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ASJA Boys’ College Charlieville End of Term Examination March 2016 Integrated Science Paper 2 Q 1.(a)(i) A – Condensation B – Precipitation C – Evaporation Solution KC A 1 1 1 (a)(ii) Any domestic use stated. Any agricultural use stated. 1 1 (a)(iii) Infection 1 (a)(iv) Use of filtration followed by Chlorination OR Use of decanting followed by Reverse osmosis techniques. (b)(i) Any One of the following Reduced Percolation to the water table Surface runoff containing top soil Soil erosion 1 (b)(ii) There will be a reduction in food supply along the food chains. Animals may migrate. Animals may go extinct. 1 (c)(i) Reduced Carbon Dioxide Emissions 1 (c)(ii) Water Pollution during construction Water flow diverted causing drought (c)(iii) Increased evaporation resulting in greater levels of cloud cover. (c)(iv) Aluminium 1 (c)(v) Electrical Shock 1 (d)(i) All points plotted accurately - One incorrect plot – deduct 1 mark 4 2 2 1 - Two incorrect plots – deduct 2 marks Three incorrect plots – deduct 3 marks Four incorrect plots – deduct 4 marks (d)(ii) Thin continuous lines Neatly drawn and clean 1 1 (d)(iii) X and Y Axes correctly labelled 1 (d)(iv) Title of graph similar to the title of the table. 1 (d)(v) Trend shows a significant increase in carbon dioxide emissions. 1 (d)(vi) There has been a consistent increase in carbon dioxide emissions during the period. 1 2.(a) Any Two of the following: All acids turn blue litmus red All acids have a sour taste All acids conduct electricity in aqueous solution All acids have a pH less than 7 All acids are corrosive 2 Any two of the following: All bases turn red litmus blue All bases feel soupy/slippery when touched All bases have a pH greater than 7 All bases are caustic 2 (b)(i) Hydrochloric Acid or Carbonic Acid 1 (b)(ii) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate or saliva 1 (c)(i) The concentration of hydrogen ions present in an aqueous solution. 1 (c)(ii) Baking Soda 1 (c)(iii) Grapefruit Juice 1 (d)(i) Bleach is basic and will not neutralize the paint that is nonpolar. Bleach will dissolve the red pigments from the dress. 1 1 (d)(ii) (e) 3.(a) Use of a nonpolar solvent such as benzene or acetone can be used to remove the nonpolar paint stain. Nonpolar substances dissolve in nonpolar substances. 1 Avoid using the solvent close to a naked flame. Use the solvent only on the spot where the stain is located. 1 1 1 Corrosion is a chemical process where any metal surface that comes into contact with oxygen and moisture reacts to form an oxide layer. 1 Rusting is a form of corrosion that occurs with iron only. 1 (b)(i) B 1 (b)(ii) The nail is exposed to both air and moisture and will therefore show the most amount of rust. 2 (b)(iii) Absorbs water vapour/moisture 1 (b)(iv) B is the control 1 (b)(v) Rusting would not occur since the coating on the stainless steel nail do not react with water or oxygen. 1 (b)(vi) Used for roofing. 1 (b)(vii) Any One of the following Painting of surface Galvanizing Anodizing Electroplating 1 (c) Advantages: Cheap/Affordable Lightweight 2 Disadvantages Breaks under high pressure Non-biodegradable 2 A micro-organism is an organism that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can only be seen with the use of a microscope. 1 4. (a)(i) (a)(ii) Mould growth can be reduced by reducing the temperature at which the bread is stored. OR Use of antifungal agents in the dough. 1 (b)(i) Yeast 1 (b)(ii) Moisture Warm temperature between 18oC to 35oC. Oxygen 1 1 1 (b)(iii) Slows down the growth rate. 1 (b)(iv) No Growth would occur. There would be no oxygen present to support the life of the fungi for respiration to occur. 1 1 (c) The mould can result in infection of the human body. This will cause various diseases to develop. (d) Any TWO of the following Canning, Salting, Pickling, Jams (e) Atmospheric temperature promotes mould growth. Air contains oxygen and moisture together with mould spores to cause mould growth. 5.(a) Requires a large amount of energy to do work and leisure activities. Ground provision are rich sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates such as starch break down to simple sugars and are used in respiration to release energy for work. 1 Any THREE of the following Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Any ONE Explanation for each item selected. Proteins – used for growth and repair of cells and tissues. Breaks down to amino acids during digestion. 3 Fats – Used to dissolve vitamins A, D and E. Important constituent in the formation of cell membranes of cells. Protects delicate organs. Insulates the body against heat loss. Also provides energy. 1 (b) 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 (c) 6. (a) Vitamins – used as a main constituent in the formation of major biological molecules such as enzymes. 1 Minerals – used as a main constituent in the formation of major biological molecules such as haemoglobin. 1 Any four machines that are able to take an energy input and carry out work. 4 Friction 2 Conduction – the process of heat transfer in a solid from the point where heat is applied to a cooler region of the material. Convection – The process where heat is absorbed by particles in a fluid and moved from one point to another. Radiation – The Transfer of heat energy from one point to another via the use of electromagnetic waves. (b) No Question Stated. (c) Procedure written in logical sequence of steps. One Manipulated variable identified. Constant variables identified Responding variable identified. Method of data collection stated. (d) Two problems clearly stated and linked to the subject matter. Problems clearly defined and explained. END 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2