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Y90 selective internal radiation therapy

2015, Surgical oncology clinics of North America

Primary liver malignancies and liver metastases are affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Because of their late and advanced stage presentation, only 10% of patients can receive curative surgical treatment, including transplant or resection. Alternative treatments, such as systemic chemotherapy, ablative therapy, and chemoembolization, have been used with marginal survival benefits. Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT), also known as radioembolization, is a compelling alternative treatment option for primary and metastatic liver malignancies with a growing body of evidence. In this article, an introduction to SIRT including background, techniques, clinical outcomes, and complications is reviewed.

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Tafti, MD a , KEYWORDS  Y90  Selective internal radiation therapy  Liver  Malignancy KEY POINTS  Multiple prospective phase II, III, and retrospective studies have demonstrated the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) in hepatocellular cancer (HCC) and colorectal metastasis (CRM).  SIRT could potentially be used for downsizing of an HCC lesion to allow for definitive therapies, such as liver transplantation or resection.  SIRT has shown some survival benefit as a treatment option in patients with chemotherapy-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer.  SIRT has its innate complications, but it seems to be better tolerated by patients than chemoembolization. INTRODUCTION Primary liver malignancies and liver metastases are affecting millions of individuals worldwide.1–3 The definitive management of liver tumors (both primary and secondary) remains a challenge in the unresectable patient population.4 Established treatment modalities including surgical resection and liver transplantation have been the only curative options offered to patients with any success but are only applicable to roughly 10% of patients.5–8 Minimally invasive treatments, such as ablation and transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), have traditionally been used in selective patients with early disease or as a palliative option when surgery is not possible. Even when such options are made available, treatment paradigms vary; as a result, techniques, selection, and clinical outcomes (especially in the setting of embolic therapy) have been limited. The authors have nothing to disclose. a Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology, UCLA Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA; b Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia Medical Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada * Corresponding author. Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology, Ronald Reagan Medical Center at UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 757 Westwood Plaza, Suite 2125, Los Angeles, CA 90095-743730. E-mail address: EdwardLee@mednet.ucla.edu Surg Oncol Clin N Am 24 (2015) 167–185 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soc.2014.09.011 surgonc.theclinics.com 1055-3207/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 168 Lee et al Author's personal copy Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer in the world. Risk factors for the development of HCC include viral hepatitis (ie, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus), alcohol abuse, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, intake of aflatoxincontaminated food, obesity, diabetes, and hereditary conditions (such as hemochromatosis). The efficacy of lipiodol-based TACE has been established in early stage HCC9; however, this approach remains controversial in advanced-disease patients. Furthermore, no prospective randomized controlled comparative studies have been conducted for the use of TACE in any metastatic condition. Neuroendocrine disease, a condition notorious for variability in presentation and prognosis, represents the largest investigated population (in retrospective or single-arm prospective design trials). Drugeluting bead has demonstrated early favorable results with the use of irinotecan in the CRM population, with limited prospective trials with moderate response (in varied clinical settings).10 The implementation of selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) in the HCC and CRM setting has demonstrated a more formalized and disciplined approach, with phase III level I data demonstrated in the CRM populations and large, prospective as well as retrospective cohorts in the HCC population demonstrating safety, efficacy, and tolerability.11–15 History and Evolution of Radioembolization Although radiation therapy has proven useful in the treatment of various malignancies, this by large has not been the case with hepatic malignancies. External radiation therapy has not played a major role in the treatment of HCC secondary to the relatively low tolerance of the liver to radiation.16 The liver is only able to tolerate between 30 and 50 Gy before patients begin experiencing significant radiation-induced liver disease (RILD).16 However, liver tumors often need radiation doses on the order of 90 to 100 Gy or greater for effective treatment.16,17 The limitations associated with external beam radiation have been addressed with the development of radioembolization. Radioembolization or SIRT involves selectively injecting radioactive microparticles via a catheter into the hepatic artery branches feeding liver tumors, where the microparticles lodge in the tumor microvasculature.18 With this technique, radiation doses as high as 150 Gy can be delivered to a localized region in the liver, thereby eliminating cancerous cells while sparing healthy liver and reducing the incidence of RILD.19,20 The theory behind radioembolization fundamentally rests on the vascular anatomy of the liver. Hepatic lesions receive most of their blood supply from the hepatic artery, whereas normal liver parenchyma receives most of its blood supply from the portal vein.17 In addition, hepatic tumors also have neovasculature arising from the branches of the hepatic artery that is denser than that of the normal liver parenchyma.21 Given this anatomic difference, treatment of liver tumors via a transarterial approach is clearly an attractive idea, as it would limit exposure of extremely cytotoxic medications to normal liver parenchyma.21 In the past decade, developments have made such mechanisms safer and more efficacious in the treatment of liver disease. TACE is now a widely used treatment option for HCC and metastatic liver cancer with proven results but also with proven significant side effects, namely, hepatic toxicity.22,23 The mechanism of action of SIRT is fundamentally different from that of chemoembolization. During chemoembolization, blood vessels supplying the tumor are embolized/blocked to stasis, thus allowing maximum exposure of the chemotherapeutic agent to the ischemic environment created within the tumor. In contrast, blood flow and oxygen is required for SIRT to enable the generation of free radicals, via the Author's personal copy Y90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy ionization of water molecules from the emitted b-radiation. Clinical trials of yttrium-90 microsphere (Y-90) therapy for hepatic tumors date back to the early 1960s.24 Microspheres are embedded with Yttrium-90, an isotope of yttrium and a pure beta particle emitter.4 Y-90 has a half-life of 63 hours, a mean energy per disintegration of 0.937 MeV, and emits beta particles, which cause cell necrosis with a mean tissue penetrance of approximately 2.5 mm.4 These characteristics make Y-90 an excellent isotope choice for internal radiation therapy.4 Currently, there are 2 products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that are clinically used for radioembolization.25 TheraSphere particles (BTG Medical, PA; FDA approved for HCC in 1999) are glass microspheres that have a high specific activity and measure 20 to 30 mm in size.25,26 The term specific activity means the amount of radioactivity of Y-90 per a microsphere. Because each glass particle contains roughly 2500 Bq per sphere, only 1 to 2 million spheres (lower volume) are usually needed for each treatment.19 SIR-Sphere particles (Sirtex, Australia; FDA approved for colorectal liver metastasis in 2002) are made of resin, have a lower specific gravity, and measure 20 to 60 mm in size.26 Each resin microsphere contains about 50 Bq per sphere; hence, 40 to 60 million spheres are usually needed to treat an average patient. Although TheraSpheres do not have a significant embolic effect on hepatic tumors, SIRSpheres are large enough that they may have a minimal embolic effect.19,26 As more microparticles are administered with SIRSphere treatment, the result is in a more even distribution of particles and, hence, delivery of radiation throughout the tumor. In contrast, as TheraSphere particles are administered in lower numbers because of their higher specific activity, this predisposes them to have inhomogeneous tumoral coverage caused by the phenomenon of microclustering (particles preferentially accumulate within the periphery of the tumor). Excessive radiation exposure as a result of particle accumulation has been shown to result in parenchymal fissuring, lobar edema, or compensatory hypertrophy of nontreated liver. As each microparticle has its own dose cloud, radiation-induced treatment of tumors is the result of the collective effect of multiple microparticles that create a cumulative isodose cloud of lethal radiation exposure (via crossfire) in the range of 100 to 1000 Gy. The amount of activity (ie, ionizing radiation) delivered with each type of microparticle can be estimated using either the body surface area (BSA) or the partition model. SIRT with resin microspheres uses the BSA model, which is supported by a recent study showing direct correlation of BSA with the volume of nontumoral liver as calculated by computed tomography (CT).27 In contrast, SIRT with glass microspheres uses a compartmental model. Although a single compartment model is currently advocated, whereby the size of the entire liver is used irrespective of the volume of tumor burden, activity calculations previously used a 2-compartmental model incorporating both the tumor and normal background liver volume. The advantage of the latter method is that it allows more accurate optimization of the amount of radiation delivered to tumors. The compartmental model ensures that only the right amount of radiation is given to patients to cause tumor cell death and not excessive radiation placing patients at unnecessary risk of developing RILD. This point is particularly important in those patients with limited background liver reserve.28,29 The empiric method, which is usually not recommended, incorporates only tumor size based on imaging.30 Radioembolization Technique Generally, patients with a life expectancy of 3 months with unresectable primary or metastatic hepatic tumors and those with tumor burden predominantly involving the 169 170 Lee et al Author's personal copy liver, which is considered a life-limiting factor, are considered for radioembolization.31 Patients with metastatic disease not on clinical trials should either be undergoing firstline chemotherapy concurrently or have failed first-line chemotherapy.31 Contraindications to radioembolization therapy include patients with a significant tumor burden who have a limited amount of normal liver parenchyma that would not tolerate radioembolization.31 In addition, patients with an elevated serum total bilirubin level greater than 2 mg/dL without a reversible source are not eligible.31 Unlike chemoembolization, portal vein thrombosis is not contraindicated, as SIRT has a minimal embolic effect. Before undergoing radioembolization, a laboratory evaluation should be performed to assess the patients’ hepatic and renal function and also to establish the baseline tumor markers (eg, alpha fetoprotein for HCC, CA 19-9 for cholangiocarcinoma, and CEA for colorectal cancer) if not already established.31 Imaging via 3-phase contrast CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis or gadolinium-enhanced MRI is then performed to identify and characterize the hepatic tumors that will be targeted as well as the extrahepatic tumors throughout the body.31 Using the same CT or MRI data, a 3-dimensional (3D) volumetric analysis should be done before treatment to calculate the tumor volume, total liver volume, and liver reserve (Fig. 1). After determining that a patient’s particular tumors and clinical presentation are suitable for radioembolization, patients should undergo hepatic angiography (pre-SIRT mapping procedure) 1 to 3 weeks before the treatment (Fig. 2).31 This part is vital to the pretreatment planning phase allowing for dosimetry calculations to be made before treatment administration.31 In addition, angiography allows for the mapping of the major hepatic vessels, the superior mesenteric artery, and the celiac artery.31 If variant anatomy is demonstrated on the angiogram that would allow for nontargeting embolization of gastroduodenal or gastric arteries, these vessels should be embolized or an antireflux catheter system should be used to avoid potential radiation injury to other organs, including radiation-induced pancreatitis or gastric ulcers.31 In addition to vascular mapping, a hepatopulmonary shunt is assessed using 99mTc macroaggregated albumin (MAA) (Fig. 3).31,32 In this nuclear medicine study, 99mTc-labelled MAA is first injected intra-arterially and then either single-photon emission CT (SPECT) or a planar study of the chest and abdomen are subsequently performed within few hours of the injection.33 If the scan shows that the lungs and/or gastrointestinal (GI) tract are at risk for radiation exposure greater than 30 Gy, radioembolization is contraindicated given the high risk for extrahepatic toxicity, especially radiation-induced pneumonitis, which could be fatal. It is also possible to limit extrahepatic toxicity by embolizing the observed shunts or performing pre-SIRT TACE. Another 99mTc-labelled MAA scan should be done subsequently to confirm success of the embolization to decrease a shunt. On the day of SIRT treatment, a hepatic angiogram is again performed to confirm the vascular anatomy and the optimal location of microsphere injection based on the prior mapping. After the confirmation, the vessels feeding the lobe or segment of the liver containing targeted liver tumors are accessed and microspheres are then injected based on product monograph, as each company has a unique injection apparatus and technique. Once the microspheres are injected, patients are transferred to the nuclear medicine department again for additional SPECT or a planar study of the chest and abdomen to confirm the distribution of SIRT microspheres within the desired location (Fig. 4). If sequential lobar treatment was planned, the other lobe should be treated about 1 month following the first treatment to give the patients and liver to recover from the treatment. Following radioembolization, triple-phase CT or liver MRI with contrast agent is often obtained in 1, 3, and 6 months to monitor any changes in the appearance of liver Author's personal copy Y90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Fig. 1. A pre-SIRT treatment 2-dimensional and 3D volumetric analysis of (A, B) total liver volume and (C, D) tumor volume using CT images obtained before the treatment. These values are used for SIRT dose calculation. and liver tumors.34,35 The most common postprocedure initial imaging finding at 1 month is decreased attenuation or intensity in the treated regions, which represents hepatic edema, congestion, and microinfarction of tissue.34,35 Of note, early CT findings may not represent the efficacy of the radioembolization procedure because many of these changes are reversible or partially reversible and self-limiting. Therefore, additional follow-up imaging at 3 or 6 months postprocedure is recommended to evaluate tumor response.34,35 In addition, PET imaging may be beneficial in select patients with hypovascular tumors to track postprocedural changes and can show decreased metabolic activity of treated areas.36 OUTCOMES Hepatocellular Carcinoma Each year, more than 1.25 million new cases of HCC are diagnosed worldwide, resulting in more than 0.5 million deaths.6,37 HCC is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide and represents the third most common cause of malignancy-related 171 172 Lee et al Author's personal copy Fig. 2. A pre-SIRT treatment angiogram of (A) superior mesenteric artery and (B) celiac trunk to delineate the vascular anatomy of liver and liver tumors and to search for anatomic variants, such as replaced right or left hepatic artery. During this angiography, the gastric arteries and gastroduodenal artery are also identified; (C) they are prophylactically embolized to prevent any radiation-induced injury to stomach or pancreas. morbidity.1,6 Clearly, HCC represents a disease process that is affecting the quality of life of millions of patients worldwide. Despite new advances in medical and surgical therapies, the treatment of HCC has largely remained unsatisfactory.4 In randomized controlled trials, locoregional therapies have been shown to improve survival in select patients. However, TACE and trans-arterial embolization (TAE) have also been associated with a high risk of inducing liver failure, particularly in patients with portal vein thrombosis that compromises blood flow to the liver and also in patients with multiple, large tumors.38 In the past decade, extensive research has been conducted to study the effects of SIRT on HCC (Table 1). In their landmark study, Salem and colleagues39 reported a cohort of 291 patients with HCC that were treated with a total of 526 SIRT sessions (mean of 1.8 per patient). The response rate and survival were the 2 principal outcomes evaluated. Response rates after treatment were 42% based on the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria and 57% based on the European Association for Author's personal copy Fig. 3. A planar image of whole body after injection of 99mTc MAA. Region of interest drawn over the lung and liver to determine the lung shunt fraction. Fig. 4. (A) An injection of SIRT microsphere in the replaced left hepatic artery via left gastric artery. A tumor blush is noted in the angiogram, which is detected and correlated with the post-SIRT treatment SPECT CT. (B) This post-SIRT SPECT CT can confirm successfully concentrated and distributed SIRT microspheres within the area of treatment. 173 174 Author's personal copy Lee et al Table 1 A summary of major studies of SIRT in HCC treatment Investigator N Treatment Overall Response Rate (%) Survival SIRT in first- or second-line treatment of intermediate to advanced HCC D’Avola 35 43 SIRT Conventional Tx NR NR 16 mo 8 mo Salem 291 SIRT 42 (WHO) 57 (EASL) 17 mo (child A) 8 mo (child B) Sangro 325 SIRT BCLC A BCLC B BCLC C Child A Child B NR 12.8 24.4 16.9 10.0 14.9 10.3 Inarrairaegui 72 SIRT 94 13 mo Lau 18 SIRT (>120 Gy) 100 14 mo Chow 35 SIRT then sorafenib BCLC B BCLC C 79 100 68 11.8 mo 18.3 mo 8.8 mo Inarrairaegui 25 SIRT in PVT 67 10 mo Sangro 183 SIRT in PVT Main PVT Branch PVT NR mo mo mo mo mo mo 10.8 mo 7.4 mo Abbreviations: BCLC, Barcelona clinic liver cancer; EASL, European Association for the Study of the Liver; PVT, Portal Vein Thrombosis; WHO, World Health Organization. the Study of the Liver (EASL) criteria.39 Patients with Child-Pugh class A disease survived an average of 17.2 months after the procedure, and patients with Child-Pugh class B disease survived an average of 7.7 months.39 The procedure itself was tolerated well with a 30-day mortality rate of 3%.39 In Europe, Sangro and Iñarrairaegui40 studied 325 patients from 8 centers. They reported the overall median survival of 12.8 months in 325 patients (82% Child A, 18% Child B, 24% solitary, and 76% multifocal). Mazzaferro and colleagues41 studied 52 patients undergoing radioembolization for HCC and found that a complete response was seen in 9.6% of patients, whereas an objective overall response was seen in 40.4% of patients. They also found that the procedure was fairly well tolerated with a 30- to 90-day mortality rate of 0% to 3.8%.41 SIRT could potentially be used for downsizing of an HCC lesion to allow for definitive therapies, such as liver transplantation or resection. Iñarrairaegui and colleagues42 studied 21 patients who initially underwent radioembolization for palliation. However, the procedure ultimately resulted in a response significant enough for 6 patients to undergo definitive therapy. As would be expected, those responding patients demonstrated a drastic overall survival benefit.42 Similar findings were reported by Vouche and colleagues43 in 2013 using SIRT as a method for radiation lobectomy in 83 patients.43 Five patients underwent curative right lobectomy, and 6 patients received liver transplant after SIRT. Several studies have attempted to compare the effectiveness of SIRT with the conventional TACE in patients with HCC. The largest series by Salem and colleagues44 studied 245 patients with HCC treated with either chemoembolization (122 patients) or radioembolization (123 patients). The radioembolization group had a response rate of 49%, whereas the chemoembolization group had a response rate of 36%.44 Author's personal copy Y90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Time to progression was also longer for the radioembolization group at 13.3 months compared with 8.4 months for the chemoembolization group, but these differences did not result in a statistically significant difference in median survival time.44 Lance and colleagues45 also studied 73 patients with unresectable HCC who underwent radioembolization or chemoembolization and found that there was no statistically significant difference in median survival. However, in both studies by Salem and colleagues44 and Lance and colleagues,45 severe symptoms of postembolization syndrome requiring hospitalization were more prominent in the TACE group. These questions of improved quality of life after radioembolization were further investigated. Steel and colleagues46 studied the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with HCC who received either hepatic arterial infusion of cisplatin or SIRT. Initially, the radioembolization group scored significantly higher on functional well-being and overall HRQOL.46 Six months out from treatment, the SIRT group still scored dramatically higher in regard to functional well-being; but the overall HRQOL was not found to be significantly different.46 Salem and colleagues47 also studied quality of life in 29 patients undergoing SIRT and 27 patients undergoing TACE for primary HCC. They found that despite having more severe disease, the patients undergoing SIRT demonstrated a greater increase in their quality-of-life scores as compared with the patients undergoing TACE.47 Metastatic Tumors of the Liver Although HCC affects a large number of individuals, the liver is also a very common site for metastatic disease from a variety of primary locations, including colon, neuroendocrine glands, breasts, and kidneys.14,48–51 This phenomenon can largely be attributed to the fact that the liver has a large dual blood supply from the hepatic artery and the portal vein draining the GI tract.52 Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents the third most common malignancy in the United States and is the second leading cause of malignancy-related deaths,2 and more than 100,000 new cases of colon cancer and more than 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer are diagnosed annually.2 In patients with CRC, liver metastasis is seen in roughly 60% of patients because the liver serves as a blood filter between the hepatic venous system, the portal venous tract, and the GI tract.50 Notably, liver metastases are regarded as the major cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with CRC.52 Radioembolization alone and as combined therapy with the conventional first- or second-line chemotherapy has been extensively investigated (Table 2). Notably, in a phase I clinical trial, Sharma and colleagues14 studied 22 patients undergoing SIRT with systemic chemotherapy for unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Patients received oxaliplatin/fluorouracil (FU)/leucovorin (LV) for the first cycle and then just FU/LV for the second cycle followed by SIRT. Then, the patients received oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and fluorouracil (FOLFOX4) for cycles 4 through 12.14 Partial response was seen in 18 patients, and stable disease was seen in 2 patients following treatment. The median time to progression was 12.3 months.14 Kosmider and colleagues53 further studied the effectiveness of SIRT coupled with systemic chemotherapy. A total of 19 patients were studied with unresectable colorectal liver metastases. Seven patients were given FU and LU in combination with radioembolization, whereas 12 patients received full FOLFOX therapy in combination with radioembolization.53 The overall response rate for both groups was 84%, with 2 patients achieving a complete response and 14 patients receiving a partial response.53 Chua and colleagues54 studied 140 patients with colorectal liver metastases that were 175 176 Author's personal copy Lee et al Table 2 A summary of major studies of SIRT in CRC liver metastasis treatment Investigator N Overall Response Rate (%) Survival FOLFOX4 alone 27–59 16.2–20.7 mo Treatment SIRT in first-line treatment of CRC liver metastasis Phase II/III Gray 74 SIRT 1 HAC HAC alone 44 18 39% (2 y) 29% (2 y) Van Hazel 21 SIRT 1 5-FU/LV 5-FU/LV alone 91 0 29.4 mo 12.8 mo Sharma 20 SIRT 1 FOLFOX4 90 NR Kosmider 19 SIRT 1 FOLFOX4  5-FU/LV 84 29.4 mo 37.8 mo (L) Tie 31 SIRT 1 FOLFOX4  5-FU/LV 91 30.7 mo (L) Irinotecan Irinotecan 1 cetuximab Panitumumab 4–13 16–27 9–14 6.4–10 mo 8.6–10.7 mo 6.3–9.3 SIRT in second-line treatment of CRC liver metastasis Phase II/III Lim 30 SIRT 1 5-FU/LV (70%) 33 NR Van Hazel 25 SIRT 1 irinotecan 48 12.2 mo Cove-Smith 33 SIRT 1 FOLFIRI or FOLFOX-based chemo 38 17.0 mo SIRT in salvage therapy for chemorefractory CRC liver metastasis Hedlisz 44 SIRT 1 5-FU 5-FU 86 35 10.0 mo 7.3 mo Seidensticker 29 29 SIRT Supportive care 58 0 8.3 mo 3.5 mo Bester 224 29 SIRT Conventional Tx NR 11.9 mo 6.6 mo Cosimelli 50 SIRT 48 12.6 mo Sofocleous 19 SIRT 71 16 mo Kennedy 606 SIRT NR 9.6 mo Coldwell 25 SIRT KRAS wt SIRT KRAS mutant NR NR NR 7.0 mo Leoni 51 SIRT 53 10.5 mo Cianni 41 SIRT 82 11.8 mo Jakobs 41 SIRT 78 10.5 mo Nace 51 SIRT 77 10.2 mo Abbreviations: FOLFIRI, Leucovorin 1 5FU 1 Irinotecan; HAC, hepatic artery chemoinfusion; KRAS, name of gene; NR, not reported; Tx, treatment; wt, wild-type. treated with radioembolization therapy and systemic chemotherapy. They found that a complete response was seen in 1% of patients, a partial response in 31%, and stable disease was seen in 31%.54 Overall, 37% of patients experienced a progression in their disease despite radioembolization.54 The group found that combining radioembolization with systemic chemotherapy significantly increased the efficacy of the radioembolization compared with historical data.54 In addition, SIRT has also been studied as a treatment option in patients with chemotherapy-refractory metastatic CRC. Cosimelli and colleagues55 conducted a Author's personal copy Y90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy phase II clinical trial investigating the utility of radioembolization in 50 patients who previously failed systemic chemotherapy. Using RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumor) criteria, 2% of the patients experienced a complete response, 22% experienced a partial response, and 24% had stable disease.55 Similar to the combined group noted earlier, 44% of patients were found to have progressive disease on follow-up despite radioembolization therapy.55 The overall median survival was 12.6 months with a 2-year survival rate of 19.6%.55 Similarly, Nace and colleagues56 treated 51 patients with unresectable colorectal liver metastases that also failed both first- and second-line chemotherapy options with SIRT. Using RECIST criteria, 77% of patients experienced either a partial response or stable disease.56 The overall median survival was 10.2 months after treatment.56 In a phase III clinical trial, investigators studied 46 patients undergoing SIRT combined with chemotherapy in refractory metastatic CRC to the liver.11 All 46 patients had previously tried first-line chemotherapy and had not responded appropriately.11 The patients were randomized to either 5-FU alone or 5-FU combined with radioembolization.11 Although the time to progression for liver disease was 2.1 months in the 5-FU group and 5.5 months for the group receiving 5-FU with radioembolization, the overall survival rates were not significantly different.11 Of note, there is no consensus on which assessment criteria are best to accurately evaluate the oncologic outcome of SIRT. However, radiologic response criteria, such as WHO, RECIST, or RECIST with necrosis criteria, have been frequently used. Moreover, Keppke and colleagues (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/17312067) have suggested that the RECIST with necrosis criteria may provide more accurate assessment of SIRT. SIRT has also been used as a salvage therapy. In 2011, Bester and colleagues57 reported the outcomes of 339 patients with chemorefractory metastatic CRC treated with either SIRT or conservative palliative medical treatment. They reported that the patients who underwent SIRT treatment had an overall response rate of 63%. SIRT treatment also doubled the overall median survival to12 months compared with 6 months in patients receiving conservative medical treatment.57 These findings were also seen in a study reported by Seidensticker and colleagues.58 They also reported an overall median survival of 8.3 months in patients treated with SIRT as a salvage treatment compared with a median survival of 3.5 months in the conservative treatment group.58 Neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine tumors are relatively rare, with an incidence roughly between 0.002% and 0.003%.2,59 They often arise in endocrine glands throughout the human body but are commonly found in the GI tract and lungs.2,59 In terms of specific types, carcinoid, pancreatic islet cell, paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma, and medullary thyroid cancers are the most common.59 These tumors often do not present with symptoms for years until the tumor size and/or hormonal hypersecretion leads to noticeable symptoms.59 Carcinoid tumors can lead to symptoms of excess serotonin, including diarrhea, skin flushing, and bronchospasm, particularly when they metastasize to the liver.59 In patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors, between 50% and 95% will ultimately have liver metastases; of those, 80% will often die within 5 years.60 In terms of treatment options, surgical resection has been the gold standard with a goal of removing as much of the tumor as possible.61 However, 90% of patients present with multiple large lesions that make surgical resection not an option.61 Even with surgical resection, the 5-year survival rate has been reported as being between 60% and 80%.61 Liver transplantation has also been tried in patients with neuroendocrine tumor liver metastases, with a modest reported 5-year survival rate of 26% to 47%.62 For unresectable neuroendocrine metastases, proven treatment options have included medical therapies, such as 177 178 Author's personal copy Lee et al somatostatin analogues; ablative therapies, such as cryotherapy or radiofrequency ablation (RFA); systemic chemotherapy; TAE; and TACE.63–65 SIRT has also been shown to play a potential role in the treatment of neuroendocrine metastatic disease to the liver (Table 3). In a prospective study by Cao and colleagues,66 51 patients with neuroendocrine metastases to the liver were treated with radioembolization. The results showed that 6 patients experienced a complete response, 14 patients experienced a partial response, 14 patients were found to have stable disease, and 17 patients were found to have progressed. The overall median survival was 36 months. Importantly, the 3-year survival rate was 89% at the end of the study.66 Memon and colleagues59 achieved similar results when treating 40 patients with neuroendocrine hepatic lesions with radioembolization. The median dose administered was 113 Gy; based on WHO criteria, 1.2% of patients achieved a complete response, whereas 62.7% achieved a partial response.59 In addition, when using EASL criteria, the complete response rate increased to 20.5%.59 Paprottka and colleagues67 studied the effectiveness of SIRT in the treatment of 42 patients with refractory metastatic neuroendocrine hepatic tumors and showed positive results.67 Three months following SIRT, the partial response rate was 22.5%, the stable disease rate was 75%, and the progressive disease rate was 2.5%. Shaheen and colleagues68 studied 25 patients with neuroendocrine tumor liver metastasis (NETLM) treated with radioembolization using glass microspheres. They found that using the RECIST criteria, the mean percentage of necrosis following a single radioembolization session was 48%.68 In addition, they assessed the predictors of responders and nonresponders to SIRT in NETLM. They found that the patients who had prior surgical therapies had a significantly better response to radioembolization.68 They also found that patients with bilateral hepatic lesions or lesions involving a large percentage of the liver did not respond as favorably to the treatment.68 In comparing glass versus resin SIRT microspheres, Rhee and colleagues51 studied 42 patients with NETLM who were treated with radioembolization using either glass or resin microspheres. Ninety-two percent of the glass microsphere group demonstrated either a partial response or stable disease, whereas 94% of the resin microsphere group demonstrated either a partial response or stable disease.51 In assessing patients’ symptoms caused by hyperactive/hypersecreting neuroendocrine tumors, King and colleagues69 studied 34 patients with unresectable NETLM that underwent radioembolization. In terms of response rate using the RECIST criteria, 18% of patients demonstrated a complete response and 32% of patients Table 3 A summary of major studies of SIRT in treatment of NETLM Investigator N Treatment Overall Response Rate (%) Survival SIRT in mixed cohort in chemorefractory NETLM Kennedy 148 SIRT 86 70 mo King 34 SIRT 1 5-FU 64.7 (symptomatic relief 5 55%) 35 mo Saxena 48 SIRT 1 5-FU 77 35 mo Cao 58 SIRT 1 5-FU 66 36 mo Rhee 42 SIRT 94 28 mo Jakobs 25 SIRT 96 (symptomatic relief 5 92%) 96% (1 y) Coldwell 84 SIRT 100 (symptomatic relief 5 80%) NR Ezziddin 23 SIRT 91 (symptomatic relief 5 80%) 29 mo Paprottka 42 SIRT 97 (symptomatic relief 5 95%) 95% (16 mo) Author's personal copy Y90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy demonstrated a partial response.69 As for neuroendocrine symptomatic relief, 3 months after the procedure, 55% of patients had symptomatic improvement; 6 months after the procedure, 50% of patients had symptomatic improvement.69 The previously mentioned study by Memon and colleagues59 also discussed the effectiveness of SIRT embolization in improving neuroendocrine symptoms. The latter study reported clinically significant symptomatic relief in up to 84% of patients with existing symptoms. Cholangiocarcinoma Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC) is the second most common primary hepatic malignancy.2 Although the overall incidence is rare, it has been increasing over the past 20 years. IHCC is associated with a high mortality rate, with a median survival of 3 to 8 months.2,70 Commonly, the patients with IHCC present with advanced disease, which is not amenable to surgical resection or liver transplantation.70 Given IHCC’s relative radiation sensitivity,71,72 SIRT radiation embolization has been investigated to treat chemorefractory IHCC with promising results.73,74 Recently, 2 prospective, nonrandomized studies reported the effectiveness and feasibility of treating intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with SIRT.73,74 In the study of Mouli and colleagues,74 46 patients with unresectable IHCC were treated with SIRT. The overall response rate was 98% using the WHO criteria (100% using EASL criteria), with 11% of the patients being downstaged enough to be eligible for liver transplant or resection.74 Overall, the median survival was 14.6 months. The median survival of patients with peripherally located IHCC was slightly higher at 15.6 months.74 Similar outcomes were noted by Rafi and colleagues73 with a 79% overall response rate, with the overall median survival of 15 months in chemorefractory IHCC. COMPLICATIONS Although SIRT seems to be effective in the treatment of select liver tumors, there are several complications that have been associated with its use. Postradioembolization syndrome can manifest itself in the subsequent days and weeks following radioembolization therapy. The symptoms usually consist of mild abdominal pain, mild nausea, vomiting, and a low-grade fever.26 Following SIRT therapy, postradioembolization syndrome has been seen anywhere from 20% to 55% of patients.26 In a study by Mulcahy and colleagues,50 fatigue was seen in 61% of patients, nausea in 21% of patients, and abdominal pain in 25% of patients. In addition, given that the radiation emitted from SIRT microspheres also affects normal liver parenchyma and the biliary system, hepatic injury and biliary dysfunction are complications that are often feared.26 In the study published by Sangro and colleagues,75 20% of 25 patients developed complications stemming from hepatic damage, including jaundice and ascites, several weeks after treatment. This unusually high rate of complications is associated with patients treated in a whole-liver fashion. Otherwise, overall, the frequency of RILD after SIRT therapy has been reported as being anywhere from 0% to 4%.75–77 In terms of biliary complications, Atassi and colleagues78 found that 33 out of 327 post-SIRT patients had imaging findings consistent with biliary complications. Overall, it seems that the frequency of biliary complications after radioembolization therapy is no more than 10%.78 Additional GI complications have been documented. Carretero and colleagues79 found gastric and small bowel injury in 3 patients out of 78. Because this specific injury is anticipated with angiographic control of branches, this was likely the result of unrecognized collateral circulation to the stomach and duodenum.79 Andrews and colleagues4 demonstrated reversible gastritis and duodenitis in 4 179 180 Lee et al Author's personal copy patients, likely the result of deposition of microspheres near the stomach and duodenum. Another possible complication seen following radioembolization is radiation pneumonitis, which often occurs in patients with elevated shunting of blood flow to the lung on MAA scanning.80,81 The rate of radiation pneumonitis following SIRT therapy is thought to be well less than 1%.80,81 Radioembolization is also associated with transient lymphopenia and a 25% or greater decrease in the lymphocyte count in most patients.82,83 However, this decrease in lymphocyte count has not been shown to lead to opportunistic infections in this patient population.82,83 SUMMARY Radioembolization in select patients with unresectable liver tumors has been shown to be efficacious in decreasing tumor size and prolonging survival. Although relatively new, emerging evidence indicates that radioembolization may be as effective or even more effective in comparison with other available treatments (eg, TAE, TACE, and RFA) for this patient population and improves patients’ quality of life. With both primary HCC and hepatic metastatic cancers, SIRT may provide a potential option for patients who are not surgical candidates and can offer the potential for better outcomes and improved survival. In certain patients, SIRT can also serve as a bridge to surgical resection or liver transplantation by downgrading the size and/or number of tumors so that patients who previously were not surgical candidates would now be eligible. Specifically for metastatic CRC tumors, SIRT has shown to be efficacious as an initial option when combined with chemotherapeutic agents, as a secondary option for chemotherapy resistant tumors, and as a palliative option in patients requiring salvage therapy. Lastly, SIRT has also shown favorable outcomes in the treatment of NETLM, particularly in patients who had undergone surgical therapy in the past and those patients with smaller tumors that involved a single lobe of the liver. 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