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Annex I List of China’s major international watercourses by country with treaties. Country Watercourse shared Afghanistan 1. Indus ( Pakistan, India, 阿富汗 Kashmir) Agreements 印度河 2. Aksu (Agsu) River 阿克苏河 3. Karachukur Su River 阔克苏河 4. Wakhjir River 阿姆河/瓦汉河 Bangladesh 孟加拉国 1. Yarlung Zangbo-Brahmaputra Rive  China-Bangladesh MoU 2008. Memorandum of Understanding upon Provision of Hydrological Information of the Brahmaputra/ Yalunzangbu River in Flood Season by China to Bangladesh 雅鲁藏布江 《关于中方向孟方提供雅鲁藏布江-布拉马普特拉河汛期水文资料的谅解备忘 录》  Joint Communiqué Between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh《中孟联合公报》 English version available from:http://bd.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/zxhz/hzjj/200705/20070504698156.html Chinese version available from:http://news.china.com/zh_cn/domestic/945/20050409/12229933.html Bhutan 1. Yarlung Zangbo-Brahmaputra River 不丹 ( India ) 雅鲁藏布江 India 1. Indus ( Pakistan, Afghanistan, 印度 Kashmir) 印度河   River/Brahmaputra River 雅鲁藏布江/布拉马普特拉 河 2008 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) upon Provision of Hydrological information of the Brahmaputra /Yaluzangbu river in flood season [关于中方向印方提供雅鲁藏布江-布拉马普特 2. Yarlung Zangbo (Bhutan) 2010 Joint Communiqué(Para. 9)《2010 中印联合公报》 Chinese version available from:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/1179/t778838.htm  拉河汛期水文资料的谅解备忘录》]. Chinese version available from: http://www.fsou.com/html/text/eag/1006692/100669213.html 2005 Memorandum the Provision of Hydrological Data on Langqen Zangbo / Sutlej during Flood Season  2005 Joint Statement(Para. 9)《2005 年中印联合声明》  2011 Cooperation Agreement on Environmental Protection 《2011 年中哈环境保护合作协定》 3. Ganges (Nepal, Bangladesh) Chinese version available from:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/1179/t255666.htm 恒河 4. Ayeyarwady ( Myanmar ) 伊洛瓦底江 Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 1. Irtysh-Ob River (Mongolia; Russia)  2011 Agreement on Protection of Water Quality of Transboundary Rivers 《2011 年中哈跨界河流水 额尔齐斯河 2. Yili River 伊犁河 3. Eminhe River 额敏河    质保护协定》 2010 Cooperation Agreement on the Joint Construction of Horgos River Friendship Joint Diversion Control Project《关于共同建设霍尔果斯河友谊联合引水枢纽工程的合作协定》 2007 Joint Communiqué(Para. 6)《2007 年联合公报》 2006 Agreement on Management System of China- Kazakhstan Border (Art. 1(14) and (15), Chap. 4 (Arts. 8-11), Art. 15(2)) 《中哈边界管理制度协定》  Chinese version available from: http://www.110.com/fagui/law_5045.html 2006 Agreement on Exchange of Hydrological and Hydrochemical Information (Data) of Border Gauging Stations on Major Transboundary Rivers《中华人民共和国水利部和哈萨克斯坦环境保护部关   Kyrgyzstan 1. Aksu River 吉尔吉斯斯坦 阿克苏河 于相互交换主要跨界河流边境水文站水文水质资料的协议》 2006 Agreement on Development of Scientific-Research Cooperation on Transboundary Rivers 《中华人 民共和国水利部和哈萨克斯坦农业部关于开展跨界河流科研合作的协议》 2005 Agreement on emergency notification of the Parties of Natural Disasters on Transboundary Rivers  2001 Cooperation Agreement on the Utilisation and Protection of Transboundary Rivers 《中哈关于利  2011 Joint Statement on Law Enforcement Cooperation along the Mekong River among China, Laos, 《中哈双方关于紧急通报跨界河流自然灾害信息的协议》 用和保护跨界河流的合作协定》. English version available from: http://iea.uoregon.edu/pages/view_treaty.php?t=2001-UseProtectionTransboundaryRivers. EN.txt&par=view_treaty_htm Chinese version available from: http://www.fsou.com/html/text/eag/1006692/100669255.html 2. Tarim (Tajikistan, Kashmir) 塔里木河 Laos 1. Lancang River /Mekong 老挝 River(Myanmar, Thailand, Myanmar, Thailand 《中华人民共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、缅甸联邦共和国、泰王 Cambodia, Vietnam) 国关于湄公河流域执法安全合作的联合声明》 澜沧江/湄公河 2. Yuanjiang-Red River (Vietnam) Chinese version available from: http://www.mps.gov.cn/n16/n1237/n1342/n803715/2993590.html  红河  2000 Agreement on Commercial Navigation on Lancang–Mekong River among the governments of China, Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand [中老缅泰《澜沧江-湄公河商船通航协定》]. Chinese version available from: http://baike.baidu.com/view/6632573.htm 1994 Agreement on Freight and Passenger Transport along the Lancang–Mekong River [中老《关于澜 沧江——湄公河客货运输协定》]. Chinese version available from: http://www.gx-law.gov.cn/news_show.asp?id=709  1993 Treaty on Border System(article 6) 《中老关于边界管理制度的协定》 Chinese version available from:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/tytj/tyfg/t947975.htm Mongolia 1. 蒙古 乌伦古河 2. Ulungur River ( Russia) Heilongjiang / Amur River (North Korea; Russia) 黑龙江 3. Kherlen River (Russia) 克鲁伦河  2010 Treaty on the Management of the Boundary (Art. 1(11), Chapter 4) 中蒙《关于边界管理制度 的条约》 Chinese version available from: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/zlb/tyfg/t812099.htm  1988 Treaty on Common Boundaries and Settlement of Boundary Matters (Part 3) 《关于中蒙边界制 度和处理边境问题的条约》 Chinese version available from:http://www.hebgs.gov.cn/Yw/Yp/M_content.asp?yclassID_20040527=5&ArticleID=5 9253  1994 Agreement on Protection and Utilisation of Border Waters 中蒙《关于保护和利用边界水协 定》 Chinese version available from:http://www.law-lib.com/law/law_view.asp?id=77528 English version available from:  se=faolex&search_type=query&table=result&query=ID:LEX-FAOC017921&format_name=ERALL&lang=eng 1962 Boundary Treaty (Art. 2) 《中华人民共和国和蒙古人民共和国边界条约》 Myanmar 1. Lancang River /Mekong 缅甸 River(laos, Thailand,  澜沧江/湄公河 (Thailand ) 怒江/萨尔温江 3. Ayeyarwady River (India) 伊洛瓦底江 Nepal 2011 Joint Statement on Law Enforcement Cooperation along the Mekong River among China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand《中老缅泰关于湄公河流域执法安全合作的联合声明》 Cambodia, Vietnam) 2. Nu Jiang/Salween River Chinese version available from: http://www.npc.gov.cn/wxzl/gongbao/1963-03/04/content_1480962.htm  Chinese version available from: http://www.mps.gov.cn/n16/n1237/n1342/n803715/2993590.html 2000 Agreement on Commercial Navigation on Lancang–Mekong River among the governments of China, Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand《中老缅泰关于澜沧江-湄公河商船通航协定》 Chinese version available from: http://baike.baidu.com/view/6632573.htm  1997 Agreement on Border Management and Cooperation (Art. 1(5), Arts. 9 and 10) 《中缅边境管理 与合作协定》  1994 Agreement on Freight and Passenger Transport along the Lancang-Mekong River 中缅《关于澜沧 江—湄公河客货运输协定》 Chinese version available from:http://www.86148.com/onews.asp?id=17871 Ganges( India, Bangladesh) 恒河 North Korea 1. Yalujiang River  2012 Agreement on Joint Construction, Management and Maintenance of Ji’an-Manpu Border-River Road Bridge on Yalujiang River《中朝政府关于共同建设、管理和维护集安—满浦界河公路大桥的 鸭绿江 协定》 2. Tumenjiang River (Russia) 图们江 3. Heilongjiang/Amur River (Mongolia; Russia) 黑龙江  Chinese version available from:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/zlb/tyfg/t947949.htm 2011 Cooperation Agreement on Maritime Administration of Yalujiang Water Area《中朝鸭绿江水域海 事管理合作协议》  2010 Agreement on Joint Construction, Management and Maintenance of Border-River Road Bridge on Yalujiang River 《中朝关于共同建设、管理和维护鸭绿江界河公路大桥的协定》 4. Tianchi Lake /Heavenly Lake  2002 The Protocol on Cooperation on Navigation and Shipping in Boundary Rivers 中朝《国境河流航 运合作协议书》 天池  1995 Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Principles Governing the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia《关于图们江经济开发区及东北亚地区环境准则谅解  备忘录》 1995 Agreement on the Establishment of the Consultative Commission for the Development of the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia《关于建立图们江经济开发区及东北亚开 发协商委员会的协定》  1982 Rules for Vessel’s Navigation in the Border Rivers《中朝国境河流船舶航行规则(1981 年)》  1978 Cooperation Agreement on Hydrologic Work of Yalujiang River and Tumenjiang River《中华人民共 Chinese version available from:http://www.ytmsa.gov.cn/chn200912280119254/article.jsp?articleId=33800 和国水利电力部和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国气象水文局关于鸭绿江和图门江水文工 作合作协定》    Chinese version available from:http://www.law-lib.com/lawhtm/1949-1979/75714.htm 1964 The Protocol on Borderline (Art. 17) 《中朝边界议定书》 1962 The Treaty of Borderline (Art. 3) 《中朝边界条约》 Chinese version available from: http://11644550.blog.hexun.com/36567830_d.html 1960 The Agreement on Cooperation on Navigation and Shipping in Boundary Rivers《中朝关于国境河 流航运合作的协定》 Chinese version available fromhttp://www.86148.com/onews.asp?id=18091 Pakistan Shiquan River/Indus( India, 巴基斯坦 Afghanistan, Kashmir) 狮泉河/印度河 Russia 1. Heilongjiang / Amur River (Mongolia; North 俄国 Korea) 黑龙江 2. Tumenjiang River (North Korea) 图们江 3. Argun river  2008 Agreement on Reasonable Utilisation and Protection of Transboundary Waters 中俄《关于合理利 用和保护跨界水的协定》 Chinese version available from http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/tytj/tyfg/t708160.htm   2006 Agreement on Management System of China-Russia Border《中俄国界管理制度协定》 2001 Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation 《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》 额尔古纳河 English version available from: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjdt/2649/t15771.htm 4. Chinese version available from :http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/tytj/tyfg/t4976.htm Irtysh-Ob River (Kazakhstan; Mongolia)  额尔齐斯河 5. Rivers 中俄《关于对界河中个别岛屿及其附近水域进行共同经济利用的协定 Wusuli River /Ussuri River 乌苏里江 6. Shuifeng River 1999 Agreement on the Joint Economic Use of Separate Islands and Surrounding Water Areas in Frontier  Chinese version available from : http://sifaku.com/falvfagui/38/zcedppa15p0b.html 1998 The Protocol to the Cargo Transportation between Coastal Ports and Inner Water Ports by Chinese Ships via the Russian Part of Heilongjiang River 中俄《关于中国船舶经黑龙江俄罗斯河段从事 绥芬河 7. Kherlen River (Mongolia) 克鲁伦河 8. Xingkai Lake /Khanka 中国沿海港口和内河港口之间货物运输的议定书》 Chinese version available from :http://www.chinaruslaw.com/CN/CnRuTreaty/53o92p5c/20091130154658_217281. Lake 兴凯湖  htm 1996 Agreement on Khanka/Xingkai Lake International Nature Reserve 中俄《关于兴凯湖自然保护 区协定》  Chinese version available from :http://www.hflib.gov.cn/law/law/falvfagui/GJTY/HJ/HJ1017.htm 1995 Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Principles Governing the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia 《关于图们江经济开发区及东北亚地区环境准则谅解  备忘录》 1995 Agreement on the Establishment of the Consultative Commission for the Development of the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia《关于建立图们江经济开发区及东北亚开 发协商委员会的协定》  1994 Agreement Concerning Protection, Regulation and Reproduction of Living Water Resources in Frontier Waters of Rivers Amur and Ussury《中俄关于黑龙江、乌苏里江边境水域开展渔业资源保护、 调整和增殖议定书  Chinese version available from :http://www.xunyu.com/html/xxbk/zcfg/wm/19940527.htm 1992 Agreement on the Organizing of Shipping of Foreign Trade Goods by Ships of China and Russia in Amur and Songhua River 中俄《关于在黑龙江和松花江利用中俄船舶组织外贸货物运输协 议  Chinese version available from :http://www.chinaruslaw.com/CN/CnRuTreaty/53o92p5c/20091130211214_211145. htm 1988 Agreement between China and Soviet Union on Cooperation in Fisheries [《中苏渔业合作协定》  Chinese version available from: http://china.findlaw.cn/fagui/guojifa/gj/23/22300.html 1956 Agreement on Joint Research Operations to Determine the Natural Resources of the Amur River Basin and the Prospects for Development of its Productive Potentialities and on Planning and Survey Operations to Prepare a Scheme for the Multi-Purpose Exploitation of the Argun River and the Upper Amur River 关于 《中华人民共和国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟共同进行调查黑龙江流域自然资源 和生产力发展远景的科学研究工作及编制额尔古纳河和黑龙江上游综合利用规划的 勘测设计工作协定》  1951 Agreement on the Navigation and Construction of Border Waters including Amur, Ussuri, Argun, Sungacha River and Khanka Lake 中苏《关于黑龙江、乌苏里江、额尔古纳河、松阿察河及兴凯湖之国境河流航行及建 设协定》 Chinese version available from:http://www.lawxp.com/statute/s1012721.html Tajikistan Tarim( Kyrgyzstan, Kashmir) 塔吉克斯坦 塔里木河 Vietnam 1. Lancang River /Mekong 越南 River(Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia,laos) 澜沧江/湄公河 2. Yuan River/Red River(laos) 红河 3. Pearl River 珠江 4. Beilun River/Ka Long River 北仑河  2009 China-Vietnam Land Border Management System Agreement (Art. 1(11)、Chapter 4)《关于中越陆 地边界管理制度的协定》 Chinese version available from:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/tytj/tyfg/t812100.htm  1991 Provisional Agreement on the Handling of Border Affairs (Art. 2)《中越处理两国边境事务的临 时协定》 Chinese version available from: http://www.chinabaike.com/law/gjt/1427939.html Mekong River Commission 湄公河委员会  2002 Agreement on Provision of Hydrological Information on the Lancang/Mekong River during Flood Season《关于中国水利部向湄公河委员会提供澜沧江-湄公河汛期水文资料的协议》  Agreement on Commercial Navigation on Lancang–Mekong River among the governments of China,  Laos, Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand (2000) 中老缅泰《澜沧江-湄公河商船通航协定》 Chinese version available from: http://baike.baidu.com/view/6632573.htm Joint Statement on Law Enforcement Cooperation along the Mekong River among the People's Republic of China, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Kingdom of Thailand (2011) 《中老缅泰关于湄公河流域执法安全合作的联合声明》 Chinese version available from:http://www.mps.gov.cn/n16/n1237/n1342/n803715/2993590.html I think this article gives a brief introduction between china and Afghanistan’s boundary,see: http://www.law.fsu.edu/library/collection/limitsinseas/ibs089.pdf