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GM SOY Sustainable? Responsible? by Michael Antoniou, Paulo Brack, Andrés Carrasco, John Fagan, Mohamed Habib, Paulo Kageyama, Carlo Leifert, Rubens Onofre Nodari, Walter Pengue Summary of key indings Awareness is growing that many modern agricultural pracices are unsustainable and that alternaive ways of ensuring food security must be found. In recent years, various bodies have entered the sustainability debate by atemping to deine the producion of geneically modiied Roundup Ready® (GM RR) soy as sustainable and responsible. These include: • ISAAA, a GM industry-supported group1 • Plant Research Internaional at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, which has issued a paper presening the arguments for the sustainability of GM RR soy2 • The Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS),3 a muli-stakeholder forum with a membership including NGOs such as WWF and Solidaridad and mulinaional companies such as ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Monsanto, Syngenta, Shell, and BP This report assesses the scieniic and other documented4 evidence on GM RR soy and asks whether this deiniion is jusiied. More than 95 per cent of GM soy (and 75 per cent of other GM crops) is engineered to tolerate glyphosate herbicide, the most common formulaion of which is Roundup. The RR gene allows the growing crop to be sprayed with glyphosate, killing weeds but allowing the crop to survive. Monsanto is the leading manufacturer of glyphosate herbicide as well as the leading producer of GM seed. GM RR soy was irst commercialized in the United States in 1996. Today, GM RR varieies make up over 90 per cent of soy planings in North America and Argenina and are widely used in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. In 2009, 14 million farmers planted 134 million hectares (330 million acres) of GM crops.4 However, that means 99 per cent of all farmers did not grow GM crops and more than 90 per cent of all arable land was GM-free. GM RR soy is the world’s most widely planted GM crop, with 69 million hectares in 2009.5 This is a summary of indings from the full report, GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible? © GLS Gemeinschatsbank eG and ARGE Gentechnik-frei 2010 HealtH effectS of glypHoSate The rapid expansion of GM RR soy has led to large increases in the use of glyphosate. It is oten claimed that glyphosate is safe for people and the environment. But scieniic research challenges these claims. Studies show that glyphosate has serious toxic efects on health and the environment. The added ingredients or adjuvants in Roundup increase its toxicity. Harmful efects from glyphosate and Roundup have been found even at levels that are commonly used in agriculture and found in the environment. Findings include: In human cells, Roundup causes total cell death within 24 hours. These efects are found at levels far below those recommended for agricultural use and corresponding to low levels of residues found in food or feed.6 • Glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors (substances that interfere with hormone funcioning) in human cells. These efects are found at levels up to 800 imes lower than residue levels allowed in some GM crops used for animal feed in the United States. Glyphosate herbicides damage DNA in human cells at these levels.7 • Glyphosate and Roundup adjuvants damage human placental cells in concentraions lower than those found with agricultural use.8 9 10 • Glyphosate and Roundup damage human embryonic cells and placental cells, in concentraions well below those recommended for agricultural use.11 • Roundup is toxic and lethal to amphibians. Applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer for agricultural use, Roundup caused a 70 per cent decline in the species richness of tadpoles.12 An experiment using lower concentraions sill caused 40 per cent mortality.13 • Glyphosate herbicides and glyphosate’s main metabolite (environmental breakdown product), AMPA, alter cell cycle checkpoints in sea urchin embryos by interfering with the physiological DNA repair machinery.14 15 16 17 Such disrupion is known to lead to genomic instability and the possible development of human cancers. • Glyphosate is toxic to female rats and causes skeletal malformaions in their foetuses.18 • AMPA, the major environmental breakdown product of glyphosate, causes DNA damage in cells.19 These indings show that glyphosate and Roundup are highly toxic to many organisms and to human cells. New study conirms glyphosate’s link with birth defects In 2009 Argenine government scienist Professor Andrés Carrasco20 announced his indings that glyphosate herbicide causes malformaions in frog and chicken embryos, in doses much lower than those used in agricultural spraying. The malformaions were of a similar type to those seen in the ofspring of humans exposed to such herbicides.21 Carrasco commented, “The indings in the lab are compaible with malformaions observed in humans exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy.” He added that his indings have serious implicaions for people because the experimental animals share GM Soy – Sustainable? Responsible? A summary of key indings similar developmental mechanisms with humans.22 Carrasco said that most of the safety data on glyphosate herbicides and GM soy were provided by industry and are not independent. In their study, Carrasco’s team criicized Argenina’s overreliance on glyphosate caused by the expansion of GM RR soy, which in 2009 covered 19 million hectares – over half the culivated area of the country. They noted that 200 million litres of glyphosate herbicide are used in the country to produce 50 million tons of soybeans per year.23 24 Carrasco said in an interview that people living in soy-producing areas of Argenina began reporing problems in 2002, two years ater the irst big harvests of GM RR soy. He said, “I suspect the toxicity classiicaion of glyphosate is too low ... in some cases this can be a powerful poison.”25 Carrasco found malformaions in frog and chicken embryos injected with 2.03 mg/kg glyphosate. The maximum residue limit allowed in soy in the EU is 20 mg/kg, 10 imes higher.26 Argenina: Proposed ban on glyphosate and and court ruling Ater the release of Carrasco’s indings, environmental lawyers peiioned the Supreme Court of Argenina to ban glyphosate. But Guillermo Cal, execuive director of CASAFE (Argenina’s crop protecion trade associaion), said a ban would mean “we couldn’t do agriculture in Argenina”.27 No naional ban was implemented. But in March 2010, a court in Santa Fe province, Argenina upheld a decision blocking farmers from spraying agrochemicals near populated areas.28 Argenina: Chaco provincial government report In April 2010 a commission opened by the provincial government of Chaco in Argenina completed a report analyzing health staisics in the town of La Leonesa and other areas where soy and rice crops are heavily sprayed.29 The commission reported that the childhood cancer rate tripled in La Leonesa from 2000 to 2009. The rate of birth defects increased nearly fourfold over the enire state of Chaco. This dramaic increase of disease coincided with the expansion of glyphosate and other agrochemical spraying in the province. A member of the commission that prepared the study, who asked not to be ideniied due to the “tremendous pressures” they were under, said, “We don’t know how this will end, as there are many interests involved.”30 Argenina: Sprayed community prevented from hearing glyphosate researcher There is intense pressure on researchers and residents in Argenina not to speak out about the dangers of glyphosate and other agrochemicals. In August 2010 Amnesty Internaional reported31 an incident in La Leonesa, a town where residents have acively opposed agrochemical spraying. An organized mob violently atacked people who gathered to hear a talk by Professor Andrés Carrasco on his research indings that glyphosate caused 2 malformaions in frogs. Three people were seriously injured and the event had to be abandoned. Carrasco and a colleague shut themselves in a car and were surrounded by people making violent threats and beaing the car for two hours. Witnesses said they believed the atack was organized by local oicials and a rice producer, in order to protect agro-industry interests. Epidemiological studies on glyphosate By themselves, these epidemiological indings cannot prove that glyphosate is the causaive factor. But the toxicological studies on glyphosate cited above conirm that it poses health risks. Indirect toxic efects of glyphosate Glyphosate is marketed as a product that breaks down rapidly and harmlessly in the environment. But this is not true. Epidemiological studies on glyphosate exposure show an associaion with serious health problems, including: In soil, glyphosate has a half-life (the length of ime it takes to lose half its biological acivity) of between 3 and 215 days.37 38 In water, glyphosate’s half-life is 35–63 days.39 • muliple myeloma (a type of cancer)33 Glyphosate reduces bird populaions40 and is toxic to earthworms.41 42 • DNA damage.36 Claims of the environmental safety of Roundup have been overturned in court in New York43 and France.44 • premature births and miscarriages32 • non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (another type of cancer)34 35 HealtH RISKS of gM fooDS aND cRopS The most obvious risks of GM RR soy relate to the glyphosate herbicide used with the crop. But another set of risks must also be considered: those arising from geneic manipulaion. Do regulators ensure the safety of GM crops and foods? The US Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) allowed the irst GM foods onto world markets in the early 1990s. Contrary to claims by the GM industry and its supporters, the FDA has never approved any GM food as safe. Instead, it has de-regulated GM foods, ruling that they are “substanially equivalent” to their non-GM counterparts and do not require any special safety tesing. The term “substanial equivalence” has never been scieniically or legally deined. The FDA’s ruling was widely recognized as an expedient poliical decision with no basis in science. Controversially, the FDA ignored the warnings of its own scienists that GM is diferent from tradiional breeding and poses unique risks.45 In the US, safety assessment of GM foods is a voluntary process, driven by the commercializing company. The company chooses which data to submit to the FDA and the FDA sends the company a leter reminding the company that the responsibility for ensuring the safety of the GM food in quesion rests with the company.46 The European GM regulator, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), like the FDA, believes that feeding trials with GM foods are generally unnecessary and bases its safety assessment of GM foods on the assumpion that GM foods are substanially equivalent to their non-GM equivalents. When diferences have been found, EFSA oten dismisses them as not being of “biological signiicance”.47 Is GM just an extension of natural breeding? GM is not just an extension of convenional plant breeding. It uses laboratory techniques to insert ariicial gene units into the host plant’s genome – a process that would never happen in nature. The process is imprecise and can cause widespread mutaions48 that can disrupt the funcioning of hundreds of genes, leading to unpredictable and potenially harmful efects.49 GLS Gemeinschatsbank eG / ARGE Gentechnik-frei Unexpected ill efects have been found in experimental animals fed on GM crops and foods that have been commercialized. These include GM maize50 51 52 53 and canola/oilseed rape54 as well as soy (see below, “Hidden GM RR soy in animal feed”). GM foods and crops: Restricive research climate The body of safety data on GM crops and foods is not as comprehensive as it should be, given the length of ime they have been in the food and feed chain. This is because GM companies use their patent-based control of the crops to restrict research. They oten bar access to seeds for tesing, or retain the right to withhold permission for a study to be published.55 There is also a well-documented patern of GM industry atempts to discredit scienists whose research reveals problems with GM crops.56 UC Berkeley researchers David Quist and Ignacio Chapela found themselves the targets of an orchestrated campaign to discredit them ater they published research showing GM contaminaion of Mexican maize varieies.57 An invesigaion traced the campaign back to the Bivings Group, a public relaions irm contracted by Monsanto.58 59 Is GM RR soy safe to eat? Since GM RR soy was approved for commercializaion, studies have found ill efects in laboratory animals fed on GM RR soy, which were not seen in non-GM-fed control groups: • Mice fed GM RR soy had cellular changes in the liver, pancreas and testes.60 61 62 • Mice fed GM soy showed more acute signs of ageing in their liver.63 • Rabbits fed GM soy showed enzyme funcion disturbances in kidney and heart.64 • Female rats fed GM soy showed changes in their uterus and ovaries.65 • In a muligeneraional study on hamsters, most of the GM soy-fed hamsters had lost the ability to reproduce by the third generaion. They also had slower growth and higher mortality among pups.66 The findings suggest that GM RR soy could pose serious health risks to humans. The fact that differences were found 3 Hidden GM RR soy in animal feed However, these assumpions are false. Studies show that diferences can be found in animals raised on GM RR soy animal feed, compared with animals raised on non-GM feed, and that GM DNA can be detected in the milk and body issues (meat) of such animals. Around 38 million tons of soymeal per year are imported into Europe, which mostly goes into animal feed. About 50–65 percent of this is GM or GM-contaminated, with 14 to 19 million tons GM-free. Products from animals raised on GM feed do not have to carry a GM label, based on assumptions including: • GM DNA from GM maize and GM soy was found in milk from animals raised on these GM crops. The GM DNA was not destroyed by pasteurizaion.68 between GM-fed and non-GM-fed animals contradicts the FDA’s assumption that GM soy is substantially equivalent to non-GM soy. • GM DNA does not survive the animal’s digesive process • GM-fed animals are no diferent from animals raised on nonGM feed • meat, ish, eggs and milk from animals raised on GM feed are no diferent from products from animals raised on non-GM feed. • DNA from plants is not completely degraded in the gut but is found in organs, blood, and even the ofspring of mice.67 GM DNA is no excepion. • GM DNA from soy was found in the blood, organs, and milk of goats. An enzyme, lactic dehydrogenase, was found at significantly raised levels in the heart, muscle, and kidneys of kids fed GM RR soy.69 This enzyme leaks from damaged cells and can indicate cellular injury. gM RR Soy aND faRMeRS Many of the promised beneits to farmers of GM crops, including GM RR soy, have not materialized. On the other hand, unexpected problems have arisen. Does GM RR soy give higher yields? The claim that GM crops give higher yields is oten uncriically repeated in the media. But it is not accurate. At best, GM crops have performed no beter than their non-GM counterparts, with GM soy giving consistently lower yields. A review of over 8,200 university-based soybean varietal trials in the US found a yield drag of between 6 and 10 per cent for GM RR soy compared with non-GM soy.70 Field trials of GM and non-GM soy suggested that half the drop in yield was due to the disrupive efect of the GM transformaion process.71 However, the glyphosate herbicide used with GM RR soy is also known to reduce crop vigour and yield (see “Glyphosate has negaive impacts on soil and crops”). Data from Argenina show that here, too, GM RR soybean yields are the same as, or lower than, non-GM soybean yields.72 Claims of higher yields from Monsanto’s new generaion of RR soybeans, RR 2 Yield, have not been borne out. A study of US farmers who planted RR 2 soybeans in 2009 concluded that the new variety “didn’t meet their [yield] expectaions”.73 In June 2010 the state of West Virginia launched an invesigaion of Monsanto for false adverising claims that RR 2 soybeans gave higher yields.74 GM RR soy encourages superweed explosion Glyphosate-resistant weeds (superweeds) are the major problem for farmers who grow GM RR soy. Soy monocultures that focus on a single herbicide, glyphosate, set up the condiions for increased herbicide use. As weeds gain resistance to glyphosate over ime, more of the herbicide is required to control weeds. A point is reached when no amount of glyphosate is efecive and farmers are forced onto a treadmill of using older, toxic herbicides such as 2,4-D.75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Many studies confirm that the widespread use of glyphosate on RR soy has led to an explosion of glyphosate-resistant GM Soy – Sustainable? Responsible? A summary of key indings weeds in North and South America, as well as other countries.84 85 86 87 88 89 It is widely recognized that glyphosate-resistant weeds are rapidly undermining the viability of the enire Roundup Ready farming model. A St. Louis Post-Dispatch aricle said, “this silver bullet of American agriculture is beginning to miss its mark.”90 An aricle in the New York Times conirmed that throughout the United States, farmers “are being forced to spray ields with more toxic herbicides, pull weeds by hand and return to more labour-intensive methods like regular ploughing”. Eddie Anderson, a farmer who has used no-ill farming for 15 years but is planning to return to ploughing, said, “We’re back to where we were 20 years ago.” Does GM RR soy reduce pesicide/ herbicide use? Minimizing the use of agrochemicals is a key tenet of sustainability. The GM industry has long claimed that GM crops have decreased pesicide use (“pesicide” is used here in its technical sense to include herbicides, insecicides, and fungicides. Herbicides are, in fact, pesicides). North America: The US is the world’s leading producer of GM crops, with 64 million hectares grown in 2009,91 28.6 million hectares of which are RR soy.92 The agronomist Dr Charles Benbrook examined the claim that GM crops reduce pesicide use in a 2009 report using data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the USDA’s Naional Agricultural Staisics Service (NASS).93 Benbrook found that compared with pesicide use in the absence of GM herbicide-tolerant and Bt crops, farmers applied 318 million more pounds of pesicides as a result of planing GM seeds over the irst 13 years of commercial use. In 2008, GM crop ields required over 26 per cent more pounds of pesicides per acre (1 acre = approximately 0.4 hectares) than ields planted to nonGM varieies. GM herbicide-tolerant crops increased herbicide use by a total of 382.6 million pounds over 13 years – swamping the modest 64.2 million pound reducion in chemical insecicide use atributed to Bt maize and coton. 4 Based on NASS data, Benbrook calculates an increase in herbicide use of 41.5 million pounds in 2005 due to the planing of GM RR soy, as compared with non-GM soy. 2005 is singled out because the last NASS survey of soybean herbicide use was in 2006. Over the full 13 years, GM RR soybeans increased herbicide use by 351 million pounds (about 0.55 pounds per acre), compared with the amount that would have been applied in the absence of herbicide-tolerant crops. GM RR soy accounted for 92 per cent of the total increase in herbicide use across the US’s main three herbicide-tolerant crops: soy, maize, and coton.94 South America: In Argentina, according to Monsanto, GM RR soy makes up 98 per cent of the soybean plantings.95 GM RR soy has driven dramatic increases in agrochemical use in the country.96 97 Dr Charles Benbrook analyzed changes in herbicide use in Argenina triggered by the expansion of GM RR soy with no-ill (a farming method that avoids ploughing with the aim of conserving soil) between 1996 and 2004, based on data from CASAFE (Argenina’s crop protecion trade associaion).98 Benbrook found that the expansion of RR soy has run in parallel with steadily increasing rates of glyphosate applicaions on soy per hectare. Each year, farmers had to apply more glyphosate per hectare than the previous year to achieve weed control. The average rate of glyphosate applicaion on soy increased steadily each year from 1.14 kg/ hectare in 1996/97 to 1.30 kg/hectare in 2003/04. Also, farmers have had to spray more frequently. The average number of glyphosate applicaions on soy increased from 1.8 in 1996/97 to 2.5 in 2003/04.99 This was due to the rise in glyphosate-resistant weeds, as farmers have had to use more and more glyphosate to try to control weeds. This is a fundamentally unsustainable approach to soy producion. It is oten claimed that rising glyphosate use is posiive because it is less toxic than the other chemicals it replaces.100 But the research indings above (“Health efects of glyphosate”) show that glyphosate is highly toxic. In addiion, in Argenina, since 2001, the volumes applied of other herbicides, including the toxic 2,4-D and Dicamba, have gone up, not down. This is due to farmers resoring to nonglyphosate herbicides to try to control glyphosate-resistant weeds.101 GM RR soy in Argenina: Ecological and agronomic problems The GM RR soy farming model – no-ill and heavy herbicide use – has caused serious ecological and agronomic problems in Argenina, including: • The spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds • Erosion of soils • Loss of soil ferility and nutrients • Dependence on syntheic ferilizers • Deforestaion • Potenial deseriicaion • Loss of species and biodiversity. The RR soy model has spread not only into the Pampas but also into areas previously rich in biodiversity, such as the Yungas, Great Chaco, and the Mesopotamian Forest.102 GLS Gemeinschatsbank eG / ARGE Gentechnik-frei GM RR soy producion depletes soils in South America The expansion of soy monoculture in South America since the 1990s has resulted in an intensification of agriculture on a massive scale. This has resulted in a decline in soil fertility and an increase in soil erosion, rendering some soils unusable.103 A study of the nutrients of Argentinean soils predicts that they will be totally consumed in 50 years at the current rate of nutrient depletion and increase in soybean area.104 Farmers have abandoned their traditional soilconserving practice of crop rotation to accommodate the rapid expansion of the soy market.105 In areas of poor soils, within two years of culivaion, syntheic nitrogen and mineral ferilizers have to be applied heavily.106 This is an unsustainable approach to soil management from an economic as well as an ecological point of view. Glyphosate has negaive impacts on soil and crops Many studies show that glyphosate has negaive efects on soil and crops. Glyphosate reduces nutrient uptake in plants. It binds trace elements, such as iron and manganese, in the soil and prevents their transportaion from the roots up into the shoots.107 The result is reduced plant growth. GM RR soy plants treated with glyphosate have lower levels of manganese and other nutrients and reduced shoot and root growth.108 Lower nutrient levels in plants have implicaions for humans, as food derived from these crops have reduced nutriional value. Glyphosate causes problems in root development and nitrogen ixaion, reducing the growth of soy plants. Glyphosate further reduces yield in drought condiions.109 There is a well-documented link between glyphosate and increased plant diseases. Don Huber, plant pathologist and professor emeritus at Purdue University, said, “There are more than 40 diseases reported with use of glyphosate, and that number keeps growing as people recognize the associaion [between glyphosate and disease].”110 111 112 This may be in part because the reduced nutrient uptake caused by glyphosate makes plants more suscepible to disease. Many studies show a link between glyphosate applicaions and Fusarium, a fungus that causes wilt disease and sudden death syndrome in soy and other crops.113 114 115 116 117 118 Fusarium produces toxins that can enter the food chain and harm humans and livestock. Huber said, “Glyphosate is the single most important agronomic factor predisposing some plants to both disease and toxins [produced by Fusarium]. These toxins can produce a serious impact on the health of animals and humans. Toxins produced can infect the roots and head of the plant and be transferred to the rest of the plant. The toxin levels in straw can be high enough to make catle and pigs inferile.”119 A review of research on glyphosate’s efects on plant diseases concluded, “Ignoring potenial non-target detrimental side efects of any chemical, especially used as heavily as glyphosate, may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils inferile, crops non-producive, and plants less nutriious,” undermining agricultural sustainability and human and animal health.120 5 pRoBleMS eMeRgINg WItH No-tIll It is oten argued that GM RR soy is environmentally sustainable because it enables the use of no-ill, a farming method that avoids ploughing with the aim of conserving soil. In the GM RR soy/no-ill model, seed is planted directly into the soil and weeds are controlled with glyphosate herbicide rather than mechanical methods. Advantages claimed for no-ill are that it decreases water evaporaion and runof, soil erosion and topsoil depleion. Disadvantages include soil compacion and increased soil acidity. pests and diseases: Studies have found that no-ill encourages plant pests and diseases, which thrive in the crop residue let on the soil.121 The link between no-ill and increased pest and disease problems has been well documented in studies in South America and elsewhere.122 123 124 125 126 127 128 environmental impact: Once the energy and fossil fuel used in herbicide producion are taken into account, claims of environmental sustainability for GM RR soy with no-ill systems collapse. One report analyzed the environmental footprint or Environmental Impact Quoient (EIQ) of GM and non-GM soy in Argenina and Brazil. EIQ is calculated on the basis of the impact of herbicides and pesicides on farm workers, consumers, and ecology. The report found that in Argenina, the EIQ of GM RR soy is higher than that of convenional soy in both no-ill and illage systems because of the herbicides applied.129 Also, the adopion of no-ill raises the EIQ, whether the soy is GM RR or non-GM. The authors conclude that the increased EIQ of RR soy is due to the spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds, which force farmers to apply more glyphosate.130 carbon sequestraion: GM proponents claim that no-ill agriculture linked to the culivaion of GM soy beneits the environment because it enables soils to store more carbon, removing it from the atmosphere and ofseing global warming. But a review of the scieniic literature (over 50 studies) found that no-ill ields sequestered no more carbon than ploughed ields when carbon changes at soil depths greater than 30 cm are examined.131 energy use: It is oten claimed that no-ill with GM RR soy farming model saves energy because it reduces the number of imes the producer must pass across the ield with the tractor. But data from Argenina show that, while no-ill reduces farm operaions (tractor passes), these energy savings are wiped out when the energy used in the producion of herbicides and pesicides applied to GM RR soy is taken into account. When these factors are considered, the producion of RR soy requires more energy than the producion of convenional soy.132 While there are ecological and agronomic beneits to no-ill when it is part of a wider approach to sustainable farming, the no-ill with glyphosate model that accompanies GM RR soy is unsustainable. SocIoecoNoMIc IMpactS of gM RR Soy Argenina: The soy economy Argenina is frequently cited133 as an example of the economic success of the GM RR soy model. There is no doubt that the rapid expansion of GM RR soy in Argenina since 1996 has brought economic growth to a country in a deep recession. However, it is a fragile and limited type of success, almost enirely dependent on exports.134 More seriously, criics of the soy economy say it has had severe social and economic impacts on ordinary people. They say it has decreased domesic food security and food buying power among a signiicant sector of the populaion, as well as promoing inequality in wealth distribuion.135 136 These trends have led to predicions that the economic model is an unsustainable one of “boom and bust”.137 • Pengue (2005)138 linked RR soy producion to social problems in Argenina, including: • Displacement of farming populaions to the ciies of Argenina • Concentraion of agricultural producion into the hands of a small number of large-scale agribusiness operators • Reducions in food producion and loss of access by many people to a varied and nutriious diet. Pengue noted that the introducion of RR soy into Argenina had damaged food security by displacing food crops. Soy producion had, in the previous ive years, displaced 4,600,000 hectares of land previously dedicated to other producion systems such as dairy, fruit trees, horiculture, catle, and grain.139 Certainly, the soy economy has not succeeded in feeding the Argenine people. Government staisics show that between 1996 (the year when GM soy was irst grown) and 2002 the GM Soy – Sustainable? Responsible? A summary of key indings number of people lacking access to a “Basic Nutriion Basket” (the government’s measure of poverty) grew from 3.7 million to 8.7 million, or 25 per cent of the populaion. By the second half of 2003, over 47 per cent of the populaion was below the poverty line and lacked access to adequate food.140 GM RR soy producion is a form of “farming without farmers” and has caused unemployment problems. In RR soy monocultures, labor levels decrease by between 28 per cent and 37 per cent, compared to convenional farming methods.141 In Argenina, high-tech RR soy producion needs only two workers per 1000 hectares per year.142 Economic impacts of GM RR soy on US farmers A study using US naional survey data found no signiicant increase in on-farm proits from the adopion of GM RR soy in the US.143 A study on US farmers growing GM RR soy found that in most cases the cost of the technology was higher than the cost savings. Therefore the adopion of GM RR soy had a negaive economic impact, compared to the use of convenional seeds.144 A 2006 report for the European Commission on GM crop adopion worldwide concludes that economic beneits of GM crops for farmers are “variable”. It says that adopion of GM RR soy in the US has “had no signiicant efect on on-farm income”. In light of this inding, the report asks, “Why are US farmers culivaing HT [herbicide-tolerant, GM RR] soybean and increasing the HT soybean area?” The authors conclude that the high take-up of the crop is due to “crop management simpliicaion.”145 This is a reference to simpliied weed control using glyphosate herbicides. But four years on from the report’s 6 publicaion, the explosion of glyphosate-resistant weeds has made even the claim of simpliied weed control diicult to jusify. RR seed price rises in the US A 2009 report146 showed that GM seed prices in the US have increased dramaically compared to non-GM and organic seeds, cuing average farm incomes for US farmers growing GM crops. In 2006, GM soybean seed cost 4.5 imes as much as the price of GM soybeans. Non-GM soybean seeds only cost 3.2 imes as much as non-GM soybeans. In the 25 years from 1975 through 2000, soybean seed prices rose a modest 63 per cent. Over the next ten years, as GM soybeans came to dominate the market, the price rose an addiional 230 per cent. The $70 per bag price set for RR 2 soybeans in 2010 was twice the cost of convenional seed and relected a 143 per cent increase in the price of GM seed since 2001. It is reasonable to ask why farmers pay such high prices for seed. Recent events suggest that they have litle choice. The steep price increases for RR 2 soybeans and “SmartStax” maize seeds in 2010 triggered an anitrust invesigaion by the US Department of Jusice into the consolidaion of big agribusiness irms that has led to ani-compeiive pricing and monopolisic pracices. Farmers have been giving evidence against irms like Monsanto.147 148 Farmers moving away from GM RR soy In recent years, reports have emerged from North and South America suggesing that farmers are moving away from GM soy. A report from the Ohio State University extension service in 2009 said that the growing interest in non-GM soybeans stemmed from ‘cheaper seed and lucraive premiums”. In anicipaion of this growth in demand, seed companies were doubling or tripling their non-GM soybean seed supply for 2010.149 Similar reports emerged from Missouri and Arkansas.150 151 Agronomists pointed to three factors driving this renewed interest in convenional soybean seed: • The high and rising price of RR seed • The spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds Farmers’ desire to regain the freedom to save and replant seed, a tradiional pracice prohibited with Monsanto’s patented RR soybeans. In Brazil’s top soy state of Mato Grosso, farmers are also reported to be favouring convenional seeds due to poor yields from GM seeds.152 Farmers’ access to non-GM seed restricted As farmers atempt to regain power of choice over seed, Monsanto is trying to take it away by restricing access to nonGM varieies. In Brazil, the Brazilian Associaion of Soy Producers of Mato Grosso (APROSOJA) and the Brazilian Associaion of Non Geneically Modiied Grain Producers (ABRANGE) have complained that Monsanto is restricing the access of farmers to convenional (non-GM) soybean seeds by imposing sales quotas on seed dealers, requiring them to sell 85 per cent GM soy seed and no more than 15 per cent non-GM.153 GM contaminaion and market losses Consumers in many areas of the world reject GM foods. As a result, several instances of GM contaminaion have severely impacted the industry and markets. Contaminaion with unapproved GMOs threaten the enire food sector. Examples include: In 2006 Bayer’s GM LL601 rice, which was grown for only one year in ield trials, contaminated the US rice supply and seed stocks.154 Bayer has since been mired in liigaion brought by afected US rice farmers and has had to pay millions of dollars in compensaion.155 In 2000 the US maize supply was contaminated with GM StarLink maize. The discovery led to massive recalls of StarLinkcontaminated food products worldwide. The incident lost US producers between $26 and $288 million in revenue.156 Contaminaion with approved GMOs, including GM RR soy, threatens the growing GMO-free sectors of the market. For instance, under the German “Ohne Gentechnik” and the Austrian “Gentechnik-frei erzeugt” programmes, and also for retailers such as Marks & Spencer in the UK, animal products are sold as produced with non-GM feed. Producers and others in the supply chain recognize that discovery of GM contaminaion could compromise consumer conidence and goodwill, resuling in damaging economic impacts. HuMaN RIgHtS vIolateD Paraguay: Violent displacement of people Paraguay is one of the world’s leading suppliers of GM RR soy, with a projected 2.66 million hectares of the crop in 2008, up from 2.6 million hectares in 2007. Around 95 per cent of the total soybean planings are GM RR soy.157 The expansion of soy in the country has been linked to serious human rights violaions, including incidents of land grabbing. A documentary for Channel 4 television in the UK, Paraguay’s Painful Harvest, described how the industrial farming of GM RR soy had led to violent clashes between peasant farmers (campesinos), foreign landowners and the police.158 Some displaced peasant farmers are trying to regain control of land through “land invasions”.159 According to the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporing, the Paraguay government has used the military to quash land invasions.160 coNcluSIoN The culivaion of GM RR soy endangers human and animal health, increases herbicide use, damages the environment, and has negaive impacts on rural populaions. The monopolisic control by agribusiness companies over GM RR soy technology and producion endangers markets, compromises the economic viability of farming, and threatens food security. In light of these impacts, it is misleading to describe GM RR GLS Gemeinschatsbank eG / ARGE Gentechnik-frei soy producion as sustainable and responsible. To do so sends a confusing message to consumers and all in the supply chain, interfering with their ability to idenify products that relect their needs and values. Proponents of GM RR soy are invited to address the arguments and scieniic indings in this paper and to join in a transparent, sciencebased inquiry into the principles of sustainability and soy producion. 7 RefeReNceS 1: ISAAA Brief 37-2007: Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2007. htp://www. isaaa.org/resources/publicaions/briefs/37/execuivesummary/default.html 2: Bindraban, P.S., Franke. A.C. Ferrar, D.O., Ghersa, C.M., Lotz, L.A.P., Nepomuceno, A., Smulders, M.J.M., van de Wiel, C.C.M. 2009. 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Glyphosate associaions with cereal diseases caused by Fusarium spp. in the Canadian prairies. Eur. J. Agron. 31, 133–143. 129: Bindraban, P.S., Franke. A.C. Ferrar, D.O., Ghersa, C.M., Lotz, L.A.P., Nepomuceno, A., Smulders, M.J.M., van de Wiel, C.C.M. 2009. GM-related sustainability: agro-ecological impacts, risks and opportuniies of soy producion in Argenina and Brazil, Plant Research Internaional, Wageningen UR, Wageningen, the Netherlands, Report 259. htp://gmsoydebate.globalconnecions.nl/sites/gmsoydebate.global-connecions.nl/iles/library/2009%20WUR%20 Research%20Report%20GM%20Soy.pdf 130: Bindraban and colleagues acknowledge in their study that their indings run counter to those of an earlier paper by Brookes and Barfoot (Brookes, G. & Barfoot, P. 2006. GM crops: the irst ten years – global socio-economic and environmental impacts. ISAAA Brief no. 36), which found a small decrease in ield EIQ when RR soy is adopted. 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