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O F C O N C E R N I N G S T R I N G T H E O R Y Abstract: String Ring Sting Couple of days ago, I found a paper lying on the floor. Wind gently moved its corners to make it a dog-ear. I picked-up the paper out of curiosity. It was a student’s home-work. It describes a wedding in Turkey in English prose. I read through it and saw the light. After pondering a while on it; I decided to make an essay out of it pointing to a very serious cultural case. Keeping this purpose in mind, I made the squared paper even a cube by intrepreting it. God willing, I may make it a hyper-cube via intrepreting at a higher dimension. For this objective I made the paper scanned so that it would be suitable for sharing over the internet realm. I thus copy-paste the musical taste of a wedding-story told in English without haste. It is also in line with the national requirements (!) of being wed and producing off-springs for the nation. Thus, with one move; I fulfill, both promoting procreation, supporting science and art, teaching geometry and intrepreting and over-intrepreting a translation-homework made in terms of cross-cultural perspective. If somebody objects to this academic work of not being scientific, then I would counter-argue you have no dog-ear either to science nor art nor geometry nor philosopy. Let me also remind that: In history of mathematics, Phytagorean Theorem was called Brides’ Theorem by the Arab mathematicians of the Middle Age. While, it was the philosopher Phytagoras, according hegemonic narration of science, was the man who first discovered the mathematics of sound. Let me remind that the legendary Turkish ‘saz player’ Neşet Ertaş in his career played the saz for entertaining people in local weddings. So, there is a quite bit of cultural and humanistic expansions of this cube which appeared to me in rectangle paper. Now my mission if not lost in translation; to upgrade this rectangle to a hyper-cube and thus make it universal philosophy. In other words, if to express in classical jargon: Philosophia Perennis. (Abbreviated version P.P) SQUARED VERSION of two-dimensions The Front of the Page The Back- Side of the Page Now, for preparing a deeply philosophical perspective of a wedding in Turkey described in English let us listen selected ‘saz eserleri’: Playlist: Çeviride-dublaj böyle gözüken… hâkikisinde işte böyle duyuluyor: O Sting Theory ise bu da String İcrâsı: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RNvRaPAED4&list=RD_RNvRaPAED4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5HUMmE7ha0&index=2&list=RD_RNvRaPAED4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOn6xqI6Iss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig5G0oru7Dc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-AW_GwBYzk Someone might say: If you think too much you will never marry and have babies. My potential answer is: I am preparing the cultural and educational back ground of future off-springs by doing paper-work which nobody else except me may realise in such form. Thus my marginal benefit to humanity as a whole is greater than a few babies produced in my finite biological span. Thus thinking in hyper-space instead of lineer thinking, I prove that calculus of truth is universally valid. Also, by learning from Reza’s experience humbly, I hopefully ward-off misfortunes by intrepreting the squared paper like a fortune-teller. Thus squaring accounts have accumulated with my experience on Earth, I also give a surplus to Earth in terms universal philosophia perennis. (U.P.P) This also proves how economic I am an enterprize. You may say I am GDI. In non-abbreviated form it is God Damn Individual. Now, labeling people in this way is not polite and Polayt. So if there are people at polygonal spaces devising plans for humanity know that GDIs always undermine your polygons to mollyclingons. If the universe is such then I am the king. No matter what you propagete about the virtues of republic, democracy, constitutional order etcetera etcetera. You can fool most people all the time But You can not cover the polyphonic rhyme. If the measure of everything is Money Then life will be sucked-off its Honey A forty years old Roman Yani Olur mu bir sıradan Kâni? Olmaz nitekim. If you take your legitimacy from Money I also take it from Money. By connecting the internet for 1 Turkish l lira, I play the saz ara sıra. Eyüp sabır ile gitti mısıra. Bunu diyen köpek kıçını ısıra. Döl isteyen para isteyen zihniyet avucunu yalaya. Now, after this brief inter-mezzo of improvisation I return to the main academic theme. Reza is going to marry but… Who will be the male actor who will be the female actor. Who will be the cake on table who will eat whom? Now Rıza means in Turkish, consent. Among other things. However, I object to this wedding. Legally, in terms of Roman Law; for a capable legal actor to engage in legal obligation [by the way since I am un-employed I can afford of not being bothered by wage-labour constraints imposed on lawyers hired like sellers of pleasure] Since I took Roman Civil Law lessons at the faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences and Political Science and International Relations Department, when I was a freshman; I come to rescue like Hızır to save Reza, from a tragic fate in the manner of deus ex machina of ancient Greek Drama. Now, Reza, is not legally competent to marry and have babies. The legal prof is that he forgot the sine qua non of wedding rings. Second argument, he did not procure spare parts of the strings to be played on his wedding. This is indication that; he is not mature enough to sustain. Tomorrow or another day, I suppose an earthquake hits Turkey (Allah Muhafaza) is he prepared to save his dear wife and children from the judgement day mizansen of the post-Earth quake stage. Obviously not. Then, why society should give legal licence to those not competent enough to continue species in socially approved and institionalized form called marriage? Thus, intrepreting the cube in hyper-space as a hyper-cube I object to this marriage. Now indeed, fate intervenes by breaking the string and giving a subtle warning to Rıza… However, if his brain is not smart enough to receive that message what can fate do? Jesus Christ said I may heal handicapped men but I can not cure stupidity. Therefore, I will do my best but takdir Allah’tan. Do they have tam teşekküllü hospital report that they do not have any contagious diseaese? Obviously the text does not mention that. Now life itself is a disease, which the medical narration confirms it by treating pregnancy as an ilness, then even if they have no apparent contagious diseases their pregnancy is itself a disease which would prohibit marriage. Let us think more globally. What about the economic doctrine of Malthus and the recent upsurges in the prices of main food-stuffs for human’s eating? There are also scientific studies made by the Club of Rome projecting the world problematique to become so intermingled that can not even be opened by a stroke of a sword in the style of Alexandre the Great? Now in such dire straits; what will Rıza’s offspring do to survive? Considering these, and also taking into account of global warming; I conclude that this episode is unnecessary enterprize and a risk not to be taken. Now, if the system, imposes locals to translate their life into globalization; a more profound translation might be something like mine translation. However as always, the system, for its mean interests, encourages a particular type of intrepretation and censors more truthful intrepretations. And this is called münafıklık… in islamic jargon. By the way; what is the Turkish word which the text can not be translated into English? Obviously, people’s names remain the same; however, in terms of “objects” saz is not translated, perhaps can not be translated, because it has no correspondence in English. Now, the text might prefer the usage of musical instrument in a broader context of meaning. Then it would cover any musical sound generator in any culture in any time. If intrepretation is pushed to a bit more limit, then for the female monsters, Reza is also an instrument. If, suppose that, within a few years, Reza like a slave working for female in ‘his’ family. Then, as a heavy worker, he is functionally no different than a davul. If you observe beneath the pink paint of many families and marriages, in most of them you will observe what I said here is valid through infinity. Thus the objective of philosophia perennis is realized. Through a dog-eared squared paper found by an anything player in any mode in any media but for only HIS purposes. Confucius says: It is the rope which is short not that the well is deep. Here, if the cake is destined to be partitioned then a logical geometrical partition for a circle-shaped cake is unthinkable (?) without the radii and angles calculated. But I am not so sure of that… Because; lateral slices cut-off paralel to a diameter might be imagined. İf the areas are evenly divided off, then the angle-radii partitioning might not be needed. However, conditioned people sometimes do not see alternatives. For instance; for educational purposes a water-mellon might be cut-off by knife in such a way that; it would remotely resemble a regualar polyhedron. Also one might imagine that a mellon we eat in summer time is a 3-dimensional rotated form of an ellypse forming elipsoid form. Even an onion when observed in that logic, fits in the calculus logic studying the volumes created by rotating 2-dimensional figures as defined by curves plotted on a Cartesian graph. If you observe onions being rotated on a şiş, you might smell the Newtonian calculus of creating curved volumes. Thus Turkish şiş-kebap aids science indirectly. Imagine, closed curve drawn like an onion on a squared paper. And think this figure is rotated 360 degrees from its lateral axis. The volume contained is the real onion. When I was a small child, observing the beauties of the beach, I noticed a şeytan minaresi, (horn-shell) and right away decided its form belonged to conics stuck together naturally from their circular bases. Also, other marine creatures had resembling conic structures. I know their names not however; there are some muscle-like marine creatures, whose crusts are of the form of oval-based and widely angled vertexed conics. Now, couple of months ago I produced their forms by producing conics out of cardboard, and noticed that the formal logic binding anything is one and very plainly structured. While, I can not fill-in the living essence of that marine creature I may to a certain extent imitate and understand its formal cause. So this is a possibility open if necessary and sufficient causes are fulfilled. Of course, the limits which man can know is very very restrained. And the things he is able to do is more restricted. However, despite Turkey’s conditions of being a “percentage country”, like most of third world countries; some ways of miracles are stil open if you insist on in your study. Returning to Rıza’s wedding… So, even if the knife is short, there might be ways which allow assasins to logically cut-off the cake harmoniously. Pie is something eatable but the transcendental number pi is a mathematical constant which undeniably appears in nature wheter you eat it or not. For instance imagine a sunrise or sunset over the horizon over the sea. Now, it is obvious that Sun being a sphere appears circle here. Therefore, if you omit horizon’s curvature and treat it as a line, in a sun set or sunrise, there must be two tangent points touched instantly from below and from above. The number Pi appears naturally, as the division of the circumference of the solar disc as appears to the eye and the diameter of the solar disc as appears to the eye. It is evident that since moon is also sphere, when it is fully illuminated it also appears in circle shape. That means there is another visual representation of the number Pi. Up in the sky, if you notice. The ancient philosophers knew at least since the era of Alexandrian School of Science, that the form of the Earth was a sphere and indeed Eratosthenes had accurately calculated measures of the Earth. The idea of ‘Earth being a sphere among many spheres’ must be a learned knowledge perhaps known even before that era. Thinking it logically; one might observe both in the sky and by illuminating spherical objects here, the illuminated surface area of a sphere resembles crescents of various shapes in a darkened-room. Is it imaginable that, for instance a cube shaped model Earth may be illuminated as to produce crescent shaped illuminated parts in a darkened room experiments made? Now, when I thought over the light-shadow interplay of solid objects… And, keeping in mind that Mediterrenean region is the core of the sunny and civilized part of the Earth… Also considering the art of statue making as displayed in numerous museums anywhere around the Earth. I evaluate rather unreasonable to think that ancient scientists did not take notice of the light-shadow relationships of solid objects in congruence with their mathematical-geometrical knowledge produced. Now; one of the standard explanations for the start of the middle age; is the demise of the Alexandrian School of science. This narration is told as a story in the film Agora. It is a common knowledge that; the cosmological view which centers Earth in the universe was a degeneration of past civilization. It is also deemed as Dark Ages, where everything else is degenerated and declined. When reason slept blind faith took the grip. With the same logic I suspect that; if the contemporary illogical and absurd economic and international system continues; there is no way of making people reasonable and rational living in the midst of it. Like fish in a sea. Because, it is absurd to expect reason from a man living in an ir-rational order. Then, the real planners might have thought that instead of making them rational, we will control them by manipulating their irrationalities through various supersitions world-widely organized. You may think this argumentation is so speculative. Then observe your locality to check wheter if am I consistent with the facts. When I was a small child, I thought that somebody threw-off a banana on the sky and it just stuck there for a reason I could not explain away. I also reasoned out that when fatter bananas are thrown the crescent appears more fully, and when slim bananas are thrown it is new moon. Now since no scientific explanation were reasonably made available to me; and because of the lack of true knowledge save our national flag and because precariousness of the issue due to the onomastick sensitivities of moonish names, I was kept ignorant on this important scientific topic. I remember that when I commented of the illuminated surface of the moon as a percentage to the whole; they commented narrowing the range to quarters as Turkish language calls: İlkdördün, sondördün, dolunay, yeniay… If I am not mis-remembering. Now, a people so keen on taking commisions and percentages; not applying the same logic to science is a contradiction in itself. However, as years rolled by, I read somewhere which was a scientific writing; that the illuminated and non-illuminated portions of the moon were also expressed in percentages. So, while I was more in line with truth; the people around me, either of being ignorant or have some dark spots having to the with commisions and percentages, reduced that ratio to quarters. Now, taking percentages and commision is not ethical in itsef. However, taking commisions and percentages and also suppressing a small child uttering truth is something outragious. Because unearned Money is combined with persecution And the topic of the persecution is about universe; and according to Quran, universe is one of God’s verses. So perhaps for this reason, Allah granted me the privilege of the first person who traslated Sir Isaac Newton’s Optics in Turkish, after a 300 years of a general sleep. While I did not walk over moon, this is a sufficient step for such a great nation. Perhaps someday; one of the offsprings of our great nation, will, God willing, walk over that real crescent with his boots and penetrate our glorious crescent-star flag of the powdery surface of moon. Now, in 1990s, there was a commercial aired in TV of one of the magnate holdings of Turkey advertising: A Turkish flag over the powdery surface of the Moon and an astronot commenting in the sub-text: “ Why-not?” Because that spacemen knew that even if coincidence took them up there, there are very dire consequences that the return voyage may not succeed. Therefore he uttered on the subtext for the reasons preventing the event, to save his life; because everybody in Turkey know that if that holding do something you may be nearly sure of its defects. Would you go to moon and expect a safe return with a vehicle built by this group? Any rational person would prefer more theoretical and safe studies rather that going in that ship. Now, in a country where anything is corrupted; the solution seems to be not Earthly but divinely. If you are naive enough not to believe in poetic justice; ask somebody more seasoned of events he experienced or heard. You may be surprised that poetic justice is the norm while worldly is a very rare exception. However, a naive mind may think the other way.