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Karstenia 40: 143-146, 2000 The genus Ceriporia Donk (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) in the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina NUVUORAJCHENBERG RAJCHENBERG, M. 2000: The genus Ceriporia Donk (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) in the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina. - Karstenia 40: 143-146. Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402. The species of the polypore genus Ceriporia found in the Nothofagus dominated forests of southern Argentina are recorded. Ceriporia retamoana Rajchenb. is described as new; it is characterised by light duckling yellow basidiomes, and cylindric and narrow basidiospores. Other species are C. purpurea, C. reticulata and C. viridans. Specimens of C. reticulata are cream when fresh , but display a variety of hymenial colours upon drying that vary from light pink to dark orange, and tum pink to vinaceous with 5% KOH solution. Key words: Ceriporia, Nothofagus, polypores, taxonomy Mario Rajchenberg, Centro de Investigaci6n y Extension Forestal Andino Patag6nico, C.C. 14, 9200 Esquel, Chubut, Argentina. E-mail: marior@ciefap.cyt.edu.ar Introduction The genus Ceriporia Donk is well circumscribed among the polypores (Polyporaceae, Aphyllophorales) by the following set of characters: resupinate, soft to ceraceous basidiomes that are built up, though not always, by the aggregation and coalescence of cupules, monomitic hyphal system with simple-septate hyphae or with rare clamps, and thin-walled, cylindric, ellipsoid orallantoid basidiospores. Most of the species are associated with well-decayed wood and with a white rot in the substrate. Many species are cosmopolitan, but new species have recently been added from different countries, even from those that have a very well known fungal flora (Vampola& Pouzar 1996; Pieri & Rivoire 1997; Bemicchia & Niemela 1998). In a molecular taxonomic study, Kim & Jung (1999) showed the monophily of the genus, its relationship with Oxyporus Donk and its position among other aphyllophoraceous genera with which it had been related. During the preparation of a polypore flora for the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina it became evident that several species were present in the area, although only Ceriporia reticulata (Hoffm. :Fr.) Domanski had been recorded (Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1985). The aim of this study is to describe and/or record all these taxa. Methods Microscopic examination of basidiocarps was made from freehand sections mounted in 5% KOH aqueous phloxine, Melzer's reagent and cotton blue. Color names are in accordance with Munsell (1990) . . II the materials are kept at the author's address unless otherwise stated (see Holmgren & Keuken 1974). Results Ceriporia retamoana Rajchenb. sp. nova. - Figs. 1-2 Basidiocarpo annuo, resupinato, gossypino, cremeo vel stramineo; pori 1-2.5-4 per mm. Systema hyphale monomiticum, hyphae generatoriae afibulatis, 2- 4(-5) 11m latae. Basidiis claviformibus, 18-22 x 4- 5 11m, sporis cylindricis, 4.5-5 x 1.2- 1.5 f1m, tenuitunicatis, hyalinae. Putrefactione ligna alba. 144 RAJCHENBERG: THE GENUS CERIPORIA DONK Fig. 1. Ceriporia retamoana Rajchenb., basidiocarp (BAFC 33342). Bar = 5 mm. Type: Argentina. Chubut, Los Alerces National Park, Lake Rivadavia, near the campsite close toRi adavia river, on fallen trunk of Diosteajuncea (v.n. 'retamo', Verbenaceae), 28.II.l994 M Rajchenberg 10814 (BAFC 33341 , holotype). Additional specimens examined: Argentina. Chubut, Los Alerces National Park, Lake Rivadavia, near the campsite, 12- 14.I.1994 M Rajchenberg 10804 (BAFC 33342); near the mouth of Rio Rivadavia, on fallen trunk of D. juncea, 6.V.1995 M Rajchenberg 10988. KARSTENIA 40 (2000) Basidiocmp annual, resupinate, gossypine, not readily separable from the substrate, up to 8 x 3 x 0.4 em. Margin narrow, distinct, cobbwebby or gossypine, thinning out. Pores round to angular, variable in size, 1- 2.5-4 per mm, the larger intermingled or not with smaller ones (Fig. 1). Hymenial surface white or light to dark duckling yellow when fresh, darkening upon drying. Context thin, less than 1 mm thick, white or duckling yellow. Tubes up to 3 mm long. Hypha! system monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate, branched, 2-4(- 5) 11m diam., with hyaline, thin to slightly thickened walls (Fig. 2a). A few generative hyphae that grow against the substrate are 4-5 11m diam. and have walls up to 1 11m thick (Fig. 2b ); all hyphae are IKI -, CrB- and acyanophilous . Basidia clavate, tetrasporic, 18- 22 x 4- 5 IJ.m, with numerous oil-like inclusions and/or guttulae (Fig. 2c). Basidiospores cylindric, some slightly bent, 4.5- 5 x 1.2- 1.5 IJ.m, with numerous oil-like contents (Fig. 2d). Cystidia absent. Associated wood-rot white, developing superficially, mainly in the sapwood. ®©~@ @ ~@ Fig 2. Microscopical features of Ceriporia retamoana Rajchenb. , from the holotype: a. thin- walled generative hyphae. b. thick-walled generative hyphae. c. bas idia and basidioles. d. basidiospores. KARSTENIA 40 (2000) RAJCHENBERG: THE GENUS CERIPORIA DONK Etymology: 'retamo' is the vulgar name for Diostea juncea, the host species. Remarks: The combination of a monomitic hyphal system with simple-septate generative hyphae, cylindric, hyaline spores and an associated white wood-rot warrants the inclusion of this species in Ceriporia Donk. It comes close to C. viridans (Berk. & Broome) Donk, but the latter species is distinguished by a greenish white to pale cinnamon hymenial surface, smaller pores 3- 5 per mm, smaller ellipsoid spores 4.5- 5 x 1.82 f.Lm (material described below from No thofagus forest; Fig. 3c) and wide generative hyphae in the subiculum and the margin, up to 10 f.Lm diam. (Ryvarden & Gilbertson 1993). Ceriporia excelsa (S. Lundell) Parmasto differs in its hymenial surface color of white to pinkish tan or purplish, generati e hyphae 5-15 1-Lm wide, that may have multiple clamps at septa, and ellipsoid spores 3.5- 5 x 2-2 .5 f.Lm (Gilbertson & Ryvarden 1986). Ceriporia microspora I. Lindblad & Ryvarden, recently described from Costa Rica, differs in smaller pores 6-8/mm, and smaller spores 3-3.5 x 1.5- 2 f.Lm (Lindblad & Ryvarden 1999). The new species seems restricted to D. juncea, an arborescent shrub that is widespread in the central and north Patagonian Andes forests. Ceriporia purpurea (Fr.) Donk, Konn. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Arnst. Proc. Ser. C74 1:28, 1971. - Fig. 3a =Polyporus purpureus Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1: 379, 1821. Specimens examined: Argentina. Chubut, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Lago Rivadavia, on fallen log of Nothofagus dombeyi, 9.V.1998 M. Rajchenberg 11639. 145 Remarks: The species was recorded previously from central Argentina by Rajchenberg (1984). Ceriporia reticulata (Hoffm.: Fr.) Domanski, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 32: 732, 1963. - Fig. 3b =Polyporus reticulatus Hoffm. :Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:385, 1821. Specimens examined: Argentina. Chubut, Parque Nacional Lago Puelo, V.. arm between Gendarmeria and hito 7, oriental slope of Valle de las Ligrimas, 18.III.I993 M. Rajchenberg 10755. Chubut, Languifieo, Lago Engafio, on fallen branch of Nothofagus pumilio, 17.1\ .1996 M. Rajchenberg 11096; Lago Guacho, 2l.IV. I997 A . Greslebin s.n. Futaleuru, Lago Baggilt, on fallen trunk of N. pumilio, 2.IV.I991 M. Rajchenberg 10420 & P Cwielong; 24.III.1992 M. Rajchenberg 1 056; Futaleuru, Huemules, 20.Xl.l995 A. Greslebin 485 . Neuquen, Parque Nacional Lanin, Lago Liicar, ca. cascade, in mixed forests of N. obliqua, N. alpina and N. dombeyi, 27.IV.1994 M. Rajchenberg 10838, 10842. Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Cerro Bayo, on fallen branch of N. pumilio , 29.X.I997 A.Greslebin s.n. Neuquen, Maipu, Laguna Rosales, lote 43 , N. pumilio forest, 3.XI.l997 A. Greslebin s.n. 2. Rio Negro, Bariloche, El Bolson, Cerro Perito Moreno, 3.V.l997 A. Greslebin s.n. Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Valdez Ri er, IX.1996 A. Greslebin 119, 443 ; Lago Escondido, N. pumilio forest, 2.XII.l995 A. Greslebin s.n. Rio Grande, Estancia Indiana, on N. antarctica, 24.V.1998 M. Rajchenberg 11488. Remarks: The species is very common, usually growing on very rotten wood, and has been recorded previously from the area by Hjortstam and Ry arden (1985). Pore size in most specimens is 2- 3-3.5/mm and spores are cylindric, slightly bent to allantoid, (7,5-)8- 10(- 11) x (3-) 3,5--4f.Lm. The specimens examined differed from material from the Northern Hemisphere in thereaction displayed by the hymenial surface to 5% D·a UDDDDa G D D D D G DbQ~©@ c DDDvG OaG D 0 D D G Q Fig. 3. Basidiospores of Ceriporia species: a. C. purpurea (Fr.) Donk (MR 11639). b. C. reticulata (Hoffm. : Fr.) Domanski (MR 11096). c. C. viridans (Berk. & Broome) Donk (MR 11622). 146 RAJCHENBERG: THE GENUS CERIPORIA DONK KOH. It varied from light pink to cherry, cherry red or light vinaceous in different specimens, being recorded as unchanged in the Northern Hemisphere (Pieri & Rivoire 1997). The color seems to be related to the hymenial coloration of the hymenial surface upon drying, which varies from light pink or pink (5YR 8/4), yellow or light orange (lOYR 8/6), or orange to reddish yellow (5YR 6/87/8). One specimen, i.e. MR 10842, developed a strong cherry-red reaction with KOH, and had allantoid spores 7.8-8.8 x 2.6-3.2 f.J.m, and smaller pores 3.5- 3.8 /mm; nevertheless it seems to represent a variation within the species in this area. Ceriporia viridans (Berk. & Broome) Donk, Med. Bot. Mus. Univ. Utrecht 9: 171, 1933. - Fig. 3c =Polyporus viridans Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3, 7: 379, 1861. Specimens examined: Argentina. Chubut, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Lago Rivadavia, beginning of Rio Rivadavia, 6.V.1995 M Rajchenberg 10987; Rio Arrayanes, entrance to the ranger 's house, in N dombeyi forest, 7.V.l998 M Rajchenberg 11622. Rio Negro, Bariloche, Mallin Ahogado, Cajon del Rio Azul, on fallen branch of N. dombeyi, 15.V.1998 M Rajchenberg 11644. Extralimital material examined: Finland. Uusimaa, Tammisaari, Storholmen, on dead, thin trunk of Populus tremula, 2.VII.1995 J Kaaro 38, det. T. Niemela (H) . Etela-Hame, Nastola, Arrajoen kartano, Populus tremula, 14. VIII.1984 V. Haikonen 4773 , det. H. Kotiranta (H); Kangasala, Vihtinen, 2l.VIII.1994 U. Soderholm 2207, det. P. Renvall (H). Remarks: The species is very variable with regards to hymenial coloration and spore shape. Specimens from southern Argentina have allantoid to cylindric-ellipsoid spores 4.5- 5 x 1.8-2 f.J.m (Fig. 3c). Rajchenberg (1984) recorded it previously from subtropical Argentina. KARSTENIA 40 (2000) Acknowledgments:. I am grateful to P.K. Buchanan (Auckland, New Zealand) for the critical review of the manuscript. Financial support from the Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica through grant of FONCyT PICT 97/ 1908 is gratefully acknowledged. The author is researcher of the Naional Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). References Bernicchia, A. & Niemela, T. 1998: Ceriporia sulphuricolor, a new polypore species from Italy. - Folia Crptog.Estonica 33: 15-17. Gilbertson, R.L. & L. Ryvarden. 1986: North American Polypores Vol. 1. - Fungiflora, Oslo, 433 pp. Kim, S.-Y. & Jung, H.S. 1999: Molecular taxonomy of Ceriporia . - Mycotaxon 70: 237-246. Hjortstam, K. & Ryvarden, L. 1985: New and noteworthy Basidiomycetes (Aphyllophorales) from Tierra del Fuego. - Mycotaxon 22: 159- 167. Holmgren, K.P. & Keuken, W. 1974. Index Herbariarum. - Regn. Veg. 92: 1-397. Lindblad, I. & Ryvarden, L. 1999. Studies in neotropical polypores 3. New and interesting Basidiomycetes (Pori ales) from Costa Rica. - Mycotaxon 71: 335359. Munsell Soil Color Charts. 1990. - Munsell Color, Machbet Div., Kollmorgen Instrum. Corp. Baltimore, Maryland. Pieri, M. & Rivoire, B. 1997: A propos du genre Ceriporia Donk (Aphyllophoromycetideae). - Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 113: 193- 250. Rajchenberg, M. 1984. Basidiomicetos xilofilos de Ia region Mesopotamica, Republica Argentina. V. Poliporos resupinados. - Rev. Invest. Agropecu. INTA 19: 1-113 . Ry arden, L. & Gilbertson, R.L. 1993: European Polypores Part 1. - Fungi flora, Oslo, 3 87 pp. Vampola, P. & Pouzar, Z. 1996: Notes on some species of genera Ceriporia and Ceriporiopsis (Polyporaceae). - Czech Mycol. 48: 315-324.