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UNIT I Abjad Dan Part Of Speech Abjad Cara Membaca Abjad Bahasa Inggris - Spelling A : ei F : ef K : kei P : pi U : yu Z : zed (British) / zi (American) B : bi G : jie L : el Q : kyu V : vi C : si H : eich M : em R : a: W : dabelyu D : di I : ai N : en S : es X : eks E : i: J : jei O : ow T : ti Y : wai Part Of Speech ( kelas kata) P (Pronoun – Kata Ganti) fungsi: mengganti kata benda, contoh: he, them, my,mine, yourself,dll. A (Adjective – Kata Sifat) fungsi: memberi sifat atau mensifati kata benda, contoh: rich, good, hot, cold, warm, dll. N (Noun – Kata Benda) fungsi: menunjukkan nama benda/orang, contoh: car, Andi, chair, dll. C (Conjunction – Kata Sambung/Hubung) fungsi: menghubungkan antar kata atau kalimat, contoh: and, or,so,dll. A (Adverb – Kata Keterangan) fungsi: menjelaskan kata kerja, contoh: at night (time), here (place), always (frequency), slowly (manner), dll. V (Verb – Kata Kerja) fungsi: menunjukkan aksi atau tindakan, secara umum ada verb bentuk 1, 2 & 3, contoh: go went, gone, dll. I (Interjection – Kata Seru) fungsi: menunjukkan suatu ekspresi tertentu, contoh: Wow!, Aha!, Ouch!, Oops! dll. P (Preposition- Kata Depan) fungsi: kata yang digunakan bersama kata benda atau kata ganti untuk menunjukkan tempat, waktu, posisi atau cara, contoh: in, from, to, by,dll. Appendix (Part Of Speech Part I) Pronoun Pronoun Personal pronoun Possesive pronoun (kepemilikan) Reflexife pronoun Nominative (S) Objective (O) Fungsi Adjective (di depan N) Fungsi pronoun I Me My Mine Myself You You Your Yours Yourself They Them Their Theirs Themselves We Us Our Ours Ourselves He Him His His Himself She Her Her Hers Herself It It Its Its Itself PRONOUN (kata ganti) Personal Possessive Reflexive Subject Object Adjective Pronoun I Me My … Mine Myself You You Your … Yours Yourself/ yourselves We Us Our … Ours Ourselves They Them Their … Theirs Themselves He Him His … His Himself She Her Her … Hers Herself It it Its … Its itself The uses are as follow: Personal as “SUBJECT” e.g. Rina borrows a story book in the library => She borrows a story book in the library. My friends are singing on the stage => They are singing on the stage. Silvi and I make a bag => We make a bag. Personal as “OBJECT” e.g. I love my sister => I love her. They like to eat two bars of chocolate => They like to eat them. She brings a bag => She brings it My teachers love my friends and me => My teachers love us. Possessive ADJECTIVE e.g. They have books. Those are their books. She has a ribbon. This is her ribbon. He has a kite. That is his kite. Anita has a monopoly. This is her/Anita’s monopoly. My teachers have many books. These are their books. Possessive PRONOUN e.g. We have books. Those books are ours He has a kite. That kite is his Anita has a monopoly. This monopoly is her/Anita’s My teachers have many books. These books are theirs I borrow a book. This book is mine. EXERCISE Muhammad is a student. …………... is kind and friendly. Amri and Amru will go to library. ……….. want to borrow some story books. I buy some mangoes. I like …..…. I miss Rita. I love …….. We have some maps. Those are … ….. maps. You have a computer. This computer is …………… They have many cats. These are ……………cats. Mr. Zaenal is my teacher. ………..is kind and helpful. We always play with Saiful. We like ……… They borrow my dictionary. This dictionary is ………. ADJECTIVE 2.a Functions of Adjective Adjective has two main functions; they are as a subject complement and an attribute of noun. Adjective as subject complement Adjective as subject complement means an adjective can modify the subject character and it is placed after “TO BE”. Example: My grandfather is old. My brothers are handsome. English is important I am clever. Exercise Translate the sentences below based on the adjective as subject complement pattern! Example: Sepatuku murah : My shoes are cheap. Para siswa rajin Ayahku sabar Pamanku baik hati Alfin mengantuk Danau itu dangkal Jalan itu lebar Batu itu besar Apel itu merah Api itu panas Es itu dingin Put the expression “ … not … but …! Example: The boy (diligent – lazy) : The boy is not diligent but he is lazy. The students (bodoh – pintar) My teacher (kejam – sabar) English (sulit – mudah) My grandmother (cerewet – ramah) My bedroom (luas – bersih) The story (lucu – menarik) My bag (mahal – bagus) The ruler (panjang – pendek) The water (kotor – bersih) My friends (sombong – ramah) 2.b Adjective as an attribute of noun. An adjective as an attribute of noun means an adjective can be a modifier of a noun. Its position is before noun. Example: My book is new : It is my new book. Saya mempunyai 2 buah apel yang manis dan besar : I have two big and sweet apples. Dia mempunyai motor baru berwarna merah : She has a new red motorcycle. Meja besar itu berwarna coklat : That big table is brown. Exercise Translate the following sentences into English! Tono mempunyai sepeda baru berwarna hitam. Rika adalah seorang murid yang rajin dan pintar. Rumah yang besar itu berwarna putih. Rumah yang berwarna hijau itu sangat bagus. Gadis cantik itu adalah adikku. Dina mempunyai seekor kelinci yang lucu. Kita mempunyai seorang teman yang ramah. Pak Ridwan adalah seorang guru yang sabar dan pintar. Saya mempunyai pensil yang tajam dan panjang. Kita mempunyai sekolah yang besar dan bersih. Do the exercise below suitable with the example and give the expression “I like … but I don’t like …”! Example: * saudara laki-laki (diligent – lazy) I like a diligent brother but I don’t like a lazy brother. * saudara-saudara laki-laki (diligent – lazy) I like diligent brothers but I don’t like lazy brothers. Gadis (cantik-jelek) Guru-guru (sabar-kejam) Teman-teman (ramah-sombong) Jeruk (manis-asam) Buku-buku (tipis-tebal) Bola (besar-kecil) Mobil (bagus-jelek) Pohon (tinggi-pendek) Tas-tas (baru-lama) Anak-anak laki-laki (tampan-nakal) Use the expression “What’s the matter with you? You look …”! Example: Sad – miss my mother. A: What’s the matter with you? You look sad. B: I miss my mother. Happy – get a present from my parent Pale – sick sad – have a problem weak – hungry spirit – pass my English examination ADJECTIVE (kata sifat) No Adjective Meaning 1 Beautiful >< Ugly Cantik >< Jelek 2 Big >< Small Besar >< Kecil 3 Careful >< Careless Hati-hati >< Ceroboh 4 Clean >< Dirty Bersih >< Kotor 5 Clear >< Cloudy Cerah, terang >< Mendung, berawan 6 Clever >< Stupid Pandai >< Bodoh 7 Colourful >< Colourless Berwarna warni >< Tak berwarna 8 Dark >< Light Gelap >< Terang 9 Difficult >< Easy Sulit >< Mudah 10 Diligent >< lazy Rajin >< Malas 11 Dry >< Wet Kering >< Basah 12 Early >< late Awal (pgi-pagi) >< Terlambat 13 Expensive >< Cheap Mahal >< Murah 14 Fast >< Slow Cepat >< Lambat 15 Fat >< Thin Gemuk >< Kurus 16 Fragrant >< Smelly Harum >< Berbau 17 Friendly >< Hostile Ramah, bersahabat >< Bermusuhan 18 Generous >< Stingy Bermurah hati, dermawan >< Pelit 19 Good >< Bad Baik >< Jelek 20 Handsome >< Ugly Tampan >< Jelek 21 Happy >< Sad Senang/ bahagia >< Sedih 22 Heavy >< Light Berat >< Ringan 23 High >< Short Tinggi >< Pendek (selain manusia) 24 Long >< Short Panjang >< Pendek 25 Loud >< Soft Keras (suara) >< Lembut 26 Neat >< Mess Rapi >< Berantakan 27 New >< Old Baru >< Lama 28 Patient >< Restive Sabar >< Tak sabar 29 Pointed >< flat Mancung >< Pesek 30 Ripe >< Raw, green Matang >< Mentah 31 Rough >< Smooth Kasar >< Licin 32 Sharp >< Dull Tajam >< Tiumpul 33 Straight >< Wavy, curly Lurus >< Keriting, bergelombang 34 Strong >< Weak Kuat >< Lemah 35 Tall >< Short Tinggi >< Pendek (manusia) 36 Thick >< Thin Tebal >< Tipis 37 Thrifty, economical >< Wasteful Hemat >< Boros 38 Tight >< Loose Ketat >< Longgar 39 Wide >< Narrow Luas >< Sempit 40 Young >< Old Tua >< Muda NOUN There are many nouns in our environment, below are some of them. Noun related to school environment. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! School bag Notebook Dictionary Eraser Ruler Pen Pencil Ink Pencil case Typewriter Paper School uniform Map Compass Sharpener Noun related to classroom equipment. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Blackboard Teacher Student Desk Chair Eraser Chalk Chalk box Attendance list Cupboard National flag Picture Flower vase Table clothe Basket Lamp Map Calendar Noun related to clothes Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Dress Shirt T-shirt Trousers Shorts Skirt Cap Tie Shoes Socks Sandals Slippers Belt Zipper Button Pants Underwear Hat Fez Veil Gloves Noun related to household. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Living room Bedroom Bathroom Diningroom Kitchen Garage Veranda Garden Prayerroom Yard Roof Wall Window Door Ceiling Gate Fence Study room Noun related to kitchen equipment. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Fork Spoon Plate Bowl Bottle Can Tin Fish slice Pan Frying pan Glass Cup Napkin Knife Stove Broom Dish washer Refrigerator Noun related to bedroom. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Blanket Bolster Wardrobe Pillow Mattress Bed Table lamp Bed cover/bed clothe Noun related to bathroom Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Water Dipper Soap Shampoo Tooth paste Tooth brush Towel Mirror Pail Noun related to Profession. Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Farmer Carpenter Dentist Surgeon Doctor Teacher Nurse Bricklayer Policeman Postman Soldier Minister Ambassador President Vice President Robber Beggar Thief Pick pocket Cheater Driver Housewife Sailor Seller Pilot Butcher Rice field Market Hospital School Post office Police Station Harbour Airport Noun related to farming and carpentry Practice the Pronunciation of these words correctly! Rice field Farm Plough Hoe Sickle Cow Buffalo Plant Crop Seed Hammer Nail Corn Shovel Sweet potato Cassava Rice Corn Peanut Vegetable Spinach Cucumber Potato Tomato Carrot Cabbage Wood Saw EXERCISE Use the expression “I use … to …” Example: Chalk : I use a chalk to write on the blackboard. pencil ruler dipper frying pan knife chair washing machine refrigerator bag eraser Use the expression “How many … do you have?” Example: * spoon - 3 : A: How many spoons do you have? B: I have three spoons table – 23 dictionary – 4 socks – 3 hoe – 5 cap – 10 pencil – 12 bike – 6 marble – 37 book – 24 glass – 11 Use the expression “Is there … in the … / Are there … in the …” Example: * Ruler - classroom : A: Is there a ruler in the classroom? B: Yes, there is. * Rulers – kitchen: A: Are there rulers in the kitchen? B: No, there are not Shampoo – dining room Map – classroom Curtains – living room Plates – bedroom Pillows – bedroom Soap – dining room Stove – bathroom Car – garage Sun flowers – garden Sickles - bedroom Make a dialogue using the question word “Where”! Example: * farmer: Where does a farmer work? B: He/She works in the rice field. * farmers: A: Where do farmers work? B: They work in the rice field. Pilot – airport Barber – barbershop Nurse – hospital Waiters – restaurant Butchers – market Teachers – school Postman – post office Mechanic – workshop Policemen – police station Doctor - hospital CONJUNTION ADVERB There are four kinds of adverb, they are: Adverb of Place It is used to show the place of the case. Example: I go to school. I am in the classroom. She sells some vegetables in the market. b. Adverb of Manner It uses to show the way to do something or the feeling in the case. Example: I speak English loudly. They do the test seriously. My father drives his motorcycle fast. c. Adverb of Time It uses to show the time of the case. Example: My mother goes to the rice field every morning. My friends play football in the afternoon. I will go to Bung Karno’s grave tomorrow. Adverb of Frequency It uses to show the frequency of the case. Example: He seldom comes late. We often play hide and seek. I usually go to school with my friends. Exercise Translate the sentences below into English! Mereka selalu bernyanyi sebuah lagu dengan merdu di atas panggung. Aku sering membeli permen di kantin pada siang hari. Dia (lk) jarang mengikuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Guru bahasa Inggrisku selalu berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancer. Pamanku sering memotong kayu di hutan pada malam hari. VERB Basically a verb is placed after subject and there are five kinds of verb, they are: Infinitive verb, infinitive with TO and without TO Verb I Verb II Verb III (Past Participle) Verb ing (Present Participle) Example: No infinitive V1 V2 V3 Ving With “to” Without “to” 1 To go go Go went gone going 2 To play play Play played played playing 3 To speak speak Speak spoke spoken Speaking 4 To read read Read read read Reading 5 To write write Write wrote written Writing 6 To listen listen Listen listened listened Listening 7 To study study Study studied Studied Studying 8 To see see See saw seen Seeing 9 To find find Find found Found Finding 10 To watch watch Watch watched watched Watching 11 To have have Have had had Having 12 To sing sing Sing sang sung Singing 13 To drink drink Drink drank drunk Drinking 14 To sleep Sleep Sleep slept slept Sleeping 15 To eat eat Eat ate eaten Eating 16 To learn learn Learn learned learned learning 17 To bring bring Bring brought brought Bringing 18 To teach teach Teach taught taught Teaching 19 To sit Sit Sit sat sat Sitting 20 To stand stand Stand stood stood standing 21 To borrow borrow Borrow borrowed borrowed Borrowing 22 To water water Water watered watered watering 23 To sweep sweep Sweep swept swept sweeping 245epingg is ...ctionary. .... rade of MI Miftahul Huda To clean clean Clean cleaned cleaned cleaning 25 To buy buy buy bought bought buying 26 To help help help helped helped helping 27 To sell sell sell sold sold selling 28 To pray pray pray prayed prayed praying 29 To take take take took taken taking 30 To put put put put put putting 31 To cut cut cut cut cut cutting 32 To meet meet meet met met meeting 33 To follow follow follow followed followed following 34 To make make make made made making 35 To be be Is, am, are Was, were been being Additional (TO BE) Tobe is used as a linking verb in nominal sentences. The kinds of “TOBE” are as follows: Subject Present Past Perfect Future I Am was been be You are were We They ……s … and … He is was She It Nama orang 1 7. I (Interjection – Kata Seru) fungsi: menunjukkan suatu ekspresi tertentu, contoh: Wow!, Aha!, Ouch!, Oops! dll. 8. P (Preposition- Kata Depan) fungsi: kata yang digunakan bersama kata benda atau kata ganti untuk menunjukkan tempat, waktu, posisi atau cara, contoh: in, from, to, by,dll. Unit II Simple Present Tense 1.a Pengertian Simple present tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan fakta ( I have 20 fingers ), kebiasaan ( I always eat every day ), dan spontanitas ( what is your name ?, How are you ?). 2.b Rumus Simple Present Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+V1 (s/es)+O S+ do/does not+V1 +O DO/Does+ +V1 +O+ ? S+TO BE+O( ADJ/N/ADV) S+TO BE not +O( ADJ/N/ADV) TO BE+S+O( ADJ/N/ADV)+ ? I eat rice every day. I don’t eat rice every day. Do I eat rice every day ? I am sleepy. I am not sleepy. Am I not sleepy ? You eat rice every day. You don’t eat rice every day. Do you eat rice every day ? You are sleepy. You are not sleepy. Are You not sleepy ? They eat rice every day. They don’t eat rice every day. Do they eat rice every day ? They are sleepy. They are not sleepy. Are They not sleepy ? We eat rice every day. we don’t eat rice every day. Do we eat rice every day ? We are sleepy. we are not sleepy. Are we not sleepy ? He eats rice every day. He doesn’t eat rice every day. Does he eat rice every day ? He is sleepy. He is not sleepy. Is He not sleepy ? She eats rice every day. She doesn’t eat rice every day. Does she eat rice every day ? She is sleepy. She is not sleepy. Is She not sleepy ? It eats rice every day. It doesn’t eat rice every day. Does I eat rice every day ? It is sleepy. It is not sleepy. Is It not sleepy ? Notes: Auxiliary verb I, you, they, and we. Do He, she and it. does To be I Am you, they, and we Are He, she and it. is Penambahan s/es pada Verb yang subjeknya he,she, and it Ahiran “sh (washes), ch(watches), s(discusses), o(does), x(fixes)” Santy (she) washes her car every week. Time signal Always, usually, seldom, every, sometimes, normally ,once...etc Exercise Change the plural subjects of the following sentences into the singular ones! They tell me that thing when they get home every afternoon, they have some foods and then change their clothes; they never eat or drink anything while they are at the office, unless the hot weather makes them very thirsty. Their children walk to school every morning and look for their friends on the way; when they see them; they run to them and laugh, play and enjoy themselves until they hear the school’s bell. Change the singular subjects of the following sentences into the plural ones! My friend leaves for Jakarta at three today and arrives there about seven; he spends his holidays there every year and swims in the sea or sleeps nearly all the time. He forgets his work, enjoys the sea air and lives as free as birds. His holidays finish in august; he catches an early train back to Bogor and feels happy when he returns to work. She goes to work by train every day. She stays in the train for half an hour and sits or stands there and reads her newspaper. She tries to read all the news during the journey and in that way knows a lot about the topics of the day. Present Continuous Tense 2.a Pengertian Present continuous tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi. Fungsi lain dari present continuous mempunyai kesamaan dengan present future yaitu kegaitan yang sudah direncanakan dan akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang. 2.b Rumus Present Continuous Tense Verbal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+ TO BE + V ing + O. S+ TO BE not + V ing + O. S+ TO BE + V ing + O+ ? I am sleeping now. I am not sleeping now. Am I sleeping now ? You are sleeping now. You are not sleeping now. Are you sleeping now ? They are sleeping now. They are not sleeping now. Are They sleeping now ? We are sleeping now. We are not sleeping now. Are we sleeping now ? He is sleeping now. He is not sleeping now. Is he sleeping now ? She is sleeping now. She is not sleeping now. Is she sleeping now ? It is sleeping now. It is not sleeping now. Is It sleeping now ? Notes: To be I Am you, they, and we Are He, she and it. is Time signals Now, right now, at the moment,... etc Cara membentuk verb- ing Menambahkan langsung ahiran -ing Read-Reading, watch-watching, walk-walking Ahiran vocal e yng di dahului konsonan, maka akhiran itu diganti dengan ing Invite-inviting, come-coming, change-changing Akhiran vocal e yang didahului vocal e juga, kata tersebut langsung ditambahi akhiran -ing Flee ( melarikan diri)-fleeing, Jika akhiran e yang didahului vocal i, maka kombinasi diganti dengan y lalu di tambah -ing Die (sekarat)-dying, tie(mengikat)-tying, lieberbaring, berdusta)-lying Verb yang akhiranya t, n, m, t, dan l maka akhiran digandakan dan di tambah dengan –ing. Cut ( memotong)-cutting, dun ( menagih)-dunning, swim ( berenang)-swimming, control ( mengendalikan) - controlling Kata kata yang tidak bisa dirubah menjadi kata kerja berakhiran -ing Believe, like, remember, belong, love, see, feeling, mean, seem,need, hate, hear, prefer, smell, understand,realize/realise Exercise Fill in the blanks and change the verb in the brackets suitable with the “Present Continuous Pattern”! Please be quite, I … (try) to concentrate. Look! It … (rain) Why … (you/ look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong? You … (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? It’s a good film, isn’t it? …(you/ enjoy) it? Adam … (not/ work) this week. I’m on holiday. Where are you? I … (sit) in the kitchen. What … (you/ do) there? I … (help) my mother. Mother … (cook) some food in the kitchen at present; she always … (cook) in the mornings. The baby … (cry) now because he is hungry now. the man who … (walk) past the door … (live) next door. Present Perfect Tense 2.a Pengertian Present perfect tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan baru terjadi. 2.b Rumus Present Perfect Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+have/has+ V3+O S+have/has not + V3+O Have/Has +S+ V3+O+? S+have/has+been +O S+have/has+been +not+O Have/Has +S+O( ADJ/N/ADV)+? I have eaten rice just now. I have not eaten rice just now. Have I eaten rice just now ? I have been here. I have not been here. Have I been here ? You have eaten rice just now. You have not eaten rice just now. Have you eaten rice just now ? You have been here. You have not been here. Have You been here ? They have eaten rice just now. They have not eaten rice just now. Have they eaten rice just now ? They have been here. They have not been here. Have They been here ? We have eaten rice just now. We have not eaten rice just now. Have we eaten rice just now ? We have been here. We have not been here. Have we been here ? He has eaten rice just now. He have not eaten rice just now. Has he eaten rice just now ? He has been here. He has not been here. Has He been here ? She has eaten rice just now. She have not eaten rice just now. Has she eaten rice just now ? She has been here. She has not been here. Has she been here ? It has eaten rice just now. It have not eaten rice just now. Has it eaten rice just now ? It has been here. It has not been here. Has it been here ? Notes: have Subject: I, you they, and we has Subject: He, she, and it Time signal Just now For since already yet Exercise Change the verb in the brackets into correct verb based on present perfect form! Then change into negative, interrogative, and wh question form! We … (know) Bill’s family for long time. I … (live) here for ten years. My boss … (go out) of the meeting room. My friends … (buy) some books just now. Finally, Rizal and Riana … (pass) the examination successfully. Adam … (write) an article since this morning. They … (watch) Scorpion King Movie twice. She … (be) here for an hour. My uncle … (do) his job for a week. The cat … (catch) the mouse three times. Present Future Tense 4.a Present future tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi. 4.b Rumus Present Future Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+will/shall+V1+O S+will not +V1+O S+will/shall+ be+O+? S+will +be +O S+will not+be+O Will+S+be+O+? I will come here next week. I will not come here next week. Will I come here next week ? I will be there next year. I will not be there next year. Will I be there next year? You will come here next week. You will come here next week. Will you come here next week ? You will be there next year. You will not be there next year. Will you be there next year ? They will come here next week. They will come here next week. Will they come here next week ? They will be there next year. They will not be there next year. Will they be there next year ? We will come here next week. We will come here next week. Will we come here next week ? We will be there next year. We will not be there next year. Will we be there next year ? He will come here next week. He will come here next week. He will come here next week ? He will be there next year. He will not be there next year. Will he be there next year ? She will come here next week. She will come here next week. Will she come here next week. She will be there next year. She will not be there next year. Will she be there next year ? It will come here next week. It will come here next week. Will it come here next week. It will be there next year. It will not be there next year. Will it be there next year ? Notes: Penggunaan will, shall, and to be going to.. Will Subject: I, You, They, We, He, She, It Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan secara tidak terencana. Shall Subject: I and We Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan secara tidak terencana. To be going to Subject: I, You, They, We, He, She, It Menyatakan kegiatan yang kemungkinan besar akan dilakukan (terencana). Time signals Tomorrow (morning, evening, afternoon) , next (Sunday, holiday,week, month, year). Exercise + She will go to cinema tomorrow. ………………………….. ? ………………………….. Wh? ………………………….. + ……………………… They will not play tug of war tomorrow morning. ? ……………………… Wh? ……………………… + ………………………. ……………………… ? Will her brothers play marbles in the yard tomorrow afternoon? Wh? ……………………… + The student will drink a glass of tea next Sunday. ……………………… ? ……………………… Wh? ……………………… + ………………………. Zaenab will not eat a bowl of meatball next holiday. ? ……………………… Wh? ……………………… Simple Past Tense 5.a Pengertian Simple past tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang selesai terjadi pada masa lampau. 5.b Rumus Simple Past Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+V2+O S+ did not+V1 +O Did +V1 +O+ ? S+TO BE 2+O( ADJ/N/ADV) S+TO BE 2 not +O( ADJ/N/ADV) TO BE 2+S+O( ADJ/N/ADV)+ ? I watched TV last night. I did not watch TV lats night. Did I watch TV last night ? I was tired yesterday. I was not tired yesterday. Was I tired yesterday ? You watched TV last night. You did not watch TV lats night. Did you watch TV last night ? You were tired yesterday. You were not tired yesterday. Were you tired yesterday ? They watched TV last night. They did not watch TV last night. Did they watch TV last night ? They were tired yesterday. They were not tired yesterday. Were they tired yesterday ? We watched TV last night. We did not watch TV last night. Did we watch TV last night ? We were tired yesterday. We were not tired yesterday. Were we tired yesterday ? He watched TV last night. He did not watch TV last night. Did he watch TV last night ? He was tired yesterday. He was not tired yesterday. Was he tired yesterday ? She watched TV last night. She did not watch TV last night. Did she watch TV last night ? She was tired yesterday. She was not tired yesterday. Was she tired yesterday ? It watched TV last night. It did not watch TV last night. Did It watch TV last night ? It was tired yesterday. It was not tired yesterday. Was it tired yesterday ? Notes: To be 2 Subject: You , They and We were Subject: I, He, She, and It was Time signals Yerterday ( morning, afternoon night) Last ( night, week, month, year, etc) .... ago (2 weeks ago, 5 months ago, etc) Exercise Columbus … (discover) America more than 400 years ago. The policeman … (catch) the thief after the robbery. How along ago … (you/ arrive) here? We … (understand) them even when they … (speak) rapidly. I … (not play) the violin since I was a little boy. Jim’s father … (teach) him how to drive when he was 17. Last night, I … (arrive) home at half pat twelve. I … (have) a bath and then I … (go) to bed. When we … (be) holiday, the weather … (be) awful. How many cigarettes … (you/ smoke) today? My grand mother … (die) 10 years ago. I never meet) her. Past Continuous Tense 2.a Pengertian Present continuous tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau. 2.b Rumus Present Continuous Tense Verbal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+ TO BE 2 + V ing + O. S+ TO BE 2 not + V ing + O. S+ TO BE 2 + V ing + O+ ? I was sleeping now. I was not sleeping now. was I sleeping now ? You were sleeping now. You were not sleeping now. were you sleeping now ? They were sleeping now. They were not sleeping now. were They sleeping now ? We were sleeping now. We were not sleeping now. were we sleeping now ? He was sleeping now. He was not sleeping now. was he sleeping now ? She was sleeping now. She was not sleeping now. was she sleeping now ? It was sleeping now. It was not sleeping now. was It sleeping now ? Notes: Apabila dalam situasi ada dua peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Ross was studying English when the telephone rang. (past continuous)+when+(past tense) When the telephone rang, Ross studying English. When+(past tense)+( past continuous) To be I Was you, they, and we Were He, she and it. was Time signals Yerterday ( morning, afternoon night), Last ( night, week, month, year, etc), .... ago (2 weeks ago, 5 months ago, etc). Cara membentuk verb- ing Menambahkan langsung ahiran -ing Read-Reading, watch-watching, walk-walking Ahiran vocal e yng di dahului konsonan, maka akhiran itu diganti dengan ing Invite-inviting, come-coming, change-changing Akhiran vocal e yang didahului vocal e juga, kata tersebut langsung ditambahi akhiran -ing Flee ( melarikan diri)-fleeing, Jika akhiran e yang didahului vocal i, maka kombinasi diganti dengan y lalu di tambah -ing Die (sekarat)-dying, tie(mengikat)-tying, lieberbaring, berdusta)-lying Verb yang akhiranya t, n, m, t, dan l maka akhiran digandakan dan di tambah dengan –ing. Cut ( memotong)-cutting, dun ( menagih)-dunning, swim ( berenang)-swimming, control ( mengendalikan) - controlling Kata kata yang tidak bisa dirubah menjadi kata kerja berakhiran -ing Believe, like, remember, belong, love, see, feeling, mean, seem,need, hate, hear, prefer, smell, understand,realize/realise Exercise George … (fall) off ladder while he … (paint) the ceiling. Last night, I … (read) in bed when suddenly I … (hear) a scream. … (you/ watch) television when I … (phone) you? Ann … (wait) for me when I … (arrive). While … (come) to work this morning, I … (meet) an old friend. The baby … (sleep) soundly when I … (go) to wake him. It … (rain) when I … (leave) home. The sun … (shine) brightly when I … (get) up this morning. I … (drive) at about a hundred kilometers an hour when the accident happened. Ihsan … (cut) his nails at 7 yesterday morning. Hamid … (talk) with his boss when I last … (see) him. At noon, when I … (telephone), I … (work) in my garden. As Ahmad … (get) off the bus, he … (slip) and … (break) his leg. Past Perfect Tense 2.a Pengertian Present perfect tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang sudah selesai terjadi pada masa lampau. 2.b Rumus Past Perfect Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+had + V3+O S+had not + V3+O Had +S+ V3+O+? S+had +been +O S+had +been +not+O had+S+O( ADJ/N/ADV)+? I had eaten rice. I had not eaten rice. Had I eaten rice? I had been here. I had not been here. Had I been here ? You had eaten rice. You had not eaten rice. Had you eaten rice? You had been here. You had not been here. Had You been here ? They had eaten rice . They had not eaten rice. Had they eaten rice? They had been here. They had not been here. Had They been here ? We had eaten rice just now. We had not eaten rice. Had we eaten rice? We had been here. We had not been here. Had we been here ? He had eaten rice. He had not eaten rice. Had he eaten rice? He had been here. He had not been here. Had He been here ? She hadeaten rice. She had not eaten rice. Had she eaten rice? She had been here. She had not been here. Had She been here ? It had eaten rice. It had not eaten rice. Had it eaten rice? It had been here. It had not been here. Had it been here ? Notes: Had Subject: I, you they, we, He, she, and it Time signal when Nana had gone when I arrived Charly had gone home when steven was here. before Irma had gone out before Nadhine arrived. By the end, as soon as, after, until, ever since, Exercise George … (fall) off ladder when he … (paint) the ceiling. Last night, I … (read) in bed before suddenly I … (hear) a scream. … (you/ watch) television when I … (phone) you? Ann … (wait) for me when I … (arrive). After … (come) to work this morning, I … (meet) an old friend. The baby … (sleep) soundly before I … (go) to wake him. It … (rain) when I … (leave) home. The sun … (shine) brightly when I … (get) up this morning. I … (drive) at about a hundred kilometers an hour when the accident happened. Hamid … (talk) with his boss after I last … (see) him. At noon, when I … (telephone), I … (work) in my garden. After Ahmad … (get) off the bus, he … (slip) and … (break) his leg. Past Future Tense 4.a Present future tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi pada masa lampau. 4.b Rumus Past Future Tense Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) Possitive (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?) S+would+V1+O S+would not +V1+O S+would+ be+O+? S+would +be +O S+would not+be+O Would+S+be+O+? I would come here the following day. I would not come here the following day. would I come here the following day ? I would be there the following year. I would not be there the following year. Would I be there the following year? You would come here the following day. You would come here the following day. Would you come here the following day ? You would be there the following year. You would not be there the following year. Would you be there the following year ? They would come here the following day. They would come here the following day. Would they come here the following day ? They would be there the following year. They would not be there the following year. Would they be there the following year ? We would come here the following day. We would come here the following day. Would we come here the following day ? We would be there the following year. We would not be there the following year. Would we be there the following year ? He would come here the following day. He would come here the following day. He would come here the following day ? He would be there the following year. He would not be there next year. Would he be there the following year ? She would come here the following day. She would come here the following day. Would she come here the following day. She would be there the following year. She would not be there the following year. Would she be there next year ? It would come here the following day. It would come here the following day. Would it come here the following day. It would be there the following year. It would not be there the following year. Would it be there the following year ? Notes: Future Present future Will Past future Would Time signals The pervious (day, week, month, year) The following (day, week, month, year) Unit III PASSIVE VOICE ( TO BE + V3 ) (Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif) TENSES ACTIVE SENTENCE PASSIVE SENTENCE S. PRESENT S + V1/ V1 (S/ES) + O e.g. : I bring a book today. O + (IS, AM, ARE) + V3 + BY + S e.g.: A book is brought by me today. PRESENT CONTINUOUS S + (IS, AM, ARE) + Ving + O e.g.: She is bringing two books today. O + (IS, AM, ARE) + BEING + V3 + BY + S e.g.: Two books are being brought by me today. PRESENT PERFECT S + HAVE/ HAS + V3 + O e.g.: She has brought two books today. O + HAVE/ HAS + BEEN + V3 + BY + S e.g.: Two books have been brought by me today. S. PAST S + V2 + O e.g.: She brought two books yesterday. O + (WAS, WERE) + V3 + BY + S e.g.: Two books were brought by me today.. PAST CONTINUOUS S + (WAS, WERE) + Ving + O e.g.: I was bringing two books yesterday. O + (WAS, WERE) + BEING + V3 + BY + S e.g.: Two books were being brought by me today. PAST PERFECT S + HAD + V3 + O e.g.: I had brought two books yesterday. O + HAD + BEEN + V3 + BY + S e.g.: Two books had been brought by me today. S. FUTURE S + WILL + V1 + O e.g.: I will bring a book tomorrow. O + WILL + BE + V3 + BY + S e.g.: A book will be brought by me today. USING MODAL S + (CAN, MAY, SHALL, SHOULD, COULD, WOULD, MUST) + V1 + O e.g.: We can bring a book. O + (CAN, MAY, SHALL, SHOULD, COULD, MUST) + BE + V3 + BY + S e.g.: A book can be brought by me today. EXERCISE Translate into English then change into passive form! Ibuku membeli 2 buah panci hari ini. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Adikku sedang bermain sebuah boneka di kamar tidurnya sekarang. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Kamu telah makan sepiring nasi goreng hari ini. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Dia (lk) berbicara bahasa Inggris kemarin. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Saya sedang menulis sepuluh surat kemarin sore. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Alfin telah menyelesikan tugas-tugasnya kemarin malam. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Zaenab akan menonton film di bioskop malam ini. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Mereka bisa memainkan 5 alat musik. A : ………………………………………………………………………….. P : ………………………………………………………………………….. Unit IV QUESTION TAQ There are three kinds of question, they are: Yes/No Question WH Question Question Tag For the clear explanation, we can learn the explanation below. Yes/ No Question It uses: Auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu)  do/does, did, have,has,had (apakah) To be  is, am, are, was, were (apakah) Modal  will/ would (akankah), can/ could (dapatkah), may (bolehkah), etc Example: A: Can you speak English? B: Yes, I can. No, I can not. Exercise: A: Do you have any books? B: Yes, ………………… A: Does he play video game? B: No, …………………. A: Are you happy? B: Yes, ………………… A: Am I stupid? B: No, …………………. A: Did they play kite yesterday? B: No, ………………… A: Will you go to zoo next week? B: Yes, …………………. A: Can she help me? B: Yes, …………………. A: May Anisa borrow your story book? B: No, …………………… WH Question It uses: What : apa  benda What number : nomor/ angka berapa  nomor/ angka What time : jam berapa  jam/ waktu What…for : untuk apa  kegunaan/ fungsi When : kapan  waktu Where : dimana/ kemana  tempat Who : siapa  orang Whose : punya siapa  kepunyaan How : bagaimana  cara/ sifat How much : berapa banyak  benda yang tidak dapat dihitung How many : berapa banyak  benda yang dapat dihitung How long : beapa lama  lama How far : berapa jauh  jarak Note: If you make a question word, so you must add the auxiliary verb after question word except if you ask the subject of the case or the answer. Example: Kemana kamu pergi? Where you go? (wrong order because there isn’t auxiliary verb) Where do you go? (right order) Apa yang dia bawa? What she bring? (wrong order because there isn’t auxiliary verb) What does she bring? (right order) Siapa yang membawa bukuku? Who brings my book? Exercise: A: ………….. do you see many animals? B: I see them in the zoo. A: …………... does he play football? B: he plays football today. A: …………………………..is it? B: It is number eighty nine. A: ……….. will you go to Bung Karno’s grave? B: I will go there by motorcycle. A: ………… is the man? B: he is my father. A: …………………..does she go to school? B: She goes to school at a quarter to seven (six forty five) A: …………….pen is it? B: It is mine. A: ………….students are there in the seven grader of MTs Ma’arif NU Blitar? B: There are thirty three students Question Tags It is one kind of question which is used to clarify a statement. There two main requirements to make a question tags, they are: If the statement is in positive sentence so the tag is in negative sentence. If the statement is in negative sentence so the tag is in positive sentence. Statement Question Tag + - - + To make easier for the learners in studying Question tag, try to understand the notice and example below: “I am not …, am I?” Example: I am not spoiled, am I? “I am …, aren’t I?” Example: I am clever, aren’t I? “There …, … there?” Example: There is a book in the bag, isn’t there? “This/That …, … it?” Example: This is a flower vase, isn’t it? “These/Those …, … they?” Example: Those are not flowers, are those? “Don’t + …, … will you?” Example: Don’t speak loudly, will you? Don’t be lazy, will you? “ + …, will you?” Example: Study hard, will you? Be economical, will you? Let’s …, shall we?” Example: Let’s go to school, shall we? “If there is one of adverb of frequency such as never, rarely, seldom, sometimes, hardly so the question taq is in positive” Example: I seldom watch television, do I? They never play video game, do I? “If the subject is unknown clearly such as everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, no body, so the pronoun of the subject in question tag is THEY.” Example: Everybody loves me, don’t they? Nobody cares of me, do they? EXERCISE Supply the correct form of Question Tag in the sentences below! That is a book, …………? Silvia studies English everyday, …………? We will finish the task on time, …………? My father can’t cook, …………? Winda never came late, …………? Don’t be noisy, …………? Do the test by yourself, …………? I am a new student, …………? These books are new, …………? Let’s speak English, …………? There is nobody in this room, …………? Sherly have had a new veil, …………? I have bought a new dictionary, …………? We are playing football, …………? I am not watching TV, …………? Those are my cats, …………? I often get a present from my teacher, …………? She drank a cup of coffee yesterday, …………? There are a lot of ants in this glass, …………? Be careful on the way, …………? Unit V DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH There are three kinds of indirect speech, they are: Imperative (Command & Request) Declarative (Statement) Interrogative Imperative If we change imperative sentence to become indirect speech, it will use the verbs as follows: “told, ordered, asked, commanded, begged, suggested, and warned.” Positive Imperative (command) Example: He said, “Go away!”  He told me to go away. I said, “Be quiet!”  I warned them to be quiet. Negative Imperative (Prohibition) Example: He said, “Don’t go away!”  He told me not to go away. I said, “Don’t be quiet!”  I warned them not to be quiet. Exercise Change the sentences of direct speech into indirect speech! “Eat more fruits and vegetables!” the doctor said. “Read the instruction before you switch on the machine!” he said to me. She said to us, “Shut the door but don’t lock it!” I said to him, “Don’t come before 6 o’clock and be on time!” Ratu said, “Don’t wait for me if I’m late” Change the sentences of indirect speech into direct speech! I warned you not to throw the rubbish everywhere. She asked me to accompany her attending the birthday party. They told me not to disturb them if they were playing. My mother asked me not to be lazy but to be careful in doing the test. My teacher suggested us to study hard and to be spirit in improving our English skill, especially in speaking. Declarative (Statement) Pronoun and Possessive adjective Direct Indirect I You My Our Your He/She Me/He/She/Them/I/Him/Her His/Her Their/Our My/His/Her Adverb of time/place Direct Indirect Now Today Tomorrow Next … Last … … ago Yesterday The day before yesterday Here This These Then That day The next day The day after The following day A day later The … after The following … The … before The previous … … before … earlier The day before The previous day Two days before There That Those Tenses Direct Indirect Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Simple Future Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Past Future Past Future Continuous Past Future Perfect Past Future Perfect Continuous Simple Past Past perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Example: Direct : Mr. Tomi said,”I’m always thinking of you, my wife.” Inditrect : Mr. Tomi said that he was always thinking of his wife. Exercise: Determine the tenses of the sentences above then Change the direct speech above into indirect speech! Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Edward said that ……………………………………………………………………….. Interrogative Direct and indirect sentence in interrogative is divided into 2 forms, they are: Yes/No Question In this question, we have to add “if” or “whether” in indirect sentence. Example: Direct Indirect Tense Doctor: “Do you usually take a nap?” Doctor asks if I usually take a nap Present Doctor: “Do you usually take a nap?” Doctor asked if I usually took a nap Past Rani: “Are they clever in English?” Rani asks whether they are clever in English. Present Rani: “Are they clever in English?” Rani asked whether they were clever in English. Past Students:“May we borrow some books?” Students ask if they may borrow some books. Present Students:“May we borrow some books?” Students asked if they might borrow some books. Past Question words Example: Direct Indirect Tense Doctor: “What is your name?” Doctor asks what my name is Present Doctor: “What is your name?” Doctor asked what my name was Past Rani: “Where will we go?” Rani asks where they will go Present Rani: “Where will we go?” Rani asked where they would go Past Students: “When does she come here?” Students ask when she comes there Present Students: “When does she come here?” Students asked when she came there Past Exercise Change these sentences into indirect speech! “Do you care of me” Ridwan asked me. “Will you tell me that short story?” Erni asked Sinta. “Are you all right?” Rani wondered. Nina asked me: “ Why do you leave me?” Iwan asked Isa: “How can you do it in short time?” Ahmad asked his brother: “What time will you pick me up?” Teacher asked me: “Is he a new student?” “Who brings my hand phone?” my father asked them. “Why do you come late?” teacher asked students. Rini asked: “Can they speak English?” UNIT VI CONDITIONAL SENTENCE There are three types of conditional sentence. They are: Conditional type I Conditional type I, the real condition, can be called “Future conditional” because it still has a chance to happen. Pattern: Example: If I study hard, I will pass my final exam. My uncle won’t be angry if she doesn’t break his computer. Conditional type II Conditional type II, the unreal condition, can be called “Present conditional”. It doesn’t have any chance to happen. Pattern: Example: If they studied hard, they would pass their final exam. Fact: They don’t study hard so they don’t pass their final exam. My uncle wouldn’t be angry if she were on time. Fact: my uncle is angry because she is late. Note: In conditional type II, “Tobe” in Past sentence must be “WERE” for all the subjects both plural and singular. Conditional type III Conditional type III, the unreal condition, can be called “Past conditional”. It doesn’t have any chance to happen.. Pattern: Example: If I had studied hard, I would have passed my final exam. Example: I didn’t study hard so I didn’t pass my final exam. My uncle wouldn’t have been angry if she hadn’t broken his computer. Fact: My uncle was angry because she broke his computer. EXERCISE Determine the conditional type of this sentence then change the verbs in the bracket based its conditional sentence. If he offered a job for me, I … (take) it. If I sell the car, she … (not get) much money for it. If someone … (walk) here with a gun, I had have been very frightened. Many people would be out of work if that factory … (close) down. They will be disappointed if we … (not come). Prabu would be angry if I … (take) his bicycle without asking. I would go to Jatim Park if I were holiday. My brother would have continued his study in the university if my parents … (have) much money. UNIT VII CAUSATIVE (Sentence which states that someone must do something) Active causative Causative HAVE Pattern Example: I have my father take me to the airport. She makes me sweep the floor. They let us play football together yesterday. Causative GET Pattern Example: I get my father to take me to the airport. She asks me to sweep the floor. They allowed us to play football together yesterday. Passive causative Pattern: Example: Fauzan has his car washed. Aminah got her computer repaired. They will have their hair cut. EXERCISE A. Change these sentences of causative ”Have” into causative “Get”! Mr. Joni has me introduce a new student. She made her friend make a question yesterday. Their teacher will have them do the English test next week. Ahmad lets Tono cut his hair. A policeman had the prisoner cleaned their jails. B. Change these sentences of causative ”Get” into causative “Have”! My father asked me to take a hoe for him yesterday afternoon. He allows Ida to borrow his story book. Zaenal will get Mrs. Ina to teach English. My grand father asked me to buy some oranges in the market yesterday. Her boss always asks his secretary to type some letters. UNIT VIII ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE Elliptical sentence is used to omit unneeded word repetition. There are two kind of elliptical sentence. They are: Elliptical sentence with “so” or “too” is used in positive sentence. Example: Tika goes to school early. Atik goes to school early. Tika goes to school and so does Atik. Tika goes to school and Atik does too. I am drinking a bottle of plain water. My father is drinking a bottle of plain water. I am drinking a bottle of plain water and so is my father. I am drinking a bottle of water and my father is too. Rizal slept. Atsna slept. Rizal slept and so did Atsna. Rizal slept and Atsna did too. Elliptical sentence with “neither” or “either” is used in negative sentence. Example: Tika doesn’t go to school early. Atik doesn’t go to school early. Tika doesn’t go to school and neither does Atik. Tika doesn’t goes to school and Atik doesn’t either. I am not drinking a bottle of plain water. My father is not drinking a bottle of plain water. I am not drinking a bottle of plain water and neither is my father. I am not drinking a bottle of water and my father is not either. Rizal didn’t sleep. Atsna didn’t ssleep. Rizal didn’t sleep and neither did Atsna. Rizal didn’t sleep and Atsna didn’t either. To make easier, see and comprehend the table below: Positive S1 + V + O and “So” + aux V + S2 S1 + V + O and S2 + aux V + “Too” Negative S1 + aux V + not + V + O and “Neither” + aux V + S2 S1 + aux V + not + V + O and S2 + aux V + not + “Either” EXERCISE Complete the sentences below using elliptical sentence! The boy has a beautiful hat and I … You aren’t a naughty student and she … We never put the book here last time and … you. The students have free time and … the teacher. Jakarta is hot and … Surabaya. Your brother will meet no one and I … My sister was in the laboratory and … my brothers. I had better stay at home and my sister … Your friends had done the task and I … Your parents are never angry and … my teacher.