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This bibliography provides a curated selection of resources related to landpower, focusing on aspects such as history, theory, strategy, transformation, and modernization within military contexts. The included works emphasize institutional learning, adapting to contemporary challenges in military strategy, and the evolution of the U.S. Army's approach to decisive action and professional development.
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in Advanced Land Warfare (OUP), 2023
The chapter outlines the findings of the volume. The authors outline a framework for a versatile approach to land warfare. First, they establish a structure of the myriad elements and factors influencing land forces, presenting a continuum of land operations modelling the use of conventional capacity and kinetic effects at different levels of conflict intensity and the role of land forces visualizing the heterogeneity of possible conflict environments where land forces may be deployed. Thereafter, the chapter presents two schematic models; the first locates land forces in the broader operating environment by outlining how the strategic environment, conflict intensity, interoperability, and multi-domain operations are constitutive enablers and/or constraints to activities in the land domain. The second outlines how the capabilities of forces in the land domain need to be understood as a function of the interaction between own capabilities, the adversary, the human- and physical terrain, and the information environment. The multidimensional demands placed on land forces in contemporary and future operational environments necessitate a conscious multi-pronged approach to the development of land warfare capabilities, aimed at gaining a versatile edge on tomorrow’s battlefields. In turn, this concerns both the build-up and construction of capabilities, and the means by which they are deployed and utilized in future conflict. The chapter argues that the achievement of versatility should be a crucial aim of contemporary land forces. As outlined in the integrated versatility model, versatility builds on two interrelated and mutually reinforcing qualities in a military organization, adaptability and flexibility. Together, they compose the underlying preconditions for truly versatile land forces.
The purpose of the Institute of Land Warfare is to extend the educational work of AUSA by sponsoring scholarly publications, to include books, monographs and essays on key defense issues, as well as workshops and symposia. A work selected for publication as a Land Warfare Paper represents research by the author which, in the opinion of the editorial board, will contribute to a better understanding of a particular defense or national security issue. Publication as an Institute of Land Warfare Paper does not indicate that the Association of the United States Army agrees with everything in the paper, but does suggest that the Association believes the paper will stimulate the thinking of AUSA members and others concerned about important defense issues.
Military strategy was long described as atheoretical-an art that could only be fully comprehended by military genius. This contention is no longer held, as military staffs, comprised of experts and specialists, are able to formulate strategy aided by minitheories of strategy and a process that takes advantage of collective wisdom rather than singular genius. But the mini-theories of strategy remain underdeveloped and an overarching theory of military strategy does not yet exist. In this dissertation I build a grand theory of military strategy, consisting of a simple two-pole, physical and psychologically oriented framework, mini-theories of military strategy, and additionally, concepts of employment that describe conceptual actions that can be employed by military means to achieve military objectives. Mini-theories of military strategy, consisting of the five basic military strategies of extermination, exhaustion, annihilation, intimidation and subversion, are woven together into a coherent military strategy theoretical framework. Additionally, I expose the principles of war as a myth, instead proffering concepts of employment as the actionable elements of strategy, which are used in the conceptual direction of military means to achieve military objectives in support and amplification of the five basic military strategies. The strategies offered are the result of a comprehensive meta-data analysis, hermeneutical analysis, and comparative metaanalysis of the works of past strategy theorists, rather than the case study methodology employed in most military strategy scholarship. This dissertation provides a baseline theory from which further military strategy hypotheses can be generated and tested in order to advance our understanding of military strategy.
Together, these essays represent an attempt to break free from the parochial preferences of each service by examining Landpower within the frame of American grand strategy. The guiding question of the volume is not how the Army can maximize its share of next year's budget, but what purpose, ultimately, any instrument of Landpower serves, and what particular purposes the U.S. Army is likely to serve in the medium to long term. The volume is divided into four parts.
H-Net, 2008
Comprising a conceptual framework, seven substantive chapters, a critical individual synthesis reflecting on the book itself and a summary conclusion, this edited book provides a set of constructive conceptual and empirical contributions to international relations, political science, and military studies. Its key argument is that national military power is too often simplistically equated with states' material and human resources, ignoring the divergent effectiveness with which states make actual use of them. In sum, and certain conceptual challenges notwithstanding, Creating Military Power provides a rather well-accomplished and differentiated analysis of the manifold sources of military power, making it a welcomed contribution to the ongoing reconceptualization of military power. With latent US ethnocentrism in some of its chapters, it is also recommendable to all those interested in the state of current US scholarship on international security studies
The government's recent review of the state of the United Kingdom's defence and security posture, and austerity measures restricting the amount of funding and resources allocated for these ends, have raised a number of questions surrounding the role of the military and its ability to realize national foreign policy objectives in the future.
The Indonesian Quarterly, 2008
reviewed the manuscript for Chapter 13 and poses no objection to its publication. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of the Department of State.
Media, Culture & Society, 2003
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2011
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015
Climate Change Economics, 2013
Desalination, 2008
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1996
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2011
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture,, 2018
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2004
Proceedings of Conference …, 2009
Journal of Blood Disorders and Transfusion, 2015
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
International Journal of Smart grid, 2020
PLOS ONE, 2022
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2003
Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics
Electronic Journal of Biology, 2011
NUML journal of critical inquiry
Advanced Photonics, 2011