipped. For example, 消費者委員會 siu1 fai3 ze2 wai2 jyun4 wui2 the ‘Consumer Council’ is abbreviated to 消委會 siu1 wai2 wui2. Clipping also occurs with English loanwords: a polysyllabic source word is reduced to a monosyllabic or disyllabic loanword. One prominent area affected by this process is academic subjects. Accounting is aa6 kaang1 (for ‘account’); biology is bai6 o1 (for ‘bio’); chemistry is kem1 (for ‘chem’); computing is kam6 piu1 (for ‘comput’ with loss of –t ending, since –iut is not a possible rime in Cantonese); economics is ji6 kon1 (for ‘econ’); electrical engineering is ji6 lek1 (for ‘elec’); English literature is ing1 lit1 (for ‘Eng lit’); geography is zok1 gaa2 (for ‘geogra’), etc. Other examples which are not names of academic subjects include: fax is fek1 (from fek1 si2 for ‘fax’), contact lens is kon1 (for ‘con’), taxi is dik1 (from dik1 si2 for ‘taxi’), coffee is fe1 (from kaa3 fe1 for ‘coffee’), professional is pou6 (for ‘pro’), solicitor is so6 lit1 (for ‘soli’), tutorial is tiu6 to1 (for ‘tuto’), promotion is pou6 mou1 (for ‘promo’), etc. In previous sections we have provided numerous examples showing how English loanwords have integrated into the Cantonese morpho-syntactic system. In the next section, we examine how some loanwords generate additional new lexical items in Cantonese, which we consider to be another piece of evidence indicating that these loanwords have become integrated into Cantonese. 3.5 Productivity Like any native Cantonese lexical item, a loanword can generate new expressions. For example, the Rolex brand name of the wristwatches is transliterated as 撈 lou1 in Cantonese. From this one loanword, terms for different types of Rolexes are now found in Cantonese, such as 金撈 gam1 lou1 ‘gold Rolex’ 鑽撈 zyun3 lou1 ‘diamond Rolex’, and 鋼撈 gong3 lou1 ‘stainless steel Rolex’. Similarly, from 巴士 baa1 si6/2 ‘bus’ have come 大巴 daai6 baa1, literally ‘big bus’, which refers to ‘public buses’; 小巴 siu2 baa1, literally ‘small bus’, which refers to ‘mini buses’; 飛巴 fei1 baa1, literally ‘flying bus’, which refers to ‘mini buses that usually exceed the speed limit’. These very creative examples show that some loanwords have been successfully accepted into the Cantonese lexicon and that they produce new lexical items in the same way that native Cantonese words do. Another example is 砵年bo1 but1 ‘sports boots’. While both ‘ball’ and ‘boot’ have their respective native terms (球,靴) but these two native terms are not combined to refer to ‘sports boots’. Instead, the loanwords 年bo1 ‘ball’ and 砵 but1 ‘boot’ are used to form a new lexical item 砵年bo1 but1 ‘sports boots’. One more example to show the productivity of English loanwords in Cantonese is the adjective ‘cute’. The phrase Q版 kiu1 baan2 is formed by adding the loanword Q kiu1 (from English cute) to the native Cantonese word 版 baan2 (which means ‘a version of’) to refer to a cartoon-like version. A more recent creation is the term 咪 mai1 zeoi2, the first part of which comes from the loanword 咪年年 260 JSEALS Vol. 1 mai1 (from English microphone). The loanword is then combined with the native word zeoi2 ‘mouth’ to refer to ‘lip synchrony’. New idiomatic expressions are also created based on loanwords. For example, the famous composer Tchaikovsky is transliterated as 柴可夫 基 caai4 ho2 fu1 si1 gei1; the first three syllables 柴可夫 caai4 ho2 fu1 now mean ‘the chauffeur’ because the last two syllables 基 si1 gei1 is homophonous with the regular Cantonese word for ‘chauffeur’ 司機 si1 gei1! The above examples show that some loanwords have been so integrated into Cantonese that they can produce new lexical items the same way as any native Cantonese word. Such productivity is clear evidence that these loanwords have been fully integrated into Cantonese. In the next section, we examine the semantic extension of some English loanwords, which further verifies the integration of these borrowed items in Cantonese. 3.6 Semantic Transfer and Semantic Change in Loanwords When English words are borrowed into Cantonese, the meanings of the loanwords usually remain the same as those of the source words, for example, 極力子 gik6 lik6/1 zi2 ‘clutch’, ACCOUNT aa6 kaang1 ‘account’, ‘accountancy’, APARTMENT aa6 paat1 man4 ‘apartment’, IDEA aai6 di1 aa4 ‘idea’, AUNTIE aan1 ti4 ‘auntie’, UNCLE ang1 kou4 ‘uncle’, 奄列 am1 lit6 ‘omelette’, etc. However, in contrast to this general pattern of meaning transfer, we also observe that the meanings of some loanwords can undergo change by becoming narrower or more specific in relation to the meanings of the original English words as indicated by the following items extracted from our database: (16) 阿蛇 aa3 soe4 This is the Cantonese borrowing of English sir which is originally a polite address term for men. Cantonese 阿 aa3 is the vocative prefix; while 蛇 soe4 has taken on a more specific reference in Cantonese where it is an address term for male teachers and police officers. It can also be used as a common noun to mean male teachers and police officers; and for male teachers it also serves as a term of self reference. (17) FIRM foem1 This is the Cantonese borrowing of English firm, but it is only used in reference to one’s muscles as shown in the example sentence 做咗運動幾個禮拜小 年FIRM 咗 zou6 zo2 wan6 dung6 gei2 go3 lai5 baai3 siu2 fuk1 foem1 zo2 ‘The abdominal muscles have got firmer after having exercised for several weeks’. (18) 忌廉 gei6 lim1 This means ‘cream’ but is only used in the context of cake, such as 忌廉蛋糕 gei6 lim4/1 daan6 gou1 ‘cream cake’. However, Cantonese has actually borrowed English cream twice, first as 忌廉 gei6 lim1, and then later on as CREAM kwim1 which can mean either ‘face cream’ or ‘drinkable cream made from whole milk’. Cantonese has also borrowed English creamy as kwim1 mi4 and the meaning is essentially the same as in English. (19) 見年BOARD gin3 bot1 Cantonese 見 gin3 means ‘to see’, and BOARD bot1 is the Cantonese borrowing of English board as in ‘an interview board that comprises several members’. 見 BOARD gin3 bot1 means ‘to attend an interview for promotion in the police force or civil service’. The following sentence illustrates the use of this item: 你下個禮拜見 BOARD English Loanwords in Hong Kong 261 喎,緊唔緊張呀?年 nei5 haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 gin3 bot1 wo3, gan2 m4 gan2 zoeng1 aa3? ‘You will have an interview for promotion next week. Are you nervous?’ (20) 柯化 ou1 faa3/4 This is the Cantonese borrowing of over which is only used in walkie-talkie or short-wave radio exchanges just as in English to indicate that the speaker has finished his/her utterance and is indicating that it is the turn of the other party to speak. (21) SHORT sot1 This term originally referred to an electric short circuit. After it was borrowed into Cantonese, its meaning has been extended to refer to someone who is crazy, as an analogy to an electric malfunction. The semantic narrowing or extension exemplified in the above clearly illustrates how English loanwords are being adapted into Cantonese. 3.7 Acceptability Some English loanwords have become so integrated into Cantonese that speakers who know no English assume they are native Cantonese words because very often there are no Cantonese equivalents. For example, the loanword for bus is 巴士 baa1 si6/2 and this is the only Cantonese term for ‘bus’. Even the bus companies use this term in their company names: 九龍巴士公司 gau2 lung4 baa1 si6/2 gung1 si1 ‘The Kowloon Motor Bus Company’. The phrase 巴士站 baa1 si6/2 zaam6 ‘bus stop’ is painted on Hong Kong’s streets to mark their location. Another example of the integration of English loanwords into the Cantonese language is the widespread use of individual English letters in many Hong Kong Cantonese expressions. The ease of adaptation of English letters into the Cantonese lexicon may be closely related to the monosyllabic pronunciations of most letters and the primacy of the mono-morphosyllable in the Cantonese phonological system. The Cantonese pronunciations of the English letters and the English meanings of the abbreviations and words in which they occur are listed in Table 6 below. The two English letters most commonly found in Cantonese are M and X, one reason being that many of the bus routes employ these letters. Bus routes that end in M indicate that the buses terminate at a subway station (the subway system in Hong Kong is called the MTR, the ‘Mass Transit Railway’); X stands for ‘express’ bus routes. The letters M and X are also found in many loanwords such as MC, MP3, MTR, MV, SMS, XO, X光 (for ‘X-ray’). The first 10 or so letters in the English alphabet are also very popular because many housing estates use these letters to name the flats and blocks (i.e. buildings). For example, instead of being named after the Chinese ordering system 甲 gaap3, 乙 jyut3, 丙 bing2, ding1, etc., the flats or blocks are called Flat A, B, C, D or Block A, B, C, D, etc. In restaurants, set meals are also termed as A/B/C/D 餐 ei1/bi1/si1/di1 caan1, rather than 甲/乙/丙/ 餐 gaap3/jyut3/bing2/ding1 caan1. Other commonly used English letters in Cantonese include G (as in 3G, NG, RPG), K (as in OK, K 仔, 14K, 24K, OK 便利店), L (as in OL, LC), N (as in N 前, NG), O (as in OK, OL, O 記), P (as in P 場, MP3, PVC, RPG), Q (as in Q 版, Q), R (as in 3R, RPG), S (as in SMS), T (as in T-恤, T-back, T 位, TB, OT), U (as in CU, BU, UV), V (as in VCD, MV, V-領, PVC, UV, VIP). 262 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 6: Use of English letters in loanwords. Letter: A ei1 B bi1 C si1 D di1 E ji1 F et1 fu4 G zi1 H ik1 cyu4 Usage: AA 制 ei1 ei1 zai3 A ei1 zo6 A 餐 ei1 caan1 維他命 A waai4 taa1 ming6 ei1 BB 仔 bi4 bi1 zai2 阿 B aa3 bi1 BU bi1 ju1 TB ti1 bi1 B bi1 zo6 B 餐 bi1 caan1 維他命 B waai4 taa1 ming6 bi1 PVC pi1 wi1 si1 MC em1 si1 CU si1 ju1 MCC em1 si1 si1 C si1 zo6 C 餐 si1 caan1 維他命 C waai4 taa1 ming6 si1 CID si1 aai1 di1 落 D lok6 di1 DDT di1 di1 ti1 DJ di1 zei1 D di1 zo6 D 餐 di1 caan1 E ji1 zo6 E 餐 ji1 caan1 維他命 E waai4 taa1 ming6 ji1 F et1 fu4 zo6 F 餐 et1 fu4 caan1 3G fi1 zi1 NG en1 zi1 RPG aa1 lou4 pi1 zi1 G zi1 zo6 H ik1 cyu4 English gloss: ‘to go Dutch (usually in paying the bill for a meal)’ ‘Flat A’ or ‘Block A’ ‘set A (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘Vitamin A’ ‘small babies’ ‘someone who is called ‘B’ (probably a nickname)’ ‘abbreviation for Baptist University’ ‘tomboy / tuberculosis’ ‘Flat B’ or ‘Block B’ ‘set B (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘Vitamin B’ ‘poly-vinyl chloride’ ‘Master of Ceremonies’ ‘abbreviation for Chinese University’ ‘woolly, befuddled’ (from the abbreviation of the Cantonese expression 懵查查 ‘mong cha cha’) ‘Flat C’ or ‘Block C’ ‘set C (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘Vitamin C’ ‘Criminal Investigation Division’ ‘to go to the disco’ ‘a poisonous chemical for killing insects’ ‘disc jockey’ ‘Flat D’ or ‘Block D’ ‘set D (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘Flat E’ or ‘Block E’ ‘set E (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘Vitamin E’ ‘Flat F’ or ‘Block F’ ‘set F (one of the set meals on a menu)’ ‘the third generation (cellphone)’ ‘no good (in movie shooting)’ ‘role playing games (video games)’ ‘Flat G’ or ‘Block G’ ‘Flat H’ or ‘Block H’ 263 English Loanwords in Hong Kong K kei1 L e1 lou4 M em1 N en1 zi1 O ou1 P pi1 Q kiu1 R aa1 lou4 S e1 si4 OK ou1 kei1 K 仔 kei1 zai2 OK 便利店 ou1 kei1 bin6 lei6 dim3 14K sap6 sei3 kei1 24K jaa6 sei3 kei1 K kei1 zo6 OL ou1 e1 lou4 LC e1 lou4 si1 L e1 lou4 zo6 70M cat1 sap6 em1 MTR em1 ti1 aa1 lou4 MC em1 si1 MP3 em1 pi1 fi1 MV em1 wi1 SMS e1 si4 em1 e1 si4 維他命 M waai4 taa1 ming6 em1 N 前 en1 nin4 cin4 NG en1 zi1 OK ou1 kei1 OL ou1 e1 lou4 O 記 ou1 gei3 O 腳 ou1 zi6 goek3 開 OT hoi1 ou1 ti1 XO ik1 si4 ou1 P 場 pi1 coeng4 開 P hoi1 pi1 MP3 em1 pi1 fi1 PVC pi1 wi1 si1 RPG aa1 lou4 pi1 zi1 QQ 哋 kiu1 kiu1 dei2 Q maa1 kiu1 RPG aa1 lou4 pi1 zi1 3R saam1 aa1 lou4 SMS e1 si4 em1 e1 si4 ‘okay’ ‘ketamine (illegal soft drug)’ ‘Circle K’, name of a local convenience store ‘14K’ name of a triad society ‘24 karat gold’ ‘Flat K’ or ‘Block K’ ‘office lady’ ‘letter of credit’ ‘Flat L’ or ‘Block L’ ‘Bus route number 70M which terminates at a subway (MTR) station’ ‘Mass Transit Railway’ ‘Master of Ceremonies’ ‘MP3’ ‘music video’ ‘short message service’ ‘Vitamin M’ (a humourous way to refer to ‘money’) ‘many many years ago’ (‘n’=an indefinite number) ‘no good (in movie shooting)’ ‘okay’ ‘office lady’ ‘The Organized Crime and Triad Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force’ ‘bow-legged’ ‘to work overtime’ ‘extra-old (brandy)’ ‘party venue’ ‘to hold a party’ ‘MP3’ ‘poly-vinyl chloride’ ‘role playing games (video games)’ ‘quite cute’ ‘twin quinella’ ‘role playing games (video games)’ ‘3R (size of photo)’ ‘short message service’ 264 T ti1 U ju1 V wi1 X ik1 si4 JSEALS Vol. 1 T-恤 ti1 seot1 T-back ti1 bek1 T 位 ti1 zi6 wai2 TB ti1 bi1 開 OT hoi1 ou1 ti1 DDT di1 di1 ti1 CU si1 ju1 BU bi1 ju1 U 記 ju1 gei3 UV ju1 wi1 VCD wi1 si1 di1 MV em1 wi1 V-領 wi1 leng5 PVC pi1 wi1 si1 UV ju1 wi1 VIP wi1 ai1 pi1 70X cat1 sap6 ik1 si4 XO ik1 si4 ou1 X 光 ik1 si4 gwong1 ‘T-shirt’ ‘T-back’ ‘the area on the face including the forehead and the nose’ ‘tomboy / tuberculosis’ ‘to work overtime’ ‘a poisonous chemical for killing insects’ ‘abbreviation for Chinese University of Hong Kong’ ‘abbreviation for Baptist University of Hong Kong’ ‘university (student jargon)’ ‘ultra-violet’ ‘video disc’ ‘music video’ ‘V-neck’ ‘poly-vinyl chloride’ ‘ultra-violet’ ‘very important person’ ‘Bus route number 70X, an express bus’ ‘extra-old (brandy)’ ‘X-ray’ Most loanword items cited above are sometimes abbreviations which came originally from English, for example, VCD, VIP, etc; however, some are local creations, such as CU, O 記, P 場, etc. The use of the English letters has become so prevalent that even monolinguals quite readily utter them in their daily speech. We should note here that the incorporation of letters of the English alphabet into Hong Kong Cantonese is not unique to this Chinese speech community; quite similar developments have been occurring in Taiwan (and also China) as indicated by Hansell (1994) in his detailed analysis of the features associated with the use of the alphabet in Taiwan and its adoption and integration into the Chinese writing system there; to reflect these developments he has coined the term “Sino-alphabet”. 4 Conclusion In this paper we have examined from several different perspectives how English loanwords have been borrowed into Hong Kong Cantonese and have demonstrated how they have become fully integrated into Cantonese grammar. First, we have observed how the written representations with Chinese characters are commonly found in many English loanwords. Second, some morphological and syntactic processes are commonly applied to English loanwords. Third, loanwords can change their semantic properties. Fourth, loanwords are highly productive. And, fifth, individual English letters and sets of letters as abbreviations have been conveniently borrowed into written Cantonese and read with appropriate Cantonese syllables. All of these above features taken together provide solid evidence that many English loanwords have become thoroughly integrated into the Cantonese lexicon. However, at least two issues concerning the extent of acceptance of these items among Hong Kong English Loanwords in Hong Kong 265 Cantonese speakers remain for further study. Are some speakers aware that these are originally loanwords, and are not native Cantonese words? Another question is: How consistent are the pronunciations and meanings of loanwords across the Hong Kong Cantonese speech community? These questions naturally merit thorough investigation, and we are now considering how best to organize this kind of sociolinguistic study in the future. References: Bauer, Robert S. 2006. The Stratification of English Loanwords in Cantonese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 34(2): 172-191. Bauer, Robert and Benedict, Paul. 1997. Modern Cantonese Phonology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Bauer, Robert S. and Cathy S.P. Wong. 2009 (to appear). New loanword rimes and syllables in Hong Kong Cantonese. In Shen Zhongwei, ed. Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-y. Wang’s 75th Birthday. Chan, Mimi and Kwok, Helen. 1982. A Study of Lexical Borrowing from English in Hong Kong Chinese. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong. Chan, Mimi and Kwok, Helen. 1986. The Impact of English on Hong Kong Chinese. In Wolfgang Viereck and Wolf-Dietrich Bald, eds., English in Contact with Other Languages pp.407-431. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. Hansell, Mark. 1994. The Sino-alphabet: the assimilation of Roman letters into the Chinese writing system. Sino-Platonic Papers, Number 45. May 1994. Morrison, Robert D.D. 1828. A Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. Macao: East India Company. Poplack, Shana and Sankoff, David. 1984. Borrowing: the synchrony of integration. Linguistics 22: 99-135. Wong, Cathy S.P. 2006. From fiu1si2 to saa1si2—A look at the stages of integration of English loanwords in Cantonese. Paper presented at the 5th Workshop on Cantonese. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. NONEXHAUSTIVE SYLLABIFICATION IN TEMIAR1 Ngee Thai Yap Universiti Putra Malaysia <yap@fbmk.upm.edu.my> 0 Abstract Syllabification is often assumed to be exhaustive. In Temiar, all words surface without consonant clusters. Only CV and CVC syllables are available in these languages. Yet, allomorphy paradigms in Temiar suggest that syllabification has to be nonexhaustive. I argue that a superficial inspection of syllable shapes of a language can provide misleading cues about its syllabic organization. The reanalysis presented in this paper challenges the claims and assumptions presented in previous work on Temiar (for example, Itô, 1986, 1989), and the nuclear moraic theory proposed by Shaw (1994) in which exhaustive syllabification is assumed. I argue that three levels of syllabification may be operative in natural language—syllabification at the morphological, phonological, and phonetic levels. The vowels that have been assumed to be epenthetic in earlier analyses are, arguably, excrescent vowels that are inserted at the phonetic level (Levin, 1987). 1 Introduction Previous analysis of Temiar and closely related languages assume that syllabification in Temiar is exhaustive (e.g. Itô 1986, 1989; Shaw 1994). In Temiar, all words surface without consonant clusters. Only CV and CVC syllables are available in this language. A thorough examination of the morphological facts in Temiar, however, suggests that there is in fact no evidence of phonological epenthesis. I argue that vowels in minor syllables that have been assumed to result from epenthesis are more likely to be excrescent vowels (Levin 1987), which can be considered as a very late phonetic epenthesis process or merely epenthetic transitions (Gafos 1996). In this paper, I claim that syllabification in Temiar is nonexhaustive at the morphological and phonological levels, but exhaustive at the phonetic level. I argue that stray consonants in Temiar play an important role in the morphology of the language. Stray consonants have to be visible, and they show that neither extraprosodicity nor stray erasure is operative in Temiar, contra Itô (1986, 1989). I will also argue against Shaw’s analysis of nonnuclear syllables by showing that her analysis cannot account for reduplication in derived words that are longer than two syllables. The reanalysis proposed in this paper shows that a superficial inspection of syllable shapes of a language can provide misleading cues about the syllabic organization of the language, and that nonexhaustive syllabification is more pervasive than is currently assumed. The analysis presented in this paper also corresponds better conceptually to the descriptive 1 This research was supported in part by the Fulbright-Malaysian Graduate Study Program, and University Putra Malaysia (UPM/PPP/UIRPA/R-27/5315902). I would like to thank William Idsardi, Irene Vogel, Benjamin Bruening, Eric Raimy, Geoffrey Benjamin, audience at the SEAL17 meeting, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions about the analysis of Temiar. Yap, Ngee Thai. 2009. Nonexhaustive Syllabification In Temiar. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:267-281. Copyright vested in the author. 267 268 JSEALS Vol. 1 accounts offered by descriptive linguists on Mon-Khmer languages whose work sometimes explicitly addressed morphological sensitivity to syllabification patterns (e.g. Burenhult, 2005; Kruspe, 2004). This paper is organised in the following ways. Section 2 discusses the problem presented in Temiar. Section 3 presents a review of Itô’s (1986, 1989) analysis of Temiar, and Shaw’s proposal of nonnuclear syllables (1992, 1994). Section 4 presents a reanalysis of Temiar using allomorphy facts in Temiar that are sensitive to syllable counts and the presence of unsyllabified consonants. The paper concludes that unsyllabified segments in Temiar are not stray-erased and they cannot be marked invisible by extraprosodicity because these segments must remain visible to trigger the right allomorphy rule. 2 Words in Temiar Temiar is classified as a Central Aslian language, and Kruspe (2004) quotes a 1999 census, which indicates that 15,122 Temiar people live in the Malay Peninsula. Verb roots in Temiar fall into three major classes as shown in (1). Monosyllabic roots consist of words with only one underlying vowel while disyllabic roots contain two underlying vowels (Benjamin 1976:167). C1-CVC roots contain only one underlying vowel, but these roots and words derived from them surface with more than one vowel. 2 The quality of the unspecified vowel that surface with C1-CVC roots is predictable, as discussed in section 3.1. Words in Temiar can have as many as three consonants prior to the final syllable. Examples of words derived from the root /slçg/ in (2) illustrate this fact. (1) (2) Monosyllabic: C1-CVC: Disyllabic: CVC [kç˘w] ‘to call’ C. CVC [s´lçg] ‘to sleep or to marry’ CV. CVC [halab] ‘to go downriver’ CVC.CVC [sindul] ‘to float’ slçg [s´lçg] ‘sleep, base perfective verb’ sglçg [sEglçg] ‘sleep, base imperfective verb’ srlçg [sErlçg] ‘sleep, causative perfective verb’ snlçg [sEnlçg] ‘sleeping, base verbal noun’ srglçg [s´rEglçg] ‘sleep, causative imperfective verb’ srnlçg [s´rEnlçg] ‘marriage, causative verbal noun’ (Benjamin 2001; Matisoff 2003; Means & Means 1998) It is important to note at the outset that most Mon-Khmer languages, with the exception of the Katuic branch, are monosyllabic or are at best sesquisyllabic. 3 However, as Diffloth (1976a) notes, Aslian languages which are in a sub-branch of Mon-Khmer languages do have true disyllabic forms containing nonpredictable vowels, including the schwa, in nonfinal syllables. I will argue that participation and nonparticipation of disyllabic forms in 2 3 In this paper, I will refer to words with “minor syllables” as C1-CVC forms because it is counter-intuitive to refer to them as syllables when my claim is that these segments are in fact not syllabified. The notation C1 indicates that at least one consonant remains unsyllabified in these forms. Sesquisyllabic words are words with one and a half syllables. The ‘half’ syllable is also referred to as a weak or a minor syllable. 269 Syllabification in Temiar morphological processes provide insightful evidence for nonexhaustive syllabification in Aslian languages. 3 Previous Analyses In this section, I will present two previous analyses of Temiar. Both analyses assume that syllabification is exhaustive in Temiar. Itô (1986, 1989) argues for a template-matching approach to syllabification and directional syllabification using surface facts in Temiar. Her account, however, does not consider morphological facts at all; the underlying forms of morphologically related words are assumed to be phonemicised. Her account, therefore, does not address the fact that many words in Temiar are derived. Shaw (1994), on the other hand, addresses the derivation of words in Temiar and other Mon-Khmer languages. Her account also assumes exhaustive syllabification, and she argues for the legitimacy of nonnuclear syllables in the prosodic hierarchy on the basis of her analysis of Temiar and related languages. However, I will show that her analysis fails to account for derived words that are longer than two syllables. A summary of each account is presented next. 3.1 Itô (1986, 1989): Directional Syllabification And Epenthesis Benjamin (1976) reports minor syllables in Temiar often surface with either the schwa [ə] or the mid front vowel [ε]. He notes that the distribution of these vowels is predictable. When the syllable is open, the vowel is a schwa, and if the syllable is closed, the vowel is the mid front vowel [ε] instead. 4 Following this general description of facts, Itô (1986, 1989) argued that syllabification in Temiar is achieved by mapping segments in the underlying representation to the syllable template {CV(C)} from right to left, with onsets obligatory and codas, optional. Following this mapping, different vowels are epenthesised depending on whether the syllable is open or closed, as illustrated below for /srlçg/ and /srglçg/. (3) /srlçg/ [sErlçg] σ sr l ç ‘sleep, causative perfective verb’ σ σ Æ g s r l ç g E /srglçg/ [s´rEglçg] ‘sleep, causative imperfective verb’ σ σ σ σ σ (4) srg lɔg Æ s r g l ɔ g Æ s r ε gl σ ɔ g ε ə Itô’s account is successful in describing the surface facts of the language, but her account misses the generalization that most of these words that undergo epenthesis are derived, and that the derivation is sensitive to the syllable count of the root or the stem. In section 4, I show that verbal morphology in Temiar is rather productive (Benjamin 2001:115), and that bisyllabic words also represent part of a complete understanding of the 4 See sections 3.2 and 4.2 for further description and discussion of variability observed with the ‘epenthesised’ schwa. 270 JSEALS Vol. 1 morphological system in Temiar. I argue that morphological facts on causative and imperfective derivation of Temiar verbs require nonexhaustive syllabification of Temiar roots and stems. 3.2 Shaw (1994): Nonnuclear Syllables The terms major syllables and minor syllables are often used in traditional descriptions of Mon-Khmer languages. Major syllables refer to syllables that surface with full vowels; minor syllables, to unstressed syllables that may or may not surface with any vowel. The vowels in minor syllables can participate in vowel/zero alternations. For example, the schwa is inserted to break up the sl-cluster in /slçg/ resulting in the surface form [s´lçg] but with /sglçg/ which surfaces as [sEglçg], nothing is inserted to break up the gl-cluster. The quality of the vowels in minor syllables is often reported to be subject to coarticulation variations (e.g., Kruspe 2004; Gafos 1996), and they are often shorter in duration and can sometimes disappear in fast speech (Diffloth 1976b; Benjamin 1976; Svantesson 1983). Shaw (1994) argues that these minor syllables are legitimate members in the prosodic hierarchy on the basis of facts in Mon-Khmer languages like Semai, Temiar, and Kammu. Her argument relies on two basic assumptions. First, she adopts the idea that reduplication is template-driven, and that these templates are defined in terms of legitimate units of prosody (McCarthy and Prince 1986). Second, she draws upon her nuclear moraic theory (Shaw 1992) in which she claims that in addition to the mora, the nucleus must also be incorporated as a formal constituent of subsyllabic structure. Following Shaw’s Nuclear Moraic Theory, seven basic syllable shapes are argued to be attested in North Wakashan languages (Bach et al. 2005:2). These syllable types are listed in (5). What is of interest here is the claim that the syllables schematised in (5d) and (5g) are legitimate syllables. (5) a. σ σ b. N N μ C X e. σ μ (C) N μ σ c. C σ d. N μ μ X (C) f. σ C μ ə (C) g. C C σ N μ C V C C ə (C) C (C) Shaw (1994) argues that a principled and theoretically coherent analysis of reduplication in the two different paradigms in Semai morphology shown in (6) and (7) is possible if the inventory of well-formed syllables includes those presented in (5d) and (5g). For the paradigm in (6), the reduplicant copies the first and the last segment of the root or stem. The same process applies for the paradigm in (7) for CVC words, but with CCVC words, the final consonant of the root is infixed after the first consonant of the root. 271 Syllabification in Temiar (6) (7) Continuous/Expressive Reduplication (Diffloth 1976b) a. ghup gp-ghup *gp-hup ‘irritation on the skin’ b. cru:ha:w cw-cru:ha:w *cwru:haw ‘the sound of falling water’ Indeterminate Reduplication (Diffloth 1976a) a. ci:p cp-ci:p ‘walk’ b. kla:d k-d-la:d *kd-klad ‘curly hair’ Shaw proposes the analysis summarized in (8) and (9) to unify the reduplication process in these two paradigms by arguing that the process involves the same template, copy, and association processes, and that the only difference in the two paradigms is the difference in the parameter for specification of the base. (8) (9) Continuous/Expressive Reduplication Template: [nonnuclear] monomoraic syllable Base: morphological stem Copy: (lexically distinctive content of base) Associate: Edge-linking Indeterminate Reduplication Template: [nonnuclear] monomoraic syllable Base: prosodic circumscription of σ at R edge Copy: (lexically distinctive content of base) Associate: Edge-linking Shaw (1994:121) The derivations in (10) illustrate how reduplication works according to Shaw. For both paradigms, the template is the nonnuclear monomoraic syllable shown in (5d). The leftmost C is linked as the onset while the rightmost C is linked as the coda of this vowelless syllable. (10) a. Imperfective/Expressive Reduplication Template Base σ σ σ N μ ghu p μ μ g h up Æ gp.g.hup 272 b. JSEALS Vol. 1 Template σ Base σ σ σ N μ c ru:haw N μ μ cr u Æ cw.cru:.ha:w μ μ h a w The same processes apply to indeterminate verbs too. The template is also the nonnuclear monomoraic syllable, but for the indeterminate, the base is the “prosodic circumscription of the syllable at the right edge” (Shaw 1994:121). With CVC roots, the first and the last segment of the base is copied, but with CCVC words, since there is a residual consonant, that consonant gets associated as the onset of the reduplicant template as shown below. (11) Inderterminate Reduplication a. Template σ Base σ N μ c b. i Æ cp.cip μ μ p c Residue i p Template Base σ σ N μ k l a: d μ l Æ kd.lad μ a d Shaw argues that the nonnuclear syllable should be admitted as a legitimate prosodic member since it can account for both reduplication paradigms in Semai. I have argued in Yap (2006) that there is no direct evidence that the segments in these so-called minor syllables are in fact syllabified. Furthermore, there are various alternative accounts for reduplication in Semai (e.g., Raimy 2000; Hendricks 2001) in which no reference is made to any reduplicant or prosodic template. In section 4, I present further evidence to show that Shaw’s account fails in Temiar as it cannot account for reduplication in words that are longer than two syllables. 273 Syllabification in Temiar 4 Evidence For Nonexhaustive Syllabification Two morphological paradigms are presented here as evidence against a simplistic view of syllabification in Temiar. I will argue that syllabification has to be nonexhaustive at the morphological and phonological levels to account for derivation of causative and imperfective verbs in Temiar. 4.1 Causative Allomorphy Causative perfective verbs surface with different allomorphs as shown in (12). Monosyllabic roots form the causative by tr-prefixation, while polysyllabic roots do not undergo any affixation. Instead, the causative meaning is derived with the zero morpheme. C1-CVC roots, on the other hand undergo r-infixation. (12) Perfective (Base form) kç˘w slçg halab Causative Forms trkç˘w [tErkç˘w] srlçg [sErlçg] halab [halab] Allomorphs prefix trinfix -rzero affixation This generalization can be stated as an allomorphy rule that is sensitive to the syllable structure of the root or stem, in this case the perfective form of the verb. The allomorphy rule in (13), formulated within the framework of Distributed Morphology (Halle & Marantz 1993), is sensitive to two things in the root, the syllable count and the presence of an extraneous consonant. The allomorphy rule offers some insight to the syllabic organization of C1-CVC words. In particular, it is now possible to address the following questions. What is the syllable structure of C1-CVC words at the time of affixation? And, are C1 segments syllabified? Three positions have been offered in the literature. First, Shaw (1994) argues that these consonants project nonnuclear syllables (Shaw 1994). Second, following Itô (1986), one can argue that these consonants are not syllabified, and that they are marked extraprosodic because they occur at word edges. Last but not least, following Vaux (2003), one can assert that these consonants are unsyllabified, but they are associated to higher prosodic structures like the phonological word very late in the grammar. The allomorphy rule provides a way to test the correctness of these hypotheses. (13) Vocabulary insertion rules governing causative derivation in Temiar σ Ù prefix trÙ infix -rC1 + σ Elsewhere Ù zero morpheme First, if C1-CVC words enter the derivation with extraneous consonants parsed as nonnuclear syllables following Shaw’s Nuclear Moraic Theory, the allomorphy rule in (13) predicts that the causative form of C1-CVC words should pattern together with disyllabic words. In other words, zero derivation incorrectly derives *[s´lçg] as shown in (14) as the causative form for the root /slçg/ instead of the [sErlçg]. This shows that the extraneous consonant, /s/ in /slçg/, must not be associated to a syllable node at the time of affixation. 274 JSEALS Vol. 1 (14) Case 1: UR σ σ Causative Morphology Æ σ σ Æ sl çg sl çg (disyllabic roots Æ zero affixation) Phonetic Realization *σ σ s ´ l çg There is, however, one way to salvage Shaw’s proposal. One can claim that the allomorphy rule can be restricted to count only nuclear syllables, and that the existence of nonnuclear syllables triggers infixation. This account will work for the causative facts, but in section 4.2 I will show that this alternative fails to account for reduplication facts in the imperfective paradigm. Shaw’s claim for nonnuclear syllables in Mon-Khmer languages like Temiar will then be rejected. Next, if the /s/ in /slçg/ is not syllabified, and extraprosodicity is not invoked, and if unsyllabified consonants are stray erased by the universal stray erasure rule as claimed by Itô (1986), the allomorphy rule predicts the causative form to be *[tErlçg] as shown in the following derivation. (15) Case 2: UR σ sl çg stray erasure Causative Morphology Phonetic Realization Æ σ Æ σ Æ *σ σ sl çg tr l çg t Er lçg Alternatively, if the unparsed consonant is saved from stray erasure by being marked extraprosodic, this consonant will not be visible to trigger the correct allomorphy selection. Because only one syllable and nothing else is visible, the allomorphy rule selects the trprefix. At the moment, it is unclear whether the prefix is the full syllable [tEr] or a sequence of two unsyllabified consonants, /t/ and /r/. 5 I will show here that in both cases, the predicted output forms are incorrect. First, if the prefix is a full syllable, the causative form for /slçg/ is predicted as either *[s´tErlçg] or *[tErlçg] depending on whether prefixation occurs to the left of the visible syllable or to the left of the word as shown in (16). (16) UR extraprosodicity stray erasure Causative morphology extraprosodicity stray erasure Phonetic Realization {tEr}<s>{lçg} {tEr} s {lçg} {tEr}{lçg} *[tErlçg] s{lçg} <s>{lçg} -----or <s>{tεr}{lçg} <s>{tεr}{lçg} -----*[s´tErlçg] In both cases, the predicted forms are incorrect. We can conclude here that segments that are not syllabified in Temiar cannot be saved from stray erasure by invoking 5 Evidence in the imperfective paradigm that will be presented in section 4.2 suggests that the prefix should in fact be a sequence of two unsyllabified consonants. Syllabification in Temiar 275 extraprosodicity because the wrong allomorph is predicted for the causative of C-CVC roots if that were the case. 6 Next, I will show that even if the prefix is a sequence of two unsyllabified consonants, the wrong output forms are predicted. Assuming that phonetic epenthesis occurs later in the derivation, two forms are predicted depending on the site of affixation. As shown in (17), if affixation occurs at word-initial position, the predicted form is *[təlçg]]. However, if affixation occurs to the immediate left of the visible syllable, the predicted form is *[s´lçg]. Following Itô, extraprosodicity protects only the leftmost segment from stray erasure; every other segment that is unsyllabified gets stray-erased. Here too, incorrect forms are derived. (17) UR extraprosodicity stray erasure Causative morphology extraprosodicity stray erasure Phonetic Realization s{lçg} <s>{lçg} -----tr<s>{lçg} or <s>tr.{lçg} (only one syllable is visible Æ tr- prefix ) <t>rs {lçg} <s>tr{lçg} <t>{lçg } <s>{lçg} *[təlçg] *[s´lçg] Only by assuming that these extraneous consonants of the root are unsyllabified, and by further assuming that neither stray erasure nor extraprosodicity is operative, can infixation be correctly selected to form the causative for /slçg/. In this case, the perfective root consists of only one syllable with at least one unparsed consonant to the left of the final syllable. The allomorphy rule correctly selects r-infixation shown in (18). (18) UR extraprosodicity stray erasure Causative morphology extraprosodicity stray erasure Phonetic Realization s{lçg} OFF OFF s-r-{lçg} (C1 + one syllable Æ -r- infix ) OFF OFF [sErlçg] In sum, to account for causative allomorphy in Temiar, syllabification must be nonexhaustive, and unsyllabified segments must remain visible to trigger the correct allomorphy rule. Extraprosodicity and stray erasure must not be operative, contra Itô (1986). 6 Another position to consider is that [s] is saved from Stray Erasure by Extraprosodicity, but it is visible to trigger allomorph selection. I have not discussed this possibility here because it seems stipulative. There is no good explanation for selective visibility of segments under different processes. 276 JSEALS Vol. 1 4.2 Imperfective Allomorphy 7 Additional evidence for nonexhaustive syllabification is found in the formation of the imperfective paradigm in Temiar. Like the derivation of causative verbs, there is also a three-way allomorphy for the formation of the imperfective aspect in Temiar, as illustrated in (19). The imperfective of a monosyllabic root is formed by evoking an onset copy and a coda copy. When the imperfective is derived from a root that consists of one syllable and at least one extraneous consonant, the imperfective form surfaces with only a coda copy of the major syllable. Polysyllabic verbs do not undergo reduplication. The above generalization can be summarised in the allomorphy rule in (20). (19) (20) Root Imperfective forms Allomorphs CVC kç˘w kwkç˘w onset copy and coda copy C1-CVC slçg sglçg coda copy elsewhere halab halab zero allomorph Vocabulary insertion rules governing imperfective derivation in Temiar 8 σ Ù onset and coda copy C1 + σ Ù coda copy Elsewhere Ù zero allomorphy Previous analyses of Temiar have concentrated on reduplication found in the imperfective paradigm with CVC and C-CVC roots and have ignored disyllabic roots (e.g., Shaw 1994, Gafos 1998, Raimy 2000). These accounts sought to explain only the reduplication process observed with these roots and have missed the generalization on allomorphy patterns in this paradigm. I will argue that bisyllabic words are not exceptions to but an essential part of the verbal paradigm in Temiar. An understanding of how the morphology treats bisyllabic words provides the missing piece to the puzzle of syllabic organization in Temiar. I will demonstrate that syllabification in Temiar has to be nonexhaustive, and extraprosodicity and stray erasure must not be operative to account for allomorphy facts in this language. For the sake of simplicity in exposition, I will proceed with a simple descriptive account of reduplication. Please see Yap (2006) for a detailed account for reduplication and affixation in Temiar adapted from Raimy (2000). The imperfective paradigm holds another key to three important questions on syllabification in Temiar. Is stray erasure a universal principle, and is extraprosodicity the mechanism that saves all cases of unsyllabified consonants that somehow escape stray erasure, as argued in Itô (1986)? Are the surface vowels in C1-CVC words epenthetic vowels and if so, when do they get inserted? If not, what are they? Consider the examples in (21), where imperfective allomorphy also applies to derived stems. The forms in (21) indicate that causative verbs have to be derived before 7 8 As pointed out by both reviewers, Benjamin has revised and expanded his analysis of the morphological paradigm of Temiar verbs; a morphological distinction is available between imperfective and progressive forms of the verb (Benjamin 2001:114; Matisoff 2003:35). The periphrastic ba-clitic is used to form the progressive and not the imperfective as presented in earlier versions of this work in Yap (2006). This rule can be argued to be stipulative. See Yap (2006) for an account of interaction between morphology and phonology instantiated with readjustment rules following Raimy (2000) that relates syllable-counting allomorphy, affixation and reduplication. 277 Syllabification in Temiar imperfective forms are derived. If the order of derivation is reversed, the predicted surface output is *[krwkç˘w] instead of [trwkç˘w], as shown in the derivation below. (21) (22) Causative Stem Imperfective Allomorph C1 + σ trkç˘w trwkç˘w [tərEwkç˘w] coda copy only srlçg srglçg [sərEglçg] coda copy only a. imperfective derivation kç˘w Æ kwkç˘w causative derivation Æ *krwkç˘w b. causative derivation kç˘w Æ trkç˘w imperfective derivation Æ trwkç˘w It has been generally accepted that unsyllabified segments are restricted to only one segment at the edge of a well-defined domain. All other unparsed segments are subject to stray erasure. The imperfective aspect in Temiar provides evidence that challenges this position. I will argue that the examples in (22) show that affixes attached at an earlier cycle have to remain unsyllabified because they select the same allomorph as their nonderived C-CVC roots. I have shown that the initial consonant in C-CVC roots has to be unsyllabified for derivation of causative forms in the previous section. I will show that the same is true with the imperfective aspect. To illustrate the above point, consider the imperfective derivation of the stem /trkç˘w/. As shown in the derivation in (23), if the stem is disyllabic, the allomorphy rule incorrectly selects zero allomorphy as the causative imperfective form for this verb. The causative tr-prefix in /trkç˘w/ must therefore, not be associated to a syllable node at the time of imperfective affix selection. (23) Case 1: Causative Stem σ σ Æ Imperfective Morphology * σ σ t r kç˘w t r kç˘w (disyllabic roots Æ zero allomorphy) Imperfective derivation from causative stems also provides additional evidence to reject the claim for nonnuclear syllables in Temiar and possibly other Mon-Khmer languages as argued in Shaw (1994). As mentioned in section 4.1, it is possible to claim that the allomorphy rule counts only nuclear syllables, and that it is the existence of nonnuclear syllables instead of unsyllabified consonants that triggers infixation. But I have not adopted this approach because it is unclear whether the existence of nonnuclear syllables can be maintained. I will now show that this approach fails to account for reduplication with causative stems to derive imperfective verbs in Temiar. First, I will review how Shaw’s account works with the simple cases. For example, with causative roots like /kç˘w/ and /slçg/, reduplication patterns obtained in the imperfective form can be expressed as an attempt to fill a two-syllable template. However, it is unclear how Shaw would derive the imperfective form derived from the causative stem /trkç˘w/. If the morphological template is a two-syllable template, no reduplication is predicted because there are no more empty slots left in the two-syllable template. If the morphological template is interpreted as just an additional nonnuclear syllable, reduplication with causative stems is expected to pattern with monosyllabic roots as shown 278 JSEALS Vol. 1 in the derivation in (24). But the predicted output form is *[sr.lg.lçg], which is also incorrect. Hence, I conclude that Shaw’s nonnuclear account cannot be the correct account for allomorphy facts in Temiar. (24) σ Template σ Base σ N μ s r μ l ç g Æ μ l ç *sr.lg.lçg g Next, to show the interaction of extraprosodicity and stray erasure for imperfective forms with derived stems, I begin with the formation of the causative for /trkç˘w/ and /srlçg/, as shown in (25). Causative derivation of C-CVC roots suggests that extraprosodicity is not operative in this cycle to save these unsyllabified segments from being stray-erased. These segments have to remain unsyllabified and visible to trigger the right allomorphy rule. (25) (a) σ (b) σ extraprosodicity stray erasure causative allomorphy k ç˘ w OFF OFF σ s l çg OFF OFF σ epenthesis stray erasure late epenthesis tr k ç˘ w OFF OFF [tErkç˘w] Cycle 1: sr l ç g OFF OFF [sErlçg] Next, the derivation in (26) compares the derivation of the imperfective aspect from a derived C1-CVC stem and a C-CVC root. In the second cycle, it is possible to invoke extraprosodicity and epenthesis to get the correct allomorph selection for /trkç˘w/Æ/trwkç˘w/. This move, however, predicts a different derivation path for C-CVC roots. It would be desirable to preserve the same parameter settings for both C1-CVC stems and C-CVC roots, and if so, extraprosodicity must also not be operative in this cycle, as shown in (27) where the correct forms are derived. Derivation of the imperfective aspect from derived stems illustrates the fact that stray erasure cannot be maintained as a universal principle. The above cases also provide additional evidence that extraprosodicity is not the operative mechanism that ensures survival of a sequence of unsyllabified consonants in the surface output. 279 Syllabification in Temiar (26) Cycle 2 extraprosodicity stray erasure imperfective Allomorphy (27) Cycle 2 extraprosodicity stray erasure imperfective allomorphy σ σ t r kç˘w ON OFF σ slçg ON OFF σ <t>rw kç˘ w σ *<s>lg l ç g σ t r kç˘w OFF OFF σ tr w kç˘w slçg OFF OFF σ sg l ç g Next, imperfective derivation from derived stems also shows that surface vowels in C1-CVC words are not epenthetic vowels that are inserted to break consonant clusters and to ensure exhaustive syllabification of the word. To illustrate this, consider the imperfective derivation from causative stems, as illustrated in (28). (28) Cycle 1: causative derivation Root: Allomorphy selection Epenthesis Cycle 2: imperfective derivation Stem: Allomorphy selection kç˘w trkç˘w [tErkç˘w] tErkç˘w *[tErkç˘w] If epenthesis were claimed to occur at the end of each cycle of derivation, the surface form of the causative verb would feed imperfective derivation. However, because bisyllabic verbs trigger zero allomorphy, the wrong allomorph is predicted for the imperfective of these stems. Therefore, either the vowels that surface with unsyllabified consonants in Temiar are not epenthetic vowels or epenthesis in Temiar must be a very late process in the grammar. I will argue that these vowels are not epenthetic vowels but are excrescent vowels following Levin (1987). Levin argues that excrescent vowels have different characteristics compared to epenthetic vowels. For example, epenthetic vowels often interact with other phonological processes. They are usually triggered by stray consonants, and the feature quality of epenthetic vowels is often supplied by default. Phonological processes, on the other hand, do not target excrescent vowels and these vowels are more variable. Surrounding consonants often influence the feature of excrescent vowels. Excrescent vowels are viewed as mediating adjacent articulations that require some degree of constriction in the oral tract. 280 JSEALS Vol. 1 Benjamin (1976:138) notes that “between /s/ and /l/ or /r/ in prefinal syllables, … [the schwa] is very short, sometimes disappearing altogether”. Benjamin (in press), further notes that the pronunciation of the epenthetic ‘minor’ vowel in open syllables is indeed more variable between [´], [i] and zero, depending on the following consonant and the vowel in the word-final major syllable. Similar variability is also reported in related languages. For example, Burenhult (2005) notes that in Jahai, the coda copy in reduplicated forms conditions the nucleus of the penultimate syllable. The vowel is realised as [i] if the coda copy is a palatal (e.g. /c/, /s/, /ɲ/ or /j/). If the coda copy is a glottal (e.g. /ʔ/, /h/), the preceding vowel is realised as [a], and elsewhere it is realised as [ə]. The relevant examples from Jahai are shown below. Similar realization rules are also reported in Semelai (Kruspe 2004) and in Semai (Diffloth 1976a). (29) (30) (31) a. b. a. b. a. b. /kwε̃s/ /hjej/ /b/bç/ /thteh/ /duk/ /sçm/ ‘to sweep’ ‘to yawn’ [ba/bç/] [tahteh] ‘pound’ ‘bird’s nest’ /ks.kwε̃s/ [kiswε̃s] /hj.hej/ [hijhej] ‘to carry on one’s back’ ‘oriental pipe hornbill’ /dkduk/ [d´kduk] /smsçm/ [s´msçm] ‘to be sweeping’ ‘to be yawning’ ‘chest’ ‘to buzz around a nest’ 5 Conclusion In sum, allomorphy facts in Temiar suggest the following. First, at the morphological level, syllabification in Temiar must be nonexhaustive, and unsyllabified segments are not limited to one segment at the word edge. Unsyllabified segments in Temiar are not strayerased and they cannot be saved from stray erasure by invoking extraprosodicity because these segments must remain visible to trigger the right allomorphy rule. Finally, vowels that are inserted in surface forms of C1-CVC words are most likely excrescent vowels because they must be inserted very late. References Bach, Emmon, Darin Howe, & Patricia Shaw (2005). On epenthesis and moraicity in Northern Wakashan. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas/Workshop on American Indian Languages, University of California, Oakland, CA. Benjamin, Geoffrey (1976). An outline of Temiar grammar. In Jenner, Thompson & S. Starosta (eds.) 1976, 129–187. Benjamin, Geoffrey. (2001). Orang Asli languages: from heritage to death? In Razha Rashid & Wazir Jahan Karim (eds.), Minority cultures of Peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage. Penang: Malaysian Academy of Social Sciences (AKASS), pp.101-122. Benjamin, Geoffrey. (In press). Temiar morphology: a view from the field. To appear in a Pacific Linguistics volume on Aslian languages edited by Nicole Kruspe and Niclas Burenhult. Burenhult, Niclas (2005). A grammar of Jahai. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Diffloth, Gerard (1976a). Minor-syllable vocalism in Senoic languages. In Jenner, Thompson, & S. Starosta (eds.) 1976, 229–247. Syllabification in Temiar 281 Diffloth, Gerard (1976b). Expressives in Semai. In Jenner, Thompson, & S. Starosta (eds.) 1976, 249–264. Gafos, Adamantios (1996). The articulatory basis of locality in phonology. Baltimore: John Hopkins University. PhD dissertation. Gafos, Adamantios (1998). A-templatic reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry 29: 515–527. Halle, Morris & Marantz, Alec (1993). 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Mon-Khmer studies 33:1–58. [This can also be viewed online at: http://archives.sealang.net/mks.] McCarthy, John & Prince, Alan. (1986). Prosodic morphology. Unpublished manuscript, University of Massachusetts and Brandeis. Means, Natalie & Gordon Means (1998). Temiar-English English-Temiar dictionary. St. Paul, Minnesota, Hamline University Press. Raimy, Eric (2000). The phonology and morphology of reduplication. New York, Mouton de Gruyter. Shaw, Patricia (1992). Templatic evidence for the syllable nucleus. NELS 23: 463–477. Shaw, Patricia (1994). The prosodic constituency of minor syllables. WCCFL 12: 117–132. Svantesson, J. (1983). Kammu phonology and morphology. Lund, Sweden : Liber Forlug. Vaux, Bert (2003). Syllabification in Armenian, universal grammar and the lexicon. Linguistic Inquiry 34: 91–125. Yap, Ngee Thai (2006). Modeling syllable theory with finite state transducers. Newark: University of Delaware. PhD dissertation DATA PAPER PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE PHONOLOGY, ORTHOGRAPHY AND VOCABULARY OF SEMNAM (AUSTROASIATIC, MALAY PENINSULA) Niclas Burenhult a,b & Claudia Wegener a,c a Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University c School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, University of Manchester <niclas.burenhult@mpi.nl>, <cuwegener@ yahoo.de> b Abstract This paper reports tentatively some features of Semnam, a Central Aslian language spoken by some 250 people in the Perak valley, Peninsular Malaysia. It outlines the unusually rich phonemic system of this hitherto undescribed language (e.g. a vowel system comprising 36 distinctive nuclei), and proposes a practical orthography for it. It also includes the c. 1,250item wordlist on which the analysis is based, collected intermittently in the field 20062008. 1 1. Introduction Semnam belongs to a cluster of Central Aslian (Aslian, Austroasiatic) varieties sometimes referred to generically as Lanoh, spoken exclusively in the middle and upper portions of the Perak valley, in the state of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. The Semnam speakers were mobile foragers until the mid-1900s, their territory covering the western side of the Perak valley from just above Kuala Kangsar in the south to the Grik basin in the north. Today virtually all Semnam speakers, who number approximately 250, are settled in the village of Air Bah, located on a ridge between the streams Sungai Bah (Baal) and Sungai Kelian (Klieen) in the bottom end of the valley of the Kenering (Kɲyək), a western tributary of the Perak (Beluum). Air Bah is predominantly inhabited by Semnam speakers, and Semnam is its primary language of daily communication. However, its inhabitants are in frequent contact 1 This report is based on fieldwork carried out by Burenhult in the resettlement village of Air Bah, Hulu Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. We are grateful to Semnam consultants Alias Semedang, Kassim Ahmad and Shaari Paling for their eager help, and to the Economic Planning Unit (Putrajaya) and the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (Kuala Lumpur) for granting permission to conduct fieldwork. Special thanks to our colleagues Nicole Kruspe and Sylvia Tufvesson for commenting on earlier versions, to Gérard Diffloth for his insightful reflections on several aspects of the analysis, and to Chang Yu Shyun for providing materials for species identification. The research is carried out within the project ‘Tongues of the Semang’, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation’s DoBeS program and hosted by the Language and Cognition group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. Burenhult, Niclas & Claudia Wegener. 2009. Preliminary Notes On The Phonology, Orthography And Vocabulary Of Semnam (Austroasiatic, Malay Peninsula). Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:283-312. Copyright vested in the authors. 283 284 JSEALS Vol. 1 with, and intermarry with, speakers of other Aslian languages in the area, notably Temiar, a Central Aslian language ranging along the eastern side of the Perak valley. Most Semnam speakers are therefore fluent in Temiar, and speak it on a daily basis. The Semnam are also in contact with remaining pockets of other Lanoh varieties, spoken in two mixed Temiar-Lanoh settlements on Perak’s eastern bank. They were also traditionally in close contact with speakers of Kensiw and Kintaq, two Northern Aslian varieties spoken northwest of the Semnam territory. There is also considerable interaction with speakers of Malay, the Austronesian majority language of Malaysia. Judging from estimations by early observers (see e.g. Schebesta 1927:93), the number of speakers of Semnam and its close relatives has remained relatively constant over the last century. Also, the co-existence of Semnam society with other ethnic groups such as the Temiar and the Malay most likely has deep historical roots. However, the recent resettlement and change in lifestyle, along with rapid development and modernisation of the Perak valley, poses new challenges to the language. In particular, permanent settlement has led to increased intermarriage with speakers of Temiar, a language with a history of assimilating Lanoh varieties. Semnam must therefore be considered a highly endangered language. Most Semnam speakers have received basic schooling and are literate in Malay. However, Semnam is not a written language. Previous linguistic work on Semnam and other Lanoh varieties is restricted to occasional and limited wordlists. Early examples include Evans 1915. More recently, Diffloth (1975, 1976a, 1979) and Benjamin (1976a) have used Semnam lexical data in their comparative works on the Aslian subgroup of Austroasiatic. So far no further descriptive work has been carried out. For a detailed and recent anthropological account of the inhabitants of Air Bah, see Dallos (2003). Published accounts of Semnam’s Aslian relatives include Benjamin 1976b (Temiar), Diffloth 1976b (Jah Hut), Diffloth 1977 (Semai), Kruspe 2004 (Semelai), and Burenhult 2005 (Jahai). The present work represents a recently initiated research program aimed at describing and documenting Lanoh varieties. Research is ongoing, and the analysis presented here is preliminary and incomplete. The following sections provide an introduction to the phonemic inventory of Semnam (§2) and propose a practical orthography for the language (§3). Finally, a 1,246-item wordlist documents the Semnam vocabulary collected to date (§4 and Appendix). 2. Phonemic inventory Semnam has a rich phonemic inventory comprising 20 consonants (§2.1) and possibly as many as 36 or more contrasting vowel nuclei (§2.2). The consonant system represents a rather typical Aslian pattern, while the numerous vowel distinctions form the richest and most saturated vowel system so far attested in the Aslian sub-branch of Austroasiatic. As in other Aslian languages, the full range of phonemes is only to be found in the last, stressed syllable of words. 2.1. Consonant phonemes and their realisation The Semnam consonant system consists of 20 phonemes, including nine stops, four nasals, three fricatives, two approximants, and two liquids. The six places of articulation employed include bilabial, alveolar, palatal, velar, uvular, and glottal. Table 1 summarises the system. 285 Notes on Semnam Table 1: Semnam consonant phonemes. Bilabial Stop Nasal Fricative Liquid Approximant p b Alveolar t m c ɲ s n r w d Palatal ɟ Velar k Uvular ʔ g ŋ Glottal ʁ h l j Eighteen of the consonants occur commonly, while two, the voiced uvular fricative /ʁ/ and the alveolar trilled liquid /r/, are marginal and mostly associated with vocabulary borrowed from Malay and Temiar. 2.1.1. Stops Voiceless stops have five places of articulation: bilabial, alveolar, palatal, velar and glottal. A set of voiced stops contrasts with the voiceless stops in four of the places: bilabial, alveolar, palatal and velar. While voiceless stops can occur in any consonant slot, voiced ones only occur in syllable-initial position. In syllable-initial position, both voiceless and voiced stops are realised as unaspirated plosives, the palatals /c, ɟ/ with a subtle affricate release and the glottal /ʔ/ with an inaudible glottal release identifiable as an abrupt vowel onset: [p, b, t, d, c, ɟ, k, g, ʔ]. In syllable-final position, the voiceless stops /p, t, c, k/ display some variation in realisation. Typically, they are realised as unreleased or ‘checked’ stops (‘occlusives’): [p˺, t˺, c˺, k˺]. Following an open central or back short oral vowel, the velar /k/ is realised as a post-velar or uvular stop [q˺]. However, final stops are also sometimes released, especially if words are uttered in isolation. The nature of this release varies between individuals. In one consultant, final stops often display a voiced release followed by a short neutral vowel, in turn followed by a subtle glottal stop, e.g. ̆ ´/] /mat/ ‘eye’. In other consultants, they sometimes have a voiceless aspirated [ˈmãd release, e.g. [ˈmãt̆ h] /mat/ ‘eye’. One consultant frequently produces a voiced nasal release, e.g. [ˈmãt̆ n] /mat/ ‘eye’. These different realisations are considered here to simply be varying ways of resuming exhalation following closure, and they cannot be assigned any contrastive function at this point. 2.1.2. Nasals Nasals have four places of articulation, corresponding to those of voiced stops: bilabial, alveolar, palatal and velar. In initial position they are realised as simple nasals [m, n, ɲ, ŋ]. The same realisation occurs in final position of pre-final syllables. In final position of word-final syllables they are realised as simple nasals only if preceded by a nasal vowel (either phonemically nasal or phonetically nasalised). Otherwise in this position, they are realised as prestopped nasals [bm, dn, ɟɲ, gŋ] following a long oral vowel, and as unreleased stops [p˺, t˺, c˺, k˺] if preceded by a short oral vowel. Following an open central or back short oral vowel, however, the velar /ŋ/ is realised as a post-velar or uvular stop [q˺] (cf. §2.1.1). Occasionally these stops are released according to the same pattern as that of the final stops described in §2.1.1. The prestopped nasals are nasals whose release involve a short stop-like portion caused by a delayed and abrupt lowering of the velum 286 JSEALS Vol. 1 simultaneously with, or following, the oral closure. It is sometimes very subtle and barely audible. The prestopping marks the boundary between the oral vowel and the following nasal consonant, and seals off the vowel from anticipatory nasalisation. The word-final realisations of nasals as stops following short oral vowels present challenges to the analyst, because they are not auditorily distinguishable from true stops in this position. Two types of evidence have been used to determine which of the underlying forms is applicable in such ambiguous cases. First, reduplication of the final consonant frequently reveals which form is the underlying one, since the copy (which is typically prefixed or infixed before the final syllable) of the phonemic nasals is always realised phonetically as a homorganic nasal. For example, the reduplicative imperfective form of the verb [ˈhŭp˺] /hum/ ‘to want’ is [həmˈhŭp˺] /hm-hum/ ‘to be wanting’. This test disambiguates quite a number of verbs and nouns from which derived forms can be elicited, e.g. imperfectives, nominalizations, and unitizations. Second, numerous loanwords from Malay which have a final nasal in the source language are pronounced in Semnam with a homorganic stop, e.g. [ɟʑaˈjŭp˺] ‘needle’, from Malay jarum, [pəˈsăt˺] ‘to send order’, from Malay pesan, and [pəˈgăk˺] ‘to hold’, from Malay pegang. In all such cases the nasal is considered to be the underlying form, i.e. phonemically /ɟajum/, /psan/, and /pgaŋ/. Nevertheless, a considerable number of Semnam forms with a short oral vowel and phonetic final stop cannot be disambiguated on these grounds and remain ambiguous. In phonemic transcription, these ambiguous finals are represented by capital stops /P, T, C, K/. See §3.2 for a description of how these finals are treated in practical orthography. 2.1.3. Fricatives Fricatives have three places of articulation: palatal, uvular and glottal. The palatal /s/ is a voiceless post-alveolar or pre-palatal fricative [s ~ ɕ] in all positions. The uvular /ʁ/, only found in initial position of a handful of Malay loanwords, is realised as a voiced uvular fricative [ʁ]. The glottal /h/ is a voiceless [h] in initial position and in final position if preceded by a short vowel. Finally, if preceded by a long vowel, it is realised as a subtle aspiration [h]. 2.1.4. Liquids There are two alveolar liquids. The rhotic /r/, found in a few words (all of which are likely to be of Malay or sometimes Temiar origin), is a voiced alveolar trill [r], both in initial and final position. The lateral /l/ is a voiced alveolar lateral [l] in all positions. 2.1.5. Approximants Approximants have two places of articulation: bilabial and palatal. The bilabial /w/ is a voiced labio-velar approximant [w] in all positions. The palatal /j/ is a voiced dorsal approximant [j] in all positions. 2.2. Vowel phonemes and their realisation 2.2.1. Outline of the vowel system Phonemically, vowels distinguish three degrees of height for the front, central and back positions, creating a rather typical Aslian three-by-three system of nine basic qualities (cf. 287 Notes on Semnam Benjamin 1976b:131 for Temiar, Diffloth 1976b:103 for Jah Hut, Bauer 1991 for Trang Kensiw, and Burenhult 2005:19-22 for Jahai). Front and central vowels are unrounded; back ones are rounded. For each quality there is a distinction between long and short, producing a system of 18 oral monophthongs. In addition, phonemically nasal counterparts exist for seven of the basic qualities of both long and short vowels (the front and back midqualities have no such nasal counterparts). This creates a total system of 32 distinctive monophthongs. 2 Furthermore, there are oral diphthongs involving closed-to-mid articulation for the front and back positions, probably with a long-short distinction for both. The latter cannot yet be fully confirmed: the data contain only one contrasting example each of the short back and short front diphthongs (see examples below). The evidence for nasal diphthongs is so far minimal and unconvincing. 3 Given the regularity elsewhere in the vowel system, however, the existence of such distinctions should not be ruled out. Thus, at this point, the total number of distinctive vowel nuclei is 36, although evidence for some of them is still limited. The full system is given in Table 2. Table 2: Proposed system of distinctive vowel nuclei in Semnam. Front ORAL NASAL Closed iː Mid Open eː ɛː Closed Mid Open Closed DIPHTHONGS Mid ĩː ɛ̃ː ieː LONG Central ɨː ɘː aː ɨ ̃ː ɘ̃ː ãː Back Front uː i oː ɔː e ɛ ɔ̃ː ɛ̃ uoː (ũõː) ie ũː ĩ SHORT Central ɨ ɘ a ɨ̃ ɘ̃ ã Back u o ɔ ũ ɔ̃ uo Open Long vowels are more common than short ones, and oral vowels much more common than nasal ones. Consequently, short nasal vowels are especially rare. In particular, the closed short nasal vowels /ĩ, ɨ ̃, ũ/ occur only occasionally in the data, and it is difficult to study the contrastive characteristics of them. The system outlined here may therefore be subject to future amendments as data collection continues. Table 3 describes the phonetic characteristics of each of the nine vowel qualities of the system. 2 3 In the phonetic transcription employed here, short vowels are transcribed with a breve diacritic, e.g. [ă], and long vowels with a triangular colon, e.g. [aː]. Phonemic transcription is the same for long vowels, e.g. /aː/, but does not include the breve diacritic for short ones, e.g. /a/. Nasal vowels are indicated by a tilde, e.g. [ã]. In phonetic rendering of short nasal vowels, the breve ̆ diacritic is superjacent to the tilde indicating nasal, e.g. [ã]. The data contain one example of a long nasal closed-to-mid back diphthong, [bəlhũõːt] ‘to be tasteless’, but it appears to occur in free variation with a monophthong counterpart [bəlhũːt]. 288 JSEALS Vol. 1 Table 3: Phonetic description of vowel qualities in Semnam. i e ɛ ɨ ɘ a u o ɔ This closed front unrounded quality is realised as such in all of its four phonemic manifestations, [iː, ĭ, ĩː, i,]. ̃̆ There is little conditioned variation. This mid front unrounded quality is realised as such in both its long and short versions, [eː, ĕ], with little conditioned variation. It has no phonemically nasal manifestations. This open front unrounded quality is realised as such in all of its four ̆ with little conditioned variation. phonemic manifestations, [ɛː, ɛ̆, ɛ̃ː, ɛ̃,], This closed central unrounded quality is realised as extra-closed unrounded ̝̆̃ It displays central vowels in all its four phonemic manifestations, [ɨ ̝ː, ɨ,̝̆ ɨː,̝̃ ɨ,]. conditioned rounding following the bilabial approximant /w/. This mid central unrounded quality is realised as closed mid central ̆ unrounded vowels in all of its four phonemic manifestations, [ɘː, ɘ̆, ɘ̃ː, ɘ̃,], with little conditioned variation. It is not a truly neutral central [ə]. This open central unrounded quality is realised as such in all of its four ̆ with little conditioned variation. phonemic manifestations, [aː, ă, ãː, ã,], This closed back rounded quality is realised as such in all of its four phonemic manifestations, [uː, ŭ, ũː, ũ̆,], with little conditioned variation. This mid back rounded quality is realised as such in both its long and short versions, [oː, ŏ], with little conditioned variation. It has no phonemically nasal manifestations. This open-mid back rounded quality is realised as such in its short oral as well ̆ The long oral vowel is as long and short nasal manifestations, [ɔ̆, ɔ̃ː, ɔ̃]. realised as a more open [ɔ̞ː], or in some speakers as a fully open back rounded [ɒː]. Contrastive vowel length, nasality and diphthongization only apply to the nucleus of the last syllable of words. The vowels of pre-final syllables are drawn from a restricted set of phonemes. 2.2.2. Contrastive length Phonetically, long vowels can be characterised as unmarked with respect to length. Their realisation is not markedly long, and they display significant free variation as to actual length. Also, consultants accept short realisation of these vowels as a correct pronunciation. Phonemically short vowels, on the other hand, are obligatorily extra-short and thus marked with respect to length. Consultants consistently reject long realisation. This makes it reasonably easy to determine auditorily whether a vowel is phonemically long or short, although it usually requires the consultant’s judgement of alternative pronunciations. The contrastive function of the long-short distinction is limited, with only a few minimal pairs in evidence. The following contrastive pairs illustrate the distinction: 289 Notes on Semnam SHORT lwej kɘl tũc koʔ ktɔ̃k kpieh laŋkuoc ‘bee’ ‘to fall’ ‘[a type of fruit]’ ‘to vomit’ ‘[name of a river]’ ‘headgear’ ‘[a type of owl]’ LONG lweːɲ kɘːl tũũt laŋkoːʔ ktɔ̃ːk smpieːʔ kuoːc ‘to be dizzy’ ‘CLF: humans’ ‘to blow’ ‘menstruation’ ‘rufous-bellied malkoha’ ‘to be inedible’ ‘to grasp’ 2.2.3. Oral/nasal contrast Phonemically nasal vowels differ from the oral ones in that realisation involves a lowered velum, with the airstream passing predominantly through the nose rather than the mouth. However, conditioned nasalisation of phonemically oral vowels (e.g. adjacent to a nasal consonant) often obscure the phonemic oral-nasal contrast. Like the long-short distinction, the contrastive function of the oral-nasal distinction is marginal. The following contrastive pairs illustrate the distinction: ORAL pɛːt kɘp tawaːj kapaʔ wɔːk ‘jungle knife’ ‘to plant’ ‘[name of a river]’ ‘axe’ ‘to wake up’ NASAL cpɛ̃ːt kɘ̃p wãːj pãʔ wɔ̃ːc ‘to squeeze’ ‘to eat fruit’ ‘loin-cloth’ ‘to have body contact’ ‘caudal vertebra’ 2.2.4. Diphthongs Contrastive diphthongization is very apparent and fairly common. As noted, all attested diphthongs involve vowel articulation from closed to mid for both the front and back positions: [ie] and [uo]. Unusually, probably both long and short distinctions exist (see the contrastive pairs given in §2.2.2). In short diphthongs (to the extent that they can be analysed) the two qualities making up each diphthong are equally short: [ĭĕ] and [ŭŏ]. In long diphthongs the end quality has longer articulation: [ieː] and [uoː]. The following pairs contrast the long diphthong /ieː/ with the long monophthongs /iː/ and /eː/, and the long diphthong /uoː/ with the long monophthongs /uː/ and /oː/: 290 JSEALS Vol. 1 MONOPHTHONG peːt teːʔ kiweːŋ weːl paŋiːl baliːŋ koːm glapoːh coːʔ toːj duːs huːh ‘to fasten’ ‘husband’ ‘(a type of tree)’ ‘again’ ‘to call’ ‘to be high’ ‘frog’ ‘(a type of tree)’ ‘same’ ‘uncle’ ‘to bump into’ ‘to yell’ DIPHTHONG pieːt piʔtieːʔ wieːŋ kawieːl laŋieːn klieːn kuoːm klapuoːh cuoːʔ mantuoːj duoːs huoːʔ ‘tick’ ‘to offer food’ ‘to extinguish fire’ ‘(a type of palm)’ ‘(a type of tree)’ ‘(name of a river)’ ‘to hug’ ‘shoulder’ ‘dog’ ‘pangolin’ ‘to move along crest’ ‘to love’ On the basis of auditory impression alone, diphthongs are not straightforwardly distinguishable from sequences of approximant + mid-quality vowel ([je] and [wo]). Thus, the phonemic and phonotactic differences between diphthongs and such sequences are obscure in pairs like /pjec/ ‘wing’ ~ /kpieh/ ‘headgear’, and /sjeːt/ ‘to be dry’ ~ /sieːp/ ‘to be ready’. One might therefore argue against diphthongs as a category and instead propose a purely monophthongal analysis involving existing phonemes. Consistently, however, morphological evidence speaks in favor of a diphthongal analysis: the auditorily obscure distinctions can be disambiguated by various affixal operations, so that diphthongs can be shown to be nuclei of syllables. For example, sequences of approximant + vowel can be broken up by infixes, whereas diphthongs cannot. Also, monosyllabic forms with diphthongs display a reduplicative pattern identical to those with monophthongs, with copied consonants (onset and coda) prefixed to the root, as in the following examples (unattested roots are marked with an asterisk *): ROOT kuoːm *huoːc *huoːj tieːl cieːk ‘to hug’ ‘(to whistle)’ ‘(to yawn)’ ‘to plait’ ‘to tear’ DERIVED FORM km-kuoːm hchuoːc hjhuoːj tl-tieːl ck-cieːk ‘to be hugging’ ‘to whistle’ ‘to yawn’ ‘to be plaiting’ ‘to be tearing’ Also, an analysis of diphthongs as approximant/vowel sequences results in word structures which are not found elsewhere, especially structures involving an open medial syllable preceded and followed by closed syllables. For example, a monophthongal analysis of the form [mantuoːj] ‘pangolin’ will produce the otherwise poorly attested syllabic structure */CVC.Cv.CVC/ (*/man.t.woːj/). A diphthongal analysis, however, will produce the well-attested syllabic structure /CVC.CVC/ (/man.tuoːj/). 291 Notes on Semnam Comparative data also provide evidence in favor of diphthongs. The Semnam diphthongs frequently correspond to monophthongs in other Aslian languages, and not to approximant/vowel sequences, as illustrated by the following comparison with likely cognate forms in the Northern Aslian language Jahai: SEMNAM cieːk kawieːl mantuoːj klapuoːh kluoːŋ suoːk hchuoːc JAHAI cek kawɛl mantəj klapəh klɛŋ sək hchəc ‘to tear’ ‘(a type of palm)’ ‘pangolin’ ‘shoulder’ ‘inside’ ‘umbilical cord’ ‘to whistle’ 3. Notation and orthography The phonetic and phonemic notation employed so far in this paper adheres to the International Phonetic Alphabet. However, the project has also developed a practical orthography representing a third level of representation. This is essentially phonemicallybased, but with some adaptation to phonetics and to previous orthographical conventions in Aslian and Mon-Khmer linguistics. The following sections describe how this orthography departs from the phonetic and phonemic ones. 3.1. Palatal consonants In accordance with most practical orthographies of Mon-Khmer languages, the voiced palatal stop /ɟ/ and the palatal approximant /j/ are represented by j and y, respectively: e.g. jilaaʔ [ɟʑiˈlaːʔ] /ɟilaːʔ/ ‘thorn’, jayup [ɟʑaˈjŭp˺] /ɟajum/ ‘needle’, and ylaay [jəˈlaːj] /jlaːj/ ‘[name of a river]’. 3.2. Word-final nasals As noted in §2.1.2, word-final nasals are realised as unreleased stops [p˺, t˺, c˺, k˺/q˺] if preceded by a short oral vowel. The practical orthography here departs from the phonemic one in that it represents these sounds as stops and not nasals, e.g. plɔp [pəˈlɔ̆p˺] /plɔm/ ‘land leech’, kɔc [ˈkɔ̆ic] /kɔɲ/ ‘to sit’, and dak [ˈdăq˺] /daŋ/ ‘to see’. This is in order to adapt orthography to the actual pronunciation. Thus, the ambiguous finals described in §2.1.2 present no problem in the practical orthography, since they are all represented as stops. 3.3. Long vs. short vowels The practical orthography represents short vowels with single vowel characters without the breve diacritic (i, e, ɛ, ɨ, ə, a, u, o, ɔ) and long vowels with double vowel characters (ii, ee, ɛɛ, ɨɨ, əə, etc.), e.g. kəl [ˈkɘ̆l] /kɘl/ ‘to fall’ vs. kəəl [ˈkɘːl] /kɘːl/ ‘[CLF: humans]’. Short diphthongs are represented by a combination of two single mid and central vowel characters (ie and uo respectively) and long diphthongs with a doubled vowel character for the end quality of the diphthong (iee and uoo, respectively), e.g. laŋkuoc [laŋˈkᵘŏc˺] /laŋkuoC/ ‘[a type of owl]’ vs. kuooc [ˈkᵘoːͥc] /kuoːc/ ‘to grasp’. 292 JSEALS Vol. 1 3.4. Mid-central vowel The phonetic and phonemic representation of the mid-central vowel quality is [ɘ] ~ /ɘ/, signifying that its realization is more closed than the excrescent and truly neutral midcentral schwas [ə] of pre-final syllables (see §2.2.1). In the practical orthography, however, this phoneme is represented by the more commonly used schwa symbol ə, e.g. pəʔ [ˈpɘ̆ʔ] ̆ /tɘ̃ʔ/ ‘to collide’, /pɘʔ/ ‘younger sibling’, biyəən [biˈjɘːᵈn] /bijɘːn/ ‘rice (husked)’, tə̃ʔ [ˈtɘ̃ʔ] and hʔə̃əh̃ [həˈʔɘ̃ːh] /hʔɘ̃ːh/ ‘[affirmative particle]’. This is in accordance with previous Aslian orthographic conventions (see e.g. Benjamin 1976b). 3.5. Excrescent vowels 4 The practical orthography adheres to the phonemic one in that it does not include the predictable, excrescent vowels common to pre-final syllables (usually [ə]), e.g. pkpaak [pək˺ˈpaːk˺] /pkpaːk/ ‘to clap’, kbɛɛc [kəˈbɛːͥc˺] /kbɛːc/ ‘to spit’, knmɔɔh [kənˈmɔ̃ːh] /knmɔːh/ ‘name’. This convention frequently results in complex consonant clusters and may sometimes impede readability. However, it is preferred because morphological processes apply to underlying forms and not surface forms, and a representation which excludes excrescent vowels thus facilitates the description and portrayal of such processes. Furthermore, reading is made easier by understanding the uncomplicated process of syllabification and vowel epenthesis. Syllabification proceeds from right to left according to a general principle of maximality: in strings of unsyllabified consonants, the syllabification process strives to create maximal [CVC]σ syllables, which have precedence over minimal [CV]σ syllables. Two adjacent unsyllabified consonants will therefore be syllabified as onset and coda of a maximal syllable, and a single unsyllabified consonant will be syllabified as onset of a minimal syllable. Excrescent vowels can then be inserted as nuclei. For example, the form klŋkɛɛŋ ‘bushy crested hornbill’ is syllabified in the following way: /CCCCVC/ > /C.CC.CVC/ > [CV.CVC.CVC], with a final surface output [kələŋˈkɛːgŋ]. 5 4. Lexicon The appendicized glossary contains the 1,246 Semnam lexical items collected to date. Items represent lexeme forms of words, many of which are roots or may at least be regarded as synchronically monomorphemic. Lexeme forms are usually the same as the preferred citation form. Several forms are compounds. Citation forms of names for various biological classes generally include the generic name for the class in question, e.g. bəəy ‘vegetable’, tiis ‘mushroom’, tajuuʔ ‘snake’. Bound morphemes, including affixes and proclitics, are also listed. Entries are represented in the practical orthography (see §3) and followed by a phonemic representation (in solidi //) and in most cases also a phonetic representation (in square brackets []). 6 Each entry contains information as to form class, and an approximate 4 5 6 The term ‘excrescent vowel’ is introduced in the Aslian context by Yap, this volume, and adopted here to refer to phonetically predictable vowels. A detailed analysis of phonotactic patterns and syllabification in Semnam is currently being carried out. Phonetic forms are included where there is a recording available of the item uttered in isolation. Notes on Semnam 293 English translation is given. Many of the species identifications given are still preliminary. Definite or likely loans from Malay are indicated as such. Items are listed initially, i.e. words are arranged according to their initial letter. Letters, in turn, are ordered according to the manner of articulation of the phoneme: vowels, stops, fricatives, nasals, liquids, and approximants. For each manner of articulation, phonemes are ordered according to place of articulation, with ‘front’ phonemes first and ‘back’ phonemes last. Vowels are further ordered from high to low. Voiceless consonants precede voiced ones, short vowels precede long ones, and oral vowels precede nasal ones. References Bauer, Christian. 1991. Kensiw: a Northern Aslian language of southern Thailand. In Surin Pookajorn (ed.) Preliminary report of excavations at Moh-Khiew Cave, Krabi Province, Sakai Cave, Trang Province and ethnoarchaeological research of huntergatherer group, socall ‘Sakai’ or ‘Semang’ at Trang Province, 310-335. Bangkok: Silpakorn University, Faculty of Archaeology. Benjamin, Geoffrey. 1976a. Austroasiatic subgroupings and prehistory in the Malay Peninsula. In P.N. Jenner, L.C. Thompson and S. Starosta (eds.) Austroasiatic Studies I, 37-128. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii. Benjamin, Geoffrey. 1976b. An outline of Temiar grammar. In P.N. Jenner, L.C. Thompson and S. Starosta (eds.) Austroasiatic Studies I, 129-188. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii. Burenhult, Niclas. 2005. A grammar of Jahai. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Dallos, Csilla. 2003. Identity and opportunity: asymmetrical household integration among the Lanoh, newly sedentary hunter-gatherers and forest collectors of Peninsular Malaysia. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Department of Anthropology: McGill University. Diffloth, Gérard. 1975. Les langues mon-khmer de Malaisie: classification historique et innovations. Asie du sud-est et monde insulinde 6.4, 1-19. Diffloth, Gérard. 1976a. Mon-Khmer numerals in Aslian languages. Linguistics 174, 3137. Diffloth, Gérard. 1976b. Jah-Hut: an Austroasiatic language of Malaysia. In Nguyen Dang Liem (ed.) South-east Asian linguistic studies 2, 73-118. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Diffloth, Gérard. 1977. Towards a history of Mon-Khmer: Proto-Semai vowels. Southeast Asian studies 14, 463-495. Diffloth, Gérard. 1979. Aslian languages and Southeast Asian prehistory. Federation Museums Journal (new series) 24, 2-16. Evans, Ivor H.N. 1915. Some Semang vocabularies obtained in Pahang and Perak. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 6, 115-125. Kruspe, Nicole. 2004. A grammar of Semelai. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schebesta, Paul. 1927. The Negritos of the Malay Peninsula. Subdivisions and names. Man 27, 89-94. 294 JSEALS Vol. 1 Yap Ngee Thai. 2009. Nonexhaustive syllabification in Temiar. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1. APPENDIX: Semnam-English glossary a a- /a/ aff_v. (-a-) middle voice affix. — pref_dem. affix deriving an adverbial demonstrative from a nominal demonstrative. p p/p/ (piC-) pref_v. causative prefix. pitɲuut [pit̚ˈɲũːt̚] /pitɲuːt/ v. to hurt someone. piduuʔ [piˈduːʔ] /piduːʔ/ n. base of a plant. piʔtieeʔ [piʔˈtⁱeːʔ] /piʔtieːʔ/ v. to offer food. piʔŋaʔ [piʔˈŋăʔ] /piʔŋaʔ/ v. to turn something around. pihbəəh [pihˈbɘːh] /pihbɘːh/ v. to say. pinaaŋ [piˈnãːŋ] /pinaːŋ/ n. areca palm (Areca catechu). From Malay pinang. pintas [pinˈtăs] /pintas/ v. to cross. piɲap [piˈɲăp̚] /piɲam/ v. to borrow. From Malay pinjam. piɲlɔɔɲ [piɲˈlɔːⁱᶡɲ] /piɲlɔːɲ/ v. to sing. piŋat /piŋan/ n. plate. From Malay pinggan. pilɔɔk [piˈlɔːk̚] /pilɔːk/ n. mud hole. pehaʔ /pehaʔ/ n. tribe. peet /peːt/ v. to fasten. peeɲ [ˈpeːⁱᶡɲ] /peːɲ/ v. to rise (of the sun). pɛɛt [pɛːt̚] /pɛːt/ n. jungle knife. pɛɛn /pɛːn/ n. pen, pencil. From Malay pen(a). pɛ̃ɛc̃ [ˈpɛ̃ːⁱc̚] /pɛ̃ːc/ v. to crush. pəʔ [ˈpɘ̆ʔ] /pɘʔ/ n. younger sibling. pəʔ mɔɔʔ [ˈpɘ̆ʔ ˈmɔ̃ːʔ] /pɘʔ mɔːʔ/ n. aunt, younger sister of parent. papaaʔ [paˈpaːʔ] /papaːʔ/ v. to be bad. padəʔ /padɘʔ/ prep. by, at, near. From Malay pada. pajɛ̃ɛt̃ [paˈɟᶽɛ̃ːt̚] /paɟɛ̃ːt/ n. a type of tuber. pasiiy [paˈsiːj] /pasiːj/ n. sand. From Malay pasir. pasaʔ /pasaʔ/ conj. because. From Malay? paʁiih [paˈʁiːh] /paʁiːh/ pn. name of a river (Ayer Jada). pamaaʔ [paˈmãːʔ] /pamaːʔ/ n. 1) a type of giant flying squirrel (Petaurista sp.) 2) colugo (flying lemur) (Cynocephalus variegatus). panik [paˈnı ̆k̚] /paniK/ n. belly button. panɨʔ [paˈnɨʔ] ̃̆ /panɨʔ/ n. baby. panaan [paˈnaːᵈn] /panaːn/ pn. name of a river. panɔɔk [paˈnɔ̃ːk̚] /panɔːk/ n. fan for the fire. paɲcooy [paɲˈcᶝoːj] /paɲcoːj/ n. waterfall. From Malay pancur. paŋiil /paŋiːl/ v. to call, to name, to summon. From Malay panggil. paŋkal /paŋkal/ n. beginning. From Malay pangkal. paliiŋ /paliːŋ/ v. 1) to look aside. 2) to change direction, to switch. From Malay paling. payiʔ [paˈjĭʔ] /pajiʔ/ n. clouded monitor (Varanus bengalensis). payeeʔ [paˈjeːʔ] /pajeːʔ/ pn. name of a river. payah [paˈjăh] /pajah/ v. to be difficult. From Malay payah. paak [ˈpaːk̚] /paːk/ v. to split. ̆ /pãʔ/ v. to have body contact. pãʔ [ˈpãʔ] pusik /pusiŋ/ v. to turn. From Malay pusing. pusat /pusat/ n. center. From Malay pusat. punɛɛy [puˈnɛ̃ːj ̃] /punɛːj/ n. a type of pigeon. From Malay punai. puɲaaʔ [puˈɲãːʔ] /puɲaːʔ/ v. to have. From Malay punya. puleey [puˈleːj] /puleːj/ n. a type of tree. pulaaw [puˈlaːw] /pulaːw/ pn. name of a river. pulɔɔw [puˈlɔːw] /pulɔːw/ n. island. From Malay pulau. puuʔ [ˈpuːʔ] /puːʔ/ adv. yesterday. pokeʔ /pokeʔ/ n. pocket. From English pocket, via Malay. /poːk/ v. to open. [ˈpoːh] /poːh/ pn. name of a river. [ˈpɔ̆k̚] /pɔŋ/ v. to tap poison. [ˈpɔːk̚] /pɔːk/ v. to forage by fanning smoke into an animal’s burrow. pɔɔʔ [ˈpɔːʔ] /pɔːʔ/ n. mountain. pɔɔs [ˈpɔːs] /pɔːs/ v. to sweep. pɔɔn /pɔːn/ (pn=) prep like. From Malay pun. pieet [ˈpⁱeːt̚] /pieːt/ n. tick. ptɨɨʔ [pəˈtɨːʔ] /ptɨːʔ/ n. forehead. ptaməh /ptamɘh/ v. to be first. From Malay pertama. pdɔɔʔ [pəˈdɔːʔ] /pdɔːʔ/ v. to hunt. pcəəy /pcɘːj/ v. to insert. pkaʔ [pəˈkăʔ] /pkaʔ/ v. to throw. pkpaak [pək̚ˈpaːk̚] /pkpaːk/ v. to clap. pgak [pəˈgăq̚] /pgaŋ/ v. to hold. From Malay pook pooh pɔk pɔɔk 296 JSEALS Vol. 1 planoʔ [pəlaˈnŏʔ] /planoʔ/ n. greater mouse deer pegang. pʔpəəʔ /pʔpɘːʔ/ v. to put one's hand on something. psat /psan/ v. to send order. From Malay pesan. phɛ̃ɛŋ̃ [pəˈhɛ̃ːŋ] /phɛ̃ːŋ/ v. to be narrow. pmulaʔaan /pmulaʔaːn/ n. beginning. From (Tragulus napu). From Malay pelanduk. plaŋiiʔ [pəlaˈŋĩːʔ] /plaŋiːʔ/ n. rainbow. From Malay pelangi. pluuɲ [pəˈluːⁱᶡɲ] /pluːɲ/ v. to be straight. plɔp [pəˈlɔ̆p̚] /plɔm/ n. land leech. plɔɔŋ [pəˈlɔːᶢŋ] /plɔːŋ/ n. thatch. ̆ /plɔ̃c/ conj. after. plɔ̃c [pəˈlɔ̃ⁱc̚] pltaaw [pəlˈtaːw] /pltaːw/ v. to be white. Malay permulaan. pnaal [pəˈnãːl] /pnaːl/ n. temple. pnpɛt [pənˈpɛ̆t] /pnpɛn/ v. to be short. pndapataan /pndapataːn/ n. profit, income. From Malay pendapatan. — pn. name of a river. pɲseet [pəɲˈseːt̚] /pɲseːt/ pn. Ethnonym: Pemsed. pɲyɨ ̃k [pəɲˈj ̃ɨ ̆̃k̚] /pɲjɨ ̃k/ n. durian (Durio printaah /printaːh/ (pyintaah) v. to order. From Malay perintah. prnceh /prnceh/ n. feeling, sensation. pwpããw [puˈpãːw̃ ] /pwpãːw/ n. a type of bird. pyiŋdak /pjiŋdaŋ/ v. to show. pyec [pəˈjĕⁱc̚] /pjec/ n. wing. pyəək /pjɘːk/ v. to immerse. pyalɔɔɲ /pjalɔːɲ/ n. singers, singing ones. zibethinus). ̆ /pŋpãŋ/ n. broadbill, black and pŋpãŋ [pəŋˈpãŋ] red (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus). pŋyooŋ [pəŋˈjoːᶢŋ] /pŋjoːŋ/ v. to play an instrument. plɛɛh [pəˈlɛːh] /plɛːh/ pn. Ethnonym: Temiar. pləəs [pəˈlɘːs] /plɘːs/ v. to drop, to let fall. b b/b/ aff_v. progressive/imperfective prefix. b/b/ aff_n. property-signaling prefix. bitããy [biˈtãːj ̃] /bitãːj/ pn. name of a river. bitcoot [bit̚ˈcᶝoːt̚] /bitcoːt/ pn. name of a river. bidɨɨŋ [biˈdɨːᶢŋ] /bidɨːŋ/ v. to lie. bidook [biˈdoːk̚] /bidoːk/ v. to be old. bikɔɔl [biˈkɔːl] /bikɔːl/ n. kidney. bigiiʔ /bigiːʔ/ v. to exchange. bihəy [biˈhɘ̆j] /bihɘj/ n. bush. bintak [binˈtăq̚] /bintaŋ/ n. star. From Malay bintang. bilak [biˈlăq̚] /bilaŋ/ v. to count. From Malay bilang. bilah /bilah/ interrogative. when. From Malay bila. — conj. when. From Malay bila. biyəən [biˈjɘːᵈn] /bijɘːn/ n. rice (husked). biyɔɔk [biˈjɔːk̚] /bijɔːk/ pn. name of a river (Ayer Betong). biic [ˈbiːc̚] /biːc/ v. to run over (of fluid in container). biim /biːm/ v. to wash (dishes). beeʔ /beːʔ/ n. suitcase. From Malay beg. bees [ˈbeːs] /beːs/ v. to search. beel [ˈbeːl] /beːl/ interrogative. when. bɛsəəh /bɛsɘːh/ n. difference. From Malay beza. bɛɛŋ [ˈbɛːᶢŋ] /bɛːŋ/ rn. outside. ̆ /bɛːŋ ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. riverbank. bɛɛŋ ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈbɛːᶢŋ ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] bɨt [bɨ ̆t̚] /bɨt/ v. to be hot. bək [ˈbɘ̆k̚] /bɘk/ v. to tie. bəʔ [ˈbɘ̆ʔ] /bɘʔ/ v. to carry something on one's back. bəəy [ˈbɘːj] /bɘːj/ n. generic term for vegetable, greens. bəəy pakuʔ /bɘːj pakuʔ/ n. a type of edible fern (Filex sp.). From Malay paku. bəəy bɛc /bɘːj bɛC/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy badaak /bɘːj badaːk/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy bagɛh /bɘːj bagɛh/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy bayaam /bɘːj bajaːm/ n. spinach. From Malay bayam. bəəy tiis /bɘːj tiːs/ n. edible mushrooms. bəəy taduk /bɘːj taduK/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy taʔɔʔ /bɘːj taʔɔʔ/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy cahcuh /bɘːj cahcuh/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy camɛɛy /bɘːj camɛːj/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy cŋkyɔɔŋ /bɘːj cŋkjɔːŋ/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy kaŋkooŋ /bɘːj kaŋkoːŋ/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy kawoon /bɘːj kawoːn/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy klah /bɘːj klah/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy klaap /bɘːj klaːp/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy ʔasiim /bɘːj ʔasiːm/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy səh /bɘːj sɘh/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy hayaaʔ /bɘːj hajaːʔ/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy hubiiʔ /bɘːj hubiːʔ/ n. a type of edible plant. 297 Notes on Semnam bəəy ɲŋkəəʔ /bɘːj ɲŋkɘːʔ/ n. a type of edible bukuuʔ /bukuːʔ/ n. book. From Malay buku. buktiih /buktiːh/ n. proof. From Malay bukti. buh [ˈbŭh] /buh/ v. to put. buŋaaʔ [buˈŋãːʔ] /buŋaːʔ/ n. flower. From Malay bəəy labuuʔ /bɘːj labuːʔ/ n. gourd. From Malay buŋaaʔ kɛʔ maah /buŋaːʔ kɛʔ maːh/ n. Rafflesia From Malay ubi. bəəy maman /bɘːj maman/ n. a type of edible plant. plant. labu. bəəy laʔ leeŋ /bɘːj laʔ leːŋ/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy lhaaw /bɘːj lhaːw/ n. a type of edible plant. bəəy lwɛh /bɘːj lwɛh/ n. a type of edible plant. bapaaʔ [baˈpaːʔ] /bapaːʔ/ v. to be big. From Malay bapak. babooʔ [baˈboːʔ] /baboːʔ/ n. woman. batɛɛk /batɛːk/ pn. Ethnonym: Batek. ̆ /bataːŋ ɲhũʔ/ n. tree bataaŋ ɲhũʔ [baˈtaːᶢŋ ɲə̃hũʔ] trunk. batuuʔ [baˈtuːʔ] /batuːʔ/ n. rock, stone. From Malay batu. batuuʔ ʔisɛ̃t [baˈtuːʔ ʔiˈsẽt̆ ̚] /batuːʔ ʔisɛ̃t/ n. pebble. bajuuʔ /baɟuːʔ/ n. coat, shirt. From Malay baju. bagɔh [baˈgɔ̆h] /bagɔh/ pn. name of a river. basɔh [baˈsɔ̆h] /basɔh/ n. dusky langur (Trachypithecus obscurus). bahasəh /bahasɘh/ n. language. From Malay bahasa. baŋɔɔw [baˈŋɔ̃ːw̃ ] /baŋɔːw/ n. heron. From Malay bangau. baŋsəəʔ /baŋsɘːʔ/ n. race, nationality. From Malay bangsa. kbaŋsəəʔ n. nationality. baliiŋ [baˈliːᶢŋ] /baliːŋ/ v. to be high. barɔɔŋ [baˈrɔːᶢŋ] /barɔːŋ/ n. tapir (Tapirus indicus). bawah /bawah/ rn. below, underneath, downstream. From Malay bawah. bayaaŋ /bajaːŋ/ n. thing, commodity. From Malay barang. bayuuʔ [baˈjuːʔ] /bajuːʔ/ v. to be new. From Malay baru. — adv. until. From Malay baru. baaʔ [ˈbaːʔ] /baːʔ/ n. rice (growing). baas /baːs/ n. bus. From English bus, via Malay bas. baah [ˈbaːh] /baːh/ n. uncle, younger brother of parent. baal [ˈbaːl] /baːl/ pn. name of a river (Bah). baay [ˈbaːj] /baːj/ v. to dig. bubuuʔ [buˈbuːʔ] /bubuːʔ/ n. fishtrap. From Malay bubu. budayəəh /budajɘːh/ n. culture. From Malay budaya. bukaan /bukaan/ pa. negation particle. From Malay bukan. bunga. (Rafflesia spp.). From Malay bunga pakma. buŋkus /buŋkus/ n. packet. From Malay bungkus. bulaan [buˈlaːᵈn] /bulaːn/ n. moon, month. From Malay bulan. buluus [buˈluːs] /buluːs/ n. spear. buyaaʔ [buˈjaːʔ] /bujaːʔ/ n. crocodile. From Malay buaya. buut [ˈbuːt̚] /buːt/ v. to eat vegetables. buuc [ˈbuːⁱc̚] /buːc/ n. diarrhoea. boleeh [boˈleːh] /boleːh/ v. to be able to do something. — pa. possibility particle. boot [ˈboːt̚] /boːt/ v. to feel lazy. bɔʔ /bɔʔ/ conj? if. bɔʔ /bɔʔ/ persp. he, she, it, third person singular personal pronoun. bɔɔc [ˈbɔːⁱc̚] /bɔːc/ v. to lie (to tell untruths). bɔɔŋ [ˈbɔːᶢŋ] /bɔːŋ/ pn. Ethnonym: Bong. buooy [ˈbᵘoːj] /buoːj/ n. silvered langur (Trachypithecus cristatus). bbilaaŋ /bbilaːŋ/ quan. numerous. From Malay berbilang. bteʔ [bəˈtĕʔ] /bteʔ/ n. papaya (Carica papaya). From Malay betik. btəəh /btɘːh/ n. bottle. btaniiŋ [bətaˈnᵈiːᶢŋ] /btaniːŋ/ pn. name of a river (Bebalik). btaay [bəˈtaːj] /btaːj/ n. petai (Parkia biglandulosa). btool [bəˈtoːl] /btoːl/ v. to be right. From Malay betul. btlɔɔt [bət̚ˈlɔːt̚] /btlɔːt/ v. to think. bdidɛɛh /bdidɛːh/ (didɛɛh) ? where. bdeel [bəˈdeːl] /bdeːl/ v. to shoot. From Malay bedal. bdaal [bəˈdaːl] /bdaːl/ v. to throw. From Malay bedal. bcuuɲ [bəˈcᶝuːⁱᶡɲ] /bcuːɲ/ v. to be sour. bkah [bəˈkăh] /bkah/ v. to break. bgituh /bgituh/ adv. in that way, so, just like that, without effort. From Malay begitu. bʔɛt [bəˈʔɛ̆t̚] /bʔɛT/ v. to be good. bʔaak [bəˈʔaːk̚] /bʔaːk/ v. to overflow (of a river). bsikasikap /bsikasikap/ v. to have attitudes. From Malay sikap. bhiiʔ [bəˈhiːʔ] /bhiːʔ/ v. to be full (from eating). bhɛt [bəˈhɛ̆t̚] /bhɛt/ v. to be sweet. bnaah /bnaːh/ v. to be accurate. From Malay benar. 298 JSEALS Vol. 1 bŋbaaŋ jakaʔ [bəŋˈbaːᶢŋ ɟᶽaˈkăʔ] /bŋbaːŋ ɟakaʔ/ n. blhəəy [bəlˈhɘːj] /blhɘːj/ v. to be green. blhak [bəlˈhăq̚] /blhaK/ v. to be salty. blhũõõt ~ blhũũt /blhũõ:t ~ blhũ:t/ v. to be beard. bliiʔ [bəˈliːʔ] /bliːʔ/ v. to buy. From Malay beli. bliiŋ [bəˈliːᶢŋ] /bliːŋ/ n. upper arm. bleʔ [bəˈlĕʔ] /bleʔ/ n. upper leg. blɛynaan /blɛjnaːn/ v. to be different from, to be apart from. From Malay berlainan. blɛɛŋ [bəˈlɛːᶢŋ] /blɛːŋ/ n. blue-crowned hanging parrot (Loriculus galgulus). bləəŋ [bəˈlɘːᶢŋ] /blɘːŋ/ v. to remember, to recall. blatoʔ [bəlaˈtŏʔ] /blatoʔ/ n. crimson-winged woodpecker (Picus puniceus). From Malay belatuk. blas /blas/ num. -teen, used for numbers between eleven and nineteen. From Malay belas. blantɛɛy [bəlanˈtɛːj] /blantɛːj/ n. a type of tree. blalec [bəlaˈlĕⁱc̚] /blalec/ v. to fight. blaaw [bəˈlaːw] /blaːw/ n. blowpipe. — pn. name of a place (Sumpitan). bluum [bəˈluːᵇm] /bluːm/ pn. name of a river (Perak). blɔʔ babooʔ [bəˈlɔ̆ʔ baˈboːʔ] /blɔʔ baboːʔ/ n. mother-in-law. blɔʔ ʔŋkooɲ [bəˈlɔ̆ʔ ʔəŋˈkoːⁱᶡɲ] /blɔʔ ʔŋkoːɲ/ n. father-in-law. tasteless britis /britis/ pn. Ethnonym: British. From English British. brubah /brubah/ v. to be altered. From Malay berubah. brwas /brwas/ v. to be segmented. From Malay beruas. bwɛɛy [buˈwɛːj] /bwɛːj/ n. thunder spirit. bwah /bwah/ pa. object classifier, meaning fruit, used for e.g. houses. From Malay buah. bwaah [bᵘˈwaːh] /bwaːh/ v. to talk. byiʔ [bəˈjĭʔ] /bjiʔ/ n. forest, woods. byaduuʔ [bəjaˈduːʔ] /bjaduːʔ/ v. to rest. byaniiʔ [bijaˈnĩːʔ] /bjaniːʔ/ v. to be brave. From Malay berani. ̆ /bjaˈnaʔ/ v. to give birth. byanaʔ [bijaˈnãʔ] byalɔɔt /bjalɔːt/ n. thinkers, knowledgeable people. bylaay [biˈlaːj] /bjlaːj/ v. to be high. byraay [biˈraːj] /bjraːj/ n. grey-chinned minivet (Pericrocotus solaris). t ti/ti/ (tiC-) pref_v. causative prefix. tipoon /tipoːn/ v. to hide something. tibəətibəəh /tibɘːtibɘːh/ adv. suddenly, unexpectedly. From Malay tiba-tiba. tigaaʔ [tiˈgaːʔ] /tigaːʔ/ num. three. From Malay tiga. tiɲuuy [tiˈɲũːj ̃] /tiɲuːj/ v. to point with one's lips. tiɲoow /tiɲoːw/ v. to look. tiŋgalaan /tiŋgalaːn/ n. life. From Malay tinggalan. tiləəp /tilɘːp/ v. to insert. tiis /tiːs/ n. generic term for mushroom. tiis pɔk /tiːs pɔK/ n. a type of mushroom (Lyophyllum/Macrocybe sp.). tiis tək /tiːs tɘK/ n. a type of inedible mushroom. tiis tapoos /tiːs tapoːs/ n. a type of mushroom (Cantharellus sp.). tiis cat /tiːs caT/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis juk klaaŋ /tiːs ɟuŋ klaːŋ/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis kpook /tiːs kpoːk/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis knayuul /tiːs knajuːl/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis kntɔk ʔapɔ̃ŋ /tiːs kntɔk ʔapɔ̃ŋ/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis kɲyɔɔk /tiːs kɲjɔːk/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis kyabɔɔʔ /tiːs kjabɔːʔ/ n. a type of inedible mushroom. tiis gasaw /tiːs gasaw/ n. a type of mushroom (Termitomyces heimii). tiis siseeh /tiːs siseːh/ n. a type of mushroom (Schizophyllum commune). tiis sɔc /tiːs sɔC/ n. a type of edible mushroom. tiis snlɔɔc /tiːs snlɔːc/ n. a type of mushroom (Termitomyces microcarpus). tiis hməəɲ /tiːs hmɘːɲ/ n. a type of inedible mushroom. tiis mɛɛm /tiːs mɛːm/ n. a type of seasonal tiis tiis tiis tiis mushroom, appears during the rainy season (Amanita hemibapha). mantuooy /tiːs mantuoːj/ n. a type of edible mushroom (Panus giganteus). maŋkoʔ /tiːs maŋkoʔ/ n. a type of mushroom (Hygrocybe conica). lantãʔ /tiːs lantãʔ/ n. a type of mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae). lntaak koom /tiːs lntaːk koːm/ n. a type of edible mushroom. 299 Notes on Semnam tiis ymlaay /tiːs jmlaːj/ n. a type of mushroom (Clavulina sp.). tiis ymlaay buooy /tiːs jmlaːj buoːj/ n. a type of poisonous mushroom . tiis ymlaay lɛʔ looy /tiːs jmlaːj lɛʔ loːj/ n. a type of edible mushroom of dark colour. tiiŋ [ˈtiːᶢŋ] /ti:ŋ/ n. hand. tiiŋ təp [tiːᶢŋ ˈtɘ̆p̚] /tiːŋ tɘm/ n. right hand. tiiŋ wɛɛl [ˈtiːᶢŋ ˈwɛːl] /tiːŋ wɛːl/ n. left hand. teh [ˈtĕh] /teh/ dem. demonstrative. teeʔ [ˈteːʔ] /teːʔ/ n. husband. tɛʔ [ˈtɛ̆ʔ] /tɛʔ/ n. soil, earth. tɛɛk [ˈtɛːk̚] /tɛːk/ v. 1) to sleep. 2) to marry. tɨc /tɨC/ v. to tear meat apart with one's teeth. tɨɨn [ˈtɨːᵈn] /tɨːn/ v. to rub. təp [ˈtɘ̆p̚] /tɘm/ rn. right. tət [ˈtɘ̆t̚] /tɘt/ v. to kick. tət [ˈtɘ̆t̚] /tɘt/ v. to stand. təəp [ˈtɘːp̚] /tɘːp/ v. to reside. ̆ /tɘ̃ʔ/ v. to collide. tə̃ʔ [ˈtɘ̃ʔ] tap [ˈtăp̚] /tap/ n. egg. tapiʔ /tapiʔ/ conj. but. From Malay tapi. tapɔʔ [taˈpɔ̆ʔ] /tapɔʔ/ v. to dream. tabiiʔ /tabiːʔ/ v. to have, to experience. tabəəh [taˈbɘːh] /tabɘːh/ v. to take more food. tabəəw [taˈbɘːw] /tabɘːw/ n. a type of kingfisher. tabuuŋ [taˈbuːᶢŋ] /tabuːŋ/ n. dragonfly. taboʔ tiiŋ [taˈbŏʔ ˈtiːᶢŋ] /taboʔ tiːŋ/ n. thumb. taboʔ juk [taˈbŏʔ ˈɟᶽŭq̚] /taboʔ ɟuŋ/ n. big toe. tadooŋ /tadoːŋ/ v. to stumble. From Malay tadung. tajap [taˈɟᶽăp̚] /taɟam/ v. to be sharp. From Malay tajam. tajuuʔ [taˈɟᶽuːʔ] /taɟuːʔ/ n. snake. tajuuʔ tduk [taˈɟᶽuːʔ təˈdŭk̚] /taɟuːʔ tduK/ n. cobra. tajuuʔ tlat [taˈɟᶽuːʔ təˈlăt̚] /taɟuːʔ tlaT/ n. python (Python reticulatus). tajuuʔ jak baaʔ /taɟuːʔ ɟak baːʔ/ n. a type of poisonous snake. tajɔ̃l [taˈɟᶽɔ̃l]̆ /taɟɔ̃l/ n. long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). takooŋ [taˈkoːᶢŋ] /takoːŋ/ n. pond. tagooh [taˈgoːh] /tagoːh/ v. to ascend. taʔ /taʔ/ (tidaʔ) pa. negative particle. From Malay tak, tidak. tasiiʔ [taˈsiːʔ] /tasiːʔ/ v. to taste. taseʔ [taˈsĕʔ] /taseʔ/ n. lake. From Malay tasek. tahaan /tahaːn/ v. to endure, to hold out against, to sustain. From Malay tahan. tampɛɛŋ [tamˈpɛːᶢŋ] /tampɛːŋ/ v. to run. tampɛ̃l [tãmˈpɛ̃l]̆ /tampɛ̃l/ n. slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). tampaay tiiŋ [tamˈpaːj ˈtiːᶢŋ] /tampaːj tiːŋ/ n. palm of the hand. tampaay juk [tamˈpaːj ɟᶽŭq̚] /tampaːj ɟuŋ/ n. sole of the foot. tanaaʔ /tanaːʔ/ n. sign, mark. From Malay tanda. — v. to execute, to kill. From Malay pertanda. tanaam [taˈnãːm] /tanaːm/ v. to plant. From Malay tanam. — n. generic word for crop. From Malay tanam. taɲaaʔ [tãˈɲãːʔ] /taɲaːʔ/ v. to ask a question. From Malay tanya. taŋooy [taˈŋõːj] /taŋoːj/ n. rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum). taŋlɨɨs [taŋˈlɨːs] /taŋlɨːs/ pn. name of a mountain. taluuŋ [taˈluːᶢŋ] /taluːŋ/ n. millipede. tawaay [taˈwaːj] /tawaːj/ pn. name of a river (Tawai). tawããk [taˈw̃ ãːk̚] /tawãːk/ n. butterfly. tawooʔ [taˈwoːʔ] /tawoːʔ/ n. a type of tree. tawoon [taˈwoːᵈn] /tawoːn/ n. year. From Malay tahun. tawɔɔh [taˈwɔːh] /tawɔːh/ n. gibbon (Hylobates lar). tayuum [taˈjuːᵇm] /tajuːm/ pn. name of a river (Tarum). tayɔɔt /tajɔːt/ v. to pick up. taaʔ [ˈtaːʔ] /taːʔ/ n. grandfather. taan [ˈtaːᵈn] /taːn/ n. buttock. taaɲ [ˈtaːⁱᶡɲ] /taːɲ/ v. to plait. tutɔk [tuˈtɔ̆q̚] /tutɔK/ n. beak, bill. tujuh [tuˈɟᶽŭh] /tuɟuh/ num. seven. From Malay tujuh. tukaay [tuˈkaːj] /tukaːj/ v. to exchange. From Malay tukar. tuʔ /tuʔ/ n. a type, sort. tuʔ /tuʔ/ persp. third person singular pronoun (?) tuh [ˈtŭh] /tuh/ v. to say, to tell. tuhaan /tuhaːn/ n. god, deity, spirit. From Malay Tuhan. tumooʔ /tumoːʔ/ v. to hit with one's fist. From Malay tumbuk. tuŋkəəy [tuŋˈkɘːj] /tuŋkɘːj/ n. knife. tuŋkat [tuŋˈkăt̚] /tuŋkat/ n. stick. From Malay tongkat. tuleeh [tuˈleːh] /tuleːh/ v. to write. From Malay tulis. tuluk [tuˈlŭk̚] /tuluŋ/ v. to help. From Malay tolong. tuuʔ mat [ˈtuːʔ ˈmãt̆̚] /tuːʔ mat/ n. tear. tuuɲ [ˈtuːⁱᶡɲ] /tuːɲ/ v. to eat meat. tuuŋ [ˈtuːᶢŋ] /tuːŋ/ v. to fear. tuuy [ˈtuːj] /tuːj/ dem. demonstrative. ̆ tũc [ˈtũⁱc̚] /tũc/ n. a type of fruit. tũũt [ˈtũːt̚] /tũːt/ v. to blow. tũũs [ˈtũːs] /tũːs/ v. to collide. toop /toːp/ n. lid. 300 JSEALS Vol. 1 tooŋ /toːŋ/ n. can, bin. From Malay tong. tooy [ˈtoːj] /toːj/ n. uncle, older brother of parent. tooy mɔɔʔ [ˈtoːj ˈmɔ̃ːʔ] /toːj mɔːʔ/ n. aunt, older tmluuŋ [təmˈluːᶢŋ] /tmluːŋ/ pn. name of a river (Temelong). sister of parent. tmwaan /tmwaːn/ pn. Ethnonym: Temuan. tmyaah /tmjaːh/ n. Ethnonym: Temiar. From Malay tak? tniʔyɔɔʔ [təniʔˈjɔːʔ] /tniʔjɔːʔ/ pn. name of a river. tniit [təˈnĩːt̚] /tniːt/ n. lip. tntuuʔ /tntuːʔ/ adv. definitely, certainly. From terpulang. tngɛɛl [təŋˈgɛːl] /tngɛːl/ n. slope. tnʔɛɛn [tənˈʔɛːᵈn] /tnʔɛːn/ pn. Ethnonym: Ten'en. tɲooʔ [təˈɲõːʔ] /tɲoːʔ/ n. binturong (Arctitis tɔp /tɔP/ ? past, yesterday. tɔs [ˈtʌ̆s] /tɔs/ v. to pluck. tɔɔʔ [ˈtɔːʔ] /tɔːʔ/ pa. negative particle. From Malay Temiar. tieel [ˈtⁱeːl] /tieːl/ v. to plait. tpəət [təˈpɘːt̚] /tpɘːt/ v. to blow. tpulaaŋ /tpulaːŋ/ v. to return. From Malay Malay tentu. tpuuŋ [təˈpuːᶢŋ] /tpuːŋ/ n. flour. From Malay binturong). tɲooh [təˈɲõːh] /tɲoːh/ v. to dance. tŋɨp [təˈŋɨ ̆̃p̚] /tŋɨm/ n. molar tooth. tŋah hayiiʔ [təˈŋăh haˈjiːʔ] /tŋah hajiːʔ/ n. midday. tepung. tpooʔ /tpoːʔ/ v. to slap. From Malay tepuk. tbik [təˈbi ̆k̚] /tbiŋ/ v. to be full. From Malay tebeng? tbaleʔ /tbaleʔ/ v. to turn. From Malay balik. tbaal [təˈbaːl] /tbaːl/ v. to be thick. From Malay tebal. tbɔɔh [təˈbɔːh] /tbɔːh/ v. to hit. From Malay tabuh? ttap /ttap/ v. to be permanent, to be fixed. From Malay tetap. tdaay [təˈdaːj] /tdaːj/ v. to be near. tkat [təˈkăt̚] /tkat/ v. to freeze. tktũũk [tək̚ˈtũːk̚] /tktũːk/ v. to hunt. tgɛɛl [təˈgɛːl] /tgɛːl/ v. to move along a slope. tgɔh [təˈgɔ̆h] /tgɔh/ v. to be tough. From Malay teguh. thək [təˈhɘ̆k̚] /thɘk/ v. to be spicy. thuuɲ [təˈhuːⁱᶡɲ] /thuːɲ/ v. to be red. thop [təˈhŏp̚] /thoP/ v. to close, to shut. thuool [təˈhᵘoːl] /thuoːl/ v. to blow fire. ̆ /tmaʔ/ n. branch. tmaʔ [təˈmãʔ] tmaaw [tə̃ˈmãːw̃ ] /tmaːw/ pn. name of a river. tmpaan [təmˈpaːᵈn] /tmpaːn/ pn. name of a river (Tampan). From Malay tengah hari. tŋtũŋ [tə̃ŋˈtũ̆ŋ] /tŋtũŋ/ n. spider. tŋtɔɔŋ [təŋˈtɔːᶢŋ] /tŋtɔːŋ/ n. drongo (Dicrurus sp.). tŋkɔɔk [tɜŋˈkɔːk̚] /tŋkɔːk/ n. nape of the neck. From Malay tengkuk. tlɛʔ [təˈlɛ̆ʔ] /tlɛʔ/ v. to point with one's finger. tlɛmɔʔ [təlɛˈmɔ̆ʔ] /tlɛmɔʔ/ n. a type of tree. tlagaaʔ [təlaˈgaːʔ] /tlagaːʔ/ n. pond. From Malay telaga. tluuy [təˈluːj] /tluːj/ n. banana. tlok [təˈlŏk̚] /tlok/ n. pool. From Malay teluk. tloy [təˈlŏj] /tloj/ pn. name of a river. trus /trus/ v. to be straight. From Malay terus. trunan /trunan/ v. to protract. From Malay terundan? trooʔ /troːʔ/ v. to be severe. From Malay teruk. twaan /twaːn/ n. master, mister, lord. From Malay tuan. twɔɔy [tᵘˈwɔːj] /twɔːj/ v. to be dark. ̆ /tjanɛʔ/ n. brown-capped tyanɛʔ [tijaˈnɛ̃ʔ] woodpecker (Picoides moluccensis). d dinik [diˈni ̆k̚] /diniŋ/ n. wall. From Malay dinding. diriih /diriːh/ n. self. From Malay diri. diiʔ [ˈdiːʔ] /diːʔ/ interrogative. who. diiʔ-diiʔ /diːʔ-diːʔ/ ? whoever. deʔ [ˈdĕʔ] /deʔ/ v. to flee, to run away. deʔ kaʔ [ˈdĕʔ ˈkăʔ] /deʔ kaʔ/ pa. prohibitative particle. deeŋ [ˈdeːᶢŋ] /deːŋ/ n. house. deeŋ cnʔuooʔ [ˈdeːᶢŋ cᶝɜnˈʔᵘoːʔ] /deːŋ cnʔuoːʔ/ n. hut. dɛ= [dɛ] /dɛ/ (d=, da=) prep_procl_np. goal. dɛ=deeŋ to (the) house dɛ= [dɛ] /dɛ/ (d=) procl. relative clause marker. dɛyaʔ pudɛɛw /dɛjaʔ pudɛːw/ n. spirit, ghost. dɛɛh [ˈdɛːh] /dɛːh/ interrogative. which. dəəh [ˈdɘːh] /dɘːh/ v. to wait. dadaaʔ [daˈdaːʔ] /dadaːʔ/ n. chest. From Malay dada. — rn. frontside. From Malay dada. dak [ˈdăq̚] /daŋ/ v. to see. daʔ loʔ /daʔ loʔ/ ? what. daʔɔɔŋ [daˈʔɔːᶢŋ] /daʔɔːŋ/ n. long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). dah /dah/ (daʔ) pa. then. From Malay sudah, dah. dahɨɨk [daˈhɨːk̚] /dahɨːk/ n. chest. 301 Notes on Semnam damɨɨp /damɨːp/ (ʔamɨɨp) v. to bump into. dayah [daˈjăh] /dajah/ n. blood. From Malay dɔɔt [ˈdɔːt̚] /dɔːt/ n. vagina. dɔɔk [ˈdɔːk̚] /dɔːk/ n. 1) ipoh tree (Antiaris toxicaria). 2) poison made from the sap of the ipoh tree. duoos [ˈdᵘoːs] /duoːs/ v. to move along a crest. dpadəʔ /dpadɘʔ/ prep. from. From Malay daripada. dŋan /dŋan/ prep. with. From Malay dengan. dlũũʔ [dəˈlũːʔ] /dlũːʔ/ v. to push. dlduul [dəlˈduːl] /dlduːl/ n. heel. dwiit /dwiːt/ n. money. darah. daan /daːn/ v. to be doable in time. From Malay dan. duɲəh /duɲɘh/ n. world. From Malay dunia. duwəh /duwɘh/ num. two. From Malay dua. duwəh blaas [duˈwɘh bəˈlaːs] /duwɘh blaːs/ num. twelve. From Malay dua belas. duus /duːs/ v. to bump into. dooʔ [ˈdoːʔ] /doːʔ/ n. father. c ciptəəh /ciptɘːh/ v. to found, to create. From Malay cipta. citweet [cᶝit̚ˈweːt̚] /citweːt/ pn. name of a river. cicep [cᶝiˈcᶝĕp̚] /ciceP/ n. crested wood partridge (Rollulus rouloul). cicɛɛy /cicɛːj/ v. to tap, to cut. cicaʔ [cᶝiˈcᶝăʔ] /cicaʔ/ n. gecko. From Malay cicak. cicooy [cᶝiˈcᶝoːj] /cicoːj/ n. a type of tree-shrew. cinaaʔ [cᶝiˈnaːʔ] /cinaːʔ/ pn. Ethnonym: Chinese. From Malay cina. cilɛɛŋ [cᶝiˈlɛːᶢŋ] /cilɛːŋ/ v. to point with one's eyes. ciip [ˈcᶝiːp̚] /ciːp/ v. to go. ciip juk [ˈcᶝiːp̚ˈɟᶽŭq̚] /ciːp ɟuŋ/ v. to walk. ceʔ [ˈcᶝĕʔ] /ceʔ/ n. louse. ceem [ˈcᶝeːᵇm] /ceːm/ n. bird. ceem paleek [ˈcᶝeːᵇm paˈleːk̚] /ceːm paleːk/ n. a type of small bat. cɛɛt [ˈcᶝɛːt̚] /cɛːt/ v. to catch. cɛ̃ɛc̃ [ˈcᶝɛ̃ːⁱc̚] /cɛ̃ːc/ n. excretion of the eye. cap [ˈcᶝăp̚] /cap/ v. to catch. cabaaŋ [cᶝaˈbaːᶢŋ] /cabaːŋ/ n. tributary. From Malay cabang. caduuk /caduːk/ v. to wear adornment in one’s hair. cadɔɔʔ [cᶝaˈdɔːʔ] /cadɔːʔ/ n. a type of lizard. caceeŋ [cᶝaˈcᶝeːᶢŋ] /caceːŋ/ n. worm. From Malay cacing. ̆ /caʔɛ̃ʔ/ n. rat. caʔɛ̃ʔ [cᶝãˈʔɛ̃ʔ] cahããw [cᶝãˈhãːw̃ ] /cahãːw/ pn. name of a river. ̆ /camɔʔ/ ? tomorrow. camɔʔ [cᶝaˈmɔ̃ʔ] campuuy /campuːj/ n. mix, mixing, mingling. From Malay campur. carəh /carɘh/ (caʁəh) n. custom, manner, tradition. From Malay cara. cayuook tniit [cᶝaˈjᵘok̚ təˈnĩːt̚] /cajuoːk tniːt/ n. philtrum. From Malay caruk. ̆ /cajuoːk ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. cayuook ʔɔ̃ŋ [cᶝaˈjᵘoːk̚ ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] channel. From Malay caruk. cukoop /cukoːp/ v. to be enough. From Malay cukup. cuməəh /cumɘːh/ ? to be useless, to be gratis. From Malay cuma. cundɨɨn /cundɨːn/ v. to lean. cundɔɔʔ /cundɔːʔ/ v. to lean. cũũʔ [ˈcᶝũːʔ] /cũːʔ/ v. to pierce. cooʔ /coːʔ/ ? same. coom [ˈcᶝoːᵇm] /coːm/ v. to burn. cɔk /cɔK/ v. to cut off. cɔɔk [ˈcᶝɔːk̚] /cɔːk/ v. to stab. cɔɔy [ˈcᶝɔːj] /cɔːj/ v. to sew. ̆ /cɔ̃ʔ/ v. to poke. cɔ̃ʔ [ˈcᶝɔ̃ʔ] cieek [ˈcᶝⁱeːk̚] /cieːk/ v. to tear. cuooʔ [ˈcᶝᵘoːʔ] /cuoːʔ/ n. dog. cuooʔ clɔɔŋ [ˈcᶝᵘŏʔ cᶝəˈlɔːᶢŋ] /cuoːʔ clɔːŋ/ n. wild dog. cpɛ̃ɛt̃ [cᶝəˈpɛ̃ːt̚] /cpɛ̃ːt/ v. to squeeze. From Malay cepit? cpah [cᶝəˈpăh] /cpah/ n. amniotic fluid. ̆ /cbaːʔ ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. confluence. cbaaʔ ʔɔ̃ŋ [cᶝəˈbaʔ ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] cboh buŋaaʔ [cᶝəˈbŏh buˈŋãːʔ] /cboh buŋaːʔ/ n. nectar. cduum /cduːm/ v. to carry in one's arms. cdɔɔl /cdɔːl/ v. to support, to lean. ̆ /ckɘ̃m/ n. a type of pheasant. ckə̃m [cᶝəˈkɘ̃m] ckuuy /ckuːj/ v. to skewer an oblong object in hair. ckɔk [cᶝəˈkɔ̆q̚] /ckɔK/ n. marten. ckcaak [cᶝək̚ˈcᶝaːk̚] /ckcaːk/ pn. name of a river. ckcɔɔk [cᶝək̚ˈcᶝɔːk̚] /ckcɔːk/ n. a type of wild cat. chɔɔs [cᶝəˈhɔːs] /chɔːs/ v. to be clean. cməək [cᶝəˈmɘ̃ːk̚] /cmɘːk/ n. Bertam palm (Eugeissonia tristis). ̆̃ /cniŋ/ rn. side. cniŋ [cᶝəˈniŋ] cnaal [cᶝɜˈnãːl] /cnaːl/ n. myth. cnuup [cᶝəˈnũːp̚] /cnuːp/ n. solar plexus. cnolɛɛs /cnolɛːs/ pn. name of a place. cnooy [cᶝəˈnõːj] /cnoːj/ n. brother-in-law, sister-inlaw. 302 JSEALS Vol. 1 ̆ /cnɔŋ/ n. casque of a hornbill. cnɔŋ [cᶝəˈnɔ̃ŋ] cnɔɔy /cnɔːj/ n. spirit, ghost. cnhaaʔ [cᶝənˈhaːʔ] /cnhaːʔ/ v. to joke. cnyɔɔs [cᶝənˈjɔːs] /cnjɔːs/ n. nail, claw. cɲuk [cᶝəˈɲũ̆q̚] /cɲuk/ n. trail of an animal. cɲyɛɛŋ tiiŋ [cᶝəɲˈjɛːᶢŋ ˈtiːᶢŋ] /cɲjɛːŋ tiːŋ/ n. wrist. cŋɨɨl [cᶝəˈŋɨ ̃ːl] /cŋɨːl/ n. a type of tuber. cŋaal [cᶝəˈŋãːl] /cŋaːl/ n. a type of tree. cŋcɛ̃ɛŋ̃ [cᶝə̃ŋˈcᶝɛ̃ːŋ] /cŋcɛ̃ːŋ/ n. eyebrow. clatuuŋ [cᶝəlaˈtuːᶢŋ] /clatuːŋ/ n. wrinkled hornbill (Aceros corrugatus). cluuh /cluːh/ v. to push something into the ground. clooʔ /cloːʔ/ v. to insert, to immerse. critəh /critɘh/ (cyitəh) n. story. From Malay cerita. cyinɛɛŋ [cᶝəjiˈnɛ̃ːŋ] /cjinɛːŋ/ v. to roll. cyəəs [cᶝəˈjɘːs] /cjɘːs/ n. side. cyakooh [cᶝəjaˈkoːh] /cjakoːh/ pn. name of a river. cyɔɔʔ [cᶝəˈjɔːʔ] /cjɔːʔ/ v. to be hungry. cylmiil [cᶝə̃jə̃lˈmĩːl] /cjlmiːl/ v. to be bright. j jayup [ɟᶽaˈjŭp̚] /ɟajum/ n. needle. From Malay jit /ɟiT/ v. to collect. ̆ /ɟinaŋ/ pn. name of a river (Ayer jinaŋ [ɟᶽiˈnãŋ] jarum. jaam /ɟaːm/ n. clock, watch. From Malay jam. jaal [ˈɟᶽaːl] /ɟaːl/ n. casting net. From Malay jala? juk [ˈɟᶽŭq̚] /ɟuŋ/ n. foot. jugəʔ /jugɘʔ/ adv. yet, still, all the same. From Jernang). jilaaʔ [ɟᶽiˈlaːʔ] /ɟilaːʔ/ n. thorn. jeek [ˈɟᶽeːk̚] /ɟeːk/ pn. name of a river. jɛʔ [ˈɟᶽɛ̆ʔ] /ɟɛʔ/ v. to refuse. jəp [ˈɟᶽɘ̆p̚] /ɟɘm/ v. to wash (clothes). jəs [ˈɟᶽɘ̆s] /ɟɘs/ v. to be finished. jəl [ˈɟᶽɘ̆l] /ɟɘl/ v. to bark. jəək /ɟɘːk/ pn. name of a river. jabaat /ɟabaat/ v. to grasp, to shake hands. From Malay jabat. jadiiʔ /ɟadiːʔ/ v. 1) to become. 2) to come into existence. From Malay jadi. jakaʔ [ɟᶽaˈkăʔ] /ɟakaʔ/ n. chin. jakoon /ɟakoːn/ pn. Ethnonym: Jakun. jagaaʔ /jagaːʔ/ v. to be awake. From Malay jaga. jahaay [ɟᶽaˈhaːj] /ɟahaːj/ pn. Ethnonym: Jahai. jahut /ɟahut/ pn. Ethnonym: Jah Hut. jaŋkĩĩŋ [ɟᶽãŋˈkĩːŋ] /ɟaŋkĩːŋ/ pn. name of a river. jaŋkak [ɟᶽaŋˈkăq̚] /ɟaŋkaŋ/ n. a type of tree. From Malay jangkang. jalɛʔ [ɟᶽaˈlɛ̆ʔ] /ɟalɛʔ/ pa. a particle signalling uncertainty. jawap [ɟᶽaˈwăp̚] /ɟawap/ v. to answer. From Malay jawab. jayiiʔ [ɟᶽaˈjiːʔ] /ɟajiːʔ/ n. finger. From Malay jari. jayiiʔ juk [ɟᶽaˈjĭʔ ˈɟᶽŭq̚] /ɟajiːʔ ɟuŋ/ n. toe. From Malay jari. Malay juga. jumpaaʔ /ɟumpaːʔ/ v. to meet. From Malay jumpa. jook [ˈɟᶽoːk̚] /ɟoːk/ v. to move. jɔ̃ɔt̃ [ˈɟᶽɔ̃ːt̚] /ɟɔ̃ːt/ v. to suck. juool [ˈɟᶽᵘoːl] /ɟuoːl/ v. to sell. From Malay jual. ̆ /ɟkɛ̃ŋ/ n. scorpion. jkɛ̃ŋ [ɟᶽəˈkɛ̃ŋ] jʔaaŋ [ɟᶽəˈʔaːᶢŋ] /ɟʔaːŋ/ n. bone. jʔaaŋ taan [ɟᶽəˈʔăᶢŋ ˈtaːᵈn] /ɟʔaːŋ taːn/ n. pelvis. jʔaaŋ jakaʔ [ɟᶽəˈʔăᶢŋ ɟᶽaˈkăʔ] /ɟʔaːŋ ɟakaʔ/ n. jaw. jhɛ̃ɛt̃ [ɟᶽɜ̃ˈhɛ̃ːt̚] /ɟhɛ̃ːt/ n. muntjac (barking) deer (Muntiacus muntjac). jhɨɨt [ɟᶽəˈhɨːt̚] /ɟhɨːt/ v. to smoke. ̆ /ɟmaʔ/ v. to attack. jmaʔ [ɟᶽəˈmãʔ] jmʔaat [ɟᶽəməˈʔaːt̚] /ɟmʔaːt/ pn. Friday. From Malay Jumaat. jnuuh [ɟᶽəˈnũːh] /ɟnuːh/ quan. other. ̆ /ɟŋɟɛ̃ŋ/ pn. Ethnonym: Jengjeng. jŋjɛ̃ŋ [ɟᶽə̃ŋˈɟᶽɛ̃ŋ] jlət [ɟᶽəˈlɘ̆t̚] /ɟlɘt/ v. to be dull. jlotuk [ɟᶽəloˈtŭk̚] /ɟlotuŋ/ n. jelutong tree (Dyera costulata). From Malay jelutong. jriʔ [ɟᶽəˈrĭʔ] /ɟriʔ/ pn. name of a river (Jeri). jyeeʔ [ɟᶽiˈjeːʔ] /ɟjeːʔ/ v. to be long. jyəp [ɟᶽiˈjɘ̆p̚] /ɟjɘm/ n. rapid. From Malay jeram. k kipaaŋ [kiˈpaːᶢŋ] /kipaːŋ/ rn. upper side. kikuy /kikuj/ ? in front. kikuy tɔp [kiˈkŭj ˈtŏp̚] /kikuj tɔP/ ? before. kisah /kisah/ n. events, affairs. From Malay kesah. kilɛɛp [kiˈlɛːp̚] /kilɛːp/ v. to forget. kilat [kiˈlăt̚] /kilat/ n. lightning. From Malay kilat. kiweeŋ [kiˈweːᶢŋ] /kiweːŋ/ n. a type of tree. kiyalɛh [kijaˈlɛ̆h] /kijalɛh/ n. giant squirrel (Ratufa sp.). kiyaaʔ [kiˈjaːʔ] /kijaːʔ/ v. to count. kiiʔ /kiːʔ/ v. to undress, to take off. kec [ˈkĕⁱc̚] /keC/ v. to cut off. kɛk [ˈkɛ̆k̚] /kɛŋ/ v. to pull. kɛɛt [ˈkɛːt̚] /kɛːt/ n. bottom, buttocks. 303 Notes on Semnam ̆ /kɛːt ʔɔ̃ŋ/ rn. downstream. kɛɛt ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈkɛ̆t̚ ʔɔ̃ŋ] kɛɛt mat yiis [ˈkɛ̆t̚ mãt̆̚ˈjiːs] /kɛːt mat yiːs/ rn. east. kəp [ˈkɘ̆p̚] /kɘp/ v. to plant. kət [ˈkɘ̆t̚] /kɘt/ n. belly. kəl [ˈkɘ̆l] /kɘl/ v. to fall. kəəl [ˈkɘːl] /kɘːl/ n. a classifier for humans. kə̃p [ˈkɘ̃p̆ ̚] /kɘ̃p/ v. to eat fruit. kap [ˈkăp̚] /kap/ v. to bite. kapaʔ [kaˈpăʔ] /kapaʔ/ n. axe. From Malay kapak. kapɔɔʔ [kaˈpɔːʔ] /kapɔːʔ/ n. cheek. kabaan /kabaːn/ n. family. katiiʔ [kaˈtiːʔ] /katiːʔ/ pn. name of a river (Kati). katɛ̃ɛk̃ [kaˈtɛ̃ːk̚] /katɛ̃ːk/ n. skin. kadaaŋkadaaŋ /kadaːŋkadaːŋ/ adv. sometimes, at times, occasionally. From Malay kadang-kadang. kacaaŋ /kacaːŋ/ n. bean. From Malay kacang kajak [kaˈɟᶽăq̚] /kaɟaŋ/ pn. name of a cave (Gua Kajang). kajɔc [kaˈɟᶽɔ̆ⁱc̚] /kaɟɔc/ n. Achilles tendon. kakiiʔ /kakiːʔ/ v. to take off footwear. From Malay kaki: foot/leg. kakɛp /kakɛP/ v. to remember. kaʔ jɛʔ [ˈkăʔ ˈɟᶽɛ̆ʔ] /kaʔ ɟɛʔ/ adv. also, still, all the same. kasot /kasot/ n. shoe. From Malay kasut. kah /kah/ pa. 1) interrogative particle. 2) conjunction, used when listing items. From Malay kah. kahkeh [kahˈkĕh] /kahkeh/ n. great hornbill (Buceros bicornis). kahkuuh [kahˈkuːh] /kahkuːh/ n. white-crowned hornbill (Berenicornis comatus). kamik kɛh [kaˈmi ̆k̚ˈkɛ̆h] /kamiŋ kɛh/ n. wild goat, mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis). From Malay kambing. kamaah [kaˈmãːh] /kamaːh/ v. to be dirty. kampit /kampit/ n. bag, pouch. From Malay kampit. kampuk /kampuŋ/ (kampuuŋ) n. village. From Malay kampung. kanic /kaniC/ n. pot, bucket. ̆ /kaɲɛʔ/ n. little finger. kaɲɛʔ [kãˈɲɛ̃ʔ] ̆ kaɲɔŋ [kaˈɲɔ̃ŋ] /kaɲɔŋ/ n. elbow. kaɲcɔɔʔ [kaɲˈcᶝɔːʔ] /kaɲcɔːʔ/ n. grandchild. kaliʔ /kaliʔ/ n. time, occasion, instance. From Malay kali. kalɛɛw /kalɛːw/ pn. name of a river. kalɨp [kaˈlɨ ̆p̚] /kalɨP/ pn. name of a river. kalɔw [kaˈlɔ̆w] /kalɔw/ conj. if. From Malay kalau. kalɔɔʔ [kaˈlɔːʔ] /kalɔːʔ/ n. a type of tree. kaweep [kaˈweːp̚] /kaweːp/ n. sun bear (Helarctos malayanus). ̆ ] /kawãp/ pn. name of a river. kawãp [kãˈwãp̚ kawieel [kaˈwⁱeːl] /kawieːl/ n. a type of wild palm. kayiil [kaˈjiːl] /kajiːl/ v. to fish. From Malay kail. kayɛ̃ɛm ̃ [kaˈjɛ̃ːm] /kajɛ̃ːm/ n. a type of tuber. kayoh [kaˈjŏh] /kajoh/ v. to swim. From Malay kajuh. kayoot [kaˈjoːt̚] /kajoːt/ v. to be pregnant. kayɔɔl [kaˈjɔːl] /kajɔːl/ n. knee. kaaʔ [ˈkaːʔ] /kaːʔ/ n. fish. kutuh /kutuh/ v. to be dirty From Malay kotor. kucek [kuˈcᶝĕk̚] /kuceŋ/ n. cat. From Malay kucing. kucɔ̃ɔk̃ [kuˈcᶝɔ̃ːk̚] /kucɔ̃ːk/ n. Raffles' malkoha (Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus). kum /kum/ persp. you (singular), second person singular personal pronoun; also first person plural inclusive? From Malay kamu?. ̆̃ /kuniŋ/ v. to be yellow. From kuniŋ [kuˈniŋ] Malay kuning. kuleem [kuˈleːᵇm] /kuleːm/ pn. name of a river (Kulim). kulak /kulak/ n. bowl. From Malay kulak. kulaak [kuˈlaːk̚] /kulaːk/ pn. name of a river. kuy [ˈkŭj] /kuj/ n. 1) head. 2) language. kuy pɔɔʔ [ˈkŭj ˈpɔːʔ] /kuj pɔːʔ/ n. mountain top. ̆ /kuj ʔɔ̃ŋ/ rn. upstream. kuy ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈkŭj ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] kuuh /kuːh/ ? so, in that way. kobees /kobeːs/ n. cabbage. From Malay kobis. kobak [koˈbăq̚] /kobaŋ/ n. mud pool. From Malay kubang. — pn. Ethnonym: Kubang. From Malay kubang. koʔ [ˈkŏʔ] /koʔ/ v. to vomit. komuy [koˈmũ̆j]̃ /komuj/ v. to growl (of stomach). kolɛʔ [koˈlɛ̆ʔ] /kolɛʔ/ n. hairy-backed bulbul (Tricholestes criniger). kolɛh /kolɛh/ n. cup. koy [ˈkŏj] /koj/ n. cake. From Malay kuih. koom [ˈkoːᵇm] /koːm/ n. frog. kɔtaʔ /kɔtaʔ/ n. packet, box. From Malay kotak. kɔc [ˈkɔ̆ⁱc̚] /kɔɲ/ v. to sit. kɔnaah [kɔ̃ˈnãːh] /kɔnaːh/ n. bend. From English corner via Malay kunah. kuooc [ˈkᵘoːⁱc̚] /kuoːc/ v. to grasp. kuoom [ˈkᵘoᵇm] /kuoːm/ v. to hug. kuoon [ˈkᵘoːᵈn] /kuoːn/ n. child, offspring. ̆ /kuoːn ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. stream. kuoon ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈkᵘŏᵈn ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] kuoon ʔɔ̃ŋ ʔahuʔ [ˈkᵘŏᵈn ˈʔɔ̃ŋ̆ ʔaˈhŭʔ] /kuoːn ʔɔ̃ŋ ʔahuʔ/ n. trickle. kuooy [ˈkuoːj] /kuoːj/ n. a type of tuber. ̆ /kpɛ̃ʔ/ v. to crush. kpɛ̃ʔ [kəˈpɛ̃ʔ] kpəəc /kpəːc/ v. to pick up, to grasp. kpieh /kpieh/ n. headgear. From Malay topi. 304 kbeet [kəˈbeːt̚] /kbeːt/ v. to be thin. kbɛɛc [kəˈbɛːⁱc̚] /kbɛːc/ v. to spit. kbəs [kəˈbɘ̆s] /kbɘs/ v. to die. kbɔk [kəˈbɔ̆q̚] /kbɔK/ n. otter. ktek [kəˈtĕk̚] /kteK/ n. lower leg. ktək [kəˈtɘ̆k̚] /ktɘK/ v. to drip. ktaap /ktaːp/ v. to pinch, to clutch (with instrument). From Malay ketap. ktɔp [kəˈtŏp̚] /ktɔm/ v. to spit. ktɔ̃k [kəˈtɔ̃k̆ ̚] /ktɔ̃k/ pn. name of a river. ktɔ̃ɔk̃ [kəˈtɔ̃ːk̚] /ktɔ̃ːk/ n. a type of malkoha (Phaenicophaeus sp.). kdih /kdih/ n. 1) what. 2) whatever. kdeek [kəˈdeːk̚] /kdeːk/ n. generic term for squirrel. kdeek bapaaŋ [kəˈdĕk̚ baˈpaːᶢŋ] /kdeːk bapaːŋ/ n. a type of squirrel. kdeek thuuɲ [kəˈdĕk̚ təˈhuːⁱᶡɲ] /kdeːk thuːɲ/ n. a type of squirrel. kdeek cadɛʔ [kəˈdĕk̚ cᶝaˈdɛ̆ʔ] /kdeːk cadɛʔ/ n. a type of squirrel. kdeek ʔabuuʔ [kəˈdĕk̚ ʔaˈbuːʔ] /kdeːk ʔabuːʔ/ n. a type of squirrel. kdeek mnlɔ̃ɔk̃ [kəˈdĕk̚ mə̃nˈlɔ̃ːk̚] /kdeːk mnlɔ̃ːk/ n. giant flying squirrel (Petaurista spp.). kdeek lŋɨɨs [kəˈdĕk̚ ləˈŋɨ ̃ːs] /kdeːk lŋɨːs/ n. black giant squirrel (Petaurista sp.) kdɛk [kəˈdɛ̆k̚] /kdɛK/ v. to be bitter. kdɛɛy /kdɛːj/ n. shop, restaurant. From Malay kedai. kdɨɨʔ [kəˈdɨːʔ] /kdɨːʔ/ v. to hide. kdɔɔy [kəˈdɔːj] /kdɔːj/ n. wife. kcas [kəˈcᶝăs] /kcas/ v. to sneeze. kjap /kjap/ v. to be instant. From Malay kejap. kjaaʔ /kɟaːʔ/ v. to work. From Malay kerja. kjooʔ [kəˈɟᶽoːʔ] /kɟoːʔ/ pn. name of a river. kkkũũk [kək̚ˈkũːk̚] /kkkũːk/ v. to snore. kʔeep [kəˈʔeːp̚] /kʔeːp/ n. centipede. ksah /ksah/ n. manner, custom. From Malay kesah. kʁɛtɔɔh [kəʁɛˈtɔːh] /kʁɛtɔːh/ n. car. From Malay kereta. khidupaan /khidupaːn/ n. life. From Malay kehidupan. khɔl [kəˈhɔ̆l] /khɔl/ v. to cough. kmat [kəˈmãt̆̚] /kmat/ n. gall bladder. kmak [kəˈmăq̚] /kmaŋ/ v. to swell. From Malay kembang. kmaay [kəˈmãːj ̃] /kmaːj/ n. twin. From Malay kemar. kmuuc [kəˈmũːⁱc̚] /kmuːc/ n. large feline, e.g. tiger, leopard etc. ̆ gəˈcᶝɛ̃h] ̆ /kmuːc gcɛ̃h/ n. kmuuc gcɛ̃h [kəˈmũⁱc̚ black panther. JSEALS Vol. 1 kmɔɔʔ [kəˈmɔ̃ːʔ] /kmɔːʔ/ n. 1) fruit. 2) seed. 3) classifier. kmɔɔʔ mat [kəˈmɔ̃ʔ̆ ˈmãt̆̚] /kmɔːʔ mat/ n. eye lens. knəək [kəˈnɘ̃ːk̚] /knɘːk/ n. uvula. knal [kəˈnãl]̆ /knal/ v. to know (person). From Malay kenal. knayiil [kənaˈjiːl] /knajiːl/ n. fishing rod. From Malay kail. knayɛɛm [kənaˈjɛːᵇm] /knajɛːm/ pn. name of a river. knayaʔ [kənaˈjăʔ] /knajaʔ/ pn. name of a river (Kenayat). knɔɔm [kəˈnɔ̃ːm] /knɔːm/ v. to urinate. kntaaʔ [kənˈtaːʔ] /kntaːʔ/ pn. Ethnonym: Kintaq. kntɔk [kənˈtɔ̆q̚] /kntɔK/ n. ear. knmɔɔh [kənˈmɔ̃ːh] /knmɔːh/ n. name. knləʔ mat yiis [kənˈlɘ̆ʔ ˈmãt̆̚ ˈjiːs] /knlɘʔ mat jiːs/ rn. west. kɲɛɛt [kəˈɲɛ̃ːt̚] /kɲɛːt/ v. to refuse to give. kɲsiiw [kəɲˈsiːw] /kɲsiːw/ pn. Ethnonym: Kensiw. kɲsɛk [kəɲˈsɛ̆k̚] /kɲsɛŋ/ n. civet. kɲyək [kəɲˈjɘ̆k̚] /kɲjɘŋ/ pn. name of a river (Kenering). kŋkuuŋ ʔaay [kəŋˈkuːᶢŋ ˈʔaːj] /kŋkuːŋ ʔaːj/ n. flatheaded cat. kŋkooŋ [kəŋˈkoːᶢŋ] /kŋkoːŋ/ v. to feel like having fever, to feel like getting fever. kleep [kəˈleːp̚] /kleːp/ n. a type of tuber. kləʔ /klɘʔ/ v. to fall down (vertically). klapuooh [kəlaˈpᵘoːh] /klapuoːh/ n. shoulder. klat [kəˈlăt̚] /klat/ pn. name of a river. klamin /klamin/ n. married couple. From Malay kelamin. klaap [kəˈlaːp̚] /klaːp/ n. spleen. klaaŋ [kəˈlaːᶢŋ] /klaːŋ/ n. bird-of-prey. klaaw [kəˈlaːw] /klaːw/ n. penis. klooʔ [kəˈloːʔ] /kloːʔ/ n. older sibling. klieen [kəˈlⁱeːᵈn] /klieːn/ pn. name of a river (Kelian). kluooŋ [kəˈlᵘoːᶢŋ] /kluoːŋ/ rn. inside. klkɛɛl [kəlˈkɛːl] /klkɛːl/ n. lower arm. klŋkɛɛŋ [kələŋˈkɛːᶢŋ] /klŋkɛːŋ/ n. bushy crested hornbill (Anorrhinus galeritus). klwaaŋ [kəlˈwaːᶢŋ] /klwaːŋ/ n. flying fox, a type of rousette. klyɔɔl [kəlˈjɔːl] /kljɔːl/ pn. name of a river. kruhuuy [kəruˈhuːj] /kruhuːj/ n. a type of owl. krɔk [kəˈrŏk̚] /krɔK/ n. red-eyed brown bulbul (Pycnonotus brunneus). krsih /krsih/ n. chair. From Malay kerusi. kwagəh /kwagɘh/ n. family. From Malay keluarga. kwasaan /kwasaːn/ n. area. From Malay kawasan. 305 Notes on Semnam kwaal [kəˈwaːl] /kwaːl/ n. a type of bird. kwɔɔŋ [kəˈwɔːᶢŋ] /kwɔːŋ/ n. peacock pheasant kyaɲaan [kəjaˈɲãːn] /kjaɲaːn/ n. wrinkles. kyaɲuuɲ [kəjaˈɲũːɲ] /kjaɲuːɲ/ n. goosebumps. kyoʔ [kəˈjŏʔ] /kjoʔ/ n. back. kyoʔ tiiŋ [kəˈjŏʔ ˈtiːᶢŋ] /kjoʔ tiːŋ/ n. back of the (Polyplectron malacense). [kəjiˈbɘs] /kjibɘs/ v. to kill. /kjilɘʔ/ v. to drop. [kəˈjeːᵈn] /kjeːn/ pn. Ethnonym: Kaien. [kəˈjeːᶢŋ] /kjeːŋ/ v. to be dry. From Malay kering. ̆ ˈdɔ̆ʔ] /kjɘ̃ːm dɔʔ/ n. armpit. kyə̃əm ̃ dɔʔ [kəˈjɘ̃m kyibəs kyiləʔ kyeen kyeeŋ hand. kyoʔ juk [kəˈjŏʔ ˈɟᶽŭq̚] /kjoʔ ɟuŋ/ n. back of the foot. kyoom [kəˈjoːᵇm] /kjoːm/ rn. 1) lower side. 2) beneath. g giɲɨɨp [giˈɲɨ ̃ːp̚] /giɲɨːp/ v. to point with one's face. giih [ˈgiːh] /giːh/ v. to scratch. gɛɛy [ˈgɛːj] /gɛːj/ v. to eat. gəət [ˈgɘːt̚] /gɘːt/ v. to cut. gəəy ʔoos [ˈgɘ̆j ˈʔoːs] /gɘːj ʔoːs/ n. smoke. gadoh /gadoh/ v. to quarrel. From Malay gaduh. gajah [gaˈɟᶽăh] /gaɟah/ n. elephant (Elephas gulap [guˈlăp̚] /gulaP/ v. to carry something on one's shoulder. gɔp [ˈgɔ̆p̚] /gɔp/ pn. Ethnonym: Malay. gɔɔs [ˈgɔːs] /gɔːs/ v. to live. guooh [ˈgᵘoːh] /guoːh/ n. cave. From Malay gua. guoon [ˈgᵘoːᵈn] /guoːn/ v. to fetch water. guooy [ˈgᵘoːj] /guoːj/ n. crest, ridge. gtaah /gtaːh/ n. sap, gum, rubber tree (Hevea maximus). From Malay gajah. gahayuuʔ [gahaˈjuːʔ] /gahajuːʔ/ (gaharuuʔ) n. brasiliensis). From Malay getah. ̆ /gcɛ̃h/ v. to be black. gcɛ̃h [gəˈcᶝɛ̃h] gsəəy [gəˈsɘːj] /gsɘːj/ n. wreathed hornbill aloes tree (Aquillaria sp.). From Malay gaharu. gamah /gamah/ n. photo, picture. From Malay gambar. ̆ /gantɛ̃ŋ/ n. a type of ground gantɛ̃ŋ [ganˈtɛ̃ŋ] squirrel. gantak /gantaŋ/ n. measure of capacity. From Malay gantang. gantuk /gantuŋ/ v. to hang. From Malay gantung. gandəəh /gandɘːh/ pn. name of a river (Ganda). galɛɛk [gaˈlɛːk̚] /galɛːk/ v. to tickle. garuc /garuC/ n. aloes tree (Aquillaria sp.). gaal [ˈgaːl] /gaːl/ n. hip. guʔ [gŭʔ] /guʔ/ prep. equation. guʔ deeŋ like (the) house guɲɛɛl [guˈɲɛ̃ːl] /guɲɛːl/ pn. name of a river. (Rhyticeros undulatus). ghɛl [gəˈhɛ̆l] /ghɛl/ v. to be tired. gŋgɔɔŋ [gəŋˈgɔːᶢŋ] /gŋgɔːŋ/ n. Adam's apple. gliʔ [gəˈlĭʔ] /gliʔ/ v. to tickle. glisɛɛh [gəliˈsɛːh] /glisɛːh/ v. to whisper. glisah /glisah/ v. to be worried. From Malay gelisah. glapooh [gəlaˈpoːh] /glapoːh/ n. a type of tree. glaas [gəˈlaːs] /glaːs/ n. glass. From English via Malay gelas. gloʔ /gloʔ/ pn. name of a river (Gelok). griʔ /griʔ/ pn. Grik. gyeeŋ [gəˈjeːᶢŋ] /gjeːŋ/ n. water monitor (Varanus salvator). ʔ ʔibaan /ʔibaːn/ pn. Ethnonym: Iban, a people of Borneo. ʔibuuʔ [ʔiˈbuːʔ] /ʔibuːʔ/ v. to be big. From Malay ibu. ʔiteʔ [ʔiˈtĕʔ] /ʔiteʔ/ n. duck. From Malay itik. ʔituh /ʔituh/ dem. that, there. From Malay itu. ʔijoʔ /ʔiɟoʔ/ pn. name of a river (Ijok). ʔisɛ̃t [ʔiˈsɛ̃t̆ ̚] /ʔisɛ̃t/ v. to be small. ʔisaaŋ [ʔiˈsaːᶢŋ] /ʔisaːŋ/ pn. name of a river. ʔiŋat /ʔiŋat/ v. to remember, to recollect. From Malay ingat. ʔiŋgris /ʔiŋgris/ pn. English. From English, via Malay Inggeris. ʔilooŋ [ʔiˈloːᶢŋ] /ʔiloːŋ/ n. fly. ʔilwɔ̃ɔl̃ [ʔĩlˈw̃ ɔ̃ːl] /ʔilwɔ̃ːl/ v. to turn. ʔĩĩʔ [ˈʔĩːʔ] /ʔĩːʔ/ pa. exclamatory particle used to express sudden fear or surprise. ʔĩĩɲ [ˈʔĩːɲ] /ʔĩːɲ/ (ʔĩɲ) persp. I, first person singular personal pronoun. [ˈʔĕⁱc̚] /ʔec/ n. 1) guts. 2) shit. — v. to defecate. ʔec cəəŋ [ˈʔĕⁱc̚ˈcᶝɘːᶢŋ] /ʔec cɘːŋ/ n. ventriculus gaster. ʔec wɛ̃ɛc̃ [ˈʔĕⁱc̚ˈw̃ ɛ̃ːⁱc̚] /ʔec wɛ̃ːc/ n. intestines. ʔec 306 JSEALS Vol. 1 ʔɛpəl /ʔɛpɘl/ n. apple. From English via Malay ʔaay [ˈʔaːj] /ʔaːj/ persp. we two, including the addressee, second person dual inclusive personal pronoun. ̆ /ʔãʔ/ pa. exclamatory particle used ʔãʔ [ˈʔãʔ] when offering something to someone. ʔããh /ʔãːh/ pn. nickname for someone. ʔugaməəh /ʔugamɘːh/ n. religion. From Malay ugama. ʔusik [ʔuˈsi ̆k̚] /ʔusik/ v. to play games. From Malay usik. ʔunaʔ /ʔunaʔ/ v. to stall. From Malay undak. ʔuyat dayah [ʔuˈjăt̚ daˈjăh] /ʔujat dajah/ n. blood vessel. From Malay urat darah. ʔuup /ʔuːp/ v. to rest one's forehead on something. ʔuuc [ˈʔuːⁱc̚] /ʔuːc/ v. to climb up. ʔok [ˈʔŏk̚] /ʔok/ v. to give. ʔoy [ˈʔŏj] /ʔoj/ pa. exclamatory particle. ʔoos [ˈʔoːs] /ʔoːs/ n. fire. ʔooy [ˈʔoːj] /ʔoːj/ v. to order, to command. ʔɔɔh [ˈʔɔːh] /ʔɔːh/ (ʔɔh) persp. he, she, it, third person singular personal pronoun. ʔɔɔy [ˈʔɔːj] /ʔɔːj/ v. to wait for an animal that was hit by a blowpipe dart to fall down. ̆ /ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. 1) river. 2) water. ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] — v. to drink. ʔɔ̃ŋ knɔɔm [ˈʔɔ̃ŋ̆ kəˈnɔ̃ːm] /ʔɔ̃ŋ knɔːm/ n. urine. ʔɔ̃ɔɲ̃ [ˈʔɔ̃ːɲ] /ʔɔ̃ːɲ/ v. to smell. ʔkʔaak [ʔək̚ˈʔaːk̚] /ʔkʔaːk/ n. crow (Corvus sp.). ʔsiiʔ [ʔəˈsiːʔ] /ʔsiːʔ/ n. body. From Malay isi. ʔmpat [ʔəmˈpăt̚] /ʔmpat/ num. four. From Malay empat. ʔmpɔɔc [ʔmˈpɔːⁱc̚] /ʔmpɔːc/ n. salt. ʔn= [ʔə̃n] /ʔn/ prep_procl_np. locative. ʔn=deeŋ at (the) house ʔnteʔ [ʔənˈtĕʔ] /ʔnteʔ/ n. animal. ʔntap [ʔənˈtăp̚] /ʔntap/ n. scrotum. ʔnsoom lwey [ʔənˈsoːᵇm ləˈwĕj] /ʔnsoːm lwej/ n. honeycomb. ̆̃ /ʔɲiʔ/ v. 1) to be sick. 2) to have ʔɲiʔ [ʔəˈɲiʔ] pain. ̆ /ʔɲeh/ v. to be heavy. ʔɲeh [ʔəˈɲẽh] ʔɲjɔɔs /ʔɲɟɔːs/ n. exhaust pipe. From English exhaust via Malay. ʔŋkooɲ [ʔŋˈkoːⁱᶡɲ] /ʔŋkoːɲ/ n. man, male. ʔykuy [ʔiˈkŭj] /ʔjkuj/ v. to roll (of thunder). epal. ʔɛɛʔ [ˈʔɛːʔ] /ʔɛːʔ/ (ʔɛʔ) persp. we (more than two), including the addressee, first person plural inclusive personal pronoun. ̆̃ /ʔɨ ̃ʔ/ pa. exclamatory particle used ʔɨ ̃ʔ [ˈʔɨʔ] when offering something to someone. ʔət [ˈʔɘ̆t̚] /ʔɘn/ v. to meet. ʔəh /ʔɘh/ pa. interrogative particle. ʔəəm /ʔɘːm/ v. to rest one's head on something. ʔa= /ʔa/ agr_procl_v. he, she, it, third person singular personal pronoun. ʔapah [ʔaˈpăh] /ʔapah/ rn. side. ʔapuʔ /ʔapuʔ/ pa. immediate past. ̆ /ʔapɔ̃ŋ/ n. pig-tailed macaque ʔapɔ̃ŋ [ʔaˈpɔ̃ŋ] (Macaca nemestrina). ʔapɔ̃ŋ raay /ʔapɔ̃ŋ raːj/ n. stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides). ʔabaaŋ /ʔabaːŋ/ n. older brother. From Malay abang. ʔabuuʔ tɛʔ [ʔaˈbŭʔ ˈtɛ̆ʔ] /ʔabuːʔ tɛʔ/ n. dust. ʔabuuʔ ʔoos [ʔaˈbŭʔ ˈʔoːs] /ʔabuːʔ ʔoːs/ n. ashes. ʔadat /ʔadat/ n. custom. From Malay adat. ʔadaʔ /ʔadaʔ/ v. to exist. From Malay ada. ̆ /ʔacɛ̃ʔ/ n. dog. ʔacɛ̃ʔ [ʔaˈcᶝɛ̃ʔ] ʔajɔʔ /ʔaɟɔʔ/ v. to be small. From Temiar. ʔakaan /ʔakaan/ v. to approach. From Malay akan. ̆̃ /ʔaʔɨ ̃ʔ/ v. to collide. ʔaʔɨ ̃ʔ [ʔaˈʔɨʔ] ʔasaal /ʔasaːl/ n. origin. From Malay asal. ʔah /ʔah/ v. to come into existence. ʔahaʔ [ʔaˈhăʔ] /ʔahaʔ/ pn. Sunday. From Malay Ahad. ʔahuʔ [ʔaˈhŭʔ] /ʔahuʔ/ v. to be small. ̆ /ʔamaŋ/ n. siamang ʔamaŋ [ʔãˈmãŋ] (Symphalangus syndactylus). From Malay siamang. ʔampooŋ [ʔamˈpoːᶢŋ] /ʔampoːŋ/ v. to float. ʔaŋkit [ʔaŋˈki ̆t̚] /ʔaŋkit/ v. to take. From Malay angkit. ʔaŋkut [ʔaŋˈkŭt̚] /ʔaŋkut/ n. a type of wasp. From Malay angkut. ʔawɛ̃ɛñ [ʔãˈw̃ ɛ̃ːn] /ʔawɛ̃ːn/ n. bamboo. ʔayiih /ʔajiːh/ n. water. From Malay air. ʔayoh [ʔaˈjŏh] /ʔajoh/ v. to shed leaves. ʔaat [ˈʔaːt̚] /ʔaːt/ n. digging stick. ʔaaɲ [ˈʔaːⁱᶡɲ] /ʔaːɲ/ v. 1) to bring. 2) to carry. s sipat /sipat/ n. borderline. From Malay sipat. sikap /sikaP/ v. to pick up with one's teeth. siseeh [siˈseːh] /siseːh/ n. comb. From Malay sisir. silgiil /silgiːl/ v. to raise one's hand. sirɛɛy [siˈrɛːj] /sirɛːj/ n. a type of tree. siwaal /siwaːl/ n. trousers. From Malay seluar. sec [ˈsĕⁱc̚] /sec/ n. flesh, meat. selaməlaməh /selamɘlamɘh/ adv. forever. From 307 Notes on Semnam Malay selama-lama. seet /seːt/ v. to pour. sɛy [ˈsɛ̆j] /sɛj/ rn. long side. sɛɛc [ˈsɛːⁱc̚] /sɛːc/ v. to steal. sapiiʔ [saˈpiːʔ] /sapiːʔ/ n. wild ox, gaur (Bos gaurus). From Malay sapi. saptuuh [sapˈtuːh] /saptuːh/ pn. Saturday. From Malay Sabtu. sabɨɨm [saˈbɨːᵇm] /sabɨːm/ pn. Ethnonym: Sabüm. sat /saT/ n. sign, mark. satuuh /satuːh/ num. one. From Malay satu. sakat1 /sakat/ prep. up to, as far as. From Malay sakat. sakat2 /sakat/ v. to vex. From Malay sakat. sagup [saˈgŭp̚] /saguP/ n. cloud. sagup dɛtɛʔ [saˈgŭp̚ dɛˈtɛ̆ʔ] /saguP dɛtɛʔ/ n. fog. sagook [saˈgoːk̚] /sagoːk/ n. neck. saʔ [ˈsăʔ] /saʔ/ ? time, moment. ̆ /saʔ nɔh/ np. soon. saʔ nɔh [ˈsăʔ ˈnɔ̃h] saməəh /samɘːh/ v. to be the same. From Malay sama. — prep. sociative. From Malay sama. samaaʔ [saˈmãːʔ] /samaːʔ/ v. to be the same. — prep. sociative. From Malay sama. sampɛɛy /sampɛːj/ prep. as far as, until. From Malay sampai. ̆ /sanuʔ/ v. to be rotten. sanuʔ [saˈnũʔ] ̆ /sanum/ n. a type of tree. sanum [saˈnũm] saŋʔĩĩt [saŋˈʔĩːt̚] /saŋʔĩːt/ n. red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus). sawoʔ [saˈwŏʔ] /sawoʔ/ (saoʔ) pn. name of a river (Sauk). sayɔɔt [saˈjɔːt̚] /sajɔːt/ n. a type of tuber. sããw [ˈsãːw̃ ] /sãːw/ n. a type of small bat. susah [suˈsăh] /susah/ v. to be difficult. From Malay susah. susah hup [suˈsăh ˈhŭp̚] /susah hum/ v. to be sad. From Malay susah. susuuʔ [suˈsuːʔ] /susuːʔ/ n. milk. From Malay susu. suyat [suˈjăt] /sujat/ n. letter. From Malay surat. soh [ˈsŏh] /soh/ v. to eat meat. sooʔ [ˈsoːʔ] /soːʔ/ v. to suck. sɔp [ˈsɔ̆p̚] /sɔP/ n. lung. sɔc [ˈsɔ̆ⁱc̚] /sɔc/ v. to wash one's hands. sɔɔl /sɔːl/ v. to stuff, to block. sieep [ˈsⁱeːp̚] /sieːp/ v. to be ready. From Malay siap. sieem [ˈsⁱeːᵇm] /sieːm/ pn. Ethnonym: Thai, Siamese; Thailand. suoop [ˈsᵘoːp̚] /suoːp/ v. to eat from an open hand. suook [ˈsᵘoːk̚] /suoːk/ n. umbilical cord. spatut /spatut/ v. to be suitable. From Malay patut. spadaan /spadaːn/ n. border, boundary. From Malay sempadan. spulooh [spuˈloːh] /spuloːh/ (pulooh) num. ten. From Malay sepuluh. sbec [səˈbĕⁱc̚] /sbeC/ n. mosquito. sbap [səˈbăp̚] /sbap/ conj. because. From Malay sebab. sbagaay /sbagaːj/ (sbageey) prep. like. From Malay sebagai. sblaas [səbəˈlaːs] /sblaːs/ num. eleven. From Malay sebelas. sblum /sblum/ conj. before. From Malay sebelum. stɛɛy /stɛːj/ v. to be dried-up (of e.g. watercourse). stuuy /stuːj/ v. to be overgrown, to be untidy. stokiin /stokiːn/ n. sock. From English stocking via Malay setokin. stɔɔy /stɔːj/ v. to be medium-sized. stsat [sət̚ˈsăt̚] /stsat/ n. a type of sunbird. sdiyaaʔ /sdijaːʔ/ v. to be prepared. From Malay sedia. sdaap [səˈdaːp̚] /sdaːp/ v. to be tasty. From Malay sedap. sjatiʔ /sjatiʔ/ v. to be real, to be true, to be genuine. From Malay sejati. sjarah /sɟarah/ n. history. From Malay sejarah. sjuuʔ [səˈɟᶽuːʔ] /sɟuːʔ/ v. to be cold (of weather). From Malay sejuk. skaliiʔ /skaliːʔ/ adv. together. From Malay sekali. sʔɔk [səˈʔɔ̆k̚] /sʔɔK/ n. a type of tree. sʁibuuh [səʁiˈbuːh] /sʁibuːh/ (yibuuh) num. thousand. From Malay seribu. sʁatuus [səʁaˈtuːs] /sʁatuːs/ num. hundred. From Malay seratus. smilaan [smiˈlaːᵈn] /smilaːn/ num. nine. From Malay sembilan. ̆ /smaɲ/ v. to ask for something. smaɲ [səˈmãɲ] smaaʔ [səˈmãːʔ] /smaːʔ/ n. human, person. smaaʔ dagak [səˈmãːʔ daˈgăq̚] /smaːʔ dagaŋ/ n. stranger. From Malay dagang. smaaʔ hchəəc [səˈmãːʔ həⁱc̚ˈhɘːⁱc̚] /smaːʔ hchɘːc/ n. stranger. smaaʔ laliih [səˈmãːʔ laˈliːh] /smaːʔ laliːh/ n. adult. smaay /smaːj/ pn. Ethnonym: Semai. smuuʔ [səˈmũːʔ] /smuːʔ/ quan. all. From Malay semua. smuuʔ smuuʔ [səˈmũːʔ səˈmũːʔ] /smuːʔ smuːʔ/ quan. every. From Malay semua. smpitaan /smpitaːn/ pn. name of a place (Sumpitan). smpɔɔy mat [səmˈpɔ̆j ˈmãt̆̚] /smpɔːj mat/ n. eyelid. smpieeʔ [səmˈpⁱeːʔ] /smpieːʔ/ v. to be inedible (of animal killed by predator). smnaam [səmˈnãːm] /smnaːm/ pn. Ethnonym: 308 JSEALS Vol. 1 labuoːŋ/ n. fontanel. Semnam. smlaay /smlaːj/ pn. Ethnonym: Semelai. sniic [səˈnĩːc̚] /sniːc/ n. a type of wasp. sniih /sniːh/ v. to be delicate, to be fine. From sŋkaat [səŋˈkaːt̚] /sŋkaːt/ pn. name of a river. ̆ /sŋkɔːʔ ɲhũʔ/ n. sŋkɔɔʔ ɲhũʔ [sɜŋˈkɔ̆ʔ ɲə̃ˈhũʔ] bark of tree. sliseh /sliseh/ v. to bump into. slec [səˈlĕⁱc̚] /slec/ v. to be slippery, to be Malay seni. snɛɛh [səˈnɛ̃ːh] /snɛːh/ pn. Monday. hayiiʔ snɛɛh day Monday From Malay Isnin. ̆ /snaŋ/ v. to be easy. From Malay snaŋ [səˈnãŋ] senang. snaŋ hup [səˈnãŋ̆ ˈhŭp̚] /snaŋ hum/ v. to be happy. From Malay senang. snɔɔl /snɔːl/ n. stuffing, plug. sntaaʔ [sənˈtaːʔ] /sntaːʔ/ n. tail. sntɔɔl [sənˈtɔːl] /sntɔːl/ n. hair. sntɔɔl ceem [sənˈtɔl ˈcᶝeːᵇm] /sntɔːl ceːm/ n. feather. snmaan [sənˈmãːn] /snmaːn/ n. a classifier for humans. snlɔɔc [sɜnˈlɔːⁱc̚] /snlɔːc/ n. blowpipe dart. sɲyɔɔŋ /sɲjɔːŋ/ n. hole. sɲyɔɔŋ kɛɛt [səɲˈjɔ̆ᶢŋ ˈkɛːt̚] /sɲjɔːŋ kɛːt/ n. anus. ̆ /sɲjɔːŋ muh/ n. sɲyɔɔŋ muh [səɲˈjɔ̆ᶢŋ ˈmũh] nostril. sɲyɔɔŋ labuooŋ [səɲˈjɔ̆ᶢŋ laˈbᵘoːᶢŋ] /sɲjɔːŋ smooth. slasəəh [səlaˈsəːh] /slasəːh/ pn. Tuesday. hayiiʔ slasəəh day Tuesday From Malay Selasa. slaŋkaaʔ [səlaŋˈkaːʔ] /slaŋkaːʔ/ n. collar-bone. From Malay selangka. slaaʔ [səˈlaːʔ] /slaːʔ/ n. leaf. sluuh [səˈluːh] /sluːh/ v. to shoot with a blowpipe. slpas /slpas/ conj. after. From Malay selepas. slyool [səlˈjoːl] /sljoːl/ n. a type of tree. srawaaʔ /srawaːʔ/ pn. Sarawak. srayaaʔ [səraˈjaːʔ] /srajaːʔ/ pn. name of a river. syeh /sjeh/ v. to dump, to pour. syeet [səˈjeːt̚] /sjeːt/ v. to be dry. syaak [siˈjaːk̚] /sjaːk/ n. wind. syupaaʔ /sjupaːʔ/ v. to be the same. From Malay serupa. syɔ̃ɔh̃ [sĩˈj ̃ɔ̃ːh] /sjɔ̃ːh/ pn. name of a river. syyaay [siˈjaːj] /sjjaːj/ pn. name of a river. ʁ ʁabuuh [ʁaˈbuːh] /ʁabuːh/ pn. Wednesday. hayiiʔ ʁabuuh day Wednesday. From Malay Rabu. h hibool [hiˈboːl] /hiboːl/ pn. name of a river (Ibul). higaʔ /higaʔ/ n. price. From Malay harga. hihtəh /hihtɘh/ v. to nod. hinɔɔm [hiˈnɔ̃ːm] /hinɔːm/ n. urinary bladder. hiŋkaaʔ [hiŋˈkaːʔ] /hiŋkaːʔ/ v. to play games. hilɨɨt [hiˈlɨːt̚] /hilɨːt/ v. to swallow. hilɨ ̃ɨ ̃t /hilɨ ̃ːt/ v. to eat fruit. hirat /hiraT/ v. to turn (possibly from Malay akhir, akhiran). heʔ [ˈhĕʔ] /heʔ/ adv. only. hɛɛŋ [hɛːᶢŋ] /hɛːŋ/ v. to fly. hɛ̃ɛp̃ [ˈhɛ̃ːp̚] /hɛ̃ːm/ v. to whistle. ha= [ˈha] /ha/ procl. interrogative particle. habaʔ [haˈbăʔ] /habaʔ/ rn. side. habaʔ tuuy [haˈbăʔ ˈtuːj] /habaʔ tuːj/ rn. opposite side. habaay /habaːj/ n. news. From Malay khabar. hat /haT/ n. trouble. — adv. just. hakeʔ /hakeʔ/ v. to pick up. hagaap [haˈgaːp̚] /hagaːp/ n. Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). hagɔp [haˈgɔ̆p̚] /hagɔP/ quan. all. haʔəəʔ [haʔˈɘːʔ] /haʔɘːʔ/ pa. affirmative particle. hamis [haˈmĭs] /hamis/ pn. Thursday. From Malay Khamis. halɔɔw [haˈlɔːw] /halɔːw/ v. to chase. From Malay halau. hawɔɔc [haˈwɔːⁱc̚] /hawɔːc/ v. to be deep. hayiiʔ [haˈjiːʔ] /hajiːʔ/ n. day. From Malay hari. ̆ /hajas ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. water hayas ʔɔ̃ŋ [haˈjăs ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] surface. hayaam [haˈjaːᵇm] /hajaːm/ pn. name of a river. hayoom [haˈjoːᵇm] /hajoːm/ n. bamboo rat (Rhizomys sumatrensis). hayɔ̃ɔʔ̃ [hãˈj ̃ɔ̃ːʔ] /hajɔ̃ːʔ/ v. to be light. hããp [ˈhãːp̚] /hãːp/ n. diarrhoea. hup [ˈhŭp̚] /hum/ n. heart. — v. to want. hubiiʔ [huˈbiːʔ] /hubiːʔ/ n. tuber. From Malay ubi. huk [ˈhŭk̚] /huk/ n. wasp's nest. humaaʔ [hũˈmãːʔ] /huˈmaːʔ/ n. swidden. From 309 Notes on Semnam hmalaaw [hmãˈlaːw] /hmalaːw/ pn. name of a Malay huma. [ˈhuːs] /huːs/ v. 1) to exit. 2) to float. [ˈhuːh] /huːh/ v. to yell. [ˈhuːᶢŋ] /huːŋ/ n. ravine. From Malay gaung. [ˈhoːh] /hoːh/ v. to summon, to yell. [ˈhɔ̆ⁱc̚] /hɔc/ v. to come. — pa. perfective particle. hɔɔʔ kayɔɔl [ˈhɔ̆ʔ kaˈjɔːl] /hɔːʔ kajɔːl/ n. knee-cap. hɔɔh [ˈhɔːh] /hɔːh/ v. to follow. huooʔ [ˈhᵘoːʔ] /huoːʔ/ v. to love. hchuooc [hic̚ˈhᵘoːⁱc̚] /hchuoːc/ v. to whistle. hkhɛ̃ɛk̃ [həkˈhɛ̃ːk̚] /hkhɛ̃ːk/ v. to breathe. hʔə̃əh̃ [həˈʔɘ̃ːh] /hʔɘ̃ːh/ pa. affirmative particle. hməəɲ [həˈmɘːᶡɲ] /hmɘːɲ/ n. taboo. huus huuh huuŋ hooh hɔc river (Malau). hmhɔɔm [hmˈhɔːᵇm] /hmhɔːm/ v. to like. hntɨɨk /hntɨːk/ v. to pull out, to extract. hnlɛɛn [hənˈlɛːᵈn] /hnlɛːn/ n. groin. hnloop [hənˈloːp̚] /hnloːp/ n. morning. ̆ /hnwãŋ/ n. oriental pied hornbill hnwãŋ [hə̃nˈw̃ ãŋ] (Anthracoceros albirostris). hŋɔɔt [həˈŋɔ̃ːt̚] /hŋɔːt/ n. night. hlitɔ̃k /hlitɔ̃k/ v. 1) to pull out, to extract. 2) to take off headgear. hyəc [həˈjɘ̆ⁱc̚] /hjɘC/ n. sweat. hyalooc [həjaˈloːⁱc̚] /hjaloːc/ pn. name of a river. hyhuooy [hiˈhᵘoːj] /hjhuoːj/ v. to yawn. m mic [ˈmi ̆̃c̚] /mic/ pa. 1) desiderative particle. 2) emphatic particle. miʔluuʔ [miʔˈluːʔ] /miʔluːʔ/ v. to be shy. From Malay malu. misɛɛy [miˈsɛːj] /misɛːj/ n. mustache. From Malay misai. miiʔ [ˈmĩːʔ] /miːʔ/ n. rain. — v. to rain. miih [ˈmĩːh] /miːh/ persp. you (singular), second person singular personal pronoun. ̆ /mɛmɛh/ n. a type of tree. mɛmɛh [mɛ̃ˈmɛ̃h] mɛmaŋ /mɛmaŋ/ adv. of course, indeed. From Malay memang. mɛɛm [ˈmɛ̃ːm] /mɛːm/ n. breast. ̆ ˈnãːʔ] /mɛːm naːʔ/ n. mother's mɛɛm naaʔ [ˈmɛ̃m milk. mɛɛy [ˈmɛ̃ːj ̃] /mɛːj/ v. to delouse. mɨɨɲ ʔoos [ˈmɨ ̃ɲ ˈʔoːs] /mɨːɲ ʔoːs/ n. firewood. mat [ˈmãt̆̚] /mat/ n. eye. mat kmɔɔʔ [mãt̆̚ kəˈmɔ̃ːʔ] /mat kmɔːʔ/ n. stone of a fruit. ̆ /mat ʔɔ̃ŋ/ n. source, spring. mat ʔɔ̃ŋ [ˈmãt̆̚ ˈʔɔ̃ŋ] mat saleh /mat saleh/ pn. Ethnonym: European. From Malay Mat Sallih. mat mɛɛm [ˈmãt̆̚ ˈmɛ̃ːm] /mat mɛːm/ n. nipple. mat yiis [ˈmãt̆̚ ˈjiːs] /mat jiːs/ n. sun. macaam /macaːm/ n. kind, a type. From Malay macam. masiiŋ /masiːŋ/ adv. separate, singly. masiiŋ masiiŋ [maˈsĭᶢŋ maˈsiːᶢŋ] /masiːŋ masiːŋ/ quan. each. From Malay masing-masing. masəh /masɘh/ n. period, epoch, era. From Malay masa. masaʔalah /masaʔalah/ n. enigma, puzzling question. From Malay masalah. mamuuh [mãˈmũːh] /mamuːh/ v. to bathe. manaan [mãˈnãːn] /manaːn/ pn. name of a river. manuk [mãˈnũ̆k̚] /manuk/ n. chicken. mantuooy [mãnˈtᵘoːj] /mantuoːj/ n. Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica). maŋkɛɛl [mãŋˈkɛːl] /maŋkɛːl/ n. a type of tuber. maŋkoʔ /maŋkoʔ/ n. bowl. From Malay mangkuk. mayeʔ [maˈjĕʔ] /majeʔ/ interrogative. how. mayah [maˈjăh] /majah/ v. to be angry. From Malay marah. mayãʔ /majãʔ/ n. time, period. ̆ /majãʔ nɔh/ np. now. mayãʔ nɔh [mãˈj ̃ãʔ̆ ˈnɔ̃h] museem [muˈseːᵇm] /museːm/ n. season. From Malay musim. ̆ /muh/ n. nose. muh [ˈmũh] muh mat [ˈmũh̆ ˈmãt̆̚] /muh mat/ n. face (lit. nose eye). muŋkiin /muŋkiːn/ adv. maybe, likely, possibly. From Malay mungkin. mulaaʔ /mulaːʔ/ n. beginning. From Malay mula. muyah /mujah/ (murah) v. to be cheap. From Malay murah. mɔɔt /mɔːt/ v. to hold in one's mouth. mɔɔʔ [mɔ̃ːʔ] /mɔːʔ/ n. aunt, sister of parent. mɔɔy [ˈmɔ̃ːj ̃] /mɔːj/ v. to be different — quan. other. mʔããc [mə̃ˈʔãːⁱc̚] /mʔãːc/ v. to be wet. mhããŋ [mə̃ˈhãːŋ] /mhãːŋ/ n. a type of tree. mnibaas [mə̃nɪ ̃ˈbaːs] /mnibaːs/ pn. name of a river. mnaaʔ [mə̃ˈnãːʔ] /mnaːʔ/ n. smell. mnaaʔ tɛʔ [mə̃ˈnãʔ̆ ˈtɛ̆ʔ] /mnaːʔ tɛʔ/ n. dust. mnriiʔ /mnriːʔ/ pn. Ethnonym: Menriq. mnrəəy [mə̃nˈᵈrɘːj] /mnrɘːj/ pn. Ethnonym: Yir. mɲsaaw [mə̃ɲˈsaːw] /mɲsaːw/ n. son-in-law, daughter-in-law. mŋikut /mŋikut/ prep. according to. From Malay mengikut. 310 JSEALS Vol. 1 mlisaan lwey [məliˈsăn ləˈwĕj] /mlisaːn lwej/ n. mrbɔɔw /mrbɔːw/ pn. name of a place (Lubok honey. mriiʔ /mriːʔ/ pn. Ethnonym: Mah Meri. mrboʔ [mərˈbŏʔ] /mrboʔ/ n. a type of dove. From Malay merbok? Merbau). myrooy [miˈroːj] /mjroːj/ pn. name of a river (Lata Puteh). n -n- /n/ (n-) deriv_aff_v. nominalization. niŋ kɔl /niŋ kɔl/ interrogative. where. nilaaŋ [niˈlaːᶢŋ] /nilaːŋ/ rn. beside. niiŋ kɔɔl [ˈnĩŋ ˈkɔːl] /niːŋ kɔːl/ interrogative. nampak. nanɨɨm [nãˈnɨ ̃ːm] /nanɨːm/ n. placenta. naaʔ [ˈnãːʔ] /naːʔ/ n. mother. naay [ˈnãːj ̃] /naːj/ num. two. num= [num] /num/ (nm=, nuŋ=) where. niiy [ˈnĩːj ̃] /niːj/ num. one, self. niiy yibuuh [ˈni ̃j ̃ jiˈbuːh] /niːj jibuːh/ num. prep_procl_np. source. num=deeŋ from (the) house numɔɔh /numɔːh/ n. number. From Malay nombor. nuuŋ [ˈnũːŋ] /nuːŋ/ n. road. ̆ /nɔh/ dem. demonstrative. nɔh [ˈnɔ̃h] nkhɛ̃ɛk̃ /nkhɛ̃ːk/ n. breath, breathing. nhcah [nəhˈcᶝăh] /nhcah/ n. trail. nŋgyiiʔ /nŋgjiːʔ/ n. territory, settlement, state. From Malay negeri. nyduuy [niˈduːj] /njduːj/ n. evening. nygɛɛy [nijˈgɛːj] /njgɛːj/ n. food. thousand. From Malay ribu. neroʔ [neˈrŏʔ] /neroʔ/ pn. name of a river (Nerok). nɛɛn [ˈnɛ̃ːn] /nɛːn/ (nɛn) dem. demonstrative. napak byiiʔ [naˈpăq̚ bəˈjiːʔ] /napaK bjiːʔ/ n. wild pig (Sus scrofa). nasiiʔ [naˈsiːʔ] /nasiːʔ/ n. rice (cooked). From Malay nasi. nasah [naˈsăh] /nasah/ pn. name of a river (Nak Sah). ̆ /nam/ num. six. From Malay enam. nam [ˈnãm] nampaʔ /nampaʔ/ v. to be visible. From Malay ɲ ɲɛɛp [ˈɲɛ̃ːp̚] /ɲɛːp/ pn. name of a river. ɲawaaʔ [ɲãˈw̃ ãːʔ] /ɲawaːʔ/ n. body. From Malay ɲɔk /ɲɔk/ n. endpoint. ɲɔk mat yiis [ˈɲɔ̃k̆ ̚ ˈmãt̆̚ ˈjiːs] /ɲɔk mat jiːs/ rn. ɲaak [ˈɲãːk̚] /ɲaːk/ n. mouth. ɲaaw [ˈɲãːw̃ ] /ɲaːw/ n. cat. ɲuuʔ [ˈɲũːʔ] /ɲuːʔ/ v. to make, to do. ɲɔɔɲ [ˈɲɔ̃ːɲ] /ɲɔːɲ/ v. to eat fruit. ̆ /ɲhũʔ/ n. 1) tree. 2) wood. ɲhũʔ [ɲə̃ˈhũʔ] ɲmpeey [ɲəmˈpeːj] /ɲmpeːj/ pn. name of a river. west. nyawa. ŋ ŋɛɛn [ˈŋɛ̃ːn] /ŋɛːn/ (ŋɛn) persp. they (more than ŋɨɨc [ˈŋɨ ̃ːⁱc̚] /ŋɨːc/ v. to gnaw fruit. ŋɔɔh [ˈŋɔ̃ːh] /ŋɔːh/ pn. name of a river (Ngor). two), third person plural personal pronoun. l lipaan [liˈpaːᵈn] /lipaːn/ pn. name of a river. litɔɔw [liˈtɔːw] /litɔːw/ v. to be young. liceh [liˈcᶝĕh] /liceh/ pn. name of a river. limaaʔ [liˈmãːʔ] /limaːʔ/ num. five. From Malay lima. lileen /lileːn/ n. candle. From Malay lilin. liyeeʔ [liˈjeːʔ] /lijeːʔ/ pn. name of a river. liip [ˈliːp̚] /liːp/ v. to know. liiw /liːw/ v. to be long, to be lengthy. lĩĩp [ˈlĩːp̚] /lĩːm/ v. to be elastic. lep /leP/ v. to turn upside down. lec [ˈlĕⁱc̚] /lec/ v. 1) to miss a target. 2) to be 311 Notes on Semnam wrong. lobok. lɛɛp [ˈlɛːp̚] /lɛːp/ v. to sneak. lɨɨc [ˈlɨːⁱc̚] /lɨːC/ v. to be of different size. lək [ˈlɘ̆k̚] /lɘK/ n. quiver. ləəp [ˈlɘːp̚] /lɘːp/ v. 1) to enter. 2) to dress. ̆ /lɘːj nɔh/ np. at once. ləəy nɔh [ˈlɘ̆j ˈnɔ̃h] lapaak /lapaːk/ v. to slap. From Malay lepak. lapaan [laˈpaːᵈn] /lapaːn/ num. eight. From Malay lukaaʔ [luˈkaːʔ] /lukaːʔ/ v. to hit a target. From Malay luka. lumpat [lumˈpăt̚] /lumpat/ v. to jump. From Malay lompat. luus [ˈluːs] /luːs/ n. a type of tuber. loʔ [ˈlŏʔ] /loʔ/ interrogative. what. lɔɔp /lɔːp/ v. to insert one's hand into something. luooy1 [ˈlᵘoːj] /luoːj/ v. to settle. luooy2 /luoːj/ v. to crawl, to slither. lpas [ləˈpăs] /lpas/ v. to leave. From Malay lepas. delapan. labiiʔ [laˈbiːʔ] /labiːʔ/ n. turtle. From Malay labi. labuuh [laˈbuːh] /labuːh/ pn. name of a river. labuooŋ [laˈbᵘoːᶢŋ] /labuoːŋ/ n. skull. lataaʔ [laˈtaːʔ] /lataːʔ/ n. waterfall. ̆ ] /latãk/ n. swamp. latãk [laˈtãq̚ lakuoom [laˈkᵘoːᵇm] /lakuoːm/ n. brain. lagiiʔ [laˈgiːʔ] /lagiːʔ/ adv. still. From Malay lagi. las [ˈlăs] /las/ n. ant. lasuoom [laˈsᵘoːᵇm] /lasuoːm/ n. marrow. lah /lah/ pa. emphatic particle. From Malay lah. lahooŋ [laˈhoːᶢŋ] /lahoːŋ/ n. pharynx. ̆ ] /lanak/ n. Malayan porcupine lanak [laˈnãk̚ — adv. after that. From Malay lepas. lbɛh [ləˈbɛ̆h] /lbɛh/ quan. many. From Malay lebih. ltaʔ /ltaʔ/ v. to put down. From Malay letak. lkluk [lək̚ˈlŭk̚] /lkluk/ v. to laugh. lgəp [ləˈgɘ̆p̚] /lgɘP/ n. riverside land. lgət pɔɔʔ [ləˈgɘ̆t̚ ˈpɔːʔ] /lgɘT pɔːʔ/ n. mountain pass. lʔɛɛk [ləˈʔɛːk̚] /lʔɛːk/ pn. name of a river (Ayer Puti). lʔɔɔs [ləˈʔɔːs] /lʔɔːs/ n. fat. lhɛɛŋ [ləˈhɛːᶢŋ] /lhɛːŋ/ n. saliva. ̆ /lmɔɲ/ n. tooth. lmɔɲ [ləˈmɔ̃ɲ] lmpayuuŋ [ləmpaˈjuːᶢŋ] /lmpajuːŋ/ pn. name of a (Hystrix brachyura). From Malay landak. ̆ /lanɔh/ pn. Ethnonym: Lanoh. lanɔh [laˈnɔ̃h] lanteey [lanˈteːj] /lanteːj/ n. floor. From Malay lantai. laŋah /laŋah/ v. to bump into. From Malay langgar. laŋɔɔt [laˈŋɔ̃ːt̚] /laŋɔːt/ n. hollow of the knee. laŋieen [laˈŋⁱeːᵈn] /laŋieːn/ n. a type of tree. laŋkooʔ /laŋkoːʔ/ n. menstruation. laŋkuoc [laŋˈkᵘŏc̚] /laŋkuoC/ n. a type of owl. laluuʔ /laluːʔ/ v. to pass. From Malay lalu. lalooh [laˈloːh] /laloːh/ pn. name of a river. lawaan /lawaːn/ v. to fight. From Malay lawaan. lawuut [laˈwuːt̚] /lawuːt/ n. ocean. From Malay laut. layiin /lajiːn/ v. to be different. From Malay lain. layaaŋ [laˈjaːᶢŋ] /lajaːŋ/ n. a type of swallow. From Malay layang. laaŋ [ˈlaːᶢŋ] /laːŋ/ n. a type of tuber. luboʔ /luboʔ/ n. deep pool in a river. From Malay river. lntaak [lənˈtaːk̚] /lntaːk/ n. tongue. ̆ /lɲɔʔ/ v. to be tender. lɲɔʔ [ləˈɲɔ̃ʔ] lŋooŋ [ləˈŋᶢoːᶢŋ] /lŋoːŋ/ pn. name of a river (Lenggong). ̆ /lŋwɛ̃ŋ/ pn. name of a river lŋwɛ̃ŋ [ləŋˈwɛ̃ŋ] (Lawin). llwɛ̃l [ləlˈwɛ̃l]̆ /llwɛ̃l/ pn. name of a river. lwey [ləˈwĕj] /lwej/ n. bee. lweeɲ [ləˈweːⁱᶡɲ] /lweːɲ/ v. to be dizzy. lwɛɛy [ləˈwɛːj] /lwɛːj/ pn. name of a river. lwaak [ləˈwaːk̚] /lwaːk/ n. mountain pass. From Temiar. lwaay /lwaːj/ rn. outside. From Malay luar. lyəəʔ [ləˈjɘːʔ] /ljɘːʔ/ v. to be. r rabaan [raˈbaːᵈn] /rabaːn/ pn. name of a river rupaɲəh /rupaɲɘh/ adv. apparently. From Malay (Raban). rupanya. w wiit [wiːt̚] /wiːt/ v. to flow. wiik [ˈwiːk̚] /wiːk/ v. to divorce. wiiy [ˈwiːj] /wiːj/ (wiy) persp. they two, third person dual personal pronoun. weel wɛɛc wɛɛl wəən [ˈweːl] /weːl/ adv. again. /wɛːc/ n. cloth. [ˈwɛːl] /wɛːl/ rn. left. [ˈwɘːᵈn] /wɘːn/ v. to crawl. 312 waaŋ waal wããy wɔɔk wɔɔʔ wɔɔh JSEALS Vol. 1 wɔ̃ɔc̃ [ˈw̃ ɔ̃ːⁱc̚] /wɔ̃ːc/ n. caudal vertebra. wieeŋ [ˈwⁱeːᶢŋ] /wieːŋ/ v. to extinguish fire. wtwɛ̃ɛt̃ [wə̃t̚ˈwɛ̃ːt̚] /wtwɛ̃ːt/ v. to hurt (of /waːŋ/ n. money. From Malay wang. [ˈwaːl] /waːl/ v. to return. [ˈw̃ ãːj ̃] /wãːj/ n. loincloth. /wɔːk/ v. to rise, to wake up. [ˈwɔːʔ] /wɔːʔ/ v. 1) to exist. 2) to have. [ˈwɔːh] /wɔːh/ pn. name of a river. stomach). wywooy [wiˈwoːj] /wjwoːj/ pn. name of a river. y -yi- /ji/ infix. causative infix. yik [ˈji ̆k̚] /jiŋ/ v. 1) to leave. 2) to descend. yiŋiit /jiŋiːt/ n. Ringgit. From Malay Ringgit. yiŋɔɔŋ ʔoos [jiˈŋɔ̃ŋ ˈʔoːs] /jiŋɔːŋ ʔoːs/ n. charcoal. yiis [ˈjiːs] /jiːs/ n. liver. yiis [ˈjiːs] /jiːs/ n. daylight. yiiy [ˈjiːj] /jiːj/ persp. you two, second person dual personal pronoun. yeeʔ [ˈjeːʔ] /jeːʔ/ (yeʔ) persp. we (more than two), excluding the addressee, first person plural exclusive personal pronoun. yɛɛh [ˈjɛːh] /jɛːh/ (yɛh) dem. demonstrative. yəʔ [ˈjɘ̆ʔ] /jɘʔ/ rn. backside. — n. footprint. — adv. recently. yəəs [ˈjɘːs] /jɘːs/ v. to cross water. -ya- /ja/ (-y-, la-) affix. collective plural. yajaaʔ ʔudaaŋ [jaˈɟᶽaʔ ʔuˈdaːᶢŋ] /jaɟaːʔ ʔudaːŋ/ n. a type of kingfisher. From Malay raja udang. yagaaŋ [jaˈgaːᶢŋ] /jagaːŋ/ n. rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros). yasaaʔ [jaˈsaːʔ] /jasaːʔ/ v. to feel. From Malay rasa. yayuooŋ [jaˈjᵘoːᶢŋ] /jajuoːŋ/ v. to flee. yaaʔ [ˈjaːʔ] /jaːʔ/ n. grandmother. yaam [ˈjaːᵇm] /jaːm/ v. to cry. yaaŋ /jaaŋ/ pa. relative marker. From Malay yang. yaay [ˈjaːj] /jaːj/ persp. we two, not including the addressee, second person dual exclusive personal pronoun. yudɔʔ [juˈdɔ̆ʔ] /judɔʔ/ v. to poke. yusaaʔ [juˈsaːʔ] /jusaːʔ/ n. sambar deer (Cervus unicolor). From Malay rusa. yuhɔ̃k [juˈhɔ̃k̆ ̚] /juhɔ̃k/ v. to poke. yumpot [jumˈpŏt̚] /jumpot/ n. grass. From Malay rumput. yuuk [ˈjuːk̚] /juːk/ v. to move along a water. yuuh [ˈjuːh] /juːh/ (yuh) persp. you (plural), second person plural personal pronoun. yɔp [ˈjɔ̆p̚] /jɔp/ quan. a few, some. — interrogative. how many. yɔk [ˈjɔ̆q̚] /jɔŋ/ v. to hear. yɔɔp [ˈjɔːp̚] /jɔːp/ conj. and. yɔɔc [ˈjɔːⁱc̚] /jɔːc/ n. a type of wild cat. yɔɔw [ˈjɔːw] /jɔːw/ n. 1) rattan. 2) rope. yuoop [ˈjᵘoːp̚] /juoːp/ n. friend. yguul [jɘˈguːl] /jguːl/ n. tualang (Koompassia excelsa). yʔɛɛs [jəˈʔɛːs] /jʔɛːs/ n. root. ymlaay [jəmˈlaːj] /jmlaːj/ n. a type of tree. — pn. name of a river (Laneh). ylaay [jəˈlaːj] /jlaːj/ pn. name of a river (Kenderong). 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